W e h a ve o n l y fre s h a n d s a vo ry n e w s!
Summer 2018 | № 169
More news and photos at www.tarasbulba.ru korchma@tarasbulba.ru Project manager – Yuri Beloyvan
Summer at Korchma: Culinary Calendar from Our Restaurant Chain
Thousands of Kilometers in Search of Nectar
Why We Should Eat Berries in the Summer WI-FI IN ALL RESTAURANTS
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Summer is a time when we want to get everything out of life. We eagerly await this season so we can rest from our work and studies, enjoy the sun, warmth, and food full of taste, aroma, and juicy summer colors. The season’s most popular dishes are summer soups: okroshka, borsch, and also green borsch with sorrel, nettle, etc. Vegetable salads and light snacks are also sought after. Special attention is paid to dishes cooked on a grill. After all, summer is a time to get out of the city and to barbecue. To quench our thirst and replenish our supply of vitamins we like juices, kvass, and berry desserts. In the summer, as never before, food combines our favorite tastes and health benefits! For hot days, the perfect dish is a salad. Salads mix together the most healthy and delicious ingredients: vegetables, fruits, greens, spices and seasonings, cheese. The best salad dressing is lowfat yogurt, sour cream, sunflower, corn, or olive
oil, lemon or orange juice. Not much salt is needed for it keeps fluids in the body. And the taste can be enhanced with spices and herbs. Korchma offers a variety of juicy and crispy salads, which are a great start to your summer meal. The Podil Salad is made from fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, cauliflower, carrots and greens, with an oil and lemon juice dressing. The Horod Salad consists of cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, red onion, cilantro, dill, and basil. You can choose your favorite dressing: aromatic oil; Vinaigrette (olive oil, sugar, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce); or lemon (lemon juice, mustard, oil, sugar, salt). This salad can also be complemented with cheese: Kazachiy (feta); Komorinsky (Circassian); or bryndza (sheep milk cheese).
LEMONADE RECIPES: Cucumber Lemonade Thoroughly wash cucumbers (160 g), cut off the edges and then puree in a blender. Place in jug, pour in pear syrup (40 ml), and add honey (30 g). Add ice, pour in carbonated water (600 ml), add lemon juice (30 ml), stir. Diushes Lemonade Thoroughly wash fresh pears (175g). Remove the cores. Puree in a blender. Place in jug, pour in pear syrup (40 ml). Fill jug with ice, add carbonated water (600 ml), add lemon juice (30 ml), stir. Buratino Lemonade Cut lime (50g) into slices. In a jug pour orange juice (100 ml), pear syrup (70 ml), and add lime slices. Fill the jug with ice, then with carbonated water, and add lemon juice (30 ml).
Cucumber, Diushes, and Buratino Lemonades 490 rubles – for 1 liter
Of course, vegetables are good as part of various dishes but also on their own. As an appetizer in Korchma you can order assorted fresh vegetables and herbs, which include tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, radishes, chili peppers, parsley, dill, basil, cilantro, green onions. We also offer a Mediterranean-inspired appetizer made with Komorinsky cheese, tomatoes, and green sauce. Having whet your appetite with a salad or snack, you can move onto the next dish. On a hot day enjoying a bowl of cold okroshka soup is a great way to feel refreshed. There are numerous variations of this soup: with beef, chicken, sausage, Sulguni cheese, cooked on kefir, whey, chicken broth or home-made kvass. When cooking this soup you can follow the traditional recipe or experiment to get a new dish every time. But if you’d rather not cook it yourself, you can order a home-made orkoshka from Korchma. It is served on a board with baked potatoes, sour cream, and homemade kvass in a cooled bottle. The light slightly sour sorrel borsch is probably the real symbol of summer. Young leaves of sorrel are rich in vitamins, micro-and macro elements. Dishes made from it help to normalize the body’s digestion and strengthen immunity. You can try it out for yourself by ordering Taras’ Sorrel Borshch from Korchma, which is prepared on a homemade chicken broth. It is served with chicken, egg and sour cream. The real highlight of the summer lunch is a hot dish cooked on a grill. This method of preparation gives even the simplest foods an amazing taste and aroma, while maintaining their health benefits. Not surprisingly, grilled dishes have become a gourmet trend. It’s easy to cook them, and it’s simply not possible to pass up juicy meat, fish, mushrooms or vegetables grilled at a picnic, in your yard, or in the kitchen of a respectable restaurant.
For lovers of meat, Korchma offers skewered and grilled lamb, chicken, beef or pork served with Georgian satsebeli or adjika sauce, lavash, marinated red onions and cherry tomatoes. Those who prefer fish can order a grilled salmon steak (served with narshabar sauce and a slice of lemon). A great garnish for these dishes is grilled vegetables: bell pepper, tomatoes, zucchini, and eggplant. For dessert in the summer months, Korchma offers a vitamin-rich cake: a shortcrust pasty basket of with white chocolate, cream, and fresh berries or with a delicate vanilla cream and strawberries. We also offer ice cream: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, with orange chips, chocolate or sesame sticks, and raisins. And for those who are watching their figure, you can order a refreshing berry or lemon sorbet or a fruit plate with apples, pears, oranges, and grapes. To quench your thirst after a delicious
meal you can order one of Korchma’s refreshing drinks. The best drinks to sip on in the heat is freshly squeezed juice, mors,
es Season of chanterell at Korchma
stewed fruit juice, or kvass. The composition is natural and the taste is pleasant. Also great at quenching one’s thirst is unsweetened green tea or non-carbonated mineral water. Korchma also offers freshly squeezed apple, carrot, grapefruit, pomegranate, orange, and pineapple juices. We have several types of mineral water, including Kamorinskaya. Green and herbal teas are on the menu – the best warm drinks on hot days. And for those who love homemade drinks, we recommend trying uzvar, different kinds of mors (blueberry, raspberry, cranberry, cherry, cowberry) and kvass (traditional or honey-lemon). To get the most from a delicious meal on a warm day, experience it in the fresh air, in the shade and in comfort. For this Korchma Taras Bulba’s restaurants have lovely summer verandas waiting for you. Text by Olga SINYUGINA
Dozens of hives and thousands of kilometers of road. In order to surprise his customers with the best products that can only be found in the world, beekeeper Andriy Kishchun travels the whole season with his bees. He begins to collect honey in May and from then until autumn he is almost never home. But the effort is not in vain – at the end of the summer in his arsenal he has honey from herbs, acacia, buckwheat, linden and the rarest kind – from the goldenrod. And also healing pollen, ambrosia, beeswax and propolis. About the secrets of his craft, as well as the most interesting facts about honey Andrew told in an interview with our newspaper. We met with him before his departure, when his hives are ready, and a warm sun and gentle breeze calls him to the road. TWO MILLION BEES IN THE TRAILER I have two hundred beekeepers, which collect honey in different areas. When I go on a trip, I can load sixty-four families on my trailer at once. Each of them has between forty and sixty thousand bees. Consequently, it is not difficult to calculate that at one time I transport with me at least two and a half million insects. We start to collect honey from rapeseed, then we go to the banks of the Dnipro River for acacia, after acacia we return to the spring rapeseed, and then we go to the linden, and from the linden to
the goldenrod. And at the same time we also collect buckwheat honey. If you count by mileage, then these are huge distances. Just from our home to the Dnipro one way is 620 kilometers. ON THE BENEFITS OF BEE STINGS Moving for bees is always a bit stressful. They become angry and start to sting. I may get from twenty to forty bites at a time, but I do not mind, because they are good for the body. Then I practically never get sick. For example, one guy helps me with the bees. When he first came to work for us, he had problems with his kidneys, and now he completely forgot about this illness. He also had bad vision, which has now improved. The stories about the health benefits of bee stings is definitely not fiction. BEE JOY When you travel with a bee, the bee is anxious, but as soon as you land near an acacia or linden, the bee rejoices. In good weather, they start to work from six o’clock in the morning. Then there is an incredible buzz, a peculiar “bee song” from morning to
evening. You then realize that the long journey was not in vain. THE THREE LEADERS In my ranking, acacia honey has the greatest value. It depends on which acacia grew near the bee hives. If yellow then, accordingly, the product will have a bright sunny color. If bees collected honey from white acacia, then it will be almost transparent, with a light golden hue. People love the taste of this honey and, most importantly, it does not crystallize, but remains in a liquid state. Recommended for people who have diabetes. Interestingly, the honey collection from acacia lasts only ten days. We can drive a long distance, but if there is a bad weather for the period of flowering, we will not harvest honey. The second most popular is honey from a goldenrod. When it’s fresh, it is a bit bitter, and then it gets sweeter and sweeter with time. This honey extraordinary healing properties, because it helps to overcome inflammatory processes in the body. In the third place is buckwheat honey, which has a very rich color. It has a good hematopoietic capac-
ity, elevates the hemoglobin level. It also has a lot of iron in it. It has an extraordinary ability to remove various toxins from the body. In general, at the least possible, I recommend replacing sugar with honey as it is simple hydrocarbons. It is energy that is absorbed very quickly by the body and gives it strength. BEEKEEPING IS A DELICATE MATTER Bees will not collect pollen in the rainy weather, even if you put beehives directly under an acacia tree. Sometimes people think it’s enough to take bees to a rapeseed or buckwheat field and success is guaranteed. But this is not the case. The fact is that the plant needs to secrete nectar, and this only happens when the temperature of the air is higher than 18 degrees Celsius. Also, there should be no wind, but at the same time there should be enough moisture. When it is too dry, little nectar is secreted because it just does not have anything to form from. WINGED ENEMY OF BEES Occasionally, bees are attacked by hornets. They are much bigger than them, so they can simply grab them as they are flying and escape. But if a predator falls into a beehive, it will have a guaranteed death. Why? Bees build a thick ball around it and raise the tem-
perature, which the attacker is unable to withstand and dies. That’s how these peace-loving insects protect themselves from a much larger attacker. WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU EAT HONEY EVERY DAY – Your skin will become cleaner. Honey is an excellent antioxidant that cleanses the body from toxins. In addition, it has antibacterial properties. – You will weigh less. Almost all diets recommend avoiding sweets, but you can eat honey. This is because it accelerates metabolism. – You will have a healthy heart. Honey prevents narrowing of the arteries, which allows the heart to work normally, as well as relieves headaches. – You will be calm. Honey not only can help you deal with stress, but also improve your memory. – The perfect sleep. Honey will slightly raise the sugar in the blood, which will improve the flow of tryptophan into the brain, which in turn will eventually turn into serotonin, and the latter to melatonin, which will make your sleep calm. – A healthy stomach. Honey is a powerful antiseptic, which will prevent the occurrence of various troubles with the stomach and intestinal tract. – No stress. Honey calms nerves and relieves fatigue, allowing you to keep the nervous system in good condition.
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I� order t� su ppl� yo� wit� th� product� of th� K�achy � hone� be� far� , i� take� � who l� summer!
Text: Stepan HRYTSIUK Photos: Yuriy HELYTOVYCH
Celebrate with us! August 14 - Honey Spas August 19 - Apple Spas August 29 - Nut Spas
June June 7th – Third Finding of the Head of John the Baptist June 12th to July 11th – St. Peter’s Fast June 12th – Russia Day June 22nd – Remembrance and Mourning Day July 22nd – Birthday of Korchma on Bakuninskaya St. June 25th – Slavic Unity Day June 27th – Youth Day in Russia June 28th – Constitution Day in Ukraine
July July 7th – Nativity of St. John the Baptist July 12th – St. Apostles Peter and Paul July 21st – Feast of the Icon of Kazan July 24th – Birthday of Korchma on Nametkina St. July 28th – Day of St. Prince Volodymyr, Equal to the Apostles, the Evangelizer of Rus’
August August 2nd – Elijah’s Day August 14th – the Honey Savior August 14th to August 27th – Assumption Fast August 18th – Birthday of Korchma on Lenin Avenue August 19th – Transfiguration of Christ August 19th – the Apple Savior August 22nd – Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation August 24th – Independence Day in Ukraine August 28th – Assumption of Our Lady August 29th – the Bread Savior August 30th – Birthday of Korchma on Shmit Alley
7 july
Nativity of St. John the Baptist
KORCHMA CHAIN HOLIDAYS Celebrate with Us Every Month 1st day of the month– Gogol’s Day 6th day of the month – Father’s Day 8th day of the month – Women’s Day 9th day of the month – Victory Day 10th day of the month – Borscht Day 12th day of the month – Photography Day 13th day of the month – Day of Kindness 14th day of the month – Varenyky Day 21st day of the month – Pancake Day 23rd day of the month – Men’s Day 24th day of the month – Mother’s Day Friends’ Day (second Tuesday of the month) Cossack’s Day (every third Friday)
‘SHADOWS OF FORGOTTEN ANCESTORS’: FROM A SMALL VILLAGE TO WORLD GLORY! Exactly 55 years ago the filming of Sergei Parajanov’s Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors began in the Ukrainian Carpathians. The crew did not work long on the film – only a year and a half, so no one predicted great success. But it turned out differently. The film received many world awards. It entered the twenty best films of all time, and it is obligatory for viewing by Harvard University film studies students. And in 2010, Serbian director Emir Kusturica called Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors the best film in the world. Bulba News has collected for you the most interesting facts about the film. Armenian director Sergei Parajanov dreamed of filming Mykhailo Kotsyubinsky’ story about the animosity of two Carpathian families for a long time. Finally, in 1963 he began to realize his dream. Moscow actor Gennady Yuhtin was invited to play the main role. The crew had already left for the Carpathians, when Parajanov’s friend, a teacher at the film department Victor Ivchenko, asked that one of his students Ivan Mykolaychuk audition for the role. He was young, but very talented. Parajanov was skeptical and during the audition he demonstratively left the filming area. But at the audition, the second-year student acted so well that everyone was stunned. When the shot was shown to Parajanov, he immediately made a verdict – now the main role in the film will go not to Yuhtin, but to Ivan Mykolaychuk. It was this role that launched the Ukrainian’s successful career in cinema. On the other hand, Larysa Kadochnykova, who played Marichka in the film, did not have to prove to anyone her acting skills, because Parajanov liked her from their first meeting. At that time, the young actress lived in Moscow and worked at Sovremennyk. One day, her husband said that he wanted to introduce her to Sergei Parajanov, who just arrived at Bilokamian. It was summer, the meeting was scheduled for Tverskaya. “I saw Parajanov immediately,” Kadodnikov said later. “Actually, it was impossible not to no-
tice him. He was sitting on a suitcase, dressed in all black. On his head was some kind of senseless black hat. I was in a white dress, thin, with her hair loose, and Sergey, seeing me, immediately shouted: ‘Oh, Marichka!’” So Larysa Kadochykova was instantly approved for the role. At the time of filming, she moved to Ukraine. Then the Muscovite did not know that the film would change her life, for she ended up staying there forever. The film was shot near Verkhovyna and Kryvorivna in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. In order to feel the atmosphere of the area and convey it in the film, Parajanov even refused to live in a hotel. He stayed with an ordinary Hutsul family (Hutsuls are an ethnic group living in the Carpathians), lived with them in a wooden house. He willingly communicated with the local people and studied the local customs – attended funerals, weddings, and the like. Hutsuls themselves were present during the filming and made sure that everything looked authentic. For example, they did not like the fact that during the wedding scene Parajanov decided to put a yoke around the necks of the bride and groom, because such a tradition in the Carpathians does not exist. However, this scene stayed in the film. In general, there were often quarrels between Parajanov and members of the crew. One of them almost ended in a duel between him and the main
cameraman Yuriy Illienko. A Hutsul had even brought them ancient Hutsul pistols. “It was raining, we were supposed to meet on the bridge over the Cheremosh. But the river raged and so the bridge was demolished, and from the thirty meters that lay between us we could not shoot. In the evening from Kyiv came the first developed film. We came to the hall, sat in different corners. We looked at the first box, and I realized that I would not go anywhere. We embraced and kissed one another, and then started fighting again,” Yuriy Illienko described. The folk songs in the film were performed by groups of locals. But recording the alpine horn, the trembita, outside proved difficult. Parajanov decided to bring the Hutsul musicians to the recording studio in Kyiv. They, along with their long instruments, barely fit in a passenger plane, but in the end they made it to the capital. The premiere of the film was a huge success. Even before the show rumor had it that the new Parajanov film was a masterpiece. But as it often happens, the picture received much more recognition abroad than at home. Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors received 39 international awards and 28 prizes at film festivals (24 of them Grand Prix). The greatest success was waiting for him at the Argentine Film Festival. “I said to Mykolaychuk: ‘Ivan, it will be a disaster! Well, who here could be interested in our story about the love of some Ivan and Marichka.’ But when the film ended, all
who were present in the hall, and there were about four thousand people, got up. A frenzied applause began and everyone rushed to us!” Larysa Kadochnikova recalled the Argentine screening of Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors. By the way, the Soviet authorities allowed both Ivan Mikolaychuk and Larysa Kadochnikov to attend the Argentine Film Festival, since it would be ridiculous to present a film without the main actors. But for the business trip, officials from the Ministry of Culture allocated for the two a whole $10!
Not all ancient folk crafts of Russia were able to survive the era of smartphones, laptops, and robots. But those that are preserved, as in the old days, continue to please the eye. Among them are unique clay toys, which at one time folk craftsmen began to make in the area of Dimkovo, near the city of Vyatka. Now this is the territory of Kirov. The original craft emerged there four centuries ago. For the spring holiday Svistun, which was celebrated in those lands, children and women traditionally sculpted whistles from clay. They were created in the form of grasshoppers, rams, hens, gentlemen, or ladies. The figures were painted white, and then painted with bright colors. This was practiced by almost every family, and the art of making toys was passed along the women’s line. The Dimkovo whistle is made exclusively by hand. This process is creative and never repeats itself. Therefore, even among thousands of toys, you will never find two identical ones. Generally, the creation of such a toy consists of several stages. First, they are molded from the local bright red clay, which is mixed with river sand. Then they are dried and baked in furnaces at a temperature of 700-900 degrees. After that, the toys are covered in a few layers with a tempera white paint (once the whitewash was applied with chalk, which was diluted with cow’s milk). And then designs are painted on the whistles. And although their ornaments seem very primitive, this is what makes them unique. Furthermore, each symbol and color in the toy have a certain meaning. Although initially whistles were made only for Svistun holiday, they eventually became so popular that they were made throughout the year. The masters took them to sell to Orenburg, Moscow, and other large cities. As a result, the Dimkovo toy became the hallmark of the entire Kirov region. In 2010, in the center of Kirov, a sculptural display called “Family” was erected, which was created in the style of Dimkovo toys, and in 2014 the whistle installation was used at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Sochi.
A TRIP TO AMSTERDAM I don’t write poems, but I did so in Holland. For how could I not? This country, with its tulip fog, Rembrandt’s existences, “gold” ingots of cheese wheels that glow like the warm sun on the shelves of stores, and cheap but delicious three-euro-a-bottle wine, inspires! But drinking and poetry were later – at first, the wide open eyes and enthusiasm of a traveler who left her home for a few short days to see everything at once. A roof over your head is an important component for a traveler. I was fortunate – I lived with a friend in an old, real Dutch house with narrow, “one person,” steep stairs. A gloomy but vital question arose: and if someone dies, how can a coffin descend such stairs? On each floor is one apartment, and the apartments on the first floor have a separate entrance from the street 30 cm from the fence. The street is near Oster Park, where I saw green parrots, seagulls, herons, ducks, swans and... marijuana smokers. While walking, I saw an African-Dutch man
sitting on a bench and rolling a joint. How did I know? I noticed on his knee a box with a hemp leaf drawn on the lid. I, like the paparazzi, tried to quietly photograph this scene which is unusual for me, but the man noticed me and, with a friendly smile, nodded and inviting me to have a treat. I awkwardly smiled and then left. Birds in the park do not get afraid, they allow you to come within a palm’s length…. Oh, this is a very important observation – Europeans are also not afraid! And also: the Dutch really love nature, animals. If you ask with a gesture to pet a dog, the Amsterdamians immediately agree, and the dogs display their backs and ears, without any moaning or dissatisfaction. I liked them all! Perhaps the climate has played a role in the soft and friendly character of the Dutch. In the evening, the Amsterdam fairy tale
begins – the sky with the lights of the city is reflected in the canals, the sidewalks shine from the rain, and the black silhouettes of cyclists, like ghosts, pass you by. The boundary between heaven and earth disappears. And the hazy pearl of the morning and matte of the day is no less wonderful. Oh, Holland for me is above all a country of artists! I remember from my childhood: in the big room hung a copy of Pieter de Hooch’s “Mistress and Her Maid.” I could stare at it for hours, fascinated by the mystery of the silence. From a young age I was crazy for Van Gogh! To meet Van Gogh is a dream of any admirer of his creativity. On my second day I visited the museum. His museum! And I was a bit disappointed ... Until 1888, his studies were filled with helplessness and rudeness, except for “The Potato Eaters.” In person this painting with its truth and compassion for the simple work-
ing people left a deep impression on me. I am with you Van Gogh! The years 1888, 1889, 1890 are a breakthrough to heaven, to freedom of creativity. Famous blade strokes, the energy of flowers, it is as if the artist craves to escape from the captivity of matter and dissolve into the spectacle of colors. But it was even more interesting to watch the crowd of viewers. You cannot take pictures, but all the Chinese, Japanese, and others visitors waved about their gadget screens, as if there is no Google where you can download all of Van Gogh’s works. The guard asked them to stop. And I politely asked him to allow me to take pictures of the audience, and he, of course, allowed me. Thank you, stranger, thank you, Vincent, thank you God for the country of artists! The Rijksmuseum is a temple of art. It may be trite, but it cannot be put differently, a treasure filled
with Dutch porcelain, paintings, silver, books, ships (masterful models), fairy dolls houses. And meeting with Rembrandt!!! His portraits are like a live acquaintance, where you feel the warm breath, the shine of the eyes, and you hesitantly wait for a word, pronounced aloud to you. Maybe I would have heard it, but the human stream, quietly noisy, prevented my ears from catching it. How trite but Amsterdam is the city of artists! But the truth is always trite. I walked, looked around, compared it with galleries in Cologne, Warsaw, Venice. Hmm, is cosmopolitan art, spinning in a whirlwind of globalization, free from the market? Everywhere is everything: from the “Dutch still lifes” to the Pollock abstractions, from the Kunsov nickel to the symbols of Bansky – something for every taste. Many gigantic art photos printed on various materials (metal, plastic, cloth, canvas), popular “inkography” also luxuriously printed in huge sizes. People, where is the gigantomania coming from? The larger the better? The gallery-stores enticed me – they were like fabulous jewelry boxes with vintage jewelry: a porcelain kingdom, turtle-coral riches, antique labyrinths with paintings, book tomes covered in bronze, copper... My mind is full of impressions: Mackintosh from wood, hyperrealism – let me touch it, computer graphics ... But the ink on paper paintings of huge dimensions - 2 x 3 m. by Iris Schomaker about loneliness, left some of the greatest impressions. To understand the country, you need to find the highlights in its history. Having learned in school that Holland is a former metropolis, re-
membering the Boer Wars, I went to the Museum of the Tropics. For Europe, the temples were replaced by museums! They are luxurious and packed with information, presented in a variety of forms and unexpected angles. Simultaneously, in the halls of museums, on the background of the old exhibits, there are modern exhibitions. In
the tropics museum were exhibitions of modern fashion in Africa with an emphasis on Masai culture, a critically presented tattoo exhibition and a photo exhibition devoted to the recent events in Syria, namely, in Aleppo. I was amazed by the similarity of ornaments between traditional African and Ukrainian folk costume.
Understanding means to love. There is little time, but I want to know as much as possible, because the desire to have a positive perception of the Dutch world has risen to the Amsterdam tiled roofs! The windows are the eyes of the houses, but they sleep in the daytime, and at night they light up and shine, sometimes telling not very pleasant stories. I know that looking in the window is not very nice, it’s as if you are spying. But it’s so interesting to look at the household details that can be seen through the glass, windowsills, beautifully cleaned or neglected, people, their life stories… The window-eyes look at the same time in the world of your home and the world around you, they see the sky and passions that rage in the walls of your home, listen to the voice of the outside world and your groans and sighs. A window to the world, a window to Europe, a window to the sky and your world, a window ... so many of them! Humanity lives in a multi-story building. Moreover, as I have noticed, most of those who live in the cellars depend on poverty, just like those who live in penthouses depend on their billions. The Netherlands is no exception, although the contrasts are not as obvious, as, for example, in Ukraine or in Brazil. Especially trifles, details distract from social injustice and everyday problems. Let’s hide in the details... I returned to Warsaw by bus, sang a song quietly to myself that was inspired by the city that lives below the sea level, but which is in love with it. Text and photos Viktoria KOVALCHUK
TASTY AND HEALTHY: WHY WE SHOULD EAT BERRIES IN THE SUMMER Summer goes by fast, and you need to have time not only to breathe in forest air, swim in the river or sea, and sunbathe, but also to stock up on vitamins and improve your health. Delicious and juicy berries can help you do this with pleasure. In the summer months, one berry after another ripens and appears in the markets, supplementing our diet. Berries are good both fresh and in desserts, beverages, smoothies, sorbets, jam. What are the health benefits of popular summer berries and why should you not miss them? Strawberries open the berry season and are available until the end of May or early June. These berries are rich in vitamins C, B, an- tioxidants, and phenols, as well as manganese and potassium. These substances help to protect our bodies from various inflammations, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, and reduce the risk of developing cancer. Strawberries are also good for the joints. Following strawberries, sweet cherries appear in the orchards and in the markets. The ones that are dark maroon in color have the most health benefits. Sweet cherries contain vitamins A, E, PP and B, as well as calcium, iron, phosphorus and other useful substances.
These cherries strengthen immunity, the cardiovascular system, bones and joints. Sour cherries appear 1-2 weeks after sweet cherries and have many of the same properties. They have a richer taste and a bit of sourness, making them great for cake filling, stewed juices, and jam. Sour cherries help fight against anemia, as they are rich in iron, magnesium, vitamins B1, B6, C. In addition, they contain vitamin A, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium. The coumarin and anthocyanin found in the berries are good for blood vessels for they have an antis c l e ro t i c effect.
Raspberries usually ripen at the end of June. They are rich in malic, tartaric, salicylic, and other acids. Because of this, the berry is known as a natural aspirin. Raspberries expand the blood vessels and reduce the body temperature. They contain glucose, fructose, tannins, and pectin, as well as salts of potassium, copper, vitamins С, В1, В2, В 9 , РР, carotene, and essential oil. This berry improves digestion and removes toxins from the body. And the copper in the composition of raspberries improves one’s mood. Blackberries are similar to raspberries but differ by their dark color and tart flavor. Some of their health properties are even superior than those found in raspberries: the antioxidants in the dark purple berries actively fight free radicals that cause cancer. Blackberries are rich in vitamins A, C, E, K and folic acid, and calcium, and manganese. They improve metabolism, useful in diabetes. This berry has a tart effect, so it helps with diarrhea. Black currants have an impressive number of vitamins: C, B1, B2, B6, B9, D, E, K, R and A. They also contain pec-
tin, sugars, organic acids, tannins, essential oil, salt, phosphorus, iron, and potassium. Black currants improve metabolism and appetite, tone, and expand blood vessels. They are popular as a hematopoietic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and diaphoretic agent. Red currants are rich in vitamins A, C, E, as well as potassium, iron, malic and succinic acid, pectin and selenium. Thanks to the high content of iron, the berry is useful for anemia, and due to potassium in the composition, it positively affects the heart and removes excess fluid from the body. Red currants have diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. They increase appetite and improve digestion. The coumarin in its composition reduces coagulation of blood, preventing heart attacks and strokes, and pectin binds cholesterol, which serves as prevention of atherosclerosis. Succinic and malic acids help maintain vitality and restore strength. Bilberries are known for their benefit for sight, due to their content of anthocyanins. They improve blood supply to the retina of the eye, restore damaged tissue. Bilberries give us vitamins PP, C, B1, B2, organic acids, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and others. Bilberries, like many other berries, are a source of antioxidants, so they help fight diseases of the blood vessels, the heart, and reduce the risk of cancer. They also help fight urinary tract infections and Alzheimer’s disease. Gooseberries are especially rich in vitamin C, and also contain vitamins A, B, PP. They are also rich in
SWEET CHEESE CREAM WITH FRESH BERRIES Ingredients: • cheese – 3 tablespoons • plain yogurt – 3 tablespoons • powdered sugar – 1 tablespoon • vanilla extract – to taste • corn flakes – 3 tablespoons • sweet berries (strawberries or raspberries) – 100 g • sour berries (currants or cherries) – 100 g • strawberry syrup – 3 tablespoons • berries of your choice to decorate
Preparation: Mix cooled cheese with yogurt, add powdered sugar, vanilla extract, and blend all together. Wash and dry with a paper towel sweet and sour berries. Big berries can be cut. Remove seeds from cherries. Place 2 tablespoons of the cheese mixture on the bottom of a glass, then lay out the flakes and berries. The next layer is again the cheese mixture. Top off with strawberry syrup and whole fresh berries. phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron, organic acids and pectin. The most nutrient substances are in the rind of ripe berries. Gooseberries remove toxins from the body, strengthen the blood vessels, lower cholesterol. It is recommended for anemia, hypertension, diseases of teeth and gums, fight skin problems. Gooseberries, like many other berries, bring strength and vigor. By including all of these berries in your diet, you can get the most of their properties and improve your health. Summer berries are good fresh, but you can also make delicious and vitamin-rich desserts with them. Text by Olga SINYUGINA
We invite you to Korchma for season of melon and watermelon
wild strawberries season
only june-july
Only July-september
Fresh watermelon 65 rub Fresh melon 100 rub Freshly squeezed watermelon juice 0.3 - 75 rub Freshly squeezed watermelon juice 0.5 - 120 rub Freshly squeezed melon juice 0.3 - 160 rub Freshly squeezed melon juice 0.5 - 270 rub
British and Chinese scientists have found that eating at least one egg a day reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, Science Daily reports. The study involved 416,000 people in China between the ages of 30 and 79. For four years, volunteers informed the scientists how often they ate
eggs, and physicians monitored their health. Over the course of nine years, physicians registered 83,977 cases of cardiovascular diseases, of which 9,985 ended in death. The results of the analysis showed that those who consumed at least five eggs per week were 28% less likely to die from hemorrhagic stroke and 18% from cardiovascular diseases, compared with those
mineralization 1-2 g/l chemical composition of water Sodium+potassium (Na+ K+) Chlorides (Cl) Sulphates Hydrogen carbonates Calcium Magnesium
mg/l 4.5 3.5 4.6 95 77.2 20.67
who ate no more than two eggs per week. In addition, egg lovers are 12% less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease. Obviously, the benefit of such a product depends directly on the feed that is consumed by the chicken, and its living conditions. Domestic eggs from chickens that consume grass and grain are considered to have the most health benefits.
The difference between them is noticeable immediately, because they have not only a different color and aroma, but also chemical composition. Understanding this, the Korchma Taras Bulba chain cooks all of its dishes exclusively from eggs from its own farms. Together with butter, cheese, honey, milk, and other products, you can buy fresh eggs in our restaurants. Text by Maria KRASNA
KAZACHYE FARM: GROWN WITH OUR OWN HANDS Healthy eating has long been a trend. We hear about the benefits of natural products from TV screens, newspapers, and magazines; hundreds of fitness trainers and nutritionists build their concepts on this. Indeed, in recent years, people have realized that the statement «we are what we eat» makes sense and began to pay more attention to the quality of their food. Because food, like nothing else, affects our mood and the state of our organism. Be assured that by consuming home-made cheese, butter, milk, and sour cream, we will always be strong and healthy. Such a philosophy is fully supported by the Korchma Taras Bulba restaurant chain. We not only prepare genuine and delicious food, but we do our best to ensure that this is really the case. Believe us, we know how much the taste of a dish made from natural ingredients can differ from one made with cheap low-quality by-products. People often ask us where we are get the products for our restaurants, whether they are healthy, and so on. We understand their curiosity,
because it’s not so easy to supply seventeen restaurants in the center of a megapolis with natural food. The thing is that when we founded our brand, we realized that sooner or later we would come across this problem. And so, in parallel with the restaurant business, we started a farm. Moreover, it was opened in an agricultural and ecologically clean area of the Ryazan region. There, for our needs, we raise cows, pigs, rabbits, and poultry. Annually we sow thousands of hectares with barley,
wheat, and fodder crops. That is, we managed to establish a fully closed loop and do not need to buy products from any supplier. Even the Komorinska water that we use for cooking is our own. We also have a dairy, which produces milk, sour cream, butter, as well as a whole range of cheeses. All products undergo sanitary control. Later they make it to tables of our restaurants in the form of various dishes or are sold in our Kulinariya stores.
We have decided to prepare a short report for you to show how our farm looks like in the figures of this season: Kazachye – 2018 In the fall of 2017, we sowed 350 hectares of winter wheat. In the spring: Barley – 500 hectares Oats – 75 hectares Vetch oat mixture – 300 hectares Vetch – 50 acres Corn for silage – 150 hectares Spelt – 10 hectares Potatoes – 10 hectares A herd of dairy cows – 135 heads Pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits, horses A beehive with 20 bee colonies
THE GOLDEN RULE: 20 ETIQUETTE STANDARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Most people disregard the rules of etiquette and never ask the question whether they are behaving properly in a given situation. However, be sure, knowledge of these social norms will always come in handy. After all, if you are polite and respect others, then as a result, people will do the same. That is why we decided to publish the 20 most simple etiquette rules that everyone should know. 1. If you say “I invite you,” it means you pay. If a woman invites a business partner to a restaurant, she pays. If the wording is: “let’s go to a restaurant,” then in this case, everyone pays for themselves. Only if the man himself offers to pay for a woman, can she agree. 2. One should not talk publicly about being on a diet. Moreover, due to a diet, one cannot refuse the dishes offered by a host. Be sure to praise her culinary talents, even if you don’t try it. The same should be done with alcohol. You should not tell everyone why you don’t drink. Ask for dry white wine and sip it slowly. 3. Never visit someone unannounced. If you have an unannounced visitor, you can stay in your house clothes. 4. An umbrella cannot be dried open – not in the office, not when you are a guest in someone’s home. It needs to be folded and put into a special stand or hung. 5. Your purse cannot be put on your knees or on your chair. A small elegant clutch can be put on the table, a large bag should be hung on the back of the chair or put on the floor, if there is no special chair (they are often provided in restaurants). A briefcase is put on the floor. 6. Plastic bags. They are only allowed after returning from the supermarket, as well as paper branded boutique bags. To then later use them as a bag is in bad taste. 7. A man should never carry a woman’s bag. And he should only take the woman’s coat to bring it to the coat check. 8. House clothes are pants and a shirt. Comfortable but decent. Bathrobes and pajamas are designed to get to the bathroom in the morning,
and in the evening from the bathroom to the bedroom. 9. Do not leave your smartphone on the table during meetings. By doing so, you show everyone how important this device is for you, how bored you are to be there, and that at any moment you are ready to stop the unnecessary conversation. 10. From the moment when your child receives his or her own room, learn to knock, before going in. Then the child will do the same before entering your bedroom. 11. The most prestigious place in the car is the place behind the driver. A woman should sit there, a man sits next to her, and when he leaves the car, he holds the door and offers his hand to the lady. If a man is sitting at the wheel, the woman should also take a seat behind him. However, no matter where a woman is sitting, the man must open the door for her and help her out. 12. Taboo topics for a conversation: politics, religion, health, money. An inappropriate ques-
tion is: “Wow, what a dress! How much did you pay for it?” How should you respond to this? Give a nice smile: “This was a gift!” Change the topic. If the interlocutor insists, say softly: “I don’t want to talk about it.” 13. Every person who is 12 or older should be addressed in the polite form. It’s repulsive to hear people use the informal form with waiters or chauffeurs. Even the people with whom you are well acquainted, in the office, should be addressed in the polite form, the familiar form only in a less official environment. An exception – if you are peers or close friends. How should you react if the interlocutor stubbornly addressed you in the familiar form? Ask: “Sorry, are you addressing me?” 14. When walking to your seat in the cinema, theater, or concert hall, it is necessary to face to the people seated. The man passes first. 15. Your shoes should always be clean. 16. Avoid silly conversations over the phone. If you need to talk to someone, it’s best to meet in person. 17. On the street, the man must go to the left of the woman. Only servicemen who must be ready to give military greetings can go to the right. 18. Nine things to keep secret: age, wealth, family quarrels, religion, health problems, romances, gifts, honor, and dishonor. 19. The golden rule when using perfumes – use in moderation. If you smell of your scent until the evening, know that everyone else is already tired of it. 20. Do not try to keep up with the fashion. It’s better to wear good, but not fashionable clothes than to look terrible in brand clothing.
PRIZES: 1st prize:
5,000 rubles 2nd prize:
3,000 rubles 3rd prize:
2,000 rubles
We started organizing a monthly photo contest. The conditions are quite simple. You just have to take an interesting picture in any of our restaurants and post in on social media with a geolocation. Your profile should be open and the picture needs to show that it was taken
in a Korchma. Winners will be selected every month. The more likes you get, the better your chances are. Participants who gain the most votes will get valuable prizes and their pictures will be published in our newspaper.
10 REASONS TO START RUNNING NOW! “Now it used to be I ran to get where I was going, I never thought it would take me anywhere,” Winston Groom / from the movie Forrest Gump
Think about all the times you promised to pull yourself together and start exercising and get into shape. But every time you always found an excuse – bad weather, not having the proper clothes or like-minded people around you, not in the mood and so only enough strength to go to the kitchen for some food. Well, we suggest you try again, and start with a small jog. Believe me, it will not be too difficult, and will put you in a good mood and you will feel satisfied with yourself. Moreover, it’s summer and the warm weather and the sun are enticing you to put on your sneakers and be active. In the end, running is perhaps the simplest kind of physical activity, which at the same time has many advantages. So, we’ve prepared for you 10 reasons why you should start running right now. 1. Scientists have estimated that an hour of running can turn into as many as seven additional hours of life. At least, such data was recently published by the journal Progress in Cardiovascular Disease. According to the researchers, if you run four hours a week, then as a result you can increase your life span by three years! In addition to the benefits of physical activity, sooner or later the runners will quit smoking and drinking, and begin to monitor their weight.
2. Regularly running outdoors will strengthen your body. Forget about colds, hypertension, shortness of breath and many other ailments. You will strengthen your cardiovascular system as well as immunity. Of course, blood circulation will also improve and your body will always be fit. 3. Without running, to which the human body is made for, the body begins to slowly break down. On the contrary, movement will promote the production of the necessary fluids by our joints, which will protect them from friction and destruction. In addition, running perfectly strengthens bones and ligaments. 4. You can choose any kind of physical activity – going to the gym, swimming, or cycling, but it is thanks to running that you get the ultimate effect of burning calories and, accordingly, losing weight. For comparison: 1 hour of strength training burns
700 cal 1 hour bike ride - 450-550 cal 1 hour playing tennis - 480-550 cal 1 hour running - 720-900 cal 5. Many runners admit that while running, they have the opportunity to see a problem from a new perspective or find the best way out of the situation. Running acts as meditation, helping to fight depression and anxiety. Also, the body actively produces serotonin (a hormone of happiness). And after the run, you will feel pleasant fatigue, euphoria and happiness. 6. Recent studies have shown that running is able to increase the volume of the hippocampus - the brain area responsible for memory. Thus, a person increases his ability to learn and improves his memory. 7. If a person cares about his health and has an active and healthy
lifestyle, he shows his strong character traits with this. The fit body says that a person does not neglect his health, has a strong will, strong selfdiscipline and is not a hostage to his weaknesses. 8. Running is suitable for people with any kind of work schedule. Even if you have very busy schedule and no time for the gym, just 10 minutes of running a day can help you maintain your health. 9. Running forces all the muscles of the legs to work, making them tight and slim, and even strengthens the buttocks muscles, making them elastic and attractive. 10. You do not need a gym, expensive equipment, or trainers. Running is the most accessible way to keep the body in shape. Proper sneakers, desire, and a bit of perseverance – that’s the key to success, and nothing else.
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2018 World Football Championship
Cheer for your favorite team with us!
Сегодня дети очень нежные. Катаются на роликах в шлеме. Меня в детстве сбивали машины, а я думал только: «Хоть бы мама не узнала, она меня убьет».
Fan Zones in every restaurant!
– Я вот думаю о том, как мамы кормят своих детишек с крошечных ложечек и вилочек. Интересно, а как кормят своих детей японские мамы: зубочистками? Самое счастливое утро для девушки – в день ее свадьбы. Проснувшись, она знает, что надеть. – Вступил в клуб анонимных алкоголиков. Уже третий день бухаю и даже не знаю, с кем. Разговор перед началом чемпионата по футболу: – Ты за кого болеть будешь? – Как «за кого»? За наших, конечно! – Ну это понятно... А потом?
Cautio�! Reading books may change you! Change for the better with us. В ДРУГУЮ РЕАЛЬНОСТЬ
4 4 7 7 0 8 (495) 7
Ukrainian cuisine – made with love! Restaurants’ location:
MOSCOW, Aviamotornaya metro station, 6 Krasnokazarmennaya St., (499) 763 5741
Avtozavodskaya metro station,
6 Velozavodskaya St., (499) 764 1532
Akademicheskaya metro station,
16/10 Profsoyuznaya St., (499) 125 0877
Alekseyavskaya metro station, 3 Bochkova St., (495) 616 6754
Airport metro station,
64 Leningradskiy Prospekt St., (499) 151 9011
23/41 Bakuninskaya St., +7 (495) 956 55 81
Baumanskaya metro station, Borovitskaya metro station,
8 Mokhovaya St., 24-hour, 89037965141; 89856448544
Leninskiy Prospekt metro station,
37 Leninskiy Prospect St., (495) 954 6466 Н и к о л а й
Н и к о л а й
Maryino metro station,
Г о Г о л ь
163/1 Lublinskaya St., 8 (495) 349 78 09
Novokuznetskaya metro station,
Г о Г о л ь
14 Pyatnitskaya St., (495) 953 7153
Novye Cheryomushki metro station, Nametkina St., 13 г, (495) 331 4211
Smolenskaya metro station,
12 Smolenskiy Avenue. St., 24-hour, (499) 246 6902
Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro station,
13/14 K2 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya St., (495) 694 0056
Chekhovskaya metro station,
Тарас БульБа
30/7 Petrovka St., (495) 694 6082
Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station,
6 Borovskoye Road, (495) 980 2051
Vystavochnaya metro station, of 1905 year,
27 B1 Shmitovskiy Passage, 24-hour, (499) 256-4660
The town of Odintsovo
122 Mozhayskoye Shosse 8 (925) 166-16-18
б у л ь б а - п р е с с
Loo� for th� boo�
of th� Korchm�
i� al� restaurnt�
“Tara� Bulb�” chai�!
KIEV, “Teatralnaya”, “Zolotye Vorota”,“Kreschatik” metro station, 2-4/7 Pushkinskaya St.,+38 (044) 270-7248
www.bulbapress.ru Certificate of registration PI № FS 77 – 19940. Circulation is 5 000 copies.
Laskavo prosymo!