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Dragi čitaoci,
Dear readers,
Da je magazin Business & Luxury taj koji budi inspiracije potvrđuje i ovaj broj.
This issue re-confirms again the power of the Business & Luxury magazine to awaken inspiration.
Tragajući za novim temama osećali smo se kao Argonauti, moreplovci koji tragaju za zlatnim runom. Na tom putu naišli smo na značajna priznanja i značajne ljude u svetu korporativnog biznisa. Da nam put bude lakši, provozali smo se u automobilu koji predstavlja budućnost luksuzne klase, uživali smo u dobrim jelima i piću koje se čuva u posebnom kristalnom dekanteru.
Uvodna reč
Vreme, iako ograničavajući faktor za potragu, bilo je na našoj strani. Pokazalo se da je moguće spojiti savremene tehnologije i tradicionalni dizajn.
While seeking new topics we felt just like seafaring Argonauts in search of the golden fleece. On the way we have encountered significant acknowledgments and important people from the corporate world. To make our journey easier, we went for a ride in a car which is the future of the luxury class, and enjoyed fine food and drinks kept in special crystal decanters. Time, although a limiting factor in this pursuit, was on our side. We discovered that it is possible to combine modern technology and traditional design.
Glavni pokretač ovog traganja i snaga želje za istraživanjem jeste umetnost. Umetnost koja je u svemu što vam predstavljamo. A i sam pop art je tu.
What sent us on this search and boosted the desire to explore is art. Art can be found in everything we present to you. And pop art is there too.
Uživajte u traganju za novim inspiracijama.
Enjoy searching for new inspirations.
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Sadržaj - Content
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Global Brands
MINI je odraz ličnog stila i inspiracija kupcima širom sveta više od bilo kog drugog automobilskog brenda. Atraktivni proizvodi, inovacije, autentičnost i komunikacije definišu brend i deo su MINI-jeve DNK. Entuzijazam prema brendu odražava se i u najnovijem, osamnaestom, rangiranju “Najboljih globalnih brendova” koje priprema “Interbrand”. Procena se zasniva na finansijskom uspehu proizvoda i usluga koje pripadaju brendu, ulozi brenda u donošenju odluka kupaca i njegovom uticaju na politiku cena kompanije. Vrednost MINI brenda ove godine je ponovo porasla: sa vrednošću od preko pet milijardi američkih dolara, ovaj inovativni premijum brend našao se na 87. mestu. Ovom pozicijom MINI nastavlja svoj kontinuirani rast. U 2014. godini brend se još uvek nije probio u prvih 100, da bi 2015. godine debitovao na 98. mestu, a 2016. godine se popeo za deset mesta, na 88. poziciju. Ove godine se još bolje rangirao.
Veliki rast vrednosti brenda proističe iz sistematskog preusmeravanja brenda najavljenog 2015. godine. Dizajn, autentičnost i kvalitet definišu novi identitet brenda, koji se odražava kako u izgledu, tako i u novom tonu komunikacije. MINI izlazi iz domena auto industrije kako bi otkrio nove načine primene svoje jedinstvene DNK. Brend privlači kreativne mlade ljude koji žive u gradovima, gde je atraktivni životni prostor sve oskudniji i odgovorna upotreba stambenih resursa postaje sve važnija. Veran svojim tradicionalnim proizvodnim obećanjima ”kreativne upotrebe prostora” i ”minimalne površine” MINI predstavlja vizionarsko rešenje za oba izazova sa instalacijom ”MINI LIVING – Breathe”.
MINI promoviše i odgovornu upotrebu resursa kroz svoje proizvode i aktivan je u oblasti elektromobilnosti duže od decenije. MINI E je označio početak opsežnog rada na e-mobilnosti još 2008. godine. Na osnovu stečenih saznanja, početkom ove godine, lansiran je MINI Cooper S E Countryman ALL4 plug-in hibrid. MINI Električni koncept, predstavljen na ovogodišnjem sajmu automobila u Frankfurtu IAA, biće u prodaji 2019. godine. Njime će MINI portfolio biti dopunjen plug-in hibridima i čisto električnim modelima.
Top 100
More than any other vehicle brand, MINI is a statement of personal style and inspires customers all over the world. Constantly reinventing the brand through attractive products, innovation, authenticity and distinctive brand communications is part of the MINI DNA. This enthusiasm for the brand is also reflected in the latest, 18th annual Best Global Brands ranking compiled by the brand consultancy Interbrand. The value of the MINI brand rose once again this year: With a brand value of more than five billion US dollars, the innovative premium brand climbed to number 87 in the ranking. MINI continues its steady growth in brand value. In 2014, the brand was yet to break into the top 100, but debuted at number 98 in 2015 and climbed ten places in 2016 to reach number 88. This year, it once again improved on this position. The strong growth in brand value stems from systematic implementation of the brand realignment announced in 2015. Design, authenticity and intrinsic value define the new brand identity, which is also reflected in the visual appearance and new tonality of communications. MINI goes beyond the car to discover new applications for the unique MINI DNA. The brand appeals to creative young people living in cities, where attractive living space is increasingly scarce and responsible use of housing resources is becoming more important. True to its traditional product promises of “creative use of space” and “minimal footprint”, MINI is presenting a visionary solution for both challenges with the “MINI LIVING – Breathe” installation. MINI also promotes responsible use of resources through its products and has been active in the field of electromobility for over a decade. The MINI E marked the beginning of widescale studies of e-mobility back in 2008. Based on know-how gained from almost ten years of electromobility, the MINI Cooper S E Countryman ALL4 plugin hybrid was launched earlier this year. In 2019, MINI will also release a fully-electric three-door model, which was previewed as the MINI Electric Concept at this year’s IAA motor show. In this way, the conventional MINI portfolio will be complemented by plug-in hybrids and pure-electric models.
Profil kompanije
Luksuzna hotelijerska grupa Dorchester Collection osnovana je 2006. godine da bi upravljala nekim od najznačajnijih luksuznih hotela u Evropi i SAD, od kojih svaki odražava prepoznatljivu kulturu svog okruženja. Hoteli iz grupe Dorchester Collection su čuveni sami po sebi, imaju bogato nasleđe i nadaleko su poznati po tome da nude najbolja i najtraženija iskustva dobrog života, šarma, elegancije i izvanredni standard usluga. Hoteli slave svoj originalan karakter obogaćen modernim stilom i najsavremenijim sadržajima.
Luxury hotel group Dorchester Collection was founded in 2006 to manage a portfolio of some of the world’s foremost luxury hotels in Europe and the US, each of which reflects the distinctive culture of its destination. Dorchester Collection hotels are icons in their own right, with rich heritage and worldwide reputations as places offering the best and most soughtafter experiences of good living, charm, elegance and unparalleled standard of service. The hotels celebrate their own original character enriched by contemporary styling and state-of-the-art facilities.
Prožeti istorijom i kulturom, ovi hoteli se poistovećuju sa presudnim istorijskim momentima i u njima su tokom godina odsedali brojni članovi kraljevskih porodica, poznate ličnosti i svetski lideri. Svaki hotel ima svoju priču, ističući otmeno nasleđe same grupe, sa fascinantnim istorijskim anegdotama. Beverly Hills Hotel je izgrađen dve godine pre nego što je osnovan sam grad Beverli Hils;
Hotel Plaza Athenee, stecište visoke mode u Parizu, bio je razlog zbog kojeg je Kristijan Dior otvorio svoj butik preko puta na aveniji Montanj 1946. godine; a Salvador Dali je imao običaj da mesecima boravi u hotelu Le Meurice, zbog čega je hotel dovođen u vezu sa nadrealizmom. Osim toga, apartman Harlequin u hotelu Dorchester još uvek ima originalnu ružičastu mermernu kupaonicu koja je urađena za Elizabet Tejlor, gde je saznala da će igrati u „Kleopatri“, jednom od njenih najpoznatijih filmova.
Sa sve većim interesovanjem za magični svet hotela, zdanja u sklopu grupe Dorchester Collection pružaju gostima mogućnost da se kreću stopama poznatih umetnika prolazeći kroz lobije, odmarajući se zavaljeni kraj bazena, uživajući u pogledima i boraveći u apartmanima koji su odavno povezivani sa nekim od najpoznatijih filmskih scena i legendarnih holivudskih glumaca. Primenom svog neverovatnog iskustva u posedovanju i vođenju pojedinih poznatih hotela u svetu, namera kompanije je da postane vrhunska kompanija za hotelijerski menadžment koja je posvećena izvrsnosti i inovativnosti i uvažava individualnost i nasleđe svojih hotela. To postiže kupovinom i vođenjem hotela u ime njihovih vlasnika.
Hotel Ritz Lisbon
U 2006. godini, Dorchester Collection je u svom sastavu imao pet hotela: Dorchester, Beverly Hills Hotel, Le Meurice, Hôtel Plaza Athénée i Hotel Principe di Savoia. U međuvremenu, kompanija je proširila svoj portfolio za još četiri hotela: Hotel Bel-Air, Coworth Park, 45 Park Lane i Hotel Eden. Jedan od ciljeva kompanije Dorchester Collection je povećavanje odanosti brendu koja je uspostavljena od kreiranja portfolia, kroz pažljivo odabranu strategiju proširenja usmerenu na ključne gradove-kapije širom sveta. U 2015. godini, kompaniji Dorchester Collection je dodeljena nagrada UK Customer Experience Awards za razvoj vrhunske korisničke strategije u industriji. Ista godina joj je donela i nagradu Engagement & Loyalty Award za najbolji program angažovanja kupaca u svetu. Nedavno joj je ukazano priznanje i na dodeli nagrada Lloyds Bank National Business Awards, kada je svrstana u finaliste u kategoriji orijentisanosti na kupce. Prednjačeći u inovacijama, Dorchester Collection nastoji i dalje da pronalazi nove načine za razvijanje zadovoljstva gostiju, kroz posvećivanje pažnje detaljima i nove inicijative koje su joj donele afirmaciju u okviru sektora luksuznog ugostiteljstva, ali i šire.
Steeped in cultural history, each hotel is synonymous with defining historical moments and have hosted numerous royal families, celebrities and world leaders over the years. They each have their own story to tell, highlighting the group’s stylish heritage, with fascinating historical anecdotes.
The Beverly Hills Hotel was built two years before the city of Beverly Hills was founded;
Hôtel Plaza Athénée, the Haute Couture address of Paris, was the reason behind Christian Dior’s choice to open his boutique just opposite the hotel on avenue Montaigne in 1946; and Salvador Dalí would stay at Le Meurice for months at a time, which led to the hotel’s link to surrealism in its design. In addition, the Harlequin Suite at The Dorchester still features the original pink marble bathroom that was installed for Elizabeth Taylor, where she learned that she would star in one of her most famous films, Cleopatra.
With an ever increasing interest in the magic of the hotel world, Dorchester Collection properties allow guests to retrace the footsteps of famous artists by walking through lobbies, reclining by swimming pools, admiring views, and staying in suites that have long been associated with some of the most iconic film scenes and Hollywood legends. By applying its unrivalled experience in owning and operating some of the world’s great individual hotels, the company’s vision is to become the ultimate hotel management company, with a passion for excellence and innovation, honouring the individuality and heritage of its hotels. This is achieved through both acquiring and managing hotels on behalf of third party owners.
In 2006, Dorchester Collection consisted of five hotels: The Dorchester, The Beverly Hills Hotel, Le Meurice, Hôtel Plaza Athénée and Hotel Principe di Savoia. Since then, the company has added four more hotels to its portfolio with Hotel Bel-Air, Coworth Park, 45 Park Lane and Hotel Eden. One of Dorchester Collection’s aims is to build on the brand loyalty that has been established since the portfolio was created, through a carefully selective expansion strategy focused on key gateway cities worldwide. In 2015, Dorchester Collection was honoured by the UK Customer Experience Awards for developing the top customer strategy in the industry. 2015 also brought Dorchester Collection the Engagement & Loyalty Award for best Customer Engagement Programme in the world. It was recently honoured by Lloyds Bank National Business Awards, which named the company as the finalist in the customer focus category. Leading the way in innovation, Dorchester Collection continues to strive towards creating new ways to develop guest satisfaction, through attention to detail and new initiatives that have earned it recognition within the luxury hospitality sector and beyond.
BMW holo X2Experience The
BMW i Microsoft pretvaraju deo kampanje "Usudi se" za novi BMW X2 u zabavan doživljaj visoke tehnologije. U jedinstvenoj aplikaciji mešovite realnosti, dva partnera od fizičke stvarnost i digitalnog sadržaja kreiraju iskustvo dostupno isključivo na Microsoft HoloLens-u. BMW X2 Holo Experience i Microsoft HoloLens uvode korisnike u svet BMW X2, gde se mogu upoznati sa novim modelom na interaktivan način. Zabavni izazovi smenjuju se sa kreativnim elementima. Na primer, izvođenje BMW X2 iz lavirinta ili dodavanje nove boje automobilu iz rezervoara za boje. BMW X2 Holo Experience ponovo se vraća elementima kampanje kako bi se osigurala velika prepoznatljivost i završava se sa holografskim selfijem za korisnikove sopstvene kanale društvenih medija. „X2 će privući relativno novu, mladu ciljnu grupu, upućenu u digitalne tehnologije, koja takođe traži jedinstveno i savremeno iskustvo u komunikacijama", smatra Uwe Dreher, šef Komunikacija brenda BMW. „BMW X2 Holo Experience pokazuje kako kompanije mogu oživeti svoje proizvode spajajući fizički i digitalni svet na potpuno novi način", objašnjava Michael Zavrel, viši menadžer proizvoda mešovite stvarnosti & HoloLens u Nemačkoj.
BMW X2 Holo Experience, zasnovan na Microsoft HoloLens i Windows Mixed Reality, biće dostupan širom sveta kod odabranih BMW-ovih distributera, u ekskluzivnim „zatvorenim prostorijama“ i u formi kao što je Centar za doživljavanje brenda.
Posetioci već mogu doživeti BMW X2 u digitalnom formatu u BMW-ovim filijalama u Berlinu, Minhenu i Cirihu.
LIFESTYLE High-tech experience MAGAZINE
BMW and Microsoft are transforming part of the “Be the one who dares” campaign for the new BMW X2 into a fun high-tech experience. In a unique mixed reality application, the two partners are weaving physical reality and digital content into an experience exclusively available on Microsoft HoloLens. The BMW X2 Holo Experience and Microsoft HoloLens immerse users in the world of the BMW X2, where they can get to know the new model in an interactive way. Fun challenges alternate with creative elements. For example, the BMW X2 must be guided out of a maze or can be given a new colour in a paint tank. The BMW X2 Holo Experience revisits elements of the campaign to ensure high recognition value and ends with a holographic selfie for the user’s own social media channels. “The X2 will appeal to a relatively new, young and digitally-savvy target group that is also looking for unique and contemporary experiences from communications”, according to Uwe Dreher, head of Brand Communication BMW. “The BMW X2 Holo Experience shows how companies can bring their products to life by blending the physical and the digital world in a totally new way”, explains Michael Zawrel, Senior Product Manager Mixed Reality & HoloLens Germany. The BMW X2 Holo Experience, based on Microsoft HoloLens and Windows Mixed Reality, will be available internationally at selected BMW dealers, in exclusive “closed rooms” and formats such as the Brand Experience Centre.
Visitors can already experience the BMW X2 in digital form at the BMW branch in Berlin, Munich and in Zurich.
came true Ostvariti snove nije lako i to ne može svako. Marijana Radović je u tome uspela. Još u detinjstvu intuitivno je pratila kuda je to njeni prsti vode i dozvolila im je da oblikuju kreativne misli i pretvore ih u stvarnost – konkretan komad ili ceo enterijer. Kada pored sopstvene slobode u istraživanju i izražavanja postoji i višestruka podrška koja je dolazila od bitnih ljudi u njenom životu, tada nije bilo pitanje da li će se ostvariti veliki uspesi, nego samo na koji način će se oni meriti.
Making dreams come true is not easy and not everyone can do it. Marijana Radović has managed to do just that. Ever since her childhood, she followed intuitively where her fingers would lead her and let them shape her creative thoughts and turn them into reality - a specific piece or a complete interior. Since, in addition to having freedom to explore and express herself, she also enjoyed great support from many important people in her life, there was no question whether great success would come, but only how it will be measured
Intervju -MAGAZINE Interview LIFESTYLE
Kako je sve počelo? Da li je dizajn bio deo vaših najranijih želja ili su vas životne okolnosti vodile u tom pravcu? Može se reći da je sve krenulo dosta rano, imala sam 12 godina kada sam odlučila da budem arhitekta. Još u ranoj fazi svog detinjstva bila sam sklona da posvećujem pažnju izgledu predmeta koji su me okruživali, rasporedu, i razmišljanjima da prostor u kome boravim unapredim, utegnem ili proširim i iskoristim na najbolji mogući način. U osnovnoj školi sam već počela da pravim skice nameštaja, a roditelji su mi dali poverenje i realizovali stvari koje sam crtala tada za naš stan.
Marijana Radovic , Marco Bonelli photo by Lorenzo Pennati
Ispostavilo se da su ti moji prvi neobični radovi privačili pažnju ostalih stolarevih mušterija. Tako je sve počelo. Kompletan stan usavršavan je po mojim nacrtima, a onda se taj moj „biznis“ širio i na prijatelje koji su želeli nešto drugačije od onoga što je nudilo tržište nameštaja. Naravno organizovanje prostora se ne završava samo na stanovima. How did it all begin? Was design something you wanted all along or have circumstances lead you in that direction? You could say that it all started rather early for me, since I decided to become an architect when I was 12. From an early age, I would pay attention to the way things around me looked, the way they were arranged, and I would think about how the space where I was staying could be improved, spruced up or expanded and utilized in the best possible way. In elementary school, I already started sketching furniture, and my parents had trusted me enough to have a carpenter make the things that I designed and decorate our apartment with them.
Studio - showroom space m2atelier photo by Lorenzo Pennati
Of course, the interior design does not end only with flats.
As it turned out, the first unusual pieces I designed attracted the attention of other people. And that's how it all started. Our complete apartment was done up according to my designs, and then my "business" expanded to friends who wanted something different from what the furniture market had to offer.
Osim te moje potrebe da dizajniram, i druge životne okolnosti su me usmeravale ka mom životnom pozivu koji sam otkrila u detinjstvu. Ljubav prema jedrenju je ono što je povezalo iskustvo sa fakulteta u Beogradu sa mojim snovima i dovelo me na master za dizajn jahti u Milano. I tako su i plovila ušla u moj posao. Spojili ste posao i porodicu i zajedno sa suprugom vodite uspešan studio. Da li na projektima radite zajedno ili radite nezavisno? Pre bih rekla da je posao spojio nas u srećnu porodicu, a kasnije i u uspešnu firmu. Kada smo se upoznali postojala su dva studija koja su radila na projektima istog nivoa i na veoma sličan način. Bilo je čak i istih klijenata, ali u različitim oblastima. Posle nekog vremena je bilo logično udružiti snage i tako je nastao „m2atelier“. Da, poslove i vodimo i radimo zajedno. Postoje projekti koje vodim više ja i druge za koje je glavni Marko, ali smo generalno posvećeni oboje. Klijenti i projekti su u uvek na dobitku u takvoj kombinaciji.
In addition to my need to design, there were some other circumstances which led me to discover my true calling during my childhood. My love of sailing is what linked my experience from the faculty in Belgrade and my dreams and led me to Milan to take my master’s degree in yacht design. And that’s how vessels came to be a part of my business as well. You combined your work and your family life and with your husband you run a successful design studio. Do you work on the projects together or independently? I’d rather say that it’s the job that brought us together and we were able to make a happy family, and later a successful company. When we met, we had two different studios that worked on projects of the same level and in a very similar manner. We even had the same clients, but in different areas. After a while, it became only logical to join forces and thus "m2atelier" was established. Yes, we do our work and run our business together. There are some projects which are lead mostly by me and others where Marco is calling the shots, but both of us are generally very committed. This combination brings nothing but benefit to our clients and projects.
Catamaran 50m - Blackcat superyacht master cabin
Intervju -MAGAZINE Interview LIFESTYLE
Takođe, za oboje je veoma korisno to što imamo tu drugu stranu koja možda misli i drugačije, kako bi se ideja potvrdila ili čak dovela u pitanje i promenila. Mi jedno drugom to radimo i mislim da je to veliki plus u našem poslu. U našem slučaju spajanjem studija i poslova mi smo u svemu, rekla bih slobodno, profitirali. Spojili smo znanje i dragocena prethodna iskustva.
It is also very useful for both of us to be able to run our ideas by each other and hear different opinions, or have our ideas confirmed or challenged and modified. We do this for each other and I think it's a big plus in our business. In our case, by joining our studios and jobs, I’d say that we profited in all respects. We combined our knowledge and valuable experiences.
Uporedo sa razvijanjem poslova i jačanjem studija mi smo formirali i razvijali porodicu koja nam je vrednija od svih dosadašnjih poslova. A spajanjem poslova mnogo smo brže širili listu zadovoljnih klijenata širom sveta, tako da ih sada imamo na svim kontinentima, što nam jača veru u ono što radimo.
Along with developing our work and strengthening our studios, we started our family that is more precious to us than all our jobs put together. By merging our business, we quickly increased the number of satisfied customers around the world, which are now coming from all continents, which reinforces our confidence in what we do.
Moram da naglasim da nije bilo ni malo lako stići u pravo vreme do svih klijenata, a da je sada to malo lakše.
I have to say that it hasn’t been easy for us to reach all the customers at the right time, but now it's a bit easier.
Furla facade - HongKong Miramall photo courtesy of Furla
Neki ljudi se pitaju da li je prava odluka raditi sa životnim partnerom, jer ako ne funkcioniše posao to se može preneti na porodicu. To se uostalom podrazumevalo odmah na početku, ili će ići ili neće ići. Na našu sreću funkcioniše jako dobro. Uostalom, možda znate, nismo prvi par u oblasti arhitekture.
Some people wonder if the decision to work with one’s spouse is the right one, because if the business is not going well your family life may suffer. This was something we understood from the very beginning, either this will work or it won’t. Fortunately for us, it worked out pretty well. Anyway, as you now, we are not the first couple in the field of architecture.
Svoje bogato iskustvo prenosite i na mlade – radite i kao predavač? Kažu da znanje nije znanje ako se ne upotrebi ili prenese na druge.
You are also passing down your rich experience to young people - as a lecturer? They say that knowledge is wasted unless it has been put to use or passed down to others.
Nema ni uspeha ako svoje iskustvo ne prenosim najpre ljudima sa kojima radim i stvaram. To je svakodnevni posao. Na neki način je još i prijatnije ponekad, jer je razlika u godinama mala, dok u nekim slučajevima ponekad bude i neobično. Pored zaposlenih u našem studiju, svoje znanje i iskustvo prenosim i na mlade sa Politecnico univerziteta na masteru za dizajn jahti, kad mi to vreme dozvoli i steknu se uslovi da održim predavanja studentima. To je i način na koji ponekad među njima uspem i da pronađem nove saradnike.
I can hardly speak of any success if I cannot convey my experience, first of all, to the people I work with and create things. It's an everyday task. In a way, it is even more pleasant sometimes, because the age gap is small, while in some cases it may seem a little unusual. In addition to the staff in our studio, I also pass down my knowledge and experience to young people from the Polytechnic University getting their master’s degree in yacht design, whenever I have time and when the conditions are met to hold lectures for students. This way I sometimes find new associates among them.
Marina apartments Duplex apartment Portonovi - Montenegro
Intervju -MAGAZINE Interview LIFESTYLE
Vaš posao deluje savršeno, da li ipak postoje stvari koje vas nekada nateraju na razmišljanje o promeni? Svaki dan mogu da potvrdim da je ovaj posao za mene stvarno savršen. Nisam do sada nikada pomislila da radim pogrešnu stvar. To je ponekad i mač sa dve oštrice, jer nema kraja posvećenosti, a možete zamisliti kada dvoje u kući imaju isti način razmišljanja i istu strast.
Your job sounds perfect, but are there any things that sometimes make you think about change? Every day I become convinced that this job is really perfect for me. I have never thought that I was making a mistake. It can sometimes be like a double-edged sword, because there is no end to devotion, and you may only imagine when two people from the same house share the same way of thinking and the same passion.
Ima momenata kada se radi noću i povežu dva dana bez spavanja. Ima momentata kada je stvarno teško, jer svako gradilište, brodogradilište ima različite vrste problema i nagomilaju se stvari koje traže rešenje u tom istom momentu. Ali, na kraju se sve vrati kada se projekat završi.
There are moments when you work at night and do not sleep for two days in a row. There are moments when it's really difficult, because every construction site, or shipyard have different problems and the things requiring immediate solution are just piling up. But, in the end, you feel rewarded when the project is over.
Ako se umorim u trci za vremenom da sve postignem u danu koji traje samo 24 časa, možda nešto i promenim.
If I ever get tired with this race to finish everything in a day that lasts only 24 hours, maybe I'll change something.
Catamaran 35m - Blackcat Superyacht forward cockpit
Moving forward
85-meter superyacht
Kao rezultat saradnje dva čuvena imena iz industrije mega jahti nastao je zapanjujući dizajn novog koncepta motornih jahti od 85 metara koji je prikazan na Sajmu jahti Monako 2017.
The partnership between two iconic names within the superyacht industry brings together the stunning design of a new 85-meter motor yacht concept, which is being launched at Monaco Yacht Show 2017.
Izvanredni tamnoplavi trup i snežno bela nadgradnja postavili su ton za ovaj smeo, moderan dizajn. Veliki prostori za zabavu i odmor diktiraju raspoloženje na ovoj jahti. Dva pomoćna čamca, gliser i mnoštvo vodenih igračaka pametno su skriveni ispod prednje palube radi uživanja u blagodetima boravka na vodi. Na brodu sa pet paluba nalazi se bazen od 6 metara, spa centar s masažnom sobom, sauna i đakuzi, te prostor za zabavu, prostrana sunčališta i mesta za opuštanje, kao i sportska paluba sa barom i velikim TV ekranom.
A striking dark blue hull and snow-white superstructure set the tone for this edgy, modern design. Large entertaining and leisure spaces dictate the mood on this yacht. Two tenders, a ski boat and a host of water toys are cleverly hidden below the foredeck to enjoy the benefits of being on the water. Whilst on board, the five decks house a 6-meter pool, spa area with massage room, sauna and Jacuzzi, as well as a party space, extensive sunbathing and relaxing areas and a sports deck with a bar and huge TV screen.
Beach klub se prostire duž cele širine broda sa demontažnim balkonima sa obe strane i pametno je povezan direktno sa platformom za plivanje, pružajući pristup moru od 180 stepeni, a s obe strane ima dva velika stepeništa koja vode ka prostranoj glavnoj palubi.
A full beam beach club with fold down balconies on both sides cleverly connects directly to the swim platform, giving 180° access to the sea and features two grand staircases to the expansive Main Deck on either side.
Unutrašnje prostorije su lepo uređene gde je svaki detalj pažljivo promišljen. Uz filmsku salu, glavni salon s pogledom od 270° i kancelariju/konferencijsku salu, sve potrebe vlasnika i gostiju su dobro zbrinute. 6 do 8 gostinjskih kabina lepo su uređene i vode do otvorene trpezarije sa stolom na razvlačenje gde se može smestiti do 14 gostiju. Filmska sala/igraonica, kao i više vanjskih trpezarija i barova dodatno ističu usmerenost na odmor i zabavu.
Internally, the spaces are beautifully configured with every conceivable aspect taken into consideration. With a cinema, a main salon with 270° view and an office/ conference room, the owner and guests are very well looked after. The 6 or 8 guest cabins are beautifully appointed and lead through to an open plan dining room, with an expandable table to seat up to 14 guests. A cinema / playroom as well as multiple exterior dining and bar areas further express the focus on leisure and entertaining.
Spoj jedinstvenog i izvanrednog dizajna studija Winch Design i profesionalnog pristupa i iskustva kompanije Nobiskrug daje jedan sasvim poseban i uistinu uzbudljiv koncept mega jahte. Obe kompanije imaju dugu tradiciju u svetu mega jahti koju je teško nadmašiti.
The combination of Winch Design’s unrivalled design excellence and Nobiskrug’s professional approach and experience make for a totally bespoke and truly exciting superyacht concept. Both have a pedigree in the superyacht world which is difficult to beat.
Moving forward
Novi koncept – New concept LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE
Moving forward
Luksuzna LIFESTYLE klasa - Luxury MAGAZINE class
Budućnost luksuznih automobila počela je u julu 2017: Novi Audi A8 imao je svoju svetsku premijeru na Audi samitu u Barseloni. U svojoj četvrtoj generaciji, ovaj reprezentativni model ponovo postavlja standard za Napredak kroz tehniku (nem. Vorsprung durch Technik) - sa novim dizajnerskim jezikom, inovativnim konceptom sa komandama na dodir i električnim pogonom. Audi A8 je takođe prvi serijski automobil na svetu koji je razvijen za visoko automatizovanu vožnju. Od 2018. godine Audi će postepeno uvoditi u proizvodnju funkcije samostalne vožnje, kao što je autopilot za parkiranje, za ulazak u garažu i za gužvu u saobraćaju.
Moving forward
Audi A8 postavlja temelje stila – najavljuje osvit nove dizajnerske ere za ceo brend. Njegov prednji deo sa širokom, uspravnom jednodelnom maskom i impozantna karoserija tečnih linija jesu simbol sportske elegancije, sofisticiranosti i naprednosti. Nova „osmica“ ispunjava obećanje dizajnerske studije za Audi Prologue. Audi je brend poznat širom sveta po privlačnom, sportskom izgledu, laganoj konstrukciji i stalnom pogonu na sva četiri točka – a sve to je primenjeno i u dizajnu novog A8. Izbalansirane proporcije ističu sva četiri točka u jednakoj meri. Naglašeni oblici iznad lukova točkova daju vizuelni izraz quattro pogonu. Posmatrano sa strane, uspravni prednji deo zajedno sa blago nagnutim zadnjim delom stvara vizuelnu napetost.
July 2017 is where the future has begun in the luxury class: The new Audi A8 makes its world debut at the Audi Summit in Barcelona. In its fourth generation, the flagship model again provides the benchmark for Vorsprung durch Technik – with a new design language, an innovative touch screen operating concept and a systematically electrified drive. The Audi A8 is also the first production automobile in the world to have been developed for highly automated driving. From 2018, Audi will gradually be taking piloted driving functions such as parking pilot, garage pilot and traffic jam pilot into production.
The Audi A8 is stylistically defining – it signals the dawning of a new design era for the entire brand. The front end with the wide, upright Singleframe grille and the fluid, muscular body symbolize sporty elegance, sophistication and progressive status. The new A8 delivers on the promise made by the Audi prologue design study. The Audi brand is renowned worldwide for sports appeal, lightweight construction and quattro permanent all-wheel drive – and the design of the new A8 conveys these values. The balanced proportions emphasize all four wheels in equal measure. Muscular shapes above the wheel arches give visual expression to the quattro drive. Viewed side-on, the upright front end combined with the gently inclined rear create visual tension.
Moving forward
LUKSUZNI SALON: ENTERIJER Sloboda je glavna karakteristika dizajna sa novim viđenjem luksuza. Ovo objašnjava sličnost modela A8 sa raskošnim, prostranim salonom. U poređenju sa prethodnim modelom, njegova karoserija je značajno produžena u obe varijante. Asortiman opreme i materijala je ogroman, pri čemu svaki detalj zrači izuzetnim kvalitetom - od perforacija u tapacirungu sedišta do poklopca za ventilacione otvore koji se otvaraju i zatvaraju električnim putem.
Najfinije sedište u ovom novom Audijevom modelu nalazi se na zadnjoj desnoj strani - opciono sedište za relaksaciju modela A8 L koje ima četiri različite opcije podešavanja i oslonac za noge. Na ovom sedištu, putnik može da zagreje i masira svoja stopala na uređaju sa više opcija podešavanja koji je ugrađen u stražnji deo prednjeg sedišta. Novi komforni nasloni za glavu zaokružuju čitavo iskustvo. Putnici koji sede na zadnjem sedištu takođe mogu da kontrolišu niz funkcija kao što su ambijentalno osvetljenje, novo HD Matrix svetlo za čitanje i masažer, kao i da obavljaju privatne telefonske pozive, putem odvojene radne jedinice. Daljinski upravljač zadnjeg sedišta, sa svojim OLED ekranom koji je veliki kao pametni telefon, je prenosni uređaj smešten u središnjem naslonu za ruke.
Novi Audi A8 i A8 L proizvode se u Nekarsulmu i na nemačkom tržištu će se pojaviti krajem jeseni 2017.
LUXURY LOUNGE: THE INTERIOR Freedom is the defining design feature with a new luxury slant. This explains the A8’s resemblance to a lavish, spacious lounge. Compared to the predecessor model, it has grown substantially in length in both body versions. The range of equipment and materials is extensive, with every detail radiating superlative bespoke quality – from the perforation in the seat upholstery to the electrically opened and closed shutters on the air vents.
The new Audi A8 and A8 L are being built at the Neckarsulm site and will appear on the German market in late fall 2017.
The classiest seat in the new Audi flagship model is in the rear right – the optional relaxation seat in the A8 L that comes with four different adjustment options and a footrest. In this seat, the passenger can warm and massage the soles of their feet on a unit with multiple settings incorporated into the back of the front-passenger seat. The new comfort head restraints complete the experience. The rear passengers can also control an array of functions such as ambient lighting, the new HD Matrix reading lights and seat massage, plus make private phone calls, via a separate operating unit. The rear seat remote, with its OLED display as large as a smartphone, is a removable unit housed in the center armrest.
Pleasure & Leisure
Druga po redu značajna saradnja prestižne meksičke destilerije tekile i majstora francuskog kristala
Second Edition of Landmark Collaboration Again Brings Together Mexico’s Premier Tequila Distiller and the Masters of French Crystal
Patron i LALIQUE su u 2015. godini sa velikim uspehom izbacili prvi komad iz ove značajne serije pod nazivom Patron en LALIQUE: Serie 1. Ovaj kristalni dekanter izrađen je u ograničenom broju, pod uticajem ranog secesionističkog stila koji je razvio Rene Lalik krajem 19. veka. Rene je 1920. bio jedan od pokretača i glavnih zagovornika art deko stila. Nakon toga, za Patron en LALIQUE: Serie 2, glavni majstori firme LALIQUE kreirali su izuzetno elegantan kristalni dekanter inspirisan prepoznatljivim art deko dizajnom i avangardnom vizijom firme LALIQUE.
In 2015, Patrón and LALIQUE released to great acclaim the first in this landmark series, Patrón en LALIQUE: Serie 1. That limited edition crystal decanter was influenced by René Lalique’s early Art Nouveau style, which he pioneered in the late 19th century. In the 1920s, René was one of the moving spirits and principal influencers of Art Déco. Following that progression, for Patrón en LALIQUE: Serie 2, LALIQUE’s master artisans have created a stunningly elegant crystal decanter inspired by Lalique’s signature Art Déco design and avant-garde vision.
Pleasure & Leisure
ZnaÄ?ajna saradnja - Landmark LIFESTYLE Collaboration MAGAZINE
Pleasure & Leisure
Značajna saradnja - Landmark LIFESTYLE Collaboration MAGAZINE
I Francuska i Meksiko su dali svoj doprinos nastanku art deko pokreta, a ova izuzetna boca objedinjuje taj zajednički dizajnerski senzibilitet.
Both France and Mexico share a claim to the Art Déco movement, and this extraordinary bottle captures that collective design sensibility.
U ovom regionu sa dugom tradicijom izrade stakla, posvećeni staklari firme LALIQUE kombinovali su izuzetno poznavanje savremenih tehnika i tradicionalnih veština tokom celog složenog postupka proizvodnje kristala. Svaki komad prolazi procese duvanja, presovanja, oblikovanja, sečenja, graviranja, poliranja i potpisivanja.
In this region of tremendous glassmaking tradition, LALIQUE’s dedicated glassmakers combine an exceptional mastery of modern techniques and traditional skills throughout the complex crystal making process. Each piece is blown, pressed, fashioned, cut, engraved, polished and signed.
Nije samo boca umetničko delo. Za Patron en LALIQUE: Serie 2, glavni Patronov stručnjak za destilaciju, Fransisko Alkaras, i njegov talentovani tim, stvorili su izvanrednu mešavinu ekstra añejo tekila koje su sazrevale u destileriji Hacienda Patron u brdima pokrajne Halisko u Meksiku, u proseku više od sedam godina. Tekila iz tri različite vrste buradi pažljivo je izabrana kako bi se dobila savršena ravnoteža agave i hrasta za ovo izdanje: američki hrast, francuski hrast i špansko čeri drvo. Patron en LALIQUE: Serie 2 ekstra añejo tekila ima svetlu prozirnu boju, i slatku aromu sa ukusom voća (jabuka, banana i kruška), vanile, agave, suvog grožđa i oraha. Završetak je dug i prijatan, sa notama hrasta, agave, karamele i voća.
The bottle is characterized by straight lines and the graceful contrast between clear and frosted finishes, emblematic of LALIQUE’s iconic, signature style. Its simple yet refined design was inspired by Mexico’s indigenous Weber Blue Agave plant from which tequila is produced. The decanter’s rounded crystal stopper is amber in color, to marry with the hue of the extra añejo tequila inside the bottle, and features Patrón’s iconic bee emblem, detailed in pure gold enamel. The bottle is presented in an equally elegant display case, which rotates to reveal the bottle and stopper, making for a truly dramatic presentation. It’s not just the bottle that’s a work of art. For Patrón en LALIQUE: Serie 2, Patrón’s master distiller Francisco Alcaraz and his talented team created an exceptional blend of extra añejo tequilas, aged in the barrel room at the Hacienda Patrón distillery in the Highlands of Jalisco, Mexico, for an average of more than seven years. Tequila from three different types of barrels was carefully hand selected to create the perfect balance of agave and oak for this release: American oak, French oak, and Spanish Sherry. Patrón en LALIQUE: Serie 2 extra añejo tequila is marked by its bright crystalline color, with a sweet aroma and taste of fruit (apple, banana and pear), vanilla, light agave, raisin, and pecans. The finish is long and pleasing, with notes of oak, agave, caramel, and fruit.
Pleasure & Leisure
Bocu karakterišu prave linije i skladan kontrast između prozirnih i matiranih površina, što je odlika čuvenog stila firme LALIQUE. Njen jednostavan, a prefinjen dizajn inspirisan je meksičkom autohtonom biljkom Veber plava agava od koje se proizvodi tekila. Okrugli kristalni zatvarač dekantera je boje ćilibara kako bi se slagao sa nijansom añejo (odležale) tekile ekstra kvaliteta u boci, i ima pčelu, čuveni simbol firme Patron, oslikanu čistim zlatnom. Boca ima isto tako elegantnu kutiju koja se rotira kako bi se boca sa zatvaračem videla, što je zaista atraktivan način prezentacije.
5 recommendations The exquisite places in Belgrade
5 preporuka
Izvrsna mesta u Beogradu
Pleasure & Leisure
Restoran Mandala nalazi se na Kosančićevom vencu, u sklopu Lorca Design House-a. Mandala je posvećena jedinstvenom kulinarskom konceptu sa akcentom na zdravlje, wellness i zajedništvo. Pridružite nam se i obradujte sva čula dok degustirate neki od veganskovegeterijanskih obroka koji nose potpis jednog od najuticajnijih veganskih kuvara na svetu, Čada Sarnoa. Koristimo najkvalitetnije namirnice, lokalno proizvedene i, po mogućstvu, organske. Najveći deo stiže upravo sa naše Lavandika farme. U tom smislu, Mandala jedina u regionu nudi koncept "od farme do stola".
Restaurant Mandala is located at Kosančićev venac circle as part of Lorca Design House. It provides a unique culinary concept with an emphasis on health, wellness and community. Visit us and let all your senses enjoy while tasting our vegan and vegetarian meals bearing the signature of one of most influential vegan chefs in the world, Chad Sarno. We use high quality ingredients, locally produced, and whenever possible, organic. The majority is supplied right from our farm Lavandika. In this sense, Mandala is the only one in the region that offers the concept "from farm to table".
Credo Predstavljamo nešto potpuno novo na gastro sceni Beograda. Chef Nenad Jovanović je svojim internacionalnim iskustvom u poznatim restoranima sa Mišelinovim zvezdicama, spojio tradiciju srpske kuhinje sa modernim kulinarstvom. Na meniju možete naći jela i za one sa najistančanijim ukusom: foie gras, čorbu od pečenog celera, ali i one koji su navikli na prepoznatljive ukuse. Jedinstven spoj hedonizma, ugostiteljstva i kulinarstva u samom srcu grada, na Trgu Republike. Dobrodosli u CREDO, mesto gde se stvaraju umetnička jela. We present you with something completely new on the gastronomic scene of Belgrade. With international experience gained at famous Michelin-starred restaurants, chef Nenad Jovanovic combines the traditional Serbian cuisine with modern cooking. Its menu includes dishes that will satisfy even the most refined palates, such as foie gras and roasted celery soup, but also those who prefer more familiar tastes. A unique combination of hedonism, hospitality and cuisine in the heart of the city, at the Republic Square. Welcome to CREDO, the place where culinary art is created.
Klub književnika
Since 1936, located in the very heart of Belgrade, Klub knjizevnika proudly carries the status of an iconic restaurant and must-visit place on the cultural and gastronomic map of the city. During the past 70 years, the restaurant has been host to a myriad of famous people, from Ivo Andric to Elizabeth Taylor. In this time, both Belgrade and Klub knjizevnika have changed, yet some things remain the same: great food prepared in a traditional manner, a great ambiance and unique atmosphere.
Pleasure & Leisure
Od 1936. godine, lociran u srcu Beograda, Klub književnika ponosno nosi status kultnog restorana i nezaobilaznog mesta na kulturnoj i gastronomskoj mapi grada. Tokom poteklih 70 godina Klub književnika bio je stecište velikog broja poznatih ličnosti, od Ive Andrića do Elizabet Tejlor. Tokom ovih godina i Beograd i Klub književnika neminovno su se menjali, ali neke dobre stvari su ostale iste: ukusna hrana, spremana po tradicionalnim receptima, predivan ambijnet i jedinstvena atmosfera.
Tesla Restoran - muzej „Tesla“, smešten u srcu grada, pružiće vam nezaboravne trenutke. Zahvaljujući digitalnim turama koje će vam neposredno približiti život i delo čuvenog Nikole Tesle, moći ćete kao vremeplovom da zakoračite u doba kada je on živeo i stvarao. Otvoren za različite ukuse i senzibilitete, „Tesla“ vam omogućava da uživate u domaćim i internacionalnim specijalitetima, kao i da otkrijete koja su bila omiljena jela slavnog naučnika. U večernjim satima sveukupan doživljaj upotpuniće različite muzičke tematske večeri. The "Tesla" Restaurant - Museum, located in the heart of the city, will provide you with unforgettable moments. Thanks to digital tours that will introduce you closely with the life and work of the famous Nikola Tesla, you will be transported, as in a time machine, to the time when he lived and created. The "Tesla" Restaurant - Museum caters to different tastes and sensibilities, and will enable you to enjoy both local and international specialities, as well as to discover the favorite dishes of the famous scientist. In the evening, the overall experience will be complemented with different music-themed evenings.
Salon 5
Pleasure & Leisure
Preporučujemo vam da počnete sa nekim lepo ohlađenim belim vinom pre degustacije guščije paštete o kojoj priča ceo Beograd. Bogat i kremast ukus koji se topi u ustima, oduševiće vaše nepce. U slučaju da želite da prezalogajite neka topla predjela, možete birati između domaćih, ručno pravljenih raviola sa rikota sirom, papardela sa vrganjima ili taljatele sa raguom, ukusa kao letnja jutra u Palermu. Za glavno jelo, opredelite se za nešto ozbiljnije, recimo Foie gras. Posvećenost i kvalitet je ono što najbolje sumira duh restorana Salon 5.
We recommend you start with some frisky white wine before tasting a slice of foie gras. Yes, it’s the same foie gras everyone in Belgrade is talking about. Lush and creamy, with melting flavors that will make your taste-buds go wild. In case you want to consider dipping into some hot starters, choose between the home made Italian Ravioli with Ricotta cheese and Papardelle with boletus, or go for the classic – Tagliatelle al Ragu that taste like a summer morning in Palermo. And then for the main course, go heavyweight. Dedication and quality is what best sums up the Salon 5 ethos.
Preporučujemo - We recommend Hrskavi crab cake na bazi artičoke i povrća sa domaćom remuladom, od ajolija i čipota paprike. Crispy crab cake with artichoke and vegetables and homemade remoulade, aioli sauce and chipotle chili.
MANDALA : Kosančićev venac 9, Beograd • +381 11 40 42 222 •
Domaće torteline sa sremskim sirom, pečenim celerom, braon puterom i acetom starim 15 godina. Homemade tortellini, Sremski cheese, roasted celery, brown butter and 15 years aged aceto balsamico.
CREDO: Vase Čarapića 2-4, Beograd • +381 11 400 30 03 • Inst. Credo_Belgrade, fb. Credobelgrade
Sporo kuvani svinjski vrat, poslužen sa pireom od celera, junećim demiglasom i mariniranom slačicom. Slow cooked pork neck, served with celery puree, beef demi-glace and marinated mustard plant.
KLUB KNJIŽEVNIKA: Francuska 7, Beograd • +381 11 262 79 31 • fb.RestoranKlubknjizevnika T bone steak, najfinija mekoća junećeg mesa dobijena procesom suvog zrenja u trajanju od 21 dan, sa dodatkom krupne soli i ruzmarina. T-bone steak, the finest tenderness of the beef steak reached after 21 day of dry aging, with added sea salt and rosemary.
TESLA: Karađorđeva 21, Beograd • +381 63 841 83 31 •
Grilovana guščija džigerica na briošu sa čatnijem od šumskog voća, gelom od proseka i aperola i kolačem od đumbira. Grilled goose liver on toasted brioche with all berries chutney, prosecco and aperol jelly and ginger cake.
SALON 5: Avijatičarski trg 5, Zemun • +381 11 261 48 93 •
The Art of
Pleasure & Leisure
Photo by Helen Cathcart Belmond British Pullman
The LIFESTYLE Art of Savoir-Vivre MAGAZINE
Photo by Helen Cathcart Belmond British Pullman
elmond je odao počast neprolaznom svetu kinematografskog filma projekcijom dva svetska filmska hita koji se bave nostalgičnim likovima i legendarnim pričama.
elmond celebrates the timeless world of cinematic film this November with the release of two global blockbusters bringing to life nostalgic characters and legendary stories.
Mnoge će obradovati izlazak omiljenog filma za celu porodicu PADINGTON 2, gde je prikazan čuveni voz „Belmond British Pullman“; u kome ljupki meda iz Perua spašava stvar. Specijalno putovanje uz služenje popodnevnog čaja, inspirisano medom Padingtonom, organizovano je u vozu Belmond British Pullman sa polascima 2. decembra 2017., 18. februara i 7. aprila 2018. sa londonske stanice Viktorija.
Families will be celebrating the release of the firm family favourite, PADDINGTON 2, featuring Belmond British Pullman; where the charming bear from Peru saves the day. Special Paddington Bear themed afternoon tea journeys take place aboard Belmond British Pullman departing from London Victoria on 2 December 2017, 18 February and 7 April 2018.
Za one željne avantura – u ponudi su specijalni porodični aranžmani za Peru, Padingtonov zavičaj, koji uključuju aktivnosti naklonjene medvedima za sve uzraste, dostupne od Kuska do Maču Pikčua sa Belmondom.
For those with a taste for adventure – special packages offer families the chance to discover Paddington’s homeland, Peru with bear-friendly activities for all ages available at Cusco to Machu Picchu with Belmond.
Pleasure & Leisure
Uz oživljavanje jednog od najpoznatijih detektivskih romana na svetu „Ubistvo u Orijent ekspresu“ sa ekipom proslavljenih glumaca koji tumače likove osumnjičenih; glamurozne slike davno prošle ere luksuznih putovanja imaju za cilj da inspirišu putnike da putuju luksuznim vozom.
With the recreation of one of the world’s most famous murder mysteries ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ featuring a star-studded line up of possible suspects; the glamourous images of a bygone era of luxury travel are set to inspire travellers to take a journey aboard a luxury train.
Luksuzni vozovi kompanije Belmond vode putnike na svečane puteve širom Južne Amerike, Azije, Irske, Škotske i Evrope. Ponuda se kreće od prvog južnoameričkog spavaćeg voza, Belmond Andean Explorer, čija trasa vodi kroz podnožje Anda, do čuvenih vagona Venice Simplon-Orient-Express koji vijugaju između jezera i planina Evrope. Poznati voz će dostići nove nivoe luksuza u martu 2018. godine, lansiranjem tri nova fantastična apartmana.
Belmond’s luxury trains take travellers on journeys of celebration throughout South America, Asia, Ireland, Scotland and Europe. Experiences range from South America’s first luxury sleeper train, Belmond Andean Explorer, travelling through the foothills of the Andes to the historic carriages of the Venice Simplon-OrientExpress that weaves through the lakes and mountains of Europe. The famous train will reach new levels of luxury in March 2018 with the launch of three stunning new Grand Suites.
Pleasure & Leisure
Photo by Richard James Taylor Belmondo Andean Explorer
Venice Simplon-Orient-Express
Sa iskustvom svetskih putovanja na neka od najinspirativnijih lokacija na svetu - Belmond pruža pozadinu za kinematografske trenutke širom planete. Krenite koracima Indijane Džonsa u hotel Belmond Hotel das Cataratas, kraj vodopada Igvazu u Brazilu ili se uputite vozom do Maču Pikčua kojeg je krstio istraživač Hajram Bingam po kome je zasnovan lik Indijane. Ili, večerajte za stolom za dvoje u „Bogijevom“ kutku u Klubu 21 u Njujorku, gde su Hamfri Bogart i Loren Bekol imali svoj prvi sastanak.
With a portfolio of global travel experiences in some of the world’s most inspiring locations – Belmond provides the backdrop for cinematic moments across the globe. Follow in the footsteps of Indiana Jones at Belmond Hotel das Cataratas, Iguassu Falls, Brazil or take the train to Machu Picchu named after the explorer Hiram Bingham which Indie’s character is based on. Or, dine at a table for two in ‘Bogies’ corner at 21 Club, New York, where Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall held their first date.
Za proslavu Umetnosti kinematografije, Belmond je napravio niz kratkih filmova u čast zlatnog doba putovanja i filma - pod naslovom „Umeće življenja“. Filmovi, režirani od strane priznatog filmskog reditelja Romana Šasana, prate elegantne džet-setere koji putuju od Rija do Venecije, uživajući u umetnosti življenja. Duhoviti i otkačeni, oni oslikavaju duh Belmonda.
To celebrate The Art of Cinematography, Belmond has launched a series of short films that honour the golden age of travel and film – titled ‘The Art of SavoirVivre’. Directed by acclaimed film director Romain Chassaing, the films follow a stylish cast of global jet setters travelling from Rio to Venice, taking their time to enjoy the art of living. Witty and quirky, they encapsulate the spirit of Belmond.
Pleasure & Leisure
LIFESTYLE Ultra - Stylish MAGAZINE luxury
Izuzetne performanse
Moving forward
Astounding performance
U septembru 2017. godine, u legendarnom sedištu kompanije Lamborghini u mestu Sant'Agata Bolonjeze, kompanije Roger Dubuis i Lamborghini Squadra Corse upriličile su jednu svetsku premijeru. To je početak nove saradnje za dva brenda koja dele iste vrednosti u pogledu izvanredne tehnologije i smelih korisničkih iskustava. Najbolja italijanska estetika i performanse spojeni su sa vrhunskom švajcarskom preciznošću i mehanizmima.
In September 2017, the legendary Lamborghini Headquarters in Sant’Agata Bolognese witnessed a world premiere reveal by Roger Dubuis and Lamborghini Squadra Corse. The start of a new run for two brands sharing the same values of breathtaking technology and daring customer experiences. The best of Italian aesthetic flair and performance face the ultimate in Swiss precision and mechanical instruments.
Prvi odjek ovog moćnog partnerstva došao je u obliku novog kalibra koji je inspirisan motorom Aventador S i novim inovativnim modelom Huracàn Super Trofeo EVO. Došlo je vreme da budete potpuno oboreni s nogu.
A high-powered partnership whose first roar takes the form of a new calibre inspired by the Aventador S engine and the new groundbreaking Huracàn Super Trofeo EVO. The time has come to be blown away.
Moving forward
Watches & Jewellery
Njihovo ukrštanje je očigledno bilo neminovno. I mada su moto sport i časovničarstvo već odavno otkrili razne afinitete, u slučaju brendova Roger Dubuis i Lamborghini Squadra Corse radi se o neodoljivoj međusobnoj privlačnosti koja proističe iz zajedničke usredsređenosti na estetiku u njihovim pristupima orijentisanim ka istraživanju i razvoju.
The junction was clearly inevitable. While motorsports and watchmaking have long since discovered various affinities, the story of Roger Dubuis and Lamborghini Squadra Corse is a case of irresistible mutual attraction stemming from a shared focus on aesthetics in their respective R&D driven approaches.
Performanse su urezane u sam identitet kompanije Roger Dubuis. Kod kompanije Lamborghini, navala adrenalina usled uzajmnog uvažavanja je prisutna od samog početka. Korporativna filozofija, vizionarstvo u pogledu istraživanja i razvoja, ista sklonost ka privlačnim linijama i vrhunskoj tehnologiji, kao i stav u skladu sa njihovim zahtevnim klijentima: ovaj instinktivni spoj se potvrđuje na svim poljima.
Performance is engraved in the Roger Dubuis DNA. With Lamborghini, the adrenaline rush of mutual recognition was there right from the start. Corporate philosophy, R&D vision, the same flair for charismatic lines and superlative technical engineering, as well as an attitude in sync with their demanding clients: this instinctive convergence is confirmed in every way.
Rešeni da stvore jedno vrhunsko iskustvo kao kad skliznete na sedište Lamborghinija, timovi su razmenili svoja dizajnerska umeća. Kao rezultat dobijena su dva modela sačinjena od kombinacije plemenitih i modernih materijala koji obezbeđuju i vrhunske performanse.
Determined to create an ultimate experience like sliding into a Lamborghini, the teams have shared their respective design skills. The resulting two models combine noble and high-tech materials while ensuring top-rate performance.
Ovo uključuje višeslojni ugljenik i C-SMC ugljenik zasnovan na istoj tehnologiji koja se koristi i kod automobila marke Lamborghini – ovaj materijal je prvi put upotrebljen kod ograničene serije od 8 satova sa narandžastim oznakama.
These include multi-layered carbon and C-SMC carbon based on the same technology as that used for Lamborghini cars – a world premiere use of this material featured in the orange-liveried 8-piece limited edition.
U skladu sa poznatom krilaticom "Pokreće ga moćan mehanizam", sat Excalibur Aventador S stvarno pokreće izvanredan "motor" u obliku specijalno razvijenog Duotor kalibra.
Living up to the “Powered by Raging Mechanics” signature, the Excalibur Aventador S is indeed driven by an outstanding ‘engine’ in the shape of the specially developed Duotor calibre.
Watches & Jewellery
Roger LIFESTYLE Dubuis – Lamborghini MAGAZINE
KIDANJE ASFALTA Ništa nije bolje od pobedničkog ushićenja. Počev od proleća 2018. pa nadalje, Roger Dubuis će u velikoj meri biti prisutan i na trkačkoj stazi kao jedan od glavnih sponzora legendarne trke Lamborghini Super Trofeo: gde učestvuju samo identični modeli Lamborghinija. Divlja zver sposobna za ekstremne performanse: potpuno novi Huracán Super Trofeo EVO će dobiti sasvim nove delove karoserije od ugljeničnih vlakana razvijene u saradnji sa kompanijom Dallara, jednim od najuticajnijih italijanskih firmi na svetskoj trkačkoj sceni. Duboko udahnite, ova sofisticirana brza mašina je razvijena na osnovu drumske verzije. Roger Dubuis nije mogao zamisliti bolju platformu za prikazivanje svog nesvakidašnjeg duha.
TEARING UP THE TARMAC Nothing beats the exaltation of victory. From spring 2018 onwards, Roger Dubuis will enjoy a particularly high-profile on-track presence as one of the main sponsors of the Lamborghini Super Trofeo: the legendary Lamborghini one-make series. A wild beast capable of extreme performances: the brand-new Huracán Super Trofeo EVO will be attired in an all-new carbon fibre body kit developed with Dallara, one of the most influential Italian firms on the worldwide motorsport scene.
Watches & Jewellery
Take a deep breath, this sophisticated speed machine is derived from the road version. Roger Dubuis could not have imagined a better platform for showcasing its outrageous spirit.
NOVI BMW X3. luxury
Roger LIFESTYLE Dubuis – Lamborghini MAGAZINE
Potpuno novi BMW X3 je stav o bezgraničnim mogućnostima i izraz čiste pojave i slobode. Od samog prvog pogleda, on zadivljuje svojim atletskim izgledom i opčinjava uzbudljivim doživljajem vožnje. Zahvaljujući delimično autonomnoj vožnji i inteligentnom sistemu pogona na sva četiri točka BMW xDrive, on nudi vrhunsku udobnost vožnje kako na putu, tako i van njega. Stoga on redefiniše limite u svojoj klasi i jedno čini krajnje jasnim: postoji velika razlika u načinima na koje ćete doći do svojih odredišta. Zakažite test vožnju na
Zadovoljstvo u vožnji
Moving forward
Watches & Jewellery
Aletta Bax i Peter Stas pokrenuli su svoju prvu kolekciju 1992. godine, koja se sastojala od šest modela opremljenih švajcarskim mehanizmima i sastavljenih od strane časovničara u Ženevi. Frederique Constant je uključen u sve faze proizvodnje sata, od početnog dizajna, izrade modela, do finalne montaže. Snažan naglasak stavljen je na dizajn satova kako bi se pratili trendovi i ispunile želje kupaca.
OMOGUĆITI DA VIŠE LJUDI UŽIVA U LUKSUZU Misija kompanije nije da ograniči interesovanje Frederique Constant satova na mali i elitistički krug poznavaoca, već na širi krug cenjenih entuzijasta koji žele da uživaju u visokokvalitetnim klasičnim satovima po pristupačnim cenama. Kako je kompanija rasla, Aletta Bax i Peter Stas su odlučili da se presele u Ženevu, kako bi razvijali brend u srcu svetske prestonice časovničarstva.
ŽENEVSKO NASLEĐE Još početkom 18. veka, Ženeva je bila poznata kao glavni centar za stvaranje i proizvodnju prefinjenih časovnika. Tokom proteklih 300 godina, proizvođači satova u Ženevi dostigli su neuporedive visine u umetnosti časovničarstva. Većina svetski poznatih proizvođača satova nalazi se u Ženevi. Koncentracija toliko retkih
Značajna saradnja - Landmark Collaboration
veština na istoj lokaciji, prisustvo najboljih dobavljača i razmena informacija i iskustva , omogućavaju porodičnim kompanijama kao što je Frederique Constant da ostanu u samom vrhu visokog časovničarstva - danas i sutra.
Klasičan dizajn i upotreba najfinijih materijala, savršeno kriju šta se zapravo nalazi u njemu. Možda i najbolja karakteristika ovog sata je njegova baterija koja traje 2 godine, u poređenju sa drugim konkurentskim modelima koje morate da punite svaki dan.
Moving forward Watches & Jewellery
Odgovor Frederique Constanta na moderne pametne satove sadrži najbolje od oba sveta i savršena je kombinacija moderne tehnologije i fine švajcarske izrade satova.
Watches & Jewellery
Aletta Bax and Peter Stas launched their first collection in 1992, comprising six models fitted with Swiss movements and assembled by a watchmaker in Geneva. Frédérique Constant is involved in all the stages of watch production, from initial design to final assembly. Strong emphasis is placed on watch design to keep abreast of trends and customer preferences.
LET MORE PEOPLE ENJOY LUXURY Company’s mission is not to restrict the interest in Frédérique Constant watches to a limited and elitist circle of connoisseurs but rather to a broader selection of appreciative enthusiasts who want to enjoy high quality classical watches at sensible prices. As the company flourished, Aletta Bax and Peter Stas decided to move to Geneva themselves, to develop the brand in the heart of this watchmaking capital.
GENEVA HERITAGE THE MANUFACTURE As early as the early 18th century, Geneva was known as a major center for the creation and production of fine timepieces. Over the past 300 years, the Geneva watchmakers have risen to unparalleled heights in the art of horology. Most of the world’s famous watch manufacturers are based here in Geneva. The concentration of so many rare skills on the same location, the presence of the best suppliers and the exchange and sharing
Munja – Lightning
of information, allows family operated companies such as Frederique Constant to remain at the forefront of precision watchmaking – today and tomorrow.
With it’s classic design and use of finest materials it does a great job hiding what it really is. Maybe the best feature of them all is the 2 year battery life, comparing to other rival models that you charge every day. Available at “Andrejević Fine Diamond Jewelry” Bul. kralja Aleksandra 130, Delta shopping mall, Ušće shopping center
Moving forward Watches & Jewellery
The Frederique Constant’s response to today’s modern smartwatches has the best of both worlds and is the perfect combination of modern technology and fine swiss watchmaking.
koji se razlikuje A Piece of Distinction Legendarni ultra tanki sat proslavlja svoju godišnjicu na originalan način
Tek što je Altiplano osmišljen i lansiran 1957. godine, njegova rekordno mala debljina izazvala je pravu revoluciju u svetu časovničarstva. Osim što je bio primer tehničke virtuoznosti, Altiplano je definisao i novi skup estetskih pravila i vrstu klasične elegancije koja i dalje traje, 60 godina kasnije. U sklopu proslava koje se tokom cele godine održavaju u čast ove časovničarske ikone, kompanija Piaget je priredila iznenađenje vezano za ovaj bezvremeni klasik: ovaj ultra tanki sat od ručnog prelazi u pravi džepni sat.
Watches & Jewellery
The legendary ultra-thin timepiece celebrates its anniversary with an original twist
When the Altiplano was first conceived and released in 1957, this record-breaking feat of slenderness revolutionized the world of watchmaking. More than a show of technical virtuosity, Altiplano defined a new set of aesthetic rules and a brand of elegant classicism that endures 60 years later. As part of the yearlong celebrations dedicated to this watchmaking icon, Piaget puts an unexpected twist on a timeless classic: the ultra-thin timepiece takes leave from its owner’s wrist to become an original pocket watch.
foto/photo: Đorđe Tomić
Watches & Jewellery
Watches & Jewellery
Ograničeno izdanje sata Altiplano 60th Anniversary Pocket Watch koji visi na plavom kaišu od teleće kože i slaže se sa Piaget plavim brojčanikom, može da bude originalni pratilac kolekcionara satova, majstora stila ili tipičnih kicoša. Kada se postavi na specijalno intarzirano postolje, legendarni Altiplano je više od sata; postaje umetničko delo, izraz neprolazne elegancije.
Set on a blue calfskin string to match its Piaget blue dial, the limited edition Altiplano 60th Anniversary Pocket Watch makes an original companion for the watch collector, the style maven or the classic dandy. When displayed on a specially designed marquetry stand, the legendary Altiplano is more than a watch; it becomes a piece of art, a timeless expression of elegance.
I mada je nesumnjivo diskretan i nikako prenapadan, Altiplano se nekako uvek stilski nameće. Prikačen na plavu vrpcu od teleće kože, ovaj džepni sat ostvaruje sklad između klasične sofisticiranosti i smele doze modernosti. Vraćajući se početnom dizajnu zahvaljujući kome se ovaj legendarni sat proslavio 1957. godine, Altiplano 60th Anniversary Pocket Watch pronalazi inspiraciju u prvim ultra-tankim satovima kompanije Piaget s kraja 1950-ih.
While resolutely discreet and never ostentatious, the Altiplano somehow always makes a statement of style. Attached to a blue calfskin string, the pocket watch balances classic sophistication with a touch of contemporary audacity. Delving back to the design codes that put the legendary watch on the map in 1957, the Altiplano 60th Anniversary Pocket Watch takes its inspiration from the very first ultra-thin watches of Piaget in the late 50’s.
Zadivljujuća plava boja koja se zrakasto presijava na brojčaniku je negde između boje kobalta i ponoćno plave. Raskošna nijansa tamno plave boje u paru sa tankim satnim markerima od belog zlata i tankim baton kazaljkama je svojstvena kolekciji satova
The captivating blue of the sunburst dial is somewhere between cobalt and midnight blue. The rich deep shade of blue is paired with white gold slim single hour-markers and the slim baton-type hands that are typical of the Altiplano collection.
luxury Altiplano. Savršene proporcije sata su dodatno istaknute tankim plavim krstom koji se koristio u najranijim verzijama Altiplana, što mu daje izgled svedene i skladne elegancije.
Reinforcing the perfect proportions of the watch, a fine blue cross once used in the earliest versions of Altiplano, gives the face its understated and balanced elegance.
Poznati Piaget logo koji ukrašava brojčanik predstavlja podsetnik na prvi Piaget Altiplano i tradiciju izrade ultra tankih satova koje neguje radionica Manufacture de Haute Horlogerie gde se svaki komad razvija, proizvodi i ukrašava.
The historical Piaget logo that decorates the dial is a reminder of the first Piaget Altiplano and the ultra-thin watchmaking traditions nurtured by the Manufacture de Haute Horlogerie where each piece is developed, produced and decorated.
U vitkom kućištu nalazi se isto tako vitak kalibar 1200P, ultra tanak samonavijajući mehanizam debeo samo 2,35mm. Safirno staklo na pozadini kućišta otkriva dualitet Altiplana: potpuno jednostavan spolja, a sofisticiran i složen iznutra. Sa zadnje strane sata moguće je diviti se njegovim prekrasnim završnim obradama poput kružnih ženevskih pruga, zaobljenih mostova, cirkularno brušene osnove ploče i zaplavljenih vijaka.
Inside the slender case is an equally slender 1200P movement, the ultra-thin self-winding mechanical movement at just 2.35mm thin. The sapphire case back reveals the duality of Altiplano: pure simplicity on the outside, sophisticated complexity on the inside. The beautiful finishes of the watch exemplified by the circular Côtes de Genève, bevelled bridges, circular-grained mainplate and blued screws can be admired from the back.
Watches & Jewellery
Džepni LIFESTYLE sat - Pocket MAGAZINE watch
Watches & Jewellery
Kao omaž kreativnosti Altiplana, džepni sat je napravljen tako da se može pretvoriti u prekrasan stoni sat kada se postavi u sredinu elegantnog plavog intarziranog postolja istaknutog tankim markerima. Složeno ukrašavanje kružnog rama slamom je rezultat zanatske tehnike slične intarziji od drveta. Umetnik vešto bira delove slame na osnovu njihove nijanse kako bi savršeno iskazao kontrast, boju i teksturu dizajna. Da bi se podesio brojčanik, preciznost je najvažnija jer svaki sat mora biti tačan do stotog dela milimetra.
An homage to the creativity of the Altiplano, the pocket watch can be transformed into a beautiful table clock when placed in the centre of an elegant blue marquetry stand punctuated by sleek markers. The elaborate straw marquetry on the circular frame is the result of craftsmanship similar to wood marquetry. With the greatest skill, the artisan selects the pieces of straw based on to their colour shade to perfectly interpret the contrasts, colour and texture of the design. In order to match the dial, precision is paramount as every piece has to be accurate to a hundredth of a millimetre.
Altiplano je uvek originalan, bilo da ruši rekorde u pogledu vitkosti sa zadivljujuće tankim kalibrom, ili da unapeđuje svoj izgled novim materijalima i bojama. Ograničen na samo 26 komada, novi Altiplano 60th Anniversary Pocket Watch demonstrira sposobnost ove ikone da se inovira, ali bez prevelikog udaljavanja od osnovnog dizajna zbog kojeg je postao oličenje elegancije u proteklih šest decenija.
From breaking records of slenderness with breathtakingly thin movements to evolving its appearance with new materials and colours, Altiplano is always an original. Limited to just 26 pieces, the new Altiplano 60th Anniversary Pocket Watch demonstrates this icon’s ability to reinvent itself without every straying too far from the design codes that have made it the epitome of elegance for the past six decades.
Neki ga još uvek nazivaju autom.
Zaboravite svoja očekivanja kada je reč o automobilima. Novi A8 je nešto više. Zahvaljujući kombinaciji ekskluzivnog komfora i visoke tehnologije brže i mirnije ćete doći do svakog odredišta, jer novi Audi A8 predstavlja budućnost luksuzne klase. Na kraju krajeva, život je jedno veliko putovanje. A Novi Audi A8 čini ga nezaboravnim.
Novi A8
Watches & Jewellery
Audi Vorsprung durch Technik
MADE BY Art & Living
Libra je srpski brend ručno rađenih kožnih asesoara koji su pažljivo dizajnirani i osmišljeni sa idejom da sve vaše stvari budu u savršenom redu i lake za pronalaženje gde god da idete i šta god da radite.
Libra is a Serbian brand of hand-made leather accessories, carefully designed and created with the idea of keeping your things in perfect order and easily accessible, no matter where you are or what you are doing.
Glavni proizvod kompanije Libra nosi isto ime - Libra i predstavlja kožni povez jedinstvenog dizajna sa posebno kreiranim pregradama i džepovima, za svaku stvar koja vam je svakodnevno potrebna pri ruci.
The flagship product of the Libra Company is the Libra, a uniquely designed leather binder with carefully designed pockets and compartments for each and every item that you need at your disposal daily.
Art & Living
Libra je inicijalno nastala kao odgovor na veliku potrebu koju imaju sve žene, a to je da u svojoj tašni lako pronađu baš one stvari koje im trebaju u datom trenutku. Obično pronađu sve drugo, uključujući i stvari koje nisu znale da imaju, pre nego stvar koju su zapravo tražile.
Libra was initially conceived as a solution to a big necessity shared by all women – to easily find in their bag the exact thing they are looking for. We all know that you usually tend to find everything else, including the things you did not know you had, before finding the thing you are actually looking for.
„Ideja za Libru se rodila iz lične potrebe da sve stvari koje su mi neophodne za sastanke, budu zajedno spakovane na jednom mestu u torbi. Želja mi je bila da kada dođem na sastanak u jednom pokretu imam pred sobom sve što mi je potrebno, a da uz to delujem organizovano i profesionalno”.
“The idea for Libra was born from my personal desire to have all of the things I need for a meeting easily accessible and neatly packed in one place in my bag. My wish was to be able to take out everything I need for a meeting in front of me in one move and to look well-organized and professional”.
Jelena Đaković / tvorac brenda i vlasnik kompanije Libra
Jelena Djaković / Founder of Libra
Art & Living
Prvu Libru Jelena je napravila sebi, kao savršeno rešenje da joj sve stvari koje su joj potrebne budu uredno složene i organizovane. Ispostavilo se da je Libra bila još korisnija nego što je inicijalno zamišljeno, jer je uz male modifikacije mogla da posluži i kao tašna za večernji izlazak, ali i kao insert za tašnu koji se lako prebacuje iz jedne u drugu i sprečava mogućnost da se nešto jako važno zaboravi u pogrešnoj tašni.
Jelena made the first Libra for herself (although, it was not yet called Libra at the time), as the perfect solution to have all of the things she needed neatly packed and arranged in front of her. As it turned out, it was even more practical than initially expected, since it could turn into an evening purse with minor modifications, but also as a purse insert, that could be easily moved from one purse to another, leaving no possibility for something important to be forgotten in the wrong purse.
Tako se, polako, rodio brend LIBRA. Libra danas ima 4 osnovna modela za različite namene: business, classic, travel i cigar lover, ali i veliki broj drugih praktičnih proizvoda koji olakšavaju život, poput novčanika, omota za kartice, torbe za lap top ili futrole za pasoš. Svi proizvodi brenda Libra posebno su dizajnirani da budu elegantni, jednostavni i nadasve praktični.
And this is how the Libra brand was slowly born. Today Libra has 4 main models for different purposes: business, classic, travel and cigar lover, but also a wide selection of other practical leather goods that make your life easier, such as wallets, card holders, laptop cases, passport covers etc. All Libra products are designed in the same manner – simple and elegant, with a particular emphasis on practicality.
Standardna veličina Libre je 17 x 24 cm, idealna za bilo koji rokovnik ili iPad mini, odnosno tablet od 10 inča. Postoji i Libra+ veličina, za one koji imaju potrebu za većim prostorom i Libra mini za one koji nose manje kabaste stvari.
The standard size is 17 x 24 cm, ideal for any notepad, iPad mini, or any 10 inch tablet. There is a Libra+ version, for those who need more space, and a Libra mini version, for those who carry less bulky stuff.
Proces proizvodnje Libre je specifičan jer se sve radi ručno. Za svaki komad je potrebno više od 200 pojedinačnih operacija, a svaki šav mora da bude na svom mestu. Tim od 8 potpuno predanih i posvećenih zanatlija radi na svakom pojedinačnom komadu. Bez njih Libra ne bi postojala, a njihova pažnja i predanost svakom detalju daju Libri taj poseban kvalitet koji osetite kada je uzmete u ruku.
The production process is very specific, since every operation, in every single phase is done by hand. For each Libra there are over 200 individual manual operations that have to take place, and everything needs to be perfectly executed to the last stich. A team of 8 dedicated craftsmen and women work on every single item. Without them Libra would not exist, and their dedication and attention to detail create that unique feel you get when you hold Libra in your hand.
Ono što posebno izdvaja Libru od drugih sličnih proizvoda na tržištu, jeste mogućnost apsolutne personalizacije. Svako može da dobije Libru, dizajniranu i izrađenu po sopstvenim željama i potrebama, u boji koju odabere i dodatno personalizovanu inicijalima. Mogućnost personalizacije u ovoj meri, svaku Libru čini jedinstvenom i posebno zanimljivom kao poklon.
The thing that distinguishes Libra from copies and other similar products on the market is the possibility of absolute personalization. Everyone can get his or her own tailor-made Libra, designed according to their personal needs and wishes, in the color of their choice and additionally personalized with their initials. This high level of personalization that is available makes each Libra unique, and also the perfect choice for a special gift.
Apsolutni imperativ brenda Libra je pažljiva ručna izrada svakog artikla i posvećenost svakom detalju.
The absolute imperative of the Libra brand is careful hand crafting, and attention to every detail.
Art & Living
Art & Living
Inovativna dizajnerska firma Barn in the City nudi nešto novo kombinovanjem stare drvne građe korišćene za izgradnju ambara sa modernim dizajnom i savremenim završnim obradama. Upotrebom samo najkvalitetnijeg drveta od starih ambara, firma Barn in the City stvorila je kolekciju nameštaja i obloga koje su prirodne, elegantne i u svakoj prostoriji pripovedaju posebnu priču.
Firma Barn in the City koju je osnovao kreativni dvojac, Nancy Torreele i Martijn van Rijn, nastala je na temelju dugogodišnjeg iskustva u međunarodnom dizajnu enterijera i poslovanju, kao i velike strasti ka preoblikovanju lepog, ambarskog drveta u luksuzni nameštaj. Dizajnirana i ručno izrađena u Amsterdamu, kreativnom sedištu kompanije Barn in the City, kolekcija kućnog nameštaja obuhvata niz astala i radnih stolova, nameštaja za kupatilo i toaletnih stočića, koji su dostupni u fantastičnom asortimanu boja, oblika i veličina. Barn in the City takođe nudi dekorativne obloge i površinski dizajn za enterijer, od tuš kabina do kuhinjskih prostorija i ormarića.
Njihov dizajn pruža osećaj povezanosti sa prirodom, pri čemu se zadržava duh savremenosti. Kako je svaki proizvod ručno izrađen, moguće je izmeniti svaki dizajn firme Barn in the City tako da se uklopi čak i u najneobičnije prostore. Stalno pomerajući granice industrije dizajna, firma Barn in the City razvila je inventivnu liniju završnih obrada uključujući i vodonepropusno Glazirano drvo (Iced Barn Wood). Pored isticanja i očuvanja jedinstvenog karaktera svakog komada drveta, ova revolucionarna završna obrada može biti i samoregenerativna i obezbeđuje da prirodni šarm svakog proizvoda odoli zubu vremena.
Firma Barn in the City veruje da pravi luksuz u nekom životnom prostoru čini kvalitet materijala i tekstura, te to primenjuje u svom radu kombinujući starinski izgled starog drveta sa savremenim dizajnom i završnim obradama.
Kamen temeljac firme Barn in the City potiče od visokog kvaliteta drvne građe koju koristi, a koju firma nabavlja preko svoje globalne mreže. Drvo staro više od jednog veka ima zaista jedinstvenu čvornovatu, zrnastu teksturu i patinu koja se može stvoriti samo tokom vremena.
„Zaljubljeni smo u ambarsko drvo i stalno inoviramo sebe da bismo videli koliko daleko možemo da odemo razvijamo nove načine posmatranja ove prelepe, prirodne teksture i življenja sa istom. Ponovnim korišćenjem materijala u modernim dizajnima, povezujemo naš rad sa načinom na koji sada živimo. Vrednosti se menjaju, ali ono što uvek mora ostati je kvalitet", kaže van Rijn. Zahvaljujući lepoti i bezvremenost njihovog rada, firma Barn in the City je veoma tražena i blisko sarađuje sa internacionalnim dizajnerima i arhitektima, naročito u Amsterdamu, Londonu, Njujorku, Parizu, Ženevi i Moskvi.
CRAFTED BY NATURE LUXURY BY DESIGN Innovative brand Barn in the City offers a new take on design by blending aged barn wood with modern designs and contemporary finishes. Sourcing only original barn wood of the highest quality, Barn in the City has created a collection of furniture and panelling that is natural, elegant and tells a unique story in every room. Cofounded by creative duo Nancy Torreele and Martijn van Rijn, Barn in the City builds on years of international interior design and business experience, along with a strong passion for transforming the beauty of barn wood into luxurious furniture designs. Designed and handmade in Amsterdam, the creative home of the company, Barn in the City’s home collection includes a range of tables, desks, bathroom furniture and vanity tops, all available in a stunning range of colours, shapes and sizes. Barn in the City also offers decorative panelling and surface design for interiors, from shower walls to kitchen spaces and cabinetry. The designs deliver a sense of being one with nature, whilst maintaining a contemporary feel.
With every product individually handcrafted, each of Barn in the City’s designs can be modified to meet the most distinctive spaces. Continually pushing the boundaries of the design industry, Barn in the City has developed an inventive line of finishes including the water-resistant Iced Barn Wood. Besides both magnifying and preserving the unique character of every piece of wood, the ground-breaking finish can also be selfregenerative to ensure that the natural charm of each product will last the test of time.
Barn in the City believes that the quality of materials and textures are the true luxury in any living space, bringing this into their work as they mix the vintage-feel of aged wood with contemporary designs and finishes.
The cornerstone of Barn in the City comes from the quality of the barn wood that is used, with the brand sourcing from their global network on wood of the utmost standard. Aged for over a century, the wood features knots, grains and patina that are truly unique, a texture that can only be created over time.
A testament to the beauty and timelessness of their work, Barn in the City are highly sought after and work closely with interior designers and architects internationally, particularly in Amsterdam, London, New York, Paris, Geneva and Moscow.
Art & Living
“We’re in love with barn wood and we’re constantly reinventing ourselves to see how far we can go – developing new ways of looking at and living with this beautiful, natural texture. By reusing materials in modern designs, we’re connecting our work to the way we must live now. Values change, but what must always remain is quality” says van Rijn.
Sjajni Splendid
Art & Living
POP 70
Art & Living
Art & Living
Ipak treba reći, da je već u početku pedesetih godina 20. veka pokret pop arta i prelom sa tradicijom do tada klasičnih kanona slikarstva te apstraktnog ekspresionizma četrdesetih, stvorila grupa britanskih umetnika i kritičara, koja se nazvala Grupa nezavisnih (The Indipendent Group). Posleratne godine i divljenje američkom načinu života, popularnoj kulturi, konzumerizmu, reklamama i filmu, koji su tada bili u usponu, doprineli su radikalne promene u umetničkom stvaralaštvu tog doba.
Slikari Eduardo Paoloci i Ričard Hamilton najznačajniji su umetnici novog umetničkog britanskog pokreta. Hamiltonov kolaž sa neobično dugim i zabavnim nazivom „Ali šta je to što današnji dom čini tako različitim, tako dopadljivim?„ (»Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing? ») iz 1956. godine smatra se prvim radom pop arta.
Painters Eduardo Paolozzi and Richard Hamilton are the leading artists of the new British art movement. Hamilton's collage with an unusually long and funny name "Just what is it that makes today's homes so different, so appealing?" (1956) is considered to be the first work of Pop Art.
Art & Living
It should be said, however, that already in the early 1950s, a group of British artists and critics, called the Independent Group, created the pop art movement and made a break with tradition of the classical canons of painting and abstract expressionism of the 1940s. The post-war years and admiration towards the American lifestyle, popular culture, consumerism, advertisements and the motion pictures, which were then on the rise, contributed to the radical changes in the artistic creativity of that time.
Zanimljivo je da pop art nije uzeo toliko maha u Britaniji ili drugim delovima Evrope, koliko upravo u Americi. Tome je sigurno doprinela činjenica da su se tada sretnim slučajem u Nju Jorku našli izuzetni stvaraoci, talentovani slikari jakih ličnosti i podudarnih tendencija. Stvarali su nezavisno jedan od drugoga, ali su potekli iz neverovatno sličnih životnih uslova: Roj Lihtenštajn, koji je dizajner i voli da stvara svoje slike kao da su stripovi; Džejms Rozenkvist, koji je radio na reklamama i bilbordima, te slika slobodnim stilom pomalo političke poruke protiv vijetnamskog rata; Tom Veselman, koji u početku zarađuje kao ilustrator i crta stripove, a u slikama ženskih aktova ogromnih formata jarkih boja i drskom smelošću ruši seksualne tabue; Džon Čembrlen, skulptor, koji pravi skulpture od automobilskog otpada; Endi Vorhol, koji crta vrlo uspešne reklame za cipele, prvi je naslikao uveličane, najprostije predmete iz svog okruženja, te portrete američkih zvezda i javnih ličnosti, u serijama, slično isečcima sa filmske trake. Novo viđenje umetnosti nagoveštava se već u ranim radovima Džasper Džonsa (slike Zastava, Meta, Brojevi), te asemblažima (»Combines«) Roberta Rošenberga, koje sastavlja skupljajući slučajno pronađene otpatke, a bavi se i performansima, te fotografijom. Ranih pedesetih godina obojcu umetnika predstavlja i uspešno promoviše legendarni njujorški galerista Leo Kasteli. Naravno, u tome ga slede i druge njujorške galerije poput Grin glerije i Marta Džekson galerije, sa izložbama Rozenkvista, Veselmana i naposletku Vorhola. Radove koji su u stvari ironizirali ili kritićki prikazivali američki način života i vredovanja publika je shvatila kao svoje; oduševljena je njihovom jednostavnošću, jarkim bojama, velikim formatima. Pogotovo sa slikama Endija Vorhola, koje ubrzo postaju kultne i doživljavaju veliku popularnost i nezapamćeni komercijalni uspeh.
Art & Living
Uprkos nekim kritičarima koji su smatrali pop art banalnim, i čak negirali njegovu umetničku vrednost , pop art do danas nije izgubio na svojoj snazi . Može se reći da je poslednji kompaktni, značajni pokret u umetnosti 20. veka, koji je revolucionarno preokrenuo tok savremene umetnosti i udahnuo mu novu svežinu.
Džim Dajn, slikar, rekao je:“Pop je sve što umetnost nije bila u poslednje dve decenije. To je American Dream, optimističan, raskošan i naivan.
Interestingly enough, Pop Art did not take hold in Britain or elsewhere in Europe, so much as in the US. What surely contributed to this fact was that, by a lucky coincidence, a group of exceptional creators, talented painters with strong personalities and matching tendencies, found themselves in New York at that time. They created their works independently of each other, but had incredibly similar backgrounds: Roy Lichtenstein, a designer who liked to create his own paintings in the comic book style; James Rosenquist who worked on advertisements and billboards, and made paintings in a free style with slightly political antiVietnam War messages; Tom Wesselmann, who first made his living as an illustrator and cartoonist, and shattered sexual taboos with daring boldness in his large format paintings of female nudes in vibrant colors; John Chamberlain, a sculptor who made sculptures from discarded automobile parts; Andy Warhol, who was successful in drawings for shoe advertisements, and was the first to paint enlarged images of everyday objects from his surroundings, as well as portraits of American stars and public figures, in series, as if in film shots. A new vision of art was already noticed in the early works of Jasper Jones (in his paintings Flag, Target, Numbers), as well as in the “Combines” of Robert Rauschenberg, which were put together from randomly collected waste; he also worked with performances and photography. In the early 1950s, both artists were presented and successfully promoted by the legendary New York gallery owner Leo Castelli. Of course, other New York galleries like Green Gallery and Martha Jackson Gallery followed his example, in exhibiting the works of Rosenquist, Wesselmann and finally Warhol. The artworks that actually gave a satirical and critical portrayal of the American lifestyle and values were understood by the audience as their own; delighted with their simplicity, vibrant colors large formats; especially the paintings of Andy Warhol soon earned an iconic status and enjoyed great popularity and unprecedented commercial success.
Jim Dine, a painter, said: "Pop is everything art hasn’t been for the last two decades. It is the American Dream, optimistic, generous and naive.”
Art & Living
Despite some critics considering Pop Art as banal, and even denying its artistic value, it has never lost its power to this day. It may be said that it was the last compact, significant art movement of the 20th century, which has revolutionized contemporary art and breathed fresh air into it.
Sjajni POP
BEOGRAD 11.1. - 11.3.2018. Kuća legata / Heritage house, Kneza Mihaila 46
Galerija Visconti Fine Art, koja je osnovana 1973. godine u Milanu, a sada ima predstavništvo u Ljubljani, omogućiće široj publici da upozna radove najpoznatijih i najpopularnijih svetskih imena američkog “poparta”. Izložba koja obuhvata preko 110 originalnih radova u različitim tehnikama, najuglednijih umetnika ovog pravca kao što su: Endi Vorhol, Roj Lihtenštajn, Robert Rošenberg, Džejms Rozenkvist, Džon Čembrlen, i Tom Veselman, biće održana u Kući Legata, Kneza Mihaila 46 u Beogradu od 11.1. do 11.3.2018.
Visconti Fine Art Gallery, founded in 1973 in Milan, and having now a branch office in Ljubljana, will enable the wider audience to see the artworks by the most famous and most popular names in the American Pop Art. An exhibition featuring over 110 original works, done in various techniques, by the most distinguished artists of this movement, such as: Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, James Rosenquist, John Chamberlain, and Tom Wesselmann, will be held in the Heritage House at 46 Knez Mihaila St. in Belgrade from 11 January to 11 March 2018.
Bah jezdi na kamili
Art & Living
Svetska premijera mjuzikla "Bah jezdi na kamili", prema naslovu knjige dirigenta Jean Y Foo, sa fabulom i muzikom iz crtanog filma Lion King biće izveden u Pozorištu lutaka PINOKIO 29. decembra 2017. godine u okviru saradnje GIPAC Academia (Global Intercultural Performing Arts Cast Academia) iz Njujorka i Pozorišta lutaka Pinokio. Rediteljka predstave je kodirektorka GIPAC-a Wanzhe Zhang (Vanže Žang). Ona je okupila mlade talente iz Njujorka i Beograda koji će izvesti popularne numere iz crtanog filma Lion king.
The world premiere of the musical "Bach Rides a Camel", as per the title of the book by conductor Jean Y Foo, with the storyline and music from the animated film Lion King, will be performed at the Puppet Theater PINOKIO on December 29, 2017 as part of the collaboration between GIPAC Academy (Global Intercultural Performing Arts Cast Academy) from New York and the Puppet Theater PINOKIO. The play is directed by the GIPAC’s co-director Wanzhe Zhang. She has gathered young talents from New York and Belgrade to perform popular songs from the animated film the Lion King.
Jelena Milošević Posle dužeg boravka u inostranstvu u Beogradu ponovo izlaže slikarka i dizajnerka Jelena Milošević Jovanović. U Domu vojske Srbije 05. decembra 2017. godine biće otvorena njena izložba pod nazivom Duša od stakla - snaga poteza. Impresivni komadi stakla, od kojih se većina prvi put pojavljuje pred beogradskom publikom biće izloženi u Velikoj galeriji Doma Vojske Srbije. Jedan mali segment izložbe je njen omaž stvaralaštvu, ljubavi i njenoj vezi sa velikim srpskim slikarem Zoranom Jovanovićem Dobrotinom. After a long stay abroad, the painter and designer Jelena Milošević Jovanović shall again be exhibiting in Belgrade. On December 5, 2017, her exhibition entitled "The Glass Soul the Power of the Move" will be opened at the Serbian Army Hall. Impressive pieces of glass, most of which will appear for the first time before the Belgrade audience, will be exhibited at the Great Gallery of the Serbian Army Hall. A small segment of the exhibition is her homage to creativity, love and her relationship with the great Serbian painter Zoran Jovanovic Dobrotin.
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Poznati beogradski bend Naked, čija muzika počiva na jedinstvenom miksu globalnog urbanog gruva začinjenom balkanskom tradicijom i fri džezom, najavljuje za kraj godine svoj četvrti studijski album - ''Yess'. Album je snimljen za izdavača Narrator Records. Gost na albumu, i to na dve pesme, je i izvrsna umetnica i pevačica iz Izraela - Tal Tula Ben Ari. Promocija albuma, najavljena je za početak sledeće godine. The celebrated Belgrade band Naked, featuring a unique mix of global urban groove spiced up with the Balkan traditional music and free jazz, announced the release of its fourth studio album "Yess" at the end of the year. The album was recorded for Narrator Records. An excellent artist and singer from Israel, Tal Tula Ben Ari, appeared as a guest on this album in two songs. The album promotion is set for the beginning of the next year.
Art & Living
Album ''Yess”
Art Galerija/Gallery Visconti Fine Art
Art & Living
U galeriji Visconti Fine Art je dostupno još radova predstavljenih umetnika, ali i brojnih drugih poznatih umetnika. Za više informacija posetite našu internet stranicu: Troškovi isporuke i slanja poručenih radova se naplaćuju dodatno (vršimo dostavu i u inostranstvo, a troškovi isporuke se obračunavaju prilikom davanja porudžbine).
In the gallery Visconti Fine Art are available many more works from the artists presented, as well as from other known artists. For better information visit our website: All prices are in Euros; Extra shipping charges apply (we also ship internationally, shipping charges are calculated when order is placed).
“Provokativna transformacija je Vorholova najmilija tema” “Provocative transformation was Warhol’s favorite theme”
Andy Warhol Endi Vorhol /rođen 1928., preminuo 1987/ jedan je od najpoznatijih američkih umetnika. Slikar i ilustrator, važi za jednog od utemeljivača pokreta POP. Često ga nazivaju “superstarom Popa”. Poznat po slikama jednostavnih, skoro banalnih motiva i slojevima jednolikih boja. Radio je skoro isključivo u tehnici sitoštampe, obično tako da je jedan motiv predstavio u seriji različitih varijanti boja. Najpoznatije serije su mu: Cveća, Merlin, Kembelova supa, Mao…
Andy Warhol / born 1928, died 1987 /, one of the most famous American artists. Painter and illustrator, is one of the founders of the POP movement. He is often referred to as the "superstar of Pop". Known by his images of simple, almost banal motifs and flat layers of colors. He worked almost exclusively in screen-printing technique, usually by presenting one motif in a series of different color variations. The most famous series: Flowers, Marilyn, Campbell Soup, Mao…
Visconti Fine Art Telephone: +386/ 1 426 61 11 Email: Contact person: Alina Mara Vujic
Representative for Serbian market Victoria & Wolf doo Beograd Telephone: +381 60 60 40 414 Email:
Art & Living
Ladies and Gentlemen Portfolio, 1975, sitoštampa, numerisana i potpisana / silkscreen, numbered and signed on the back, Ed.125. 110 x 73 cm. Cena / Price: 8.500 Euro
“Veselmanov poslednji grafički rad objedinjuje svo njegovo znanje i ljubav prema ženskom telu i lepoti” “Wesselmanns’ last graphic work combines all values of his knowledge and love of the female form and beauty”
Tom Wesselmann Tom Veselman /rođen 1931, preminuo 2004./ se nakon studija psihologije i učestvovanja u Korejskom ratu odlučio za slikanje. Zaposlio se kao crtač stripova i ilustracija, da bi se kasnije potpuno posvetio slikanju. Poznat je po slikama izazovnih ženskih aktova, ponekad jako velikih formata, koje su sa svojim provokativnim pozama prkosile američkom puritanizmu. Eksperimentisao je sa trodimenzionalnim kolažima mrtvih priroda, a jedinstveni su njegovi objekti - skulpture u metalu, sa emajlom živih boja. Bez njegovog stvaralaštva američki Pop art ne bi bio tako sjajan i pun životne radosti.
Tom Wesselmann /born 1931, died 2004/ after finishing his studies of psychology and taking part in the Korean War he decided to take up painting. First, he got a job as an illustrator and designer of comics and later he dedicated himself to painting. He is mostly known for his nudes, sometimes in gigantic dimensions, which disturb the American puritanism due to their provocative nature. He experimented with three-dimensional collages of still-life. Unique are his creations made out of metal and enamel of vivid colors. Without his creations, American Pop Art would not be as splendid and full of life.
Art & Living
Akt Monike sa Lihtenštajnom / Monica Nude with Lichtenstein, 2003/2004, sitoštampa u boji / color silkscreen, Ed.50, 91 x 125 cm. Cena / Price: 35.000 Euro
Visconti Fine Art Telephone: +386/ 1 426 61 11 Email: Contact person: Alina Mara Vujic
Representative for Serbian market Victoria & Wolf doo Beograd Telephone: +381 60 60 40 414 Email:
“Duhoviti Lihtenštajnov rad, koji u potpunosti izražava duh autora” “A fun work by Lichtenstein, which completely encompasses his spirit”
Roy Lichtenstein Roj Lihtenštajn /rođen 1923, preminuo 1987/ jedan od najpopularnijih američkih umetnika. Slikar, skulptor i grafičar, u početku karijere je radio kao dizajner i ilustrator; 60-tih godina postaje jedan od vodećih predstavnika Pop arta. Na nagovor svoje dece počeo je raditi slike po uzoru na stripove. Radovi su mu puni humora, apsurda i ironije; često reinterpretira prepoznatljive motive slika poznatih umetnika 20.veka. Njegov način slikanja i crtanja vrlo je specifičan i prepoznatljiv, a radio je i izuzetne skulpture.
Roy Lichtenstein /born 1923, died 1987/, one of the most known American artists. Painter, sculptor and graphic artist, he began to work as a designer and illustrator at the start of his career. In the 60’s he became one of the leading artist in the Pop Art movement. His children suggested that he should paint in the style of comics. His works are full of humor, irony and absurdity, where he very often re-invents popular motives from other famous artists of the 20th century. His way of painting and drawing is very personal and recognizable, just as his outstanding sculptures.
Visconti Fine Art Telephone: +386/ 1 426 61 11 Email: Contact person: Alina Mara Vujic
Representative for Serbian market Victoria & Wolf doo Beograd Telephone: +381 60 60 40 414 Email:
Art & Living
Krava ide u apstrakciju (triptih) / Cow Tryptich (Cow going abstract), 1982, serigrafija u boji, numerisana i potpisana / screenprint, numbered and signed, ed. 150, 63 x 76 cm Cena / Price: 45.000 Euro za triptih, svaka slika ima svoj ram / for all three individually framed works.
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4 puta godišnje (krajem februara, maja, avgusta, novembra) 4 times a year (End of February, May, August, November) Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača i ne mogu se reprudukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa izdavačem. Izdavač se odriče odgovornosti za sadržaj teksta. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of thePublisher. Opinions expressed are of the authors and can not be related publisher. Publisher does not accept responsibility for advertising content. CIP – Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd 747 BUSINESS & Luxury / glavni i odgovorni urednik Vladimir Banović. - 2015, no. 1- . - Beograd : Victoria & Wolf, 2015- (Subotica : Rotografika). - 30 cm Tromesečno. - Tekst na srp. i engl. jeziku ISSN 2406-2057 = Business & Luxury COBISS.SR-ID 213138956 Naslovna strana / Cover page m2atelier Residental Penthouse - Milano photo by Lorenzo Pennati
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