Call Us the Overcomers
2020 threw many punches our way. Be proud of what you have accomplished and obstacles you have overcome in a year like no other. prepare or to implement properly before its effective date. Our industry kicked into high gear and quickly educated ourselves on the new law, and its true effects. Just as we were rolling on getting new rules and inspectors in place, we started to hear grumblings of this virus in China that spread through the population quickly with very little containment and a high mortality rate.
By Andrew Hay, CAMEx, CCAM-ND.PM
Remember when you only had to worry about the simple things like special assessments, aging community common areas, and parking issues? 2020 has delivered blow after blow to the entire world and has added a few extra kicks in California. Yes, you know all the hurdles you’ve faced this year, but have you taken the time to reconcile just how much you have been dealing with, and overcoming in the process? As essential workers we have been fortunate to remain employed throughout the year, but we still take on the challenge of facing the unknown each day and having to learn a new way to manage our communities. It all started with a new election law (SB 323) that was signed into being with no time to
Vision Winter 2020 |
Slowly the virus made it to the U.S. and to California and shortly thereafter the lockdown took place. An immediate lockdown of staff and the communities we manage with very little time to prepare and even less information about what was and wasn’t allowed. Companies had to find a way to operate with all staff from a distance. Supervisors and employees had to learn to communicate without ever being around each other, all while balancing the impacts the shelter-in-place had on our personal lives. Managers and management companies adjusted quickly, realizing that the communities still had maintenance needs, meetings to conduct, and work to be done. We had to close common area amenities and deal with owners who simply didn’t feel a global pandemic was a good reason to stop them from using the gym, pools, and clubhouses. Then came implementation of virtual board meetings via Zoom, Google Meet, Goto Meeting, and teleconference lines, which quickly became the norm. Some clients met this with an open mind and gratitude and