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Vhen in need of yard fill ins & rush job deliveries-<all us PONDEROSA FIR SHAKES SHINGLES

SAhI FRANCISCO 18fi) Army Sceet ATwatet 13(X)


Promotion Campaign

"Ponderosa Pine Woodwork has set an example the rest of us in the lumber industry would do well to follow," is the opinion of J. F. Coleman of Kinzua Pine Mills, Kinzua, Oregon. "We all know,'f Mr. Coleman says in a statement just released for publication, "that continuous, well rounded, well planned eftort are the essential ingredients of a successful promotional campaign. Yet too often we are inclined to dignify a series of three or four more or less unrelated advertisements as a campaign. Proof of the results that can be attained is found in what Ponderosa Pine Woodwork has done."

"It may be fairly common knowledge," Mr. Coleman contined, "that an impressive number of inquiries was received from the advertising in national magazines over the Ponderosa Pine Woodwork signature. That kind of result is always gratifying, but a second look at the monthly reports shows a significant fact. Returns did not mount


9th Avenue Pier

2255 suddenly to a peak and then fall ofi. Instead, each new advertisement brought more inquiries than the one before. I am told by men who ought to know that it,s this cumulative effect that the advertising experts always hope to get.,,

"When they get it, they know that the idea common to all advertisements is right. It shows that a lot of people who read the first advertisement, but didn,t act on it, remembered it anyway. The second one of the series reminded them to do something they already were ready to do, and in comes an inquiry: The first and second ads together 'softened up' still more interested people, and the third ad brings them in, and so on.',

"There are two morals to this story,,, says Mr. Coleman. "One is to give your advertising a chance to do its work, and the second is that dealers, wholesalers, and manufacturers of doors, windows and frames would do well to capi_ talize on Ponderosa Pine Woodwork's successful campaign pronto !"

Bay Shipyard Gets New Contracts

Contracts for twelve more ships costing a total of $18,000,000 have been awarded by the United States Mari_ time Commission to the Richmond Shipbuilding Corpora_ tion, Richmond, Calif., it was announced by Russell J. Carroll, the commission's resident engineer at the plant, No_ vember 25.

The new vessels will be the EC-Z type, 10,500 ton cargo carriers worth $1,500,m0 each and bring to thirty-six the number of ships scheduled to be built at this yard.

As l94l draws to its close we want to express to our dealer friends our sincere appreciation of their patronage and to say

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