Burleson High School Character Building Leadership Caring Inclusiveness September 2015
Texas-Oklahoma District Division 1S
Volume 2 Issue 6
In this issue Letters From the Officers Page 2 Key Notes Page 3 Labor Day Movie Night Page 4 Trivia Page 5 Cowtown Classic Page 6 Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Page 7 Worldwide Day of Play Page 8 Trash Bash Page 9 Ending Notes and Reminders Page 10 Contact Information Page 11
From The Editor Hey guys! Happy October! This month is gonna be a great one, and I’m so excited for all our events. Unfortunately, as band competitions are held every single Saturday this month, you won’t be seeing me very much at Saturday events. But I promise that doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about you guys! It makes me so happy to see how much participation we’ve been getting lately, and I’m super pumped for the rest of the year. We’ve got some bumpy road ahead of us, with our advisor resigning on October 12th, but I know that we can get through it just fine as long as we stick together and keep our momentum going. I can’t wait to watch this club thrive on its own, regarless of a change in leadership. I know we can do it! With that being said, I hope you guys have an amazing October filled with lots of Halloween candy. Because everyone needs candy to be truly happy, right? With love, Paulina B.
From The (NEW) Treasurer Hey guys! Hopefully you are loving the newsletter so far! Anyways, I’m so happy that you have chosen to be in Key Club and make fun memories with all the rest of us Key Clubbers. I’m your new treasurer so I’ll be taking care if al the finances for the club. Look to me to know when certain things are due! Well, if you have any other questions, feel free to stop and ask me anytime. Tyra
Sincerely Your Treasurer,
Fall Rally- Meet at BHS at 8:30 a.m. to go to Six Flags Kiwanis Meeting- Noon to 1 p.m. at Golden Corral Founder’s Day- 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Old Town Key Club Membership dues are due to Tyra!!!! Trick or Treat for UNICEF- Mee at BHS at 10:50 a.m. Boo Bash- 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in Old Town (set up @4) Halloween PCM- Time TBA at Vanessa Castaneda’s house
A Lucrative Labor Day What better way to spend Labor Day than watching movies and eating candy with Key Clubbers? On September 7th, the Burleson High School Key Club held a Labor Day Social at LTG Vanessa Castañeda’s house where Key Clubbers gathered to do a mini service project, play icebreakers, watch movies, and munch on popcorn. Because September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, the first event of the night was writing cards to children in the hospital. Many Key Clubbers wrote uplifting and encouraging notes to give to these children that spend so much of their lives in a hospital bed. Other Clubbers made posters for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and advertised the gold ribbons being sold during Golden Ribbon Week (see page 7). After some successful service, an icebreaker commenced. Pterodactyl, President Nithure Rema’s favorite icebreaker of all, definitely made Clubbers more comfortable with each other while they awkwardly tried to make each other laugh. After the icebreaker, Clubbers split up between the movies Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and Mean Girls. Not surprisingly, members gathered up popcorn, candy, and ice cream and snuggled up to watch their Labor Day movie. No one would have wanted to miss this great event!
Key Clubbers spend time making posters to put around the school to advertise cancer awareness ribbons.
Key Clubbers throw their hands up in surrender after LTG Vanessa Castaneda’s brother blows his nose for his turn in pterodactyl.
Key Clubbers get freaky in a game of pterodactyl, trying to make their friends laugh by flapping fake wings.
Key Clubbers from the Everman Key Club join us to make cards for children in the hospital.
Key C Fact
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s you need to kn ow
1 2
What was the first Key Club International district? A. California B. Indiana C. New York D. Florida In what year did Key Club become International? A. 1925 B. 1943 C. 1964 D. 1981
In what year were girls allowed to become Key Club members? A. 1977 B. 1926 C. 1953 D. 1982
Where did the name “Key Club” come from? A. It was a group focused on unlocking true potential B. Service projects in the late 1920s focused on making keys C. “Key Boys” in the school became members D. In Key Club’s early days, each club was given an honorary key to the town.
How much money does it take to save a life with The Eliminate Project? A. $1.00 B. $1.80 C. $2.00 D. $3.20 Answers found on page 10
Crushing it at Cowtown Classic
The Key Clubbers of Burleson High School truly showed their dedication on September 12, meeting at the school at 7 am after a long night of Friday night football. Though many members were running on less than five hours of sleep, everyone came together to work the rest stop of the annual Cowtown Classic bike race in Fort Worth, bringing with them smiling faces and bright attitudes. Setup started at 7:30 am where members of the Burleson High School and Everman High School Key Clubs worked together with the Burleson Kiwanis to set out tables and fill them with all the bikers’ needs. Before long, countless bananas littered the tables along with sliced oranges, pickles and pickle juice, cookies, gatorade coolers, water bottles, and buckets of ice. Once setup was finished, multiple ice-breakers (as Caiden Tomlinson would ask, “What the heck is an ice broker?”) were set into motion, including “Wiggalo” and “Move Your Booty,” to pass the time in waiting for the bikers. The first bikers to show received a warm welcome and lots of attention, but there was more where that came from. Soon enough, bikers flooded the rest stop and every single member had a job whether it was holding the bikers’ bikes while they ate, serving fruit and cookies, filling water bottles, or simply having friendly conversations with the amazing people. In all, Cowtown Classic was an amazing opportunity for new and returning members to jump right into service at the start of school. Go bikers!
Key Clubbers Jordan Cooksey and Urvi Dalal run to switch places in the ince breaker “Move Your Booty.”
Multiple Key Clubbers help out the bikers by hanging onto their expensive bikes while they filled up their water or grabbed a snack 6
Did you know the month of September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month? To support this amazing cause, your very own Burleson Key Club sold golden ribbons for an entire week to raise money and awareness for childhood cancer. Before the sale, posters decorated the school explaining what was going to happen between September 14th and 18th. On the very first day the ribbons were sold, $70 were raised for the cause. At $1 a piece, that means 70 students walked around with golden ribbons provided by the Key Club officers to show their support! By the end of the week, $140 was raised for the cause. What’s important here is not only that $140 went to Cook Children’s hospital but also that 140 students showed their support and spread awareness by pinning golden ribbons to their shirts. How amazing is that?
Worldwide Day of Play Since 2005, Nickelodeon has put on a yearly event that challenged kids and adults all over the world to stop watching tv and “get up, go outside, and play.” This event, the Worldwide Day of Play, was a perfect opportunity for Key Clubbers to gather at a park and have a social day, with a splash of service. On September 19th, the Burleson Key Club held a social at the Mistletoe Hill park, inviting many neighboring clubs including Everman and North Crowley. At the beginning of the event, Clubbers ate lunch, of course, because no Key Club event is true to its nature without some food. After munching on some sandwiches, Clubbers got on their feet to play a game of football and kickball (at different times, mind you). After a few epic kicks and amazing catches, Clubbers settled down for a service project. The service project of the day? Making dog toys for the poor dogs at the animal shelter. After a charming demonstration by President Nithure Rema and Vice-President Skyelar Armstrong, Key Clubbers got straight to work, cutting up old T-shirts then weaving and braiding them into cute dog toys of various shapes and sizes. By the end of the event, over fifty dog toys were sitting on the table, ready to make some very lucky dogs extremely happy. In all, the Worldwide Day of Play was a great event, allowing for some play time and some service time all alongside friends from all over the area. Key Clubbers Tyra Marks, Shivani Dalal, and Urvi Dalal huddle up during a game of football to discuss plays. Tyra Marks makes the call to go with “Blue 42,” explaining that it is code for “um, score.”
Key Clubber Payton Hudak smiles as she gathers over fifty dog toys in her arms, excited to give sad dogs at the shelter some toys made with love.
Key Clubbers Shivani Dalal and Jordan Cooksey smile and laugh as they push each other on the swings, fully taking advantage of their play day.
Key Clubbers weave t-shirt strips creatively, creating a dog toy in the style of a fishtail braid!
Key Clubbers kick themselves many homeruns in a traditional game of kickball.
Trendy Trash Bash
Article by: Skyelar Armstrong
Every year, the city of Burleson hosts the Keep Burleson Beautiful, “Trash Bash” event in an effort to clean up litter in the area. On September 26th, with the morning sun shining brightly in the sky, BHS Key Club met at Warren Park at 9 am to participate in the event. The club set out to pick up garbage around Hughes Middle School, where ditches and fields were filled with all kinds of wrappers, plastic bags, and other environmentally damaging objects. For two hours, Key Clubbers picked up these items, and by the end of Trash Bash, they had jointly gathered several bags of garbage. After all the trash had been canned, the club met back at Warren Park for pizza, a raffle, and comradery. Two of the club’s officers, Tyra Marks and Nithure Rema, won a prize from the raffle which proved to be quite suspenseful. As the event came to a close, members left pleased with their morning well-spent on service and the bettering of the Burleson community.
For more information and to register for upcoming events check out our website at www.burlesonkeyclub.com
Trivia Answers: 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B
Would you like to have an article or picture of yours featured in next month’s newsletter? Email your ideas to Paulina, Nithure, or Skyelar!
Joke of the Month What’s red and smells like blue paint? Red paint. Duh.
Thank you to
Everman Key Clubbers for participating in so many events with us!
Thank you to
Burleson Kiwanis for providing us with an opportunity to help out at the Cowtown Classic.
Thank you to
Everyone who bought a ribbon to support childhood cancer!
Thank you to
Everyone who has read the newsletter this far!
Club Contact Information Nithure Rema Skyelar Armstrong President Vice President bhskeypresident@ bhskeyvicepresigmail.com dent@gmail.com
Shivani Dalal Paulina Borowski Secretary Editor bhskeysecretary@ bhskeyeditor@ gmail.com gmail.com
Tyra Marks Treasurer bhskeytreasurer@ gmail.com
Mrs. Hughes Advisor bhskeysdvisor@ gmail.com
Divisonal and District Contacts Vanessa Castaneda Division 1S Lieutenant Governor ltg1south@gmail.com
Crystal Loh District Secretary secretary@tokeyclub.com
Matthew Riley District Editor editor@tokeyclub.com
Rachel Iselin District Governor governor@tokeyclub.com
Emily Zhao District Treasurer treasurer@tokeyclub.com
Megan Reynosa Convention Leison CL@tokeyclub.com 11