1 minute read
With Tlte Texture And Color Oif Wood Shingles
OW, for the first time in history, you can buy genuine freproof shingles (made of cement and asbestos) with the texture and color of. wood shingles-at a price well in line with present day ideas of economy.
Creo-Dipt Firelroof Shingles-American Method, Nine colors-soJt, grained terture-lou can't tell them from zuood shingles.
Creo-Di|t Firelroof ShinglesDutch Lap Method. Inerpensizte-easy to lag ---and a good looking roof Same colors as American method.
Hitherto, asbestos shingles have had nearly every quality a roof should have-except one I They vrere permanent. They were fireproof. They were inexpensive. But only with these new Creo' Dipt Fireproof Shingles has thelast obstacle been overcome. Creo-Dipt Fireproof Shingles are beautiful-with the soft texture' color and shadow effects that have made Creo-Dipt Stained shingles (wood) so popular with discriminating home owners and architects.
Don't iust take our word for it. Ask our representative to show you foil-sized samples (orwrite us direct). And we'll leave it to you if they aren't the best-looking asbestos shingles you ever sawt
Also-don't forget to write for full details of the new Creo-Dipt Dealer Profit-Sharing Plan. It means a longer profit on every Creo-Dipt product you stock!