Byways Great American Cities 2025

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Featuring NorthAmerica’s Leading Travel Destinations

Getready for another exciting journey through someofAmerica’s most dynamicand scenicdestinations! Inthis issue, Byways takes you coasttocoast, exploringcities richinhistory, culture,and adventure.

Whether you’redrawn tothe towering skylineof Seattle,thehistoricstreets of St. Louis,or thehidden gems of Kingston,we’vegot something for everytraveler.

Seattle,Washington,is acitythatseamlesslyblends nature, innovation, andculture.Nestledbetween PugetSoundand theCascadeMountains,itoffers breathtaking scenery alongsideurban sophistication.

FromtheiconicSpace Needleto thebustling PikePlaceMarket, we’ll uncover whatmakes this PacificNorthwest metropolis an unforgettabledestination.

St.Louis, Missouri,is a city steeped in history yet alivewith modern energy. Morethan justthefamous GatewayArch, itboasts a thriving arts scene,worldclass attractions, and arichculinarylandscape.We’ll show you why this MississippiRiver gemcontinues to captivatetravelers fromnear andfar.


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has transformed froman industrialpowerhouseintoavibranthub of arts, sports,andinnovation.Whether you’recatchinga Steelers game, exploringthecity’s many museums, or indulging inits famous sandwiches,our guidewill highlightthebestof theSteelCity.

Charlotte,NorthCarolina, is acity ontherise, offeringaperfectblendof historiccharmandmodern attractions. FromNASCARthrills toabooming food scene, Charlotteseamlesslyblends Southern hospitalitywith acosmopolitan edge, makingitan excitingdestinationfor anytraveler.

Oftenovershadowedby LasVegas,Reno,Nevada, offers its own uniquemixof adventure,entertainment, andoutdoor beauty.Nestledin thefoothills of the SierraNevada, Reno is more thanjustagaming destination—it’s acitywith arich history,cultural festivals, andaccess to stunning landscapes.

For thoseseekingaunique shoppingexperience, Shipshewana,Indiana,is a must-visitdestination. Hometotherenowned ShipshewanaTrading Place FleaMarket&Auction, this charmingtownhas been recognizedas oneof thebest shoppingspots inthe country.We’lltakeyou insidethis famous marketand show you why it’s an experienceunlikeanyother.

OnceNewYork’s firstcapital,Kingstonoffers a fascinating mix of colonialhistory,riversidebeauty, and agrowing food and arts scene.Locatedalongthe Hudson River, this charmingtownis anidealbasefor exploringtheHudsonValley,includingnearby SullivanandDutchess Counties.

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Joinus as wejourneythroughtheseremarkable destinations,uncoveringthestories,sights, and experiences thatmakeeachoneunique.Whether you’reahistory buff,anoutdoor adventurer,or a foodieinsearch of your nextgreatmeal, Byways has theperfectroad trip inspiration waitingfor you!

Stay tunedfor more!

On the Cover. Pittsburgh’s vibrant skyline shines under a bright blue sky, featuring the towering UPMC, BNY Mellon, and PNC buildings—hallmarks of the city’s historic and modern economic strength. See story page 30. Photo courtesy Zhen Yao on Unsplash.

New York, A Hudson Valley

What’s Happening

Coming in Future Issues

Future issues of Byways will feature Mountains and Valleys, Ocean Views, Rivers and Lakes and

Next: Mountains & Valleys

Right. Oxbow Bend in Grand Tetons National Park, Jackson. Wyoming. Photo courtesy Nate Foong on Unsplash.

Situated betweenthesparklingwaters of Puget Soundandthemajesticpeaks of theCascade Mountains, Seattle,Washington,offers a dynamicblend of history, innovation,and breathtaking scenery.

Known for its iconicskyline,culturalvibrancy,and richmaritimeheritage, this PacificNorthwestcityis a destinationwhereurbansophisticationmeets thegreat outdoors.

The Emerald City’s Roots: A History

Built on Timber and Trade

Seattle’s story begins with its Indigenous peoples, including the Duwamish and Suquamish tribes, who lived in harmony with the region’s forests and waterways for thousands of years. It takes its name from Chief Seattle, a respected Duwamish leader.

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Inthemid-19thcentury,settlers arrived,and Seattle grew as acenter for thelogging industry.Bythelate 1800s,thecity’s strategiclocationmadeitagateway to theKlondikeGold Rush,fuelingrapidexpansion.

Seattle’s industrialbaseflourishedin the20thcentury with companies likeBoeingtransformingthecityinto anaviationhub.Today,it’s synonymous with tech giants likeAmazonand Microsoft,butits roots as a center of tradeandinnovationremainvisible throughoutthecity.

For adeepdiveintoSeattle’s history,visitthe Museumof History&Industry,located in theSouth LakeUnionneighborhood.Exhibits explore everythingfromthecity’s maritimepastto its rolein shaping modern technology.

Exploring the Iconic Landmarks

Seattle’s skyline is defined by the Space Needle, a futuristic structure built for the 1962 World’s Fair.A trip to the top rewards visitors with panoramic views of Mount Rainier, Elliott Bay, and the city below. For an equally impressive perspective, ride the Seattle Great Wheel, a Ferris wheel on the waterfront that lights up the skyline at night.

Justbelow theSpaceNeedle,the Chihuly Garden andGlass museum showcases thework of localglass artistDaleChihuly.Wander through dazzling installations of vibrant, intricateglass sculptures thatmimicnature’s forms.

Dining in Seattle: A Feast of Flavors

For auniqueundergroundperspective,taketheSeattle UndergroundTour in Pioneer Square.This guided tour explores thecity’s originalstreets,whichwere buried after theGreatFireof 1889,offeringa fascinating glimpseintoSeattle’s earlydays.

Seattle’s culinary scene is shaped by its proximity to the Pacific Ocean and its reputation as a global melting pot. Fresh seafood takes center stage, and visitors shouldn’t miss a chance to indulge in the city’s iconic dishes.

StartatPikePlaceMarket,oneof theoldest continuously operating publicmarkets intheU.S. Watch thefishmongers toss salmon,browseartisanal goods, and savor asteamingbowlof clamchowder fromPikePlaceChowder.For asweettreat,stopby theoriginalStarbucks, amodest storefrontthatlaunchedaglobal phenomenon.

Seafood lovers willwanttovisit TheWalrus and theCarpenter in Ballard,anintimatespotknownfor its oysters and smallplates.For a moreupscaleexperience,headto Canlis, an iconicSeattlefine-dining restaurantperched on ahillside withstunning views of LakeUnion.

For internationalflavors, Seattle’s InternationalDistrictoffers incredibledining options.Trythe dimsumatJadeGarden,or explore thevibrantVietnamesecuisineat BaBar.

If craftbeer or coffeeis your thing, Seattledoesn’t disappoint.Thecityis hometo athrivingcraft brewingscene,with standoutspots likeFremont BrewingandOptimismBrewing Company. For coffee aficionados,skipthechains andvisitlocalroasters

likeVictrolaCoffeeRoasters or CaffeVitafor atrue tasteof Seattle’s coffeeculture.

Adventures Beyond the City

While Seattle is a bustling metropolis, its surroundings offer easy access to some of the most stunning natural landscapes in the Pacific Northwest.

Justashortferry rideaway,BainbridgeIslandoffers scenicvistas, charmingshops,andquiethiking trails. For alonger escape, head toMountRainier National Park, whereyou canhikeamongalpinemeadows, waterfalls, and glacier views.

Closer tothecity, DiscoveryParkprovides apeaceful retreatwith walking trails thatleadtobreathtaking views of PugetSound.TheWashingtonPark Arboretumis another oasis,showcasingbeautiful gardens andatranquilwaterfront.

For aquintessentialPacificNorthwestexperience, takeawhale-watchingtour departingfromnearby Anacortes or theSanJuan Islands.Orcas,humpback whales, and sealions arejustsomeof thewildlifeyou mightencounter.

Seattle’s Passion for Sports

Seattleites are passionate about their sports teams, and catching a game in the city is an experience not to be missed. The Seattle Seahawks (NFL) and the Seattle Sounders FC (MLS) play at the Lumen Field, where the energy of the crowd is contagious. Known for their roaring fans, dubbed the “12th Man”, Seahawks games are an unforgettable spectacle.

Baseballfans canheadtoT-MobilePark towatch the SeattleMariners.Thestadium’s retractableroof ensures acomfortableexperience, rainor shine,and its concessions featureeverythingfromclassichot dogs to freshsushi.

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Seattleis also hometotheSeattleKraken,theNHL’s newestexpansion team.Their games atClimate PledgeArena, astate-of-the-art,eco-friendlyvenue, havequickly becomeahighlightfor locals and visitors alike.

A Neighborhood Tour: Discovering Seattle’s Character

Seattle’s neighborhoods each have a distinct character, inviting exploration.

CapitolHillis alively district known for its nightlife, eclectic boutiques,and LGBTQ+pride. It’s also hometoVolunteer Park, where youcanclimb thehistoricwater tower for stunningviews.

InBallard,exploretheHiramM. ChittendenLocks andtheadjoining fish ladder,whereyoucanwatch salmonmaketheir journey upstream.

Fremont,dubbed“TheCenter of the Universe,”is an artsy enclave featuringquirkyattractions likethe FremontTroll,amassivesculpture under abridge.

WestSeattleoffers amorelaid-back vibe,withAlkiBeachproviding sandyshores,kayaking opportunities,andbreathtaking views of thedowntown skyline.

Planning Your Visit

Seattle is easily accessible via interstate highways and througfh Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA), with ample public transportation options including the Link light rail, which connects the airport to downtown. Once in the city, Seattle’s pedestrian-friendly layout and public transit make getting around a breeze.

For moreinformationand assistanceinplanningyour trip, contacttheSeattleConventionand Visitors Bureau:

Seattleis acitywherehistoryandinnovation intersect,offeringan experiencerichinculture, naturalbeauty,andculinarydelights.

Whether you’readmiringtheview fromtheSpace Needle,savoringfresh seafoodatPikePlaceMarket, or cheeringontheSeahawks,Seattlepromises atrip filledwith discovery andunforgettablemoments.

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Thecityof St. Louis,Missouri,stands as a vibrantintersectionof history,culture,and modern innovation.Knownas the“Gatewayto theWest”, this dynamiccityalongtheMississippi River has long beenahubof explorationand enterprise.

Witharich past, athrivingpresent,andexciting developments on thehorizon,St.Louis offers travelers countless reasons tovisit.

Fromits iconiclandmarks andengagingattractions to its burgeoning culinary sceneandpassionatesports culture, there’s never beenabetter timetoexploreall thatSt. Louis has tooffer.

A Historical Gateway

St. Louis earned its nickname as the “Gateway to the West” during the era of westward expansion. Founded in 1764 by French fur traders, the city played a pivotal role in the Louisiana Purchase and served as the launching point for the historic Lewis and Clark Expedition.

Today, theGatewayArch,the tallestman-mademonumentinthe UnitedStates,stands as atributeto thecity’s historicalsignificance.A visitto theArchgrounds includes theMuseumattheGatewayArch, whichdelves intothecity’s rolein shaping thenation’s frontier. Visitors canalsoascendto thetop of theArchfor panoramicviews of theMississippiRiver and downtownSt.Louis.

Union Station: Where History Meets Thrills

Union Station, once one of the largest and busiest train stations in the world, has transformed into an entertainment destination that continues to grow. Visitors can marvel at the stunning architecture of the Grand Hall, where an immersive Light Show dazzles

guests with a mix of technology and artistry.

Already hometo theSt.Louis Aquarium,theSt. LouisWheel,and family-friendly attractions likethe mirror mazeand mini-golf,Union Station is setto expand further.Early summer 2025 willseethedebutof a roller coaster, apirateship ride,anda swing ride, bringingeven more excitementto this historicspace.

City Foundry: A Creative Hub

For those seeking an urban adventure, the City Foundry has become a hotspot for dining, shopping, and entertainment. The European-inspired Food Hall offers a rotating lineup of local chefs and international flavors, making it an ideal place for foodies to explore.

TheFoundry also features uniqueboutiques,the quirky Museumof Illusions,andattractions likePut Shack, amodern twiston mini-golf.Movielovers can enjoyan evening atAlamoDrafthouse,acinemathat combines filmscreenings withafull-service restaurantand bar.

Citygarden: Art and Nature Downtown

Downtown St. Louis has undergone a green transformation with the expansion of Citygarden in 2024. This urban oasis blends art, nature, and play, offering visitors a peaceful escape in the heart of the city. New sculptures and additional green spaces invite exploration, while interactive features like splash fountains make it a favorite for families.

A Culinary Capital in the Midwest St. Louis has emerged as a culinary destination, boasting flavors that reflect its cultural diversity and local traditions. Don’t leave without sampling toasted ravioli, a local favorite. For a sweet treat, indulge in gooey butter cake, a dessert as rich as the city’s history.

TheHillneighborhood,knownfor its ItalianAmerican heritage, is amust-visitfor classicItalian dishes. Stopby establishments likeCharlieGitto’s or Zia’s for hearty pastaand warmhospitality.For barbecueenthusiasts,Pappy’s SmokehouseandSalt+ Smokearetwo iconicspots servinguptender ribs and brisket.

Downtown,St. Louis’growing craftbeer scene shines,withbreweries likeSchlaflyandUrban Chestnutofferingrefreshingoptions. Pair your drink with gastropubfareandenjoyatruetasteof thecity’s thriving culinaryculture.

Sports in the Spirit of St. Louis

St. Louis is a city that wears its love for sports on its sleeve. Baseball fans flock to Busch Stadium to cheer for the St. Louis Cardinals, one of Major League Baseball’s most storied franchises.Agame here isn’t complete without a St. Louis-style hot dog and a sea of red in the stands.

Soccer enthusiasts haveembracedSt.Louis CitySC, thecity’s Major LeagueSoccer team,whichplays in thestate-of-the-artEnergizer Park.Hockeyfans can catchtheSt.Louis Blues inactionatEnterprise Center, during theelectrifyingNHLseason.

Sports extend beyondtheprofessionallevel,with ForestPark hosting everythingfromcommunityruns to pickupsoccer games.

Beyond the City Limits

St. Louis’location makes it an ideal base for exploring nearby attractions. Less than an hour’s drive west, wine enthusiasts can explore the wineries ofAugusta, Missouri, the first designatedAmerican ViticulturalArea in the U.S. For families, Six Flags St. Louis offers thrill rides and entertainment just a short trip away.

Naturelovers willappreciatetheserenebeauty of the MissouriBotanicalGarden,oneof theoldest

botanicalinstitutions inthecountry.Additionally, ForestPark,whichhostedthe1904World’s Fair, remains oneof thelargesturbanparks intheU.S., housingtheSaintLouis Zoo,SaintLouisArt Museum,and more—allwithfreeadmission.

Preserving and Progressing

St. Louis is a city that seamlessly blends its historical roots with forward-thinking innovation. Its preservation of iconic landmarks like Union Station and the GatewayArch is matched by its embrace of new attractions like the developments at the City Foundry and Citygarden.

This juxtaposition of old andnew creates acityscape that’s constantly evolvingwhilestaying truetoits character.Visitors can exploreits richhistory one momentandexperiencecutting-edgeentertainment thenext.

Plan Your Visit

With so much to offer, St. Louis is a destination for history buffs, food lovers, sports fans, and those seeking new adventures. Whether you’re strolling along the Mississippi, savoring local flavors, or marveling at the latest attractions, St. Louis promises a journey full of discovery.

As thecity continues togrow and innovate,itremains aplacethatembraces its pastwhilelookingboldlyto thefuture.

Nestled alongthebanks of themajesticHudson River, Kingston, NewYork,is acitywhere history, culture, andnaturalbeautyconverge. As NewYork’s firstcapitalandakeyhubduringthe 19th-century canalera,Kingstonhas evolvedintoa vibrantdestination thatoffers arichblendof historic charm, outdoor adventures,andaburgeoningculinary scene.

Travelers exploring thescenicbyways of theHudson Valley willfind Kingston anidealbasefor discovering theregion’s treasures,includingnearbySullivan and Dutchess Counties.

A Historic Heartbeat

Kingston’s story begins in 1652 when Dutch settlers established a community here, naming it Esopus after the local Indigenous people. In 1777, Kingston became New York’s first capital. However, during the Revolutionary War, the British burned the city to the ground, leaving behind a legacy of resilience. Today, Kingston honors its history through beautifully preserved architecture, museums, and cultural landmarks.

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Oneof thecity’s must-seehistoricattractions is the SenateHouseStateHistoricSiteintheStockade District. Builtin1676, this was whereNewYork’s firstSenateconvened.Visitors cantour thehouse, exploreexhibits oncoloniallife,andlearnabout Kingston’s pivotalroleinthestate’s history.

Another highlightis theHudsonRiver Maritime MuseumintheRondoutWaterfrontDistrict.This museumoffers afascinatinglookatKingston’s maritimeheritage,with exhibits ontheHudson River’s roleintransportation, trade, andrecreation. Don’tmiss thechancetoexplorethemuseum’s historicvessels dockedalongRondoutCreek.

Exploring Kingston’s Unique Districts

Kingston is divided into three distinct districts, each offering its own unique experience.

TheStockadeDistrictAs oneof theoldest neighborhoods intheU.S.,theStockadeDistrict boasts colonial-erastonebuildings,boutiqueshops, andlivelycafes.Theareacomes aliveduringthe KingstonFarmers MarketonSaturdays,wherelocal

vendors sellfresh produce,artisanal goods, and handmadecrafts.

TheRondoutWaterfront District

Onceabustling portduringthe19th century, this districthas been revitalized into acharminghubof art galleries, restaurants, andboutique shops.Strollalong thewaterfront promenade, enjoy ariversidemeal,or book ascenicboattour to soakinthe Hudson River views.

TheMidtownArts DistrictKnown for its creativeenergy, Midtownis hometostudios, theaters, andmurals. Check outperformances attheUlster PerformingArts Center (UPAC) or explorelocalgalleries showcasing works by HudsonValleyartists.

Culinary Delights

Kingston’s culinary scene is a highlight for food lovers, reflecting the Hudson Valley’s farm-to-table ethos and diverse cultural influences.

For amemorabledining experience,headtoShip to Shore, abelovedwaterfrontbistrooffering amenu thathighlights fresh,locallysourcedingredients.Try their seafooddishes,likepan-searedscallops,or their juicysteakfrites.

In theStockadeDistrict, DuoBistroserves inventive American farewith afocus onseasonalingredients. Their brunch offerings,likeduckhashandricotta pancakes, areahitwith locals andvisitors alike.

For pizzaenthusiasts,ASliceof ItalyinMidtown offers wood-fired creations thatrivalanybig-city pizzeria. Pair your mealwithacraftbeer fromoneof Kingston’s localbreweries,suchas KeeganAles, known for its hearty stouts andcrisplagers.

Dessertlovers shouldn’tmiss BoiceBrothers Dairy, an old-fashioned icecreamshopthat’s beena Kingston staplesince 1914.

For atasteof international cuisine, Kingston’s diversedining options include Mexican flavors atSanta FeUptown, Mediterranean dishes at YiasouCafe, and authentic Japanese ramen at RamenYaYa Ya.

Outdoor Adventures in and Around Kingston

Kingston’s natural surroundings make it a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts.

For waterfrontactivities,visitors can rentkayaks or paddleboards and explorethetranquilwaters of the HudsonRiver or RondoutCreek.The KingstonPointRailTrailoffers ascenic walkingand bikingpathalongtheriver, perfectfor soakingin theviews and spottingwildlife.

Seasonal Events and Festivals

Kingston comes alive with events throughout the year, celebrating its history, arts, and community spirit.

Hooleyon theHudsonHeld every Labor Day weekend, this Irishfestivalfeatures music,dance, and plentyof traditionalfare.

Sinterklaas CelebrationThis Dutch-inspired holiday festivalincludes parades,performances,andfestive cheer for allages.

Kingston JazzFestivalAsummer highlight, this eventbrings world-class jazzmusicians tovenues across thecity.

In thefall, theHudsonValley’s foliagetransforms into akaleidoscopeof colors, makingKingstonanideal basefor scenicdrives,applepicking,andharvest festivals.

Nearby Attractions

The Catskill Mountains provide endless opportunities for hiking, camping, and skiing in the winter months. Trails like the Overlook Mountain Trail offer breathtaking views of the Hudson Valley, while spots like North-South Lake are ideal for picnicking and swimming.

AshortdrivefromKingston,visitors canenjoy SullivanCounty’s outdoor offerings,including the DelawareRiver for raftingandfishingor theCatskill Park for hiking throughpristineforests.

In Dutchess County,theWalkwayOver theHudson, a pedestrian bridgeconnectingPoughkeepsieand

Highland,offers sweeping views of theriver andsurrounding landscape. It’s theperfectspotfor aleisurely strollor abikeride.

In Sullivan County, music fans can visit the Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, located at the site of the 1969 Woodstock Festival. The center features a museum dedicated to the history of the iconic music festival and hosts concerts throughout the year.

Dutchess Countyoffers attractions liketheFranklinD.Roosevelt PresidentialLibrary andMuseumin HydePark,wherevisitors canlearn aboutthelifeand legacy of the32nd president.

ThenearbyVanderbiltMansion NationalHistoricSiteoffers a glimpseintoGildedAgeopulence, with stunninggardens overlooking theHudsonRiver.

Foodies willappreciateavisittothe CulinaryInstituteofAmerica(CIA) in HydePark,whereyou can enjoy world-class diningatstudent-run restaurants.

Plan Your Visit

Kingston, New York, invites travelers to immerse themselves in its rich history, vibrant culture, and natural beauty. Whether you’re exploring its historic districts, indulging in farm-to-table cuisine, or venturing into the surrounding counties, Kingston offers an unforgettable Hudson Valley experience.

For moreinformation,contacttheKingstonVisitor Center:

Kingston’s uniqueblendof history,culinary excellence, andoutdoor adventures ensures that visitors willfindplentytodiscover alongthescenic byways of theHudsonValley.

Nestled attheconfluenceof theAllegheny, Monongahela, andOhioRivers,Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, is acity thatembraces its storied pastwhileforging abold future.

Known for its industrialroots,richculturalofferings, and vibrantneighborhoods,Pittsburghinvites travelers toexploreits history,savor its culinary delights, and cheer alongsideits devotedsports fans.

Steel City Origins: A History Forged in Iron

Pittsburgh’s history is tied to its geography. The city’s location at the junction of three rivers made it a natural hub for trade and industry.

In the19th and early 20thcenturies,Pittsburgh becametheheartofAmerica’s steelproduction, earning its nickname“SteelCity”.Titans likeAndrew Carnegieand HenryClay Frickestablishedalegacy of innovationand philanthropythatshapedthecity.

Today,remnants of this industrialheritagearevisible in landmarks liketheCarrieBlastFurnaces andthe

revitalized Strip District,oncehometobustling warehouses and mills.Visitors candelveinto Pittsburgh’s historyattheHeinzHistoryCenter, whereexhibits tellthestoryof thecity’s industrial evolution and its roleinshapingthenation.

Modern Pittsburgh:ACulturalandTechnological Renaissance Pittsburgh has reinvented itself as ahubfor education, healthcare,and technology.Thecityis hometo renowned institutions likeCarnegieMellon Universityand theUniversityof Pittsburgh,whose research and innovationdrivetheregion’s growth.

Strolling through neighborhoods likeOakland, visitors can admireiconiclandmarks likethe Cathedralof Learning, a42-storyGothicRevival skyscraper thathouses theNationalityRooms,each celebrating adifferentculturalheritage.

Artlovers willfind inspirationattheAndyWarhol Museum, thelargestmuseumintheworlddedicated to asingleartist, andtheCarnegieMuseumofArt, which features an impressivecollectionof contemporary and classicworks.For ahands-on experience, theChildren’s Museumof Pittsburgh offers interactiveexhibits for younger travelers.

IconicAttractions: Must-Sees in theCity of Bridges

With morethan445bridges, Pittsburghis acity best explored byfoot, bike,or evenkayak.Avisitwouldn’t becompletewithoutridingtheDuquesneIncline,a historicfunicular thatcarries passengers upMount Washingtonfor panoramicviews of theskylineand rivers.Nearby,theMonongahelaInclineoffers a similarly scenicexperience.

Natureenthusiasts canheadtoPointStatePark,where thecity’s iconicfountainmarks themeetingof the rivers.Thepark’s FortPittMuseumtells thestoryof Pittsburgh’s roleduringtheFrenchandIndianWar. For amoreimmersivenaturalexperience,takeashort drivetothePhipps Conservatory andBotanical Gardens,astunningdisplayof horticulturalartistry.

Baseballfans willrelishavisittoPNCPark, often hailed as oneof themostbeautifulballparks inthe country.

Its riversidelocation andview of thecityskyline makeitatop destination for sports enthusiasts. Nearby, AcrisureStadiumhosts PittsburghSteelers games, whilethePPG PaintsArenais hometothe Pittsburgh Penguins.

Diningin Pittsburgh:

ACulinaryMelting Pot Pittsburgh’s food scenereflects its immigrantroots and modernculinary innovation.Onecannotleavethecity withoutsampling aclassicPrimantiBrothers sandwich, loaded withcoleslaw andFrench fries.Theiconicchain has locations across thecity, buttheoriginalshopintheStrip Districtremains afavorite.

For finedining, headto SpooninEast Liberty, known for its creativetakeon seasonalAmericancuisine,orAltius,a MountWashington restaurantoffering contemporary dishes andbreathtakingcity views.InLawrenceville,oneof Pittsburgh’s trendiestneighborhoods,TheChurchBrew Works serves craftbeer inaconverted church, providing amemorabledining experience.

TheStripDistrictis aparadisefor foodies,offering globalflavors inmarkets and restaurants. Stopby PennsylvaniaMacaroniCompanyfor Italian imports or savor pierogies,astapleof Pittsburgh’s Polish community,atrestaurants likeS&D PolishDeli.

For dessert, visitPrantl’s BakeryinShadysideand try their famous BurntAlmondTorte,hailedas oneof the bestcakes inAmerica. Coffeelovers canrefuelat CommonplaceCoffee, alocalroaster withmultiple locations.

NearbyAdventures: Beyond theCityLimits

WhilePittsburgh offers plentytoexplore,its surrounding areas areequallyenticing.Just30 minutes outsidethecity,theFrankLloydWrightdesigned Fallingwater is aUNESCOWorldHeritage Sitethatmelds architectureandnature.Artandhistory

buffs willalsoappreciateavisittothenearby WestmorelandMuseumofAmericanArtin Greensburg.

For outdoor enthusiasts, OhiopyleStatePark is a haven for hiking, biking,and whitewater rafting. Closer tothecity,theGreatAlleghenyPassagetrail offers scenicbikingroutes alongconverted railways.

Families can venturetoKennywood,oneofAmerica’s oldestamusementparks,featuring classicrides and coasters.Theparkis aperfectblendof nostalgiaand modernthrills.

CheeringfortheBlack and Gold

Pittsburghers’loyaltyto their sports teams is legendary.TheSteelers, Penguins,andPirates areintegralto the city’s identity,andgamedayin Pittsburgh is anexperienceunto itself. Evenif you’renotadie-hardfan,the energy andcamaraderieinthestands arecontagious.

Visitors canalsoexploretheWestern PennsylvaniaSports Museum,located withintheHeinzHistory Center, to learnaboutthecity’s sports legacy,

fromits earlydays of footballand hockey tomodern triumphs.


Pittsburgh’s accessibilitymakes itanidealdestination for travelers.Thecity is servedbythePittsburgh InternationalAirportand is within drivingdistanceof manymajor EastCoastcities.Its walkable neighborhoods andextensivepublictransitsystem makeexploringthecity easyandenjoyable.

For moreinformationaboutplanningyour visit, contactthePittsburghConventionandVisitors Bureau at:

Pittsburgh is acitythatthrives attheintersectionof history,innovation,andculture.Whether you’re drawntoits rivers, bridges,art, or sports, this dynamic cityoffers anexperiencethatwillleavealasting impression.Sopackyour bags, follow therivers,and seewhyPittsburghdeserves aspotonyour travel itinerary.

Located in theheartof theSouth,Charlotte, North Carolina, is avibrantcitythatoffers a compellingmixof history, culture,andmodern attractions. As oneof thefastest-growingcities inthe United States Charlotteseamlesslyblends its richpast withforward-lookinginnovations.

Whether you’revisiting for aweekendor anextended stay, Charlotteprovides travelers withadiversearray of experiences thatreflectits uniquecharacter.Here’s whythis southern cityshouldbeonyour radar.

A Glimpse into Charlotte’s History

Founded in 1768 and named after Queen Charlotte of England, the city played a key role inAmerica’s early history. During theAmerican Revolution, local residents famously declared independence from Britain, making it one of the first areas to push for freedom.

Known as the“Hornet’s Nest”duetoits fierce resistanceagainstBritish rule,Charlottehas carried this rebellious spiritthroughtheyears.

Charlotte’s growthinthe19th and20thcenturies was fueled byits roleas abankingand textilehub,laying thefoundationfor thecity’s modernfinancial prominence.Today,itis hometomajor banking institutions likeBankofAmericaandTruistFinancial, makingitthesecond-largestbanking center in the U.S.,after NewYorkCity.

Attractions that Capture the Spirit of Charlotte

At the center of Charlotte is Uptown, a district brimming with museums, parks, and entertainment venues. Start at the Mint Museum, one of the oldest art museums in North Carolina, which boasts an extensive collection ofAmerican, European, and contemporary art.

Another must-visitis theLevineMuseumof theNew South, whereinteractiveexhibits explorethepostCivilWar history,includingCharlotte’s evolution.

For familyfun,headtotheDiscoveryPlaceScience Museum,whereinteractiveexhibits andanIMAX theater makesciencecomealivefor kids andadults

alike. Nearby, theBechtler Museumof ModernArt and theHarvey B. GanttCenter forAfrican-American Arts +Culturefurther enrichtheculturallandscape.

NASCAR Hall of Fame

As the unofficial capital of stock car racing, Charlotte is home to the NASCAR Hall of Fame, a state-ofthe-art facility that celebrates the history and heritage of NASCAR.

Exhibits includecars fromdifferenteras,asimulator thatputs you in thedriver’s seat,andawalkthrough theevolution of thesport.Fans of speedwillalso want to catcharaceatthenearbyCharlotteMotor Speedway,oneof thepremier venues for motorsports in theU.S.

TheU.S. NationalWhitewaterCenter Adventureseekers willlovetheU.S.National Whitewater Center,justashortdrivefromUptown.

As thelargestman-madewhitewater river inthe world, this center offers rafting,kayaking, paddleboarding, rockclimbing,zip-lining,and

mountainbikingtrails.It’s an outdoor enthusiast’s dreamandaperfectescapefromthepaceof Charlotte.

A Thriving Sports Scene

Charlotte is quickly establishing itself as a major sports destination. Football fans can catch the Carolina Panthers at Bank ofAmerica Stadium, while basketball lovers can watch the Charlotte Hornets play at the Spectrum Center.

Soccer fans now havetheopportunitytoseeCharlotte FC, thecity’s Major LeagueSoccer team,which debuted in 2022 and plays homegames inthesame stadiumas thePanthers.

For baseballfans, theCharlotteKnights,aTriple-A affiliateof theChicagoWhiteSox,playatTruist Field.This stadiumoffers breathtakingviews of the city skylineand is afantasticplacetocatchasummer gamewhileenjoyingthevibrantatmosphereof Uptown.

Nearby Cities and Scenic Getaways

While Charlotte itself is a buzzing metropolis, it’s also ideally situated near some picturesque day-trip destinations.About two hours away isAsheville, nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Known for its artsy vibe and historic Biltmore Estate, it’s a great destination for a weekend escape.

Tothesouth, Rock Hill,justacross theSouthCarolina border, offers aquieter pace,withhikingtrails and parks along theCatawbaRiver.For thoselooking for a coastalretreat, thecharmingcityof Charleston, South Carolina,is aboutathree-hour driveaway,offering beaches, history, and its owndistinctSoutherncharm.

Where and What to Eat in Charlotte

Charlotte’s food scene is an exciting blend of Southern comfort, innovative dining, and

international flavors. From barbecue joints to fine dining establishments, the city caters to a range of tastes and dining experiences.

Southern Staples

No visit to Charlotte is complete without experiencing the city’s take on Southern cuisine. Head to Mert’s Heart and Soul, an Uptown favorite known for its soul food classics like fried chicken, mac and cheese, and cornbread.

Another standoutis Price’s ChickenCoop,abeloved institutionwherelocals andvisitors alikelineupfor friedchickenandsides servedwithSouthern hospitality.

BBQ Done Right

North Carolina is famous for its barbecue, and Charlotte has its fair share of must-try spots. Midwood Smokehouse is a popular choice, offering both Carolina-style pork and Texas-style brisket.

Their smokedwings arealocalfavorite,andthecraft beer selectionpairs perfectlywiththesmoky, rich flavors of their dishes.

Farm-to-Table Excellence

For a more contemporary dining experience, The Fig Tree Restaurant in the historic Elizabeth neighborhood provides an elevated farm-to-table

menu, focusing on fresh, local ingredients.Another fine dining option is Good Food on Montford, known for its ever-changing small plates inspired by global flavors.

Global Cuisine

Charlotte’s diversity shines through in its international food scene. For Mexican food, Cantina 1511 offers bold, flavorful dishes made with fresh ingredients.

ThosecravingAsianfarewillenjoy LangVan,alocalfavoriteserving Vietnamesecuisinewithdishes like pho and crispy springrolls.For Italian, MamaRicotta’s has beena go-tofor fresh pastaand pizzafor decades.

Charlotteoffers ablendof experiences thatmakeita memorabledestination.

Charlotte may be growing rapidly, but it retains a charm and character rooted in its rich history and Southern hospitality.

Whether you’recatchingagame,indulginginlocal eats, or exploring its museums andoutdoor activities,

With its proximityto boththemountains andthe coast,it’s anidealstopfor anytraveler lookingto experiencethebestof theSoutheast.

Reno, Nevada, often overshadowedbyits glitzy neighbor LasVegas,offers adistinctiveblend of history, outdoor adventure,entertainment, and culinary delights.

Nestled in thefoothills of theSierraNevada,this city presents anidealbasefor exploringtheregion’s rich cultureand naturalbeauty.Whether you’redrawnby its storied past, thethrillof gaming,or theallureof the greatoutdoors, Renois adestinationthatpromises morethan justatypicalgetaway.

A Storied Past: From Mining

Boomtown to “The Biggest Little City”

Founded in 1868, Reno’s origins trace back to the boom days of the Transcontinental Railroad. It quickly became a key gateway to the silver and gold mines of Nevada, and later a hub for commerce and tourism.

Reno earned the nickname “The Biggest Little City in the World” in the 1920s, a title that reflects its

small-town charm and big-city amenities. Today, the city retains traces of its past in its historic buildings, including the classic neon signs of downtown and the Victorian architecture of neighboring Virginia City.

Entertainment and Gaming: More Than Just a Roll of the Dice

Reno’s gaming scene is synonymous with its identity, offering visitors an array of classic and modern casinos. Establishments like the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino and the Grand Sierra Resort blend luxury accommodations with expansive gaming floors, offering everything from blackjack to slot machines. For a more nostalgic experience, downtown Reno features vintage casinos like Club Cal Neva, where old-school charm meets budget-friendly gaming options.

Beyondthecasinofloors,Renoboasts athrivingarts andculturalscene.TheNevadaMuseumofArtis a must-visit, offering exhibitions thathighlight regional,national,andinternationalworks.The

NationalAutomobileMuseum,withits impressive collection of over 200vintagecars,appeals tohistory buffs and car enthusiasts alike.

For liveentertainment, headtoCargoConcertHallor theRenoEvents Center,wheretopacts and performances keep thecity’s nightlifevibrant.

Outdoor Adventures: Skiing, Hiking, and Lake Tahoe

Reno’s location offers access to a variety of outdoor activities, making it a hub for adventurers. Winter sports enthusiasts flock to the area for its proximity to Lake Tahoe, home to some of the best ski resorts in the country.

Resorts like Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe and Northstar California provide stunning views and challenging slopes, all within an hour’s drive from downtown Reno. In summer, these resorts transform into hiking and mountain biking paradises.

For thosewho prefer amoreleisurelyoutdoor experience,TruckeeRiverwalkis aperfectspotto takein thescenicviews of theTruckeeRiver that

flows through theheartof thecity.Kayakingand paddleboarding on theriver offer afunwaytoexplore Reno’s naturalside. Further afield,PyramidLake, just 40 miles north, is asacredplacefor thePaiuteTribe and agreatdestination for fishing,swimming,and soakingin desertlandscapes.

Sports in the Biggest Little City: Catching a Game

Reno’s sports scene has become increasingly popular, drawing fans from near and far. Greater Nevada Field, located downtown, is home to the RenoAces, the Triple-Aaffiliate of theArizona Diamondbacks. The ballpark offers a lively atmosphere for baseball fans during the summer months. For soccer enthusiasts, Reno 1868 FC provides action-packed matches, adding to the city’s growing sports culture.

Thoseinterested in collegeathletics can catchtheUniversityof Nevada, RenoWolf Pack footballand

Byways 48

basketballteams in action.Their games atMackay StadiumandLawlor Events Center bring apalpable senseof localpride,makinggamedayanexciting experiencefor visitors andlocals alike

Culinary Highlights: Savoring the Flavors of Reno

Reno’s food scene is as diverse as its visitors, ranging from high-end dining to casual eateries that showcase the region’s unique flavors.

The city’s proximity to California ensures a steady supply of fresh produce, which shines in its farm-to-table restaurants like Campo and Great Full Gardens. These spots are known for their seasonal menus and commitment to locally sourced ingredients.

Butnovisitto Reno is complete withoutatasteof its Basque heritage.Basqueimmigrants arrived in northern Nevadainthe 19thcentury, originallyto work as shepherds, and their culinary traditions remain abelovedpart of thelocalculture.

Louis’BasqueCorner, aReno institution since1967, offers

hearty family-stylemeals inthetraditionalBasque manner.Diners canenjoydishes likechorizo, paella, andpiconpunch,astrong,anise-flavored cocktailthat is aBasque-Americanfavorite.Thecommunaldining experience,wherestrangers shareatable, embodies thewarmthandcamaraderieof Basqueculture.

A Gateway to Nearby Cities

While Reno offers plenty of attractions, its location makes it a great jumping-off point for exploring nearby cities. Just a short drive south, Carson City, the capital of Nevada, offers a glimpse into the state’s political history at the Nevada State Capitol and Nevada State Museum.

To the north, Virginia City transports visitors back in time to the Wild West, with preserved saloons, wooden boardwalks, and the legendary Comstock Lode that once made it one of the wealthiest towns inAmerica.

Aquick jauntacross theCaliforniaborder brings you toTruckee,acharming mountain town with ahistoricdowntown districtandboutiqueshops.Of course,no trip would becompletewithoutvisiting LakeTahoe, whereyoucanindulgein world-class skiing in winter andbeachside relaxation insummer.Whether you’re exploringthealpinelakes or simplytaking

in thecrispmountainair,thesurrounding region complements Reno’s urbanofferings.

Where to Eat: Must-Try Spots

From morning to night, Reno has a variety of dining options to suit every craving. Start your day with breakfast at Two Chicks, known for its hearty

portions and creative twists on classic dishes like eggs Benedict. For a quick lunch, head to Süp, a cozy spot offering homemade soups and sandwiches, perfect for warming up on a chilly day.

In theevening,TheDepotCraft BreweryDistillery is apopular choice, housed in abeautifully restored 1910 train depot. Here, you’llfind craftbeer, smallbatchspirits, and amenu that celebrates contemporary American cuisine. For those seeking amoreupscale experience, LaStradaatthe Eldorado ResortCasinois renowned for its awardwinning seafood risottoand Italian fare.

Why Reno Is Worth the Trip

Reno is a city of contrasts, where the excitement of casino lights meets the tranquility of the Sierra Nevada. Its rich history, unique cultural heritage, and diverse attractions make it an appealing destination for travelers seeking more than a typical getaway.

From the slopes of Lake Tahoe to the lively downtown streets, Reno offers a distinctive blend of adventure, relaxation, and entertainment that’s perfect for every type of traveler. Whether you’re exploring the Basque flavors, catching a game, or trying your luck at the tables, Reno is a city that surprises and delights at every turn.

If you’relooking for ashoppingexperienceunlike any other, Shipshewana,Indiana,shouldbeatthe top of your travellist.ThecharmingMidwestern town is hometo theShipshewanaTradingPlaceFlea Market&Auction, whichhas recentlyearnednational acclaim.

Recognized by theAmericanBusAssociation’s (ABA) Destinations:Bestof theBest2024 inthe Shopping category,this iconicmarketis celebrated for its exceptionalservice,uniqueactivities,and unforgettableexperiences.

TheShipshewanaTradingPlaceFleaMarketoperates seasonallyfromMaythroughSeptember.In2025,the marketwillbeopen everyTuesdayandWednesday fromMay 6th through October 1st,withoperating hours from8:00 a.m. to4:00p.m.EasternStandard Time.

A Nationally Recognized Destination

TheABA’s Destinations: Best of the Best awards highlight outstanding travel experiences that go above and beyond to create memorable moments for visitors. Shipshewana Trading Place was selected from nearly 90 entries as one of just three winners in the shopping category—a testament to its excellence and its status as a must-visit destination.

MichaelChristner, Director of theFleaMarketand Auction, credits theentireteam,vendors,andsellers for theachievement.“Theworkthatgoes intocreating memorableexperiences for visitors is commendable,”

Christner shared.“We’rehonoredto bepartof such an elitegroupof destinations.”

Why Visit Shipshewana Trading Place?

Shipshewana Trading Place isn’t just a flea market; it’s an experience. From one-of-a-kind finds to immersive activities, this destination offers something special for every traveler.

Explore the Largest Flea Market in the Midwest

Stretching across 40 acres, the Shipshewana Flea Market is a treasure trove of antiques, handmade

goods, home décor, and more. With over 700 vendors, visitors can spend hours exploring the market’s vibrant booths, chatting with sellers, and hunting for unique items they won’t find anywhere else.

The Thrill of the Auction

For those who love the excitement of bidding, the market’s Miscellaneous &AntiqueAuction offers a fast-paced, exhilarating experience. Whether you’re a seasoned bidder or a curious firsttimer, the auction is a highlight that immerses visitors in the local culture.

Curated Group Activities

Shipshewana Trading Place goes beyond shopping with groupfriendly activities that make every visit special. Highlights include:

•FleaBag ShoppingTrail:This engaging scavenger huntguides groups through themarket,offering fun challenges and helpingvisitors discover thebestthemarkethas tooffer.

Places to Eat

•Bidding and Breakfast:Auctioneer 101:This unique experiencegives visitors abehind-the-scenes lookat theartof auctioneering. Guests enjoybreakfastwhile learning tips and tricks for masteringtheauction process—perfectfor thoselookingtosharpentheir bidding skills or simplylearnsomethingnew.

No trip to Shipshewana is complete without indulging in the local cuisine. Many of the town’s eateries specialize in heartyAmish and Mennonite dishes. Favorites include:

• BlueGateRestaurant

LoraGates, MarketingDirector for ShipshewanaTrading Place,explains, “Curatingfun activities thatcreate memories for our guests is whatit’s all about.Welovecomingup withfresh ideas every season!”

A Town Full of Charm

While the flea market is the centerpiece of Shipshewana, the town itself is a delight to explore. Nestled in the heart ofAmish Country, Shipshewana offers visitors a glimpse into a simpler way of life, complete with horse-drawn buggies, handcrafted goods, and farm-fresh meals.

Knownfor its family-stylemeals andhomemadepies, this iconicspotis perfectfor comfortfood lovers.

• ShipshewanaTradingPlaceFoodCourt

Conveniently locatedon-site,thefoodcourtoffers arangeof quick bites andrefreshments tokeepyou fueled during your shoppingspree.

Plan Your Visit

Shipshewana Trading Place Flea Market & Auction has earned its spot among the nation’s top shopping destinations for good reason. Whether you’re a seasoned bargain hunter, a group traveler looking for engaging activities, or simply someone who loves exploring unique destinations, Shipshewana promises a unique experience.

For more information, visit the Shipshewana Trading Place website at:

www.shipshewana. com.

Shipshewanaisn’tjusta shoppingdestination— it’s avibrantcultural hubthatinvites travelers to create lasting memories. From its award-winning markettoits charming townandnearby attractions, this is astop alongthebyways of Americayou won’t wanttomiss.

For Informationon visiting thearea, goto:

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