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Lyudmyla Kopiyevska:

People want to avoid the fear of death…

A Trip to Tibet Mount Kailash Kora

Anatoliy Byshovets: Conversation with the Pope was not Only About Football

Private Collection Ukrainian Ceramics: In the language of Color and Composition



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2 | guest

Lyudmyla Kopiyevska:

People want to avoid the fear of death… You can talk with Lyudmyla Kopiyevska for hours on end. Your conversation will grow only more interesting. For more than ten years she has been practicing yoga. She also works as a fitness instructor and is an expert in the ancient medicine Ayurveda. She shares her expertise in what to eat, how to breathe correctly, and what puts someone in a good mood. These and other things are found in our exclusive interview. – Lyudmyla, we have recently witnessed how pragmatic Europeans are becoming increasingly interested in Eastern practices: world outlook, philosophy, yoga… They even decorate their apartments according to the feng shui principles… Why is it so? – People’s standards of living increase and they immediately start asking themselves different questions: Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? What is my mission and purpose on this earth? They look for the

Lyudmyla Kopiyevska’s top choices from the Korchma menu » eggplants in a pot » lean borsch with smoked pear » lean borsch with sorrel » “podolsky” salad » “bryndza salad” » buckwheat, oatmeal porridge cinnamon, rice porridge with jam


» pear kvas, homemade kvas, lemon-honey kvas » cranberry mors, red bilberry mors, blueberry mors, raspberry mors, cherry mors, strawberry mors » uzvar – compote from dried fruits » vitamin buckthorn tea » ginger tea

answers that the world religions can provide, because each and every one of them is based on the main wish to cognize oneself, the world, and God. These questions can be found in yoga too, because it isn’t a religion, but a philosophy that comes from the Vedic knowledge. The Vedas are considered to be the oldest on the earth. They are about everything – the soul, God, previous civilizations. We can find there what the soul is, where it is located, what physical and astral bodies are… Another thing is that nowadays people want

to be healthy and not sick. It’s an urgent desire, because the global ecology has changed and new diseases have appeared. At the same time, today doctors do not cure diseases – they just prescribe pills and treat the symptoms. It’s a so-called deceit of the human body. As a result, people start to look for a way out, because they want to live in harmony and be happy, they want to get rid of the fear of death. People are highly interested in yoga first of all for health reasons, and secondly for self-cognition.

guest | 3

– Is it true that a person practicing yoga will be really healthy and will forget about medicine? – Yoga is connected with the system of traditional medicine Ayurveda. They are closely interwoven. Ayurveda is the harmony between a human being and the universe, all their powers and the outer space. It’s also the harmony inside us. If we are in harmony with ourselves, all the organs are restoring automatically. During yoga class, this harmonization takes place. It should be mentioned that our physical state depends on what we eat, what water we drink, what schedule we stick to, and whether we have bad habits. If we have them, then how many… A physical body needs three types of energy. The first one comes from food, the second from water, and the third from the process of breathing. With each breath of air we receive a portion of prana. This is a vital energy, the essence of life. Now we can understand what is most important. Without food we can survive for about a month, without water for about a week, and without air for four or five minutes… Each inhalation is life, each exhalation is a little death. Unfortunately, no one pays attention to this, although everyone knows that when a baby is being born, the first thing it does is breathe in, and when someone is dying, they breathe out. It’s always so. While breathing, we don’t receive oxygen, because it’s just a means of transportation of energy, of prana. It’s important to know how to receive and accumulate it. Absolutely all diseases could be cured by breathing and yoga teaches how to do this… – One of the Ayurveda’s constituents is a science about correct nutrition. Could you tell us what it should be and what necessary products our diet should include? – It’s important to know this, because nowadays a great part of food, soil, and even ground water is poisoned. Previously, hazardous chemical agents in no way could get inside a human organism. And nowadays they are added to products on purpose. What for? In order to store them longer. The healthiest food is the one that is prepared and immediately consumed, and not kept in a fridge. The storage time shouldn’t be half a year, a whole year, or several months. Of course, fresh fruit and vegetables are the healthiest. All the living beings live on the sun’s energy. The sun gives us life, but a human cannot just look at it and live on it. But plants have this property! That’s why when we eat them, we become saturated with the sun’s energy. Most powerfully it is manifested in the vegetarian diet that consists of vegetables, fruit, porridges, grains, dairy products, and herbal teas. But it’s important to know how to consume all of this. If we think that it’s enough to take and prepare porridge, and it will be useful for us, we are mistaken. For example, buckwheat sold in the stores has already been fried and there are few useful agents in it. It should be green and, better, organic. In ancient times, people said, “All the power is in the grains.” That’s why every diet has to include porridges! As well as fruit and vegetables. This is organic food. A long winter is coming soon, so pickles will come in handy. Number one is sauerkraut. It can completely replace fruits and vegetables during the cold weather. – And what about water? – Nowadays the theory that drinking a lot of water is very good you is very popular. But it doesn’t suit everybody. It’s so because in our organism runs not just water, but so-called sea or salt water. When a person drinks a lot of water, it dissolves the salt inside us. Its concentration in the blood changes and different diseases appear. Why is it so? A large content of salt leads to the dissolution of calculi and gravel. The absence of salt results in calculi in kidneys and other organs. A person should drink water when they really want to. But it shouldn’t be tea, Coca-Cola, or something like that. Ayurveda scientists also claimed that we should drink in small portions. A glass of water should be sipped in order not to break the balance. It’s important because otherwise an organism will become littered. – How is salt produced? – A stomach of a healthy person has to produce two liters of hydrochloric acid per day in order it work well. It’s a pity that such a person doesn’t exist. This is connected to the diet changes. People eat a lot of meat, fish, and eggs. Before only wealthy people ate those products, but nowadays they are accessible to everyone. How did people live at that time? When rich people were sick, doctors prescribed them a special diet: meatless food consumed by poor people. Their food included vegetables, fruits, and porridges. If we look at a predator that is supposed to eat meat, we’ll see that its stomach contains a great concentration of hydrochloric acid and they have short intestine. That’s why meat is digested well and quickly excreted. We have the same salt concentration like in herbivores and our intestine is very long. However, we not only overuse heavy food, but we fry and smoke it, buy pre-processed

f o r

food from the stores, and all of it contains coloring agents and flavor enhancers… If the digestive system is affected, you can forget about feeling good then. That’s why we have fasts and we should keep them. It’s also important to understand: the lighter food you consume, the more energy you have. We should finish our meal when our stomach is half empty. – Rumor has it that water helps lose weight? – There is a rule: If we want to lose weight, we should drink water before eating. If we want to put on weight then we have to drink it after eating. What should our daily schedule look like? Figuratively speaking, when should people go to bed and when should they wake up, how much time should they spend in bed? You know, in the Vedas our period of life is called Kali Yuga. This is the age of degradation. It’s written that just one hundred years are reserved for our life. Speaking about ancient civilizations, this period of living is too short for them: we would have already died before they had said Jack Robinson. So if we are given 100 years, half of them we spend sleeping. The rest goes to surviving, eating, and satisfying our needs. Thus if you ask people: “What did you live for and what did you manage to do, what did you experience?” They won’t even know what to answer. So concerning our sleep: wise people say that the one who wakes up with the sun lives a long life and stays healthy, the one who wakes up after 9 a.m. can go on sleeping. According to our biorhythms we should sleep from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. This is the time when all our nervous system is relaxed the most. If we sleep in the mentioned period our body will rest, because the hour of sleeping is counted as 10 and then we can wake up. The activity period starts from 2 a.m. We can get up and do something. In these predawn hours we can reveal truths, devote time to ourselves, read books, create something… Text: Stepan Hrytsiuk Photo: Yuriy Helytovych and from kopievskaya.com

4 | Personality

Anatoliy Byshovets: Conversation with the Pope was not Only About Football The Kyivan Anatoliy Byshovets is one of the most famous football coaches of the former Soviet Union. He is famous not only for his achievements, but also for his extraordinary methods of training. During a theoretical lesson, Byshovets can read the Bible to football players, and recite poems just before a match starts. Anatoliy Byshovets talked to Bulba NEWS about his coaching career, educated footballers, and his friendship with Vladimir Vysotskiy.

– Anatoliy, do you find much time for football now? – I go to matches of leading teams, I comment on plays on television, I analyze. I also follow the news on the Internet. In a word, I always keep my finger on the pulse. –♦You must be especially interested in the matches by your former teams? –I always keep up with my former teams from Russia, and occasionally with the foreign clubs I happened to work with. Not always do I have an opportunity to do this. – In the 1990s you worked abroad. Was it difficult for a man from the Soviet Union to adapt himself to a foreign country? I would guess, the most difficult was in South Korea, wasn’t it? – I won’t say it was very difficult. I often played abroad in the USSR and Kyiv Dynamo teams. That’s why my cultural shock had passed long before the time I went to work abroad. Of course, it was much more difficult to adapt to life in Asia than in Cyprus, Scotland, or Portugal. There were some peculiarities. The language question was especially challenging. In other countries I could directly communicate with football players, but in Korea I found it impossible for the first time. Later, I could communicate to my trainees on a practical level. It was also difficult to get used to the mentality

of Koreans. It took some time too. My name as a coach and a player helped me so much. On the whole, I think my work there was successful. – Please do tell in detail about the peculiarity of the Korean mentality. – It’s about their national traditions, food, relationships. At the beginning it was difficult because of the language barrier. Communication with the help of an interpreter didn’t help much. To reach out to a player requires speaking with him in the same language. On the other hand, relations were very friendly. That’s why I have very fond memories of my work in Korea. But I did have some achievements there. We played against their national team at the World Championship in 1994 and the Olympiad of 1996. The Olympian team was the Champion of Asia. It was interesting to work there. – Did you like the Korean cuisine? – Yes, I did very much. But there were some exceptions – specific dishes (he laughs). The Koreans are very fond of the dog’s meat. I decided not to eat dishes with this ingredient. On the whole, I liked the Korean cuisine very much. It’s not very spicy, it’s interesting and has delicious vegetable dishes. Of course, I didn’t enjoy that cuisine at first, but soon I couldn’t do without it.

Bulba NEWS Dossier Anatoliy Fedorovych Byshovets is a famous Soviet football player and a Russian coach. He was born on April 23, 1946, in Kyiv. When Anatoliy was a football player, he played as a forward. Byshovets was a student of the football academy of Dynamo Kyiv, where he spent his entire playing career. When in 1966 five Dynamo football players as members of the USSR team went to the World Championship in England, young players replaced them and played so well that not every veteran found his place on the first team. Anatoliy Byshovets became a real leader in the famous team that won the USSR championship three times in a row. With a high level of individual skill, he was a real thunderbolt for the backs. In 1968, he participated in the European Championship, and in 1970 in the World Championship in Mexico, where he was reckoned among the best goal scorers. In the USSR team, he played 39 matches and scored 15 goals, in the USSR Championship 139 matches and 49 goals. Byshovets finished his football career very early – at the age of 27 because of a recurring injury. As a coach, he won golden Olympic medals with the USSR team in Seoul in 1988. He also was a coach of the national Russian and South Korea teams, Dynamo (Moscow), Zenit, Lokomotyv, and Shakhtar clubs.

Personality | 5

– Portugal is considered to be a football country. What memories do you have about the work there? – First of all, the memories are connected with results. It’s pleasant that together with my team we succeeded to get out of the relegation zone. Altogether, we had a good run. If the team had played in such a way from the first tours, it would have been in the top five. I liked the work process. It was complicated, difficult, and interesting. There were six Brazilians on the team. Under my guidance also played a Dutchman, a Frenchman, a German, a Spaniard, an Egyptian, and a Venezuelan. Such an interesting team it was. I came there when they occupied the second place from the end. In a way, it was both a challenge and an adventure. I managed to use a two-week break created by the play of national teams to improve some things. – They say that if there are more than two Brazilians on a team, expect discipline problems from them… – There were some problems at first, but then they vanished. – How did you manage them? – Through training, theoretical classes. My Portuguese was bad, but I could communicate with my trainees. Communication was my key to a mutual understanding. I managed to unite the team. – The photo with the Pope also helped you… – … Yes, the Brazilians and the Portuguese are very pious. They treat the Pope with great piety and they love him very much. Sometimes I had to resort to the Bible, and I revealed some things for myself. In such a way I succeeded to ensure a positive atmosphere on the team. – How did a citizen of the USSR manage to get an audience with Pope John Paul II? – It’s very easy. When you live in Italy and have powerful friends, there is no problem getting such an audience. – Could you tell who those powerful friends are? – Those are the people from the football business. – What did you talk with the Pope about? Football? – Not only about football. We talked about life, what was going on in our country, the world. I was with my wife. The Pope spoke in Russian; he knew several languages. The meeting was very interesting. – Is it true that you got the offer to work in Limassol, so to speak, occasionally, while having your vacation in Cyprus? – Yes, it’s really so. I waited for a contract with the Benfica club. I had concluded a preliminary agreement with the Portuguese before the final of the European Championship in 1992. While in Cyprus, I called the Benfica’s representatives. When the opportunity to work with this team disappeared, I met with the managers of the AEL from Limassol, talked with them, and gave my consent to cooperation. – Anatoliy, you are one of those few coaches who are in favor abroad. Why aren’t our coaches invited by the international clubs? It’s said that we have a good football school, but its representatives aren’t welcome beyond Russia or Ukraine… – The answer is simple: if they aren’t in demand, it means they don’t have the qualifications needed for work abroad. This is the first thing. Secondly, our coaches don’t achieve good results. On the whole, it isn’t only about knowledge and practice. It’s about achievements, language skills, sociability, and football reputation. This is very important.

– What do you remember about the work in the Donetsk Shakhtar? – I’m happy I had a chance to work in Ukraine. At that time the situation with Shakhtar wasn’t favorable, and therefore it was interesting. We took second place in the Championship. Today this result isn’t a success for the Shakhtar players, but at that time it made the team. Altogether, I had rather good memories about the work, people, fans, and the club’s president Rinat Akhmetov. – You arranged English classes for the Shakhtar football players, ordered to buy a library for the Zenit team, and read Kipling’s poems to the Lokomotyv players. Among the players were there more supporters or more opponents of such methods? – For the narrow-minded football players this was a problem, because it distracted them from playing cards. And for those who wanted to learn it was an opportunity, it enriched their inner world. Frankly speaking, most players had trouble learning, that’s why my initiatives didn’t inspire them much. But there were others. For example, Tolik Tymoshchuk attended all the English classes with pleasure. At that time he only started his career. – Do you mean to say that those who have learning problems won’t become great football players? – You could say that. As a rule, great players are highly intelligent people. I don’t know about their education, but in any case they have a strong wish to study. – Anatoliy, I bet the most popular question you get from journalists is about Vladimir Vysotskiy and his song “There was a reason the Fiorentina club offered one million for Byshovets”? – (Laughing) I haven’t been asked that question for some time now. But previously it happened very often. In fact, I knew Vladimir Vysotskiy, but we weren’t friends. Sometimes we met after his performances in Kyiv, also in Moscow. Vladimir Vysotskiy wasn’t a football fan. – It must have been a rarity to pay a million for a football player in the USSR, since at that time no one traded football players there? – You are right. At that time a transfer to a foreign team would be treason. I wasn’t even offered the money directly. In the late 1960s Kyiv hosted a match of the Cup’s Champions against the Italian Fiorentina club. During the post-match dinner the Italians addressed the Dynamo coaches with the offer to buy a football player named Byshovets. Naturally, they were turned down. – Do you have many celebrity friends who are not in football? – I always try to keep in touch with talented people who aspire me. It doesn’t matter whether they work in the football sphere or not. Once, I was flying from New York and in the airport I saw Zurab Tsereteli waiting for the same flight. Nearby Laima Vaikule was standing with her producer. We were not acquainted, but we had a talk, and now I have very warm memories about that meeting… – In conclusion, what advice can you give to football players who are just starting out? How do they become masters in this sport? – Only people with a natural talent can become masters. The second condition is perseverance. Talents need to be developed, and this requires passion and devotion. The person who can combine all of the above will eventually become a master. Text: Gleb VAKOLIUK

Favorite Poem Rudyard Kipling If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or being hated, don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise.

6 | Travelling

Travel Diary of the Founder

Caves inhabited by recluse monks, unique experiences, the fastest-

A Trip to Tibet

Mount Kailash Kora

In the Buddhist tradition, Kora means a clockwise circling around the sacred mountain chanting mantras and counting the mala. If the pilgrims circumambulate counterclockwise they are followers of the Bon religion. I believe that before the war, a German expedition was lost when it arrived in Lhasa. They obviously weren’t interested in silencing their desires and in an ideology which forbids killing even a mosquito or a fly. And the Bon have the “correct” swastika symbolizing the conquest of neighbors and the elimination of those who refuse “to fight and kill.” The warriors in horned helmets from the little kingdom struck terror from India to Persia and their magicians performed mass sacrifices at the bottom of the Kailash Mountain. This is where the Buddhist Kora starts and the Bon Kora ends. The Outer Kora is 50 kilometers long with an altitude of up to 1,500 meters. People walk this distance at different paces. It took us three days to do the Kora. We made our way in the company of dusty pilgrims performing prostration. It’s hard to imagine how long it must take to crawl a 50-kilometer distance… A lot of them had big calluses on their foreheads, because while prostrating they had to touch their foreheads to a stone. I was amazed by the number of these nomads. The end of the season was marked with a heap of garbage. This feature makes us similar to the Tibetans. The attitude in the sacred place is philosophical. Either demons and evil spirits or black thoughts tormented me the whole distance. I was constantly catching myself hatching plans. There are positive thinkers and there’s me. Upon completing the Outer Kora, I was sitting in a bathtub filled with water from a hot spring. The Tibetan people cover it with a special foil, which was a good thing considering the fact that they take a bath once a year in that same bathtub. And just as I was thinking: “What nice people. And the foil is such a good idea.” I was relaxing after 50 kilometers of walking in the mountains. Suddenly the foil burst and the water started draining from

the bath. Taking into account the fact that in Tibet they don’t glaze the windows and traditionally refuse heating their homes, my relaxed mood went down the drain too. And then I saw the spirit of the hot spring and it told me: “That is your karma – to notice damn things and eradicate them totally.” I plugged the drain with the heel of my foot, because naturally their bathtubs don’t use plugs. The bath filled with water again. I scrubbed myself with soap. Unfortunately, nobody told us to take clean underwear and a towel. And so I moved on with nothing under my pants. The Inner Kora or the followers of the Direct Route. Rumor has it that if you circumambulate the Outer Kora 108 times you’ll reach Nirvana during your lifetime. It means you have to run around without stops the entire year. Challenging enough? But there was a poet Milarepa. He attained buddhahood and reached Nirvana within his lifetime. The Tibetans still sing his songs with a Chinese accompaniment. He was the person who discovered the Direct Route. And if you chose the Direct Route, you can attain everything at one go. For this purpose they have the Inner Kora... We had to walk a 28-kilometer-long circle, which included visiting the sacred stupas and a trek through a 6,000-meter-high mountain pass. That route was difficult and devious. Although I decided that since I already got to Kailash, it would be a sin not to pass the Inner Direct Route. No one was there that day. Tension crackled with electrical discharges on the tips of my ears. And when we got to the six thousandth stage where a dozen of stupas with antiquities tribute to Guru Rinpoche’s victory over the Great Bon Magician were placed, I felt my forehead bumping into something like a wall. It is rumored that the pass doesn’t allow everyone to get through. As it turned out later, our guide was there 18 times and didn’t manage to circumambulate the Inner Kora even once. Of course she put the blame on her fellow travelers: they weren’t ready. As in the saying: it would’ve been nice to be in paradise, but many a sin doesn’t let me in. However, she assured us that she passed that route many times... And just from the conversation between her and a

growing religion in the world, and unforgettable landscapes. These are part of an account of Yuriy Beloyvan’s many-day trip into the Country of Snow. It will be released as a photo album and a documentary film. Our readers get a chance to unveil the secret and taste a bit of fascinating and original Asia.

guide Kil Sano I understood that she was uncertain of the road. The woman actually passed the way taking advantage of our innocent souls. Fair enough, everyone has their own karma. I lost my breath before approaching each stage. Every stage was an act of willpower. And I have climbed the Everest! There were stones as straight as arrows all around. Cuts are perfectly even. It felt like walking underwater. I contemplated turning back. I didn’t rest for the whole day. However, each mountain has a point where weaker tourists turn back and stronger ones triumph. When the invisible wall dispersed, my wings unfolded. The happiness came accompanied by the movement speed. Thoughts became positive. I realized that I was alone in the place of power. There was no one around. I was in the stream of energy and my thoughts flowed to the one who will realize them. It will only get much easier from now on. I jumped over the mountain pass and rolled downhill within a couple of hours. The morning was overcast, but now the sun has come out, the weather is nice, and various animals trod the slopes. The path was so clean that it was hard to find any speck of dust. And only at the entrance to the village could I notice heaps of garbage. A Tibetan man settled himself near a rock. He was pooping. It’s not a big deal for them. My cleansed soul was ready to take in the prosaic details of everyday life... There were all kinds of domestic and other kinds of waste flowing in the sacred river and lying on the bank. It’s a metaphor of life. Nothing could be changed. You can either lament and complain or accept everything as it is. I chose to accept. I didn’t manage to scrape it asunder. So I just stepped it over and kept moving to meet the sun and blue sky. I wouldn’t mind doing this forever. Nirvana is probably when somebody smites you on your right cheek and you turn to him the left one and you go your way. You shouldn’t even forgive. There is no place for offences and dirt in nature. There is only the sun and the blue sky. The sky is always blue and the sun always shines. But sometimes I can’t see it from behind the clouds. Text and photo: Yuriу Beloyvan

Travelling | 7

Tibet is a country of snow. And of the sky too, I would say. Such a blue sky can only be in Ukraine, and only during summer and spring.

Potala is the Palace of a thousand rooms. It reminds me of a giant that is in fact an ordinary man. He stands on stilts and has a long cloak. The palace is on the mountain’s top and that’s why it seems much larger. In fact, the rooms are small and corridors are narrow. They are like small thoughts of a giant in disguise…

The candles made of the yak fat smoke very much and cost a lot. An expensive candle is a symbol of many energies taken from fat and of money burnt in praise of Buddha. The soot destroys wall paintings and under the black layer it’s impossible to see whom this sacrifice is dedicated to.

All the Tibetans eat fried barley, which they grind in such a mill. Add a little bit of water and you’ll have a main course; a little more and you get a soup. They have eaten like this for ages. Besides, they can drink water from a puddle. They just chant the mantra and do not think about consequences.

She said that she was 75; she came on foot from Lhasa 500 kilometers away. She refused to take money, saying she came here for something else… And she went away forever without saying good bye. What are such meetings for? It’s better not to think about this.

By bathing in the dead lake at the bottom of Kailosh you abandon your old body and sins, and live in a new body happily ever after.

To live and meditate in the cave isn’t easy, but it’s impossible to become holy without it. I know this for sure.

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Taras Lozynskyi can talk for hours on end about Ukrainian ancient art. He isn’t only a connoisseur in the sphere – he also popularizes it in every possible way. He is a deputy director at the Institute of Collecting Ukrainian Artistic Heritage and one of the initiators of publishing a research catalogue of all the treasures worthy of attention. He is convinced: time will pass, art works will be destroyed, but Ukrainians should know their past. Taras Lozynskyi has a special interest in old ceramics and over the last thirty years he has gathered a unique collection of them. The “Private Collection” column asked him about it.

Ukrainian Ceramics: In the language of Color and Composition – Taras, you’ve been collecting Ukrainian ceramics for a long time already. What regions do you find most interesting? What do you think is the most valuable? – Every art has its ups, downs, and plateaus. Collectors are the people who like to use only those things that were created at the ups. Specifically about ceramics, we asked ourselves a question: What pieces of Ukrainian ceramics, out of all that is available to us, are worthy of our attention? If today someone decided to research the topic “Ceramics of Kyivan Rus’,” any serious development in this direction would be doomed, I think. The explanation is simple – there are not enough pieces available to make a generalization. Correspondingly, the study would be fragmentary. The later centuries, for example the 19th century, already exhibited certain layers. But among those should be singled out the artifacts capable of being exhibited in American or European museums, capable of eliciting “wow!” from people. I think that the biggest ups in Ukrainian ceramic art happened in the three regions: Pistyn and Kosiv (Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast), Smotrych (Khmelnytskyi Oblast), and Sharhorod (Vinnytsia Oblast). And that’s about it. I’m not interested in these regions because I was born somewhere nearby or anything. In my opinion, there artists reached the highest level… – What are the peculiarities of these works? In what way do they differ from one another? – Look at the photos of the ceramics from Sharhorod, Smotrych, or Pistyn and you’ll see everything for yourself… There are so many things to appreciate… They are all different, but what they have in common is the masterful ornaments on them. – As I see it, ceramic works are produced with pretty much the same technique around the world, aren’t they? – I think so. It’s never about the technique, but how this technique is applied. You can give a Stradivarius violin to any musician, but not everyone will play the way it could really sound. The same is with ceramics. Everyone can make a pot on a potter’s wheel, but to paint it, as only some artists can, that’s another thing… All the grandeur lies in the creation of composition. A woman once told

me, “You can teach everything – drawing, color… but it’s impossible to teach composition.” That’s true. – Are there any differences in the object of ornaments between these regions? – It’s not so much about the object, because throughout Ukraine themes were usually the same. People appealed to faith and went to church in Poltava Oblast, just as they did in Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia. Correspondingly, churches could be depicted on plates everywhere. Fish was caught in the Hutsul region, as well as in the rest of Ukraine… Respectively, it was used in the artists’ compositions too. There is another thing – painters speak in the language of colors, it cannot be expressed in words! – Didn’t artists create anything worthy later, in the 20th century? – There are things that cannot be compared. When one person is 170 cm in height and another one is 2 m tall, I think, they should not be compared. The same applies to the epochs – some of them are fruitful, others less fruitful, and still others are in stagnation. It seems to me that folk art in the 20th century has been declining. But we could still hope for a revival. – Why has this happened? – It’s a change of worldview. In the 19th century people had another worldview; they lived with a constant feeling that the Creator was with them and they made things meant to serve for centuries, and not the disposable stuff we produce today. That’s why I don’t believe that nowadays someone can create something similar. It has already been said or written, and cannot be repeated. I am convinced that each work in sculpture, literature or music is a hymn. A hymn to the Creator or Satan. Sometimes people say, “man of genius,” and I ask, “What genius? Is it good or bad? Satan is a genius too!” You either stay with a genius who works for the glory of God or with a genius who works for the Devil’s good.

Private collection | 9

– When did you start to form the collection? – In 1981! How it all started – I cannot explain even to myself. Maybe it came from my childhood, because I always liked to paint, liked creative work. Moreover, there were no sketchbooks, and I painted on the newspaper margins. It’s absurd for me now when someone can throw away a notebook with blank pages. Collecting also helped me realize that nothing is impossible. Before, I thought I would be happy with about twenty plates, but then I collected dozens of them. Old collectors gave me a lot. They advised me where and what can be found. And I wasn’t lazy to take up their advice. – What period do the oldest works in your collection date back to? – The 19th century. The focus of my collection is Kosiv ornamented tiles and Pistyn bowls. I also have some bowls from Smotrych and Sharhorod. There is one interesting question: How many of them survived? For example, in museums and private collections there are about 210 Pistyn bowls. And that’s all! As for Sharhorod bowls, there are even fewer of them – about 70. Personally I own 18 of them! I think this is because of the fact that the settlement is located far from civilization, no one paid attention to these things in due time and they just physically deteriorated. In total, my collection numbers 200 ceramic works. – It is said that a good collector needs to be a good psychologist. Is it true? – Yes, it is. I’ve been thinking about lecturing on this discipline for a long time already. Imagine that you come to a house and there are ten paintings there. Among them there is one by Leonardo da Vinci. How do you go about buying it?

– I would start with the cheapest one… – Wrong! You should make a deal: “I won’t buy one painting, I’ll buy them all! All or nothing! In any case you shouldn’t show which one you are interested in. Otherwise, you’ll lose it. If you name a good price, you’ll get all the paintings, and there will be a masterpiece among them. I had such experiences with bowls. When there were 5 or 6 bowls, I said that I wanted to buy all of them, and never emphasized the one I thought was the best. Finding tiles signed by Bakhmatiuk is a great fortune for a collector (Oleksa Bakhmatiuk (1820-1882) was a Ukrainian master of decorative tile painting His works were exhibited and compelled great interest and admiration. Once, Franz Joseph, the emperor of Austria-Hungary, ordered a stove painted by the Ukrainian artist – Auth.) One day in a village we found two tiles in one stove! And the owner of that stove had us jumping through hoops, we will remember her forever. She called a neighboring stove maker, and he listed what we had to bring in return. No one wanted to sell it just as it was. We had to provide materials for a new stove! We bought her the tiles she wanted, then the tinplate she asked for… In a word, the whole process took us two weeks… Text: Stepan Hrytsiuk Photos: Yuriy Helytovych




mineralization 1-2 g/l chemical composition of water Sodium+potassium (Na+ K+) Chlorides (Cl) Sulphates Hydrogen carbonates Calcium Magnesium

mg/l 4.5 3.5 4.6 95 77.2 20.67

10 | news from “Korchma”

THE NEW YEAR A ship will sail the way you name it, you’ll spend a new year the way you celebrate it. These truths were established long ago. The chain of Ukrainian cuisine restaurants “Korchma “Taras Bulba” invites you to celebrate the next 2014 year of the Horse in a welcome and pleasant company. You can book an individual table or a separate hall. You can celebrate the winter holidays with your friends, workfellows or relatives. A wide choice of delicious homemade dishes prepared of ecologically pure products, Ukrainian hospitality and a high quality service will make your New Year holidays really unforgettable. Visit us and you won’t regret about your choice! To make a reservation, please call:

(212) 510-75-10

THE VERTEP Devil, Herod, Death, Angel and Young Shepherd… Every year in the beginning of the winter these characters return to announce the Messiah’s birth. The “Korchma “Taras Bulba” restaurant chain traditionally organizes the Ukrainian Vertep. More information will follow.

Guinness World Records in Cooking The most expensive bottle of beer was sold for 16,000 dollars. Such a price can be easily explained – the bottle was found among the debris of a German plane that crashed in peat bogs on May 6, 1937. The bottle was slightly heat-damaged, but was still hermetically sealed. In all, six bottles of beer were found there. They were sold at the same price.

The world’s largest glass of champagne was filled on August 6, 2011, in Balaklava, Crimea. Seventy-five bottles of champagne of the 2009year vintage produced by the company Zolota Balka were poured into the vessel of 1.5 m in height. The total amount of the sparkling wine made up 56 liters.

the great cooks | 11

Lucien Olivier: Salad for the Ages Over the course of many decades this salad has turned into a cult dish. It serves as a topic of jokes, it appears in numerous films, and no abundant feast dispenses with this dish. It is especially true in view of the upcoming New Year and Christmas holidays. It is also true for all and every country of the former Soviet Union. However, few people know that this popular Russian Salad Olivier was invented by a foreigner. He gave his culinary creation his own name; he was inspired to create this masterpiece by his professional ardor… The “Great Cooks” column is dedicated to the Frenchman Lucien Olivier. The 1860s was a decade of prosperity in Russia. One of the major proofs of this was that the excellent cook with polished manners Lucien Olivier moved to Moscow from France. His goals were little short of ambitious: to amaze the locals with his culinary creations and to immortalize his own name. Little did he suspect that he would succeed like no other. The first people in Moscow that Olivier befriended were affluent and well connected. Through them he met Yakov Pegov, a Russian merchant. Without hesitation they decided to open a restaurant and call it Hermitage. It was situated on Trubnaya Square and within a short period of time it earned the fame of a public place with the best cuisine. Exquisite dishes were combined with European elegance, established by Olivier, and Russian complaisance. Rumor had it that all the waiters were dressed in a special uniform made from expensive fabric ordered from far-away Holland. Needless to say that soon the restaurant Hermitage became very popular in Moscow. Neither merchants nor government officials grudged emptying their pockets there. Those were the people ready to pay hard cash for the excellent service and delicious food. History keeps record of this: in 1879 the restaurant organized a banquet in honor of Turgenev, in 1880 Dostoyevsky, and in 1899 it hosted a dinner tribute to Pushkin and hosted the most glamorous literati of that time. As a result, the restaurant was featured on a great number of postcards and advertising booklets as one of the places worth visiting in Russia. They survived to the present day. At that time, Olivier caught time by the forelock. He continued to do what he liked best: to invent new viands. And so a new dish called “Game Bird Mayonnaise” appeared. The restaurant’s visitors recalled that it contained a mix of hazel-grouse

FACT: The biggest serving of the Olivier salad in the world was made by Russians in the city of Orenburg. Dozens of cooks teamed up to prepare the record-breaking dish. As a result, the salad weighed 1,841 kilos. It took them 220 kilos of potatoes, 40 kilos of onion, 80 kilos of carrots, 180 kilos of fresh cucumbers, 20 kilos of greens, 500 kilos of sausage, 170 kilos of pickled cucumbers, 260 liters of mayonnaise, 5,040 eggs, and 136 kilos of green peas.

The largest shawarma in the world of the record-breaking 1,198 kg was made in Turkey. The large steak of meat, prepared for celebrating the Shopping Festival in Ankara, was so heavy that a hoisting crane was ordered for it. The gigantic 2.6-meter-tall shawarma was entirely prepared with fresh beef.

and partridge meat, beef tongue, caviar, crayfish tails, meat aspic, eggs, and potatoes. And all the ingredients were placed in separate layers and dressed with “Provencal” mayonnaise. It should be noted that the Olivier’s entire family was engaged in cooking, and the very mayonnaise was their own original invention: it were the Frenchmen who began adding mustard and some spices to the sauce, and it resulted in a special piquant taste. The improved mayonnaise was called “Provencal” after Olivier’s small motherland… Lucien spent a great deal of time concocting the Game Bird Mayonnaise. That dish gave birth to a unique style of cookery. How disappointed he must have been when he saw the restaurant’s patrons devouring his masterpiece in a barbarian way. Partridge meat, beef tongues, potatoes and eggs, all served in equal portions, were just mixed and eaten like a regular porridge… The demanding Olivier didn’t expect such behavior from the Russians… The next day the enraged cook mixed the ingredients together, poured mayonnaise over the dish, and told the waiters to serve it. The result defied all expectations: the novelty multiplied the revenues by several times. The Russians appreciated both the taste and the richness of the dish because it could easily satisfy their appetite. No one even paid attention to the aesthetic component. That is a story of how the popular Olivier salad appeared… When the Frenchman managed the Hermitage, his invention was served without changes and the recipe of the dish was kept in a strict confidence. After the chef’s death, the recipe began to change. It suffered its major modifications during the Soviet times, when the government started to wean people from “bourgeois anachronisms.” Then the recipe of the Olivier salad was significantly simplified: hazel-grouse and partridge gave place to ordinary sausage and green peas replaced capers. Beef tongues were out of the question. The salad was simplified, but at the same time it became more accessible to the masses. Nowadays Salad Olivier can be prepared in more than twenty ways. Korchma Taras Bulba offers you one of them: Text: Maria KRASNA

RECIPE Ingredients:

Potatoes – 3 pcs Carrots – 4 pcs Eggs – 8 pcs Sausage – 450 g Pickled cucumbers – 8 pcs Fresh cucumbers – 1-2 pcs Canned peas – 1 can Mayonnaise – 1-1.5 cups Onions – to taste


Boil potatoes, carrots, and eggs until ready. Peel them. Drain the peas. Dice the vegetables, sausage, and eggs. Dress the salad with mayonnaise. Refrigerate before serving. Bon appétit!

The city with the biggest consumption of mayonnaise per capita is Yekaterinburg in Russia.

The largest ice cream cake was made on May 10, 2011, in the Canadian city of Toronto. For this, cooks needed 9 tons of ice cream, 136 kg of ice, and 91 kg of sponge cake. In such an unusual way the large Canadian chain of cafes Dairy Queen celebrated its 30th anniversary.

12 | Calendar

December 1

Day of Networkers in Russia Day of Prosecutors of Ukraine

December 2

Day of Russian Bankers

December 3

Day of Lawyers in Russia The International Day of Computer Graphics

December 4

Day of Letters to Santa Claus Day of Information Technology

December 5

Day of Statisticians in Ukraine

December 6

Day of Ukrainian Armed Forces

December 7

International Civil Aviation Day

December 9

Defenders of the Fatherland Day in Russia

December 10 World Football Day


Folk Calendar for December The folk name for December is “frozen”. It brings along the true winter, with frosts and snow. December 22 is the winter solstice with the longest night and the shortest day in the year. In ancient Rus’, the beginning of a new year was celebrated in September. Later, Russia switched over to the generally accepted European calendar. With it came the European tradition to celebrate New Year on the night of December 31-January 1 with a Christmas tree and presents for children. On November 28, 2013, the Orthodox Russians will start the Advent fast, which will last till January 6, 2014. It is a preparation for the glorious holiday of Christmas. This fast is not as rigorous as the Lent or the Assumption fast. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday are the days when the fasting are allowed to eat food containing vegetable oil.

Proverbs and sayings about December December will ask what summer has stored. December marks the end of a year and the beginning of winter. Platon and Roman foretoken the winter for us.


World Football Day December 12

Constitution Day of the Russian Federation Day of Ground Forces of Ukraine

December 15

Day of the Court Administrators of Ukraine

December 18

Day of Security Division at the Home Affairs Authorities Day of the Civil Acts Registration Office

December 19

Day of Advocacy in Ukraine

December 20

Day of the Ukrainian Police

December 21

Day of Russian Realtor

December 22

Day of the Diplomatic Service Officers of Ukraine

December 25 Christmas

December 27

Day of Rescue Workers of the Russian Federation

December 31 New Year!


December 13 Winter Andrew

On this day people commemorate Apostle St. Andrew the First-Called who was one out of the twelve nearest disciples of Jesus Christ and the brother of Apostle Peter. On this day girls asked the apostle for a good husband and told fortunes to know who their future husbands would be. Magic rituals on St. Andrew’s Day were a rehearsal before the big feast fortune-telling. On the eve of this day, a girl wishing to know her fate kept the fast, but it was important that none of her relatives would notice. During dinner young peasant girls also broke off a piece of their bread slice and before going to sleep they put it under the pillow, saying the well known “My intended and promised come to me for dinner.” On this day, a girl would also pick a twig from a fruit tree, usually an apple tree, and put it in the water. If the twig became green on Christmas, it meant that the girl was to get married that year.

Calendar | 13

”Ocean” Paste

VEGETABLE VARENYKY: assortment / stuffed with cabbage / potatoes and mushrooms/ mushrooms 230 gr. – 160 rub.

December 17 Barbara’s Frosts

Usually on Barbara’s day the time of severe frosts began. People said, “The frost is biting – cover your nose and ears!’ However, the roads became solid. “Barbara is paving, Saba is sharpening nails, and Nicholas is hammering,” our ancestors noted about stages of the winter road formation. Stars were shining especially brightly in the clear frosty sky, and their light reflecting form the snow created the impression that a day became a little less dark. Besides, in the middle of December people were already waiting for the solstice, which is why they believed that on Barbara’s day the night started to shorten. “Barbara stole the time from the night and sewed it to the day,” people said.

LAYERED SQUARE ‘1000 LAYERS’ 150 gr. – 130 rub.

December 19 Winter Nicholas

On this day the Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of one of the most revered saints in Rus’ – Saint Nicholas or as he is also called Nicholas the Wonderworker. Saint Nicholas was a rich man and took care of poor people of that time. Till now on this day at night Christians put gifts under their children’s pillows. If children were obedient and polite during the whole year, they would receive a good gift; if they disobeyed, they would receive a birch-rod. Good gifts for children are little toys, animal figures, a wallet with a coin, a key ring, sweets, chocolates. Besides these types of gifts, a good gift would be the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Source: www.calend.ru

The product featured in this month’s “GOST” column is known to very few readers. “Ocean” paste was always a scarce product and disappeared from the market at the end of the 1980s. It was developed by the experts of the All-Union Fishery and Oceanography Scientific Research Institute in 1966. The basic ingredient of the product was krill meat. It was a logical move because in the 1960s krill was extensively fished in the Soviet Union, although the delicacy wasn’t readily available to customers: the plankton was used as forage and not so much as an alimentary product. And so the researchers decided to set up the production line of a special paste that could add some variety to the food basket of a USSR citizen. The first batch hit store shelves in 1972. The novelty’s creators expected a feverish demand for the product; instead they faced quite an opposite situation: the consumers were practically indifferent. Back then the Soviet people weren’t used to eating sea food, especially such an exotic one. They preferred the usual foodstuff. In order to break away from the food consumption traditions, the manufacturers launched a major promotional campaign; they offered free of charge paste tasting events at the sale outlets. Besides, they organized a consumers education program: thematic leaflets were distributed, and people were taught about the nutrition values of the “Ocean” paste: it contained protein, fats, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, vitamins B and C… These selling practices brought immediate results. Soon the demand for the shrimp paste skyrocketed. It was widely used in home cooking. People added it to stuffed peppers and vegetable marrows, solyanka, pizza, chicken, and dozens of other recipes. We hope that this information will bring back for a while the memories of the old times with their special romantic charm.

14 | menu




Price in roubles





CARPATHIAN FRIED EGGS WITH VEGETABLES AND HAM fried eggs combined with roasted vegetables and ham



















OMLETTE WITH CHILI SAUCE sprinkled with cheese and spicy chili sauce




Name of dishes


Price in roubles



SYRNIKY (fried quark pancakes) with honey / with sour cream / with jam














2 20 20 20 200 ml.

10 15 30 20 80


EXTRAS: cinnamon apple dried apricots prunes COCAO

If you order two dishes, you will get co ee for free!



315 r.

VINAIGRETTE Traditional vegetarian salad of boiled vegetables: beets, potatoes, carrots, pickles, sauerkraut, with the addition of white beans and green onions. Dressed with fragrant oil

200 г

LEAN BORSCH WITH SMOKED PEAR the most popular Ukrainian soup with beetroot and smoked pear

125 г


150 г


200 мл


540 r. 200 г

seasoned with vegetable oil


475 r.

SALAD “BULL’S HEART” nutritious salad of boiled beef heart, eggs and onions and carrots fried until golden brown, dressed with mayonnaise

100 г


125 г

HOMEMADE CABBAGE ROLLS WITH BUCKWEAT stu ng of three kinds of meat (pork, beef and veal) with buckwheat wrapped in a cabbage leaf and stewed in tomato sauce. Served with sour cream

125 г


200 мл


445 r.

SPRING SALAD fresh cucumbers, radishes, eggs, combined with lettuce and greens, mayonnaise

100 г

125 г


125 г

BORSCH WITH CHICKEN AND CHICKEN GIBLETS the most popular Ukrainian soup with beetroot and chicken giblets


120 г


85/150 г


200 мл

onions, tomatoes, mayonnaise and cheese. Served with a slice of lemon, herbs and olives UZVAR AS A COMPLIMENT

200 мл


news from “Korchma” | 15


Bubla NEWS is pleased to announce the start of a competition for its readers: “We are read around the world!” To take part, please pick up a free copy of our newspaper at any restaurant of the Korchma Taras Bulba chain and take an interesting picture with it. It can be a travel photo, vacation photo, or any staged picture. The best pictures will be published and the winners will get Korchma “Taras Bulba“ gift certificates of 15, 10 and 5 thousand RUR. You can then use them at any restaurant of our chain. Email your photos to bulbanews.ru@gmail.com

Bulba NEWS is read by the sadhu monks in Nepal.


Welcome to Korchma in Kiev!

A free tour of Kiev after lunch in Korchma!

Kiev, Pushkinskaya Street 2-4/7 Phone: +38 (044) 270-7248, +38 (093) 342-3868

We h av e o n l y fr e s h an d s av o r y n e w s !

www.bulbanews.ru Bulba NEWS has its own website now

We offer only fresh and savory news! Share the news in social networks, and leave your comments. Send your news to: bulbanews.ru@gmail.com EVERYBODY READS US!

The newspaper office is open for cooperation! Call us at 8-968-665-12-07 or write to: bulbanews.ru@gmail.com






Men u

From time to time in our thoughts and the trees seemed taller, our dreams seemed more colorful, and the heady scent of berries, baked milk and mushrooms certainly attracted mother or grandmother. Reading closely secrets of old recipes, they cooked delicious red borscht or “varenyky” (dumplings), and baked all kinds of sweet things. and culinary alchemy was created directly at home, in front of the eyes of all family members.

Чоловік: – Що у нас Дід Мороз робить у шафі?! Дружина: – Виконує мої бажання...

25 kinds of hand-made “varenyky” (dumplings) Breakfast (prices starting from 85 rubles) Playrooms for children Children’s menu

Детство заканчивается тогда, когда хочется, чтобы желания исполнял не Дед Мороз, а Снегурочка.

Now a chain of restaurants “Korchma “Taras Bulba” will bring you the philosophy of home-cooked meals and comfort in the center of the metropolitan city. Visit us and feel the power of Ukrainian culinary culture.

Самое ужасное в последние дни перед Новым годом - это то, что в холодильнике полно еды, но её нельзя есть.

– Мама, мама! Елка горит! – Сынок, не горит, а сияет. – Мама, мама, и шторы сияют!


Moscow Kiev New York


Отправляясь на новогодний корпоратив, помните, что вам с этими людьми ещё работать.

4 4 7 7 0 8 7 (495)


• Cottage cheese – 100 g • Chicken egg (yolk) – 1 pcs • Raisins – 15 g • Sugar powder – 10 g • Salt – 3 g • Flour – 30 g • Vegetable oil – 20 g

Ukrainian cuisine – made with love! Restaurants’ location:

MOSCOW, Aviamotornaya metro station, 6 Krasnokazarmennaya St., (499) 763 5741

Avtozavodskaya metro station,


6 Velozavodskaya St., (499) 764 1532

Combine the cottage cheese with the sugar powder, yolk, prewashed raisins, salt and flour, then mix it. Roll 1–cm-high balls from the received mass, crumb them in the flour. Fry in the vegetable oil until brown on top.

Akademicheskaya metro station, 16/10 Profsoyuznaya St., (499) 125 0877

Alekseyavskaya metro station, 3 Bochkova St., (495) 616 6754

Airport metro station, 64 Leningradskiy Prospekt St., (499) 151 9011

SYRNYKY with honey / sour cream / jam 150/50 gr. – 180 rub.

Baumanskaya metro station, 23/41 Bakuninskaya St., (495) 956 5580

Borovitskaya metro station, 8 Mokhovaya St., 24-hour, (495) 644 8020

Krasnye Vorota metro station, 47 Myasnitskaya St., (495) 607 1762

Leninskiy Prospekt metro station, 37 Leninskiy Prospect St., (495) 954 6466

Novokuznetskaya metro station, 14 Pyatnitskaya St., (495) 953 7153

Novye Cheryomushki metro station,

Look for this taste treat in our menues!

Nametkina St., 13 г, (495) 331 4211

Smolenskaya metro station, 12 Smolenskiy Avenue. St., 24-hour, (499) 246 6902

The Bubla NEWS team and the staff of Korchma «Taras Bulba» chain of restaurants forward their heartfelt congratulations to all the patrons and wish them merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Let the year of 2014 bring you joy, family peace and optimism. Let the year of the Horse become rich in memories and interesting events. Stay healthy and positive, and don’t forget that even the smallest smile is capable of brightening up the darkest mood.

Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro station, 13 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya St., 24-hour, (495) 694 0056

Chekhovskaya metro station, 30/7 Petrovka St., (495) 694 6082

Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station, 6 Borovskoye Road, (495) 980 2051

Vystavochnaya metro station, of 1905 year, 27 Shmitovskiy Passage, 24-hour, (499) 256-4660

KIEV, “Teatralnaya”, “Zolotye Vorota”,“Kreschatik” metro station, 2-4/7 Pushkinskaya St.,+38 (044) 270-7248

Good luck!

Certificate of registration PI № FS 77 — 19940. Circulation is 5 000 copies.

357 West Broadway, NYork City, NY 10013 phone: (212) 510 75 10

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