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Wood in the Home

Wood in the Home


Using stoc{ sizns ond economicalkngtlu ottd grdcs of C-alifoniaRedwoodfuirficr

IGURE 4, is a cross section of 8'x8' house in knock- Wherc it is desired to frame thc housc without tnockdown features, eithcr portablc on skids or in a 6xcd location, the following changes should be mrdc:

H'down form. showing how the side walls are construct- I ed (bolted with three bolts at each corner) and spacing and construction of hinged roosts and removable droppings board. '

Nlote how 2"x4" purlin, or center roof support, fits into openings cut into side walls to receive it' ff IGURE 7 is a detail showing method of constructing H '.o.n"tt of the 8'x8t knockdown poultry house. These ^ 2"x3" corners are first properly mortised to receive the side and rear wall rails. They are then bolted to side walls, using wing ngts on inside, after which front and rear walt cleats are securely nailed in place. rn HE knockdown portable coop, illustratcd above in ' I 'Fic. 8, furnishes idcquate run end stn-yerd, providcd I thirun is rotated as su8Sestcd in thc notc under Fig.2 As run spaces are vacated it is a good prectice to tipe thc soil occasionally. The covcr in-four removable scctions affords pcrfect pro' tection and keeps the flock confned.

Substitute 2rt*3-7t-gt ceps for lttxln togr rall clcets et front and rear. Omit 2"x(' purlin and two l"xf'-top cieats on side walls substituting frac 2t'x1t'-10' refters pitched from front to rear.

For further requisites for a satisfactory poultry house see Bulletins 15 oul 16

The aboz,e is the eighth o! the series ol agriciltural bulletins atr.d supflementary t,rade -helps, whi,ch by-re^as-g! of. their edtcational oalue to our reade)s .,i ori iu,Uiisniic"Uy irrirgr^rnt roith the Cilifornia Redzrood Association,24 Calilornia Strcct, Satt Francisco,

OAK FLOORING like this shorps itsrcal ualue

Generations from now a "Perfection" Brand Oak Flmr will still retain its beauty. You can depend upon "Perfction." fn modern plants operated by skilled lumbermen, only the finest oak is selected. After proper seasoning and kiln.drying, it is perfetly milled and matched so that it lays smooth and stays sm@th. It is graded and handled so care. fully that upon arrival anywhere it is always in perfect condition. Icading lumber dealers gladly feature this nationally advertised brand.

There's a size and grcde f or eaer! structure, am or old. ,Yrite toda! lor full patticulars, Arkansas ()ak Flooring Co. Pinc Bluff, Ark.

Brand Oak Flooring

"Perfetion" Brand Oak Flooring, Blocks and Planks may be.obtained chemically tr€ated by the .CELLizing prcess.

"Perfetion" Brand Dimension Cut to Size - Moulded to Pattern Solid and Glued


Booth-Kelly Douglas Fir, the Argociation grade and trade mark certify to your customers thc quality of the stock you handlc. Buildera quit guessing about what thcy're buying, and buy where they know what thcy're getting.

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