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Washington, D. C., Nov. 30.-The National Industrial Recovery Board today announced recognition of the following as duly elected members of the Code Authority for the lumber and timber products industries:
Members-at-Large-A. W. Clapp, St. Paul, Minn.; C. C. Sheppard, Louisiana-Central Lumber Co., Clarks, La.; W. M. Ritter, W. M. Ritter Lumber Co., Columbus, O.; and Wilson Compton, Washington, D. C.
To Represent Wholesalers-May Myers, Nicola, Stone & Myers, Cleveland.
To Represent Retailers-Ilomer Ballinger, Washington, D. C.
To Represent Exporters-L. E. Force, Douglas Fir Exploitation & Export Co., Seattle, Wash.
Cypress Division-M. L. Fleishel, Putnam Lumber Co., Shamrock, Fla.
Hardwood Division-C. Arthur Bruce, E. L. Bruce Co., Washington, D. C.; E. B. Ford, The Mengel Co., New Orleans, La.; Fred Bringardner, Bringardner Lumber Co., Lexington, Ky.; C. A. Goodman, Sawyer-Goodman Co., Marinette, Wis., and W. H. Walker, McMinnville, Tenn.
Northern Pine Division-Sherman Coy, Northwest Paper Co., Cloquet, Minn.
Northern Hemlock Division-Ralph Hines, Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chicago.
Northeastern Softwbod Division-R. G. Brownell. Central Pennsylvania Lumber Co., Sheffield, Pa.
Redwood Division-C. R. Johnson, IJnion Lumber Co., San Francisco, Calif.
Southern Pine Division-H. Dixon Smith, Columbus, Ga.; Charles Green, Eastman Gardiner and Co., Laurel, Miss., and E. L. Kurth, Angeline County Lumber Co., Keltys, Texas.
West Coast Logging and Lumber Division-John D. Tennant, Long-Bell Lumber Sales Corp., Longview, Wash.; E. W. Demarest, Pacific National Lumber Co., Tacoma, Wash.; Joseph Irving, Everett, Wash., and Grant Murphy, Murphy Gardner Lumber Co., Stayton, Oregon.
Western Pine Division-R. R. Macartney, Weyerhaeuser Lumber Co., Klamath Falls, Oregon; B. W. Lakin, McCloud River Lumber Co., McCloud, Calif.; Walter Johnson, San Francisco, Calif., and W. E. Moore, Pondosa Pine Lumber Co., Elgin, Oregon.
1931, consists of 'fhomas S. Holden, Vice President, F. W. Dodge Company, New York; M. W. Stark, Economist, Chicago, Il1.; Calvin Fentress, Chairman of the Board, Baker, Fentress &'Company, Chicago, Ill.; Wilson Conipton, Secr€tary and Manager, National Lumber' Manufacturers Association, and Axel H. Oxholm, Chief, Forest Products.Division; Department of Commerce. This Committee serves voluntariiy in cooperation with the work of the Timber Conservation Board in its study of the economic situation in the forest products industries.