OPTIMISM I begin this letter having just heard about the tragic death of Kobe Bryant, his daughter “Gigi” and seven others. I have been a lifetime Laker fan, being a huge fan of Kareem, Magic and Kobe over the years; I had some sad moments upon hearing the news. Reflecting on Kobe, during his time as a player, reminded me why I liked him so much as a fan. With him on the court, I felt an immense sense of optimism if a game was in the balance. If the Lakers had a chance to flip a loss to a win, and Kobe was involved, the odds were very high in the Lakers favor. I mention this event as a reminder of how optimism is key to our industry’s successful progress going forward. The 2020’s have arrived and the outlook for California’s construction industry looks positive, for years to come. With the housing shortage, significant needs for new infrastructure along with needed updating of existing infrastructure, our future looks good. Additionally, we are again hearing the rumblings of a possible federal infrastructure bill. At the education conference in November, attending members heard Baron Worthington’s construction outlook presentation. Baron presented data showing indicators for a continued strong need for our industries’ products. Additionally, he said that one of the biggest challenges to fulfilling the state’s building requirements, will be the current labor shortage. If you missed this informative and interesting presentation, please contact the CalCIMA office to obtain an electronic copy. There is certainly a lot to be optimistic about. From the Board of Director’s viewpoint, the process to identify the next CEO of CalCIMA has begun. It is our goal to have someone in place by the second quarter. The board has also started the process of creating the next five-year strategic plan. The implementation of a new strategic plan along with the simultaneous addition of a new CEO, adds to the broader spectrum of ideas and ideal outcomes. As I begin my final year as your chairman, I look to the future with anticipation and optimism. Sincerely,
Michael Toland President, Spragues' Ready Mix CalCIMA Chairman
The Conveyor • 2020 Winter Issue