1 minute read
C. L. A. lssue Portfolios for \(/ood
Sagh and Frames
A series of five portfolios on designs and details for wood sash and frames recently were issued hy the Wesi Coast Lumbermen's Association. The title is "Wood Sash and Frames, Designs and Details." This material was developed by Louis Van Snyders, Association millwork specialist, in cooperation with J. Lister Holmes, A. I. A., Seattle, under whose direction the designs, illustrations and details were prepared. The portfolios cover construction principles for wood sash and frames, residences and apartments, schools and hospitals, office and monumental buildings and industrial buildings. They are assembled in a cover bearing an American Institute of Architects file number. The cost of preparing and printing the portfolios was met by a special fund contributed by northwest millwork firms.
The purpose of the portfolios, the foreword states, is to present ideas rather than to furnish details for copying. As most of the ideas and details may be used interchangeably in whole or in part the architect using thesg designs is free to select any combination that best suits a particular need. Considerable emphasis is given in the portfolios to a narrow stile sash, a feature developed in the past few years. This type of sash was prepared to provide designs that will meet the existing demand for sash with slender lines.
The designs embody a number of ideas contributed by architects in various parts of the country for solving problems they have encountered in designing windows for special purpose types of building, such as schools, hospitals and office buildings.
The portfolios have been distributed to all architects in northwest towns where millwork plants contributing toward the preparation of the portfolios are located. A charge of $2 per copy, which is approximately the preparation and printing cost, will be made for sets of the portfolios otherwise distributed. Copies of the portfolios may be obtained from the West Coast Lumbermen's Association,364 Stuart Building, Seattle, Washington, at the price given above.
Yard At Los Banos
C. H. Hubbard, for the past six years manager of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. yard at San Bernardino, Calif., has taken over his new duties as manager of the company's yard at Los Banos succeeding A. B. Anderson. Mr. Anderson plans to devote his time to mining in the Imperi4l Valley.