When I reflect on the last term, I feel very proud of our school and our students. I am so pleased that we are offering an ambitious curriculum, in line with the English Baccalaureate, which seeks to not only develop scholars, but also pupils of excellent character, who are global citizens, committed to equality, diversity and inclusion. I do think the way the school focuses on developing character is exemplary and is worthy of being shared with others e.g., a vast number of pupil leadership roles, the promotion of volunteering, the annual pupil-led Giving Tree project, pupil-led projects to reduce knife crime in Birmingham, Outreach work delivered by pupils to primary schools, especially those with high levels of disadvantage, in Art, Primary Sports, PSHE, and through Medical Minds We have also undertaken a pilot with Y9 pupils, teaching sustainability through History. Some of these projects have been recognized and commended at a regional and national level.
I hope you enjoy reading some of the snapshots of this term. Thursday March 30th marks our annual Speech Day at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall with our guest speaker, Dr Rahul Dubb OV We will be welcoming back our ‘A’ level leavers (and our GCSE subject prize winners) and their parents. This cohort were a record-breaking year. All groups performed well at GCSE and A level, and in terms of destinations.
However, the Governors, my colleagues and I are not complacent. We need to continue to ensure every student achieves in line with their potential and has a positive school experience.
We have plans to build a new Learning Resource Centre, including a 6th Form Centre, library and additional dining, for 2025.
Wishing all our examination candidates a purposeful Easter break!
Best wishes
Year 8 still life inspired by both Realism and Pop Art
Inadequate Sixth Form study space, unsuitable for collaborative working Dining space restricts mixing between all ages of the school community at recreational times
From 2024 there will be 20 fewer spaces for external students to join in Year 12 due to expansion
The Library is overcrowded
Much of School estate is tired and in need of refurbishment
We have ambitious plans to address these challenges and to bring our physical facilities up to the same levels of excellence as the education we provide.
Central to this is a new Learning Resource Centre located at the front of the School. The new 1,300 m² facility (more than five times the size of Big School), set over three floors will be home to a dedicated Sixth Form Centre, IT Enriched Study Space, additional classrooms, a library, flexible social space and improved dining facilities.
The LRC will be designed to enrich the student experience and promote new ways of working such as collaboration and ‘incubation spaces’ for student entrepreneurship, helping students develop the skills demanded in the 21st century, better preparing them for university and the workplace.
The Centre will enable us to expand our Sixth Form, opening more opportunities for students beyond BVGS, ensuring that we sustain the gender balance, and importantly, serve more disadvantaged students from across the region, building our ‘social capital’. It will also attract more funding for the School.
Flexible social space will be available to our community out of school hours, which as well as generating income for the School, will improve well-being, foster talent and support businesses so that people, as John Vesey wrote 500 years ago in the 1527 Foundation Charter, ‘might more happily live’
Our new building will be informed by ‘green’ principles and will provide BVGS students with ‘hands-on’ learning opportunities about sustainable architecture and building processes.
We aim to have the Centre open in 2025, allowing us to undertake other muchneeded refurbishments to the older parts of the School in preparation for our 500th Anniversary Year in 2027.
We look forward to sharing more plans with you in the Summer term and beyond.
F1 in Schools is a brilliant gateway into the world of STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics). The project is the ultimate test of skill, management and organisation. It is hard work but is very much worth it.
The competition is the perfect opportunity to gain valuable life skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and critical thinking- it is an opportunity to showcase your skills in a creative and entertaining way
In the competition, teams of students create their own Formula One cars using computeraided design software and then manufacture the cars using a variety of materials, including foam and 3D printed plastic. The teams are then judged on their car's speed, design, and engineering, as well as their marketing and presentation skills.
F1 in Schools also includes a strong educational component, with students learning about aerodynamics, design, engineering, and manufacturing as they create their cars The competition is divided into regional, national, and international stages, with winning teams from each level advancing to the next.
On the 20th April 2023, 2 year 10 teams will travel to Aston University for race day. My team is called ELOI Swift Motorsport, named after our sponsor – ELOI Consulting. Together, as 6 members, we aim to represent our school as a competitive team in the Regional Finals 2023 and to reach the national level
We have visited Aston university twice, and helped to machine several designs before testing them on a real half-length track. With the prototypes, we used the most positive areas to inspire our final car, which is why I believe we are in for a shot at fastest car.
Since day one, the whole team have been organised and motivated It has been key to our success and critical thinking The competition will be a lot of fun and we can not wait to see how we do!
If you are interested in competing in this competition, check out this page
Written by:
Gabe 10R (Project Manager)
Sai 10W
Terry 10R
Sid 10B
Krish 10R
Bastiaan 10G
When the downtrodden animals of Manor Farm overthrow their master, Mr Jones, and take over the farm themselves, they imagine it is the beginning of a life of freedom and equality. However, soon the animals discover that they are not all as equal as they thought, and find themselves hopelessly ensnared as one form of tyranny is replaced with another.
presents Orwell's chilling 'fairy devastating satire of idealism betrayed by power and
nces are on Saturday 29th April from 7:30-9.15pm and on Sunday 30th 3 from 2:30-4:15pm. There will be a short interval between performances.
Tickets can be purchased via TicketSource: https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/bvgs/bvgs-presents-animal-farm/e-yxqebg
Drama has been the perfect space for me, as a new student, to meet new people while also improving my confidence and working on a new skill. The drama sessions are extremely welcoming to all students, not just those interested in acting, but also allowing people to direct, conduct the lighting, and involve themselves in the technology aspects within a production
The Year 7 Curriculum Celebration event took place over two nights on 15th and 17th March Students had their work from all subjects displayed in Old Big School and the variety and quality was impressive Families commented on how lovely it was to see their children's work There was also a lovely showcase in Big School with Chinese singing, Maths challenges, magical musicians, poetic Physics, superb Spanish and heartfelt creative English performances The students truly brought to life the excitement of all that they learn!
Maths Olympiad Challenge with Hermon, Charlie and Neel in 7B
The Inspiring Minds team is made up of Lower Sixth students who prepare and deliver classes to primary schools covering, First Aid, Relationships and Well-being. The quotes make clear how much it's enjoyed by Vesey students.
"Getting involved in the Inspiring Minds outreach programme has allowed me to develop new knowledge and skills, build confidence with presenting to large groups and learn to adapt the message for the audience It has been a privilege to be a part of the programme"
-Amar, L6th"The inspiring minds program helps to educate primary school children on important PSHE topics such as First Aid. But not only this it positively improves my public speaking and social skills Making me a well-rounded Veseyan I enjoy every moment of this program."
-Elliot, L6thThis term the English team have been welcoming students from local primary schools to read through Dystopian Fiction and the book 'Wonder' by R J Palacio The primary school children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about character and emotions, acting and journalling. Well done to the Vesey students who enthusiastically support this.
Veseyans teaching children to make personalised name plaques, experiencing clay and tools that don't feature in KS2 curriculum. They have been able to visit 6 different schools and inspire over 160 young people
In January we saw the resurgence of a fabulous annual fixture, the Piano Solo Concert. A purely instrumental showcase of dexterity on our dazzling Yamaha piano in Big School. 9 performers treated the crowd to an exceptional selection of piano masterpieces, from triple Bach to Zimmer, displaying courage and, most importantly, a keen passion for music.
Ediz 10B got the show started with the fast-paced, clinical and energetic Prelude from Prelude and Fugue in G (J.S. Bach) followed by a contrasting blanket of soothing tranquil from Chopin’s wellknown Nocturne in E Flat Major, performed by Haydn L6III, visibly enjoying himself with big smiles. Yours truly was up next, playing a galloping Solfeggietto (C P E Bach) The Year 12 ostinato kept coming with Karim L6IV delivering a lively Struttin’ in the Waldorf (Lane), accompanying his playing with mischievous stares during sudden interjections, to great dramatic effect.
Arguably the most famous piano piece of all time, Turkish March (Mozart) was given an invigorated rendition by Sooraj 9E, followed by Yusuf 11W slowing things down with the delicate, beautiful Andante Moderato (Fauré) Joseph T L6I produced a whole musical story describing a mourning, the Prelude in C# Minor (Rachmaninoff), with the anger-depicting hard chords thundering through Big School. More J.S. Bach from Colby 8W, who showed composure in an excellent Prelude and Fugue in G before Josh 11W rounded off the night with ‘Time’ (Zimmer), a wonderful film score taking us on a fantastic journey through time
Our audience were lucky to be offered some bonuses at the end (read time fillers) from our versatile pianists: Haydn played a well-known Beethoven composition with a romantic feel, Karim gave us a “depressing” excerpt of Lento with a serious mood and Colby struck the positive notes with a cheery piece to end.
Thank you to Mr Buxton for organising the event along with Mrs Gardner, Mrs Miller and Charlie 11W for their support. Thank you to our audience, a varied arrangement of parents, siblings and friends and, of course, the exceptional pianists whose thorough practice, dedication and passion was music to our ears
-Adi L6VIWednesday saw the concert opened once again by an ar bl more refined version of ‘Cool’ from Funky Bishops. We w then graced with Guitar ensemble’s performance of I’m and their own rendition of ‘Locked Out of Heaven’ by Bru Mars. This was followed swiftly by the first solo of the ev GCSE music student Taz 11G. After being wowed by Taz’ spectacular vocals, Junior percussion took the stage to p ‘Crazy Dance’ and Spring Time Salsa A change in mood w brought by Haydn L6’s solo performance of Nocturne in Minor by Chopin, turning Big School into a serene, silent environment. Funky Bishops were back with ‘Funkytown ‘Tank!’
The second half opened with a thunderous performance of ‘Cyclone’ by our Senior Orchestra, who expertly stayed still through a deafening round of applause Brass Band then performed highlights from Aladdin; they were somehow the smallest group of the evening and still performed a near perfect piece Plastic Fiction then took the stage again, this time cheekily adding two encores. Senior Percussion Ensemble were up next with ‘Axel F’, involving some excellent dance moves and tambourine playing from Benedict and myself, followed by an excellent performance of Conga, arranged by Miss Jones As the night drew to an end, Senior orchestra took stage again to perform Waltz No 2 by Shostakovich and then close the evening with the main theme from Jurassic Park, a majestic and fitting end to two wonderful nights of music making magic
-Freddie 10WWell done to all performers: Ismael, Seth, Sunny, Benedict, Adi, Taz, Josh, Freddie, Charlie, Jasper, Aryan, Karson, Karim, Tom, James, Colby, Ediz, Joe and to Haydn, Szymon, Karim and Charlie for masterminding and compering the event. Thank you to Charlie in Year 11 for doing an excellent job on lighting and sound We raised a lot of money for 'Voice of Ukraine UK', a charity who provides music therapy for orphans in Ukraine. Thank you to the Charity's founder Iryna for attending, and to Anastasia (her daughter and student at Purcell School) for playing so beautifully
On February 6, 4:17am: a 7 8 magnitude earthquake struck Northern Syria and Southern Turkey The worst in over a century for these countries, it caused despair and misery. The death toll doubled every few days, now over 57,000, and unfortunately still counting Millions of people have been left homeless, spending nights in the freezing cold, many taking refuge in their cars or under blankets in the streets, camping around fires like cavemen.
At Vesey, we initiated a non-uniform day to raise funds to support the relief efforts as well as to commemorate the lives lost in this tragedy Charity Captain Harry U6 and I held assemblies to educate others about the earthquake through the week; we also hosted table tennis games for students to make donations and play against their favourite teachers
I am extremely grateful for how quickly Mr Robson and Harry (Charity Captain) recognised the need to do our part and helping me organise this campaign It was astounding to see the Vesey community raise well over £2,300 "
KarimThe UK Chemistry Olympiad is a 2 hour written paper taken in school by A level students. Designed by a team of experienced teachers and university chemists it incorporates the fundamental content learnt in A Level Chemistry but is designed to stretch students significantly beyond the syllabus and tackle Chemistry problems as they would be expected to at university. It offers a chance for A level students to think creatively in unfamiliar scenarios and observe how their core knowledge is used in modern technological advancements. Well done to the following:
Max -bronze
Haydn -silver
Jia -bronze
Evie -Mills
Sam - silver
Karim -bronze
Hadi Rana
Mahin -bronze
Muhammad -bronze
Rohan -bronze
Cheryl -bronze
Usairam -bronze
Jacob -bronze
Ibraheem -bronze
Amy -bronze
Mahin -bronze
After 6 rounds focused on different areas of the History curriculum, the winners were:
Currently, with nearly 40 students across different years groups, the co-curricular yoga is the most popular amongst the activities we offer to our students. Building on an amazing success of yoga sessions facilitated by Joanna Fletcher, RYT-200, Founder of the YogoJo Foundation (a registered charity 1198082), BVGS together with the YogoJo Foundation would like to organise the UK-India Health and Cultural Exchange. At this stage we are looking for Expressions of Interest from parents who would like their son or daughter to take part in this life-changing experience. This opportunity is open to all Vesey’s students. We would like to gauge the potential numbers of students to make relevant preparations.
Please fill in this form that will gather your child’s name and allow you to ask any questions: https://forms.office.com/e/cK408ACcGT
The Health and Cultural Exchange will promote effective, long-term and sustainable practices, like exercise (yoga) and healthy eating (ayurveda) to improve self-efficacy and equip young people with tools such as breathwork, meditation, relaxation, and posture practice to manage mental and physical health without any extra cost to the public health service.
During the Health and Cultural Exchange pupils from BVGS will have an opportunity to:
Learn tools that come from traditional practices that will support their mental and physical health.
Experience the benefits of traditional practices for health and well-being. Prepare to practice yoga, meditation and breathing and learn about the foundations of ayurveda during this life-changing adventure to embrace balance on physical and mental levels.
Experience Indian lifestyle and culture.
The purpose of this exchange is to experience a different culture and go on a journey that will include them learning yoga-based tools that help teenagers thrive in a difficult world where mental health challenges are rife. In this cross-cultural programme students will explore how to recognise and regulate their emotions and improve and maintain their overall health through the multi-dimensional practice of yoga, which includes physical postures, breath, movement, and meditation. Students will also be introduced to Ayurveda.
The Exchange will include social and educational elements. The UK students will visit participating secondary schools in India and spend time with local students’ families to learn about the culture and traditions of Indian people.
The first Exchange will take place 27th October – 5th November 2023 in the Little Cove Resort located in Nashik, an ancient holy city in northern region of Indian state Maharashtra. The total cost is estimated to be £2,000 and includes flights, accommodation, full board, daily yoga practice, airport transfers, local transport and entry tickets. We are looking to heavily subsidise this trip via government funding routes, sponsorship and donations.
A link is attached to a similar programme so parents and pupils can get a feeling for what the trip may involve. The final programme for this event will be circulated in the coming few months.