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Manila Termite Ordinance Set for bv Phone December 13
Roy Barto, president of Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc., of Los Angeles, talked to Frank Fulcahy, an executive in their Manila office, over the telephone on Wednesday afternoon, November 15, when he explained the workings of the Philippine Mahogany and Philippine Hardwoods Code so that Mr. Fulcahy could pass the information along to the other producers and manufacturers on the Islands. Mr. Barto's telephone conversation lasted ten minutes and the call came through very clearly. It was a 900Gmile call and when Mr. Barto talked at 4:30 in the afternoon, Los Angeles time, it was 8:30 the following morning in Manila.
C. A. Kennedy New Secretary
C. A. Kennedy, formerly manager of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. yard at Riverside, Calif., has been appointed secretary of the Inland Lumber Institute with headquarters at San Bernardino. Mr. Kennedy succeeds Paul M. Parsons, who has resigned on account of ill health to spend the winter in the Imperial Valley.