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II ihere ever wqs cr tirne when property owners were demqnding top vqlue lor their building dollcrs, thct time is now. By the scrme token, deqlers cre selling more Brcrdley STRAIGHT-LINE Oak Flooring thcrn ever belore. For, this proved superior product crssures the highest possible protection lor lloor dollcrs in crny consbuction where hardwood floors cre specilied.

Further increqse in decler sqles is indiccted crs smqll home building qnd remodeling gcrin momentum. Thct Brcrdley declers cre tcking cdvcrntcrge oI these opporiunities is cppcrrent from the volume ol orders coming in qnd the volume ol Brcdley STRAIGHT-LINE Ock Flooring going out io hundreds oI retcil mqrkets in the counby.

Whct's the outlook in your territory? Hcrve you a stock oI Brcdley STBAIGHT-LINE Ock Flooring sullicient to meet cll requirements, including those oI smcrll home construction crnd remodeling? Betler cqll our neqrest representctive to come in qnd tclk it over, or il you preler, write us direct.

"BRADLEY BRAND" includes oll sizes qnd grodes of slqndord strip, ond ook plonk Ilooring; ook ond gum trim ond mouldings, hordwood pqneling; Arkonsqs Solt Pine Uni-rim* (nnel<nood sets) ond mouldings; ond mony other items which ossure you ond Your cuslomerc top volue Jor your lumber investments. tTrimPak Pat.



Western Hqrdwood Lumber Compcny, Los Angeles

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