Business & Luxury No. 26

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Dragi čitaoci,

Priroda ima izuzetno važanu ulogu u životu ljudi. Od nje potiče zdravlje, iz nje čovek crpi inspiraciju, prema prirodi prilagođava svoje stanište, ali i menja okruženje da bi ga prilagodio sebi. Investitori tragaju za mestima na kojima mogu da pomere granice, da svoju inspiraciju ožive i stvore lepše i drugačije prostore.

U ovom broju, posebnu pažnju posvetili smo primerima takve gradnje, koja je parče prirode promenila, prilagodivši ga čoveku.

Pored toga, tu su i redovne teme, takođe velikom merom inspirisane prirodom ili umetnošću, ali ima i pogleda u budućnost, koja, zapravo, brzim koracima postaje sadašnjost. A sadašnjost podjednako brzo postaje prošlost. Tako prolazi godina za godinom, a mi ovu, 2022., ostavljamo za sobom u nadi da će nam svima Nova godina doneti nešto više od prethodne.

Uživajte u temama koje su pred vama i poželite nešto novo i nešto zanimljivo!


Dear readers,

Nature plays an extremely important role in people's lives. It give us health, it is a source of inspiration, we adapt our habitat to nature, but we also change the environment to adapt it to ourselves. Investors are looking for places where they can push the boundaries, bring their inspiration to life and create more beautiful and different spaces.

In this issue we paid special attention to examples of such creations where a piece of nature was transformed and adapted to man.

In addition, there are regular topics, also largely inspired by nature or art, but there are also glimpses of the future, which, in fact, is rapidly becoming the present. And the present just as quickly becomes the past. That's how year after year passes, and we leave the year of 2022 behind us in the hope that the New Year will bring us something more than the previous one.

Enjoy the topics in front of you and wish for something new and interesting!

The B&L Team

6 Uvodna reč

ZEMLJA mogućnosti

Land of opportunities

Zanimljiv uvid u tržište nekretnina na crnogorskom primorju za Business & Luxury magazin donosi Slavica Milić, iskusni profesionalac iz oblasti rezidencijalnog marketinga. Njena ekspertiza je kaljena 17 godina, i na domaćem i internacionalnom tržištu nekretnina, a kao dva najznačajnija programa luksuznih projekata ističu se Luštica Bej i Porto Montenegro. Danas ona nastavlja da raste dalje, u Azerbejdžanu, na novim luksuznim stambenim projektima.


Kada sam pre više od 15 godina zakoračila u svet nekretnina u Crnoj Gori, nisam ni sanjala kakvo će to zanimljivo putovanje biti, kao ni koliko će se brzo, za relativno kratko vreme, taj svet razviti. Neki bi pomislili da tržište nekretnina u Crnoj Gori, jednoj od najmanjih zemalja na svetu, ne može biti tako dinamično. Uprkos svom strateškom geografskom položaju na razmeđi stare i nove Evrope, mnogi su još uvek iznenađeni brzinom kojom je Crna Gora stekla nadimak „balkanska zvezda u usponu“.


Početkom 2000-ih, značajan broj međunarodnih građevinskih preduzimača i investicionih kompanija pohrlilo je na obale Crne Gore, obećavajući izuzetno inovativne i ambiciozne generalne urbanističke

Slavica Milić, a seasoned residential marketing professional, provides an interesting insight into the real estate market on the Montenegrin coast for Business & Luxury magazine. She has honed her expertise in the field of real estate for 17 years both across national and international market, and her two most important luxury projects include Luštica Bay and Porto Montenegro. Today, she continues to grow further, in Azerbaijan, working on new luxury residential projects.


When I stepped into Montenegro’s real estate waters over 15 years ago, I couldn’t have imagined what an interesting journey it would be, and how quickly the waters would have developed in such a relatively short period of time. People might think that the real estate market in Montenegro, one of the smallest countries in the world, couldn’t possibly be that dynamic. Despite its strategic geographic position on the borders of old and new Europe, many have still been surprised by how quickly Montenegro has earned its moniker as “the rising star of the Balkans”.


In the early 2000s, significant numbers of international real estate developers and investment firms flocked to the country’s shores, promising to deliver exceptionally innovative and ambitious masterplans, which many

10 LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE Business luxury
Photo: Lustica Bay

planove, za koje su mnogi smatrali da su „sve samo ne ostvarivi“. Javnost je bila skeptična, a tržište mlado, ali je po svemu sudeći, cvetalo.

Užurbano okruženje Crne Gore održalo je konkurentnost i dinamičnost tržišnih uslova, pridobivši poverenje međunarodnih investitora. Prvi su došli Britanci, Irci i Rusi, ali to je bio tek početak još zanimljivijih dešavanja.

Od tada je Crna Gora magnet za investitore, čemu je doprineo poslovno orijentisan privredni sistem zemlje, kao i posvećenost održavanju rasta turizma i stranih ulaganja – a ta predanost je dovela do bržeg donošenja odluka i smanjene birokratije.

Uprkos spoljnim faktorima koji su bili van kontrole Crne Gore, poput pandemije kovida, tržište nekretnina je nastavilo da raste zahvaljujući jedinstvenim mogućnostima ulaganja, uglavnom pozitivnim iskustvima postojećih investitora i dobrom finansijskom sektoru.

Zapravo, neki od najvećih uspeha u prodaji stambenih jedinica su, prema izveštajima, postignuti tokom i nakon kovida. Ključni projekti iz luksuznog sektora - kao što su Porto Montenegro, Portonovi i Luštica Bay – privukli su veliko interesovanje potencijalnih kupaca iz više od 90 zemalja u svetu. To ne bi trebalo da bude iznenađenje, jer ova zemlja, uprkos svojoj veličini, sada zauzima značajnu poziciju na međunarodnoj sceni nekretnina, kao jedno od najprivlačnijih priobalnih područja.


U narodu poznat i kao Zlatni trougao, crnogorski kotorski zaliv pravi je raj za investicije u priobalju. Izgradnjom pomenutih luksuznih kompleksa, zajedno s drugim novim ulaganjima koja su na pomolu, stvorena su elegantna stambena naselja koja su privukla svetska imena ugostiteljstva kao i ponude brendiranih nekretnina, uključujući dobro poznate brendove Regent, One&Only i The Chedi.

onlookers said were ‘all-but-achievable’. The public was skeptical and the market was young but, by all measures, it was thriving.

Montenegro’s fast-paced environment kept market conditions competitive and dynamic, winning the trust of international investors. The British, Irish and Russians came first, but this was just the start of many more interesting trends.

Since then, Montenegro’s been a magnet for investors, helped by the country’s business-focused economic system and a commitment to maintaining growth in tourism and foreign investment - a dedication that’s led to faster decision-making and reduced bureaucracy.

Despite external factors which were out of Montenegro’s control, such as the Covid pandemic, the real estate market has kept growing thanks to unique investment opportunities, the mainly positive experiences of existing investors, and a good financial sector.

In fact, some of the best residential sales successes were reportedly achieved during and post-Covid. Key players from the luxury sector - such as Porto Montenegro, Portonovi, and Lustica Bay - captured the increased interests of prospective international buyers from more than 90 countries in the world. This shouldn’t come as a surprise as the country, despite its size, now packs a punch on the international property scene as one of the most alluring coastal zones.


Informally known as The Golden Triangle, Montenegro’s fjord of Kotor is a real investment haven on the coast. The aforementioned luxury developments, along with other new investments on the horizon, have built elegant residential communities and attracted global hospitality brands and branded-property offerings, including the well-established Regent, One&Only and The Chedi.


Lokalno tržište takođe je prepoznalo i prihvatilo mnoge savremene svetske trendove u oblasti nekretninakao što je posvećenost konceptu velnesa i radikalna promena onoga što kupci očekuju od svojih nekretnina.

Tri inicijative koje govore u prilog ovim trendovima uključuju:

1. Rezidencijalno naselje Boka Place koje se uskoro otvara u kompleksu Porto Montenegro. Boka Place će uključivati prvi na svetu SIRO hotel i rezidencije (sa sobama i apartmanima sa fitnes sadržajima) koji će nuditi stil života i ugostiteljsko iskustvo koji su u potpunosti usredsređeni na blagostanje tela i duha.

2. Luksuzno naselje Portonovi svoja je vrata otvorilo vrhuncu holističkog velnesa: svetski poznatom Chenot Espace spa centru. Ovom ponudom se gostima One&Only Portonovi i stanovnicima naselja Portonovi pruža mogućnost da iskuse jedinstven model obnavljanja zdravlja, blagostanja i dožive istinski preporod duha i tela.

The local market has also recognised, and catered to, many of the world’s latest real estate trends - such as a dedication to wellness, and a paradigm shift in what buyers expect from their properties.

Three initiatives that particularly speak to these trends include:

1. The soon-to-open residential neighbourhood of Boka Place in Porto Montenegro. Boka Place will include the world’s first SIRO hotel and residences (with rooms and apartments infused with fitness) offering an immersive lifestyle and hospitality experience which is centred on wellbeing.

2. The Portonovi Resort has opened its doors to the pinnacle of holistic wellness: the world-famous Chenot Espace SPA. This promises the guests of One&Only Portonovi, and residents of Portonovi, a genuinely transformative well-being journey.

Snežni vuk - Snow Wolf Legedne - Legends Crna Gora - Montenegro Photo: Portonovi

3. Lustica Bay koja nudi nešto malo drugačije: integrisanu destinaciju sagrađenu od nule sa prekrasnom obalom prošaranom plažama, koja promoviše ideju uravnoteženog, zdravog i aktivnog stila života, gde će se naći prvi dugo očekivani golf teren u zemlji.


Konstantan rast cena nekretnina na crnogorskoj obali je svakako zanimljiva tema za razgovor i podstiče interesovanje međunarodnih kupaca. Razlog tome je priliv direktnih stranih investicija u ovaj sektor i povećane potražnje nerezidenata za luksuznim stambenim jedinicama na crnogorskoj obali.

Doista, neto priliv direktnih stranih investicija u Crnu Goru porastao je sa 467,5 miliona evra u 2020. godini na 552 miliona evra u 2021. godini, dok poslednji izveštaji Centralne banke otkrivaju da su direktna strana ulaganja dostigla 599 miliona evra u prvih devet meseci 2022. godine (porast u odnosu na 352,3 miliona evra u istom periodu 2021. godine).

Uz konkurentne cene nekretnina, nizak odnos kupovine i prodaje, povoljnu poresku politiku i činjenicu da se ulaganjem u crnogorske nekretnine može dobiti privremeni boravak (što omogućava pristup jurisdikciji s niskim porezima), nastavlja se rast tržišta. Zapravo, 2022. bi mogla biti rekordna godina s neprekinutim interesovanjem još širih krugova međunarodnih ulagača. Primećuje se promena u dominantnoj strukturi tradicionalnih kupaca, te sada sve više zainteresovanih investitora dolazi s Bliskog istoka, Sjedinjenih Američkih Država i Zapadne Evrope.

Photo: Porto Montenegro

3. Lustica Bay which presents a slightly different proposition: an integrated destination built from the ground up that offers a beautiful coastline dotted with beaches, promotes a vision of a balanced, healthy, and active lifestyle, and will house the country’s first highly anticipated golf course.


The constant growth of real estate prices on the Montenegrin coast certainly helps spark conversation and triggers interest from international buyers. There has been an inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) in this sector, and an increased demand from non-residents for luxury and waterfront homes on Montenegro’s coast.

Indeed, the net inflow of FDI into Montenegro grew from 467.5 million euro in 2020 to 552 million euro in 2021, while recent central bank reports reveal that FDI grew to 599 million euro in the first nine months of 2022 (rising from 352.3 million euro in the same period in 2021).

With competitive real estate pricing, a low buy-to-sell ratio, a favourable taxation, and the fact that real estate investment in Montenegro allows temporary residency (which provides access to a low-tax jurisdiction), the market continues to grow. In fact 2022 could be a record year with continuing interest from even wider groups of international investors. The dominating structure of traditional buyers is noticeably changing, with more and more interested investors now coming from the Middle East, United States and Western Europe.

Snežni vuk - Snow Wolf Legedne - Legends Crna Gora - Montenegro

Ove promene bi delimično mogle biti prouzrokovane programom sticanja državljanstva putem ulaganja (Citizenship by Investment (CBI)) koji omogućava da 2000 stranih ulagača postanu državljani Crne Gore kada izvrše odgovarajuće ulaganje u izgradnju kvalifikovanih nekretnina (od kojih se mnoge nalaze na severu zemlje). Takva trenutna ulaganja u hotele i rezidencije s 5 zvezdica obećavaju svetlu turističku budućnost i dalje širenje rastuće crnogorske ekonomije.


Jug Crne Gore svakako se smatra najprivlačnijim područjem za investicije zbog svog položaja, prirodnih lepota i budućeg potencijala. Uz uspešna ključna ulaganja i nove projekte koji su na putu, u ponudi ima dovoljno luksuznih stambenih i maloprodajnih lokacija, međunarodnih hotela s pet zvezdica i vezova za super jahte (kao i popravki i remonta u novootvorenom brodogradilištu Adriatic42 u Porto Montenegru).

Trenutno postoji oko 10 aktivnih projekata na uskom potezu od 293 kilometra obale koji, prema stručnim procenama, donose blizu 5 milijardi evra stranog kapitala u zemlju.

Dakle, ako je ulaganje u nekretnine vaša sledeća velika stvar, bacite oko na ove krajeve!

Photo: Porto Montenegro

These changes could be partly due to the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programme which allows 2,000 foreign investors to become citizens of Montenegro when they make a defined investment into qualified real estate developments (many of which are located in the north of the country). The CBI’s ongoing investment into 5-star hotels and residences promises a bright tourism future and a further expansion of Montenegro’s burgeoning economy.


The south of Montenegro is certainly considered the most appealing area for investment because of its position, natural beauty, and future potential. With key investments thriving and new projects on the way, there’s no shortage of high-end residential and retail sites, international five-star hotel brands, and superyacht berths (and repairs and refits with the newly opened Adriatic42 in Porto Montenegro) on offer.

There are currently around 10 active developments on a narrow stretch of 293 kilometres of coastline which, according to industry estimates, bring close to 5 billion euro of foreign capital to the country.

In short, if property investment is your next big thing, watch this space!

Snežni vuk - Snow Wolf Legedne - Legends Crna Gora - Montenegro


luxury THE

Sledeće poglavlje NEXT


Kompanija Rolls-Royce Motor Cars ima čast da predstavi sledeće poglavlje svog projekta izrade karoserija Boat Tail – jedne od samo tri koje su napravljene i koje će ikada biti napravljene.

Rolls-Royce Motor Cars is honoured to present the next chapter of its Boat Tail coachbuilt commission – one of just three that have been, and ever will be made.

18 Pleasure & Leisure LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE

Suština izrade karoserija po želji kupca od strane kompanije Rolls-Royce je ta da svaka od njih ispriča posve jedinstvenu i ličnu priču svom vlasniku, odražavajući njegovu prošlost, ukus i senzibilitet. Imajući to na umu, Boat Tail, predstavljen po prvi put na izložbi Concorso d'Eleganza u vili d'Este 2022. godine na obali jezera Komo u severnoj Italiji, remek-delo je svedenosti, sofisticiranosti, elegancije i usmerenosti ka detaljima. Boat Tail je u potpunosti ručno izrađen, sa panelima karoserije napravljenim od ogromnih pojedinačnih aluminijskih limova kako bi se stvorile prepoznatljive konture inspirisane trkačkim jahtama s početka 20. veka. U svakom pogledu, ovo izuzetno vozilo je sasvim jedinstveno. Naručio ga je klijent koji je razvio porodičan posao podstaknutom radom svoga oca u industriji bisera. Kao svetski putnik, međunarodno obrazovan i kosmopolita po svojim ukusima i uticajima, ovaj klijent je dobro poznat pokrovitelj umetnosti, koji osim toga poseduje značajnu kolekciju klasičnih i modernih automobila, smeštenu u namenskom privatnom muzeju.

The essence of Rolls-Royce Coachbuild is that each commission tells a story entirely unique and personal to its owner, reflecting their own history, tastes and sensibilities. With this in mind, Boat Tail, revealed at Concorso d'Eleganza, Villa d'Este 2022, on the shores of Lake Como in northern Italy, is a masterwork of restraint, sophistication, elegance and attention to detail.

Boat Tail is entirely hand-built, with the body panels fashioned from vast, single sheets of aluminium to create the distinctive outline inspired by the racing yachts of the early 20th century. In every respect, this remarkable motor car is entirely unique. It was commissioned by a patron whose family business has grown from his father's origins in the pearling industry. Widely travelled, internationally educated and cosmopolitan in his tastes and influences, the client is an established patron of the arts, who additionally owns a sizeable collection of classic and modern cars, housed in a dedicated private museum.

19 Pleasure & Leisure
Moving forward

Nivo sofisticiranosti, dobijen zahvaljujući klijentovom opsežnom poznavanju luksuza, jasno je vidljiv u ovom željenom umetničkom delu. Celokupna estetika dizajna je svedena; savršen primer pažljivo odabranih materijala i preciznih detalja koji zajedno daju vrlo ličan i emotivan omaž klijentovom ocu.

Na početku rada, klijent je dizajnerima odeljenja Rolls-Roycea Coachbuild doneo četiri biserne školjke koje je lično odabrao iz svoje privatne kolekcije zbog njihove jedinstvene boje i složenosti. Školjke su poslužile kao inspiracija za boju eksterijera, koja je jedna od najsloženijih završnih obrada koje je Rolls-Royce ikada uradio. Osnova boje je svetlucava mešavina sivkaste bež boje (boja ostrige) i bledo roze, s velikim belim i bronzanim ljuspicama liskuna za jedinstven, biserni sjaj koji se suptilno presijava pod različitim osvetljenjem.

A level of sophistication, garnered from the client's extensive knowledge of luxury, is clearly visible in this coveted objet d'art. The overall design aesthetic is restrained; a study in carefully considered materials and precise details that together create a highly personal and emotionally resonant homage to the client’s father.

At the onset of the commissioning process, the client presented Rolls-Royce Coachbuild Designers with a selection of four pearl shells, personally chosen from his private collection for their unique colour and complexity. The shells provided inspiration for the exterior colour, which is one of the most complex Bespoke finishes ever created by RollsRoyce. The foundation of the colour is a shimmering blend of oyster and soft rose, with large white and bronze mica flakes adding a unique pearlescent quality that changes subtly under different light conditions.

20 Pleasure & Leisure
Moving forward


Ručna izrada automobila -

Nasuprot tome, hauba u boji konjaka, kreirana posebno za ovaj Boat Tail, ima fine bronzane i zlatne ljuspice aluminijumskog liskuna zajedno sa slojem kristalnog i mat prozirnog premaza, koji daju značajnu toplinu i dubinu izgledu automobila. Donji pragovi vozila imaju u sebi nit ružičasto zlatne boje. Stražnji deo vozila u kome je smešten jedinstveni komplet pribora za ugošćavanje sa „leptir dizajnom“, obložen je furnirom od kraljevskog oraha sa umetnutim prugama od ružičastog zlata satenskog sjaja kako bi se osigurao nežan i prefinjen izgled. Klijent se odlučio za kraljevski orah zbog lepote ovog materijala koji tokom vremena sazreva i postepeno poprima tonove boje konjaka. Posmatrano odozgo, primećuje se skladna ravnoteža i satenski sjaj haube i taktilne drvene stražnje „palube“, za razliku od prednje i bočne strane visokog sjaja.

The contrasting cognac-coloured bonnet, created specifically for this Boat Tail, contains fine bronze and gold coloured aluminium mica flakes complete with a layer of crystal and iced matt clear coat, adding significant warmth and depth to the car's appearance. The technical fibre lower sills of Boat Tail incorporate a rose gold woven thread. The rear deck, which houses Boat Tail's unique 'butterfly-design' hosting suite, is swathed in Royal Walnut veneer, inlaid with rose gold-plated pinstripes with a satin-brushed finish to ensure a sensitive and sophisticated appearance. The Royal Walnut was specifically selected by the client for its beautiful properties as it matures over time, a material that will gradually transition to the tonal properties of the cognac colour. From above, one observes a harmonious balance and satin effect of the iced bonnet and tactile wooden rear deck, in contrast with the high-gloss front and side perspectives.


S prednje strane, Panteon rešetka, izrađena od jedne jedine pune gredice aluminija, ukrašena je Duhom ekstaze od ružičastog zlata. Unutrašnjost vozila je lepo uređena kombinacija savršeno usklađene kože u boji konjaka i ostriga i furnira kraljevskog oraha, s akcentima od ružičastog zlata i sedefa. Koža, upotpunjena bisernom završnom obradom, naglašava površine i oblike sedišta i dizajn enterijera. Tunel transmisije napravljen je od furnira kraljevskog oraha s prugama od ružičastog zlata, praveći direktnu vizualnu referencu na stražnji deo vozila i dajući blistavu toplinu unutrašnjosti vozila.

From the front, the Pantheon Grille, milled from a single, solid billet of aluminium, is graced with a Spirit of Ecstasy fashioned in rose gold.

The interior is a beautifully curated combination of perfectly matched cognac and oyster-coloured leathers and Royal Walnut veneer, with rose gold and mother-of-pearl accents throughout. The leathers, complete with a pearlescent finish, accentuate the surfaces and forms of Boat Tail's seats and interior design. The transmission tunnel is formed from Royal Walnut veneer with rose gold pinstripes, drawing a direct visual reference to the rear deck and adding a glowing warmth to Boat Tail's interior.

Moving forward


Centralni deo kontrolne table zauzima sat od sedefa, koji je izabrao i isporučio klijent iz sopstvene kolekcije; a njena ukrasna maska je čistog i minimalističkog izgleda kako ne bi odvlačila pažnju od dragocenog materijala. Isti dragoceni materijal krasi i kontrolne prekidače i instrumente, stvarajući snažnu vizualnu i materijalnu vezu između automobila, vlasnika i njegove porodične baštine.

Aleks Ines, šef odeljenja za dizajn karoserija, ističe: „Boat Tail je veliki iskorak ka inventivnosti i kreativnoj slobodi. Ručna izrada automobila nudi novu oblast istraživanja i mogućnosti: možemo uraditi stvari i rešiti izazove koje bi normalne industrijske metode zabranile. Ovo je priča o dva sveta: moderno motorno vozilo savremenog dizajna čiji nastanak omogućen uz pomoć starih tehnika i tradicionalnh zanata. To je uistinu, jedinstveno.”

The centrepiece of the dashboard is a timepiece made from mother-of-pearl, chosen and supplied by the client from his own collection; the fascia of which is pure and minimal in its appearance so as not to detract from the precious material. The same prised substance graces the control switches and instrument dials, creating a strong visual and material connection between the car, the owner, and his family heritage.

Alex Innes, Head of Coachbuild Design, said, “Boat Tail is a step-change in ingenuity and creative liberty. Building a motor car by hand offers a new realm of exploration and possibility: we can accomplish things and resolve challenges that normal industrialised methods would prohibit. This is the tale of two worlds: a modern motor car of contemporary design, made possible by historical techniques and time-honoured craft. It is truly, one-of-a-kind.”

Ručna izrada automobila - Handmade car


Lansiranjem prekookeanske jahte Grand Banks 85 na Festivalu jahti u Kanu, renomirani brodograditelj i dalje je ostao veran svojoj pionirskoj prošlosti, nastavljajući svoju neumoljivu potragu za savršenstvom, višim nivoom izgradnje i vrhunskim dizajnom.

„Možete čuti od mnogih ljudi da je svaki brod stvar kompromisa“, kaže Mark Ričards, izvršni direktor. „Ja jednostavno u to ne verujem! Naš posao je da postignemo upravo suprotno i da se pobrinemo da u celokupnoj našoj ponudi nema kompromisa. Brzina može pratiti veće udaljenosti. Moguće je imati i luksuz i efikasnost. To je ono što naši kupci očekuju od jahti Grand Banks i to je svakako primetno i kod novog modela GB85. Izrada kruzera niske potrošnje goriva, velike brzine i dugog dometa upravo potvrđuje ovaj beskompromisni cilj i neizmerno smo ponosni na ono što je naš tim postigao.“

Grand Banks nudi nekoliko varijanti uređenja, uključujući i verziju sa otvorenim, odnosno zatvorenim natkabinskim mostom. Graditelj je, pritom, primenio princip neposredne saradnje sa vlasnicima jahti kako bi osigurao da svaka jahta GB85 odražava specifične potrebe, iskustvo i ukus svakog od njih.


With the launch of the all-oceans Grand Banks 85 at the Cannes Yachting Festival, the venerable boatbuilder continues to stay true to its pioneering past while continuing its relentless pursuit of perfection, next-level construction, and superior design.

“You hear a lot of people say that every boat is a compromise,” said Mark Richards, CEO . “I simply don’t believe that at all! It’s our job to achieve the opposite and ensure there are no compromises throughout our range. Speed can go with long range. Luxury and efficiency can be achieved together. That’s what our customers expect from Grand Banks and it’s certainly evident with the new GB85. To deliver the most fuel-efficient, highspeed, long-range cruiser proves out this no-compromise objective, and we’re immensely proud of what our team has achieved.”

Grand Banks offers several accommodations plans, including either an open, or enclosed-flybridge version. However, the builder embraces the process of working directly with their owners to ensure that each GB85 reflects the individuals’ specific needs, experience, and taste.

Vrhunski kvalitet izrade i odabrani materijali 85-ice ne samo da pružaju visok nivo luksuza, već mu obezbeđuju da ostane na istom nivou i mnogo godina nakon isporuke, čineći je i dalje jednom udobnom, luksuznom jahtom za krstarenje svetske klase.

Prostor glavne palube na GB85 je optimalno iskorišćen, zahvaljujući njenoj širini od 22 stope (6,75 metara), koji obezbeđuje prostrano mesto za okupljanje porodice i prijatelja. Krmena paluba ima široki sto za ručavanje na krmenom ogledalu, sa kuhinjskim prostorom na otvorenom uz krmenu pregradu salona.

U salonu se nalazi veliki prostor za okupljanje s divanom u obliku slova U i velikom sofom naspram njega. Širom cele jahte GB85 sprovedena je personalizacija koja podrazumeva da su raspored, završna obrada i tkanine urađeni po želji vlasnika kako bi se stvorio jedan zaista jedinstven utisak na brodu. U prednjem delu je svečani sto za ručavanje pogodan za prostranu kuhinju opremljenu vrhunskim aparatima. Nasuprot prostora za ručavanje nalaze se unutrašnje stepenice koje vode do mosta iznad kabine.

The superiorbuild quality and selected materials not only provide a high level of luxury, but ensure that the 85 will remain timeless for many years from delivery and continue to be a comfortable, world-class, luxurious cruising yacht.

The GB85 makes the most of her main-deck areas, thanks to her 22-foot (6.75-meter) beam, to provide spacious gathering areas for family and friends. The aft deck has a wide dining table at the transom, served by an al fresco galley area along the aft bulkhead of the saloon.

In the saloon, a large conversation area is located aft with a U-shaped settee and a large sofa opposite. Throughout the GB85, customization means the layout, finishes, and fabrics are at the owners’ behest, to create an onboard feel that’s truly one of a kind. Forward is a formal dining table convenient to a spacious galley appointed with professional-grade appliances. Opposite the dining area, internal stairs lead to the flybridge.

Natkabinski most se može izvesti kao otvorena paluba ili zatvoreni salon, s prostorom za okupljanje iza kormila i sedištima za putnike kako bi svi mogli da uživaju u najboljem pogledu. Ovaj udoban prostor omogućuje gostima da provedu prijatno vreme okupljeni oko kormila. U zatvorenoj varijanti, kada je vreme lepo, prozori se mogu otvoriti i propustiti sveži povetarac, pri čemu ova varijanta pruža više iskoristivog prostora na glavnoj palubi, budući da je gornja paluba primarno kormilarsko mesto (donje mesto za pristajanje na desnoj strani broda može se prikriti ispod radne površine kuhinje pored vrata bočne palube). Na otvorenom mostu robusni čvrsti krov nudi zaštitu od vremenskih nepogoda. Krmeni kokpit na mostu ima dodatni ležaj u obliku slova L i sto za ručavanje u dva nivoa, kao i šank za pića s električnim ringlama, hladnjakom i ledomatom. Vlasnici mogu izabrati da urede ovo mesto kao dodatni prostor za sunčanje, ili se odlučiti da svoj tender smeste tu ili ispod na platformi za plivanje.

The flybridge can be configured as an open deck or an enclosed Skylounge, with a gathering area abaft the helm and companion seats for everyone to enjoy the best views. This comfortable space lets guest enjoy time gathered around the helm. With the enclosed option, opening windows allow for fresh breezes on fair days, and this choice creates more usable space on the main deck as the upper deck is the primary helm station (a lower docking station to starboard can be concealed within the galley counter by the door to the side deck). On the open flybridge a robust hardtop offers protection from the elements. The aft cockpit on the bridge features an additional L-shaped lounge settee and high-low table for dining, as well as a wet bar to port with electric cooktops, refrigeration and ice makers. Owners can choose to configure this area as an additional spacious sunning area, or opt to stow their tender here, or below on the swim platform.


luxury iskustvo PODVODNO

Kompanija U-Boat Worx otkrila je nove i uzbudljive informacije o svojoj podmornici Super Sub. Ultra luksuzna podmornica za tri osobe, koja može dostići dubinu od 300 metara, sada je najhidrodinamičnija podmornica koju je svet ikada video. Zajedno sa holandskim pomorskim istraživačkim institutom MARIN specijalizovanim za računsku dinamiku fluida, najveća brzina SuperSuba je poboljšana sa početne procenjene brzine od 8 čvorova na čak 10 čvorova. To je za 3-4 čvora brže od najveće brzine krstarenja kljunastog delfina i za 7 čvorova brže od prosečne podmornice. Sada je efikasna dinamika fluida ove podmornice ista kao i kod električnog automobila. „Vrlo smo uzbuđeni zbog ovog projekta,” ističe izvršni direktor kompanije U-Boat Worx, Bert Houtman.

30 Pleasure & Leisure LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE

Poboljšanje performansi - Performance improvement


„Naporno smo radili na njemu, i sada kada imamo najhidrodinamičniju moguću podmornicu, više smo nego zadovoljni. Uvereni smo da će i naši klijenti deliti naše mišljenje." Podmornica Super Sub je predstavljena 2021. godine kao najbrži i najupravljiviji model kompanije U-Boat Worx, koji pruža dinamično iskustvo ronjenja i može da se izbori sa jakim strujama. Ova podmornica je prodana svom prvom vlasniku, a kompanija U-Boat Worx planira da izvede pomorska ispitivanja u proleće 2023. Super Sub ima najbolji pogonski sistem u toj klasi, s četiri moćna potisnika od po 60 kW. U kombinaciji s kormilima, može da izranja i zaranja pod oštrim uglom od 30 stepeni. Rezultat je najugodnije i najuzbudljivije podvodno iskustvo, pri čemu je sve vreme omogućen pogled od 360 stepeni.



luxury EXPERIENCE Underwater

UBoat Worxunveilsnew and exciting information about itsSuper Sub.Theultra-luxurythree-person submersible, which has a depth rating of 300 meters, is now the mostflow-dynamic submersible the world has ever seen.

Together with MARIN,the renowned Dutchmaritime research institutespecialising in computational flow dynamics,thetop speed of theSuperSubwasoptimisedfrom its initial 8-knot estimation up to as much as 10 knots.That is3-4knots fasterthan the top cruising speed of a bottlenose dolphin, and 7knots faster than the average submersible.The submersible now hasthe sameefficient flow dynamics as an electric car.“We are very excited about this development,”saysU-Boat Worx CEO Bert Houtman.

32 Pleasure & Leisure LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE
Moving forward


“It’s somethingwe have been working hard on, and now to have the most flow-dynamic submersible possible, wecouldn’t be more pleased. We are confident that our clients will feel the same.”TheSuper Subwas introduced in 2021asU-Boat Worx’fastest and mostmanoeuvrabledesign,deliveringa dynamic dive experience andability to dealwith strong currents. The submersiblehasbeen sold to its first ownerandU-Boat Worxis executing sea trials in Spring 2023.TheSuper Subhas thebest-in class propulsion system withfour powerful thrustersdelivering60 kWofthrust. When combined with the rudders, it allowsfor steep 30-degree climbs and dives. The resultis the smoothest and most exhilarating underwater experience, all while maintaining a360-degreeview.

luxury Poboljšanje
- Performance improvement
adresa za sva četiri GODIŠNJA DOBA Your Address for All Seasons PORTONOVI

Ovog leta Portonovi je bio epicentar dešavanja na crnogorskoj obali, a to nastoji da ostane i tokom čitave godine. Rizort ne živi samo tokom letnjih meseci, već u njemu tokom svih godišnjih doba pulsiraju različite kulture, stilovi, tradicije, danonoćni zabavni i kulturni programi. Raznovrsna ponuda i program bogat događajima mami goste da posete Portonovi i steknu jedinstveno iskustvo tokom svakog godišnjeg doba. Ovaj luksuzni rizort domaćin je brojnih atraktivnih događaja, a posetioci uvek mogu da dožive iskustvo drugačije od svih prethodnih, upotpunjeno ponudom smeštaja, restoranima sa raznovrsnim jelima, kao i modernom umetnošću, zabavnom i kulturnom scenom. Sve ovo je razlog više da za jedno od narednih planiranih putovanja odaberete baš Portonovi, koji je jedna od najpoželjnijih crnogorskih destinacija.

Smešten na manje od sat vremena vožnje od internacionalnih aerodroma u Tivtu i Dubrovniku, Portonovi se prostire na skoro dva kilometra obalnog područja i već sada je naširoko prepoznat kao idealna destinacija za produžene vikende, ali i za život na obali Jadrana, zbog čega važi i za odličnu priliku kupovine ili iznajmljivanja nekretnina. Privatni heliodrom, mogućnost pristanka u modernu marinu i privatni garažni prostor samo su neke od prednosti ovog naselja, koje pružaju dodatni komfor i sigurnost. Pored brojnih parkova i čarobnih vrtova, Portonovi pruža bogatu kulinarsku i barsku scenu, sa pravom lepezom lokalnih i mediteranskih ukusa. U okviru naselja, na raspolaganju su i butici i ateljei lokalnih dizajnera, ali i renomiranih svetskih imena, dok su ljubiteljima sporta, rekreativnih

aktivnosti i nege tela dostupne vrhunske teretane, fitnes centri, teniski tereni i bazeni na otvorenom, ali i Chenot Espace Wellness centar sa stručnim osobljem koje će vam pružiti luksuzne spa tretmane.

Smeštena na ulazu u Bokokotorski zaliv, koji je pod zaštitom UNESCO-a, Portonovi marina ima savršen položaj, koji omogućava nesmetano istraživanje obale Jadrana i Mediterana, čije lepote oduzimaju dah.

Bokokotorski zaliv, kao najjužniji fjord u Evropi, često se u putopisma opisuje kao jedan od najlepših na svetu, a specifičan je i po tome što visoke planine, koje se izdižu iznad obale, štite zaliv od otvorenog mora i hladne klime zimi. Ovo područje, prepuno skrivenih primorskih uvala i okolnih starinskih sela zaklonjenih ogromnim krečnjačkim vrhovima, idealano je za sve koji su avanturističkog duha.

Svaku od dostupnih nekretnina za kupovinu i iznajmljivanje u naselju Portonovi projektovali su svetski poznati arhitekti, a prirodni materijali i mediteranski stil objekata ih svrstava među najpoželjnije domove na celom Jadranu.

U ponudi su sofisticirani Marina apartmani uz samu obalu, sa direktnim pristupom marini; Sky vile, prostrani penthaus apartmani sa privatnim terasama sa kojih se pruža pogled na ceo zaliv; luksuzni One&Only privatni domovi inspirisani crnogorskim azurnim morem i smaragdnim dolinama i Portonovi rezidencije u naselju koje variraju od jednosobnih apartmana do zasebnih vila, koji odišu vrhunskim stilom, komforom i luksuzom.

Za više informacija o predstojećim dešavanjima, molimo vas, pišite na

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37 Pleasure & Leisure

This summer, Portonovi was the place to be on the Montenegrin coast, and it will remain so throughout the year. The resort is not active only during the summer - different cultures, styles, traditions, entertainment, and cultural programs make it vibrant and appealing all year round. A diverse offer and a program with an abundance of events appeal to guests to visit Portonovi and gain a unique experience during every season. This luxurious resort hosts an abundance of attractive events, and visitors always get a different experience, completed by an offer of accommodation, restaurants with a range of diverse dishes, as well as modern art, entertainment, and cultural scene. All these things are additional reasons to choose Portonovi as your destination for one of your future trips, as it is one of the best and most sought-after Montenegrin destinations.

Located less than an hour's drive from international airports in Tivat and Dubrovnik, Portonovi covers an area of almost two kilometers of the coastal area, and it has been widely recognized as an ideal destination for long weekends and life on the Adriatic Coast. That is why it is considered perfect both as an investment opportunity and for the rental of real estate. A private helipad, state-of-the-art marina, and private garage are only some of the advantages of this village, providing additional comfort and security. In addition to numerous parks and magical gardens, Portonovi has a rich restaurant and bar scene, offering a wide variety of local and Mediterranean dishes. Within the village, there are boutiques and studios of local as well as renowned world designers. In addition to that, all sports enthusiasts and

those into recreational activities and fitness, have access to premium gyms, fitness centers, tennis courts, and outdoor swimming pools, as well as the Chenot Espace Wellness Center with professional staff, which will provide you with luxurious spa treatments.

Sitting at the entrance of the Boka Bay - protected by UNESCO, Portonovi Marina is at the perfect location, allowing you to easily explore the stunningly beautiful Adriatic and Mediterranean coast.

The Boka Bay, the southernmost fiord in Europe is often described as one of the most beautiful bays in the world. The high mountains, rising from the shore, make it unique and protect the bay from the open sea and cold climates in winter. This area, full of hidden seaside coves and old villages surrounding it, is sheltered by huge limestone peaks and ideal for everyone with an adventurous spirit.

All residencies in Portonovi village available for purchase or rent were designed by world-renowned architects, using natural materials and the Mediterranean style, putting them among the most wanted homes on the Adriatic.

The offer includes the sophisticated Marina Apartments on the coast with direct access to the marina; Sky Villas, spacious penthouse apartments with private balconies overlooking the entire bay; luxurious One&Only private homes inspired by the azure Montenegrin sea and emerald valleys, and Portonovi Village Residences that range from studio apartments to private villas, with a premium style, comfort, and luxury. For more information about the upcoming events , write to

For information about

For more information about residences, write to

39 Pleasure & Leisure

ELEGANTNI A SOPHISTICATED alpski raj Alpine paradise

Hotel L’Apogée Courchevel nalazi se u srcu ekskluzivnog zimovališta Jardin Alpin u Kurševelu na samom vrhu nekadašnje olimpijske skakaonice. Ovaj hotel koji je deo prestižne Oetker kolekcije, ima direktan pristup ski stazama, 55 spavaćih soba i jedan je od najelegantnijih evropskih alpskih odmarališta; a delo je nadahnute saradnje čuvenih dizajnera, Indije Madhavi i Žozefa Dirana. Ovde se nalaze najprostranije sobe u celom Kurševelu, a svaki od luksuznih apartmana dizajniran je kao zasebna mini-koliba koja nudi spektakularan pogled s balkona koji ima podno grejanje. Kurševelska dolina uzbudljivo je igralište za snežne pustolovine od vožnje psećim zapregama do sankanja stazom osvetljenom bakljama. L'Apogée može organizovati časove skijanja i snoubordinga različitih stepena težine, a za one koji bi radije ostavili skije po strani i procunjali po Kurševelu, tu je vožnja saonicama koje vuku haskiji, spuštanje sankama, krpljarenje po tihim šumskim stazama i čak letenje balonom iznad snežnih vrhova planina.

Hotel nudi zaista izvanredno iskustvo odmora i na stazama, i van njih, a ima čak i 40-metarsku privatnu pokretnu traku za prevoz gostiju direktno u mirisnu, ultra šik skijašnicu, i odatle u toplinu hotela.

42 Pleasure & Leisure

Hotel takođe nudi uzbudljiva, inovativna „skijaška i gastronomska“ iskustva predvođena sportskim zaluđenikom i šefom kuhinje Žan-Lik Lefransoom, koji priznaje da je pasionirani ljubitelj skijanja.

Gosti će imati priliku da provedu dan uz šefa kuhinje, usvajajući njegovo stručno znanje o skijanju i kuvanju – dve strasti koje dominiraju njegovim životom. Program počinje u 10 sati ujutro odlaskom na padine s Žan-Likom, na dan skijanja koje je prilagođeno nivou sposobnosti i željama gostiju.

Alpsko skijanje, nordijsko skijanje ili turno skijanje?

Izbor je na njima. U podne će gladni skijaši napraviti pauzu na planinskoj padini za ručak u piknik stilu koji je Žan-Lik unapred pripremio. Vraćajući se u prijatno okruženje hotela L’Apogée Courchevel tog popodneva, na redu je „doza otrova“ u vidu čaše ohlađenog šampanjca, dok kuvar pokazuje kako se priprema specijalitet koji se služi u japanskom gastronomskom restoranu hotela, Koori.

43 Pleasure & Leisure

Apogée Courchevel is located in the heart of Courchevel’s exclusive Jardin Alpin at the very top of the former Olympic ski jump. Part of the prestigious Oetker Collection, the ski-in/ski-out, 55-bedroom hotel is one of Europe’s most stylish Alpine retreats; an inspired design collaboration by acclaimed designers India Madhavi and Joseph Durand.

Rooms here are the most spacious in all of Courchevel, with each of the luxurious suites designed as its own mini-chalet offering spectacular views from the under-floor-heated balcony. Courchevel Valley is an exciting playground of snowy adventures from dog sled rides to torchlit tobogganing. L'Apogée can arrange ski and snowboarding lessons for a range of abilities, or for those who prefer to shake off their skis and just explore Courchevel, they can ‘mush’ the huskies, swoosh the toboggans, snowshoe in the hushed forest trails and even fly in a hot air balloon over the snow-capped mountains.

The property offers a truly extraordinary holiday experience both on and off the slopes, and even has a 40-metre private conveyor belt to transport guests directly into the perfumed, uber-chic Ski Room, and into the warmth of the hotel.

44 Pleasure & Leisure

The hotel also offers exciting, innovative ‘ski & gastronomy’ experiences led by sports-mad Chef Jean-Luc Lefrançois, a self-confessed ski enthusiast.

Guests will have the opportunity to spend a day by Chef’s side, picking up his expert know-how about both skiing and cooking –the two passions that fuel Jean-Luc Lefrançois’ life. The programme kicks off at 10am, heading head out onto the slopes with Jean-Luc for a day of skiing tailored to suit guests’ ability levels and preferences.

Alpine skiing, cross-country skiing or ski touring? The choice is theirs. At midday, hungry skiers will pit-stop for a picnic-style lunch preprepared by Jean-Luc himself, mountainside. Returning to the cosy surrounds of L’Apogée Courchevel that afternoon, a re-toxing chilled glass of Champagne is in order while Chef demonstrates how to prepare the signature dish served at the hotel’s gastronomic Japanese restaurant, Koori.

45 Pleasure & Leisure
Skije sa natpisom Skis with luminescent “IWC LAKE TAHOE” design “IWC LAKE TAHOE”

Švajcarski proizvođač luksuznih satova IWC Schaffhausen najavio je novu saradnju sa švajcarskim proizvođačem vrhunske skijaške opreme Faction Collective. Njihov prvi projekat, lansiran pod nazivom „Faction Studio 1 IWC Collab Ltd.”, sastoji se od ograničene serije od 55 pari skija i to je prvi put da je Faction proizveo skije sa fluorescentnim dizajnom. Natpisi „LAKE TAHOE“ i „IWC“ na gornjem belom sloju skija poprimaju zelenkasti sjaj u mraku. Osim toga, uz svaki par skija moguće je kupiti i beli keramički pilotski sat iz kolekcije TOP GUN pod nazivom „Lake Tahoe“.

Saradnja između kompanija IWC Schaffhausen i Faction spaja dve švajcarske kompanije s dokazanim iskustvom i visokim nivoom tehničke stručnosti. Obe kompanije takođe vladaju jedinstvenim znanjem o materijalima naprednih performansi i predani su najvišim standardima održive i odgovorne proizvodnje. Faction je osnovala grupa strastvenih skijaša 2006. godine. Od tada su stekli ugled u proizvodnji visokokvalitetnih skija i skijaške opreme za skijanje van staza, skijanje slobodnim stilom i i skijanje po celoj planini. Nekoliko vrhunskih sportista koristi skije koje je izradio Faction. Među njima je Ajlin Gu, promoterka brenda IWC i dvostruka olimpijska šampionka. „Grafički dizajn sa jasnim i prepoznatljivim izrazom je važan alat za nas u kompaniji IWC kako bismo istakli inženjersku stručnost i tehničke karakteristike ove marke. Stoga je konstruisanje para skija s firmom Faction bio veliki izazov. Kao strastveni snouborder i skijaš, u potpunosti sam uživao u ovom projektu i jako sam ponosan na rezultat”, kaže Nikolas Šmit, rukovodilac odeljenja za kreiranje robne marke i korporativni dizajn u kompaniji IWC Schaffhausen.

IWC Schaffhausen announces a new collaboration with The Faction Collective. In their first joint project, the Swiss luxury watch manufacturer and the Swiss high-end ski brand are launching the “Faction Studio 1 IWC Collab Ltd.” The skis are limited to 55 pairs and mark the first time Faction has manufactured skis with a luminescent design. The “LAKE TAHOE” and “IWC” letterings on the white topsheet glow in a greenish tone in the dark. In addition, each pair comes with an option to purchase the Pilot’s Watch Chronograph TOP GUN Edition “Lake Tahoe” in white ceramic.

The collaboration between IWC Schaffhausen and Faction brings together two Swiss companies with a proven track record and a high competence in engineering. Both have also acquired unique expertise in advanced performance materials and commit to the highest standards regarding sustainability and responsible production. Faction was founded in 2006 by a group of passionate skiers. Since then, they have earned a reputation for manufacturing high-quality skis and skiing equipment for freeride, freestyle and all-mountain skiing. Several top athletes rely on skis from Faction. Among them is Eileen Gu, IWC Brand Ambassador and Double Olympic Champion. “Graphic design with a clear and recognisable expression is an important tool for us at IWC to emphasise the engineering expertise and technicality of the brand. Therefore, designing a pair of skis with Faction was a great challenge. As an enthusiastic snowboarder and skier, I thoroughly enjoyed this project and am very proud of the result”, says Nicholas Schmidt, Head of Brand Creation and Corporate Design at IWC Schaffhausen.

Moving forward Watches & Jewellery
Limited edition - Ograničena

„Prilikom svake saradnje uvek tražimo partnere koji mogu doneti nešto novo i iznenađujuće i inspirisati naš rad. IWC Schaffhausen ne samo da ima jedinstveni inženjerski pristup i stručnost u pogledu naprednih materijala, već i njihov dizajn i vizuelni izraz savršeno odgovaraju onome što i mi u kompaniji Faction radimo. Izuzetno sam srećan što mogu da predstavim naš prvi fluorescentni dizajn skija“, objašnjava Olivije Gubi, direktor brenda u kompaniji Faction. Ograničene na 55 pari, skije „Faction Studio 1 IWC Collab Ltd.“ su ručno izrađene u Austriji, u fabrici sa 100% obnovljivom energijom. Njihovo drveno jezgro sačinjeno je od topole i jasena posečenih na održiv način. Skije su izrađene prema istim specifikacijama koje firma Faction koristi i za skije Ajlin Gu, što znači da su u stanju da izdrže ekstremne sile koje stvaraju najbolji skijaši slobodnim stilom na svetu. Ojačanje od ugljenične gume ispod mesta veza pruža stabilnost prilikom teških doskoka. Ugljenično tkanje osigurava torzionu čvrstoću, dok je simetrični oblik optimizovan za svič skijanje bez napora. Izuzetno veliki bočni zid od 7,5 mm maksimalno drži ivice i štiti drveno jezgro skije.

“In our collaborations, we always look for partners who can contribute new and surprising aspects and inspire our work. IWC Schaffhausen not only has a unique engineering approach and expertise in advanced material, but their design and visual expression also perfectly match what we do at Faction. I am thrilled to be introducing our first luminescent ski design”, explains Olivier Gouby, Chief Brand Officer of Faction. Limited to 55 pairs, the “Faction Studio 1 IWC Collab Ltd.” is handmade in Austria in a 100% renewable energy factory. Its wooden core is composed of sustainably harvested poplar and ash. The skis are engineered to the same specifications used by Faction for Eileen Gu’s skis, meaning they can withstand the extreme forces generated by the world’s very best free skiers. A carbon-rubber reinforcement under the binding area adds stability for heavy landings. The carbon weave ensures torsional strength, while the symmetrical shape is optimised for effortless switch skiing. An extra-large 7.5 mm sidewall provides maximum edge hold and protection for the ski’s wooden core.

49 Moving forward Watches & Jewellery
Limited edition - Ograničena serija

Gornji sloj skija je u tonovima bele boje, dok im je osnova crna, što se savršeno slaže sa dizajnom sata Pilot’s Watch Chronograph TOP GUN Edition „Lake Tahoe“ s blistavo belim keramičkim kućištem i zift crnim brojčanikom. FACTION i njihov logo utisnut je belom bojom na crnoj podlozi. Gornji beli sloj sadrži logotipove IWC i „Lake Tahoe“ u fluorescentnoj boji. Iako su jedva vidljivi tokom dana, u mraku će svetliti zeleno. Ovaj projekt označava prvi put da je Faction izradio skije koje imaju fluorescentni dizajn.

Uz svaki par skija „Faction Studio 1 IWC Collab Ltd.“ može se kupiti i sat Pilot’s Watch Chronograph TOP GUN Edition “Lake Tahoe” (Ref. IW389105).

The skis feature a tone-on-tone white top sheet and a black base, perfectly matching the design of the Pilot’s Watch Chronograph TOP GUN Edition “Lake Tahoe” with its crisp white ceramic case and pitchblack dial. “FACTION” and their logo is printed in white on the black base. The white top sheet features kthe IWC and “Lake Tahoe” logos in luminescent paint. While barely visible during the day, they will glow green in the dark. This project marks the first time that Faction has engineered skis featuring a luminescent design.

Every pair of the “Faction Studio 1 IWC Collab Ltd.” skis come with an option to purchase the Pilot’s Watch Chronograph TOP GUN Edition “Lake Tahoe” (Ref. IW389105).

Predstavljen na izložbi „Satovi i čuda“ u Ženevi u aprilu, ovaj hronograf je vrhunac kolekcije TOP GUN kompanije IWC. Ima kućište izrađeno od blistavo bele keramike, zift crni brojčanik, crne kazaljke obložene luminiscentnim materijalima i poklopac od titanijuma. Dizajn na bazi kontrasta inspirisan je zimskim predelima oko jezera Taho, planinskom području koje često preleću piloti škole TOPGUN američke mornarice. Obojena keramika proizvodi se složenim postupkom u kojem se cirkonijum oksid meša s drugim oksidima metala, a zatim sinteruje na visokim temperaturama u peći. Potrebno je puno iskustva i znanja kako bi se odredila prava mešavina sirovina i postigli ujednačeni rezultati u višefaznom proizvodnom procesu. Skije „Faction Studio 1 IWC Collab Ltd.“ su dostupne u ograničenom broju od 55 pari u dve veličine (25x171cm ili 30x178cm). Prilikom kupovine skija, kompanija IWC takođe nudi klijentima i mogućnost kupovine sata Pilot’s Watch Chronograph TOP GUN Edition “Lake Tahoe”.

Launched at the Watches and Wonders exhibition in Geneva in April, the chronograph is a highlight of IWC’s TOP GUN collection. It features a case made of crisp white ceramic, a pitch-black dial, black hands coated with luminescent materials, and a titanium case back. The contrasting design is inspired by the winter landscape around Lake Tahoe, a mountainous area frequently flown over by the pilots in the U.S. Navy’s TOPGUN school. Colored ceramics are created in a complex manufacturing process in which zirconium oxide is mixed with other metallic oxides and then sintered at high temperatures in a kiln. It takes a lot of experience and know-how to determine the right mixture of raw materials and achieve consistent results across the multi-stage manufacturing process. The “Faction Studio 1 IWC Collab Ltd.” skis are available in a limited edition of 55 pairs in two sizes (25 x 171 cm or 30 x 178 cm). When purchasing the skis, the client will also receive an option from IWC to purchase the Pilot’s Watch Chronograph TOP GUN Edition “Lake jfdlčTahoe.”

edition - Ograničena
51 Moving forward Watches & Jewellery



ograničene serije

Limited Edition

Kako bi proslavile 60. godišnjicu poznatog italijanskog stripa Dijabolik, firme Franck Muller i Ronchi Gioielli sarađivale su na posebnom satu ograničene serije od 25 izuzetnih komada. Dijabolik je čuveni italijanski strip kojeg su 1962. godine stvorile dve sestre, Anđela i Lućana Đusani.

To celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the famous italian comics Diabolik, Franck Muller and Ronchi Gioielli collaborated on a special edition limited to 25 exceptional timepieces. Created in 1962 by Angela and Luciana Giussani, two sisters, Diabolik is a well-known comic book in Italy.

52 Watches & Jewellery LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE
luxury luxury
Moving forward Watches & Jewellery 25 izuzetnih komada - 25 exceptional timepieces

luxury luxury


Dijabolik je jedan od najprodavanijih stripova na svetu, sa 150 miliona prodatih primeraka. Nakon prve filmske adaptacije 2021. godine, u novembru ove godine izašao je i Dijabolik II u čast proslave 60. godišnjice stripa.

Dijabolik se kreće po mraku. Okretan, tih; neprimetan u noći. On je panter ledenih očiju, jedini deo sebe koji otkriva svetu.

Estetika sata savršeno odgovara Dijabolikovom karakteru, a njegov tajanstveni duh s maskom oslikan je na brojčaniku sata Cintrée Curvex™, koji ima oblik karakterističan za firmu Franck Muller.

Dizajn sata uključuje crno PVD kućište i brojčanik lakiran crnom bojom kako bi se istakao Dijabolikov pogled. Boja rosso vivo koja simbolizuje Dijabolika, tj. njegov naziv, predstavljena je na kazaljkama. Sat je takođe omaž Encu Faćolu - dizajneru Dijabolika - koji je umro 2021. godine. Cintrée Curvex™ Diabolik Limited Edition proizveden je u ograničenoj seriji, a jedan primerak je ponuđen dizajnerovom nećaku. Ideja se i rodila zahvaljujući poznaniku jednog od dizajnerovih nećaka, i u saradnji sa firmom Ronchi Gioielli.

Ronchi Gioielli je osnovan u Milanu pre oko jednog veka i zvanični je zastupnik proizvođača satova Franck Muller već nekoliko godina.

54 Pleasure & Leisure
Watches & Jewellery

Diabolik is one of the best-selling comics in the world, with 150 million volumes sold. After a first movie adaptation in 2021, Diabolik II has been launched this month, November 2022, to celebrate the comic book's 60th Anniversary.

Diabolik moves in the dark. Agile, silent; he blends into the night. He is a panther with icy eyes, the only part he reveals of himself to the world.

The aesthetic of the timepiece fits in perfectly with Diabolik's character and his mysterious spirit with his mask designed on the dial of a Cintré e Curvex™, the emblematic watch shape of Franck Muller.

The design of the timepiece shows a black PVD case and a black paint lacquered dial in order to highlight Diabolik's gaze. The symbolism of Diabolik's colour, the rosso vivo lettering, is represented on the hands. The timepiece is also a tribute to Enzo Facciolo - designer of Diabolik - who died in 2021. The Cintré e Curvex™ Diabolik Limited Edition is produced in a limited series, one of which is offered to the designer's nephew. The idea was born thanks to the acquaintance of one of the designer's nephews, as well as the cooperation with Ronchi Gioielli.

Ronchi Gioielli was founded in Milano about a century ago and has been an official Franck Muller dealer for several years.

25 izuzetnih komada - 25 exceptional timepieces 55 Moving forward
& Jewellery




Hublot će biti zvanični merilac vremena na FIFA svetskom prvenstvu u fudbalu, mereći vreme na sve 64 utakmice, sve do finala na stadionu Lusail u Dohi 18. decembra. S više od milijardu gledalaca, ovaj turnir najgledaniji je sportski događaj na svetu.

Kako bi kompanija Hublot ilustrovala svoju kampanju, kao i ljubav prema fudbalu i posvećenost lepoti različitosti, pozvala je libansku modnu dizajnersku Miru Mikati da dizajnira poseban, veseo, šareni logotip kampanje „Hublot voli fudbal“ koji zrači optimizmom. Njen ručno nacrtan i oslikan dizajn odražava mladalački entuzijazam pun nade i prenosi duh jedinstva.

Osim toga, Hublot je povezao Miru sa 15 zaštitnih lica kompanije Hublot i prijatelja ovog brenda ne bi li stvorila 15 jedinstvenih kreacija koje će prikazati fudbal njihovih snova.

Hublot will serve as the FIFA World Cup™ tournament’s Official Timekeeper, timing all 64 matches, right through to the final in Doha’s Lusail Stadium on December 18. With more than 1 billion viewers, the tournament is the world’s most watched sports event.

To illustrate the campaign, Hublot’s love of football, and our commitmen t to beauty in diversity, Hublot invited Lebanese fashion designer Mira Mikati to design a special, happy, colourful “Hublot Loves Football” campaign logo that brims with optimism. Her hand drawn and painted design captures a youthful, hopeful enthusiasm a nd communicates a spirit of unity.

In addition, Hublot brought Mira together with 15 Hublot Ambassadors and Friends of the Brand to create 15 unique designs to represent the fo otball of their dreams.

57 Watches & Jewellery LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE
Moving forward Watches
U jedinstvenom stilu - In unique style

Svaki od njih je jedinstveno, umetničko delo stvoreno da prikaže teme nade i univerzalnog poštovanja, kao i crte ličnosti fudbalskih zvezda i njihovu zajedničku strast prema fudbalu. Neki su ručno nacrtani i oslikani, drugi heklani, predstavljajući ljudski element u fudbalu. Fudbal je narodni sport.

„Čekali smo četiri godine na Svetsko prvenstvo u fudbalu u Kataru 2022! Kompanija Hublot je oduvek bila „jedinstvena, prva, drugačija“, postavši prvi proizvođač vrhunskih satova u svetu fudbala 2006. godine. Danas kompanija Hublot prednjači u merenju vremena u fudbalu. Za ovogodišnji turnir želeli smo da uradimo nešto što izražava našu veru u slobodan, raznolik i ujedinjeni svet i to na jedan nov i nezaboravan način. Fudbal je svetska igra i ima jedinstvenu moć da prenese poruku nade u sve krajeve sveta, povezujući nas i prikazujući sve što nas spaja. Strast, poštenje, porodica. Tako smo ponosni što radimo s Mirom Mikati i našim zaštitnim licima i prijateljima brenda Hublot kako bismo ispričali ovu priču. Takođe smo oduševljeni što smo zvanični merioci vremena na Svetskom prvenstvu po četvrti put, počevši još od turnira u Južnoj Africi 2010. godine. Toliko smo uzbuđeni zbog ovogodišnjeg festivala fudbala i želimo puno sreće svakoj ekipi koja učestvuje. Hublot voli fudbal!“ Rikardo Gvadalupe, izvršni direktor kompanije Hublot

Igra je u srcu svih mojih kreacija. Kad se ne igram bojom, igram se rečima. Baš kao što fudbal izaziva radost na terenu, želim da i moj rad bude stalni izvor sreće. Snovi se zaista mogu ostvariti. Susret sa zaštitnim licima kompanije Hublot i razgovor o njihovim snovima, strastima i o tome koliko daleko vas te pokretačke sile mogu dovesti bilo je nešto vrlo posebno. Tumačeći snove svakog igrača, sa kompanijom Hublot želimo da podstaknemo druge da sanjaju isto tako velike snove. Bilo da je u pitanju igranje za sopstvenu zemlju ili dizajniranje vlastite kolekcije, želimo da inspirišemo sledeću generaciju da veruje da može sve.”

Mira Mikati, modna dizajnerka

58 Pleasure & Leisure
Watches & Jewellery

Each is a one off, a piece of art created to capture the themes of hope and universal respect, as well as the individual personalities of the football stars and their shared passion for football.

Some are hand drawn and painted, others crocheted, representing the human element in football. Football is the people’s sport.

We’ve waited four years for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™! Hublot has always been ‘unique, first, different’, becoming the first Fine Watchmaking brand in football in 2006. Today, Hublot is the first name in football timekeeping. For this year’s tournament, we wanted to do something that expresses our belief in a free, diverse and unified world in a new and memorable way. Football is the world’s game and has a unique power to carry a message of hope to every corner of the Earth, connecting us and showcasing everything that brings us together. Passion, fairness, family. We’re so proud to be working with Mira Mikati and our Hublot Ambassadors and Friends of the Brand to tell this story. We’re also thrilled to be the Official Timekeeper of the FIFA World Cup™ for a fourth time, going back to the South Africa tournament of 2010. We are so excited for this year’s festival of football and wish every participating team the very best of luck. Hublot Loves Football!”

Play is at the heart of all my designs. When I’m not playing with colour, I’m playing with words. Just as football sparks joy on the pitch, I want my work to be a constant supply of happiness. Dreams really can come true. Meeting Hublot’s ambassadors and discussing their dreams, passions and how far these drivers can take you was very special. By interpreting every player’s dream, with Hublot we want to inspire other to dream just as big. Whether it’s playing for your country or designing your own collection, we want to inspire the next generation to believe they can achieve anything.”

59 Pleasure & Leisure

Penthouse in Montenegro u Crnoj Gori Penthouse


Sa sedištem u Porto Montenegru i međunarodnim prisustvom, A&A nudi kompletnu uslugu stambenog i ugostiteljskog dizajna enterijera i eksterijera, upravljanje projektima, isporuku nameštaja i umetničkih predmeta i prateće aktivnosti.

Osnovan od strane profesionalaca sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom, A&A tim je dizajnirao neke od najprestižnijih stanova i vila u jadranskom regionu, od kojih su mnogi obavljeni u Architectural Digest, ELLE, Vogue i drugim izdanjima.

Dizajn studio posve ć uje posebnu pažnju pružanju usluga i izgradnji čvrstog odnosa sa kupcima i partnerima. A&A nudi pristup stotinama vode ć ih svjetskih brendova enterijera.

Dekorateri A&A Interior Studia pretvorili su penthaus hotelskog kompleksa u rezidencijalne stanove. Jedna od glavnih turističkih atrakcija u Tivtu, a i u Crnoj Gori, je „Sveti arhipelag“ – tri ostrva u sredini zaliva: „Poluostrvo cve ća“, povezano sa obalom tankim pojasom kopna, ostrvo „ Sv. Marko“ i ostrvo „Gospa od Škrpjela“.

Sa prozora penthausa pruža se fantastičan pogled na poslednje, najmanje ostrvo. Zauzima mali prostor - širok oko 80 i dugačak 147 metara, taman dovoljno prostora da monasi sagrade crkvu sa zvonikom i monaškim ćelijama. Napadi stranih osvajača i zemljotresi više puta su rušili manastir, ali je iznova obnavljan.

62 Art & Living

More okruženo planinama, ostrvo koje pamti Rimljane i Mlečane — sve je to odredilo stil projekta.

Penthaus je potpuno renoviran — dug hodnik duž svih soba je sve što je ostalo od rasporeda hotela. Koridor je pretvoren u umetničku galeriju.

Prostrane terase ukupne površine 200 m2 i prozorski zidovi omoguć ili su kombinovanje enterijera i prirode: prirodne zlatne, peščane nijanse zidova i podova kombinovane su sa plavim i tirkiznim tonovima u tekstilu; more se više puta ogleda u staklu i uglačanim površinama.

Autori projekta želeli su da sačuvaju pogled na zaliv iz svih prostorija, pa su staklene pregrade „Rimadesio“ postavljene u kuhinji i kupatilu glavne spavaće sobe. Za spavaću sobu, fabrika „Rugiano” je proizvela krevet sa niskim leđima, koji ne zaklanja magičan pogled i omogućava vam da se divite moru i planinama dok se kupate.

Jedan od prvih predmeta koji je stigao u penthaus bio je sto od „Rive 1920”. Ovaj sto se savršeno uklapa u okolinu: stari venecijanski šipovi su prekriveni staklenom pločom koja podse ća na površinu vode. Na izložbi u Milanu odabrane su stolice, fotelje, sofe i stolovi iz nove kolekcije Bakter outdoor.

Penthaus krasi kolekcija slika, inspirisana slikama mora i maslinjaka. Odabrana starinska keramika koja se nalazi u lokalnim antikvarnicama takođe je važan deo dekoracije.

Foto: Sergej Krasjuk Pogled na zaliv - Bay veiw


Based in Porto Montenegro and working internationally, A&A offers Full-Service Residential and Hospitality Interior and Exterior Design, Project Management, Delivery of Furniture and Art objects, and more.

Established by professionals with worldwide experience, A&A team has designed some of the most prestigious apartments and villas in the Adriatic region, many of them published in Architectural Digest, ELLE, Vogue and other editions, featuring A&A as one of the leading design studios in Adriatic region.

The Design Studio pays special attention to provide A-Class Service and to build rock solid relationship with customers and partners. A&A offers access to hundreds of the World’s leading interior brands.

Decorators from the A&A Interior Studio, turned the penthouse of the hotel complex into residential apartments.

One of the main tourist attractions in Tivat, and in Montenegro, is the “Holy Archipelago” - three islands in the middle of the bay: “Peninsula of flowers”, connected to the shore by a thin strip of land, The island of “St. Mark” and The island of “Our Lady of the Rocks”.

From the windows of the penthouse there is a fantastic view of the last, smallest island. It occupies a tiny space — about 80m wide and 147m long, just enough space for the monks to build a church with a bell tower and monastic cells. The raids of foreign conquerors and earthquakes destroyed the monastery several times, but it was restored again and again.

64 Art & Living

The sea surrounded by mountains, an island that remembers the Romans and Venetians — all this determined the style of the project.

The penthouse was completely redeveloped — a long corridor along all the rooms is all that remained from the hotel layout. Corridor was turned into an art gallery.

Spacious terraces with a total area of 200 m2 and window walls made it possible to combine the interior and nature: Natural golden, sandy shades of walls and floors are combined with blue and turquoise tones in textiles; the sea is repeatedly reflected in glass and polished surfaces.

The authors of the project wanted to preserve the view of the bay from all rooms, so “Rimadesio” glass partitions were installed in the kitchen and in the Master Bedroom’s Bathroom. For the bedroom, the “Rugiano” factory produced a bed with a low back, which does not block the magical view and allows you to admire the sea and mountains while taking a bath.

One of the first objects to arrive to the penthouse was the table by “Riva 1920”. This table fits the surrounding perfectly: Old Venetian piles are covered with a glass tabletop resembling a water surface. At the exhibition in Milan, chairs, armchairs, sofas and tables from the new “Baxter” outdoor collection were selected.

Penthouse is decorated by a collection of paintings, inspired by images of the sea and olive groves. Selected vintage ceramics found in local antique shops are also important part of decoration.

Photo: Pogled na zaliv - Bay


A glimpse of the organic natural world


Vođena pionirskim duhom od 1978. godine, duga istorija kompanije Castro Lighting započela je željom za plasiranjem različitih tipova rasvete širom sveta. Strast za dizajnom prirodno je rasla s inspiracijom koja je potekla od uzbudljivih putovanja i ličnih iskustava gospodina Modesta Kastra.

Trendovi dolaze i prolaze. Mnogi se izgube u brojnim oblastima, od mode do dizajna enterijera. To je nekako redovna stvar na koju smo navikli. Ali neki trendovi su prisutni već dugo vremena i tu će se zadržati. Biofilija – teorija koja kaže da ljudi imaju urođen i genetski određen afinitet prema svetu prirode – jedan je od njih. Dizajneri enterijera nastoje da u svoj rad unesu što više prirodnih elemenata. Imajući to na umu, predstavljamo vam specijalne kolekcije inspirisane fenomenima majke prirode.

Kolekcija Prašuma

Bilo bi nemoguće pristupiti ovoj temi, a ne započeti s veličanstvenom kolekcijom pod nazivom Prašuma. Ova je kolekcija proizašla iz večite svetlosne svetkovine fantastičnih silueta, elemenata i pokreta. Kao što u šumi možete naći različite vrste lišća, tako vam i ova kolekcija nudi ogroman izbor različitih dizajna.

66 Art & Living LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE luxury

Kolekcija Lotos

Ističući lepotu cvetnih uticaja predstavljamo vam kolekciju Lotos. Ova kolekcija ima za cilj da bude najistaknutiji detalj svih enterijera budući da sadrži nezaboravne upečatljive komade kojima se stvara jedinstvena i ekskluzivna atmosfera u kojoj se svetlosne figure šire kroz različite staklene elemente.

Kolekcija Nebo

Sada vam predstavljamo kolekciju koja je osmišljena na temelju snage i spoja različitih elemenata prirode. Vatra stvara delikatnost, talas oblikuje kamenje, nebo uzdiže magiju, a kamen daje teksture. Stoga priroda oblikuje dizajn rasvete. Ako ste ikada posetili neku pećinu, kolekcija Nebo bi vam se mogla učiniti poznatom - ima istu veličanstvenost i raskošnost kao i stalaktiti i stalagmiti.

Kolekcija Eklipsa

Ipak, s glavom iznad oblaka, predstavljamo vam još jednu kolekciju inspirisanu jednom prirodnom pojavom – kolekcija Eklipsa. Ime je dobila po fenomenu pomračenja, kada Mesec stvara senku koja delimično onemogućava da se sunčevi zraci vide sa Zemlje.

Kolekcija Safari

Spuštajući se s neba i vraćajući se na kopno, vreme je da odete pravo u savanu kako biste otkrili jednu od najnovijih upečatljivih Kastrovih kolekcija – kolekciju Safari. Podstaknuta idejom putovanja, kolekcija Safari odražava estetski duh divljeg životinjskog sveta, neistraženog i zagonetnog, sa primamljivom atmosferom spokoja i podnevne letnje žege u savani.

Driven by a pioneer spirit since 1978, Castro Lighting's long history began with the desire to distribute lighting solutions around the world. The passion for design naturally grew within, as the inspiration came from exciting trips and personal experiences of Mr. Modesto Castro.

Trends come and go. Many of them fade in many sectors, from fashion to interior design. It’s kind of a regular thing as we’re used to it. But some trends are as old as time and they’re here to stay. Biophilia – a theory that says humans have an innate and genetically determined affinity with the natural world – it’s one of them. Interior designers tend to bring as much as natural elements to their work. Having this in mind we dpresent you the signature collections inspired by the phenomena of mother nature herself.

The Rainforest Collection

It would be impossible to approach this theme and not start with the magnificent Rainforest collection. This collection arose from the timeless lighting celebration of fabulous silhouettes, elements, and movements. Like in a forest, where you find different types of leaves, this collection also offers you an enormous range of diverse designs.

68 Art & Living

The Lotus Collection

Bringing the beauty of the flower influence we introduce you to the Lotus Collection. This collection aims to be the highlight of all interiors as it contains memorable statement pieces, capable of creating a unique and exclusive atmosphere where light figures spread through the various glass elements.

The Cielo Collection

We now introduce you to a collection that is designed based on the strength and fusion of various elements of nature. Fire creates delicacy, wave shapes stones, the sky elevates magic, and the stone brings textures. Therefore, nature shapes lighting design. If you’ve ever been inside a cavern, the Cielo collection might seem familiar to you – it has the same majesty and splendor that a stalactite and a stalagmite possess.

The Eclipse Collection

Still, with our heads above the clouds, we introduce to you another collection inspired by a natural occurrence – the Eclipse Collection. It got this name after the eclipse phenomenon when the moon creates a shadow that partially inhibits sunrays from being seen from Earth.

The Safari Collection

Descending from the skies and returning to plane land, time to go directly to the savannah to discover one of the newest Castro’s signature collections – the Safari Collection. Ignited by the concept of journey, the Safari Collection embraces the aesthetic spirit of the savage animal world, unexplored and enigmatic, with an enticing atmosphere of serenity and the midday summer heat of Savannah.




Jurija Gagarina 14a Beograd, Srbija




Slobodan Vračar


Katarina Jančić






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Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd 747 BUSINESS & Luxury / glavni i odgovorni urednik Vladimir Banović. - 2015, no. 1- . - Beograd : Victoria & Wolf, 2015- (Subotica : Rotografika). - 30 cm Tromesečno. - Tekst na srp. i engl. jeziku ISSN 2406-2057 = Business & Luxury COBISS.SR-ID 213138956

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Portonovi Montenegro

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