Inside The Truth About Keeping it Healthy in the Kitchen, p. 10
Cache Valley Looks Forward to Utah’s 15th Ski Resort
5 Tips for Finding the Perfect Prom Dress, p. 19 Creating a Family Mission Statement, p. 28
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What’s INSIDE PUBLISHER & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Emily Buckley COVER PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY DIRECTION Mandy Bagley, Shooting Star Photography CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Cheri Alberts Tara Bone Emily Buckley Sherelle Christensen Tami Curtis, LCSW Peter Dettore Lorinda Field Marshal Garrett Chad Hess Shawn Jensen Deborah Campbell Knopp, CNC, CBS Kinsey Love Jenny Mathews Breanne Miller Sarah Romero Mandy Schiess Breann Silcox Janelle Simmons Aurora Hughes Villa GRAPHIC DESIGN Rachel Cottrell Raschelle Goodman Emily Buckley WEBSITE DESIGN Kite Media Cache Valley Family Magazine is a free, trusted resource designed to inform, serve and enrich local parents and families throughout Cache Valley. Material in this publication is copyright 2015, Cache Valley Family Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission of the publisher is prohibited. The views expressed in the magazine are the views of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Please send all editorial correspondence to or by mail to PO Box 6831, North Logan, UT 84341. All correspondence is sent on a non-confidential basis and Cache Valley Family Magazine shall be free to reproduce, publish, edit and/or use any such communications. All materials become property of Cache Valley Family Magazine.
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Featured Stories:
A New Place for Families to Play in Cache Valley — p. 16 No Need to Wait for Spring to Build a New Home — p. 9 Keeping Your Loved Ones Finances Safe — p. 10 Habits of an Organized Person — p. 18 Day Care, Diapers and Deductions: Tax Tips for Parents — p. 23 Creating a Family Mission Statement — p. 28 Decorating for the Season of Love — p. 30
In Every Issue:
Children and Depression: Recognizing the Signs and How you Can Help— p. 20 Five Tips for Finding the Perfect Prom Dress — p. 19
Around the Table:
From the Farmer’s Wife: Refrigerator Bran Muffins — p. 12 Toasted Marshmallow Mini Cups — p. 18 Making a Difference: Discount Tire — p. 7
Healthy Family:
What’s Bugging You: Parasites — p. 6 Oils and Sugars: Keeping it Healthy in the Kitchen — p. 10 The Trendy Mom: Looking Cool While Keeping Warm — p. 22 Family Firsts: A New Resolution — p. 26
Safe Families:
Winter Driving — p. 13 Are Your Kids Safe in Their Car Seats — p. 8
Education Update:
State Testing in Our Schools — p. 24 Sky View Marching Band Awarded — p. 25
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What’s Bugging You? Deborah Campbell Knopp, CNC, CBS True Balance Health and Wellness
Brain Fog Allergies Stomach Pain Chronic Fatigue Anemia Depression/Moody Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Joint and Muscle Aches and Pains Constipation/Diarrhea Skin Rashes/Itchy Dermatitis/Eczema Arthritis Crohns Disease
These all could be warning signs of Parasites! WHAT ARE PARASITES? Parasites are organisms that live in or on another organism (the host) and compete with that host for nutrition. Few people realize the enormous adverse impact of parasites on human well being. In the United States, diarrhea caused by intestinal parasites is the THIRD leading cause of illnesses. It is hard to believe that parasites can be so prevalent in this country when we have grown up with so many modern sanitary conveniences. The World Health Organization categorizes parasites as among the six most harmful diseases that infect humans. They now outrank cancer as the number one killer in the world today and account for much of the illnesses. The magnitude of these infections is absolutely staggering. According to the American Medical Association, physicians only correctly diagnose a disease 16 percent of the time; that’s one out of six. The average medical laboratory is lucky to diagnose parasites 20 percent of the time. Is there any wonder a physician might not connect symptoms, especially vague ones, to parasites? SO HOW DID I GET THESE PARASITES? • Contamination of municipal and rural water supplies • Eating under cooked meats and fish • Travel abroad (missionaries/immigrants/Armed Forces) • Insect bites • Walking barefoot • Eating raw foods, even fruits and vegetables*** • Household pets • Exotic regional foods • Day are centers • Improper hand washing • Use of antibiotics and immunosuppressive drugs • Sexual Activity • Inhaling dust containing parasite eggs or cysts Some of the 30 billion tons of food we import a year comes from developing nations where sanitation facilities are less advanced or they commonly practice the use of human feces as fertilizer (night soil). Even if your doctor thinks you have parasites, it is likely
that the results of testing will be negative. What does this mean? For one thing, the stool sample is usually sent to a local lab that does not specialize in the detection of parasites. At the present time many medical testing procedures for most parasites are only positive 20 percent of the time. There are not even tests for all the parasites that can live in your body, so you probably have more parasites present than any test will confirm. Of over 1,000 species of parasites that could infect humans, only about 40 to 50 have tests available to detect them. There are specialty parasite laboratories that use more sophisticated and accurate detection methods; it is important that doctors know about them if they hope to get a correct diagnosis. WHAT KILLS PARASITES? There are pharmaceutical drugs that kill parasites, however they often will not kill more than one or two different types of parasites and they tend to have toxic side effects. There are numerous natural remedies that address the elimination of these pathogens. One thing to remember when doing a parasite cleanse is that some parasites hatch at a rate of 200,000 to 250,000 a day and some in the millions. It is important to do a parasite cleanse for three to six months to ensure they are all gone.
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Making a Difference:
Discount Tire
than adult drivers. In Utah, highway patrol troopers say a teen is involved in a crash every 35 minutes. These facts are why Christie Stock and her team at Discount Tire are making educating young people in Cache Valley about tire and driving safety a priority. “Teenagers in this country are dying in car accidents or are involved in car crashes that are preventable and require only very simple behavior changes,” said Christie. “Young Drivers can take some very easy, quick steps that can affect their safety and help them avoid accidents. Tires are the only part of a car that touches the road, so it makes sense that driving safety begins with tire maintenance.” To help prepare and educate young people before they hit the road, Discount Tire has partnered with the three local high schools to include Driver Safety and Tire Maintenance Clinics as part of their driver’s education curriculums.
Emily Buckley, editor-in-chief
Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teenagers in the United States, with more than 5,000 attributed deaths each year. There are a reported 2.2 million vehicle accidents in our country each year, with 12 percent involving inexperienced drivers and tire-related issues such as insufficient tire tread or improperly inflated tires, a number which is nearly three times higher than with experienced drivers. And, according to a report from the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, teens are four times more likely to be in a fatal crash
Experienced professionals from Discount Tire are going into the driver’s ed classes at local high schools and sharing their knowledge with the students in a hands-on setting. The clinics include information about checking tire tread and tire pressure, tire maintenance requirements, what to do if they suspect a flat tire while driving, understanding their anti-lock brake system, basic car maintenance, what to watch for on dashboard , what to do if their brakes fail or if their accelerator sticks and winter driving education.
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Are Your Kids SAFE in Their Car Seats?
BreeAnn Silcox, Bear River Health Department Safe Kids Bear River
Have you ever wondered if your child’s car seat is installed properly? Does it wiggle a little or a lot? Ever wonder where or how to adjust the harness straps? Unfortunately, many car seats are not installed properly to provide the best protection. Safe Kids Bear River Coalition provides car seat installation and assistance, and according to their local data, as many as 75 percent of car seats may be installed incorrectly. According to the Utah Crash Summary from the Utah Highway Safety Office, in 2011, a crash occurred about every 10 minutes in Utah. Unrestrained occupants are approximately 31 times more likely to die in a crash than those who are restrained. “Always wearing a seat belt and making sure your child is properly restrained is the best form of protection in a crash,” said Helen Henson-Hale of Logan Regional Hospital and member of Safe Kids Bear River. When asked what the best car seat is for a child, Henson-Hale advised, “The best seat is the seat that fits your child’s height and weight and developmental stage and is used properly every single ride.” Some of the most common errors seen include: • Moving a child forward facing or out of a car seat too soon • Incorrectly fastening the seat into the vehicle • Incorrectly fastening the child into the seat • Adults not buckling up sending a mixed message to children and teens “Children should stay rear facing until age 2 to best protect their neck and spine,” said Henson-Hale. “Booster seats boost a child into place to be protected by a seat belt, which alone is designed to protect a larger person.” Henson-Hale also mentioned that parents shouldn’t buckle the child into the car seat while wearing a bulky coat. “The coat can compress in a crash and create a loose car seat harness, putting the child at a greater risk to injury. Instead, lay the jacket over your child like a blanket once the child is safely secured. Remember to ‘buckle, then bundle.’” Proper use of car seats has increased over the years and car seat technology has improved to make installation easier. Still many errors are seen by Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians. Some errors can be minor, but some can be very dangerous and deadly. Parents and caregivers are urged to read the car seat owner’s manual and also the vehicle owner’s manual to insure
all steps are taken for proper installation. For additional assistance visit and click on CHILDREN to access the age/stage of your child, visit or call the Bear River Health Department to ask questions or schedule an appointment with a Child Passenger Safety Technician at 435.792.6510.
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Ready to Start Building Your New Home? No Need to Wait Until Spring!
Peter Dettore, sales, service and marketing J Thomas Homes
Many people looking to build a new home are not aware that most home builders in Cache Valley continue building throughout the winter months. Twenty years ago it made sense to close up the home building business when the weather got cold and begin planning ahead for the warm spring. However in today’s job climate quality workers won’t stick with a single builder if they can’t keep them working year round. Builders depend on these workers to deliver the trades and finishes for the high quality homes customers are hiring them to build. So losing a dependable worker to a competitor who is offering the opportunity to work year round could have a negative impact. Technological advances in construction equipment and tools have made it easier for a builder to work through the winter. Ground heaters, concrete blankets and high-tech additives allow
driveways, sidewalks, patios and foundations all to be poured in the winter months. Travis Blakely who has poured concrete in Cache Valley for years explained that snow sitting on the ground actually provides insulation from a deep cold snap. Travis shared that the tools exist to make his job easier in the cold weather. “It’s not the cold or snow that I don’t like, it’s the mess and mud that winter brings,” shared Blakely. There are actually some benefits to starting a new construction home in the winter months: • If you starting building in Decem ber or January, your home will be finished by April or May which lines up with the end of the school year, allowing you to be in your new home for the entire summer. • Moving into a new construction home in the early spring will allow you to get a jump start on your yard and landscaping.
• Builders may offer incentives to keep their construction team working through the winter. Here are a few things to consider when starting a new construction home in the winter months: • Will the builder be carrying the construction loan for you to avoid paying unnecessary interest dur ing the build process? • Will the utilities be in the builder’s name until the home is complete to avoid having to pay high heat ing and electrical bills during con struction. Building a home should be an enjoyable experience for your entire family. Talk to your builder about any concerns you have about any season construction to be sure you understand the process. Communication is the most important part of a successful building experience.
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Oils & Sugars:
the truth about keeping it healthy in the kitchen Sarah Romero, contributing writer
Decades ago, coconut oil was demonized as unhealthy and people were told to avoid it completely. Now it’s advertised as a nutritious source of fat, and many use it frequently in cooking and baking. Sweeteners such as stevia and maple syrup are touted by some as “healthy” substitutes for sugar, but a waste of money by others. There seems to be a constant stream of information from the health industry claiming this oil or that sweetener is the “best” to use. This abundance of contradicting information makes it difficult for consumers to determine what’s healthy, and what’s just another fad. However, Mindy Anhder, a registered dietician at Logan Regional Hospital, said by going back to the basics of nutrition, some conclusions can be drawn as to which oils and sweeteners are best to use. OILS Anhder explained that the human body needs fat to function. “Some vitamins are only absorbed with fat, so fat is an essential nutrient in the diet,” she said. “The problem is, there are different kinds of fat. Some have shown to be good for us, and some have shown to not be good for us.” Heart-healthy fats include monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Stacy Bevan, a registered dietician and clinical assistant professor at Utah State University, explained that these fatty acids contain the essential vitamin E and help to reduce LDL cholesterol, the “bad cholesterol” that contributes to heart disease and stroke. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends choosing fats that are high in MUFAs and PUFAs, while limiting saturated fats and trans-fats. Bevan said coconut oil, which has been widely publicized as a “superfood” with incredible health benefits, is made up of 92 percent saturated fat. “People are adding it in anyway they can in food preparation and cooking,” she said. Anhder recommends using a plant-based oil like olive oil instead of coconut oil because it’s higher in MUFAs and PUFAs, low in saturated fat, and it reduces LDL cholesterol. “I think the problem with these fads that come around, and coconut oil is definitely a fad, people think ‘Oh it’s
tips & tricks for a healthier diet: • Your diet should be focused around whole grains, lean meats, fruits and vegetables. *Half of your plate should be vegetables. • Cut out canned or processed foods whenever possible (for example, hamburger helper, cream of chicken soup, boxed macaroni, etc). • Don’t drink your calories. *Drink skim or low-fat milk, and avoid fruit juices and sodas, which are high in sugar. • Read labels carefully. *Don’t be fooled by the many names of sugar: cane juice, fruit juice, mo lasses, barley malt, anything ending in syrup or –ose, such as maltose, fructose or glucose is sugar. • Buy foods that only have recognizable ingre dients. *General rule: avoid foods that have more than five ingredients on the label. • Make your own soups and sauces to avoid added sugars and preservatives. *Make in bulk and freeze what you don’t use in meal-sized portions. • Buy organic when your budget allows.
ingredient swaps: • Use plain Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. • When a recipe calls for heavy cream, use half and half instead. • Replace white flour with whole-wheat flour. • Replace half the oil in a recipe with unsweetened applesauce. • Replace butter with avocado. For every table spoon of butter, usea 1/2 tablespoon of avocado. * The avocado will tint your baked goods green, so it’s better to use in recipes with cocoa to mask the color. • Replace half the sugar in a recipe with pureed fruit such as bananas, pears, apples, etc. *Some times you have to reduce the liquid in the recipe by a 1/4 cup because fruit contains water. Sources: Mindy Anhder, registered dietician Elizabeth Menlove, experienced cook Health Magazine American Heart Association
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got all this publicity, so it must be good for me.’ That is not true,” she said. “There are plenty of products out there that get a lot of publicity that are not good for us.”
SUGARS Sweeteners such as stevia, agave, honey and maple syrup are used frequently to replace cane sugar because people believe they are healthier alternatives. However, Anhder explained this isn’t true. “This trend of, ‘I’m going to stop eating sugar and I’m going to start eating agave,’ doesn’t help at all,” she said. “It all gets broken down into the exact same thing. I would say you can use any sweetener you want, because they all turn to glucose in your body.” While the type of sweetener may not matter, the amount definitely does. Bevan explained that when any type of sugar is eaten in excess, it’s stored as fat, which can lead to weight gain and health problems like diabetes and heart disease. The AHA recommends limiting daily (added) sugar to five teaspoons for women and nine teaspoons for men. According to the AHA, Americans consume 22-30 teaspoons per day, the equivalent of about three 12-ounce cans of soda — more than four times the recommended daily amount.
Anhder said sweeteners like honey and stevia may have their place, but added sugar, regardless of its form, should be such a small portion of the diet that the type shouldn’t matter. “If we want something sweet, we need to learn to eat fruit,” she said. “We need to not get caught up in all these fads of the agave and coconut oil. In reality, we still want brownies and we feel like if we’re going to make it with agave, it’s going to be healthy for us. It’s not.” Anhder said if people want to be healthier, they need to go back to the basics. “We need to just learn to eat real, whole food,” she said. “We need to exercise more, cut down portions and eat real food.” Anhder admitted it can be difficult for people to change the way they cook. “We grew up on soupy casseroles made from cream of mushroom soup. We’re used to eating stuff like that,” she said. But she said eating healthy, natural foods is worth the effort. “I know how different you feel. I tell people, try it for 30 days. Change your diet completely.”
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Sherelle Christensen
I try to make my kids a homemade breakfast every morning before school, but let’s face it, between breakfast, packing their lunch and getting everyone ready and out the door, mornings can be stressful. These Refrigerator Bran Muffins make my mornings run a lot smoother. I simply make the muffin batter Sunday night, and we have muffins each morning during the week. It’s a tried-and-true recipe from my childhood: My mother used to make these for me, and they are still one of my favorite muffins. They aren’t super sweet like most muffins, and you can make a large batch that stores well in the fridge for about 8-10 days, allowing you to feed your family warm, fresh muffins each morning. Add a side of fresh fruit, and you’ll feel like super-mom every morning.
Refrigerator Bran Muffins • 2 cups All Bran cereal • 2 cups boiling water Combine All Bran and boiling water in a large bowl. Set aside and allow to cool about five minutes. Cream together: • 1 cup softened butter • 2 1/2 cups sugar Add the creamed mixture to the bran mixture. Stir well, then add: • 4 well beaten eggs • 1 quart buttermilk • 1 tsp. salt • 5 tsp. baking powder • 5 cups flour, sifted Stir well with a whisk until all ingredients are incorporated, then add: • 4 cups bran flakes Preset oven to 350 degrees. Fill greased muffin tins about 1/2 full. Bake for 15 minutes. Place remaining muffin batter in a large bowl with tight fitting lid and refrigerate between uses.
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Winter Driving Chad Hess, deputy Cache County Sheriff’s Office
Accidents that occur during the winter months are typically caused by the same things as driving during the summer months: Following too close, speeding and distracted driving are among the top contributors of traffic accidents.
the roadway when it is safe to do so. Also, remember to turn your lights on. Daytime running lights usually do not activate your taillights, and in foggy and snowy conditions, all lights need to be on to help your vehicle be seen by others.
For those of you who like to travel in the back country Some additional factors that contribute to accidents during the winter months are, of course, slick icy roads, for winter recreation, here is a list of items to keep in blowing snow and dense fog. The first thing we can do your vehicle to keep you safe if you become stranded: to help in these conditions is to slow down. We can also • Sand or kitty litter for extra weight in the back of remember to increase our following distances. In condi your vehicle and can to put on ice for traction if you tions with blowing snow and dense fog it is important become stuck. to remember to slow down, but do not come to a • A shovel to dig your vehicle out. complete stop; others who are traveling will not expect • Tire changes for traction. • A flashlight. your vehicle to be stopped in the roadway. Look for the • Blankets and extra warm clothing. lines on the road or road posts to follow to keep your • Matches or a lighter. vehicle centered in your lane of travel and then exit • • • •
Road flares are great for getting people’s attention and are also good for staring fires in wet conditions. Food and water are important, but remember water or may freeze or burst. Keep liquid in a plastic container that is not completely full. Jumper cables. First aid kit, which may include extra medications that you take.
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Keeping Your Loved One’s Finances Safe
Kinsey Love, marketing manager Lewiston State Bank
Are you a caregiver? Are there caregivers in your circle? Do you have parents or grandparents that need help managing their finances, or will need help in the future? Help is available. The top three ways seniors are exploited happen when seniors deed their homes, add others as a joint bank account holder or give to someone else a general financial power of attorney. These are often done to make it easier to manage their finances, but there are ways to help without so much risk. Since 57 percent of the amount stolen from seniors is stolen by family members, putting precautions in place protects everyone involved. Here are some of the tools available to help you manage your loved one’s finances.
extra set of eyes to watch for scams. If your loved one decides he still wants to have a joint account, consider giving a second family member view-only access to protect the senior from fraud and the joint account holder from false accusations. The caregiver with viewonly access should regularly monitor for theft. The key here is coordinating caregiving duties among families to avoid confusion about what is happening to a loved one’s money. Don’t deed your home. A senior who deeds their home can be kicked out — they no longer control the home. This can be the result of conscious fraud, but it can also be an accident. The home is now vulnerable to a lawsuit or liability against the helper that the home is deeded to, and can be repossessed. Most of the time, a home is the owner’s largest asset. Thus, it is recommended that they keep this financial safety Conveniently net as long as possible.
Use a limited power of attorney agreement instead of a general financial power of attorney. A general financial power of attorney agreement means that the helper has unlimited power — to sell the house or car even. This creates serious temptation, even for honest people. Using a limited power of attorney agreement to assist with smaller accounts only means that the senior can still get the help they need, but in a less risky way. This also protects the helper or family member involved from being falsely accused of mismanaging funds or other assets. Sometimes disagreements within families about how to manage the senior family member’s finances result in false Choose advisors blame. carefully. If you or your family Use third-party monitoring. Consider member is conview-only access instead of joint acsidering hiring counts. With view-only access, a a new broker, helper can access a bank account to attorney, accounsee every level of detail, but cannot make transactions. This allows a senior tant or other professional, be sure to maintain independence as the only legal decision-maker, but allows for an they’re properly
registered or licensed. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or say no. After all, it’s your money. Protect your personal financial information. Never give out your bank account numbers, Social Security numbers, PINs, passwords or other sensitive information unless you made the contact. Even if you did make the contact, it’s okay to ask why the person asking for it needs it. Keep your checkbook, account statements and other sensitive information in a safe place and shred old documents that
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have this information on them. If you are concerned about remembering these numbers and want to share them with family members in case of an emergency, consider giving access to each of these numbers to different helpers — so no one person has full access. With “view-only access” someone can access a bank account to see every level of detail but cannot make a transaction.
Be educated. Having good intentions is important, but it’s hard to act in the best interests of your loved one if you don’t know how to safely and effectively manage someone else’s money. Some critical things you can do are to keep separate accounts, maintain good records and keep learning. If you have questions, consult available resources like Navigating Your Rights, your banker or a trusted financial advisor. If you’re a caregiver, remember that you are not alone. There are people who care and resources available to lighten your load.
Navigating Your Rights: The Utah Legal Guide for those 55 and Over Managing Someone Else’s Money
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A New Place for Families to in Cache Valley Utah’s 15th Ski Resort Opening Soon
Emily Buckley, editor-in-chief
Cache Valley winters can be long and hard. In fact, many residents dread the very thought of them. Still there are many others who revel at white forecasts that continue into March. That same group is likely to be thrilled that Cache Valley is now home to Utah’s 15th and newest ski resort, Cherry Peak, located near Richmond. Although the official opening date for the resort is still to be determined, the resort will welcome winter sports enthusiasts this season with a manmade snow-making system, 21 runs, two triple chair lifts (and two more coming next year), a 500-foot magic carpet for beginning skiers, two terrain parks, three-lane tubing, ice skating and a large night skiing area. The resort will boast a 1.25 miles long. Approximately half of the resorts runs will be intermediate, with the rest evenly divided between beginner and advanced runs. “For locals this resort has been designed to be very convenient,” said John Chadwick, Cherry Peak Resort CEO.” Located just 20 minutes from downtown Logan, the resort makes it possible for enthusiasts to come for a full day or for an hour or two in the afternoon or evening. The vision of this resort didn’t come to be quickly; in fact it is something John had hoped for his entire life. He had grown up enjoying the family land that is now home to the resort, but didn’t ever think his dream of turning it into a world-class ski resort would ever become a reality. “Then, about 15 years ago, and Olympic ski coach, Ramon Birkner, asked if asked if he could hike and ski on our property,” John said. “At the end of the day he sat at the bottom of the hill and told me we needed to make it a ski resort, and proceeded to
John Chadwick, CEO of Cherry Peak Resort
give me some ideas about where to put runs.” Years went by, and when the land came up for sale John bought it and, with the help of an investment group, moved his back-burner dream to the front of his priorities. “There will be something going on every day of the year at Cherry Peak,” said John. “The 15,000 square foot lodge will host weddings, corporate retreats, family reunions, parties and other gatherings. We will have mountain biking trails open and concerts during the summer and an early opening for ski seasons thanks to our ability to make snow as soon as nighttime temperatures get cold enough.”
Brett and Jody Porter and their sons Cardon, Stockton and Garrett, pictured above at the new Cherry Peak Resort, are among the many Cache Valley families looking forward to skiing at Cherry Peak. Their two older daughters, Brooke and Brenna, also enjoy skiing and are pictured with their family to the right. “Our family has always enjoyed skiing together,” Jody said. “Each our of kids began skiing as toddlers (some even rode in a pack on my back before they could walk). We are looking forward to another great ski resort close to home.”
John says that at any one time he expects the new resort could accommodate about 1,000 skiers on its 203 acres. “On big days we could see two or three thousand because not everyone stays all day.” General Manager Forrest Fackrell said season passes will cost just over $300. “We will be offering both day and night passes. Our day passes are $42 and evening passes are $22. We will be open six days a week.”
For updated information about the opening of Cherry Peak Resort, or to purchase season passes, visit
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Part 1: Make Organization a Priority Janelle Simmons, owner The Organizing Company of Cache Valley
Toasted Marshmallow Mini Cups Chocolate milk, toasted marshmallows and a bit of sticky mess! Sounds like the perfect recipe for some family fun. Try out this recipe from Cheri Alberts at Cook Time 1 min. // Cooling Time 5 min. // Total Time 6 min.
The habit of making organization a priority is foundational. If you don’t have this habit in place, all the other habits are irrelevant. Something is a priority when we spend our time, effort or money on it. Let me illustrate this with an example. Let’s talk about our kids. You can tell they are a priority because we schedule doctor checkups, buy clothes, host birthday parties, teach values, get up during the night, etc. We also postpone or give up things we may want because our kids need braces or music lessons, etc. They are a priority to us. We are committed. What other things do you spend your time, energy, and money on? Being organized needs to be one of our priorities. Often, being organized is portrayed as being easy. I agree that the process to get organized is simple to understand, but it certainly isn’t always easy to do — if it were, we would all be organized. If someone prioritizes being organized, you will find them spending their time, effort or money learning organizing and time management skills, finding a method or tweaking one to make it work for them, sorting through a closet, donating or throwing away items they no longer use, putting things away where they go, or buying organizing products. So if you want to get organized, put it higher up on your priority list and do some of those things listed. You may even need to postpone doing something else to do it. Take just a moment to determine how you can make organizing more of a priority. What can you do? When will you do it? Be specific. Take one small step and allow yourself to feel good about that accomplishment. Creating new positive habits can be difficult because it takes you out of your comfort zone. You may be inclined to go to what you are familiar with. Work through those tendencies. The other habits in this series will help you make being organized a priority. If it is not a priority, all the other habits won’t matter because we won’t be committed to spending your time, effort or money on it.
Ingredients • 4 marshmallows, regular size • 2 ounces chocolate milk (hot liquid will melt the marshmallows) • 2 forks • Electric or gas burner Directions • Turn on your electric burner to red-hot high. • Gather four marshmallows that are perfect in shape and proportion (the better the shape, the better chances you have of it staying together). • Stick a fork in the top of a marshmallow, being careful not to pierce the bottom. • Hold the marshmallow side 2-3 inches over the burner. When it begins to smoke and brown, turn it again. Brown all sides of the marshmallow evenly, excluding the top where the fork is. Use the second fork to hold the marsh mallow on while browning the bottom. • Slide the marshmallow off the fork onto a plate and cool completely. While cooling, the inside will implode natu rally. • Pour chocolate milk into the cooled marshmallow and drink immediately. If you wait too long, it will soak through the marshmallow. • Eat the messy marshmallow.
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Five Tips for Finding the
Perfect Prom Dress
Lorinda Field, owner Gown Town
Prom is a memorable event in a young girl’s high school experience. Shopping for a prom dress with your daughter can be both exciting and stressful. Here are a few things you can keep in mind to help alleviate some of the stress from your next dress shopping venture. Be open-minded. It is fun to browse together online and see all the latest styles. It will help you get an idea of your daughter’s style preference (and help you set your own biases aside). The danger, however, comes when she picks out the ONE dress that she must have! Window shop as much as you like, but when it comes time to really shop for a dress, keep an open mind and encourage her to try on many different styles. A dress can look completely different on than it does on the model on a website. You both might end up being surprised by what you like. Set your budget. Discuss your budget before you begin
dress shopping. You don’t want your daughter to fall in love with a dress that is out of your price range. If your budget is tight she might try borrowing from a friend. Definitely check out the local thrift stores for a great find. Renting a prom dress is a fairly new trend and a great low cost option worth checking into. When shopping new, most local prom shops will have a variety of styles for a range of prices. Don’t forget to budget a little extra for shoes and accessories. Allow plenty of time for shopping. It is important to allow plenty of time for your daughter to try on several dresses, narrow down the choices and pick a favorite. You should allow at least one hour per store when dress shopping. She may find the perfect dress right away, but it is more likely that it will be a longer process. Find an open spot in your schedule that allows plenty of time to shop and not feel rushed. Dress for successful shopping. Ok, you’ve found time to squeeze in a dress shopping trip between your daughter’s basketball practice and your meeting, but only if you rush straight from practice to the dress shop. Don’t forget to have her bring along the underclothing that she would typically wear to the dance. A sports bra is not the best look under a prom dress. It can also change the fit of the dress more than you would think. It is also helpful to bring along the shoes that she will wear so you can check the length of the dress. Is modesty is a priority? To save hassle in the store, you should discuss modesty expectations before you start dress shopping. Modest prom dresses can be hard to find. However, if your shopping efforts don’t turn up a ready-made modest dress that your daughter loves, many dresses can be made modest with a few modifications. A wide strap can be added, or a bolero jacket worn, to cover the shoulders. Try having her wear a bandeau or adding matching fabric to fix a too-low neckline. Be creative and envision changes you can make as you shop. Help her understand that if she is comfortable in her dress, she will feel more confident as she dances the night away.
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Children & Depression: Recognizing the Signs and How You Can Help A handful of years back my young daughter, noticing the books that frequented my night stand, asked, “Mom, why do you need books to know how to raise us?” I quickly shared with her the fact that children don’t come with an instruction manual, and expressed my desire to do it right. She is our oldest and we often joke with her about being our “experiment child,” because we didn’t know what we were doing yet. We only get one chance at raising our children and there is a lot to know about these young people that we have to learn.
symptoms of depression and warns that a child showing multiple symptoms for more than two weeks may indicate depression: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
One area of concern for many parents is the issue of depression. Maybe you have wondered if children can suffer from depression? Perhaps you have worried that your child might be depressed, but weren’t sure if it was depression or just normal mood changes involving anger and sadness. The truth is, children can experience depression, depression is different from sadness, depression can be difficult to detect in children, and, fortunately, depression is treatable. Depression is different from the normal emotion of sadness, although depression symptoms often involve persistent feelings of sadness. Cynthia W. Lubow, MS, MFT describes the difference between sadness and depression this way: The sad person after expressing emotions will feel better, but the depressed person may not find relief. Sadness doesn’t typically involve mean thoughts about oneself, or hopeless or suicidal thoughts, but depression often does. Sadness doesn’t involve distorted perception (e.g., feeling like others would be better off without me), or loss of perspective (feeling trapped with no way out) where depression usually does. Lastly, sadness doesn’t interfere with feeling other emotions, while depression often prevents feeling a range of specific emotions. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) lists the following signs and
Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, interests and hobbies Withdrawal from family and friends; difficulty with relationships; poor communication Reduced ability to function during events/activities both at home or away Continuous feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, helplessness, low self-esteem or guilt Increased irritability, anger or agitation Increased acting-out and/or risk-taking behaviors Vocal outbursts, increased tearfulness or reduced emotional expression Sensitivity to rejection or failure Drop in school performance; frequent absences Changes in eating and sleeping habits (signifi cant weight changes, excessive sleep or insomnia) Indecisiveness, lack of concentration, or forgetfulness Fatigue and low energy; bore-dom Frequent physical complaints such as headaches and stomachaches Drug and/or alcohol abuse Focus on morbid/negative themes Recurring thoughts of death or suicide (expressed or hinted) Giving away possessions; talk of or efforts to run away from home
Tami Curtis, LCSW, therapist Child & Family Support Center
Not all children will experience all of these symptoms. More than likely children will experience different symptoms at different times. If you observe symptoms of depression in your child for at least two weeks, schedule a visit with their doctor to first rule out any physical reasons for the symptoms, and second, to receive a referral for a mental health consultation with a mental health care professional who specializes in children, if needed. What might lead to depression in childhood? A combination of many factors relating to physical health, family history, genetic vulnerability, environment and life events can play a role. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry there are some factors that put children at high risk for depression such as: chil-
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dren who are under stress, who have experienced loss or have learning, attention or conduct disorders. Research shows among children under age 10, more boys experience depression, whereas by age 16, more girls experience depression.
sion. Participants in the study reported feeling lonelier and less happy when logging off of the site after a viewing session. The study in 2013 found frequent Facebook users showed a decrease in short-term happiness, and reported lower overall life satisfaction.
Additionally, there are many triggers that may contribute to childhood depression such as parental divorce, hostility from parents/step parents, being ignored by parents/step parents, punitive and authoritarian parenting styles, parents withdrawing love, being bullied (either by peers or siblings) and using Facebook. Yes, you read that correctly: Two recent studies both found a correlation between Facebook and unhappiness. One study published in 2014 in Computers in Human Behavior, reported consistent use of Facebook increased users’ risk of depres-
Depression makes it difficult to feel connected to people and can negatively affect a child’s future due to continued low academic achievement, missed social opportunities, inability to reach his or her full potential, the possibility of suicide and the increased risk of experiencing severe depression in adulthood. Luckily, depression is treatable. Know the warning signs and seek professional help for evaluation if you suspect something is wrong. There should be no shame or stigma attached to
concern for the psychological wellbeing of a child. On a daily basis, work to build a positive relationship with your child through communicating openly, listening to your child, allowing them space to express how they feel without judging them, play with them, follow their lead, engage in a healthy lifestyle (including eating nutritious foods and exercising). Strive to make social and family interactions more rewarding than isolating activities, (i.e. video games, excessive alone time in bedroom) engage in physical activities, make opportunities for free, creative, unstructured play a priority along with academics, and implement stress-reduction techniques to offset the increasing stressors of an achievement-oriented society geared toward children at younger and younger ages. If your child is struggling with depression you don’t have handle it alone. The old proverb stating, “It takes a village to raise a child,” is ever-more important today in an increasing isolative society. Take advantage of your “village” including family, friends, neighbors, schools, religious organizations, doctors and local professional agencies. It is smart to ask for help, and it is not a sign of weakness. As author and educator, Ellen Galinsky said, “The future of the world is in very small hands.” If your child is having suicidal thoughts, call the Child & Family Support Center crisis hotline at 435.752.8880 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-TALK (8255) to speak with a professional or go to the nearest emergency room.
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The Trendy mom:
Looking Cool While Keeping Warm Breanne Miller, owner Collectively Yours
We are gearing up for winter here in Cache Valley and that means we can expect cold temperatures, some days a lot colder than I’d like. On those days, I would really like to stay home, wear something cozy and snuggle by the fire. But then I remember that I am a mom and that cannot happen. Event on the coldest days, we have plenty of reasons to be out and about. So how do you stay stylish while keeping warm? Here are few tips and my favorite outfit staples to get you through winter: 1.
Layering. When battling the cold, layering is the name of the game: Cardigans, vests, button ups, etc., with long sleeves under just about
everything. One of my favorite shirts to layer with is a plaid button up. I have seen them at just about every store in town, they are soft and comfortable and can easily be worn over any shirt, which makes them a must-have for your closet. A pair of camel colored boots. In an ideal world we’d all have a million pairs of boots, but we are mama’s on a budget so that is why I love this color. It’s versatile, working perfectly with brown and black tones, so you only need one pair. My advice is to splurge and spend a little more on these because the winter salt and water is hard on boots, but if you get a nicer pair, they clean up better and last longer.
3. A leopard print scarf. For those extra cold days a scarf is necessary when you’re out running errands and the leopard print is fun but surprisingly neutral. It will go with everything. Don’t be afraid to mix patterns! It is a go-to item that is stylish yet functional.
So, bring on the snow and colder temperatures, we’ll be looking good no matter the weather!
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Day Care, Diapers and Deductions:
H&R Block Gives Parents Tax Tips Shawn Jensen, manager H&R Block
Raising children can be expensive, as any parent knows. Knowing what taxpayers are eligible for when they become parents can keep them from paying more in taxes than they owe. Just outfitting a nursery and stockpiling diapers can really add up. According to a “baby-cost” calculator on, parents can expect to spend $72 per month on disposable diapers and $76 per month on a cloth diaper service. And, of course, day care is likely to be much more expensive. H&R Block (NYSE: HRB) advises new parents to make sure they claim all the tax breaks they are eligible to claim, which can help put money in their pocket to cover new expenses. Following are some tax breaks taxpayers need to keep in mind as they file their 2014 tax returns.: • Child Dependent Exemptions: For tax year 2014, tax-pay ers may deduct $3,950 from their taxable in-come for
• •
each qualifying child or qualifying relative they claim as a dependent. Among other requirements, a dependent must be a U.S. citizen, U.S. resident, U.S. national or a resident of Canada or Mexico. Child Tax Credit: Generally, a taxpayer who has a qualifying child who is a U.S. citizen or resident and who is under age 17 at the end of the calendar year may claim the Child Tax Credit. • This credit is worth up to $1,000 per dependent child. Taxpayers whose tax liability is less than the credit for which they are eligible may be able to claim some or all of the $1,000 as an Additional Child Tax Credit if their earned income is more than $3,000 for 2014. Earned Income Tax Credit: The Earned Income Tax Credit can be worth up to $6,143 for 2014 depending on taxpayers’ filing status, income and how many qualifying children they have. This credit is refundable, meaning even if tax liability is reduced to zero, the remaining amount of th credit will be refunded. Dependent Care Credit: Generally, parents may be eligible to claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit if they work, or are looking for work, and have one or more children age 12 or younger in day care or cared for by a babysitter. The credit can be claimed for 20-35 percent of qualifying ex penses for in-home care givers, day care facilities and some day camps. The percentage that applies is based on the taxpayer’s income. The maximum amount of qualifying expenses that may be considered for the credit is $3,000 for one child and $6,000 for two or more children. For some taxpayers pre-tax dependent care benefits through an employer’s cafeteria plan may be more beneficial.
When big changes — good, bad, happy and sad — happen in life there are often big tax changes to consider. To make sure you understand your tax outlook and are able to make sound financial decisions, consider meeting with a tax professional to discuss your individual situation.
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State Testing in Our Schools Marshal Garrett, superintendent Logan City School District
as part of the overall language arts assessment that will be given later in the Spring. If you would like more information about the SAGE writing assessment, it is available on the Utah State Office of Education website: Go to Departments, Assessment, Student Assessment of Growth and Excellence (SAGE), English Language Arts to find a section on SAGE writing. If you have children or grandchildren who are in the grades listed above, encourage them to share what they are writing about in preparation for the assessment. Good writing can lead to greater success in mastering language arts concepts and skills. The rubrics listed on the USOE website can help you in these conversations with your child or grandchild.
The midpoint of our school year is upon us. This time helps schools see where our students are in their literacy and numeracy skill attainment and to make adjustments in instruction in order to insure academic success for all of our students. In the January, our elementary students will take a short, mid-year assessment, called DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills). All kindergarten through 5th-grade students took a similar assessment at the beginning of the year. Teachers can review the results of this mid-year exam to determine whether students are on target for successfully mastering their grade level reading goals and be prepared to take the end-of-year state assessment: SAGE. Data from this assessment are reviewed by grade level teachers to determine how classroom instruction should be modified or intensified for students to master the concepts. The specific needs of individual students is the key to this review, with teachers working together to regroup students who are struggling with a specific concept. Data on students who are excelling is also reviewed so they can continue to be stretched and challenged. Students who are struggling are consistently monitored to insure their mastery prior to the end of year assessments in April and May. With the introduction of the new SAGE assessments for the state, each grade level from 3rd through 11th has a writing component. This was introduced last year and will continue this year. The writing assessments are based upon students’ responses to either a writing prompt or a short description that requires a response from the student. Grades 3 through 5 have an opinion essay as well as an informative/explanatory essay. Grades 6 through 11 will also have two assignments: an argumentative essay and an informative/explanatory essay. The assessment is done online and is scored both by a group of teachers as well as a computer-driven rubric. Scores will be shared
The Logan City School District is working diligently to ensure success for all students. Your efforts as parents, grandparents and even neighbors and friends are critical components for every student. If you have time during the winter months to help at your local school, we encourage you to volunteer. Contact your principal to see how you can help.
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Sky View High School Marching Band Awarded Second Place at Bands of America Western Regional Championship Aurora Hughes Villa, district arts coordinator Cache County School District
On November 1, Sky View Marching Band competed at the Bands of America Western Regional Championship in St. George. The prestigious competition included 29 bands from eight states with a panel of nine judges rating the bands on their musical ability, marching/visual performance and overall general effect. Sky View was awarded second place overall as well as second place in each of the judged areas.
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Sky View Marching Band, directed by Randall Beach, includes 120 students, including the 19 members of the Color Guard. They began working on their 2014 show, titled City Vibes, in June 2014. The 15-minute program includes five movements and features a variety of soloists, metal garbage can drums, color guard carousels, disk throwing and beautiful city scape backdrops. Band Drum Majors are Karissa Peck, Tara Poulsen and Jacob Holloway. Additional instructional staff include marching and music staff Launa Nelson, Elayna Pedersen and Ben Bowen; percussion staff Curtis Pedersen and Marcie Cluff and Color Guard staff Katy Anderson and Brooklyn Baldwin. The Band’s recognition for continued excellence in completion against other awardwinning bands is a great demonstration of the dedication and talent of the students. “We are so proud of these students,” said Director Randall Beach. “This is certainly a monumental accomplishment. The students did a tremendous job: Not only did they perform well, but they also represented themselves, Sky View and our community with class and professionalism.” To view Sky View’s final performance at the Bands of America finals go to To view a clip of the awards ceremony at the Bands of America finals go to
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fun! With my newfound enjoyment for exercise, I’m going to propose a twist to your New Year’s fitness goal. Before you think “no way,” hear me out. I am former running hater, afterall.
A New Resolution Tara Bone, contributing writer
If your New Year’s resolutions look like mine, then year after year you always have a goal about exercise. My fitness fervor lasts a few weeks, but come Valentine’s Day (or sooner) my resolve fades. But, something crazy happened last year: working out became
Set a family goal to run a 5K or 10K together in 2015. If you’re already a running family, run on. But if you’re new to this concept, think about it. You may say, “I hate to run,” “I can’t run” or “It hurts to run.” I’ve actually said all of those things, but I learned a secret. Long-distance running is different from making the frenzied, out-of-breath sprint from the car to the grocery store. It is, dare I say it, somehow stress relieving and invigorating. If you still think running really isn’t in your future, set another family goal and rock the speed walk or some other exercise! Why my change of heart? My 7-yearold niece asked me to run the Utah State Homecoming 5K with her. Because she’s an adorable future Aggie, and I love her…a lot, I couldn’t say no. It became a family affair with my hus-
band, three boys, one brother, one sister, two sister-in-laws, and two nieces all training for a family-first 5K. We learned a few things along the way: Keep the Goal Together Instead of looking at fitness as lonely drudgery, turn it into family time. Because fitness goals are tough to keep up, enlist family help and cheer each other on when the goal-keeping gets tough. The RunKeeper app actually lets runners take pictures to share. Show your family how amazing you are. You’re accountable to them, and you won’t want to let them down. Workouts have more purpose when you’re working toward a specific event. Being able to keep up with younger sibling is good incentive to keep at it too. Unexpected Benefits Kids (and parents) learn they can set goals and accomplish hard things. You will earn things about your family. The determination of kids may surprise you.
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Photo courtesy of Shane Thomas Victorious runners from the Sorensen - Bone family. Some ran in lightening-fast time and some ran in between a few walk breaks. All happy to finish the 2014 Utah State Homecoming 5K.
Family unity increases, and it’s fun! There’s nothing like the anticipation of a race, no matter the distance. It’s exciting to cheer each other across the finish line. Beginning Tips Be flexible with training because each family member trains differently. For example, my active 11- and 9-year-
old sons didn’t need to formally train like mom and dad, and our 5-yearold loved to ride his bike sometimes instead of run. It’s surprising how little formal training active kids need for a short race. Start out slow and establish a consistent routine. There are countless apps that are helpful. Two of our family’s
favorites are RunKeeper and Couch to 5K. We live in a unique place where there are race opportunities every weekend from Summer through Fall. Running information and a yearly race calendar are at So set the goal, decide the race date, and enjoy the beauty of Cache Valley.
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Creating a
Jenny Mathews, contributing writer
Imagine each family member is on vehicle in a caravan. The route is lined with enticing detours and distractions: “scenic byway,” “historical site,” or “the world’s largest candy corn.” If there is no ultimate destination or common meeting place, the party could very easily be separated and/or lost. In Stephen R. Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, he relates family life to a journey, “When your destination is clear, you can keep coming back to the plan time and time again. In fact, the journey is really part of the destination. They are inseparably connected. How you travel is as important as where you arrive.” My first reaction to the idea of creating a family mission statement was that it sounded “cheesy.” However, the older I get, the less “cheesy” it seems. At, Jay Davidson writes that the process of creating a family mission statement, “engenders a sense of belonging to the group, as all the members work toward the same goals.”
If you think about it, families are a lot like businesses. One or two people kind of run the show, overseeing each department but keeping their focus on the big picture, while each person has their unique and important role to play. The whole is working together toward…..what exactly? Does your family need a “family mission statement?”
He suggests gathering the family to define their goals, discuss core values and outline ways that each member might help the family succeed. He states, “Keep in mind that the earlier these values are discussed and established within the family, the easier they will be able to follow as children grow into their teenage years.” Aha moment! How can we expect our family to achieve our goals and adhere to our values if they’ve never been clearly articulated?
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Ok, so how do we get started? An image search of “family mission statement” reveals that there is no ONE way to do this. Image after image of anything from one line statements to abstract art to many pages of detailed content. Your imagination is the limit. Here are some simple suggestions for structuring your mission statement: 1. 2. 3.
New Year New Smile
Ask your family a series of questions: What words best describe our family? What is most embarrassing about our family? What are our strengths? What are our weaknesses? What makes you want —or not want — to come home? What would you like others to say about our family? And so on... Think categorically: After you have outlined your family’s core values, you can structure the mission statement using those values as paragraph headings or categories. Expound and set goals for each category. Express your creativity: Have each member create artwork that depicts their ideology. You can either display these as a collage or use them to design a more cohesive piece. Have a poet or graphic artist in the family? Let the members of the family contribute however they do best.
Smile All Day!
Dr. Thomson is Cache Valley’s THOMSON ORTHODONTICS OR Community Family THOMSON Orthodontist,
Community Family Orthodontist Fam offering services for children Community and adults. Dr. Brady M Thomson DDS Dr. Brady M
Consider including some of the following categories in Presenting: your family’s discussion.
Referred by Dr.
• The importance of education To • seeThe Dr. Brady Thomson, a saved boardand certified way money will be spentspecialist devoted bringing teeth, jaws, facial together profile • Thetoamount of the family time you and will spend • alignment, Extracurricular into & hasactivities been creating beautiful, confident • Maintaining the home and each member’s responsibilities smiles for over 10 years for all ages & concerns. • Volunteer and service endeavors • Church or spiritual practices Comments:
Don’t be surprised if you learn a lot about your family during this process. Herein lies another example of where knowledge is power. Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, says, “…The more any organization knows about itself, the APPOINTMENT better it’s able to deal with life.”
Call today for a FREE consultation. INDICATE ORTHODONTIC CONCERN Presenting:
Preventive - Interceptive Referred by Dr. Treatment Treatment Timing To see Dr. Brady Thomson, a board certified specialist Oral Habits devoted to bringing the teeth, jaws, and facial profile Jaw / Growth Concern intoFunction alignment, & has been creating beautiful, confident Impactions smiles for over 10 years for all ages & concerns. Crossbite / Underbite / Deepbite Comments: Brady M. Thomson, DDS Crowding Certified Protrusion ofBoard Front Teeth Community Family Orthodontist Braces: Invisalign: 1445 N. 400 E. Suite 3, Logan Pre-Restorative Orthodontics APPOINTMENT Facebook: Orthodontics Missing Teeth /Thomson Implant / Crown DAY DATE TIME Reconstructive - Surgical Orthodontics
Pick a spot where your mission statement can be seen ofORTHODONTIC ten. Display*COMPLIMENTARY it proudly — cheesy or not. EXAM* In the end, as Ste*COMPLIMENTARY ORTHODONTIC EXAM* phen R. Covey The said, “The goal is to create Smile All Day! AAO recommends children see an a clear, compelThe AAO recommends children see an orthodontist for evaluation by age are 7. all about…. This ling vision of what you and your family orthodontist for evaluation by age 7. The AAO recommends that children have an orthodontic evaluation by age 7. process will help unite your family around a common sense 1445 N 400 E Suite 3 1445 N 4 of purpose and mission. You’ll strengthen your Logan, children Utah 84341 Logan, U and family members in a turbulent world.” 435-752-1320 435-7
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My Life. My Smile. My Orthodontist.™ d
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Decorating for the Mandy Schiess, owner On The Avenue Home Decor & Gifts
Season of Love
Valentine’s Day is the perfect opportunity to show those around you how much you love them. My husband Eric and I decided years ago that we wanted it to be a special day for not only us as a couple, but also for our kids. We came up with a brilliant idea to host a candlelight dinner for our kids, where we would serve them.
every year. It’s become one of our traditions that I hope they will continue with their kids.
I have often been asked if I decorate my home for Valentine’s Day and some of the other “smaller” holidays as much as I do during the Christmas season. I don’t. However, I do enjoy decorating the table in our entry hallway. I like to incorporate The first year we served quite a gourmet meal. Then we real- rustic red, tan and white into our Valentine’s Day displays. I ized they were kids, and decided to keep it simple and serve usually start with a Valentine’s Day subway art sign placed pizza along with a few other fun things. I do most of the prep on an easel with some greenery around it. I then add burlap work: dipping strawberries in chocolate, covering the table ribbon, candles, pip berries and anything else I can throw in pink, red and white and lighting candles. We serve spar- in to make it full and fun. Another idea is to include framed kling soda, and usually have a delicious dessert at the end pictures of the ones you love: your “main squeeze,” your kids of the meal (you know the kind with lots of strawberries and or even your grandparents. The greatest part about decorating your home is being able to incorporate the things you whipped cream?). For this special meal, we go all out. love most. Adding your own special touch will give it a warm, As my boys got older, I expected them do away with this comforting feeling. Happy Decorating! “love dinner,” but instead, they continue to look forward to it For more decorating tips and ideas, visit:
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