Business Enquirer Magazine | Issue 112 | April 2023

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Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 106 3


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Welcome to Issue 112 of Business Enquirer.

Everymonth,it’sapleasureto featuresomanyburgeoning businessesacrosstheworld-and April2023’seditionisno exception.

InthisissueweshowcaseDakar BlaiseDiagneInternationalAirport, Senegal’sprincipalairport, whichisnotonlyseeingsuccessful numbers,butiswinningabounty ofawards.

Exploringfurtherintotherealm of cargoandlogistics,wealso highlightLekkiPort,Nigeria’sfirst deep-seaportsettotransformthe region.

ClosertohomehereintheUK,we haveaninsightfulconversation withMaxVermorken,CEOof SigmaRoc,abusinessonamission tobecometheleadingEuropean

If you have a business story you wish to share in 2023, please contact our Head of Production via production@

quarried materials group. And whilst I mention home turf, I’m delighted to announce that the team at BE Media have launched our latest title - Business East Quarterly.

Having built an incredibly successful magazine in Business Enquirer, it is BE Media’s vision to bring a fresh feel to business promotion in the East of England. To showcase what East Anglia has to offer, we have included one of Norwich’s most tantalizing restaurants, Bishop’s, in this edition of Business Enquirer.

Wherever your business is based, Business Enquirer and Business East Quarterly are here to share your story. Please email to discuss opportunities further.



Depending on your passport, travel can be as simple as just booking flights, finding a hotel, and then simply going. But for many across the world, it’s not that easy—a number of passport holders need to obtain a travel/ tourist visa prior to arrival. These visas typically require approval from the destination country’s government which can take weeks or months, and can often cost a lot of money.

Having a passport that has visa-free access to more countries enables citizens to travel with ease. This has great economic and social benefits for citizens and their countries, and governments are always looking to expand their relationships and make travel and business easier for their citizens. Currently, Japan has the world's strongest passport with access to 193 destinations visa-free.

Investment migration experts have conducted research to discover which passports have had the most improvement over the last 10 years.

United Arab Emirates sees the most growth in passport power

Colombia’s passport has had the second most growth in the last 20 years

Ukraine’s passport has improved the third most in the last 10 years

8 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine

United Arab Emirates

The UAE is a desert hub for business and travel. It is between East and West, advanced economies and developing ones, and over the last 10 years the UAE has become increasingly accessible, and in return, UAE passport holders can enjoy increased mobility. In 2013 the UAE passport had visa-free access to only 72 countries, this has increased to 178 in 2023.

2013 to 2023 visa-free countries change: +106


Colombia is a South American nation with a rapidly growing economy; one of the largest in Latin America. In 2013 Colombia only had visa-free access to 63 countries, in 2023, this has increased to 133, giving Columbians much easier access to travel and do business all over the globe. This increased global access means that citizens can travel, build and develop all over the world.


Ukraine has been at the forefront of international headlines over the past few years due to the ongoing conflict with Russia. However, Ukraine has seen increasing integration with the rest of the world in the form of greater visafree access to more countries. In 2013 Ukraine only had access to 77 countries visa-free, this is now 144.

2013 to 2023 visa-free countries change: +67

2013 to 2023 visa-free countries change: +70

St. Vincent and the Grenadines


Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe, with its economy relying heavily on agriculture. In 2013 business opportunities and travel opportunities were limited with only 59 countries being able to be accessed visa-free. Over the past 10 years the number of countries has grown to 120.

2013 to 2023 visa-free countries change: +61

St. Vincent and the Grenadines is a southern Caribbean nation comprising a main island, St. Vincent, and a chain of smaller islands. With beautiful beaches and crystal-clear oceans, these idyllic islands are wonderful places. However, with an abundance of beauty, the islands lack many business opportunities and travel options. This is why the 151 visa-free destinations are imperative to the freedom of its citizens and the emergence and growth of business.

2013 to 2023 visa-free countries change: +59

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 9 NEWS - PASSPORTS


Grenada is another Caribbean country that has similar economic, social and political characteristics as its island neighbours, and thus citizens can have similar issues with travel and business. Since 2013 Grenada has expanded its number of visa-free travel destinations to 145 from 88.

2013 to 2023 visa-free countries change: +57


Peru is a country in South America that shares a large stretch of border with Colombia, a country that has also experienced large growth in passport power over the last 10 years. In 2013 Peru had visa-free access to 80 countries. In 2023 this has grown to 136.

2013 to 2023 visa-free countries change: +56


Dominica is one of the poorest Caribbean countries. Whilst being rich in natural beauty it offers limited economic and social opportunities. In the last 10 years Dominica has looked to improve the power of its passports and has gone from 87 visa-free countries to 144. Dominica also offers an Entrepreneur Visa scheme which allows candidates to obtain citizenship through investment. According to the program, applicants need to invest a minimum amount of $50,000 to apply, and in doing so new citizens can utilise all aspects of being a Dominica passport holder.

2013 to 2023 visa-free countries change: +57

St. Lucia

Overall, the Caribbean has seen huge growth, influence and interest as it offers fantastic benefits to its citizens, and St. Lucia is no different. With visafree travel to 146 countries in 2023 the St. Lucia passport has become increasingly powerful over the past few years adding an extra 52 countries.

2013 to 2023 visa-free countries change: +52


Georgia is at the intersection of Europe and Asia. It is a developing country with a very high Human Development Index, with huge improvements including GNI per capita improving by about 183.2 percent, life expectancy at birth increased by 2.1 years, and expected years of schooling gained by 2.4 years. Economic reforms since independence have led to higher levels of economic freedom, as well as reductions in corruption indicators, poverty, and unemployment. In 2013 Georgia only had visa-free access to 60 countries, and in the last 10 years that has increased to 115.

2013 to 2023 visa-free countries change: +55

A spokesperson from commented:

“Holdingapowerfulpassportisacrucial advantage,whereyoucanmovevisa-free, havesignificantinvestmentopportunities andahighqualityoflifethatcomeswitha shareddutytotherestoftheglobe.

“Beingabletotravelforleisureand businessispivotalinthedevelopment andgrowthofnationsandindividuals. Passportsaresupposedtorepresent freedom,andit’sinthegovernments’ intereststomakethatfreedomas accessibleaspossible.

“Manycountrieshavebeguntoopen theirdoorstomaketravelandbusiness muchmorestreamlinedandaccessible. Despiteallofthetensionandconflict thatheadlinesthenews,globalisationis bringingmanypositivestodeveloping andestablishednations. Theworld hasneverbeensoconnected,andthe increaseinmostnations’passportpower overthelast10yearsdemonstratesthis.”




12 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine

New York, Monday 06 March 2023: For International Women’s Day 2023, Climate Clock today added a Gender Parity Lifeline to its digital clock faces worldwide, alongside its other deadline and solution metrics.

Citing the latest data from the InterParliamentary Union, that just 26.5%* of women are represented in all national parliaments - the Climate Clock’s new message reads “WORLD PARLIAMENTS: 26.5% — LET’S MAKE THAT: 50%”. Women's movements and climate movements around the world aim to raise that to 50%, in order to help society better adapt to a changing climate and pursue pathways toward a more just, sustainable future.

Ahead of International Women's Day, the Climate Clock’s team of scientists, artists, educators, and activists have added a new message to the Climate Clock's 80foot digital clockface in New York City’s Union Square, as well as its other largescale clocks located across the globe in Rome, Seoul, Tokyo, London, Beijing and Harrisburg PA. In addition, the new message will appear on over 40 handheld Climate 'action' Clocks to promote climate education and spur community action and awareness - from teachers in the DRC and Italy to youth activists in Turkey and Tokyo to activist organizations in Ghana, the Netherlands, Kosovo, and Brazil.

Women’s perspectives and experiences are often overlooked in policy-making, leading to laws and regulations that do not adequately address their needs. Multiple studies show a clear positive correlation between female representation in parliaments and the robustness of climate action.

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 13 NEWS - INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY
On public art installations across the globe, climate activists highlight studies showing that wider representation of women in government leads to more robust climate action
New International Women’s Day messaging on Climate Clock in Union Square, New York City

• A 2019 study showed that when women participate in decisionmaking processes, there is more effective risk management and a greater commitment to promoting climate policies that result in the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

• A 2022 study by the OECD found that in countries with 38% or more women legislators, per capita forest cover increased considerably.

• The landmark 2015 Paris Agreement recognized that increasing women’s participation in decision-making is essential to achieving climate justice, establishing gender equality and the empowerment of women as key for policy design.

• In a 2019 report, the International Institute for Sustainable Development determined that women must be part of any effective adaptation to climate change.

Twitter: @theclimateclock


ikTok: @theclimateclock

#ClimateClock #ActInTime

The prolonged impact of female underrepresentation in parliaments and policy-making has led to women and girls facing greater vulnerability in times of climate crisis as compared to men. Contributing factors include inequalities in access to resources, assets, services and participation in decision-making spaces; as well as gender-based violence after disasters, which reduces women’s adaptive capacity and resilience, weakening the future resilience of communities.

“Around the world, women are disproportionately impacted by climate change. For reasons of justice, democracy, and survival, we must strive to achieve

gender parity in national parliaments. Tackling the climate crisis is a collective mission, and to create an even playing field for all, we must include women in the decision-making process. By ensuring that women are better represented in parliament, we can improve the quality of decision-making and increase the likelihood of climate policies that benefit all members of society.” Becca Richie, Global Community Manager, Climate Clock

“Increasing women’s representation at every level of government is essential not only for protecting our climate but for improving our democracy as a whole. We

14 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine

cannot sufficiently address or resolve the most prominent issues facing our society today, like the climate crisis, when not everyone has a seat at the table. Electoral reforms such as ranked choice voting help to promote gender balance and have the power to create a truly representative democracy. We must advance reforms like these to ensure that the needs of the people are being met by those who have the power to enact change.”

Climate Clock was first launched in Union Square, New York City, during Climate Week in September 2020. The Gender

Parity Lifeline joins the Climate Clock’s ‘Deadline’, the digital clockface usually exhibits a single deadline (the amount of time remaining to prevent 1.5°C global warming) and four ‘lifelines’ tracking progress on key solution pathways, including the percentage of the world’s energy from renewable sources, the amount of land currently protected by Indigenous peoples, the Loss & Damage Financing owed by G20 Nations to the most vulnerable nations, and, now, the percentage of women in national parliaments. ). A recognised symbol of urgency and hope, the Clock has maintained a regular presence in global media since its viral launch.

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 15 NEWS - INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY


of Political Engagement at the University of Surrey said:

“One must question whether the Illegal Migration Bill introduced to the House of Commons this week by the Home Secretary is actually likely to deliver good law, or is more about defining political clear water between the Government and the opposition parties.

“It is hard to see how a Bill that even the Government sees as having more than a 50% likelihood of breaking international law can be effective legislatively. It is questionable as to whether this Bill will deliver law that will be robust under domestic and international scrutiny, will stand the test of time, and is seen to be fair by the public. Its enforceability must also be questioned.

“What is perhaps most troubling is the tone and rhetoric adopted by the Government - populist and simple in its solution to a problem it has found intractable over the past 13 years. This proposed law does not address the causes of migration, and in seeking to criminalise all those who flee terror, war, famine and persecution in small boats, there's a strong danger it will solve nothing and harm the UK's reputation for fairness around the world.”


16 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine
Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 17 NEWS - POLITICS


"Ordinarily, I wouldn't comment on office applications, but this is a game-changer. It's an extraordinarily aggressive move by Microsoft to gain a first-mover advantage by bringing AI to millions of desktops worldwide. It explains their enormous investment in OpenAI and presages new AI applications.

"The launch of ChatGPT only five months ago was the inflexion point for AI, making AI accessible to everyone curious and sparking a swathe of AI start-ups, building utilities and applications on these foundation models. Now Copilot and Bing will put AI on practically every desktop.

"Although people may initially resist the idea of using AI, the ability to do things like summarise long documents and prioritise your email inbox will be an absolute godsend for most people struggling to cope with the everincreasing volume of information we have to get through every day.

18 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine
Dr Andrew Rogoyski from the University of Surrey said:

"Writers, copyrighters, screenwriters, and journalists will have to integrate these new tools if they want to match the productivity of their competitors. "Those in the education sector desperately trying to close the stable door will find the horse has bolted and burned the stable down. There's no way back from this. AI will be available to every school child and student as a matter of routine, as a matter of right. So educators need to rethink how we assess students and how we prove that they've acquired the knowledge and skills we expect of them. We'll also have to start teaching how to use these tools, for example, how to fact-check, how to explore the provenance of sources, and how not to use AI-generated material blindly.

"I find it interesting that we all thought AI was going to be the cold, logical, authoritative source of information, as portrayed in science fiction in the past. It now appears that AI will be used to create images, words, music, and speeches and that humans will be the fact-checkers and guardians of the truth. We can only hope.

"My guess is that the next step will be for Microsoft and others to offer enterprise bolt-ons to Copilot that incorporates all the corporate knowledge in a particular company, thus allowing customised versions of Copilot to provide bespoke help to individual companies.

"There is a question of information leakage in the adoption of these AI, especially if the AI is allowed to learn from its interactions with users and its access to corporate data.

"This is yet another blow for Google as companies who have invested in the Google office suite, which grew massively during the pandemic as users shifted to the cloud, may be asking themselves if they backed the right horse."

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 19 NEWS - AI

“Delay is denial. The best climate science shows we have less than seven years to act to stay under 1.5C degrees warming. The 6th Assessment IPCC Report is one more wake up call that our best window for action is closing as each second, hour, day, and year ticks by. Governments and Corporations are way behind schedule. They need to #ActInTime in order to make the necessary, bold, and rapid transition away from fossil fuels in order to avert climate catastrophe. If not, we will pressure them to do that.”

“Climate Clock embodies the urgency of the climate crisis. We’re calling for clear, immediate action with impactful results. These urgent messages are integral to Climate Clock’s mission and with the findings from the IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report must be heard today, not tomorrow. We have less than seven years to reduce our carbon emissions and avoid reaching the critical threshold of 1.5°C of global warming.”

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 21 NEWS - CLIMATE CHANGE


IP International is thrilled to share its recent inclusion in Game Changers: Leading Companies. Powered by Women, an initiative led by Natural Products Canada (NPC). The list of over 100 companies provides a look at the women leading Canada’s growing natural and bio-based industries. PIP International, under the leadership of CEO and Founder, Christine Lewington, is a Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, based Ag-tech company that is producing premium pea protein isolate to a booming international customer base.

PIP’s all-natural, sustainable, and affordable pea protein product is wellpositioned to be an industry leader in the plant-based protein industry, as Lewington and her team have commercialized an advanced technology to extract protein from yellow peas. “We’re combining ground-breaking and innovative methods, with several crossindustry technologies so we can produce at the lowest cost and in the most sustainable way,” says Lewington. “The result is the best tasting, most affordable pea protein in the world.”

Yellow peas are a natural environmental steward as they are nitrogen-fixing and regenerate the soil. Further, PIP’s sustainable process uses less water, power, natural gas, and electricity to bring its great-tasting pea protein to the market. “As a balanced source of protein, carbs and even some healthy fat, the nutritional value of yellow peas is excellent. A 1 cup serving of cooked yellow peas provides 16 grams of protein with just a trace of fat and 41 grams of carbs. Hence, yellow peas are the best plant-protein option considering these nutritional properties, high protein content, high amino acid profile, regenerative soil characteristics,

22 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine PARTNER UPDATES


CEO and founder of PIP International Christine Lewington

and low-cost abundant global supply,” explains Lewington.

PIP is currently focusing on the B2B industry as an ingredient. Its protein isolate, called UP.P™ can be used across diverse food development applications as a premium ingredient at an affordable price. “Our pea protein gives manufacturers a leading edge because their products can now taste good,” explains Lewington. “I’m currently working with iconic brands that are reformulating their plant-based product lineups with PIP’s protein isolate at the centre of these products. Some are also making new products they were never able to make before. Because our protein is highly functional and tasteless, it can be used in many diverse ways, and our client partners can make their products taste however they want without the use of additional masking or binding ingredients.”

PIP is receiving unprecedented results compared to other proteins developed in the plant-based market and is set to positively impact the critical need of proteins globally in a more sustainable way. Consumers will soon have more great tasting, enjoyable and environmentally responsible options for their plant-based protein alternatives thanks to PIP.

24 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine


PIP International Inc. (‘PIP’) is a Canadian-based Agri-tech premium plant-based food ingredient processor. PIP’s gentler and innovative patent pending process delivers an additivefree, neutral taste, neutral color, smooth texture, and high functioning protein derived from yellow peas. PIP is dedicated to the expansion of a more sustainable protein solution on a local, national, and global level. PIP’s team of food industry experts brings decades of design, operations, and business acumen to this first-of-its-kind greenfield project. PIP’s commitment to adapt and adopt innovative sustainable practices across all business functions, from farms to families, is further solidified by owning the rights to a revolutionary new patent-pending wet fractionation process that results in 30 percent less water demand than traditional methods. For more information, visit:



26 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine PARTNER UPDATES

• ANA HOLDINGS and IHG ANA Hotels Group Japan have signed a comprehensive commercial agreement.

• The agreement will develop the strategic alliance that started in 2006 and strengthen cooperation in various fields, predominantly in sales and marketing.

• A series of joint campaigns will be activated throughout the year, including IHG Hotels & Resorts advertisements on ANA flights and at major airports in Japan, as well as special offers and promotions for ANA Mileage Club members on the IHG website and mobile apps.

• To commemorate the agreement, ANA HOLDINGS and IHG ANA Hotels Group Japan will launch the "IHG ANA Hotels X ANA WOW! Experience Campaign" for members of both companies' loyalty programs to win ANA miles or hotel accommodation vouchers.


Strengthens the multifaceted collaboration with one of Japan's largest airline and hotel networks

ANA HOLDINGS, INC. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Koji Shibata) and IHG Hotels & Resorts (Headquarters: UK; Japan: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Local operating company: IHG ANA Hotels Group Japan LLC; CEO and Managing Director of IHG Hotels & Resorts, Japan & Micronesia: Abhijay Sandilya) have signed a comprehensive agreement.

The two companies began a strategic alliance in hotel business operations in 2006, developing Japan's first dual-branded hotel by combining the know-how cultivated by the ANA Group and the global brand of IHG Hotels & Resorts.

As part of the alliance, a wide range of services are available for ANA Mileage Club members staying at IHG hotels, including special offers on accommodation and restaurants and welcome drink services based on member status.

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 27

As demand for flights and hotels are showing signs of recovery, ANA Group and IHG will strengthen collaboration in various fields with a focus on sales and marketing through a new comprehensive agreement that utilizes the ANA Group's airline network and IHG's hotel network. The new programs launching will help raise awareness of the ANA Group’s airline network and the properties of IHG Hotels & Resorts in and out of Japan among not only the members of the loyalty programs, but also non-members, all while enhancing the value of the customer experience.

Both companies will implement joint campaigns throughout the year, including IHG Hotels & Resorts advertisements on ANA flights and at

majordomesticairports,andofferbenefits andpromotionsforANAMileageClub membersontheIHGwebsiteandmobile app.Inaddition,tocommemoratethe agreement, thecompanieswilllaunch the"IHGANAHotelsXANAWOW! ExperienceCampaign"wherecustomers andguestscanwinANAmilesorhotel accommodationvouchers.

Inadditiontostimulatingdemand fordomesticandinternationaltravel throughcollaborationbetweenthetwo companies,ANAGroupandIHGwillgo beyondtheboundariesoftheairlineand hotelindustriestopromoteinitiativesfor sustainableregionaldevelopmentaswell asnext-generationtalentdevelopmentin hospitalitysector.

IHG ANA Hotels X ANA WOW! Experience Campaign

To commemorate the strategic partnership, the IHG ANA Hotels X ANA WOW! Experience Campaign will be held from early April to June 30, 2023. Please take this opportunity to enrol in the ANA Mileage Club and IHG One Rewards and enjoy a stay at IHG Hotels & Resorts. The campaign page will be available on the ANA website in early April 2023.

*The campaign page is only available in Japanese.

Campaign Overview

50 guests will receive 10,000 ANA miles and 100 guests will receive 5,000 ANA miles by lottery from those who book and stay at IHG Hotels & Resorts properties during the eligible period. In addition, accommodation vouchers for 11 IHG Hotels & Resorts properties in Japan, including newly opened hotels are also up for prizes. Regular accommodation miles can also be accrued.

Campaign period:

Reservation period: Early April 2023 –Friday, 30 June 2023

Period of stay: Sunday, 7 May - Monday, 31 July 2023

*Reservation starting date will be announced on the campaign page.

Reservation and entry method for lottery:

The following conditions must be met to be eligible for the campaign lottery.

1.Guests must book and stay during the eligible period at any IHG Hotels & Resorts property worldwide, by making a direct reservation through the IHG Hotels & Resorts official website, IHG app, customer care center or directly at the hotel.

*Eligible rates are all reservations eligible for IHG One Rewards points accumulation.

*Reservations made through travel agencies are not eligible.

2.Guests must register to participate in the campaign from the ANA campaign page (scheduled to open in early April).

3.IHG One Rewards members must specify their preference for earning points with ANA miles.

*If guests are not an IHG One Rewards member, they must register as a member before check-in and specify ANA miles as the point accumulation preference in the account profile.

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 29 IHG - HOTEL PARTNER


Lionel Messi is the winner of the FIFA The Best 2022 award for the best player of the year. Kylian Mbappé and Achraf Hakimi were also rewarded for their performances over the period from August 2021 to December 2022.

Asuccessful evening for Paris SaintGermain!

On Monday 27 February 2023, at the Salle Pleyel in Paris, three Rouge & Bleu players were honoured.

Lionel Messi, who scored 29 goals and made 20 assists in all competitions last year, was awarded the FIFA Best Male Player prize.

The Argentine international, who was voted the best player at the last FIFA World Cup in Qatar, was one of three

finalists alongside another Parisian, Kylian Mbappé, and Karim Benzema. He was chosen by a panel of experts, made up of coaches and captains of men’s national teams, football journalists and fans who voted on the official FIFA website.

The 35-year-old Rosario native, who has 58 goal contributions since joining Paris Saint-Germain (28 goals and 30 assists in 62 matches), was also named in the FIFPRO Men’s World 11.

Top scorer at the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar (8 goals) and now Paris Saint-


Germain’s joint top scorer in history (200 goals), Kylian Mbappé, 24, is also in the team of the year, as is Achraf Hakimi. After a successful first season in the capital, the 24-year-old Parisian full-back shone for Morocco, who finished fourth at the last World Cup.

Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, Paris Saint-Germain Chairman and CEO: “I am very happy for Leo Messi and proud that a Paris SaintGermain player has won the FIFA The Best award for best player of the year. I would also like to congratulate Kylian Mbappé, the top scorer from the 2022 World Cup in

Qatar,andAchrafHakimiwhoarepartof theyear’sbestXI.ThreeplayersoftheClub inFIFA’sbesteleven.Thisisanincentive forthemandfortherestoftheteam. ThankyoutoalltheirParisSaint-Germain teammateswhohelpedthemwinthis award.”

LeoMessi:“Iamreallyhappytowin thisawardagain.Itisoneofthe biggestprizesthateveryplayerwantsto win.TheWorldCupwastheonlytrophyI wasmissing.It’sareallyspecialmoment tonight,inaveryspecialyear.”

32 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine Let us tell your story and put you on the map if you’re interested please get in touch email Business East Quarterly The quarterly magazine covering East Anglian businesses PART OF THE BE MEDIA GROUP




For those travelling to and from Senegal, the Dakar Blaise Diagne International Airport is now the country’s main hub for worldwide travel.

After 10 years of development and an investment of around €566 million, the airport became operational in December 2017, replacing the Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport.

Designed with an initial capacity of 3 million passengers a year (almost double the 1.7 million annual traffic handled by Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport), it is hoped that by 2035, the airport will extend its capacity to 10 million passengers per year. To accommodate, a second passenger terminal and runway is planned.

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 35 Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 106 LAS DAKAR BLAISE DIAGNE AIRPORT

The international airport boasts a 42,0001 passenger terminal with six gates. Further to that, it offers a 12,8001 cargo terminal which can handle 50,000 tonnes of freight.

With six years of operation now under its wing, the airport’s management company employs 600 people, as well as 1000 staff at its ground handling subsidiary and 100 maintenance technicians.

CEO Askin Demir outlines the airport’s success to date, as well as its plans for growth.

From Grounded to Geared-Up

In 2017, no one could predict the unravelling of the world just a few years later due to the pandemic. So, it was rather unfortunate timing for the new airport, which had only been established for two years before having to ground flights and close its doors.

“We used this time wisely, focussing on future-proofing the business for reopening,” explained Askin, “following government guidance, all of our staff remained employed, with 50% working from home. During this time we centre our attention on staff training and certification for the airport”.

Bouncing back from the pandemic, in 2022 the airport launched six new flight destinations and has seen a 5% increase on pre-pandemic statistics.

“Despite its obvious challenges, what the pandemic has proven is the strength of the aviation community, the airport is well equipped to face challenges, and our business partners are focussed on seeking opportunities,” said Askin.

Bracing for the Future

With the world and its travellers back to BAU, Dakar Blaise Diagne International Airport saw 2.6 million passengers through its doors in 2022. With a strong return post-pandemic, the business is now focussed on three main growth areas.

36 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine


One of its strategies will be investment into the tourism industry, supporting the development of hotels and areas of interest surrounding the hotel. This is planned in collaboration with partners Air Senegal.

“Senegal is known as the “Land of Teraanga” symbolising its hospitality, generosity and warmth. Senegal is a beacon for hospitality and tourism in Africa, and so as a nation we should be capitalising on this,” said Askin.

In addition, growth will be found in the business sector, with the airport management planning to host conferences.

“We envision Dakar Blaise Diagne International Airport becoming a hub for both international tourism and hospitality,” he continued.

Finally, it will also aim to develop its cargo capacity.

Taking Off

Dakar Blaise Diagne International Airport is working in partnership with the Senegalese government to implement sustainable measures at the airport, in line with the government’s carbon reduction plans.

“We want to be known as the greenest airport in Africa, as well as a world leader in sustainable airports,” shared Askin, “we have made a promise to our stakeholders to be known as the best airport in Africa, and we are fully supported by our stakeholders, partners and staff”.

Recently, the airport has been recognised by the Airports Council International (ACI) as the Best Airport in Africa (within the category of two to five million passengers per year), Most Enjoyable Airport in Africa, and the Cleanest Airport in Africa. Askin credits this success, in part, to his staff on the ground at the airport, 90% of which have transferred over from the

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 37
Safety Week At Dakar Airport

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Ossimi, quiae. Usdant que venest, qui qui rate endus ea aut alibero omnima conestia volorit am rem sed quiatur?

Us, auditi cones andaepuda viderchilit que volorit, quis num re quae natus mi, ut latem. Molorro doluptatusa pa voloren ducilic aeptatium harum re optinul laboreritam faccus aut volectis evel maximagnam, velesedi ommo eribus delibus si quos volorepudit re pra sequiducient quost elitatu reptat. Invel et lam ius, occus expliqu asitaepudis audaeca tiaspel endipsam quis eum rectis velloruptat molupta saniminctur acepera quae veruptus, officip santotas volut ipsandam rerum facit volores elesequae eventum di occullo reprovi duciis accum in re dolupta cus desed ut as nost, asimet quo es mos expel eatis corem as se pa que consequi aceat hilitium adio voluptin et utem quam suntibus vent as aborerupidus earum alit laccus prae culpa seruptis ius que nobis evenempore nis sum doles minimus deliquam rerrovi tatem. Nem hilis everci que

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40 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine
Kurgu Africa

There are several strategies in place at the airport to develop its staff. This includes internal training programmes, initiatives supported by local organisations and technical training.

Technicians also have the opportunity to travel to European counterparts to learn skills from more established airports.

“Between 2019 and 2023 we’ve tripled our training and development budget, and we are certainly seeing the benefits of this. I want to encourage all of our staff to have a vision of what we can achieve at Dakar Blaise Diagne,” said Askin.

The Face of Teraanga

Askin has been working in the aviation industry since he was 18 years old, starting

“Myfirstbossinspiredme.Hetoldmethat thoseofusattheairportarethefirstto greetpeopleintothecountry,wearethe faceofthecountry.ThisissomethingI’m passionateaboutinstillingatDakarBlaise Diagne-weareboththefirstandlast impressionofSenegal,”Askinshared.

Askinbelievesitisessentialthatdirectors spendtime“ontheground”,interacting withpartners,staffandpassengers. Runninganopendoorpolicy,theCEO highlightedtheimportanceofbeing “touchable”andforcolleaguesto understandexpectations.

“Attheairportweareheretosetthe standardsofSenegal,displayourculture andshowthetruenatureofTeraanga.If wegetthatright,thenumberswillcome”.

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 41 DAKAR BLAISE DIAGNE AIRPORT
Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport. outinacustomerfacingroleatIstanbul Airport.
42 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine Save a duckload on your energy bills. A new efficient boiler can save you £600 a year. Any questions? Call us today on: 0800 074 30 30 Find a bespoke boiler system in minutes with our online quote tool. Get my quote Gas safe approved Trusted since 1982 East Anglia’s largest heating company One fixed price








TN’s purpose is to enable the benefits of a modern connected life to everyone. Inspired by Africa’s potential, MTN is committed to bridging the digital divide, and furthering financial inclusion.

Established in South Africa in 1994, the business has grown by investing in sophisticated communication infrastructure, developing new technologies and by harnessing talent.

Ambition 2025

With purposeful core values (leadership, innovation, relationships, integrity, and “can do”) the business has made its intent for the future clear, with strategies in place for 2025 and 2030.

Ambition 2025: Leading digital solutions for Africa’s progress, intends to harness the leading brand’s footprint, connectivity infrastructure and technology platforms.

The strategy to 2025 is anchored in building the largest and most valuable platform business with a clear focus on Africa. This rests on a scale connectivity and infrastructure business – mobile and fixed access networks in the consumer, enterprise and wholesale segments.

MTN Zambia provides voice, data, fintech, digital, enterprise, wholesale and API services to more than 289 million customers in 19 markets.

MTN is accelerating implementation through partnerships and is focused on four strategic priorities:

Build the largest and most valuable platforms;

Drive industry-leading connectivity operations;

Create shared value;

• Accelerate portfolio transformations; And five vital enablers:

ESG at the core;

• Leading customer experience; Best talent, culture and future skills;

• Value-based capital allocation; Technology platforms second-to-none.

On MTN’s success in 2022 and plans for Ambition 2025, Group President and CEO Ralph Mupita said:

“MTN delivered a solid operating and financial performance in 2022, as we continued to execute on our Ambition 2025 strategy. We are pleased with the business’ continued resilience under challenging global and regional macroeconomic conditions”.

Vital Fintech solutions

With a vision to become Africa’s leading digital platform, MTN aims to unlock economic growth through financial and digital solutions for consumers and businesses of all sizes. As such, it has developed MTN Mobile Money (MoMo). MoMo is a fintech platform which provides both consumers and businesses with a host of innovative digital financial services. It enables users to access payments, e-commerce, insurance, lending and remittance services.

As it develops its service offering, it aims to create a marketplace that supports cashless and digital economies through affordable, inclusive, understandable and comprehensive financial services.

“We are playing a key role in the evolution of mobile financial services to mobile financial platforms by offering in-store

payments, remittances, prepaid services, mobile wallets, micro-loans and microinsurance”, says MTN.

In 2022, MoMo saw great uptake, with active Mobile Money (MoMo) users increasing by 21.4% year on year to 69.1 million and volume of transactions up 33.9% YoY to 13.4 billion.

Digital Transformation with Microsoft

Key to MTN’s growth is developing strong partnerships, one of the most recently announced is with Microsoft.

Following the signing of a five-year strategic partnership in September 2022, MTN and Microsoft are in the process of delivering a programme of work that will see the latest technologies deployed for the benefit of MTN’s customers, starting with South Africa and Nigeria.

The core of the programme will focus on migrating BSS and OSS applications to the Microsoft Azure cloud aiming to realise operational benefits and cost efficiencies. MTN and Microsoft will work closely with Accenture who will be providing technology implementation, integration and support services to successfully enable the migration and operations of the targeted environments.

MTN’s core belief is that everyone deserves the benefits of a modern connected life. Through its partnership with Microsoft it has embarked on an extensive skills development program in cloud technologies, DevSecOps and data management.

Hundreds of MTN employees in Nigeria and South Africa have already benefited from the Microsoft Enterprise Skills Initiative which provides hands-on technical training and certification in Microsoft Azure technologies. MTN aims to expand the program across multiple countries where MTN operates to maximise the impact of the partnership.

Working together with Microsoft and Accenture, MTN is taking a unique

46 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine
Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 47 MTN ZAMBIA
48 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine

The Power of Innovation: How 6 Light Media Continues to Succeed in an Ever-Evolving Market

6 Light Media is a pioneering company in Zambia that specialises in providing innovative, solution-based branding, printing and signage products for clients across all industries. 6 light Media has been at the forefront of the market, offering high quality outdoor and indoor large format printing, which was previously limited in scope and quality.

The company was founded over a decade ago by a young team of partners with a history in the advertising industry. Frustrated by the inability to source signage products within the country and having to import products at very high costs, they took the initiative and set out to offer these products and provide Zambian Companies with state-of-the-art technology locally.

Initially, the company installed the first of its kind signage machinery, which included Industrial Laser Cutters, CNC Aluminium channelling machines for 3D letters, CNC routers, Flatbed Printers, Plasma Cutting machinery, and vacuum formers. This allowed Zambian businesses to access top-quality branding and signage solutions at their doorstep, raising industry standards and enhancing the visual landscapes of many companies.

Over time, 6 Light Media has continued to expand its product portfolio with the establishment of a one-stop shop at one of Zambia’s largest shopping malls, Eastpark Mall. The shop specialises in corporate branding, desktop publishing, and commercial digital printing.

To stay ahead in a constantly evolving media landscape, 6 Light Media has continued to invest in new technology, which has enabled the company to be leaders in fabrication, moulding and printing of a vast array of signage and display products. It’s latest acquisition, one of the worlds largest high speed 3D Printing machines has increased production times of the super-sized 3D products they fabricate. From predominantly being a large format printer, the company also offers laser and plasma cutting, cnc routing, various safety signage, and the ability to produce super-sized 3D products. This has enabled companies such as MTN, FNB, KAZANG, ZAMBIAN BREWERIES and ZANACO to showcase their products and services more effectively.

The founding directors of the company have a strong creative and technical background, which ensures that all products are made with a design philosophy brought to life by unmatched technology and superior quality. This philosophy emphasises the need to understand client’s expectations and to create superior products and branding mediums that are effective.

Overall, 6 Light Media is a company that is dedicated to providing innovative branding and signage solutions that help clients stand out in a crowded market. Whether you’re looking for Large Format Printing, Supersized 3D Products, International Quality Signage or Creative Design Services, 6 Light Media is a company that is well equipped to meet your needs.

Contact them today to learn more about their services and how they can help your business stand out.

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 49 MTN ZAMBIA

approach to the deployment of workloads to the public cloud, seeking opportunities to improve customer experience. This also aims to enhance organisational agility and cost transformation in a predictable and committed way. This approach has already enabled MTN to complete a proof of concept for the world’s first 5G standalone core network solution deployed in Microsoft’s Azure public cloud.

“Our strategic partnership with Microsoft will enable us to transform the way we deliver products and services to our customers. We will bring the power of cloud computing to life driving development and innovation with speed, flexibility and predictable investments and operations. We remain focused on nurturing the digital skills within MTN and in the societies we operate in and building digital platforms to drive digital transformation across Africa and the Middle East” said Nikos Angelopoulos, MTN Group Chief Information Officer.

“We see this program becoming a global standard in the industry for years to come,” commented Nitesh Singh, Communications, Media and Technology Lead for Accenture Africa.

50 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine

Doing for Tomorrow, Today

WithESGatitscore,MTNisfocussedon advancingtheattainmentoftheUnited NationsSustainableDevelopmentGoals whichaimstoendpoverty,protectthe planetandensureequalityforallby2030.

MTNaimstosupportthisthroughits corebusinessactivitiesandoursupport togovernments,communitiesand customers.

MTN has four sustainability pillars:

Doing it Right -MTNarecommitted partnerstostakeholderstocreateand protectvalue.Thebusinesshasbeen recognisedasthemostimproved companyontheRankingDigitalHuman Rights2020CorporateAccountability Index.

Doing for People-MTNiscommittedto drivingdigitalandfinancialinclusionand adiversesociety.Thisincludes39%ofits workforcebeingwomen,withatarget of50%by2030.Ithasalsoachievedan average83%ruralbroadbandcoverage.

Doing for Growth-MTNiscommitted toboostinginclusiveeconomicgrowth onthecontinent. Achievementsfor MTNincludesR115billioncontribution towardssocietywithsixmillionpeople supportedthroughjobcreationandskills development.

And Doing for Planet -MTNare committedtoprotectingtheplanetand achievingnet-zeroemissionsby2040. Thebusinesshasachievedareductionof around16%inGHGemissionsforScope1 and2,withagoalofnet-zeroby2040.

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 51 MTN ZAMBIA
52 Business Enquirer Magazine Norfolk’s premier fine dining experience Open five days a week, Wednesday to Saturday lunch 12-2:30pm dinner - open from 6pm to midnight (9:30pm last order) Sunday lunch - 12pm to 4pm (last order) 8-10 St Andrews Hill | Norwich | NR2 1AD For enquiries and bookings: 01603 767321

Lewis Hamilton - Driving a following TV

Johnny Depp sells over £4.5 million of art in less than a week


Five ways to stay fit and healthy with a hectic work schedule


As the 2023 season of Formula One is due to return on the 5th March, avid fans are eager to see their favourite drivers back in the driving seat. In the meantime, fans are re-living last season in the newest instalment of Netflix’s Drive to Survive, released last week. Finnish casino review site Bonusetu has tracked the growth of Instagram followers of each driver featured in this series to establish who has gained the most fans since its release.

1.Lewis Hamilton – 98,730 followers

Lewis Hamilton may have lost out to the championship win last season, but he has won the popularity contest. Lewis has gained an enormous 98,730 Instagram followers over the past week. Despite coming in sixth place in the driver standings in 2022, Lewis still has a great pull with viewers and fans. Hamilton was frustrated throughout the Drive to Survive episodes as the Mercedes W13 car experienced problems throughout the season. However, this data suggests new fans of Hamilton have flooded in following Drive to Survives release; he will have an extra 98,730 fans rooting for him in the coming 2023 season.


Leclerc – 54,990

Charles Leclerc is the second most popular Formula One driver following the release of the latest Drive to Survive instalment. Charles also came second in the driver standings in 2022. The Ferrari driver gained a massive 54,990 Instagram followers over the past week. Last season started very well for Ferrari and Leclerc with an early lead, however, Red Bull quickly overtook them.


Sainz – 36,262

Carlos Sainz comes in third place as the most popular driver after gaining an impressive 36,262 Instagram followers over the past week. Sainz saw his first ever pole position at Silverstone last season after Ferrari’s strategy was to leave Leclerc out on the track without pitting to change his tires. While Ferrari’s strategy throughout the season was unpopular, the drivers themselves have both remained popular, according to this data.


Lewis Hamilton has gained 98,730 fans in the week


Daniel Ricciardo takes fourth place as the most popular Formula One driver, gaining 24,527 Instagram followers over the past seven days. The McLaren driver is famous for his smiley disposition and tendency to drink champagne from his racing boot when standing on the podium. Unfortunately, despite his popularity, Ricciardo will not have a seat in Formula One this season and is now reserve driver for Red Bull. Fans might just see Ricciardo drive again this season if, for some reason, Verstappen or Perez cannot participate.


Sergio Perez takes fifth place in the popularity standings with 22,372 extra fans joining his Instagram over the past week. Perez came third in the drivers' standings in 2022 with Red Bull but moves down two places in popularity. The Red Bull driver beats his fellow teammate and twotime world champion, Max Verstappen, in the popularity contest by 1,920 followers.

A spokesperson from Bonusetu commented on the findings:

“DrivetoSurvivenotonlygenerates newfansandviewersofFormulaOne asasport, butitalsofleshesoutthe personalitiesandvulnerabilityofthe driversthemselves.Thisleadstomorefans ultimatelyseeingthepersonbehindthe carandflockingtotheirfavouritedriver's socialmediapagestofollowtheirjourneys. Itisinterestingtoseethatthedata suggestschampionshipresultsdonot necessarilycorrelatewiththepopularityof adriver."


following the release of Drive To Survive series 5 LIFESTYLE - SOCIAL MEDIA
Ricciardo – 24,527 Perez – 22,372
20,211 9.
18,475 10.
6. Fernando Alonso
7. Max Verstappen
8. George Russell
Pierre Gasly
Mick Schumacher
56 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine
Picture: Elliot Nyman

Johnny Depp sells over £4.5 million of art in less than a week

Johnny Depp’s second release of his Friends & Heroes collection has exceeded sales of his record first collection last July, with over £4.5 million of art sold in just one week. The collection of limited-edition pieces by the acclaimed actor and artist were released last week in the UK by Castle Fine Art and feature actors Heath Ledger and River Phoenix, writer Hunter S. Thompson, and musician Bob Marley, the first three of whom were friends of Johnny, with Bob Marley as a personal inspiration.

“I didn’t believe it, it didn’t make sense to me,” said Johnny about his triumph in an interview with Castle Fine Art. “I’m obviously really touched that people wanted to look a little further outside of my day job as it were, investigating some of the imagery that interests me.

“Hopefully it brought those friends and heroes of mine out in the way that I see them, and the same with the second volume of Friends & Heroes.”

“I’d like to see these four people together,” said Johnny about his new subjects. “It would be fascinating. All legends, absolutely.”

“River and Heath didn’t have enough time on this earth, but in the time that they did have, they certainly planted their individuality, their uniqueness, their world, their heart, their emotions, their sense of humour out there into the world so we know them, so they said a lot in their short lives.

“Hunter, of course, had a bit more time on the planet than some of those guys, and

This collection of four limited edition prints is the second release of Depp’s Friends & Heroes series (the first sold out for £3.5 million last July)

The collection features Bob Marley, Heath Ledger, River Phoenix & Hunter S. Thompson

The pieces have been sold through leading UK contemporary art gallery, Castle Fine Art and have attracted an international audience of buyers and collectors

Each artwork is priced at £4,500 or £17,500 for the set of four

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 57 LIFESTYLE - ART

his voice will always live through his books as Heath and River will always live through their films, and Bob through his music.”

Johnny has always been an artist but has taken some time to reveal his pieces to the public. He explained: “For many years, I really held myself strictly to just the day job of the film business, even though in my heart and forever I’ve been a musician, and I’ve always needed to escape into a blank piece of paper, whether it be writing, drawing or painting a blank canvas. Tackling something for the first time with no idea of what’s about to commence and what it will come out to be is deeply fulfilling.

“When I just decided not to limit myself anymore and go public with my art, I thought that if people go for it that’s great and if not, that’s alright too. But it seemed for the most part to be a very positive reaction to these strange things I have put

on canvas. Art has always been part of my life, so for people to actually see this stuff now for the first time, to react the way that they have so positively to whatever I have made is very moving. I’m glad they are interested.

“The first time I ever saw them all together presented at Castle Fine Art (Johnny’s first pieces were Keith Richards, Bob Dylan, Elizabeth Taylor and Al Pacino) there was something kind of lyrical. I felt the relationship between them all for the first time and the feeling was a lot stronger that I imagined it would be. Primarily what I liked about it was how they all worked together.

“I was really looking forward to having another crack at it with other friends and heroes - simply for me to be able to say thank you to all those people for having either been in my life, been a part of my life or having affected me to the degree that they have.”

58 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine
Pictures: Elliot Nyman
Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 59 LIFESTYLE - ART All in limited editions of 195 pieces each and all priced at £4,500 each, or £17,500 for the series of four. Exclusively available from Castle Fine Art galleries or at from 23 February.

FIVE WAYS to stay fit and healthy with a hectic work schedule

A hectic work schedule can often mean that other parts of our lives our pushed to the side. Many people find it challenging to have a positive work-life balance, often not being able to find the time to stay fit and eat well.

Fortunately, sports nutrition experts Bulk have highlighted five ways to stay fit and healthy during a busy work week.

Consider home workouts

To save time waiting around in the gym at peak times for machines to be free, as well as travelling there and back if your gym isn’t close by, you can dedicate a specific area in your home for workouts. Whether you do so in your garage or even if utilise some space in your living room, make sure that the area you choose has enough space for an exercise mat.

If weight training is your go-to workout, invest in dumbbells or kettlebells to replace the machines you may use in the gym – this is much more beneficial for your physical health too, as free weights help develop strength by incorporating more muscles. Alternatively, if cardio is your priority, incorporate exercises like burpees, squat jumps, and jumping jacks into your routine or even opt for an outdoor run if the weather is on your side. Not to mention, switching to home workouts will save you splurging on a gym membership.

Change your commute

While it may seem like taking just a few steps to your car and driving to work will save you more time in the day than walking, it’s not as practical as it may sound. When working an office job where you remain sedentary for a large portion of the day, doing so means that you’ve incorporated no physical activity into your daily routine, therefore you’ll have to add more time onto your day by exercising before or after work.

However, if you spend 15 minutes walking to work and another 15 minutes walking back based on a five-day work week, you will meet the recommended target of 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. You can also adapt your morning route even if you take public transport by perhaps choosing a bus stop or train station which is slightly further from your home to get some more steps in.

60 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine

Create a workout schedule

When it comes to your job, you can familiarise yourself with your routine and therefore can prepare yourself for the day ahead – and this is possible with exercising. Evaluate which days' work best for you and stick to this so that, like work, you become comfortable with the routine and prevent making excuses to skip the workout.

By choosing one of the days over the weekend to exercise, you require less time during your working week to fit a workout in. While it’s suggested to do 150 minutes of moderate exercises each week, it’s recommended to exercise for around 75 minutes a week if you partake in vigorous activities like running or cycling – so you can opt for a workout on a Saturday morning to feel energised for the weekend and designate just one other day of the week to meet the suggested exercise guidelines.

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 61 LIFESTYLE - FITNESS

Cook your meals ahead

Staying fit and healthy isn’t only about physical activity – it’s also down to what you eat, too. It can feel overwhelming sticking to diets and finding the time to cook when you have a busy schedule over the week, so meal prepping will keep you from spending too much time in the kitchen every night.

Cook several portions of food for the week at once instead of just making one meal every night – you can usually leave meals in the fridge up to four days, so you can use the opportunity to have your work lunches prepared as well as being able to eat straight after a workout on an evening to ensure you have time to relax. Consider your favourite meals in your diet, and you can even prepare different ingredients separately such as vegetables to prevent you from getting bored of the same food. Like working out, it helps to have a schedule to ensure you’ll have time to do all of the preparations.

Keep your gym clothing handy

If you head home after work to get changed into your gym gear ready for a workout, you take the risk of becoming too comfortable and making excuses to not go back out again – so keeping your exercise clothing on you will not only save that trip home, but it will also give you some motivation.

Keep a bag with you that contains clothes, shoes, a water bottle as well as any equipment you may need. Whether you finish work earlier than expected or even if you have half an hour free over lunch, doing so will make you more available to workouts whenever you find yourself free as you cut out the time it takes to get yourself ready at home.

AspokespersonfromBulkhas commented:“Workingoutcanbeahobby formany,butforsomeitcanoftenspark feelingsofdreadwhenitfeelsasthough there’snotenoughtimeintheday.As keepingfitisn’tonlyaboutexercise,but alsoaboutwhatyoueat– itcanseema challengetobalanceallaspectswhenthe majorityoftheweekisspentatwork.”

“However,thisarticlerevealsseveralways tostayfitandhealthywithoutadding toomuchtimeontoyourday,whether it’schoosingadayinwhichyouhavethe most freetimetomealpreporworking outathome.Withthesetips,exercisefeels lesslikeanerrandandinsteadbecomes somethingtolookforwardtoaswellasa waytoblowoffsteamafterastressfulday.”

Theresearchwasconductedbybulk. comwhichisfoundedonthebeliefthat sport, health,fitnessandnutritionarefor everyone-nomatterwhoyouare,what youdo,orhowyoudoit.




The fully-automated, multi-purpose port, which will offer 3 container berths, 1 dry bulk berth and 3 liquid berths, is set to generate 200,000 new jobs and generate around $2 billion, boosting the country’s GDP.

The port was developed by a consortium comprising of, China Harbour Engineering Company, Tolaram, Lagos State Government and the Nigerian Ports Authority, all playing their role in the success of the Port.

The special purpose vehicle for the operations of the port is Lekki Port LFTZ Enterprise Limited (LPLEL), with CEO, Du Ruogang, and COO, Laurence Smith, guiding it to success.

Behind Every Great Team

A project set to be as impactful and transformative as Lekki Port needs an experienced leader to steer the ship, as it were. When it comes to experience, it would have been remiss of Lekki Port to look any further than Laurence Smith.

66 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine
Introducing Lekki Port: Nigeria’s first deep-sea port, set to be one of the largest in West Africa.
Laurence Smith Chief Operating Officer Lekkiport


Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 67 LEKKI PORT


We are specialists in providing and supplying equipment, components, parts and logistics services to the Ports, Terminals & Maritime industry. With close to a decade’s experience in supplying bespoke and critical parts and components to the industry, we have built and established a sound reputation as a reliable partner to our clients worldwide.



We are official distributors for Dana Spicer and distribute ZF and Allison transmission parts. We supply complete axle units and spare parts for Dana Spicer, Kessler, ZF and AxleTech.


We supply engines and engine parts for port machines. Volvo and Cummins are among the engine manufacturers we supply. We distribute hydraulic pumps and motors used on heavy duty equipment such as Ship to Shore Cranes, Mobile Harbour cranes, Reachstackers


Our range includes filters for oil, air, fuel, hydraulics, pneumatics, liquids, dust removal and air-conditioning systems. We supply high quality tyres on all sizes for equipment such as Reachstackers, Empty Handlers, Forklifts, Terminal Tractors, Terminal Trailers andMobile Harbour Cranes.


We provide superior high-quality wire ropes for Ship to Shore Cranes, Mobile Harbour Cranes, Rubber Tyre Gantry cranes and other heavy lifting equipment.


We supply and distribute Harbour Trailers to the Port & Terminal industry

We supply high quality German manufactured brakes such as storm brakes, drum brakes and safety brakes used on heavy duty cranes in the port and mining industries.


We supply a complete range of cables; these include cables for festoons, spreader, reeling and a wide choice of energy and data cables. These cables offer high tensile strength, flexibility and perennial wear-resistance.

68 Issue 112 · Business Enquirer Magazine 124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX United Kingdom
+44 (0)
6101 196

Now based in Lagos, Laurence is a far cry from his roots in Southampton. Hailing from a family of stevedores, in which Laurence grew his water wings, Laurence went on to become a steeplejack and scaffolder, until stepping into port management at the Port of Southampton. From roles as the youngest foreman to marine manager, Laurence travelled the world with DP World developing operations in places such as Spain and Cyprus, as well as several terms in Nigeria.

Having attempted retirement twice, it’s clear that this COO is passionate about challenge, developing environments, and people.

“During my time at AMPT Apapa in Lagos, I got a real understanding of the drive of the Nigerian people. Nigeria has the potential to be a world-leader in engineering and the port industry, given the right investment and support,” said Laurence, “I couldn’t refuse the offer to work at Lekki Port, it has unrelenting potential to turn Nigeria into one of the world’s greatest exporters”.

Whilst developing his career at DP World, Laurence entered its GOLD Programme leadership training. Not only does this training focus on the technical aspects of people management but also takes a psychological approach.

“It’s during this time I learnt the importance of first understanding yourself to then be able to understand others. It’s key to learn what will get the best out of your employees. I believe in creating an autonomous environment where everyone has a voice and the courage to “try”,” shared Laurence.

Global Standards, World Class Facilities

With his career-spanning knowledge and expertise, Laurence is the perfect candidate to support the implementation of global standards into Lekki Port, ensuring its potential to become the port of choice.

Lekki Port is spread over 90 hectares of land in the heart of the Lagos Free Zone, just 65 kms east of Lagos city. The port is perfectly situated for transhipment and bunkering, ultimately saving a significant amount of time and money for cargo firms.

In addition, the port expects a projected throughput of 2.7 million TEU per annum.

“The layout of the port, including the layout of the approach channel, turning circle, and harbour basins have been derived from optimisations of port operations, construction costs, and possible future extensions,” explained Laurence.

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LPLEL has been awarded the concession for 45 years by the Nigerian Ports Authority on a Build, Own, Operate and Transfer (BOOT) basis, with the potential to extend for an additional 25 years. Under the agreement, LPLEL will manage the interface between NPA, Lekki Port and three industry specialist terminal operators. In phase 1, the container terminal will be operated by Lekki Freeport Terminal, a subsidiary of CMA CGM.

In January 2023, the port was officially commissioned by Nigerian leader, President Muhammadu Buhari, and will be commercially operational by April 2023.

“Lekki Port is an incredible achievement for Nigeria and the Nigerian Maritime industry. Everyone involved should be applauded for its success so far, as well as for the impact it will have on Nigeria in the future,” said Laurence.

Constructing Nigeria’s Future

A current challenge for LPLEL is ensuring the implementation of infrastructure in and out of the port zone.

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Banner Energy Limited

Banner Energy Limited is an Oil and Gas business development company, whose service scope covers E & P business development, gas infrastructure development, equipment design, procurement & installation and gas products marketing.

Incorporated in 1998 with a hundred percent (100%) Nigerian share holding, as a Limited Liability Company, BANNER represents an intricate weave of people and skills, engaged in developments that touch on many facets of our everyday lives. The Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) certifies Banner Energy LTD as an energy servicing and development company. The Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) certifies Banner as an oil and gas equipment and products marketing, distribution and retailing company.

We are therefore, a major participant in the local content technology development and transfer in Nigeria.

Our Vision

To become a leading Nigerian and West African Oil and Gas business development company, providing integrated best value solutions in E & P related projects, gas infrastructure, distribution and retailing.

Our Mission

Directing innovative engineering and energy delivery solutions with safety and commercial integrity at providing value added services to the satisfaction of our clients.

Our Scope

Banner Energy Limited engages in the following Lines of business:

1. BannerGas LPG Systems EPC & Maintenance

2. Banner LPG-Air Mixing Systems to produce SNG for Power generation

3. The Banner E & P Business Development

4. Banner LPG Generators, Vehicles conversion kits and Accessories

5. BannerPower People

Adejumobi Oluwseyi

Head of Operations

Gideon Geoffrey

Senior Installation & Maintenance Engineer

Okoro Augustine

Regional Installation & Maintenance Engineer

Bamidele Nathaniel Adekunle

Safety (Quality and Assurance )

Williams Adebola

Head, HR / Admin

Folasade Aborowa

Head, Accounts & Finance

Head Office: Block 4, Homegate Resort; Plot 6 Babafemi Osoba Crescent, Off Admiralty Road, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos, Nigeria

Tel: 012708263-4 Fax: 012708260


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“The road system is currently being built, with completion expected by 2024,” shared Laurence.

Throughout the construction of infrastructure, LPLEL are ensuring an inherently sustainable approach, focussing on congestion reduction in the area.

A number of new key road and bridge projects and expansion of existing highways are under development, connecting Lekki Port further into the hinterlands.

“We are encouraging the government to consider the benefits of expanding the infrastructure far north, which will open up a vast opportunity for import and export into countries such as Chad and Niger,” said Laurence.

In addition to mitigating emissions through reducing congestion, LPLEL is considering other measures it can implement into the Port to encourage a sustainable future.

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“WeareindiscussionswithJPNaboutthe potentialofwindfarmsoffoftheport, as wellasconsideringhowsolarpowercould work,”sharedLaurence,“it’simportant thatweconsiderwhatthefuturecould looklikeforNigeriaandtheportitself. WhilstNigeriaisn’tequippedforcertain measuresyet, itmustbeconsideredfor thefuture”.

Exponential Opportunity

In2022, migrationfromNigeriasawa declineof2.5%,which,arguablycouldbe inpartduetoincreasingopportunities withinthecountry.

“ThereisalotoftalentinNigeria,with 10%ofthepopulationcurrentlyin university,”explainedLaurence,“oneof ourfocussesisreviewinghowwecan attractandkeepthistalentattheport, andgivepeopletheopportunityto developintheengineeringandport industries,”.

Currently,theportisundergoinga vasttraininginitiativetoassistinthe implementationofthefirstshiptoshore cranesinmanyyears.Inaddition,LPLEL runsdiverseCSRinitiatives,including schoolingandscholarships.

Ultimately,LPLELwantstoencourage confidenceinshippinginNigeria,with exponentialopportunitiesnowandonthe horizon.

Onceinfrastructureisinplace, opportunitieswillopenupinthe agriculturalnorth,aswellasbeingable tomakeuseofNigeria’smineralrich resources.

“Nigeriahasahugeopportunity,andit needstograbitsfutureinitshands.We hopethatLekkiPortwillbeacatalystfor change,”saidLaurence.

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How SigmaRoc is on a mission to become the leading European quarried materials group.

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Co-founded by five industry experts (Max Vermorken, Alphons Vermorken, Garth Palmer, David Barrett, and Charles Trigg), SigmaRoc is the quarried materials group prepared to disrupt the sector.

Geographically, SigmaRoc’s focus is regions surrounding the North Sea, with its largest footprint being in the UK, Benelux, Finland, Sweden and Poland.





“When I approached my co-founders with the business plan for SigmaRoc, it was clear that to grow a business like this we had to approach growth in a different way. SigmaRoc is based on a foundation of invest, improve, integrate and innovate,” explained CEO, Max Vermoken, when he spoke with Business Enquirer.

Established in 2016, the business has rapidly grown from the five co-founders who make up the central group (now seven), to 2050 employees across 80 sites in 12 countries.

“The materials quarried at our platforms directly support the offshore energy industry, and so it makes logistical sense to be situated as close to that market as possible,” said Max.

SigmaRoc’s growth has been successful thanks to making wise acquisitions in the market, largely of family quarry businesses. To date, it has reviewed 130 businesses for acquisition, choosing to pursue only 20.

“Our strict process has proven successful as we’ve achieved 40% more returns out of these businesses post-acquisition,” shared Max.

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Recently, the business has closed a raise of £30 million to complete 14 deals. By the end of the year Max anticipates a further 10 acquisitions.

Another key to SigmaRoc’s success is its decentralised approach. Empowering its quarry managers to become best-inclass operators falls within the business’ “improve” pillar of its business model, enabling cost control.

“We give freedom to our quarry managers to run each quarry as their own business. We’ve found that by doing this it has acted as a great motivator for success and we’ve seen our teams display good cost-control,” said Max.

Thanks to its decentralisation, SigmaRoc holds a unique position in the industry, with a strong local understanding, enabling the business to position itself appropriately.

Ultimately, Max’s vision was to create a business where its employees are happy.

“Everybody needs a job to survive, but

they can and should be happy whilst doing it,” he said “I think it's vital for the business to be open to our employees and stakeholders, allow our people to use their skills, and for the central team to spend as much time on the ground as possible”.

Considering “innovate”, SigmaRoc confronts industry challenges head on, allowing it to have a competitive edge.

With a mission to become a carbon netzero business by 2040, SigmaRoc is taking steps now to meet these goals, remaining a step ahead of its competitors.

One method towards achieving this is implementing a carbon capture system into its Nordic operations - an industry first in Europe.

The modular system, which captures carbon created by the quarrying production process, is low in energy usage and, importantly, doesn’t create hazardous waste. As the system is modular, there is the opportunity for SigmaRoc to roll this out across its platforms.

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TazRock have been awarded a long term contract with CCP, (who are owned by sigmaRoc) to install and operate a wash-plant at one of their busiest quarries. We have also been contracted to produce aggregate from blasted rock at this site.

The wash-plant will allow approx. 1.2 million tonnes of ‘dirty’ quarry spoil to be washed and sold as sand and quality aggregate.

Tazrock also work within many other quarries for companies acquired by SigmaRoc

About us.

Founded in 2016 primarily as a crushing and

material processing contractor specialising in certified quality single size aggregate including premium 68 PSV Gritstone and asphalt plainings for recycling, Tazrock has now grown into a company that offers Contract Crushing, hire of associated plant, machinery maintenance and repair, along with fabrication and welding carried out in our fully equipped workshop. We provide Heavy Haulage with our newly acquired Scania unit and Faymonville trailer, Electrical repairs and the supply and fitting of conveyor belting can also be provided by our team of mobile engineers available 24 hours a day in fully equipped vans.

Tazrock Ltd are looking forward to the future and developing a close working relationship with SigmaRoc

Established in 2016, Tazrock is a Specialist Crushing and Screening company supplying the Quarrying, Construction and Recycling Industry.

We supply many different services such as:

Machine Hire and Sale



Plant Maintenance

Supply of quarried and recycled aggregates

Hardcore tipping site


01443 478747 - Director - General Enquiries - Accounts Enquiries


Unit 3, Hirwaun Industrial Estate, Hirwaun, Aberdare, CF44 9UP

Business Enquirer Magazine · Issue 112 85 SIGMAROC

Additionally, SigmaRoc produces 40 million concrete blocks per year, 50% of which are cement free, with the plans to grow this further.

Innovating in partnership with ArcelorMittal, the companies have entered into a strategic joint venture agreement to create a new company focussed on the production of green quick lime.

Both SigmaRoc and ArcelorMittal have taken a 47.5% ownership stake in the joint venture, which was announced in September 2022.

In the first phase of roll out, the new company will be responsible for the construction of three new lime kilns in France, with final permitting approval expected toward the end of 2023. Commissioning is anticipated to commence in 2025.

Max and the business have a clear vision for its path to net-zero, including all kilns to be carbon neutral by 2038.

“This represents another important milestone in establishing ourselves as a leading European specialist quarried

materials group in addition to helping us further on the road to net zero by 2040. The joint venture is reflective of this ambition and represents one of a number of important initiatives, both organic and inorganic, that we are pursuing,” said Max on the announcement.

Across its platforms, SigmaRoc produces 1.3 billion tonnes of minerals per year, the largest proportion of which is high-grade limestone.

“Our fixed costs are manageable and barriers to entry are high,” Max explained, “this gives us pricing power which meets our “invest” pillar. We look to sell everything we quarry which assists us in margin expansion, this fulfils the “integrate” element of our business model” he continued.

Whilst Max expressed how happy he and the central team are for the success of SigmaRoc, which is turning over £540 million a year, he highlighted that there is more that can be achieved in the UK. There is also opportunity to create a larger footprint in the likes of France and Germany.

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Commissioned by owners, SilverCrest Metals, the Las Chispas processing plant in Mexico declared production in November 2022.

Las Chispas, which can be found 180 kilometres northeast of Hermosillo, Mexico and just 12km from the community of Arizpe, is steeped in history.

Rich silver veins were discovered near Arizpe by soldiers in 1640, although notable exploration and production didn’t begin until the late 1800s.

The Las Chispas Mine is known for its world-class silver mineral specimens including polybasite, stephanite, native silver and pyrargyrite. Specimens are on display in private collections and museums worldwide.

Q4 2022 was considered a ramp-up quarter for the Canadian headquartered business.

During the period, recovered metal, including inventory, was 11,940 ounces of gold and 1.20 million oz of silver. In addition, metal poured totaled 10,896 oz gold and 1.06 million oz silver.

The mine is now energised by national grid power with improved stability, and local community-based multi-year projects have advanced with a focus on water and sewage infrastructure.

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Development at Las Chispas has been supported by contractors such as CoMinVi, a Mexican based business specialising in the construction of underground and open-pit mining works and the exploitation of mineral deposits.

CoMinvi’s work at Las Chispas included development of 757 linear metres (increased from a planned 550) as well as the implementation of ventilation by means of counter-wells. These have been created with a leg machine and long-boring equipment, enabling better ventilation for the extension and deepening of works at the mine.

The exploration at Las Chispas focused on assisting operations with database management, grade control, drilling on new vein targets, and delineation drilling of planned mining stopes.

On its success toward the end of 2022, Silver Crest Metals COO, Pierre Beaudoin, commented:

“2022 was a pivotal year for SilverCrest with construction completed slightly ahead of schedule and under budget which is a rare achievement in this industry. This milestone set the positive tone for the ramp-up and declaration of commercial production in Q4, 2022. We are currently working on optimisation of Las Chispas operations, and we expect to complete its Updated Technical Report in Q2, 2023 to provide the foundation for production and cost guidance going forward.”

In addition, CEO N. Eric Fier said:

“We are very pleased with our progress at Las Chispas. Within five months of our first metal pour we declared commercial production, refinanced our previous project financing facility, which we did not fully draw, and reduced our total debt outstanding from $90 million to $50 million. As we begin 2023, our focus is on generating revenue and using established cost controls to maximise free cash flow and pursue growth opportunities.”

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SilverCrest Metals owns two additional properties - El Picacho and Cruz De Mayo, as well as on-hold projects at Angel de Plata and Estacion Llano.

El Picacho is located approximately 85 kilometres northeast of Las Chispas and comprises 11 mining concessions totalling approximately 7,060 hectares.

Dating back to the 1800s, the El Picacho property was a historic gold and silver producer, with grades greater than 15 gpt gold.

In 2017, SilverCrest Metals completed underground channel sampling as part of a due diligence exercise. Results from 10 underground bulk channel (back or roof of ramp) samples, over an estimated strike


We are a mining company with more than 19 years of experience. We are specialized in the construction of underground mining works and exploitation of deposits. We develop jobs for national and foreign companies. Our services include engineering, development, fortification, production and hauling.

Throughout our history, we have collaborated on more than 35 projects with leading companies in the mining sector. Our performance has positioned us as a benchmark in the Mexican Republic thanks to our global mentality with an objective vision of quality, safety and teamwork.

“Our strength is our people.” We are distinguished by the experience of our collaborators, our state-of-the-art knowledge in mining, the safety of our processes, the latest technology in our equipment and our responsibility towards the environment in our operations.

At COMINVI, our main quality objective is our commitment to comply with the programmes established by our clients to their full satisfaction. For this reason, we are proud to have the confidence of SilverCrest in “Las Chispas” mine in Sonora, Mexico.

length of 50 metres, showed an average true width of 6.0 metres and grade of 13.66 gpt Au and 50.8 gpt Ag, or 1,075 gpt AgEq.

Two initial standard bottle rolls for metallurgical test work on these samples, completed by SGS de Mexico, showed composite recoveries of greater than 90% for both gold and silver.

A recent release from the company shows that it has three drill rigs operating at the El Picacho property, with approximately 13.6 kilometres of vein strike length. It currently has all access rights and necessary drill permits for continued drilling over a five year licence period.

Meanwhile, the Cruz de Mayo Property consists of two mineral concessions, Cruz

Since January 2021, we have witnessed and participated in the construction of the infrastructure of the entire project, as well as the start-up of its concentrator plant, a benchmark of its kind in Mexico.

We have implemented a strict quality control for the different exploitation methods by long hole stoping, cutting and filling in order to seek the optimization of these processes for a greater recovery of the metallic contents of its narrow veins.

COMINVI’s collaboration with “Las Chispas” will extend until December 2026. For almost 5 more years, we will have the opportunity to collaborate in this project regarding the preparation, development and production of one of the most important mines in the Mexican mining sector and in the state of Sonora. As part of the plan, we are renewing our fleet of machinery and equipment to ensure compliance with the unit’s objectives.

These actions reinforce our commitment to excellence, providing our best effort and achieving the planned production goals based on our philosophy of safe work and quality, supported by our most important value “Our people” and strengthened by the teamwork between our client and COMINVI.

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de Mayo 2 and El Gueriguito, combining for a total area of 452 hectares.

The Cruz de Mayo Property was transferred to SilverCrest Metals as part of the friendly acquisition of SilverCrest Mines by First Majestic.

SilverCrest Metals is focused on new discoveries, value-added acquisitions and production assets in Mexico’s historic precious metal districts.

Its ongoing initiative is to increase its asset base by expanding current resources and reserves, acquiring and developing high value precious metals projects and ultimately operating multiple silver-gold mines in the Americas.

The company is led by a proven management team in all aspects of the precious metal mining sector, including taking projects through discovery, finance, on time and on budget construction, and production.

SilverCrest Metals has reported a positive future, particularly for its Las Chispas property, highlighting four key benefits to ownership:

Significantly De-Risked – Construction completed, on time and on budget; commercial production achieved in Q4, 2022.

Net Cash Positive, Reducing Debt –

Reduced debt by 60% within four months of declaring commercial production, $70M revolver available.

Silver Supply Deficit – Silver Institute forecasting that demand outstrips supply by 195 Moz in 2023.

Significant Strategic Value – In production, margins allow for resilience across cycles, buy vs build.

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