October 2015 Newsletter

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Burleson High School Character Building Leadership Caring Inclusiveness October 2015

Texas-Oklahoma District Division 1S

Volume 2 Issue 7

In this issue Letters From the Officers Page 2 Key Notes Page 3 Key Club Week Page 4 Trivia Page 5 Fall Rally Page 6 UNICEF Page 7 Founder’s Day Page 8 Boo Bash Page 9 Member of the Month Page 10 Ending Notes and Reminders Page 11 Contact Information Page 12

Letter From The Editor Hey guys! So right about now is probably my favorite time of the Key Club year, and I’m so excited that we have countless new members to participate in the best service projects ever. With Christmas and Thanksgiving coming up, there are so many fun and truly life-changing service projects on the way. Not only do we get to have holiday bake sales (yum!), but we also get to collect Christmas gifts for the less fortunate (including making our own bears), probably my favorite event of the entire year. Plus, this month includes Key Club Week! Needless to say, now is not the time to be missing events, becuase these are some of the best events of the entire year. You don’t want to skip out on the amazing opportunities we are afforded during this part of the season. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the newsletter this month-I’ll be looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Stay awesome,

Paulina 2


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Kiwanis Meeting- Noon to 1 p.m. at Golden Corral Kiwanis DCM- 7:00 p.m. at Dixie House Cafe Key Club Week! See page 4

P roject Sleeping Bag- 8 am to 11 am on Lancaster (meet at 7:30) Build a Bear Social- 3:00 at the mall Operation Christmas Child- 5:00 to 6:00 at the Dollar Tree Canned Food Scavenger Hunt- 2:00 to 4:00 (meet at BHS) Thanksgiving Bake Sale- Noon to 4:00 at City Market 3



Pass out n y e K a a otes p r prec Wea of i ! a t r i t i h o n to y favot Club S our ire te ache Wednesday rs! Participate in the fundraiser for Friday March of Dimes! C


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Key C Fact

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s you need to kn ow


What is the highest distric-level leadership position for a student? A. Governor B. President C. Lieutenant Governor D. Administrator


Which of the following is not a Key Club partner? A. Rustic Pathways B. March of Dimes C. U.S. Army D. Kids Against Hunger


Who is Key Club partnering up with to reduce bullying in schools? A. Project Happiness B. Chuck Norris C. Operation Happy D. No Bull About Bullying


Which of the follwing is not a Kiwanis-Family Club? A. Builder’s Club B. K-Kids C. Aktion Club D. Leadership Club


What is Editor Paulina Borowski’s favorite color? A. Orange B. Green C. Blue D. Purple Answers found on page 11


Fall Rally Fun On October 3rd, Key Clubbers from all over the district gathered at Six Flags for a Fall Rally and a day of fun. Key Clubbers who attended Fall Rally caught a glimpse of the mighty Texas- Oklahoma District as a whole and got a first look at the 2016 DCON theme: Mission Impossible. Clubbers enjoyed their time as they played ice breakers, learned more about Key Club at a district and international level, and won prizes (including Key Club fanny packs) by showing off their mass knowledge of Key Club trivia. (Most likely due to the newsletter trivia, right?) After the meeting portion of the day, members rode all sorts of rides at Six Flags. Most notably, 85 year old Kiwanis advisor, Dr. English, braved Mr. Freeze and survived calmly without making a peep on the ride, claiming that “there are some moments in life when you don’t need to say anything.” Meanwhile President Nithure Rema cried and screamed the words, “I hate [VP Skyelar Armstrong]” the entire 90 seconds of the ride. During the day there was much fun, laughter, screams ( due to zombies at Fright Fest), and memories created that will last a lifetime. Fall Rally was a success in both getting new members to learn about Key Club at the district and international level and allowing for old members to have some quality bonding time with the newbies.


In support of The Eliminate Project, Key Clubbers participated in “Trick ot Treat for UNICEF,” a worldwide fundraiser on Halloween to get donations for maternal and neonatal tetanus vaccinations. Clubbers split up around different neighborhoods and went “trick or treating” around noon, asking each house if they would donate to the cause. Clubbers raised nearly $130 in just a few hours, saving nearly 73 women and all of their future babies. The Key Clubbers that participated felt good to be part of a global fundraiser, helping to eliminate tetanus just a few coins at a time.


Freaky Founder’s Day On Founder’s Day, many Key Clubbers arrived early to help set up the Key Club Booth, fully equipped with tubs of cotton candy, tatoos, and fun games for the kids such as cornhole ring toss. After setting up, early bird Clubbers made fun posters explaining the purpose of Key Club and listing prices for items and cotton candy at the booth. Needless to say, the divisional mascot, Oscar, was at the event, snagging a few treats from surrounding booths while waiting for the event to start. Once things got moving, Clubbers talked to people passing by and invited kids to play the games for free, giving them candy or temporary tatoos as a prize. Competition was certainly in the air at Founder’s Day, as Clubbers competed against one another at ring toss and cotton candy selling. Many Clubbers walked around Founder’s Day holding cotton candy and playing the part of a salesmen and saleswomen, gathering a lot of money and attention for the club. This event was definitely a success, as members got to know each other better through fun and harmless competition and many people of the community learned about Key Club.


Boo Bash Blowout On October 31, Key Clubbers showed up at the annual Boo Bash in Old Town Burleson, a yearly Halloween event that invites the community to come out during Halloween, play games, bounce in bounce houses, and best of all, collect candy. The Burleson Key Clubbers showed up in their best Halloween costumes; the booth was filled with cats (including the Cheshire Cat), nerds, panda bears, pirates, blue-haired-princesslooking-characters, and more! All night, Key Clubbers filtered in and out to hand candy to the cutest little kids in Burleson. Towards the end, Clubbers got creative as they ran out of candy, trying a strategy of collecting candy from other booths to regift at the Key Club table, to no knowledge of the passerby. Additionally, Clubbers handed out Tyra’s leftover Whataburger ketchup packets to teenagers that asked for candy. In all, the Clubbers enjoyed the event, as they got to hand out a lot of candy, talk to a lot of cute kids, and admire a lot of creative costumes.


Member of the Month

We are so excited to announce that Micaleh Tomlinson is our amazing member of the month! The officers chose her for many reasons. Not only does she attend a lot of Key Club events, but she has proven very dedicated to helping others. Additionslly, she’s super sweet and nice; she seriously would never hurt a fly. Congrats Micaleh, and thanks for being awesome!


For more information and to register for upcoming events check out our website at www.burlesonkeyclub.com

Trivia Answers: 1. A 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. Rainbow

Would you like to have an article or picture of yours featured in next month’s newsletter? Email your ideas to Paulina, Nithure, or Skyelar!

Joke of the Month An old lady at the ATM asked me to help check her balance.

Thank you to

Shivani Dalal for updating the calender for this month!

Thank you to Mrs. Mitchell for fixing all of the newsletter technical difficulties!

Thank you to Mr. Scruggs for jumping into his new advisor position with fervor.

Thank you to

So I pushed her over.

Lily Nguyen for stepping up as the new District Secretary!


Club Contact Information Nithure Rema Skyelar Armstrong President Vice President bhskeypresident@ bhskeyvicepresigmail.com dent@gmail.com

Shivani Dalal Paulina Borowski Secretary Editor bhskeysecretary@ bhskeyeditor@ gmail.com gmail.com

Tyre Marks Treasurer bhskeytreasurer@ gmail.com

Mr. Scruggs Advisor bhskeysdvisor@ gmail.com

Divisonal and District Contacts Vanessa Castaneda Division 1S Lieutenant Governor ltg1south@tokeyclub.com

Lily Nguyen District Secretary secretary@tokeyclub.com

Matthew Riley District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com

Rachel Iselin District Governor governor@tokeyclub.com

Emily Zhao District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com

Megan Reynosa Convention Leison CL@tokeyclub.com 12

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