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f r y d


b y f ry d - join the magic the studio






wo r d s


my journey

THIS MAGAZINE IS SPONSORED A big thank you to my sponsors who wanted to be a part of my ”Studio By Fryd” Fargerike, Woods, Annaleena, Comfort, Kvik, Nest, Historiske, TineK, Design Belysning, Objektum, Fagflis

X Here I am. In the middle. In the middle of everything. On my journey with ever changing goals. There are no end. It´s an adventure filled with new wisdom. Every second. My struggle. To live every second. Not in the past. Not in the future. I´m thankful. I´m seeking. I´m wondering. I smile.

Thank you. For opening these pages. Thank you for using your precious time.

With this I want to wish you some magical days filled with inner peace & harmony.



-ODEWe are the music makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams, World-losers and world-forsakers, On whom the pale moon gleams: Yet we are the movers and shakers Of the world for ever, it seems. - Arthur O’Shaughnessy, 1874 -

White Advent star lamp from Cooee Design.

o p p o s i t e

Not black or white. Just facing the other side.

Candle Tallow from Kollekted By. Pyramid from Annaleena. Vase/jar Soil & Soul from HYSJ.

- we are the dreamers of dreams -

Paper Christmas trees instuctions here. White pyramid from Annaleena. Acrylic Christmas trees from Cooee Design.

t h e

s t a r t

Studio By Fryd - how it all happend. We live on an old farm. Well farm is not the right word, because all that is left are the bulidings, the garden and the history. We have no fields or animals, except two cats and two guinea pigs. But we do have a large barn. A wonderful buliding that deserved to live again. It has taken us years in paperwork and hard physical work to get here, but it has been worth it. We have learned so much on the way and are so proud to say that Studio By Fryd is a reality. We do not have a big chest of money, rather the opposite. But we do have a lot of willingness and respect for each other, which has made this possible. Mr. G has been amazing and is my hero.

But I need to say that it´s been necessary with professional help on this project. From structure, electric to plumber. On the way I have been so lucky to get sponsors to help us out with paint, lighting, tiles, discount on kitchen, bathroom supplies and interior. I guess it´s payback time for the years of blogging. I´m thankful. Now, time to see before and after photos.

The entrance before and after.

In 1969 the barn was still working as a cow shed, but has been empty since then. Until now. Fresh flowers and bright natural light are flowting in.

Lights from Design Belysning. Basket from Nest. Summer came and it was time to move in. It felt like magic when we turned on the light for the first time. I just wanted to dance. To have a place to create. To invite. Hold courses. To be. This place will house joy, freedom and wisdom. Our investment.

- you know the truth, by the way it feels -

m o m e n t s

Still life from the studio. Quiet.

Tiles from Historiske. Paint from Fargerike.

who are you when no one´s watching?

Mixer tap and sink from Comfort.

Tiles from Fagflis. Toilet and shower from Comfort. Clothing rack from Annaleena.

Kitchen from Kvik. Studio Snowpuppe lamps from Nest. Carpet from Objektum. Pyramid from Annaleena. Jar from HYSJ.

-you don´t have a soul. you are a soul. you have a body C.S. Lewis



m a s

by Lunde & Mork for kk living

r aw





Nature, concrete and feather garland Table of concrete and wood from Woods agency, is covered with dishes from Tine K and rounded by old school chairs from Remix Art. The table is easily covered with natural elements in gray, white and green. The wreath of feathers above the table gives the industrial feeling a soft ending that says Christmas. The wreath on the ceiling is made of an old shower ring . It is hung with a thin wire and covered with evergreen leaves. The feathers are dancing in silence from the heat of lighted candles.

My kind of tools A green old tool box lights up with its lusty content and creates a joyfull feeling with it´s bountiful and sparkling content. Evergreen branches, in garland and as a tree, are bringing the smell of Christmas inside and sweet music are filling the room. We welcome Christmas.

We wish you a Merry Christmas filled with sparkle & love -

w i n t e r

b l o s s o m

by Cherry Blossom Blog

A pretty japanese origami ball - a kusudama. It’s a fun-to-make and decorative winter blossom. Easy to fold. Takes a little bit of time. But it is definitely worth it. You need a ruler paper pencil a pair of scissors or paper scalpel paper glue a silk ribbon for hanging Start with cutting squares 7x7cm (in the end the ball will measure 13 cm in diameters). You will need a total of 60 squares. The tutorial I’ve made show you how to fold one basic shape Step-by-step. When you finish step 13, you glue the two folded parts together and it will look like a kind of cone shape. When you have folded and glued each of the 5 cones, you glue these together like a flower in step 14 (be patient and let the glue dry in-between) You will then need a total of 12 complete flowers (step 14) made out of 5 cones - and then you start to glue the flowers together, starting with one half of the ball, and remember to glue the ribbon in the middle, glue the other half of the ball, and finally glue the two halves together - and you are done!

Styling and products from Tine K.

s h o p p i n g

sweet stuff for you a nd me

Lamp; Bloomingville. Candelstick houses: Woods. Alphabet Bag; Nest. Flip Around stool and table; Menu. Poster August 2013; HYSJ.

Necklace; Cisthene. Lamps; Objektum. Print Circles; Nest. Vases; Tine K. Mirror hooks, Kollekted By. Carpet; Stilleben. Candle sticks for wall; Kollekted By. Industrial candle stick; Annaleena. Vase; Stilleben.

Print HYSJ/01; HYSJ. Boxes; Kähler. Table; Norman Copenhagen. Lamp Kvist; Verket Interiør. Lamp from Bloomingville; Design Belysning. Avoca mittens; Nest. Weekly planner; HAY. House of Rym coffee pot, Rym. Lamp; Design Belysning. Baskets; Tine K. Bracelet; Cisthene. Pink, copper and soaps; Tine K.

t e a l

color of 2014 Norwegian summers. Soft and refreshing. Ever lasting light evenings. Soothing hours with morning mist. - or Cold winter days that never quite awakes. The shadows dancing across the snow covered ground. The sky sparkles when the �blue hour�enters. Fargerike proclaimed, teal it is.

Print Blue Pelargos; HYSJ. Tiles; Historiske. Cube bed linnen; Norman Copenhagen. Clipper tea; Nest. Table Tablo from Norman Copenhagen; Kollekted By.

Block mobile side table; Norman Copenhagen. Cabinet with drawers; Objektum. Mano cups; K채hler. Daily journal; Nest. Chairs; Objektum. Brick; TineK. Pillows; HAY.

c h r i s t m a s

by Fryd / Lunde & Mork

d i y

Magic in a jar This is how you can make your own little snow globe. With a glue gun, paste the toy animal with desired decorations on the stone. Then glue the stone on the inside of the lid. Let it dry thoroughly. Fill the jar a little over halfway with water and sprinkle the glitter into the jar. Screw the lid on tightly and turn it around. Now it´s time to make some magic. PS. Remember to use a jar that does not leak when it’s turned upside down.

Christmas tree In every shape and size. Plant small trees in a bowl with soil and moss. With some water they will last all winter inside. A big branch of spruce with cones, in front of the fireplace brings the Christmas mood inside. Lets eat some marshmallows and gingerbread. Oh joy!

Decoration Beautiful small brass vases from the flee market is filled with oasis and purple alpine violets. Perfect as a table decoration. Homemade Christmas cards decorated with ribbons and words from the heart.

Green & gold A pretty flower arrangement in 1 - 2 - 3. A golden horse for your tabel. You need a play horse, golden paint and glitter. Paint the horse in gold and sprinkle the glitter while the paint still is wet.

Wreath & paper flowers With winter greenery and some wire, you can create the finest wreaths for Christmas. These paper flowers are everlasting and are used in every way in this house. They hang from the ceiling, decorates the Christmas gifts and are tied up on the tree. Lets make some. Instructions here.

my words

- about -

h y s j

“Intuition whisp ers in your ea r” On a cold winter day I sent Hilde an e-mail, asking if she wanted to meet. I had this strong feeling. That the two of us had a future.Though we had never met. This is not typical me, inviting people in that I do not know. I´m a privat person. But we we did. Meet. Me and my soulsister. _ Everything happens in between. _ Here we are, almost a year later. With our first collection. Working from our hearts. Making our own little univers. Oh life...

o b s c u r e d - I feel through my eyes -

The End ” I don´t know what to say,” he said. ”It´s okay,” she replied. ”I know what we are– and I know what we´re not.” - Lang Leav -

t h a n k

y o u

from Jeanette Lunde / by Fryd

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