Burleson High School Character Building Leadership Caring Inclusiveness August 2015
Texas-Oklahoma District Division 1S
Volume 2 Issue 5
In this issue Letters From the Officers Page 2 Key Events Page 3 Division 1S PCM Page 4 Trivia Page 5
Letter From The Secretary Hi key clubbers, I want to begin by saying how excited I am for this upcoming year. I'm eagerly anticipating the all fun we will have and the memories we will make while together doing service. I hope you guys come to enjoy this club as much as I do, and I also hope that I can help make this a great experience for each and everyone of you. It is my honor to serve as your secretary in the act of hopefully devoting our entire club to the joys and importance of service in our community. Here's to a wonderful year packed with helping others!
Can We Do It? Page 6 Fall Rally Ad Page 7 Radical Recruitment Page 8 K-Family Connections Page 9 BOYB Page 10 Ending Notes and Reminders Page 11 Contact Information Page 12
Letter From The Editor
Hey guys! To all the new members, my name is Paulina Borowski and I’m your 2015-2016 Key Club Editor! I’ll be making a newsletter for you every month, recapping all the fun we had that month and giving you a calender of upcoming events. I hope you love the newsletter as much as I do! I can’t even express to you all how EXCITED I am for this upcoming Key Club year! At the recruitment events (Meet the Elks and Elk Camp), I was so pumped after seeing so many people showing interest in Key Club. I am ridiculously ready to start the new school year with a bang. But remember that Key Club can’t thrive without YOU, our new and returning members. With your help, we can truly make an impact in our school, community, and even world. I can’t wait to meet all of you and serve alongside of you! With love, your very own Editor<3
Golden Ribbon Week 22
Kiwanis Meeting- Noon to 1 p.m. at Golden Corral
Labor Day Movie Night Social-5:00 to 8:00 at Vanessaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s house (email for address)
Kiwanis DCM- 7:00 p.m. at Dixie House Cafe **Deadline to RSVP for Fall Rally! (see page 7) Cowtown Classic- Meet at BHS at 7:00 (ends around 11:00) Worldwide Day of Play Social- 11:00 to 2:00 at Mistletoe Hil Park Trash Bash- 9:00 to 11:00 at Warren Park
PCM: Pool, Cookies, and More
On August 8th, Key Clubbers from all over Division 1S came together for yet another amazing PCM at Paulina Borowski’s house, a pool party being the perfect end-of-summer event. Within the first fifteen minutes, it was evident that the PCM would be a success due to the constant flow of people walking in with smiling faces. In all, over 45 people showed not only to have some fun,but also to hear about all the great things happening throughout Division 1S. At the beginning of the PCM, Lieutenant Governor Vanessa Castaneda led everyone in an ice breaker to promote new friendships between clubs. After everyone got comfortable with each other, things buckled down. Vannessa pumped up Key Clubbers from all over by talking about all the upcoming exciting events planned. After going through the calender, each club chose a representative to stand up and talk about all the amazing things their club had done or was planning to do. Through this helpful sharing, many clubs gained countless ideas of how to expand their own club at home. After the conclusion of the PCM, everyone stuck around for delicious hot dogs and snacks, swimming, and socializing. There is no doubt that every Key Clubber left refreshed and full of Key Club passion to start out the school year.
Key Clubbers from the Key Clubs of Burleson, Cleburne, Crowley, Everman, Granbury, North Crowley, Paschal, and Southwest gather for some refreshing pool time, socializing and making friends within and between clubs! Clubber Shivani Dalal snacks on some pickles and cookies, the only vegetarian option she could find. “That’s ok,” Dalal said, “It gives me an excuse to eat cookies!” Key Clubbers Skylar Armstrong and Nithure Rema paint smiles on their faces as they get their mcuh-needed food. 4
Key C Fact
lub Tr
s you need to kn ow
Which of the following celebrities was NOT in Key Club? A. Brad Pitt B. Bill Clinton C. Nick Cannon D. Tom Cruise
About how many hours do Key Clubbers (collectively) volunteer each year? A. 126 million B. 13.5 million C. 500,000 D. 1.5 million
What does “YOF” (a service project grant Key Clubs and members can apply for) stand for?
A. Youth Opportunities Fund B. Young Operational Fund C. Your Opportunities Fund D. Young Outreach Fund
Where is the Kiwanis International Office located? A. Chicago, IL B. San Antonio, TX C. Sacremento, CA D. Indianapolis, IN
What’s the name of the unofficial Key Club International mascot? A. Paco the Penguin B. Kylie the Key Master C. Louie the Locksmith D. Luna the Cat Answers found on page 11 5
Can We Do It? Yes, We Can!
Article by: Skyelar Armstrong Once upon a time, in the small Key Club of Burleson High School, four officers were posed with a challenge. With little fundraising success, two officers having stepped down, and back-to-school approaching faster than ever, the officers had to ask themselves a very important question: Can we, as the Key Club of Burleson High School, make it through this? I know it may sound overdramatic, but when problems approach, in any aspect of one’s life, the reason for persevering must be remembered. And when it comes to Key Club, that is service. This summer has been a difficult one as far as fundraising goes. Summer is practically over and still our club has barely made $200, far from our original fundraising goal of $500. It’s tough when one works so hard for something and sees little progress being made. But as the vice president of my Key Club, I knew I couldn’t just look back at our goal and say, “Well, so much for that!” That’s why I try in every possible way that I can think of, to raise money and promote my club. At a recent community pep rally, last minute changes had to be made to what our club was selling. After two days of confusion and trying to find the perfect cotton candy machine to rent online, the president and I decided on selling pre-packaged cotton candy tubs that we bought in bulk from Sam’s Club. The event turned out great and we sold $96 worth of cotton candy and lemonade. Although we didn’t sell as much as we had hoped for, the abundance of cotton candy that we had leftover sparked an idea to sell at games during football season. Another difficulty that our club has faced this summer has been the loss of two officers who, for personal reasons, stepped-down from their positions. With only four officers left on the board, we’ve really had to make some sacrifices regarding bringing supplies to events. Because our club funding is something we’d like to reserve for the payment of district and some day international convention, our officers are left to use their own money to pay for Key Club items. With less officers on the board and member activity low, each officer is having to contribute more supplies. Apart from the money side of things, it’s been a challenge trying to find students willing to fill the two vacant officer positions. As we are still on the look out for interested applicants, the rest of the board of officers and I look to service to inspire others to step up. Often times, things are not going to go one’s way in life, whether it be personal or just Key Clubwise. But no matter how rough it may get, it is integral to dig deep and find purpose. Key Club isn’t about having tons of money or members for elaborate service projects or attending fun conventions. Key Club is about caring for and serving others. Although money is a nice asset to have, it is not the reason why one should love Key Club. With the opportunity to serve and learn so rich and plentiful, the amount of dollars one has to spend or the amount of members in a club is insignificant. So, get up, try your best, serve your community, because you CAN get through this.
Radical Recruitment On August 15, Key Clubbers had a chance to recruit new members at the school gathering Meet The Elks, an event that inroduced students from the band, strutters, sports, and more. Before the event started, booths were scattered everywhere to draw the attention of the crowd. There was no doubt that the Key Club booth stood out among them. While other booths had subtle decorations, the Key Club table sported a mountain of pre-packaged cotton candy tubs, a sure way to draw students in. The booth also sold refreshing lemonade and items donated by Spring Creek, After only two hours of promoting the club and selling deliciousness, the Key Clubbers brought in $96 and gave out over 50 flyers. The event definitely ignited a spark for service in countless students that attended the eventt; plus, it brought in much needed funds! Meet the Elks? Check!
Secretary Shivani Dalal takes charge of her group of freshmen, gearing them up for Key Club. “We were running out of time, so I skipped seven clubs and took my group straight to the Key Club booth,” Dalal said, “Almost all of them signed up!”
On August 22, Key Clubbers had yet another chance to recruit new members at Freshman Orientation. A booth was set up that new students could approach and learn all about Key Club. Again, countless flyers were handed out to the hundreds of freshmen, spreading the word of Key Club all over the school. The booth also had delicious cookies as a reward for signing up for the Key Club Remind 101. Nearly 300 cookies were generously handed out to students throughout the day. In all, over 70 freshmen signed up for Key Club reminders, an amazing number to the struggling club. While Meet the Elks was no doubt an important event for the Burleson Key Club, the amount of succcess at Elk Camp was quite literally priceless.
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s important to know our...
BOYB: Beginning Of Year Bash
Article by: Shivani Dalal
To commemorate the arrival of the new Key Clubbers, the officers held a social and service project at Editor Paulina Borowski’s house. The Beginning of Year Bash (BOYB) had an open pool with refreshing snacks like snow cones, watermelon, ice cream, soda, and chips. Sadly, the snowcone machine broke, and disaster ensued until Paulina’s dad came and fixed it. When the new members arrived, they played on the large playground in Paulina’s backyard for a while before they leaped into the pool to cool off. Everyone hung around the pool for some time, catching up and relaxing. To the excitement of the officers, new members asked questions about the club and a short Q&A session ensued. Afterwards, everyone stormed the snacks and talked about the club while they ate. Finally, it was time for service. Towards the end of the 3 hours, Luitenant Governor Vanessa Castaneda had cut up pretty scrapbook paper and everyone wrote cute little notes for the entire faculty at Burleson High School. In the notes, Clubbers made sure to show their appreciation for all of the time, dedication, and patience of teachers., signing the notes from “BHS Key Club.” As the final hoorah of the event, Clubbers devoured some delicious ice cream. Everyone poses for a selfie as President Nithure Rema captures the moment of the very first Key Club event of the school year. Nithure writes an epic note to a teacher
Two new members approach the service table to write a kind note to a teacher, using all the colorful paper and pens provided. 10
For more information and to register for upcoming events check out our website at www.burlesonkeyclub.com
Trivia Answers: 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. A
Would you like to have an article or picture of yours featured in next monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s newsletter? Email your ideas to Paulina, Nithure, or Skyelar!
Joke of the Month There were these two guys. One walked into a bar. The other one ducked.
Thank you to
Paulinaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s mother for supplying the Joke of the Month!
Thank you to
the clubs of Division 1S for making the PCM so great!
Thank you to
Skyelar Armstrong for heading up the recruitment booths and getting lots of interest for the club!
Thank you to
all the freshman and new members who are ready to invest in Key Club!
Club Contact Information Nithure Rema Skyelar Armstrong President Vice President bhskeypresident@ bhskeyvicepresigmail.com dent@gmail.com
Shivani Dalal Paulina Borowski Secretary Editor bhskeysecretary@ bhskeyeditor@ gmail.com gmail.com
Absent Treasurer bhskeytreasurer@ gmail.com
Mrs. Hughes Advisor bhskeysdvisor@ gmail.com
Divisonal and District Contacts Vanessa Castaneda Division 1S Lieutenant Governor ltg1south@gmail.com
Crystal Loh District Secretary secretary@tokeyclub.com
Matthew Riley District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com
Rachel Iselin District Governor governor@tokeyclub.com
Emily Zhao District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com
Megan Reynosa Convention Leison CL@tokeyclub.com 12