What it enables – Centralized exchange planning and management tool for entities – Centralized partnership tracking tool between entities
What can it do – Help you plan exchange goals in sub products and issue segments – Help you enter partnerships with a concrete product based S&D, historical data and OP/ORS data – Track goal and partnership achievement automatically via myaiesec.net data – Help you understand how to achieve your over all goal by ability to suggest where you can seek to match
What do you need to do?
Step 1
Create an account • Check out the video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohrfdys_qrQ&list=UUlYLQO rGLhg3gewrqbIAuKw • If you already have an account on opportunity.aiesec.org with your myaiesec.net email id you will have to close the same by going to my profile in the dashboard • The account to access market place and to log in will only be accessible from this url: opportunities.aiesec.org/start/member • If you have any issues with creating account write to: ramitav@ai.aiesec.org
Step 2
1. Click here
2. Select GCDP or GIP 3. Enter per month realization targets for GCDP and GIP in Issue Segment and Sub Products
Step 3
1. Click here
2. Based on which programme and then I or O you are looking for supply for click the tabs 3. Eg: If you are MC VP GIP I you will click GIP and then I 4. You will be taken to the screen on the next slide
1. Select the issue you want to partner in 2. Select the time line you are searching for to partner
Only Opportunity portal user data
Only previous realization
Have previous realization's and opportunity portal data
1. The number next to the entity name is their goal for that selected time period. E.g.: In the previous slide it is the oGCDP goal of entities 2. When you click the entity you will be taken to screen on next slide
1. Here you will find all possible data to understand whether the partnership is possible and will be successful or not based on data of the entity and between your and the chosen entity 2. Just click the tab on the left based on what you want to know
Short list entities you are interested to partner
Step 4
1. Click here
Research and enter visa feasibility here. You enter visa feasibility in terms of your ICX
Step 5
Tracking: Entering Partnerships
1. Click here
2. I you want to enter a partnership as MC VP GIP ICX first click GIP and then I
If you enter the partnership it will be black and if somebody entered you as partner it will be in blue
If you click GCDP then you need to go to Issues+ Projects and enter projects under each issue with realization goal and NPS score
If you click GIP then you need to go to SP Focus & Goal and enter realization and NPS goal based on Sub Products
Step 6
Define the Partnership further
Define the final product in the partnership in the sub products
Define the final timeline of the product you have decided in the sub products for the partnership
Define the final LC’s with their goals that will be delivering in the sub products of the partnership
Step 7
The dashboard will show all your goals and partnerships. They will soon have the achieved shown next to them as well which will be automated!
Step 8
Aligning S&D and goals
If you go to link: https://opportunities.aiesec.org/marketplace#/ai you will be able to see global partnerships and the amount of goal you have achieved in partnerships GCDP/GIP and SP/IS If your last tab is orange it means that the goal is still left to be achieved and if it is blue it means that you have more partnerships than goal
That’s about it! Thank you