Dizajn: Ljiljana Martinović Fotografije: Vladimir Nešović, Dušan Filipović, Milan Đakov
Art & Living
rohujalo je dvadeset godina od trenutka kada se u vihoru rata i razaranja tadašnje SRJ ostvarila ideja i vizija gospođe Madlene Zepter da uprkos beznađu treba dati priliku umetnosti da se oglasi. Davne 1997. godine osnovana je Kamerna opera Madlenianum, osnivača i donatora gospođe Madlene Zepter, čija ulaganja u kulturu i umetnost predstavljaju najveći savremeni mecenat u ovoj oblasti, ne samo u našoj zemlji već i u evropskim razmerama, uopšte. Beograd se tada upisuje na mapu operske umetnosti sa prvom privatnom operom, koja ubrzo prerasta u Operu i teatar Madlenianum, sa dramskim tekstovima i adaptacijama velikih književnih dela na repertoaru, otvarajući trend postavke biografija velikih ličnost. Madlenianum je jedina kuća umetnosti u Srbiji koja na svom repertoaru izvodi sve žanrove pozorišne umetnosti, a poznata je i po tome da gaji najmlađu opersku publiku dajući besplatne predstave opere za decu i mlade. Ponosni smo na svojih 20 godina i na predstave koje se dugi niz godina izvode na našoj sceni, poput mjuzikla Jadnici, koji je u jubilarnoj sezoni proslavio 10 godina na našoj sceni. Smešten na obali Dunava u Zemunu, u potpuno rekonstruisanoj zgradi starog pozorišta, koja je svečano otvorena 2005. godine, Madlenianum je spoj umetnosti, visoke tehnologije i prefinjenosti enterijera, jedinstven u Beogradu. Pored izuzetnih sadržaja koje prikazuje na svojoj pozornici, sa svojim višenamenskim funkcionalnim prostorom, savremenom video i audio opremom, i jednom od najakustičnijih sala u Beogradu, Madlenianum je postao prepoznatljiv i kao prostor za različite poslovne i zabavne skupove, na najvišem nivou. Ekskluzivitet prostora i vrhunski profesionalizam doneli su Madlenianumu, 2016. godine, nagradu za Najbolji prostor za specijalne događaje (Best Special Venue), od strane regionalnog portala Opera i teatar Madlenianum je vizija koja je doživela svoju stvarnost na najlepši mogući način, a pored toga što pruža doživljaj, Madlenianum je i mesto susretanja.
A VISION THAT HAS BECOME REALITY t has been twenty years since that very moment, in the whirlwind of war and destruction of the former Yugoslavia, when the idea and the vision of Mrs. Madlena Zepter to give art the chance to, despite all hopelessness, came true. Back in 1997 the Madlenianum Chamber Opera was set up by the founder and donator, Mrs. Madlena Zepter, whose investments in culture and art represent the largest contemporary patronage in this field, not only in our country but also throughout Europe in general. Belgrade thus, having its first private Opera house, got its place on the map of the opera art as well and the Opera soon turned into the Opera & Theatre Madlenianum, with drama texts and adaptations of great literary works on the repertoire, opening the trend of setting biographies of significant figures. Madlenianum is the only art house in Serbia performing all genres of the theatre art on its repertoire and it is also famous for cherishing the youngest opera audience, offering free opera performances for young and children. We are proud of our 20 years and of the plays that have been performed for a number of years on our stage, among which is the musical Les MisĂŠr-ables celebrating its 10th anniversary on our stage in this jubilee season. Situated on the bank of the River Danube in Zemun, in a completely renovated building of the old theatre, ceremonially opened in 2005, Madlenianum is a mixture of art, high technology and the interior sophistication, unique in Belgrade. Besides an exceptional content shown on its stage, with its multifunctional premises, modern video and audio equipment and one of the most acoustic halls in Belgrade, Madlenianum has also become recognizable as the venue for various business and entertaining gatherings of the highest level. The exclusivity of the space and top professionalism brought Madlenianum in 2016 the award for the Best Special Venue by the regional portal The Opera & Theatre Madlenianum is the vision turned into reality in the most beautiful possible way and in addition to offering an experience, Madlenianum is the place of encounter as well.
Art & Living
Uvodna reč
VLADIMIR BANOVIĆ urednik / editor
Dragi čitaoci,
Dear readers,
Želimo vam dobrodošlicu na stranice novog broja magazina Business&Luxury. Dosta lepih i zanimljivih stvari smo prikazali do sada, ali na ovom beskrajnom svetu ima još toliko toga za videti. Za ovaj broj smo napravili novi odabir umetnosti, lepote i luksuza kojim želimo da vas inspirišemo.
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the new edition of the Business & Luxury magazine. We have shown you a lot of beautiful and interesting things so far, but there is still so much more to see in this vast world. For this edition we have made a new selection of art, beauty and luxury meant to inspire you.
Nas je očarao divan hotel u srcu Londona čiji enterijer odiše bogatstvom i tradicijom, te i vi zavirite da vidite hoće li i vas oduševiti.
We were enchanted by an exquisite hotel in the heart of London, whose luxurious interior is steeped in tradition, so take a peak and let yourself be thrilled too.
Ukoliko imate slobodnog vremena, a volite oldtajmere, svratite do Italije. Tamo se, na jezeru Komo, u maju, održava tradicionalno takmičenje istorijskih lepotana.
If you have some free time, and you are fond of classic cars, we suggest you go to Italy where a traditional beauty contest for historic cars will take place at Lake Como in May.
Umetnost izrade satova je naša, a verujemo i vaša, fascinacija. Jedan poseban, divan umetnički izraz, čija se vrednost oličava kroz njegovu cenu.
We are fascinated with the art of watchmaking and we believe you are too. It is a very special, wonderful form of art, whose value is reflected in its price.
Uživajte usput i u posebnim mestima koja smo odabrali ovog puta. Srdačno. Vaš B&L tim
Finally, you may enjoy in some wonderful destinations we have chosen for you this time. Sincerely yours, B&L team
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SAM Godišnja nagrada Annual Award
Srpska asocijacija menadžera (SAM) tradicionalno, već šestu godinu za redom, dodelila je „Godišnju nagradu SAM-a“ najboljima u Srbiji na najprestižnijem događaju za poslovnu javnost „SAM Gala“ koji je organizovan kroz partnerstvo sa M2Communications. „SAM Gala“ kruna je godišnjih aktivnosti Srpske asocijacije menadžera. Kao strukovno udruženje menadžera, SAM okuplja preko 400 profesionalnih menadžera, rukovodilaca uspešnih firmi i timova od preko 90.000 zaposlenih koji godišnje realiziju posao vredan 12 milijardi evra i u svom radu se zalaže za profesionalni razvoj menadžera, afirmaciju, profesionalizaciju i promociju najboljih poslovnih praksi, kompanija, odgovornog, etičkog i održivog poslovanja. Predsednica SAM-a je Stanka Pejanović, a izvršni direktor je Jelena Bulatović. Preko 430 zvanica iz poslovnog, političkog, kulturnog i medijskog života, prisustvovalo je ovoj originalnoj i jedinstvenoj svečanosti koja je održana u Belexpocentru. „SAM GALA“ je glamurozno otvorena izvođenjem naslovne numere iz mjuzikla „Fantom iz opere“, Pozorišta na Terazijama, za koje je Srpska asocijacija menadžera dobila ekskluzivna prava od Endrjua Lojda Vebera i Rili Jusful Grupe iz Velike Britanije.
Događaj koji postavlja nove standarde, Srpska asocijacija menadžera organizuje u saradnji sa agencijom M2Communications, vodećom agencijom za iskustveni marketing i event menadžment na ovim prostorima. Iza kreativnog koncepta, kompletnog vizuelnog identiteta i produkcije „SAM Gala 2017.“ stoji iskusan tim agencije na čijem čelu je Miro Antić, partner i kreativni direktor.
„Pružamo punu podršku Srpskoj asocijaciji menadžera i zaista je zadovoljstvo sarađivati sa timom SAM-a, ljudima koji ulažu veliku energiju u realizaciju ovog projekta i svim srcem su posvećeni idejama godišnje
Traditionally, for the sixth consecutive year, the Serbian Association of Managers (SAM) has awarded the "SAM Annual Award" to the best in Serbia, at the most prestigious event of the business community, the "SAM GALA", organized in partnership with M2Communications. "SAM Gala" represents the pinnacle of the annual activities of the Serbian Association of Managers. As a professional association of managers, SAM gathers over 400 professional managers, successful business executives and over 90,000 employees who annually generate 12 billion euros in revenue, and as such it is committed to advancement of managerial profession, affirmation, professionalization and promotion of best business practices, companies, responsible, ethical and sustainable business activities. The President of SAM is Stanka Pejanović, and the Executive Director is Jelena Bulatović. More than 430 guests from business, political, cultural and media world attended this original and unique ceremony held at Belexpocentar. "SAM GALA" was glamorously opened with the performance of the title song from the musical "The Phantom of the Opera", by the Terazije Theater for which the Serbian Association of Managers was given exclusive rights by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Really Useful Group from Great Britain. This event setting new standards was jointly organized by the Serbian Association of Managers and M2Communications agency, the leader in experiential marketing and event management in this region. The agency’s experienced team led by Miro Antić, a partner and creative director, was behind the creative concept of SAM Gala 2017, as well as its complete visual identity and production.
"We fully support the Serbian Association of Managers and it gives us great pleasure to cooperate with the SAM’s team of people who put a lot of effort into this project and who are wholeheartedly dedicated to the idea of having
nagrade i gala večeri. Naš cilj nije isključivo vezan za želju da „SAM Gala“ iz godine u godinu podižemo na viši nivo u kreativnom i produkcijskom smislu, već da pokrenemo emocije i kreiramo jedno potpuno novo iskustvo za članove asocijacije i goste gala večeri“, ističe Miro Antić, koji ovoj manifestaciji daje lični kreativni pečat. Glavne elemente veličanstvene scenografije činile su posebno kreirana svetlosna instalacija sačinjena od preko 250 “Edison” sijalica postavljenih na visoke hromirane cevi i scena koja se prostirala na površini od 300 kvadrata iznad koje je bio postavljen LED ekran veličine 8 x 4,5m. Scena jedinstvene forme završavala se izlaskom na centralnu kružnu binu oivičenu LED RGB rasvetom. Pažljivo ukomponovani svetlosni, zvučni i specijalni efekti, osmišljeni performansi i precizna režija, doprineli su impozantnom doživljaju, poput onog koje zvanice imaju na dodeli Oskara ili Met Gala večeri u Njujorku.
SAM i M2Communications su pokazali da kreativnost, umetnički pristup i visoki profesionalni standardi događaje poput “SAM Gala” mogu da stave rame uz rame sa sličnim manifestacijama na svetskoj sceni.
„SAM Godišnja nagrada“ je prestižno priznanje koje se dodeljuje najboljim menadžerima, kompanijama i pojedincima. „SAM Godišnja nagrada 2017“ dodeljena je u 11 kategorija: „Menadžer godine 2017“ je Dragoljub Damljanović, Energy & Field Services VP SEE, Schneider Electric. „Poslodavac godine 2017“ kompanija VIP Mobile. „Najbolji mladi menadžer do 35 godina“ je Nikola Obradović, direktor i osnivač No Solutions Development iz Novog Sada. Nagrada za „Lični herojski čin“ pripala je Arnou Gujonu, osnivaču humanitarne organizacije „Solidarnost za Kosovo“. „Poslodavac godine u kategoriji malih preduzeća“ je Atria Group, dok je „Društveno odgovorna kompanija“ godine Delta Holding.
annual award ceremony and gala dinner. We are not only aiming to raise the bar each year in terms of creativity and production of "SAM Gala", but also to provoke people’s emotions and create a whole new experience for the members of the Association and guests at the gala, "explains Miro Antić, who adds his personal, creative touch to this event. The stage, magnificently decorated with a specially designed light installation made up of over 250 Edison bulbs mounted on tall chromed tubes, stretched over 300 square meters with an 8x4.5m LED screen hanging above. This unique stage leading up to a central circular podium was embellished with LED RGB lights around its edges. Nicely incorporated light, sound and special effects, well-thought out performances and precise direction, have all contributed to an impressive experience, like the one you get at the Oscars or Met Gala in New York. SAM and M2Communications have shown that creativity, artistic approach and high professional standards may put events such as SAM Gala at the same level as similar events in the world.
The "SAM Annual Award" is a prestigious award given to the best managers, companies and individuals. The awards for 2017 were handed out in 11 categories: The Manager of the Year 2017 is Dragoljub Damljanović, Energy & Field Services VP SEE, Schneider Electric. The Employer of the year 2017 is VIP Mobile. The Best Young Manager up to 35 years is Nikola Obradović, the director and founder of No Solutions Development from Novi Sad. The Award for "Personal Heroic Act" was presented to Arnaud Gouillon, the founder of the humanitarian organization "Solidarity for Kosovo". The Employer of the Year in the small entities category was given to Atria Group, while the award for the Socially Responsible Company of the Year went to Delta Holding.
Za „Razvoj i promociju liderstva među mladima u 2017. godini“ nagrađen je Beogradski fond za političku izuzetnost (BFPE), dok je za „Najbolji program za razvoj talenata“ proglašen program kompanije Delta Holding. Specijalno priznanje za „Poslovnu inicijativu“ dobila je kompanija Aura, „Poslovni iskorak“ u 2017. godini učinila je Vinarija Aleksić, dok je specijalno priznanje za „Poslovnu izuzetnost“ uručeno Bel Medic-u.
The Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence (BFPE) was awarded for the Promotion and Development of Leadership among Youth in 2017, while Delta Holding was recognized for having the "Best Talent Development Program". A special prize was given to Aura company for "Business Initiative", while Aleksić Winery was recognized for "Business Breakthrough" in 2017, and Bel Medic for "Business Excellence".
Principi integriteta, odgovornog liderstva, stručnosti i razvoja, tolerantnosti, održivosti, jednakosti i poverenja vode Srpsku asocijaciju menadžera već 11 godina, rukovodeći se vrednostima poput ekonomske sigurnosti, prijateljstva, stalne transformacije i odgovornog liderstva i sprovodeći svoj moto: Jaki menadžeri – jake kompanije – jaka Srbija!
The Serbian Association of Managers has guided itself for 11 years by the principles of integrity, responsible leadership, expertise and development, tolerance, sustainability, equality and trust, following the values such as economic security, friendship, constant transformation and responsible leadership and implementing its motto: Strong managers – strong companies - strong Serbia!
BMW DVOSTRUKA pobeda Double
BMW započinje 2018. godinu dvostrukom pobedom na izboru za najbolji auto „Best Cars Award“. Prema najnovijoj anketi čitalaca stručnog časopisa „Auto, motor und sport“, modeli BMW serije 5 i BMW X1 izglasani su za najbolje u svojim klasama. Osvojivši prvo mesto u kategoriji više srednje klase, BMW serije 5 je uspeo da ponovi prošlogodišnji uspeh. Sportsko vozilo BMW X1 se nametnulo u klasi „Kompaktni SUV“. Pored toga, još šest aktuelnih modela BMW-a zauzelo je mesto na pobedničkom postolju, svako u svojoj klasi vozila. Nagrade su uručene na svečanosti koja je održana u Međunarodnom kongresnom centru Štutgart (ICS).
For BMW, the year 2018 begins with a double victory at the “Best Cars Award”. Both the BMW 5 Series and the BMW X1 claim class victories in the latest reader’s poll held by the trade journal “Auto, motor und sport”. With first place in the “Upper Midrange” category, the BMW 5 Series was able to repeat last year’s success. The Sports Activity Vehicle BMW X1 asserted itself in the “Compact SUV” class. Moreover, six further current BMW models were able to gain places on the winners’ rostrum in each of their respective vehicle classes. The prizes were presented yesterday during a festive gala at the International Congress Centre Stuttgart (ICS).
Nagrada za najbolje automobile „Best Cars Award” je jedna od najpoželjnijih nagrada sa dugom tradicijom u automobilskom sektoru. Javni izbor čitalaca časopisa „Auto, motor und sport” ove godine je održan po 42. put. U najnovijem glasanju učestvovalo je više od 117,000 čitalaca koji su birali između 378 aktuelnih modela u okviru jedanaest kategorija.
The “Best Cars Award” is one of the most coveted and tradition-steeped prizes in the automotive sector. The public survey held among readers of “Auto, motor und sport” took place this year for the 42nd time. More than 117,000 readers participated in the latest voting, in which they were able to choose from 378 current models in eleven vehicle categories.
Čitaoci su sa 28,8 odsto glasova izglasali BMW serije 5 za svoj omiljeni model u višoj srednjoj klasi, čime je ovaj automobil nastavio niz uspeha koje je ostvario prošle godine kada je, pored nagrade "Best Cars Award" časopisa „Auto, motor und sport“, takođe osvojio i nagradu „Auto trofej – najbolji svetski automobil“ koju dodeljuje časopis “Auto Zeitung”, a proglašen je i “automobilom godine” u Velikoj Britaniji.
With 28.8 percent of votes, readers chose the BMW 5 Series as their favourite in the “Upper Midrange” class, the car thus continuing the series of successes it achieved last year when in addition to the “Best Cars Award” from “Auto, motor und sport”, it also won the “Auto Trophy – World’s Best Cars” from “Auto Zeitung” and was voted “Car of the Year” in the UK.
Osim toga, BMW serije 5 pobrao je i druga poznata priznanja, uključujući nagrade za izvanredan dizajn „Red Dot“ i „iF Gold“, nagradu za konektivnost u kategoriji „Konektovani automobil“ i nagradu „Zlatni kompjuter“ za svoju naprednu tehnologiju umrežavanja. BMW serije 5 takođe je poneo i titulu „Šampion vrednosti 2017“ koja potvrđuje njegovu natprosečno stabilnu vrednost.
Furthermore, the BMW 5 Series clinched other renowned accolades, including the “Red Dot Award” and the “iF Gold Award” for outstanding design, the “Car Connectivity Award” and the title “Goldener Computer” for its advanced networking technology. The BMW 5 Series was also awarded the title “Value Champion 2017” certifying its above-average value stability.
Odnevši pobedu u svojoj klasi na izboru „Best Cars Awards“ 2018, BMW X1 je takođe ponovio svoje ranije uspehe. Ovaj model je već uspeo da trijumfuje 2016. godine u izboru čitalaca časopisa „Auto, motor und sport“. Ovog puta je osvojio prvo mesto u kategoriji „Kompaktni SUV“, prikupivši 15,9 odsto glasova. Ovo kompaktno sportsko vozilo dobro je ocenjeno ne samo zbog svoje svestranosti, vrhunskih karakteristika i dinamike svojstvene ovom brendu, već i izuzetno inovativne mrežne tehnologije kojoj nema premca među njegovom konkurencijom.
With its class victory at the “Best Cars Award” 2018, the BMW X1 has also replicated its earlier successes. In 2016, it was already able to clinch victory in the reader’s poll held by “Auto, motor und sport”. This time, it gained top place in the category “Compact SUV”, winning 15.9 percent of votes. The compact Sports Activity Vehicle scores not only with versatility, premium characteristics and brand-typical dynamics, but also with exceptionally innovative networking technology that is unmatched in its competitive environment.
Zadovoljstvo u vožnji
Moving forward
Art & Living Moving forward
Kalinan - Cullinan LIFESTYLE Kulinan MAGAZINE
Priča o tome kako je ovaj novi Rol-Rojs automobil dobio ime je sama po sebi traganje za savršenstvom. Poput dijamanta, Rols-Rojs Kalinan je prošao fascinantno putovanje. Od užarenih pustinja Afrike i Bliskog istoka do ledenog snega Arktičkog kruga; od travnatih dolina škotske visoravni do visokih kanjona Severne Amerike, dizajneri, inženjeri, zanatlije i majstori kuće Rols-Rojs oblikovali su, Danas se tom čekanju približio kraj jer je kompanija testirali i usavršili ovaj Rols-Rojs potvrdila da će se Kalinan je drugi Rols-Rojsov jedinstveni automobil njihov novi automobil zvati model koji se našao u samom kako bi uklonili bilo kakav Kalinan (eng. Cullinan.) nedostatak i učinili da ide vrhu nedavno najavljene potpuno Lako, Svuda. „Ime Kalinan se skrivalo nove „Arhitekture luksuza“ sa naočigled svih otkad smo pre aluminijumskom spaceframe „Inspirisao nas je taj epski par godina obelodanili da će šasijom. Jedinstven i neponovljiv proces od više hiljada godina, se tako zvati ovaj projekat“, u svojoj genijalnosti, svaki aspekt koji je doveo do nastajanja objašnjava Torsten MilerKalinana je blistav. dijamanta Kalinan. To Otvos, izvršni direktor ime oličava mnoge aspekte obećanja našeg novog kompanije Rols-Rojs. „To je najprikladniji naziv za automobila. Ono govori o izdržljivosti i apsolutnoj naš izvanredan novi proizvod. Kalinan je automobil čvrstoći pri izlaganju najvećim pritiscima, govori tako jasne svrhe, savršenog kvaliteta i vrednosti, o retkosti i dragocenosti, a upućuje na pionirski, i takve pojave da postavlja nove standarde i avanturistički duh Čarlsa Rolsa i inženjerske mogućnosti istinskog luksuza. Baš kao i dijamant inovacije ser Henrija Rojsa, i, naravno, govori o Kalinan, najveći savršeni dijamant ikada pronađen, apsolutnom luksuzu, gde god da se zaputite na pojavljuje se kada je dostigao savršenstvo i iznad je svetu“, dodao je Miler-Otvos. svih ostalih."
Moving forward
re tri godine kompanija Rols-Rojs je najavila da će napraviti sasvim nov automobil visoke karoserije, koji će redefinisati luksuzno putovanje tako što će ga učiniti Lakim, Svuda. Od tada se iščekivao dolazak ovog jedinstvenog novog modela Rols-Rojsa.
The story of how this new Rolls-Royce came to be named Cullinan is itself one of the pursuit of perfection. Like the diamond, the Rolls-Royce Cullinan has undertaken a fascinating journey. From the searing deserts of Africa and the Middle East to the freezing snows of the Arctic Circle; from the grassy glens of the Scottish Highlands to the towering canyons of North America, the designers, engineers, craftspeople and artisans of the House of Today, the wait is almost over as Rolls-Royce confirms Rolls-Royce have shaped, tested that its new motor car will be Cullinan is the second Rolls-Royce and polished this unique motor called Cullinan. to sit atop the company’s car to eliminate any flaw and make it Effortless, Everywhere. “The name Cullinan has recently announced all-new been hiding in plain sight proprietary aluminium spaceframe “We were inspired by the since we revealed it as the ‘Architecture of Luxury’. Unique epic processes, over many project name some years ago”, and unequalled in its brilliance, millennia, which went into comments Torsten Müllerevery facet of the Rolls-Royce the creation of the Cullinan Ötvös, Chief Executive Cullinan scintillates. Diamond. The name embodies Officer of Rolls-Royce. “It the many facets of our new motor car’s promise. is the most fitting name for our extraordinary new It speaks of endurance and absolute solidity in product. Cullinan is a motor car of such clarity of the face of the greatest pressures; it tells of rarity purpose, such flawless quality and preciousness, and preciousness and it alludes to the pioneering, and such presence that it recalibrates the scale and adventurous spirit of The Hon. Charles Rolls and possibility of true luxury. Just like the Cullinan the engineering innovation of Sir Henry Royce; and, Diamond, the largest flawless diamond ever found, of course, it speaks of absolute luxury, wherever you it emerges when it is perfect and exists above all venture in the world” continued Müller-Ötvös. others.”
Moving forward
hree years ago Rolls-Royce announced to the world that it would create an all-new, highbodied car that would redefine luxury travel by making it Effortless, Everywhere. Since that day the world has waited, anticipating the arrival of this mould-breaking new Rolls-Royce.
Concorso d’Eleganza 2018
Moving forward
ve godine posetioce Konkursa elegancije u Vili d’Este smeštenoj u gradiću Ćernobio na severu Italije očekuju spektakularni prizori i zvezde iz automobilske i motociklističke istorije. Takmičenje lepotana iz redova istorijskih automobila zajedno organizuju Odeljenje za klasike BMW Grupe i Grand Hotel Villa d'Este, a događaj će se održati pod sloganom „Holivud na jezeru“. Od 25. do 27. maja 2018, park i posed Vile d’Este i susedne Vile Erba na obalama jezera Komo biće savršena scena za protagoniste na dva i četiri točka. Pored filmskog prikaza istorije vozila od samih početaka motorizovanog prevoza, Konkurs elegancije u 2018. godini će još jednom ponuditi i viđenje njegove budućnosti prezentujući spektakularne konceptne automobile i prototipove.
pectacular scenes and stars from automobile and motorcycle history will await visitors to the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este 2018 in Cernobbio, Northern Italy. The beauty contest for historic cars is staged jointly by BMW Group Classic and the Grand Hotel Villa d’Este, the event will be held under the motto “Hollywood on the Lake”. From 25 to 27 May 2018, the parkland and grounds of Villa d’Este and the neighbouring Villa Erba on the banks of Lake Como will form the perfect set for the protagonists on two and four wheels. Alongside the cinematically staged overview of vehicle history since the beginnings of motorised transport, the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este 2018 will once again offer a perspective on the future of mobility with a presentation of spectacular Concept Cars and Prototypes.
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Luksuzna LIFESTYLE klasa - Luxury MAGAZINE class
U 2018. godini takmičenje istorijskih vozila ponovo će obuhvatiti osam klasa. I čitava automobilska istorija će opet biti prikazana kroz ove kategorije – od predratnih trkačkih automobila i predratnih luksuznih limuzina do sportskih automobila i GT automobila iz posleratnog perioda. Zbog toga će klasični automobili iz svih važnijih epoha u automobilskoj i filmskoj istoriji biti odabrani da učestvuju na takmičenju. Istorijski automobili iz doba nemih filmova i zlatnih dvadesetih godina će moći da se vide tik pored automobila iz snova iz perioda prvih modernih blokbastera.
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I druga vozila izuzetnog karaktera biće predstavljena u nekoliko specijalnih klasa. One će uključivati izvanredne automobile koji su ostavili trajni utisak ne samo na drumu, već i kao zvezde u dugometražnim filmovima. Trkački automobili Formule 1 iz različitih decenija će biti predstavljeni u premijer klasi auto-moto sporta.
Konkurs elegancije u Vili d’Este je poznat po prestižnom spisku učesnika. Ovo takmičenje održano je po prvi put 1929. godine i obezbedilo je pozornicu za nove automobile. Od 2005. godine ovaj događaj zajedno organizuje Odeljenje za klasike BMW Grupe i Grand Hotel Villa d'Este, a danas je najekskluzivnije tradicionalno takmičenje oldtajmera na svetu sa zavidnim nasleđem.
In 2018, the competition for historic automobiles will once more encompass eight classes. And the entire bandwidth of automobile history will again be reflected in these categories – from pre-war racing cars and pre-war luxury saloons to sports cars and gran turismo automobiles in the post-war era. The spectrum of classic vehicles entering the competition will therefore be drawn from all the important epochs in vehicle and film history. Historic automobiles from the era of silent films and the golden twenties will be seen alongside dream automobiles from the period of the first modern blockbusters.
The blue riband list of entrants is a hallmark of the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa d’Este. This contest was held for the first time in 1929 and provided an arena for new automobiles. Since 2005, the event has been jointly organised by BMW Group Classic and the Grand Hotel Villa d’Este, and today it is the world’s most exclusive and traditional beauty contest for historic vehicles with an enviable heritage.
Moving forward
Additional vehicles of exceptional character will be presented in several special classes. These will include extraordinary automobiles which have left a lasting impression not only on the road but also as stars in feature films. Formula 1 racing cars will be presented from different decades in the premiere class of motor sport.
MAGNUS WALKER VOKER Markus Voker je nedavno objavio svoju autobiografiju „Urbani odmetnik“ na svoj pedeseti rođendan.
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Bez sumnje Magnus Voker super izgleda. To nije zato što se mnogo bavio svojim izgledom. Ne, dredovi koji mu dosežu do bokova, pocepane farmerke i tetovaže na podlakticama su jednostavno rezultat brzog života. Uz to, na licu mu se vidi skeptičan stav prema očekivanjima i Magnus Voker je modni dizajner, konvencijama. Ili, kako sam kaže, „Ako se svakome ikona stila, zaljubljenik u sviđa vaš izgled, na pogrešnom ste putu."
automobile - i vlasnik jedne od najčudesnijih kolekcija automobila marke Porsche na svetu koju drži u staroj fabričkoj hali u Los Anđelesu.
Svoj put od radničkog grada Šefilda u Britaniji do glamurozne Južne Kalifornije opisao je u svojoj autobiografiji „Urbani odmetnik“. Knjiga odiše istim principom kojim se i on vodio kroz život - brzina je najbitnija! Vokerova priča takođe sugeriše svojim čitaocima kako da očuvaju svoju ljubav prema vožnji u vremenima velikih gužvi u saobraćaju. Jer prvo pravilo „Urbanog odmetnika“ kaže sledeće: "Vozite svaki dan kao da ste u trci - ako je potrebno, sa samim sobom."
Urbani odmetnik - Urban Outlaw LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE
Markus Walker recently published his autobiography Urban Outlaw to coincide with his fiftieth birthday.
of the world’s most astonishing collections of Porsches, housed in an old factory building in Los Angeles.
How he made his way from the blue-collar British city of Sheffield to glitzy southern California is recounted in his autobiography, Urban Outlaw. The book exudes the same principle that has run through his life itself—speed is of the essence! Walker’s story also tells its readers how to keep their love of driving alive in an age of gridlock. For the first law of Urban Outlaw is the following: “Drive every day like a race—if need be, against yourself.”
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Make no mistake, Magnus Walker has a very cool look. That’s not because he’d waste any time thinking about his appearance. No, the hip-length dreadlocks, the ripped jeans, and the tattooed forearms are simply the by-products of a high-speed life. Moreover, a skeptical attitude Magnus Walker is a fashion toward expectations and convention is written all designer, style icon, automobile over his face. Or, as he puts it, “If everyone likes your look, you’re on the wrong enthusiast — and owner of one track.”
ZALJUBIO SE U 911-CU SA CRVENIM I PLAVIM PRUGAMA Kada se Voker priseća svog prvog susreta sa automobilom Porsche 911, njegov britanski akcenat začinjen slengom zapadne američke obale, a glas mu postaje nežniji. On je 1977. godine u pratnji oca posetio salon automobila u dvorani Erls Kort u Londonu - i odmah se zaljubio u 911-cu sa crvenim i plavim prugama. „Istog trenutka sam znao da je to moj auto iz snova." U Šefildu su motorna vozila obično podrazumevala kamione, traktore i druga transportna sredstava povezana sa fizičkim radom. „Tamo nikada nisam video sportski auto", napominje on. Sedeći ispred televizora, postao je opčinjen trkama, gledajući trke Formule 1 sa svojim ocem i navijajući za Džejmsa Hanta i druge legendarne britanske vozače trkačkih automobila. „Osećao sam da to ima veze sa slobodom i individualnim izrazom", kaže on. Ali voziti u Šefildu? Nije vredelo truda.
Voker je dobio vozačku dozvolu tek kad je navršio dvadeset jednu godinu, i to u Los Anđelesu. Četiri godine kasnije kupio je svoj prvi Porsche 911 za 7.500 dolara - čin koji on i dan danas smatra „ogromnim ličnim uspehom".
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Skloni smo da tražimo objašnjenje za Vokerov čudesan život u njegovom detinjstvu - u sivilu Šefilda. Školu je napustio 1982. godine, zatim otišao u Sjedinjene Države da radi preko leta i ostao u Kaliforniji podstaknut željom da ostvari svoje snove. „Nisam mogao da podnesem pomisao da se vratim u Englesku kao gubitnik". Počeo je da se bavi prodajom pankerske odeće u Venis Biču koju je sam dizajnirao, a onda je ušao u posao s nekretninama sa svojom suprugom Karen. Drugo pravilo „Urbanog odmetnika“ glasi: „Ako imaš dobar osećaj u vezi sa nečim, onda to i uradi."
Urbani odmetnik - Urban Outlaw LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE
HE FELL IN LOVE WITH A 911 WITH RED AND BLUE STRIPES When Walker speaks of his first encounter with a Porsche 911, his British accent enlivened with West Coast slang, his voice softens. In 1977 he accompanied his father to the Earls Court Motor Show in London—and promptly fell in love with a 911 with red and blue stripes. “I knew right away that it was my dream car.” In Sheffield motorized vehicles tended to be trucks, tractors, and other work-related means of transport. “I’d never seen a sports car there,” he says. Sitting in front of the TV set, he became enthralled with racing, watching Formula One races with his father and cheering on James Hunt and other legendary British race-car drivers. “I sensed that it had to do with freedom and individual expression,” he says. But driving in Sheffield? Not worth the effort.
It’s tempting to seek the key to Walker’s extraordinary life in his childhood—in the gray shades of Sheffield. He dropped out of school in 1982, went to the United States for a summer job, and stayed on in California, driven by the will to make his dreams come true. “The idea of returning to England as a failure was unbearable.” He began by selling self-designed punk fashion in Venice Beach, then entered the real estate business with his wife, Karen. The second law of Urban Outlaw is: “If it feels good, just do it.”
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Walker didn’t get his driver’s license until the age of twenty-one, in Los Angeles. Four years later he bought his first Porsche 911 for 7,500 dollars—an act that he calls an “enormous personal success” to this day.
Upravo to načelo je ono što podstiče Vokerovu strast ka kolekcionarstvu. Tokom godina njegovoj prvoj 911-ci pridružilo se još na desetine drugih, tako da ih sada ima ukupno oko četrdeset, kako sam procenjuje. Većina njih je pronađena u užasnom stanju, spremna za otpad. Sa njemu svojstvenom mešavinom nestašnog duha i nepogrešivog stila, pretvorio ih je u spektakularne unikate. Svaki od njih je bio pokušaj da se ostvari njegov dečački san o savršenom sportskom automobilu. Pri tome, ova vozila nisu nikakve ofarbane igračke za gledanje. Daleko od toga. Njihov vlasnik nema nikakvih rezervi o ogrebotinama i brazgotinama na farbi. „Automobili moraju da se voze", insistira on - a to na njima može ostaviti neki trag. Vokerova strast za sakupljanjem je takođe izraz njegove znatiželje i želje za sticanjem znanja. „Mogu razumeti razvojni put 911ce tek kad budem imao automobil iz svake faze njegovog razvoja", objašnjava. Zbog toga ih retko preprodaje. Jedan 911 STR II, koji je krasio naslovnu stranu časopisa Road & Track (Drum i kamioni), kupio je za više od tri stotine hiljada industrijalc i legendarni kolekcionar Porsche automobila Bob Ingram. Treći zakon Urbanog odmetnika kazuje: „Poslujte samo sa ljudima koji dele vašu strast."
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Precisely that maxim is what also fuels Walker’s passion as a collector. Over the years, his first 911 has been joined by dozens more, for a current total of around forty, he estimates. Most of them were found in appalling condition, fit for the junkyard. With his typical blend of playfulness and unerring style, he turned them into spectacular one-of-a-kind items. Every one of them was an attempt to make his childhood dream of a perfect sports car come true. These vehicles are no painted dolls, by the way. On the contrary. Their owner has no reservations about scratches or scars in the paint. “Cars need to be driven,” he insists—and that can leave a mark or two. Walker’s passion for collecting is also an expression of his curiosity and his drive for knowledge. “I can only understand the entire evolution of the 911 when I have a car from every stage of its development,” he says. This is why he doesn’t resell them very often. One 911 STR II, which graced the cover of Road & Track, was bought for more than three hundred thousand dollars by the industrialist and legendary Porsche collector Bob Ingram. The third law of Urban Outlaw reads: “Only do business with people who share your passion.”
Photos by Alexander Babic AUTHOR: Tobias Moorstedt
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The Art of Cinematography
Belmond celebrates the timeless world of cinematic film this November with the release of two global blockbusters bringing to life nostalgic characters and legendary stories.
Bear Adventures Families will be celebrating the release of the firm family favourite, PADDINGTON 2, featuring Belmond British Pullman; where the charming bear from Peru saves the day. Special Paddington Bear themed afternoon tea journeys take place aboard Belmond British Pullman departing from London Victoria on 2 December 2017, 18 February and 7 April 2018. For those with a taste for adventure – special packages offer families the chance to discover Paddington’s homeland, Peru with bear-friendly activities for all ages available at Cusco to Machu Picchu with Belmond.
Mystery and Glamour With the recreation of one of the world’s most famous murder mysteries ‘Murder on the Orient Express’ featuring a star-studded line up of possible suspects; the glamourous images of a bygone era of luxury travel are set to inspire travellers to take a journey aboard a luxury train. Belmond’s luxury trains take travellers on journeys of celebration throughout South America, Asia, Ireland, Scotland and Europe. Experiences range from South America’s first luxury sleeper train, Belmond Andean Explorer, travelling through the foothills of the Andes to
the historic carriages of the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express that weaves through the lakes and mountains of Europe. The famous train will reach new levels of luxury in March 2018 with the launch of three stunning new Grand Suites.
Belmond celebrates the timeless world of cinematic film this November with the release of two global blockbusters bringing to life nostalgic characters and legendary stories.
On Set With a portfolio of global travel experiences in some of the world’s most inspiring locations – Belmond provides the backdrop for cinematic moments across the globe. Follow in the footsteps of Indiana Jones at Belmond Hotel das Cataratas, Iguassu Falls, Brazil or take the train to Machu Picchu named after the explorer Hiram Bingham which Indie’s character is based on. Or, dine at a table for two in ‘Bogies’ corner at 21 Club, New York, where Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall held their first date.
The Golden Age of Film To celebrate The Art of Cinematography, Belmond has launched a series of short films that honour the golden age of travel and film – titled ‘The Art of Savoir-Vivre’. Directed by acclaimed film director Romain Chassaing, the films follow a stylish cast of global jet setters travelling from Rio to Venice, taking their time to enjoy the art of living. Witty and quirky, they encapsulate the spirit of Belmond.
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NEPROLAZNI GLAMUR Poznati britanski hotel Dorchester koji pripada hotelskom lancu Dorchester Collection, nalazi se u srcu londonske četvrti Mejfer u ulici Park lejn. Hotel nudi gostima izbor od 250 sveže renoviranih apartmana i soba, uključujući tri krovna apartmana, a veliki broj njih pruža panoramski pogled na Hajd park. Gostima su na raspolaganju neki od najboljih restorana u Londonu, uključujući restoran Alen Dukas sa tri Mišelinove zvezdice koji služi savremenu francusku kuhinju; restoran Čajna Tang koji služi autentična kantonska jela; i restoran Gril koji nudi odlična jela savremene britanske kuhinje. Nagrađivan popodnevni čaj služi se u Promenadi, dok Bar u Dorchester-u poziva goste da uživaju u aperitivima. Sa glamurom koji podseća na art deko stil iz 1930-ih sa primesama modernosti, Dorchester spa je jedna od najekskluzivnijih destinacija za opuštanje u Londonu. Reći za Dorchester da je hotel je kao da za šampanjac kažete da je gazirano piće ili za kavijar da je namaz za hleb. Neupadljiv luksuz ovde nije prihvatljiv, te se hotel otvoreno razmeće bogatstvom svog dekora, nivoom usluge koja je skoro telepatska, i hranom i vinima koji su iznad svih očekivanja.
Miele The Art of Savoir-Vivre
TIMELESS GLAMOUR Dorchester Collection’s iconic British hotel, The Dorchester is situated at the heart of London’s Mayfair on Park Lane. The hotel offers guests a selection of 250 recently refurbished suites and rooms including three roof suites, many affording expansive views of Hyde Park. Some of London’s top dining is available to guests at The Dorchester including, three Michelin star Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester serving contemporary French cuisine; China Tang serving authentic Cantonese dishes; and exceptional modern British dining at The Grill at The Dorchester. Award-winning Afternoon Tea is served in The Promenade whilst The Bar at The Dorchester invites guests to enjoy the classic cocktail hour. Exuding 1930s Art Deco glamour combined with a contemporary edge, The Dorchester Spa is one of London’s most exclusive pampering destinations. Calling The Dorchester a hotel is like calling champagne a fizzy drink or caviar a sandwich spread. The hotel rejects bland luxury in favour of an unabashed celebration of opulence in décor, a level of service that is nearly telepathic, and food and wine that is gloriously over the top.
Samo par meseci od svog otvaranja 1931. godine, Dorchester je uspostavio svoju reputaciju jednog od najboljih hotela na svetu zahvaljujući svom raskošnom dekoru i nenadmašnom standardu usluge. Tokom godina angažovani su vrhunski dizajneri enterijera da osavremene sobe i dodatno ih opreme. Dorchesterov prvi konsultant za dizajn bio je Oliver Ford koji je bio zadužen za uređenje rezidencije Kraljice majke Rojal Lodž u Vindzoru i Klarens Haus u Sent Džejmsu. Ford je svaki sprat opremio ručno rađenim tepisima različitih cvetnih dezena, i pustio mašti na volju prilikom dekorisanja Sobe orhideja u rokoko stilu, preobrazivši sobu uz pomoć plavih i belih tonova kao sa Vedžvud porcelana, fantastičnih gipsarskih radova, lustera od skoro dva metra, i vitrina za porcelan. Ford je ukrasio Zlatnu sobu muralom u vidu vijugavog lišća i cveća kojeg je Gogenova praunuka, Met, brižljivo restaurirala u periodu 1989-1990. Oliver Mesel, legendarni scenograf, kreirao je neke od najlepših soba u Dorchesteru, uključujući i Apartman Oliver Mesel, čija vrata je oslikao rascvetalim grančicama, a nameštaj i osvetljenje ukrasio žirevima i hrastovim lišćem.
Pleasure & Leisure
Within months of its opening in 1931, The Dorchester’s sumptuous décor and unrivalled standards of personal service established its reputation as one of the world’s great hotels. Over the decades, The Dorchester has employed the cream of interior designers to update rooms and design additions. The Dorchester’s first consultant designer was Oliver Ford, who handled decoration of the Queen Mother’s residences at the Royal Lodge, Windsor, and Clarence House in St. James. Ford introduced handmade carpets on each floor in different floral patterns and let his taste for the rococo run riot when redecorating the Orchid Room, transforming the room with a blueand-white Wedgwood color scheme, fanciful plasterwork, a six-foot chandelier, and cabinets for china. Ford painted The Gold Room with a mural of trailing leaves and flowers which was painstakingly restored by Gauguin’s great-granddaughter, Mette, in 1989-1990. Oliver Messel, legendary stage designer, produced some of The Dorchester’s most astonishing rooms, including the Oliver Messel Suite, with doors painted with sprays of flowers and furnishings and fittings decorated with acorns and oak leaves.
Pleasure & Leisure
Mesel je takođe odgovoran i za druge projekte uređenja u hotelu kao što je Penthaus apartman, koji se zasniva na njegovoj scenografiji za balet Uspavana lepotica, i Paviljon koji je inspirisan Mocartom i scenama iz opere Čarobna frula. U samom srcu hotela je Promenada koja dočekuje goste sa svojim bogatim svilenim draperijama koralne boje i specijalno izrađenim ogledalima sa zlatnim ramovima. Dorchester sada ima status znamenitosti, te je njegov eksterijer zaštićen od izmena kao i mnogi drugi prostori od posebnog značaja. U njih spadaju Promenada, Gril, Bar i Oliver Mesel. Hotel je obnovljen 2002. godine, a vrednost radova je iznosila više miliona funti i tada su kompletno renovirane gostinjske sobe i apartmani, a u svakoj sobi je dodata specijalna najmodernija konzola za posao i zabavu, kao i izuzetno napredni telekomunikacioni sistem. U 2007. godini, nagrađivana firma Fox Linton Associates redizajnirala je Kristalni apartman koji se prostire na dva nivoa, a poznata dizajnerka, Aleksandra Šampalimod, kompletno je renovirala tri najprestižnija apartmana u hotelu, penthaus Odli, Terasa i Harlekin, poznati skupa kao „krovni apartmani“. U 2012. godini, Aleksandra je ponovo angažovana da renovira 22 apartmana sa svežim viđenjem eklektičnog engleskog duha. Iako su novi apartmani ostali verni klasičnom engleskom rezidencijalnom stilu hotela, novi dizajn spaja savremeni komfor sa neprolaznim glamurom i nasleđem tog svetski poznatog zdanja.
Messel also took on additional design projects within the hotel such as The Penthouse Suite which is based on his stage set for the ballet Sleeping Beauty, and The Pavilion, which was inspired by a Mozartian theme with scenes from The Magic Flute. At the heart of the hotel, The Promenade welcomes guests with its rich coral coloured silk draperies and custom gold-framed mirrors. The Dorchester now has landmark status, which protects its exterior as well as many other areas of special interest from change. These include The Promenade, The Grill, The Bar, and the Oliver Messel areas. In 2002, the hotel underwent a multi-million pound refurbishment with an all-encompassing renovation of guest bedrooms and suites, including the addition of a custom-built, hightech entertainment and business console in each guest room and a remarkably advanced telecommunications system. In 2007, awardwinning Fox Linton Associates redesigned the hotel’s two-floored Crystal Suite and renowned designer, Alexandra Champalimaud, completely refurbished three of the hotel’s most prestigious suites, The Audley, Terrace and Harlequin Penthouses, collectively known in the hotel as the ‘roof suites’. In 2012, Alexandra returned to renovate 22 suites with a fresh take on the eclecticism of the English spirit. Whilst the new suites stay true to the hotel’s classic English residential style, the new design fuses contemporary comfort with the timeless glamour and heritage of the worldrenowned property.
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Pleasure & Leisure
Restoran Madera, simbol fine kuhinje i dobrog ukusa u Beogradu, je jedan od najstarijih restorana u glavnom gradu, osnovan 1937. godine. U Maderi su se okupljali gradski boemi, čuveni umetnici i novinari, koje su popularno nazivali “maderašima”, a tako je i dan danas. Restoran poseduje jednu od najlepših bašti u Beogradu, u samom centru parka Tašmajdan. Veličina prostora pruža dovoljno privatnosti za poslovne sastanke, ali Madera je takođe poznata i kao savršeno mesto za porodična druženja, večere sa prijateljima ili za romantične parove.
Restaurant Madera is a symbol of fine dining and good taste in Belgrade; also, it is one of the oldest restaurants in the capital city, which was established in 1937. Belgrade's bohemians, famous artists, and journalists who have been popularly called "maderaši", used to gather in this restaurant, and so it’s today. The restaurant has one of the most beautiful gardens in Belgrade, in the middle of the Tašmajdan Park. The size of the place provides enough privacy for business meetings, but Madera is also perfect for weekend family get-togethers, dinners with friends or for the romantic couples.
Kalemegdanska terasa Restoran Kalemegdanska terasa se nalazi u najlepšem delu Beograda, na Kalemegdanu, potpuno uklopljen u ambijent, vekovima stare, tvrđave. Jedan je od malobrojnih objekata u Beogradu koji, od svog nastanka 30-tih godina, nije menjao namenu – da bude mesto za uživanje svim čulima. Sa terase restorana pruža se jedinstven i zadivljujući pogled na Dunav i Beogradsku tvrđavu. Restoran raspolaže sa 250 sedećih mesta u zatvorenom delu, kao i 100 sedećih mesta na terasama pod otvorenim nebom. Restaurant Kalemegdanska terasa is located in the most beautiful part of Belgrade, at Kalemegdan, fully embedded in the ambience of the centuries old fortress. It is one of the few edifices in Belgrade that, from its opening in 1930s, did not change its purpose - to be a place for enjoying with all the senses. From the terrace of the restaurant there is a unique and stunning view over Danube river and Belgrade Fortress. The restaurant has capacity of 250 seating places in the closed area, as well as 100 seating places on the open-air terraces under the blue sky.
Klub književnika
Since 1936, located in the very heart of Belgrade, Klub knjizevnika proudly carries the status of an iconic restaurant and must-visit place on the cultural and gastronomic map of the city. During the past 70 years, the restaurant has been host to a myriad of famous people, from Ivo Andric to Elizabeth Taylor. In this time, both Belgrade and Klub knjizevnika have changed, yet some things remain the same: great food prepared in a traditional manner, a great ambiance and unique atmosphere.
Pleasure & Leisure
Od 1936. godine, lociran u srcu Beograda, Klub književnika ponosno nosi status kultnog restorana i nezaobilaznog mesta na kulturnoj i gastronomskoj mapi grada. Tokom proteklih 70 godina Klub književnika bio je stecište velikog broja poznatih ličnosti, od Ive Andrića do Elizabet Tejlor. I Beograd i Klub književnika neminovno su se vremenom menjali, ali neke dobre stvari su ostale iste: ukusna hrana, spremana po tradicionalnim receptima, predivan ambijnet i jedinstvena atmosfera.
Tesla Restoran - muzej „Tesla“, smešten u srcu grada, pružiće vam nezaboravne trenutke. Zahvaljujući digitalnim turama koje će vam neposredno približiti život i delo čuvenog Nikole Tesle, moći ćete kao vremeplovom da zakoračite u doba kada je on živeo i stvarao. Otvoren za različite ukuse i senzibilitete, „Tesla“ vam omogućava da uživate u domaćim i internacionalnim specijalitetima, kao i da otkrijete koja su bila omiljena jela slavnog naučnika. U večernjim satima sveukupan doživljaj upotpuniće različite muzičke tematske večeri. The "Tesla" Restaurant - Museum, located in the heart of the city, will provide you with unforgettable moments. Thanks to digital tours that will introduce you closely with the life and work of the famous Nikola Tesla, you will be transported, as in a time machine, to the time when he lived and created. The "Tesla" Restaurant - Museum caters to different tastes and sensibilities, and will enable you to enjoy both local and international specialities, as well as to discover the favorite dishes of the famous scientist. In the evening, the overall experience will be complemented with different music-themed evenings.
Vino & Cappuccino
Pleasure & Leisure
U ski centru Kopaonik, u sklopu renomiranog hotela Club A, nalazi se restoran “Vino & Cappuccino”. Kao što se mondenski šarm ambijenta vešto prepliće sa toplinom domaćinske atmosfere, tako su i nove gastronomske tendencije ukusno protkane tradicionalnim kulinarskim majstorijama. Završnu i potpuno zavodljivu notu svakom obroku daju vrhunska vina vinarije “Dragić”, punog ukusa i teksture. Prilikom dizajniranja enterijera restorana imalo se u vidu da je kuvano domaće vino uz pucketanje vatre u kaminu nezaobilazan planinski ritual kome se gosti vraćaju.
The "Vino & Cappuccino" restaurant is situated within the renowned Hotel Club A in the Kopaonik ski center. Its fashionable charm blends neatly with the warmth of the homely atmosphere, just as the new gastronomic tendencies are tastefully combined with traditional culinary masterpieces. A final wholly seductive note to every meal is provided by exquisite wines of the "Dragic" winery having full-bodied taste and texture. The restaurant’s interior is designed with the idea of drinking homemade mulled wine next to the crackling fireplace as the essential mountain ritual the guests are looking forward to.
Preporučujemo - We recommend
Smuđ na ekrazeu od krompira sa mladom sojom i penom od yuzu-a. Grilled fillet of perch served with potato ecrasé, soy bean sprouts and yuzu foam.
Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 43, Beograd • +381 11 323-1-332 • Jagnjeći pikljevi preliveni sopstvenim sosom, pečeni na tihoj vatri u rerni sa povrćem. Prilog: povrće na puteru šargarepa, celer, baby spanać, prokelj. Braised lamb shanks, roasted at a low heat in oven with vegetables. Side dish: buttered vegetables– carrots, celery, baby spinach and Brussels sprouts
Mali Kalemegdan bb, Belgrade • +381 11 328 27 27 •
Jagnjetina u sosu od marsala vina i ruzmarina, poslužena sa pireom od bundeve i čipsom od slatkog krompira. Lamb in marsala sauce served with pumpkin purée and sweet potato chips.
Francuska 7, Beograd • +381 11 262 79 31 • fb.RestoranKlubknjizevnika Tomahawk steak, uz mix grilovanog povrća, sa dodatkom tri sosa, na bazi meda i 3 vrste senfa, začinskog bilja i maslinovog ulja, i pečene paprike. Tomahawk steak with a mix of grilled vegetables, complemented by three sauces, based on honey and 3 types of mustard, spice herbs, olive oil, and roasted peppers.
Karađorđeva 21, Beograd • +381 63 841 83 31 • Neodoljivi specijaliteti sa kopaoničkog ražnja ili takozvanog mesta za “chill & grill”, kao i do savršenstva dovedeni bifteci, lični su pečat i glavna preporuka ovog restorana. The irresistible Kopaonik specialties on a spit or the so-called place for the "chill & grill", as well as the beef stakes made to perfection are this restaurant’s signature dishes and its main recommendation.
Kopaonik centar • +381 36 240 201 •
Sunset Coast Samui Rezort & Villas nudi savršen ostrvski odmor
Odmaralište Elements Boutique Resort na tajlandskom ostrvu Ko Samui promeniće ime u Sunset Coast Samui Resort & Villas, kojim će rukovoditi hotelski lanac AVANI Hotels and Resorts od 1. februara 2018. Ovo odmaralište smešteno je na savršenoj lokaciji plaže Taling Ngam, netaknutoj osamljenoj obali duž jugozapadne strane ostrva Ko Samui.
Art & Living
Svaka soba i vila odmarališta Sunset Coast Samui je lepo uređena i dobro opremljena sa svim mogućim pogodnostima za ugodan boravak gostiju, od prostranih terasa i balkona, besplatnog brzog interneta do prijatnih tuševa sa efektom kiše.
Deluks sobe imaju prostrane balkone s pogledom na vrtove, a svaka vila ima svoj privatni bazen i terasu za sunčanje okruženu bujnim rastinjem kako bi se pojačao taj osećaj usamljenog ostrva. Vile na obali imaju dodatni luksuz direktnog pristupa plaži, a dvosobne vile imaju trpezariju i čajnu kuhinju kako bi se porodicama odmor učinio lakšim i udobnijim.
Samui Resort
Zbog svoje osamljene lokacije, ovo odmaralište je privlačan izbor za porodice i parove koji žele da provedu sadržajni odmor u zajedničkim aktivnostima i sa lakim pristupom brojnim atrakcijama u priobalju, poput restorana Five Islands, Nacionalnog pomorskog parka Ang Thong, koralnog grebena ostrva Ko Taen i uživanja u nesmetanom ronjenju na ostrvu Ko Madsum. Naravno, odmaralište Sunset Coast Samui nudi i druge sadržaje za aktivan odmor. Gosti mogu da isprobaju vožnju kajakom na moru ili da surfuju sa veslima, a mekani pesak je idealan teren za igranje odbojke ili fudbala, ili možda partije boćanja.
FANTASTIČNA HRANA, PODSTIČU SE LAGANI OBROCI Posvećen konceptu „iskrene hrane“, restoran PANTRY nudi izbor svežih salata, zasitnih sendviča i još mnogo toga što se može jesti uz hladno ceđene sokove. Ti pripremljeni obroci se mogu poslužiti i u sobi, a dostupni su 24 sata na dan. Za tečna osveženja zadužen je pokretni šank sa pićem, parkiran pored plaže i bazena, koji gasi žeđ po ceo dan.
Godišnji odmor ne mora da se svodi samo na opuštanje. Za one koji ne žele da zapostave svoj zdravstveni režim, fitnes centar je otvoren 24 sata dnevno, a na raspolaganju su i spa usluge uz prethodno zakazivanje. Kako bi se još više opustili na odmoru, gosti se mogu odlučiti za časove joge ili meditacije koje nudi Sunset Coast Samui.
Pleasure & Leisure
Sunset Coast Samui Resort & Villas Offers the Perfect Island Getaway
Elements Boutique Resort on Thailand’s island of Koh Samui is to be renamed Sunset Coast Samui Resort & Villas Managed By AVANI Hotels and Resorts as of February 1st, 2018. The resort has the perfect location on Taling Ngam Beach, a pristine secluded shoreline along southwestern Koh Samui Island.
Art & Living
Every room and villa at Sunset Coast Samui is beautifully decorated and well-appointed with every amenity a guest would need for a comfortable stay, from spacious terraces and balconies, complimentary high speed internet to indulgent rain showers.
Deluxe rooms have wide balconies that overlook the gardens and every villa has its own private pool and sunbathing terrace surrounded by lush gardens to enhance that secluded island feel. The beachfront villas have the added luxury of direct beach access, with the two-bedroom beachfront villas having a dining area and kitchenette for ease and convenience for holidaying families.
The secluded location will make the resort an attractive option for families and couples looking for meaningful and shared experiences with easy access to many coastal attractions, such as the nearby Five Islands, Ang Thong National Marine Park, the coral reefs of Koh Taen Island and the uncrowded pleasure of snorkelling in Koh Madsum. And, of course, there are also other ways to stay active at Sunset Coast Samui. Guests can try their hand at sea kayaking or stand-up paddle boarding. The soft sands offer the ideal surface for a game of beach volleyball or football, or perhaps a round of petanque.
MEALS THAT DELIGHT, SNACKING ENCOURAGED Focusing on the concept of ‘honest food’ PANTRY offers a selection of fresh salads, hearty sandwiches and much more all washed down with cold-pressed juices. These meals are available through in-room dining as well, with prepared snacks available 24 hours a day. For liquid refreshment, the Beverage Truck, parked by the beach and pool area, quenches everyone’s thirsts all day.
Being on holiday is not all about releaxing. For those who want to maintain their health regime, the fitness centre is open 24 hours a day with spa services available with advanced bookings. To enhance their already relaxing holiday, guests may opt for one of Sunset Coast Samui’s scheduled yoga or meditation classes.
Art Pleasure & Living & Leisure
Watches & Jewellery
sa bogatom tradicijom
Nova verzija sata Senator Tourbillon ima kućište od belog zlata, prečnika 42 mm, koje uokviruje lagani srebrnasti brojčanik naspram čije fino obrađene površine jasno dolaze do izražaja crne laserski ugravirane satne oznake i minutni prsten. Ovaj ekskluzivan časovnik potvrđuje svoju jedinstvenost na način koji je istovremeno i diskretan i elegantan: Rimska „oznaka“ na poziciji 1h otkriva posebnu numeraciju svakog komada iz ove ograničene serije. Crni kaiš od aligatorske kože sa preklopnom kopčom od belog zlata obezbeđuje sigurno i elegantno nošenje sata na ruci. Unutar sata otkucava kalibar 94-03 sa 48-časovnom rezervom snage. Dodatne karakteristike svojstvene saksonskom časovničarskom umeću vidljive su kroz poleđinu kućišta od safirnog kristala, uključujući Glashutte ukrasnu prugastu gravuru, zaplavljene vijke i dvotonski pocinkovani skeletizovani rotor. Senator Tourbillon – Edition Alfred Helwig predstavlja ne jednu, već dve klasične komplikacije kuće Glashutte.
Značajna saradnja - Landmark Collaboration
Turbijon (kovitlac na francuskom) je jedan od najtraženijih satnih komplikacija. Minijaturni kavez je prvobitno razvio Abraham-Luj Brege 1801. godine kako bi eliminisao uticaj gravitacije na preciznost mehaničkih džepnih satova. Genijalna konstrukcija kompenzuje grešku centra gravitacije koja proizlazi iz vertikalnog položaja sata tako što primorava celi oscilatorno zaprečni sklop da se okrene oko svoje ose jednom u minuti. Cilj ovog kretanja je da obezbedi da kavez, sa svojom nemirnicom, ankerom i zaprečnim točkićem, otkloni neuravnoteženost koja– zbog toga što deluje samo na jednoj strani – negativno utiče na preciznost sata. U eri džepnih satova turbijon je stoga bio revolucionarni pronalazak i garancija preciznosti. Čak se i danas njegova konstrukcija smatra primerom vrhunca časovničarstva. Leteći turbijon sa još većom elegancijom primenjuje ovaj princip, dok istovremeno nudi fascinantan uvid u njegov sklop. Napredna verzija koju je Alfred Helvig napravio 1920. godine razlikuje se od klasičnog turbijona prvenstveno u estetskom smislu: pošto je ankerisan samo na jednoj strani i nema potrebe za gornjim mostom, pruža posmatraču nesmetan pogled na lepotu ove vrlo sofisticirane komplikacije.
Moving forward Watches & Jewellery
Panoramski datum, smešten ispod pozicije 12h, ove godine proslavlja svoju 20. godišnjicu. Od 1997. godine kompanija Glashütte Original koristi dva datumska diska koncentrično postavljena u istoj ravni kako bi se omogućilo lako čitanje datuma bez korišćenja središnje razdelne linije. Još jedno čedo kompanije Glashutte prisutno je u satu Senator Tourbillon: leteći turbijon kojeg je razvio Alfred Helvig pre skoro 100 godina. Nakon preusmeravanja saksonskog časovničara, s pravom je izabran 1995. godine za prvu komplikaciju koja je preuzela tradiciju svog rodnog grada.
Watches & Jewellery
rich whirlwind
The new version of the Senator Tourbillon is presented in a 42 mm white gold case framing a light, silver-grained dial whose finely textured surface sets off the black laser engraved indexes and railroad chapter ring clearly. This exclusive timepiece confirms its uniqueness in a manner as discreet as it is elegant: The Roman “index” at 1 o'clock reveals the individual numbering of the limited edition. A black Louisiana alligator leather strap with white gold foldover clasp assures a secure and stylish presence on the wrist. Ticking within the watch is the manufactory Calibre 94-03 movement with 48-hour power reserve. Additional classic features of the Saxon art of watchmaking can be seen through the sapphire crystal case back, including the Glashütte stripe finish, blued screws and the two tone galvanized skeletonized rotor. The Senator Tourbillon – Edition Alfred Helwig presents not one, but two classic Glashütte complications. The Panorama Date, positioned below 12 o'clock, celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. Since 1997 Glashütte Original has
The tourbillon (French for whirlwind) is one of the most sought-after of horological complications. The tiny carriage was originally developed by Abraham Louis Breguet in 1801 to compensate for the effects of gravity on the rate precision of mechanical pocket watches. The ingenious construction compensates for the centre of gravity fault resulting from the vertical position of the watch by causing the entire oscillation and escapement system to turn on its axis once a minute. The effect of this movement is to ensure that the carriage, with its balance, pallet fork and escape wheel, offsets an imbalance resulting – due to its influence on only one side – in a negative impact on the rate precision of the watch. In the era of pocket watches the tourbillon was thus a revolutionary invention and a guarantee of precision. Even today its construction is considered exemplary of the highest levels of the art of watchmaking. The Flying Tourbillion lends this principle even greater elegance, offering fascinating insights at the same time. The advanced version built by Alfred Helwig in 1920 differs from the classic tourbillion primarily in terms of aesthetics: anchored on one side only, it has no need for the top bridge, thus offering the viewer an unobstructed view of the beauty of this highly sophisticated complication.
Moving forward Watches & Jewellery
used two date discs arranged concentrically on the same level to ensure that one can read the date easily without a central separation bar. In the Senator Tourbillon one encounters a further child whose origins lie in Glashütte: The Flying Tourbillon was developed almost 100 years ago by Alfred Helwig. Following the reorientation of the Saxon watchmaker, in 1995 it was chosen for good reason as the first complication to take up the traditions of its home town.
Watches & Jewellery
Kompanija IWC Schaffhausen je prvi put prikazala dva sata iz ograničene serije Da Vinci na Međunarodnom sajmu visokog časovničarstva (Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie - SIHH) u Ženevi, u sklopu jubilarne kolekcije kojom se obeležava 150 godina postojanja kompanije. Da Vinci Automatic Edition “150 Years” sa malom sekundarom na poziciji „6 sati" je prvi sat sa novim kalibrom 82200 kompanije IWC. IWC je takođe predstavila i sat Da Vinci Automatic Moon Phase 36 Edition “150 Years” sa kućištem i pokretnim ušicama kaiša optočenim sa 206 vrhunskih belih dijamanata koji skupa imaju 2,26 karata.
Pre godinu dana, kompanija IWC je ponovo pokrenula kolekciju satova sa svojim čuvenim kružnim kućištem u stilu 1980-ih. Ova porodica satova sada lansira dva nova člana u jubilarnom dizajnu sa karakterističnim brojčanicima proizvedenim pomoću složenog procesa lakiranja u beloj ili plavoj boji. Sat Da Vinci Automatic Edition “150 Years” (Ref. 3581) sa malom sekundarom na poziciji „6 sati“ je prvi sat koji ima novi kalibar 82200 koji je proizvela kompanija IWC. Ukupno će biti izrađeno 250 satova od crvenog zlata i 500 od nerđajućeg čelika.
150 LIFESTYLE godina -MAGAZINE 150 years
A year ago, IWC relaunched the watch collection with its iconic 1980s-style circular case. The watch family is now welcoming two new members in an anniversary design with the characteristic dials produced using a complex lacquering process in white or blue. The Da Vinci Automatic Edition “150 Years” (Ref. 3581) with small seconds at “6 o’clock” is the first watch to feature the new IWC-manufactured 82200 calibre. A total of 250 watches will be made in red gold and 500 in stainless steel.
Watches & Jewellery
IWC Schaffhausen unveiled two limited-edition Da Vinci watches at the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie (SIHH) in Geneva as part of the Jubilee collection to celebrate the company’s 150th anniversary. The Da Vinci Automatic Edition “150 Years” with small seconds at “6 o’clock” is the first watch to feature the new IWC-manufactured 82200 calibre. IWC is also presenting a Da Vinci Automatic Moon Phase 36 Edition “150 Years” whose case and moving lugs are paved with 206 pure white diamonds amounting to 2.26 carats.
Watches & Jewellery
Novi automatski kalibar 82200 kompanije IWC sa Pellaton sistemom za navijanje poseduje rezervu snage od 60 sati. Komponente mehanizma u sistemu koje su naročito podložne trošenju, kao što su zapori ili bregovi, napravljene su od keramike koja se praktično ne haba. Skeletizovan rotor nudi pogled na mehanizam ukrašen cirkularnim brušenjem i ženevskim prugama.
The newly developed automatic IWC-manufactured 82200 calibre with a Pellaton winding system boasts a power reserve of 60 hours. Movement components in the system subject to particularly hard use, such as the pawls or the cam, are made of virtually wearproof ceramic. The skeletonised rotor offers a view of the movement decorated with circular graining and Geneva stripes.
Da Vinci Automatic Moon Phase 36 Edition “150 Years” (Ref. 4593) nastavlja tradiciju luksuznih satova. Taj stil je kompanija negovala krajem osamdesetih i tokom devedesetih godina prošlog veka sa modelima poput sata Lady Da Vinci od žutog zlata i ukrašen dijamantima, oznake IV8435. Na raspolaganju su dva modela ograničene serije, od kojih je svaki ograničen na 50 satova. Oba sata imaju prikaz mesečevih mena na poziciji „12 sati“. Kućište satova i pokretne ušice kaiša ukrašeni su sa 206 vrhunskih belih dijamanata u vrednosti od 2,26 karata.
The Da Vinci Automatic Moon Phase 36 Edition “150 Years” (Ref. 4593) takes up the tradition of elaborately decorated jewellery watches. This was a style the company cultivated towards the end of the 1980s and during the 1990s with models like the diamond-set Lady Da Vinci in yellow gold, Reference IW8435. Two limited-edition models are available, each restricted to 50 watches. Both timepieces have a moon phase display at “12 o’clock”. The watches’ case and moving lugs are paved with 206 pure white diamonds amounting to 2.26 carats.
Džepni sat - Pocket watch
Vinarija PIK Oplenac svoj put započela je pre više od 60 godina, a danas stoji kao simbol vinske kulture i tradicije ovog podneblja. Iako kompletno rekonstruisana, predstavlja nesvakidašnji sklop istorijskih elemenata i najsavremenije opreme. Ujedinjeni strašću prema vinu i ljubavlju prema Šumadiji, nastavljaju tradiciju vinarije i proizvode vina koja se odlikuju harmonijom mirisa i ukusa. Vina u kojima se oseća snaga sunca, vremena i ljubavi koje su brižno poklonili svakom zrnu grožđa. Monarh S je prva u nizu selekcija koju je ova vinarija pripremila za ljubitelje vina. Njegova posebnost ogleda se u brižljivo odabranoj kupaži merloa i kabernea koji su odležali jednim delom u bariku, a drugim u hrastovim bačvama, čiji je dodir oplemenio ukus ovog prefinjenog crvenog vina. Monarh S je najplemenitije otelovljenje duha prirode i vrhunski spoj njenog poklona i umeća najkompetentnijih enologa. U ovo vino se ne zaljubljuje na prvi pogled, i sa njim se ne flertuje. Ono je za dugu, iskrenu vezu.
PIK Oplenac Winery started its journey more than 60 years ago, and today stands as a symbol of the wine culture and tradition of this region. Although completely reconstructed, it is an unusual set of historical elements and state-of-the-art equipment. Combined with passion for wine and love for Sumadija, they continue the tradition of winemaking and produce wines that are characterized by the harmony of smell and taste. Wines in which the strength of the sun, time and love is felt, which were carefully given to every grape. Monarh S is the first in a series of selections prepared by this winery for wine lovers. His specialty is reflected in the carefully selected blend of varieties Merlot and Cabernet sauvignon, which were aged one part in barrique barrels and other in oak barrels, whose touch enhanced the taste of this sophisticated red wine. Monarh S is the finest embodiment of the spirit of nature and a superb blend of its gift and the skill of the most competent oenologists. You do not fall in love with it at the first sight, and you do not flirt with it. It's for a long, honest relationship.
Watches & Jewellery
Za novo izdanje Međunarodnog sajma satova (SIHH), firma Piaget ponudila je drugačije viđenje brojčanika od poludragog kamenja koji oslikavaju njen stil u okviru čuvene Altiplano linije ultra tankih satova, predstavnika Art & Excellence kolekcije. Vešto kombinujući vrhunsku izradu satova sa virtuoznom veštinom kamene intarzije, Altiplano je upotpunjen turbijonom, a brojčanik mu je ukrašen malahitom i lapis lazulijem. Izrada brojčanika ova dva nova modela koji predstavljaju vrhunac luksuza, poverena je znalačkim rukama majstora zanata (fr. Maître d’Art) Ervea Obližija. Ovi satovi nazvani Altiplano malachite marquetry tourbillon i Altiplano High Jewellery lapis lazuli tourbillon majstorski prikazuju sinergiju između različitih zanata koji se neguju u radionicama kuće Piaget smeštenim u La Kot-o-Feu i Plan-lez-Uatu.
Prvi put predstavljen na Bazelskom sajmu 1957. godine, kalibar 9P debljine svega 2mm otvorio je potpuno nove mogućnosti u pogledu vizuelnog izraza. Njegova tananost ostavila je više prostora za brojčanik, što je omogućilo firmi Piaget da napravi zaokret u svom kreativnom pristupu tako što bi se više bavila samim brojčanikom, umesto prostorom oko njega. Cilj je bio da pobudi i zadrži interesovanje posmatrača, a upotreba raznobojnog kamenja se prirodno nametnula. Poludrago kamenje nudi prelepu paletu boja koju su dizajneri iskoristili na izuzetno kreativan način, s lakoćom prevazišavši sva tehnička ograničenja. Ovaj proizvođač satova se obratio najboljim stručnjacima u cilju saradnje na razvijanju jedinstvene tehnike, a od 1963. godine, više od 30 različitih kamenova je uvršteno u kolekciju firme Piaget.
Roger LIFESTYLE Dubuis – Lamborghini MAGAZINE
Erve Obliži je višestruko talentovani umetnik koji je 2015. godine zvanično poneo titulu Maitre d'Art. Premda je drvo bilo njegova prva strast, uskoro su ga privukli minerali, a intarzija od poludragog kamena ga je potom odvela u svet dekorativne umetnosti. „Volim sve vrste kamenja; njihovu tvrdoću, krtost, otpor; njihovu izuzetnu vezu sa bojom i ideju o večnom trajanju koje drvo ne može da zadovolji. Kamen ne toleriše greške i pre će primorati druge da popuste nego da se sam slomi. Veliki zahtevi koje on nameće prirodno podstiču na poniznost. “Radeći sa ovim kamenjem, koje se naziva još i „fino kamenje“ i po kome je Firenca bila poznata za vreme dinastije Mediči, Erve Obliži je usvojio ovaj neverovatan zanat koji podrazumeva korišćenje ekstremnih veština koje su gotovo nestale. Već 30 godina se bavi oblikovanjem lapis lazulija, žada, jaspisa, karneola i ahata. Kao zanatlija i umetnik, on gaji strast prema svim vidovima njegovog zanata, od restauracije starinskog nameštaja do dizajna. Upravo zahvaljujući poznavanju ovog zanata njegov atelje je ovenčan francuskom titulom „Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant“ (preduzeća koje čini živu baštinu). Firma Piaget je 2015. započela odličnu saradnju sa ovim izuzetnim stručnjakom za intarziranje, koji je svoje znanje i virtuoznost posvetio satu Altiplano, elegantnoj ultra-tankoj ikoni, kako bi proslavio neodoljivu lepotu ruže Iv Pijaže (Yves Piaget) na brojčaniku. Po drugi put, ova firma je pozvala ovog majstora zanata da pretoči svoju kreativnu i modernu viziju na brojčanik sata Altiplano.
Moving forward Watches & Jewellery
Vreme se sad moglo pratiti na lapis lazuliju, tirkizu, koralu, žadu, tigrovom oku, malahitu, opalu ... sa dijamantima ili bez njih, pošto je firma Piaget odbacila postojeću hijerarhiju materijala i time najavila jedan od najvećih modernih trendova u izradi nakita. Šta bi bilo logičnije od toga da Piaget ponudi svoje novo viđenje kamene intarzije na Altiplano modelu, njegovom proslavljenom predstavniku kolekcije Art & Excellence?
Sculpting Colour Watches & Jewellery
For this new edition of the SIHH, Piaget reinterprets the hard stone dials epitomising its style within its Altiplano line, ultra-thin icon and Art & Excellence ambassador. Deftly combining Fine Watchmaking mastery with the virtuoso skills of stone marquetry, the Altiplano welcomes a tourbillon and invites malachite and lapis lazuli to adorn its dial. For these two new creations embodying the pinnacle of luxury, the dial has been entrusted to the expert hands of Hervé Obligi, Maître d’Art (Master of Arts). The Altiplano malachite marquetry tourbillon and Altiplano High Jewellery lapis lazuli tourbillon models offer a masterful demonstration of the synergies between the various crafts exercised between the Piaget workshops in La Côte-aux-Fées and Plan-les-Ouates.
First presented at the Basel Fair in 1957, the 9P calibre measuring just 2mm thick opened up whole new vistas of visual expression. Its slenderness left more room for the dial, enabling Piaget to reverse its creative approach by no longer working around the watch face, but instead taking the latter as its starting point. Its purpose being to catch and hold the gaze and the use of coloured stones was a natural choice. Hard stones provide an exceptional palette of colours that designers explored in an extraordinarily fruitful manner, making light of any technical constraints. The Maison called upon the finest specialists and cooperated with them in developing unique expertise, and as of 1963, more than 30 different stones were to find their place in Piaget’s collection.
Officially named Maître d’Art in 2015, Hervé Obligi is a multi-talented artist. While wood was his first passion, he was soon drawn to minerals, and hard stone marquetry in turn led him into the world of the Decorative Arts. “I love all stones; their hardness, their fragility, their resistance; their extraordinary relationship with the colour and the idea of lasting continuity that wood cannot satisfy. Stone tolerates no mistakes and is more likely to make others bend than break itself. The high demands it imposes naturally inspire humility.” Working with these stones, sometimes referred to as “fine stones” and which became a speciality in the city of Florence during the time of the Medicis, Hervé Obligi has adopted this amazing art calling for extreme skills that have all but vanished. For 30 years, he has been taming lapis lazuli, jade, jasper, cornelian and agate. Both artisan and artist, he nurtures a passion combining all expressions of his art, from restoring antique furniture to design. It was the mastery of this art that earned his atelier the French title of “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant” (living Heritage Company). In 2015, Piaget began a remarkable collaboration with this exceptional marquetry specialist, who devoted his expertise and virtuosity to the Altiplano, the elegant ultra-thin icon, in order to exalt the captivating beauty of the Yves Piaget Rose on the dial. For the second time, the Maison has invited the Maître d’Art to apply his creative and contemporary vision to the Altiplano dial.
Watches Moving forward & Jewellery
Time could now be read in lapis lazuli, turquoise, coral, jade, tiger’s eye, malachite, opal… with or without diamonds, since Piaget overturned the existing hierarchy of materials and thereby heralded one of the greatest trends of contemporary jewellery. What could be more legitimate than for the Maison to present a new interpretation of stone marquetry in the setting of the Altiplano, its eminent ambassador of Art & Excellence timepieces?
Watches & Jewellery
VeĹĄtine bez premca, odlika jedinstvenosti Peerless skills, an inimitable signature
Povodom pariske nedelje mode, kompanija Chopard predstavila je svoje najnovije kreacije iz kolekcije Precious Chopard. Karolina Šojfele je ovu kolekciju u vidu prekrasne čipke od metala i dragog kamenja, zamislila kao savršen spoj visoke mode i skupocenog nakita. Bezvremeni dizajn omogućava kompaniji Chopard da ovoj liniji nakita koja odražava njenu veštinu i majstorstvo izrade pruži svoj jedinstven pečat.
On the occasion of the Paris Couture Week, Chopard presents its latest creations from the Precious Chopard collection. Designed as an exquisite metal and gemstone lacework, this collection was imagined by Caroline Scheufele as a perfect alliance between Haute Couture and High Jewellery. Timeless design enables Chopard to set its unique seal on a line epitomising its expertise and mastery of the jewellery-making art.
Svetlucava dijamantska čipka otkriva senzualnost kože koju krasi. Blistavo drago kamenje u boji cakli se na svetlosti kristalnih lustera u plesnoj dvorani, tokom večeri koja puno obećava. Zvezdani sjaj kompleta luksuznog nakita u svoj svojoj raskoši i veličanstvenosti.
A sparkling diamond lacework reveals the sensuality of the skin it adorns. Dazzling precious coloured stones twinkle in the light of the crystalline chandeliers of a ballroom, on an evening full of promise. The stellar radiance of a High Jewellery set in all its resplendent majesty.
Watches & Jewellery
Dijamantska čipka LIFESTYLE - Diamond MAGAZINE lacework
Moving forward
For years well-known Serbian fashion brands have been connected by IDENTITY. Since its opening in 2001, IDENTITY has managed to put itself on the city map as a sales outlet for two domestic brands, JSP clothing by Jelena and Svetlana Proković and LILU shoes by Danijela Biškup. In addition to clothing and footwear, they also offer accessories, handbags, jewelry and belts. The JSP products are made in limited quantities, as unique pieces or part of small series, and LILU models are mostly produced in small series.
Moving forward
Poznate domaće modne brendove već dugi niz godina povezuje IDENTITY. Od 2001. godine od kada postoji, pa sve do danas, IDENTITY se pozicionirao na gradskoj shopping mapi, kao prodajno mesto dva domaća brenda, odeće JSP, Jelene i Svetlane Proković i obuće LILU, Danijele Biškup. Pored odeće i obuće, kreatorke nude i asesoar, tašne, nakit i kaiševe. Modeli JSP se izrađuju u vrlo malim količinama, kao unikati ili delovi male serije, a modeli LILU uglavnom u manjim serijama.
Pred sam kraj 2017. godine, dizajnerke su odlučile da na malo drugačiji način prezentuju svoje kolekcije, te su uoči same novogodišnje noći, svoje prijatelje, saradnike i kolege oduševile novim konceptom prezentacije, koju su nazvale Choose Your Identity! I upravo u prostoru Eurocentra u Makedonskoj ulici, ispred radnje IDENTITY, dešavao se tročasovni modni soare, u originalnoj i posebno osmišljenoj scenografiji, u art direkciji studija DesignBüro i organizaciji i produkciji agencije Preventer iz Beograda. Scenografiju su činili polukružni led ekrani sa video projekcijom koja je odgovarala temi ovog događaja gde su mnogobrojni gosti i prijatelji dizajnerki uživali u novitetima, koktelu i dobroj muzici, koju je birao Uroš Milovanović.
Watches Fashion & Jewellery
Jelena, Svetlana i Danijela uveliko pripremaju nove kolekcije, koje će predstaviti u aprilu u okviru novog Choose Your Identity događaja, koji će posle pilot izdanja u decembru, imati i neke novitete. Zvanice će i ovoga puta biti u prilici da umesto manekena probaju sve modele i uživaju u ambijentu koji će se kreirati samo za to veče.
”Choose Your Identity je koncept posvećen svim ljubiteljima radnje IDENTITY, tokom čijeg trajanja želimo da provedemo vreme sa svojim prijateljima i saradnicima, a pre svega sa ljubiteljima brendova JSP i LILU. Prvo izdanje Identity žurke bilo je nezaboravno, gde se uprkos niskoj temperaturi i prednovogodišnjoj gužvi okupio zaista veliki broj naših dragih kolega, prijatelja i saradnika i nekih divnih ljudi, tako da možemo da najavimo da nas drugo očekuje već na proleće, u aprilu i već uveliko pripreamamo i nove kolekcije i radimo sa timom na novoj scenografiji.„ - kažu dizajnerke Svetlana Proković i Danijela Biškup.
Roger LIFESTYLE Dubuis – Lamborghini MAGAZINE
Photos by Preventer and Marina Bugarčić
At the very end of 2017, these designers decided to present their collections in a slightly different way, and on the New Year's Eve, they amazed their friends, associates and colleagues with a new concept of presentation they named ”Choose Your Identity!” A three-hour fashion soirée was held at the premises of Eurocentar in Makedonska Street, in front of the IDENTITY store, for which occasion an original and specially designed scenery was made, with DesignBüro being entrusted with the art direction, and Preventer agency from Belgrade with the organization and production of this event. The scenery comprised of semi-circular led screens displaying videos in line with the theme of this event where numerous guests and friends of the designers enjoyed the novelties, cocktails and good music selected by Uroš Milovanović.
”Choose Your Identity is a concept devoted to all IDENTITY store’s supporters, during which we wish to spend time with our friends and associates, and above all with the JSP and LILU brand lovers. The first Identity party was unforgettable, with a large number of our dear colleagues, friends and associates and other wonderful people showing up despite the low temperature and the New Year's rush, and we can announce that the next one will already be held in spring, in April, for which we are already preparing our new collections and working with our team on a new scenery designs,” says designers Svetlana Proković and Danijela Biškup.
Watches & Jewellery Fashion
Jelena, Svetlana and Danijela are currently busy with preparations for their new collections set to be presented in April as part of the new Choose Your Identity event which, after its premier in December, will include some novelties. The attendees will also be able to try out all the models and enjoy the ambience created only for that evening.
Art & Living
MIELE, KREIRAN ZA NOVU GENERACIJU Nakon napornog radnog dana jedino što želite jeste da se opustite i osetite dozu komfora u sopstvenom domu. Miele prepoznaje te potrebe i zato je važno da proizvodi budu u skladu sa potrebama savremenog čoveka, a to znači da su efikasni, dugotrajni i da štede vreme. U svom asortimanu ova kompanija nudi baš takve uređaje, pa se tako pripremanje hrane podiže na jedan viši nivo uz inovativne aparate za kuvanje i pečenje, sa posebnim akcentom na mogućnosti koje pruža priprema hrane u parnoj rerni. Za čuvanje hrane na raspolaganju su savremeni rashladni uređaji, kao i uređaji po kojima je Miele možda i najpoznatiji – mašine za pranje i sušenje veša. Naravno, Miele je mislio i na vaše slobodno vreme, koje treba da bude podređeno uživanju, i shodno tome kreirali su aparat za pripremanje kafe sa kojim će vaša svakodnevna rutina dobiti potpuno novi ugođaj.
Art & Living
After a hard day’s work, the only thing you want is to relax in the comfort of your own home. Miele recognizes these needs and ensures that its products meet the requirements of modern consumers, by being efficient, long-lasting and time-saving. The company’s range of products offers just that kind of devices, raising food preparation to a higher level with innovative cooking and baking appliances, with particular emphasis on the possibilities of preparing food in steam ovens. For food storage, modern refrigeration devices are available, as well as devices for which Miele is perhaps the most famous – the dishwashers and dryers. Of course, Miele also thought of your free time, which should be dedicated to enjoyment, and accordingly they have created a coffee maker that will infuse completely new atmosphere into your daily routine.
Art & Living
Luksuzni dizajnerski brend Scarlet Splendour kojeg su zajednički osnovali brat i sestra Ašiš Badžoria i Suman Kanodia, poznat je po bogatim i raskošnim proizvodima za uređenje enterijera. U saradnji sa nekoliko poznatih međunarodnih dizajnera sličnog senzibiliteta i jedinstvene vizije, Scarlet Splendour nudi raznovrstan asortiman nameštaja, rasvete i dodatne opreme koji odražavaju izobilje inspiracije iz svih razdoblja.
Odrastajući u bogatom, multikulturalnom okruženju i podstaknuti od strane majke da studiraju umetnost i zanatstvo, Badžoria i Kanodia su prirodno usavršili svoj smisao za estetiku kroz ljubav ka prikupljanju lepih predmeta, slikanje i ukrašavanje. Ašiš Badžoria je započeo svoju poslovnu karijeru tako što je dvadeset godina uspešno vodio inženjersku kompaniju koja je pripadala njegovoj porodici, a koju je njegov deda prvobitno otkupio od Britanaca za vreme kolonijalizma. Ovo iskustvo mu je omogućilo da stekne neprocenjiva znanja u vezi sa razvojem poslovanja i strategije koja će doprineti i uspehu firme Scarlet Splendour. Badžoria i dalje vodi porodičnu firmu uporedo sa Scarlet Splendour.
Suman Kanodia je diplomirala dizajn enterijera na Institutu za liberalnu umetnost i menadžment Birla i već više od dve decenije se bavi ovim poslom. Ona uređuje prekrasne stambene i poslovne prostore širom Indije, kombinujući najnovije trendove i boje sa klasičnim i neprolaznim oblicima. Filozofija kojom se vodi u dizajnu je da treba istaći elegantnu upotrebu luksuznih umetničkih dela, eklektičnih dezena, silueta i funkcionalnosti kako bi se stvorio divan spoj klasičnog i modernog.
Ovaj brend blisko sarađuje sa međunarodno priznatim dizajnerima, kao što je Mateo Ćibić, dobitnik nagrade Elle Décor International Design Award u 2017. godini u kategoriji talentovani mladi dizajner, kao i dizajnerski duo Dario Kontesoto i Mirko Kolusi, koji
Nakon što su zasebno razvili dobro oko za umetnost, modu i dizajn, uz odličan marketing i smisao za posao, brat i sestra su udružili svoje snage sa uzajamnom jakom strašću prema umetnosti i uređenju enterijera. Crpeći inspiraciju iz svog bogatog porekla, firma Scarlet Splendour promoviše spoj kultura i prevazilazi geografske granice kako bi postigla izvanrednost u svetu dizajna.
često spajaju italijansku i indijsku tradiciju. Nedavno je firma Scarlet Splendour sarađivala sa istaknutom slovenačkom dizajnerkom Nikom Zupanc na kolekciji pod nazivom „88 tajni“ (eng. 88 Secrets). Neke od njihovih najreprezentativnijih kolekcija uključuju „Lažno zlatno“ (eng. Fools’ Gold), „Mandala“, „Cirus“ (eng. Cirrus), „Veza“ (ital. Nesso), i „Kišne kapi“ (Raindrops). Od svog debitovanja na Milanskoj nedelji dizajna 2015. godine, ovaj brend sa sedištem u Kolkati postao je globalno ime čiji proizvodi se prodaju od Amerike i Evrope do Bliskog istoka i Azije. Scarlet Splendour nastavlja da izlaže svoje proizvode u galeriji Spazio Rossana Orlandi svake godine, kao i u Indiji, Londonu i Kanadi.
SCARLET SPLENDOUR Cofounded by siblings Ashish Bajoria and Suman Kanodia, luxury design brand Scarlet Splendour boasts interior products which are both opulent and exuberant. Collaborating with several highly-reputed international designers sharing similar sensibilities and unique vision, Scarlet Splendour offers an eclectic range of furniture, lighting and accessories that reflect a rich font of inspiration from all eras. Growing up immersed in a rich multi-cultural environment and being encouraged by their mother to study art and artisanry, Bajoria and Kanodia naturally sharpened their aesthetic eye through a love for collecting beautiful objects, painting and decorating. Ashish Bajoria began his career in business by successfully running his family engineering company for twenty years, originally bought by his grandfather from the British during Colonial times. This experience would enable him to gain invaluable insight into business and strategy development, consequently contributing to the success of Scarlet Splendour. Bajoria continues to run the family engineering business alongside Scarlet Splendour.
With a degree in Interior Design from Birla Institute of Liberal Arts and Management, Suman Kanodia has been working as an interior designer for more than two decades. Kanodia designs beautiful residential and commercial spaces all over India, combining the latest trends and colours with classic and timeless forms. Her design philosophy emphasizes a refined use of luxurious art, eclectic patterns, silhouettes and functionality to create a delightful combination of classic with contemporary.
The brand works closely with internationally acclaimed designers including Matteo Cibic, winner of the Elle Décor International Design Award 2017’s Young Design Talent category as well as design duo
After individually developing a keen eye for the world of art, fashion and design, coupled with dynamic marketing abilities and sharp business acumen, the siblings joined forces bonded by a mutual unwavering passion for art and interior design. Drawing inspiration from their enriched backgrounds, Scarlet Splendour heralds a blend of cultures and transcends geographical borders to achieve the extraordinary in the world of design.
Since their debut at Milan Design Week in 2015, the Kolkata-based brand has become a global name with products sold from the USA and Europe through to the Middle East and Asia. Scarlet Splendour continues to showcase at Spazio Rossana Orlandi every year, alongside exhibiting in India, London and Canada.
Art & Living
Dario Contessotto and Mirco Colussi, often merging Italian and Indian traditions. Most recently, Scarlet Splendour collaborated with prominent Slovenian designer Nika Zupanc on the 88 Secrets collection. Some of their most representative collections include Fools’ Gold, Mandala, Cirrus, Nesso, and Raindrops.
Art & Living
Retrospektakl LIFESTYLE - Retrospectacle MAGAZINE
Marko Nastić, najpopularniji domaći DJ, u maju proslavlja 20 godina svoje karijere i to velikom žurkom u prostoru hangara Luke Beograd, koju je nazvao Retrospektakl. Pored jedinstvenog povoda za ovaj događaj, njegov koncept je zapravo ono što će ga učiniti različitim u odnosu na sve događaje pre i posle njega. Te večeri hangar Luke Beograd postaće veliki vremeplov koji će svojih 3.000 putnika povesti na do sada neviđeno muzičko putovanje kroz poslednjih 20 godina elektronske muzike.
Ovim vremeplovom upravljaće Marko i njegovih 20 drugara koji su zajedno sa njim obeležili domaću scenu elektronske muzike u poslednjih 20 godina. Događaj započinje u 1997., a završava ga u 2017. godini, pri čemu se svakih 20 minuta smenjuje po jedna godina i u njoj po 4 najveća klupska hita koji su obeležili tu godinu – dakle numere koje svi dobro pamtimo i kojih se svi rado sećamo. U back2back setovima, pored Marka celu noć će se smenjivati njegovih 20 kolega, koji će sa njim u revijalnim nastupima pred oko 3.000 posetilaca prirediti spektakularnu retrospektivu svega najboljeg što poznajemo iz elektronske muzike.
Marko Nastić, the most popular Serbian DJ will celebrate 20 years of his career in May with a big party held at Hangar, Port of Belgrade, which he named Retrospectacle. Not only will this event be a special occasion, but its concept will also make it stand out from all other events before and after it. On that night Hangar, Port of Belgrade will turn into a big time machine that will take its 3,000 passengers on an unparalleled musical journey through the last 20 years of electronic music.
The event will begin with the year 1997 and will end with 2017, with one year being covered every 20 minutes by playing 4 biggest club hits that marked that year – that is songs that all of us remember well and are happy to hear. In back2back sets, next to Marko, his 20 colleagues will take their turn performing with him all night before the audience of about 3,000 people to give a spectacular retrospective of the very best that electronic music has to offer.
Art & Living
This time machine will be managed by Marko and his 20 friends who have left their mark on the local electronic scene in the last 20 years.
“Provokativna transformacija je Vorholova najmilija tema” “Provocative transformation was Warhol’s favorite theme”
Andy Warhol Endi Vorhol /rođen 1928., preminuo 1987/ jedan je od najpoznatijih američkih umetnika. Slikar i ilustrator, važi za jednog od utemeljivača pokreta POP. Često ga nazivaju “superstarom Popa”. Poznat po slikama jednostavnih, skoro banalnih motiva i slojevima jednolikih boja. Radio je skoro isključivo u tehnici sitoštampe, obično tako da je jedan motiv predstavio u seriji različitih varijanti boja. Najpoznatije serije su mu: Cveća, Merlin, Kembelova supa, Mao…
Andy Warhol / born 1928, died 1987 /, one of the most famous American artists. Painter and illustrator, is one of the founders of the POP movement. He is often referred to as the "superstar of Pop". Known by his images of simple, almost banal motifs and flat layers of colors. He worked almost exclusively in screen-printing technique, usually by presenting one motif in a series of different color variations. The most famous series: Flowers, Marilyn, Campbell Soup, Mao…
Art & Living
Ladies and Gentlemen Portfolio, 1975, sitoštampa, numerisana i potpisana / silkscreen, numbered and signed on the back, Ed.125. 110 x 73 cm. Cena / Price: 8.500 Euro
Visconti Fine Art Telephone: +386/ 1 426 61 11 Email: Contact person: Alina Mara Vujic
Representative for Serbian market Victoria & Wolf doo Beograd Telephone: +381 60 60 40 414 Email:
Galerija - Gallery
“Duhoviti Lihtenštajnov rad, koji u potpunosti izražava duh autora” “A fun work by Lichtenstein, which completely encompasses his spirit”
Roy Lichtenstein Roj Lihtenštajn /rođen 1923, preminuo 1987/ jedan od najpopularnijih američkih umetnika. Slikar, skulptor i grafičar, u početku karijere je radio kao dizajner i ilustrator; 60-tih godina postaje jedan od vodećih predstavnika Pop arta. Na nagovor svoje dece počeo je raditi slike po uzoru na stripove. Radovi su mu puni humora, apsurda i ironije; često reinterpretira prepoznatljive motive slika poznatih umetnika 20.veka. Njegov način slikanja i crtanja vrlo je specifičan i prepoznatljiv, a radio je i izuzetne skulpture.
Roy Lichtenstein /born 1923, died 1987/, one of the most known American artists. Painter, sculptor and graphic artist, he began to work as a designer and illustrator at the start of his career. In the 60’s he became one of the leading artist in the Pop Art movement. His children suggested that he should paint in the style of comics. His works are full of humor, irony and absurdity, where he very often re-invents popular motives from other famous artists of the 20th century. His way of painting and drawing is very personal and recognizable, just as his outstanding sculptures.
Visconti Fine Art Telephone: +386/ 1 426 61 11 Email: Contact person: Alina Mara Vujic
Representative for Serbian market Victoria & Wolf doo Beograd Telephone: +381 60 60 40 414 Email:
Art & Living
Krava ide u apstrakciju (triptih) / Cow Tryptich (Cow going abstract), 1982, serigrafija u boji, numerisana i potpisana / screenprint, numbered and signed, ed. 150, 63 x 76 cm Cena / Price: 45.000 Euro za triptih, svaka slika ima svoj ram / for all three individually framed works.
Ovaj objekat je pozicioniran u mirnom rezidencijalnom delu grada i obezbediće vam komfor u svakom smislu. Na par kilometara od centra grada, možete naći mir i uživati u šetnji po Banjičkoj šumi.
This apartment building is situated in a quiet residential area, offering comfort in every sense of the word. Just a few kilometers away from the city center, you may find peace and enjoy walks in the Banjička Forest.
Svih 6 stanova biće izgrađeno po visokim standardima sa ciljem da budu jedinstven i udoban dom. Opremljeni su materijalima visokog kvaliteta i dizajnirani da zadovolje najviše standarde izrade enterijera. U sklopu zgrade biće podzemna garaža. Završetak izgradnje planiran je za kraj 2019. godine i stanovi su trenutno u pretprodaji.
All 6 apartments will be built to high standards with the aim of creating unique and cozy homes. They are decorated with high quality materials and intended to meet the highest standards of interior design. The building will have its own underground garage. The completion of the construction is set for the end of 2019, and the apartments are currently being pre-sold.
Projekat | Time Studio doo Početak radova | proleće 2018 Direktna prodaja | 063 807 61 81
KVADRATURA PROSTORIJA / ROOM SIZE 1. Hodnik / Hallway 2.64 m2 2. Toalet / Toilet 4.43 m2 3. Dnevna Soba / Living Room 32.75 m2 4. Hodnik / Hallway 4.81 m2 5. Spavaća Soba / Bedroom 11.97 m2 6. Spavaća Soba / Bedroom 13.72 m2 7. Kupatilo / Bathroom 5.55 m2 UKUPNO / TOTAL
75.87 m2
1. Hodnik / Hallway 2. Toalet / Toilet 3. Dnevna Soba / Living Room 4. Terasa / Terrace 5. Hodnik / Hallway 6. Spavaća Soba / Bedroom 7. Kupatilo / Bathroom 8. Spavaća Soba / Bedroom 9. Kupatilo / Bathroom 10. Terasa / Terrace UKUPNO / TOTAL
7.02 m2 4.69 m2 51.73 m2 13.80 m2 2.97 m2 16.10 m2 6.90 m2 24.21 m2 5.86 m2 11.12 m2
144.40 m2
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4 puta godišnje (krajem februara, maja, avgusta, novembra) 4 times a year (End of February, May, August, November) Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača i ne mogu se reprudukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa izdavačem. Izdavač se odriče odgovornosti za sadržaj teksta. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of thePublisher. Opinions expressed are of the authors and can not be related publisher. Publisher does not accept responsibility for advertising content. CIP – Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd 747 BUSINESS & Luxury / glavni i odgovorni urednik Vladimir Banović. - 2015, no. 1- . - Beograd : Victoria & Wolf, 2015- (Subotica : Rotografika). - 30 cm Tromesečno. - Tekst na srp. i engl. jeziku ISSN 2406-2057 = Business & Luxury COBISS.SR-ID 213138956 Naslovna strana / Cover page Photo credit: Baume & Mercier for the cover Clifton Club Indian®
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