Newsletter 2/2010 Sostenibilità Ambientale

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Monitoraggio bandi e informazioni European Commission Energia TEN‐E) Invito a presentare proposte a titolo del progetto di programma di lavoro annuale per la concessione di sovvenzioni nel campo della rete transeuropea di energia per il 2010 La Commissione europea, direzione generale dell'Energia e dei trasporti lancia un invito a presentare proposte al fine di concedere sovvenzioni a progetti in conformità delle priorità e degli obiettivi definiti nel progetto di programma di lavoro annuale per la concessione di sovvenzioni nel campo della rete transeuropea di energia per il 2010. L'importo massimo disponibile a titolo del presente invito, per il 2010, ammonta a 20 760 000 EUR. Data di chiusura dell'invito a presentare proposte: 30 aprile 2010. Il testo completo dell'invito a presentare proposte è disponibile all'indirizzo:

Intelligence Energy – Europe Info Day IEE : Bruxelles, 3 febbraio 2010

Il budget totale previsto per il 2010 a sostegno del programma IEE ammonta a 56 000 000 EUR. Invito a presentare proposte (call for proposals): atteso per il mese di marzo 2010 Data di chiusura dell'invito a presentare proposte: giugno 2010.

Call for Experts Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI): Intelligent Energy‐Europe, Eco‐Innovation, Marco Polo

Invito di esperessione di interesse per la creazione di una lista di esperti esterni per le attività di valutazione connesse ai seguenti programmi: Intelligent Energy‐Europe, Eco‐Innovation and Marco Polo. Data di chiusura dell'invito a presentare proposte: 30 settembre 2013. Reference: EACI/2008/001

Ambiente Invito a presentare proposte Strumento finanziario per la protezione civile — Progetti sulla preparazione e la prevenzione

La Commissione europea, Direzione generale Ambiente, Unità protezione civile, pubblica un invito a presentare proposte finalizzato a individuare progetti nel settore della preparazione e della prevenzione che possano beneficiare di un sostegno finanziario nell'ambito della decisione del Consiglio che istituisce uno strumento finanziario per la protezione civile (2007/162/CE). Tale sostegno finanziario sarà concesso sotto forma di sovvenzioni. Data di chiusura dell'invito a presentare proposte: 31 marzo 2010.

Camera di Commercio Italiana in Bulgaria

1/B Oborishte Street, Sofia 1504 ­ Bulgaria ­ Tel./Fax: +359 2 8463280/1 ­ ­ Membro dell’Associazione delle Camere di Commercio Italiane all’Estero Riconosciuta dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico ai sensi della legge n. 518/70


European Environment Agency Invito a presentare proposte Inquinamento atmosferico e la mitigazione dei cambiamenti climatici Reference number: EEA/ACC/10/001 Data di chiusura dell'invito a presentare proposte: 20 aprile 2010.‐us/tenders/call‐for‐proposals/cfp‐docs/eea‐acc‐10‐001/invitation‐to‐submit‐ proposals

European Environment Agency Invito a presentare proposte Impatti, vulnerabilità e adattamenti dei cambiamenti climatici 2011‐2013 Reference number: EEA/NSV/10/001 Data di chiusura dell'invito a presentare proposte: 20 aprile 2010.‐us/tenders/call‐for‐proposals/cfp‐docs/eea‐nsv‐10‐001/invitation‐to‐submit‐ proposals European Environment Agency Invito a presentare proposte Acque interne, costiere e marine Reference number: EEA/NSV/10/002 Data di chiusura dell'invito a presentare proposte: 20 aprile 2010.‐us/tenders/call‐for‐proposals/cfp‐docs/eea‐nsv‐10‐002/invitation‐to‐submit‐ proposals

European Environment Agency Invito a presentare proposte Informazioni territoriali e analisi 2011‐2013 Reference number: EEA/NSV/10/003 Data di chiusura dell'invito a presentare proposte: 20 aprile 2010.‐us/tenders/call‐for‐proposals/cfp‐docs/eea‐nsv‐10‐003/invitation‐to‐submit‐ proposals

Camera di Commercio Italiana in Bulgaria

1/B Oborishte Street, Sofia 1504 ­ Bulgaria ­ Tel./Fax: +359 2 8463280/1 ­ ­ Membro dell’Associazione delle Camere di Commercio Italiane all’Estero Riconosciuta dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico ai sensi della legge n. 518/70


Procurement notice European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Source:

24 febbraio 2010 New EBRD financing for small businesses, energy efficiency and renewable energy projects in Bulgaria €27.5 million loan to Allianz Bank Bulgaria The EBRD is boosting the availability of financing in the Bulgarian real economy with two credit lines worth a total of €27.5 million offered to Allianz Bank Bulgaria (ABB) for on‐lending to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and for financing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. АBB, majority‐owned by Germany’s Allianz Group, is a universal bank offering a full range of banking services through a network of more than 110 branches and representative offices in the country. As a result of the global economic crisis, lending activities in Bulgaria have slowed down considerably, limiting SMEs’ access to finance and hindering their growth. The EBRD funds will help ABB meet the growing demand for short, medium and long‐term funding from local companies in the current challenging market conditions. The SME credit line, worth €20 million, will be used to finance investments and working capital of small and medium‐ sized businesses operating in Bulgaria. ABB has identified the SME sector as one of the key areas for its future growth. The facility will allow the bank to develop an improved product offering and attract new SME clients. The proceeds of the Energy Efficiency line in the amount of €7.5 million will finance energy efficiency and renewable energy projects implemented by Bulgarian businesses with the view to reduce their energy intensity and improve their competitiveness. The facility, part of the EBRD’s Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Credit Line Framework (EERECL) for Bulgaria, is complemented by grant funding from Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF), which will be used for technical assistance to support both types of projects and for incentives for both the banks and businesses involved. Financing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects will make ABB one of the few banks on the Bulgarian market working under the EERECL Framework, enabling ABB to further extend its corporate product portfolio. “Supporting the development of the real economy sector is one of the EBRD’s key priorities, particularly in the current environment. The funds offered to Allianz Bank Bulgaria will facilitate the access of local companies to the much needed financing and will help them improve their energy efficiency. This project will help raise the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises, while also providing a boost to the banking sector”, said Peter Reiniger, EBRD Managing Director for Central and South Eastern Europe. “In recent years ABB has been focusing on developing its client base in the SME and retail sector. Already experienced in working with the EU/EBRD SME Finance Facility, Allianz Bank Bulgaria fosters dozens of successful small investment projects since 2006 with the financial support of EBRD. ABB welcomes the opportunity to finance new clients’ projects even nowadays when markets are relatively cautious. Supporting energy efficiency being a key goal for EU member states will also help ABB to meet the specific needs of its corporate clients”, said Dorcho Ilchev, Executive Director of ABB. This transaction represents a continuation of the EBRD’s relationship with Allianz Bank Bulgaria. In 2006 the EBRD extended a €5 million credit line under the EU/EBRD SME Finance Facility Framework. An extension of the credit line for €5 million was signed in January 2009. Since the beginning of the EBRD operations in Bulgaria, the Bank has committed €2 billion in more than 120 projects in key sectors of the country’s economy, mobilising additional investment worth more than €7 billion.

Camera di Commercio Italiana in Bulgaria

1/B Oborishte Street, Sofia 1504 ­ Bulgaria ­ Tel./Fax: +359 2 8463280/1 ­ ­ Membro dell’Associazione delle Camere di Commercio Italiane all’Estero Riconosciuta dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico ai sensi della legge n. 518/70


Gas Rimini



Project number:


Business sector:

Natural resources



Board date:

13 April 2010


Passed structure review, Pending final review

Date PSD disclosed:

18 January 2010

Date translation disclosed:

27 January 2010

Project description and objectives: EBRD is considering providing a senior loan for up to EUR 30 million to Citygas Bulgaria AD (“Citygas”), the holder of a concession to develop and operate the gas distribution network in the Bulgarian region of Trakia. Citygas is 90.22% controlled by Gruppo Societa’ Gas Rimini Spa (“Gas Rimini”), an Italian gas distribution and supply utility. The project’s objective is the construction and operation of 1,700km of gas distribution pipelines and associated infrastructure that will provide a gas connection to over 1,000 industrial clients, 1,500 commercial clients and 96,000 domestic users. The project will contribute to the gasification of Bulgaria, providing the background for economic growth and market development in the region of Trakia, as well as contributing to move the country away from the use of less efficient and more polluting fuels. Transition impact: Through this project, the Bank will support the privatisation of gas distribution and liberalisation of the gas market in Bulgaria. As such, the project will support a privately‐owned company in fulfilling its concession agreement and expand its gas distribution network. Furthermore, the project is expected to support higher standards of business conduct in the Bulgarian gas distribution segment since Citygas will apply best international practices in its environmental, health and safety action plan. The client: The EBRD will provide financing to Citygas, the holder of the concession. The Sponsor of the project will be Gas Rimini, which has a long established track record of constructing and operating gas distribution networks in several municipalities in Italy. EBRD finance: EUR 30 million. Total project cost: Up to EUR 125 million to build the gas distribution network in the Company’s concession area. Environmental impact: The project has been categorised as B since the potential adverse environmental and social impacts that may give rise are typically site‐specific, can be readily identified and addressed through mitigation measures. The following factors were considered in terms of categorisation of this project: • • • •

1,500 km of the 1,700 km pipeline construction will be within urban and suburban areas. Outside the urban and suburban areas (greenfield construction), there will be no pipeline sections of 40 km or more in a continuous length. The maximum pipeline diameter to be used is 400 mm. The construction corridor width will be 6 meters with the exception of bends, crossings, etc., where there is a slightly wider construction corridor (max. 12m) 20 km of the pipeline crosses proposed Natura 2000 sites. The sections that cross the Natura 2000 sites have

Camera di Commercio Italiana in Bulgaria

1/B Oborishte Street, Sofia 1504 ­ Bulgaria ­ Tel./Fax: +359 2 8463280/1 ­ ­ Membro dell’Associazione delle Camere di Commercio Italiane all’Estero Riconosciuta dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico ai sensi della legge n. 518/70


been assessed by representatives of the Ministry of Environment (MoE). The MoE has issued a statement that the construction of the pipeline would not result in any significant impacts and necessary permits have been obtained for construction. There are no compression/ de‐compression stations or other above ground facilities within the Natura 2000 sites. There will be no resettlement or permanent economic displacement as result of the project

• The ToR for the due diligence of the project are currently under preparation. The due diligence will cover an environmental and social analysis of the potential impacts of the project and an audit of the completed sections. This PSD will be updated as further information becomes available with respect to the results of the environmental and social due diligence. Technical cooperation: None. For consultant opportunities for projects financed by technical cooperation funds, visit procurement of consultants. Company contact: Demis Diotallevi ‐ Chief Financial Officer Gruppo Società Gas Rimini S.p.A. ‐ Rimini, Via Chiabrera 34/b ‐ 47900, Italy EBRD contact: Matteo Colangeli, Operation Leader: Business opportunities: For business opportunities or procurement, contact the client company. General enquiries: EBRD project enquiries not related to procurement: Tel: +44 20 7338 7168; Fax: +44 20 7338 7380 Email: Public Information Policy (PIP): The PIP sets out how the EBRD discloses information and consults with its stakeholders so as to promote better awareness and understanding of its strategies, policies and operations. Text of the PIP Independent Recourse Mechanism (IRM): The EBRD has established the IRM to give local groups that may be directly and adversely affected by a Bank project a means of raising complaints or grievances with the Bank, independently from banking operations. Guidelines for Making a complaint and the Rules of procedures

Camera di Commercio Italiana in Bulgaria

1/B Oborishte Street, Sofia 1504 ­ Bulgaria ­ Tel./Fax: +359 2 8463280/1 ­ ­ Membro dell’Associazione delle Camere di Commercio Italiane all’Estero Riconosciuta dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico ai sensi della legge n. 518/70


Small Hydro Power Plant on the Iliina River



Project number:


Business sector:

Nuclear safety

Funding source:


Type of contract:

Consultancy Services, Supply and Installation

Type of notice:

General Procurement notice

Issue date:

1 Feb 2010

Closing date:

31 Jan 2011 at 24:00, Bulgarian time

6047‐GPN‐17149 GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE Rila Holy Cloister (the “Employer”) intends to use the proceeds of the grant funds provided by the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (the “KIDSF”), administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “Bank”) for a project for Construction of a Small Hydro Power Plant on the Iliina River for the Secure and Reliable Energy Supply and for the Energy Efficiency Improvements of the Rila Holy Cloister and the Area. The proposed project, which has a total estimated cost of EUR 2.9 million, will require the procurement of the following goods, works and services: • Design, supply, construction and commissioning of a small hydro power plant on the Iliina River; • Project Implementation Unit consultancy service to support the Employer in technical specification, procurement and supervision of the implementation of the Project; • Consultancy service for the Environmental Impact Assessment of the project. The procurement of the above contracts is expected to begin in the third quarter of 2010. Procurement will be carried out in accordance with the Bank’s Procurement Policies and Rules with the exception of country eligibility restrictions defined within the KIDSF rules and will be open to tenderers from the following eligible countries as of 1 February 2010: the EU member states, Switzerland and the Bank’s countries of operation. The proceeds of the grant will not be used for the purpose of any payment to persons or entities, or for any import of goods, if such payment or import is prohibited by a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations or under a law or official regulation of the Employer's country. Interested parties shall contact: Mr. Rosen Mihailov Lawyer Rila Holy Cloister – Rila Monastery Rila Municipality Bulgaria Tel: +359 87 883 47 44 Fax: +359 7054 33 83 E‐mail:

Camera di Commercio Italiana in Bulgaria

1/B Oborishte Street, Sofia 1504 ­ Bulgaria ­ Tel./Fax: +359 2 8463280/1 ­ ­ Membro dell’Associazione delle Camere di Commercio Italiane all’Estero Riconosciuta dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico ai sensi della legge n. 518/70


IL PROGETTO D’AREA SOSTENIBILITA’ AMBIENTALE 2009 La Camera di Commercio Italiana per la Germania, come capofila, e le Camere di Commercio Italiane all’Estero di CCIE di Barcellona, Bratislava, Bruxelles, Bucarest, Budapest, Istanbul, Izmir, Lione, Lisbona, Londra, Lussemburgo, Madrid, Monaco, Salonicco, Sofia, Stoccolma, Zurigo, come partner progettuali, hanno dato avvio ad un programma di iniziative nel settore della sostenibilità ambientale e delle energie rinnovabili con focus sui Paesi del Sud‐Est europeo. In aggiunta, la CCIE di Sofia svolge un particolare ruolo di coordinamento rispetto alle CCIE dell’Europa Sudorientale. Il progetto è cofinanziato dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico‐Commercio Internazionale dell’Italia e persegue tre forti obiettivi: far dialogare aziende provenienti da Paesi a tecnologia avanzata con aziende da Paesi dove risulta urgente intensificare e implementare tecnologie rivolte alla diminuzione dei rifiuti e alla loro corretta valorizzazione; aiutare le imprese italiane a prender parte in maniera competitiva ai mercati esteri; stimolare la nascita di collaborazioni fra imprese italiane e imprese del Centro e Nord Europa per proporre tecnologie comuni nei Paesi con necessità di sviluppare con urgenza la sostenibilità ambientale. Inoltre, le sedi delle CCIE di Bratislava, Bucarest, Budapest, Istanbul, Izmir e Sofia forniranno un servizio specializzato di orientamento alle strutture istituzionali e alle aziende italiane interessate a candidarsi per l’assegnazione di finanziamenti europei nel settore sostenibilità ambientale e contribuiranno a concretizzare le opportunità di affari delle imprese italiane in questa importante area geografica promuovendo la tecnologia italiana nella pianificazione di investimenti in questi Paesi.

Per ulteriori informazioni: Camera di Commercio Italiana per la Germania Ufficio Berlino, Dr. Vincenza D’Ambrogio Tel.: +49 30 24310430, Fax: +49 30 24310411 E‐mail: – Web: Camera di Commercio Italiana in Bulgaria Via Oborishte 1/B, Sofia 1504 ‐ Bulgaria Tel.: +359 2 8463280/1/2, Fax: +359 2 8463280/1 E‐mail: ‐ Web:

Camera di Commercio Italiana in Bulgaria

1/B Oborishte Street, Sofia 1504 ­ Bulgaria ­ Tel./Fax: +359 2 8463280/1 ­ ­ Membro dell’Associazione delle Camere di Commercio Italiane all’Estero Riconosciuta dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico ai sensi della legge n. 518/70

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