The Camphill Village Trust Limited Annual Report and Financial Statements

Page 18

S T R AT EG I C FO C U S Our colleagues are happy and well equipped to do a great job. Thanks to previous investment in a cloud-based IT infrastructure, the Trust was able to react quickly to the changing Covid world. We moved central teams to homebased working. Through video calling staff and people we support were able to participate in meetings, training and projects, regardless of their location. Over the year, we have found that utilising this technology has increased closeness across communities as it is so much easier to bring people from different locations together in one ‘virtual meeting room’. Keeping frontline staff and people we support safe has been a major focus throughout the year. During the early weeks of the pandemic, supplies of PPE were scarce for many social care providers and we worked hard to ensure that we had adequate PPE to keep everyone safe. We now have secure supply lines and keep a three-month rolling stock of PPE in all our communities. 16

The Camphill Village Trust Limited Annual Report 2020/21

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