1 minute read
Hearing on Proposed L. A.
men as a million dollars spent in scraping land or cleaning out ditches, and those houses would serve the human race. Sell them to working men cheap, at low rates of interest, over long periods of time. Most of THAT money would be repaid. And humans who would never otherwise own homes, would get homes of their own.
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I'm going to keep on harping on this theme until someone listens to me. We are wasting the opportunity and the money to house the poor of this nation better than they have ever been housed. And we're NOT doing it' Build homes for the poor with that Government money ! ***
William Allen White, famous Kansas editor, is booming Al Smith for head of NRA. If Mr. Roosevelt could get the famous wearer of the Brown Derby to take the job, it would be the master-stroke of his administration to date. What NRA needs is enthusiasm and cooperation, instead of submission and compliance. And Al Smith woulcl rally the nation around him in a recovery drive, as could no other man outside of the President himself.
Roy Barto Talks
A public hearing on the proposed ordinance to the Los Angeles building code which would require that all lumber for the foundations and underpinning of all types of buildings t,o be pressure-treated with creosote as a protection against termites will be held in the Los Angeles City Council chamber on December 13.
At a meeting of the City Council on November 15 final action on the measure was deferred and a public hearing was ordered for Wednesday morning, November 22, to discuss the proposed amendment. At its meeting on November 22, the Council voted to postpone the public hearing until December 13. A number of lumbermen representing retail and wholesale firms and lumber manu,facturers attended the meeting on Novembet 22.
Council Meets at Stockton
California Lumbermen's Council met at Hotel Stockton, Stockton, November 17. In the absence of Geo. N. Ley, president of the Council, Elmore W. King, King Lumber Co., Bakersfield, presided.