CanadianSME Small Business Magazine - September 2023 Edition

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EXCLUSIVE CANADIANSME Empowering Canadian Small & Medium Businesses ISSUE NO. 58 PAGE: 19 SEPTEMBER 2023 All Images, trademarks, service marks and logos referred to or appearing in this magazine arethepropertyof theirrespectiveowners. BankingPartner ShippingPartner Accounting SoftwarePartner Reinventing Safety Standards: The New Era of Workplace Compliance Finding hidden talent in Canada’s Military Veterans Co-Founder&CEOatContractorComplianceInc MarkBania 14
APPLY NOW Entries for the awards are open now WWW.SMEAWARDS.CA #SMEAWARDS SMALLBUSINESS AWARDS2023 CELEBRATINGBUSINESS SUCCESSINCANADA ShippingPartner BankingPartner SoftwarePartner Accounting SilverPartner

As the golden hues of September roll in, we are thrilled to unveil this month's edition of the CanadianSME Small Business Magazine. With a judicious blend of insights, guidance, and inspiration, our content for the month of September is meticulously crafted to align with the aspirations and challenges of SMEs and emerging entrepreneurs in Canada.

The core theme for September’s edition revolves around "Innovation & Technology." It delves into myriad facets of this expansive domain - from exploring the Ontario-Quebec Economic Corridor to understanding the significance of AI in digital marketing. In a similar vein, we have collaborated with leading voices in the industry and have yielded thought-provoking articles, such as CDW Canada's piece on cybersecurity and WITSTUDIO's exploration of AI's role in contemporary marketing strategies.

In addition to this, Zoho brings forth a rich tapestry of insights, particularly the intriguing revelation of how Canadian SMBs are flourishing amid economic unpredictabilities. This edition covers a special feature on the unrecognized talents within Canada's military veterans and the transformative impact of "Indigenomics SHE" on our economic fabric.

Interviews form the backbone of this edition, shedding light on various industry arenas, from the culinary aspirations of Paris Baguette in Ontario to the digital resonance of platforms like TikTok in shaping brands. A highlight not to be missed is our Business Woman of the Month - Sophia Jacob, the dynamic CEO of the Canadian Women of Colour Leadership Network. Her journey, marked by grit and vision, serves as a beacon of inspiration for all.

Further amplifying our commitment to SMEs, we're excited to announce the CanadianSME Small Business Summit 2023, happening on October 23rd, 2023. Centred around AI-driven growth and efficiency, this summit promises to be a confluence of learning and networking. We encourage you to seize this golden opportunity to learn, network, and grow at this link:

Our mission remains crystal clear: to be your partner in growth, navigating the twists and turns of the entrepreneurial journey. With gratitude for your continued support and duly unable to contain our excitement, we invite you on this renewed journey of remaining engaged and subscribed for continued enriching content.

To innovation, resilience, and a future painted with possibilities, Warm Regards, SK

Dear Valued Readers,
ISSN2562-0657(Online) PublishedbyCmarketingInc2800Skymark Avenue,Suite203Mississauga,ON Canada L4W5A6 ThecontentsinCanadianSMEMagazinearefor informationalpurposesonly NeitherCmarketingInc thepublishersnoranyofitspartners,employeesor affiliatesacceptanyliabilitywhatsoeverforanydirect orconsequentiallossarisingfromanyuseofits contents Copyright©2022CMarketingInc Allrightsreserved Reproductioninwholeorpartofanytext,photography orillustrationswithoutwrittenpermissionfromthe publisherisprohibited All Images, trademarks, service marks and logos referred to or appearing in thismagazinearethe property of their respective owners. wwwcanadiansmeca info@canadiansmeca canadiansme canadian sme canadiansme canadiansme
The Role of AI why hire a digital marketing company? IN THIS ISSUE CanadianSME Small Business Magazine 30 Breaking Down Borders The Rise of All-In-One Finance Platforms for Canadian SMEs 32 Do small businesses need to shift to managed travel? 39 16 How Technology Can Enable SMBs to Foster a Responsible Spending Culture A Triad of Tech: Exploring Three Leading AI Startups in Canada 49 Crafting Digital Excellence: Web4You Inc's Journey of Web Transformation 55 The Top Five Technological Trends Transforming Canada's SME Landscape 59 How Technology and Social Media Are Shaping Canadian Entrepreneurship 67


How Goldilocks turned sticky cash flow situations into sweet success




Embracing the Technological Revolution: How AI Will Reshape Tech and Digital Marketing Education

Canadiansme Small Business Magazine 22 47 34
Business Woman of the Month
Jacob Canadian SMBs Thrive Despite Economic Uncertainty: Zoho Report Reveals Positive Cash Flow Trends
Culinary Integration:
Term Vision for
Revolutionizing Compliance and Fostering Safer Workplaces: Featuring Mark Bania




Unlocking Economic Corridor

ing HDI Global Specialty: An Interview with Oren Schemool

Marchelle McKenzie on TikTok:A Game-Changer for Butter and Spice 44

Indigenomics SHE's Impact on Economic Progress: Emancipating Indigenous Women


Over half of Gen Z Canadians see themselves as better suited to start a business than earlier generations

Canadiansme Small Business Magazine 27

Meeranda,theHuman-LikeAI,is AcceptedintotheGooglefor StartupsCloudProgram


Anotherdayandanotheraccomplishment forMeeranda,"saidMr RajiWahidy,CoFounderandCEOofMeeranda "Weare delightedtobeacceptedintotheGoogle forStartupsCloudProgram Theprogram's resourcesandexpertisewillundoubtedly furtheraccelerateourgrowthand enhanceourabilitytocreatemeaningful connectionsandtechnological advancements

Study:Canadiancompanies rankamongthetop10in clientdataleaks

Over200Canadianfirms experienceddatabreaches exposingconsumerdata

BusinessesinCanadahave leakedconsumers’datamore thanmostothercountries,reveals thelatestresearchbyNordPass Sincelate2019,over200 companiesinCanadahave suffereddatabreachesduring whichvariousconsumerdata (eg,emailaddresses, passwords,andusernames)was leaked ThisplacesCanadain eighthpositionamongcountries withmostclientdataleaks

66centsofeverydollarspentat asmallbusinessstayslocal versusonly11centsspentata multinationalretailer Businessownerscandownload CFIB'snewdigitaltoolkit,includinga printableposterandcustomizable socialimages,topromotelocal shoppinghere Formoreinformation onhowtosupportsmallbusinesses, checkoutSmallBusinessEveryDayca

UplinqJoinsForceswithVisatoExpandAccesstoWorking CapitalforSmallBusinessintheUnitedStatesandCanada


WearethrilledtobeworkingwithanindustryleaderlikeVisaasweadvanceour effortstohelpmoresmallbusinessessecurethefinancingtheyneedtosucceedin today'schallenginglendingclimate,"saidRonBenegbi,CEOandfounderofUplinq


Reinventing Safety Standards: The New Era of Workplace Compliance Mark Bania

CanadianSME Small Business Magazine recently interviewed Mark Bania, the Co-Founder & CEO of Contractor Compliance, a trailblazing figure in the SaaS industry Mark opened up about his journey of co-founding a cloud-based contractor management platform designed to simplify and democratize compliance processes At the core of his leadership philosophy is empowering team members to solve intricate customer issues while keeping investor interests at the forefront The company not only streamlines compliance but also serves a larger mission making workplaces safer and healthier by setting high standards in environmental health & and safety Backed by a series of success stories, Contractor Compliance is already making its mark in enhancing operational efficiency across organizations. Mark concluded with sage advice for aspiring SaaS entrepreneurs, drawing from his rich experience spanning over a decade in multiple sectors.

Mark Bania is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Contractor Compliance. An executive with over 10 years of progressive experience with SaaS organizations spanning multiple industries, Mark is driven and motivated by driving growth in emerging software solutions to solve complex customer challenges, empowering team members, and driving results in line with investors’ focus

Can you share with us your entrepreneurial journey and what motivated you to co-found Contractor Compliance, a cloud-based contractor management software?

The irony of my answer is that’s ultimately less about what our business does, and more about what our business means to our team I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have reported to some fantastic, performance-driven leaders throughout my career With that came the opportunity to work hard, produce, and ultimately accelerate the trajectory of my career Having seen countless friends and family members work their tails off, only to be limited in their progression for boilerplate reasons such as “needing more years of experience on their resume ” or “having someone else in line with more seniority,” I knew that one day, when I could align myself with business ownership, I would strive to create an environment where our team could receive the same leadership I once did, at scale Once my co-founder and I were able to leverage our business experience to identify a gap in the market, and the concept for Contractor Compliance took shape, it was time to take this responsibility on headfirst

Co-Founder & CEO at Contractor Compliance Inc.

As a charismatic and driven leader, how do you empower your team members to solve complex customer challenges and drive results in line with investors' focus?

For a business to be successful, problemsolving for your customers must be a key point of focus for every member of the team To me, empowering our team to solve complex customer challenges begins before the hire Regardless of role, there are two characteristics I feel are imperative for new hires at a startup: strong work ethic and relevant curiosity. A strong work ethic, coupled with relevant curiosity, is the foundation for a team member to understand our customers, and in turn, recommend strong solutions Empowering our team to implement wellresearched, strong recommendations is honestly the easy part

Contractor Compliance aims to promote a healthier and safer working environment by enabling supply chain participants to comply with environmental health and safety expectations. How does your platform specifically contribute to this mission?

At Contractor Compliance, we automate the administrative burden that organizations take on with respect to third-party compliance and safety management From properly assigning tasks such as document uploads and policy acknowledgments to third parties digitally, to collecting their submissions, automating requalification, and providing a version-controlled audit trail, we are able to reduce the administrative workload by over 70% for our clients and simplify the experience for third party contractors, suppliers and vendors to comply with their customers

Your company is focused on democratizing compliance processes by reducing barriers such as cost, complexity, and time to market. Can you share some success stories or examples where organizations have benefited significantly from the Contractor Compliance platform?

Our segment has historically been serviced by tech-enabled services platforms Our goal was to develop a fully configurable, low total cost of ownership SaaS solution as an alternative to these traditional legacy systems In our short 5 year commercial history, we ’ ve secured over 200 global logos, many of which have left legacy systems to adopt our solution On average, our customers report a greater than 70% reduction in their administrative burden and realize this benefit in 28 5 days from the start of implementation, which is a stat we ’ re super proud of at Contractor Compliance

With over 10 years of progressive experience within SaaS organizations spanning multiple industries, what advice would you give to new entrepreneurs looking to start their own SaaS business?

Think big In today’s landscape fueled by technological innovation, its more realistic than ever before for new businesses to have a massive impact Today’s SaaS businesses are more efficient, have greater reach, and solve more complex customer problems than ever before Embrace this, and challenge yourself to think about how much bigger of an impact you can have than you originally thought Those who do will be rewarded, and the economy as a whole will benefit from the next wave of new entrepreneurs

Management Software

Was the last exhibition that you showcased your brand, where you spent CAD 10,000 effective? Your revenue from the north-eastern region is off the charts Do you need more salespeople to manage that? Travel is back, but do you know if you are spending on the right kind of travel?

Wouldn't it be infinitely easier if you had a dashboard capable of providing these insights?

How Technology Can Enable SMBs to Foster a Responsible Spending Culture

If you are an SMB owner or a finance professional advising an SMB, it is imperative to have complete visibility into spending Today, systems that can provide cross-functional insights into your spending patterns and can nudge you into spending in the right areas can be a huge competitive advantage This can ultimately make or break your business

Running a business requires you to spend money. There are all sorts of expenses you will incur Some are classified as direct expenses - those that can be directly attributed to the cost of the goods or services you sell, and some are indirect expenses - those that are required for running your business day to day

So how do we go about choosing the right technology partner who can systematize a culture of responsible spending? What do you need to look at when you choose a travel and expense management system? Here are a few tips:

Simplifying compliance for your employees

Implementing a well-designed and simple application that increases adoption and allows all stakeholders - employees, administrators, finance professionals, external auditors, and accountants - to work collaboratively is crucial Nothing automatically inheres simplicity, and at times it could be subjective For example, your system is not simple if your employees need to do anything more than just snap a receipt to claim an expense, or if your finance team is burdened with the complexity of manually recording transactions The only solution here is to adopt a streamlined travel and expense management system Such a system simplifies expense claims, automates transaction recording, and eliminates manual record transfers, ensuring a userfriendly experience that saves multiple productive hours, and efforts of your employees

AI infused and Dynamism personified

Subject to privacy and security considerations, the system learns how to classify and continually self-enhance to automate and reduce user intervention Furthermore, the right areas to spend, depending on your business and the time of year, may shift in response to evolving dynamics – akin to Schrödinger's cat, where what was considered a wise expenditure last year could be a luxury this year, and what might have seemed excessive in the past could be necessary for staying ahead now The system should possess the flexibility to adapt to these external factors

Enhanced Risk and Fraud management

Compliance wrapped around day-to-day tasks

The right travel and expense management system will ensure that tax and regulatory compliance is baked right into the application, addressing it from the moment a transaction is captured, without requiring additional inputs from the user This saves plenty of time during financial close and helps the finance and administration teams in staying compliant throughout the year This not only ensures financial prudence but also reinforces the commitment to responsible spending practices across the organization

A good travel and expense management system should be adept at identifying fraudulent activities, detecting anomalies, and continuously learning This functionality enhances the organization's overall fraud and risk management capabilities. Such a system will contribute to a responsible spending culture while reducing the chances of financial discrepancies

Enabling cross-functional collaboration

A travel and expense management system should be able to glean data from multiple departments, such as HR, Accounting, Finance, Sales, and Marketing This is essential for creating a complete visibility on an organisation’s spending This type of data collection will allow the system to process transactions through the organisation’s policy filters, ensuring that every expense is aligned with the company ’ s guidelines. Additionally, with access to real-time analytics, businesses can make informed decisions, and spend more efficiently

Audit Ready at All Times

A powerful travel and expense management system will notify you about policy violations, duplicate entries, and run audit trail reports, as well as detect fraudulent activity, ensuring no discrepancies in your financial records This essentially leads businesses to be ready for an audit at any time


Finding hidden talent in Canada’s Military Veterans

In today’s competitive labour market, finding and retaining talent is increasingly challenging Getting access to the hidden talent market has become a business imperative Where can business owners find help?

This free virtual training program is taking place in later September and October and addresses what 70% of employers are reporting: their real challenge is finding and keeping great people on staff They need new solutions, because what worked before is now broken


facing midmarket businesses in our survey, finding, and keeping the right talent presents the toughest. This is particularly true for the medium enterprises in our survey, a full half of whom mentioned talent as a top-three pain point – 15% more than the second spot, supply chains.”

Veterans are an untapped pool of highly skilled candidates available to fill key roles Nearly 150,000 highly skilled Veterans are ready to fill key roles in the workforce, with around 8,500 Canadian Armed Forces members transitioning to civilian life every year, as per the 2021 Census data

Strong partnerships fuel this Challenge

True Patriot Love, Challenge Factory, and the Ontario Chamber of Commerce have partnered to launch the Veteran Friendly Ontario (VFO) Challenge – an experiential training program designed to accelerate and enrich small-medium sized business recruitment, onboarding, and hiring of Veterans.

Are you up for the Challenge?

“Changed/challenged a lot of assumptions - about veterans, about hiring, about identifying corporate culture” Business Leader Participant

Getting access to hidden talent pools, like Canada’s Veterans, has quickly become a business imperative But employers don’t know where to start

Why Veterans are great hires

Veterans can be great hires They are work-ready, loyal, educated, and highly skilled This talent pool gets refilled each year as members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) transition from military into civilian life But their experiences and resumes are getting lost in translation

all the challenges

Small- and medium-sized organizations are eligible to participate

Join us for three 90-minute virtual sessions that will not only challenge your assumptions but also provide you with valuable insights and skills to enhance your business As a small business owner, your only commitments are time (sessions are held from 8:00 a m to 9:30 a m so you can get on with your day), willingness to host a Veteran for a day, and a desire to learn

The program will develop Veterans civilian career-ready skills and provide content and tools to help Veterans gain situational awareness of SME needs and challenges In parallel, it will facilitate further opportunities for small- to medium-sized business owners and hiring managers to experience first-hand the value of Veteran talent, skills, and problem-solving, while increasing business owner competence in talent attraction, retention, and career management.

Our goal is to increase income resiliency for both groups and potentially create new employment opportunities

“I made huge strides in only a few days with that motivation. Now I'm better positioned to move ahead.” Veteran Participant

Cost Free learning from experts in the Future of Work

Benefits of Participation

Business owners will: Veterans will:

Gain new hiring and retention strategies and tools

Learn about Veterans as an untapped hidden talent pool

Gain a new perspective on their role as a leader

Be certified and receive a microcredential as a Veteran Ready Employer, an organization that values what Canada’s military Veterans can bring to their workplaces and are ready to find, hire, welcome, and retain them.

Deepen their understanding of the civilian workplace Learn how small to medium-sized businesses operate

Participate in a business challenge with a business owner, designed to demonstrate unique military skills and experience

Engage with a research-backed psychometric assessment that supports the identity shift that transitioning members often face.

Experience a day in the life of a business owner and understand their rewards and challenges

Earn a micro-credential in Small Business Acumen that can be used on LinkedIn profiles and resumes

“Opened my eyes to new ideas” Business Leader Participant

The program facilitator, Challenge Factory is a research agency and consultancy Our work with hidden talent pools has been developing since the founding of the organization over a decade ago.

We help purpose-driven organizations and communities shape the Future of Work and several resources have been created to assist both hidden talent pools and employers in their times of need As a small business ourselves we understand what small and mediumsized businesses have been experiencing

People say timing is everything, well, the timing couldnt be more right for the VFO Challenge

To learn more and to register or nominate participants in this Challenge

Click here

Mark your calendar

The VFO Challenge sessions are all virtual, held in the morning from 8:00 AM to 9:30 AM for three consecutive weeks:

Cohort Number One

September 26

October 3

October 19 (joint day)

SME Sessions

·September 28

·October 5

October 19 (joint day)

Cohort Number Two


October 24

October 31

November 9 (joint day)

October 26

November 2

November 9 (joint day)

To learn more about the VFO Challenge, check out recordings of both the Veteran Information Session and the Business Owners Information Session or contact us at

We look forward to seeing you at the Challenge!

Veteran Sessions Veteran Sessions Sessions
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Thrive Despite Economic Uncertainty: Zoho Report Reveals Positive Cash Flow Trends

A Positive Outlook Amid Turbulent Times

Zoho's Cash Flow Report paints a picture of optimism prevailing within the Canadian SMB landscape Surveying 1,219 Canadian financial professionals in June, the report reveals that 39 7% of respondents indicated their businesses were experiencing growth, while another 39 9% reported stability These numbers not only reflect a positive business outlook but also a certain level of resiliency amid the prevailing uncertainty within the broader economy

In a business landscape riddled with economic uncertainties, Canadian small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are showing surprising resiliency. A recent Cash Flow Report released by Zoho, a leading global technology company, unveils a trend of optimism and growth within the SMB sector Contrary to expectations, the report shows that 63 1% of financial teams at Canadian SMBs have not encountered cash flow problems, revealing robust prospects for Canadian SMB businesses even amidst economic uncertainty

Unlocking Potential: Accounting Software and Accountants

The report highlights the role of technology and professional expertise in driving business success for these SMBs across the country Interestingly, respondents utilizing accounting software and accountants were found to experience notable advantages Of the surveyed SMBs, 45% that employed accounting software and accountants reported experiencing growth, while 41% reported stability This is a testament to the pivotal role that modern accounting practices play in ensuring financial health and ongoing business success

22- CanadianSME-September2023

However, it's surprising that despite the proven benefits, a substantial 66 3% of SMBs have yet to leverage resources like accounting software and accountants The report establishes a clear correlation between adopting these tools and a 16.2% increase in revenue. Such data underscores the potential for businesses to thrive by embracing technology and professional financial guidance

Navigating Economic Downturns: A Different Perspective

Economic downturns are often perceived as harbingers of financial distress for businesses - no matter what their size However, the Cash Flow Report challenges this assumption- specifically for SMBs Only 13 8% of respondents attributed cash flow issues to the economic downturn This finding resonates with the Zoho Canada SMB Outlook Report, where a significant 73 4% of respondents anticipated growth ranging from 1% to over 20%

Mastering Cash Flow Management

The report emphasizes the importance of effective cash flow management in uncertain times. Interestingly, over 95% of respondents reported improving cash flow through strategies like optimizing payment terms and diversifying payment options This approach not only reflects adaptability but also reduces reliance on loans and credit lines, showcasing the financial prudence of Canadian SMBs

The Role of Accountants: A Trusted Ally

Unsurprisingly, 87 9% of respondents highly recommended engaging with professional accountants This endorsement underscores the value of expert financial guidance in navigating complex financial landscapes Accountants are not only pivotal for compliance but also enable businesses to make informed decisions, optimize financial performance, and maintain real-time visibility into their financial health.

Overall, Zoho’s Cash Flow Report provides a refreshing perspective on the Canadian SMB landscape. Despite economic uncertainty, these businesses remain resilient and optimistic, embracing technology and expert guidance to drive growth and stability. This report serves as a reminder that innovation and expertise can propel businesses beyond the challenges posed by an ever-changing economic landscape.


Conducted in June 2023, the study enlisted Zoho Survey and Zoho Analytics to reach out to 1,219 individuals across Canada Participants included a diverse range of financial team members from both small and large enterprises


How Goldilocks turned sticky cash flow situations into sweet success

Goldilocks Wraps is a small business with a big vision: to tackle plastic pollution around the world.

Amy Hall’s sustainability journey began during her time volunteering for a shark conservation project in Fiji, where she saw the devastating impacts of plastic pollution in the ocean. Inspired to change, Amy went looking for an eco-friendly alternative to plastic and was introduced to the concept of beeswax wraps in Australia

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Returning back home to Canada, Amy was dismayed not to be able to find beeswax wraps anywhere and was spurred into action to find a way to manufacture them locally What was intended to be a Christmas gift for her family went on to become a novel solution for reducing singleuse plastics in households. As Amy recalls, “I started selling them at a local farmers market and sold out within two hours. That was the first time I had that light bulb moment that this could really take off ”

A chance encounter with Goldilocks’s now Director of Operations, Brett Higson, paved the way for a partnership grounded in shared values and complementary skills Brett’s operational expertise and finance background dovetailed with Amy’s creative talents, setting the stage for a business poised to make a difference The pair recognised the importance of being a paperless company early on

“We incorporated the business in 2018 and immediately hired a bookkeeper That’s where Xero came in,” Brett explained “We wanted to be paperless, as I had experienced working in spreadsheets and going to my accountant’s office to manually print off and sign things, and I didn’t want to do that.”

“The first thing I did was take Amy’s paperwork from the first six months of running her business as a sole proprietor, put it into spreadsheets and gave it to our accountant who put it straight into Xero We’ve never looked back We can easily go through our monthly income statements and compare them to the previous year It’s amazing to have a digital bank for our entire five years of business ”

In addition to custom invoicing, Brett says Xero gives them a snapshot on the health and state of their business to help with financial decision making “Xero is where we go to get a deeper understanding of our business and how to manage things such as our marketing budget It gives us a clear view on month over month, where we are spending money and where we might need to reallocate money ”

Another benefit of using Xero is its easy integration with other apps, including Shopify, “We have set up Shopify’s A2X directly into Xero, so we’re able to track our purchases and product sales. So each year when we reconcile our year end inventory, we know that it’s accurate. It also automatically captures the GST and PST, to take away the entire logical headache of adding up receipts and taxes.”

From experiencing an ecommerce boom during COVID-19 lockdowns, Goldilocks is now experiencing new challenges, amid a more difficult economic environment “2020 was our skyrocket year, with so much cash in the system We really moved early on digital ads Now things are pretty sleepy; consumer spending habits are changing and our sales are definitely a lot slower,” said Brett

Like other small businesses, Brett and Amy took decisive action to better manage their cash flow. As Brett explained, “We’ve been forced to be a much more efficient team from an operational standpoint. We’re in an office now that is cheaper than our space before, because we successfully negotiated a better rent deal. We also engaged with our long standing suppliers to negotiate extended payment terms. This allowed us to push out our payments to 90 days, when they were typically 30 days.”

Refinancing debt and securing funding has also put Goldilocks in a strong cash position “One of the things that we were very proactive about was refinancing some of our debt that we had During COVID-19, we put money into a GIC and now we ’ re making interest off of it, which helps with our cash flow as well. We also renegotiated some of our loans, to stretch them out over longer time periods ”

When it comes to navigating the current economic realities, Amy believes planning is critical “We’ve been doing more longterm planning I think people can get caught up in not seeing an immediate payoff, particularly for something like marketing You may need to plant those seeds in July, knowing that those returns might not come until November, but it will be more fruitful in the long run

Listening to your customers and staying true to your values is also vital to grow, as Amy says, “The actions you take need to be in alignment with what you do as a business, staying true to your values and mission Really listen to your community and your customers, and tune in to what is going on Because the whole point of having a business is to serve people and to help them solve a problem ”

To read more about navigating the impact of economic conditions on the cash flow of Canadian small businesses, download Xero’s free Money Matters report here

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Unlocking the Ontario-Quebec Economic Corridor

As Canada’s two most populous provinces, Ontario and Quebec have long had a strong economic relationship The largest interprovincial traders in Canada, trade amongst the two provinces makes up 40% of all of Ontario’s interprovincial trade and 60% of Quebec’s

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are strong contributors. A whopping 215,000 small- and medium-sized businesses currently conduct business between both provinces.

RileyLocke, PolicyAnalyst, CFIB

According to the latest report from CFIB, Ontario and Quebec: Unlocking an economic corridor for SMEs, there’s even more room to grow. Two in five small businesses across both provinces express a desire to sell more goods or services across provincial borders. With such eagerness among SMEs to expand and access new markets, the Ontario and Quebec governments must work together to reduce barriers to interprovincial trade and labor mobility and tap into all that economic potential

The place to start for Ontario businesses is to bridge the language gap Nearly half (47%) of businesses in Ontario intending to operate in Quebec report that language is the top barrier One in five Quebec business owners find language barriers to be an obstacle to conducting business in Ontario

Benjamin Rousse, PolicyAnalyst, CFIB

Both provinces should work in collaboration with the federal government to provide support for business owners who lack the necessary language proficiency to conduct business in the other province Developing language training programs for businesses and offering translation services in key sectors can be great steps to enhance businesses’ communication, allowing them to facilitate transactions and form partnerships

Another major barrier is the complexity of provincial rules and regulations between the two provinces-, 19% in Ontario, but only 4% in Quebec. Reducing the overall regulatory burden, and streamlining regulations where possible, can allow more businesses to increase investment and access new markets across provincial borders

To help improve labour mobility, both governments should look to mutually recognize occupational certifications Often, occupations governed by provincial or territorial legislation mandate workers to hold certifications or licenses specific to the province they operate in, even if they are already certified in another province Mutual recognition would allow workers to start working sooner while eliminating duplicative training

Disparity between workers' compensation boards' rules in different provinces serves as another impediment to both businesses and labor mobility within Canada Mutual recognition of workers' compensation registration standards between Quebec and Ontario would be a great way to reduce red tape and enable workers of businesses registered in one province to work in the other Mutual recognition of workers’ compensation registration has strong support among SMEs in both Ontario (74%) and Quebec (69%).

One area that deserves particular attention on the red tape side is labour mobility It is crucial that both provinces recognize the role labour mobility plays in enhancing interprovincial trade. In Quebec, 19% of businesses cite lack of necessary labour as a major barrier to interprovincial business expansion. Labour shortages are hindering economic recovery in both provinces, with over 1-in-3 (36%) Quebec SMEs and 27% of Ontario SMEs reporting turning down sales or contracts due to labor shortages. They remain a major concern for over three-in-four small businesses in Ontario (76%), and an alarming 90% in Quebec.

Many opportunities exist for Ontario and Quebec to enable businesses to more actively participate in trade and expansion across provincial borders As two key economic powerhouses, Ontario and Quebec have the opportunity to lead the charge and set examples for other provinces to follow We encourage both governments to resume regular meetings to ensure we are taking advantage of the small business opportunities in the Quebec-Ontario corridor

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Is Your Small Business Prepared to

Defend Against a Cyberattack?

60% of small companies go out of business within 6 months of a data breach or a cyberattack1 and 83% of SMBs are not financially prepared to recover from a cyberattack2

When the stakes are high, you need a cybersecurity solution that can help protect your organization Have you heard of Cisco Talos?

Cisco Talos is one of the largest commercial threat intelligence teams in the world, comprised of world-class researchers, analysts and engineers. With visibility, actionable intelligence and vulnerability research, they drive rapid detection and protection for Cisco customers against known and emerging threats The team at Cisco Talos is working 24/7 monitoring all threats across the globe

When you need state of the art technology that provides threat intelligence, incident response, detection research, vulnerability research and discovery, engineering and development and strategic planning and communications, Cisco Talos has got your back, while backing all Cisco Security products Cisco provides security solutions for every part of the SMB IT infrastructure The initial investment can start with the basics and add on as the business and security needs grow Connect with your CDW account team to understand your security posture today and the gaps that may exist

(Cybercrime Magazine) (Corvus Insights Study) 1. 2.


The Role of why hire a digital marketing company?

AI has disrupted a number of industries, and marketing is no exception Platforms like Chat GPT have emerged as invaluable resources for both companies and agencies As this technology continues to advance, why hire a digital marketing company?

Let’s look at why you would hire a digital marketing specialist in the first place Numerous businesses, especially smaller ones, often attempt to cut costs by handling their marketing in-house, particularly digital aspects. Given the influence of social media and the availability of user friendly scheduling tools, this DIY approach seems reasonable It can indeed yield results, up to a certain point However the reality of managing a business can be overwhelming During busy periods, responsibilities like social media posting, email campaign curation and online advertising tend to take a back seat

Digital marketing encompasses various aspects, including social media management, website design, and email marketing. Regardless of the specific area, a strong emphasis on SEO and a brand-aligned online presence are vital. This is where professional guidance becomes valuable.

So what about AI? AI undeniably aids in content creation and strategy development Its a great tool to generate ideas and analyze data that can guide marketing campaigns. But AI lacks the human touch that fosters genuine audience engagement- an extremely important aspect of online marketing Even if one masters AI implementation (which is a learning curve in itself) the creative element is often untapped Just look at what CHAT GPT had to say about using AI vs a digital marketing company

Employing a digital marketing company grants access to specialists who are well-versed in the digital marketing landscape They not only construct strategies but also establish benchmarks, and KPIs, and continuously adapt these strategies based on realtime data These professionals will know the ins and outs of the platforms you ’ re posting on, utilize up-to-date trends, and build a proper marketing plan Unlike those who create marketing assets without a strategic foundation, a welldefined strategy sets you apart from competitors and forges genuine connections with your target audience

Above all else, how much is your time worth? As a small business owner, time is of the essence. Even if you are able to create a winning strategy, the time it takes to properly implement it can be a full-time job Partnering with a marketing firm ensures that your business gains visibility and expands while you focus on your core competencies- running your business efficiently

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Contact us today for more information on how we can help your business thrive! 519-914-1111 31- CanadianSME-September2023

Breaking Down Borders

The Rise of All-In-One Finance Platforms for Canadian SMEs

Navigating the Financial Landscape:

Challenges and Transformative Shifts

In the dynamic landscape of Canadian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), the ability to manage financial operations efficiently can be the difference between stagnation and growth Historically, these agile businesses have faced a myriad of challenges, from navigating complex tax regulations to maintaining steady cash flow and accessing funding However, with the rapid advancement of financial technology, Canadian SMEs are now experiencing a transformative shift in how they handle their finances The rise of all-in-one finance platforms is streamlining cumbersome processes and providing accessible tools for SMEs, especially those with global operations or payment needs, enabling them to thrive in an increasingly competitive market

SMEs have long been the backbone of Canada's economy, contributing to nearly 70% of the job market (Key Small Business Statistics 2022, 2022). However, their journey is not without obstacles. The intricate web of financial tasks often consumes valuable time and resources, diverting focus from core business activities. However, the emergence of all-in-one platforms is reshaping this narrative, allowing SMEs to consolidate various financial functions under a single digital roof.

Pioneering the Transformation:

Jeeves and All-In-One Platforms

Enterprises like Jeeves have emerged as pioneers in this field, offering a comprehensive platform that encompasses expense management, global payments, and corporate card issuance According to Alexander Melikian, CFO of Jeeves, "Our goal is to empower Canadian SMEs by providing them with the financial tools they need to thrive and simplify day-to-day operations at both a local and global level Through our all-in-one financial platform, we are transforming the way businesses manage their finances, enabling them to operate with efficiency and agility "

The rise of all-in-one platforms could not be timelier. For Canadian SMEs engaged in cross-border trade, global transactions can be particularly challenging Dileep Thazhmon, Founder and CEO of Jeeves,

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emphasizes, "Our platform addresses a critical need for SMEs engaged in global business. We offer multi-currency accounts and seamless global payment capabilities, breaking down geographical barriers and enabling businesses to tap into global markets with ease "

One of the standout features of all-in-one platforms is their ability to simplify traditionally cumbersome processes With intuitive interfaces and automation capabilities like approval flows and programmatic expense policy, tasks like expense tracking, receipt matching, and bookkeeping become far less daunting This shift towards automation reduces the likelihood of errors and empowers SME owners to make informed decisions based on real-time data

Furthermore, these platforms are designed with user-friendliness in mind, catering to business owners who might not possess a deep financial background. The simplification of financial management tasks can be a game-changer for SMEs, enabling them to allocate more time and energy towards innovation and customer satisfaction By freeing SMEs from administrative burdens, all-in-one platforms become enablers of growth

In the digital age, security is another paramount concern, especially regarding financial data All-in-one platforms, including Jeeves, recognize the importance of safeguarding sensitive information These platforms employ state-of-the-art encryption and security protocols to protect against cyber threats Such measures build trust among SMEs and align with regulatory requirements, allowing businesses to confidently embrace digital financial solutions

The benefits of all-in-one platforms extend beyond operational efficiency By offering transparent, real-time insights into financial data, these platforms empower SMEs to make strategic decisions that can drive growth. Historically, the lack of timely and accurate financial information has hindered SMEs' ability to make informed choices All-in-one platforms bridge this gap, equipping business owners with the tools they need to chart a course for success

A New Era for Canadian SMEs

As Canadian SMEs navigate an increasingly competitive and global market, the rise of all-inone finance platforms signals a turning point in their financial management journey These platforms represent more than just technological innovation; they embody a transformative shift in how businesses operate By embracing these platforms, Canadian SMEs can seize the opportunity to scale their operations, expand globally, and drive economic growth

In conclusion, the rise of all-in-one platforms is reshaping the financial management landscape for Canadian SMEs, particularly those with global operations or payment needs Through streamlined processes, enhanced accessibility, and real-time insights, these solutions are arming businesses with the tools they need to thrive in a competitive environment The perspectives of industry leaders like Alex Melikian and Dileep Thazmon shed light on the immense potential these platforms hold for Canadian SMEs

As technology continues to evolve, embracing allin-one finance platforms could be the key to unlocking unprecedented growth and prosperity for SMEs across Canada. The revolution has begun, and Canadian SMEs are wellpoised to reap the rewards

To learn more about how Jeeves can revolutionize financial management for your Canadian SME, visit


Business Woman Of The Month

Sophia Jacob is an award-winning experienced event planner, marketing strategist & and community organizer with specialties in fundraising for non-profit organizations & brand promotion for small businesses. Sophia is a navigator & and relationship broker.

Sophia is the President of Sophia J Events which is a boutique event planning & marketing firm that provides consulting services, social media, PR communications, coordination, logistics, brand awareness, and community management, & acts as a liaison for b2b relations and strategic partnerships for small businesses & non-profit organizations

In the last 10 years, Sophia has successfully founded two business networks, the Ottawa Opportunities Network & Black Ottawa Business Network, which both operate to host business networking events and social soirees.

As the host of these events, Sophia brings together Ottawa's business community throughout the year to meet & and connect with other like-minded individuals to share ideas, partner or collaborate on new & and innovative ways to become successful & and service their ideal consumer

In 2018 Sophia founded the Canadian Women of Colour Leadership Network which is a grassroots organization that is led by Women of Colour who want to see more Women of Colour & nonbinary people reflected in Board of Director positions, Csuite, and leadership roles with decisionmaking influence.

Founder & CEO of the Canadian Women of Colour Leadership Network (CWCLN)

The organization is focusing on mentorship, wellness, leadership, women ' s economic growth & development, & community partnerships

In 2019 the publication Women of Influence featured an article on Sophia and CWCLN's start, growth & future plans to put a spotlight on the amazing work that Women and BIPOC femmes are doing across the country

Sophia served as a board member of the Social Planning Council of Ottawa and presently sits on the Ottawa Black Mental Health Coalition board Sophia is also a member of the United For All Coalition, an organization that works to combat hate & racism

Through her work and connections in the African, Caribbean & Black community Sophia is regularly contracted through the municipal government & local Universities for facilitation & liaison services.

Sophia holds a number of certifications & has been awarded the Faces Magazine award for favorite Event Planner in 2017 and 2019

In October 2021 at the Registered Professional Accounts of Canada Small Business Month event Sophia received the Women’s Entrepreneurship Award for her accomplishments in business and for her dedicated community work.

Leadership that Inspires and Empowers Others: Sophia Jacob's Vision for Women of Colour in Canada

Amidst the bustling Canadian entrepreneurship scene, there is a remarkable trailblazer who distinguishes herself not only through her outstanding accomplishments but also through her steadfast dedication to promoting diversity and inclusion in leadership positions Introducing Sophia Jacob, the Founder & CEO of the Canadian Women of Colour Leadership Network (CWCLN) She is an inspiring entrepreneur who has been recognized as the Business Woman of the Month in the esteemed CanadianSME Business Magazine

CWCLN's Journey Toward Revealing the Network that Empowers

The Canadian Women of Colour Leadership Network (CWCLN) was founded in 2018 in Ottawa, Canada's National Capital Region This grassroots movement acknowledges the importance of its location on the unceded and unsurrendered land of the Algonquin

Anishinaabe Nation The CWCLN is not just an organization but rather a powerful symbol of empowerment and personal development for racialized women and non-binary individuals The CWCLN aims to break down systemic barriers and help individuals from diverse backgrounds reach leadership positions in various industries through its career services and educational programs

Aiming to change the landscape of leadership and management by including racialized women and non-binary professionals at the highest levels of organizations, Sophia's brainchild operates within an intersectional feminist framework The CWCLN enables transformative change and groundbreaking leadership by providing individuals with essential skills, tools, and vital connections

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tional Journey

Sophia Jacob, an influential figure in her field, embarked on a significant journey of personal growth that ultimately led her to become a passionate advocate for societal change In 2013, she made a significant decision to follow her passion for event planning and networking By establishing the Black Ottawa Business Network, she demonstrated her strong conviction in the significance of building connections and began her journey

Her first event had an audience of 40–60 people, and that was only the beginning of her journey's influence This experience ignited her desire to create opportunities that would not only empower professionals but also drive a transformation in the corporate landscape. That's why she came up with the idea for the CWCLN in the first place. Sophia’s journey was driven by her unwavering commitment to creating networking platforms that support the aspirations of individuals who share similar goals Through these platforms, she aimed to encourage collaborations and partnerships

Championing Diversity, Shaping Leadership: Sophia Jacob's Mission Unveiled

Sophia Jacob's life is a testament to the importance of positive role models Her unwavering dedication to creating a space where beginners and experienced professionals alike can come together to learn from one another is shown by the Canadian Women of Colour Leadership Network (CWCLN), which has its headquarters in Ottawa

Sophia has a bigger picture in mind than just short-term success She imagines a world where women of colour saturate positions of power, influencing and moulding a more equitable future generation Her strategy is allencompassing; she is actively engaging in social media and a website that further expands the network's visibility

Sophia Jacob is an icon of will, perseverance, and purpose in this age of revolutionary upheaval. Her rise to leader of an empowering and transformative organization is indicative of the strength of her character, clarity of her vision, and intensity of her dedication Sophia's legacy will be written in the success stories of the many women of colour in Canada who, because of her foresight, will one day be in positions of power and influence The award from CanadianSME Business Magazine is a testament to the changes she is making to the Canadian business scene and not merely a celebration of her accomplishments

To gain a better sight of her vision, mission and services, check out canadianwomenofcolour ca

CanadianSME, a magazine catering to small and medium-sized businesses, is an excellent resource for companies that value innovation By subscribing to our magazine, readers can gain access to an array of information and remain apprised of market trends Stay connected with the CanadianSME community, which values business and entrepreneurship, by following @Canadian_sme on Twitter. For real-time news on business trends, subscribe to CanadianSME's magazine by visiting their website at

36- CanadianSME-September2023 Women Entrepreneurship

Embracing the Technological Revolution:

In our rapidly evolving digital landscape, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer across various industries

Technology and digital marketing, in particular, stand at the forefront of this revolution, where AI is actively reshaping how we approach teaching and learning in these fields

To shed light on this transformative phenomenon, I reached out to three industry experts who have been on the frontline of education and innovation: Devin Golets, founder and CEO of Tailwind a student wellness organization focusing on proactive support during the transition to post-secondary education; Cameron Martel, digital marketer, content creator, and entrepreneur; and Jason Serafica, SEO instructor at Jelly Academy

Let's jump into their insights and explore how AI might influence the way we teach tech and digital marketing, paving the way for a new era of learning and proficiency.

rtups often rely on fractional support and rt-time contracts, especially for things like rketing AI has not only changed the world ech and marketing, but it has also changed w startups may approach their hiring eds,” Golets said.

For instance, do we need to hire someone to write our website and marketing copy? Or do we need to hire someone who understands how to leverage AI really well to improve their marketing work and produce more for less? For example, a smart marketer today may leverage a tool like Chat GPT to produce content for their clients 3-5x faster, because they know how to harness AI for their work You can map out a content-marketing campaign for an entire year, and do that in an hour by using ChatGPT

At the end of the day, we ' re already making different hiring decisions based on talent's ability to use AI, so it goes without saying that AI needs to be welcomed into the classroom, not shunned If you ' re teaching or learning about tech or digital marketing, you have to know everything about the changing landscape of AI so that you can leverage it, not be replaced by it

We are very fortunate to have a range of SEO tools that leverage the power of AI, making the learning experience not only engaging but also highly practical These tools empower students to acquire practical knowledge about the industry, equipping them with the skills and expertise necessary for future success

It is safe to say that it looks like the future of tech and digital marketing education is poised to be shaped by the ever-evolving presence of AI. By harnessing its power, educators can equip learners with the skills and expertise they need to succeed, while learners can embrace AI as a valuable tool to enhance their problem-solving abilities and advance their careers If we approach AI prudence, it appears we have the potential to create a win-win scenario

How technology and marketing education will change is an interesting question I find that the best marketers are people that have that creative itch and love to leverage tools and technology to help them do things,” Martel said

Right now, AI is a force multiplier. It isn't a replacement for a competent problem solver; it allows people to do more. Teaching to use these tools effectively is less about the technology, and more about problem solving using technology.

There are a lot of exciting things happening in AI right now, especially in digital marketing AI enables us to be efficient and expand our capabilities As an SEO instructor, Ive witnessed a remarkable and positive response from students regarding the influence of AI in their experiences,” Serafica said

As we continue on this journey, I hope we can remain open to the possibilities AI offers and foster a learning environment that encourages innovation and adaptability, allowing us to navigate this transformative era and emerge stronger than ever before

For now, we will just have to wait and see

Darian Kovacs is the Indigenous founder of B-Corp certified Vancouver based company Jelly Digital Marketing & PR & digital marketing school Jelly Academy. He brings 15 years of marketing experience and a passion for education, and creativity. He is the host of the podcast Marketing News Canada. Darian specializes in mixing PR with digital marketing and has worked with numerous internationally renowned brands on developing and executing their digital marketing and PR strategies Darian lives in Fort Langley, BC with his wife and four children and likes to mountain bike, watercolour and read in his free time

38- CanadianSME-September2023 Artificial intelligence

Experts all over the world are now heavily speculating that by the end of 2024, the corporate travel industry will recover to pre-pandemic levels This forecast is supported by a recent poll done by Booking com, which also implies that small firms are expected to increase their spend on business travel compared to larger companies. This contrast shows the relevance of having a managed travel program for smaller firms to streamline travel management and control spending

Switching to a managed travel program entails either adopting a travel management system or outsourcing to a vendor that can handle all elements of corporate travel, from planning to reimbursement.

small businesses

to shift to managed travel?

What’s managed travel?

Managed travel is when a corporation implements a travel solution or outsources travel management for all its business travel operations The travel solution manages all corporate travel requests and bookings, allowing the business to concentrate on its core operations Teams can also handle travel expenses, advances, and reimbursements on one platform, simplifying complete transportation and expense management

Unmanaged vs. managed travel

When it comes to managing business travel, smaller businesses tend to lack standardized practices and structured policies that can guide the employees when booking their travel and reporting related expenses This lack of streamlined approach leads to having little to no control over travel bookings and expenses, thereby increasing costs, and the risk of expense fraud. This is commonly known as an unmanaged travel program

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As the team gathers data for reimbursement through various sources, tracking, monitoring, and scrutinizing these reimbursements becomes difficult

Managed travel, on the other hand, lets firms manage, regulate, and analyze travel reservations and spending with the help of a software to create cost-effective travel policies.

Why do small businesses require managed travel?

Some the most common reasons to travel include, client meetings, office/branch visits, team building activities, training and development, tradeshows and events

In a recent survey, 95% of respondents agreed that in-person events assist in accomplishing corporate objectives. Small businesses specifically focus on event marketing to build their network.

A managed travel program in this scenario is a must-have rather than a good-to-have It allows teams to build automated workflows (criteriabased auto-rejections and auto-approvals) and will enable companies to enforce all rules through a one-time configuration The absence of follow-up hassles or critical violations can help companies focus on core business activities improving overall productivity

Travel Policy Creation

Small businesses need to enforce a travel policy that optimizes expenses

The most important factors to establish when building a travel policy are:

Expense types: Clearly define the types of expenses that are eligible for reimbursement

Per diem allowances: Establish per diem allowances as per government regulations, or the company policy

Expense categories limitations: Set expense limits for each expense category to ensure you stay within the overall budget

Approval workflows: Create a well-structured approval workflow to ensure that every expense is verified

Corporate card expenses and limits: Depending on the employee requirements, status, and allowance, set credit card limits for their business travels While processing credit card expenses, ensure that the right approvals and processes are in place to avoid fraudulent expenses

Additionally, when creating an employee travel policy, setting down rules, guidelines, and strategies to build a successful travel policy for the company is a must Businesses can consider addressing the following questions first to create a comprehensive travel policy:

Why is it necessary to travel?

What is the purpose of the trip?

Who will be travelling?

Where will they be travelling

When will they be travelling?

How will the travel be managed?

Small Businesses

For detailed tips and instructions, here's a guide to creating an effective corporate travel policy to increase compliance.

As against opting to outsource travel management, investing in a travel management system enables small organizations to control expenditures, reservations, regulations, policies, and standards while tracking all information and actions of the employees during the trip It also enables businesses to make smart choices, monitor expenses, and schedule efficiently while increasing business travel ROI

Enforcing Policy Compliance

Without the enforcement of rules, an ideal travel policy is pointless because the management team of a small business is bound to cope with resource limits. This one aspect makes it hard to implement business policy across divisions, seniority, and projects

A travel management system notifies users and administrators of policy violations, prevents them from filing expense reports that exceed category limitations, and reminds them to attach receipts This automatic notification and control function lets travel teams concentrate on creating efficient travel processes and negotiate better vendor discounts instead of following up with employees

Analysis and Strategic Planning

Regardless of the size of the business, every company prioritizes spending in the right areas Analyzing employee spending over time for all corporate travel yields statistics like:

Cost of cancellations and rescheduling, Expenditures per mile driven, Cost overruns, Preferred payment methods and Other travel-related costs

Moreover, an integrated travel management system that connects with the company ' s technology stack also helps collect and analyze data one step further Integrations ensure visibility across business travel expenses towards projects, customers, services, and more.

The Takeaway

Small businesses have specific goals owing to resource constraints allowing them to focus on specific things at a certain time As travel management is a supporting role to all critical business activities, it becomes necessary for small businesses to establish an efficient managed travel program The right solution, for which, is a powerful travel management tool such as Zoho Expense.

With Zoho Expense, a scalable end-to-end travel and expense management solution, businesses can set up travel policies, enforce policies across departments and seniority levels, facilitate self-booking and offline booking options for all travel arrangements, and analyze travel data to optimize strategically.

Find out how Zoho Expense can benefit your small business: Try it for free now!

Small Businesses

Gen Z Canadians

As Canadians get ready for the back-to-school season, a new survey from GoDaddy highlights attitudes towards career trajectory and the future of work among Canadian Gen Zs, revealing that over half (53%) feel their generation is better equipped to start a business than previous generations, with 63% stating they believe technology makes it easier for them to get started. Among this tech-savvy demographic, 77% either have their own business, or plan to start one

Additionally, Canadian Gen Zs are committed to long-term growth, 68% agree that building a business takes time, and it may take over a year to see success, over half (58%) are willing to fail and try again, and 50% are willing to take short-term financial losses for long-term success

Myriam Provost, owner of Atelier Renouveau by Myriam and GoDaddy customer based in Varennes, Quebec, said technology made it possible to bring her dream of an upcycled furniture design business to life. She started painting and restoring furniture in November 2021 and in less than two years, has built her hobby into a thriving small business that applies her passions for design and sustainability.

Over half of see themselves as better suited to start a business than earlier generations
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Additional findings from the GoDaddy survey:

● When thinking about future career options, young Canadians say a secure income and work/life balance is significantly more important than autonomy or job security: The top three factors to consider when evaluating future career choices were secure income (49%), work/life balance (38%) and passion (32%)

● In total, three-in-four (76%) were willing to take up to a 26% salary cut to do work they were passionate about.

● Canadians are more concerned than any other market about artificial intelligence (AI), even though they are using it at far higher rates: Almost 2 in 3 Canadians are already using AI tools, making their adoption significantly ahead of other English-speaking markets (63% versus 50%; other markets surveyed include Australia, United Kingdom, and United States), but over half (56%) are worried about AI’s impact on their future

● Mental health continues to be top of mind for young Canadians: In all regions surveyed (Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, and United States), while there has been some improvement in mental health in 2023, it appears to have only been experienced by men Women are almost as likely to say their mental health has declined as improved

● On barriers to entrepreneurship, lack of financial resources (61%) was reported as the biggest barrier to starting their own business: Lack of confidence or fear of failure was second highest, followed by lack of skills or expertise (37%), not enough time (26%) and lack of support (22%)

“Canada's youth are tomorrow's innovators and entrepreneurs, and we ' re inspired by their continued drive and optimism for entrepreneurship," said Young Lee, Canada Market Lead at GoDaddy. "GoDaddy is committed to providing the tools and resources to help make entrepreneurship more accessible than ever, so Canadians can feel confident turning their business ideas into reality.”

43- CanadianSME-September2023 Gen Z Canadians

Indigenomics SHE's Impact on Economic Progress: Emancipating Indigenous Women

A paradigm-shifting wave is reshaping cultural norms as well as economic dynamics in the landscape of Indigenous enterprises As the Indigenous economy continues to grow, it is crucial to acknowledge and highlight the significant contributions of Indigenous women in driving this progress The narrative of Indigenous economic resurgence is intricately intertwined with their ingenuity, leadership, and vision The 2nd annual Indigenomics SHE Conference is set to take place on September 18-19, 2023, at the esteemed Fairmont Hotel in Winnipeg, MB This conference serves as a crucial platform to empower and honour the remarkable women in the field, promoting meaningful discussions, connections, and initiatives in the realm of Indigenous economic reconciliation

Indigenomics SHE is an exceptional event that offers a vibrant combination of inspiration, collaboration, and empowerment. Attendees can look forward to a transformative experience at the event, which aims to amplify the voices and contributions of Indigenous women. The event will offer inspirational breakouts, skill-enhancing workshops, and valuable networking opportunities. What’s more, the centerpiece of the event is the Unique Indigenous Market, a lively space that honours and showcases Indigenous entrepreneurship and creativity.

That's not all; Indigenomics SHE boasts an awe-inspiring lineup of over 20 accomplished Indigenous women who are at the forefront of driving economic growth within the remarkable 100billion-dollar Indigenous economy These exceptional speakers will offer their valuable insights and expertise in various fields, including procurement, investment, equity ownership, trusts, entrepreneurship, finance, and technology The event not only sheds light on the pivotal role of Indigenous women in the economic landscape but also empowers attendees with tangible strategies to foster economic advancement and equity

Echoes of Leadership and Resilience

At the core of the Indigenous economy, a beautiful harmony of voices emerges, echoing the inspiring stories of Indigenous women entrepreneurs who have overcome challenges and forged their own paths to achieve success. The Indigenomics SHE Conference goes beyond being just a gathering It serves as a platform to amplify the voices of Indigenous people, showcasing their leadership and resilience in a vivid manner In the midst of a rapidly expanding Indigenous economy, this event shines a light on the inspiring stories of Indigenous women who are creating impressive narratives of economic success, innovation, and empowerment The stories of these individuals showcase how Indigenous businesses are influenced by both tradition and modernity, reflecting the larger narrative of Indigenous resurgence

Exploring Routes for Collaboration and Maximizing Impact

The conference has a dual significance Firstly, it provides an inclusive space for Indigenous women entrepreneurs Secondly, it serves as a hub for allies, industry leaders, and professionals who are committed to Indigenous economic development The event offers a unique chance to promote collaboration across industries, going beyond conventional limits and unlocking the potential for mutual economic growth The attendees of the event include Indigenous women entrepreneurs who are paving their own path, as well as finance and economic development professionals who are committed to making a significant and positive difference. The diverse gathering of individuals fosters an environment where stories, experiences, and expertise come together, sparking discussions that generate practical strategies for building a more inclusive and prosperous Indigenous economy

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Beyond Boundaries: A Platform for Growth

The Indigenomics SHE Conference offers a range of opportunities that extend beyond the event dates The event incorporates various components such as inspirational breakouts, workshops, relationship-building sessions, and a unique Indigenous Market These elements are interconnected to provide a comprehensive and wellrounded experience for attendees The Indigenous Market is a platform that not only acknowledges and appreciates the skill and artistry of Indigenous craftsmanship but also highlights the various products, services, and innovations that emerge from the Indigenous business ecosystem.

In the current landscape of Indigenous businesses making significant progress, Indigenomics SHE emerges as a catalyst for transformation It promotes cooperation, inclusiveness, and the elevation of marginalized perspectives. The conference offers a range of workshops, networking opportunities, and a platform for Indigenous women to share their perspectives It aims to go beyond being a simple event and instead serve as a catalyst for a new era of economic prosperity This prosperity will be guided by principles such as respect, partnership, and growth

The event's impact is primarily driven by the exceptional speakers, consisting of more than 20 Indigenous women leaders. These leaders represent various fields, such as procurement, investment, equity ownership, trusts, entrepreneurship, finance, and technology. The combined knowledge and experience of these individuals go beyond specific industries, shedding light on various ways to achieve economic growth in Indigenous communities. Attendees are able to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Indigenous economic resurgence through the sharing of insights, challenges, and successes. This provides a broader perspective on the complex and interconnected nature of this resurgence.

Come join our hands as we make real endeavours to empower and emancipate Indigenous women in the Canadian business and trade sector; log onto https://indigenomicsinstitut

IndigenousSME aims to highlight the valuable contributions made by businesses owned by indigenous individuals, which are characterized by their distinctive and innovative approaches Please consider following our Twitter page, @IndigenousSme, for further updates on these businesses Additionally, you may choose to subscribe to Indigenous Small and Medium Business Magazine by visiting the following link:

46- CanadianSME-September2023 Women Entrepreneurship

Culinary Integration:

Baguette's LongTerm Vision for Ontario



In a recent interview with CanadianSME Small Business Magazine, Mark Mele, Paris Baguette's Chief Development Officer, discussed the brand's growth strategy in Ontario Mark emphasized tailoring products to resonate with local tastes and highlighted the support provided to franchisees He also addressed challenges faced in the Ontario market, sharing how they were overcome to ensure successful expansion Mark concluded by outlining his long-term vision for Paris Baguette in the region and its integration into the local culinary landscape

Leadership experience building and guiding franchise brands Mele has achieved the Certified Franchise Executive (CFE) designation from the Institute of Certified Franchise Executives (ICFE) through the International Franchise Association.

An accomplished corporate franchise sales and development strategist, his vision and expertise in business performance have driven notable franchise brands such as Paris Baguette America, Century 21 Real Estate Corporation, Country Inns & Suites by Carlson, Retro Fitness, Kumon North America and Huntington Learning Centers Mele has achieved exciting company turnarounds and is recognized for his success in growing franchise brands

In addition to Mark Mele’s exceptional track record in franchise development, he is also known for his ability to create and implement positive change in the areas of franchise operations and franchisee support His franchise achievements have been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Inc Magazine, as well as other business media Mele is a member of the International Franchise Association (IFA) and is actively involved in an advisory capacity with start-up franchise companies

How will you describe your journey as an accomplished corporate franchise development strategist, recognized for growing and building franchise brands successfully?

My journey has spanned 38 years in franchise development Always focusing on what’s best for the franchisor, the Franchisee, and the guest I’ve enjoyed the brands that I’ve represented over the years, and especially Paris Baguette, as it has quite the following throughout the world. It’s very exciting.

Paris Baguette Chief Development Officer
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Can you share your insights on the current franchising landscape in the province and how Paris Baguette is positioning itself to take advantage of emerging opportunities?

Paris Baguette is primed for expansion throughout Canada, and especially Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia We like the population increases over the last five years in those provinces, and look forward to meeting the demand of the increased population, by opening up new Paris Baguette Cafés

How is Paris Baguette tailoring its products or business model to resonate with the Ontario market, and what specific growth strategies are you employing in the region?

Paris Baguette’s franchise offering is very consistent for North America What we developed before the US market, seems to be resonating in Toronto The products are incredible, and the franchise structure, that includes the facility, lends itself to the Canadian market Prospective Franchisees have seen the success with our first opening in Ontario, and are quickly moving towards the brand, and completing due diligence towards signing franchise agreements. The activity is very robust at this point.

What are some of the specific hurdles you ’ ve encountered in Ontario, and how have you overcome them to ensure a successful growth trajectory for Paris Baguette?

The only hurdles that we ’ ve encountered thus far, are dealing with the slow permitting and approvals by the various towns Everything else seems to be on point

How does Paris Baguette support its franchisees in Ontario, and what qualities are you looking for in potential franchise partners to ensure the brand’s values and quality are upheld?

Yes, Paris Baguette supports its franchisees throughout Canada, as we have staff living in Canada to ensure the brands success Post opening, franchisees receive ongoing support, not only from an operational perspective, but from an ongoing training standpoint as well. We treat our franchisees incredibly well, and also the guests that frequent the cafés.

With the expansion of Paris Baguette across Ontario, what longterm vision do you have for the brand in this region? How do you plan to engage with the local community to ensure that the franchise becomes an integral part of the culinary landscape?

Paris Baguette is an international brand that was born in 1988 Since that time we have developed quite a following throughout the world We have high quality products that the guest keeps returning to the café for They love the freshness of the product that’s baked fresh daily Going forward throughout Canada, we will deliver consistency with products, as well as a beautifully designed café The products and the design will engage the local community, and they, too, will become fans of Paris Baguette going forward

Franchise Operations

Exploring Three Leading AI Startups in Canada

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds immense potential in the ever-evolving landscape of technological innovation Canada has firmly established itself as a leader in advancing AI This exploration reveals three remarkable AI startups that together tell a story of ingenuity, disruption, and transformative progress within the Canadian tech industry With a rich tapestry of AI research and development, Canada has become a fertile ground for nurturing startups that embody the ethos of technological excellence The convergence of visionary ideas, entrepreneurial spirit, and a supportive ecosystem has led to the emergence of three AI startups that truly represent Canada's technological strength and prowess

These startups, which cover an extensive spectrum of AI fields, collectively represent the nation's dedication to pushing the limits of what technology can accomplish Their endeavours embody the innovative spirit that Canada has fostered for years, now amplified in the dynamic field of AI As Artificial Intelligence continues to push beyond norms and redefine various industries, a number of startups have emerged as pioneers These startups serve as shining examples of the harmonious blend between Canadian innovation and the profound impact of AI Their journeys reflect the narrative of Canada's tech evolution, in which innovative ideas are nurtured into practical solutions that have the power to transform our lives, work, and interactions

These firms stand out in the rapidly growing AI environment not just as examples of technological advances but also as examples of the spirit of cooperation that characterizes Canada's tech sector The stories they tell embody the values of exploration, experimentation, and the relentless pursuit of excellence that are deeply rooted in the nation's culture of innovation As we commence our exploration of three prominent AI startups in Canada, we delve beyond their individual narratives to uncover the broader narrative of a nation committed to leveraging technology for the advancement of positive transformation The following sections provide insights into the founders' perspectives of these startups, the obstacles they overcome, and the overall impact they strive to make

By dissecting their narratives, technologies, and ambitions, we not only identify the distinguishing factors but also recognize the shared element that unites them: a dedication to advancing artificial intelligence for the improvement of society and the unwavering pursuit of a future characterized by limitless innovation Enabling Collaborative AI Development While Safeguarding Data Privacy

Integrate ai is an innovative AI solutions provider that is committed to enabling game-changing technological advances while maintaining the highest levels of data protection. The firm is dedicated to empowering developers and data teams to solve key global issues without exposing sensitive data, fueled by the notion that innovation thrives on communal knowledge To help developers build DPNs without any hiccups, integrate ai is at the forefront of the AI revolution These networks enable group problem-solving by pooling resources and leveraging knowledge while maintaining confidentiality Solutions in fields as diverse as precision medicine, fraud detection, and predictive maintenance may all benefit from this novel approach

With a resolute focus on closing gaps in health, wealth, and wellness, integrate ai empowers businesses to access highquality data for unparalleled use cases By marrying advanced AI capabilities with stringent data privacy protocols, integrate ai

Here is the triad of the AI industry’s stalwarts and how they’re disrupting this entire sector:
AI Startups

not only advances technology but also paves the way for a more secure and equitable future Learn more about this companys innovative and practical AI solutions at www integrate ai

Coveo: Personalization and Profitability Powered by AI Transforming Experiences

Visier: Pioneering Agile Talent Strategies for a Dynamic Industry

In the rapidly changing corporate environment, Visier is a pioneering force in redefining personnel strategy Visier delivers unrivalled insight into recruiting procedures, success drivers, and attrition risks with an ongoing commitment to putting enterprises at the forefront of talent acquisition and retention

The steadfast basic principles of Visier, which pervade every aspect of the company, are vital to its identity These principles guide choices and deeds for sustained progress, serving as the foundation of their culture rather than just ideals Visier's growth is uninterrupted, and it now has 600 workers and a presence in 7 different international office locations

Visier, headquartered in scenic Vancouver, BC, thrives on a hybrid culture that promotes both closeness and distant cooperation This strategy promotes a positive, inclusive, and communal atmosphere The leadership team of Visier, which was founded by industry pioneers in the field of business intelligence, has a wealth of executive expertise from well-known companies, including SAP, Business Objects, Crystal Decisions, and Oracle This combined knowledge drives Visier's research, development, and marketing efforts, solidifying its position as the market leader. By fusing cutting-edge insights with a dedication to culture, Visier ensures that clients are prepared for success in a constantly shifting environment Visier is driven by a goal to revolutionize personnel management Visit to learn more about this company ' s cutting-edge and useful AI technologies at www visier com

Coveo, a well-known corporate SaaS firm with a worldwide footprint, has established itself as a Leader in applied AI, revolutionizing how businesses customize and profit from every encounter at scale The Coveo Relevance Cloud™, a trailblazing AI platform that integrates advanced search, recommendations, customization, and merchandising intelligence into digital interactions across business, service, websites, and office applications, serves as the foundation of their expertise Coveo has been around for more than a decade, helping several well-known companies expand and make money The organization specializes in improving businesses' bottom lines by increasing their conversion rates, revenues, customer satisfaction, online engagement, and staff competence and satisfaction

Coveo, driven by its dedication to quality and innovation, speeds up the adoption of artificial intelligence platforms in businesses, resulting in more customized experiences for consumers and workers Coveo Relevance Cloud™ is a cloud-native, multi-tenant, APIfirst SaaS platform that exemplifies their commitment to their users by providing support for over 100 source types via a selection of connectors and providing outof-the-box UI interfaces Coveo's steadfast aim is to enable organizations to future-proof their digital experiences while doing more with fewer resources as the digital environment advances Coveo promotes the age of customization and profitability for businesses by using AI-driven insights and capabilities, keeping them at the forefront of technological development Check out their services and practical solutions at www coveo com/en

CanadianSME, a magazine catering to small and medium-sized businesses, is an excellent resource for companies that value innovation. By subscribing to our magazine, readers can gain access to an array of information and remain apprised of market trends. Stay connected with the CanadianSME community, which values business and entrepreneurship, by following @Canadian_sme on Twitter. For real-time news on business trends, subscribe to CanadianSME's magazine by visiting their website at

51- CanadianSME-September2023 AI Startups

In a recent interview with CanadianSME Small Business Magazine, Oren Schemool, Head of Professional Lines at HDI Global Specialty Canada, outlined his key responsibilities and the unique selling points of the company ' s specialized insurance products. Oren emphasized the pivotal role of brokers and highlighted the company ' s Single Project Professional Indemnity (SPPI) for construction. He also discussed HDI's approach to international programs, which are crafted to offer comprehensive and efficient solutions Lastly, he revealed the company ' s growth strategies in the technology sector, underscoring their adaptability to the modern market's needs

Decoding HDI Global Specialty: An Interview with

Oren Schemool

Head of Professional Lines at HDI Global Specialty Canada

Head of Professional Lines at HDI Global Specialty Canada. Oren Schemool manages the underwriting team for the Canadian Professional Lines portfolio consisting of: Errors & Omissions, Architects & Engineers, Single Project Professional Indemnity, and Technology Oren focuses on delivering flexible and sustainable solutions and is committed to building long-term relationships with clients

He holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Manitoba as well as an MBA from the Wilfrid Laurier University

Oren Schemool held previous roles as a Senior Underwriter for ACE (Chubb) and Assistant Vice President – ELD at Great American Insurance He works as Head of Professional Lines for HDI Global Specialty SE since 2012

When did you start your career?

I began my insurance career in 1999 as an Underwriter writing Directors & Officer (D&O) coverage, foregoing career opportunities in government and consumer goods, I feel it was a fantastic decision

In 2006 I moved to another insurer to open their Toronto office and manage their D&O book across Eastern Canada

This experience led me to HDI in 2012 I joined HDI to lead their Director’s & Officers (D&O) and Professional Liability (PL) business in Canada At that point HDI was not significantly active in these lines of business so it was a tall task and took time to build the portfolio We were patient focusing on measured sustainable growth and 10 years later we had a combined portfolio of more than $30m in annual Gross Written Premium

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What are your responsibilities as the Head of Professional Lines (PL) Underwriting at HDI Global Specialty Canada?

As Head of Professional Lines I am responsible for the ongoing development and performance of our PL book I am an underwriter at heart, so I keep a close eye on the market and actively handle many of our largest or most complex risks By staying close to the market, it allows me to stay attuned to shifts in the environment For example, in 2021 we rolled out a cyber liability offering to go along with our PL product and later this year we will launch legal expense as a coverage option for our insureds I have a great team which includes a specialist in Architect & Engineers business, and one in Technology and Miscellaneous exposures. We are a small team with expertise across the spectrum of PL exposures. My responsibilities are varied and in todays dynamic environment, no two days are the same!

What products do you currently offer in the market?

We have two primary Professional liability products, one tailored for Architects and engineers and the other for Miscellaneous Professional risks In addition, we write excess liability for a wide range of professional risks

There are very few Miscellaneous risks that we wont write but in particular, we have had success with law firms, technology companies, and management consultants among many others. We can also offer a companion general liability product and a sub-limited cyber endorsement

Can you describe the unique proposition and Unique Selling Points of HDI Global Specialty, and how they cater to the specific needs of the modern market?

First, we are Dynamic Our team is able to respond quickly to requests from our broker partners as we have short spans of control and lines of decision-making Second, we are Empowered We hire talented people and let them do their job Our local team has a high degree of autonomy which allows for decision-making close to the customer Lastly, we are Committed Our Underwriters take pride in understanding the unique features and risks associated with each business we seek to ensure We are not box’ underwriters who rely on an algorithm to make decisions and set terms Taken together, this allows us to be Solution Providers in the market and become a partner that our broker partners can rely on and trust.

In your opinion, what role do the brokers play in the Canadian market – and for HDI?

Canada is a broker market and Insurance brokers play a critical role In the sales transaction they represent and work for the insured yet they are also the ‘sales force’ of the insurer The broker provides invaluable counsel and advice to insureds It is important for us that we stay closely connected to our broker partners and that they understand our products, capabilities, and appetite We spend a lot of time and effort ensuring the maintenance and development of broker relationships

Does HDI Global Specialty provide Single Project Professional Indemnity (SPPI) products for construction projects, and what makes this particular approach a vital component in navigating the complexities of the current business landscape?

The SPPI coverage area is very dynamic As a company, HDI has been active in this space in Canada for the past six years As governments continue to focus on upgrading/maintaining aging infrastructure and creating new


infrastructure to meet future needs, interest and demand for SPPI coverage continues to grow SPPI as a product covers the professional design exposure associated with a project This would include architects, engineers, and various contractors that might be involved Typically, these policies are purchased as part of the bid process for large infrastructure projects With our focus on being Solution Providers, HDI has worked to provide SPPI coverage with other trusted Insurers.

So far, our focus is to participate in Excess coverage at this time, although if a long-term opportunity presents itself to offer Primary coverage we would be open to exploring

With the growing need for worldwide coverage, how is HDI Global Specialty approaching International Programs to ensure seamless and comprehensive global service?

Great question! As a global company with 39 offices and the ability to access more than 175 other countries, insurance cover is provided by a long-standing, tried and tested network of partners Our aim is to provide insurance coverage for corporations internationally that are as risk-adjusted and consistent as possible Our international insurance programs primarily consist of a master contract. This master policy provides consistent global insurance coverage. In parallel, local cover is provided by local policies in line with local business requirements Country specifics such as statutory regulations and tax law requirements are complied with This puts companies in the best possible position, especially with regard to increasingly stringent compliance requirements These services are generally geared towards larger international organizations given the cost and effort involved however in the right circumstances it could be a fit for certain SMEs as well

What methods does HDI Global Specialty employ to craft comprehensive solutions specifically designed for programs, and how do these solutions maximize efficiency? Additionally, how do they offer distinct benefits to clients seeking wide-ranging coverage?

We have local Claims and Legal teams in Canada that we utilize if coverage needs to be customized In general, we at HDI emphasize local authority for our teams which greatly reduces the need to refer risks to head office in Germany. By doing this we are quick to respond to individual risks and changing market dynamics while at the same time being backed by this financially stable German Group with more than 120 years of experience We very often work with our broker partners to bespoke manuscript endorsements to address particular coverage needs of an insured, we are truly fortunate that we have local authority allowing us to quickly get to decisions

What insights can you provide regarding HDI Global Specialty's emphasis on the technology sector, and what are the current strategies for growth in this area? How do the foundational elements of expertise, service, and creative solutions come together to support this focus, creating value for both clients and brokers?

Really beginning in 2020 ‘cyber’ became a bad word in the industry. Many insurers that rushed into the cyber market in the last 5 years of the previous decade didn’t understand the exposure and got the pricing wrong. Obviously not a good combination This combined with uncertainty stemming from COVID and in 2022 the Russia / Ukraine conflict led to a multi-year pull-back in capacity for ensuring technology / cyber risks For a technology company, cyber exposure is really inherentso not something that can be excluded from a professional liability policy As a result, challenges in the cyber market extend to technology risks We had always written a small portfolio of technology risks but beginning in 2020 we started to receive feedback from key broker partners that this was an area where they needed support We responded to this need and began to build expertise and from 2021 we started to be quite active in the space In 2022 it was our largest segment of new business success The market has become more competitive in 2023 so we have not seen quite as much success but this is certainly a core segment for us going forward where we will look to build and expand our product offering


Crafting Digital Excellence: Web4You Inc.'s Journey of Web Transformation

However, simplicity does not imply a lack of customization Web4You Inc prioritizes customized solutions They understand that each business has its own distinct vision, and effective communication necessitates a customized solution that aligns with that vision By providing personalized services, they empower clients to have control and showcase their businesses exactly as they desire, creating a sense of ownership in the digital world

As the business world inches toward digital supremacy on an international level, one Canadian enterprise has emerged as a beacon of innovation, supporting businesses in their online conquest of attaining success Allow us to introduce Web4You Inc , a highly reputable company specializing in Web Design, Web Development, and Digital Marketing With a remarkable 8-year history, the company has successfully assisted numerous small and medium businesses in establishing their online presence Their story serves as a testament to the remarkable progress of communication and business expansion in the digital era

The key differentiator for Web4You Inc is their commitment to cost They believe that businesses of all sizes should have access to remarkable digital transformation, regardless of their budgets. This commitment demonstrates their belief in making digital progress accessible to all so that even the smallest businesses can participate in the digital revolution.

Simplicity, Tailored, Affordable: The Triad of Web4You Inc's Values

In the midst of the complexities of digital landscapes, Web4You Inc thrives on comprehensible solutions They've figured out that simplicity's greatest strength is also its greatest weakness, and they've built their business around that insight. Their dedication to clearly and attractively conveying their customers' enterprises paves the stage for frictionless, cross-cultural dialogue




Dedicated To

Making Online Communication More Accessible

Web4You Inc is a pioneering company that has emerged during the digital era Their primary focus is on establishing strong connections between brands and their target audience Acknowledging the significant shift in communication methods, their organization is dedicated to the objective of equipping businesses with a virtual online presence This initiative aims to enable direct interactions and cultivate continuous expansion opportunities

Beyond traditional design, Web4You Inc offers a wide range of services The company possesses significant digital capabilities and is well-suited to serve esteemed corporations and top-tier brands They provide a wide range of solutions, including Digital Marketing, SEO, Content Marketing, Social Media Optimization, Web Development, and Web Support, to enhance a brand's online presence and visibility

Web4You Inc ' s portfolio showcases a diverse array of industries, including hospitality, travel & tourism, legal, architecture & design, real estate, entertainment, and technology This demonstrates the company ' s impressive capabilities and expertise Every project serves as evidence of their commitment to assisting businesses in differentiating themselves and establishing a clear digital presence

Web4You Inc's Services: : Securing Excellence via Innovation

Web4You Inc offers an extensive selection of comprehensive services that cater to various modern digital needs Their services are designed to help businesses become leaders in the digital landscape, from implementing effective digital marketing strategies that enhance brand resonance to employing SEO practices that ensure high visibility in search results Their ultimate objective is to empower businesses to excel in the digital realm and emerge as industry champions Their proficiency in web design is complemented by their capabilities in mobile app development and e-commerce solutions, effectively addressing the varied requirements of the contemporary digital environment With a comprehensive range of services in WooCommerce, Magento, and Shopify development, the company enables businesses to navigate the intricacies of online selling effortlessly

Web4You Inc is a digital transformation architect in its own right, apart from being an adept solutions provider. The company ' s journey is characterized by a strong emphasis on simplicity, customized solutions, and cost-effectiveness. This reflects their dedication to ensuring that every business achieves digital success. In light of the ongoing evolution of the virtual world, Web4You Inc. remains steadfast in its commitment to allowing brands to successfully navigate the digital landscape with a combination of creativity and ingenuity.

To gain a better insight about their solutions and services, consider visiting their official website at https://web4you ca/

CanadianSME, a magazine catering to small and mediumsized businesses, is an excellent resource for companies that value innovation By subscribing to our magazine, readers can gain access to an array of information and remain apprised of market trends Stay connected with the CanadianSME community, which values business and entrepreneurship, by following @Canadian sme on Twitter For real-time news on business trends, subscribe to CanadianSME's magazine by visiting their website at

56- CanadianSME-September2023 Web Development

Marchelle McKenzie on TikTok:

Butter and Spice is black-owned, gourmet bakery. We guarantee quality and consistency in everything we make. We bring delectable, fresh-baked goods to your door in the Greater Toronto Area. (Nationwide delivery soon available!) Our specialty: Fudgy and delectable brownies with only the best ingredients. We bring innovative and unconventional flavors to our brownies.

Owner and Chef of Butter and Spice

In an insightful interview with CanadianSME Small Business Magazine, Marchelle McKenzie, Owner and Chef of Butter and Spice, divulged her journey and the pivotal moment she decided to leverage TikTok for her business. Despite initial hesitations and challenges, Marchelle experienced almost instant success on the platform, with products selling out in less than 24 hours, dramatically altering her perspective on TikTok. She reflected on why Butter and Spice resonated so profoundly with the TikTok audience, resulting in authentic connections and collaborations Acknowledging the platform's transformative impact on small businesses, as evidenced by the billions of views on hashtags like #SmallBusiness and #SmallBusinessCheck, Marchelle shared advice for fellow entrepreneurs looking to harness TikTok's potential She also touched on TikTok's ongoing role in her marketing strategy, the delicate balance between creativity and business objectives, and her plans to maintain Butter and Spice's momentum on the platform

Marchelle McKenzie is the owner and chef of Butter and Spice Her love for baking has followed her since her Easy Bake Oven delicacies at age five For years she has educated herself on the finest baking techniques, landing a high school internship at the Bonnie Gordon College of Confectionary Arts and earning an associate’s degree at the Culinary Institute of America She further refined her skills in some of the premier kitchens of New York City (Eleven Madison Park) and London (Restaurant Story, Lily Vanilli, Betony, Fabrique)

Marchelle, can you take us back to the moment you decided to use TikTok for Butter and Spice? What drove that decision, and were there any initial hesitations or challenges you faced?

I consciously decided to start using Tik Tok to advertise my business about a year ago I saw the power of Tik Tok when I saw so many businesses selling out My only hesitation was that I thought the demographic on Tik Tok would be too young, so I was worried if I would be relatable to them My major challenge with Tik Tok has got to be finding our niche and our voice The platform has many awesome creators, so I was concerned about how we would show up and occupy our little corner of the internet.

How would you describe the feeling of witnessing success on TikTok was almost instant, with products selling out in less than 24 hours? And how did it change your perspective on the power of TikTok?

I felt shock, joy, and fear all at the same time At 9 a m , I went to the gym and posted the video By the time I got out at 10 a m , we had gone viral I remember driving to our Leslieville store to tell my store manager, but it was too late, and people were already walking in, saying they had seen our video I think the power of a platform like TikTok is that it can really transform a local business overnight When our post went viral, it was clear that its unparalleled ability to expand reach and impact in the community can be life-changing

How do you think Butter and Spice managed to resonate so well with the TikTok audience, leading to such genuine connections and collaborations?

I believe it was because I was vulnerable with the state of my business to my audience, and I didn't shy away from the hardships that come with opening a new storefront So many small business owners feel the same and know firsthand how tough starting a business is, but very few talk about the challenges, let alone so publically, on the internet I hope that after seeing our video, business owners feel they are less alone in entrepreneurship Also, it gives an opportunity for the audience to make a difference by supporting locals and helping out their community

With hashtags like #SmallBusiness and #SmallBusinessCheck garnering billions of views, it's evident that TikTok has become a game-changer for small businesses. What advice would you give to other small business owners looking to harness the power of TikTok for their brand?

My advice is to show up every day, even if you only get 2 views on your videos With TikTok, you never know which video people will relate to or find interesting With the video that went viral, I had it in our drafts for two weeks before deciding to post it I'm so glad I posted and was honest about how I was feeling. As a small business owner, I am always blown away by how supportive and encouraging the community has been.

What are your thoughts about the ongoing role TikTok plays in your marketing strategy? How do you balance creativity and business objectives, and what plans do you have for the future to keep the momentum going for Butter and Spice on TikTok?

We are definitely staying on TikTok, but moving forward, we will be more intentional with our messaging. We are now more aware of the type of content that our audience wants to see I don’t know if there is any balance! Part of being an entrepreneur is having to wear many hats simultaneously Also, every day is a new adventure I usually film short videos of what I am doing and feeling throughout the day and then bring them together just before bed My hope for Butter and Spice's TikTok is to keep showing up as myself every day in hopes people find it useful or relatable, and if people get to eat some delicious brownies along the way, I couldn't be happier!

Small Business

The Top Five Technological Trends Transforming Canada's

SME Landscape

Entrepreneurs and small business owners often prioritize their primary roles over staying relevant with technological advancements However, the role of technology in driving the expansion and operational efficiency of your business remains crucial The significant changes observed in the past year highlight the increasing significance of technology trends specifically designed for small businesses in the entire year of 2023.

Some technological developments, including the broad use of 5G cellular networks and the incorporation of artificial intelligence or machine learning, are steadily gaining ground At the same time, there are emerging technological changes that have the potential to significantly disrupt the market, even though they have not done so fully yet Nonetheless, their importance cannot be underestimated The COVID-19 pandemic has had a lasting impact on how and where people work, leading to significant changes in traditional work paradigms Technology plays a crucial role in strengthening the infrastructure for flexible and hybrid work models during this transformation

Here are five top tech trends that you will witness in the future:

The Significance of Big Data Will Grow

Leaders in the corporate world are willing to keep investing in technologies that have already shown a positive return on investment amid concerns about an impending economic downturn. Based on a recent study that involved a survey of more than 1,800 digital leaders, it was revealed that approximately two-thirds of the respondents are of the opinion that big data and analytics will provide them with an advantage over their competitors in the coming years

An impressive 64% of the respondents surveyed indicated that the utilization of big data provided their respective firms with a significant competitive advantage within the industry Approximately 25% of the participants also indicated that they generated income from their data analysis endeavors Small businesses can potentially gain advantages from the continuous improvement of best practices and expertise in the realm of big data analytics

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Truth be told, it is estimated that by 2025, the daily data creation from people and businesses will have increased to 463 exabytes Sending an email, downloading an invoice, looking for nearby vendors, updating a social media profile, and even turning on a connected automobile all generate data The significant volume of data presents various possibilities, such as gaining profound insights that can enhance product development However, it also entails certain obligations concerning the handling of data sharing, collection, protection, and privacy

The Next Wave of Corporate Software Will be Superapps

Gartner recently predicted that the utility of ‘Superapps’ in conducting and running business operations will become a new norm These applications allow for the consolidation of previously separate app services into one cohesive and efficient user experience If implemented by a small business, such initiatives can help expedite business operations or processes and make them more efficient

Similar to cloud computing and e-commerce, the metaverse possesses the capability to revolutionize the way small businesses establish connections and engage with their customers This transformative potential extends to various aspects, including the provision of entirely digital art and services, as well as the creation of digital representations for physical products

Plus, the development of standardized approaches to the metaverse is expected to take several years However, in the meantime, we can anticipate the emergence of more features that enable the metaverse in existing products and services Exploring the potential of current hybrid and media experiences that utilize this technology is a promising avenue for businesses to consider. From an advisor's perspective, it is important to gain a comprehensive understanding of this technology This will enable you to effectively guide clients who are seeking to stay ahead of the curve

In fact, if you analyze closely, there is a growing trend of incorporating third-party software integration. These days, many businesses employ software like Microsoft Outlook for sharing important documents, Microsoft Teams to facilitate better communication within the team, Google Drive for storing sensitive information, Zoho CRM for efficient customer management and aids in project planning. Unification is an effective strategy for mitigating and minimizing the significant threat posed by data silos.

The New Age Metaverse and Its Applications

The concept of the metaverse has been a subject of ongoing debate for several years Despite the increasing interest in this topic, there remains a continued dispute regarding the precise definition of the metaverse and its operational mechanisms Metaverse incorporates both virtual and augmented reality technologies (also referred to as "extended reality" or "XR") to provide a seamless experience that bridges the gap between the digital and physical worlds

The Utility of Blockchain for Businesses

Another big technological trend that’s looming right across the horizon of our future is Blockchains This technology, also known as distributed ledgers, is a constantly evolving technology that will undergo more modifications as more organizations and governments examine the potential benefits of decentralization in everyday life

This technology uses smart contracts, and their contractual provisions used in automated payments are basically lines of code entered into a blockchain that are executed automatically when specific criteria are satisfied When the terms of a contract are completed, payment is automatically triggered, potentially cutting down on the time it takes to process payments for delivered supplies and lowering the risk of nonpayment

Technological Trends

The Utility of Embedded Finance

Perhaps the most influential and impactful technology, amid all the novel technological trends and the most in-demand currently, is the ability to be able to pay anywhere and everywhere This is only possible through embedded finance Over the last decade, the financial services industry has seen a dramatic shift in response to consumer demand for easy, instantaneous access to financial goods inside the platforms and tools you currently use

The incorporation of financial services into nonfinancial business infrastructures is experiencing significant growth In a similar vein, the implementation of open banking standards, embedded finance, and open APIs on small business platforms enables the collection of comprehensive and trustworthy data regarding a business's financial well-being and liquidity This development effectively eliminates certain longstanding obstacles that have traditionally hindered small businesses from accessing willing lenders This integration of financial data allows lenders to have real-time visibility into company performance and management, thereby increasing their confidence and speed with which they can assess risk and creditworthiness and provide credit to the most deserving enterprises

It is undoubtedly challenging to distinguish between hype and reality when dealing with new technology. In order to fully leverage the transformative potential of these technology trends, it is crucial to increase awareness and provide educational resources for small businesses and their advisors This will enable them to gain a better understanding of the current capabilities and how these technologies can be applied to their industry in the near future What these technologies imply now and how they could affect small businesses in the future is something that both owners and consultants need to give some thought to When it comes to advisors, the main focus should be on effectively guiding clients through their journey, ensuring they have a clear understanding of both the potential risks and rewards involved

The integration of financial solutions into regular procedures makes life simpler without requiring you to change your current routine. Opportunities for startups will continue to improve as technologies like embedded finance and open banking, which are at varying levels of development throughout the globe, gain traction.

CanadianSME, a magazine catering to small and medium-sized businesses, is an excellent resource for companies that value innovation By subscribing to our magazine, readers can gain access to an array of information and remain apprised of market trends. Stay connected with the CanadianSME community, which values business and entrepreneurship, by following @Canadian_sme on Twitter. For real-time news on business trends, subscribe to CanadianSME's magazine by visiting their website at

Technological Trends

Smart Startups: AI in Retail

The retail sector is at the forefront of innovation in today's age of lightning-fast technological breakthroughs as AI-driven solutions transform the traditional retail experience This article explores the revolutionary convergence of AI and retail, shining a focus on innovative companies that are changing the game via their creative use of AI technology. Since customer preferences and behaviors are always changing, the retail industry has been in a constant state of evolution In the current landscape, there is a merging of online and offline shopping driven by the changing behaviors of digital natives This shift has led both established brands and emerging startups to recognize the importance of incorporating AI into their strategies This feature provides a comprehensive analysis of how startups are utilizing AI to drive their ventures to greater success

AI-driven solutions have significantly enhanced the ability of retailers to create exceptional customer experiences by prioritizing efficiency and personalization Startups are utilizing AI to enhance various aspects of the customer journey, such as predictive analytics that anticipate consumer demands and chatbots that offer real-time assistance What is its outcome or conclusion, you may ask? The implementation of strategies to enhance customer engagement has resulted in increased customer loyalty and a significant competitive advantage.

“Smart Startups: AI in Retail" delves deeper into the experiences of these pioneering companies, providing insights into their beginnings, the obstacles they encountered, and the successes they attained The text explores the impact of innovative algorithms on various business operations It focuses on recommendation engines, dynamic pricing models, and inventory management systems, highlighting their role in optimizing business processes and enhancing customer interactions The rapid evolution of AI technology has led to an increase in the ambitions of startups aiming to revolutionize the retail industry. The startups mentioned demonstrate the vast possibilities of AI when combined with an entrepreneurial mindset. They have the potential to transform supply chain management, enhance in-store experiences, and redefine targeted marketing strategies.

Join us as we delve into the world of "Smart Startups: AI in Retail." Together, we will unravel the innovative advancements that are shaping the future of retail, one algorithm at a time:


The first business on our list is Granify, a digital advertising company that spearheads modern optimization practices in the ever-evolving realm of digital marketing Granify goes beyond traditional optimization in the e-commerce industry It distinguishes itself through visionary leadership and exceptional capabilities Granify is a company founded by CEO Jeff Lawrance, who has a strong background in advertising technology

The company is focused on the idea of using extensive data to predict and shape the future in order to achieve desired outcomes Granify aims to democratize datadriven decision-making with a vision of a world where people can utilize the abundance of data available in the modern era to optimize their life choices Granify sets itself apart with its visionary approach, going beyond the limitations of traditional optimization Granify is dedicated to empowering individuals to invest their time for maximum gains Their innovative approach opens up endless possibilities for the future trajectory of the world You can learn more about this company ’ s mission, vision and services by logging onto


This is another adept player in the field of retail powered by AI Groupby, established in 2013, is at the forefront of transforming eCommerce They provide cutting-edge B2B and B2C solutions that redefine how users interact with online shopping Groupby has successfully developed a range of cloud-based tools that enhance different aspects of eCommerce With the help of a talented team of experts, they have focused on improving search relevance, personalized recommendations, merchandising strategies, content management, SEO optimization, and data analytics

Cloud-native Groupby technology powers high-converting eCommerce websites worldwide. Their SaaS Product Discovery Platform, powered by Google Cloud Discovery AI, offers industryleading data enrichment, tailored search, navigation optimization, recommendation systems, merchandising tactics, and search analytics. Beyond technology, Groupby excels at customer cooperation. Groupby was named a "Company-to-Watch" in Canada's Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Awards after Oracle acquired Boston's Endeca in 2011. This journey led to improved eCommerce search experience technologies. Starting with a successful cooperation with Google Enterprise, the firm acquired EdgeCase, a Texas-based product catalogue normalization and enrichment startup. Check out their services and solutions at

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Adeptmind is an innovative artificial intelligence technology business that is changing the face of online retail The beginning of the company ' s history may be traced back to the creation of artificial intelligence that powers the voice assistants of such well-known companies as Blackberry, LG, Samsung, and Tesla The team behind Adeptmind, which Microsoft purchased in 2017 for its artificial intelligence capabilities, has subsequently refined its innovative solution

With the help of Adeptmind's product, customers may now do searches using just their thoughts and natural language The most exciting and original digital storefronts are the result of their all-encompassing deep-learning strategy Adeptmind uses cutting-edge AI technology to create lucrative tactics for ecommerce sites, influencing and re-influencing web traffic in real-time to boost sales

Adeptmind stands apart owing to the unique benefit it gives by combining AI knowledge with a pay-per-click experience

Their technological expertise, along with their expertise in sponsored search, dynamic retargeting, and Google shopping methods, promises complete results Its headquarters in Toronto, Canada, places great importance on local collaboration to achieve superior ROI outcomes They ensure a tailored and responsive approach to their client's needs by remaining hands-on and avoiding outsourcing Adeptmind is a pioneering AI specialist that is revolutionizing the eCommerce industry with its innovative technology and strategic expertise Know more about this company ’ s projects and solutions at https://adeptmind ai/

CanadianSME, a magazine catering to small and medium-sized businesses, is an excellent resource for companies that value innovation. By subscribing to our magazine, readers can gain access to an array of information and remain apprised of market trends. Stay connected with the CanadianSME community, which values business and entrepreneurship, by following @Canadian_sme on Twitter For real-time news on business trends, subscribe to CanadianSME's magazine by visiting their website at

AI in Retail

Innovation Ignited:


Startups are currently the driving force behind innovation in the ever-changing landscape of technological advancement This notion reflects the essence of a captivating exploration into the crucial role that startups play in shaping the constantly evolving world of technology This enlightening exploration delves into the distinct ways in which startups are not simply adjusting to change but actively propelling it These agile enterprises are reshaping how industries operate with their disruptive breakthroughs and groundbreaking solutions They are rewriting the rules of engagement Startups are reshaping how we interact, work, and perceive the world by embodying the spirit of risk-taking and ingenuity They are carving paths that challenge the status quo.

The emergence of startups as leaders in the tech industry is clear, as they not only come up with innovative ideas but also have the capability to turn those ideas into tangible products or services quickly This feature aims to uncover the stories of visionary founders who dared to dream big, highlighting their unwavering commitment to innovation Startups are leveraging artificial intelligence, transforming healthcare technologies, and pioneering sustainable solutions to shape a future that was previously only a figment of imagination

This article offers a comprehensive perspective on the startup ecosystem and its significant impact on the technological landscape This is achieved through thought-provoking case studies, expert analyses, and engaging narratives As we embark on this exploration, we will uncover the driving forces behind the rise to prominence of startups Additionally, we will examine how their commitment to innovation is setting the stage for a transformative future

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In a similar vein, let’s discuss the following businesses to understand how tech charge is utilized:

Empower Your Resilience with eSentire: Unrivaled Managed Detection and Response

eSentire has established itself as the leading expert in Managed Detection and Response (MDR), providing unparalleled protection for businesses and critical operations Organizations can effectively prevent disruptions, strengthen resilience, and successfully combat complex cyber threats by utilizing a comprehensive, multi-signal MDR service eSentire's specialized Threat Response Unit, Elite Threat Hunters, and round-the-clock SOC Analysts are armed with exceptional intelligence and a comprehensive understanding of clients' attack surfaces

Their primary focus is to strengthen businesses' interests and effectively eliminate threats that may pose risks eSentire's unmatched expertise ushers in a new era of enhanced cyber resilience During times of urgency, it is crucial to seize the opportunity to take action eSentire is prepared to provide guidance and lead the way You can learn more about this company ’ s vision and mission, along with practical solutions, at www esentire com

Igloo: Creating Motivating Online Groups for Optimal Teamwork

Igloo is a digital workplace transformation platform that helps businesses go beyond traditional intranets to create gamechanging digital hubs for employee engagement, information exchange, and teamwork Igloo's dedication to its customers' success extends well beyond the provision of state-of-the-art technological solutions In collaboration with businesses, the firm designs inclusive and advanced online meeting places where workers can work together easily and effectively

Igloo encourages creativity, which in turn improves remote team relationships, recruitment, and retention The future of work is being altered by novel techniques that bring together businesses and workers, as Igloo's visionary Mike Gaburo has pointed out. Igloo excels in developing custom digital workplace solutions to boost productivity, employee engagement, and company culture for businesses of all sizes, and its customer roster reflects this diversity

Browse through their official website to understand what Igloo is offering to their patrons and clients at www igloosoftware co


Plooto: Empowering SMBs with Streamlined Financial Management

Plooto was born out of the founder's own struggles with handling cash flow at a rapidly expanding company Plooto was established with the goal of providing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with more freedom in managing their finances Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are the engine of innovation Their goal at Plooto is to free companies from distractions like these so they can focus on what really matters to them

Plooto was established by Hamed Abbasi, Co-Founder & CEO, and Serguei Kloubkov, Co-Founder & CTO, in reaction to the high fees and limited options provided by conventional financial institutions. Plooto's ambition for a complete financial operations platform is motivated by a desire to make effective financial solutions available to small and medium-sized businesses By automating and streamlining complex processes, this platform improves the efficiency with which organizations handle their finances by including payment processing, control, reconciliation, and reporting Plooto's effort to help small businesses and give them the resources they need to succeed is indicative of the company ' s commitment to fostering expansion while reducing administrative overhead Learn more about their solutions and services at www plooto com

CanadianSME, a magazine catering to small and medium-sized businesses, is an excellent resource for companies that value innovation. By subscribing to our magazine, readers can gain access to an array of information and remain apprised of market trends. Stay connected with the CanadianSME community, which values business and entrepreneurship, by following @Canadian_sme on Twitter. For real-time news on business trends, subscribe to CanadianSME's magazine by visiting their website at

Ara Kharazian

Research & Data Lead at Square

In a recent interview with CanadianSME Small Business Magazine, Ara Kharazian, the Research & Data Lead at Square, offered key insights into the evolving landscape of Canadian entrepreneurship. Ara highlighted the role of social media and young influencers in inspiring a new generation of entrepreneurs, particularly in moving beyond traditional 9-to-5 jobs He also touched on the importance of technology, noting that 79% of young entrepreneurs see it as essential for starting a business The discussion delved into the financial challenges faced by young business owners, with 86% feeling ill-equipped to manage at least one financial task, and explored the increasing trend of businesses as side hustles. Ara's thoughts shed light on how these factors could impact future employment patterns and the entrepreneurial environment in Canada.

How Technology and Social Media

Are Shaping Canadian Entrepreneurship

Ara Kharazian is the Research and Data Lead at Square His insights on consumer, labour, and business trends have been cited in the New York Times, Bloomberg, and the Australian Financial Review. Prior to joining Square, he was an economic consultant at Cornerstone Research, where he worked on matters in antitrust, consumer pricing, and market manipulation. Ara received a degree in economics from Tufts University. Born in 1997, he is also Gen Z.

How have social media and young influencers reshaped traditional entrepreneurship, and what role do influencers play in inspiring young Canadians to start a business?

Square released a new report focused on Gen Z entrepreneurs in Canada, and one interesting finding was the impact of social media in not just enabling entrepreneurship but actually encouraging young people to start businesses In fact, 41% of respondents said that inspiration from social media and influencers were a major reason why they started their businesses We've seen how social media allows entrepreneurs to share their successes and promote their businesses with large audiences, and I think this exposure has helped plant the entrepreneurial seed for many younger Canadians.

What do alternative paths to success instead of a 9-5 job look like for Gen Z, and how are they shaping the future of work in Canada?

Most people, but I think young people especially, want more control of their hours and working schedules, which means exploring options outside the typical 9-5 work construct We found that work-life balance is a major motivator for both Canadian men and women in this age group, and part of finding that balance means having the flexibility to work where and when they want I think most people want flexibility at work, but there’s this perception out there that older generations are more willing to accept the status quo and tie their success to securing a corporate job. The expectations for a fulfilling career are very different for most young people That’s why 77% of respondents reported thinking Gen Z is more open to alternative paths to success than previous generations

What impact do the gender differences in entrepreneurial role models and definitions of success have on the entrepreneurial landscape?

The role models for Gen Z are really interesting We found the most popular role model for Canadian men is Elon Musk (34%) While he’s certainly made controversial decisions, he’s also had a lot of success and is seen as a disruptor and innovator in space and EV-tech, which I think many young people feel inspired by. On the flip side, the most popular entrepreneurship role models for women were Selena Gomez (25%) and Rihanna (18%), both of whom have made their marks in the entertainment industry and are now leading successful business ventures in other sectors

Which specific tools or innovations have been most impactful for Gen Z entrepreneurs in Canada, considering that 79% of respondents consider technology essential for starting a business?

Businesses in Canada are extremely diverse and come in all shapes and sizes One common factor is how technology has now become an essential part of starting and running a business At Square, we work hard to offer entrepreneurs an ecosystem of tools to help them run their businesses in an easy and seamless way while helping them create new revenue streams. With such a high number of Gen Z businesses being side hustles, one that certainly stands out is our e-commerce solution, which allows sellers to set up their websites in minutes and incorporates every tool needed to enable them to make a sale at any time, from anywhere

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What support or resources should be provided to assist young entrepreneurs in overcoming financial hurdles, considering that 86% of respondents feel ill-equipped to handle at least one finance-related task?

There are so many tasks that go into operating a business, and most of them have nothing to do with the actual products or services being offered One major motivator for Gen Z when it comes to starting a business is that they want to follow their passions, but in addition to pursuing creative endeavors, business owners need to pay bills, create and send invoices, manage inventory, market their products or services, schedule employees The list goes on At Square, we ’ re constantly evaluating our sellers’ needs and adding new integrated products and services to make it as easy as possible for them to run, adapt, and grow their businesses, ultimately freeing them up to do what they do best

How does the shift towards considering businesses as side hustles, as shown in the report, reflect changes in the Canadian economy, and what implications might it have for future entrepreneurial endeavors and employment patterns in Canada?

A side hustle isn’t the endgame for Gen Z entrepreneurs We found that the majority plan to continue growing their businesses and want to start additional ventures too. This means they’ll be looking for a business solutions provider that fits a broad range of needs into the future, not just one that works today

These long-term aspirations are important to the Canadian economy. Today, 98% of businesses in Canada are small businesses employing close to 10 million people, which is more than two-thirds of the workforce, and entrepreneurship is critical for any economy In good times, entrepreneurship allows individuals to take risks, start new businesses, and innovate. In bad times, entrepreneurship can be a lifeline to a laidoff worker. That experimental startup might be one of the few places hiring while more established businesses rethink their operations and cut staff. In general, I think the term “side hustle” can often get a rap because it may be interpreted as businesses that likely won’t grow to overtake more established companies when the truth of the matter is: We all have to start somewhere.

Social Media


Empowering SMEs with AI: Innovation, Efficiency, and Growth

23rd October, 2023

Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto

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