2 minute read
By Jack Dionne
Ag" not guaranteed---Some I have told for 20 years---Some less Republicans Then and Now
Parson Zeke Swinney was expounding the doctrines of Democracy to an admiring group of friends. It has been well said that when you find a darkey who is not a Baptist it is a certain sign that some white man has been expounding the Scripture to him. And when you find one who is not a Democrat, he must be North of the Mason and Dixon Line. THIS was South of the Line.
"De histry of de Republican Pahty ain't no secret," he said. "You kin trace hit down thu de Scripchah. In de Scripchah dey called dem "Publicans an' sinnuhs". Today we has de same folks wid us. But dey been thu reincarnashun. An' sense dey bin reincarnated we calls dem RE-Publicans, stead of jes Publicans. Dass all de change dey is in Publicans; and deys jess de same sinnuhs dey allus wuz."
Orange County Lumbermen East B.y Hoo Hoo Club Meets
Play Golt Decembet 11
Harry A. Graham, Long Beach retailer, was in his usual good form at the monthly golf tournament of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club held at the Santa Ana Country Club on Wednesday afternoon, November 15, 1933, and batted out a round ln 79 rvhich gave him the lorv gross prize. E. Steffensen, the popular se.cretary of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club, was listed among the winners and walked off r.vith the bogey prize. The Blue Diamond Golf Trophy, open to Orange County lumbermen, was won by Di,ck Emison, Santa Ana retail dealer.
A. E. Fickling, Long Beach retailer, and Jim Deatherage, one of his sales representatives, drove down frorn Long Beach to take part in the tournament. C. C. Barr, O. H. Barr Lumber Co., Santa Ana, rvho vi'on the Blue Diamoncl trophy at the O,ctober tournarnent, took part in the afternoon's play and W. P. Wright, Smith Lumber Co., Anaheim, was also listed among the retailers present. Walter Spicer, Newport Beach retailer, who has always been a top-notch lumberman golfer but who has not been seen on the links very much during the past several months showed up to try his luck at the game again; Walter says it will probably take a couple of months' play before he reaches his old form.
D. E. Liggett, Santa Ana retail dealer, was out there trying to rvin the Blue Diamond trophy for the fourth time. As he has already won the cup the most number of times, winning it in the June, July and August tournaments, he will be able to add the trophy to his long list of prizes after November 28, when he will be awarded permanent possession of the cup at the annual meeting of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club which will be held on that date. Following the tournament, dinner was served in the Club House. The tournament brought out a good turnout of lumbermen golfers.
The next meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 rvill be held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, ou Monday evening, December 11. Dinner will be served at 6:09 p.m. at 87 cents a plate, including tax.
Fred E. Reed of Oakland will address the club on "Building-Our Way Out," and in his talk will dis,cuss methods of selling lumber and building materials. There will also be a turkey raffle. Music will be supplied by a trio of U. of C. boys.
The directors will meet December 18 to make all arrangements for the distribution at Christmas of nail kegs which East Bay lumbermen will again fiU with food for needy families in the East Bay district. Kegs will be distributed to some families known by lumbermen to be in'need, and clistribution of the rest will be made as in former years through the Salvation Army.
Joins \(/holesale Association
Pyramid Lumber Sales Co., 415 Pacific Building, Oakland, has be,come a member of the California Wholesale Lumber Association.
\(/hite Bros. Make lmprovements
White Brothers, hardwood dealers, San Francisco, recently remodeled their office and painted all the buildings of their San Francis,co plant. In remodeling the office separate offices were made for the heads of the various departments, and Nu-Wood Bevel-Lap Tile was installed throughout for sound deadening purposes.