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June 2014 | № 06 (129) Do not miss:
June 1 — Birthday of Korchma in New York
Project manager – Yuri Beloyvan
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Virastyuk: the Worse the Training Conditions, the Better the Results
Korchma Taras Bulba restaurant Gorki 2, 23 km, RublevoUspenskoe Highway
Driving directions on page 16
The living history: From scrap to priceless art
Viktor Kee: Juggling for Me is Like Brushes and Paints for an Artist
European travel: Untouched Nature and Italian history of Croatia
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2 | guest
How does one become strong? What do strongmen eat and how do they train? The strongest man on the planet, the famous Ukrainian strongman Vasyl Virastyuk, revealed the answers to these questions to Bulba News newspaper.
Virastyuk: the Worse the Training Conditions, the Better the Results – Vasyl, how does one become a strong man?
Bio Note Vasyl Yaroslavovych Virastyuk was born on April 22, 1974, in Ivano-Frankivsk. His father was a truck driver. At the age of 10, he started track and field athletics, shot put. 1989 – He finished eighth grade and enrolled in the College of Physical Culture in Kyiv. 1992 – After graduation Vasyl Virastyuk served in the military for two years. 1994-2000 – He worked as a coach for track and field in the sports society Ukraine. Since 2000 – Vasyl Virastyuk has been living in Lviv and worked as a driver and security guard. 1984-2000 – The sportsman did track and field, shot out. He was a member of the National Trackand-Field Team of Ukraine. Since 2000 – Vasyl Virastyuk has been participating in the multi-event competition STRONGESTMAN. In 2002, he won third place at the competition for the title the Strongest Person in Central Europe and the Grand Prix of the international tournament in Salzburg, Austria. At the competition of the super series of the IFSA (International Federation of the Strongest Athletes), held in Hawaii, the sportsman was sixth. In 2003, Vasyl Virastyuk won third place at the Strongman World’s Championship in Zambia. In 2004, the sportsman won at the World’s Championship The World’s Strongest Man, held in the Bahamas. He also won the sixth place at the prestigious sports competition Arnold Classic. In 2007, Vasyl Virastyuk won a competition in Seoul, South Korea, and received the IFSA title of the World’s Champion in the strength extreme.
– There is no special formula for success. If I knew it, I would use it for sure. Many people want to become strong without doing anything. Certainly, it’s easier to say something that to do something like get off the couch and go to the gym. It’s never too late or too soon to start training. As soon as children get on their feet, begin to run, the parents have to take care of their physical development: even when playing with a ball, children won’t stay still, but will move and exercise. – To become a good sprinter, one needs to have good natural abilities. In your sport, is it possible to compensate for the absence of abilities by working hard? – Yes, it is. My personal example proves it. I came from the track and field athletics and I didn’t have any phenomenal physical indices. I started with modest results. In power lifting, power triathlon my results were second rate. But owing to the hard work, one can achieve a lot.
– Is it possible to train well at home or on a stadium? – It’s necessary to have special training equipment: trunks, gas tanks, yokes, balls. You won’t become a good strongman without this equipment. One can be in good form, but without necessary skills and training with our equipment, this athlete will show nothing at our tournaments. – Is it necessary to have money for gym to achieve some results? – I’m sure that training in expensive gyms won’t produce a proper result. Real success is achieved in unpresentable accommodations, where the working atmosphere of the people who know what they want to achieve prevails. Ukrainians are absolutely paradoxical people. As experience shows: the worse the training conditions, the better results. It sounds strange, but it is really so – under difficult conditions, human instinct for struggle and survival develops better. If a professional foreign athlete had to
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work under our conditions at least for a year, he would definitely degrade as a sportsman. He is used to good conditions, and our guys know how to move heaven and earth under all circumstances. – What should be the diet of a strong man? – Surely, a man that goes in for sports and endures heavy physical exertion needs to eat high-calorie food. Yes, one can fill their organism with vegetable protein, but it’s impossible to do it without meat. And of course, it’s necessary to keep to a regime. Sometimes one can drink alcohol in reasonable amounts, but it’s important to fully understand when it’s strongly forbidden, particularly, during when the whole organism – liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc. – works at the full speed and is under stress. What the organism doesn’t need at that time is for sure alcohol. – Could you advise some winning exercise that would help those wishing to become strong to achieve the first success? – Indeed, there is no such exercise. I, for example, started training in the track and field athletics. But it’s not in a literal sense of this word. We ran a lot, jumped, and spent lots of time playing action-oriented games – basketball, volleyball… I led such an active lifestyle for 2-3 years, and this gave me quite a strong foundation for future physical development. I’m grateful for this to my first coach. – What was your first achievement, after which you acknowledged: “Yes, I’m really a strong man!”? – I won’t invent anything: it’s my record set in Lviv, when I pulled five tram cars. The other one was when I carried two trunks of 171 kg each for 19 m. At that time, I really could say: “Wow, Vasyl, you’re a strong man.” – Is it enough for a man to have only physical power to consider himself strong? – I think that strong people are calm and kind, since they are confident. They don’t have to prove anything to anyone, that’s “flaunt.” What for? They proved everything, to themselves in particular. And very often short people suffer from the so-called Napoleon complex. They try to prove something to someone. They create a problem because of their stature. A strong man doesn’t have such features. – You became a strongman in 2000. Has your sport become popular during these fourteen years? – We’ve become more recognizable. As TV projects were filmed, we were regularly shown on television. But all this happened because we managed to find money for TV channels. Just for free, nobody wants to broadcast tournaments. TV channels are interested only in your ready product and money. There is no cooperation with channels on a friendly basis.
– Did you find some explanation for this? – Maybe because business is driven into a deadlock, it’s difficult to talk with people, they are unwilling to cooperate. Businessmen, trademarks don’t have spare money. Obviously, they administrate their advertisement budgets differently. It’s possible to work with alcohol brands, but this is against our principles. Sports and alcohol are incompatible. All the others burst at the seams. – Judging by the number of expensive cars per square meter, Kyiv evidently isn’t an outsider in Europe. So business isn’t at such a deadlock… – Even competitions are more difficult to run in Kyiv than in such small cities as Ivano-Frankivsk or Vinnytsya. In the capital, people are spoiled with different performances. That’s why Kyivans reluctantly come to tournaments, reluctantly support athletes. In the provinces, people are more eager for such public events. That’s why the support is better there. – Is it possible to grow rich in your sport?
– If you become more recognizable, than it becomes easier to attract sponsors…
– Yes, it is. For this, you have to be in the top ten of the world. It’s necessary to compete in the championships of Europe and the world. If you are on the top positions, you’ll be invited to commercial launches where you can earn money. And for this, you need time and patience.
– We hoped for this too. But for some reason this doesn’t work in our country.
– What amounts are you talking about? Are the rewards for participation in commerce tournaments
calculated in tens or hundreds of thousands, or millions of dollars? – Forget about millions. For example, for the win in Arnold Classic that is held in America you can receive $65,000. For the gold in the World Championship $40,000. Those are our awards. – Last year the movie Ivan the Powerful was released, where you played a part. Did you like this experience and don’t you want to become an actor once more? – It’s always interesting to try something new. I wouldn’t say that it was very fascinating and dynamic. This job is for patient people. Lots of time I had to spend on the film set, waiting. In general, it was interesting. You live the life of your hero… I would say, I can see myself in this. – Unfortunately, in Ukraine action feature movies aren’t filmed very often… – There is some progress there. For example, last year several movies were released. – What parts do you like? Do you want to be filmed in an action movie as Arnold Schwarzenegger? – I think I could play in a comedy movie. I’d say I have a very good sense of humor. And I hope my acting skills won’t let me down. Text: Gleb KURKOV Photos by Yuriy Helytovych,
4 | interview
At home few people know about this Ukrainian immigrant and he doesn’t even deny it. But the juggler Viktor Kee from Pryluky is quite famous throughout the world because he managed to make an outstanding career. He performs as a cast member of Cirque du Soleil, keeps in touch with world celebrities, and hypnotizes audiences with his performances. Each one of them is magical – you can’t describe it, you can only feel it. It seems that there is a special force of gravity between the man and the white balls. Although Viktor Kee is on tour for eight or nine months every year, the journalists of Bulba NEWS caught him between engagements in New York. We want to share with you an interview with him.
Viktor Kee: Juggling for Me is Like Brushes and Paints for an Artist First Visit to the Circus I dedicated my life to the circus because in the town of Pryluky, where I was born, was the Udal National Circus Studio and Oleksandr Hruzin, a very famous circus master at that time, trained there. It was interesting for us children to go to his place and try to do something. It was like a cultural center. I went
there when I was six and I never looked back. I always wanted to be a performer, because our teacher encouraged children to do so, he had а special talent for this. In fact, my mother was a dancer and my father was a musician – maybe that influenced my choice too. I remember that when I was a child, I often toured with my mom. Eventually, I went to Kyiv and studied at a circus school for four years. After graduation I was still unemployed. Later, I produced my own act and set off to Paris for a festival, where I won. There, I somehow established contacts with Western producers, started to cooperate with them, and that laid a foundation for my career. In Ukraine, I couldn’t find a job.
Career and friendship with celebrities My success began with a trip to Paris, where I was a winner at a festival for young performers. Then, cooperation offers rolled in from various European companies. Though I mostly lived in Ukraine. When I flew to New York and performed there as a member of a German company, it was the first time I thought about moving to America. I didn’t have the right friends in the right places. I remember at that time the billionaire Donald Trump came to see our show and he was fascinated with our performance. After the end, he came up to me, shook my hand, and said “If you need any help, please contact my secretary.” After a moment’s consideration I asked him to help me legalize my stay in the USA. In two months, I received a Green Card. It was with considerable help from the American side. I was pleasantly surprised that even though nobody knew me, because I was a twenty-five-year-old young man, people still noticed my talent and decided to help me to
stay… That way I started to build my career. I got in touch with Cirque du Soleil and they offered me a job in the Canadian company in Montreal. I worked there about fifteen years. Besides contractual employment, I cooperated with other establishments. I met Barbara Streisand in 1999, when we worked in Los Angeles. She watched my solo juggling act and invited me to her VIP box. It turned out that as a child she used to juggle; it was a kind of hobby for her. My performance revived her interest in it and that’s why the actress decided to meet me. She told me where exactly she would have concerts in the near future and wanted my act to be included in her program. Of course I gave my consent. Her manager was there and we immediately signed a contract. As a result, we organized a great concert after which I gained a lot of opportunities. It was my second break in America. I felt very comfortable and understood that I was popular at that level. After meeting the singer, I didn’t return to Ukraine. I just went there to visit my parents, relatives, and friends. Unfortunately, I didn’t perform in Russia or Ukraine, because I had no offers. This is a paradox that still astonishes me. But it’s ok – to everything there is a season.
Cirque du Soleil I met the Cirque du Soleil team in 1996. They liked my show and offered me a contract, which became very fruitful. There I was surprised at the fact that the system allows one to invest millions of dollars before a company knows whether it will recoup its investments or not. They are ready to take big risks. I know two companies that do this. Another one is Entertainment. Hollywood also works in this way. Probably Cirque’s managers understand
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that this rule works and they follow it. They invested eighty million dollars in one of the recent shows! Eight months later the show was canceled. The company earned just twenty millions and lost sixty. As we can see, there are risks. Another program failed here, in Broadway. But other shows work successfully. It’s impossible to foresee everything. And I admire their desire to hire new artists, to experiment with performances… It’s right for my character.
Change of name My full last name is Kiktev, Viktor Kiktev. I shortened it by chance. When I signed a contract with Moulin Rouge, we were sitting in the office and the woman who was preparing the documents couldn’t pronounce my last name. She said, “Kee… Qui est-ce?.. who is this?” I didn’t understand and answered, “Let it be Kee.” And so I signed the documents using my new nickname as a last name. When I received an American passport, I did everything over officially.
Training and tours I train in different ways. For example, if I have eight or nine shows a week, I train three hours a day, and in addition I rehearse on a stage. And of course, during the very performances. In our profession discipline is the most important thing. I can’t say, “You know, I will come on the stage in a few minutes and show my skills.” It is also important to have courage, enjoy your job, and keep calm. Because when artists are nervous, don’t derive pleasure from their job, they will have to leave their business and start doing things they will enjoy. I think it’s very important to understand that you are in a sphere where you gain great joy and care about doing your job well. An audience won’t understand it, but it always feels it. I am on tour for eight to nine months a year. The other two months I go to different places and play golf – this is my hobby. The rest of my time I spend in Switzerland, because I have a house there. I have been living there for eight months. You understand, it’s not even my home, just a place where I spend one month a year… I mean, it’s embarrassing to call it home. However, the house is very beautiful.
Love of Ukrainian cuisine I don’t keep to any diet, but I have selfrestraint. I try not to eat anything that is not natural. I never eat fast food. I have no time to long for Ukrainian borsch and varenyky. Usually, when we go somewhere, there is a Ukrainian restaurant where we can eat something delicious. We always search for such places in advance. I always know where I should play, in what clubs to smoke a cigar, and in what restaurants to eat. By the way, one woman, a guest of yours, from Los Angeles recommended your restaurant to me. We met accidentally, talked, and she praised Korchma very much. You see, you’re popular (he laughs).
I drink wine, vodka, but not often, just in a good company. Actually, I get drunk very rarely, because I need to drink a lot to become tipsy. Poor me (he laughs).
Wishes for our readers I want readers to pay more attention to Ukrainian artists and support them. Many of them are flourishing now, but unfortunately abroad. I would like for all of our countries – Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, and all the Slavic nations – to support art at home. I wouldn’t like my friends, their children, to leave their native country to make a career somewhere else. I am an example of what shouldn’t happen in the future. There’s nothing bad in my career, but there is one negative fact: I’m not in demand at home. This is a paradox. I’m grateful to the newspaper for doing the interview. A lot of publications wrote articles about me, but none of them was Ukrainian or Russian… I also recommend the readers to taste the cuisine at Korchma Taras Bulba restaurants, I like this place very much. Text: Stepan Hrytsiuk
6 | Travelling
Untouched Nature and the Italian History of Croatia My heart started pounding: we’re going to Croatia! We’re going to Croatia again! Croatia is a country, which I like for its natural beauty, optimism of the local people, and delicious food. Once in a while you will come across some interesting historic architectural memorials. And there’s no problem at all to find a common language with the locals either in Croatian (one of the Slavic languages) or in Italian in the northern part of the country.
The first time I read about Croatia was more than ten years ago. The most important thing I remembered was that Croatia is one of the purest countries of the world. I immediately had a great desire to visit the land where nature and air are saturated with absolute purity. Three years ago my husband and I included Croatia in the list of our first European trip together. For many Italians vacations in Croatia near the sea are more affordable than at the popular resorts in Italy. Apart from Italians, numerous Germans gladly bask in the sun on the Croatian beaches. It’s no wonder because of the sun, the mountains, the sea, and huge servings of salt-water fish in the beach restaurants served by the welcoming hosts. And it costs almost nothing by European standards. Such is an all-inclusive vacation.
Croatian and Italian Unity “You know, we here, in the northern part of Croatia, work more than our fellow countrymen in the south. Their dishes are also different – Italian, not Croatian, as you, probably, have already noticed,” says a 15-year-old waiter of a restaurant in the little seaside town of Lovran in Istria – a large peninsula in the Adriatic Sea. Inside the restaurant, we are the only diners; the other visitors enjoy their meals at the tables outside. A cozy atmosphere is favorable for communication with us from behind the bar counter. A sociable waiter tells us about his aunt who once worked in the nursing home for the elderly Italians in Sicily and later moved to work in Northern Italy. In the north of Italy, she felt at home.
However, our companion didn’t say anything new about the hard-working people of the north. In Italy, the situation is completely the same, like a carbon copy. The Italians from the north often complain that they work for the economy of the whole Italy. (That’s basically true, since Milan is the economic capital of Italy.) Some people even joke that if a crazy idea to unify all the Italian lands hadn’t come to the revolutionary Garibaldi’s mind, monuments to whom decorate all more or less big cities of Italy, they would be taking care only of their own region now. And now about the Italian cuisine in the north of Croatia. The Italian cuisine, as well as the Italian dialect, in this part of Croatia isn’t accidental. Historically and geographically the north of Croatia is closely connected with Italy. In the Middle Ages, the Croatian peninsula of Istria was united with the northern part of Italy by the
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Note! We are now hiring to work in Korchma “Taras Bulba” restaurants in Kyiv and New York. Внимание! Идет набор персонала для работы в ресторанах «Корчма Тарас Бульба» в Киеве и Нью-Йорке
Travelling | 7
Venetian state. And at the time of Bonaparte by the Napoleonic Kingdom of Italy. A little bit later they were a part of the AustroHungarian Empire. According to the sources of the Austrian census of the beginning of the twentieth century, the Italian-speaking population of the western sea coast of Istria was 60%.
Amphitheater in Pula From the city of Ispra, a big city by Croatian standards but in fact a little town in the northern part of Italy, to the Croatian peninsula of Istria is 600 km. The 1st of May is everywhere the 1st of May with the days off. And Europe isn’t an exception. This year we are going to Croatia on the May holidays: an article I read invited us to visit this country on these days, and now it is transforming into reality. There’s one difference: the invitations was from a travel agency, but we are driving there ourselves. During our first trip to Croatia we visited the largest Istria city Pula. In Pula, in contrast to the other settlements of Istria, the Roman Empire left most of its traces. At the time of Ancient Rome, Pula was an administrative center of the Roman province Istria. It was in Pula that I saw an ancient amphitheater for the first time. I saw the Roman Colosseum a year later, and even later the amphitheater in Verona. If to bring these three theaters of life and death into line, the Croatian theater in Pula seems to be the smallest… and the youngest. The restored historical Pula Arena is impressive not only because of its threatening stone walls, but also because of its whiteness. Because of this the Pula Arena resembles the Verona Arena. “The theater of life and death. The gladiators’ fights, the hunting… you don’t have to strain your convolutions to watch such performances. It’s enough to switch on your feelings. Or, on the contrary, to switch them off…” I was thinking aloud, observing the Pula Arena from the spectators’ seats. “… for free Roman citizens the life of war prisoners and criminals didn’t even cost a glass of wine,” my Italian husband finished what I hadn’t said.
At present, here, as in the arena of Roman Coliseum and Verona, concerts of pop and opera stage stars are organized. Opposite the amphitheater’s central entrance is a billboard advertising the Eros Ramazzotti’s concert.
Plitvice Lakes Keen travelers assure that if you’ve been to Croatia and never visited Plitvice Lakes, you’ve wasted your time. Pula is less than 300 km away from Plitvice Lakes Croatian National Park in the central part of the country. The nature there is absolutely different – karst cascade lakes, waterfalls, caves, mountains. Lake water in the park is of the color of early spring grass. Near the coast swim huge fish and mollusk shoals. Wild ducks honorably rake the smooth surface, not being afraid of tourists that are wandering along the park paths in large groups. Twisting paths sometimes reach sky-high, sometimes dip down. From the highest park place opens up a wide panorama of the large and small Plitvice Lakes, rocks, waterfall cascades, caves. A preserved area of Croatia, Plitvice Lakes National Park is included in the UNESCO World Heritage list. It’s the main indicator defining the purity of the Croatian nature, isn’t it?
Ancient Lovran In the Lovran restaurant, we ordered our favorite Italian dish: acciugas pickled in vinegar (in common language - sprat) for a starter, and black rice for the main course. I like black rice very much. And not only to eat, but also to prepare it at home. I buy black rice only in Italy. And in Croatia I tasted black rice colored with the cuttlefish ink for the first time. Honestly? It’s very tasty! At the time when the northern part of Italy was a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Lovran was a favorite holiday destination for the Austrians and subjects of His Emperor’s Excellency. Heirs to the Austrian throne also came here. The famous Ukrainian poet and writer Ivan Franko visited Lovran too. Obviously, at that time, the small
seaside town founded in the seventh century was a historic gem. Sure, even today tourist buses constantly pull over to the central hotel. In front of the hotel there is a small church built in the thirteenth century. Maybe, just a century ago guests were admiring its interior. Unfortunately, it’s not accessible for contemporaries – the door is securely locked and the windows are covered with a layer of dust. Walking along the small narrow streets of the Old Lovran Town, you may come upon some abandoned courtyards from time to time. And all this is near the luxurious four-star hotel. Here, the problem of unemployment of the local people is especially evident. Even though the town evokes sad feelings, the seafront landscapes of Lovran evoke only admiration: the road along the sea with a bronze fence and lanterns under the crystal-clear water, street art, starfish, and seagulls on the rocks peacefully having breakfast of fresh fish caught out of the sea.
Baredine Grottoes After Lovran, we set off to the Baredine Cave’s underworld for new adventures. It took us one hour to drive to Pula in the direction to Porec. The rural road runs along olive gardens. Together with our polyglot guide (with our group he speaks Croatian, English, German and Italian) we went 60 meters deep underground down twisting stairs, bending down under the overhanging stalactites and stalagmites. Amazing sculptures sculpted by over a thousand years by water resemble such things as a ten-meter-long pendent, a statue of the Virgin Mary, and the Tower of Pisa leaning for centuries. Tourists associate some of the natural formations with a piece of ham, an eggplant, lettuce leaves or elephant’s ears. In the underground lake lives the master of the cave – an unusual creature of white color, resembling a lizard at the first inattentive glance. The cave-dweller feeds once in several months on mollusks found in the water, and lives one hundred years, according to scientists. Text and photo by Olesya Olendiy
8 | cuisine
June 1 Birthday of ‘Korchma’ in New-York World Parents’ Day Day of the Russian Northern Fleet
Taste of Summer:
Cold Soup Season is Open!
June 5 World Environment Day (Ecologist’s Day)
June 6 Ukrainian Journalist’s Day Pushkin’s Day in Russia (the Russian Language Day)
June 8 World Oceans Day Day of the Holy Trinity. The Pentecost
June 9 International Friendship Day
June 12 Russia’s Independence Day
14 June
Brewer’s Day June 14 Brewer’s Day
June 15 Father’s Day
June 21 Summer Solstice Day
June 25 Day of Friendship and Unity of the Slavic Peoples Seafarer’s Day
June 27 Russian Youth Day
June 28 Ukrainian Constitution Day
When the sun is hotter and hotter outside and the temperature is higher and higher from day to day, we certainly want to hide in the shadeand even to change our diet. It’snowonderbecausein the scorching heat hot food just isn’t so tasty. We could use something cold and chilling. And so light cool okroshka, beetroot soup, and gazpacho are just the thing. Nutritionexpertssay that changes in the diet are necessary not only because of the chilling effect of summer meals but also because they contain a lot of vegetables that are rich in dietary fiber, whichare well digested and stimulategastrointestinal microflora. Fresh vegetables are a rich source of carbohydrates, acids, and vitamins, which we lacked in the winter period. These first courses stimulate digestive glands and prepare the stomach for digestion. Theyarealsohealthybecausethey containa great number of mineral salts. Of course, the favorite of all times is okroshkaprepared withkefir or kvass. In the summer heat this dish is indispensable. We learned therecipe from our remote ancestors who knew their food very well. That’s why it’s chilling and nourishing at the time when it’s impossible to force yourself to eat something. Moreover, there are lots ofvariationsof this mealand every gourmand can choose one which he or sheprefers. Lowcalorie okroshka will surely interest people on a diet! Okroshka is a real treasury of vitamins and healthy minerals.Fermented milk products or kvass, the main ingredients of this soup, contain the necessary microorganisms to improve digestion and, what’s more important, combat
the majority of diseases. With a spoonful of traditional black-radish or horseradish, its therapeutic properties will be intensified. Okroshka has a great disinfectiveeffect on the body. Beetroot soup with its leaves is also very tasty and healthy. We got used to cutting and throwingthe beetroot topsaway, but we are making a big mistake. Not only are the roots tasty, but also the leaves that stick out of the ground. Moreover,the tops may be used to prepare exquisite dishes and the infusions and brews made with beetroot topsare used as effective treatments formany diseases. Beetroot is one of the top ten most intensive cancer-preventing products because of its betacyanin pigments: it prevents cell mutation. Vitamins B9, C, and betaine, contained in this vegetable, remove the surplus of cholesterol, strengthen the capillary tubes, and regenerate the liver. Beetroot contains more zinc and ferrum than other vegetables. Usually, men lack the first element, womenthe second one. It contains a lot of potassium: this microelement normalizes thewater balance in the body, removes edemas, and relieves the manifestation of varicosity and cellulite. Interestingly the concentration of healthy substances in the tops is twice as great as in roots, so bravely add it to your dishes. Currently, gazpacho is becoming more popular in our cuisine too. This soup of Spanish origin has entered the world menu of cold soups to stay.Only raw ingredients are used for its preparation: stalk celery, cucumber, garlic, sweet pepper, olive oil, tomatoes and vinegar.
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In Spain gazpacho is considered to be moreof a drink than a soup, so that iswhy it can be served not only in a bowl, but in a glass as well. To preparegazpacho, it is necessary to peel tomatoes, red sweet pepper, cucumbers, and garlic, then chop or grind all of the ingredientsin a blender. The degree of grinding can be different: from a dense drink to a finely chopped pureed salad. Then you add soaked bread, which in fact is whatthe dish is named after. The mixture is poured into a saucepan or an earthenware pot, seasoned with salt, pepper, vinegar to taste, and then later itshould be put in the fridge to brew. Gazpacho will be ready in a couple hours, although on the next day it will taste like a balanced meal.
Chilledgazpacho is an ideal choice for lunch on a hot summer day. Invented in Andalusia, this soup helps to keep vivacity on the most parching of afternoons. The most important thing is that a servingof this cold dish won’t harm one’s figure, since gazpacho contains just a small number of carbohydrates and the only fat in it is healthy olive oil. Eating gazpacho regularly can reduce arterial pressure and consequently the risk of heart and vessel diseases. These are the conclusions of the scientists from the University ofBarcelona. The fact is that gazpacho is rich in carotene, vitamin C, and polyphenols. Each of the components has long been known for its benefits for the heart, and mixing them together creates a real health elixir.
A Legendary Snack: Processed Cheese ‘Druzhba’
The Monument to processed Cheese «Druzhba» in Moscow
Okroshka ON KEFIR WITH BEETS 250/125 g – 180/90 RUB
COLD TOMATO SOUP 250/125 g – 370/210 RUB
Okroshka «IN KIEV» 250/125 g – 200/150 RUB
BEETROOT свекольник с ботвой 300/155 g – 110/70 RUB 300/155 грамм – 110/70 руб.
Some families used to spread this cheese on bread, othersadded it into the cooking pot because it was one of the main ingredients of a tasty cheese soup. Most of all, the processed cheese Druzhbawas popular as the cheapest and simplest snack to eatwith vodka. When friends gathered to drink a bottle, they almost never dispensed with Druzhba. Fortunately, there wasn’t a lack of this product in the USSR. And it was a steal: just fifteen kopecks. It wasn’t just cheese, it was an indispensableattribute of the Epoch of Socialism! The Soviet peoplefirst learned aboutthe processed cheese in 1956.Just then,for the first time the country started to importthe Finnish cheese Violain the famous red packaging with a blonde on thelabel.And yet, it was difficult to find, almost impossible. As a result, it didn’t reach theaverage consumer, even thoughthe company Valio, the manufacturer of the cheese, was the official provider of diary products for the Olympic Games in 1980. In 1964,specialists fromthe plant Karatcame up withtheir own recipe of processed cheese. It provided the basis for the recipe for the popular cheese Druzhba. The technologists createda new food product and didn’t even suspect that their invention would become so popular. “The cheese stayed with the country through the good times and the bad times,”said one of the plant’s press releases. It’s interesting that the cheese Druzhba wasn’t conceived to be produced for mass consumption. The Soviet scientists had a different aim in mind: to provide astronauts with high-quality foodon their mission to Mars… Thecountryfailedtoconquerthatplanet, andthe plantshifted to packingthecheesein a foil instead of a hermetic can. The manufacturers stopped sterilizing it because there wassuch a great demand for it that there was no need for it to store well. Itwentlikehotcakes. This is aclassic case when aproduct outlives its creators by decades. The Soviet Union fellmany years ago, butDruzhbaretained its popularity. In 2000, the plant Karat obtained the license and exclusive rightsto producethe cheesefrom the Russian Agency for Patents and Trademarks, and now it has to defend those rights in courts from competitorswho want their share in the production. The same situation is in Ukraine. The exact recipe of the processed cheese Druzhba is kept secretby the producers. They assure us that it is produced according to GOST standards: which means ingredients consist of high-quality cheese, butter, dried milk, and natural spices. It doesn’t includeany preserving or coloring agents.
Історія оживає:
З металобрухту – безцінний раритет Розібрані автомобілі, безліч запчастин до них, верстати для обробітку металу, кузня. Так виглядає заміська домівка українського народного умільця і майстра на всі руки Ігоря Савчина. Він давно прославився тим, що повертає до життя старі автомобілі та мотоцикли. Причому, робить це зі стовідсотковою автентичністю та береться за механізми, від яких практично нічого не залишилося. У своїй роботі використовує креслення, фотокартки та макети. Про пристрасть чоловіка свідчить одне – щоб з головою віддатися улюбленій справі він продав квартиру у Львові і переїхав жити у маленьке Богом забуте село, що в шістдесяти кілометрах від міста. Мовляв, для його хобі у квартирі місця було недостатньо. Тепер за технікою, відновленою українцем, полюють не тільки колекціонери, але й творці фільмів. Деякі раритети уже знялися у кількох російських стрічках. Ми застаємо Ігоря Савчина за роботою. Він сидить за настільною лампою в окулярах з товстезним склом і саме виточує чергову деталь до свого автомобіля. Перед ним просто посеред кімнати розібрана рама від ексклюзивного Мерседеса 1905 року. За процесом пильно спостерігає рудий кіт Васька. Майстер зізнається, що раритет, який він збирається повернути до життя, уже не просто рідкість. За його інформацією, вцілів лише один такий автомобіль. Він зберігається у Німеччині. На його рештки чоловік натрапив дуже давно у російському Ліпецьку, куди їздив у відрядження. Там з металевої рами місцевий житель зробив основу для кінного воза. Львів’янин залишки іномарки викупив, привіз додому і вирішив вдихнути у неї друге життя. Бідкається, що усе нагадує йому елітну ручну зборку: деталей немає взагалі і все доводиться робити самому. Для цього
обладнав майстерню кузнею, токарськими і фрезерними верстатами тощо. — Може, вдягнути для солідності кітеля? — запитує майстер перед тим, як дати нам інтерв’ю. — Я у ньому колоритно виглядаю. Сідайте на цю коробку, бо крісла нема, я усе з хати повикидав, щоб не заважало. Ви не дивіться, що Мерседес у такому жалюгідному стані. Він буде дуже добре виглядати, бо усе роблю по кресленнях і малюнках. Раз є рама – значить буде і машина! Прогнозую, що тут буде 52 кінські сили. А швидкість… Якщо буде їхати кілометрів 50–60 в годину, то дуже добре. Не дивно, бо тут стоїть ланцюгова передача. Я ще ніколи такого не робив, але попробую. Поставлю двигун від 401 Москвича, бо, звичайно, зробити сам його уже не зможу. Але трохи перероблю, щоб не було соромно, коли підніму капот. Ось тут буде сидіти водій, а ззаду буде розміщене сидіння каретного типу ще на двох осіб… Я хочу, щоб автомобіль був бежевого кольору і мав багато елементів з червоного дерева і латуні. Первісний варіант іномарки був чорного кольору, але не хочу робити її траурною. Можливо, на весілля на ній поїду чи ще кудись... Ось, бачите, вона буде виглядати, як на цій фотографії! Ігор Савчин зізнається, що свій Мерседес уже закінчив би давно, але зараз уся енергія спрямована на відновлення іншого раритету. Він стоїть на дворі. Це німецький армійський автомобіль KdF82 Kubelwagen. Його чоловік має зробити першим ділом, адже заплановано, що влітку машина має взяти участь у зйомках художнього фільму. — Зараз я дороблю Kubelwagen, а за Мерседес візьмуся пізніше. Я тому роблю його в будинку, щоб можна було взимку майструвати, — розповідає Ігор Савчин. — Напалю піч дровами і буду потихенько робити. Всі мене питають — як я потім на своєму
To the pleasure of all cyclists! all restaurants of the chain ‘Korchma Taras Bulba’ are equipped with bicycle parking facilities!
Мерседесі надвір зможу виїхати? Та ж усе просто — або розберу автомобіль, а потім складу його заново, або доведеться розмуровувати стіну… Це не проблема. Мій рідний брат так зробив. У Львові він відновив довоєнний «Опель Олімпія», а потім мусив розібрати стіну, щоб на ньому виїхати у двір. Ігор Савчин говорить, що уже встиг відновити чимало раритетних іномарок. Вони користуються повагою не тільки у колекціонерів, але й режисерів. Так саме його ЗІС-5, Walter Junior SS та мотоцикл BMW R71, уже встигли знятися у двох російських фільмах – «Китайська шкатулка» та «Гітлер капут». «Зірковий» мотоцикл
теж стоїть на подвір’ї. Аби показати його ходові якості, господар виходить на двір і заводить двигун. Пропонує сісти поблизу нього. — Цей мотоцикл — це моя гордість. Можна сказати, що це взагалі прапрадід усіх важких мотоциклів. Свого часу він був прийнятий на озброєння німецької армії. Я склав його докупи із залишків двох «механізмів» і потратив на то кілька років. Цей «залізний кінь» є досить потужний, але неекономний, бо бере близько десяти літрів пального на сто кілометрів. Погано, бо пальне дороге, а я грошей не маю і дозволити собі часто їздити на ньому не можу… Та їздить він добре. Навіть зробив на нього права
Довідка Мотоцикл BMW R71
Важкий німецький мотоцикл, який широко використовували війська Вермахту у перші роки Другої світової війни. Модель розробили у 1938 році. Саме її взяли за основу радянські конструктори при проектуванні легендарного мотоцикла М-72. З самого початку передбачалося, що BMW R71 можна експлуатувати як з коляскою, так і без неї. Коляска передбачала розміщення на ній турелі для кулемета MG-34 (MG-42) чи вогнемета. Конструкція мотоцикла була простою, відзначалася великою прохідністю у складних дорожніх умовах. Зокрема, мотоцикл міг буксирувати навіть легкий причеп. BMW R71 випускали з 1938 по 1941 роки. Загальний обсяг виробництва склав лише близько 3,5 тисяч екземплярів. Якщо німецькі інженери подальший розвиток цієї моделі вважали безперспективним, то в СРСР на її основі випустили цілу лінійку як військових, так і цивільних мотоциклів.
Mercedes 35 PS
в ДАІ, щоб інспектори не чіплялися, коли зупинять. Народний умілець зізнається, що на російських художніх фільмах, де використовувалася його техніка, заробив непогано. Він жартує, що «це непогана надбавка до пенсії». Щоправда, про які суми йдеться, майстер говорити не хоче. Натомість, поділився із нами планами на майбутнє. Каже, що має мрію зробити справжній танк Panzer II Luchs («Рись»), і вже аж тоді матиме біля будинку повноцінний парк старовинної техніки. Текст: Степан Грицюк Фото: Юрій Гелитович
Цей автомобіль розробили ще у 1901 році, в подальшому було випущено кілька модифікацій цієї моделі. Проти попередньої серії він став справжнім проривом в автомобілебудуванні. Не дивно, адже усі попередники були нічим іншим як зміненим і удосконаленим варіантом звичайної кінної карети. Mercedes 35 PS вважався спортивним. Він голосно заявив про себе на гонках 1901 року, коли домінував над своїми конкурентами з рекордною для тих часів середньою швидкістю — 51,4 км/год. Автомобільний світ був настільки здивованим, що Paul Meyan, директор французького клубу заявив: «Ми вступили в епоху Mercedes…» Зрештою, після низки удосконалень автомобіль почав розвивати швидкість у 70–75 кілометрів на годину. Коли ж конструктори облаштували у ньому два додаткові крісла для пасажирів, то він автоматично став вважатися сімейним. Цікаво, що Mercedes 35 PS мав дерев’яні колеса з 12 шпицями, металевими кришками і пневматичними шинами. Його двигун був розташований спереду і привід задніх коліс здійснювався через роликовий ланцюг. На автомобіль встановлювали 5,9 літровий (5913 куб. см) двигун, потужністю 35 кінських сил. Взагалі, Mercedes 35 PS став першим автомобілем, у якому потужність була винесена у назву.
12 | news from “Korchma”
Kyiv City Marathon 2014
On April 27, Kyiv was immersed in the atmosphere of the sports fest Kyiv City Marathon 2014. More than three thousand people came to participate in the seven races of different distances. The main event was, of course, the classic marathon of 42 km 195 m. Members of the Marathon Club Korchma Taras Bulba also competed under the hot sun of the capital and in the end were victorious and took many prizewinning places in most of the categories. A large group Korchma Taras Bulba employees came to support our athletes and they cheered them on so intensely that the marathoners felt themselves stars even before they reached the podium. A real champion was Olha Dehtyarenko who covered the distance in 3 hours and as a result became the marathon’s gold medalist.
Welcome aboard! Добро пожаловать на борт!
Маршрут #1 Route #1 Маршрут #2 Route #2
Here is the list of heroes who finished with the flag Korchma Taras Bulba in their hands: 1 (half marathon) – Anatoliy Demida in 1:10:43 1 (marathon) – Olha Dehtyarenko in 3:00:00 1 (10 km) – Olha Yarotska in 38:44 1 (10 km) – Yuriy Blahodir in 33:35 2 (marathon) – Viktor Rohovyi in 2:33:41 3 (marathon) – Volodymyr Semenyuk in 2:36:26 3 (10 km) – Dmytro Osadchyi in 34:14 In the relay race the team of our club took an honorable second place. From the bottom of our heart we congratulate our athletes and wish them victories not only on the track, but also in their lives! Lyudmyla Yusypyuk Manager of the Korchma Taras Bulba restaurant
news from “Korchma” | 13
Children’s encyclopedia, a fairy tale ‘The Cat and the Fox’, as well as poems, riddles and crossword puzzles. Look for the April issue of the children’s magazine Tarasik by BULBA PRESS in “Korchma Taras Bulba’ chain of restaurants
к ниг а -ме ню To celebrate its 15th birthday
‘Korchma Taras Bulba’ reveals its secrets! We offer you a recipe book
Not by the salo alone
Your kids deserve the best childhood!
PHOTO CONTEST! To celebrate the 15th birthday of the Korchma «Taras Bulba» chain of restaurants we present a CD of Ukrainian classical music in modern arrangements from Bulba Press.
Mountains – a good place to stay in the company newspaper «Bulba NEWS»
The exclusive new disc will be available for sale in our restaurants! Find time in your life for our music!
Bubla NEWS is pleased to announce the start of a competition for its readers: “We are read around the world!” To take part, please pick up a free copy of our newspaper at any restaurant of the Korchma Taras Bulba chain and take an interesting picture with it. It can be a travel photo, vacation photo, or any staged picture. The best pictures will be published and the winners will get Korchma “Taras Bulba“ gift certificates of 15, 10 and 5 thousand RUR. You can then use them at any restaurant of our chain. Email your photos to bulbanews.ru@gmail.com
u n e m r e Summ Dishes o n the grill Блюда на мангале
HOMEMADE PORK SAUSAGE колбаса свиная домашняя
колбаса куриная с зеленью
200 100 200 100 800
230 180 230 180 600
Price in roubles
судак томленый с овощами на гриле в фольге
MACKEREL FILLET WITH BAKED NEW POTATOES скумбрия запеченная на гриле
с молодым картофелем
«SUMMER» «летний» cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, bell pepper, soy sprouts, radishes, green onions, cilantro, dill, soy sauce, corn oil «WARM» «теплый» salmon, salad mix, tomatoes, cheese «Parmesan» «WITH CHEESE» «с брынзой» feta cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic, basil, cilantro, dill, olive oil «PODOLSKY» «подольский» fresh cauliflower, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, cucumbers, vegetable oil Dish name
Price in roubles
корейка свиная на кости в горчично-грибном соусе стейк из свинины на гриле
стейк из телятины на гриле CHIKEN WINGS крылышки куриные
и овощами
картофель молодой с укропом
картофель молодой запеченный
GRILLED VEGETABLES овощи на гриле Dish name
Ok roshka
«по киевски»
ON KEFIR на кефире
ON KEFIR WITH BEETS на кефире со свеклой
ON KEFIR WITH SORREL на кефире со щавелем
BEETROOT свекольник
суп холодный из помидоров Dish name
окрошки 250 125 250 125 250 125 250 125 300 155 250 125
200 150 180 90 180 90 180 90 110 70 370 210
Price in roubles
PORK из свинины LAMB CHOPS из баранины на косточке VEAL из телятины CHICKEN из курицы Dish name
170 150/20 170 170 Gramms
470 700 550 390 Price in roubles
news from “Korchma” | 15
Korchma Starts Unique Charitable Campaign
The international chain of Ukrainian restaurants Korchma Taras Bulba started a new campaign. One dollar will be donated to charitу in Ukraine from each serving of borsch sold in its American restaurant. The organizers of the project said that for the raised money they will host orphans from any orphanage in their Kyiv restaurant.
“When they left Korchma the children asked to hug them and said ‘You’re somebody’s mom too, aren’t you?’” the director of the restaurant Lyudmyla Yusypyuk shares her impressions. “The second meeting turned out to be a new challenge. We expected little children under eight, but when we saw older teenagers entering the restaurant we were shocked. Everybody wanted to do something other than what had prepared. But we saw that we didn’t have time and decided to show the program that we had! As a result they really surprised us when they started singing songs, reciting poetry, and dancing. It seemed that we came to see their concert and not the other way around. I’m glad… I’m so glad that there are still people in the world who appreciate every moment of their life. Those were the brightest smiles I have ever seen…”
The first campaign was successfully held in the end of April. Thanks to visitors and volunteers, Korchma Taras Bulba organized a holiday for thirteen orphaned children. In May, the initiative was successfully repeated. The restaurant warmly welcomed children from several other orphanages.
Korchma Taras Bulba (Kyiv) also invites all volunteers and sympathizers to participate in a charitable campaign for children. The restaurant management invites animators, clowns, artists, and performers to take part. “Let’s make a holiday for children!” says Yury Beloyvan.
P.S. Less than a week ago the children came to ‘Korchma’ again. They prepared a dance for the staff and brought their thank-you letters. Many of them confided that it was their first time in a restaurant… They showed their impressions in pictures and presented them to the staff in memory of their visit.
We h av e o n l y fr e s h an d s av o r y n e w s !
www.bulbanews.ru Bulba NEWS has its own website now
We offer only fresh and savory news! Share the news in social networks, and leave your comments. Send your news to: bulbanews.ru@gmail.com EVERYBODY READS US!
The newspaper office is open for cooperation! Call us at 8-968-665-12-07 or write to: bulbanews.ru@gmail.com
June special from Korchma on Rublevka! Substantial lunch for three for just 1500 Rubles.
The total, not per person
Chicken Tabaka The secret of cooking this chicken lies in its preparation: the whole chicken is beaten, marinated and fried under press. That is why the meat turns out very delicious. Our special chicken – a well-done and crispy – the Chicken Tabaka.
Chicken – 500 g Salt – To taste Pepper white grounded – To taste Lemon – 1 pcs Dill – To taste Garlic – 4 cloves Vegetable oil – 20 g
1. Cut the whole chicken along the breast bone. 2. Place the chicken flat on the cutting board, cut off the wings to the first phalanx and disembowel the chicken. 3. Beat the chicken thoroughly and evenly. 4. Rub the chicken on both sides with salt and white pepper (don’t use the black pepper – it is going to burn when fried). 5. Fry on a well-heated pan in vegetable oil under the press of 3-5 kg (use a special press cover or a flat surface with something heavy on top of it). First fry on the back side until brown, then turn over and fry on the other side. 6. The chicken is served with a slice of lemon and aromatic garlic sauce (made of vegetable oil, dill and pressed garlic).
chicken tabaka 1/2 – 320 RUB
Look for this taste treat in our menues!
4 4 7 7 0 8 7 (495)
Ukrainian cuisine – made with love! Restaurants’ location:
MOSCOW, Aviamotornaya metro station, 6 Krasnokazarmennaya St., (499) 763 5741
Avtozavodskaya metro station, 6 Velozavodskaya St., (499) 764 1532
Akademicheskaya metro station,
New Korchma Taras Bulba restaurant
16/10 Profsoyuznaya St., (499) 125 0877
Gorki 2, 23 km, Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway
64 Leningradskiy Prospekt St., (499) 151 9011
Alekseyavskaya metro station, 3 Bochkova St., (495) 616 6754
Airport metro station, Baumanskaya metro station, 23/41 Bakuninskaya St., (495) 956 5580
Borovitskaya metro station, 8 Mokhovaya St., 24-hour, (495) 644 8020
Krasnye Vorota metro station, 47 Myasnitskaya St., (495) 607 1762
Leninskiy Prospekt metro station, 37 Leninskiy Prospect St., (495) 954 6466
Novokuznetskaya metro station, 14 Pyatnitskaya St., (495) 953 7153
Novye Cheryomushki metro station, Nametkina St., 13 г, (495) 331 4211
Smolenskaya metro station, 12 Smolenskiy Avenue. St., 24-hour, (499) 246 6902
Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro station, 13 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya St., 24-hour, (495) 694 0056
Chekhovskaya metro station, 30/7 Petrovka St., (495) 694 6082
Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, 6 Borovskoye Road, (495) 980 2051
Vystavochnaya metro station, of 1905 year, 27 Shmitovskiy Passage, 24-hour, (499) 256-4660
KIEV, “Teatralnaya”, “Zolotye Vorota”,“Kreschatik” metro station, 2-4/7 Pushkinskaya St.,+38 (044) 270-7248 357 West Broadway, NYork City, NY 10013 phone: (212) 510 75 10
Laskavo prosymo! Certificate of registration PI № FS 77 — 19940. Circulation is 5 000 copies.