Korchma en 03 17 preview

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W e h a ve o n l y fre s h a n d s a vo r y n e w s!

March 2017 | № 3 (162)

More news and photos at www.tarasbulba.ru korchma@tarasbulba.ru Project manager – Yuri Beloyvan












Fish Day 18 years

together! Korchma invites all of its friends to its Birthday Party on March 25!

Women’s Stories:

Soviet Union Models. Queen of the Catwalk Regina Zbarskaya

French Towns:

Following the Tracks of the Perfumer, Picasso, and Nietzsche

The Secrets of a Peninsula: 150 Years Ago Russia Sold Alaska Wi-Fi in all restaurants

24/7 food delivery and hotline: www.tarasbulba.ru

8 (495) 780-77-44


2 | culinary

Fish Day

Fish dishes are delicious, healthy, and nutritious. And so fish is one of the most important foods in our diet, especially during the days of Lent. Fish tastes good no matter how it was prepared: fried, stewed, boiled, roasted, salted, smoked, and fresh or as an ingredient in other dishes. This leaves room for all sorts of culinary experiments. A healthy diet is inconceivable without fish. Indeed, fish contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins A, D, E, vitamin B complex, as well as calcium, iodine, ferrum, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, etc. In addition, fish is a good source of a easily digestible highquality protein. Freshwater and saltwater fish slightly differ in their properties and composition. River or freshwater fish contain less protein and fat. Unlike seawater or ocean water fish, freshwater fish does not contain iodine and bromine. Therefore, seawater fish is considered to be healthier than freshwater fish.

depression and improves memory.

Nutritionists recommend eating fish at least two or three times a week. There are plenty of reasons for this:

■ Eating fish is much healthier than eating various chemical extracts from it in the form of capsules, since the best effect is achieved when omega-3 fatty acid is consumed in combi-

■ Fish is good for your heart and blood vessels since it contains fatty acid omega-3 that improves venous and arterial blood circulation. This helps to prevent heart attacks. ■ Omega-3 fatty acid also helps establish connections between brain cells. This helps to prevent

■ Fatty acid omega-6 found in fish reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in blood. This minimizes the risk of developing atherosclerosis. ■ Being a source of vitamin D, fish helps develop bone tissues and strengthens them. ■ Fatty acid omega-3 found in fish is of great value for pregnant women since it serves as a kind of a constructing material for the brain of the child. However, it is not advisable to consume such types of fatty fish as salmon, trout, mackerel, or herring more than two times a week.

nation with other nutrients contained in fish. ■ Fish boosts the immune system and metabolism. It reduces the risk of cancer and diabetes. ■ Fish dishes stimulate healthy skin and hair owing to components that facilitate moisture retention in skin cells. Thus, it offers a beneficial effect on overall skin condition. ■ Due to its content of vitamin A, fish improves eyesight. ■ Seawater fish that is rich in iodine benefits the endocrine system, particularly

the thyroid. For example, 200 grams of mackerel contain a daily dose of iodine. Moreover, it is easily digestible. The maximum benefit from fish can be obtained if it is good quality, fresh, and properly cooked. It is not advisable to soak fish in water since it will lose its juiciness and the dish will be dry and tasteless. For your fish balls, cutlets, or zrazy (stuffed patties) to be delicious, you need to know how to prepare the stuffing. It is better not to use a meat grinder to mince the fish, as it can affect the flavor and smell of the fish and the stuffing may become gray. To get a tasty stuffing, it’s better to cut the fish flesh with a sharp knife. Meals cooked with a self-cleaned fish will be juicier and tastier, even though buying readymade fillets is more convenient. Cooks can prepare delicious meals using both freshwater and saltwater fish. However, to do so, one must be aware of some subtleties and secrets. For example, it is possible to make use of all parts

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of a freshwater fish except for its guts and gills. Heads of large fish are commonly used for cooking a fish broth or a fish soup. Small fish, for example a crucian carp, can be cooked with its head on. It contains tasty cartilaginous elements that add juices when fried. If you add a bit of cream or sour cream to the juices, you will get a tasty sauce for a main course dish. However, not all elements of a seawater fish are edible. Before cooking, it is necessary to remove the head and to gut it. It is also recommended to remove the backbone, peel the skin, and cut off all the fins. These organs contain harmful substances so it is important to prevent these juices and bile from getting into fillets or into a ready-made meal. Boiled, baked, or fried fillets of seawater fish taste delicious and go well with vegetables, potatoes, or rice. Experienced cooks add a lot of various spices, seasonings, and lemon juice to seawater fish dishes. Their flavor may also be enhanced by

cream, milk, or a white wine sauce. Korchma serves both unusual and traditional fish dishes to everyone’s liking. Roast fish lovers can try trout with sautéed butter and white wine vegetables (carrots, celery, and leeks); Rustic Style Zander roasted with tomatoes, onions, cheese, and mayonnaise; zander with sautéed eggplant, tomatoes, zucchini, peppers, and onions; or salmon with cherry tomatoes. Those who prefer fried fish can treat themselves to salmon slices with a creamy white wine sauce, tomatoes and onions, fried capelin, or fried carp with onions. Exceptional minced fish dishes are also on the menu. These are zander cutlets seasoned with herb butter or varenyky (dumplings) with salmon and dill. After trying such delicious dishes, even those who were indifferent to fish are very likely to start loving it. Fish is a unique food that allows us to stick to a healthy diet or to fast without depriving ourselves of the pleasures of eating delicious and diverse dishes. Text by Olga SINIUGINA



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В РЕСТОРАНАХ ПО АДРЕСАМ: Метро Новокузнецкая, ул. Пятницкая, дом 14 Метро Боровицкая, ул. Моховая, дом 8, стр. 1 Метро Новые Черемушки, ул. Наметкина, дом 13Г Метро Парк культуры, Смоленская, Смоленский бульвар, дом 12/19 Метро Ленинский проспект, Ленинский проспект, 37 Метро Бауманская, ул. Бакунинская, дом 23/41 Метро Алексеевская, ул. Бочкова, 3 Метро Аэропорт, Ленинградский пр-т, 64

приятного аппетита на свежем воздухе!

Метро Цветной Бульвар, ул. Садовая-Самотечная, д.13/14, к.2 Метро Авиамоторная, ул. Красноказарменная, 6 г. Одинцово, Можайское шоссе,122.


mineralization 1-2 g/l chemical composition of water Sodium+potassium (Na+ K+) Chlorides (Cl) Sulphates Hydrogen carbonates Calcium Magnesium

mg/l 4.5 3.5 4.6 95 77.2 20.67

4 | Women’s Stories

Soviet Fashion Models:

The Queen of the Catwalk Regina Zbarskaya In the Soviet Union the term «model» did not exist. Then the girls who performed this role were prosaically called mannequins or «demonstrators of clothes.» Moreover, the profession was extremely unpopular and poorly paid. The beauties were listed as «working at the 5th level» and received a monthly maximum salary of 76 rubles. Furthermore, they were constantly exposed to public condemnation. In one of the issues of the most popular women’s magazine of the time «Rabotnitsa» they wrote: «to be a mannequin is disgraceful and these girls should be ashamed of showing other people’s clothes.» The Soviet girls, however, were very well known and appreciated in the West. There they were celebrities and had a lot of supporters. And so in the early 1960s Regina Zbarskaya became a world-famous model. She gained the most popularity while in Paris, where she was called «the most beautiful weapon of the Kremlin» or «the Soviet Sophia Loren.» These are the words of director Federico Fellini, who once exclaimed: «Why do you need Sophia Loren? You have your own. « On the eve of women’s day we decided to share with you the very interesting and dramatic history of this model. Regina Zbarskaya was the most famous and at the same time most mysterious Soviet fashion model. There are a lot of missing pages in her biography, from the place and circumstances of birth and ending with her death. We still don’t know exactly where she was born. According to some sources, it was in Leningrad. There her mother was allegedly a circus gymnast and her father a trapeze artist from Yugoslavia. When she was very little her parents died performing a difficult stunt. According to another source, the future model was born in Vologda. Her mother was a doctor and her father a retired officer. One way or another, at age 17 Regina moved to Moscow, where she became studied at the AllUnion State Institute of Cinematography. She chose the Faculty of Economics, although deep

down she wanted to be an actress and star in films. She didn’t focus on her studies. She understood that her future didn’t depend on good grades and a diploma, but on her youth and good looks. So instead of attend boring classes, she went to bohemian parties, where she met filmmakers, artists and diplomats. At one of these gatherings the famous artist and fashion designer Vera Aralova met Regina. She was captivated by Zbarskaya’s beauty with her «Westernstyle» features. And so Regina found herself at the All-Union House of Models and became a fashion model. Modeling Aralova’s collection, Zbarskaya quickly showed the whole world that the Soviet Union had fashion. At the same time, Zbarskaya instantly replaced rivals and took first place on the catwalks across the country. Her stardom reached its peak in 1961 when she modeled the collection in

Paris. There the dresses and shoes caused a real sensation. Above all, the Western audience was impressed by the high boots with long zippers, because they hadn’t seen anything like it before. Soviet know-how in armaments adopted French fashion design and soon the stylish boots appeared in European boutiques. The fashion designers themselves don’t go unnoticed. The next day the press named Zbarskaya «the most beautiful weapon of the Soviet Union.» And after the young fashion designer Slava Zaitsev gave her a pageboy haircut, Regina became known also as the Soviet Sophia Loren. When the beauty returned home, it was made clear to her that if she wanted to continue to have fame, money, and foreign trips, then she would have to work for the good of the fatherland. Rumor had it that in the 1960s government bodies were actively interested in Regina Zbarskaya and that she became their agent. Many things were said about the model: that she and her husband specially invited dissidents to their

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home, to then write reports on them; that she was «planted» by Yves Montand during his visit to the Soviet Union; that during trips abroad, she served as a secret agent – a sort of Mata Hari... What information was collected and disseminated by the Soviet catwalk queen nobody knows. But we know that she was really the only model who was allowed such «freedoms» that others only dreamed of. While Zbarskaya’s career was a success, that cannot be said about her personal life. She married Leo Zbarsky and at age 32 became pregnant. Her husband, however, didn’t want the child and the woman decided to have an abortion. To suppress her guilt, she started taking antidepressants. Shortly after this her husband left her.

First, he lived with actress Marianne Vertinskaya, and then Ludmila Maksakova, who had his child. Of course, this news devastated Regina and only worsened her crisis. After all the turmoil even the antidepressants no longer helped and she entered a psychiatric hospital with symptoms of severe depression. She tried to commit suicide, but unsuccessfully. Eventually, Zbarskaya returned to the House of Models. Things started to look up in 1973 when the model met a Yugoslavian journalist, with whom she has a short but passionate affair. But it turned out that the relationship with the queen of the catwalk the journalist used only for his own glory. When he returned home he published a book, which im-

mediately became a sensation – «One Hundred Nights with Regina Zbarskaya.» The publication contains Zbarskaya’s confession of denunciating colleagues, candid photos, and even descriptions of erotic scenes. This finally broke the will of the woman. She again tried to commit suicide and ended up back in the hospital. Ultimately, one of her suicide attempts was successful. On November 15, 1987, she took a large dose of sleeping pills to fall sleep and never wake up again. «Voice of America» reported on her death, but the fact was overlooked in the Soviet Union. No one even knows where to find the tomb of one of the most famous fashion models 1960s. Though her body was probably cremated and the ashes remained unclaimed... Text by Maria KRASNA

Women are our everything! We are meeting spring and preparing for March 8!

The best place to celebrate is at Korchma Taras Bulba. All restaurants will have live music and a special welcome!

6 | History

March 1st First day of Spring Mykola Gogol’s Day

March 4th Children’s Day

March 8th International Women’s Day

March 9th Victory Day

March 10th Borscht Day

March 11th Father’s Day

March 12th Photography Day (take part in our photo contest)



International Women’s Day

The Secrets of a Peninsula: 150 Years Ago Russia Sold Alaska March 30, 1867, exactly 150 years ago, the territory of Russia decreased by more than half a million square kilometers. The Russian Emperor Alexander II decided to sell the Alaskan peninsula and a nearby group of islands to the United States. Negotiations between the two countries lasted for more than a year, and the agreement was kept in great secrecy. At first fewer than ten people knew of it. Now, one and a half centuries has passed, but a lot of legends and speculation still surround the sale: “Alaska was not sold, only leased, but the documents are lost so it cannot be returned”; “The sale of the peninsula is invalid because the ship that was taking gold to the Russian treasury sank,” and so on. On the anniversary of the signing of the contract, we will share with you some of the most interesting stories associated with Alaska and why Russia so easily gave it to the Americans. Russian sailors reached Alaska in 1732. However, over the next decades Russia was not interested in the peninsula. It was merchants who actively bought fur from the local population. They established a small Russian settlement, near which the trading

ships stayed for the harsh winter months. But by the middle of the nineteenth century it had become clear that the cost of maintaining and protecting this remote area would greatly exceed any income from the territory. At that time, east from Alaska stretched land possessed by the British Empire, a geopolitical rival of Russia’s. During the Crimean War, when the British navy was trying to land its troops in PetropavlovskKamchatsky, the possibility of a direct clash between the two empires became very real. So the Russians knew that sooner or later an inevitable dispute would arise over the peninsula, on which gold deposits were already being found. The imperial court knew that the fight for such a remote area would be difficult.

March 15th Friendship Day

March 17th Cossack’s Day

March 22nd Birthday of Korchma on Krasnokazarmennaya St.

March 24th Mother’s Day

March 25th Birthday of Korchma on Petrovka St. Birthday of Korchma Taras Bulba restaurant chain

March 27th President’s Day

March 29th Salo Day

A $7.2 million check was presented for the payment of the purchase of Alaska. The sum is roughly equivalent to $119 million dollars in 2014

History | 7

A Soviet AutoLegend: The AMO-F15 Truck

The contract for the sale of Alaska was signed 30 March 1867

If England captures it, the state would receive nothing. At that time America started making proposals to buy Alaska. Eventually, the right proposition was found. The agreement on the sale of the peninsula was prepared in great secrecy. Even with the high level of intelligence that existed at the time, no one suspected of its existence. All that the London “Times” was able to surmise was a “mysterious sympathy” between Russia and the United States. And it did exist. In the nineteenth century, the Russian Empire and the United States had very friendly relations. For example, Russia refused to help the West to establish control over North American soil, causing fury in the British monarchs. At the same time, the contract in 1867 not only made Russia and the United States closer neighbors, but also allowed the Americans to encircle on all sides the British possessions in North America. During a luncheon in honor of the Russian delegation, an American general stated: “Providence has indicated that there should be two great hemispheres, East and West. Russia should represent the former, while the United States the latter!” Thus after short-lived trading activity, Russia agreed to sell Alaska for $7.2 million (one square kilometer cost the US Treasury $4.73). Of

course, for this massive area the price was negligible, but nevertheless most American officials sharply criticized the purchase. What was the use of land far to the north, which lacked roads and had such a harsh climate? Moreover, a civil war had recently ended in the United States and the treasury was devastated. To understand the worth of $7.2 million then, one eloquent fact should do it: just one three-story building in downtown New York, built to house a district court, cost the state treasury more than the entire peninsula. In general, in the nineteenth century America had quite successfully bought land. For example, half a century earlier a much larger territory (2,100,000 square kilometers) of America was acquired from Emperor Napoleon I of France Bonaparte. For the French colony, which today comprises the states of Missouri, Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma, Americans paid just $15 million. For a long time in Russia in was a common belief that Alaska was not sold, but leased for 99 years. However, for political reasons the Soviet Union decided not to retake it. This thesis was voiced by Jeffrey Archer in his novel A Matter of Honour. But according to most historians, there was no basis for this. Under the 1867 agreement, the peninsula became the property of the United States finally and irrevocably.

The building of the New York District Court cost more than the whole of Alaska

The AMO-F15 was the first Soviet truck ever built. The first ten such vehicles were released November 7, 1924 – the anniversary of the Great October Revolution. They were assembled at the Moscow Automobile Plant, and were based on the Italian truck FIAT 15 Ter. However, the Soviet engineers made several significant changes to the design. It was no coincidence that the USSR relied on European industry. In Italy, 1.5-ton trucks began to be produced in 1912. They were intended to operate in the tropical conditions in Africa. Soon the First World War began and the Russian army needed no fewer than 10,000 cars annually. First, the government bought them from allies and relied on the compact and easy to use FIAT 15 Ter. Of course, the cost for the purchase of these vehicles was not small. Thus the Soviet leadership decided to build its own plants, one of which was planned to be built in Moscow. The enterprise in Bilokamiana was launched in March 1917. First, trucks were assembled from parts delivered from Italy. Subsequently, for five years for the AMO they used recovered broken and dumped American «Whites.» When the factory engineers gained experience, they set before themselves an ambitious plan – to assemble cars solely from Russian components. The plant started to manufacture its own trucks in January 1924. Experts relied on documents received from Italy and two FIAT 15 Ters. As the plant lacked the appropriate equipment, many operations were performed manually. For example, something like a crankshaft was used to drill and chisel the steel plates, and then the workpiece was processed on a lathe, turning it into a finished product. The first car was completed late at night. One of the workers sat behind the wheel and, not holding back his excitement, rode around on the premises. The car was far from perfect, but it functioned and that was most important! On November 7, 1924, ten AMO-F15s, painted in red, took part in a proletarian demonstration on Red Square. The next day three of them went on the first Soviet motor rally, which rode for two thousand kilometers and passed through the following cities: Moscow - Tver - Vishny Volochek - Novgorod - Leningrad - Luga - Vitebsk - Smolensk - Roslavl - Moscow. It was a success – none of the cars broke down. The distance took 62 hours and 29 minutes, at an average speed of 32 km. In March 1925 the factory started to mass produce the cars. Interestingly, first Soviet truck had a 35-horsepower engine at 1400 rpm, and the consumption of fuel was 20 liters per 100 kilometers. Its top speed was 50 kilometers per hour.

8 | Travelling

French Towns: Following Tracks of the Perfumer, Picasso, and Nietzsche

If you have at least once visited a historic European town or village, then you know to expect a small magical town with its legends, great history, and great personalities that once lived there. The Aroma of Grasse It happened so that, as if by an accident (although nothing happens to us by accident), the road led us to places, which became famous because of a talented writer. I was carried away, as if to an unreal world, to the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region. Namely, to the town glorified by the German writer Patrick Süskind – the fragrant Grasse. The air here is scented with all the perfumes that are produced at the local Fragonard factory. At ten in the morning, the town slowly shakes off its night dreams. At one of the Grasse crossings a big company of local retired Frenchmen talks leisurely, exchanging the morning news. The owner of a nearby shop arranges vegetables and fruit outdoors. We set off to the places where narrow streets, museums, and churches have preserved the history of Grasse. First and foremost, we went to the oldest stone resident of the town – the Cathedral Notre-Dame-de-Puy. In French ‘Notre-Dame’ means “cathedral.” Looking ahead, I will say that if you are not a great expert on perfumes and are not professionally interested in the process of their manufacturing, you won’t miss much if for whatever reason you don’t visit the International Museum of Perfume. In fact, all those test tubes, bottles, and moonshine-making apparatuses are not that interesting. We got bored there. The thirteenth century Notre Dame, however, is worth visiting. This ancient and well-preserved monument of Roman Catholic architecture boasts wonderful stainedglass windows and three enormous paintings by the great representative of the Flemish Baroque − Peter Paul Rubens. Though Grasse is much more than the perfume factory and the old cathedral. It is also worth

visiting the monument to the Perfumer and the square that surrounds it and which has distance markers pointing toward well-known world cities. On a stroll along the narrow streets, we visited a lot of local shops that compete with each other in a wide variety of perfumes, perfumed soaps, and diverse potpourris. Once we finished our exploration, we stopped in one of the Grasse restaurants and each had a large serving of an exquisite and tasty French salad. Our trip was successful. Upon returning home, I took Suskind’s Perfume: The Story of a Murderer from a bookshelf. “He looked as if he just did not want to flaunt its luxury. He owned a huge plain filled with scents, and he felt that it is quite enough for him. “The city, both nondescript and full of selfesteem, was Grasse − unmatched for centuries in the production and selling of fragrances, perfumes, soaps, and oils ... This town was an empire of all kinds of scents, the ‘promised land’ of perfumers, and those who hadn’t won recognition here, had no right to call themselves perfumers.” Something from this story still lives on in Grasse today. The town has not changed its character: it’s the same as it was earlier, without flaunting its luxury, its atmosphere takes one’s breath away and intoxicates both locals and tourists with its aromas.

Artistic Streets of Mougins “Let’s make a decision,” suggested Yura, the organizer of all long-distance group journeys, while we were waiting for a bus that would take us to our next destination. “Let’s go straight to Cannes or visit the medieval mountain town of Mougins on the way. Yves Saint Laurent used to live in Mougins and there is a villa of Catherine Deneuve.» Everyone ignored the information about the famous fashion designer and the villa of the legendary actress and voted for the direct route to Cannes where world movie stars gather each year in May at the Film Festival. “I would like to have a look at Mougins,” I expressed my opinion being one against four. Yura was neutrally taking into account our wishes. “My Italian friend told me that Cannes is a commercial city. It is of little interest to tourists.” Just a few of my words made the company unanimously decide to go to Mougins. Perhaps, they realized that meeting

Travelling | 9

movie stars at the beginning of March in Cannes was highly unlikely. So, just 7 kilometers before Cannes, we stopped in Mougins. The road to the historic part of the town wasn’t straightforward. Huffing and puffing, we climbed up a curvy paved road. We were the only pedestrians there. But our hard climb was rewarded with the awesome view we had from the top. We had wandered into a real art town. Art galleries and art shops represent the colorful face of Mougins. Art is the lifeblood of the town. Even master Pablo Picasso spent time here. His photographs are all around the town. We had no idea that the world-famous SpanishFrench artist lived here during the last twelve years of his life. He had a private villa in Mougins. What a pity! We didn’t make it to the Picasso Museum of Photography. It was closed. Eze and the Nietzsche Path Halfway from Nice to Monaco on a high rock above the Mediterranean Sea among the French Alps stretches the village of Eze. The serpentine forest trails leading down and back up still remember the famous German philosopher and writer who lived here – Friedrich Nietzsche. A paved road leads to the medieval town where nobody has lived for quite a long time and where stone buildings house hotels, restaurants, and souvenir shops. The road is not as difficult to walk as the one in Mougins. One of the twisted streets of Eze leads to an exotic garden; another leads to the park of sculptures. The garden with cactuses, agaves, and aloes, among which one may constantly come across some interesting sculptures of girls by the sculptor Jean-Philippe Richard is the highest point of Eze. On one side are summits of the Alps, on the other a view of the surrounding area opens up, and in the middle is the sea. One can admire mountain summits reclining in one of the wooden chairs and listen to the murmuring water that flows nearby.

After a stroll in the garden and a coffee break in a local cafe, we split up: two people from our company turned left to the paved road from where the bus to Nice was going. They wanted to make it in time for the Matisse Museum. Others (including me, of course) decided to hike the Friedrich Nietzsche Path that disappeared behind the bushes on the right. According to the information signs with portraits of Nietzsche, the Nietzsche Path was going to be winding, rocky, and rough. We were treading carefully so as not to slip. All of a sudden I heard Kate scream. Kate, who was hiking behind me, fell on

the rocks. I helped her to her feet. Luckily, she suffered no injuries. After that we walked more slowly, stopping from time to time to take pictures of the amazing scenery. Indeed, the philosopher used to walk along quite a challenging path. Besides, he used to hike not only the way we did it − from the top to the bottom, but from the bottom to the top as well. It wasn’t a short hike either: the sign at the bottom marked the distance of 2,120 meters. Pleased with ourselves, we walked for two more kilometers to the nearby town where we stocked up at the local supermarket and finished our trek with an improvised picnic on the coast. Text and photos by Olesia Olendiy

10 | news from korchma

Sunny Caribbean Islands

Korchma employees return from the Dominican Republic

Last September and October our chain of restaurants held a competition for the best wine seller from The Simple Company. All employees received a sales plan and on the basis of the targets they reached, five winners were determined. The winners set off on a motivational journey to the seaside. Owing to the generous budget, they could afford to go as far as the Dominican Republic! Interestingly, the winners were able to choose the destination and time of their journey for themselves. They decided to briefly share their impressions with readers of our newspaper. This January, my colleagues and I enjoyed a desirable destination for millions of eager tourists, a country where the Bounty commercial video was filmed, and where Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom fought in a watermill wheel in the sequel of The Pirates of the Caribbean. The weather was great. Our hotel Don Juan Beach3* was located on the first sea line. A restaurant, a beach, a swimming pool, and an animation center were all nearby. We lived in spacious rooms with balconies. Everything was clean. The food was excellent, with a lot of fruits and vegetables to choose from. The Dominican Republic is not a place known for its museums, but rather a country for beach holidays with some entertaining outings. I’ll tell you about those we went on. We took a catamaran to Saona Island. This island is a little paradise with turquoise water, palm trees, and white sand. On the way back, we stopped at the natural swimming pool of the Caribbean Sea, which is home to starfish. We picked them up for a couple of seconds to take photos with them. It was fun, interesting, and lovely. Our second tour was to the La Hacienda Park and was meant especially for extreme sports lovers. Our

zipline flights over the jungle, offroad buggy riding, and horse riding left an incredible and lasting impression on us! Then we were taken to see how «wealthy Dominicans» used to live in the middle of the last century. We saw their houses, their daily routine, and housekeeping. There we were treated to a national Dominican Mamajuana liquor and delicious cocoa. Even though we were strictly warned about the criminal situation on the streets by our tour guides, we planned our city excursions ourselves. We also went for several night walks. During one of them, we visited a real casino, which was both exciting and nice. Dominicans seemed to be friendly. They always smiled at us and we smiled back. No need to say that the ten days passed in a flash. We absolutely did not want to leave. We all express our sincere gratitude to the project manager Yuriy Beloyvan and The Simple Company for organizing our journey to the Dominican Republic. Thank you all for the exciting journey and the pleasant and unforgettable memories! We wish you prosperity and good luck! Sincerely, Korchma employees!

news from korchma | 11

Protect the Motherland and her defenders! Loudly, creatively, and with humor – this is how the employees at Korchma celebrated on February 23.

Saint Valentine’s Day: Delicious and Emotional!

This is how joyfully and loudly Korchma celebrated the most romantic day of the year

12 | news from korchma

Culinary Maturity! Korchma Taras Bulba to Celebrate its 18th Birthday in March All in all there are eighteen restaurants in Moscow, Kyiv, and New York. We have our own farm, cheese factory, and deli shops where people can buy not only organic food but also pre-cooked meals. We can boast about our publishing house Bulba Press, which publishes a lot of interesting books and periodicals. This is just a brief list of the achievements our chain of restaurants celebrates on its 18th birthday. In spite of vari“The organic nature of our products serves as a good promotion. We don’t need to prove anything...” says Yuriy Beloyvan, the manager and the founder of the Korchma Taras Bulba Restaurant Chain

ous challenges facing the restaurant industry, we are excited about our holiday. Shortly before every birthday we sum up all of our achievements and invite all of our friends to celebrate with us on March 25. By the way, you have also been with us for eighteen years and Korchma’s birthday is your holiday, too!

Deli Shops Project Many of our restaurants have some extra space. So we’ve decided to use it in a practical way and launched the Deli Shops Project. These are small shops where people can buy natural food from our farm: potatoes, meat, milk, as well as pre-cooked meals. Our customers like the project. Unlike the food from supermarkets that stays fresh much longer owing to some chemicals to improve their cultivation, the food from our farm does not.

Our Own Farm The advantages of Korchma is that we have our own farm, and thus a regular supply of natural products of high quality. The farm is located in an ecologically clean area of the Ryazan region. As a result, all of our dishes are not only delicious and healthy but also attract customers with their reasonable prices. Our food will always be bound by the national currency. It will not become more expensive, unlike everything that is necessary to buy in dollars or euros. Cheese Factory and Dairy Department We have been working hard and long to get our mini-factory off the ground. Our efforts haven’t been in vain. The factory is a dream of any businessman put into life with the production cycle smoothly organized. All processes, from the cow to the table, are well-planned. This way, our guests can buy fresh milk, sour cream, butter, and various types of cheese on a daily basis.

Bulba Press Publishing House We publish intellectual and entertaining literature for both children and adults. These are books, newspapers, magazines, travel albums, souvenir and gift editions. For example, just a few months ago we published a book by the founder of the Korchma Taras Bulba Restaurant Chain – Yuriy Beloyvan, entitled My Key. The author provides us with an inspiring story about how he worked his way from a hospital orderly and a factory worker to a multi-millionaire businessman. Also, every month, our adult guests receive our corporate newspaper Bulba NEWS, and the youngest of our readers get our magazine – Tarasik.

1 апреля приглашаем игроков и болельщиков

в рестораны сети по адресам: ул. Бочкова, 3 ул. Профсоюзная 16/10 г. Одинцово, Можайское шоссе, 122

Delivery Service Everyone knows what it’s like to have a craving for something delicious but not be up to cooking something or going out to a favorite restaurant. Especially when the weather is bad and nobody fancies leaving their cozy homes. This is when a delivery service comes in handy! The chain of our restaurants has been providing this service to Moscow residents for many years. In order to meet our customers’ wishes, deliverymen work 24/7.

news from korchma | 13

Chefs Culinary Competition We respect each of our patrons’ preferences and are doing our best to make our dishes delicious. To achieve that, we organize trainings for our staff and initiate professional contests for our chefs – because they are the trend-setters in our culinary traditions. At a recent competition, our chefs competed in preparing burgers and charlotte cakes.

Based on our jury’s votes, here is the list of the three winners: 1st prize: Natalya Chernyshenko (Bochkova St. Restaurant) – RUR 10,000. 2nd prize: Igor Stupar (Nametkina St. Restaurant) – RUR 8,000. 3rd prize: Liubov Miron (Airport Restaurant) – RUR 7,000.

14 | news from korchma

prizes: 1st prize:

5,000 rubles 2nd prize:

3,000 rubles 3rd prize:

2,000 rubles

We started organizing a monthly photo contest. The conditions are quite simple. You just have to take an interesting picture in any of our restaurants and post in on social media with the hashtag #korchmatarasbulbakonkurs with a geolocation. Your profile should be open and the picture needs to show that it was taken in a Korchma. Winners will be selected every month. The more likes you get, the better your chances are. Participants who gain the most votes will get valuable prizes and their pictures will be published in our newspaper.

january Winners:

2nd prize – 48 likes – Vera

1st prize – 107 likes – Alina

3rd prize – 45 likes –Yulia

MENU | 15

Наша кухня Наши продукты

«За веру православную и землю Русскую» Н.В.Гоголь «Тарас Бульба»

Настоящая домашняя еда БАКЛАЖАНЫ В ГОРШОЧКЕ баклажаны, картофель, лук, помидоры, перец болгарский, масло растительное, укроп, майонез постный

300 г.

375 р.

ГОЛУБЦЫ ОВОЩНЫЕ капуста б/к, вешенки, рис, лук, морковь, специи, масло растительное, томат-паста, майонез постный

300/50 г. 320 р.

ПЕРЕЦ, ФАРШИРОВАННЫЙ РИСОМ И ОВОЩАМИ перец болгарский, рис, лук, помидоры, морковь, петрушка, специи, сметана постная

300/50г. 395 р.

ЗРАЗЫ КАРТОФЕЛЬНЫЕ С ГРИБАМИ 300/50г. 300 р. картофель, мука, грибы вешенки, лук, специи, сметана постная

Поститесь с нами! Наименование

Салаты и закуски

ЛОСОСЬ ЗАПЕЧЕННЫЙ С ПОМИДОРАМИ ЧЕРРИ соус песто, помидоры черри, лимон, масло оливковое

180 г.

540 р.

СУДАК, ЖАРЕНЫЙ С ОВОЩАМИ судак, баклажаны, кабачки, перец болгарский, помидоры, лук, чеснок, базилик

300 г.

530 р.


100 г.

98 р.

ВАРЕНИКИ ПОСТНЫЕ С СЁМГОЙ, ЗЕЛЁНЫМ ЛУКОМ И УКРОПОМ тесто постное, сёмга, лук зелёный, укроп, масло растительное, лимон, майонез постный

220/50г. 590 р.



ОВОЩИ С ГРЯДКИ: помидоры, огурцы, лук зеленый, укроп, петрушка, кинза, базилик

500 г.

485 р.

ВАРЕНИКИ ПОСТНЫЕ С КАРТОФЕЛЕМ тесто постное, картофель, лук, масло растительное, сметана постная

220/50г. 260 р.

СОЛЕНЬЯ: огурцы, помидоры, черемша, капуста квашеная, чеснок, перец жгучий, капуста квашеная со свеклой

500 г.

375 р.

ВАРЕНИКИ ПОСТНЫЕ С ВИШНЕЙ тесто постное, вишня, масло растительное, варенье малиновое, сметана постная

220/50г. 270 р.

КАПУСТА КВАШЕНАЯ по-деревенски со свеклой

100 г. 100 г.

105 р. 105 р.


100/30 г. 90 р.

САЛАТ «САЛЮТ» 200 г. фасоль белая и красная, морковь, помидоры свежие, кинза, орехи кедровые и миндаль, масло оливковое, чеснок

310 р.

САЛАТ «ОГОРОД» С СЫРОМ ТОФУ помидоры, огурцы, редис, сыр тофу, лук красный, кинза, базилик, укроп, масло растительное

200/40 г. 340 р.

САЛАТ «СЕЛЯНСКИЙ» опята консервированные, фасоль красная, лук, базилик, чеснок, масло растительное

200 г.

285 р.

ИКРА ПИКАНТНАЯ ТЫКВЕННАЯ С ГРЕНКАМИ тыква, перец чили, помидоры, перец болгарский, зира, чеснок, гренки из бородинского хлеба

150 г.

190 р.

САЛАТ ИЗ ЧЕЧЕВИЦЫ С СОЛЕНЫМИ ОГУРЦАМИ И ЛУКОМ чечевица, огурцы соленые, лук репчатый, чеснок, кинза, масло растительное душистое

200 г.

200 р.

САЛАТ КАРТОФЕЛЬНЫЙ С ГРУЗДЯМИ И ЛИСИЧКАМИ картофель, грузди, лисички, лук, масло растительное душистое

200 г.

385 р.

САЛАТ ОЛИВЬЕ С БЕЛЫМИ СОЛЁНЫМИ ГРИБАМИ картофель, морковь, грибы, огурцы свежие, зеленый горошек, майонез постный, укроп

200 г.

210 р.


200 г.

190 р.

СЕЛЬДЬ ДОМАШНЕГО ПОСОЛА «ТАРАС БУЛЬБА» Подается в банке с гренками

350 г.

285 р.


200 г.

190 р.


240 г.

485 р.

«ПОДОЛЬСКИЙ» легкий, невероятно сочный и хрустящий салат из огурцов, помидоров, редиса, цветной капусты, моркови Заправленный растительным маслом

200 г.

220 р.

САЛАТ ИЗ КАПУСТЫ, ЯБЛОК И СЕЛЬДЕРЕЯ Заправленный растительным маслом и соком лимона

200 г.

200 р.


200 г.

190 р.

ПЕЛЬМЕНИ ПОСТНЫЕ С СУДАКОМ 220/50г. 320 р. тесто постное, судак, масло растительное, майонез постный

ПИРОЖОК ПОСТНЫЙ С КАРТОФЕЛЕМ тесто постное, картофель


50 р.

ПИРОЖКИ ПОСТНЫЕ ЖАРЕНЫЕ с картофелем, с капустой, с повидлом

1 шт.

50 р.

КАША ГРЕЧНЕВАЯ С ВЕШЕНКАМИ И ОВОЩАМИ крупа гречневая, лук, морковь, вешенки

200 г.

260 р.

КАПУСТА, ОБЖАРЕННАЯ В СУХАРЯХ капуста б/к, масло растительное, сухари панировочные

150 г.

140 р.

ПОЛБА С БЕЛЫМИ ГРИБАМИ И ЛУКОМ лук, грибы белые с/м, петрушка, укроп

200 г.

290 р.

ОВОЩИ ГРИЛЬ баклажаны, кабачки, перец болгарский, помидоры, соус

300 г.

370 р.

СОРБЕТ ЯГОДНЫЙ 1 шарик СОРБЕТ ЛИМОННЫЙ 1 шарик БЛИНЧИКИ С КУРАГОЙ И МЁДОМ тесто постное дрожжевое, курага, мёд, орехи грецкие ЯБЛОКО, ЗАПЕЧЕННОЕ С МАЛИНОВЫМ ВАРЕНЬЕМ яблоко, варенье малиновое, сахарная пудра ГРУША, ЗАПЕЧЕННАЯ С МАЛИНОВЫМ ВАРЕНЬЕМ груша, варенье малиновое, сахарная пудра ТЫКВА, ЗАПЕЧЕННАЯ С ЯБЛОКАМИ

50 г. 50 г. 200 г.

120 р. 120 р. 230 р.

130 г.

170 р.

130 г.

170 р.

250 г.

210 р.

200 г.

145 р.

КИСЕЛЬ ВИШНЁВЫЙ морс вишнёвый, крахмал, вишня, сахар-песок

Б О Р Щ И И С У ПЫ БОРЩ ЩАВЕЛЕВЫЙ ПОСТНЫЙ щавель, картофель, лук, морковь, помидор, сметана постная, гренки из бородинского хлеба

300 г.

230 р.


300 г.

210 р.

ПОХЛЕБКА ЧЕЧЕВИЧНАЯ В БОРОДИНСКОМ ХЛЕБЕ хлеб бородинский, чечевица, лук, морковь, масло растительное, чеснок, укроп, специи

300 г.

260 р.

москва киев нью-йорк

Готовятся с использованием соевого молока БЛИНЫ ПОСТНЫЕ на выбор: со сметаной постной или малиной с сахаром

120 г.

190 р.

ОЛАДУШКИ ПОСТНЫЕ на выбор: со сметаной постной или малиной с сахаром КАША ОВСЯНАЯ ПОСТНАЯ

150 г.

195 р.

200 г.

115 р.


200 г.

115 р.

Горячая линия +7(495)780-77-44

We h av e o n l y f r es h a n d s a v o r y n ew s !

www.bulbanews.ru Bulba NEWS has its own website now

We offer only fresh and savory news! Share the news in social networks, and leave your comments. Send your news to: bulbanews.ru@gmail.com EVERYBODY READS US!

The newspaper office is open for cooperation! Call us at 968-665-12-07 or write to: bulbanews.ru@gmail.com

Женщина рассказывает подругам: – Мой муж предложил мне выбрать подарок на 8 Марта, чтобы его название начиналось на букву «ш». Я выбрала шубу, шапку, шампанское, шумочку, шапожки, шолотые шерёжки и шеребристый «Шевроле». – Ты на 8 Марта даришь дома цветы? – Да, два цветка. – Так ведь четное число дарить нельзя? – У меня жена и теща. Мужики на фирме советуются, что подарить дамам на 8 Марта. Решили – косметику. А деньги выделить по статье «Ремонт фасада и вывески». Главбух подписала.

Caution! Reading books may change you! Change for the better with us.

4 4 7 7 0 8 (495) 7

Ukrainian cuisine – made with love! Restaurants’ location:

MOSCOW, Aviamotornaya metro station,

г.Москва, ул. Пятницкая 14

6 Krasnokazarmennaya St., (499) 763 5741

тел.: 8 (915) 222-15-18 (495) 953-7153, 951-3760

Avtozavodskaya metro station,

6 Velozavodskaya St., (499) 764 1532

Akademicheskaya metro station,

16/10 Profsoyuznaya St., (499) 125 0877

Alekseyavskaya metro station, 3 Bochkova St., (495) 616 6754


Airport metro station,


64 Leningradskiy Prospekt St., (499) 151 9011

Baumanskaya metro station,

23/41 Bakuninskaya St., +7 (495) 956 55 81

Look for the book

Borovitskaya metro station,

8 Mokhovaya St., 24-hour, 89037965141; 89856448544

in all restaurnts

Leninskiy Prospekt metro station,

37 Leninskiy Prospect St., (495) 954 6466

of the Korchma

Maryino metro station,

163/1 Lublinskaya St., 8 (495) 349 78 09

“Taras Bulba” chain!

Novokuznetskaya metro station, 14 Pyatnitskaya St., (495) 953 7153

Novye Cheryomushki metro station, Nametkina St., 13 г, (495) 331 4211

Smolenskaya metro station,

12 Smolenskiy Avenue. St., 24-hour, (499) 246 6902



Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro station,

13/14 K2 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya St., (495) 694 0056

Chekhovskaya metro station,


30/7 Petrovka St., (495) 694 6082

Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station,

6 Borovskoye Road, (495) 980 2051

Vystavochnaya metro station, of 1905 year,

27 Shmitovskiy Passage, 24-hour, (499) 256-4660

The town of Odintsovo




122 Mozhayskoye Shosse 8 (925) 166-16-18

KIEV, “Teatralnaya”, “Zolotye Vorota”,“Kreschatik” metro station, 2-4/7 Pushkinskaya St.,+38 (044) 270-7248 357 West Broadway, NYork City, NY 10013

www.bulbapress.ru Certificate of registration PI № FS 77 – 19940. Circulation is 5 000 copies.

phone: (212) 510 75 10

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