Proffessional Boundaries

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The Camphill Village Trust Policies and Procedures

Professional boundaries Revision history







Sept 2011




February 16







Policy Group



May 18




Please refer to sharepoint for the latest version

1. Introduction 1.1 The community life-style of CVT communities has the potential to enable the development of a wide range of supportive relationships. However, it is necessary to acknowledge that every relationship has boundaries. 1.2 The boundary line between what is and what is not acceptable may be harder to define in social care than in some other professions but if boundaries are crossed, it can leave people working with adults at risk open to allegations of unprofessional conduct. 1.3 This policy sets out the boundaries for relationships within our communities which must not be crossed for personal, material or financial advantage. 2. Why do we need a policy? 2.1 To ensure all people working within our communities feel more secure and confident by identifying those actions that are acceptable and those that are not. It does not cover all eventualities and must be read in conjunction with the CVT Code of Conduct and any applicable codes relating to professional registration. 2.2 To clarify the distinction between professional and personal relationships between CVT staff and the people we support in order to promote consistency and clear expectations in practice. 3. How do we build positive relationships? 3.1 CVT has embraced the Great Interactions framework to help us to be more conscious and mindful of how we meet and engage with each other. A really great Page 1 of 6 Professional Boundaries 2.1

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The Camphill Village Trust Policies and Procedures

interaction is an opportunity to be effective in enabling the other person to take a step in their own development. 3.2 Our aim is to promote best practice throughout the development of great interactions. It is in the interactions between the people who work for us and the people we support that defines the quality of what we do. Positive relationships and trust develop in the context of interactions where people we support feel respected, listened and have the opportunity to have their say in taking increasing control over their lives. See CVT Great Interactions policy. 3.3 However, there is a fine line between developing a relationship of trust with an individual which can help to build their confidence and developing a dependency relationship. 3.4 All CVT staff must aim to work in such a way so as to avoid dependency and actively encourage individuals to form a variety of relationships within the community and with other people they meet at work or in their leisure and cultural activities. 3.5 Staff have a responsibility to discourage an over reliance of people we support on one or two members of staff as the potential for over-dependency can leave a person at risk. 4. What are some areas of potential risk? 4.1 Personal Conduct under Stress - In the course of life most people experience stresses which influence the way in which they interact with others. Care will be taken that each person working in a CVT setting learns to identify those things which may cause themselves stress, to notice when it is building up and to know how to deal with it. This may at times involve a temporary withdrawal from the situation. Individual supervision and support is offered to all staff. Staff should also feel free to use the confidential employee assistance programme which is available 24 hours a day. Workplace Options can be contacted on freephone 0800-243-458 for confidential support and advice. See CVT’s Managing stress policy. 4.2 Intimate Relationships - The relationship of support and friendship between CVT staff and the people we support is a hallmark of the community working well. However, everyone needs to be clear that the boundary to an intimate relationship must never be crossed. There is absolutely no place for any form of sexual relationship between staff or members of their family and any people we support in the community.

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The Camphill Village Trust Policies and Procedures

4.3 Conduct in Relation to Adults at Risk - All people working in CVT communities need to be aware of the ‘power’ of their role and the undue influence this could have on the people we support in terms of lifestyle choices and decisions they make. Care should be taken at all times to act in a professional manner. If any staff member is in doubt they should refer to the CVT Code of Conduct for additional guidance on professional conduct and/or seek advice from their manager, professional lead or HR manager. 4.4 There should be no favouritism (or the appearance of favouritism) shown towards people we support. It is acknowledged that individuals can be more or less approachable, willing or complex to work with but this must not be reflected in the amount of attention or time offered to the individual. Support offered should always be based on the assessed needs of the individual. 4.5 Self-Disclosure - Part of the ethos of CVT communities is that adults with learning disabilities and or mental health issues can learn to be givers as well as receivers of support. It can be tempting for staff to disclose personal information in an empathetic manner but this has the potential to draw attention away from the focus of the relationship and blur professional boundaries. It is clear that all those working in social care settings need to take care not to discuss their own personal problems or difficulties with or in the vicinity of the people we support. This includes work related difficulties. 4.6 The expectation not to disclose personal views includes not making negative comments, or gossiping about fellow professionals and colleagues with, or in the presence of, the people we support. 4.7 If a member of staff thinks there is a risk of a potential breakdown of their professional boundaries, or a colleague’s professional boundaries, they must bring it to the attention of their manager, professional lead or follow the CVT Whistle Blowing procedure. 4.8 On-going contact with people we support after a member of staff leaves a community is dependent on the circumstance in which the staff member left their post. However, in all cases, the best interest of the individual must be central to any ongoing contact. Any ongoing contact initiated by a former staff member with people we support in circumstances where the departure of the member of staff was connected with formal disciplinary matters (or concerns about the staff member’s professional conduct) will be regarded as inadvisable by the charity. In such circumstances the charity would expect no such contact to be initiated by the former staff member.

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4.9 Financial Boundaries - Some people we support may need advice and help with budgeting and managing their finances. In these circumstances care must be taken with the presentation of information in order to ensure that it is the individual who makes the financial decisions. This may involve helping the person to find out prices, to discover whether he /she has sufficient funds and to consider need and want. In no circumstances does it involve staff making value judgements or exerting influence based on their own values and opinions. All financial support offered must always adhere to the assessed needs of the individual and conform to any CVT policies concerning supporting people to manage their own finances. See CVT’s policy, Helping people with their money. 4.10 Gifts - It is natural that people may wish to give small gifts for birthdays or Christmas or other special occasions. However, the giving or receiving of gifts must never be used in any attempt to gain special or preferential treatment. All small gifts received by staff must be reported to their supervisor. Examples of small gifts might include flowers, confectionery, foodstuffs or beverages. The value of small gifts should not exceed £10. If anyone working in a CVT community is offered a gift which is more than £10.00 in value they must, after first informing their supervisor, advise the person offering the gift that they are unable to accept the gift personally but the gift can be made to the Community if they wish. Any gifts of money from any person we support or member of their family must always be made to the community rather than to an individual working in a CVT community. It is never acceptable for an individual member of staff to accept money for themselves from a person we support, a member of their family, a contractor, supplier or consultant involved in the Community. It is also never acceptable for a member of staff to borrow money from a person we support. CVT staff and their families must not accept gifts or hospitality which could influence or appear to influence decisions they make on behalf of CVT. All gifts must be declared and entered into the Register of Gifts held in the community (see Appendix 1). 4.11 Mobile phones and social networking - Many people we support have access to the internet with use of e-mail and social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Picasa, Flickr, Tumblr or Instagram. Care should be taken by all working in CVT communities to maintain the professional boundary between work and social activities. People working in CVT communities must not accept social networking invitations from people we support. Such contact can: Page 4 of 6 Professional Boundaries 2.1

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inappropriately expose issues concerning a staff member’s personal or work life expose people we support to feeling left out highlight power imbalances and blur professional boundaries. Equally, staff should not give people we support (or their families) their personal e-mail addresses and or phone numbers as this may also blur boundaries and could lead to a greater dependency on that particular member of staff. Photographs taken by anyone working in our communities must not be posted on public internet sites such as Picasa, Flickr, Tumblr, Whatsapp or Instagram. Staff must not use their personal mobile phones whilst supporting people either to take calls or to access social media. Personal mobile phones may be accessed during break periods. Staff and the people we support should ensure that the security settings on their social networks are set appropriately to prevent inappropriate access.

5. Equality Impact Assessment 5.1 This policy has been assessed using an equality impact assessment initial screening template in order to meet current equality requirements. Responsible individual:

Mike Bagnall

Endorsed by:

Approved by the Senior Management Team under delegated powers from the Board of Trustees

Date of endorsement:

April 2018

Review date:

April 2020

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The Camphill Village Trust Policies and Procedures

Appendix 1





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May 2018

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