Race Information
• Teams will consist of up to 6 runners with the top 4 to score.
• Please email team lists to a.hamilton@beechwoodpark.com by 17:00 on Tuesday 24 January. Any last minute changes can be made during Registration on the day.
• On the start line, teams will need to line up in single file with the fastest runner at the front.
• Boys and girls will run together but will finish in different funnels (boys blue, girls red).
• Each school will need a member of staff at the finish line to collect their team’s finishing numbers, calculate, and place in the team envelopes provided. Chaperones will then return these to the Results Desk.
• Individual medals will be awarded to the first three runners in each race.
• Team medals will be awarded to the winning boys’ and girls’ teams in each age group. The winning team will also receive a school trophy to be engraved and returned the following year.
Clothing and Footwear
• All runners are encouraged to wear suitable footwear for the race. We would recommend spikes, football boots or trail trainers as the whole course is over grass or through woodland.. If the ground is frosty, trainers may be most suitable.
• Please wear school kit for easy identification, where possible.
• We recommend plenty of warm layers for before and after running.
• Please come in kit as there are not enough changing areas to cater for everyone.
• Parking for minibuses will be in the main square car park at the front of School.
• Parking for spectators will be along the side of the drive. Marshals will be there to guide you.
• Toilets will be clearly signposted.
• Presentations will take place at 15:45 by the Results Desk.
• Parents’ Teas will be served on the Back Lawn outside the main Diring Room between 14:00 and 16:00.
• Pupils’ teas will be boxed and available for schools to collect at the gazebos from Registration onwards.
• In the event of a fire alarm, runners will be required to line up in their school teams on the Back Field. Visitors will also be required to congregate there.
• In the case of inclement weather and the event has to be cancelled, schools will be notified by email as soon as we have made the decision, ideally before 12:00