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December 2014 | № 12 (135) Save the Date: December 8 – Birthday of Korchma on Borovskoye Highway
December 22 – Birthday of Korchma on Sadovo-Samotechna Street
December 29 – Birthday of Korchma on Pyatnitskaya Street Birthday of Korchma on Bochkova Street
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Project manager – Yuri Beloyvan
e nc uisine – mad
Singer Bria Blessing I Think of Myself as a Ukrainian Born in the US
Secrets of an Amulet: First Horseshoe Museum Opened in Ukraine
Spectacular Istanbul: Turkish Baths and the Disruptive Activity of Roksolana Lisovska
Sophistication in Your Glass: Wine History, Properties, and Recipes
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2 | guest
Bria Blessing,
an American with a Ukrainian Soul:
Is My Favorite Holiday!»
The story of this girl would fit nicely in the column «Born in Ukraine,» but she was in fact born in America. She is a great example for all of us of how to love one’s homeland. Indeed, the reason she participated in the talent show «Voice of the Country» was to prove to Ukrainians through song and Ukrainian national costume that they should be grateful to God for such a wonderful land! The Ukrainian American is truly a remarkable person – she is open, sincere, and surprisingly pleasant to talk to. She immediately accepted my invitation for coffee, and in our conversation I felt a great deal of positive vibes from her... which I will share with the readers of Bulba NEWS. – When you came to Ukraine, what stood out to you the most? – It’s been so long. I was only 13 (smiles). I remember when we got off the plane, I saw the people and said to my mother: «Look, they are the same as us.» Now this phrase we often recall with a laugh. – The best memories of your life in America are? – I don’t know... I was a teenager, and somewhat capricious. I often quarreled with my parents. My mother suffered from unpleasant scenes. I feel very sorry about it. In Ukraine, I became completely different, so I think that Ukraine has changed me for the better. – After 20 years living in Ukraine, who do feel you are the most? – Earlier I thought American. When I visited my friends in America I missed everything Ukrainian – my friends, acquaintances, measured lifestyle, habits. So I realized that I needed Ukraine a lot more! I’m not sure that I would have been able to move to live to some other country. So I see my future here and I feel more Ukrainian, though I was born in America. – Who encouraged you to take part in the «Voice of the Country»? – In each major step in my life I am prompted by the Lord. This time he did it though my friends – because they insisted that I try my talent. They managed to convince me. Now it’s even hard to imagine my life without this project. I just wanted to join Sviatoslav Vakarchuk’s team. He taught me ... to sing with soul. I never studied singing. He said that a voice is more than notes, that he doesn’t care what place we get, but that every song has to come from the heart. This is important. So even now, every time I go on stage, I immediately think of him – and perform each song with soul. – How do you think the Ukrainian youth differs from Amerian youth? – When I first arrived in Ukraine, I thought that teenagers were the same everywhere. However, after years of living here, I notice that it is really not the case. Ukrainians have more respect – for elders, parents, teachers, and their peers. In America it’s not like this. It is a pity, I want Ukrainians to continue to foster this trait in their upbringing. In addition, another detail immediately struck me. A Ukrainian teenager at 17 is almost an adult with established views on life, who takes responsibility for his or her actions, while in America a teenager of the same age is a grown child. Everything must be done for him or her.
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– When you moved to Ukraine, you were homeschooled. What do you remember the most from your mother’s lessons? – When we moved, we knew that we would have to study at home, because we did not have the money to go to school in Ukraine, as my parents lived off of what the American community of our church sent them. So my mother homeschooled my sisters and me. In America there is a special program for homeschooling: methods, textbooks, tests. This is what we used for our studies. Every day we washed, had breakfast, dressed, and then had our lessons. My sisters shared a room, and I was in another. It was boring, because at school, you sit near friends with whom you could chat from time to time (smiles), but here you just had sit and learn, read, repeat, every day. But I knew that my mother’s lessons gave us the opportunity to adapt to Ukrainian life, to understand how people live here. I remember reading poems by Lesya Ukrayinka and Taras Shevchenko. – Which European country impressed you most? – Since 2000, I have traveled a lot with my family. We visited a lot of countries. Sometimes it seemed that the only place we hadn’t seen was Australia (smiles). I can not single out any one culture. They all impressed me, each in their own way. In France, the atmosphere of romance, in Italy the inherent vigorous passion for life, food, women. In Switzerland the incredibly beautiful nature. Out of my recent travels I most remember Israel. We were there in 2011. The country really impressed me. – America and Ukraine have very different cultures and lifestyles. How did you get used to everything? – You’re right, totally different worlds, entirely different cultures. In America everything is done quickly. Life, food, business meetings. Here, on the other hand, it is different, quieter, and more pleasant. Even when it comes to cooking. We immediately liked Ukrainian dishes. I immediately fell in love with Ukrainian dumplings. They are just incredibly delicious. Fried to a golden brown with sour cream. I can eat them three times a day. And how can your women make them so easily? I tried with mom and sisters – but they didn’t quite turn out (smiles). And Lviv with its coffee tradition – this is a separate topic. I haven’t see a city as this anywhere else. This is such a coffee city – coffeehouses are not on every street or alley, but at every step. And the coffee in each place is different and incredibly tasty. As for our American taste preferences we still love of bacon. We really do eat a lot of it even now in Ukraine. Though we also like new dishes such as green borscht. – In America, you and your sisters probably often visited fast food chains? – Not at all! Unlike most American families, we almost always ate at home. The fact is that our missionary family was not so well off to be able to give pocket money to three children to school every day. So in the morning we had breakfast at home and my mother gave us a lunch to take to school. I can tell you an interesting story about these sandwiches. In grade school, we, like all Americans, carried them in special boxes. But in high school it was not trendy. So my mom bought each of us – me, Lindsay, and Christy – a special paper bag that was wrapped into a tube at the top. But the main thing was not even that. Every week our mother bought small colored cards. And every morning she wrote on these cards a greeting. It was something like, «Honey, I love you,» «Have a nice day,» «Have unexpected experiences,» ... and we received these greetings every day and they
were always different. And our mother had three girls! Over time we got so used to these cards that we were interested not so much in the lunch as in the note from our mother! – Have you tried all the traditional Ukrainian dishes in the last 20 years? – I’m ashamed to admit it but I still haven’t tried plain salo (cured lard)! While I understand that this the most famous Ukrainian dish and the time will come when I the need to try it, but now ... when I imagine eating fat ... I understand that I am not ready for it... – Do you exchange gifts during the holidays? – For Christmas yes. Each of us associate this holiday with childhood. When we were little and waited for our dream gifts. I have a very vivid memory. When I was little, and my sisters were still not born, one morning I ran to the Christmas tree and noticed there was no present for me. I was very upset. My parents said: «Bria, maybe you should look outside, maybe Santa could not fit your gift in the chimney.» We all went outside. On the stairs stood a very large package. When I removed the ribbon, I saw a colorful wooden house for Barbie dolls... Only later I learned that my parents did everything themselves. To prepare me this surprise they had to work hard on it
when I was asleep ... So many years have passed, but I still remember that gift. – Do you decorate a Christmas tree and sing Christmas carols? – The holidays without a Christmas tree is not possible! We always buy a real tree so that house smells of pine needles. Sometimes my dad brings such a large one home that the top needs to be trimmed so that it will fit in the room (smiles). And then ... my mother prepares cocoa or a special Christmas drink (with apple, orange, cinnamon) and fudge and only then do we start to decorate the tree. My mother gives each of us a box full of ornaments. My sisters and I have been collecting Christmas ornaments since childhood. Every year for Christmas our mother buys us ornaments and writes on them who they are for, where they were bought, and what important life event occurred that year (for example, my performance, Lindsey’s graduation, Christa’s new achievement). So imagine, each of us has her own life documented in an ornament collection. Thanks to the traditions that our parents started, each year Christmas is a special time for our family. Then we go caroling to friends and sing in the church. It is a very pleasant time during the winter celebrations ... Text: Lesya Kichura Photograph: Yuriy Helytovych
4 | interview
Boris Barsky:
«While in Other Cities Newborns Cry, in Odesa They Tell Jokes» Is he a happy or rather a sad clown? Is he a clown at all? Looking at the famous Odesite Boris Barsky, member of the just as famous Maski Show comic troupe, on stage or on screen, one can’t help but wonder how he manages to combine his excellent sense of humor with his deadpan behavior in front of the audience. In an exclusive interview we spoke with Boris Barsky about humor and clowns, Odesites and inspiration, music and books, and of course about women. – Boris, your general image is the image of a rather sad clown. I may be wrong. Correct me, please, if this is not so. – I think it’s rather the image of a lyrical clown. It’s something akin to Leonid Yengibarov. I’m a little bit of a poet deep down. However, poets say, “What kind of poet are you? You’re a clown.” And clowns say, “What kind of clown are you? You’re a poet” (he laughs). – Did you like clowns in childhood? – I worshipped them! By the way, at a circus I saw Leonid Yengibarov for the first time. It was a long time ago. Besides, there is a very good joke about this: “The clown’s son asks his father, ‘Daddy, when you grow up, what will you become?’” – What helps you maintain the inner state of a child: lifestyle, creative work, humor, your friends? – Probably, it’s everything mentioned a b o v e . I’ve never t h o u g h t about this. A centipede is said to have been asked with which leg takes the first step. The centipede started to think and couldn’t even budge.
– Are all the Odesites born with a great sense of humor? – Odesa is a smile of God. While in other cities newborns cry, in Odesa they tell jokes or at least they smile (he laughs). – You speak about your native city so nicely. What personal traits do you owe to Odesa? Would you be a different person without it?
– Probably, I would be a little bit different. Generosity and a sense of humor as well as profundity and wisdom are peculiar to Odesites. Each little Odesite is a potential Oystrakh, Bahrytskyi, Babel, Zhvanetskyi. Usually, a baby born in a shirt (Am. – with a silver spoon in the mouth) is considered a lucky one. In Odesa, all children are born in a sailor’s striped vest. And I want so much for them to be lucky. – You probably had many chances to change your place of residence. Why didn’t you and the whole Maski Show do this?
– It’s because a Frenchman has a wife and a lover, and he loves his lover. An Englishman has a wife and a lover, and he loves his wife. An Odesite has a wife and a lover, and he loves his Mother. – What do you start your day with? Are you a night owl or an early riser? – I’m an early riser. I adore waking up at dawn. The window is opposite my bed. And like a cat, I lie and scrunch up my eyes, feel good. Then I drink coffee and have a smoke, a cigarette. I know that this is wrong, bad and harmful, but… – What kind of literary creative works is most dear to you: jokes, poems, prose, dramas? Since you write all genres. – Each work is like a little child. What is more, the youngest one is the most loved. So for me all the works are favorite, even the short aphorism: “Breathe in, and God dissolves in you! Breathe out and you dissolve in God!” Isn’t it a wonder? – Who or what usually inspires you to create: women, nature, events? – Of course, women! As the great Imre Kalman said, “It’s impossible to live without women – with anyone!” – What music do you listen to? – Different kinds. In the morning, in order to accelerate the blood
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circulation I may listen to rock, energetic, loud music, even heavy metal. During the day, I may listen to bards or Latino. And in the evening, I usually listen to soft music like Keiko Matsui. – And what (who) do you like to read? Do you have a library at home? – I have a grand library, nearly 4,000 books. And one of my most favorite books for many years already is The Fateful Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik. From time to time, I return to it. There is a great expression in it: “Let it be as it will be, since somehow it will be, as it never was that it was nothing!” This is the answer to all questions that occasionally cross my mind. – Your moustache is your trademark. Would you shave it off at least for an experiment?
To celebrate the 15th birthday of the Korchma «Taras Bulba» chain of restaurants we present a CD of Ukrainian classical music in modern arrangements from Bulba Press.
– I don’t think that my charm and hearing would sharpen without a moustache. Or I would move faster across the planet without it. – Optimist, pessimist, realist – which one is you? – Optimist. Here is a joke, just about me. Psychoanalyst: Your grandpa has died. Optimist: I have another. You are late for a train. I’ll take a car and step on the gas! You are afraid of driving. I’ll drink a bottle of vodka and won’t care. You’ll be stopped by a traffic policeman. I’ll arrange it. And it won’t be a man, but a woman.
I’ll get acquainted. She’ll be ugly. I’ve already drunk a bottle of vodka. – To the point! How do you get over a bad mood? Probably, sometimes you have one. – Once I read that “When black thoughts cross your mind, uncork a bottle of champagne or read ‘The Marriage of Figaro’! It helps. – How often do friends and colleagues play jokes on you? And how do you react to them? – It happens. In childhood, in such cases I would say, “A doctor is not offended by his patients.” These words help me even now. Text by Halyna Huzio
The exclusive new disc will be available for sale in our restaurants! Find time in your life for our music!
6 | history
December 1 Day of the Ukrainian Public Prosecution Workers
December 2 Day of Russian Bankers
December 3 Lawyer’s Day in Russia International Day of Computer Graphics
December 4 Day of Letters to Santa Claus Day of Information Technology
December 5 Day of Statisticians in Ukraine
December 6 Day of Ukrainian Armed Forces
December 7 International Civil Aviation Day
December 8 – Birthday of Korchma on Borovskoye Highway
December 9
Day of Fatherland Defenders in Russia
November 4, 1946
«Moskvitch-400»: Bourgeois Curiosities for the Mass Market
November 4, 1946, is a date known by all experts in automotive history. It is when at the Moscow Compact Car Factory the first Moskvitch-400 was assembled. Ithad a maximum speed of 90 kilometers per hour and was almost an exact copy of the German Opel Cadet K38. Its appearance showed the Soviet Union’s new approach in this field: the car become not a luxury but a means to travel. Since then it was meant for the mass market. The automotive industry in the USSR began to emerge back in the 1930s. However, only a limited number of cars were released at that time. For the most part, various organizations received them, but individuals, as before, were forced to use public transport. The picture looked quite
different in bourgeois Western countries, where the auto industry grew at a frantic pace. To keep up with the competition, in the «Land of the Soviets» it was also decided to develop mass motorization. Even before the war the minicar KIM-10 appears, which is the main prototype which becomes
December 10 World Football Day
December 12 Constitution Day of the Russian Federation
December 15 Day of the Court Administrators of Ukraine
December 18 Day of Security Division at the Home Affairs Authorities of the Russian Federation Day of the Civil Acts Registration Officers
December 19 Day of Advocacy in Ukraine
December 20 Day of the Ukrainian Police
December 21 Day of the Russian Realtor
December 22 Day of the Diplomatic Service Officers of Ukraine Birthday of Korchma on SadovoSamotechna Street
Did you know… Initially, it was planned to namethe car Pobeda (Victory) as Rodina (Motherland). Having known that, Stalin ironically asked, “What will be the price of the motherland?” The name was immediately changed to Pobeda. Stalin replied, “It’s not a great victory, but let it be ‘Victory.’”
December 25 Christmas
December 27 Day of Rescue Workers of the Russian Federation
December 29 – Birthday of Korchma on Pyatnitskaya Street Birthday of Korchma on Bochkova Street
December 31 New Year!
Moskvitch-400 and later Moskvitch-412 were widely exported to Europe where they were quite popular.It was written in the English journal Motor, “In general, the car is an efficient, durable, and comfortable transport vehicle… The RussianMoskvitch-400carsare sold out in the amount that is imported.” Niva VAZ-2121was not only the most popular Soviet off-road vehicle. In30 years, out of the 1.8 million of these cars that were produced, 500,000 of them were exported to 100 countries of the world. It turned out that Niva was the only Soviet car exported to Japan!
history | 7
TV Set
Ford Prefect. In 1940, engineers launch the small-lot production of the KIM-10-50 (two-door sedan) and KIM-10-51 (two-door convertible), and then KIM-10-52. Then the war begins and all plans are set aside. The factorythen manufactured military products. And there is nothing bad that did not work outfor the good. During the military operations, a huge number of trophy cars that were largely produced in Germany end up in the territory of the USSR. Many of them find themselves in private hands. Also products that are collected in the Soviet zone of occupation are supplied to the market. First of all it is the BMW car. People understand that their quality of life can be very different from that which they are used to. However, foreign cars could not radically change the situation. Due to the bad roads and lack of spare parts and qualifiedrepair, they quickly wore out and went out of service. A domestic car, which would be released in the USSR, could become the panacea. Thus Soviet engineers developedMoskvitch-400. Its prototype was Opel Cadet K38, which Joseph Stalin liked even before the war. Rumor has it that he ordered from Germany to Moscow equipment and documentation from Opel.
Technical specifications «Moskvitch-400» Production years: 1946-1954 Total produced: 216,006 units Layout: front-engine Driving wheels: rear Body: sedan Maximum speed, km/h: 90 Engine: Moskvitch-400 Number of cylinders: 4 Displacement: 1,074 сс Valves: 8 Arrangement: lower Capacity, hp/kW: 23/17 at 3,600 rpm Gearbox: mechanical 3-speed Brake: hydraulic Front brake:disc Rear brake: drum Electric equipment: 6 V
Production started at theMoscow Compact Car Factory. The number of Moskvitches grew very quickly. Thousands of cars came off the assembly line as early as 1950. Soon the annual amount was 35-50,000. The engineering marvel was worth eight thousandrubles. For a postwar country it was a lot of money and, of course, not everyonecould buy a private car. So the first model was not a great success. From the early fifties the population’s welfare begins to grow and waiting lists for the car are several years. It often happened that a customer ordered a Moskvitch-400 but after a while received aMoskvitch-402, though with an additional charge. The car was considered a kind of measure of success. For example, in Sergei Rozanov’sThe Adventures of Travka (1957) the owner of a motorcycle, explaining his purchase to an acquaintance, justifies it like this: «Well, this, of course, is not a Moskvitch, but still...» One more interesting fact – Moskvitch-400 received a very rare hydraulic brake gear and windshield wiper. Starting in 1948 it was exported to Finland, and later onto Albania, Poland, and China.
The TV set KVN-49 is called the grandfather of the Soviet television. It’s a rarity even for museums. So, it’s no wonder that the former “technological breakthrough” is in great demand among antiquarians. A considerable amount of money can be dished out for it. We found one in the attic and would like to tell you the most interesting facts about this apparatus. The year 1949 was a turning period for the Soviet people. The first TV set rolled off the assembly line, being launched into the mass production by domestic constructors. Specialists started to work on it long before, as early as 1944, when World War II was still going on. The engineers Kenigson, Warsawskiy, and Nikolayevskiy undertook this uneasy task. Hence, the abbreviation KVN appeared. The main reason for the engineering of this TV set was the creation of a TV format with 625 lines designed for broadcasting. Thus the device had to meet the new requirements. Although the scientists worked on drawings and charts for a long time and carried out numerous experiments, this wonder of technological progress was far from perfection. The TV set had a round screen, just a little bigger than a Kazbek pack of cigarettes. The picture on it was very little, though clear enough. Exactly because of this, one more know-how was devised – users were recommended to install a special enlarging lens in front of the screen that was filled with glycerin or water. KVN-49 also had a very low level of sound. The TV set received only three channels. It also lacked reliability. More than half of all apparatuses immediately needed to be repaired. That’s why people started to call the TV set “you’ve bought it-switched it on-it doesn’t work.” However, customers didn’t care about this. They even were ready to pay big money for the KVN – the whole 1,200 rubles. At that time, an engineer made only 1,000 rubles per month. Of course, because of this the first TV sets were considered a great luxury and were affordable only to really well-to-do people. True, even having bought a KVN-49, many people used it as a radio, since, as it was already said, the screen was little and TV channels were poor. Year by year, civilization confidently mastered the USSR spaces. The number of people’s TV sets increased, antennas started to appear on the roofs of high-rise buildings and private houses. During the whole history of the KVN’s existence, 2.5 million of these TV sets were released. Its production was stopped in 1967. And five years earlier, a new mark of the Soviet TV sets appeared. It was called the Record.
8 | culinarity
Diseases were treated with it, it was equated to precious metals, and it was served in the world’s richest houses. This drink prompted the creation of different trades, and the appreciation of it was worth its weight in gold. We are talking about wine – a drink people learned to make at the first stages of civilization. Centuries passed by, but wine, as in the old times, is still present on our tables and the technology of its production is constantly progressing. Even if you consider yourself a wine expert, believe us, you will learn a lot of new interesting facts from this article.
Secrets of the Ancient Drink Wine throughout History In the epoch of earlier civilizations, wine was almost a universal international currency; for example, the Greeks changed it for gold and silver, and Romans for slaves. In Ancient Egypt it was the most prestigious and expensive drink which was appreciated by rich people, priests, and pharaohs; in addition, it was used in religious ceremonies. By the way, in Tutankhamen’s
tomb, opened in 1922, the discoverers found jars with wine and labels on them so detailed that they would satisfy the most demanding experts of the twenty-first century. They indicated the year of production, name of the winemaker, and even a description: “a very good wine.” In Ancient Rome, women were prohibited from drinking wine. For this they were threatened with the death penalty, which only in 194 BC was replaced with divorce as a punishment. In 1840, there were 164 kinds of medicinal wines. This drink was considered to be the best cure for cholera.
Recipe for Longevity Do you want to live a long life without ever visiting your cardiologist? The method is simple: every day eat 100 grams of chocolate (preferably the bitter kind) and drink 150 ml of red wine.
How Wine Was Pressed with Feet...
One of the key processes in the technological chain of wine production is grapes pressing. Human feet are an ideal tool for this because they can force the color and tannins out of grape skins, but they aren’t able to grind the seeds that give wine a bitter taste. Nowadays, such a production method is used only by small manufacturers (in particular, of biodynamic wines). Moreover, every year in the city of Lviv at the Festival of Cheese and Wine the grapes are pressed exactly by this method.
Welcome to our happy team!
We are always happy to welcome young and energetic men and women eager to work hard and to become professionals at what they do. Every focused and enthusiastic employee will get an opportunity for career growth. A unique feature of our HR strategy is to employ not only the experienced professionals, but also young people, which results in an effective team.
Our job openings: Administrator Cook Hostess Cashier Waiter Delivery operator Bartender Doorman We offer: convenient flexible shifts + free meals + social package + career growth + high corporate culture + competitive salary. Requirements: nationals of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, aged 18 to 50. Enthusiasm to work, grow and improve. Human resources department: Moskow, Aeroport metro station, 3 Chernyakhovskogo St. Phone: 8-926-904-41-54, 8-926-461-21-71 resume@tarasbulba.ru
Note! We are now hiring to work in Korchma “Taras Bulba” restaurants in Kyiv and New York.
culinarity | 9
Rules of Serving and Matching The smell of young wine is called fragrance, and the mature, aged wine has a combination of more delicate flavors, which is commonly called a bouquet. A high-quality wine differs from a low-quality one not only in the aftertaste, but in its continuance. After each gulp the taste lasts longer. It is common for light wines to be served first, followed by strong wines during a meal. Furthermore, white wine is served before red wine, young wine before mature wine, and dry wine before sweet wine. All of us know that red wine is usually served with meat and the white with fish. However, there is an exception to every rule: tuna is the only fish which pairs with red wine. A wine glass should be held by the stem, not by the cup, because in this latter case the warmth of the palm raises the wine’s temperature. Not all wines become better with age. Only in exceptional cases can wine be stored for more than ten years. The main thing that influences the wine choice is a country of origin. France, Italy, and Spain are the most acknowledged leaders in winemaking.
Taste and Color... Red, White, and Rose Wines It’s believed (and in most cases it is practically proved) that red wines go best with dishes of beef, pork, and with stewed meat. And white dry and semi-dry wines are best paired with poultry, fish, and seafood. Sweet wines (including rose sorts) are better when served with desserts. Dry and semi-dry sorts perfectly pair with cheese, by the way.
A Few Words about Bans Dishes with a strong taste of vinegar, for example different salads, don’t go well with wine. One more taboo is nuts. A tongue’s sensory receptors completely switch to the nut taste and practically stop reacting to anything else, including wine.
Match Food with Wine We have access to dozens and hundreds of wine sorts, although there is a simple rule for wine service: dishes with a rich taste should go with simple wines and,
on the contrary, astonishing wines should pair with appetizers without a distinct taste. Champagne and sparkling wines can be served with almost any meal. Different banquets can be started with champagne. Of course, champagne and sparkling wines often become a part of dessert.
Correct Storage The worst place to store wines is a kitchen, because the temperature there is too high. A fridge is not a good place either: it is too cold for the wine. An ideal storeroom is a wine vault (50-60oF). Moreover, this is the right serving temperature for the wine, and there is no need to heat or chill it additionally (white wines are served at 48-54 degrees and red ones at 59-63 degrees). Red sorts are quite resistant to storage temperature changes, but white, sparkling, and rose ones are, on the contrary, very sensitive to it.
An Optimal Position In the last few years bottles with wine have been stored in a horizontal position. It prevents corks from overdrying. If a wooden cork is incontact with air for a long time, it will be spoiled.
Useful Properties of Wine The benefit of red wine as a natural product is undeniable. This drink contains a lot of substances necessary for health. It contains micro- and macroelements: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, and rubidium. Thanks to them red wine has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system: it widens the vessels, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol, and prevents atherogenesis. Magnesium and potassium strengthen the heart muscle. Wine has a favorable influence on blood composition as well. It increases a number of erythrocytes, raises the hemoglobin level (reduces the risk of anemia), removes radionuclides, and limits blood clotting. The consumption of red wine has a stimulating effect on the gastro-intestinal tract: it increases appetite, helps to keep the acid levels in the stomach under control, and intensifies the bile flow. The substances contained in red wine normalize metabolic processes; in particular, chrome participates in fatty acids synthesis (that’s why drinking red wine is often permitted while the consumption of other products is limited). The benefit of red wine lies in the tonic and anti-stress effects it has on the body. By drinking this beverage, the work of endocrine glands is stimulated, metabolism is strengthened, immunity is boosted, and sleep is improved.
Tasty Wine Recipes The simplest recipe of mulled wine: preheated wine with honey and cinnamon. It is a great way to warm up. The drink is often used for colds, coughs, respiratory diseases. If mulled wine is served on a festive table, it is paired with fruits and sweets.
“Autumn” Mulled Wine Ingredients: 0.75 l of red wine, 400 g of water, 100 g of sugar, 100 g of cognac, 5 g of cinnamon, 10 g of clove, 1 lemon. Preparation: all the ingredients, but the lemon, heat in a pot until boiling, let it infuse for 10-15 minutes, sift it. Then add the cognac and pour it out into preheated wine glasses.
Classic Mulled Wine Ingredients: 0,75 l of table red wine, 6-7 pcs of clove, nutmeg to taste, 1/3 cup of water, 1 tablespoon of sugar. Preparation: put clove, ground nutmeg into a cezve, pour in 1/3 cup of water, bring to a boil, and cook for one more minute. Then let the liquor infuse for 10 minutes. Pour the wine into a pot and put it on a stove burner. When it is warm pour in the liquor from the cezve and add 1 tablespoon of sugar. Don’t bring the drink to a boil. It’s better to remove it from the stove when it is quite hot. Then it is necessary to pour the mulled wine into wine glasses immediately or into a ceramic teapot. Text: Lesia Kichura Photo: Yuriy Helytovych
10 | Travelling
A Story about Hammam (a Turkish bath) and the Subversive Activity
of Roksolana Lisovska in the Harem of Suleiman the Magnificent
The Founder’s Diary While visiting Istanbul, many things are a must-do. But at the top of the list is visiting the Turkish bath called Hammam. From what I know about baths, it is basically a small room filled with thick, heavy steam, common in every decent gym. So, I wasn’t very enthusiastic about this recommendation. Plus you need to bake and sweat there at + 86⁰F. I’m not a great lover of the Russian bath. I treat it rather as a trial for the body, spirit, and character. For the body it’s a trial with the burning water, for the spirit the ability to force yourself to bear all this, and for the character staying tolerant of different specialists who keep splashing hot water on the stove. Splashes of other people’s sweat flying all around and the worst of it all: the chitter-chatter of your fellow bath-goers. That’s why I didn’t burn with desire when at the end of the day I had some time left for item 2 from each decent guide book. I found the address of the Cagaloglu baths. They are the oldest and the most famous in Istanbul. In 1741, Sultan Mahmud I opened them to wash the citizens. Since they washed not for free, this money went for the maintenance of the library opened by Mahmud in Saint Sofia. It turned out that it was a five minute walk to the baths from where I was standing at the moment when I was told the address. I’d say I don’t suffer from topographical cretinism, but the baths looked so unlike my idea of what they are supposed to look like that I passed by them four or five times, asking different locals on my way where they were. Each time they directed me to the opposite side saying “It’s just around the corner!” I thought what idiots they were, what satisfaction they get from mocking tourists, etc. When I was standing right at the door once again I read a sign indicating that it was one of the 1,000 places that should be visited before leaving this world forever. The bath sign was on the pavement, on the wall, and across the street. So, it’s no wonder that five times I noticed none of them. Having paid the fixed 60 euros for the max washing, I entered into the 300-year-old baths. The changing rooms were right next to the corridor decorated with portraits of sultans on the one side and celebrities on the other side. There was a round hall with a few floors with glass doors and small cabins. Then I was given a towel, wooden slippers-tappers, and a key. I was told not to leave the key anywhere while in the bath. I took my clothes off, and then I was wrapped and led to one more round marble hall with a high dome. In the center was another round marble bench.
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Around the perimeter, there were small wash basins. Everything was made of marble that was either grey or which had turned grey in the past 300 years. In the corner was an especially hot room, or rather a warm room by our standards. The marble of the walls, benches, and floors was hot. A man with a moustache and the appearance of a bandit approached me, looked at the key’s number, and told me what to do. I warmed myself, wallowed on the marble, examining the other visitors. Either the day or the time was not for bathing or the 60 euro ticket was affordable only for Celentano, Kate Moss, and Ferenz Liszt, but there were four visitors other than me in the large hall. All of them, judging by the same foolish look as mine, were there for the first time. When it became hot, my bandit reappeared. He laid me on the marble and started to knead lightly. But at some moments I was wondered about that fact that if he wanted to this Turk could torture me and how long I would be able to stand it. Having tested the strength of my bones, tendons, and joints and apparently having understood that they couldn’t be broken, the bath worker gave me a break and then asked me to put my slippers on and approach a sink. The slippers were wooden soled and had heels, and were held on the feet by a narrow leather strap. These shoes are difficult to wear and walk in. Once upon a time, during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent one Roksolana or Roksana lived in Istanbul. It was the name given to all Slavic girls. Anastasiya Lisovska, a daughter of a priest, born in Lviv region, was captured and then sold by Crimean Tatars on the Istanbul slave market. That is how she got entered the Sultan’s harem. When I listen to this story, I think that she was there for some reason. She quashed all the Sultan’s favorites, children and brothers. And all his friends. She was called “the Laughing.” Roksolana Lisovska quashed everyone and set her son on the Sultan’s throne with a laugh. Either because her son was our half fellow citizen or it was her idea to arrange the worst reign ever. However, Selim was called also Selim the Drunkard. With such a sultan the Suleiman’s Golden Age ended very quickly, and it makes one wonder what Turkey would have achieved if it were not for Selim. I recalled Selim while putting on my slippers in the bath, because rumor has it that he was drunk in a bath, slipped on the floor, and died. But it is impossible to slip in those slippers. Near the washbowl, on the hot floor, the bath worker again kneaded me and washed me with a huge sponge, pouring soap suds from a large bucket. It was the forgotten feeling when in my childhood my mother or grandmother washed me with a small sponge in a bath or a washing tub. From time to time, I was washed over with cool water from an antique copper basin. The feeling of cleanness and relaxation was absolute. All that was lacking was to cover me with a towel and carry me to bed. He wrapped me in two towels, but didn’t carry me away. I went out by myself and got into the hands of a local barber who looked like a professor of medicine from the developing countries. It didn’t take him much time to persuade me to cut my beard and shave around it. Judging from his appearance I knew that the shaving would be with wrapping compresses and a massage of the cheeks. I was right. However, he took out a safety razor and started to change half of the blades in it. I asked him whether he had a real dangerous razor. He answered that he did and looked at me curiously. I drank good and strong hot tea, sat, and sweated under my two towels. I sweated for real, feeling how sweat flowed in streams on my back and chest uncovered with the towel. I sweated either because of the tea or the quick
razor in the confident hand of a stranger. I also sweated with a thought that the professor might leave me with a second smile from ear to ear by his confident hand. It seemed that the razor, having heard my thoughts, found and shaved the sharpest point of my Adam’s apple. A micron in size. I felt a light, very light, pang. I just felt it and that’s all. And in a minute I saw a tiny blood spot which the professor skillfully processed with something and then taped it. I was completely satisfied. I tipped everyone. The professor’s eyes were happy at that moment, although the bath worker’s eyes were
sad. I thought that they always looked the same regardless the amount of baksheesh. That’s what they call a tip. I went outside to the hot city. My trimmed sultan-like beard gladly stuck out toward the hot Istanbul evening. I thought that it is nice to listen to somebody’s wise piece of advice. However, how do you tell a wise one from billions of stupid ones? It’s not so easy in a country of advice where I’m going tomorrow. Text: Yury Beloyvan Dubai 18.10.2014
12 | культура
В Україні відкрили перший музей підків
Їх вважають надзвичайно потужним талісманом, предметом, який наділений лікувальними властивостями та здатний принести в дім добробут і багатство. З давніх-давен знайти підкову на дорозі вважалося великим успіхом. Чому так склалося, не знає ніхто. Можливо, ці повір`я беруть свій початок з часів древніх Риму та Греції, де вельможі своїм коням робили своєрідні «сандалі» з чистого золота, і натрапити на таку підкову було великою радістю. Можливо, річ в іншому — від ударів до каміння кінь заряджає шматок металу енергією, яка зберігається в ньому на довгі роки... Так чи інакше, але нещодавно в Україні відкрили цілий музей підків. Цікаві факти про них нам розповідає один з ініціаторів створення експозиції, професор Антон Гамота.
Про зародження колекції У нашій збірці понад триста підків, багато ще не виставлено до огляду, вони чекають своєї черги. Серед них трапляються дуже цікаві екземпляри. Як от, скажімо, ортопедичні підкови, викувані для коней, які мали певні вади здоров’я. Це давало змогу надовго зберегти працездатність тварини і полегшувало біль. Найдавніші експонати колекції походять з тих часів, коли кінь за важливістю дорівнював теперішньому автомобілю. Окрім того, це була найважливіша тяглова сила. Треба сказати, аби правильно виготовити підкову, потрібні були неабиякі уміння. Для цього треба бути не тільки добрим ковалем, але і знавцем коней та їхньої анатомії. Адже коні різних порід мають щонайрізноманітніші постави: танцмейстерську, коров’ячу, широку, вузьку.
Відповідно, треба не тільки зберегти ті постави, але й зробити так, щоб підкова була зручною для тварини. Це надзвичайно відповідальне ремесло хоча б тому, що кінь був дуже дорогим. Коли Західна Україна входила до складу Польщі, то кінь коштував до 600 злотих, а корова — 160-200! Коні, які призначалися для кавалерії, були ще дорожчими. Самі знаєте, що кобила виношує лоша 11 місяців, а для того, щоб з нього виріс добрий жеребець, необхідно ще мінімум 4 роки.
Про різновид підків У старовину доріг як таких не було. Переважно коні мусіли везти тягар по кам’янистій місцевості, що дуже ранило їхні копита. Через
це вони пошкоджували ноги, під роговим наростом утворювалися кров’яні гематоми. Підкови були різних видів. Скажімо, вантажі перевозили коні, які мали велику тяглову силу, і їм копита підбивали величезними і важкими підковами. Якщо тварина важила понад
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800 кілограмів, то уявляєте, що і підкова була чималою. Причому на передні ноги вони робилися заокругленими і значно більшими, ніж на задні. Це має одне пояснення — саме на передні ноги коня опирається майже 60 відсотків ваги тіла. Задні ноги, навпаки, є більш динамічними, вони для відштовхування. Є підкови, які робили пересування коня безшумним. Для цього під них кріпився спеціальний просмолений канат. Коли зранку кінь йшов по бруківці, то стукіт його копит уже не будив мешканців міста.
Про необхідність змінювати підкови Одну підкову не могли використовувати більше ніж два місяці. Її постійно необхідно було перековувати, бо копито росте, як людський ніготь. Зазвичай, це близько одного сантиметра у місяць. Навіть знаю випадки, коли воно росло до дванадцяти міліметрів! Тому майстер змушений знімати підкову, обрізати щипцями копито, шліфувати його і знову перебивати.
Підкова в історичних джерелах Один з дослідників переконав мене, що ні в Римі, ні в Греції не знали підків. Напевне, це справді так. Ми знаємо, що коли ці імперії вирушали на війну, то брали з собою літописців. Вони переписували усе — хто з ними вирушав і так далі. Але ніде не було вказано коваля з підковами. Причому, тогочасні письменники описували коня надзвичайно детально — від копита до голови. А в жодному джерелі не вказано, що кінь був підкований… Навіть переможцям Олімпійських ігор ставили статуї, на яких зображували вершника і коня, там також не видно, щоб він був підкований.
Підкова як щастя Я маю одну версію, чому знайти підкову вважається на щастя. Ми знаємо, що ні в Римі, ні
в Греції ковальство не було відомим. Навіть Олександр Македонський, коли йшов на Персію і мав величезне військо, на півдорозі був змушений повернутися, бо втратив дві третини кінноти. Коні, які йшли по скелястій дорозі, збили ноги і загинули. В тому числі і його знаменитий Буцефал. Решту тварин вдалося врятувати так: з загиблих коней зняли шкіру і обкутали нею ноги тих, що вціліли. Так хоча б частина тварин повернулася назад. В той час взагалі багата аристократія полюбляла кінні прогулянки — запрягали двох, трьох чи навіть четверо коней. Щоб вони не ранили собі ноги, робили спеціальні «сандалі» із твердої шкіри. Ті ж, що були дуже багатими, робили пластинки із золота, срібла, латуні і коштовностей, які кріпилися до копита ремінцями. Скажімо, на таких конях їздили жінки імператора Нерона. Уявляєте собі — Клеопатра їде на великій швидкості, і кінь губить золоту підкову вагою 700 чи 900 грамів. Ми йдемо з вами і її знаходимо… Щастя? Звичайно, щастя! Текст: Степан Грицюк Фото: Юрій Гелитович
14 | record
Steel Jaws
A Ukrainian ManPulled a 56-TonRailcar with His Teeth!
Another record has been registered in Ukraine. It was set by strongman OlehSkavysh, whopulled a fifty-six tonrailcar with his teeth! The unusual achievement was immediately entered into theUkrainian National Registry of Records. Its representatives say that in Ukraine no one has done this before. Furthermore, the athlete surpassed his own expectations as originally he planned to pull the car over a distance of five meters, but he stopped at seventeen meters and eighty-six centimeters!
The strongman admits that before this he trained for a very long time. And, he went not only to the depot and the gym to maintainhis good physical shape, but also to the dentist. It is not surprising, because most of the load is not on the muscles but rather on the teeth. If they have any flaws thenthey would shatterfrom a such an enormous load. Prior to this, the 32-year-old Ukrainian set two other records. Previously he pulled by his teeth a tram and a floating crane. Now he is preparing for
Cat and the Fox’, Children’s encyclopedia, a fairy tale ‘The rd puzzles. Look for new issue as well as poems, riddles and crosswo BULBA PRESS of the children’s magazine Tarasik by aurants in “Korchma Taras Bulba’ chain of rest
Your kids deserve the best childhood!
his next achievement – he wants to move atwelvehundred-ton ship. If he can do it then he will enter the Guinness Book of Records. Interestingly, OlehSkavysh started strength training quite late. He was lean and at nineteen weighed only 130 pounds. He admits that he was tired of it. He decided to prove to himself that he could do more. Thus hestartedgoing the gym and to train. Now he weighs 235 pounds, and he has a number of unique records under his belt.
news from «korchma» | 15
Culinary Workshops
for Children In Rus little children were taught how to cook. The children, especially the girls, always helped the mother when she baked fragrant bread, pampushky, or made cabbage rolls. They not only tried on the adult’s apron, but kept a close eye on the cooking process and the proportions that were used. After a while, a skillful cook and then a protector of the hearth and home grew up to help her mother. Centuries went by, but the tradition didn’t disappear. It is vigorously cherished by the Korchma Taras Bulba restaurant chain of home cooking in Moscow. Each Saturday and Sunday experienced chefs work for free with children of all ages, teaching them in workshops. They can knead dough and make varenyky with their own hands, bake a cake or fry cheese pancakes and try out a lot of other interesting recipes. Fortunately, there’s no other place in Moscow with such rich cuisine as Korchma; therefore, there are a lot of dishes to try out! Teachers are sure that when parents open the world of cooking to their children they impart a range of good skills to them. First of all, this is the development of imagination and new discoveries, especially when your child is 2 to 4 years old. In this period children like mixing, sieving, and kneading. If it is like a game and under the supervision of a senior mentor, it’s very hard to overestimate the activity. Moreover, as a result we easily get
simple shortcrust cookies or pies and for a child it is a double satisfaction. You will agree that there is nothing tastier than a dish cooked by yourself! Second, strange as it might sound, when children cook it teaches them assiduity and numeracy. Because to be a good cook it isn’t enough just to have good taste. It’s necessary to have a sense of proportion. That’s why it
is always interesting for children to measure something out or to weigh something independently or to roll out the dough by themselves, to shape muffins or cut a funny figure out of the dough. This focuses their attention and teaches them to follow specific logical actions to obtain a result. Third, the advantage concerns the very parents. While your child is
engaged in this fascinating activity, you may relax in private and taste all the variety of dishes at our restaurants. Having enjoyed tasty food and drinks, only at Korchma you’ll understand how important the culinary art is! Only few restaurants possess it and we are among them! Therefore, bring your children and open up new horizons for them!
THE NEW YEAR in korchma A ship will sail the way you name it, you’ll spend a new year the way you celebrate These truths г.Москва, ул.it. Пятницкая 14 were established тел.: 8 (915) 222-15-18 (495) 953-7153, 951-3760 long ago. The chain of Ukrainian cuisine restaurants “Korchma “Taras Bulba” invites you to celebrate the next 2015 year of the Horse in a welcome and pleasant company. You can book an individual table or a separate hall. You can celebrate the winter holidays with your friends, workfellows or relatives. A wide choice of delicious homemade www.tarasbulba.ru dishes prepared of ecologically pure products, Ukrainian hospitality and a high quality service will make your New Year holidays really unforgettable. Visit us and you won’t regret about your choice!
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к н и га-мен ю To celebrate its 15th birthday
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Коллектив редакции «Бульба NEWS и все сотрудники сети ресторанов «Корчма «Тарас Бульба» поздравляют своих гостей с наступающим Новым Годом и Рождественскими праздниками!
Желаем, чтобы 2015-й вы встретили веселой колядой, уютом семейного тепла и верой в будущее. Пусть год козы станет для вас богатым на эмоции и интересные события. Будьте здоровы, дарите друг другу позитив и помните, что даже самая маленькая улыбка способна разогнать любую тьму.
mineralization 1-2 g/l chemical composition of water Sodium+potassium (Na+ K+) Chlorides (Cl) Sulphates Hydrogen carbonates Calcium Magnesium
mg/l 4.5 3.5 4.6 95 77.2 20.67
Cremations on the banks of the sacred Bagmati river, “the Sadhu holy drugaddicts” and the bloody festival Gadhimai Mela, the holy Mount Kailash, hermit monks and the Tibetan void celebrated by Buddhism. All this in Yuriy Beloyvan’s book Traveling to an Alternate Reality…
4 4 7 7 0 8 7 (495)
Ukrainian cuisine – made with love! Restaurants’ location:
MOSCOW, Aviamotornaya metro station, 6 Krasnokazarmennaya St., (499) 763 5741
Avtozavodskaya metro station,
6 Velozavodskaya St., (499) 764 1532
Akademicheskaya metro station,
16/10 Profsoyuznaya St., (499) 125 0877
Alekseyavskaya metro station, 3 Bochkova St., (495) 616 6754
Airport metro station,
64 Leningradskiy Prospekt St., (499) 151 9011
Baumanskaya metro station,
23/41 Bakuninskaya St., 8 495 956 55 81
Borovitskaya metro station,
8 Mokhovaya St., 24-hour, 8 962 918 75 38, 8 985 644 85 44
Krasnye Vorota metro station,
47 Myasnitskaya St., (495) 607 1762
Leninskiy Prospekt metro station,
37 Leninskiy Prospect St., (495) 954 6466
Novokuznetskaya metro station,
Novye Cheryomushki metro station,
12 Smolenskiy Avenue. St., 24-hour, (499) 246 6902
14 Pyatnitskaya St., (495) 953 7153 Nametkina St., 13 г, (495) 331 4211
Smolenskaya metro station,
Soon in bookstores
Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro station,
13 Sadovaya-Samotechnaya St., 24-hour, (495) 694 0056
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30/7 Petrovka St., (495) 694 6082
Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station,
6 Borovskoye Road, (495) 980 2051
Vystavochnaya metro station, of 1905 year,
27 Shmitovskiy Passage, 24-hour, (499) 256-4660
Odintsovskiy District, Gorki-2
‘Zhyvoi Dom’ Trade Center, 3rd floor +7 (495) 221-03-34
KIEV, “Teatralnaya”, “Zolotye Vorota”,“Kreschatik” metro station, 2-4/7 Pushkinskaya St.,+38 (044) 270-7248
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