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Many California Miffs Cfosed for Season
The Four L Lumber News is authority for the followine reports on sawmills that are shut down in California:
Crane Creek Lumber Company, Willow Ranch, mill closed October 3 for season.
Fruit Growers Supply Company, Hilt, mill closed November 25 for season.
Kesterson Lumber Company, Dorris, has not operatecl since August, 1930.
- Siskiyou. I,umber Company, Mount Hebron, mill has been closed down all of 1930 and 1931, and still down.
Castle Creek Lumber Company, Castella, mill closed for the season, November 2.
Mt. Shasta Pine Mfg. Co., N[t. Shasta, mill closed October 1 for season.
Fruit Growers Supply Company, Susanville, mill closed December 1O for season.
Lassen Lumber & Box Company, Susanville, mill closed November 5 for season.
Hobbs-Wall & Company, Crescent City, sawmill closecl April 18, still down.
Hammond & Little River Redwood Company, Crannell, sawmill closed July 21.
Northern Redwood Lumber Company, Korbel, sawmill closed July 24.
Holmes-Eureka Lumber Company, Eureka, sawmill closed February 6.
Humboldt Redwood Company, Eureka, sawmill recently closed after short run.
Elk River Mill & Lumber Company, Falk, sawmill closecl since March. 1931.
Glen Blair Redwood Company, Glen Blair, sawmill down. Caspar Lumber Company, Caspar, mill closed since July 16.
Goodyear Redwood Company, Elk, mill has been down all year.
Spanish Peak Lumber Company, Quincy, mill closed for season September 19.
_ Quincy I umber Company sawmills at Quincy and Sloat have been shut down since October, 1930.
California Fruit Exchange, Graeagle, sawmill closed December I for season.
Davies-Johnson Lumber Company, Calpine, sawmill shut down September 15 for season.
Diamond Match Company, Chico, sarvmill closed October 31 for season.
Swayne Lumber Company, Oroville, sawmill closecl October 31 for season.
Hobart Estate Company, Hobart Mills, sawmill closecl October 10 for season.
Michigan-Camino Lumber Company, Camino, sawmill closed for season October 14.
California Door Company, Diamond Springs, sawmill has been closed since September, 193O.
Angels Box & Lumber Company, Angels, closed for season September 2.
Pickering Lumber Company, Standard, sawmill down. Pickering Lumber Company, Tqolomne, sawmill down since December, 1930.
Yosemite Lumber Company, Merced Falls, sawmill has been closed all of 1931.
Madera Sugar Pine Company, Madera, mill recently closed.
- Sugar Pine Lumber Company, Pinedale, sawmill closed for season, November 3.
In practically every instance the planers or re-manufacturing p-lants of.these mills are irr operation, dressing out the stock as sold.
Totals of the above listed mills show that the mills that are closed have a normal daily capacity of 4,355,000 feet, qi ytriq! 3,297,0m feet is in the California Pine region, and 1,058,000 in the Redwood region.
Mills in the Klamath Falls district of Oregon are mostly all shut down, the total of the mills closed ii that territorv being ten, rvhose average daily capacity is 830,000 feet.
The mills still in operation throughout this district are all curtailing heavily from their normal rate of production.
past B.y Hoo Hoo to Hdj-/ , / Needy Families
Vr"r^Urof a plan whereby every individual and firm in the lumber industry of the East Biy district were invited to participate i_n the distribution of 50o kegs of staple groce- ries to worthy families in need at Chrisimas time *.i. "n- nounced at _the IgSutUt monthly dinner meeting of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 held at the Atheni Athletic Club, Oakland, Monday evening, December 14.
President Larue Woodson presided, and in explaining the plan said that each lumberman would receive a litter *itt a sugqested lis-t of groceries, and that empty nail kegs could be obtained from the Boorman Lumber Co. and thJStrable Hardwood Co. It was pointed out that the cost of filling a keg would not exceed the cost of the usual Christmai party, which will not be held this year.
Short talks were given by Gordon D. Pierce, Boorman Lumber Co., and Bert Bryan, Strable Hardwood. Co., who have been most active in the arrangements for the Christmast distribution. They asked members to fill and return their kegs promptly, and announced that the actual distribution will be in the hands of the Salvation Army and the Blue Bird.
^ J, W. Olver, Eureka Mill& Lumber Co.; Nels Quist, Quist Bros., Hayward, and Mitch Landis, Noah Aiamj I umber Co., Walnut Grove, furnished the entertainment, their singing being much enjoyed. Secretary Carl Moore played the accompaniments.
Vice President Joe Todd, who acted as chairman of the evening, introduced the principal speaker, Rev. Wm. p. Reagor, who spoke on "Christmas and the Modern Man,,. The subject was most appropriate and the address was heartily applauded.
Pacific Executives Attend Meeting
E. E. Yoder, resident manager, Pacific Lumber Co., Scotia, and Herb Klass, general sales manager, San Francisco, attended_the meeting of the Redwood relationship committee and the lumber committee of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association held at Bakersfield, December 11. Th_ey_ also visited Los Angeles, where they attended the U.S.C.-Georgia football game on Decembei 12.
We again extend our sincere greetings to our many friends and wish them