Granite Serves as Construction Manager on Phase 4 of the Highway 101 Widening Project and General Contractor for Segments A and C By Brian Hoover, Editor Photos provided by Granite Construction and Santa Barbara County Association of Governments
ranite Construction (Granite) was named the Construction Manager for Phase 4 of the Highway 101 Carpinteria to Santa Barbara Project in the fourth quarter of 2018. As Construction Manager, Granite has partnered with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG) to participate in the preconstruction and design phase of the Highway 101: Carpinteria to Montecito project, the fourth and final phase of the 16-mile Highway 101 Santa Barbara to Mussel Shoals project. Phase 4 was split into five segments that are designated A through E on the 11-mile project. Segment A represents the southern-most segment in Carpinteria, with E representing the northern-most segment in the City of Santa Barbara. Granite’s $4.1 million construction management contract covers all five segments and related parallel projects for preconstruction
services. Granite has and continues to work closely with Caltrans on all segments of Phase 4 to prepare budgets, build schedules, conduct constructability reviews, and analyze risk and opportunities for innovation, among many other responsibilities. All five segments are expected to cost approximately $900 million by completion in 2026, pending funding. Granite was awarded the construction contracts for Segments A and C of the Highway 101 project. Larry Camilleri is the regional vice president and manages Central California operations for Granite. “Segment A has been under contract since April, and we just started Segment C at the beginning of November. So, Granite has two of the anticipated 5 major highway projects currently under contract as we speak,” says Camilleri. “As the builder, we help the owner, Caltrans, optimize the design schedule and reduce the overall cost of the project. Construction contracts for
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segments B, D and E have not yet been awarded.” Segment A of Phase 4 is a $80 million contract, and Granite began construction in April 2020 on a 30-month schedule. Granite’s scope of work on Highway 101 includes the rebuild and addition of three miles of new high occupancy vehicle lanes, on- and off-ramp improvements, construction of new sound walls, bridge improvements, and enhancements to local streets and intersections. The Carpinteria Project, as it is commonly referred to, widens Highway 101 to six lanes from 0.22 miles south of Bailard Avenue in the City of Carpinteria to north of Carpinteria Avenue in the County of Santa Barbara. “Segment A adds a peak-period continuous access HOV lane in each direction for approximately three miles in the City of Carpinteria,” says Camilleri. “These new lanes will tie into the third lanes that were recently added to the south and upcoming lane addition projects in the north.” C A LCO N T R AC TO R .CO M