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How Lumber Looks

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Douglas Fir-A total production of 334 mills reporting to the'West Coast LumbermentE Associatior\ for t{re week ended November 14 was at 25.2 per cent of capacity, a decrease of 2.4 pa cent from the previous week and establishing the lowest level for any week-including the Fourth of July and Labor Day periods-oince the Christmas week operations of 1930. During the comparable week of 1930 operations were at the rate of 41.4 per cent of capacity.

A gtoup of 224 identical mills reported ptoduction for the week ended November 14 at 6417151601, a decrease of approximately 8 million feet from the previous week, and orders at 7710691349 or 19.1 per cent in excess of cunent production, but 5 million feet less than the previous week's total. The fav, orable telationship between new business and production is thus shown to be due to the decrease in cutting. Shipments for the week totaled 7o,32o,725 f.eet * *

Although the California lumber market has shown no definite changes during the past fifteen days and the demand and prices remain about the same, many retail dealers report that they are having more inquiries and the outlook is better. Unsold stocks on the public docks at San Pedro on November 25 totaled 3r2t5rOOO feet, the lowest in years. Lumber cargo arrivals at San Pedro continue low and during the week ended November 21 totaled 513911000 feet, including seven cargoes of Fir cartying 5r289rq)O feet and one cargo of Redwood with 102,00O feet. 60 lumber vessels in the California service are reported laid up, with one vessel, the Missoula, operating ofr shote.


J. D. Giles, president of the Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., North Tonawanda, N. Y., recently spent two weeks on the Pacific Coast. Mr. Giles conferred with Perrv Dame. western sales manager, at San Francisco, and viiited the company's distributors at San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego, and the factories at Seattle and Vancouver, B. C.


E. W. Daniels, sales manager of the Harbor Plywood 1r Corporation, Hocluiam, Wash., recently spent a few days " in San Francisco conferring with C. W. Buckner, the company's Northern California representative.

Ralph Martin Attends Convention

Ralph Martin, general manager of The Booth-Kelly Company, Eugene, Ore., attended the annual convention of thq California Retail Lumbermen's Association, held in Oakland, November 19. T and 21. While in Oakland Mr. Martin conferred with Hill & Morton, Inc., Northern California representatives for his firm.

Vith production continuing at a low level, lumber orderc for the third successive week substantially exceeAed production during the week ended November 14. New businesc receivd by the mills was 24 per cent above the cut, it is indicated in telegraphic reports from 826 leading hardwood and softwood mills to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. Production at these mills amounted to 13616441000 feet. Shipments were lE per cent above production. A week earlier E43 mills reported orders 2O per cent above and shipments 1O per cent above a cut of \5O175,OOO feet. * * rr

The Southern Pine Association for the week ended Novembet 14 reported production from 134 mills as 26879r@0 feet, shipllnents 26146OrOOO feet, and new business 3or639rd)O feet. Orders were 14 per cent above production and 16 per cent above shipments. Shipments were 2 per cent below production.

The Vestern Pine Association teported production from llE mills as 2),49E,00O f.eet. 86 identical mills reportd a 47 per cent decrease in production compared with the same week last ye t.

259 hardwood mills for the same week give nerr business as 1916981000 feet or 30 per cent above production, shipments 2lr255ro0/J feet or 40 per cent above production, and production 15'197,000 feet.

The Califorrria Redwood Association reports fo{ the month of October production from 12 mi[[s as 13rE6Or0O0 feet, ehipments 14,8381000 feet, orders on hand l7r822rOOO feet, and orders received, l6,2l3raoo f.eet.

Bert Cooper Visits San Francisco

H. B. "Bert" Cooper, of Aldrich & Cooper, Portland, Northwest representatives of Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, was a recent visitor to San Francisco. He combined pleasure with business by attending the big game between California and Stanford at Palo Alto ori Saturday, November 21.


J. A. McEvoy, sales manager of the box shook department of Bloedel-Donovan Mills, Seattle, was a recent visitor to San Francisco.


/ Lloyd Harris, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., San Fran- ' cisco, gave a talk on Redwood, illustrated by motion pictures, before the Rotary Club at Calistoga, November 19, on the invitation of Jim Clark of the Calistoga Lumber Co. He also ta'lked on the same subject to the Lions Club of Sausalito, November 25, invite{ by Harold Brornley. of the Marin Lumber & Supply Co.

The mills listed below, all MEM. BERS OF THE WEST COAST LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION, are prepared to furnish Grade-Ma,rked Lumber, uPon re' quest to the TRADE

The Booth-Kelly Lumbet Co., Eugene, Oregon

Clear Fir Lumber Co., P. O. Bol ll3!, Tacoma, Wash.

Coos Bay l-umber ComPanY, Marsh6eld, Oregon

Eastern Railway and Lumber Co., Cenralia, \fash'

Fischer Lumber Co., Marcola, Oregon

Long-Bell Lumber Sales Corporation, Longview, $(/ash.

Moore Mill & Lumber Co., Bandon, Oregon

Mountain Lumber Co.' P. O. Box 1211, Tacoma, rJ/ash.

Neftleton Lumber Co., P. O. Box 1855, Seattle, lVash.

Central Coal & Coke Co., (Oregon-American Lbr. Co.) Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon

Owen-Oregon Lumber Co., Medford, Oregon

C. D. Johnson Lumber Co, (Pacific Spruce Corporation) American Bank Bldg., Portland, Ore.

Penn Lumber Co., McGlynn, Oregon

Polson Lbr. & Shingle io., Hoquiam, !/ash,

St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co., Tacoma, \trfash.

Snellstrom Broa. Eugene, Orggon

Southeact Portland Lumbcr Co. P. O. Box 703, Lents Station, Portland, Oregon

Vestern Lumber Co., rJ7est6r, Oregon

The Vestport Lumber €o.t lVestport, Oregon

Weyerhaeuser Saler Co. (r0Teyerhaeuser Timber Co. ) Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma, Wash.

Willapa Flarbor Lumbet Mills, Raymond, lJ7ash.

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