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Subecription Pricc, $2.0(l per Ycar Singlc Copier, 25 ceutr cach. LOS
How Lumber Looks
Reports from many sections of the country show that,_the lumber outlook in general is better. December is generally a quiet month but tolate the volume continues to hold up well and further improvement is looked for after the first of the year. Lumbet prices in the ezrstern markets are firming up. There is a better feeling in tfie California market and whole. sale pdces are fairly firm. The retail yards in most soction; of the state report that business is*bettet.
The lumber movement during t{re week ended December It 1934, was not only seasonably low but was also afiected by the Thanksgiving holiday. Repo,rts ttom 11249 mills to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association from regional associa'' tions covedng the operations of leading hardwood and soft' wood mills fo,r the week gave production as l)8$Olr0fi) feet; shipments 153'9181000 feet, and ordets 153r866,0fi) feet.
54E mills reporting to the West Coast Lumbermen'i Associa' tion for the wlek "tt-d.d D."ember I produced 75ro79r748 fent. New business for the week amounted to 75r8a9r722 feet, and shipments totaled 70r69lrfiD feet. Otders booked were one per cent over production, and shipments were 5.9 per cent under the cut.
The Western Pine A$ociation for the same week reported new business from 13t milts as 361772rOOO f.e*, shipments 35r' }O3rWO feet, and production 26r77lr0{J0 feet. Orders werc 37.7 above production-and 4.4 pr cent above shipiments. Shipments were 31.4 ovet production. *
The California Redwood Association for the week reported production from 1l mills as 6'19410{110 feet, shipments 5'371r(XX) feet, and new businesE 4?33'(fr0 f.et Orders on hand at these mills at the end of the 1eO *f" lEl2E'oOo feet.
377 hatdwood mills repo,rting for the wee& ended Decembet I gave new business ae 14975r(XX), or 19 per cent above production, and shipments 15r49Er000 feet, or 23 per cent above production. Producion was 12r551r(XX).
Unsold stocks on the public docks at Loc Angeles harbor for the week ended pecember 10 totiled 1'113'(X)O feet. Cargo arrivalc at this pott for the same week amounted to 11r5O4r00O feet, which included 15 cargoes of Fir totaling 10,491'fi)0 feet, and 3 cargoes of Redwood carrying 563rfiD feet. 63 vessels were operating in the coastwise lumber service otr December 10; 38 vessels were laid up.
MacDonald & Bergstrohr Inc. Elected Association President
New Wholesale Firm
A new entry in the Southern California lumber market is the recently organized firm of MacDonald & Bergstrom, Inc., with offices at 733 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Their telephone number is PRospect 7194.
L. W. MacDonald and C. A. Bergstrom are widely known to the lumber industry on the Pacific Coast, where they have a host of friends. Both have been connected with the wholesale lumber business in Southern California for many years, and prior to that they followed the lumber business in the Northwest and have many excellent sawmill contacts. Their varied experiences have given them a thorough knowledge of all.phases of the producing and merchandising ends of the business.
The Wm. H. Andersen Lumber.Co. of Portland will act as Northern representative for MacDonald & Bergstrom, Inc. Mr. Anderson has been in the wholesale lumber business in Portland for the past sixteen years, where he is held in high esteem by the sawmill fraternity and will make an excellent buyer for the MacDooald & Bergstrom organization.
At a meeting of the trustees of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association held at Portland, Ore., on November 22, President E. W. Demarest of Tacoma, and SecretaryManager, W. B. Greeley of Seattle, submitted their resignations. Vice-President F. R. Titcomb of Tacoma was elected president by the board for the remainder of the present term. Mr. Titcomb was also elected to succeed Mr. Demarest as a member of the Lumber Code Authority. A. E. Mclntosh l1'as named as Mr. Titcomb's alternate on the Lumber Code Authority. Colonel Greeley's resignation was tabled but he was granted a vacation from December 8 to January 8.
These events were the result of the controversy in the membership o.f the Association regarding cost-protection prices in the Lumber Code. Mf. Demarest and Mr. Greeley have been in favor of the code cost-protection prices while a majority of the trustees recently declared against the policy. Representatives of the West Coast Division will present their views against the minimum price provisions at. the NRA hearing at Washington beginning December 11.
Weyerhoeuser odvertising contlnueg 3.. complele Promotionol Plons the
O FHA activities are clicking. Modernizing sales are already 4to/6 a\ed of last year!
The movement continues, snowballing into greater and greater volume week by week. Even cold weather hasn't checked remodeling activities. Right now, tbe Housing Adminis$ation is sending out trained men to Promote special winter selling through every state and regional ofrce in the country.
Weyerhaeuser, too, is doing its share by leading offwith its own intensive promotional campaign. The heavy barrage of Weyerhaeuser advertising that began last month continues. Full-page ads are selling 4-SQUARE Lumber to architbcts, contractors, bankers, credit agencies, real estate managements, ProPerty maintenance men everywhere-all the key men in the Better Housing Program.
Within the next 3o days, 4-SQUARE Lumber Dealers will receive still more assistance. Complete selling plans and sales helps are now being printed. Lumbermen who have seen this material, enthusiastically call it the most comprehensive program that has been developed for cashing in on the Better Housing Movement.