The Conveyor - 2020 Winter Issue

Page 18



New Vernon Plant Supplying the Los Angeles Market Area with Unprecedented Capacity and Industry Leading Environmental Sustainability By Brian Hoover, Construction Marketing Services, LLC


ational Ready Mixed Concrete Company is one of the largest ready-mix concrete suppliers in the Southern California market, with 11 concrete plants that serve a variety of client needs. As a longtime producer of ready-mix concrete, they deliver to everyone from the homeowner to large highway, highrise and other heavy commercial end-users. National opened its flagship operation in October 2018 in Vernon, an industrial city only a few miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles

construction sites. The state-ofthe-art twin alley plant operation is built for 500-plus yard per hour output with extraordinary storage and transfer capacity. The new plant is capable of storing 1,100 tons of cementitious materials in two, five-compartment silos and up to 5,000 tons of aggregate in three conveyor and tunnel fed bins. Steve Lode, president of National Ready Mix, continues to be excited about the expanded production capacity and environmental sustainability their new Vernon plant provides.

“We can recharge materials at rates faster than we can batch them and run at full production for multiple days or finish a major pour with the plant full of materials, ready for the next day,” says Lode. “This plant gives us the ability to deliver large volumes of high-quality concrete at a rate most ready mixed producers are not able to achieve. We can handle the one-off specialty aggregates, specialty cementitious material orders without having to shut down and drain bins to resume normal production.” National Ready Mixed Concrete Company's concrete plant in Vernon, Ca.

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