Business & Luxury No.27

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X5 THE NEW Prosečna potrošnja goriva u l/100 km: 0,8 – 12,5; Kombinovana emisija CO 2 u g/km (u skladu sa WLTP): 18-224. Emisije zagađujućih materija u vazduhu iz saobraćaja značajno doprinose pogoršanju stanja vazduha, naročito prekograničnim povišenim koncentracijama prizemnog ozona, čestica PM10, PM2,5 i azot oksida. Zadovoljstvo u vožnji



Dragi čitaoci,

Ovo izdanje započinjemo temom o jednoj velikoj i značajnoj rekonstrukciji. Rekonstrukcija zahteva da se sačuva autentičnost, pogotovo kad je reč o delu od posebnog arhitektonskog i umetničkog značaja, kao što je Sava centar, nekadašnji kandidat za Prickerovu nagradu – takozvanog „Oskara arhitekture“.

Sa druge strane, pravljenje novih modela nekada zahteva tradicionalizam obogaćen savremenim zahtevima tržišta. O tome govori tema o novom Defenderu, modelu koji dosta liči na svoje prethodnike, a ujedno i ispunjava i prevazilazi standarde savremenih automobila.

Nudimo vam i inspirativne teme o novim hotelima, satovima, automobilima i brodovima. Svaka na svoj način predstavlja spoj umetnosti i izvrsnosti.

I kao posebnu temu, izdvajamo događaj koji je obeležio 280 godina čuvenih Moet&Chandon mehurića, kojima je glavni zadatak svih godina bio da stignu do posebnih mesta i događaja.

Uživajte u izdanju koje je pred vama! B&L tim

Dear readers,

We open this edition with a story about an extensive and significant reconstruction project. It is aimed at preserving authenticity, especially when it comes to a structure of special architectural and artistic importance, such as the Sava Center, a former candidate for the Pritzker Architecture Prize, considered as the "Oscar of architecture".

On the other hand, making new models sometimes requires fusing traditionalism with contemporary market requirements. This topic is covered in the article about the new Defender, a model that resembles its predecessors a lot, and yet meets and exceeds the standards of modern cars.

We also present in this edition inspiring topics about new hotels, watches, cars and ships. Each in its own way represents a combination of art and excellence.

And as a special feature, we would like to bring your attention to an event marking 280 years of the famous Moet&Chandon bubblies, whose main task every year was to reach special places and events.

Enjoy the issue ahead of you!

The B&L team

4 Uvodna reč
16 10 10 24 30 30 24 42 36 6 Sadržaj LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE luxury
46 52 58 70
58 76 70 8 Content LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE luxury



je otvoren za posetioce

The reconstructed Sava centar is open for visitors

10 LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE Business luxury

Nakon nepune dve godine temeljne rekonstrukcije, Sava Centar je 14. novembra dočekao prve posetioce. Među njima je bilo i 1.500 učesnika Evropskog kongresa nutricionista, koji je počeo tog dana. Kompanija Delta Holding je u rekonstrukciju uložila više od 118 miliona evra, a rezultat toga je moderan, održiv objekat sa značajno povećanim kapacitetom, što će omogućiti da Beograd bude domaćin događaja sa više od 5.000 posetilaca.

"Kongresna industrija Srbije nije ista sa Sava Centrom i bez njega. Beograd sada može da konkuriše za organizaciju velikih međunarodnih skupova, a kada kapaciteti Sava Centra budu popunjeni, biće popunjeni i svi hoteli u prestonici. Restorani, prevoznici, pružaoci raznih usluga, ali i brojni mali biznisi imaće dodatni posao. Renoviranje Sava Centra nije važno samo za Delta Holding, već i za kongresnu industriju, ali i celokupnu srpsku privredu“, rekla je Kristina Milinčić, generalni direktor kompanije Sava Centar.

After less than two years of thorough reconstruction, on November 14th, Sava Centar welcomed its first visitors. Among them were 1,500 participants of the European Congress of Nutritionists, which started on the same day. Delta Holding has invested a total of more than 118 million euros in the reconstruction, with the result being a modern, sustainable facility with significantly increased capacity, allowing Belgrade to host events that gather more than 5,000 visitors.

"Serbia's congress industry is not the same with Sava Centar and without it. Belgrade can now apply for the organization of large international gatherings, and when Sava Centar’s capacities are full, all the hotels in the capital will be filled as well. Restaurants, carriers, providers of various services, and numerous small businesses will have additional work. The renovation of Sava Centar is not only important for Delta Holding, but for the congress industry, and entire Serbian economy as well," said Kristina Milinčić, general director of the Sava Centar.

LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE luxurySnežni vuk - Snow Wolf Legedne - Legends Delta Holding – Sava Centar


Podelom prostora Sava Centra na tri funkcionalna dela: kongresnu, poslovnu i kulturnu zonu i njegovom reorganizacijom, kongresni kapacitet je povećan sa 16 na 46 sala, uključujući i jedinstvenu Immersive salu. Centralna kongresna dvorana sada će moći da primi više od 1.000 posetilaca, dok će broj mesta u Plavoj dvorani, koja bi trebalo da bude završena do leta 2024. godine, biti povećan sa 3.672 na 4.000.

Milinčić je istakla da kada imate kongresni centar koji može da primi više hiljada ljudi istovremeno, on postaje centar sveta, dodajući da je to neophodno za brendiranje Beograda, kao poslovnog, kulturnog i naučnog centra, ali takođe kao mesto gde se sastaju donosioci odluka iz različitih sektora i pregovaraju o važnim poslovima.

Prilikom rekonstrukcije zgrade u potpunosti je sačuvana njena arhitektura, delo poznatog srpskog arhitekte Stojana Maksimovića, nominovanog za Prickerovu nagradu, kao i najpoznatiji detalji enterijera i umetnička dela.

By dividing the space of Sava Centar into three functional parts: congress, business, and cultural zone, and reorganizing it, the congress capacity was increased from 16 to 46 halls, including the unique Immersive Hall. The Main Congress Hall will now be able to accommodate more than 1,000 visitors, while the number of seats in the Blue Hall, which is set to be finished by the summer of 2024, will be increased from 3,672 to 4,000.

Milinčić has stated that when you have a congress center that can accommodate thousands of people at the same time, it becomes the center of the world, adding that this is essential for the branding of Belgrade, as a business, cultural and scientific center, but also as a place where decision makers from different sectors meet and negotiate important deals.

During the reconstruction of the building, its architecture, the work of the famous Serbian architect Stojan Maksimović, nominated for the Pritzker Prize, was preserved completely, along with the most famous interior details and artworks.



Sala „Immersive“, prva takve vrste u ovom delu Evrope i jedna od najvećih u svetu, korišćenjem najsavremenije tehnologije omogućava projekciju digitalnog sadržaja na unutrašnjost sale, pružajući „immerzivno“ i zaista jedinstveno iskustvo.

Danas je Sava Centar pametna, zelena zgrada, koja ima globalni ekološki sertifikat, kao jedini kongresni centar u ovom delu Evrope koji ima takav sertifikat. Zgrada je dizajnirana ne samo da štedi električnu energiju već i da je proizvodi, zahvaljujući solarnim panelima postavljenim na krovu.

Kao što je 1977. godine izgrađen sa pogledom u budućnost, obnovljeni Sava Centar danas ima istu viziju: da se osloni na svoju slavnu prošlost, kako bi bio centar najvećih budućih dešavanja u glavnom gradu Srbije.

Immersive Hall, the first of its kind in this part of Europe and one of the largest in the world, by using the most modern technology, enables the projection of digital content onto the interior of the hall, offering an "immersive" and truly unique experience.

Today Sava Centar is a smart, green building, to be globally ecologically certified, as the only congress center in this part of Europe holding such a certificate. The building is designed not only to save electricity but also to produce it, thanks to the solar panels installed on the roof.

Just as it was built in 1977 with a view into the future, the renovated Sava Centar has the same vision today: to rely on its glorious past to be the center of the biggest future events in the capital of Serbia.


Dobro došli!


Posle 22 meseca rekonstrukcije i investicije od preko 118 miliona EUR, Beograd ponovo može da se pohvali kongresnim centrom koji po kapacitetu i tehnološkoj

sofisticiranosti naš grad svrstava u sam vrh kongresnih destinacija. Pored toga, Sava Centar je jedinstven po svojoj šoping zoni koja na jednom mestu okuplja vodeće domaće modne kreatore i ekskluzivne svetske brendove, a kancelarijski prostori sa zelenim terasama zaokružuju jedinstven, multifunkcionalni koncept najvećeg kongresnog centra Jugoistočne Evrope.

Novi Land Rover

novo poglavlje

The new Land Rover Defender

The New Chapter

Nakon 70 godina slavne prošlosti, vreme je za novo poglavlje. Vreme je za novi Defender. Dobro poznat, ali sasvim nov. Neuporediv, klasa za sebe.

Land Rover Defender donosi nezaustavljivost, iskoristivost, čvrstinu i vrhunsku udobnost u segment teretnih vozila 4x4, u skladu sa 21. vekom. Otkad je pre 70 godina predstavljen prvi Land Rover Hard Top, ime Defender se povezuje s čvrstom praktičnošću i sposobnošću vožnje po svim terenima.

DEFENDER avantura kroz Homoljske planine potvrdila je, a u nekim segmentima i prevazišla, očekivanja koja su od nje imali iskusni poznavaoci brenda i novinari koji su činili avanturističku ekipu. Promocija LAND ROVER DEFENDER vozila za 2023. godinu i DEFENDER avantura otpočela je 21.09.2023. godine ispred British Motorsa u Beogradu. Sa startne pozicije put planine Homolje krenulo je 11

DEFENDER-a, modela Defender 110, Defender 90, Defender N1 Hard Top, i ekipa spremna za uzbuđenja. Nakon ugodne i zabavne vožnje, farma Bela reka, u sklopu koje je i Hemp Haus, ugostila je ekspediciju.

After 70 years of glorious past, a time has come for a new chapter. It's time for a new Defender. Well-known, but quite new. Incomparable, a class of its own.

The Land Rover Defender brings unstoppable capability, usability, toughness and ultimate comfort to the 4x4 commercial segment, fit for the 21st century. Ever since the first Land Rover Hard Top was introduced 70 years ago, the Defender name has been associated with rugged practicality and all-terrain capability.

The DEFENDER adventure through the Homolje Mountains confirmed, and in some aspects even exceeded, the expectations of experienced brand connoisseurs and journalists who made up the team on this adventure. The promotion of the LAND ROVER DEFENDER vehicles for 2023 and the DEFENDER adventure started on 21 September 2023 in front of the British Motors in Belgrade. From there 11 DEFENDERS, including Defender 110, Defender 90, Defender N1 Hard Top models, set off for the Homolje mountains, accompanied by a team ready for excitement.


Uz izuzetnost DEFENDER-a, u potpunosti se uklopila izvarednost ovog objekta, koji je osvojio Gran pri 44. Salona arhitekture u Srbiji. Reč je o najsavremenijoj inovaciji u zelenoj gradnji – kombinaciji industrijske konoplje, kreča i vode. Nakon oduševljenja Hemp Haus-om, kratkog odmora i doručka, of-roud avantura je nastavljena.

Uzbudljiva i dinamična vožnja po of-roud putevima Homoljske planine, pokazala je u punom sjaju inovacije na ovim modelima i DEFENDER-ovu superiornost u prirodi. Tehnologija Configurable Terrain Response, prvi put uvedena na novom Defender-u, iskusnim of-roud vozačima daje mogućnost preciznog podešavanje svih sistema, kako bi se vozilo savršeno prilagodilo uslovima. Manje iskusni vozači mogu da izaberu jedno od ponuđenih sistemskih rešenja, koje je najbolje prilagođeno datom terenu, koristeći inteligentnu funkciju Auto. Nova struktura karoserije omogućuje udaljenost od tla od 291 mm i of-roud geometriju svetske klase. Maksimalnu dubinu gaza od 900 mm podržava novi Wade program u okviru sistema Terrain Response 2, koji omogućava vozačima da potpuno sigurno pređu duboku vodu.

Pauze u vožnji, prelaske iz kotlina i potoka na suve proplanke, ekipa je upotpunila uživanjem u domaćim jelima istočnih krajeva Srbije. Zaljubljenici u brend među članovima ekipe koristili su ove pauze da temeljnije ispitaju novine u unutrašnjosti vozila. Novi Defender tehnološki je podjednako napredan koliko i izdržljiv. Opremljen je novim sistemom za informisanje i zabavu - Pivi Pro Jaguar Land Rovera. Nova generacija dodirne instrument table intuitivnija je i jednostavnija za korištenje i zahteva manje inputa za obavljanje čestih radnji, dok njena stalna uključenost garantuje gotovo trenutne reakcije. Povrh toga, novi Defender opremljen je još naprednijom tehnologijom Software-Over-The-Air (SOTA), s 14 zasebnih modula koji mogu da prihvate ažuriranja.

20 Moving forward
Moving forward

After a pleasant and fun ride, the expedition was hosted by the Bela Reka farm and its Hemp House. The exceptional features of the DEFENDER fitted perfectly with the excellence of this house which won the Grand Prix at the 44th Salon of Architecture in Serbia. It applied the most modern innovation in green building - a combination of industrial hemp, lime and water. After admiring the Hemp House, and taking a short rest and breakfast, the off-road adventure continued.

Exciting and dynamic off-road driving along the Homolje Mountains, demonstrated the full extent of innovations incorporated in these models and DEFENDER's superiority in nature. The Configurable Terrain Response technology, introduced for the first time on the new Defender, allows experienced off-road drivers to precisely adjust all systems, so that the vehicle is perfectly adapted to the conditions. Less experienced drivers can choose one of the offered system solutions, best fitted to the given terrain, using the intelligent Auto function. The new body structure provides a ground clearance of 291 mm and a world-class off-road geometry. The maximum wading depth of 900 mm is supported by the new Wade program within the Terrain Response 2 system, allowing drivers to cross deep water completely safely.

The team complemented the occasional stops, while driving through valleys and streams to dry glades, by enjoying home-made dishes from the eastern regions of Serbia. Brand enthusiasts among the crew used these breaks to examine the novelties in the vehicle's interior more thoroughly. The new Defender is as technologically advanced as it is durable. It is equipped with a new infotainment system - Jaguar Land Rover's Pivi Pro. The new generation touchscreen dashboard is more intuitive and easier to use and requires less input to perform frequent actions, while its constant involvement guarantees almost instant reactions. In addition, the new Defender is equipped with even more advanced Software-Over-The-Air (SOTA) technology, with 14 separate modules that can accept updates.

Snežni vuk - Snow Wolf Legedne - Legends Deffender

Druženje sa gostima i noćenje bilo je organizovano u hotelu Ramonda, na planini Rtanj. Kratak odmor, uz večeru i vina, iskorišćeni su za upućivanje u dodatne detalje i karakteristike modela.

Posebnu pažnju privukla je mogućnost personalizacije. Kupci će moći da odaberu novu satensku zaštitnu foliju kako bi se spoljašnja boja učinila još trajnijom. Održiva i s mogućnošću potpunog recikliranja, ova folija štiti vozilo od svega, poput ogrebotina prilikom parkiranja, do sitnih oštećenja od udaraca kamenčića, i biće dostupna kao fabrički postavljena opcija s bojama Indus Silver, Gondwana Stone and Pangea Green, nudeći jedinstvenu savremenu završnu obradu koja štiti boju vozila.

Pored predefinisanih paketa dodatne opreme - Explorer, Adventure, Country i Urban, novi Defender nudi najširi izbor pojedinačne dodatne opreme koja je ikada ponuđena na vozilu Land Rover, uključujući sve od električnog čekrka s daljinskim upravljanjem, šatora na krovu i vodootporne cirade na naduvavanje, do konvencionalnijih sistema za vuču i krovnih nosača.

Sledećeg jutra, nakon doručka i kratkog sumiranja utisaka o vozilima, avanturisti su krenuli put Beograda. On-roud udobnost i glatkoća kretanja omogućila je putnicima ispitivanje unutrašnjih mogućnosti i zabave. Zaključak je bio jednoglasan, novi Defender je dizajniran za pustolovne i znatiželjne karaktere, za one koji znaju vrednost zajednice i žele da menjaju stvari.

Socializing with the guests and spending the night took place at the Ramonda hotel, on Rtanj Mountain. A short break, with dinner and wine, was used to get acquainted with the additional details and features of the model.

Personalization features attracted special attention. Customers will be able to choose a new satin protective film to make the exterior paint even more durable. Sustainable and fully recyclable, this film protects the vehicle from everything from parking scratches to minor damage from the impact of pebbles, and will be available as a factory-fitted option in Indus Silver, Gondwana Stone and Pangea Green colours, offering a unique contemporary finish that protects the vehicle paint.

In addition to the standard equipment packages of Explorer, Adventure, Country and Urban, the new Defender offers the widest range of individual equipment ever offered on a Land Rover vehicle, including everything from a remote-controlled electric winch, roof tent and inflatable waterproof tarpaulin, to more conventional towing systems and roof racks.

The next morning, after breakfast and a brief exchange of their impressions of the vehicles, the adventurers set off for Belgrade. On-road comfort and smoothness of movement allowed passengers to explore the interior features and entertainment. The conclusion was unanimous, the new Defender is designed for the adventurous and curious, for those who know the value of community and wish to make a difference.

22 Moving forward



The place to be seen in the city

Lowell (Louvel) je znameniti luksuzni hotel s pet zvezdica u srcu Menhetna koji se sa svojih 17 spratova izdiže iznad legendarne stambene četvrti, u blizini proslavljenih modnih kuća na Medison aveniji i na korak od Pete avenije i nepregledne oaze Central parka. Raspolaže sa 74 sobe i apartmana koji gostima nude osećaj privatnog njujorškog stana, a mnoge imaju spektakularan pogled na Menhetn s prekrasnih terasa, vrhunski opremljene kuhinje i originalne kamine na drva – što je retkost u Njujorku.

Smešten između najekskluzivnijih adresa na Aper Ist Sajdu (Upper East Side), ovaj hotel u privatnom vlasništvu osnovan je kao luksuzni hotel 1927. godine i pravi je primer klasične njujorške elegancije, a pripada i mreži Vodećih hotela sveta (Leading Hotels of the World).

U sklopu hotela nalazi se elegantan restoran Mažorel (Majorelle) i bar Žak (Jacques) koji su inspirisani kultnim vrtovima Iv Sen Lorana (Yves Saint Laurent) u Marakešu, kao i biblioteka sa punom uslugom, privatni klub i prekrasni salon Pembruk (Pembroke Room).

26 Pleasure & Leisure

Dina de Luka Šartuni (Dina De Luca Chartouni), suvlasnik i direktor dizajna, angažovala je dizajnera Majkla Smita (Michael Smith) (uredio enterijer Bele kuće tokom boravka porodice Obama), poznatog po svom modernističkom pogledu na tradicionalni dizajn, kao i Marka Pinija /Mark Pinney, londonskog arhitektu koji je poznat po svom radu za kompanije Harods (Harrods), Armani, Barberi (Burberry) i Epl (Apple) kako bi ovom prostoru udahnuli novi život prilikom nedavnog renoviranja u vrednosti od 25 miliona dolara.

The Lowell is a five-star luxury landmark hotel in the heart of Manhattan and rises 17-floors above an iconic residential neighborhood, a stone’s throw from the celebrated fashion houses of Madison Avenue and footsteps from Fifth Avenue and the vast oasis of Central Park. It is home to 74 rooms and suites which offer guests the feeling of a private New York apartment, many have spectacular views of Manhattan from beautiful terraces, gourmet kitchens and original, wood-burning fireplaces – a rare find in New York.

Situated amongst the most exclusive addresses on the Upper East Side, the privately owned The Lowell was established as a luxury hotel in 1927 and is the definition of classic New York elegance and is a member of The Leading Hotels of the World.

The Lowell comes complete with a stylish restaurant, Majorelle and bar, Jacques, both of which are inspired by the iconic Yves Saint Laurent gardens in Marrakech as well as a full-service library lounge, The Club Room, and beautiful Pembroke Room.

28 Pleasure & Leisure

Dina De Luca Chartouni, Co-Owner and Design Director, enlisted the help of designer Michael Smith (interior designer for the Obamas The White House), known for his modernist take on traditional design and Mark Pinney’s, the London-based architect who is known for his work with the likes of Harrods, Armani, Burberry, and Apple to bring these spaces to life in a recent $25 million refurbishment.

životnog stila

Lifestyle Analysis ANALIZA

Budući da model Spectre pripada marki Rolls-Royce, to znači da tu mora biti nečeg više od brilijantnog inženjerskog podviga – on mora ponuditi kupcima i autentično iskustvo vrhunskog luksuza. Stoga ga je ovaj proizvođač automobila podvrgnuo svom jedinstvenom postupku analize životnog stila, koji je uticao na razvoj svih novih proizvoda nastalih u sedištu ove marke u eri Gudvuda. Ovaj dodatni program testiranja daleko prevazilazi standardne automobilske procene s namerom da se stekne uvid u to kako će kupci koristiti automobil u svakodnevnom životu.

Analiza životnog stila temelji se na detaljnom poznavanju i razumevanju ove marke vezano za uživaoce vrhunskog luksuza, kao i na kontinuiranom prikupljanju podataka u sektoru luksuzne robe. Time je omogućeno inženjerima da predvide veoma specifične zahteve koji mogu biti postavljeni pred novo Rolls-Royce vozilo, te da se pobrinu da finalna izrada i dizajn proizvoda ima odgovarajuće karakteristike i reakcije.

30 Pleasure & Leisure LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE luxury
Moving forward

As a Rolls-Royce, Spectre must be more than just an engineering tour de force – it must also offer clients an authentic super-luxury experience. It has therefore also been subjected to the marque's unique Lifestyle Analysis process, which has informed the development of every new product emanating from the marque’s home in its Goodwood era. This additional testing programme goes far beyond standard automotive assessments to encompass how clients will use the motor car in their daily lives.

Lifestyle Analysis is based on the marque's detailed knowledge and understanding of the super-luxury consumer, and continuous intelligence-gathering across the luxury sector. It enables engineers to anticipate the very particular demands likely to be placed on a new Rolls-Royce and ensure that final engineered and fashioned experience incorporates appropriate features and responses.

LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE luxury Rolls-Royce Spectre



Koristeći ova saznanja, inženjeri su razmotrili niz stvari od posebne važnosti za kupce marke Rolls-Royce. Na primer, ispitali su kako se pogon na modelu Spectre ponaša na određenim putevima u najekskluzivnijim krajevima sveta i okolini, uključujući: grad Sanja na ostrvu Hajnan u Kini; Dubai u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima; dolinu Napa u Kaliforniji; i London, na matičnom tržištu ovog proizvođača automobila. Ovo ispitivanje se ne ograničava samo na performanse pri brzinama vožnje na autoputu. Koriste se i određena odredišta u centru grada kako bi se osiguralo da svojstva poput upravljanja na četiri točka pruže potrebnu pokretljivost za pristup mestima, putevima i prilazima na ograničenom prostoru. Zaista, zahvaljujući ispitivanjima sprovedenim u londonskim četvrtima Mejfer i Kensington i Čelsi i njihovoj okolini, obezbeđeno je odgovarajuće upravljanje zadnjom osovinom za pristup ključnim stambenim ulicama i mestima luksuznih maloprodajnih objekata.

Isto tako, s obzirom na okruženja u kojima će se Spectre naći širom sveta, sprovodi se veliki broj statičkih ispitivanja u cilju rešavanja ključnih nedoumica kupaca. One uključuju pitanja tipa je li moguće voditi normalan telefonski razgovor u vozilu dok je parkiran kraj helikoptera koji čeka da poleti, te snaga internet veze unutar samog vozila kad se nalazi između određenih nebodera i lakoća pristupa prilikom smeštaja određenih predmeta u vozila – duge zaštitne torbe za svečana večernja odela i haljine.

Using this knowledge, engineers have considered a range of variables of particular relevance to Rolls-Royce clients. For example, they have examined how Spectre’s drivetrain performs on specific roads in and around the world’s most exclusive enclaves, including: Sanya on Hainan Island, China; Dubai in the United Arab Emirates; Napa Valley in California; and London, in the marque’s home market.

This testing is not limited to performance under highway speeds. Specific city centre destinations are also used to ensure that features such as four-wheel steering offer the requisite manoeuvrability benefits to access areas roads and property approaches with limited space. Indeed, testing in and around the boroughs of Mayfair and Kensington and Chelsea, London, ensured the appropriate rear axle steering to approach key residential streets and luxury retail locations.

Similarly, given the environments Spectre will be placed in worldwide, a large number of static testing procedures are undertaken that address key client concerns. These include if it is possible to hold a normal telephone conversation inside the motor car while it is parked alongside a waiting helicopter, the strength of the motor car’s in-car internet connection between specific skyscrapers, and ease of access when placing specific objects inside the motor car – the long garment bags used to protect formal evening suiting and gowns.

32 Pleasure & Leisure LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE
Moving forward

Kao i u slučaju tehničkih drumskih ispitivanja, faza analize životnog stila služi za utvrđivanje korekcija koje je neophodno izvršiti na specifikacijama ili performansama vozila. Na primer, nakon ispitivanja električnih vrata na izrazito strmoj uzbrdici – simulirajući strme prilaze uobičajene za brda Los Anđelesa u Kaliforniji –inženjeri su dodali žiroskopske senzore i senzore G-sile kako bi osigurali da se vrata s lakoćom otvaraju i zatvaraju istom brzinom, bez obzira na uzdužne ili poprečne uglove parkiranja.

Takođe, jedna krivina se toliko često koristila za testiranje preciznosti upravljanja modela Spectre, za koju inženjeri ove automobilske marke veruju da je najpreciznija u istoriji kompanije Rolls-Royce, te su jednu krivinu u sklopu sedišta kompanije u Gudvudu u Zapadnom Saseksu, prozvali „krivina Spectre“.

Kako i priliči, Spectre je svoju odiseju dugu 2,5 miliona kilometara završio baš tokom analize životnog stila u Londonu, glavnom gradu matičnog tržišta kompanije Rolls-Royce, u svrhu pripreme za isporuku kupcima koja će započeti u četvrtom kvartalu ove godine.

34 Art & Living Moving forward

As with the technical road testing, the Lifestyle Analysis phase of testing is in place to highlight necessary adjustments to the motor car's specification or performance. For example, after testing the power-assisted doors on an exceptionally steep hill – replicating the steep driveways common to the hills of Los Angeles, California – engineers added gyroscopic and G-force sensors to ensure that doors open and close at the same effortless speed, regardless of longitudinal or transverse parking angles.

Additionally, one corner was used so frequently to test the steering precision of Spectre, which the marque’s engineers believe is the most exact in Rolls-Royce history, they have named a switchback within the environs of Rolls-Royce’s home in Goodwood, West Sussex, ‘Spectre Corner.’

Fittingly, it was during Lifestyle Analysis testing in London, the capital of Rolls-Royce’s home market, that Spectre completed its 2.5-million-kilometre odyssey in preparation for client deliveries, which will commence in the fourth quarter of this year.

LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE luxury Rolls-Royce Spectre


Watches & Jewellery


Na teniskom svetilištu, terenu stadiona Artur Eš, ambasador Hublot-a, Novak Đoković, dodao je četvrtu titulu na Otvorenom prvenstvu SAD-a i povećao svoj jedinstveni Grand Slem rekord svih vremena za muškarce na 24. Niko u istoriji nije osvojio više Grend Slem turnira.

S 36 godina, Nole je sada čvrsto etabliran kao najuspješniji teniser svih vremena. Uporan, otporan i s najjačom voljom za pobedom, Novak oličava vrednosti toliko drage Hublot-u. Jedinstvena strast koja je prvi put spojila Hublot i Noleta i koja ih je učinila čvrstim prijateljima i partnerima u pravom smislu reči. Zajedno smo posvećeni našim veštinama, našim strastima i našoj porodici i prijateljima.

Noletova priča započela je pre dve decenije, a danas smo svedoci njegovog prekrajanja teniske istorije. Postao je profesionalac 2003. godine i ispisivao istoriju tenisa, obarajući rekorde, prkoseći izgledima, postižući nemoguće i uvek iznova svladavajući teškoće.

Jedinstvena odlučnost dovela ga je do osvajanja njegovog prvog Grend Slema na Australian Openu 2008. godine i nastavio je da dominira u najkonkurentnijem periodu istorije tenisa, podižući igru na svakom koraku. Njegova gvozdena volja uvek je blistala u toj težnji da postane najveći igrač koji je ikada uzeo reket u ruke.

Idemo Nole! On the hallowed court of the Arthur Ashe Stadium Hublot ambassador Novak Djokovic added a fourth U.S. Open title, and extended his unique all time men’s Grand Slam record to 24. No one in history has ever won more Grand Slams.

At 36, Nole is now firmly established as the most successful male tennis player of all time. Tenacious, resilient, and possessing the fiercest w ill to win, Novak embodies the values so dear to Hublot A unique passion that first drew Hublot and Nole together and that has seen them become firm friends and partners in the truest sense. Together, we are committed to our craft, our passions and our family and friends.

Nole’s story started two decades ago, and we stand today to witness his rewriting of tennis history. He turned professional in 2003 and has rewritten tennis history, breaking records, defying the odds, achieving the impossible and overc oming adversity again and again.

His unique determination, led him to win his first Grand Slam at the Australian Open in 2008 and he has gone on to dominate the most competitive period in tennis history, elevating the game at every turn. Always, his iron w ill has shone through in his quest to become the greatest player ever to pick up a racquet.

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Njegova lista rekorda je neverovatna. Osim što je osvojio 24 Grend Slema, Nole je proveo više nedelja kao svetski broj jedan od bilo kog drugog igrača u istoriji, a godinu je završio kao najbolje rangirani igrač rekordnih sedam puta. Osvojio je 38 ATP Masters 1000 titula, takođe više od bilo kog drugog igrača u istoriji.

Ukupno je osvojio 94 titule u karijeri i jedan je od samo osam muškaraca koji su završili Grend Slem karijere, osvojivši svaki od četiri velika turnira barem jednom, te jedan od samo četiri igrača ili igračice koji su završili Trostruki karijerni Grend Slem, osvajanjem svakog od Slemova najmanje tri puta.

His list of records is incredible. As well as winning 24 Grand Slams, Nole has spent more weeks as world number one than any other male o r female player in histor y, and finished the year as the highest ranked men’s player a record seven times. He has won 38 ATP Masters 1000 titles, also more than any other player in history.

In all, he has won 94 career titles and is one of only eight men to have completed the Ca reer Grand Slam, winning each of the four majors at least once, and one of only four male or female players to complete the Triple Career Grand Slam, winning each of the Slams at least three times.

40 Pleasure & Leisure LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE
Watches & Jewellery
& Leisure

luxury luxury

Najbolja zima do sada

The best winter so far – the Zlatibor Hotel Hotel


Zima na zlatnoj planini posetiocima pruža niz različitih mogućnosti za odmor, opuštanje i odličan provod tokom hladnih, snežnih dana. Ova atraktivna turistička destinacija može da se pohvali brojnim sadržajima za boravak na otvorenom, što posebno oduševljava najmlađe posetioce. Dovoljno prostora za omiljene zimske sportove, vožnja Gold gondolom, skijanje u ski – centru „Tornik“, čije su staze prilagođene početnicima ali i vrhunskim skijašima, kao i klizalište u samom centru planine, samo su neke od atrakcija zahvaljujući kojima je Zlatibor postao omiljena destinacija za zimski odmor.

Wintertime on the so-called golden mountain offers visitors a number of different options for rest, relaxation and a great time during cold and snowy days. This attractive tourist destination boasts of numerous outdoor activities, bringing joy especially to the youngest visitors. Vast space for the favorite winter sports, such as riding the Gold gondola, skiing in the "Tornik"ski center whose slopes are suitable both for beginners as well as top skiers, as well as an ice rink in the very center of the mountain, are just some of the attractions that have made Zlatibor a favorite destination for winter vacation.

42 Watches & Jewellery LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE
Pleasure & Leisure

Pored zabave i rekreacije na otvorenom, gosti imaju priliku da borave u luksuznom Hotelu Zlatibor, koji je smešten uz Kraljev trg i zlatiborsko jezero. Ovaj savremeni planinski kompleks raspolaže sa 135 soba i preko 80 apartmana. Različiti tipovi smeštajnih jedinica pružaju mogućnost drugačijeg doživljaja odmora, a rustičan, planinski stil i prirodni materijali i teksture korišćene prilikom uređivanja enterijera, savršeno pristaju lokaciji i oslikavaju nepogrešiv spoj tradicije i luksuza.

Magnesium Wellness & Spa centar Hotela Zlatibor predstavlja idealno mesto za relaksaciju i revitalizaciju duha i tela, nakon dana provedenog na snežnim obroncima planine. Dok se opuštate u bazenima, saunama ili na masaži, Vaši najmlađi će uživati u kreativnim radionicama, dečijim predstavama i ostalim aktivnostima u dečijem klubu, a zajedničko vreme možete provesti u kuglani ili sali za bilijar. Večeri su rezervisane za uživanje u vrhunskim gastronomskim ostvarenjima u restoranu Kalem by ZAK Mountain Concept, iz kog se pruža magičan pogled na zimsku idilu centra Zlatibora

. Provedite najbolju zimu do sada u srcu zlatne planine i osetite prepoznatljiv sklad lokalnog gostoprimstva i savremenog komfora.

44 Pleasure & Leisure

In addition to the outdoor entertainment and recreation, the guests can stay in the luxurious Hotel Zlatibor, which is located next to the King's Square and the Zlatibor lake. This modern mountain resort features 135 rooms and over 80 apartments. Different types of accommodation units offer the possibility of a different vacation experience, and the rustic, mountain style and natural materials and textures used in the interior decoration perfectly suit the location and showcase an impeccable fusion of tradition and luxury.

Magnesium Wellness & Spa Center of the Zlatibor Hotel is an ideal place for relaxation and revitalization of mind and body, after a day spent on the snowy mountain slopes. While you are relaxing in the swimming pools, saunas or getting a massage, your little ones will enjoy creative workshops, children's shows and other activities in the children’s club, and you can spend time together in the bowling alley or the billiard hall.

Evenings are reserved for enjoying outstanding gastronomic delights in the Kalem by ZAK Mountain Concept restaurant, which offers a magical and idyllic winter view of the centre of Zlatibor.

Spend the best winter ever in the heart of the golden mountain and experience the unique harmony of local hospitality and modern comfort.


Svetski poznati turski brodograditelj Vicem Yachts uvećao je svoju flotu od preko 250 plovila za još jednu novu jahtu - Vicem 65 Classic Flybridge, koja je spremna da zadivi jahtaše i ljude iz sveta nautike jedinstvenom kombinacijom karakteristika koje je čine različitom od bilo kojeg drugog broda na tržištu.

Vicem s ponosom ističe neprolazni dizajn, potpunu personalizaciju i izvanredan kvalitet izrade. Te tri karakteristike odlikuju celu fotu, ali možda nigde nisu toliko vidljive kao na ovoj novoj 65-ici.


U skladu sa svojim imenom, jahta 65 Classic Flybridge ima linije koje podsećaju na zlatno doba jedriličarstva, u takozvanom „Downeast“ stilu koji je istovremeno snažan i uglađen, i odaje utisak broda koji je istovremeno sposoban i lep. Boje trupa se mogu birati, mada je svetloplava dosad bila vrlo popularna jer se dobro slaže s bojom mora.


The world-renowned Turkish boatbuilder Vicem Yachts has a new addition to its 250-plus-strong fleet - the Vicem 65 Classic Flybridge. The yacht is ready to impress yachtsmen and industry insiders alike with a unique combination of traits that make it unlike any other boat on the market.

Vicem prides itself on timeless design, total customization, and excellence in craftsmanship. Those three characteristics run throughout its fleet, but perhaps nowhere are they more evident than aboard this new 65.


True to its name the 65 Classic Flybridge has lines that recall the golden age of yachting, with a Downeast style that is at once masculine and sleek, evoking the feeling of a boat that is both capable and beautiful. Hull colors are customizable, though a light-blue paint job has thus far been very popular, as it pairs well with the color of the sea.


Ova jahta sa malo više od 20 metara dužine, ima smeštajni prostor koji uključuje veliku spavaću sobu u središnjem delu broda sa kupatilom i velikim krevetom za vlasnika. Gosti će biti smešteni u prostranoj kabini u pramčanom piku koja takođe ima sopstveno kupatilo. Obe gostinske kabine imaju nivo opremljenosti i završne obrade koji se obično viđa na mnogo većim brodovima, s elementima od drveta, raskošnim tkaninama gde je svakom detalju posvećena posebna pažnja.

Smeštajni prostor ima i potpuno funkcionalnu privatnu kuhinju sa trpezarijom/salonom za intimne obroke koji se takođe može pretvoriti u treću kabinu—s kliznim vratima koja obezbeđuju privatnost kada se koristi kao kabina za goste.

Glavna paluba 65-ice ima masivni kokpit od tikovine s garniturom za sedenje u obliku slova L i drugim stolom za ručavanje napolju. Salon ima još jednu garnituru u obliku slova L, i dodatno mesto za sedenje sa dosta prirodnog svetla zahvaljujući velikim prozorima.


The 66-foot-long boat has an accommodations level that includes an en suite amidships master with an island king bed for the owner. Prized guests will stay in the spacious forepeak stateroom that is also en suite. Both staterooms have a level of fit and finish usually seen on much larger builds, with rich woods, lush fabrics, and every detail neatly taken care of.

Further, the accommodations level has a fully functional private galley and a dining/lounge room for intimate meals that can also convert into a third stateroom—complete with sliding doors for privacy when used as a guest cabin.

The 65’s main deck has a massive, full-teak cockpit with an L-shaped settee and a second dining table for alfresco dinners. The salon has another L-shaped settee, plus additional seating, and excellent natural light thanks to

Ova dva prostora su povezana vratima s električnim prozorom bez okvira koja stvaraju osećaj otvorenosti i kontinuiteta. Krmena kuhinja u salonu ima mali bar sa sudoperom, hladnjakom i ledomatom i dve barske stolice Besenzoni na otvorenom.

U svim tim prostorima prisutna je stolarija koja je zaštitni znak kompanije Vicem. Ovaj brodograditelj se oslanja na tursku zanatsku tradiciju dugu 3000 godina kako bi proizveo prekrasno izrađenu drvenariju kakva se ne može videti nigde druge u toj grani industrije.

Što se tiče gornjeg mosta (flybirdge) pomenutog u nazivu broda, tu se nalazi bar s pićima i roštilj, treća garnitura za sedenje u obliku slova L—koja se može pretvoriti u ležaj za sunčanje—i vanjsko kormilo.

large windows.

The two spaces are connected via a door with a frameless, electric window that creates a feeling of openness and continuity. An aft galley in the salon has a small bar area with a sink, icebox, and icemaker that services two alfresco Besenzoni bar stools.

Throughout all of these areas, Vicem’s trademark woodwork is on display. The builder relies on 3,000 years of Turkish craftsmanship to produce beautifully appointed woods the likes of which are seen nowhere else in the industry.

As for the boat’s namesake flybridge, there is a wetbar and barbecue, a third L-shaped settee—which can convert into a sunpad—and an outdoor helm.



U Beogradu održana jedinstvena proslava najvoljenijeg šampanjca

Najvoljeniji šampanjac u celom svetu Moët & Chandon ugostio je istaknute predstavnike društvenog života prestonice i internacionalne goste kuće Maison čime je obeležio 280 godina tradicije. Ovaj jedinstveni događaj održan je u Kabare klubu Lafayette uz moto: Slavimo život od 1743.

Dugačka i bogata istorija velikih i raskošnih svečanosti kreirala je od brenda Moët & Chandon globalnu ikonu slavlja. Od kraljevskog dvora, do crvenog tepiha, od Studija 54 do Grend slemova, Moët & Chandon nas sve okuplja u uzbudljivim i posebnim trenucima u našem životu.


Unique celebration of the world's most loved champagne in Belgrade

The world's most loved champagne house Moët & Chandon hosted prominent members of domestic social life and international guests of the Maison, and marked its 280th anniversary in Belgrade. The exclusive experience took place at Cabaret Club Lafayette, with the motto "Celebrating Life since 1743”.

A long history of grand and festive events has made Moet & Chandon a global icon of celebration. From royal courts to the red carpets, from the famous Studio 54 to major sporting events, the brand brings people together in exciting and special moments in their lives.

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luxury Pleasure & Leisure

Nakon Sidneja, Njujorka, Tokija, Pariza i Londona, sada i Beograd i Srbija imaju privilegiju da budu deo bogate istorije brenda koja je okupila preko 350 gostiju iz 15 zemalja sveta.

Gosti su pozvani da krenu na putovanje za čula u duhu motoa: Slavimo život od 1743. i da iskuse jedinstvenu art de vivre i umetnost slavlja Moët & Chandona ukorenjenu u samim genima kuće Maison.

Jedinstven događaj u Beogradu predstavio je tradiciju slavlja kuće Maison kroz poglavlja njihove istorije koji slave žene, život, sport, umetnost življenja i ceo svet.

“Već skoro 3 veka Moët & Chandon je šampanjac kojim su obeležavani značajni događaji kroz istoriju, kao i lični trenuci za pamćenje. Ova noć je bila izuzetno značajna za Kuću Maison i za našu regiju Srednje Evrope, jer nam je pružila priliku da proslavimo 280. godišnjicu brenda u Beogradu gde smo okupili sve naše partnere, kolege, prijatelje i poštovane članove udruženja Moët Society, zajednicu odabranih influensera koji dele vrednosti kuće Maisonveličanstvenost, velikodušnost i eleganciju. Nadam se da su svi naši gosti sa sobom poneli jednu ključnu poruku sa ovog nezaboravnog večerašnjeg događaja: da je život pun prilika za slavlje,” istakla je Nóra Szegedi, Brend menažer za Centralnu Evropu brenda Moët Hennessy.

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Pleasure & Leisure

Ovim povodom Milan Krstić, Generalni menadžer Energy Star International DOO, koji je generalni uvoznik Moet Henessy-a za Srbiju od 2014. godine, se zahvalio svim saradnicima i gostima na odličnom događaju.

Vizuelno-plesni performans, pod umetničkom direkcijom koreografa

Milana Gromilića, umetničkog direktora

Lafayette-a, upotpunio je magični glas naše poznate džez umetnice Lene Kovačević, koja je bila specijalna gošća večeri.

Jedan od ključnih momenata večeri bila je degustacija jedinstvenog Moët & Chandon Grand Vintage 2004, u ekskluzivnoj Jeroboam veličini.

Ove specijalne boce iz kojih su gosti posluživani, upravo predstavljaju onaj jedinstveni Moët & Chandon duh po kojem je brend prepoznatljiv. Povodom velikog jubileja, ova limitirana serija proizvedena u samo 280 boca, sazrevala je u podrumima duže od 15 godina i sad je spremna da obeleži jubilarnu godišnjicu šampanjca Moët & Chandon, odražavajući izuzetnu kombinaciju zrelosti, kompleksnosti i harizme, koja ga čini savršenim za proslavu ovog zadivljujućeg trenutka Kuće.

Proslava u Beogradu je realizovana u saradnji sa kompanijom Energystar International, zvaničnim distributerom brenda Moët & Chandon u Srbiji.


After Sydney, New York, Tokyo, Paris and London during the the past years, now Belgrade and Serbia had the privilege to be a part of the brand's rich history, uniting over 350 guests from 15 countries.

Guests were invited to embark on a journey for the senses to Celebrate Life since 1743 and experience Moët & Chandon’s unique art de vivre and art of celebration rooted in the DNA of the House.

The journey of the event showcased the legacy of celebrations of the Maison in “Chapters” that highlight its history in honoring Women, Life, Sports, Art de Vivre, and the World.

“For nearly 3 centuries Moët & Chandon has been the champagne of choice to mark significant events in both history and personal occasions. This night was a significant event for the Maison and for our region Central Europe, having the opportunity to celebrate the brand`s 280th anniversary in Belgrade by uniting our partners, colleagues, friends, and our esteemed Moët Society members, a community of selected influencers, who share the values of the Maisongreatness, generosity, and elegance. I hope that all our guests took away one key message from this memorable evening: that life is full of opportunities to celebrate.” said Nóra Szegedi, Brand Manager Central Europe, Moët Hennessy.

56 Pleasure & Leisure

The visual and dance performances under the artistic direction of Milan Gromilić, Lafayette Program director were completed by the magical voice of the special guest of the evening - jazz artist Lena Kovačević.

One of the highlights from the evening included was the tasting of Moët & Chandon exceptional Grand Vintage 2004, presented exclusively in Jeroboam size. These special bottles were shared with guests and represent the very spirit that makes Moët & Chandon unique.

This limited edition, only produced at 280 bottles worldwide, matured in cellars for more than 15 years, will mark the milestone anniversary of Moët & Chandon reflecting a singularly outstanding combination of maturity, complexity, and charisma, making it a perfect fit to celebrate an awe-inspiring moment of the House.

The event was brought to life with the collaboration of Energystar International, the official distributor of Moët & Chandon in Serbia.


In the heart of New York City U srcu Njujorka

Panerai pojačava svoje prisustvo u srcu Njujorka s potpuno novom radnjom na Medison aveniji, najvećom koju ova kompanija ima na svetu, odražavajući vitalnost i snagu uličnog pejzaža ovog dinamičnog grada. Casa Panerai je smeštena u samom užurbanom središtu jednog od najpoznatijih svetskih destinacija za šoping luksuzne robe, nudeći klijentima jedinstveno iskustvo u kojem se švajcarsko časovničarsko umeće susreće sa duhom Italije.

Panerai strengthens its presence in the heart of New York with a brandnew Madison Avenue boutique, its largest in the world, reflecting the vitality and strength of the dynamic city’s streetscape. Right in the lively centre of one of the most prominent global destinations for luxury shopping, Casa Panerai takes place, offering clients an unparalleled experience where Swiss watchmaking meets the Italian spirit.

60 Business

Ova radnja koja je udomila veliku kolekciju satova, kako starinskih tako i savremenih, dočekuje klijente s detaljima koji su vidljivi s ulice, LED ekran koji prikazuje zadivljujuće slike koje ilustruju povezanost ovog brenda s pomorskim svetom i njegovim avanturističkim duhom, i nesvakidašnji kultni svetleći zeleni zidni sat.

Unutar radnje se proteže interesantna vremenska linija na gotovo 9 metara duž originalnog izloženog zida od opeke, i ističe značajne momente u istoriji ove kompanije u višedimenzionalnom prikazu sertifikata i interaktivnih modela.

Pristupačnost i dostupnost je ono što odlikuje ovu radnju, podstičući klijente da se osećaju opušteno, i da se bez žurbe kreću kroz prostor i dolaze u kontakt sa satovima bez staklenih barijera. Ovaj obilazak je moguće izvesti samostalno ili uz pomoć predstavnika kompanije Panerai, u zavisnosti od želje klijenta.

Home to an extensive collection of watches, both historical and contemporary, the store welcomes clients with elements visible from the sidewalk, an LED screen displaying captivating images that convey the brand’s connection to the marine realm and its spirit of adventure, and a larger-than-life iconic luminous green wall clock.

Inside, an immersive timeline spanning nearly 30 feet along an original exposed brick wall highlights significant milestones of the Maison’s history in a multidimensional exhibition certifications and interactive models.

Approachability and accessibility are cornerstones of the boutique, encouraging clients to feel at ease, move through the space unhurriedly and interact with the watches without glass barriers. The experience may be self-guided or aided by a Panerai representative to the client’s preference.

LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE luxurySnežni vuk - Snow Wolf Legedne - Legends Panerai


Za ljubitelje ženskih ručnih satova ova radnja ima poseban kutak posvećen kolekciji Luminor Due. Taj prostor je opremljen mekim, zaobljenim nameštajem i odiše uticajem okeana koji prožima prostoriju, sa zidovima prekrivenim umetnički obrađenom raznobojnom plavom smolom koja asocira na kaleidoskopske nijanse mora. Kako bi se upotpunilo nasleđe i estetski senzibilitet kompanije Panerai, enterijer sadrži nameštaj italijanskih dizajnera, a na gornjem spratu je smešten kafe bar koji nudi opuštajući predah.

U čast otvaranja svoje radnje Casa Panerai, ova kompanija će lansirati ekskluzivni sat iz svoje luksuzne kolekcije – novi Radiomir Tourbillon Bronzo – uz niz događaja koje prožima Italianità – njen suštinski italijanski duh.

„Otvaranje velike radnje Casa Panerai na Medison aveniji u Njujorku je značajna prekretnica jer se nalazi na početku jednog od najprestižnijih odredišta na svetu. To je vizija u skladu s predanošću našeg brenda svojim klijentima i vrednostima, o radnji koja je osmišljena tako da pruži vrhunski kvalitet i u pogledu naših proizvoda i u pogledu usluge kako bi se upotpunilo Panerai iskustvo”, rekao je Žan-Mark Pontrue, izvršni direktor ove kompanije.

For female wristwatch lovers, the store includes a dedicated zone centered on the Luminor Due Collection. The space features soft, rounded furnishings and an oceanic influence that pervades the room, with walls covered in artisancrafted variegated blue resin that evokes the kaleidoscopic hues of the sea. To complete Panerai’s heritage and aesthetic sensibility, the interiors feature furniture from Italian interior designers while a coffee bar sits on the upper level to offer a relaxing break.

To celebrate the opening of Casa Panerai, the Maison will launch an exclusive timepiece from its high-end collection – a new Radiomir Tourbillon Bronzo - along with a series of events infused with Italianità – its quintessential Italian spirit.

“The opening of Casa Panerai flagship boutique on Madison Avenue in New York City is a significant milestone, being the square one of the most prestigious destinations in the world. It is a vision in line with our brand’s commitment to our clients and values, with the store designed to provide excellence both in our products and service to complete the Panerai experience” says Jean-Marc Pontroué, the Maison’s CEO.



Kako bi dodatno proslavio novu lokaciju, Panerai lansira posebnu seriju satova pod nazivom Luminor BiTempo New York Edition, koja broji 212 komada. Luminor BiTempo je smešten u kućište prečnika 44 mm izrađen od titanijuma sa DLC prevlakom sa mat sivim nijansiranim sendvič brojčanikom. DLC, što u prevodu znači premaz na bazi ugljenika sličnog dijamantu, specifična je tehnika obrade koja se primenjuje na materijal od titanijuma i pruža visoke performanse i estetsku privlačnost dajući satu prepoznatljiv elegantan izgled crne boje, kao i visoku tvrdoću i izdržljivost.

Sat s automatskim kalibrom P9010/GMT pruža trodnevnu rezervu snage.

Karakterističan Luminorov štitnik krunice ima ugraviran naziv „Njujork“ na poluzi, dok je zatvoreni poklopac kućišta ukrašen slikom Bruklinskog mosta.


To further celebrate the new location, Panerai launches the Luminor BiTempo New York Edition, a special edition available in 212 pieces. Luminor BiTempo is set in a 44mm titanium DLC case with a grey matte shaded sandwich dial. DLC, also known as diamondlike carbon coating, is a specific treatment technique applied to the titanium material that combines high performance and aesthetical appeal giving the timepiece an unmistakable sleek black look and high hardness and durability.

The timepiece, with its automatic P9010/GMT calibre, delivers a three-day power reserve.

The emblematic Luminor crown protecting device is engraved with the name ‘New York’ on the lever, while the closed case back is adorned with a scenery of the Brooklyn Bridge.

LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE luxurySnežni vuk - Snow Wolf Legedne - Legends Panerai


Premijera limitirane edicije PrimaSerie, luksuznog Maserati GranTurismo Trofeo modela: 1 od 75 na svetu stigao u Beograd

Premiere of the Luxurious Limited-Edition

Maserati Gran Turismo Trofeo Prima Series model: 1 of 75 in the world arrived in Belgrade

65 Moving forward

Maserati obeležava 75 godina od prvog GranTurismo modela limitiranom edicijom GranTurismo Trofeo PrimaSerie. Ova ekskluzivna edicija proizvedena je u svega 75 primeraka i namenjena istinskim poštovaocima i kolekcionarima luksuznih automobila, a još pre 75 godina GranTurismo modeli su prepoznati kao jedinstveni u garažama svetskog jet-set-a.

Predstavljeni model savršeno kombinuje snagu, eleganciju i naprednu tehnologiju sa najluksuznijim detaljima. Već na prvi pogled, njegova spoljašnjost naglašava visoke performanse i posebnu dozu sofisticiranosti za osobe sa istančanim ukusom za luksuz.

Njegovu neukrotivu snagu i autoritet na putu upotpunjuje i prepoznatljivi zvuk V6 Nettuno motora. Sa svojih 550 konjskih snaga (410kW), maksimalnim obrtnim momentom od 650Nm pri 3000 obrtaja po minuti, osam brzina (maksimalna brzina je 320km/h) i ubrzanjem od 0 do 100km/h za svega 3.5 sekundi, jasno je da je reč o automobilu moćnih performansi.

Ono što predstavljeni Maserati GranTurismo Trofeo Primaserie sa pogonom na svim točkovima čini posebnim u odnosu na standardni GranTurismo Trofeo je jedinstvena Grigio Lamiera mat boja koja je dostupna samo na Primaserie ediciji, kao i 20-inčne Astreo sjajne felne, što spoljašnjost ovog modela čini posebno atraktivnom i naglašava sportsku tradiciju Maseratija.

66 Pleasure & Leisure
Moving forward

Na centralnom poklopcu felne, kao i na naslonu za glavu na vozačkom i suvozačkom sedištu, apliciran je specifičan logotip kojim se obeležava jubilarna 75-godišnjica, dok su sedišta i ostatak enterijera presvučeni najfinijom dvobojnom kožom koja je prošivena crvenim koncem, što je dodatno ukombinovano sa mat 3D karbonskim detaljima.

Ručna obrada i pažljivo odabrani materijali naglašavaju prestiž ograničene edicije PrimaSerie. Najsavremeniji infotejment i sistemi asistencije obezbeđuju najviši nivo konfora, sigurnu vožnju i bezbednost putnika.

Poseban ugođaj pruža i Sonus Faber napredni sistem ozvučenja, renomiranog Italijanskog proizvodjača ozvučenja, sa 19 zvučnika koji kabinu pretvara u koncertnu dvoranu.

Izvanredna kombinacija vrhunskih performansi novog GranTurismo modela iz limitirane edicije PrimaSerie i ekskluzivnih karakteristika iz bogatog Maserati nasleđa čini ovaj model svojevrsnim umetničkim delom na četiri točka, koji utemeljuje svoju reputaciju u svetu automobila visoke klase.

Ovaj ekskluzivni automobil izložen je u Maserati Delta Automoto Store-u (Galerija Beograd), a cena GranTurismo Trofeo PrimaSerie edicije iznosi 289.071 evra.

LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE luxury Delta Automoto & Maserati

Maserati is celebrating the 75th anniversay of its first GranTurismo model with a limited edition called the GranTurismo Trofeo PrimaSerie. This exclusive edition, produced in only 75 units, is intended for true luxury car lovers and collectors. For 75 years GranTurismo models have been recognized as unique in the garages of the global jet-set.

This model perfectly blends power, elegance and advanced technology with luxurious details. Already at first glance, its exterior emphasizes high performance and a special dose of sophistication for people with a refined taste for luxury.

Its indomitable power and imposing presence on the road is complemented by a distinctive sound of the V6 Nettuno engine. With its 550 horsepower (410kW), maximum torque of 650Nm at 3000 rpm, eight speeds (maximum speed is 320km/h) and acceleration from 0 to 100km/h in just 3.5 seconds, the car’s top performance capabilities are evident.

What sets this Maserati GranTurismo Trofeo Primaserie model with an all-wheel drive apart from the standard GranTurismo Trofeo is the unique Grigio Lamiera Matte color exclusive to the Primaserie edition, as well as the 20-inch Astreo glossy rims, making the exterior of this model particularly attractive and emphasizng Maserati's sports tradition.

68 Pleasure & Leisure Moving forward

The center caps of the rims and the headrests on the driver's and passenger's seats are adorned with a special logo marking the 75th anniversary, while the seats and the rest of the interior are covered with the finest two-tone leather upholstery with a read stitching, combined with matte 3D carbon details.

Handcrafted and carefully selected materials underline the prestige of the limited edition PrimaSerie. State-of-the-art infotainment and assistance systems ensure the highest level of comfort, safe driving and passenger safety.

A special ambience is provided by the Sonus Faber advanced sound system, a renowned Italian sound system manufacturer, with 19 speakers that turn the cabin into a concert hall.

An extraordinary combination of top performance of the new GranTurismo model from the limited edition PrimaSerie and exclusive characteristics from the rich Maserati’s heritage make this model a kind of an art piece on four wheels, which establishes its reputation in the world of high-class cars.

This exclusive car is displayed in the Maserati Delta Automoto Store (Galerija Belgrade shopping mall), and its price is set at 289,071 euros.

LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE luxury Delta Automoto & Maserati


First Six Senses in Italy

Hotelski lanac Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas sa zadovoljstvom proširuje svoju urbanu kolekciju, otvarajući svoj prvi ogranak u Italiji – Six Senses Rome, i to u martu 2023. Smešten je u zdanju palate u istorijskom centru Rima, udaljen samo nekoliko blokova od fontane di Trevi i Panteona i u blizini čuvenih ulica sa luksuznim radnjama Via Condotti, Frattina i Borgognona.

Ova tiha i živopisna oaza dobila je ime po crkvi iz 16. veka podignutoj na temeljima koji datiraju iz 4. veka. Hotel će imati 95 različitih soba i apartmana, spa, restoran, terasu za svečana događanja, dvorišni vrt i krovnu terasu s pogledom od 360° na grad i spomenike.

Palatu Salviati Cesi Mellini sagradio je u 18. veku Tomaso de Markis (Tomaso De Marchis) za kardinala Marija Melinija (Mario Mellini), i ukrasio je prelepim prozorima koji predstavljaju oličenje baroknih motiva. Glavnoj fasadi koja gleda na ulicu Via del Corso, i nalazi se pod zaštitom opštine Rim i na UNESCO-voj listi, vratiće se stari sjaj, a biće renovirano i centralno stepenište.

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72 Plesasure & Leisure

Vodeći računa o autentičnom nasleđu ove građevine, dizajn suptilno spaja savremenu hotelijersku viziju sa unutrašnjim uređenjem za koje je zadužena Patrisija Urkiola (Patricia Urquiola). Prizemlje je predviđeno za skupove, sastanke, nastupe i druga društvena dešavanja.

Restoran sa otvorenom kuhinjom i bar vodiće do galerije i prostora za sedenje opremljen s travertino mermerom, hrastovinom i bronzom. Vrhunac će biti velika krovna terasa s panoramskim pogledom, organskim voćem i povrtnjakom za rekreiranje rimske gozbe.

Six Senses Spa i rimska kupatila igraće važnu ulogu kao velnes utočište za goste koji uživaju u znamenitostima, noćima i čarima grada. Restoran će ponuditi modernu interpretaciju italijanskih ukusa, iskustva i gostoprimstva, sledeći Six Senses filozofiju prirodnih sastojaka, lokalnog i održivog, i principa manje je više. Kao i kod svih Six Senses hotela, gosti će imati priliku da nauče da iskoriste istinsku (super) moć lokalnih trava, biljaka i sastojaka u Alchemy baru ili da saznaju nešto više o održivosti u Earth Labu.


Six Senses Hotels Resorts Spas is delighted to be expanding its urban collection, launching its first property in Italy – Six Senses Rome, opening March 2023. Located in a palazzo building in the centre of ancient Rome, just blocks away from the Fontana di Trevi and Pantheon and moments away from the prominent luxury shopping streets of Via Condotti, Frattina and Borgognona.

This quiet and colourful oasis is named after the 16th century titular church layered on 4th century foundations. The hotel will feature 95 distinct guest rooms and suites, a spa, restaurant, events terrace, outdoor courtyard garden and rooftop terrace with a 360° view of the city and monuments.

Palazzo Salviati Cesi Mellini was built in the 18th century by Tomaso De Marchis, who adorned it with beautiful windows representing the epitome of Baroque motifs for Cardinal Mario Mellini. Protected by the Roman municipality and UNESCO listed, the main façade, which overlooks Via del Corso, is being restored back to its grand origins, while the central staircase will also be preserved.

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74 Plesasure & Leisure

Mindful of the building’s authentic heritage, the design gently fuses a contemporary vision of hospitality, with interior design being overseen by Patricia Urquiola. The ground floor will be a social floor for gatherings, meetings, performances and events.

The open kitchen trattoria and bar will lead out to a gallery and seating area complete with travertine marble, oak and bronze. The crowning glory will be the large rooftop terrace with panoramic views, complete with an organic fruit and vegetable garden for recreating a Roman banquet.

The Six Senses Spa and Roman baths will play an integral role as a sanctuary of wellness for guests enjoying the city’s sights, nights and delights. The restaurant will offer a modern interpretation of Italian flavours, experience and hospitality, while following the Six Senses ethos of natural ingredients, local and sustainable and less is more. As with all Six Senses properties, guests will have the opportunity to learn to harness the real (super) power of local herbs, plants and ingredients at the Alchemy Bar, or learn more about sustainability at the Earth Lab.

75 Pleasure & Leisure

utisci First impressions Prvi


Nakon što je nedavno preuzeo novi električni 60 Sunreef Pover Eco, Fernando Alonso je podelio svoje prve utiske sa krstarenja. Legenda Formule 1 pridružila se porodici ambasadora Sunreefa zajedno sa sportskom superzvezdom, Rafaelom Nadalom, preduzetnikom koji se bavi održivošću, Nikom Rozbergom i profesionalnim istraživačem, Majkom Hornom.

Alonso je naručio svoj električni katamaran od kompanije Sunreef Yachts u septembru 2021. u Monaku. Tokom konferencije za štampu brodogradilišta na Kanskom jahting festivalu, objasnio je svoju odluku da sarađuje sa kompanijom Sunreef Yachts: „Sunreef Yachts je za mene bio lak izbor. Kombinuju luksuz i održivost kao nijedno drugo brodogradilište. Kada sam posetio njihovo postrojenje u Poljskoj, iz prve ruke sam video koliko se vodi računa o svim detaljima. To je ono što bi trebalo da čini luksuzne eko jahte. ”

„Moj život teče izuzetno brzo. Mnogo putujem po svetu. Kada sam na stazi, opet je sve u brzini. Kada uživam u slobodnom vremenu, želim upravo suprotno. Želim da putujem u potpunoj tišini, bez isparenja, bez vibracija.”

Fernando Alonso je bio veoma angažovan u procesu izgradnje i prilagođavanja svog luksuznog katamarana i više puta je posetio brodogradilište u Gdanjsku, u Poljskoj. Opremljen jedinstvenim solarnim sistemom Sunreef Yachts, njegov luksuzni katamaran ima koristi od neprekidnog snabdevanja čistom energijom i time miran rad e-motora, bez vibracija i u potpunoj tišini. „60 Sunreef Pover Eco mi je pružio upravo ono iskustvo jahtinga koje sam tražio. Duga, tiha krstarenja bez dima omogućavaju vam da uživate u moru na potpuno novom nivou. Ova jahta ima neverovatnu tehnologiju koja se ne može naći nigde drugde.”

78 Pleasure & Leisure LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE

Having recently taken delivery of his new electric 60 Sunreef Power Eco, Fernando Alonso shared his first impressions from the cruising experience. The Formula 1 legend joined Sunreef’s family of ambassadors alongside superstar athlete Rafael Nadal, sustainability entrepreneur Nico Rosberg and professional explorer Mike Horn.

Alonso commissioned his electric catamaran with Sunreef Yachts in September 2021 in Monaco. During the shipyard’s press conference at the Cannes Yachting Festival he explained his decision to build with Sunreef Yachts: “Sunreef Yachts was an easy choice for me. They combine luxury and sustainability like no other shipyard. When I visited their facility in Poland, I saw first-hand how all the details are taken care of. This is what luxury eco yachting should be about.”

“My life goes so fast. I travel a lot around the world. Once on the track, it’s again all about speed. When I enjoy my time off, I want the exact opposite. I want to travel in total silence, with no fumes, no vibrations.”

Fernando Alonso was highly engaged in the build and customization process of his luxury catamaran and has paid numerous visits to the shipyard in Gdansk, Poland. Equipped with Sunreef Yachts’ unique solar power system, his luxury catamaran benefits from a continuous supply of clean power for a smooth e-motoring experience. “The 60 Sunreef Power Eco gave me exactly the yachting experience I was looking for. Long, fume free and quiet cruises let you enjoy the seas on a whole new level. This yacht has some amazing technology that cannot be found anywhere else.”

Snežni vuk - Snow Wolf Legedne
Legends Sunreef Power



Šampion Formule 1 nedavno je uživao u odmoru na jahtingu sa prijateljima i porodicom na svom lično-prilagođenom 60 Sunreef Pover Eco. Njegov katamaran ima električni pogon, sistem klimatizacije koji štedi energiju i bateriju projektovanu prema karakteristikama jahte.

„Sve što je važno kad ste na brodu je mir, svež vazduh i dobro društvo. Jahting ne bi trebalo da bude pitanje ega. Za mene je to deljenje dobrih trenutaka i poštovanje prirodne sredine."

Ostale istaknute karakteristike jahte uključuju veliki krmeni kokpit sa platformom za plivanje i garažom, pramčanu terasu punog snopa i izdašan leteći most. Ev, Sunfeef Yachts tim poziva sve one koji su zainteresovani da dobiju više informacija o asortimanu ekološki odgovornih katamarana, da potraže odgovore....

The Formula 1 champion has recently enjoyed a yachting holiday with friends and family on board his custom 60 Sunreef Power Eco. His catamaran features electric propulsion, an energy-saving air-conditioning system and a custom-engineered battery bank.

“On board, all that matters is peace of mind, fresh air, and good company. Yachting should not be about ego. For me, it’s about sharing good moments and being respectful towards the environment.”

Other standout features of the yacht include a vast aft cockpit with a swim platform and aft garage, a full-beam bow terrace and generous flybridge. For more information about Sunreef Yachts’ range of eco-responsible catamarans, feel free to contact the team.





Jurija Gagarina 14a Beograd, Srbija


Vladimir Banović


McCANN DOO BEOGRAD, Terazije 7-9


Slobodan Vračar


Katarina Jančić


Marija Banović


Boris Pilipenko





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BUSINESS & Luxury / glavni i odgovorni urednik

Vladimir Banović. - 2015, no. 1- . - Beograd : Victoria & Wolf, 2015- (Subotica : Rotografika). - 30 cm

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