ISSN 2406-2057
Edition Q4
Nº 16
Uvodna reč
VLADIMIR BANOVIĆ urednik / editor
Dragi čitaoci,
Dear readers,
Kraj je godine, uskoro. To kod nekoga označava nove početke. Kao u našem slučaju početak nekih lepih novih saradnji. Drugima kraj godine predstavlja idealan trenutak za odlazak na neko daleko putovanje. Na primer, u veličanstvenu Kinu. Ili, pak bliže, do mora. Dok, opet, onima koji vole sneg i planinu, kraj godine donosi radost odlazaka na skijanje. Obavezno neka svrate do Leha u Austriji. Ipak, pre putovanja, par reči u ovom broju o tome šta ih na tim destinacijama očekuje.
This year is soon coming to its end. For some, this means new beginnings. And in our case, it marks the start of some nice new collaborations. For others, the end of the year is the ideal time to go on a long trip. For instance, to the magnificent China. Or, perhaps closer, to the seaside. Whereas, again, to those who love snow and mountain, the end of the year brings the joy of skiing. The ideal destination for that is Lech in Austria. However, before going on a trip, you may find out in this issue what you may expect at these destinations.
Nama je kraj godine doneo i jedno novo, luksuzno iskustvo. Test vožnju Rolls-Royce Kulinana. Divan završetak jedne uspešne godine. A ako se osvrnemo na celu godinu, možemo biti zadovoljni. Mnogo lepih tema, mnogo zadovoljnih čitalaca i njihovih pohvala.
To us, the end of the year has brought a new, luxury experience. The Rolls-Royce Cullinan test drive. A magnificent completion of a successful year. And if we look back on the whole year, we have lots of reasons to be satisfied. Plenty of interesting topics, satisfied readers and their praises.
Dragim čitaocima i dragim saradnicima, redakcija magazina Business&Luxury želi mnogo uspeha i zadovoljstva u narednoj godini.
Finally, dear readers and associates, the Business & Luxury Magazine wishes you lots of success and fun in the coming year.
Srdačno, Vaš B&L tim
Sincerely yours, B&L team
Sadržaj - Content
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iskustvo bez granica Vr-All-Art – Limitless Art Experience
Nove tehnologije u vrlom novom svetu realizuju sve što jedan kreativan um može da zamisli. Kada čovek koji je savladao nove tehnologije i prosto „puca“ od kreativnog potencijala, okupi ozbiljan tim ljudi sličnih njemu, granice će sigurno biti pomerene; ono što je nezamislivo postaje stvarnost, daljina više ne predstavlja prepreku, vreme i prostor postaju neograničeni, i otvaraju se nove mogućnosti za saradnju svih zainteresovanih strana. Ovo je i priča o kompaniji VR-All-Art koju je osnovao Vitomir Jevremović - entuzijasta i vizionar, čija namera je da stvori čitav novi svet u umetničkom prostoru.
Vitomir Jevremović
New technologies in the brave new world enable everything a creative mind may invision. When a man, who has mastered new technologies and is bursting with creative potential, gathers a serious team of people similar to him, boundaries are bound to be crossed; what is unimaginable becomes a reality, distance is no longer an obstacle, time and space become limitless, and new opportunities for all the different stakeholders to collaborate open up. This is also the story of the company VR-All-Art, whose founder is Vitomir Jevremović – enthusiast and visionary, on a mission to create a whole new world in the art space.
VR-All-Art je revolucionarna platforma i novo tržište za umetnike, galerije, muzeje i širu javnost koja služi za izlaganje, istraživanje i kupovinu umetničkih dela u virtualnim i proširenim svetovima. VR-All-Art postavlja temelje za nesvakidašnju evoluciju umetničkih izložbi, prostora za izlaganje i trgovinu umetničkim delima.
VR-All-Art is a groundbreaking platform and a new marketplace for artists, galleries, museums and the general public to exhibit, explore and acquire art in the virtual and augmented worlds. VR-All-Art sets the foundation for an unprecedented evolution of art exhibitions, art spaces and art trading.
To je neograničeni svet u novoj stvarnosti metaverzum galerija i muzejskih prostora bez ograničenja i bez fizičkih granica. On omogućava svima da istražuju umetnička dela i otkrivaju umetnike iz celog sveta gde god se nalazili, i to u bilo kojem trenutku. Takođe, umetnicima pruža novu moć, jer više nisu sputani fizičkim ograničenjima prostora i vremena stvarnog sveta.
It is an unlimited world in a new reality – a metaverse of galleries and museum spaces with no borders and no physical boundaries. It enables everyone to explore artworks and discover artists from all over the world wherever they are, at any time. It also gives new power to artists, as they are no longer constrained to the physical limits of real-world space and time.
VR-All-Art je aktivno tržište koje pojednostavljuje kupovinu i trgovinu umetničkim delima, promovišući ideju da je umetnost pristupačna, uzbudljiva i dragocena. VR-All-Art je takođe prostor za izlaganje, ne samo za savremene umetnike, već i muzeje i galerije, kako bi prikazali stare majstore ili druge predmete kulturne baštine, kao i "prostor" u kome šira javnost može da uživa i bolje se upozna sa veličanstvenim tvorevinama naše civilizacije.
VR-All-Art is an active marketplace, enabling easy purchase and trading of art, promoting the idea that art is affordable, exciting and valuable. VR-All-Art is also a presentation space - not only for contemporary artists, but for museums and galleries to display old masters or other objects of cultural heritage as well, and a space where a wider public is invited to enjoy and learn more about the magnificent creations of our civilization.
Watches Business Moving forward & Jewellery
VR-All-Art postavlja temelje za preobražaj tržišta umetničkih dela upotrebom najnovijih tehnologija, koje omogućavaju zainteresovanim stranama da koriste ovo novo igralište u njihovu korist. Ova kompanija je razvila više aplikacija koje čine glavni ulaz - pristupnu tačku za korisnike u svet umetnosti i kulture putem virtualne, mešovite i proširene stvarnosti, kao i standardnu internet stranicu kako bi dorpla do današnje publike sa interneta, istovremeno pripremajući pozornicu za virtualnu budućnost.
VR-All-Art sets the foundation for a transformation of the art market through usage of the latest technological progress, enabling stakeholders to utilize this new playfield for their benefit. The company has developed multiple apps, which are the main front end for users – an entry point into the world of arts & culture through Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality, but also a regular website, for reaching today’s internet audience while setting the stage for the virtual future.
Da bi podstakla i osnažila ovu transformaciju tržišta umetničkih dela, kompanija VR-All-Art uvodi novi blockchain protokol koji se zasniva na međunarodnim CIDOC-CRM standardima za dokumentaciju kulturnog nasleđa. Registar umetničkih dela koji se bazira na blockchain-u donosi nepromenljivost, decentralizaciju i digitalnu istoriju porekla umetnine, čime se stvara osnovna struktura nužna za rođenje novog tržišta umetnosti, što je ranije bilo nezamislivo.
To fuel and empower this art market transformation, VR-All-Art is introducing a new blockchain-based protocol, based on international CIDOC-CRM standards, to handle the arts & culture space. Blockchainbased registry of art brings immutability, decentralization and digital provenance, which creates an essential structure necessary for the birth of a new art market, previously inconceivable.
Virtuelna realnost - Virtual reality
Trgovinom opipljivim umetničkim delima iz stvarnog sveta i potpuno digitalnim umetničkim delima na tržištu koncipiranom na blockchain protokolu, umetnost postaje likvidna imovina, što omogućava potpuno novu vrstu ulaganja u nju.
REŠAVANJE PROBLEMA UMETNIČKE I KULTURNE ZAJEDNICE Svi akteri suočavaju se sa sličnim teškoćama u stvarnom svetu u smislu ograničenja veličine, vremena i prostora. Tržište umetnosti nije transparentno i njime dominiraju veliki igrači koji kontrolišu njegov razvoj. VR-All-Art rešava ovaj problem na sistematičan i temeljan način. Umetnici, galeristi i muzeji sa jedne strane i univerziteti, kolekcionari i posetioci (bilo da su kupci ili ne) na drugoj, sada mogu da se sastanu i izlažu ili istraže ogroman svet umetnosti, bez obzira na njihovu lokaciju ili vremensku zonu.
Trading physical, real-world art and purely digital artworks on a blockchain-based marketplace allows art to become a liquid asset and enables an entirely new type of art investments.
RESOLVING PROBLEMS OF THE ARTS & CULTURE COMMUNITY All stakeholders face similar difficulties in the real world in terms of being limited by size, time and space. Art market is not transparent and is dominated by big players that control its development. VR-All-Art resolves these issues systematically and thoroughly. Artists, gallerists, museums on one side, and universities, collectors, and visitors (buyers or not) on another, can now meet and exhibit, or explore the vast world of art, regardless of their location or time zone.
Publika može da uživa u izložbi ili da se odluči za kupovinu umetničkog dela bez obzira na njegovu veličinu ili lokaciju u svetu. Transfer novca, transport i logistika su rešeni ovom platformom kako bi se proces olakšao, a umetnost učinila zapanjujuće dostupnijom. Planiranje izložbi, kao i prekogranični pristup sada su stupili u virtualno doba gde je sve moguće. VR-All-Art rešava još jednu prepreku uvođenjem ekstenzija za proširenu realnost i mešovitu realnost, omogućavajući virtuelno postavljanje umetničkih dela u životni prostor. Ovo daje korisniku jedinstvenu priliku da vidi potencijalne komade unutar svog prostora bilo putem kamere svog mobilnog uređaja ili pomoću naprednijih holografskih uređaja kao što je Microsoft HoloLens.
They can enjoy an exhibition or decide to buy a piece of art no matter its size or location in the world. Money transfer, transport, and logistics are all resolved by the platform, to make this experience easier and make art unimaginably more accessible. Planning exhibitions, as well as cross-border access have now entered a virtual age where anything is possible. VR-All-Art solves one more barrier by introducing Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality extensions, allowing virtual placement of art pieces in one’s living space. This gives the user a unique opportunity to see potential pieces inside their space either through their mobile device's camera, or by using more advanced holographic devices like Microsoft HoloLens.
Svaka odluka o kupovini vođena je raznim psihološkim faktorima i važno je da bude što manje nedoumica tokom procesa kupovine umetnina. Pošto kupovina umetničkih dela u stvarnom svetu ne teče tako brzo, kupovina jednim klikom podržana od strane VR-All-Art platforme od suštinskog je značaja za uspešnu digitalnu transformaciju tržišta umetnosti.
Every purchase decision is driven by many psychological factors and it is important that friction during the process of buying art is as small as possible. Since purchasing art in the real-world is not a quick process, a one-click purchase supported by the VR-All-Art platform is essential for the successful digital transformation of the art market.
Virtuelna realnost / Virtual reality
IDEALNO RADNO OKRUŽENJE An Ideal Working Environment
Atraktivna lokacija i kvalitetan poslovni prostor pozitivno utiču na uspeh poslovanja kompanije, a mogu i značajno olakšati rad zaposlenima. Business Garden, projekat renomiranih izraelskih investitora AFI Europe i Shikun & Binui Group, nalazi se u samom centru Beograda. Ova prestižna lokacija pruža niz prednosti poslovnim ljudima koji tu svakodnevno provode veliki deo svog vremena. Nalazi se u sklopu Central Garden kondominijuma koji u prizemnom delu nudi brojne uslužne i maloprodajne delatnosti, tako da je zaposlenima nadohvat ruke sve što im je tokom dana potrebno. Ni pronalazak parking mesta u najužurbanijoj gradskoj zoni neće predstavljati problem, budući da će zakupcima biti obezbeđen podzemni parking. Ekskluzivni zastupnik za izdavanje jedine moderne poslovne zgrade u centru grada je vodeća konsultantska kuća za nekretnine u Srbiji CBS International, deo Cushman & Wakefield grupe.
Attractive location and good quality office space have a positive impact on a company's success and can make the work easier for the employees. Business Garden, a project by the renowned Israeli investors AFI Europe and Shikun & Binui Group, is located in downtown Belgrade. This prestigious location has numerous advantages for professionals who spend a large portion of their time at work. It is an integral part of Central Garden condominium. Numerous retail shops and service providers are available on the ground floor, making everything professionals need during the work day within their arm’s length. Finding a parking spot in the most hectic metropolitan zone will not be an issue, as underground parking will be provided for its tenants. The exclusive leasing representative for this one-of-a-kind office building located in the heart of the city is the leading real estate consultancy in Serbia - CBS International, part of the Cushman & Wakefield Group.
Art & Living
Moving forward
ulinan je bio najiščekivaniji automobil 2018. godine i, najverovatnije najiščekivaniji Rols-Rojs svih vremena. On je rezultat vrlo opsežnog procesa proračunavanja i analiziranja ideje o stvaranju SUV modela Rojls-Rojsa, koji je ova kompanija sprovela prethodnih godina. „Nakon što smo videli skice SUV modela Rols-Rojsa koje su izradili naši dizajneri, znali smo da imamo potpuno novi model jedinstvenog, visokog automobila“, objašnjava Frank Tieman, rukovodilac korporativnih komunikacija za Europu i Bliski istok, tokom prve evropske probne vožnje Kulinana organizovane u Budimpešti u novembru. Magazin Business&Luxury imao je čast da bude jedan od dva medijska gosta iz Srbije na ovom događaju, zajedno s još nekolicinom iz centralne Europe. Naše zadovoljstvo i uzbuđenje bili su veliki jer smo jedva čekali da osetimo luksuz iznutra. Ovo izvanredno iskustvo započelo je u hotelu Four Seasons, u palati Grešam, gde su učesnici dobili vredne informacije pre odlaska na teren.
ullinan was the most anticipated car of 2018 and, quite possibly, the most anticipated Rolls-Royce of all time. It is a result of very considerable process of calculating and analysing the idea of creating Rolls-Royce SUV that the company undertook in previous years. “After seeing the draft sketches of Rolls-Royce SUV our designers created, we knew that we had a brand new model as a unique, high bodied car�, said Frank Tiemann, Corporate Communications Manager for Europe and Middle-East, during first European Cullinan test drive organised in Budapest in November. Business & Luxury Magazine had an honour to be one of only two media guests from Serbia at this event, along with few others from the Central Europe. Our pleasure and excitement were high as we were eager to sense the luxury from the inside. This overwhelming experience started in the Four Seasons Hotel, in the Gresham Palace, where attendees received valuable information before going out on the field.
Pre tri godine kompanija Rols-Rojs je najavila lansiranje Kulinana. Učinila je to znajući da su klijenti širom sveta tražili da napravi „Rols-Rojs SUV“ s luksuzom, performansama i upotrebljivošću koja nikad pre nije viđena na tržištu SUV modela. Mnogi od ovih klijenata bili su mlađi, vrlo uspešni i imućni pojedinci koji su prilično angažovani u ekonomiji iskustva, a želeli su Rols-Rojs koji će ih odvesti na kraj sveta u vrhunskom luksuzu.
Watches & Jewellery
Sledeći tu potražnju na tržištu, ali imajući na umu i izreku ser Henrija Rojsa: „Teži savršenstvu u svemu što radiš. Uzmi ono najbolje što postoji i poboljšaj ga. Ako nešto ne postoji, stvori ga.“, kompanija je odlučila da se pridržava tih principa, te je napravila visoki automobil za sve vrste terena koji je ideju autentičnog, luksuznog terenskog putovanja po prvi put pretvorio u stvarnost, bez žrtvovanja Rols-Rojsovih karakteristika u vožnji na putu. Kulinan izgleda impresivno s visinom od 1,84 cm i težinom od 2,6 t, ali još impresivnija je činjenica da sa tom težinom ubrzava do 100 km/h za samo 5,2 sekunde.
Sve ostale tehničke karakteristike ovog lepotana (ili zveri) podjednako su zapanjujuće, a sve one omogućavaju osvajanje najzahtevnijih terena, bilo da je reč o neravnoj stazi, šljunku, vlažnoj travi, blatu, snegu ili pesku, prenoseći svih 850 Nm obrtnog momenta na sva četiri točka.
Three years ago Rolls-Royce announced that it would launch Cullinan. It did so in the knowledge that its customers around the world had asked it to build “The Rolls-Royce of SUVs”, with luxury, performance and usability not seen before in the SUV market. Many of these customers were younger, very successful high-net-worth individuals who were heavily engaged in the experience economy, and wanted a Rolls-Royce that would take them to the ends of the Earth in ultimate luxury. Following that market demand, but also having in mind Sir Henry Royces’ saying “Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it”, the company decided to go along with it, thus, created an all-terrain high-bodied car that makes the idea of authentic, luxury off-road travel a reality for the first time, without sacrificing any Rolls-Royce on-road behaviour. Cullinan looks impressive with its 1.84 cm height, and 2.6 t weight, but more impressive is that with its mass it can speed up to 100km/h in just 5.2 seconds. All the other technical characteristics of this beauty (or the beast) are equally stunning, and all make it possible for it to conquer the most challenging terrain, whether it is rough track, gravel, wet grass, mud, snow or sand, delivering all 850Nm of torque to all four wheels.
Nazvan po najvećem ikad pronađenom dijamantu koji se sada nalazi među draguljima britanske krune, Kulinan u svakom aspektu opravdava svoje ime. Standardno izvanredan kvalitet materijala unutrašnjosti i završne obrade, dopunjen je brojnim funkcionalnostima kojima se pokazuje da se do poslednjeg detalja vodilo računa o komociji putnika pri ulasku i izlasku iz vozila, kao i prilikom vožnje. Automobil se spušta za 40 mm kako bi se u njega ušlo bez napora, dok prepoznatljiva Rols-Rojs vrata sa obrnutim smerom otvaranja otvaraju širok prostor i dočekuju vozača i putnike, a potpuno ravan pod, dugme za zatvaranje vrata, kišobran ugrađen u zadnja vrata, sve će upotpuniti iskustvo uživanja u savršenom automobilu, a i dovešće vas do opere u velikom stilu. Rols-Rojs Kulinan je Rols-Rojs kakav nikada do sada niste videli. Sada je moguće putovati u luksuznom stilu bez napora, i svuda.
Moving forward
Named after the largest diamond ever discovered which now resides in the British Crown Jewels, Cullinan justifies its name in every way.
The usual remarkable quality of interior materials and finishes is complemented by numerous features showcasing that care was taken of every last detail in order to provide comfort to passengers when entering and leaving the vehicle as well as during driving. The car lowers itself by 40mm to make entry effortless as the iconic Rolls-Royce coach doors stand open to welcome driver and passengers, completely flat floor, door closing button, umbrella integrated into back door, all will complete the experience of enjoyment in this perfect automobile, and it will bring one to the opera, in big style. The Rolls-Royce Cullinan is Rolls-Royce as it’s never seen before. Luxury travel is now Effortless, Everywhere.
V8 motor - V8 engine
Moving forward
Razvijajući svoj sledeći model, kompanija Palm Beach ustanovila je da postoji praznina na rafiniranom tržištu visokih performansi – i tako je rođena fantastična nova jahta GT50. Osnovna filozofija pri njenom konstruisanju bila je da se stvori vizuelno elegantna jahta za krstarenje koja može da postigne brzinu od preko 40 čvorova, s ekonomskom brzinom od 30-ak čvorova, pri čemu bi bila jednostavna za rukovanje i laka za posedovanje.
Na prvim ispitivanjima na moru postignuta je predviđena ciljna maksimalna brzina od 42 čvora i brzina krstarenja od 35 čvorova s dva motora Volvo IPS 800 od 600 KS. Štaviše, pri brzini od 35 čvorova potrošnja goriva iznosila je svega 40 galona na sat (151 litar na sat), a pri brzini od 25 čvorova, GT50 je utrošio jedva 24 galona na sat (90 litara na sat), tj. 1,3 milje po galonu. Ove impresivne brojke čine Palm Beach GT50 jednom od najefikasnijih jahti koje postoje danas. Serija GT ima jedinstveni dizajn trupa koji je osmislila kompanija Palm Beach zahvaljujući kome je otpor pri glisiranju manji, dok pramac ostaje u vodi. Svaka od jahti seče kroz vodu i izbegava trošenje energije za izdizanje na površinu vode. Akcenat koji je stavljen pre svega na laganu, snažnu konstrukciju obezbeđuje efikasnost jahte GT50. Trup je izrađen potpunom infuzijom od e-stakla i vinilesterske smole i upotpunjen
palubom i nadgradnjom od 100% ugljeničkih vlakana. Paluba i pregrade su strukturno vezane za trup zarad povećane čvrstoće i krutosti, stvarajući polumonokoknu ljusku koja daje daleko jači rezultat.
Kompanija Palm Beach posvetila je značajnu pažnju spoljnim površinama na jahti GT50 kako bi udobno smestila velike grupe gostiju tokom vožnje. Dva klupe u obliku slova L u kokpitu okružuju vrata koja vode na veliku platformu za plivanje od tikovine. Kormilarska paluba idealna je za večere na otvorenom ili odmaranje tokom vožnje na klupi u obliku slova L i na ravnoj klupi. Kod modela Express, veliki pokretni krovni prozor i bočni i krmeni prozori uobičajeni za kompaniju Palm Beach, stvaraju osećaj otvorenog prostora za neverovatan doživljaj boravka na vodi. U toku je proizvodnja modela GT60 čija je premijera planirana za septembar 2019. godine. Predviđeno je da model 60 ima maksimalnu brzinu od 50 čvorova, što će promeniti pravila igre u ovoj industriji. Nakon što 60-ica bude izbačena na tržište slediće je model GT70.
Moving forward
Prva jahta Palm Beach GT50 Express prikazana je početkom novembra na ovogodišnjem međunarodnom sajmu nautike u Fort Loderdejlu. Ubrzo zatim pojaviće se jahta GT50 Open koja će biti predstavljena na sajmu nautike u Dizeldorfu u januaru 2019. godine.
While developing its next model, Palm Beach identified a void in the refined high-performance marketplace—and the stunning new GT50 was born. The design philosophy was to create a visually elegant cruiser capable of 40-plus knots, with an economic cruise speed in the mid-30-knot range, and all in a yacht that was simple to operate and easy to own. The first Palm Beach GT50 Express was on display in November at the 2018 Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show. A GT50 Open will quickly follow, and is set for display at the 2019 Düsseldorf Boat Show in January 2019. Initial sea trials hit the company’s precise target top-speed projection of 42 knots and a cruising speed of 35 knots with a pair 600-horsepower Volvo IPS 800s. Moreover, at 35 knots the fuel consumption was only 40 gallons per hour (151 litres per hour). At 25 knots the GT50 sipped a measly 24 gallons per hour (90 litres per hour) or 1.3 miles to the gallon. These impressive figures make the Palm Beach GT50 one of the most efficient yachts available today. The GT Series incorporates Palm Beach’s unique hull design that results in less resistance to achieve plane while keeping the bow in the water. Each yacht slices through the water and avoids wasting energy to get up on top of the water.
GT 50 ThePALM Art ofBEACH Savoir-Vivre
A hyper-focus on lightweight, strong construction helps to ensure the GT50’s efficiency. The hull is a fully infused vinylester cored e-glass construction that is complemented by a fully infused, 100% carbon fibre deck and superstructure. The deck and bulkheads are structurally bonded to the hull for increased strength and rigidity, forming a semi-monococque shell that produces a far stronger result.
Palm Beach gave significant attention to the GT50’s outdoor spaces in order to comfortably accommodate large groups of guests while underway. Two L-shaped settees in the cockpit flank a transom door to the large teak swim platform. The helm deck is ideally suited for al fresco dining or lounging while underway, with an L-shaped settee and a straight settee. For the Express model, a large opening sunroof and Palm Beach’s customary side and aft opening windows provide an open-air atmosphere for an incredible on-the-water experience. Production is currently underway for the GT60 that will make its debut in September of 2019. Performance projections of the 60 are calling for a 50-knot top-end, marking a true industry gamechanger. A GT70 will follow the 60’s introduction.
Ficija Flojd
Moving forward
Drugi život Jugoslovenske legende
„Dobre priče se nikada ne završavaju!“ Ova rečenica bolje sažima sve u vezi sa upravljanjem nasleđem nego ostale moje „filozofije“. Dok razmišljamo o svom pristupu nasleđu trebalo bi prvo da potražimo njegovu dušu, pa tek onda da odlučimo šta dalje da činimo. Svaka preduzeta restauracija trebalo bi da može da povrati originalni duh predmeta koji težimo da sačuvamo i prosledimo ga narednom naraštaju.
I to je upravo ono što se dogodilo meni kada mi je prvi put predstavljeno jugoslovensko nasleđe prilikom moje prve misije u ulozi međunarodnog službenika UNESCO-a u regionu. S obzirom na moju strast prema starim vozilima, uskoro mi je predloženo da obavezno pogledam kultni film „Nacionalna klasa“. Film me je oduševio, a posebno fantastična gluma Dragana Nikolića. Počeo sam da se interesujem za te male automobile, koji su mi delovali skoro istovetni FIATU 600/750. „Ovo je naš Fića“ odgovarali su mi, „auto koji je motorizovao Jugoslaviju i i dalje je deo duše većine nas“. Zaključio sam da je vrlo zanimljiva veza i setio se da je prvi auto moga dede bio FIAT 600.
Ficija Flojd The second life of a Yugoslav legend
And this is exactly what happened to me when I was first introduced to the Yugoslav heritage on the occasion of my initial missions to the region, as UNESCO international civil servant. Being passionate about historical vehicles, I was soon suggested to watch the cult movie "Nacionalna Klasa", as a must. I fell in love with the spirit of the movie and the fantastic interpretation of Dragan Nikolic. I began to inquire about those little cars, which I easily recognised as almost identical to FIAT 600/750. "This is our ‘Fića’" I was answered, "the car that motorised Yugoslavia and that is still in the soul of most of us". Very interesting connection, I concluded, as I remember that my grandfather’s first car was a FIAT 600.
Moving forward
"Good stories never end!" This sentence summarizes better than others my ‘philosophy’ towards the heritage management. While approaching our heritage we should search for its soul first and decide what to do next. Any restoration activity should be able to bring back the original spirit of the object we intend to preserve and pass it to the next hands.
Moving forward
Daljim istraživanjem došao sam do zadivljujućeg otkrića da je fabrika Zastava automobili proizvodila ovaj auto, na osnovu FIAT-ove licence, skoro 30 godina, od kraja 1955. do početka 1985., i to ukupno 923.478 primeraka.
Ideja da kupim jedan primerak je počela da mi se vrzma po glavi sve češće i češće, usput primećujući brzo nestajanje Fiće sa ulica i parkirališta u bivšim jugoslovenskim republikama. Pomislio sam da je to velika šteta i rekao to svojim prijateljima iz regiona, „uskoro nijedan od njih neće ostati i značajan deo vašeg nasleđa će zauvek biti izgubljen!“, na šta bi se moji sagovornici samo nasmejali, kao da to ne smatraju vrednim za očuvanje. Tada sam odlučio da ne čekam više i u januaru 2014. sam pronašao Fiću iz 1968. godine, autentičnog i dobro očuvanog. Ali, prilikom kupovine mi je ponuđen i drugi auto, mlađi i u mnogo lošijem stanju, za istu cenu. Kupljeno! Nakon toga, dilema: šta učiniti sa drugim autom? Prodati ga u delovima, najjednostavniji način. Na sreću, nisam to učinio, pošto mi je jedna ideja pala na pamet: napraviću repliku onoga iz „Nacionalne klase“! Zahvaljujući nizu prijatelja i sjajnom majstoru Canetu iz Sombora, ideja je pretvorena u fantastičnu stvarnost. Legenda je oživela! Mehaničar je uspeo da povrati izvorni duh „Nacionalne klase“, najverovatnije zbog toga što je on sam bio jedan od onih legendarnih vozača koji je osvojio mnoge titule vozeći te male bolide trkačkim stazama Jugoslavije. Prve fotografije mog auta počele su da kruže i uskoro, oktobra 2014., pozvan sam da ga izložim u Padovi, mom rodnom gradu, kao specijalan gost na međunarodno poznatom sajmu „Auto e Moto d'Epoca“. Ovo je bio početak spektakularnog „drugog života“ auta koji je uskoro dobio nadimak Ficija Flojd. Srpski novinar je iz Padove emitovao lepu reportažu za srpsku televiziju, zahvaljujući kojoj je ovaj auto privukao pažnju i postao popularan, što je dovelo do pritiska da se Ficija Flojd vrati nazad „kući“, tj. u Srbiju.
Investigating further I was amazed in discovering that the factory Zastava Automobiles had manufactured these cars – based on the FIAT licence - for about 30 years, from late 1955 to early 1985, for a total of 923.478 vehicles. The idea of buying one of them started to come to my thoughts more and more frequently, parallel to my noticing the quick disappearing of Fića from the roads and yards of the former Yugoslav Republics. "What a pity", I told to all my friends in the region, "soon none of them will remain and an important part of your heritage will be lost forever!", most of my counterparts simply laughed at that, as this was not considered a relevant conservation effort. And then I decided not to wait any longer: in January 2014 I found a 1968 Fića, authentic and in a good state of conservation. But, during negotiation,
I was offered a second one, more recent and in much worst condition, to be taken in the same deal. Deal done! And soon afterwards the dilemma: what to do with the second one? Sell it in pieces, the easiest way ahead. But, luckily, I didn’t do it, as an idea come to my mind: let’s make a replica of that of "Nacionalna Klasa"! Thanks to a friendship chain and a good master Cane from Sombor, the idea turned into a fantastic reality. The legend was back to life! The mechanic was able to resume the original spirit of "Nacional Klasa", most likely because he was one of those legendary pilots who won many trophies by driving those little bolides around Yugoslav circuits. The first pictures of the car started to circulate and soon (October 2014) I was invited to exhibit it in Padova, my native city, as a special guest at the internationally famous "Auto e Moto d’Epoca" fair.
Moving forward
Moving forward
Od tada, i zahvaljujući pomoći Boleta, talentovanog mehaničara iz Beograda, uživao sam vozeći auto širom Evrope radi učešća u raznim događajima i izložbama. Svuda je privlačio mnogo pažnje, zbog svog dopadljivog izgleda koji stvara momentalnu simpatiju kod različitih ljudi, i uz prvi efekat iznenađeni su kada čuju o Jugoslaviji, njenim filmovima i automobilima. Sećam se i kako je prilikom vrlo popularne trke „Fabolous Race“ održane u Kortina d Ampeco na italijanskim Dolomitima, Ficija Flojd odabran za jedno od pet najznačajnijih vozila za finalni defile pred hiljadama posetilaca.
Zimska trka se pokazala još prijatnijom: na Zimskom trofeju 2016., Ficija Flojd je bio specijalni gost i ja sam testirao njegov mali motor uz i niz snežne doline Dolomita. Nedavno je film „Nacionalna klasa“ restauriran i održana je gala premijera, uz mnoge zanimljive promotivne aktivnosti. Ficija Flojd je bio vrlo zauzet te nedelje vozeći ljude po Beogradu i promovišući događaj. Na veče premijere Ficija je stajao pored crvenog tepiha uživajući u glavnoj ulozi, uz glumce i saradnike originalnog filma. Ovo je samo početak „drugog života jugoslovenske legende“: vi ga možete pratiti na njegovoj internet stranici i na društvenim mrežama.
Za B&L piše Dr Đorđo Andrian, CEO Motor Heritage Consulting doo
This was the beginning of a spectacular "second life" for what soon was nicknamed Ficija Floyd. A Serbian journalist who was in Padova broadcasted a nice reportage for the Serbian television, due to which the car soon became more visible and popular, resulting in a pressing request to bring Ficija Floyd back ‘home’ i.e. to Serbia. Since then, and thanks to the help of Bole, my talented Belgrade mechanic, I enjoyed bringing the car around Europe to participate in various events and exhibitions. It has attracted a lot of attention everywhere , for its catchy look that creates an immediate sympathy among various target groups; and along with the first effect people are surprised to hear about Yugoslavia, its movies and car stories. I remember how, on the occasion of the very famous ‘Fabolous Race’ held in Cortina d’Ampezzo on the Italian Dolomites, Ficija Floyd was selected one of the five most important vehicles for the final defile amongst thousand spectators. Winter racing proved to be even more enjoyable: at the Snow Trophy 2016, Ficija Floyd was invited as special guest and I challenged its small engine up and down the snowy Dolomite valleys.
Moving forward
The movie "Nacionalna klasa" was restored recently and a gala premiere was organized, along with many interesting activities to promote it. Ficija Folyd was busy for a week driving many people around Belgrade and promoting the event. On the night of the premiere Ficija was standing by the red carpet to enjoy the prima donna role, together with all the actors and stakeholders of the original movie. This is just the beginning of the ‘second life of a Yugoslavian legend’: you can follow it on its web site and related socials.
For B&L story by Phd Giorgio Andrian, CEO Motor Heritage Consulting doo
Srpski “Snežni vuk” do mesta u skijaškoj eliti stiže brzinom od 150 kilometara na sat! Serbia’s ‘Snow Wolf’ races 150 km/h to catch up with the world’s elite skiers!
Moving forward
Marko Vukićević najuspešniji srpski reprezentativac u alpskom skijanju ne može bez adrenalina i brzine. Upravo su mu te dve stvari, uz predani rad i trud, obezbedile mesto u samom vrhu skijaške svetske elite. Dok osvaja staze širom sveta, Marko doživljava svoj svet, a Srbiji donosi medalje. Prvi je spustaš sa ovih prostora koji ostvaruje vrhunske rezultate u disciplini rezervisanoj samo za najhrabrije skijaše sa vrhunskom skijaškom tehnikom. Tek je spreman da nam priredi ono najbolje, a mi smo na njega već ponosni...
Adrenaline rush and high speed, that is something that Marko Vukićević, the most successful member of Serbia’s national alpine skiing team, cannot do without. In addition to hard work and dedication, these two things have brought him a position among the world’s elite skiers. In his conquest of ski pistes all over the world, Marko is experiencing his own world and bringing medals back to Serbia. He is the first Serbian downhill skier to have scored top results in a discipline that is intended only for the bravest of skiers boasting the finest skiing techniques. The best is yet to come to Marko and we are already proud of him...
Snežni vuk - MAGAZINE Snow Wolf LIFESTYLE
Marko, kako ste odlučili da se profesionalno bavite skijanjem i šta Vam ono u životu znači? Na skije sam stao sa tri godine. Rođen sam u Sloveniji gde je skijanje nacionalni sport. Tamo, skoro svako dete, čim prohoda ubrzo počne i da skija. Sa pet godina su me roditelji upisali u skijaški klub a inspiracija mi je bila starija sestra, koja je u vreme mojih početaka već osvajala medalje u skijanju. Skijanje je moj život i za skijanje živim 24 sata dnevno. Sve ostalo u poređenju sa skijanjem je za mene na drugom mestu. Nedavno ste Srbiji doneli tri medalje iz Čilea, dva srebra i bronzu, od kojih je prva bila u najbržoj alpskoj disciplini – spustu. Kako ste se zainteresovali baš za spust i time otvorili sebi put da budete prvi spustaš sa ovih prostora koji ostvaruje odlične rezultate? Spust je veoma zahtevna skijaška disciplina i u skijaškom svetu nosi naziv „kraljevska disciplina“ a najbolji spustaši moraju da poseduju: vrhunsko skijaško znanje i iskustvo, hrabrost, fizičku snagu, psihičku stabilnost, istrajnost i skijašku inteligenciju. Oduvek sam voleo adrenalin i brzine i još kao dete postizao sam dobre rezultate u brzim disciplinama. Rezultati u spustu ne dolaze preko noći, prosečna starost najboljih svetskih spustaša je 30 godiina, što znači da su potrebni dugotrajan rad i istrajnost.
Marko, what made you choose skiing as your profession and what does it mean to you in your life? I started skiing at the age of three. I was born in Slovenia where skiing is a national sport. Almost every toddler in Slovenia soon learns how to ski. When I was five, my parents enrolled me in a ski club. I was inspired by my older sister, who was already winning medals in skiing. Skiing is my life and I live for skiing 24 hours a day. Everything else is less important to me.
Downhill is a very demanding discipline, which is why it is also called the ‘royal discipline’. The best downhill skiers must possess top-of-the range skiing knowledge and experience, courage, physical strength, mental stability, persistence and skiing intelligence. I have always loved the adrenaline rush and high speeds and even when I was a kid, I used to score good results in fast disciplines. Great downhill results do not happen overnight, the average age of the world’s best downhill skiers is 30, which means that it takes years of hard work and perseverance to achieve them.
Moving forward
You have recently won three medals for Serbia in Chile, two silver and one bronze. You have won the silver medal in the fastest alpine skiing discipline - Downhill. How did you become interested in downhill, which has brought you the reputation of the first downhill skier in the region to score excellent results?
Moving forward
Probajte da nam dočarate osećaj kada ste na skijama, a spuštate se brzinom od 150 kilometara na sat. O čemu u tim trenucima zaista razmišljate?
Can you describe for us what you feel when you are racing downhill at 150 kilometres an hour? What do you think about in these moments?
Taj osećaj ne može da se opiše rečima, već mora da se doživi! U tim trenucima čujem zvuk vetra i doživljavam svoj svet. Pred start imam vremena za razmišljanje, vizualizaciju staze i tada se koncentrišem. Kada se odgurnem sa starta nema više vremena za razmišljanje jer se sve brzo dešava. Ako skijaš u toku vožnje misli o greškama, opasnostima, skoku koji ga čeka, rupama, magli, vetru, znači da ima previše vremena za razmišljanje i da verovatno nema brzine. Tokom vožnje isključivo sam koncentrisan i fokusiran da stazu izvezem po najbržoj idelnoj liniji do cilja.
There are no words that can describe that feeling, one must simply experience it! In these moments I can hear the wind and experience my world. Before the race begins, I have time to think, visualize the piste and focus. When I start the race, there’s no more time for thinking, everything happens so fast. If, during the race, a skier thinks about possible mistakes, the danger or about what lies ahead of him down there, about the fog and the wind, this means he has too much time for thinking and he probably lacks speed. While racing downhill, I am focused on the piste and on my desire to follow the fastest ideal line all the way to the finish.
Snežni vuk - MAGAZINE Snow Wolf LIFESTYLE
Čega ste sve morali da se odreknete i šta vam je bio najveći motiv da ljubav pretvorite u posao?
What sacrifice did you have to make and what was your biggest motivation to turn you love of skiing into your profession?
Skijanje je jedan od najtežih sportova, ali predanim radom do sada sam uspeo da prevaziđem sve prepreke, poput ranog ustajanja i vožnje na skijališta, treninga po hladnoći, vetru i magli, opasnosti od padova i povreda...Zbog čestih putovanja ne uspevam baš uvek da uskladim sve obaveze, a za večernje izlaske nemam vremena. Ali, to mi ne pada teško jer je skijanje za mene isključivo ljubav. To mi je najveći motiv! Mnogo više od posla, donosi mi sreću, ponos i uspeh. Imao sam tu privilegiju, da uz veliku posvećenost, ljubav i strast spojim sa onim što najviše u životu volim da radim.
Skiing is one of the most difficult sports, but it is thanks to my hard work and dedication that I have managed to overcome all obstacles, like getting up early in the morning, driving to the ski centre, practicing in cold and foggy weather, risking fall or injury ... Since I travel so much, I am not always able to manage everything, and I have no time to go out at night. But, this does not bother me, because skiing to me is pure love. That is my biggest motivation! It is much more than just business; it brings me happiness, pride and success. I have been so privileged in life, in addition to great dedication, to be able to combine my love and passion with what I like doing the most.
Moving forward
Moving forward
Deo ste svetske skijaške elite i pokazujete svoja umeća na svim velikim i bitnim takmičenjima. Šta Vam je, osim napornih treninga sa kojima nastavljate, još potrebno da osvojite sam svestki vrh? Ko sve veruje u ciljeve koje ste sebi postavili za sezonu 2018/19.?
You are a part of the world elite in skiing and you demonstrate your skills at all major competitions. Apart from continuing to practice hard, what else do you need in order to reach the world’s top ranking? Who are the people who have trust in the goals you have set for yourself for season 2018/2019?
Dostizanje vrhunskih rezultata u Svetskom kupu nije moguće bez svestrane, sistemske i finansijske podrške. Nivo na kojem skijaju najbolji svetski skijaši je za mene još uvek nedostupan, ali nadam se da ću svojim rezultatima doprineti da me Srbija podrži i omogući mi treninge na vrhunskom nivou. Pored moje porodice, Skijaškog Saveza Srbije i Olimpijskog Komiteta Srbije koji su uvek uz mene, veoma sam ponosan i zahvalan kompaniji „Jaffa Crvenka“ koja je prepoznala moj potencijal i dala mi podršku na mom putu do svetskog vrha. Tu je i agencija M2Communications koja zajedno sa mnom veruje u ostvarenje mojih ciljeva, a moja velika motivacija je da opravdam poverenje svih njih.
It is impossible to achieve a top score in the World Cup without a comprehensive, systemic and financial support. The level of support that is available to the world’s top skiers is still inaccessible to me, but I hope that with my results I will be able to contribute to Serbia’s support for me and for it to provide the best conditions for my trainings. Apart from my family, the Ski Association of Serbia and the Serbian Olympic Committee who are always there for me, I am very grateful to “Jaffa Crvenka“, a company that has recognized my potential and provided me the support I need on my way to the top. M2Communications agency is there for me, as well, and they believe that I will achieve my goals. I am highly motivated to live up to the trust that all of them have in me.
Snežni vuk - Snow Wolf
Preporučite nam, po Vašem mišljenju, najbolja skijališta u Evropi.
Can you recommend the best ski resorts in Europe to us?
Obišao sam većinu svetskih skijališta. To su sve prelepa i uzbudljiva mesta. Ako bih već morao neka od njih da izdvojim krenuo bih od Srbije i izdvojio Kopaonik. Poseban utisak na mene su ostavili i St. Moritz (SUI), Val Gardena (ITA), VaL Thorens (Fra), Soldau (AND) i Krvavec (SLO).
I have toured most ski centres around the world. These are all beautiful and exciting places. If I have to single out some of them, I would start with Serbia and recommend Mt. Kopaonik. St. Moritz (Switzerland), Val Gardena (Italy), Val Thorens (France), Soldeu (Andorra) and Krvavec (Slovenia) are also very impressive.
Miele Mercedes-Benz
Hotel Badrutt's
PALACE Badrutt’s Palace Hotel
Pleasure & Leisure
adrutt’s Palace: mesto gde su se voli luksuz, tu se nalazi impresivan niz barova i generacijama ljudi okupljali još od 1896. restorana. Uživajte u popodnevnom čaju kao nigde godine. Doživite legendarnu uslugu i drugde, u velikom holu s drvenom tavanicom, čarobnu atmosferu u srcu Sent Morica. gde su kreacije prvoklasnih svetskih poslastičara Neuporediva i iznenađujuće dobra hrana i piće, joie predstavljene u velikom stilu. Restoran Igniv, de vivre i jedinstven osećaj pripadnosti odlikuju ovenčan mišelinovom zvedicom, kojeg vodi kuvar ovo znamenito, planinsko odmaralište sa dugom Andreas Kaminada obećava inspirativna jela i tradicijom. U šarmantnom moderan enterijer koji je selu u Švajcarskim Alpima, dizajnirala Patricija Urkiola. Hotel Badrutt’s Palace, na visini od 6000 stopa, sa Le Restaurant nudi vrhunsku član grupacija Vodeći sofisticiranim međunarodnim hranu i retku priliku da hoteli sveta, Švajcarski duhom veliča se stil, sport, budete usluženi korišćenjem kulinarske avanture i zdravlje. deluks hoteli i Švajcarski pomoćnog stola geridona. Zimi možete istražiti jedno istorijski hoteli, pogodan Restoran La Coupole, nekad od najuzbudljivijih skijaških prva europska zatvorena je za sve uzraste, prilike, oblasti na svetu. Leti vas teniska dvorana, dom nacionalnosti i broj gostiju. mame planinarske aktivnosti je japansko-peruanskog na suncu u Engadinskoj dolini. restorana Nobu Matsuhisa. Svratite u Renaissance Bar na večernju čašicu ili Badrutt's Palace Hotel ima 157 soba i 41 apartman, cigaru pored velikog kamenog ognjišta ili uživajte svi sa pogledom na jezero ili šarmantni centar sela u sitne sate na plesnom podijumu u King's Clubu. od kojih vam zastaje dah. Podsećajući na zlatno Odmah preko puta kada se pođe uz stepenice u srce doba putovanja, ali s modernim razmišljanjem u sela, nalazi se Chesa Veglia izgrađena 1658. godine, skladu s preferencijama današnjeg putnika koji najstarija „tradicionalna kuća“ u Sent Moricu.
Novi LIFESTYLE hotel - MAGAZINE New Hotel
Pleasure & Leisure
adrutt’s Palace: where generations have loves, there’s an impressive array of bars and met since 1896. Experience legendary restaurants. Enjoy an afternoon tea unlike service and an enchanting atmosphere any other in the wood-ceilinged Grand Hall, in the heart of St Moritz. Unrivalled and where creations from world-class pastry chefs unexpected eating and drinking, joie de vivre and a are presented with flair. Andreas Caminada’s unique sense of belonging in a historical and iconic Michelin-starred Igniv, promises inspired sharing mountain resort. A celebration of style, sports, dishes and contemporary interiors designed by culinary adventures and Patricia Urquiola. Le wellness in a charming Badrutt’s Palace, a member Restaurant presents Swiss Alps village with a timeless fine dining and of Leading Hotels of the sophisticated international a rare opportunity to World, Swiss Deluxe Hotels spirit at 6000 feet. In experience a Gueridonwinter, explore one of the and Swiss Historic Hotels, is style of service. La world’s most exciting ski suited to all ages, occasions, Coupole restaurant, regions. In summer, the formerly Europe’s first nationalities and sizes of Engadine Valley’s sunindoor tennis hall, is home party. soaked alpine activities to a Japanese-Peruvian beckon. restaurant from Nobu Matsuhisa. Retreat to the Renaissance Bar for a Badrutt’s Palace Hotel has 157 guestrooms and nightcap or cigar by the big stone hearth, or enjoy 41 suites all with heart-stopping views of the after-hours on the dancefloor at King’s Club. Just lake or the charming village centre. Evoking a across the road and up some stairs into the heart Golden Age of travel, yet with a forward-thinking of the village is 1658-built Chesa Veglia, the oldest attitude in tune with what today’s luxury traveller ‘peasant house’ in St Moritz.
U tipičnom švajcarskom stilu, sa dva bara i tri restorana takođe podseća na to da je Italija na samo 60-ak kilometara južno odatle –konobarima koji govore italijanski tamo često govore da pica u piceriji Heuboden može da se poredi sa najboljim picama iz njihove otadžbine. Pored uživanja, i zdravlje se na planini prirodno podrazumeva. Palace Wellness je spa cenar sa živopisnim unutrašnjim infiniti bazenom, a tu je i otvoreni bazen sa toplom vodom. Brojni fitnes sadržaji uključuju hidroterapijski bazen, saune i aromatska parna kupatila. Masaže i kozmetičke usluge kreću se od ajurvedskih terapija do specijalnih tretmana lica. A tu je i klub za decu gde se o njima brine osoblje kluba tako da odrasli mogu da uživaju nasamo.
As Swiss as can be, its two bars and three eateries are also a reminder that Italy is only 40 miles south — the Italian-speaking waiters are often told that the pizza at Pizzeria Heuboden rivals the finest from their motherland. As well as indulgence, wellbeing comes naturally here in the mountains. Palace Wellness is the spa with a cinematic indoor infinity swimming pool, or paddle out to the open-air heated pool. The extensive fitness facilities include a hydrotherapy pool, saunas and aromatic steam rooms. Full massage and beauty services range from Ayurvedic therapies to specialist facials. And there’s a fully-staffed children’s club for enjoying that precious adult time.
Novi LIFESTYLE hotel - MAGAZINE New Hotel
8 PM – 3 AM
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Pleasure & Leisure
Neka svijet magije u novogodišnjoj večeri postane stvarnost za vaše i naše najmlađe goste, uz sjajnog madionicara Igora Trifunova i Zimske vile!
5 recommendations
5 preporuka
Izvrsna mesta
The exquisite places
Langouste U starom gradu, nadomak Kalemegdanske tvrđave, sa fantastičnim pogledom na reke Savu i Dunav, naići ćete na Langouste fine dining restoran. Svojim inovativnim pristupom gastronomiji, kroz menije u 6 gangova, svetski poznati Michelin star šef, Guillaume Iskandar kreira i od hrane stvara umetnost.
Pleasure & Leisure
Kuhinja je njegov atelje, a lokalni proizvodi prava inspiracija za dnevne ponude.
In the old town, near the Kalemegdan fortress, with the fantastic view over rivers Sava and Danube, you will find Langouste Fine Dining Restaurant. With its innovative approach to gastronomy, serving six courses menu, globally known Michelin star chef, Guillaume Iskandar creates and transforms food into art. The kitchen is his atelier, and locally produced foods are true inspiration for Langouste’s daily offers.
Atelje Šapat Za četiri godine dva puta dobitnik priznanja Kapija uspeha za najbolji proizvodni i ugostiteljski objekat u Vojvodini. Jedina vinarija preporučena za posetu od strane CNN. Dobitnik mnogobrojnih međunarodnih priznanja za vino. Vinarija Atelje vina Šapat, iznad Novog Slankamena, destinacija je gostima iz celoga sveta, a ukoliko ste ljubitelj letenja, najbrži način dolaska u vinograd je helikopterom. Mnogi ga karakterišu kao raj na zemlji, a svoj savršen par ima u srcu Beograda, u hotelu Townhouse 27. In the last four years, two times winner of prestige award Kapija uspeha for the best wine production and hospitality venue in Vojvodina. The only winery recommended by CNN. Winner of numerous international wine awards. Wine Atelier Shapat in Novi Slankamen is a “must visit” destination for people all around the world. For those fond of flying, arrival to the vineyards is now possible even by a helicopter. It is often described as heaven on Earth and this superb winery has even found its pair in Belgrade city center at hotel Townhouse 27.
An extraordinary new hotel boasts of its special "a la carte" restaurant with its top-notch chef who perfected his skills in a Michelin-starred restaurant. Elegant, urban and appealing, it offers a cosmopolitan combination of tastes with which you can never go wrong. Particularly notable is the weekly brunch which is a blend of traditional specialties from Vojvodina and international cuisine. There is also the fantastic Wine & Tapas Bar for relaxation with good wine and unique tapas. And in addition to this, there is an unavoidable blend of sweet tastes as a special story of Peppermint. Hotel Sheraton Novi Sad
Pleasure & Leisure
Izvanredan novi hotel krasi poseban „a la carte“ restoran, čiju ponudu potpisuje vrhunski šef, koji je svoje umeće usavršavao u restoranu sa „Mišelinovim zvezdicama“. Elegentan, urban i privlačan, nudi kosmopolitsku kombinaciju ukusa sa kojom nema greške. Posebno se izdvaja nedeljni branč koji čini spoj tradicionalnih vojvođanskih specijaliteta i internacionalne kuhinje. Tu je i fantastičan Wine&Tapas Bar za opuštanje uz dobro vino i jedinstvene tapase. I pored svega, nezaobilazan spoj slatkih ukusa kao posebna priča Pepperminta.
Salon 1905 Smešten u istorijsku zgradu "Geozavoda", građevinu u samom srcu starog Beograda, Salon 1905 nudi istinski jedinstveno restoransko iskustvo. Izgrađena od 1905 do 1907, znamenita građevina sa početka veka je remek-delo barokne i arthitekture art nuvoa, sa zapanjujućim enterijerom obloženog blistavim mesingom, mermerom i zlatom. Jelovnik je sličan, malo izmenjen, i dalje nudi glavne proizvode koji nose potpis Salona 5, kao što su Foie Gras i T-bone steak. Ovo, u kombinaciji sa brojnim vrhunskim dodacima u meniju, zaista zaokružuje ono što čini celokupno iskustvo. Situated in the iconic ‘Geozavod' edifice at the very heart of Belgrade's old town, Salon 1905 offers a truly one of a kind fine dining experience. Built from 1905 - 1907, the turn-of-the century landmark building is a masterpiece of Baroque and Art Nouveaux architecture, with a breathtaking interior wrapped in glistening brass, marble and gold. The menu is similar, a little altered, still offers Salon 5 signature staples such as the Foie Gras and T Bone Steak. This, in combination with a number of premium additions to the menu really encompasses what the overall experience is about.
Salon 5
Pleasure & Leisure
Preporučujemo vam da počnete sa nekim lepo ohlađenim belim vinom pre degustacije guščije paštete o kojoj priča ceo Beograd. Bogat i kremast ukus koji se topi u ustima, oduševiće vaše nepce. U slučaju da želite da prezalogajite neka topla predjela, možete birati između domaćih, ručno pravljenih raviola sa rikota sirom, papardela sa vrganjima ili taljatele sa raguom, ukusa kao letnja jutra u Palermu. Za glavno jelo, opredelite se za nešto ozbiljnije, recimo Foie gras. Posvećenost i kvalitet je ono što najbolje sumira duh restorana Salon 5.
We recommend you start with some frisky white wine before tasting a slice of foie gras. Yes, it’s the same foie gras everyone in Belgrade is talking about. Lush and creamy, with melting flavors that will make your taste-buds go wild. In case you want to consider dipping into some hot starters, choose between the home made Italian Ravioli with Ricotta cheese and Papardelle with boletus, or go for the classic – Tagliatelle al Ragu that taste like a summer morning in Palermo. And then for the main course, go heavyweight. Dedication and quality is what best sums up the Salon 5 ethos.
Preporučujemo - We recommend
Patka sa šargarepom i dunjom. Duck, aged carrots and quince.
Kosančićev venac 29, Beograd • +381 64 813 20 15 • Flambirana guščja džigerica, najfinije mekoće, poslužena na domaćem džemu od luka i pomorandže i sosom od šumskog voća, savršeno uparena sa Šapat Cabernet Sauvingon. Goose liver on spinach with a sauce of wild berries and home made onion and orange jam, perfectly paired with Shapat Cabernet Sauvignon.
Počenta bb, Novi Slankamen • tel: +381 69 607 698 ili +381 69 607 079 • mail:
Kremasti "rattatoullie" sa šafranom poslužen sa poširanim jajetom i mladim spanaćem. Creamy "ratatouille" with saffron served with poached egg and baby spinach.
Polgar Andraša 1, Novi Sad • +381 21 487 80 00 • Hotel Sheraton Teleći kotlet francuska obrada - fino pečen na puteru, belom luku i timjanu; uz kremasti pire krompir, pečenu golicu i pire od organskog batata i sos od crvenog vina. Veal cutlet French rack – fine roasted on butter, garlic and thyme; with creamy potato puree, fried pumpkin seed, organic sweet potato puree, and red wine sauce.
Karađorđeva 48, Belgrade • +381 11 7888 900 •
Grilovana guščija džigerica na briošu sa čatnijem od šumskog voća, gelom od proseka i aperola i kolačem od đumbira. Grilled goose liver on toasted brioche with all berries chutney, prosecco and aperol jelly and ginger cake.
Avijatičarski trg 5, Zemun • +381 11 261 48 93 •
Pleasure & Leisure
Izbor ljubitelja umetnosti – jedna od najspektakularnijih privatnih umetničkih zbirki u Evropi
Leh važi za jedan od najlepših sveobuhvatnih zimskih odmarališta na Alpima i kolevku modernog skijanja, a nalazi se u austrijskoj regiji Arlberg. Omiljeno je odredište članova kraljevskih porodica koji dolaze tu da uživaju u suncu i snegu, a nova najmodernija gondola Fleksenban koja je otvorena prošle godine, sada po prvi put spaja skijaška odmarališta Leh, St Anton i Stuben, stvarajući jedno od najboljih svetskih skijaških oblasti s više od 305 km skijaških staza koje opslužuje 87 žičara. Osim skijanja po uređenim stazama, gosti mogu uživati u heli-skijanju, nordijskom skijanju, sankanju, pešačenju po snegu na krpljama, penjanju po ledu i paraglajdingu.
UmetnostLIFESTYLE i sneg - ArtMAGAZINE and snow
Kristiania je u vlasništvu i pod upravom porodice Šnajder od 1968. godine, sa atmosferom kao da ste kod svoje kuće i autentičnim austrijskim gostoprimstvom u srcu. Hotel je otvorio Otmar Šnajder, rođen u Lehu 1928. godine, osvajač zlatne olimpijske medalje u skijanju, koji se takmičio 1952. godine na Olimpijadi u Oslu i osvojio zlato u slalomu i srebro u spustu. Ljubav prema umetnosti u porodici potekla je od njegove supruge, Irmgard, koja je tu ljubav prenela i na svoje dve ćerke –od kojih je jedna Gertruda Šnajder. Gertruda sada nastavlja očevim stopama, a umetnička zbirka sastoji se od više od 200 savremenih slika, skulptura, originalnih grafika i tapiserija od strane mlađih i renomiranih umetnika kao što su Maks Kol, Roj Lihtenštajn, Maks Bil i Sem Francis. Porodica Šnajder pretvorila je glavnu trpezariju u galeriju koja može da parira onim iz velikih svetskih gradova, a dela oslikavaju neke od najznačajnijih pokreta u savremenoj umetnosti, uključujući, između ostalog, konceptualnu umetnost, pop art, konkretnu umetnost i apstraktni ekspresionizam. U hotelskom Rote Baru – mestu veselog opuštanja nakon skijanja među crvenim zidovima u grimizno crvenoj boji i svilenim draperijama specijalno izrađenim za taj prostor, visi slika Sema Francisa zasnovana na ključnim principima apstraktnog ekspresionizma. Njegova dela se mogu videti izložena u Muzeju moderne umetnosti u Njujorku i Tejt muzeju u Londonu. Kristiania ima 29 soba i apartmana za goste, a svi su uređeni s posebnim umetničkim detaljima koji se temelje na nekom određenom umetničkom delu i s neverovatnim pogledom na Leh i okolne planine. Od alpskog šika do Kine, preko mešavine Ralfa Lorena i Hajdi, sobe su pune prekrasnih, šarenih tkanina, zajedno s originalnim umetničkim delima i antikvitetima i daju im jedinstven kvalitet.
Dva restorana hotela Kristiania nude internacionalnu savremenu kuhinju i sofisticiranu atmosferu, kao i tradicionalne austrijske specijalitete, uključujući fondu i raklet kraj otvorenog kamina u udobnom i opuštenomsalonu. Ostali sadržaji uključuju spoljnu terasu za sunčanje i mali spa centar s sobama za tretmane.
Uz uživanje u spektakularnoj umetničkoj zbirci, gosti koji borave u Kristianiji imaju na raspolaganju niz neobičnih batlerskih usluga - uključujući skijaškog batlera, batlera za kupanje, pa čak i batlera za čitanje koji će goste snabdeti omiljenim čitalačkim štivom i knjigama pre njihovog dolaska. Tu je i skijaška dadilja za mlađe goste, kao i D.O.G usluga za one koji nemaju srca da ostave svog psa kod kuće. Hotel se takođe udružio i s najslavnijom skijaškom radnjom u regiji Arlberg, Strolz – jedinoj radionici za ručnu izradu skijaških čizmi na svetu. Gosti mogu zatražiti personalizirano iskustvo kupovine po meri u radnji Strolz, od ručno pravljenih skijaških čizama po meri do najmodernije skijaške opreme i odela, a sve to iz udobnosti vlastite hotelske sobe.
Pleasure & Leisure
Hotel Kristiania je skriveni dragulj Leha, i mada spoljnim izgledom podseća na tradicionalne austrijske planinske kuće, njegova unutrašnjost otkriva spektakularno uređenu zbirku savremene umetnosti koja bi mogla da parira bilo kojem muzeju svetskog glasa, i jedinstvenog je enterijera.
Pleasure & Leisure
The art lover's choice - housing one of the most spectacular private art collections in Europe
One of the most beautiful all-round alpine winter resorts in the Alps and the birthplace of modern skiing, Lech is located in the Arlberg region of Austria. Known as the place for retreating royalty to enjoy the sun and snow, last year saw the launch of the Flexenbahn, a new state of the art gondola lift, which now connects the ski resorts of Lech, St Anton and Stuben for the first time, creating one of the world’s best ski areas with over 305km of ski slopes served by 87 lifts. Aside from piste skiing, guests can enjoy heli-skiing, cross country skiing, tobogganing, snowshoeing, ice-climbing and paragliding.
UmetnostLIFESTYLE i sneg - ArtMAGAZINE and snow
Owned and run by the Schneider family since 1968 the Kristiania is a true home-fromhome, with authentic Austrian hospitality at its heart. The hotel was founded by Othmar Schneider, born in Lech in 1928 and a former Olympic Gold medal winning skier, who competed in the 1952 games in Oslo and took gold in the slalom and silver in the downhill. The love of art in the family came from his wife, Irmgard, who in turn passed this onto their two daughters – one of whom is Gertrud Schneider. Gertrud now continues her father’s legacy and the art collection consists of more than 200 contemporary paintings, sculptures, original prints and tapestries by both emerging and established artists such as Max Cole, Roy Lichtenstein, Max Bill and Sam Francis. The Schneider family have transformed the main dining room into a gallery that rivals those of major global cities and the works illuminate some of the most significant movements in contemporary art including Conceptual, Pop Art, Concrete Art and Abstract Expressionism to name just a few. In the hotel’s Rote Bar – a scene of much après ski revelry - amongst the crimson colour walls, and custom designed silk draperies, hangs a painting by Sam Francis based on the key principles of abstract expressionism. His works can be seen hanging in MOMA in New York and the Tate in London. The Kristiania has 29 guestrooms and suites, all decorated with individual artistic elements based around a particular piece of art, and with incredible views of Lech and the surrounding mountains. From Alpine chic to Chinese, to Ralph Lauren meets Heidi, the rooms are full of beautiful and colourful fabrics, together with original artwork and antiques, lending a unique quality to each room.
Hotel Kristiania’s two restaurants offer international modern cuisine and sophisticated fine dining as well as traditional Austrian fare including fondue and raclette at an open fireplace in the hotel’s cosy and casual Kaminzimmer. Other facilities include an outdoor sun terrace and a small spa with treatment rooms.
As well as enjoying the spectacular collection of art, guests staying at the Kristiania are spoilt with a selection of quirky butler services - including a ski butler, a bath butler and even a reading butler who will source guests’ favourite reading materials and books ahead of their arrival. There is also a ski nanny for younger guests, and a D.O.G Dog service for those who can’t leave the favourite pet pooch at home. The hotel has also teamed up with the Arlberg region’s most famous ski store, Strolz – the only handmade ski boot workshop in the world. Guests can request a personalized tailor-made Strolz shopping experience, from customized hand-made ski boots to the latest ski gear and designer wear, all from the comfort of their own hotel room.
Pleasure & Leisure
Hotel Kristiania is Lech’s hidden gem, and whilst it looks like a traditional Austrian ski chalet on the exterior, the interior reveals a spectacularly curated contemporary art collection to rival any world class museum, and unique interior design.
Business & Luxury košulje
Pleasure & Leisure
Svaki poslovni ili svečani događaj podrazumeva određeni način oblačenja, koji uključuje košulju kao obavezni deo odevne kombinacije. MojKrojac. com, vodeći poslovni sistem posvećen odeći po meri klijenta, otkriva vam suptilne razlike između business i luxury košulja šivenih po meri.
Događaj i nivo njegove svečanosti određuju stil, boju, detalje i kroj košulje. Klasične poslovne prilike daju dosta slobode u izboru košulje. Uz tamne pantalone ili odelo i kožne cipele moguće je nositi košulje bilo koje boje, bele, svetlije ili tamnije plave, kao i atraktivnijim bojama poput svetlo roze ili boje lavande. Biznis košulja je najčešće sa običnom ili kosom kragnom, koja odlično izgleda sa kravatom, kopčanje je takvo da se dugmići vide, dok su manžetne sa standardnim dugmićima.
Jedan od omiljenih detalja uspešnih poslovnih ljudi je monogram sa inicijalima na levoj manžetni ili struku. Odabir materijala služi funkcionalnosti i iz tog razloga su izuzetno popularni materijali koji se ne peglaju i ne gužvaju, prepoznatljivi kao Non Iron i Wrinkle Free, koji su pre svega udobni, potpuno pamučni i imaju posebnu obradu usled koje košulja izgleda pedantno i uredno tokom celog radnog dana. Ukoliko se prisustvuje svečanostima koje zahtevaju vrhunsku eleganciju, popularni ’’black tie dress code’’, neophodna je bela košulja sa francuskom manžetnom i ukrasnim metalnim dugmadima ispod obaveznog crnog odela. Kragna je posebno prilagođena za leptir mašnu, kopčanje je sakriveno ili ukombinovano sa crnim dugmićima. Za ovakve prilike koriste se sjajniji materijali, obavezno u beloj boji, ili materijali sa posebnim strukturama koji se suptilno presijavaju i daju dodatnu notu elegancije. Za najsvečanije momente kao što su venčanja za najviši rang elegancije postoji poseban tip „tuxedo“ košulje koje na svom prednjem delu imaju jedinstvene ukrasne falte koje su odraz vrhunskog majstorstva i unikatne proizvodnje košulje. Ovakva košulja uvek ima francuske manžetne sa metalnim dugmadima, posebni luksuzni detalji su „Madre di perla“ dugmad koja se izrađuju od prirodne školjke, a odabir kragne je prilagođen leptir mašni. je specijalizovan za izradu svih tipova košulja po meri klijenta. Tim krojača, modelara i majstora šivača firme MojKrojac. com, uz ponudu od preko 100 kvalitetnih i ultra premijum materijala, učiniće kreiranje vaše košulje izuzetnim iskustvom uz garanciju vašeg zadovoljstva. Posetite prodajne salone u Beogradu i Podgorici i poručite svoju novu omiljenu košulju.
VIP SERVICE Ukoliko nemate vremena da posetite prodajno mesto, šalje svoj tim krojača na vašu adresu, gde vrše prezentovanje materijala i sa vama poručuju košulje. Posle prve košulje vaše mere i vaš kroj ostaju u sistemu firme i na dalje možete poručivati OnLine ili telefonski. Kontaktirajte firmu na: ili na +381 65 9246200 u Beogradu, kao i na +382 68 048442 u Podgorici.
Business & Luxury shirts
Each business or formal event calls for a certain dress code which includes a shirt as an obligatory part of your outfit., the leading business system dedicated to made-to-measure clothing, reveals the subtle difference between business and luxury shirts made to measure. The event itself and the level of its formality dictates the shirt’s style, color, details and design. Classical business occasions offer a lot of freedom when choosing a shirt. With dark pants or suit and leather shoes, you may wear shirts of any color, white, light or dark blue, as well as more attractive colors such as light pink or lavender. A business shirt is most commonly fitted with a plain or spread collar that goes well with a tie, its buttons are visible while the cuffs are with standard buttons. One of the favorite details of successful business people is a monogram with initials on the left cuff or waist. The materials are chosen based on their practicality, and for this reason the most popular ones are those which do not require ironing and do not wrinkle, known as Non Iron and Wrinkle Free, which are above all comfortable, made entirely of cotton and specially sawn owing to which the shirt looks neat and tidy throughout the entire work day. If you are attending some social event that implies high elegance, the popular
“black tie dress code”, you will be required to wear a white shirt with French cufflinks and decorative metal buttons under the mandatory black dress. The collar is specially designed to accommodate a bow tie, and the fastening is concealed or combined with black buttons. Bright materials are used for such occasions, white colour is a must, or materials with special texture having a subtle shine and providing an additional note of elegance. For the most festive occasions, such as weddings, as the highest level of elegance, there is a special type of "tuxedo" shirt that has unique decorative pleats at the front, showcasing superior craftsmanship and unique shirt tailoring. This kind of shirt is always accompanied by French cuffs with metal buttons, and special luxurious details such as the "Madre de Pearla" buttons made of natural shells, and its collar is made to be worn with bow tie. is specialized in making all types of shirts custom-made for its clients. A team of tailors, pattern-makers and master seamsters of the company, offering over 100 quality and ultrapremium materials, will make the design of your shirt into an extraordinary experience with the assurance of your satisfaction. Visit the shops in Belgrade and Podgorica and order your new favorite shirt.
Real estate
In case you have no time to visit the store, can send his team of tailors over to your address to show you the fabrics and help you commission your shirt. After the first shirt, your measurements and your shirt pattern will be stored in the company's system so thereafter you may order online or by telephone. You may contact at: or by calling +381 65 9246200 in Belgrade or 382 68 048442 in Podgorica.
CHOPARD Chopard’s artisans
Watches & Jewellery
Lobanje, cveće, sunca, gitare: Santa Muerte, odnosno Sveta smrt je na zadivljujući način oslikana kroz nekoliko fascinantnih motiva. Odajući počast kulturi Meksika, kompanija Chopard predstavila je izuzetan novi sat nazvan L.U.C Perpetual T Spirit of ‘La Santa Muerte’. Majstori kompanije Chopard su ga u celosti ručno gravirali, i ukrasili zlatno kućište i brojčanik motivima tipičnim za Día de Los Muertos (Dan mrtvih) koji se obično proslavlja kao praznik ove svetice. Unutra, ispod maske smrti, kuca izuzetno sofisticirani satni mehanizam: turbijon sa večitim kalendarom i devetodnevnom rezervom snage.
Skulls, flowers, suns, guitars: Santa Muerte is admirably reflected through several fascinating motifs. In tribute to the culture of Mexico, Chopard introduces an exceptional new timepiece named the L.U.C Perpetual T Spirit of ‘La Santa Muerte’. Entirely hand-engraved by the artisans of Chopard Manufacture, its gold case and dial are adorned with motifs typical of the Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead), which is generally celebrated as this saint’s feast day. Inside it, beneath the death mask, beats a supremely sophisticated calibre: a perpetual calendar tourbillon with a nine-day power reserve.
Moving forward Watches & Jewellery
ZnaÄ?ajna saradnja - Landmark Collaboration
Watches & Jewellery
Potvrđujući svoju reputaciju vrsne, stručne i svestrane manufakture, kompanija Chopard je izbacila jedinstven izuzetno komplikovan sat kojeg su majstori ove kuće u celosti ručno izgravirali. Nakon odavanja priznanja kulturnom simbolizmu kineskog Zodijaka, Chopard se okrenuo Meksiku i sinkretičkoj tradiciji koja okružuje Santa Muerte. Dan mrtvih (Día de Los Muertos) koji je potekao iz astečke civilizacije i nosi primese španskog katolicizma, predstavlja radosnu proslavu ciklusa života, priliku da se podsetimo naše smrtnosti, što pak životu daje pun smisao. Dan sećanja na preminule, Día de Los Muertos je takođe prilika za poklanjanje, prinošenje darova, nazdravljanje pokojniku i negovanje porodičnih veza sa obe strane konačne granice.
Confirming its credentials as an accomplished, expert and versatile Manufacture, Chopard presents a one-of-a-kind highly complicated watch entirely hand-engraved in-house. After paying tribute to the cultural symbolism of the Chinese zodiac, Chopard is turning to Mexico and the syncretic traditions surrounding Santa Muerte. Stemming from the Aztec civilisation and tinged with Spanish Catholicism, the Día de Los Muertos – Day of the Dead – is a joyful celebration of the cycle of life, an occasion for renewed awareness of the possibility of death, which in turn gives full meaning to life. A day of remembrance, the Día de Los Muertos also provides an opportunity for gifts, offerings and libations to the deceased, and to cultivate the ties that bind families on either side of the final frontier.
Kultura Meksika - Culture of Mexico
KATARZA Ova sablasna svetkovina, sa na momente namernim primesama parodije, obiluje ornamentalnim elementima sa kojima Chopard ukrašava raskošno kućište od ružičastog zlata sata L.U.C Perpetual T Spirit of ‘La Santa Muerte’. Čak je i zlatni brojčanik ukrašen stilizovanom meksičkom Kalavera lobanjom sa motivima sunca i cveća. Most turbijona pojavljuje se u vidu brkova iznad dobroćudnog keza, dok su brojači večnog kalendara kao oči u obliku sunca. I same konture brojčanika su izmenjane kako bi izgledale kao crte nekog ispijenog ali bezazlenog lica.
This macabre fiesta celebrated through deliberate touches of parody provides a wealth of ornamental elements with which Chopard adorns the generous rose gold case of the L.U.C Perpetual T Spirit of ‘La Santa Muerte’. Even the gold dial features the stylised Mexican Calavera skull, dotted with sun and floral-themed patterns. The tourbillon bridge appears as a moustache above a gentle grimace, and the perpetual calendar counters are sunny eyes. The very contours of the dial have been modified to trace the features of an emaciated yet inoffensive face.
Moving forward Watches & Jewellery
MEHANIČKA EKSKLUZIVNOST Unutar kućišta ovog izvanrednog časovnika smeštena je jedna od najprestižnijih horoloških kombinacija koja uključuje večiti kalendar, turbijon i devetodnevnu rezervu snage ostvarenu pomoću četiri opruge sistema Quattro. Konstantno se okrećući oko svoje ose, turbijon oslobađa sat od dejstva gravitacije. Ovaj sat je uspešno prošao rigorozno ispitivanje od strane švajcarskog instituta COSC, što je na brojčaniku potvrđeno natpisom Chronometer, važnim obeležjem kome je jako naklonjen Karl-Fridrih Šojfele, jedan od predsednika kompanije Chopard. Ceo kalibar L.U.C 02.15-L je u potpunosti ukrašen rukom u skladu sa najvišim standardima vrhunskog časovničarstva. Kvalitet ovog rada kao i principi usvojeni u njegovoj konstrukciji i dizajnu, omogućavaju satu L.U.C Perpetual T Spirit of ‘La Santa Muerte’ da nosi oznaku kvaliteta "Poinçon de Genève’ ", jednu od najprestižnijih švajcarskih atesta u časovničarskoj industriji.
Art Watches & Living & Jewellery
The case of this exceptional timepiece houses one of the most prestigious horological combinations, featuring a perpetual calendar, tourbillon and a nine-day power reserve achieved by the four barrels of the Quattro system. By spinning constantly around its axis, the tourbillon releases the watch from the effects of gravity. The L.U.C Perpetual T Spirit of ‘La Santa Muerte’ has successfully undergone the stringent COSC test procedure, as confirmed on the dial by the Chronometer inscription, a noble attribute to which Chopard co-president KarlFriedrich Scheufele is strongly attached. The entire L.U.C 02.15-L calibre is thus entirely decorated by hand in keeping with the highest Fine Watchmaking standards. The quality of these treatments, along with the principles adopted in its construction and design entitle the L.U.C Perpetual T Spirit of ‘La Santa Muerte’ to bear the ‘Poinçon de Genève’ quality hallmark, one of the most prestigious Swiss watch industry certifications.
Watches & Jewellery
nogi od najistaknutijih i najbogatijih kolekcionara 20. i 21. veka, od kraljeva i kraljica do preduzetnika, bili su očarani lepotom Faberžeovog jajeta. Svega 50 carskih jaja je završeno do 1917. godine, i ove izuzetno dragocene kreacije neke su od najskupocenijih i najpoželjnijih predmeta ikada napravljenih.
Sada je napravljeno novo Faberžeovo jaje, ali u modernijem stilu. Dve najveće svetske luksuzne kuće udružile su snage kako bi za jednog svog vernog kupca istančanog ukusa stvorile jedinstveni umetnički predmet. Kompanije Rolls-Royce Motor Cars i Fabergé ponosno najavljuju Faberžeovo jaje „Duh ekstaze“. Po prvi put u istoriji je jedna varijanta Duha ekstaze, zagonetne maskote koja krasi Rolls-Royce automobile još od 1911. godine, smeštena unutar prekrasnog, modernog Faberžeovo jajeta.
Zaista, ovo Faberžeovo jaje „Duh ekstaze“, drugo koje je poručeno u „Carskoj klasi“ još od 1917. godine – kategoriji rezervisanoj samo za najčuvenije Faberžeove kreacije - slavi istoriju, baštinu i legendu zbog čega su kompanije Rolls-Royce i Fabergé omiljene već više od jednog veka. Obe ove kompanije su uspele da prebrode promene koje sa sobom nosi vreme i nastavile da proizvode vrhunske, moderne, tražene, istinski luksuzne predmete. Ovo jaje namenjeno je za dom jednog velikog kolekcionara oba brenda. Tim od sedam majstora iz kompanije Fabergé latio se izazova da izradi jaje uz pomoć najboljih materijala i izvanrednih veština umetnika juvelira. Na prvi pogled, nesumnjivo je da se radi o jajetu. Dizajnerski motivi iz Faberžeove baštine majstorski su utkani u njegov složeni dizajn visine 160 mm i težine od svega 400 g, a iskorišćen je i efekat „iznenađenja i oduševljenja" po kojem su carska jaja poznata. Jaje stoji na ručno graviranom postolju od 18-karatnog belog zlata sa ljubičastim giljoširanim emajlom kojeg pokreće motor. Listovi od ružičastog zlata formiraju oblik jajeta, služeći kao zaštitna komora za dragocenog stanovnika jajeta. Prilikom pokretanja mehanizma preko diskretne poluge na dnu postolja počinje da se odigrava predstava dok se kraci otvaraju otkrivajući finu figuricu Duha ekstaze, ručno izvajanu od mlečnog kvarca, koja dostojanstveno stoji u svom raskošnom okruženju.
veštinu koja se, uostalom, i očekuje od saradnje Listovi od ružičastog zlata, ukrašeni okruglim između kompanija Rolls-Royce i Fabergé, i belim dijamantima od skoro 10 karata, verovatno ima najsloženiji način otvaranja rascvetavaju se u bokor prirodnog ametista od bilo kojeg drugog Faberžeovog jajeta težine od preko 390 karata, posebno odabranog napravljenog do danas. zbog intenzivne boje i kvaliteta. Ljubičasta nijansa emajla i ametista Pedeset carskih uskršnjih zanimljiv je omaž bojama iz Izgled jajeta su osmislili jaja napravljeno je za rusku Faberžeove baštine. dizajneri kompanije Rollscarsku porodicu u periodu Royce, Stefan Monro i od 1885. do 1916. godine. Preovladava tehničko Ove kreacije neraskidivo majstorstvo kompanije Aleks Ines, a vizuelno ga je Fabergé. Faberžeovo jaje prikazala Lisa Talgren, glavni su povezane sa životom „Duh ekstaze“ usvaja vrlo dizajner kompanije Fabergé, porodice Romanov. Deset jaja proizvedeno je od 1885. složen radni mehanizam, dok ga je Fabergéov majstor do 1893. za vreme vladavine koncipiran uz pomoć Pol Džons oživeo, stvarajući cara Aleksandra III; još kompjuterskog dizajna i savremenu interpretaciju 40 komada napravljeno je animacije, i razvijen putem tokom vladavine njegovog mikroinženjeringa. Uspeh jedne od najlegendarnijih lojalnog sina Nikolaja II, ovog mehanizma, a samim dragocenosti na svetu. po dva svake godine - jedno tim i celog komada, može za kraljicu majku, drugo za se pripisati vičnosti zlatara njegovu suprugu. Iz velikog arihiva kompanije svom zanatu i njihovoj sposobnosti da povežu Rolls-Royce, otkrivamo zanimljiovost da je car tu veštinu s tehnologijom, stvarajući umetničko Nikolaj II bio i pokrovitelj firme Rolls-Royce delo koje ne može stvoriti samo čovek. Ovaj Motor Cars. komad oslikava i umetnički dizajn i tehničku
Watches & Jewellery
Watches & Jewellery
rom Kings and Queens to entrepreneurs, many of the most prominent and wealthy collectors of the 20th and 21st century have been beguiled by the lure of a Fabergé Egg. With just 50 pre-1917 Imperial Eggs completed, these exceptionally precious creations are some of the most valuable and coveted objects ever to have been made.
Now, in a contemporary fashion, a new Fabergé Egg has been created. Two of the world’s most esteemed houses of luxury have joined forces to create one unique objet d’art, for one discerning patron. Rolls-Royce Motor Cars and Fabergé proudly announce the ‘Spirit of Ecstasy’ Fabergé Egg. For the first time in history, an iteration of the Spirit of Ecstasy, the enigmatic mascot that has adorned Rolls-Royce motor cars since 1911, is cocooned in an exquisite, contemporary, Fabergé Egg.
Indeed, this ‘Spirit of Ecstasy’ Fabergé Egg, the second to be commissioned in the ‘Imperial Class’ since 1917 – a category reserved only for Fabergé’s most illustrious creations – celebrates the history, heritage and legend for which both Rolls-Royce and Fabergé have been revered over more than a century. Both brands have navigated the vicissitudes of time and continue to produce the apogee of modern, highly sought after, true luxury items. The Egg is destined for the residence of a great collector of both brands. A team of seven craftspeople from Fabergé undertook the challenge of fabricating the design using the finest materials married with their extraordinary skill as artist jewellers. At first glance, the Egg is unmistakable in its character. Design cues from Fabergé’s heritage are masterfully woven into the intricate design which stands at 160mm and weighs just 400g, with the Egg harnessing the ‘surprise and delight’ attributes for which Imperial Eggs are celebrated. The Egg rests on an engine-turned, hand-engraved, purple enamel guilloché base of 18 karat white gold. Arms of rose gold define the shape of the Egg, acting as a protective chamber for the Egg’s precious inhabitant. Upon operating the movement via a discreet lever at the base of the stand, a sense of theatre ensues as the boughs open to present the fine figurine of the
a work of art that could not be created by man Spirit of Ecstasy, hand-sculpted in frosted rock alone. The piece embodies both the artistic design crystal, standing nobly in her opulent surrounds. and engineering skill that one expects from a The rose gold vanes, embellished with nearly collaboration between Rolls-Royce and Fabergé, 10 carats of round white diamonds, resolve into and has probably the most swathes of natural amethyst complicated opening of any weighing over 390 carats, The design, conceived Fabergé Egg to date. specially selected for its colour by Rolls-Royce Designers saturation and quality. The Fifty Imperial Easter Eggs purple hue of the enamel and Stefan Monro and Alex were created for the Russian amethyst provide a playful Innes and rendered by Imperial family between 1885 nod to the use of colour found Fabergé Lead Designer and 1916. These creations in Fabergé’s heritage. Liisa Talgren, has been are inextricably linked to the brought to life by Fabergé lives of the Romanov family. The technical mastery of workmaster Paul Jones, Ten Eggs were produced from Fabergé prevails. The ‘Spirit 1885 to 1893 during the of Ecstasy’ Fabergé Egg creating a contemporary reign of Emperor Alexander adopts a highly complex interpretation of one of the III; a further 40 were created operating mechanism, world’s most fabled and during the rule of his dutiful conceived through computer prized possessions. son, Nicholas II, two each aided design and animation, year – one for his mother the developed with micro dowager, the second for his wife. If we explore the engineering. The success of this mechanism, and great archives of Rolls-Royce, we find that Tsar in turn the piece as a whole, can be attributed Nicholas II was indeed also a patron of Rolls-Royce to the goldsmiths’ art as craftspeople and their Motor Cars. ability to meld this skill with technology, creating
Watches & Jewellery
LIFESTYLE TradicijaMAGAZINE - Tradition
Art & Living
Bilo je to na Mastersu 1997. godine kada je TajgerVuds najavio svoj dolazak na svetsku scenuosvojivši svoju prvu od četiri zelene jakne na Nacionalnom golf klubu Augusta. Ovo će biti prva u nizu od neverovatnih14 pobeda Amerikanca na Mejdžor šampionatima, nagoveštavajući eru dominacije koja je dovela golf na visine koje nikada ranije nije dosegao. U ženskoj konkurenciji, ŠveđankaAnikaSorenstam je već bila osvojila dve titule na Otvorenom prvenstvu Amerike za žene nakon čega je postigla nesvakidašnji uspeh odnevši 10 pobeda na Mejdžor šampionatima. Ova dva slavna golfera promenila su lice ovog sporta, približavajući ga široj svetskoj publici. U isto vreme, daleko od očiju javnosti, generacija budućih golf igrača elitnog ranga, od kojih su mnogi inspiraciju našli u VudsuiSorenstamovoj, tek su stasavaili u golf igrače svetske klase. Četvrt veka kasnije ovi mladi muškarci i žene sada su ti koji menjaju sliku ovog sporta. Svi ovi neverovatni mladi golf igrači srdačno su primljeni u Rolexovu porodicu ambasadora, neposredno nakon što su došli do profesionalnog nivoa. Uz brojne vrhunsketalentovane golf igračenjihove generacijena čelu ovog sporta, oni predstavljaju novu eru vrhunskog golfa i deo su zajednice znane kao Rolexova Nova garda.
Motivisani da postignu velike uspehe i pođu stopama svojih znamenitih prethodnika, svaki član RolexoveNove garde priprema se za igru pod pritiskom sa neumoljivima naglaskom na preciznost, učinak, strast, pouzdanost i beskompromisni kvalitet. Oni igraju uz najviši stepen poštovanja jedan prema drugome, uz ostvarenje bliske prijateljske povezanosti.
Ambasadori brenda - Brand Ambassadors
NEW GUARD It was The Masters 1997. Tiger Woods had announced his arrival on the world stage by winning his first of four green jackets at the Augusta National Golf Club. This would be the American’s first of a remarkable 14 Major championship wins, signalling an era of dominance that took golf to heights never previously reached. In the women’s game, Sweden’s Annika Sörenstam had already claimed two U.S. Women’s Open titles and would go on to win an unprecedented 10 Major championships.
A quarter of a century later and these young men and women are now the ones changing the landscape of the sport. These prodigious young golfers were all welcomed into the Rolex family of Testimonees shortly after turning professional. Together with a number of supremely talented golfers of their generation, at the forefront of the sport, they represent a new era of golfing excellence and are part of a collective known as the Rolex New Guard.
Moving forward Watches & Jewellery
These two iconic golfers changed the face of the sport, introducing it to a wider global audience. At the same time, and away from the spotlight, a generation of future elite-level golfers, many of whom would go on to attribute their inspiration to Woods and Sörenstam, were just at the start of their journeys towards becoming world-class golfers.
Art & Living
NASTAVLJANJE NASLEĐA Rolexova trajna opredeljenost za golf deo je prestižnog sportskog i kulturnog nasleđa švajcarskog proizvođača satova koja seže u prošlost do prvih početnih koraka kompanije i njene želje da podrži one čija odlučnost i posvećenost savršenstvu prevazilaze granice i inspirišuveličanstvenost. Rolex podržava golf od 1967, negujući odnos sa svojom porodicom ambasadora svetskog ranga, u okviru koje svi odišu izvrsnošću i na terenu iizvan njega. Njihov sirovi talenat i težnja ka preciznostii učinku pomogla im je da dosegnu vrh uz integritet, zrelost i poštovanje. Među njima su trostruki pobednik Mejdžora Amerikanac Džordan Špit, zvezda u usponu u 2017. godini Amerikanac Džastin Tomas, obojica starosti tek 24 godine, Leksi Tompson, koja je postala najmlađi pobednik ikada na LGPA turniru septembra 2011. godine, sa 16 godina iRikiFauler, koji je postao profesionalni igrač 2009. neposredno pre svog 20-og rođendana i kojem je odato priznanje za prvo mesto na svetu među mladim igračima amaterima i to 37 nedelja tokom 2007. i 2008. godine. Izvan terena, ovi elitni takmičari su velika podrška jedni drugima, i izgradili su prijateljstva gledajući godinama jedan drugog kako se razvijaju.
GLOBALNA PORODICA Amerikanac Bruks Kepka je još jedan član Rolexove porodice koji je iskusio uspeh na Mejdžor šampionatu, osvojivši Otvoreno prvenstvo Amerike na Erin Hilsu 2017. godine, tek mesec dana nakon navršene 27. godine. Australijanac DžejsonDej je takođe sa svojih 27 godina iskusio svoj prvi trijumf na Mejdžoru u Viskonsinu 2015. godine, kada je osvojio PGA šampionat na golf terenu Vistlingstrejst. Njegova posvećenost preciznosti na terenu, istrajnost i postojanost doveli su ga iste godine do prvog mesta na svetskoj rang listi golf igrača. Japanac Hideki Macujama, koji je tek 2013. prešao u profesionalce, jedan je od najboljih azijskih igrača golfa, i impresivne rezultate sa Mejdžora dopunio je sa pet pobeda na PGA turnirima. Dvojica igrača golfa koji čine evropski deo Novegarde, obojica Rolexovi ambasadori od 2016, su EnglezMetjuFicpatrik i Španac Džon Ram. Uz Ficpatrikai Rama, 26-ogodišnji Tomas Peters iz Belgije još jedan je evropljanin koji se proslavio 2016. na Rajder kupu kada je postavio novi rekord za početnika u broju osvojenih poena.
Ambasadori brenda - Brand Ambassadors LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE
CONTINUING A LEGACY Rolex’s longstanding commitment to golf is part of the Swiss watchmaker’s prestigious sporting and cultural heritage that dates back to the pioneering origins of the company and its desire to support those whose determination and commitment to excellence transcend limits and inspire greatness. Rolex has championed golf since 1967, nurturing a relationship with its world-class family of Testimonees, all of whom exude excellence on and off the course.
Their raw talent and quest for precision and performance have helped them reach the top with integrity, maturity and respect. Among them are three-time Major winner American Jordan Spieth, 2017’s breakout star fellow American Justin Thomas, both only 24 years of age, Lexi Thompson, who became the youngest ever winner of an LGPA tournament in September 2011, aged 16 and Rickie Fowler. Rickie Fowler, who turned professional in 2009 shortly before his 20th birthday, held the accolade of number one ranked amateur golfer in the world for 37 weeks between 2007 and 2008. Away from the course, each of these elite competitors are hugely supportive of one another, having built a friendship based on years of seeing each other develop. GLOBAL FAMILY Fellow American Brooks Koepka is another member of the Rolex family who has experienced Major championship success, winning the 2017 U.S. Open at Erin Hills, just a month after his 27th birthday. Australian Jason Day also experienced his first Major triumph in Wisconsin, aged 27, when he won the 2015 PGA Championship at Whistling Straits. His commitment to precision on the course, persistence and consistency saw him become the No.1 ranked golfer in the world the same year. Having only turned professional in 2013, Japan’s Hideki Matsuyama is one of Asia’s finest golfers, with an impressive Majors record to accompany his five PGA TOUR wins. TBoth Rolex Testimonees since 2016, two of the golfers making up the European contingent of the New Guard are Englishman Matthew Fitzpatrick and Spain’s Jon Rahm. Along with Fitzpatrick and Rahm, 26-yearold Thomas Pieters, from Belgium, is another European counterpart who made a name for himself at the 2016 Ryder Cup when he set a new rookie record for points earned.
Art Moving Watches & Living forward & Jewellery
Motivated to achieve greatness and follow in the footsteps of their iconic predecessors, every member of the Rolex New Guard prepares for pressure situations with unrelenting emphasis on precision, performance, passion, reliability and uncompromising quality. They play with the utmost respect for one another, while sharing a mutual bond and close friendship.
Art & Living
ZNAMENITE ŽENE Rolex je podjednako ponosan što podržava mnoge od najboljih svetskih ženskih igrača golfa. Sve tri žene u Novoj gardi su neverovatno mlade, a ipak su iskusile uspeh koji prevazilazi njihove godine. Niko nije ostvario toliko mnogo, tako mlad, kao što je to učinila vrhunski talentovana Novozelanđanka Lidija Ko. Sa samo 20 godina Ko ima 12 LGPA pobeda, kao i dve titule sa Mejdžora. Nakon što je provela rekordnih 130 nedelja na vrhu rang liste amatera, Ko je postala najmlađi igrač, u kategoriji oba pola, koja je ostvarila prvu poziciju na Rolexovoj ranglisti kao profesionalac. Poput velike AnikeSorenstam, Ko igra sa preciznošću i elegancijom koja se može videti samo kod najboljih igrača. Još jedna zvezda u usponu je Amerikanka Leksi Tompson. Sa samo 12 godina Tompsonova je postala najmlađi golf igrač ikada koji se kvalifikovao za Otvoreno prvenstvo Amerike za žene pre nego što je 2015. prešla na profesionalni nivo. Njen neverovatan nivo igre doveo je do toga da postavi rekord kao najmlađi pobednik LGPA takmičenja u istoriji tog takmičenja, kada je imala svega 16 godina. Tri godine kasnije, ostvarila je jedan od vrhunskih dostignuća u sportu osvojivši ANA Inspiration u 19-oj godini, uz dve pobede na LPGA turnirima 2017. godine, i nastavlja da se nadmeće za najviša priznanja u ženskoj kategoriji. Najmlađa u RolexovojNovoj gardi, Bruk Henderson, rođena u Ontariju septembra 1997, nastavlja da uzburkava svet golfa. Postavši profesionalni igrač 2014, Kanađanka je sa 18. godina osvojila svoj prvi Mejdžor na KPMG PGA šampionatu za žene, postavši najmlađi pobednik tog šampionata.
SJAJNA BUDUĆNOST IGRE JE OSIGURANA Dostignuća i priznanja Nove garde sjajan su primer mladim golf igračima šta može biti postignuto u nepokolebljivoj težnji za ličnim savršenstvom. Svaki član pokazuje integritet, poštovanje i sportski duh što je ključno za inspirisanje budućih generacija istinskih ambasadora igre. Kao što su moderne ikone golfa,Vuds i Sorenstam, bili uzori za sportiste koji sada čine Rolexovu Novu gardu, tako i ovi muškarci i žene sada postavljaju kriterijume za sledeće generacije golf igrača koji ciljaju ka samom vrhu.
Ambasadori brenda - Brand Ambassadors
FEMALE ICONS Rolex is also proud to support many of the world’s best female golfers in the world. All three women in the New Guard are incredibly young, yet have experienced success beyond their years. Nobody has achieved more at such a young age than the supremely-talented New Zealander Lydia Ko. At just 20 years old, Ko holds 12 LGPA Tour wins, as well as two Major titles. Having spent a record 130 weeks as the top-ranking amateur, Ko went on to become the youngest player of either gender to achieve number one status in the Rolex Rankings as a professional. Ko, like the great Annika Sörenstam, plays with an accuracy and elegance found only in the very best.
Another rising star is American Lexi Thompson. At just 12 years of age, Thompson became the youngest golfer to ever qualify to play in the U.S. Women’s Open before turning professional in 2015. Her incredible level of performance saw her set a record as the youngest-ever winner of an LGPA tournament, aged just 16. Three years later, she obtained one of the pinnacle achievements in the sport by winning the ANA inspiration at age 19 and, with two LPGA Tour victories in 2017, continues to contest for top honours in the ladies’ game. Born in September 1997, the youngest of the Rolex New Guard, Ontarioborn Brooke Henderson continues to make waves in the golfing world. Having turned professional in 2014, the Canadian won her first Major at the 2016 KPMG Women’s PGA Championship, the event’s youngest winner at 18. ENSURING A BRIGHT FUTURE FOR THE GAME The achievements and accolades of the New Guard are a shining example to young golfers of what can be achieved in the unrelenting pursuit of individual excellence.
Just as modern golfing icons Woods and Sörenstam were exemplary role models for the athletes that now make up the Rolex New Guard, these men and women are now setting the precedent for the next generation of golfers aiming to reach the very top.
Moving forward Watches & Jewellery
Every member displays the integrity, respect and sportsmanlike behaviour that is so crucial in inspiring the next generation of true ambassadors of the game.
71 Photos: © Rolex, GettyImages
na izložbi
HOMO FABER Eilean At The Homo Faber Event
Art & Living
„Ljudi rade bolje od mašina“ to je poruka izložbe Homo Faber – Stvaranje humanije budućnosti, događaja koji je ustanovila i organizovala Fondacija Mikelanđelo posvećena kreativnosti i zanatskom umeću, koja okuplja najpoznatije majstore zanata u Evropi. Priređena u Fondaciji Đorđo Čini u Veneciji, izložba Homo Faber nudi posetiocima fascinantno i zanimljivo putovanje, svojevrsno veličanje vrhunske zanatske izrade sa ciljem podsticanja kulturnog pokreta koji ceni i stara se za budući opstanak načela usađenih u ove majstore zanata.
“Human beings do things better than machines” is the message sent out by Homo Faber - Crafting A More Human Future, an event created and curated by the Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship, to bring together Europe’s most celebrated master craftspeople. Staged at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice, Homo Faber offers visitors a fascinating and immersive journey, a celebration of European master craftsmanship designed to foster a cultural movement that will value and ensure the future survival of the principles instilled in said artisans.
Art & Living
Nemački kvalitet LIFESTYLE - German MAGAZINE quality
Art & Living
Paneraijev zadivljujući 22-metarski bermudski keč, Ajlin je, naravno, savršena za ovu ekskluzivnu postavku. Organizatori su je odabrali kao idealni primer tradicije vrhunskih brodograditelja koji i dalje održavaju u životu veštinu restauracije klasičnih brodova, verno čuvajući izvorne oblike, karakteristike i materijale tih divnih jedrilica.
Panerai’s stunning 22-metre Bermudan ketch Eilean was, of course, the perfect choice for this exclusive setting. She was selected by the project’s curators as an ambassador for the tradition of the master shipwrights who continue to keep alive the meticulous art of classic boat restoration, faithfully preserving the original forms, characteristics and materials of these beautiful craft.
Ajlin je i sama prošla kompletnu restauraciju koja je trajala tri godine nakon što je otkrivena napuštena i u lošem stanju na ostrvu Antigva 2006. godine. Potom je dopremljena u Italiju i predata timu vrhunskih brodograditelja i zanatlija brodogradilišta Francesco Del Carlo u Toskani. Tokom naredne tri godine njihove vešte ruke udahnule su ovom veličanstvenom pomorskom dragulju novi život.
Eilean herself underwent a complete restoration that took over three years to complete after she was discovered abandoned and in state of advanced disrepair on the island of Antigua in 2006. After being transported to Italy, she was handed over to the team of master shipwrights and artisans of Francesco Del Carlo boatyard in Tuscany. In their expert hands, this glorious seafaring gem was given a new lease of life over the following three years.
luxury Ajlin je keč sa dva jarbola kojeg je 1936. godine konstruisalo i izgradilo legendarno škotsko brodogradilište Fife koje je i dan-danas poznato po zadivljujućem kvalitetu i lepoti brodova koje izrađuje. Restauracija ove jedrilice jasno pokazuje poštovanje koje luksuzni sektor i dalje gaji prema tradiciji zanatske izrade, kao i nastojanje da se podrže majstori zanata i osigura njihov opstanak. Tu etiku deli i 20 drugih evropskih kompanija koje su predstavile retke tehnike i izvanrednu stručnost iza svojih proizvoda u delu izložbe Homo Faber pod nazivom Otkriće i ponovno otkriće.
Eilean is a two-masted ketch designed and built in 1936 by the legendary Fife Shipyard of Scotland which is still renowned today for the astonishing quality and beauty of its artisan-built boats. Eilean’s restoration is a clear demonstration of the respect in which the luxury sector continues to hold the artisan tradition as well as its commitment to supporting master craftspeople and ensuring their survival. An ethic shared by the 20 other European companies that showcased the rare techniques and extraordinary expertise behind their products in the Discovery and Rediscovery section of the Homo Faber event.
Ispunivši svoje obaveze na različitim mediteranskim etapama međunarodnog takmičenja u jedrenju Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge za 2018. godinu, Ajlin se usidrila na ostrvu San Đorđo Mađore od 14. do 30. septembra kada je javnost dobila priliku da se divi veličanstvenom delu majstora brodogradnje na ovom predivnom primeru autentičnosti, stručnosti i zanatske izrade.
Having fulfilled her commitments at the various Mediterranean stages on the 2018 Panerai Classic Yachts Challenge international circuit, Eilean berthed at the island of San Giorgio Maggiore from September 14 to 30 allowing the public to admire the magnificent work carried out by the master shipwrights on this stunning example of authenticity, expertise and craftsmanship.
Art & Living
Zanatski LIFESTYLE rad - Craftsmanship MAGAZINE
The Online Destination for Italian Handmade Décor
Watches & Jewellery
ARTEMEST, the first e-commerce for luxury crafts made in Italy, was founded in 2015 by world-renowned jewellery designers Ippolita Rostagno and Marco Credendino. The site brings the best Italian craft and design in the categories of home décor and lifestyle to an international audience of art enthusiasts and connoisseurs of beauty.
The innovative platform offers a selection of 7000+ artistic, handmade products made by 350+ of the most representative Italian artisans and designers. Such extraordinary makers range from renowned glass masters of Murano to ancient workshops of Florentine goldsmiths and include artists and designers of the likes of Giuseppe Rivadossi, Antonino Sciortino and Giacomo Moor, to name a few. Each product is presented with unique multimedia content including videos, photos and detailed descriptions of the maker’s history and of the manufacturing processes. The scouting process is the key to ARTEMEST’s success in the field, while the customization opportunities offered by the artisans give infinite options to customers and interior designers to find the perfect piece for their living or working spaces. The aim of ARTEMEST is to be the link between the new luxury connoisseur and the old world of craft, taste and knowhow. This offer is the perfect proposition to satisfy the rising demand for a more authentic life experience based on quality. In addition, it gives makers the perfect channel to reach their ideal clients, hence promoting tradition, culture and excellence throughout the world.
Pravo mesto
ARTEMEST, prvu italijansku platformu elektronske trgovine za luksuzne zanate, osnovali su 2015. godine svetski poznati dizajneri nakita Ipolita Rostanjo i Marko Kredendino. Međunarodnim ljubiteljima umetnosti i poznavaocima lepog ovaj sajt predstavlja najbolje italijanske zanate i dizajn u kategorijama dekora i životnog stila.
Inovativna platforma pruža izbor od preko 7000 umetničkih, ručno izrađenih proizvoda, koje je napravilo više od 350 najboljih predstavnika italijanskih zanatlija i dizajnera. Ti izuzetni stvaraoci, od čuvenih majstora stakla iz Murana do firentinskih zlatarskih radionica sa dugom tradicijom, obuhvataju, između ostalog, umetnike i dizajnere kao što su Đuzepe Rivadosi, Antonino Šjortino i Đakomo Mor. Svaki proizvod predstavljen je jedinstvenim multimedijalnim sadržajem uključujući videa, fotografije i detaljne opise procesa izrade i biografije stvaralaca. Izbor predmeta ključ je uspeha Artemesta na ovom polju, dok mogućnost prilagođavanja koje nude zanatlije pružaju beskonačne izbore kupcima i dizajnerima enterijera da pronađu savršen komad za svoj životni ili radni prostor. Cilj Artemista je da bude veza između poznavalaca novog luksuza i starog sveta zanata, ukusa i znanja. Ova veza je savršen način da se zadovolji rastuća tražnja za autentičnijim životnim iskustvom zasnovanim na kvalitetu. Pored toga, stvaraocima pruža savršene puteve za pronalaženje idealnih klijenata, i tako promovišu tradiciju, kulturu i izvrsnost širom sveta.
Watches & Jewellery
za ručno izrađene dekoracije
MAJSTOR JEDINSTVENIH KREATIVNIH PROJEKATA Potekavši iz prelepe, istorijske i živopisne kineske oblasti Jiangnan sa hiljadama godina dugom i bogatom kulturnom tradicijom, Džejms Li je umetnik sa urođenim smislom za umetnost i dizajn. Od malih nogu je počeo da prepoznaje inteligentni dizajn i da uočava potencijal u nevidljivim prostorima. Želeo je da stvori viziju budućnosti kojom bi odao počast dugoj istoriji svoje domovine.
Pleasure & Leisure
Nakon što je magistrirao dizajn enterijera na Čelzi koledžu lepih umetnosti u Londonu, Džejms Li je radio za mnoge renomirane dizajnerske firme.
Platforma L'Avventura & Associates koju je osnovao na Long Ajlandu u Njujorku, okuplja ekskluzivne dizajnere iz celog sveta kako bi radili na inovativnim projektima unutrašnjeg uređenja i arhitekture s ciljem da se promene trendovi u industriji i zadovolje prefinjeniji ukusi svetskih putnika. Ova kompanija je usredsređena na to da spoji svakog klijenta s personalizovanim timom koji je posvećen radu na projektu i stvaranju autentičnih i kreativnih prostora koji odgovaraju potrebama i vizijama klijenata.
L'Avventura takođe predstavlja i Azijskopacifičko udruženje za hotelski dizajn (APHDA) koje je i najuticajnija godišnja konferencija koja se održava u Kini i spaja dizajnere hotela iz regiona Azije i Pacifika s ciljem da direktno dođu u dodir sa tržištem i timski rade na jedinstvenim projektima. L'Avventura prihvata i oblikuje budućnost dizajna kako bi izradila jedinstvene i izvanredne projekte širom sveta.
Qube Hotel u Jingžou koristi mladalački i energičan dizajnerski jezik da unese svež i moderni duh u ovaj drevni kineski grad smešten na obalama reke Jangce.
Kreativno tumačenje Grand Bay hotela u Pekingu koje je dala firma L'Avventura & Associate pravi je umetnički podvig sa novim pogledom na imperijalnu grandioznost kroz paradigmu promenljivih sećanja i emocija. Hotel predstavlja splet dizajnerskih motiva Istoka i Zapada uz korišćenje impresivnih reprezentativnih komada. Paleta koju čine jarko crvena i zlatna boja, elegantno ističe carski status Pekinga.
Hotel se nalazi u starom gradu prepunom tradicije i sećanja s daškom savremenog uticaja tako da deluje kao da je došlo do spajanja istočnog i zapadnog pola.
Ovaj impresivni hotel na rečnoj obali preuređen je uz korišćenje tradicionalnih motiva kineske keramike i međukulturalnih pojmova kojima se ističe uticaj Istoka i Zapada što i čini deo Lijeve filozofije.
Moving forward
Grand Bay View hotel u gradu Džuhaj renovirao i redizajnirao ovaj arhitekta kako bi postigao jedan elegantan, moderan i razigrani izgled.
THE MASTER OF BESPOKE CREATIVE PROJECTS Born in China, in an historical and beautiful landscape region called Jiang Nan, rich with thousands of years of cultural history, James Lee was a naturally born artist with a special flair for art and design. At a very early age he began to recognize intelligent design and spot the potential in invisible spaces. He wanted to create a vision for the future to pay tribute to the long history of his homeland.
Moving forward
After graduating from a master’s in interior design at the Chelsea College of Arts in London, James Lee has worked for many renowned design firms.
Founded by James Lee in Long Island, New York, L’Avventura & Associates is a platform bringing together boutique designers from around the world to work on innovating interior design and architectural projects, with the aim of changing industry trends and catering to more sophisticated world travelers. The company focuses on matching every client with a personalized team committed to work on the project and create authentic and creative spaces to fit the client’s needs and vision.
L’Avventura is also representing the APHDA (Asia Pacific Hotel Design Association) which is the most influencing annual conference taking place in China and reuniting hotel designers from Asia and the Pacific to meet the market directly and work as a team on bespoke projects. L’Avventura embraces and shapes the future of design to build unique and outstanding projects all over the world.
The Qube Hotel in Jingzhou uses a young and energetic design language to add a refreshingly modern twist to the ancient Chinese city nestled on the banks of the Yangtze River.
L’Avventura & Associate’s creative interpretation of the Grand Bay Hotel in Beijing is an artistic tour de force that reimagines imperial grandiosity through a paradigm of shifting memory and emotion. The hotel is a mix of Eastern and Western design cues using impressive statement pieces. The palette of strong red and gold colours, highlights Beijing’s imperial status with elegance.
The hotel is located in an antique city filled with traditions and memories with a touch of modern influence like if the East and the West pole merged together.
This impressive waterfront hotel was remodeled using traditional Chinese ceramic motifs and cross-cultural concepts showcasing Western and Eastern influences which are part of Lee’s philosophy.
Kindly credit: L’Avventura by James Lee
Moving forward Pleasure & Leisure
The Grand Bay View Hotel in Zhuhai was renovated and redesigned by the architect to bring to life an elegant contemporary and playful design.
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DINAMIKA IZLAŽENJA / FREQUENCY OF PUBLICATION 4 puta godišnje (krajem februara, maja, avgusta, novembra) 4 times a year (End of February, May, August, November) Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača i ne mogu se reprudukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa izdavačem. Izdavač se odriče odgovornosti za sadržaj teksta. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of thePublisher. Opinions expressed are of the authors and can not be related publisher. Publisher does not accept responsibility for advertising content. CIP – Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd 747 BUSINESS & Luxury / glavni i odgovorni urednik Vladimir Banović. - 2015, no. 1- . - Beograd : Victoria & Wolf, 2015- (Subotica : Rotografika). - 30 cm Tromesečno. - Tekst na srp. i engl. jeziku ISSN 2406-2057 = Business & Luxury COBISS.SR-ID 213138956 Naslovna strana / Cover page Rolls-Royce Cullinan
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