Luj Mone nastavlja da podržava kreativno nasleđe svog osnivača čije ime nosi. Sat Derik Gaz kojeg pokreće turbilon mehanizam kombinuje automatiku sa veštinom izrade satova, čime pokazuje vitalnost potpuno nezavisnih ateljea - koji su upravo proslavili svoju desetogodišnjicu. Da li postoji još prostora za kreativnost, inovativnost i jedinstvenost? Deluje da je tako, jer je još jedanput Luj Mone zašao u potpuno neistraženu oblast i u tehničkom, ali i estetskom smislu.
Louis Moinet continues to uphold the creative heritage of its eponymous founder. The tourbillon-powered Derrick Gazcombinesautomaton and watchmaking prowess, illustrating the vitality of the fully independent Ateliers – which have just celebrated their tenth anniversary. Is there still scope for creativity, innovation and unicity? It would seem so, because once again Louis Moinet has moved into completely uncharted territory in both technical and aesthetic terms.
U središtu ovog putovanja leži stvaralaštvo u najužem smislu reči. Reč “stvoriti”, koja datira iz dvanaestog veka, potiče od istog korena kao i latinska reč “crescere”; pre nego što je poprimila svoj današnji smisao pronalaska, prvobitno je imala značenje “rast”. I ‘rast’ je zaista bilo zanimanje Luja Monea, čoveka koji je izmislio hronograf 1816. godine i izumeo visoke frekvencije u satovima, uključujući mnoge druge pronalaske: razvijajući umetnost izrade satova i vodeći je ka novim horizontima. U današnje vreme, kreativni rast i dalje ostaje zanimanje ateljea koji nosi njegovo ime.
At the heart of this voyage lies creation in the strictest sense of the term. The twelfth-century word “create” derives from the same Latin root as “crescere”; before it took on its present-day meaning of invention, it originally had the sense of “grow”. And ‘growing’ was indeed the vocation of Louis Moinet, the man who invented the chronograph in 1816 and pioneered high frequencies in watches, along with many other discoveries: growing the art of watchmaking and taking it forward to new horizons. Today, creative growth remains the vocation of the Ateliers that bear his name.
Uvodna reÄ?
Dragi čitaoci,
Dear readers,
Nakon uspeha prvog broja, zadovoljno se vraćamo drugim izdanjem uz novi sadržaj i jedinstvena putovanja kroz premijum svet luksuza.
Following the success of the first issue, we are pleased to come back with the second edition of our magazine covering new topics and unique journey through the world of premium luxury.
Drugim izdanjem B&L časopisa lagodnije i temeljnije ulazimo u opojan svet čari bogatstva i umeća uživanja. Kao što smo i sami svesni, ovo umeće zahteva znanje, istančan ukus, predanost detaljima i osećaj za meru. Stoga zaplovite obalama Mikonosa, dok vas nose jedinstveno pravljene jahte, osećajući delikatne arome vina ženskih ruku delo. Putujte kroz ukuse restorana koje smo odabrali za vas, zaigrajte golf u popodnevnim zalascima daleko u Francuskoj ili se prepustite vrhunskoj nezi profesionalnih doktora koji su spoznali tajni recept večno mlade kože. Šampanjci, nakiti i satovi u kojima vreme postaje još dragocenije neka od vas učine svetlucajuće zvezde kada noć zameni dan.
With this second edition of B&L magazine, we are stepping more smoothly and profoundly into the enchanting world of wealth and the art of living. As we ourselves are aware, this skill requires knowledge, refined taste, attention to detail and the sense of proportion. Therefore, we invite you to sail around the shores of Mykonos with uniquely crafted yachts, while tasting delicate aromas of wine produced by women. To indulge in variety of dishes offered by a restaurant of our choice, or play golf far away in France in the afternoon sunset or entrust yourself to the superb care of professional doctors who have found the secret recipe for keeping your skin eternally youthful. Let the sparkling wine, jewellery and watches that make time even more precious, turn you into a dazzling star when the night falls.
Ovim brojem takođe stavljamo akcenat na ručan, zanatski rad, čije se tradicije ne odlikuju samo godinama ukazanog poverenja i dominacije na tržištu, već i besprekornim održavanjem kvaliteta. Na taj način, stare majstore vreme nikad ne može da pregazi, oni ne diktiraju trendove, oni čine poseban talas, pa samim tim i njihovi klijenti postaju pojedinačni unikati.
This issue also puts emphasis on the handmade and crafted products that inspire trust and dominate the market for years, recognized for maintaining their impeccable quality. In this way, the old masters of the trade are able to withstand the test of time, since they do not follow the trends, but pave their own special way and thus make their clients also uniquely special.
Pred vama nije samo novo izdanje magazina, već korice novog stila života. Dobrodošli u drugo izdanje sveta odabranog zadovoljstva.
We are not only offering to you a new edition of the magazine, but a new lifestyle between its covers. We hope you will enjoy our second edition of the world of carefully selected pleasure.
VLADIMIR BANOVIĆ urednik / editor
Sadržaj - Content
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LIFESTYLE BankarstvoMAGAZINE – Banking
alkon lična banka je švajcarska banka specijalizovana za lično bankarstvo sa 50 godina iskustva u upravljanju bogatstvom. Premijum klijentima i imućnim porodicama banka pruža prvoklasne finansijske usluge i to iz sedišta u Cirihu, kao i iz filijala i poslovnica u Ženevi, Londonu, Singapuru, Abu Dabiju i Dubaiju. Osnovana je 1965. godine u Cirihu kao Ueberseebank, te je 1998. godine promenila ime u AIG privatnu banku. Prateći promenu vlasništva, ime Falkon lična banka lansirano je 2009. Od tada je banka u vlasništvu Međunarodne naftne investicione kompanije (IPIC), jednog od vodećih državnih investicionih fondova na svetu iz Abu Dabija.
Klijenti banke imaju koristi od velike stručnosti na polju investicija, jedinstvenog pristupa mogućnostima koje postoje na novim tržištima, kao i od finansijske snage i stabilnosti banke, koja je rezultat švajcarskog nasleđa i državnog akcionara banke. U Falkon ličnoj banci vi ste uvek u centru pažnje. Odnos između klijenata i savetnika
Its clients benefit from an excellent investment competence, a unique access to opportunities in emerging markets, as well as from its financial strength and stability, which results from its Swiss heritage and government-owned shareholder. At Falcon Private Bank you are always at the centre of its attention. The
alcon Private Bank is a Swiss private banking boutique with 50 years of expertise in wealth management. The Bank provides first-class financial services to private clients and wealthy families from its headquarters in Zurich and its branches and representative offices in Geneva, London, Singapore, Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Founded in Zurich in 1965 as Ueberseebank, the Bank was renamed AIG Private Bank in 1998. Following a change of ownership, the name Falcon Private Bank was launched in 2009. The Bank has since been owned by the International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC), one of the world’s leading sovereign wealth funds from Abu Dhabi.
je u središtu poslovanja. Bankarski savetnici posvećuju dovoljno vremena za pažljivo razumevanje vaše lične situacije i potreba, pre nego što predlože odgovarajuća finansijska rešenja. Cilj banke je da izgradi dugoročan partnerski odnos sa klijentima, koji se zasniva na poverenju i uvažavanju. Zaposleni banke posvećeni su ostvarivanju ovog cilja.
relationship between the Bank’s clients and advisors is at the heart of its efforts. The Bank’s advisors take all the necessary time to understand your personal situation and needs carefully, before proposing suitable financial solutions. The Bank’s goal is to build up a long-term partnership with you, based on trust and appreciation. The Bank’s employees are committed to achieving this objective.
Baveći se poslovima ekskluzivnog ličnog bankarstva, banka je prepoznatljiva po pravom preduzetničkom duhu i velikoj fleksibilnosti. Banka je usmerena na svoje specifične prednosti kako bi svojim klijentima ponudila odlična bankarska rešenja.
As an exclusive private banking boutique, the Bank distinguishes itself through a genuine entrepreneurial spirit and strong flexibility. The Bank focuses on its specific strengths to offer you excellent banking solutions.
Falkon lična banka nudi superiorna finansijska rešenja kreirana tako da pomognu klijentima da ostvare svoje lične finansijske ciljeve. Iskusni investicioni stručnjaci su posvećeni pružanju nezavisnih i specijalističkih saveta, na osnovu prvoklasnih investicionih pristupa. Stručnjaci banke kontinuirano pružaju vrhunsku stručnost u pogledu novih tematika i tekućih trendova tržišta, uz poseban osvrt na nova tržišta. Kako bi zadovoljila individualne potrebe svojih klijenata, banka nudi različite nivoe odgovornosti za upravljanje imovinom – od vršenja usluga i aktivnog savetovanja do diskrecionog punomoćja i rešenja koja su u potpunosti prilagođena klijentu.
Falcon Private Bank offers premium financial solutions designed to help you achieve your personal financial goals. Its experienced investment professionals are dedicated to providing you with independent and specialized advice, built on a best-in-class investment approach. The Bank’s specialists continuously offer state-of-the-art expertise on new themes and current market developments, with a particular focus on emerging markets. In order to accommodate your individual needs, the Bank offers various levels of delegation for the management of assets – from execution services and active advisory to discretionary mandates and fully customized solutions.
Your access to emerging markets opportunities.
Moving forward
Novi prodoran izgled. Jače performanse. Unapređen luksuz i još veće mogućnosti za personalizaciju. Novi Aston Martin Rapide S je neodoljiv, kompletno unapređen, revolucionarni sportski četvorosed. Proizveden prema jedinstvenom receptu, sastavljen od najfinijih komponenti automobilske industrije, Rapide S je automobil bez premca. Njegove elegantne i savršeno srazmerne linije unapređene su novom, efektnom, prednjom aluminijumskom maskom i reprofilisanim prednjim branikom, koji mu daju moćan izgled. Na zadnjem delu prtljažnika nalazi se znatno
An assertive new look. Intensified performance. Enhanced luxury and even greater scope for personalisation. The new Aston Martin Rapide S is a compelling and comprehensively improved evolution of our groundbreaking four-door sports car. Following a unique recipe using the finest ingredients in the automotive industry, the Rapide S is a car like no other. Its elegant and perfectly proportioned lines have been enhanced with an assertive new full-face aluminium grille and re-profiled front bumper, giving it terrific
luxury izdignutiji spojler čim se postiže dinamičniji profil i povećava aerodinamička stabilnost pri većim brzinama. Spolja, kao i iznutra, Rapide S-ov sportski karakter može se istaći izborom smelijih novina. Detaljima iz kompleta spoljne i unutrašnje opreme od ugljeničnih vlakana postiže se fantastičan efekat, a nove desetokrake felne od kovane legure daju mu pravu dozu opakosti. Agresivniji izgled Rapide S-a podržan je zaista fenomenalnim performansama. Zahvaljujući potpuno novom šestolitarskom V12 motoru sa 558 KS ovo je najsnažniji i najuzbudljiviji Rapid do sada, dok značajno povećanje obrtnog momenta pri manje od 4000 obrtaja obezbeđuje veću startnost nego ikada ranije. Ostale tehničke karakteristike uključuju novi, sofisticirani trostepeni prilagodljivi sistem amortizacije (ADS), koji omogućava da Rapide S iskoristi svoju povećanu snagu, a da ipak zadrži neprikosnovenu sposobnost da u potpunom luksuzu razmazi četvoro odraslih putnika.
presence. At the rear a new tailgate features a more aggressively upswept ‘flip’ to create a more dynamic profile and increase aerodynamic stability at high speed. Outside, as inside, the Rapide S’s sporting character can be accentuated with a choice of bold new options. Exterior and Interior Carbon-Fibre packs use exposed Carbon-Fibre detailing to glorious effect, while new 10-spoke forged alloy wheels inject just the right amount of visual attitude. The Rapide S backs up its more aggressive appearance with truly breathtaking performance. Thanks to an all-new 6.0-litre, 558 PS V12 engine it is the most powerful and exciting Rapide ever, while significant gains in torque below 4000 rpm ensure its performance is also more accessible than ever before. Other technical highlights include a sophisticated new 3-stage Adaptive Damping System (ADS), which enables the Rapide S to exploit its increased potency, yet retain the unrivalled ability to cosset four adult occupants in complete luxury.
Sa istim besprekornim stilom, unapređenom aluminijumskom konstrukcijom i snažanim pogonom kao i najnovija generacija modela GT i Super GT, novi Rapide S je u svakom pogledu istinski Aston Martin. Svi delovi automobila su unapređeni, uz značajniju strukturnu čvrstinu, spušten centar gravitacije, poboljšanu aerodinamičnost i podešen sistem dinamičke kontrole stabilnosti (DSC). Ova unapređenja omogućavaju najbolju iskorićenost značajno poboljšanih performansi potuno novog V12 motora sa 558 KS. Dok se budete vozili sami obožavaćete način na koji se Rapide S-ov novi trostepeni prilagodljivi sistem amortizacije može podesiti tako da mu rad i upravljanje budu kao kod pravog sportskog automobila, ili pak kada budete imali saputnike bićete oduševljeni kako se vešanje može promeniti kako bi udobnost putnika postala prioritet. Usklađen sa vašim
Sharing the same immaculate style, advanced aluminium construction and potent powertrain as our latest generation GT and Super GT models, the new Rapide S is a true Aston Martin in every sense. All areas of the car have been improved, with greater structural rigidity, a lowered centre of gravity, enhanced aerodynamics and a recalibrated Dynamic Stability Control system. These enhancements enable best use of the all-new 558 PS V12 engine’s significantly increased performance. When driving alone you’ll adore the way the Rapide S’s new 3-stage Adaptive Damping System can be configured to perform and handle like a true sports car, yet when you have company you’ll delight at how the suspension can switch to make your passengers’ comfort a priority. Compliant to your needs and
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Neodoljiv LIFESTYLE– MAGAZINE Irresistible
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potrebama i prilagođen vašem raspoloženju, Rapide S je kompletan luksuzni sportski automobil.
malleable to your mood, the Rapide S is the complete luxury sports car.
Kada je jedan automobil ovako spektakularan, želećete da ga podelite sa svima. Sa poslovnim partnerima. Sa prijateljima. Na kratkim relacijama i na dugim putovanjima. Šta god da poželite od Rapide S-a, on to nadmaši, pružajući opipljivo, komforno iskustvo koje je nezaboravno i za vaše saputnike, koliko i za vas same. Putovanje Rapide S-om je kao uranjanje u jedinstveno prostrano i udobno okruženje koje stimuliše vaša čula, izolujući vas od neželjenog stresa i napora. Većim izborom boja, ukrasa i detalja enterijera - koji uključuje i novi paket unutrašnje opreme izrađen od ugljeničnih vlakana i dvobojnu perforiranu kožu - možete više da naglasite Rapide S-ov sportski karakter, a da pri tome zadržite svo bogatstvo, luksuz i kvalitet izrade koji čine Rapide S tako izuzetnim i primamljivim.
When a car is this spectacular you will want to share it. With business partners. With friends. On short journeys and long-distance adventures. Whatever you ask of it the Rapide S excels, delivering a tactile, cosseting experience that’s as memorable for your passengers as it is for you. To travel in the Rapide S is to immerse yourself in a uniquely spacious and indulgent environment that stimulates your senses, yet isolates you from unwanted stress and strain. With a wider choice of interior colour, trim and detailing options – including a new Carbon-Fibre Interior pack and duotone perforated leather – you can further emphasise the Rapide S’s sporting nature, while retaining all the richness, luxury and craftsmanship that makes the Rapide S such an extraordinary and enticing place to be.
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J Craft
Moving forward
luxury Džej Kraft ručno izrađuje klasično stilizovane, ali ipak suštinski moderne luksuzne motorne čamce u skladu sa tradicijom najbolje švedske brodogradnje. Karakterističan stil, fina izrada i izvrsni materijali u kombinaciji sa snažnim dizajnom i realnom upotrebnom vrednosti čine Džej Kraft jedinstvenim u pomorskoj industriji.
J Craft hand builds classically styled yet inherently modern luxury motor launches in the best traditions of the Swedish boat building industry. A distinctive style, fine craftsmanship and exquisite materials coupled with robust engineering and real-world usability makes J Craft unique in the marine industry.
Kompanija Džej Kraft osnovana je 1998. godine, a njen prvi brod Kabrio Kruzer koji je izašao iz brodogradilišta godinu dana kasnije, isporučen je svom novom vlasniku, kralju Švedske. Nakon toga kompanija je nastavila sa proizvodnjom još sedam Kabrio Kruzera, i svih sedam je pronašlo svoje domove širom Mediterana kod klijenata sa istančanim ukusom.
J Craft was founded in 1998 and the company’s first boat, the Cabrio Cruiser, left the shipyard a year later and was delivered to its new owner, the King of Sweden. The company went on to produce a further seven Cabrio Cruisers, all of which found homes with discerning customers around the Mediterranean.
Inovativnost i eksperimentisanje su suština Džej Krafta. Vođena iskrenom težnjom ka savršenstvu, koju joj je usadio tim konstruktora i pomorskih arhitekata, kompanija se trajno posvetila vrhunskom projektovanju.
Innovation and experimentation are at the heart of J Craft. Driven by a genuine pursuit of perfection, instilled by the design team and naval architects, the company has an enduring commitment to exceptional engineering.
Džej Kraft svoje čamce proizvodi u Gotlandu, tradicionalnom centru švedske brodogradnje.
J Craft manufacture their boats in Gotland, the traditional heartland of the Swedish boat building industry.
Džej Kraftov Torpedo je prelepo stilizovan motorni čamac koji podseća na stil rivijera šik iz šesdesetih godina, ali spojen sa modernom tehnologijom i ručno izrađen korišćenjem najnovije tehnike.
The J Craft Torpedo is a beautifully styled motor launch, reminiscent of 60s era Riviera chic but coupled with modern technology, and hand built using the latest technique.
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The 12.63 metre day boat is available with three different engine specifications taking it to a sprint speed of up to 46 knots depending on conditions. Powered by two Volvo Penta IPS400, IPS500 or IPS600 engines, the Penta transmission allows for incredible manoeuvrability, making the Torpedo easy to handle in even the tightest harbour. Its intuitive joystick control means that the craft can move sideways and even turn 360 degrees in its own length. Fixtures and fittings are second to none. The Torpedo comes with a hand carved wooden Nardi steering wheel, the same as that used in the 1960s Ferrari 250 GTO. Interior and exterior spaces are beautifully appointed with cloth by Loro Piana, treated with their Rain System to repel stains,
Moving forward
Ovaj 12,63 metara dugačak dnevni čamac dostupan je u tri različite konfiguracije motora sa kojima, zavsino od uslova, postiže brzine glisiranja i do 46 čvorova. Pokreću ga dva motora Volvo Penta IPS400, IPS500 ili IPS600, a transmisioni sistem Penta omogućava neverovatne manevarske sposobnosti, čineći Torpedo jednostavnim za upravljanje i u najužim pristaništima. Njegova komandna ručica je intuitivna što mu omogućava bočno kretanje i čak okretanje za 360 stepeni oko svoje uzdužne ose.
Oprema i inventar su vrhunski. Torpedo dolazi sa ručno rezbarenim volanom firme Nardi, istim kao što je korišćen u Ferariju 250 GTO iz 1960. godine. Enterijer i spoljašnji prostor su prelepo ukrašeni platnom sa potpisom Loro Piana, koje je tretirano njihovim “kišnim sistemom” koji ne dozvoljava zadržavanje
Moving forward
mrlja i sa završnicom poput presvlake sa dijamantskim štepom. Džej Kraft sarađuje sa svojim klijentima kako bi pojedinačno prilagodio pojedine delove Torpeda njihovim specifičnim ukusima i željama. Izvanredan dodatak koji je na raspolaganju vlasncima je ekskluzivni set za piknik. Ova izvrsna kolekcija uključuje srebrni escajg koji je dizajnirao švedski princ Karl Filip, Džej Kraftov porcelan firme Rozental, Džej Kraftovo stakleno posuđe, Globalov set noževa i set za degustiranje vina.
and finishes such as diamond stitched upholstery available. J Craft works with its customers to individually tailor areas of the Torpedo for specific tastes and desires. A stunning addition available to owners is the exclusive picnic set. This exquisite collection includes silver cutlery designed by Prince Carl Phillip of Sweden, J Craft china by Rosenthal, J Craft glassware, Global knife set and a sommelier set.
Džej Kraftov Torpedo je konstruisan i opremljen za smeštaj četvoro putnika i jednog člana posade.
The J Craft Torpedo has been designed and fitted out to sleep four passengers and one crewmember.
Moving forward
Moving forward
hotelijerstva na Mikonosu
Hotel philosophy
Pleasure & Leisure
in Mykonos
Hotel Cavo Tagoo na grčkom ostrvu Mikonos nastoji da bude slikarsko platno na kome će posetioci moći da boje svoje ostrvske snove.
Cavo Tagoo in Mykonos island of Greece strives to be a canvas upon which visitors can colour their island dreams.
Izvanredna gostoljubivost i brižljivo oblikovan luksuz u kome posetioci uživaju, elementi su kojima se postiže savršenstvo za opuštajući boravak na Mikonosu.
The outstanding, friendly service and carefully crafted luxury that customers enjoy are elements that achieve perfection for a relaxing stay in Mykonos.
Prioritet hotela Cavo Tagoo je da svojim gostima priredi nezaboravna iskustva i stoga hotel ulaže velike napore da svaka pojedinačna poseta gostima ostane zabeležena u lepom sećanju. Cavo Tagoo je uspeo da da ostane kosmopolitski, luksuzni hotel i destinacija za one koji širom sveta tragaju za jedinstvenim i opuštajućim iskustvima.
Cavo Tagoo’s number one priority is creating memorable experiences for its guests and therefore the -hotel makes every effort to ensure that each visit is fondly etched in its customers’ minds Cavo Tagoo has succeeded in being a cosmopolitan luxury suites hotel and a destination for seekers of unique and relaxing experiences from all over the world.
Luksuzni smeštaj koji nudi Cavo Tagoo postigao je divan balans udobnosti, luksuza i stila.
The Cavo Tagoo’s luxury accommodation in Mykonos has achieved a beautiful balance of comfort, luxury, and style.
Svaka luksuzna soba ili apartman, kao i svaka pojedinačna elegantno uređena vila ovog luksuznog smeštaja na Mikonosu dizajnirana je tako da oslikava moderni minimalizam ostrvske estetike, zadržavajući pri tom tradicionalni karakter i arhitekturu Kikladskog arhipelaga.
All luxury guest rooms and luxury suites as well as each elegantly adorned villa of this luxury accommodation in Mykonos Town are designed to embody a contemporary minimalist island aesthetic while remaining true to the traditional character and architecture of the Cycladic Islands.
Pleasure & Leisure
Pleasure & Leisure
Najpopularnije mesto okupljanja luksuznog hotela Cavo Tagoo na Mikonosu je neverovatan laundž bar kraj bazena.
The most popular meeting point of the Cavo Tagoo Mykonos luxury hotel is the incredible Lounge & Pool Bar area.
Infiniti bazen koji se stapa sa nepreglednim morem i nudi neometan panoramski pogled na grad Mikonos, gde minimalističke drvene ležaljke, inspirisane dalekim istokom, kao da plutaju nad vodom; mesto je na kome se dan lagano pretvara u noć.
The infinity pool, with its Far Eastern inspired minimalist wooden decks that seem to float over the water, meets the boundless sea and offers an uninterrupted panoramic view of Mykonos town; this is where day moves effortlessly into night.
Posebna postavka svetala koja menjaju boje kreira posebnu atmosferu u baru sa akvarijumom dugim 18 metara, gde se mogu sresti poznata lica, inspirativne ličnosti i svetske zvezde.
The special colour-changing lighting sets the mood and at the 18m aquarium bar, one can meet familiar faces, inspiring personalities, and international celebrities.
U baru hotela Cavo Tagoo gosti mogu da se opuste dok pijuckaju osvežavajuće koktele prenoseći kosmopolitsku energiju i vibracije do ranih jutarnjih sati. Kada sunce krene da izlazi, posetioci mogu da se ispruže na mekane dušeke duž bazena, ispod platnenih nastrešnica u obliku jedara, i da slušaju laganu atmosfersku muziku, okruženi platnom, drvetom, kamenjem i vodom. Cavo Tagoo je san i ostvarenje sna.
At Cavo Tagoo’s bar guests relax while sipping refreshing cocktails transmitting the energy and the vibes of cool cosmopolitanism until the early hours of the morning. When the sun begins to rise, visitors can lay gently on the soft poolside mattresses, under the canvas ‘sails’, and listen to soft atmospheric music, amidst a scene of fabric, wood, stone, and water. Cavo Tagoo is a dream and its fulfilment.
Hotel Cavo Tagoo sadrži luksuzni spa centar gde gosti mogu da preporode svoj duh i probude svojih šest čula: vid, sluh, ukus, miris, dodir i iskustvo.
The Cavo Tagoo hotel with spa in Mykonos island of Greece features a luxury spa centre where guests can rejuvenate their spirit and awaken their 6 senses: sight, hear, taste, smell, touch, and experience.
Ovaj sjajan hotel od pet zvezdica nudi svojim cenjenim gostima senzacionalno Spa iskustvo! Cavo Tagoo Spa Centar je smešten na idealnom mestu na jedinstvenoj lokaciji grčkog ostrva Mikonos okružen kikladskom svetlošću naspram Delosa, rodnog mesta Apolona, mitološkog boga sunca.
This exquisite 5 star hotel welcomes its esteemed guests to a sensational Spa Experience! The Cavo Tagoo Spa Centre is ideally placed in a unique location in Mykonos island of Greece immersed in Cycladian light facing Delos, the birthplace of Apollo, the mythical God of the sun.
Misija ovog centra je da spoji najnovije trendove međunarodnih spa centara zajedno sa tradicionalnim grčkim pristupom zdravlju i lepoti nudeći svoje nagrađivane tretmane i prirodne proizvode. Iskustvo u Cavo Tagoo Spa centru predstavlja prirodno putovanje svih 6 čula. Iskustvo u Cavo Tagoo spa centru: svi elementi luksuznog spa centra koriste prednosti geografije i istorije hotela kako bi gostu ulepšali doživljaj.
Its Mission is to fuse the latest in international spa trends with a traditional Greek approach to wellness and beauty featuring its award winning treatments and natural products. The Cavo Tagoo Spa Experience is an indigenous journey of the six senses. The Cavo Tagoo Spa Experience: All aspects of the luxury spa take advantage of the hotel’s geography and history in order to bring guests the best in beauty.
Dobrodošli u svet luksuza, stila i zadovoljstva gde se privatnost susreće sa kosmopolitskom otmenošću.
Welcome to a world of luxury, style and indulgence where privacy meets cosmopolitan grace.
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Gde se svaki gost dočekuje kao deo porodice i svaki gost ima VIP status, svet hotela Cavo Tagoo gde snovi samo što se ne pretvore u javu.
Where every visitor is greeted as family and every guest is a VIP, the world of Cavo Tagoo, where dreams are about to be brought to life.
Sa iskustvom stečenim u posluživanju kraljevskih porodica, holivudskih zvezda i poznatih ličnosti, posvećen tim konsijerža marljivo radi kako bi ispunio svaku vašu želju, pružio uslugu prema vašem raspoloženju i individualnim preferencijama i kako bi ostvario vaše ideje sa najvećom pažnjom i diskrecijom.
With the experience of serving royal families, Hollywood stars and celebrities our dedicated concierge team works diligently to fulfil all your desires, to cater to your spirit and individual preferences and bring your ideas to life with utmost care and discretion.
Otisnite se vašom luksuznom jahtom na izlet ili krenite u privatni obilazak ostrva kako biste otkrili tajne Mikonosa i antičkog lokaliteta Delosa.
Embark on an island excursion on your luxury yacht or set off for a private tour to discover the secret wonders of Mykonos and ancient sites of Delos.
Organizujte proslavu za vašu porodicu i prijatelje, planirajte svoje venčanje i recite „da“ naspram čarobnih predela Kiklada.
Arrange a celebration for your family and friends, plan your wedding and say I do against the mesmerizing backdrop of the Cyclades.
Šta god da je vaš san on može postati stvarnost, pretvarajući vaš odmor u iskustvo koje ćete čuvati celog života.
Whatever your dream is we can make it possible, turning your holiday into an experience to treasure for a lifetime.
Pripremite se za očaravajuće iskustvo uz vrhunske konsijerže i proživite sopstvenu bajku na Mikonosu!
Prepare for a spell-binding experience with our exclusive concierge and live your own fairy-tale in Mykonos!
Moving forward
Moving forward
The Evian Resort
Pleasure & Leisure
Golf Club
Godine 1904. kompanija Evian Mineralwater kupila je imanje porodice Berte i sagradila golf teren sa 9 rupa imajući u planu da ubrzo otvori hotel royal. Smešten na nadmorskoj visini od 500 m, sa pogledom na Ženevsko jezero, jedan od prvih golf terena u Francuskoj postigao je momentalan uspeh kod posetilaca očaravši ih veličanstvenom panoramom i vegetacijom koje je u svojoj pesmi ovekovečio Lamartin.
In 1904, The Evian Mineral water company bought the farm and land belonging to the Berthet family and built a 9-hole golf course with the forthcoming opening of the hotel Royal in mind. Located at an altitude of 500 meters, overlooking lake Geneva, one of the first golf courses in France was an immediate success with visitors, who were enchanted by its magnificent views and vegetation which was to be immortalised by Lamartine.
Prostirući se duž šumovitog parka od 148 jutara, golf klub u sklopu kompleksa Evian Resort je tokom godina postao zahtevan teren koji se afirmisao nudeći čuveni šampionski teren vrhunskog kvaliteta u kombinaciji sa prelepim ambijentom.
In 148 acres of wooded parkland, over the years the Evian Resort Golf Club has become a challenging course that has asserted its personality by offering the quality of a legendary championship course combined with the beauty of its exceptional setting.
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Pogled na Ženevsko jezero i vrhove Alpa, koji se ni sa čim ne može uporediti, čini ovo mesto tako nestvarnim i nezaboravnim.
The incomparable viewpoints of Lake Geneva and the Alpine summits make this place one that is legendary and unforgettable.
Novi teren golf kluba u okviru kompleksa Evian Resort koji ima 18 rupa (6595 jardi – Par 72) je zaista izvanredan. Ovaj „mineralni“ teren je potpuno renoviran 2013. godine i sada omogućava još kvalitetniju igru, izgleda još spektakularnije i strateški je zahtevniji.
The new 18-hole course (6595 yards- Par 72) at the Evian Resort Golf Club is legendary without a doubt. This “mineral” course was totally renovated in 2013, and now plays with more rhythm, is more spectacular and more strategic.
Teren nudi novi pristup igri uz zadržavanje vrlo prepoznatljivog „francuskog stila“. Svi tijevi su modifikovani i fervejevi prerađeni. Grinovi su gušći, iziskuju više tehnike u igri i sada su veće površine jer nude 6 pin pozicija. Okruženi su većim brojem težih prepreka, posebno novoformiranim ili proširenim vodenim površinama, a veliki broj dubljih bankera je takođe preraspoređeno širom terena. Evian Puzzle predstavlja središte terena i čine ga presudne poslednje rupe 15, 16, 17 i 18 gde se odlučuje pobednik.
It offers a new way to play while retaining a strong “Frenchstyle” identity. All the tees have been modified and the fairways reworked. The greens are firmer, require more technical play, and are now larger in size to offer 6 pin positions. They are defended by an increased number of more ambitious obstacles, in particular newly created or enlarged water features, and many deeper bunkers have also been re-positioned all over the course. The Evian Puzzle refers to the heart of the course, the crucial final run-in holes15, 16, 17 and 18 where everything is to play for.
Ova površina, smeštena neposredno ispred terase Kluba, na takvom je položaju da se sa nje pruža jedinstveni pogled na igru tokom Evian šampionata. Najznačajnija rupa ovog renoviranog terena jeste rupa broj 5. Težina ovog para 3 proizilazi iz potrebe da se sa zelenog ostrva savlada 100 metara duga vodena prepreka.
This area, located just in front of the Club House terrace, offers shaped terrain with unique viewpoints of the game during the Evian Championship tournament. The signature hole of this renovated course is number 5. The difficulty of this par 3 stems from an island green and the need to negotiate a 100-metre long water hazard.
Jedinstven na svetu, bez obzira da li za vežbanje, usavršavanje ili jednostavno za zabavu… sva ograničenja u golfu su uklonjena kako bi se zadržalo samo ono najbolje što igra može da pruži. I dok početnici odmah uživaju u radostima učenja dok igraju pravu igru, profesionalci i podučeni amateri vežbaju koliko žele, sa konkretnim ciljem na umu.
Unique in the world, whether for training, improving or simply having fun... all of golf ’s constraints are removed to keep only the best of the game. While beginners immediately enjoy the joys of learning in a real-game situation, professionals and enlightened amateurs train for a chosen duration, with a specific goal in mind.
Svaki igrač dobija individualno razvijen program učenja, na mestu predviđenom za vežbanje svih vrsta udaraca, svih mogućih varijanti udaljenosti i pravaca, sa preprekama ili bez njih, i na taj način značajno, temeljno i merljivo napreduje.
Each player enjoys a tailored teaching program, in a place specifically designed to work on all types of shot, all possible variations of distance and direction, with or without obstacles, and they make significative, solid and measurable progress.
Bez obzira na to koliko neko ima godina ili koliko je vešt, da li igra sam, porodično ili sa profesionalcem i koliko ima vremena na raspolaganju, u Akademiji golf podrazumeva zabavnu igru u prijateljskom okruženju. Nudeći 12 modula na travi dizajniranih u istim dimenzijama kao i teren za turnire i za sve udarce u golfu, ovaj jednistveni koncept pruža područja sa ili bez kosina, neravnina i ferveja.
Whatever one’s age or ability, whether playing alone, with family or accompanied by a pro and whatever time is available, the Academy means that playing golf is fun in a friendly atmosphere. Offering 12 modules on grass designed to the same dimensions as a championship course and for all golf shots, this unique concept provides areas with and without slope, roughs and fairways:
Smešten u srcu akademije golf kluba u kompleksu Evian resort, Evian golf zamak nudi ljubiteljima golfa mogućnost da tu borave dan i noć i da uživaju u svojoj strasti od samog svitanja.
The manoir du golf in Evian, located in the heart of the Evian Resort Golf Club Academy, offers golf enthusiasts the opportunity to stay there day and night and to enjoy their passion as the daybreaks.
Zamak Novery, sagrađen 1911. godine, zadržao je duh i raskoš domova prošlih vremena. Ovaj doživljaj autentičnosti zadržan je i tokom obnove i sedam gostinjskih soba prožeto je prijatnom atmosferom
The Manoir de Novery, built in 1911,has retained the soul and elegance of homes from bygone times. This authentic feel was retained during refurbishment and the seven guestrooms are imbued with a cosy, totally
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potpuno inspirisanu golfom. Poštovaoci golfa uživaće u sadržajima koje nudi Evian Resort (dostupni su sadržaji za relaksaciju u hotelima Royal i Ermitage i u Dečijem odmaralištu za mališane...) dok uživaju u svojoj strasti od svitanja do sumraka.
golf-inspired atmosphere. Golf devotees will enjoy use of all the Evian Resort’s facilities (access to the relaxation facilities at the Royal and Ermitage hotels and to the Kid’s Resort for little ones…) while living their passion from dawn ‘til dusk.
Jedini veći turnir za žene u kontinentalnoj Evropi
The only women’s golf major in Continental Europe
Najbolje igračice golfa na svetu krunisane su na Evian turniru koji je, pre više od 20 godina, pokrenuo Antoan Ribo. Od 1994. godine ovaj događaj zadobio je vodeći status u svetu golfa. Turnir je promenio naziv u Evian Šampionat 2013. godine i postao je član ekskluzivnog kluba od 5 glavnih svetskih turnira na svetu za žene. Nakon Kraft Nabisco šampionata, LPGA šampionata, Američkog otvorenog prvenstva za žene i Britanskog otvorenog prvenstvana za žene novopridošlica u klubu najvažnijih turnira, sa strateški odabranim datumom na kraju sezone, krunisaće novog šampiona iz redova najboljih svetskih golferki u ovoj godini, od 10. do 13. septembra 2015. godine. Evian šampionat, koji je dobio dozvolu i od američkih i od evropskih turnira (LPGA odnosno LET) igra se u strouk igri tokom 4 dana (18 rupa dnevno). Nakon prva dva kola, prvih 70 najboljih igračica i one koje imaju istovetni rezultat prolaze u sledeće kolo.
The greatest women golfers in the world have been crowned in Evian at the tournament launched over 20 years ago by Antoine Riboud. Since 1994, the event has become a leader in world golf. In 2013, the tournament, renamed The Evian Championship, became a member of the highly select club of 5 major tournaments in women’s world golf. Following the Kraft Nabisco Championship, the LPGA Championship, the US Women’s Open and Women’s British Open, the newcomer to the Majors, with its strategically placed date at the end of the season, will be crowning a new champion from among the world’s leading women golfers this year, from 10 to 13September 2015. The Evian Championship, co-sanctioned by the US and European tours (respectively the LPGA and LET), is played in stroke play over 4 days (18 holes a day). After the first 2 rounds, the 70 top players and ties make the cut through to the next round.
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Vina Vine ženskih ruku delo
Pleasure & Leisure
with the women’s touch
U samom srcu juga, u jednom od gradova koji čuvaju duh tradicije naše zemlje, nalazi se moderna vinarija, koja je za izuzetno kratak period uspela da privuče pažnju ljubitelja vina celog regiona.
In one of the cities, located in the heart of the southern part of the country, that still preserve the traditional national spirit, there is a modern winery that succeeded in attracting attention of wine lovers all over the region in a very short time.
2012. godina je bila godina velikog procvata za vinariju, te je prerada u 2013-oj skoro udvostručena. Ambicija ove mlade vinarije raste i cilj jeste pozicioniranje među vrhunskim i najboljim na tržištu u regionu, a i šire.
In 2012 the winery experienced an incredible boom, and the production was almost doubled in 2013. Aspirations of this young winery are getting bigger with the aim of positioning itself among the top best wineries in the market which are operating in the region and beyond.
Maja, Dragana, Jelena i Barbara, vode ovaj unosan i nimalo lak posao. Za kvalitet vina, specijalizovana je tehnolog Jelena, koja je svoje umeće kalila u jednoj od najboljih vinarija kod nas, što se u kvalitetu vina nepogrešivo prepoznaje.
Maja, Dragana, Jelena and Barbara are running this profitable, but rather arduous business. The wine quality is the main preoccupation of Jelena, the enologist, who honed her skills in one of the best wineries in our country, which is evident from the quality of the wine presented.
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Paletom od 11 etiketa, mlade i uspešne vinarke, predstavljaju svoje viđenje stila vina koji ljubitelji prepoznaju. U svakoj etiketi prosto morate da osetite njihove lične pečate, a i same vole da kažu za svoja vina da su “ženskih ruku delo”, što svakako ne znači da su vina meka i preterano ženstvena. “Ženska ruka” svakako daje i naglašava istančani senzibilitet.
With a range of 11 labels, these young and successful women winemakers, offer their vision of the wine style that is recognizable to the wine lovers. Each label carries their personal mark, and they themselves like to say that their wine is a “women’s handiwork,” which, by no means, implies that their wine is soft and overly feminine. “A woman’s touch” certainly provides and accentuates its refined sensibility.
Vina su čista, jasna, sa izraženim karakterom. Od svežih, lepršavih vina sa hrskavim kiselinama, rađenih od skoro zaboravljene smederevke i tamjanike, preko punog karakternog sovinjona i dva polusuva šardonea, stići ćete i do moćnih kabernea i vranaca koji još dremaju u mraku podruma čekajući pravi momenat da zasijaju u čašama ljubitelja vina. Da ponuda vina ne bude samo “crno/bela” doprinela je Barbara, polusuvim rozeom koji je po samom pojavljivanju na tržištu prosto opio vinoljupce.
The wines are pure, clear and with lots of character. Ranging from the fresh, frisky wines with crisp acids, made of almost forgotten Smederevka and Tamjanika grape varieties, through full and superb Sauvignon, to two semi-dry Chardonnays, and finally, the mighty Cabernet and Vranac slumbering in the dark basement, waiting for the right moment to shine in the glasses of wine lovers. Barbara was the one who made sure that their offer was not only reduced to reds and whites, by introducing a semi-dry rose wine which took the market by storm from the moment it appeared.
Poseta vinariji i degustacija je moguća svakog dana uz prethodnu najavu za veće grupe, i verujemo da će ovog leta biti obavezna stanica za sve one koji krenu ka južnim morima.
Visiting the winery and wine tasting may be done every day, with prior appointment for larger groups, and we believe that it will be a mandatory stop this summer for all those going to the seaside in the South.
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Pleasure & Leisure
for the new emperors
revolutionary by tradition
Salon 5
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Lična kuhinja Personal Cuisine
Smešten u preuređenom stanu stilske zgrade u starom beogradskom naselju Zemun, Salon 5 je brzo stekao reputaciju jednog od vodećih restorana u gradu. Restoran vode dva stara prijatelja, Nikola i Pavle. Nikola je usavršavao ugostiteljsko znanje radeći kao šef kuhinje u Italiji skoro jednu deceniju, dok je Pavle, vlasnik uspešnog dizajn studija, strastveni kolekcionar umetnina. Zajedno su otvorili Salon 5 kao alternativu aktuelnoj restoranskoj sceni u Beogradu, služeći najfinije italijanske specijalitete u intimnoj i otmenoj atmosferi. „Želimo da se naši gosti osećaju kao kod kuće,“ kaže Nikola, naslonivši se u stolicu Frica Hansena iz 1950. godine, okružen starim evropskim filmskim magazinima, kuvarima i vodičima za putovanja. „Voleli bismo da naši gosti osete jedinstveno uživanje i potpuno prepuštanje nesvakidašnjem doživljaju, od trenutka ulaska, pa sve do poslednjeg srka espresa nakon deserta.“
Based in a converted apartment of a period building in Belgrade’s historical neighbourhood of Zemun, Salon 5 has quickly gained reputation as one of the city’s prime dining spots. The restaurant is run by two old friends, Nikola and Pavle. Nikola honed his trade working as a head chef in Italy for almost a decade, while Pavle is an avid art collector running a successful design studio. Together, they’ve opened Salon 5 as an alternative to Belgrade’s current restaurant scene, serving the finest Italian cuisine in an intimate and refined atmosphere We want our guests to feel at home, says Nikola, as he leans back in a 1950’s Hansen chair, surrounded by vintage European film mags, cook books and travel guides. We’d like them to enjoy a complete experience, from the moment they pass through the door.
Osećaj je zaista domaćinski. Ovo nije tipičan, lepo uređen restoran na koji ste navikli. Pre podseća na trpezariju privatnog stana ali bez pompe, pri čemu
It feels homey, indeed. This is not your average cool-looking restaurant. It looks more like a private dining room, but without the pomp. The
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vlada opšti utisak elegancije i topline. Prostor je opremljen klasičnim italijanskim i skandinavskim nameštajem, sa slikama priznatih umetnika modernizma koje krase zidove, i opuštajućom atmosferičnom muzikom, od brazilske bosa nove i džeza iz šezdesetih, pa sve do savremene ambijentalne elektronske muzike.
overall impression inside is one of elegance and warmth. The space is laced with classic Italian and Scandinavian furniture, and paintings of acclaimed modernist artists hang on the walls, engulfed in dreamy sounds-capes ranging from Brazilian bossa and 1960’s jazz to more contemporary ambient electronica.
U slučaju da niste sigurni šta da izaberete sa menija, Bob je tu da vam pomogne. Bez obzira na broj gostiju u restoranu, jedini kelner Salona 5 vam stoji na raspolaganju koji nekako uvek uspe da predvidi šta je to što vi želite. Preporučujemo vam da počnete sa nekim lepo ohlađenim belim vinom pre degustacije guščije paštete o kojoj priča ceo Beograd. Bogatog i kremastog ukusa koji se topi u ustima, oduševiće vaše nepce. U slučaju da želite da prezalogajite neka topla predjela, možete birati između domaćih, ručno pravljenih raviola sa rikota sirom, papardela sa vrganjima ili taljatele sa raguom, ukusa kao letnja jutra u Palermu. Za glavno jelo, opredelite se za nešto ozbiljnije. Srednje pečena Costata Fiorentina je siguran pogodak, sa sokovima koji kaplju sa kostiju kao med, ona nikog ne ostavlja ravnodušnim i ostaje kao podsetnik na jedinstveno iskustvo ove posebne vrste salona. „Bez pretencioznih recepata,“ kaže
Pleasure & Leisure
In case you’re not sure what’s your pick off the food menu, Bob is there to help. No matter how packed it gets inside, Salon 5’s single serving waiter is at your disposal, somehow anticipating what you desire every time.
We recommend you start with some frisky white wine before tasting a slice of foie gras. Yes, it’s the same foie gras everyone in Belgrade is talking about. Lush and creamy, with melting flavours that will make your tastebuds go wild. We suggest you share it with your dining partner, as this Salon 5 special is known to be of the indulgent kind. In case you want to consider dipping into some hot starters, choose between the home made Italian Ravioli with Ricotta cheese and Papardelle with boletus, or go for the classic – Tagliatelle al Ragu that taste like a summer morning in Palermo. And then for the main course, go heavyweight. The medium-grilled Costata Fiorentina is a winner. With juices dripping off the bones like honey, it’s something that Frank Underwood would
Pavle, „radije se odlučujemo za pravu stvar. Nešto jednostavno, ali moćno. Naši momci u kuhinji mere svoj rad na grilu u milisekundama. Na kraju, sve se svodi na brigu o detaljima. Mislim da je ova vrsta posvećenosti i kvalitet ono što nas je dovelo na prvo mesto na sajtu TripAdvisor.“
kill for on his lunch break. No fancy recipes, says Pavle. We prefer the real thing. Simple, but powerful. Our guys in the kitchen measure their performance on the grill in split seconds. At the end, it’s all about the attention to detail. I think this kind of dedication and quality is what got us to the first place of the Trip Advisor website.
Posvećenost i kvalitet je ono što najbolje sumira duh restorana Salon 5. Usmene preporuke i komentari preko društvenih mreža, dovele su ovo mesto na vrh beogradske ugostiteljske scene. Ali, to nije ono na šta su njegovi vlasnici najviše ponosni. Nikola rado citira Mauricija, jednog od njihovih italijanskih gostiju, koji,nakon ukusne večere petkom, voli da kaže: ‘’Ova pasta ima ukus kao da ju je spremila ne moja mama, već moja baka’’.
Dedication and quality is what best sums up the Salon 5 ethos. Word of mouth and recommendations on social media have brought the restaurant to the top of Belgrade’s dining scene. But that’s not what the owners are the most proud of. Nikola prefers to quote Maurizio, one of their Italian customers, finger licking after a nourishing Friday dinner: Man, this doesn’t taste like my mum’s pasta. It tastes like my grandma’s. www.salon5.rs
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Watches & Jewellery
a prave poznavaoce, oni su kruna časovničarske umetnosti, za ljubitelje, to su dragoceni primerci najlepših mehanizama. Za sve ostale, oni su najdelikatniji predstavnici prestiža i tajni majstorstva, do tančina upakovani u izvanredan svet preciznosti i pozlaćene tradicije. Jedno je sigurno, pripadajući redu velikana, ovi komadi daju posebnu čar vremenu koje protiče, budeći jedinstven osećaj strahopoštovanja.
Da bi jedan sat postao klasik, mora odgovoriti na zavidan broj zahteva, među kojima su i: kvalitet izrade, pionirski duh, inovativnost, status, raspon cena, duga istorija, ograničene edicije i tržišna potražnja za njima, pokret, komplikacije... Ovo su samo neki koji sede na tom ostvarenom prestolu.
For a watch to became a classic, it must meet a considerable number of requirements, including: quality of workmanship, pioneering spirit, innovation, superior status, price range, long tradition, limited editions and market demand, watch movements, complications ... Here are just a few of them who managed to climb to the top.
or true connoisseurs, they are the pinnacle of watchmaking art, for lovers, they are valuable pieces of exquisite mechanisms. For everyone else, they are the most delicate embodiments of prestige and technical mastery, meticulously fitted in a remarkable world of precision and gilded tradition. One thing is for certain, being the best of the best, these timepieces impart a special charm to elapsing time, while inspiring a unique sense of awe.
Vanvremenski divovi LIFESTYLE - Timeless MAGAZINE Giants
6000G-012 White Gold Men Calatrava
Patek Philippe
Patek Philippe
Poslednja nezavisna porodična manufaktura satova iz Ženeve, potiče iz vremena 1839. godine, udruženjem Antoana Norberta de Pateka i Adriana Filipa.
The last independent family-owned watch manufacturer in Geneva, was founded in 1839 by Antoine Norbert de Patek and Adrien Philippe.
Od svojih prvih početka pa sve do danas, Patek Filip stoji kao sinonim za klasik vrednosti koje nijedno vreme ne može da pregazi. Težnja savršenstvu je osnova puta kojim Patek Filip utabano korača zahvaljujući besprekornom dizajnu, zavidno komplikovanom mehanizmu, retko očuvanoj tradiciji i nepresušnim inovacijama.
From its earliest beginnings until the present day, Patek Philippe has been synonymous with classics able to stand the test of time. The pursuit for perfection has always been the direction in which Patek Philippe was heading owing to its impeccable design, remarkably complicated mechanism, rarely preserved tradition and endless innovations.
2014. godine, slaveći 175 godina od svog osnivanja, pripremljena je posebna ograničena serija čiji je nosilac Grandmaster Chime, ručni sat izrađen od dvadeset pažljivo stuktuiranih mehanizama, grandioznog izgleda, noseći sa sobom auru titule ponosnih kraljeva.
In 2014 a special limited edition was created to celebrate Patek Philippe‘s 175th anniversary, headlined by Grandmaster Chime, a wristwatch featuring twenty complications and lavish appearance carrying an aura of regal dignity.
Watches & Jewellery
5270G-018 White Gold Men Grand Complications
Audemars Piguet The so-called Holy Trinity of Swiss handmade watches assembles under its temple dome the three kings: Patek Philippe, Audemars Piguet and Vacheron Constantin. The opinions are divided on whether these three titans are the makers of the finest watches in the world. While some consider them to be perfect, others believe that their glory lies in the past and that the holy trinity should be expanded. Audemars Piguet was established in 1875 as a result of the passion for watchmaking shared by Jules Louis Audemars and Edward Auguste Piguet.
26347 Royal Oak Tourbillon Chronograph
The year 1972 saw the creation of one of their most iconic watches, the Royal Oak, owing to the renowned Swiss wristwatch designer, Gerald Genta, setting a new standard in the perception of stainless steel luxury sports watches with its power and simplicity, that went on to become one of the hallmarks of this brand.
Audemars Piguet Sveto Trojstvo ručno rađenih švajcarskih satova pod kupolu svog hrama okuplja tri kralja, Patek Philip, Audemars Piguet i Vancheron Constantin. Ukoliko se postavi pitanje da li su to tri idealna titana najboljih satova na svetu, mišljenja su podeljenja. Dok ih jedna linija podrazumeva za besprekorne, druga im ostavlja čast u prošlosti i ukazuje na to da trojstvo zaslužuje širenje.
Watches & Jewellery
Audemars Piguet nastaje 1875. godine zajedničkom strašću Žila Luja Odermajera i Edvard Avgust Pigeta.
1972. nastaje jedan od velikih ikona, Royal Oak, kreacijom renomiranog švajcarskog dizajnera ručnih satova, Geralda Genta, koji postavlja novi standard u percipiranju luksuznog sportskog sata od čelika, svojom snagom i jednostavnošću, a ujedno postaje integralni deo dizajna same kompanije. 26327 Royal Oak Chronograph QE II CUP 2015
Vanvremenski divovi LIFESTYLE - Timeless MAGAZINE Giants
Vacheron Constantin This year, Vacheron Constantin is celebrating 260 years of existence. In the company’s long history, starting with silver pocket watches, to the time of the first calendar functions that were added and up to the first wrist watches for ladies, Vacheron Constantin had the honour of making valuable timepieces for kings, embellishing backsides of pocket watches with miniatures paintings, designing ultra-thin timepieces and unique watch collections. Like Vacheron Constantin, the Americaine watch created during the roaring 1920s in the Art Deco style solely for the North American market, reflects the company’s guiding idea of excellence now and forever, which has steadfastly been applied by this brand since 1755. Harmony Chronograph Ultra-Thin Grande Complication 5400S/000P-B057
Vacheron Constantin
Poput Vacheron Constantin Americaine, kreiranog u vremenu ludih dvadesetih, oslikavajući Art Deco duh, ovaj primerak određen samo za severnoameričko tržište, odiše idejom vodiljom koja nepokolebljivo održava ovaj brend još od 1755.godine, nenadmašan, sada i zauvek.
Harmony Chronograph 5300S/000R-B055
Watches & Jewellery
Ove godine, Vacheron Constantin slavi 260 godina postojanja. Duga istorija ove komapnije počinje srebrnim džepnim satovima, preko ulaska u vreme prvih dodatih kalendara na satove, sve do kreiranja prvih damskih ručnih satova, Vacheron Constantin krasi čast izrade dragocenih komada za kraljeve, dodatih iscrtanih minijatura na poleđini džepnih satova, izuzetno tankih komada, pa sve do jedinstvenih kolekcija.
Cartier Since 1847, Cartier has been the name that is the very epitome of distinguished elegance attributed to royal families. King Edward VII of England referred to Cartier as “the jeweller to kings and the king of jewellers.” Cartier brought beauty and sophistication to watches that are no longer just timekeeping instruments, but rise to the level of magnificent jewellry, glitter and prestige, with each timepiece holding a unique appeal, noted for a distinct exoticism and going beyond fashion standards. In this regard, from the 1920s onwards, Cartier has encouraged the creation of high-quality watches combining bracelet with clock mechanism, by designing the smallest mechanical movements known as “the baguette watches”. In this way, these timepieces became noted and indispensable ornaments in the period between two wars. Tank Francaise Watch Medium model
Watches & Jewellery
Još od 1847. godine, Cartier predstavlja ime sa jasnim prizvukom izrazite elegancije koja krasi kraljevske porodice. Prema rečima kralja Edvarda VII, Cartier je ’’nakit kraljeva i kralj među nakitom’’. Cartier unosi lepotu i prefinjenost u satove koji više nisu samo izraz vremena, već dostižu nivo veličanstvenog nakita, sjaja i prestiža, daju čar i jedinstvenost svakom komadu, ističu posebnu egzotiku i prevazilaze modne standarde. S tim u vezi, već od dvadesetih godina prošlog veka, Cartier je ohrabrivao kreaciju visokokvalitetnih satova koji bi bili spoj narukvica i samog mehanizma, dizajnirajući najmanji časovni sklop poznat kao ’’baguette watches’’. Na taj način, postali su renomirani i nezaobilazni ornamenti u periodu između dva rata.
Pasha 42 watch, white gold, alligator skin bracelet
Vanvremenski divovi LIFESTYLE - Timeless MAGAZINE Giants
Breguet Recognized as the masterpiece of high quality handmade watches, Breguet, although not a part of the Holy Trinity, is the unrivalled representative of luxury that can hardly be matched by any other brand. Its timepieces attain remarkable reputation that was referenced even in the literature of Victor Hugo, and are characterized by purebred dignity, ageless style, impeccably precise mechanisms, delicate and precise lines and unique design. With its collection Reine de Naples, Breguet pays homage to femininity, from the very first timepieces made for Queen Marie Antoinette and Caroline, Queen of Naples, sister of Napoleon Bonaparte. In this way, adorned with Breguet watches, women’s hands become not only sophisticated but sublime as well, and glamour is overshadowed by the feminine beauty that this collection is aiming to eternalize. Reine de Naples 9807
Poznat kao remek delo visokog kvaliteta ručno pravljenih satova, Breguet je, iako ne pripada Svetom Trojstvu, neprikosnoveni nosilac luksuza i to mesto veoma teško deli sa bilo kojim drugim brendom. Njegovi primerci dostižu moć koja ostavlja traga u literaturi Viktora Igoa, sačinjeni od pedigrea čistog ponosa, stila koji ne stari, besprekorno tačnih mehanizama, delikatnih i preciznih linija i jedinstvenog dizajna. Kolekcijom Reine de Naples, Breguet odaje čast ženstvenosti, jos od prvih primeraka Marije Antonate i Karoline, Kraljice Napulja, sestre Napoleona Bonaparte. Na taj način, dodirom Breguet satova, ženska ruka više nije samo prefinjena već uzvišena, glamur postaje samo mlađa rođaka senke boginje kojom ova kolekcija ume da ovekoveči izraz ženske lepote. Reine de Naples 8967
Watches & Jewellery
Watches & Jewellery
e GRISOGONO has developed a singular and easily recognizable style expressed through watch and jewellery collections. Each creation is unique, while bearing within it all the distinctive signatures that reflect the spirit of the Maison. Over time, all have become icons and sources of inspiration, embodying a style that is both bold and sensational, an art that appears quite simple at first glance, but requires considerable skill to master. A natural sense of contemporary elegance that is impossible not to admire. Fawaz Gruosi’s unbridled imagination gives rise to de GRISOGONO collections that are not short on ‘superstars’ and its iconic models have contributed to creating an influential style.
Watches & Jewellery
e Grisogono je razvio poseban i lako prepoznatljiv stil izražen kroz kolekciju satova i nakita. Svaka kreacija je jedinstvena, a u isto vreme nosi u sebi karakteristično obeležje koje oslikava dušu Mezona (Maison). Vremenom, sve su postali simboli i izvori inspiracije, oličavajući stil koji je ujedno i hrabar i osećajan, umetnost koja se čini vrlo jednostavnom na prvi pogled, ali opet zahteva savladavanje značajne veštine izrade. Prirodni osećaj za savremenu eleganciju kojem se morate diviti. Neobuzdana mašta Favaa Gruozija dovodi De Grisogono kolekcije koje imaju svoje „zvezde“ i njegovi simbolički modeli su doprineli stvaranju snažnog stila.
Jedna od najtipičnijih estetskih konstanti koja čini da kreacije brenda de GRISOGONO budu tako prepoznatljive jeste reč PREPLITANJE koja je postala zajednički imenilac najpoznatijih kolekcija ovog ženevskog proizvođača nakita i satova.
Amongst the most emblematic aesthetic constants that make de GRISOGONO creations so highly recognizable, the word INTERLACING has become a common denominator among the most iconic collections of the Geneva based jeweller-watchmaker.
Poslednji dodatak ovoj usko povezanoj porodici zove se Vrtlog (VORTICE). Njegov dizajn izaziva snažne asocijacije na njegovu povezanost sa ostalima i liči na nešto poznato ili već ranije viđeno. Bliži pogled otkriva da Vrtlog poseduje sve što je potrebno i smelo nameće svoj jedinstven karakter.
The latest addition to this close-knit family is called VORTICE. Its design stirs strong associations of its kinship with others and looks like something familiar or previously seen. A closer look reveals that VORTICE has everything going for it and boldly asserts its own unique personality.
Prstenje i naušnice se uvijaju na koži, doslovce se sjedinjavajući sa osobom koja ih nosi. Delikatne vijuge, sačinjene od spiralnih zavojnica ili kalema oblikovanih u formi opruge, stvaraju dinamičan i očaravajući pokret. Rezultat toga je prekrasno zaokružen, obiman dizajn sa izuzetno laganim, prozračnim osećajem, izražavajući lagodnost i nežnu završnu obradu koja još jedanput sažima stil kreativnog estete koji ih je osmislio.
Rings and earrings wrap themselves around the skin, literally becoming one with the wearer. The delicate volutes, composed of a spiral or spring-shaped coil, create a dynamic and fascinating movement. The result is a delightfully rounded, voluminous design with an exceptionally light, ethereal feel, expressing a comfort and softly crafted execution that once again epitomizes the style of the creative aesthete who dreamed it up.
Jewel ring Metal 18k rose gold Stones 87 white diamonds (approx. 4.45 cts)
Watches & Jewellery
Jewel earrings Metal rose gold Stones 78 white diamonds (approx. 4.65 cts)
Prsten od dragog kamenja Materijal 18-karatno roze zlato Kamenje 87 belih dijamanata (približno 4,45 karata) Naušnice od dragog kamenja Materijal roze zlato Kamenje 78 belih dijamanata (približno 4,65 karata)
Idući uvek u korak sa vremenom, Alegra usvaja novu estetiku u 2015. Njen prepoznatljiv devetostruki prsten, sada ima verziju i od sedam delova. Broj sedam je omiljeni broj Favaza Gruozija, čarobni broj koji simbolizuje sreću i upućuje na sedam duginih boja, na sedam nota u notnoj skali ili na sedam kontinenata.
As ever in tune with the times, ALLEGRA adopts a new aesthetic in 2015. Its iconic ring composed of 9 bands is now available in a seven-band version. The number 7 is a favourite number for Fawaz Gruosi, a magic number embodying luck and referring to the 7 colours of the rainbow, the 7 musical notes in a scale or the 7 continents.
Naušnice su takođe obnovljene novim, ljupkim dodatkom ovoj kolekciji manjih dimenzija od 30 mm.
The earrings also have been revisited and welcome a dainty newcomer to this collection in a smaller 30 mm diameter size.
Jewel ring material 18k rose gold Jewel earrings Material 18k rose gold Stones 148 white diamonds (approx. 3.25 cts ) www.degrisogono.com
Prsten od dragog kamenja Materijal 18-karatno roze zlato
Watches & Jewellery
Naušnice od dragog kamenja Materijal 18-karatno zlato Kamenje 148 belih dijamanata (približno 3,25 karata)
TITAN tretman the Titan
ruža vam se prilika da aktivno vratite unazad sat starenja kože. Koristeći svetlosnu energiju za stimulaciju rasta novog kolagena duboko ispod površine kože, Titan može primetno da zategne kožu vašeg lica ruku, stomaka i nogu. Titan je idealno rešenje kada poželite da bezbolno vratite svoj mladalački izgled, bez hirurških intervencija, dugog perioda oporavka ili primanja injekcija.
Uređaj Titan koristi infracrveno svetlo, koje svojim delovanjem stimuliše rast i razvoj kolagena. Na ovaj način koža se zateže, prestaje da bude mlohava i opuštena i efikasno se oporavlja njena optimalna mladalačka struktura.
The Titan device uses the infrared light which stimulates collagen growth and development. In this way the skin is tightened, ceases to be flabby and loose and efficiently recovers its optimum youthful structure.
ow you have the opportunity to actively turn back the clock on aging skin. By using the light energy to stimulate new collagen growth deep beneath the skin’s surface, the Titan can visibly tighten the skin of your face, arms, abdomen and legs. The Titan is an ideal solution if you wish to painlessly restore your youthful appearance without surgery, long recovery or injections.
LIFESTYLE Lepota MAGAZINE Stil - Beauty - Style
Tretmane Titanom mogu da koriste pacijenti svih tipova kože, bez obzira na životno doba, pol i tokom cele godine.
The infrared light penetrates beneath the skin’s surface and heats the dermis. Significantly better results are achieved in this way then with some other methods using energy sources, such as radio frequency method. The Titan treatments are completely safe, painless and pleasant for the patient. This kind of method of skin tightening is natural, non-invasive and risk-free.
Kod nekih pacijenata, fantastični rezultati postižu se i samo jednim tretmanom. Broj i učestalost tretmana koji su vam potrebni odrediće vaš lekar. U zavisnosti od individualnog procesa stvaranja novog kolagena i dinamike zatezanja kože, kod nekih osoba rezultat može da bude vidljiv u periodu od tri do šest meseci nakon tretmana. Dobijeni FDA sertifikat rezultat je potvrđenih studija u svetski poznatim klinikama Evrope, Sjedinjenih Američkih Država i Kanade.
The Titan treatments can be used by patients with all skin types, regardless of their age or sex, and all year round. In some patients, fantastic results can be achieved with only one treatment. The number and frequency of treatments you need will be determined by your physician. Depending on the individual process of creation of new collagen and the speed of skin tightening, some people will see the results within the period of three to six months after the treatment. This treatment has received FDA certification and approval as a result of studies carried out in the world-renowned clinics of Europe, USA and Canada.
Dr Dušan Smiljanić, specijalista plastične, rekonstruktivne i estetske hirurgije Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Specialist
Infracrveno svetlo prodire ispod površine kože i zagreva dermis. Na ovaj način se postižu značajno bolji rezultati nego nekim drugim metodama koje koriste izvore energije, kao što je npr. radiofrekventna metoda. Tretmani Titanom za pacijenta su potpuno bezbedni, bezbolni i prijatni. Ovakav metod zatezanja kože je prirodan, neinvazivan i nerizičan.
Cipele po meri Custom made
Onaj koji radi rukama je radnik, onaj koji radi rukama i glavom je zanatlija, onaj koji radi rukama, glavom i srcem je umetnik.
A man who works with hands is a laborer, A man who works with his hands and his head is craftsman, A man who works with his hands, head and the heart is an artist.
Po LIFESTYLE meri - Custom MAGAZINE made
ušan Dokić handmade je radionica koja se bavi ručnom izradom cipela po meri. Ovaj zanat je tradicionalno prenošen sa kolena na koleno.
Dušan Dokić 1999. godine odlazi u Italiju na usavršavanje gde radi kao modelar-stilista za poznate svetske firme Moschino, Kenzo, Louis Vuitton, Naturino. Po povratku, zahvaljujući velikom iskustvu, podiže kvalitet i način izrade na viši nivo.
Dusan Dokić in 1999 went to Italy for training, where he worked as s stylist for the well known international model companies such as Moschino, Kenzo, Louis Vuitton, Naturino. Upon returning, thanks to his big experience, he makes more quality products and improves method of production.
Svaka cipela je ručno šivena i poseduje žig sa prezimenom kupca, samim tim svaki par cipela je jedinstven. Cipele su personalizovane. Nemoguće je napraviti dva ista para.
Fach shoe is hand stitched and has a stamp with the surname of the customer, thus every pair of shoe is unique. The shoes are personalized. It is impossible to make two identical pairs.
Svi materijali su vrhunskog kvaliteta, uvezeni iz Italije. Koža je isključivo od francuske sirovine u natur boji, koja se ručno farba.
All materials are of top quality, imported from Italy. The skin is exclusively from French raw materials in natural colors, which are hand painted.
Radionica D. Dokić je spoj tradicije, veštine, umetnosti i posebnog odnosa prema klijentima.
Workshop D. Dokić is a blend of traditions, skills, arts and special relationship with clients.
ušan Dokić handmade is a workshop that deals with custom handmade shoes. This traditional craftsmanship passed on from generation to generation.
Izrada Cipela po meri nema mnogo sličnosti sa cipelom iz industrijske proizvodnje. Ručno rađena cipela se radi na tradicionalan način. Bitni su estetski detalji, ali i tehnički. Lepota ovakve cipele se vidi spolja, ali i iznutra (komponente, prirodni lepkovi, štepovi). Odnos između klijenata i majstora je ono što oživljava ručno rađenu cipelu. Biti zanatlija nije samo napraviti cipelu nego ispratiti ceo proces i na kraju je predstaviti svom klijentu. Takva cipela postaje deo čoveka koji je nosi, govori o njegovom karakteru i stilu. Ručno rađena cipela pruža mnogo više od njene osnovne funkcije.
Craftsmanship Custom made shoe does not have many similarities in relation to the shoe of the manufacturing industry. Handmade shoe is made on a traditional way. Aesthetic details are important but the technical details are not neglected. Beauty of shoe can be seen from the outside, but also from inside (the components of natural adhesives, step). The relationship between the client and the craftsman is what revives handmade shoe. Being a craftsman is not just to make a shoe, but to monitor the entire process and finally to present to his client.
Such shoe becomes part of the man who holds it, talking about his character and style.
Handmade shoe offers much more than its primary functions.
Bez obzira da li su udobnost, bezbednost, dizajn ili funkcionalnost ono što je najbitnije vlasnicima BMW-a, oni svom automobilu mogu dati još ličniji pečat pomoću kvalitetne, originalne BMW dodatne opreme. Oni mogu biti uvereni da je svaki predmet iz palete originalne BMW-ove dodatne opreme razvijen specijalno za korišćenje u BMW-ovim modelima i da je savršeno prilagođen za svoju svrhu.
Whether comfort, safety, design or functionality is uppermost in their thoughts, BMW owners can lend their car an even more individual touch with high-quality Original BMW Accessories. They can rest assured that every item in the Original BMW Accessories range has been developed specially for use in BMW models and is perfectly adapted for the job in hand.
Dopuna LIFESTYLE - Knick MAGAZINE knacks
Apple sat koristi BMW-ovu i Remote aplikaciju kako bi korisnike obaveštavao o trenutnom statusu njihovog automobila. Sat može povezati vozača sa njegovim BMW i3 ili BMW i8 u bilo koje doba - daljinskim putem, ukoliko je potrebno - i omogućiti korisnicima da direknto provere ili prekontrolišu najbitnije funkcije. Apple sat može nastaviti sa navigacijom od automobila BMW i3 nakon što je on prakiran, do konačnog odredišta. On takođe omogućuje da se temperatura u vozilu namesti unapred.
Watch Apple Watch uses the BMW i Remote app to keep users updated on the car’s current status. It can connect the driver with their BMW i3 or BMW i8 at any time – remotely, if required – and allows users to check or control important functions directly. Apple Watch can continue the navigation instructions from the BMW i3 to the user’s final destination after the car has been parked. It also allows the interior temperature to be pre-conditioned.
BMW-ov Cruise M-Bike ograničena serija BMW je uz svoju kolekciju bicikala iz proleća 2015. godine, predstavio i živopisan model kojim odaje počast BMW-ovim M automobilima: posebna ograničena serija BMW Cruise M-Bike. Karakteristična Ostin metalik žuta boja kompanije BMW M prilagođena je za ovu seriju koja je ograničena na 500 primeraka. Svaki model ograničene serije dolazi sa specijalno napravljenom pločicom i sertifikatom.
The BMW Cruise M-Bike Limited Edition BMW is complimenting its bicycle collection in spring 2015 with the presentation of a colourful tribute to the BMW M automobiles: a limited special edition BMW Cruise M-Bike. The characteristic Austin Yellow Metallic of the BMW M GmbH was adapted for this edition, which has been limited to 500 exemplars. Each model of the limited edition comes with a specially made plaque and a certificate.
Zvučnik Bilo unutra ili napolju, BMW-ov iBluetooth zvučnik obezbeđuje pravu zabavu. Uz bateriju koja traje šest sati i zgodnom i filcanom torbicom za nošenje, zvučnik omogućava uživanje u muzici dok ste u pokretu. Čak i ukoliko se baterija isprazni, Bluetooth zvučnik može da se napuni bez muke uz pomoć solarne energije i BMW-ovog i solarnog punjača.
Whether indoors or outdoors, the BMW i Bluetooth Speaker provides the right entertainment. With a battery life of six hours and a convenient carrying case in felt look, the speaker ensures mobile music joy. And if the battery is empty, the Bluetooth Speaker can be charged problem-free with solar energy and the BMW i Solar Charger.
Boca za piće Pored jakne, majice i kape, kolekcija nudi korisne dodatke za svakodnevnu upotrebu. BMW-ova iBoca za piće napravljena je od titanijuma, koji ne samo što je lagan, već je i izuzetno izdržljiv. Ugrađena cediljka za voće ili druge ukuse čini je jednostavnom za obogaćivanje vode ukusima. Sa praktičnom trakom za nošenje i zapreminom od 750 ml, boca za vodu je idealni pratilac na putu.
Drinking bottle In addition to the jacket, T-Shirts, and cap, the collection offers useful accessories for everyday use. The BMW i Drinking Bottle is made out of titanium, which is not only very light, but also extremely durable. An integrated sieve for fruits or other flavour dispensers makes it easy to enrich the water with flavour. With its practical carrying strap and capacity of 750 ml, the drinking bottle is the ideal companion for the road.
Maketa Za ljubitelje i kolekcionare maketa automobila, BMW-ova ikolekcija nudi jedan vrlo poseban primerak: minijaturni model BMW-ovog i8 u razmeri 1:18. Obzirom da ima “galeb” vrata koja se mogu otvoriti, gumene točkove, sigurnosne pojaseve od pravog materijala za pojaseve, gepek i prostor za noge obložene materijalom i funkcionalni volan, ova maketa u pogledu detalja odgovara originalu u odnosu skoro 1:1.
Model For lovers and collectors of model cars, the BMW i Collection offers a very special piece: The BMW i8 Miniature on a scale of 1:18. With openable gull-wing doors, rubber tires, seat belts made of genuine seat belt material, flocked trunk and leg areas, and functioning steering, it corresponds to the original in detail almost on a scale of 1:1.
Planer BMW-ov idesktop planer, obložen visokokvalitetnim nerđajućim čelikom, fin je detalj za sto. Njegovo gumeno dno štiti površinu od ogrebotina, dok postava od filca napravljena od recikliranih materijala može da drži bilo koji predmet –bilo da su makazice, penkala ili lenjir.
The BMW i Desktop Organizer, coated with high-grade stainless steel, is a nice detail for the desk. Its rubber bottom protects surfaces from scratches while its lining in felt look made from recycled materials hugs any object – whether scissors, pens, or rulers.
Novi BMW Serije 1
Zadovoljstvo u vožnji
Za trenutke
koji će postati prekretnica
To moments
that become
6.maja 2015, Moët & Chandon su proslavili veličanstveno veče tenisa i španskog filma, a zvezda domaćin večeri “Game, Set and Moët” ovog proslavljenog šampanjca je bio njihov globalni promoter Roger Federer. Program je održan na otvorenom u maestralnoj rezidenciji Francuske ambasade, a domaćin je bila poznata španska voditeljka Nuria Roca i bivši španski teniser Albert Costa, i to je svakako bio neizostavan događaj u društvenom kalendaru.
May 6th, 2015 – Last night, Moët & Chandon celebrated the glamorous meeting of tennis and Spanish cinema as one of the world’s most-loved champagne hosted a star-studded “Game, Set and Moët” event in the presence of its global brand ambassador Roger Federer. Held outdoors amongst the majestically beautiful French Ambassador Residence, hosted with the famous Spanish TV presenter Nuria Roca, and the former Spanish tennis player Albert Costa, it was a not-to-be-missed event in the city’s social calendar.
U duhu već legendarne proslave Moët & Chandon je spojio tenis i film kao dva ’red carpet’ univerzuma koji su nerazdvojivi. U toku samog događaja teniska ikona Roger Federer je podelio nezaboravne trenutke sa zvezdama španskog filma kao što su Elena Anaya, Bertin Osborne, Jan Cornet i Peter Wives, kao i sa mnogim drugima.
In its legendary spirit of generous celebration, Moët & Chandon brought together tennis and cinema, the two red carpet universes that are so inherent to the Maison. During the event, there were truly unique moments shared between tennis icon Roger Federer and stylish stars of Spanish cinema including Elena Anaya, Bertin Osborne, Jan Cornet and Peter Wives, to name of few.
Moët & Chandon je aktivni pokrovitelj internacionalnih teniskih takmičenja i oficijalni šampanjac ATP World Tour. Moët & Chandon je takođe šampanjac koji podržava film i ima dugogodišnju tradiciju u filmskom svetu i učestvovanje u najprestižnijim filmskim događajima kao što je Goya Awards u Španiji.
Moët & Chandon is an active supporter of international tennis competitions and is the official champagne of the ATP World Tour. Moët & Chandon is also the champagne of cinema: the Maison is synonymous with the boldness of fabulous celebration and has a long-standing tradition of being present at the cinema world’s most prestigious events, including the Goya Awards in Spain.
Više nego ikada, uspeh je stvar stila...
More than ever, success is a matter of style…
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Posed Šantiji
THE Chantilly
Art & Living
Posed Šantiji prostire se na preko 20.000 jutara zemlje, usred jedne od najvećih šuma u oblasti Pariza. Obuhvata dvorac u sklopu koga je muzej Konde, zatim njegov park i vrtove, kao i veliku ergelu gde se nalazi i muzej posvećen konjima. Za njegovu izgradnju je zaslužan An od Monmorensija, a potom su se njegovi vlasnici smenjivali generacijama dok nije došao u posed Burbona od Kondea, rođaka Luja XIV da bi ga na kraju zaveštao Anri Orleanski, vojvoda od Omala u 19. veku. Ovo sve skupa oslikava suštinu francuske baštine u svim njenim različitim aspektima, kao jedan od najboljih primera veličanstvene raskoši koju Francuska može da ponudi.
The Chantilly Domain expands over 20,000 acres of land, in the midst of one of the largest forests in the Paris region. It encompasses the chateau and adjoining Conde museum, its park and gardens, its Great Stables and the Horse museum it accommodates. Built by Anne de Montomorency and passed down from generation to generation, to Bourbon-Conde, cousins of Louis XIV and eventually bequeathed onto Henri of Orleans, duke of Aumale in the XIXth century. This ensemble thus portrays the essence of French patrimony in its various aspects, as one of the best examples of princely grandeur France has to offer.
Art & Living
Art & Living
Muzej Konde
The Condé Museum
Smešten u dvorcu Šantiji, muzej Konde poseduje drugu po veličini kolekciju starih slika u Francuskoj. Ovu izuzetnu riznicu istorije zapadne umetnosti je izgradio Anri Orleanski, vojvoda od Omala, najmlađi sin kralja Luja-Filipa. Kao poznavalac i kolekcionar umetnina i pasionirani bibliofil, Anri Orleanski je posvetio veliki deo svog života prikupljajući rukotvorine koje su nekada pripadale njegovoj porodici. U njegove najdraže poduhvate spada i povratak dragocenosti koje je Francuska izgubila tokom raznoraznih ratova i revolucija. Danas, i to samo u muzeju Šantiji, moguće je diviti se nekim od najlepših dela koje su naslikali umetnici poput Kluea, Rafaela, Pusena, Vatoa, Engra ili Delakroa...
Enshrined within the Chantilly chateau, the Conde museum gathers the second largest collection of ancient paintings in France. This exceptional panorama of the history of Western Art was constructed by Henri of Orleans, duke of Aumale, the youngest of King LouisPhilippe’s sons. A knowledgeable Art collector and an impassioned bibliophile, Henri of Orleans spent a large part of his life acquiring artifacts that once belonged to his family. It was also one of his dearest projects to bring back to France the treasures it had lost to various wars and revolutions. To this day and only in Chantilly, one can admire some of the most exquisite pieces authored by the likes of Clouet, Raphae l, Poussin, Watteau, Ingres or Delacroix...
The Library
Biblioteka i arhive koje se čuvaju pod okriljem zamka Šantiji sadrže fantastičnu kolekciju pisanih dela i rukopisa koje su vekovima prikupljali brojni gospodari zamka Šantiji i članovi porodica Monmorensi i Burbon-Konde. To bogatstvo je vojvoda od Omala proširio nizom dela po sopstvenom izboru tokom 19. veka. Na policama ove prostorije nalazi se preko 13.000 knjiga, uključujući 1.500 rukopisa i 500 prvih štampanih izdanja koji pružaju prestižnu pozadinu najvrednijem rukopisu na svetu: Molitvenik vojvode od Berija iz 15-og veka.
The library and archives held in the solace of the Chantilly chateau gather splendid collection of works and written manuscripts gleaned along the centuries by a succession of lords of Chantilly and members of the Montomorency and Bourbon-Conde families. A treasure to which the duke of Aumale adjoined a number of pieces of his own choosing throughout the XIXth century. In this one room are shelved over 13,000 books, including 1,500 manuscripts and 500 early-printed books, providing a prestigious backdrop to the most precious manuscript known to the world: the XVth century Very Rich Hours of the Duc of Berry.
Park i vrtovi
The park and gardens
Park se, u svom današnjem obliku, proteže na površini od preko 600 jutara, i može se pohvaliti jedinstvenom raznovrsnošću vrtova koji su u njegovom sastavu. Danas, park pruža veličanstveni pogled na vrtove u zapadnjačkom stilu, od francuskih stilova koje je kreirao Le Notr u 17. veku do zaseoka koji je inspirisao Mariju Antoanetu i doživeo stvaranje šlaga Šantiji, uz vrtove u anglo-kineskom i engleskom stilu koji datiraju iz 18. odnosno 19. veka. Istorijski lavirint i ptice koje lete unaokolo upotpunjuju ovo čarobno mesto.
The park in its present aspect spreads over 600 acres, boasting a unique diversity in the gardens that compose it. Nowadays, it offers a grandiose vista of Western garden styles, from the French styles coined by Le Notre in the XVIIth century to the Hamlet that inspired MarieAntoinette and witnessed the invention of the Chantilly whipped cream, with the addition of the Anglo-Chinese and English styled gardens, respectively from the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries. The historical maze and the birds roaming freely add the finishing touches to these charmed abodes.
Velika ergela
The Great Stables
Velika ergela na posedu Šantiji svrstava se u jednu od najpoznatijih na svetu. Zaista, njena raskošna arhitektura predstavlja još jedno umetničko remekdelo gde se održavaju brojna grandiozna slavlja koja su ostavila neizbrisiv trag u kolektivnom sećanju ljudi. Danas, ergela obezbeđuje optimalne uslove za dresuru konja i održavanje konjičkih manifestacija. Muzej živih konja je udomio 30 konja i grupu od osam jahača koji su vešti u privlačenju raznovrsne publike.
The Great Stables of the Chantilly Domain rank amongst the most famous in the world. Indeed, their flamboyant architecture constitutes a further artistic masterpiece where numerous princely festivities were hosted, which left a lasting mark on collective memory. Nowadays, the Great Stables gather optimal conditions to host dressage animations and equestrian shows. The Live Horse museum is home to 30 horses and a team of eight horsemen well versed in the subtleties of reaching out their diverse public.
Art & Living
Art & Living
Art & Living
Art & Living
KOKET očarava svojim umećem! Ovu liniju su proizveli majstori zanata i juveliri koji vode računa o svakom detalju i elementu.
KOKET’s savoire faire is intoxicating! The line is manufactured by master artisans and jewellers who leave no detail or element forgotten.
Glavne dizajnere studija KOKET čini grupa izuzetno nadarenih i svestranih industrijskih dizajnera vođenih kreativnom vizijom direktorke Džanet i skoro fanatičnom težnjom ka dostizanju savršenstva.
KOKET’s principal designers are a group of exceptionally artistic and well-rounded product designers who are led by Janet’s creative eye and almost fanatic strive for perfection.
Brendom upravlja elitni tim visoko kvalifikovanih pojedinaca koji nastoje da vas osvoje svojim dizajnom dok sa lakoćom plasiraju kolekciju širom sveta preko odabrane mreže dizajnera enterijera i prodavnica luksuzne robe.
The brand is managed by an elite staff of highly skilled individuals who strive to create moments of design seduction while seamlessly selling the collection worldwide through a selective network of interior designers and luxury retail stores.
luxury Ovo je par iz snova, prava ljubavna romansa sa KOKETOM, zaljubljenost u luksuzni dizajn.
It’s a match made in heaven, a real love affair paired with KOKET, a love affair with luxury design.
Preteće i hipnotišuće zmije odišu egzotičnom, nedodirljivom, a opet senzualnom aurom dajući Prisnoj gospodarici (Mistress confidante) moć da osvoji i zavede na svaki mogući način.
Menacing and mesmerizing serpents embody an exotic, untouchable yet sensual aura giving the Mistress confidante the power to capture and seduce in every way.
Luksuzna tapacirana okrugla sofa, elegantno podeljena zapletenom, ručno izrezbarenom zmijom koja se završava zlatnim listom.
Luxurious upholstered round sofa, elegantly divided by an intricately hand carved serpent finished in a gold leaf.
Izrezbareni ram: antički zlatni list, antički srebrni list, ili bilo koja RAL boja visokog sjaja ili mat.
Carved Frame: Antique Gold leaf, Antique Silver leaf, or any RAL colour in high gloss or matt.
Art & Living
NESSA Sjajne, zakrivljene linije ove barske stolice klasičnog oblika savršeno odgovaraju oblinama modernih žena. Visoki sjaj laka otkriva mnogobrojne nijanse zavodljivog satena purpurne boje kojim je stolica obložena i dekorisana. Detaljan štep duž ivica vodi naniže ka nogarima od punog drveta koji se elegantno završavaju zlatnim listom. Classic in its silhouette, the lustrous curves of this bar stool complement those of the modern day woman. High gloss varnish reveals the many hues of the sultry magenta satin being draped and adorned. Detailed stitching trails along the edges leading down a path to solid wood legs elegantly finished in gold leaf.
INCANTO Ova otmena barska stolica tečnih linija je pravi primer zavodljive jednostavnosti. Žućkasto-zelena tkanina talasastog dezena ukomponovana je sa bogatim furnirom od ebanovine stvarajući zapanjujuće remek-delo.
Art & Living
Enticing simplicity is exemplified in this fluid and gracious bar stool. Chartreuse rippled fabric combine with the rich ebony veneer complete a stunning masterpiece.
CHANDRA Čandra (Chandra) je ujedno i odvažna i smela. Moderna ivica ove stolice odiše osećajem glamura prošlih vremena. A polirani mesingani kolutovi nežno povezuju stolicu ističući elegantan oblik zategnutog tapacirunga na poleđini.
Chandra is both bold and daring. The modern edge in this chair exudes the feeling of vintage glam. While polished brass bands delicately bind the chair highlighting the sculpted fluidity of the tight back satin upholstery.
Our artisans have masterfully captured the alluring essence of an enchanted forest with this dining chair. Its antique gilded branch like structure can’t help but mesmerize the beholder. Upholstered in lux velvet, complimenting a cast brass oxidized gold plated frame.
Art & Living
Naši umetnici majstorski su uhvatili zavodljivu suštinu začarane šume u ovoj trpezarijskoj stolici. Njen starinski izgled koji podseća na pozlaćene grane ne ostavlja ni jednog posmatrača ravnodušnim. Presvučena je plišom koji upotpunjuje pozlaćeni okvir od patiniranog livenog mesinga.
La nouvelle collection Tourbillons nous entraîne au cœur du patrimoine de la Maison et du riche héritage construit par René Lalique. Avec admiration et respect pour l’œuvre de cet immense artiste, LALIQUE réinterprète des créations emblématiques. Graphiques et poétiques, les volutes cadencées de lumière sont un vertige de mille feux, absorbant sans effort le regard dans leur profondeur. Une invitation au rêve et à l’évasion.
Real estate
The new Tourbillons collection is a revealing insight into the immeasurable legacy of René Lalique. With the greatest admiration and respect for his work, LALIQUE gives a fresh vision of iconic designs. Graphic and poetic, their curves stunningly follow the rhythm of light, drawing the eye into whirls of crystal and light; an invitation to dream and escape.
Real estate
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DINAMIKA IZLAŽENJA / FREQUENCY OF PUBLICATION 4 puta godišnje (krajem februara, maja, avgusta, novembra) 4 times a year (End of February, May, August, November) Materijali objavljeni u ovom izdanju vlasništvo su izdavača i ne mogu se reprudukovati bez pisanog odobrenja izdavača. Stavovi izneti u tekstovima su stavovi autora i ne mogu se dovoditi u vezu sa izdavačem. Izdavač se odriče odgovornosti za sadržaj teksta. All material is copyrighted and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of thePublisher. Opinions expressed are of the authors and can not be related publisher. Publisher does not accept responsibility for advertising content. CIP – Katalogizacija u publikaciji Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Beograd 747 BUSINESS & Luxury / glavni i odgovorni urednik Vladimir Banović. - 2015, no. 1- . - Beograd : Victoria & Wolf, 2015- (Subotica : Rotografika). - 30 cm Tromesečno. - Tekst na srp. i engl. jeziku ISSN 2406-2057 = Business & Luxury COBISS.SR-ID 213138956 naslovna / cover page Copyright© Evian Resort
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