Business & Luxury No. 24

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Dragi naši čitaoci,

Dear readers,

Pred vam je 12 inspirativnih tema, koje predstavljaju lepe stvari, događaje i ljude.

You have in front of you 12 inspiring topics dealing with beautiful things, events and people.

Industrija organizacije događaja skoro da je stala u pandemijskim uslovima i zato nas posebno raduje tema u kojoj predstavljamo nekoliko značajnih događaja koji su se održali u godini koja je za nama. Jedan od njih spada u najveće svetske događaje u 2021. godini.

The event industry has almost came to a stop due to the Covid-19 pandemic and that is why we are especially pleased with the article presenting several important events that took place in the past year. Among them is one of the biggest events in the world in 2021.

U ovom izdanju možete otkriti šta to neki srpski umetnici spremaju u jahtingu, dizajnu luksuznih tapeta, terapiji zvukom, koji je sat Novak izabrao i koji je to novi hotel na beogradskoj sceni koji je inspirisan životom Marije Antoanete i kralja Luija XVI.

Uvodna reč

Takođe, tu je i tema o značajnom projektu, o luksuznom naselju u kojem se nalazi jedini One and Only hotel u Evropi.


You may also discover in this issue what some Serbian artists are preparing in the field of yachting, luxury wallpaper design, sound therapy, as well as which watch was chosen by Novak, and which new hotel in Belgrade is inspired by the lives of Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI. Also, there is a topic about an important project, a luxury resort where the only One and Only hotel in Europe is located.

Osmislite, dogovorite, realizujte neke lepe trenutke, dane, događaje, sve što će dodatno obogatiti život, a deo inspiracije potražite u našim prethodnim i budućim izdanjima.

If you are searching for some inspiration to think up, arrange and realize some enjoyable moments, days, events, anything that would further enrich your life, you should look no further than our previous and future issues.

Čitajte i uživajte, B&L tim!

So read on and enjoy, B&L team!



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želja za novim iskustvima

savladala izazove THE POWER OF EVENTS

The desire for new experiences overcomes challenges

U izazovnim vremenima koja su donela brojna ograničenja, produkcija događaja je nastavila da se oslanja na tzv. totalno iskustvo, odnosno plasiranje sadržaja kroz aktiviranje svih čula. Upravo se potreba za ovakvim iskustvima pokazala kao neizostavna u vremenu koje je kreativce i organizatore događaja primoralo na prilagođavanje i transformaciju. Ljudi su se vratili događajima, a njihova snaga i značaj omogućila je da cela industrija ponovo oživi i krene „punom parom“ napred. Vodeća regionalna agencija u oblasti live komunikacija i experience design-a M2Communications, pored brojnih aktivnosti, izdvaja tri projekta koja su na polju event organizacije obeležila ovu godinu.

Business Moving forward

In trying times that brought many restrictions, the event production continued to rely on the so-called total experience, where the contents are presented through engagement of all the senses.


The need for such experiences proved to be indispensable at a time that forced the event creators and organizers to adapt and transform. People are attending the events again, and their strength and importance enabled the entire industry to revive and start "full steam ahead". Among the numerous activities of M2Communications, the leading regional agency in the field of live communications and experience design, it can single out three projects that marked this year in the field of event organization.


Viskoka udobnost - High comfort The LIFESTYLE Art of Savoir-Vivre MAGAZINE

Agenciji M2Communications poveren kreativni koncept i izvršna produkcija najvećeg političkog skupa u svetu ove godine Beograd je 11. i 12. oktobra bio mesto susreta preko 100 stranih delegacija, među kojima su i šefovi država i diplomatija, obeležavajući 60. godišnjicu osnivanja Pokreta nesvrstanih. Art direkcija 60. godišnjice zasnovana na motivima vodenih boja, koje su pretapanjem i menjanjem kolorita dočarale priču o nastanku Pokreta nesvrstanih, istoriji i simbolima, kao i ciljevima kojima streme u budućnosti. Posebnu pažnju privukla je impresivna instalacija cveća i žive prirode u glavnoj hali, na površini od čak 220 kvadratnih metara.

The art direction of the 60th anniversary was based on the motifs of water colors, which, by melding and changing their shades and hues, evoked the story of the origins of the Non-Aligned Movement, its history and symbols, as well as the goals it is aspiring to achieve in the future. Spread over an area of 220 square meters, an impressive floral installation and greenery decorating the main hall in particular attracted the attention.

Moving Watches Business forward & Jewellery

M2Communications was entrusted with creative concept and executive production of the largest political gathering in the world this year On October 11 and 12, Belgrade was the meeting place of over 100 foreign delegations, including heads of state and diplomacy, marking the 60th anniversary of the founding of the NonAligned Movement.




„The Lightwave“ festival svetlosti u realizaciji M2Communications i Luštica Bay Ovogodišnje leto u marini Luštica Bay zasigurno je obeležio festival svetlosti „The Lightwave“. Tokom avgusta, gosti Luštice mogli su da prisustvuju spektaklu koji je projektovan sa svetionika i lukobrana marine pretvarajući naselje u svetlosnu pozornicu. Pored svetlosnih efekata, dužinom cele promenade postavljene su „photo op“ instalacije poput anđeoskih krila, svetlosnih „gnezda“ i brodića u čuvenoj pećini na ulazu u marinu koji su upotpunili ceo doživljaj. Ovaj letnji svetlosni šou bio je omiljena manifestacija koju su turisti ove godine rado iznova posećivali.


"The Lightwave" light festival organized by M2Communications and Lustica Bay


This summer at the Lustica Bay marina was certainly marked by the festival of light dubbed "The Lightwave". Throughout the month of August, the guests of Lustica had the opportunity to enjoy a spectacle of light projected from the lighthouse and the breakwater of the marina, turning the settlement into an illuminated stage. In addition to light effects, "photo op" installations such as angel wings, light "nests" and boats in the famous cave at the entrance to the marina, were set up along the entire promenade and completed the whole experience. This summer light show was a favorite event that tourists were happy to revisit this year.

Viskoka udobnost - High Snaga događaja The Art - Power of Savoir-Vivre ofcomfort events

Projekat A1 Kinoteka još jednom dao novi sjaj domaćem filmskom ostvarenju. Svečana projekcija restaurisanog filma „Sezona mira u Parizu“ održana je u septembru na Dunavu, ispred Silosa. M2Communications je kreativno osmislila i realizovala ovaj projekat od velikog značaja za filmsku industriju u Srbiji. Ceo ambijent bio je preuređen tako da odaje utisak kao da se nalazi u srcu Pariza. Francuski bistro, video maping na Silosima i zabavni program obeležili su premijeru ponovo oživljenog filmskog ostvarenja Predraga Golubovića iz 1981 godine.

The restored film "Season of Peace in Paris" was premiered in September in front of the Silos next to the Danube. M2Communications creatively designed and executed this project of great importance for the film industry in Serbia. The whole ambience was redesigned to give the impression of being in the heart of Paris. A French bistro, video mapping on the Silos and an entertainment program marked the premiere of the Predrag Golubovic's revived 1981 film.


The A1 Cinematheque project once again gave a makeover to a national feature film.







Balša Garčević je industrijski dizajner i kreativni direktor studija Design Büro iz Beograda, koji je uplovio u vode nauti kog dizajna, što je i bilo očekivano, s obzirom da je dugo u jedrenju, gde su brodovi i jahte neraskidivi deo ekosistema u kojem boravi. Iza njega su brojni koncepti i rešenja koja pomeraju granice dugogodišnjeg trenda koji vlada u dizajnu plovila.


Balsa Garcevic is an industrial designer and creative director at the DesignBüro studio in Belgrade. He sailed into the waters of nautical design organically, having been sailing for a long time and exposing himself to ships and yachts as unbreakable part of that ecosystem. He created numerous concepts and solutions that are pushing the boundaries of trends that reign in boat design.


• U tvom portfoliiju se nalaze neki zaista impresivni modeli. Da li smo mi sredina koja može da proizvede tako nešto?

• Your portfolio contains some very impressive models. Is it possible to produce something like that in our environment?

Zanimljivo je šta se sve na ovim prostorima radi i šta sve može da se uradi. Dobar primer za to je kompanija Art of Kinetik iz Zemuna. Zaista mislim da se svašta može uraditi, jedina stvar je manjak majstora koji sve više idu vani, pa je time svaki projekat i rok isporuke diskutabilan. Siguran sam da će se neki od mojih projekata na i ovde na nekoj proizvodnoj traci. Vreme će pokazati.

It is indeed interesting what is being made in these regions and what actually can be made. Company “Art of Kinetik” based in Zemun is a great example of that. I do think that anything can be done. The only setback is the lack of workers, they are constantly leaving the country, which further delays realizations of local projects. But I’m sure some of my projects will be here on a production line. Time will tell.

Moving forward

LIFESTYLE Intervju -MAGAZINE Interview Pop art



Moving forward



• U prethodnih par godina si sarađivao sa kompanijom Mare Nostrum?

• Last few years you collaborated with Mare Nostrum company?

Nakon niza objavljenih projekata online, javio mi se vlasnik firme Mare Nostrum, sa idejom da uradimo gliser od 7.5m po ugledu na ameri ke offshore racing speedboat-ove, samo kompaktna verzija, i da ga pretvorimo u nešto kao Aston Martin, ali na vodi. Tako smo razvili gliser u staklo-plastici, koji je zaista spoj modernog dizajna i klasike, sa dosta hromiranih detalja i tikovine, posebno dizajniranim bitvama inspirisanim identitetom same kompanije, retro kontrolna tabla po uzoru na “american muscle“ automobile, dosta hromiranih satova na high gloss mahagoniju, najkvalitetniji nautiki materijali koji mu daju zaista jedan lux izgled. Završnu fazu očekujemo sledeće godine.

After series of projects were published online, I was contacted by the owner of Mare Nostrum company, with the proposition to ​​make a 7.5m speedboat based on American offshore racing speedboats. The idea was to make a compact version of the boat, turning it into something like an Aston Martin on the water. We developed a speedboat with the polyester hull with perfect blend of modern design and classics, plenty of chrome and teak wood details, specially designed bollards inspired by the very identity of the company, retro control panel inspired by "American muscle" cars, lots of chrome gauges on high gloss mahogany and nautical materials of the highest quality that ultimately contributed to a truly luxurious look of the boat. We are expecting the final production stage next year.


LIFESTYLE Intervju -MAGAZINE Interview Pop art

• You follow the trade shows and fairs as well as global trends in the nautical world. Where do you see us as a country?

Mi smo svuda i nigde. Ali ima nas koji se trudimo da stavimo ovu zemlju na svetsku nautičku mapu. Upravo sam se vratio sa Mets Trade, poznatog sajma u Amsterdamu, kome je fokus manje dizajn, koliko oprema i nove tehnologije. Tako da sam tamo ostvario neke dobre kontakte, koji će, nadam se, značiti za neke buduće projekte.

We are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. There are still some of us who are trying to put this country on the world's nautical map. I’ve just visited a famous METSTRADE in Amsterdam. It’s main focus is more on equipment and new technologies rather then design. I made some really great contacts there which, I hope, will be significant for future projects.

• Šta vam je cilj u narednim periodu?

• What are your goals in the near future?

Neke sjajne stvari se dešavaju na polju održivih tehnologija, krećemo se u tom pravcu, što je neminovno, inspiracije ne nedostaje. Nadam se da će se i projekti koje smo započeli uskoro i materijalizovati.

Many great things are happening in the field of sustainable technologies. We are inevitably moving in that direction, and there is no lack of inspiration. For now, I really hope that the projects we’ve started, will soon be materialized.

Moving forward

• Pratite sajmove i svetske trendove u nautici. Gde smo tu mi?




ŽENE koje su obeležile

SVETSKU auto industriju Women who shaped the automotive world Kroz istoriju motornih vozila, žene su uvek bile prisutne. Ipak, ono što danas uzimamo zdravo za gotovo, u početku se smatralo isključivo domenom muškaraca.

Moving forward Business

Throughout the history of the motor car, women have always been there. Yet, what we now take for granted, in the beginning of the automotive age, was considered a male domain.




Kada je u proleće 1899. u Nemačkoj osnovana „Eisenach“ fabrika vozila, za volanom jednog od četiri Wartburg vozila našla se Wilhelmine Ehrhardt, supruga menadžera fabrike. Wilhelmine (23. avgust, 1866 – 23. februar, 1945) je bila vrlo samouverena i bilo je zaista teško zaustaviti njen entuzijazam za sve što ima veze sa automobilima. Kada se Gustav Ehrhardt prijavio sa svojim Wartburg trkačkim automobilom za prvu međunarodnu trku od Insbruka u Austriji do Minhena u Nemačkoj ,23. jula, 1899. njegova supruga mu se pridružila. Wilhelmine je čekala skoro godinu dana na ispunjenje svog sna o mestu za volanom na pravoj trci, a onda je 3. avgusta 1901. ispisala svoje ime u istoriji motosporta učestvovanjem na trci Eisenach – Meiningen – Eisenach.

When, in the spring of 1899, the Eisenach vehicle factory in Germany set out on the first major outing with all of the motor vehicles produced so far, Wilhelmine Ehrhardt, the wife of the factory manager, was behind the wheel of one of the four Wartburg motor vehicles. Wilhelmine (August 23, 1866 – February 23, 1945) had a very confident personality, and it would be difficult to put the brakes on her enthusiasm for all things automotive. When Gustav Ehrhardt signed up with his newly developed Wartburg racing car for the first long-distance cross-border trip – from Innsbruck, Austria to Munich, Germany on July 23, 1899 – his wife would accompany him. Wilhelmine would have to wait almost a year for her dream of starting as the actual driver in a motor race. And then, on August 3, 1901, she wrote motorsports history with her participation in the Eisenach – Meiningen – Eisenach long-distance automobile trip through Germany's Hainich mountain range.


Automobilizam LIFESTYLE - Automobilism MAGAZINE

STEPHANIE KWOLEK Nemačka kancelarija za patente je 22. novembra, 1968. zabeležila aplikaciju pod brojem DE 1810 426, naslovljenu “Compound and fibers or threads made therefrom”. Ono što je stajalo u opisu je: „Super vlakna koja se koriste u automobilskoj industriji i za svemirska putovanja, kao i u neprobojnim prslucima“. Tvorac ovog izuma bila je hemičarka Stephanie Kwolek (31. jul, 1923 – 18. jun, 2014). Kako bi finansirala svoje školovanje na medicini, prihvatila je poziciju u tekstilnoj laboratoriji DuPont u Bafalu. Ranih 1960-ih radila je na vlaknima za ojačanje radijalnih guma. Zahvaljujući jednom „srećnom incidentu“ otkrila je materijal pet puta jači od čelika, iste težine koji je i otporan na vatru. Kevlar vlakna kombinuju otpornost na plamen i visoke temperature, snagu, čvrstoću i druge osobine, a kada se koriste u završnim ili središnjim slojevima, ova vlakna osiguravaju održavanje stabilnosti čak i pri visokim temperaturama i brzinama, a to je nešto što je neophodno „high-performance“ gumama. Ovaj pronalazak žene inženjera pomogli su u stvaranju osnove u razvoju auto-industrije.


In the early 1960s, she worked on a fiber for reinforcing radial tires at the company's testing station there. In a “happy accident”, she discovered a material that proved to be five times as strong as steel, yet with the same weight and fire resistance.Kevlar fibers combine flame and temperature resistance, strength, stiffness and other properties when used in finishing layers or intermediate structures, Kevlar fibers ensure extremely high dimensional stability, even at high temperatures and speeds, something that is crucial for high-performance tires. Inventions by female engineers like Stephanie Kwolek have helped to lay the foundations for the development of the automotive industry.

Art Moving & Living forward

On November 22, 1968, the German Patent Office received patent application DE 1810 426, entitled “Compound and fibers or threads made therefrom”. What was specifically described in the patent was a super-fiber that is still used in fields such as automobile construction and space travel, and in bulletproof vests today. The “mother” of this invention was the chemist Stephanie Kwolek (July 31, 1923 – June 18, 2014). To finance a medical degree, she accepted a research position at DuPont's textile fiber laboratory in Buffalo, New York.




CLÄRENORE STINNES Clärenore Stinnes (21. januar, 1901 – 7. septembar, 1990) je još jedna velika žena u auto industriji. Ova devojka iz dobre porodice uvek je verovala da žene mogu da urade sve što mogu i muškarci. Sa 26 godina, Clärenore Stinnes se uputila u svoju najveću avanturu kako bi postala prva osoba koja je obišla planetu kolima. Njeno putovanje u Adler Standard 6 (modelu sa 34,5 konjskih snaga) kroz hladnoću i vrućinu trajalo je 25 meseci. Često nije bilo puteva, mapa, benzinskih stanica niti servisa za popravku. Činjenica je da je ovo putovanje, koje je bilo i rizično po život, mogla da izvede samo izuzetno uporna osoba kojoj odustajanje nije bilo opcija. Kada je odometar pokazao 46,758 km, Stinnes i njen saputnik, švedski snimatelj CarlAxel Söderström prešli su liniju cilja u Berlinu 24. juna 1929. Stinnes je prva preuzela rizik i kolima obišla svet kroz 23 države. Krenula je iz Frankfurta ka istoku preko Balkana, do Sibira, kroz Gobi pustinju do Kine i Japana, preko Anda i kroz SAD, sve dok se na kraju u Evropu nije vratila brodom.


Moving forward Business

Clärenore Stinnes (January 21, 1901 – September 7, 1990) is another of the great women of automotive history. Stinnes was a girl from a good family. She always believed that women could do what men could do. At the age of 26, Clärenore Stinnes embarked on her greatest adventure: to be the first person to circumnavigate the world in a car.


Her tour in a 34.5-hp Adler Standard 6 through ice and heat, took 25 months. There were often no roads, maps, gas stations or workshops. The fact that this life-threatening expedition was completed was due in no small part to the stubbornness of a woman for whom turning back was not an option.The odometer showed 29,054 miles (46,758 km) as Stinnes and her companion, Swedish cinematographer Carl-Axel Söderström, crossed the finish line in Berlin on June 24, 1929. Stinnes was the first to take the risk and drive around the world by car – through 23 countries. Leaving from Frankfurt in Germany, the pair headed east: through the Balkans across the Caucasus to Siberia, through the Gobi desert to China and Japan, over the Andes and across the USA, before finally returning to Europe by ship.


Automobilizam LIFESTYLE - Automobilism MAGAZINE

MARY ANDERSON Sledeća dama može svojoj moći zapažanja da zahvali na izumu. Vozeći ulicama Njujorka, Mary Anderson je primetila da vozači imaju dosta poteškoća u vožnji po lošem vremenu. Ako je padao sneg ili kiša, konstantno su morali da izlaze iz automobila i brišu stakla. Mladoj ženi je odmah bilo jasno da su atomatski brisači neophodni. Ona je 1903. zvanično prijavila svoj patent koji je 10. novembra iste godine zaveden pod US Patent brojem 743,801 i njena “Naprava za čišćenje prozora” automobila i drugih vozila „skoja služi za čišćenje snega, kiše i susnežice sa stakla ispred vozača“. Njen izum je imao ručicu pored volana kojom je vozač upravljao. Andersonova je pokušala da svoj patent proda jednoj kanadskoj kompaniji koja ju je odbila uz komentar da njen uređaj nema praktičnu upotrebu. Iako su mehanički brisači postali standardau oprema automobila već 1913, Mary Anderson nikada nije profitirala od svoje ideje.


In 1903, Mary Anderson applied for a patent on her invention, and the US Patent Office granted Mary Anderson US Patent Number 743,801 for her “Window-cleaning device” for automobiles and other vehicles “for removing snow, rain, and sleet from the glass in front of the motorman.” Her device had a lever at steering wheel height that the driver could operate by hand. On receiving her patent, Anderson tried to sell it to a Canadian manufacturing company, but the company refused on the basis that the device would have no practical use. Although mechanical windshield wipers were standard equipment on cars by 1913, Mary Anderson never profited from her idea.

Business Moving forward

The next lady owed her invention to her powers of observation. While navigating the streets of New York City, Mary Anderson noticed that drivers had trouble in bad weather. In rain and snow, they constantly had to get out to wipe their windshields. To the young woman it was clear that an automatic wiper blade was needed.




BERTHA BENZ U celoj „ženskoj istoriji“ auto industrije, jedna od vodećih figura svakao je Bertha Benz. Nije, Carl Benz, već njegova supruga Bertha, uspešno završila međunarodno putovanje u avgustu 1988. godine. Povela je sa sobom sinove, veliku hrabrost i samopouzdanje. Hajde da se podsetimo: Nemac Carl Benz izumeo je automobil u Mannheimu 1886. godine, koji je registrovao kao patnet pod brojem 37435. Odgovor, međutim, nije bio euforičan kako je očekivao. Zapravo, odgovor je bio prepun nepoverenja: „Kočija bez konja – šta se sa tim radi?“ U tom trenutku je Bertha Benz pokazala inicijativu, sela za volan i vozila 106km od Mannheima do Pforzheima. Ovo je bilo neverovatno hrabar i odvažan čin u to vreme. Na kraju, uspeh ove ture poslužio je daljem razvoju motornih vozila. Trijumfalni razvoj auto industrije mogao je da počne.


Moving forward Business

In the whole history of women in the automotive industry, Bertha Benz, wife of Carl Benz, is certainly a leading figure and a pioneer – it was her who completed the first successful cross-country trip in a car in August 1888. She took her sons, and a big slice of guts and self-confidence.


Let's rewind a little: Germany's Carl Benz invented the automobile in Mannheim in 1886, before registering the vehicle under German patent number 37435. The response, however, was not as euphoric as expected. In fact, there was a distrust of this new, horseless carriage. At that point Bertha Benz seized the initiative, got behind the wheel without further ado and drove the vehicle 66 miles (106 km) from Mannheim to Pforzheim. This was a courageous undertaking, as such a journey was a real adventure at that time. In the end this tour de force was a success, with a further development of the patented motor vehicle. The triumphant advance of the automobile could begin.

Automobilizam - Automobilism

MARGARET WILCOX Margaret A. Wilcox, rođena u Čikagu 1838. izumela je grejanje za automobile. Wilcox je jedna od prvih žena inženjera i dodeljena su joj priznanja za njene mnogobrojne patente. U jesen 1893. prijavila je patent „sistem za grejanje u automobilu“, koji je registrovan 28. novembra, 1893. godine. Njen sistem se sastojao od komore sa sagorevanjem ispod automobila i sistem cevi ispod putničke kabine kroz koju je prolazila vruća voda. Ovim važnim izumom, pokrivene su dve važne stvari: lakše se vozilo po maglovitom i hladnom vremenu, a unutrašnjost automobila bila je na željenoj temperaturi.

MARGARET WILCOX Margaret A. Wilcox, born in Chicago in 1838, is considered to be the inventor of car heating. Wilcox was one of the first female mechanical engineers and was granted numerous US patents for her inventions.

Her system consisted of a combustion chamber under the car and a system of pipes beneath the passenger compartment through which heated water was fed. This important invention for the automotive industry killed two birds with one stone: It made driving easier in foggy and cool weather by keeping the windows fog-free and the interior of the car at the desired temperature.

Moving forward

In the fall of 1893 she applied for a patent for her invention of a car heating system, which was registered on November 28, 1893.




DANICA PATRICK Danica Patrick je demonstrirala koliko brze i uspešne mogu da budu žene na trkačkoj stazi. Ova žena, vozač trka, potiče iz Vinskonsina i jedna je od najuspešnijih žena u NASCAR i IndyCar motorsportu. U periodu između 2005. i 2018. bila je aktivna u obe trkačke serije. Patrick se prvi put takmičila na IndyCar na Homestead-Miami Speedway-u 2005. godine. Već 2008. slavila je pobedu na IndyCar u Motegi, u Japanu. Njen sveukupno najbolji rezultat bilo je deveto mesto 2009. godine u sezoni kada je jedna od žena vozača zauzela treće mesto na Indy 500 i osmo mesto na 24h Daytona trci. Godine 2013. postala je prva žena koja je osigurala pol poziciju na prestižnoj Daytona 500 trci. A njena hrabra odluka da se 2018. povuče još jedan je primer njenog ispravnog ponašanja kao pravog uzora.


Moving forward

Danica Patrick has demonstrated impressively just how fast and successful women can be on a racetrack. The female race car driver, who hails from Wisconsin in the US, is one of the most successful women in NASCAR and IndyCar motorsports.


Between 2005 and 2018 she was active in both race series. Patrick contested her first IndyCar race at the HomesteadMiami Speedway in 2005. In 2008 she celebrated her first and only IndyCar win at Motegi, Japan. Her best overall result was ninth place in 2009 – a season when the female car racer also took third place at the Indy 500 and eighth place at the 24 Hours of Daytona race. In 2013 she also became the first woman to secure pole position at the prestigious Daytona 500 race. Her brave decision of 2018 to quit at the right time was yet another example of her acting as a role model.


Automobilizam LIFESTYLE - Automobilism MAGAZINE

SUZANNE VANDERBILT Sredinom 1950-ih, General Motors je predstavio čuvenu “Damsels of Design”, grupu od deset žena koje je proizvođač zaposlio kako bi doprinele poboljšanju prodaje među novom, ženskom grupom kupaca. Nažalost, prvi američki tim žena dizajnera bio je kratkog veka. Većina dizajnerki napustila je poziciju kada je ranih 1960-ih na čelo odeljenja došao Bill Mitchell, koji je navodno izjavio, “Nijedna žena se neće naći rame uz rame sa nekim od mojih senior dizajnera.“ Uprkos ovoj izjavi i dominantno muškoj industriji u to vreme, jedna od žena iz prve postave “Damsels”, Suzanne Vanderbilt, ostala je i uporno gradila svoj put ka vrhu sve dok nije postala vodeći dizajner Chevrolet studija za dizajn enterijera 1972. godine.


Unfortunately, America's first all-woman design team was short-lived. Most of the designers left in the early 1960s after their department was taken over by Bill Mitchell, who allegedly said, “No women are going to stand next to any senior designers of mine.” Despite this pronouncement and the maledominated automotive industry of the time, one of the original “Damsels”, Suzanne Vanderbilt, stayed on and tenaciously worked her way up the career ladder until she was named Chief Designer of Chevrolet's Interiors Studio in 1972.

Moving forward

In the mid-1950s, General Motors launched its famous “Damsels of Design”, a group of ten women that the automaker brought on board in an attempt to better reach new, female consumers.




CHARLIE MARTIN Charlie Martin je ušla u istoriju odvozavši trku od 24 sata na nemačkoj legendarnoj Nurburgring traci. Svojim BMW M240i Racing završila je četvrta u svojoj klasi na Nordschleife sekciji staze. Njena vožnja je imala viši cilj od same pobede, želela je sebe da dokaže kao ženu u dominantno muškom sportu. To je bio specijalan cilj, jer je zapravo Charlie Martin rođena kao dečak u Leicesteru, u Engleskoj 1981. godine. Kao prva transrodna osoba koja je završila trku na ovoj stazi, ne samo da je ovaj neustrašivi san ostvarila, već je ona postala i pravi uzor ostalima. Ona teži da svoju hrabrost iskoristi i promoviše različitost i promene u motosportu i tako poploča put budućim ženama trkačkim šampionima.

CHARLIE MARTIN Charlie Martin made history at the 24-hour race around Germany's legendary Nurburgring track. With her BMW M240i Racing she finished fourth in her class on the Nordschleife (or North Loop) section of the track.

Moving forward

What drives her is proving herself as a woman in a male-dominated sport. And it's a very special goal, because Charlie Martin was born as a boy in Leicester, England in 1981. As the first transgender racing driver to finish this motorsport classic, the daring driver not only fulfilled a dream, but also made herself a role model.


She aims to share her courage so as to promote more diversity and change in motorsport and thus pave the way for increased female car racer numbers.


Automobilizam LIFESTYLE - Automobilism MAGAZINE

LELLA LOMBARDI Uticaj žena na automobilsku sferu ogleda se i u istoriji svetskog broj 1 motosport takmičenja. Prema statistici Formule 1, Lella Lombardi (26. mart, 1941 – 3. mart, 1992) jedina je ženska osoba koja je osvojila poene na ovom takmičenju. Kada je 27. aprila, 1975. godine ova tridesetčetvorogodišnja žena završila kao šesta na Španskom Grand Prix takmičenju, zaradivši pola poena, postala je prva i do dan danas jedina ženska osoba koja je osvojila poene na nekom svetskom šampionatu. Ona je osvojila pola umesto jednog celog poena za osvojeno šesto mesto, jer je trka prekinuta pre vremena zbog incidenta u kome je učestvovao Rolf Stommelen, vodeći u trci. Lella Lombardi takođe drži i svetski rekord kada je u pitanju startni broj u celokupnoj istoriji Formule 1. Broj “208” na njenom vozilu predstavljao je talasnu dužinu njenog sponzora - Radio Luksemburga.


On April 27, 1975, the then 34-year-old finished sixth at the Spanish Grand Prix in Barcelona, earning half a World Championship point. To date she is still the only woman to score World Championship points. She only received half a point (instead of the usual 1 point) for finishing 6th, as the race on the narrow Montjuic street circuit was prematurely terminated after a serious accident involving Germany's Rolf Stommelen, who was leading the race at the time. Besides her half a World Championship point, Lella Lombardi also holds the record for the highest starting number in Formula 1 history. The “208” on her car at Brands Hatch in 1974 was a reference to her sponsor Radio Luxembourg.

Moving forward

The impact of women in automotive spheres can also be seen in the history of the world's number 1 motorsports competition. In the statistics of Formula 1, Lella Lombardi (March 26, 1941 – March 3, 1992) is the only woman to have scored championship points.




JUTTA KLEINSCHMIDT Jutta Kleinschmidt je sve klišee u vezi žena u automobilizmu srušila na najnezgodnijem mestu koje možete da zamislite – pustinji Sahara. Ona je svoje mesto u istorijskim knjigama zauzela zahvaljujći svom prvom učestvovanju na Paris-Dakar reliju 1988. godine, na motociklu, da bi 2001. ona postala prva žena i prva Nemica koja je osvojila ovaj najteži reli u modelu Mitsubishi Pajero. Kombinacijom hrabrosti i iskustva, ona je vladala trkačkom scenom skoro 20 godina.

Autor: Markus Löblein Ilustracije: Oriana Fenwick Izvor:

Powered by BMW


Pleasure Moving forward & Leisure

Jutta Kleinschmidt took any clichés about women in automotive settings and confidently banished them to the one of the most remote and inhospitable places you can imagine – the Sahara desert.


She has been there, and driven her way into the history books behind the wheel of a rally car. In 1988 she took part in her first Paris-Dakar rally on a motorbike, while in 2001 she became the first woman and also the first German to win the world's toughest desert rally in a Mitsubishi Pajero. With her combination of courage and technical know-how, she repeatedly left her mark on the race over almost 20 years.



REMEK-DELO jedinstvene karoserije

'BOAT TAIL' Coachbuilt masterpiece 'BOAT TAIL' „Velika je čast po prvi put otkriti svetu ovaj jedinstveni Rolls-Royce automobil. Iako su njegove slike naširoko objavljivane, sam automobil nikada ranije nije bio izložen u javnosti. Konkurs elegancije u Vili d'Este savršena je prilika za to, jer okuplja vodeće međunarodne medije, kao i iskusne stručnjake iz sfere automobilizma i zahtevne poklonike luksuza na glamuroznim obalama jezera Komo.


It is a wonderful privilege to reveal this unique Rolls-Royce to the world for the very first time. Although images have been widely shared, the car itself has not been displayed in public before. The Villa d'Este Concorso d’Eleganza is the perfect occasion, bringing together leading international media alongside knowledgeable motoring experts and discerning luxury aficionados, on the glamorous shores of Lake Como.




Takođe, postoji i fina podudarnost u tome što smo na ovoj manifestaciji 2017. godine lansirali i prvi Rolls-Royce automobil unikatne karoserije izrađen u moderno doba, Sweptail. Ovo je uistinu istorijski trenutak za ovu marku. Predvodimo moderni pokret za izradu jedinstvenih karoserija koji širu luksuznu industriju vodi ka potpuno drugačijem mestu, gde hiper personalizacija i savremeno pokroviteljstvo pružaju suštinski neograničene mogućnosti.“ Torsten Miler-Otvos, izvršni direktor kompanije Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

"It is a truly historic moment for the marque. We are leading a modern coachbuilding movement that takes the wider luxury industry into an entirely different space, where hyper-personalisation and contemporary patronage provide essentially limitless possibilities." Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

Business Moving forward

There is also a pleasing symmetry in that we launched the first coachbuilt RollsRoyce of the modern era, Sweptail, at the 2017 event.



Moving forward Business



Remek-delo marke Rolls-Royce sa unikatnom karoserijom pod nazivom Boat Tail (naziv potiče od toga što zadnji deo vozila podseća na krmu jahte) imalo je svoju svetsku premijeru na prestižnom Konkursu elegancije u Vili d'Este 2. oktobra 2021. Automobil je predstavio Torsten Miler-Otvos, izvršni direktor kompanije, u Mozaik vrtu. Nakon toga gosti i novinari imali su prilike da ga razgledaju samo dva dana, pre nego što se vratio u privatnost i osamu koji su ga okruživali otkako je zvanično predstavljen u maju 2021.

Rolls-Royce's coachbuilt masterpiece Boat Tail made its global public debut at the prestigious Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este on 2 October 2021. The car was unveiled on the Mosaic Lawn by Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. It was then be available for guests and journalists to view for two days only, before returning to the privacy and seclusion that had surrounded it since it was formally revealed in May 2021.

Slike automobila razmenjivane su širom sveta gde su izazvale divljenje; međutim, ovo je prvi put da je sam Boat Tail prikazan u javnosti. To je bila jedinstvena prilika za goste i novinare da prouče izuzetnu konstrukciju automobila i izvanredne detalje izrađene po želji kupca, koji su dizajnirani i ručno izrađeni u kompaniji Rolls-Royce u okviru, u tehničkom i kreativnom smislu, vrlo zahtevnog projekta, koji je trajao gotovo četiri godine.

Images of the car have been shared and admired around the world; however, this was the first time Boat Tail itself had been displayed in public. It was a unique opportunity for guests and journalists to examine the car's remarkable coachbuilt construction and extraordinary Bespoke detailing, which were designed and hand-built at the Home of Rolls-Royce in a highly demanding technical and creative project lasting almost four years.

Personalizacija - Personalisation

Boat Tail označava prelomni trenutak u analima kompanije RollsRoyce i pokazuje njenu predanost izradi karoserija kao centralnom delu budućeg usmerenja i proizvodnog programa ove marke. Nastavlja i ubrzava savremeni pokret izrade unikatnih karoserija koji je ova kompanija započela sa modelom Sweptail, prvim Rolls-Royce automobilom sa unikatno izrađenom karoserijom u novije doba, koji je takođe prvi put predstavljen javnosti u Vili d'Este 2017. godine.

Boat Tail marks a seminal moment in the annals of Rolls-Royce, demonstrating the marque's commitment to coachbuilding as a central part of its future direction and portfolio. It continues and accelerates a contemporary coachbuilding movement that began with Sweptail, the first coachbuilt Rolls-Royce of the modern era, which also made its first public appearance at Villa d'Este back in 2017.


Moving forward Business



Boat Tail predstavlja ključni trenutak za širi sektor luksuznih proizvoda.

Boat Tail represents a pivotal moment for the wider luxury goods sector.

Kao uistinu ručno izrađena, jedinstvena kreacija, u kojoj su i karoserija i enterijer dizajnirani i proizvedeni prema specifikacijama klijenta, Rolls-Royce ponovno pomera granice luksuza i otvara nove, ogromne mogućnosti za ljubitelje modernog dizajna i fine izrade.

As a truly hand-built, one-of-a-kind creation, in which both the bodywork and interior are designed and produced to the client’s specification, RollsRoyce Coachbuild redraws the boundaries of luxury and opens vast new possibilities for patrons of contemporary design and fine craftsmanship.

Konkurs elegancije u Vili d’Este je prvi put organizovan 1929. godine na obali jezera Komo u severnoj Italiji i jedan je od najvažnijih i najglamuroznijih manifestacija u međunarodnom kalendaru mondenskih dešavanja.

First staged in 1929 on the shores of Lake Como in northern Italy, the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este is one of the most important and glamorous occasions on the international lifestyle calendar. Normally held in May, the 2021 event took place from 1-3 October 2021, with Boat Tail presented to the world, for the first time, on 2 & 3 October only.



LIFESTYLE Intervju -MAGAZINE Interview Pop art




PUTOVANJE super automobilima


Venecije do Tivta

Supercar Road trip from Venice to Tivat

Xanadu Luxury Grupa sledećeg proleća pruža uzbudljivu priliku za vožnju super automobila duž hrvatskog primorja

Pleasure & Leisure

Xanadu Luxury Group Presents Exciting Opportunity to Drive a Supercar Along the Croatian Coast Next Spring


Xanadu Luxury Grupa nudi ljubiteljima super automobila priliku da sledećeg proleća provozaju automobile poput „Ferarija“ ili „Lamborginija“ duž predivne, sunčane jadranske obale. Sveobuhvatni paket aranžman, od 24. aprila do 1. maja 2022., tokom vožnje hrvatskim primorjem od Venecije do Crne Gore, uključuje planirane posete restoranima sa Mišlenovim zvezdicama, vinarijama i vinogradima, kao i noćenja u hotelima sa pet zvezdica.

Xanadu Luxury Group is offering supercar aficionados the chance to drive a car such as a Ferrari or Lamborghini along the stunning sun-drenched Adriatic Coast next Spring. The all-inclusive package, which takes place between Monday 24 April and Sunday 1 May 2022, will encompass scheduled stops at Michelin restaurants, wineries and vineyards, and overnight stays in five-star hotels as guests drive along the Croatian coast from Venice to Montenegro.

Gosti mogu odabrati automobil koji žele da voze sa impresivne liste koja uključuje neke od najboljih super automobila na svetu, kao što su Ferrari 488 Spider, Lamborghini Huracan Performante, Bentley GTC i Aston Martin DB11 Volante.

Guests can choose the car they want to drive from an impressive list, including some of the best supercars in the world, such as a Ferrari 488 Spider, a Lamborghini Huracan Performante, Bentley GTC, and Aston Martin DB11 Volante.


Pleasure & Leisure




Pleasure & Leisure



Xanadu Luxury Grupa organizuje ovaj događaj kako bi podstakla ljude da zaborave na poteškoće u proteklih 18 meseci, da proslave nove početke, uživaju u životu i ostvare svoje snove. Ova kompanija za upravljanje životnim stilom i kupovinu imovine, Xanadu Luxury Grupa je specijalizovana za pružanje luksuznih iskustava prilagođenih potrebama kupaca. Sa ključnim partnerima širom sveta, uspešno je izgradila odnose u sektorima koji im omogućavaju da luksuzna sredstva učine pristupačnijim svojim klijentima.

Xanadu Luxury Group is organising the event to encourage people to forget about the troubles of the last 18 months, celebrate new beginnings, enjoy life, and fulfil their dreams. A lifestyle management and asset acquisition company, Xanadu Luxury Group specialises in delivering upscale bespoke experiences. With key partners around the world, they have successfully built relationships in sectors that empower them to make luxury assets more accessible for their clients.

A, kao deo svoje Zelene inicijative, Xanadu Luxury Grupa sa ponosom podržava akciju Jedno posađeno drvo i očekuje da će ukupno biti posađeno 9.731 stablo tokom ovog putovanja. Kada ova stabla porastu, očekuje se da će svake godine ukloniti preko 115.000 m3 ugljen-dioksida iz atmosfere.

And, as part of their Green Initiative, Xanadu Luxury Group is proudly supporting One Tree Planted and expect to plant a total of 9,731 trees through the Coast to Coast event. When mature, these trees can be expected to remove over 467,000 pounds of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year.


Proputovanje super automobilima od obale do obale započinje u Veneciji, u Italiji, gde se tokom branča gostima predaju njihovi izabrani automobili u luksuznom hotelu sa pet zvezdica JW Marriott na privatnom Ostrvu ruža (Isola delle Rose). Prva etapa putovanja će ih zatim odvesti do Rovinja u Hrvatskoj, sa zaustavljanjem u vinariji Kozlović na ručak po narudžbini u Vinogradu Valle.

The Coast to Coast supercar excursion begins in Venice, Italy, when guests are united with their chosen car over brunch at the luxurious five-star JW Marriott Hotel on the private island of Isola delle Rose. The first leg of the journey will then commence to Rovinj, Croatia, stopping off at Kozlovic Winery for a bespoke lunch in the Valle Vineyards.

U Rovinju će gosti odsesti u elegantnom hotelu Grand Park Hotel Rovinj koji je smešten u mirisnoj borovoj šumi na obali mora. Grand Park Hotel Rovinj ima sedam restorana i barova, od kojih je jedan i Agli Amici Rovinj sa Mišlenovom zvezdicom u srcu marine, gde će gosti večerati te noći.

In Rovinj, guests will stay at Grand Park Hotel Rovinj, an elegant seafront hotel nestled in a fragrant pine forest. Grand Park Hotel Rovinj has seven restaurants and bars, one of which is the Michelin-starred Agli Amici Rovinj in the heart of the marina, where guests will dine that evening.

Pleasure & Leisure

Nezaboravno iskustvo - Unforgettable LIFESTYLEexperience MAGAZINE



Pleasure & Leisure



Sledeća stanica u Hrvatskoj je Zadar, gde će se boraviti u hotelu Falkensteiner i uživati u mediteranskim gurmanlucima u restoranu Kaštel iz Mišlenovog vodiča za 2020. Usput će posetiti restoran Dida u Crikvenici, koji se nalazi u čarobnoj bašti uz more.

The next stop is Zadar, Croatia, to stay at the Falkensteiner Hotel and enjoy a Mediterranean gourmet experience in the Michelin 2020 Restaurant Kaštel. On the way, there will be a stop at Restaurant Dida in Crikvenica, which is set in a dreamy garden next to the sea.

Trećeg dana će gosti uživati u živopisnoj vožnji do grada Splita, i ručku u prelepoj vinariji Bibić. Predviđeno je da smeštaj te noći bude u vrhunskom, urbanom lifestyle hotelu Cornaro, u srcu grada, a večera u sofisticiranom restoranu Olive Tree pored šetališta. Sledećeg dana iz Ploča kreće trajekt za Orebić, i putovanje se nastavlja do hotela Rixos Premium u Dubrovniku, pa zatim do konačnog odredišta, Tivta u Crnoj Gori.

Day three sees guests enjoying a scenic drive to the capital, Split, and lunching at the beautiful Bibich Winery. Accommodation that night will be in the Cornaro Hotel, an exquisite urban lifestyle hotel in the heart of the city, and dinner will be at the sophisticated Olive Tree Restaurant by the promenade. The following day, a ferry sails from Ploče to Orebić, and the journey continues to the Rixos Premium Dubrovnik, and then on to its final destination, Tivat, Montenegro.

Gosti će biti smešteni u hotelu Chiedi Luštica Bay, najboljem luksuznom hotelu sa pet zvezdica u Crnoj Gori, a večeru će jesti na krovu restorana Panorama i vinskom baru. Održaće se i žurka u klubu Nikki Beach Club, modernom primorskom luksuznom lokalu u Tivatskom zalivu, a relaksacija tokom vikenda biće savršen način za odušak nakon tako nezaboravnog iskustva.

Guests will stay at the Chiedi Lustica Bay Hotel, the best five-star luxury hotel in Montenegro, and eat their evening meal on the rooftop at the Panorama Restaurant and Wine Bar. There will be a party at Nikki Beach Club, a stylish seaside boutique property on the Bay of Tivat, and a weekend of relaxation will be the perfect way to unwind after such an unforgettable experience.

MojKrojač je lider u proizvodnji premijum odeće po meri i želji klijenata. Od 2011. godine imali smo privilegiju da sarađujemo sa preko 15.000 klijenata iz Srbije i regiona. Naša specijalnost su košulje šivene po meri. Svaka naša košulja je unikat, prilikom izrade košulja naši modelari uzimaju 15 mera tela na osnovu kojih pravimo jedinstven kroj klijenta. Prilikom poručivanja klijent bira materijal i dizajnira košulju odabirom modela kragne, manžetni, tipa kopčanja kao i najsitnijih detalja u koje spadaju i inicijali klijenta. U našoj ponudi pronaći ćete odela, casual sakoe i kapute od italijanskih materijala, prsluke, polo majice, cipele britanskog brenda Base London kao džempere od najfinije Vintage Merino vune italijanskog brenda Gran Sasso. Posedujemo sopstvenu proizvodnju u Beogradu čime garantujemo vrhunski kvalitet proizvoda a naši partneri su neke od najpoznatijih svetskih kuća za proizvodnju materijala. U našoj ponudi pronaći ćete i najekskluzivnije svetske materijale za proizvodnju košulja Thomas Mason a od Januara 2022 u naš portfolio ulazi i brend Loro Piana, koji je deo čuvene Louis Vuitton grupacije, poznat po vunenim materijalima vrhunskog kvaliteta. Posetite nas u našim prodajnim salonima u Beogradu, Novom Sadu i Podgorici i videćete da idealna košulja napravljena po Vašoj meri zaista postoji. Prodajni Saloni: MojKrojač Dorćol - Zmaja od Noćaja 13 MojKrojač Airport City – Omladinskih Brigada 88 MojKrojač NS – Kosovska 18a MojKrojač Podgorica – Karađorđeva 14



PORTONOVI oaza luksuza i mira u Crnoj Gori

oases of luxury and tranquility in Montenegro

Pleasure & Leisure

Ono što je započelo kao ambiciozan projekt na prostoru bivše vojne baze Kumbor, danas je jedan od najluksuznijih rizorta u ovom delu sveta. Idilično priobalno naselje sa 1,8 kilometara obale i impresivnih 26 hektara, Portonovi danas ugošćava veliki broj značajnih razvojnih projekata. Ova očuvana destinacija kombinuje welness resurse, besprekorne nekretnine najvišeg kvaliteta kao i moderne restorane za najfinije gurmanske užitke, kako bi stvorila jedinstveni mirni, a opet luksuzni kutak koji se može nazvati domom. Na manje od sat vremena vožnje od međunarodnih aerodroma u Dubrovniku i Tivtu, Portonovi je zahvaljujući sopstvenom heliodromu istovremeno lako pristupačan onima koji preferiraju privatni aero čarter, a tu su i savremena marina i privatni garažni prostor.


“Uporedo sa poštovanjem vekovnog nasleđa same lokacije, projektni tim je u potpunosti shvatio da se zalog za budućnost mora zasnivati na ponudi koja se fokusira na potpunoj posvećenosti užitku i iskustvu koje će ostati duboko urezano u sećanje svakoga gosta i posetioca, bez obzira kojoj generaciji pripadaju“, rekao je Rashad Alijev, izvršni direktor Azmont Investments.



“While respecting the centuries-old heritage of the location itself, the project team fully understood that the legacy for the future must be based on an offer focusing on full commitment to pleasure and experience that will remain deeply etched in the memory of every guest and visitor, regardless of their age”, said Rashad Aliyev, CEO of Azmont Investments.

Pleasure & Leisure

What started as an ambitious project at the site of the former Kumbor military base, today is one of the most luxurious resorts in this part of the world. An idyllic coastal settlement with 1.8 kilometers of coastline and an impressive 26 hectares, Portonovi today is a place of a great number of significant development projects. This untouched destination combines wellness resources, exquisite real estate of the highest quality as well as modern restaurants for the finest gourmet delights, to create a unique, peaceful, yet luxurious corner to call a home. Less than an hour's drive from the international airports in Dubrovnik and Tivat, Portonovi is also easily accessible to those who prefer a private air charter, thanks to its own heliport, and it also features a modern marina and a private garage space.





Pleasure & Leisure

Obeležila je otvaranje One&Only Portonovi hotela, dodatno diverzifikujući ponudu rizorta tokom cijele godine. Globalni brend ove razmere ubrzava rastuću vidljivost Crne Gore i regiona na globalnom nivou, ali i potvrđuje posvećenost kompanije zemlji i njenoj budućnosti. Prednosti koje prvi One&Only hotel u Evropi donosi su brojne. Svaki turista, nezavisno od toga da li će biti gost ovog hotela ili našeg rizorta, sigurno će uzeti Crnu Goru u razmatranje za svoju narednu destinaciju nakon saznanja da je tako ekskluzivni brend izabrao baš ovaj jedinstveni deo sveta. Ista stvar važi i za investitore – ništa ne daje veći kredibilitet nekoj destinaciji za potencijalni izbor za investiranje kao projekti koji su već prepoznati i uspešno se razvijaju.


Takođe proslavljamo uspešno leto, s rekordnim brojem gostiju i posetilaca, ali i bogatim zabavnim programom, koji je bio idealan spoj lokalne kulture i svetski poznatih imena umetnosti i muzike. Tokom vrhunca sezone, kapaciteti u Portonovom- svih 50 stanova za iznajmljivanje, kao i prvi evropski One&Only hotel bili su potpuno popunjeni, uz trend visoke potražnje koji je trajao tokom celog septembra. Ovo je veliki uspeh, posebno imajući u vidu godinu u senci COVID-a, koja je u velikoj meri uticala na ugostiteljski sektor.


Nemački kvalitet - German quality

We are also celebrating a successful summer, with a record number of guests and visitors, but also a rich entertainment program, which was an ideal blend of local culture and world-famous names in the sphere of art and music. During the peak of the season, the capacity in Portonovi - all 50 apartments for rent, as well as the first European One & Only hotel were fully booked, with a trend of high demand that lasted throughout September. This is a great success, especially considering the year which has been overshadowed by the COVID-19 that greatly affected the hospitality sector.

Pleasure & Leisure

It marked the opening of the One & Only Portonovi hotel, further diversifying the resort’s offer throughout the year. A global brand of this scale accelerates the growing visibility of Montenegro and the region at the global level, but also confirms the company's commitment to the country and its future. The benefits that the first One & Only hotel in Europe brings are numerous. Every tourist, whether being a future guest of this hotel or our resort, will surely take Montenegro into consideration for the next destination after learning that such an exclusive brand has chosen this unique part of the world. The same applies to investors nothing gives more credibility to a destination as a potential investment choice then projects that have already been recognized and and are successfully developing.




PORTONOVI – DODATA VREDNOST ZA SVE KOJI ŽELE DA POSEDUJU NEKRETNINU Oni koji žele da poseduju nekretninu u ovom izuzetnom rizortu, treba da znaju da je ponuda nekretnina u Portonovom svetske klase - Village Residences slave nasleđe Bokokotorskog zaliva, prelepe Marina Residences sa pogledom na more i Sky Villas, dragulji u kruni Portonovog; svaka ponuda je raznolika koliko i luksuzna. Za investitore koji traže najviši nivo privatnosti, očaravajuće Sky Villas sa dve ili tri spavaće sobe su dupleks penthausi na dva sprata, od kojih svaki poseduje privatni ulaz u lift i privatni infinity bazen površine 26-32 m2.

Pleasure & Leisure

Sa brzorastućom ekonomijom i turističkom industrijom koja privlači međunarodne investitore, nekretnine u Portonovom nude snažan povraćaj investicija, a kako se Crna Gora kreće ka članstvu u EU, strane investicije i ulaganja finansirana od strane EU u zemlji se takođe intenziviraju. U 10 najvećih investicionih projekata na primorju uložene su skoro 3 milijarde eura, zbog čega je ovaj deo Crne Gore dobio naziv „sledeća francuska rivijera“. Sve u svemu, poreski režimi u zemlji su među najkonkurentnijim u Evropi, sa stopom od 9 procenata koja se odražava na dobit preduzeća, kapitalnu dobit i lični prihod.


Portonovi je već prepoznat i kao hub za privlačenje takozvanih mikro-investitora, pažljivo biranih da korisničko iskustvo i uslugu podignu na naredni nivo. Dodatno, sve ovo podiže stopu zaposlenosti i konkurentnost na tržištu, ali i promociju ponude lokalnih poljoprivrednika i drugih proizvođača. Promocija tradicije, kulture i gastronomskog nasljeđa Boke kotorske su u samoj srži našeg poslovanja i jedan od načina na koje vraćamo zajednici. Za više informacija posetite ili pozovite +382 31 355 375 / +382 67 994 994.

PORTONOVI - ADDED VALUE FOR EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO OWN A PROPERTY Those who want to own a property in this exceptional resort, should know that the real estate on offer in Portonovi is world class - Village Residences celebrate the heritage of the Bay of Kotor, the beautiful Marina Residences overlooking the sea and Sky Villas, jewels in the crown of Portonovi; each offer is as diverse as it is luxurious. For investors looking for the highest level of privacy, the enchanting two- or three-bedroom Sky Villas are duplex penthouses on two floors, each with a private entrance to the elevator and a private infinity pool of 26-32 m2.

Nemački kvalitet - German quality

Almost 3 billion euros have been invested in the 10 largest investment projects on the coast, which is why this part of Montenegro has been named the "next French Riviera". Overall, the country's tax regimes are among the

With a fast-growing economy and tourism industry attracting international investors, the real estate in Portonovi offers a strong return on investment, and as Montenegro moves towards EU membership, the foreign and EU-funded investments in the country are also intensifying.

Portonovi has already been recognized as a hub for attracting so-called microinvestors, carefully chosen to take the customer experience and service to the next level. Consequently, all this raises the employment rate and competitiveness on the market, but also promotes the offer of local farmers and other producers. The promotion of tradition, culture and gastronomic heritage of the Bay of Kotor are at the very core of our business and one of the ways of giving back to the community. For more information, visit www. or call +382 31 355 375 / +382 67 994 994.

Pleasure & Leisure

most competitive in Europe, with a rate of 9 percent reflecting on the corporate profits, capital gains and personal income.






Vaša lična bajka

N Pleasure & Leisure

i nalik drugim hotelima, Prezident Palace Belgrade hotel predstavlja omaž životu kraljevskog para Marije Antoanete i kralja Luija XVI i to u samom srcu starog dela Beograda. Od samog ulaska u glamurozno osvetljen lobi, dizajniranog sa dodirom Francuske visoko sofisticirane elegancije, Prezident Palace hotel će svakog gosta povesti na jedinstveno putovanje kroz vreme, skroz do vremena baroka, balova i luskuznog stila života.


Dizajn eterijera, ali i samog nameštaja prepuštena je prestižnoj kući Atelier F, pod idejom gospodina Pierra Fantina. Izrada nameštaja je rađena sa puno pažnje i to čak 5 godina – uključujući proces dizajna, biranja unikatnih materijala visokog kvaliteta, izrade ručno rađenih detalja sa tehnikom pozlaćivanja koja je izuterno cenjena u čitavom svetu. Neki od materijala su jedinstveni, poput crvenog pliša koji se može videti još samo u prostorijama Bele kuće, zavese su krojene od mešavine najfinije svile, kadife i pliša dok se za izradu recepcije hotela koristio granit i onix donet sa područja Ekvadora. Masivni kristalni lusteri su rađeni po uzoru na one koji se viđaju u Versaju i njegovim balskim dvoranama. Uz umetnine postavljene kroz čitav hotel koje datiraju iz doba poslednjeg monarhskog para, svi detalji zaista prostoru daju utisak veličanstvene bajke, što donekle i jeste njihova namena – da svaki gost hotel doživi kao svoju ličnu bajku.

Prezident Palace hotel nudi 60 luskuzno opremljenih soba i prestižnih apartmana. Svaka soba je pažljivo osmišljena da inspiriše Vaš boravak i pruži nezaboravno iskustvo života kraljevskog para Kralja Luija XVI i Marije Antoanete. Neverovatan Spa centar koji se prostire na preko 1000 m2, daće vam priliku da opustite telo i razbistrite um nakon napornog i užurbanog dana. Luksuz u gatsronomskom užitku u restoranima Prezident Palace hotela. Svojom autentičnom ponudom i unikatnim detaljima, restoran Marie Antoinette, predstavlja savršeni spoj sofisticiranog dizajna i hedonizma sa pogledom na panoramu grada, dok je Lobby Restaurant & Bar idealno mesto za poslovne ručkove uz čašu vina ali i za popodnevni čaj u udobnoj atmosferi uz opuštajuće tonove sa klavira.

Osmatrajući prelepu panoramu grada sa krova hotela, u Sky baru na X spratu, možete uživati u pogledu i zalaske sunca dok uživate u omiljenom koktelu sa Prezident potpisom. Uz bazen pod otvorenim nebom, nema sumnje da je upravo luksuz reč koja najbolje opisuje boravak u Prezident Palace hotelu.

Uz moderan i fleksibilan pristup poslovanju i ugostiteljstvu garantujemo da ćete iz našeg hotela poneti samo najbolje uspomene o kojima ćete govoriti godinama koje slede.

Pleasure & Leisure

Imajući u vidu potrebe poslovnog čoveka u brzom svetu današnjice, na raspolaganju su i sale za sastanke koje će svaki poslovni susret učiniti nezaboravnim a svaki korporativni događaj će biti događaj godine.






Your personal fairy tale

Pleasure & Leisure

U 48

nlike any other hotel, the Prezident Palace Belgrade hotel pays a homage to the life of the royal couple of Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI in the heart of the old part of Belgrade. From the very entrance to the glamorously lit lobby, designed with a touch of sophisticated French elegance, the Prezident Palace Hotel will take each guest on a unique journey through time, all the way to the time of the Baroque, balls and luxurious lifestyle.

The design of the interior, as well as the furniture itself, was entrusted to the prestigious Atelier F, under the guidance of ​​ Mr. Pierre Fantino. A lot of attention was paid to the production of furniture which took as long as 5 years - including the design process, choosing unique high quality materials, making handmade details with the gilding technique which is highly valued all over the world. Some of the materials are unique, such as red plush which can only be seen in the White House, the curtains are made of a combination of the finest silk, velvet and plush, while granite and onyx brought from Ecuador were used to make the hotel reception. Massive crystal chandeliers are modeled on those seen in Versailles and its ballrooms. With works of art placed throughout the hotel dating back to the time of the last monarch couple, all the details really imbue the space with the sense of a magnificent fairy tale, which is to some extent their purpose - to make each guest experience the hotel as their personal fairy tale.

The Prezident Palace Hotel offers 60 luxuriously furnished rooms and prestigious suites. Each room is carefully designed to inspire your stay and provide an unforgettable experience of the lifestyle of the royal couple of King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. The amazing Spa, covering over 1000 m2, will give you the opportunity to relax your body and clear your mind after a hard and busy day. Luxury in gastronomic pleasure in the restaurants of the Prezident Palace Hotel. With its authentic offer and unique details, the Marie Antoinette restaurant is a perfect combination of sophisticated design and hedonism offering a panoramic view of the city, while Lobby Restaurant & Bar is an ideal place for business lunches with a glass of wine but also for afternoon tea in a cozy atmosphere while listening to the relaxing tones of the piano.

Watching the stunning panorama of the city from the roof of the hotel, at the Sky bar on the X floor, you may enjoy the view of the sunset while sipping your favorite cocktail with the Prezident's signature. With an outdoor pool, there is no doubt that luxury is the word that best describes your stay at the Prezident Palace Hotel.

With a modern and flexible approach to business and hospitality, we guarantee that you will take from our hotel only the best memories that you will talk about for years to come.

Pleasure & Leisure

Having in mind the needs of business people in today's fast-paced world, there are also meeting rooms available that will make every business meeting unforgettable and every corporate event will be the event of the year.




IWC schaffhausen and


Moving forward

Povodom 78. susreta članova auto-moto kluba u Gudvudu, firma IWC Schaffhausen i Hot Wheels™ proslavili su povratak u ovo mesto predstavivši kolekcionarski komplet pod nazivom „IWC x Hot Wheels™ Racing Works”.


Istovremeno, trkački tim ove marke, IWC Racing, učestvovao je u trci za trofej Stirlinga Mosa. Za volanom legendarnog automobila Mercedes-Benz 300 SL “Gullwing” bila je Austrijanka Laura Kraiamer. Ograničen na 50 komada, ovaj kolekcionarski set IWC x Hot Wheels™ „Racing Works” sastoji se od ručnog sata Pilot's Watch Chronograph Edition „IWC x Hot Wheels™ Racing Works” i replike automobila Hot Wheels Mercedes-Benz 300 SL „Racing Works Edition”, koji su upakovani u metalnu kutiju za alat. Prvi komplet će na onlajn aukciji prodati međunarodna aukcijska kuća Bonhams, a prihod je namenjen fondaciji Two Bit Circus. Ova neprofitna organizacija omogućuje deci učenje kroz iskustvo kako bi kod njih probudila preduzetnički duh, potpomogla mlade pronalazače i usadila im brigu o prirodnoj sredini.


Značajna saradnja - Landmark LIFESTYLE Collaboration MAGAZINE

On the occasion of the 78th Goodwood Members’ Meeting, IWC Schaffhausen and Hot Wheels™ celebrated the return to Goodwood with the unveiling of the “IWC x Hot Wheels™ Racing Works” collector’s set.

Moving forward

Simultaneously, the brand’s motorsport team, IWC Racing, lined up on the grid for the Stirling Moss trophy. At the wheel of the iconic Mercedes-Benz 300 SL “Gullwing” was Austrian racing driver Laura Kraihamer. Limited to 50 pieces, the IWC x Hot Wheels™ “Racing Works” collector’s set contains the Pilot’s Watch Chronograph Edition “IWC x Hot Wheels™ Racing Works” and the Hot Wheels Mercedes-Benz 300 SL “Racing Works Edition”, presented in a metal toolbox. The first set will be auctioned online by international auction house Bonhams with the proceeds going to the Two Bit Circus Foundation. This non-profit organization creates learning experiences for children to inspire entrepreneurship, encourage young inventors and instill environmental stewardship.



Watches & Jewellery



Velika pažnja posvećena detaljima, nepokolebljiva predanost izvrsnosti i spremnost da se nadmaše granice i očekivanja: ove zajedničke vrednosti ujedinjuju IWC Schaffhausen i Hot Wheels, dva brenda poznata po pomeranju granica performansi i dizajna. Oba legende u svojim oblastima. Pre nego što je postigao status legende u automobilskoj industriji i industriji igračaka (najprodavanija igračka na svetu sa 20.000 različitih modela i preko 8 milijardi prodatih autića), Hot Wheels počeo je snom. Kada je Eliot Hendler, suosnivač kompanije Mattel, stvorio prvu generaciju autića marke Hot Wheels u Južnoj Kaliforniji 1968. godine, namera mu je bila da napravi igračku atraktivnog izgleda i boljih performansi od modela automobila tog vremena. Kako bi ostvario svoju viziju, angažovao je konstruktora automobila kompanije General Motors i stručnjaka za raketnu tehniku. Oni su spojili stil karakterističan za automobilsku industriju Detroita i kosmički dizajn s upečatljivim Spectraflame™ bojama i brzim točkovima sa crvenim linijama kako bi stvorili originalni model „Original 16“. Danas je Hot Wheels globalna sila automobilske kulture koja ujedinjuje ljubitelje automobila, trkače, proizvođače i dizajnere svih uzrasta širom sveta.


Snežni vuk - MAGAZINE Snow Wolf LIFESTYLE Legedne - Legends

Meticulous attention to detail, an unwavering commitment to excellence and a willingness to surpass boundaries and expectations: These shared values unite IWC Schaffhausen and Hot Wheels, two brands famous for testing the limits of performance and design. Both are legends in their fields.

Moving forward

Before achieving the status of a legend in the automotive and toy industries (the world’s bestselling toy with 20,000 designs and over 8 billion cars sold), Hot Wheels began with a dream. When Elliot Handler, co-founder of Mattel, created the first generation of Hot Wheels in Southern California in 1968, he wanted to make a toy car that looked cooler and performed better than model cars of that time. To fulfil his vision, he enlisted a GM car designer and a qualified rocket scientist. Together, they combined Detroit auto styling and space-age design cues with striking Spectraflame™ paint finishes and fast “redline” wheels to create the original Hot Wheels “Original 16”. Today, Hot Wheels is the global powerhouse of vehicle culture, uniting car enthusiasts, racers, builders and designers of every age across the globe.




Watches & Jewellery

Slično kao i Hot Wheels, nasleđe kompanije IWC duboko je ukorenjeno u američki pionirski duh i preduzetništvo. Godine 1868, 100 godina pre nego što je Eliot Hendler lansirao Hot Wheels, američki proizvođač satova i inženjer Florentajn Ariosto Džounz uneo je revoluciju u tadašnju industriju satova kada je osnovao kompaniju International Watch Company u Šafhauzenu. Kombinujući vrhunsku veštinu švajcarskih časovničara s najnovijom američkom tehnologijom proizvodnje, Džounz je stvorio visokokvalitetne džepne satove za američko tržište. Na temelju nasleđa ovog brenda u izradi robusnih i pouzdanih instrumentalnih satova za vazduhoplovstvo i navigaciju, svet automobilskog dizajna i motornih trka dugo je bio ključna asocijacija za IWC. Od partnerstva s kompanijom MercedesAMG i Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 timom do sponzorisanja trka GT i klasičnih automobila, IWC je usko povezan s mnogim aspektima auto-moto sporta. Godine 2018. švajcarski proizvođač luksuznih satova osnovao je svoj trkački tim, IWC Racing, koji je od tada učestvovao na raznim trkama klasičnih automobila, sa legendarnim automobilom MercedesBenz 300 SL „Gullwing” iz 1955. godine.


I sat „IWC x Hot Wheels™ Racing Works” iz kolekcije pod nazivom Pilot’s Watch Chronograph Edition i auto Hot Wheels Mercedes-Benz 300 SL „Racing Works Edition” nose broj 68 – suptilno odavanje počasti godini 1868., odnosno 1968. kada su osnovani IWC i Hot Wheels. Osim toga, unikatno pakovanje čini ovaj komplet još ekskluzivnijim: hronograf i replika automobila smešteni su u metalnu kutiju za alat srebrno-crne boje. Kutija sadrži i uputstvo za korišćenje sata, knjižicu o projektu i pločicu s pripadajućim pojedinačnim brojem kompleta.


Snežni vuk - MAGAZINE Snow Wolf LIFESTYLE Legedne - Legends

Much like Hot Wheels, IWC’s heritage is deeply rooted in American pioneering spirit and entrepreneurship. In 1868, 100 years before Elliot Handler launched Hot Wheels, the American watchmaker and engineer Florentine Ariosto Jones revolutionized the watch industry of the day when he founded the International Watch Company in Schaffhausen. Combining the superior skill of Swiss watchmakers with the latest American manufacturing technology, Jones created high-quality pocket watch movements for the US market. Based on the brand’s heritage of manufacturing robust and reliable instrument watches for aviation and navigation, the world of automotive design and motor racing has long been a key association for IWC. From partnerships with MercedesAMG and the Mercedes-AMG Petronas Formula One Team to sponsoring GT and classic car races, IWC is closely involved with many facets of motorsport. In 2018, the Swiss luxury watchmaker founded its own racing team, IWC Racing, which has since competed at various classic car races, racing the legendary 1955 MercedesBenz 300 SL “Gullwing”.

Watches & Jewellery

The Pilot’s Watch Chronograph Edition “IWC x Hot Wheels™ Racing Works” and the Hot Wheels Mercedes-Benz 300 SL “Racing Works Edition” both bear the number 68 – a subtle nod to 1868 and 1968 respectively when IWC and Hot Wheels were founded. In addition, bespoke packaging makes the set even more exclusive: The chronograph and the model car are presented in a metal toolbox in silver and black. The case also contains the instruction manual for the watch, a booklet about the project and a limitation plate with the individual corresponding set number.






postao novi



Watches & Jewellery

Novak Đoković se pridružio porodici brenda "Hublot", koju čine legendarni sportisti kao što su Pele, Kilijan Mbape, Usein Bolt i Dastin Džonson. Par dana pred početak US opena, prvi teniser sveta odlučio je da postane ambasador luksuznog švajcarskog proizvođača satova.


Novak Djokovic has joined the Hublot family in the company of such legendary sportsmen as Pelé, Kylian Mbappé, Usain Bolt and Dustin Johnson. A few days before the start of the US Open, the world's No. 1 tennis player has opted to become an ambassador for the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer.


Pleasure Moving forward Watches & Jewellery Leisure

Značajna saradnja - Landmark LIFESTYLE Collaboration MAGAZINE



Watches & Jewellery



”Izuzetna nam je čast što se Novak Đoković pridružio našoj divnoj Hublot porodici. Reč je o igraču koji stvara tenisku istoriju time što je jedinstven, prvi i drugačiji, što je upravo naš moto. Ovo je veliki dan za Hublot!„ Ricardo Guadalupe, Hublot CEO

"We are particularly honoured to have the great Novak Djokovic join our beautiful Hublot family. He is a player who makes tennis history by being unique, first and different, which is exactly our motto. It’s a great day for Hublot!" Ricardo Guadalupe, Hublot CEO

”Kao sportista koji ima ambiciju da ostvaruje istorijske rezultate u tenisu, ponosan sam na to što mi se ukazala prilika da se pridružim Hublot porodici, čiji su članovi elitni sportisti koji su ostavili veliki trag i postali legende, kao što su Pele ili Usein Bolt. Uz Hublot možemo još mnogo toga da osvojimo, zajedno!„ Novak Đokovic

"As an athlete driven by the ambition to make history in tennis, I am particularly proud of the opportunity to join the Hublot family, which already boasts athletes who have left their mark on their respective disciplines by becoming legends like Pelé or Usain Bolt. With Hublot, we still have so much to win, together!" Novak Djokovic

Fuzija - Fusion

Nema potrebe da se predstavlja Novak Đoković - njegovi rezultati govore za sebe. Srpski teniser osvojio je sve: 85 titula u singlu na ATP tour-u, uključujući 20 grend slemova, 5 završnih mastersa, 36 masters 1000 titula, uz jednu olimpijsku medalju. Pre više od deset godina, u julu 2011., probio se na sam vrh ATP liste, što je pozicija koju i danas drži...337 nedelja kasnije. Novak je jedini teniser u Otvorenoj eri koji je osvojio najmanje po dve titule u singlu na svakom od grend slem turnira. Već živa legenda, ali i dalje na vrhu svoje igre, Novak Đoković je odlučio da se pridruži velikoj porodici ambasadora brenda "Hublot". Novak deli mnoge sličnosti sa ovom švajcarskom kompanijom, među kojima važno mesto zauzima neumorna potraga za izvrsnošću i performansama. To je nešto čime se timovi brenda "Hublot" izuzetno ponose, i dočekuju čoveka koji se iz dana u dan dokazuje kao najbolji teniser svih vremena. Gem, set i meč za Noleta i "Hublot"!

No need to introduce Novak Djokovic – his record speaks for itself. The Serbian tennis player has won everything: 85 singles titles on the ATP circuit, including 20 Grand Slams, 5 Masters and 36 Masters 1000 and an Olympic medal. His career propelled him to the top of the ATP rankings more than ten years ago, in July 2011, a position he still holds today… after 337 weeks. He is the only player in the Open era to have won at least twice each Grand Slam tournaments.Grand Slam tournaments. Already a living legend, but still at the top of his game, Novak Djokovic has decided to join the great family of Hublot ambassadors. He shares many similarities with the Swiss watchmaking company Hublot, not the least of which is the relentless pursuit of excellence and performance. This is a great source of pride for the Hublot teams, who welcome the man who proves himself day after day as the greatest tennis player of all time. Game, set and match for “Nole” and Hublot!




CVEJIC i Yo2 Designs Fantasmagoria je ekskluzivna kolekcija tapeta i prostirki specijalno dizajniranih za kompaniju Yo2 Designs. Fantasmagoria: Imala sam san... San o magičnom prostoru bez ikakvih vizuelnih granica ili ograničenja stvarnosti. Eklektičan dizajn koji koketira sa neočekivanim objektima, stilovima i smelom paletom boja.

Pleasure Art & Living & Leisure

Koristeći arhitekturu, lukove i crno-bele viktorijanske podove da bi se dobila vizuelna iluzija perspektive dubokog prostoraa. Ova zemlja fantazije, krunisana džinovskim papagajima, rezultira zidovima i podovima koji izgledaju kao sekvencija fantastičnih slika, kao one koje se vide u snu.


Rezultat je ova kolekcija koja je maštovit način da ukrasite svoje mesto i date jedinstven estetski izgled vašem prostoru. Ova zemlja snova će vam sigurno ulepšati svakodnevicu. Dobrodošli u moju Fantasmagoriju!



Links: Ana Wallpapers Rugs

Art & Living

Designed by: Ana Cvejic –idea boutique-



CVEJIC x Yo2 Designs

Fantasmagoria is an exclusive collection of wallpapers and rugs specially designed for Yo2 Designs company. Fantasmagoria: I have a dream... A dream of magic space without any visual boundaries or limits of reality. Eclectic design that coquets with unexpected objects and styles, with bold color palette. Using architecture, arches and black and white Victorian checkerboard look

floors to get visual illusion of deep space perspective. This fantasyland, crowned by giant parrots results with walls and floors that look like a sequence of fantasy images, like those seen in a dream. The result is this collection that is an imaginative way to decorate your place and give a unique aesthetic look to your space. This dreamland will surely brighten up your everyday life. Welcome to my Fantasmagoria! Designed by: Ana Cvejic –idea boutique-


Art & Living

Kolekcija tapate - Collection LIFESTYLE of wallpapers MAGAZINE







Sound healing with Irina Decermic

Pijanistkinja, kompozitorka i multimedijalna umetnica, čija muzička karijera traje već 30 godina, Irina Dečermić uplovila je nedavno u novu avanturu zvanu TERAPIJA ZVUKOM.

Art & Living

A pianist, composer and multimedia artist, whose musical career spans over 30 years, Irina Deermić recently embarked on a new adventure called SOUND HEALING.



Nešto što je u svetu poznato u izvornom nazivu ‘’Sound Healing’’, kod nas se, zahvaljujući upravo Irini, prihvata sa interesovanjem.

This kind of therapy is slowly being accepted in our country thank’s to Irina’s efforts and dedication.

Irina je iskoristila period korone da se posveti u potpunosti ovoj terapiji. Svoj muzički atelje opremila je mnoštvom zanimljivih isceljujućih instrumenata, kao što su Alhemijske kristalne „pevajuće” bole, različiti setovi (medisicnskih) zvučnih viljuški: OHM OTTO, Solfeđo frekvencije , Planetarne,SOLAR HARMONICS, kao i razliciti bubnjevi, gongovi i monokord.

Irina used the period of coronavirus pandemic to dedicate herself completely to this therapy. She equipped her music studio with various healing instruments such as: Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls, different sets of ( medical )tuning forks: OHM ,OTTO, Solfeggio, Planetary, Solar Harmonics. Also drums, gongs and monochord.

Ova neverbalna terapija se zasniva na istočnjačkoj medicini. To je oblik vibracione medicine i jedan je od najstarijih oblika lečenja, koje je danas podržano naučnim istrazivanjima o njenoj lekovitosti.

This is a non-verbal therapy based on Eastern medicine. Sound healing is a form of vibrational medicine and is one of the oldest forms of treatment which is today supported by scientific evidence of it’s healing properties.

Art & Living

Virtuelna realnost LIFESTYLE / Virtual MAGAZINE reality




Art & Living

Zasniva se na naučnim principima da sve ćelije u našem telu, vibriraju, preciznom frekvencijom kada su zdrave i disonantnom frekvencijom kada nisu.


„Korišćenje podešenih instrumenata, sa dubokim vibracijama, može uravnotežiti ove disonantne frekvencije i vratiti ih u harmoniju. Rezonantne vibracije, ritmovi i tonovi mogu da uravnoteže moždane hemisfere, nivoe stresa, pa čak i napetost u telesnim tkivima i ćelijama koji se nalaze u neskladu ili disharmoniji (bolesti). Naučne studije pokazuju da zvuk može da proizvede promene u autonomnom, imunološkom, endokrinom i neuropeptidnom sistemu. Zvuk proizvodi snažne vibracije, a pošto smo mi po prirodi vibraciona bića, naša struktura se transformiše kretanjem tog zvuka.’’ – kaže Irina.

Iti s a form of Vibrational Medicine and is based on the scientific principles that all matter, and most importantly, the cells in your body, vibrate to a precise frequency when healthy and to a dissonant frequency when in dis-ease. "The use of tuned, deep vibration instruments can balance these dissonant frequencies and bring them back into harmony. Resonant vibrations, rhythms and tones can balance brain hemispheres, stress levels, and even tension in body tissues and cells that are in disbalance or disharmony (disease). Scientific studies show that sound can produce changes in the autonomic, immune, endocrine and neuropeptide systems. Every atom, molecule, cell, gland, and organ of the human body absorbs and emits sound. Sound produces strong vibrations, and since we are vibrational beings by nature, our structure is transformed by the movement, frequency and vibration of that sound.", explains Irina.

luxury Značaj i efekti ove terapije: Organi i ćelije našeg tela apsorbuju i emituju zvuk i zato ciljanom upotrebom prirodne energije zvuka unapređujemo zdravlje i pomažemo telu da se samo izleči. Zvučni talasi obnavljaju protok vitalne energije i podstiču nas da vibriramo na frekvenciji zdravlja. Vibracija se putem vode prenosi kroz čitavo telo koje predstavlja izvrstan medij, jer oko 60% telesne mase odraslog muškarca i žene čini voda.

Imortance and effects of this therapy: The organs and cells of our body absorb sound, and therefore targeted natural energy of sound is used to improve health and help the body to regenerate. Sound waves are restoring the flow of vital energy because vibration is transmitted throughout the whole body by means of water which is an excellent medium, since about 60% of the body weight of adult men and women is made up of water.

Terapija zvukom takođe može da se doživi i kao koncert koji se izvodi samo za vas! Pronađite Studio Terapija zvukom Irine Dečermić, u Beogradu, i častite sebe ovom magičnom terapijom.

Sound Healing therapy can also be understood as a concert performed on you and just for you! Find Irina Dečermić’s Sound Healing studio in Belgrade and treat yourself with this magical therapy.

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Find Irina Dečermić’s Sound Healing studio in Belgrade and treat yourself with this magical thearpay More info :

Art & Living





Da li volite

grafiku? Do you love Prints?


Art & Living

rafika je dragoceni prikaz umetnikovog najvirtuoznijeg poznavanja crtanja i komponovanja slike. Tehnika urezivanja u ploču ili crtanja na litografskom kamenu dokazuje vladanje crtežom ili pak slikanja bojama. Možda je grafika i najznačajniji deo slikarevog umeća, pošto traži nepogrešivu i sigurnu liniju, koja ne dozvoljava greške. Naime, urez u bakarnu ploču traži virtuoznu ruku i ne da se izbrisati – a vizija izrađenog grafičkog lista traži jasno umetnikovo viđenje kompozicije i konačnog umetničkog utiska u zrcalnoj slici nacrtanog, jer se list otiskuje od ploče na grafički papir u pozitivu.


Prvi otisci pojavili su se oko 200 – 300 godine u Kini i Japanu, i to na svili. Koristili su se za dekoraciju ili oznaku skupocene odeće, dok su u kasnijim vekovima,sa pronalaskom papira, umetnici na dalekom istoku počeli sa korišćenjem tehnike drvoreza, paralelno sa slikanjem na svili ili rolnama papira. Bili su to skupoceni izvodi grafika za kolekcije viših slojeva i često


he graphic print is a very exquisite way of showing the artists’ knowledge of drawing as well as portraying his skill of image composition. The technique of engraving the plate or drawing onto the lithograph stone proves how well the artist can master drawing or even painting in color. Printmaking may be a painters’ most important skill, since it demands a steady and confident hand, which does not allow for any mistakes. Engraving a copper plate requires a virtuosic hand, since it cannot be erased; a vision of the final graphic print requires the artist to have a clear idea of the composition and the final impression that he wants to portray in the drawn mirror image, since the image is printed from the plate (negative surface) onto graphic paper (positive surface) in reverse. The first prints, which began to appear around 200-300 AD in China and Japan, were printed on silk. They were mostly used for decoration and for marking expensive clothing, whereas in later centuries, and after the discovery of paper, artists in the Far East began



I u Evropi su, malo kasnije, njegovi drvorezi postali jako poznati: pogotovo list nazvan »Veliki val«, koji je imao velikog utiecaja u kreacijama nekih umetnika, pogotovo u Francuskoj. Sa početkom Guttenbergovog štamparskog izuma, počeli su i umetnici, kreatori i istražitelji novih mogućnosti za svoj stvaralački izražaj, eksperimentisati obradom bakarnih ploča za tiskanje grafike i proširenje svoje umetnosti. Veliki umetnici, poput Albrehta Direra su već u renesansi, a sto godina kasnije i Rembrandt van Rijn, iza sebe ostavili ogroman grafički opus,

exploring the technique called “woodcut”, while they were still drawing on silk or paper scrolls. These were expensive prints that were sold to the upper classes and they frequently portrayed intimate and sexual motifs. These prints also served as maps, or they portrayed images of certain Japanese landscapes. At the beginning of the 19th century, the artist (called) Hokusai made exquisitely composed woodcuts of some of Japan’s most beautiful landscapes. With this he popularized art to a broader audience. His prints were reproduced in thousands of copies, because the wooden plate could handle this many copies, unlike copper or zinc plates. A while later Hokusai’s prints became very well known in Europe, especially “The Great Wave off Kanagawa”, which greatly influenced some of the artworks of other artists of the time, especially in France. With the invention of the Gutenberg printing press, artists and creators alike began exploring new opportunities for their creative expression. They

Art & Living

su se bavile intimnom i seksualnom tematikom. Služili su i kao mape ili prikazi odredjenih krajolika Japana. Početkom 19. veka umetnik Hokusai sa izuzetno komponovanim drvorezima krajolikaJapana popularizuje na nivo umetnosti za široku publiku. Njegove grafike su se otiskivale u hiljade primeraka, pošto drvena ploča to može da podnese, za razliku od bakarne ili cinkove.




kojim su se proslavili širom Evrope kao nedostižni virtuozi crtanja i kompozicije, sa do današnjih dana zapanjujuće intrigantno zanimljivim grafičkim listovima, koje se traže po umetničkim aukcijama.

Art & Living

Verovatno svi poznaju Direrovu»Melanholiju«, slavni bakrorez o kojem još raspravljaju generacije filozofa i istoričara umetnosti, kao i njegov grafički list »Apokalipsa« koje i danas traže kolekcionari širom sveta. Neke od tih grafika imale su vekovima isti glamurozni status kao u današnje vreme Vorholova serija sitotiska »Merilin» ili »Kempbels sup«.


U 18. veku grafika ponovo budi zanimanje umetnika, a najjači opus u to vreme stvorio je Francisko Goja. Njegovi značajni grafički ciklusi »Strahote rata« i »Caprichos« su po jačini i potresnosti izraza jedinstveni u istoriji slikarstva. Za vreme impresionizma, pojavila se potreba odslikavanja u bojama i u grafici – tako da su

experimented by drawing on copper plates and creating prints, which expanded their art to a wider audience. Great artists such as Albrecht Dürer, a Renaissance painter, and a hundred years later Rembrandt van Rijn, left behind a vast opus of graphic prints, which also made them renowned across Europe as some of the most prominent painters and image composers. Their exquisitely fascinating graphic prints are nowadays still some of the most sought after works of art at art auctions. Everyone has probably heard of Dürer’s work “Melancholy”, a famous engraving that still stirs the minds of many philosophers and art historians to this day. “Apocalypse” is another example of his graphic print, which has not lost its popularity, and is still sought after by collectors across the world. Some of these prints have held on to their glamorous reputation for centuries, on par with today’s Warhol’s series of silkscreens such, as “Marilyn” and “Campbell Soup”.

Intervju - Interview Pop art



slikari tada više voleli upotrebljavati litografski kamen, koji je dozvoljavao slobodnu upotrebu boja, a slikari Dega, Tulus-Lutrek i Gauguin ostavili su iza sebe mnoge izuzetne grafičke listove upravo u litografijama ili drvorezu. U 2o. veku skoro nema slikara, koji se sporedno, možda upravo zbog dokazivanja svog crtaćkog umeća, nije bavio grafikom i njenim raznovrsnim mogučnostima izraza. Nezaobilazni su opusi četvorice velikana umetnosti tog veka: Pabla Pikasa, Marka Šagala, Salvadora Dalija i Đoana Miroa, koji su iza sebe ostavili možda najbrojniji i najkvalitetniji opus upravo u grafičkim radovima. Sredinom 20 veka, sa pojavom POP art-a i kod velikih imena savremene umetnosti: Robertom Raušenbergom, Rojem Lihtenštajnom a ponajviše sa Endijem Vorholom, sitoštampa postaje kraljica grafičkih tehnika, koja dozvoljava jednostavno nanošenje boje na velikim površinama. Te grafike, jako popularnih motiva, su uvek bile dobro kontrolisane i označene. Zbog toga nije čudo da je danas pojedine radove, na primer originalnu grafiku »Marilyn«, »Mao« ili poneki pop motiv Roja Lihtenštajna teško pronaći na aukcijama umetnosti i da su iznosi za pojedinačne grafičke listove velikih majstora još uvek basnoslovni.

In the 18th century, graphic printing awakened the artists’ interests again, with Francisco Goya creating one of the most powerful opuses of the time. His most significant graphic works, titled “The Disasters of War” and “Los caprichos”, are unique in the history of art in the way they manage to capture and portray the extreme expression of painting.

During Impressionism, the need to print in color developed among artists, and for this purpose they started using the lithograph plate, which allowed for a free use of color. Artists such as Degas, Toulouse-Lautrec and Gauguin left behind an exceptional collection of graphic prints, especially lithographs and woodcuts. It could almost be said that there wasn’t a single artist in the 20th century who didn’t explore the art of printmaking. This is perhaps due to the need to showcase one’s drawing skill, whilst exploring the vast possibilities of expression all through print. One has to mention the undeniable geniuses of the 20th century printmaking: Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, Joan Miró and Salvador Dalí. Some of their best works, which they left behind in their legacy, were precisely in graphic prints.

Art & Living

In the mid-twentieth century, with the emergence of Pop Art and some of the biggest names in art at the time, such as Robert Rauschenberg, Roy Lichtenstein and of course Andy Warhol, silkscreen became the “queen” among print techniques, which allowed for easy application of color onto large surfaces.


The production of these prints, which usually portrayed very popular motifs, was always very strictly controlled and meticulously numbered. Therefore, it is no wonder that some works, such as Warhol’s original graphic prints “Marilyn” and “Mao” or some of Lichtenstein’s prints, are very hard to find at art auctions today and that the amounts paid for individual prints of the great masters are still staggering.



Živa Škodlar Vujić

Visconti Fine Art was established in 1974 in Milan, Italy, and since 1991 it has been operating in Ljubljana as one of the first private art galleries in the region. Visconti Fine Art mostly represents internationally acclaimed artists, though it also boasts a large collection of artists from the former Yugoslavia region, (Vladimir Veličković, Dušan Džamonja, IRWIN Group, Gabrijel Stupica, etc.) which it showcased throughout the years on many international art fairs, such as Art Basel, Art Bologna, FIAC Paris, SAGA Paris and ARCO Madrid. In recent years, the gallery has been focused focusing/focused on organizing various exhibitions across the Balkan region (Pablo Picasso, Joan Miró, Salvador Dalí, Zoran Mušič, Andy Warhol, etc.). Živa Škodlar Vujić, art historian and director of Visconti Fine Art Gallery.

Art & Living

Galerija Visconti Fine Art, osnovana je 1974 u italijanskom Milanu, a od 1991 ima predstavništvo u Ljubljani, kao jedna od prvih privatnih galerija na Balkanu. Visconti Fine Art predstavlja uglavnom velika medjunarodna imena, a na sajmovima umetnosti, kao što su Art Basel, Art Bologna, FIAC Paris, SAGA Paris, i ARCO Madrid medju ostalima, predstavljala je uglavnom bivše jugoslovenske umetnike (Vladimir Veličković, Dušan Džamonja, IRWIN Group, Gabrijel Stupica, itd.). U poslednjih par godina, galerija je osnovala različite izložbe iz vlastitih kolekcija (koje trenutno gostuju po Balkanu) velikih imena kao što su: Pablo Picasso, Joan Miro, Salvador Dali, Zoran Mušič, Andy Warhol, itd..



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