Byways Oceans 2024

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Featuring NorthAmerica’s Leading Travel Destinations

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VISITINDIANA’STOPGROUPDESTINATION StepintoaslowerpaceintheheartofNorthernIndianaAmishCountryandexperience trueHoosierHospitalityatDasDutchmanEssenhaus,locatedinMiddlebury,Indiana. DasDutchmanEssenhaus’beautifulcampus,locatedinthethirdlargestAmishdestinationinthenation,features theworld-famousRestaurantwithfamily-styledining,Homestylebakery,countryshops,beautifullymanicured walkingpaths,peacefulcarriagerides,andmore.TopoffyourWellCraftedgroupexperiencewithrelaxingnight’s stayattheEssenhausInncompletewithluggagehandlinguponrequest,generously-sized guestroomswithstunningAmish-craftedfurniture,in-roomcoffee,indoorpool,
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Getready toembarkona journeythrough someof America’s most captivatingdestinations inthis issueof Byways Magazine. Here’s asneakpeekatwhat’s in store.

Nestled alongthepicturesque shores of Buzzards Bay,New Bedford, Massachusetts,oftenovershadowedby its morefamous neighbors, is ahiddendestination waiting to bediscovered. Oncetheworld’s preeminentwhalingcapital,this unassumingtreasure offers awealth of attractions and experiences sureto captivate even themostseasoned traveler.

In theheartofVirginialies the historictriangleof Jamestown, Williamsburg, andYorktown, offering auniqueblendof rich history, culturalsignificance,and naturalbeauty. Jamestown, establishedin 1607, stands as the siteof thefirstpermanent Englishsettlementin the Americas.Visitors can explore theJamestown Settlement,a living history museumthat brings thepastto lifethroughinteractiveexhibits and reenactments.


beautyand avibrantcontemporaryscene. Explorethe city’s pristinebeaches,historicforts,and charming streets,andindulgeinits arts sceneand mouthwateringcuisine.

With its pristinebeaches,excitingarts scene,andrich culturaltapestry,theMississippiGulf Coastoffers a varietyof experiences for every traveler.Explorethe Maritimeand SeafoodIndustry MuseuminBiloxi, whichtakes visitors onajourneythroughtheregion’s seafaringtraditions.

Alongthesun-drenchedshores of thePacificOcean, SantaBarbarais acitythatseamlesslymixes historicalcharmwith modern sophistication. SantaBarbara enchants visitors with its stunning Spanish Colonial Revivalarchitecture, pristine beaches,andvibrantcultural scene.

LocatedontheRedwood Coastof Northern California, Eurekais acoastalcity that harmoniouslycombines history,culture,and natural splendor.Foundedin1850 duringtheCaliforniaGold Rush, Eurekaquickly evolved intoabustling hubfor lumber production.

Yorktown,in contrast,encapsulates thedefining moments of theAmerican Revolution.Itwas herethat GeneralGeorgeWashington’s forces secured independencefor theUnitedStates in1781.Adjacent to thesehistoricalsites is ColonialWilliamsburg,a meticulously preserved livingmuseumofferinga journeyback to the18th century.

Located along thesunny shores of theAtlanticOcean, St.Augustineis atestamenttoFlorida’s richhistory and culturalheritage.Oftenreferredtoas the“Ancient City”, this coastaltreasureoffers visitors aremarkable journeythrough time,complementedbynatural

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Inhis column,BillGraves takes us toSarasota, Florida,for acloser lookat“Unconditional Surrender”.This iconicmomentsignified theendof WorldWar II withJapan.

In What’s Happening,wevisitBentonville,Arkansas, nestledintheheartof theOzarkMountains.Knownas thehomeof theWalmartempire,Bentonvillehas emergedas amust-visitdestination for travelers seekingauniqueblendof culture, history, andnatural beauty.

Wehopeyouenjoythis issueof Byways.

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View the Byways YouTube Channel for a complete list of destination videos

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What’s Happening

Coming in Future Issues

Future issues of Byways will feature, Rivers & Lakes, Great American Roads, National Parks and more.

Up Next: Rivers & Lakes

Right:Abourbon tour on the Kentucky River near the state capital of Frankfort. Also featured in the next issue of Byways are the Chattahoochee River, the Lakes of Shipshewanna, Indiana, the Devil’s River in Texas, and California’s Big Bear Lake.

New Bedford’s
Charms.....................................................................................................10 Virginia’s Historic Triangle ...................................................................................................................16 St. Augustine, Florida’s Ancient City....................................................................................................22 Exploring Mississippi's Gulf Coast.......................................................................................................30 Santa Barbara’s Timeless Allure .........................................................................................................36 Discover Eureka’s Charm and Beauty.................................................................................................42 Byways 9 Volume 41, Issue No. 3 2024 Features Departments
Byways Instant Connect........................................................................................................................3 Byways Preview ....................................................................................................................................4 Traveling the Highways & Byways with Bill Graves.............................................................................28 Advertiser/Sponsored Content Index ..................................................................................................53
On the Cover.
New Bedford, Massachusetts, which was once known as the “Whaling Capital of the World”. Photo courtesy Leonardo Dasilva and CC 3.0.
. .
The Vibrant
of Bentonville,
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Nestled alongthepicturesqueshores of Buzzards Bay, New Bedford,Massachusetts, is acitythateffortlesslyblends richmaritime history withmodern-daydelights.

Often overshadowedby its morefamous neighboring destinations, this unassumingtreasureoffers awealth of attractions and experiences thataresureto captivateeven themostseasonedtraveler.

A Storied Past as the Whaling Capital of the World

New Bedford's legacy is deeply rooted in the whaling industry that once dominated the region. In the 19th century, this bustling port city was the world's preeminent whaling capital, playing a pivotal role in the industry's golden age. The New Bedford Whaling Museum stands as a testament to this remarkable past, housing an impressive collection of scrimshaw,

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whaling artifacts, and the impressive skeletal remains of a massive blue whale.

As youwander throughthemuseum's exhibits,you'll gainafascinatingglimpseintothelives of thehardy whalers who braved treacherous seas inpursuitof their quarry.Don'tmiss thechancetoclimbaboard the museum's half-scalereplicaof awhalingship, allowingyoutoexperiencefirsthandthecramped quarters andchallengingconditions endured bythe crews.

BeyondtheWhalingMuseum,New Bedford's historic districtis adelightfultreasuretroveof beautifully preserved19th-centuryarchitecture. Strollalongthe cobblestonestreets, admiringthestatelymansions thatoncebelongedtothecity's whalingmagnates,and soakinthehistoricambiancethatpermeates every corner.

Natural Wonders and Coastal Escapes

New Bedford's coastal location offers numerous opportunities for outdoor adventures and scenic escapes. Just a short drive from the city, you'll find the sprawling expanse of the Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust, a 5,000-acre protected area boasting miles of hiking trails, pristine beaches, and breathtaking coastal vistas.

Exploretheverdantwoodlands,keepinganeyeout for thediversearray of birdspecies thatcallthis sanctuary home. Or, venturetooneof themany secludedcoves and beaches,whereyoucanbask in thewarmsummer sun, swiminthecoolwaters, or simply relaxand listento thegentlelappingof the waves.

For atruly uniqueexperience,embarkonawhalewatching excursionfromNew Bedford's harbor.As you cruisethewaters oncetraversedbythewhaling ships of old,you maybetreatedtotheawe-inspiring sightof majesticwhales breachingthesurface, offering aglimpseinto themajestyof these magnificentcreatures intheir naturalhabitat.

History of New Bedford

New Bedford is a historic coastal city located about an hour south of Boston. With a rich history, New Bedford offers visitors a unique blend of colonial charm and modern attractions.

New Bedford's history dates back to 1652 when it was first settled by English colonists. The city quickly became an important whaling center, with the industry peaking in the mid-19th century.

New Bedford's whaling industry was so successful that it became known as the "Whaling Capital of the World". The city's whaling heritage is still celebrated today, with many historical sites and museums dedicated to the industry.

From its historic whaling industry to its beautiful beaches and vibrant arts scene, New Bedford is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the best of Massachusetts.

Local Attractions

New Bedford has a wide range of attractions that cater to different interests and ages.

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Some of the top attractions include:

• New BedfordWhaling Museum:This museumis dedicatedto thehistoryof whalingandits impacton New Bedford.Visitors canexploreexhibits on whaling vessels, whaleoilproduction,andthe industry's impactonthelocaleconomy.

•SeaportArtCenter:Locatedinahistoricbuilding,the SeaportArtCenter features rotatingartexhibits anda giftshop.Visitors can alsoenjoythecenter's outdoor sculpturegarden.

• New Bedford HarborWalk:This scenicwalkway follows theharbor and offers stunningviews of the water and surroundingcityscape.Visitors canalso stop atthemany shops andrestaurants alongtheway.

• FortTaber Park:Locatedonthesouthernedgeof the city, this park offers beautifulviews of Buzzards Bay and thesurroundingcoastline.Visitors canalso explorethepark's historicfortandmilitarymuseum.

• EastBeach:This beautifulbeachis apopular spotfor swimming, sunbathing,andwater sports.Visitors can alsoenjoy thebeach's scenicboardwalkandpicnic areas.

Other Interesting Facts

New Bedford is home to the New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park, which is dedicated to preserving the city's whaling heritage.

Thecity has avibrantarts scene,withseveralgalleries and performancevenues.TheZeiterionPerforming Arts Center, ahistorictheater,hosts liveperformances

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throughouttheyear,includingconcerts, ballet,and theater productions.

New Bedfordhas arichculturalscene,with avariety of festivals and events throughouttheyear.TheNew BedfordFolkFestival,heldinAugust,is oneof the largestfolkfestivals inthenortheast.

Thecityhas astrongfocus onsustainability,with severalinitiatives inplaceto reduceits carbon footprint.New Bedfordhas beenrecognized as a Massachusetts GreenCommunityandhas a comprehensiverecyclingprogram.

Weather and Best Time to Travel

New Bedford has a humid continental climate, with cold winters and warm summers. The best time to

visit New Bedford is from May to October, when the weather is pleasant. Summer is the peak tourist season, but if you prefer cooler weather and fewer crowds, spring and fall are also great times to visit.

Nomatter when youvisit,New Bedford promises arich tapestry of experiences thatwillleaveyou enchanted.Fromits captivatingwhalingheritagetoits naturalwonders andcoastalescapes, this unassuming treasureonthe Massachusetts coastis adestination thatdeserves to beoneverytraveler's radar.

New Bedford is acharmingcoastalcity witharich history and avarietyof exciting attractions.Withits historic whaling industry, beautifulbeaches, and vibrantarts scene, New Bedfordis amust-visitdestination if youare looking toexperiencethebestof Massachusetts' southcoast.

pack your sunscreenandcomediscover thecharmand beautyof this coastalcity.

Whether you'relooking toexplorelocalhistory,enjoy outdoor activities, or experiencethecity's cultural scene,New Bedfordhas somethingfor everyone.So

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A Glimpse into History

Nestled in theheartofVirginia,thehistoric triangleof Jamestown,Williamsburg,and Yorktownoffers acaptivatingblendof rich history, culturalsignificance,andnaturalbeauty, making itacompelling destinationfor travelers seeking an immersiveexperienceintoearlyAmerican history.

Jamestown: The Birth of a Nation

Established in 1607, Jamestown stands as the site of the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. This pivotal location witnessed the trials and triumphs of the early English settlers, including the arrival of the firstAfrican slaves in 1619, and served as the backdrop for the fateful meeting between the Powhatan Confederacy and English settlers.

Visitors canexploretheJamestownSettlement,an engaging living history museumthatmeticulously recreates thelifeof thesettlers throughinteractive exhibits, reenactments, andareplicaof theoriginal 17th-century ships.

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Additionally, the Powhatan IndianVillage, aliving history site, offers aglimpseinto theculture and daily lifeof the Powhatan people, providing awell-rounded understanding of the complexinteractions and exchanges thatshaped earlycolonialAmerica.

Thebeauty of theJames River, which flows alongsidethehistoricsite, further enhances the immersiveexperience, inviting visitors to reflect on theprofound impactof Jamestown on thecourse ofAmerican history.

Yorktown: The Culmination of the Revolutionary War

In contrast, Yorktown encapsulates the defining moments of theAmerican Revolution. It was here, in

1781, that General George Washington's forces, supported by the French, achieved a decisive victory over the British, ultimately securing independence for the United States.

TheAmericanRevolutionMuseumatYorktowntells thestoryof thenation's founding, fromthetwilightof thecolonialperiod tothedawnof theConstitutionand beyond.Itfeatures anintroductory film,tour galleries with periodartifacts, immersiveenvironments, exhibits,andfilms,including"TheSiegeof Yorktown" witha180-degreesurroundscreen and dramaticspecialeffects.

Visitors canwalk thegrounds wheretheclimactic BattleofYorktown unfolded, gainingaprofound understandingof thestrategicmaneuvers and sacrifices thatshapedthedestinyof anation.The somber eleganceof theYorktownBattlefield, withits reverentmemorials andsweepingvistas of theYork River,provides anopportunityfor quietreflection on theprofound significanceof this hallowed ground in Americanhistory.

Williamsburg: A Living Museum

Adjacent to Jamestown and Yorktown lies Colonial Williamsburg, a meticulously preserved living museum that offers visitors a journey back in time to the 18th century.

Here, guests can interact with costumed interpreters, witness traditional crafts, and delve into the political and social life of the era.

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The HistoricArea of Williamsburg brims with restored buildings, such as the Governor's Palace and the Capitol, providing an authentic glimpse into the daily lives of the earlyAmerican colonists.

Thevibrantcalendar of events includes reenactments of historicaldebates, militarydrills,andtraditional musicand danceperformances,ensuringan immersiveand dynamicexplorationof thenation's formativeyears.AstrolldownDukeof Gloucester Street, lined with historicshops andtaverns,offers a captivatingblend of colonialcharmandmodern-day vibrancy,making itanessentialcomponentof the Williamsburg experience.

Natural Beauty: York River State Park

York River State Park, located 11 miles west of Williamsburg, Virginia, offers visitors a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the delicate ecosystem of a coastal estuary.

Theparkserves as ahavenwherefreshwater and saltwater converge, creatingahabitatteemingwith diversemarineand plantlife.This naturalsetting provides an idealenvironmentfor passiveday-use

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recreation, allowingvisitors to appreciateand engage with therich biodiversity.

YorkRiver StatePark has beenapioneer in developing resourcemanagementplans andhas playedapivotalroleinenvironmentaleducation at various levels.Its commitmenttopreservingtheYork River frontageandits associatedmarshes underscores its significanceas amodelfor environmental conservation andeducation withinVirginia's state parks system.

Weather and Ideal Visiting Times

The climate in Jamestown-Yorktown is characterized by hot, humid summers and mild winters. Spring and fall bring pleasant temperatures, making them ideal seasons for exploring the outdoor attractions. The springtime blooms and fall foliage add an extra layer of allure to the region.

However, summer offers the advantage of extended daylight hours, allowing for more time to explore the historical sites and enjoy outdoor activities. Winter, though quieter, can be a charming time to visit, especially for those seeking a more contemplative

experience amidst the historical landscapes.

Jamestown-Yorktown, withits multifaceted historicalnarrativeand diverseattractions, stands as atestamentto the enduring spiritof the American story.

Whether delving into the origins of thenationat Jamestown, reliving the fervor of the RevolutionaryWar in Yorktown,or immersing oneself in theliving history of Colonial Williamsburg, visitors are bound to find an enriching andenlightening experience.

Withits captivating blendof history,culture,and naturalbeauty, thehistorictriangleof JamestownYorktownbeckons travelers toembarkonan unforgettablejourneythroughtime.

Byexploringthetapestryof thepastandsavoringthe serenityof thepresent,visitors toJamestownYorktownaresuretodiscover adestinationthat resonates withtheessenceof theAmerican experience.

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Nestled alongthesun-drenchedshores of the AtlanticOcean,St.Augustinestands as a testamentto Florida's richhistoryandcultural heritage.

Often referred to as the"AncientCity",this coastal treasureoffers visitors aremarkablejourneythrough time, complementedby naturalbeautyandavibrant contemporary scenethatperfectlyblends theold and thenew.

A Living History Lesson

As the oldest continuously occupied European settlement in the United States, St.Augustine is a veritable open-air museum, where history comes alive at every turn.

History of St. Augustine

St.Augustine's history dates back to 1565 when Spanish settlers established a fort and named it St. Augustine. This year St.Augustine is celebrating the 459th anniversary of the city's founding.

Over the centuries, the city has been under Spanish, British, andAmerican rule, each leaving their mark on the city's architecture, culture, and cuisine. The city's historic downtown area is filled with charming

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cobblestone streets, quaint shops, and historic buildings,

Oneof themostcaptivatingsites is theCastillo deSan Marcos,animposing17th-centuryfortress thathas withstood thetestof time.Explorethethickcoquina walls, cannondemonstrations, andimmersiveexhibits thatshedlightonthecity's Spanishcolonialpast.

Juststeps away, theFountain ofYouthArchaeological Parkoffers afascinatingglimpseinto thelegends and loresurroundingJuanPoncedeLeón's fabled search for themythicalfountainof youth.Wander through thelushgardens, visittheSpanishwatchtower,and even tastetherenownedspringwaters thatwereonce believedtoholdthesecretto eternalyouth.

Natural Wonders and Outdoor Adventures

Beyond its historical richness, St.Augustine is surrounded by a wealth of natural beauty that beckons adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike.

Justashortdrivefromthecity, you'llfindthepristine beaches ofAnastasiaStatePark,whereyoucan bask in thewarmFloridasun,swiminthecrystal-clear waters, or embarkonaleisurelyhikethrough the

park's coastalhammocks and marshlands. Located on AnastasiaIsland, this 1,600acrepark offers avarietyof outdoor activities, including camping, hiking, and kayaking.Visitors can also enjoythepark's beautiful beaches, picnicareas,and wildlifeviewing opportunities.

St.AugustineLighthouse: Located onAnastasiaIsland, theLighthouseis abeautiful 19th-century lighthousethat offers stunning views of the surrounding area.Visitors can climb the219 steps to thetop for panoramicviews of the AtlanticOcean and theMatanzas Bay.

St.AugustineAlligator FarmZoologicalPark:This uniqueparkis hometoover 20species of crocodiles and alligators, as wellas avarietyof other animals,

includingbirds, turtles, andsnakes.Visitors can takea self-guided tour of theparkand seelivefeedings and exhibits.

St.AugustineBeach:This beautifulbeach is apopular spotfor swimming,sunbathing, andwater sports.


Visitors canalso takeastrollalongthebeach,go shell collecting, or enjoy apicnic.

For atruly uniqueexperience,ventureoutonakayak or stand-up paddleboard tour throughthewaters of the Matanzas River, aserenewaterwaythatwinds through lushmangroves andoffers theopportunity to spotadiversearray of wildlife,includingdolphins, manatees, and avarietyof wadingbirds.

Other Interesting Facts

St.Augustine is home to the oldest wooden schoolhouse in the U.S., which was built in 1780 and is now a museum.

Thecity has avibrantarts scene,withseveral galleries, museums,and performancevenues.TheSt. AugustineAmphitheatre, anoutdoor venue,hosts live performances throughouttheyear,includingconcerts, ballet, and theater productions.

St.Augustinehas arich culinaryscene,withseveral award-winning restaurants andavarietyof seafood options.Visitors canenjoyfreshseafood,Southern cuisine, and Spanish-inspireddishes.

Thecity has astrongfocus onsustainability,with severalinitiatives in placetoreduceits carbon

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footprint.St.Augustinehas beenrecognizedas a FloridaGreenCity,andithas acomprehensive recyclingprogram.

Therearemany historicbuildings,includingthe CathedralBasilicaof St.Augustine.Foundedin 1565, this churchhas been avitalpartof thereligious communityin thecity andis adesignatedNational HistoricalLandmark.

Flagler College, formerly HotelPoncedeLeon.This building features extravagantmurals andTiffany windows and offers aglimpseintothegildedage vision of Henry Flagler.

TheLightner Museum.Occupyingtheformer Hotel Alcazar, aGildedAgeresorthotelcommissionedby StandardOilexecutiveHenryFlagler,theLightner Museumoffers an immersiveexperienceof art, architecture, history,and design.

When to Visit

St.Augustineenjoys asubtropicalclimatewithwarm temperatures year-round, makingitanideal destinationfor thoseseekingtoescapethecolder regions of thecountry. Summers arehotandhumid, withaveragehighs intheupper 80s Fahrenheit, providing theperfectopportunitytoindulgein beach activities and water sports.

Spring and fallareparticularlypleasanttimes to visit, offering milder temperatures andfewer crowds. During theseshoulder seasons,youcanexplorethe city's historicalsites andoutdoor attractions without theintenseheator humidityof summer.

Winter inSt.Augustineis mild, with averagehighs inthemid-60s Fahrenheit.Whiletheoceanmaybe too chilly for swimming,thecooler months offer achanceto experience thecity's vibrantculturalevents and festivals withoutthesummer crowds.

Nomatter whenyou choosetovisit, St.Augustinepromises a captivating escapefromthe ordinary.Fromits richhistoryand stunningarchitecturetoits natural wonders and outdoor adventures, this timeless treasurealongthe Floridacoastis adestinationthat willleaveyoulonging toreturn timeand again.

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Traveling the Highways & Byways with Bill Graves

Unconditional Surrender

APaulBunyanstatuein Minnesotawould not surprisemeanymore than seeingalakeupthere. They gowith theterritory, likeastatueof General DwightEisenhower atthe D-Day Memorial.

I aminSarasota, Florida, drivingalongthewater’s edgeonBayfrontDrive. Fromthestreet, thebay appears as onevastmarina, whatavisitor would expectinthis cityonthe southwestern coastof thestate.Thencamethe unexpected:In agrassystripstands abigger-than-life statuereplicating thefamousV-J Dayphotographof a Navysailor kissing agirlinTimes Square.

As aperpetualstudentof thewar inthePacific, I know thatday well– 80 years ago–thedaythewar ended withJapan. PhotographerAlfredEisenstaedtwas on thestreets of NewYorkthatafternoon–August14, 1945, as thecrowds begantogather.

Helater wrote:“I saw this sailor runningalongthe streetgrabbing anyand everygirlinsight...I was running ahead of himwith myLeicalookingover my shoulder.Then suddenly,inaflash,I saw something whitebeing grabbed.I turnedaroundandclicked the momentthesailor kissed thenurse.If shehadbeen dressed in adark dress,I wouldnever havetakenthe picture. If thesailor hadwornawhiteuniform,the same.”

A Photo Becomes Famous

The following week, that black-and-white photo was given a full page in Life magazine. It has become the icon of that momentous day. The girl in the picture, Edith Shain, died in 2010 at 91.

The identity of the sailor has never been established for certain, but a number of men have claimed they remember the event well.

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Butwhy here?

Withno unique connection toVJ Day or relationship with NewYork, exceptthatmany NewYorkers retirehereor at leastspend their winters, why was this statuein Sarasota?

Onsecond thought, why not?It’s a nationalsymbol. We, as acountry, Sarasota included, sufferedthrough thewar and certainly celebratedits end.Thepicture represents the joyandrelief wefeltthatday.

Statue Moved in 2021

Itseems inevitablethatasculpturewouldbemade, a three-dimensionalrenderingof thathistoric photograph.This is nottheonlyone.Sculptures likeit can befound atWorldWar II memorialsites around thecountry wherevintageartifacts aredisplayed.

J. Seward Johnson producedthe25-footsculpture called “UnconditionalSurrender”in2005.Itcameon loanto Sarasotaas partof its “Seasonof Sculpture” thatruns every JanuarythroughMay.

A Controversy Begins

When May came that first year, many in Sarasota wanted “Unconditional Surrender” to stay. Others called it “tacky” and wanted it gone. The controversy apparently raged until someone gave the city $500,000 to keep the sculpture in place for the next decade. The city commissioners accepted the gift after months of debate.

Somefolks in Sarasota, namelytheSarasotaPublic ArtCommittee, stillwanteditgone.Theyclaimed it was notart. I sided withthosewhosaid,“Sowhat?”It captured amomentinAmericanhistoryandaproud momentatthat.Andthey arehardtocomebythese days.

However, in 2021, the statue was moved to a new location at the Bayfront Park nearby. The move sparked renewed debate, but ultimately, it found a new home where it continues to draw both admiration and criticism.

I don’t think the critics get it. It’s what it represents that’s significant, not what it is. I suspect those who remember or understand the joy of that day in 1945 –more importantly, the price we paid to get there –will win this one.

About the author: After seeing much of the world as a career naval officer, Bill Graves decided, after he retired, to take a closer look at the United States. He has been roaming the country for 20 years, much of it in a motorhome with his dog Rusty. He lives in Rancho Palos Verdes, California and is the author of On the Back Roads, Discovering Small Towns of America.

He can be reached at

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With its pristinebeaches, vibrantarts scene, mouthwatering cuisine, andrichcultural tapestry, theMississippiGulf Coastoffers an enticing blend of experiences for everykindof traveler.

Fromthestoried streets of Biloxitothecharming coastaltowns, this regionpromises anunforgettable journeythrough theheartof theDeepSouth.

A Storied Past, Preserved for Today

The Mississippi Gulf Coast boasts a fascinating history that stretches back centuries. In Biloxi, the Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum takes visitors on a captivating journey through the region's seafaring traditions.

The Beauvoir estate, the last home of Confederate President Jefferson Davis, provides a glimpse into the Civil War era. Nearby, the Infinity Science Center

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offers interactive exhibits that inspire curiosity and exploration.

Culture and Arts at Every Turn

The arts scene along the Gulf Coast is a true feast for the senses. The Ohr-O'Keefe Museum ofArt in Biloxi showcases the works of George Ohr, the "Mad Potter of Biloxi", alongside an impressive collection of contemporary ceramics.

The WalterAnderson Museum ofArt in Ocean Springs celebrates the life and work of the renowned artist, whose vibrant paintings capture the beauty of the Gulf Coast's natural landscapes.

For thoseseekingliveperformances,theIPCasino ResortinBiloxihosts world-class concerts and shows, whiletheMaryC.O'KeefeCulturalCenter inOcean Springs offers adiversearray of theatricalproductions andmusicalperformances.

Embrace the Coastal Lifestyle

No visit to the Mississippi Gulf Coast would be complete without indulging in the region's rich culinary heritage. From the fresh seafood caught daily by local fishermen to the mouthwatering barbecue and Creole-inspired dishes, every meal is a celebration of flavors. For a quintessential experience, head to The Greenhouse on Porter in Ocean Springs or the iconic Mary Mahoney's Old French House in Biloxi.

After asatisfying meal, visitors canstrollalongthe sandybeaches, takingin thegentleoceanbreezes and stunning sunsets. Or,for thoseseekingamoreactive adventure, opportunities for fishing,kayaking,and paddleboarding abound intheGulf's sparkling waters.

Thrills and Entertainment Galore

The Mississippi Gulf Coast is also a haven for thrillseekers and entertainment enthusiasts. The casino scene in Biloxi offers non-stop excitement, with world-class gaming, live shows, and luxurious accommodations. For sports fans, the Biloxi Shuckers minor league baseball team provides a lively atmosphere and a chance to catch rising stars in action.

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When itcomes to accommodations,theoptions along theGulf Coastareas diverseas theexperiences on

offer.Fromluxurybeachfrontresorts liketheBeau RivageResort&Casinotocharming bedand breakfasts likeTheInn atOcean Springs,there's somethingtosuiteverytasteand budget.

The Best Time to Visit

While the Mississippi Gulf Coast is a year-round destination, the spring and fall months offer the most pleasant weather for outdoor adventures and coastal exploration. The mild temperatures and smaller crowds make it an ideal time to soak up the region's laid-back charm.

Whether you'reseeking afamily-friendly beach getaway,aculturallyimmersiveexperience,or a livelynightlifescene, theMississippiGulf Coast promises anunforgettableescape.

With its richtapestryof history,artisticexpression, mouthwateringcuisine,andcoastaldelights,this hiddenlocation intheheartof theDeep Southis a must-visitdestinationfor anytraveler seekingan authentictasteof Southernhospitality.

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Nestled alongthesun-drenchedshores of the PacificOcean, SantaBarbarais acaptivating city thatseamlesslyblends historicalcharm withmodern sophistication.

Often referred to as the"AmericanRiviera",this coastaljeweloffers awealthof attractions and experiences thataresuretoenchanteventhemost discerning traveler.

SantaBarbarais located ontheCentralCoastof California, about90miles northof LosAngeles.

A Glimpse into California's Spanish Colonial Past

As you stroll through the heart of Santa Barbara, you'll be immediately transported back in time by the city's stunning Spanish Colonial Revival architecture.

The iconic Mission Santa Barbara, founded in 1786, stands as a testament to the region's rich history and cultural heritage. Explore the mission's beautifully preserved church, lush gardens, and intricate artwork, gaining insights into the lives of the Franciscan missionaries who once called this place home.

Juststeps away, thevibrantElPresidiodeSanta BarbaraStateHistoricParkoffers animmersive journeyintothecity's Spanishcolonialroots.Wander throughtherestoredadobebuildings,including the iconicElCuartel, andimaginethebustlingactivity thatoncefilledthesehistoricgrounds.

Coastal Splendor and Natural Beauty

One of Santa Barbara's greatest draws is its breathtaking natural scenery, where the majestic Santa Ynez Mountains meet the sparkling waters of the Pacific Ocean.

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For a truly unforgettable experience, embark on a leisurely hike along the iconic Jesusita Trail, winding through fragrant chaparral and offering panoramic vistas of the city and the coastline below.

Alternatively, spendaday exploringtheidyllic ChannelIslands National Park, amagnificent archipelago justashort boatridefromSanta Barbara's shores. Here, you'llfind untouched naturallandscapes, pristine beaches, and an abundance of marinelife, including seals, sealions, anda variety of seabirds.

For amorerelaxed coastalexperience,simplystroll alongtheiconicStearnsWharf,savoringthesaltysea breezeand indulgingin freshseafoodfromoneof the localeateries.As thesunsets over thePacific,the

wharf comes alivewithstreetperformers and avibrant atmospherethatperfectlycaptures theessenceof SantaBarbara's laid-backcharm.

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Culinary Delights and Local Flavors

Santa Barbara's temperate climate and fertile soil have given rise to a thriving agricultural scene, making it a veritable paradise for food lovers. The city's farmers' markets are a must-visit, offering an array of locally grown produce, artisanal goods, and delectable baked treats.

For atruly immersiveculinaryexperience,embark on awine-tasting tour throughthenearbySantaYnez Valley, whereyou cansampleworld-class vintages and savor thepicturesquevineyardlandscapes. From crisp Chardonnays to robustCabernetSauvignons,the region's wines areatestamenttothearea's exceptional terroir.

Arts and Culture

The city has a rich arts scene, with several galleries, museums, and performance venues. The Santa Barbara Bowl, an outdoor amphitheater, hosts live performances throughout the year, including concerts, ballet, and theater productions.

Weather and the Best Time to Visit

Santa Barbara's Mediterranean-inspired climate ensures near-perfect weather year-round. Summers

are warm and sunny, with average highs in the mid70s Fahrenheit (around 24°C), making it an ideal time for beach activities and outdoor adventures.

Spring andfallareparticularlydelightfulseasons to visit,offeringmildtemperatures and fewer crowds. Thebloomingwildflowers in springandthevibrant autumnfoliageaddanextratouchof naturalbeautyto thecity's alreadypicturesquelandscapes.

Evenduring thewinter months,SantaBarbara's climateremains pleasantly mild,with averagehighs in themid-60s Fahrenheit(around18°C),allowing visitors to enjoy thecity's manyoutdoor attractions andcoastalescapes withouttheheatof summer.

Nomatter whenyouchoosetovisit,SantaBarbara promises acaptivatingescapefromtheordinary.From its richhistory andstunning architecturetoits coastal splendor andculinarydelights,this timeless treasure alongtheCaliforniacoastis adestinationthatwill leaveyou longing toreturntimeand again.

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Located on theRedwood Coastof Northern California, Eurekais acaptivatingcoastalcity thatharmoniously blends history,culture,and naturalsplendor.As thelargestcityinHumboldt County, Eurekaserves as agatewaytoavarietyof activities and attractions thatcater toawidearray of interests.

A Glimpse into History

Eureka's rich history is one of its primary draws. Founded in 1850 during the California Gold Rush, the city quickly evolved into a bustling hub for lumber production, thanks to the surrounding ancient redwood forests. This era of prosperity is beautifully preserved in Eureka's historic downtown, where Victorian-era architecture stands as a testament to the city's vibrant past.

Visitors canembarkon aself-guidedtour of the historicdistrict, featuringlandmarks liketheCarson Mansion, astunningexampleofVictorianopulence,

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theMorris Graves MuseumofArt,andtheHumboldt CountyHistoricalSocietyMuseum.Thesesites offer awindow intothecity’s storied pastand cultural heritage.

Natural Beauty Abounds

Surrounded by some of the world's most magnificent redwood forests, Eureka is a paradise for nature lovers.Ashort drive from the city, the Redwood National and State Parks offer breathtaking landscapes and outdoor adventures.

The famedAvenue of the Giants, a scenic drive through towering redwoods, provides access to numerous hiking trails, picnic areas, and riverside spots. Small towns along the route, such as Pepperwood, Redcrest, and Miranda, offer charming stops for shopping and dining, with unique attractions like the Shrine Drive-Thru Tree.

A Thriving Arts and Culture Scene

Eureka's cultural vibrancy is reflected in its thriving arts scene. The city boasts several art galleries, including the EurekaArt and Culture Center and the HumboldtArts Center.Annual events like the Eureka StreetArt Festival, the Humboldt Film Festival, and the Redwood Coast Jazz Festival further enrich the cultural landscape, drawing artists and enthusiasts from far and wide.

Exploring Eureka's OldTown districtfeels like steppingbackintime.Thepicturesquestreets are linedwithmeticulously restoredVictorian homes, boutiqueshops,andinvitingcafes.Highlighs include

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thehistoricEurekaInn,agrandVictorianhotel welcoming guests since1856,andtheMorris Graves MuseumofArt, showcasingtheworks of renownedPacificNorthwestartists.

Culinary Delights

Food aficionados will delight in Eureka's culinary offerings. The city is known for its fresh seafood, with local restaurants serving up delicacies like Dungeness crab, salmon, and oysters. Craft breweries and wineries, such as the Lost Coast Brewery and the Humboldt Bay Brewing Company, provide the perfect accompaniment to any meal, offering a taste of the region’s finest beverages.

Outdoor Adventures

Eureka is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. The nearby Humboldt Bay is a popular spot for fishing, kayaking, and other water sports. Public lands such as the Six Rivers National Forest and the Siskiyou Wilderness offer extensive trails for hiking, biking, and horseback riding.

Coastal adventures await at Samoa Dunes RecreationArea, where visitors can spot seals


and experience the dramatic coastline, or at the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge, a prime destination for birdwatching and hiking.

Nearby Attractions

Eureka's prime location makes it an ideal base for exploring nearby attractions. Just a short drive away, the Legend of Bigfoot offers a quirky roadside stop featuring a giant statue of the mythical creature. The nearby town ofArcata, home to California Polytechnic University, Humboldt, presents a unique blend of shops, restaurants, and academic charm.

An Unforgettable Destination

Eureka is a must-visit for those who appreciate history, culture, and natural beauty. From its charming Victorian-era homes to its majestic redwood forests and scenic coastline, Eureka promises a unique and unforgettable experience.

Whether your interests lie in historical exploration, artistic endeavors, culinary adventures, or outdoor pursuits, Eureka has something for everyone. Pack

your bags and discover the enchanting allure of this Northern California coastal destination.

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Intheheartof theOzarks,Bentonville,Arkansas, has emergedas amust-visitdestinationfor travelers seeking auniqueblendof culture,history, and naturalbeauty.

Bestknownas thehomeof theWalmartempire,the Walton family has hadahugeimpactonBentonville.

This year,Bentonville's thrivingartscenedeserves the spotlightfor its extraordinaryofferings thatare capturing theattention of artenthusiasts fromaround theglobe.

Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art: A Cultural Marvel

At the center of Bentonville's artistic renaissance is the Crystal Bridges Museum ofAmericanArt. Founded byAlice Walton, this architectural masterpiece houses a world-class collection spanning five centuries ofAmerican art, from the Colonial era to contemporary works. Set amidst 120 acres of Ozark forest, the museum's stunning architecture, designed by Moshe Safdie, seamlessly integrates

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with the natural landscape, providing a serene and inspiring setting for art appreciation.

This year,CrystalBridges is hosting aseries of groundbreaking exhibitions. Notableamongthemis "CraftingAmerica",which celebrates therich traditionof American craftwith works in ceramics, fiber, wood, andmetalby artists fromdiversebackgrounds. Theexhibition explores how contemporary artists arepushingthe boundaries of craft,makingitamustseefor anyoneinterested inthe intersections of art, culture,and innovation.

The Momentary: A Hub for Contemporary Art and Performance

Adding to Bentonville's cultural allure is The Momentary, a contemporary art space and satellite to Crystal Bridges.

Housed in a converted cheese factory, The Momentary is a dynamic venue dedicated to visual, performing, and culinary arts. This year, The Momentary is hosting "In Some Form or Fashion", an exhibition examining the relationship between fashion and contemporary art, featuring works by prominent artists and designers.

Visitors canalsoenjoyadiverselineup of performances,fromcutting-edgetheater and dance to livemusic.

TheMomentary's outdoor spaces,including the ArvestBank CourtyardandtheTower Bar, offer perfectspots torelaxandsoak inthecreative atmosphere.

Outdoor Art and Trails: Art Meets Nature

Bentonville's commitment to art extends beyond museum walls. The city boasts an extensive network of trails adorned with outdoor sculptures and installations, providing a unique way to experience art amidst nature. TheArt Trail, part of the larger Razorback Regional Greenway, features works by local and international artists, making a bike ride or hike an artistic adventure.

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Culinary Delights and Boutique Accommodations

No visit to Bentonville would be complete without indulging in its burgeoning culinary scene. From farm-to-table restaurants to chic cafes, the city's dining options reflect its creative spirit. Highlights include The Preacher’s Son, known for its innovative menu and stunning setting in a restored Gothic Revival church, and Oven & Tap, offering woodfired pizzas and craft beers.

For accommodations, travelers canchoosefroma rangeof boutiquehotels andcharming B&Bs.The 21cMuseumHotelcombines contemporaryartwith luxury,providingguests with animmersiveart experiencerightintheir rooms.

Bentonville Should Be on Your Radar Bentonville,Arkansas, is more than just a picturesque town. It's a burgeoning cultural hotspot that offers a rich, multifaceted experience. Whether you're an art aficionado, a nature lover, or a culinary explorer, Bentonville has something to captivate your senses. This year, make Bentonville your destination and discover the unexpected artistic treasures of the Ozarks.



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