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New Booklets on The Uses of Plywood
New and important uses for plywood in building are explained in a book, "So We Built Our llome of HARBORD Plywood," just issued by the Harbor Plywood Corporation, and offered to dealers who handle its products for distribution.It is illustrated with photographs taken while the new home of E. W. Daniels, vice president of the corporation, was under construction in Hoquiam, Washington.
Interesting details are given of the methods by which walls and ceilings were made of large panels of plywood, joined so exactly by a new type of joint that the walls when finished present an appearan.ce similar to the finest plastered walls.
The book is printed on enameled paper with 18 half-tone illustrations and the 'cover simulates the natural grain of a sheet of plywood inset with a handsome illustration of the Daniels home. The text is in readable ,conversational stvle and,contains many valuable suggestions for architects, contractors, builders and home owners.
Another booklet, "Building Better with HARBORD Plywood" which treats exhaustively of the various uses for 'plywood, is also just off the press and ready for distribution.It describes in detail the ways in rvhich plywood can be utilized to advantage in modern building, its uses as concrete forms and liners, its place in the manual training shop and in industry, etc.
A series of four-page folders, with covers in brilliant and attra.ctive colors, each dealing with some particular use of plywood, has also been issued for dealer distribution. Titles of these folders are: "How to have a Sound-proof Floor," "Hints for the Handy Man," "Concrete Walls that need no Rubbing," and'lWalls that never Crack or Crumble."
The Harbor Plywood Corporation has also prepared a series of advertisements for dealers to run in their own communities, mats of whi.ch will be furnished upon applica- tion. Copies of any of the booklets or folders will be sent to anyone interested if a request is addressed to the general ofifice of the company, 1444 W. 22nd St., Chicago.
United States C. of C. Will Discuss Lumber at Meeting
Major economic problems of the lumber industry in the Northwest will be discussed at the meeting of the Western Division of the United States Chamber of Commerce to be held at Portland December 8 and 9.
Col. W. B. Greeley, manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, will be one of the principal speakers, and one of the problems he will lay before the chamber will be that of "carrying forty years' supply of raw materials on the tax rolls".
C. B. Shary, manager of the cargo department, Weyerhaeuser Sales Company, Tacoma, Wash., was a recent California visitor where he spent several days calling on the trade in the San Francisco and Los Angeles territories with W. H. Barwick, of San Francisco, and W. H. Morrison, of Los Angeles, their California representatives. Ed. Culnan, I-os Angeles, Southern California sales manager for the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., accompanied Mr. Shary and Mr. Morrison to San Diego where they called on the trade in San Diego and vicinity.