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Sash And Door Manufacturers

Loag hfe ig tbe ILgt plus; a lact proved on the toughest oI jobs by millions oI leet o[ Wolmarized Lnnhsl. "But what about the aaih 61d boltg-or timber coa' nectors-that hold the conetruction logetber? Ie the metal attacked by the wood preaewalive?" And here'g another plus lor Woloanized Lumber.

Wolman Salts* preservative, driven deep iuto ihe cells oI the wood by the vacuum-pressure method, Iurnishes active protection agrinsl termites and the Iurgi tLat cause decay. Eut.rt does aotattackmetsls. What a combinatiou! Loag-lived lumber, which ofiere no unusual erection problems, giving you long' lived consbustiou. And the wood is clean, odorlegs and paintable.

Wobnani"ed Lumber is produced at many plaab lhroughout tbe coultry, under the colhol oI one central laboratory. It ig digtributed through regular trade cbanaelg, under tbe oae name, WoLnauized Lunber. AMERICAN LIIMBEB & TREATING COM' PANY, 1648 McCornick Building, Chicago, Illirois. r8ogdltcrod TradoMul

Loe Angelee: IO3l South Broadwan PRospect 43@ San Francigco: 116 New Montgomery St., SUtter 1225

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