Ok Ikejiani Founder&ChiefInnovation Officer|RedThread Innovations Director, SmallBusiness UPSCanada
Hon. Filomena Tassi MinisterResponsiblefor theFederalEconomic DevelopmentAgencyfor SouthernOntario
Frank Vella CEOof ConstantContact
Tarandeep Singh RegionalVicePresidentCommercial Marketing &RevenueManagement ofIHGHotels&Resorts
Venue: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, North
TheCanadianSMESmallBusinessMagazineproudlypresentsSmallBusinessShow2024,"EmbracingDigital TransformationforSmallBusinesses,"asitsguidingthemeandsubjectofdiscussionthisyear Thisshowstandsas atestimonytotherelentlessspiritofsmallandmedium-sizedbusinessownersandaimstofueltheirdrivefurther.
The Small Business Show 2024, held on June 24th at the prestigious Metro Toronto Convention Centre, was a remarkable success. This year ' s theme, "EmbracingDigital TransformationforSmallBusinesses," set the stage for a day filled with innovation, insights, and networking. Our editor and founder, SK Uddin, kicked off the event with his inspiring welcome remarks, setting a positive and energetic tone for the day.
We were thrilled to have Rob Pagetto as our host for the event. Rob, one of Canada's most versatile talents, brought dynamic energy and extensive experience from his work in radio, TV, stage, and event hosting. From YTV and the Toronto Raptors to Night Life TV and The Real Housewives of Toronto, Rob’s passion for engaging and entertaining audiences was evident throughout the event.
The CanadianSME Small Business Show 2024 was supported by a stellar lineup of sponsors and partners, who also exhibited in the hall. We are grateful to:
UPS,ourShippingPartner,forensuring everythingarrivedsafelyandontime
Xero,ourAccountingSoftwarePartner,for helpingsmallbusinessesmanagetheir financesefficiently.
ConstantContact,ourEmail Partner,forkeepingeveryone seamlesslyconnected.
IHG,ourHospitalityPartner,for providingacomfortableand welcomingenvironment.
OrnaApp,ourSilverPartner, fortheirsignificant contributions.
GoogleCanada,ourTechPartner, forconnectinguswithcuttingedgetechnology.
TDInsurance,oneofourGold Partners,foroffering comprehensiveinsurance solutions
Nexim,anotherGoldPartner,for theirunwaveringsupportand innovativesolutions
Peninsula,ourHRPartner,for theirexpertHRsolutions
A1GlobalCollege,our RegistrationDesksponsor.
Asus,aSilverPartner,fortheir reliabletechnologysolutions
Okta,anotherSilverPartner, forprovidingsecureidentity managementsolutions
Maximizer,aBronzePartner, fortheircontinuedsupport anddedication.
BDC,aBronzePartner,for supportingsmallbusinesses F12,aBronzePartner,fortheir commitmenttosmallbusiness success Wagepoint,ourKeynote Sponsor,formakingthe keynotesessionspossible
HumberCollege,aKeynote Sponsor,fortheirinvaluable support.
RedThreadInnovation,a KeynoteSponsor,fortheir innovativecontributions
24thJune,2024, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, North Building, Level 100, Toronto
MySmartJourney WatchDog
Boundless Accelerator
Flawless Inbound
Pathway Communications
This Exclusive One-Day Expo Featured Panel Discussions, Webinars, Workshops And Keynotes Presentations By Canada’s Top Business Leaders And Entrepreneurs.
With over 4,000 attendees and 81 exhibitors, the event was a bustling hub of networking and learning. Attendees had the chance to connect with companies and learn about the exceptional services each had to offer. A special video message from The Honourable Filomena Tassi, Member of Parliament for Hamilton West Ancaster Dundas, added a meaningful touch. Minister Tassi, with her extensive background in public service, shared inspiring words of commitment to the community
We had the honor of welcome remarks from Michelle Dias, Director of Communications and Public Relations at IHG Hotels & Resorts, our exclusive hospitality partner. Michelle brought valuable insights from her over 14 years of experience in brand PR and marketing. Paul Gaspar, Director of Small Business for UPS Canada, our exclusive shipping partner, also shared his expertise in helping small businesses leverage UPS's customized services and technologies to grow both domestically and internationally
4,000 attendees
81 exhibitors
Paul Gaspar Director,SmallBusiness,UPS®Canada
Paul Gaspar, Director, Small Business, UPS® Canada, delivered a keynote on "Leveraging Logistics for Digital Transformation." He shared valuable insights on leveraging discounted UPS shipping rates and logistics solutions to reduce shopping cart abandonment and provide a top-tier customer experience
Michael Mehr
Michael Mehr, Partner at Edmison Mehr Chartered Professional Accountants and Xero Ambassador, presented "How to Choose the Right Accountant to Grow Your Business." Michael covered the benefits of having an accountant, the right time to introduce one to your business, tips for choosing the right accountant, and how to connect with experienced professionals
Frank Vella CEOofConstantContact
Frank Vella, CEO of Constant Contact, discussed "Achieving Growth as an SME in Canada." Frank highlighted the critical role that SMEs play in the Canadian economy and our communities. He also discussed marketing trends, challenges, and opportunities for Canadian SMEs, and how leveraging technology can lead to more efficient operations and better outcomes.
Tarandeep Singh
RegionalVP–Commercial,Marketing &RevenueManagementatIHGCanada
Tarandeep Singh, Regional VP – Commercial, Marketing & Revenue Management at IHG Canada, shared strategies in "Navigating Business Travel Challenges: Strategies for Small and Midsize Enterprises." Alongside an esteemed IHG client, he provided insights and solutions to common business travel obstacles, such as budget constraints and last-minute changes
Ok Ikejiani Founder&ChiefInnovationOfficer ofRedThreadInnovations
Ok Ikejiani, Founder & Chief Innovation Officer of Red Thread Innovations, spoke on "Transforming with Data: How to Optimize Operations and Drive Growth." Ok shared invaluable insights on digital transformation, its core pillars, and the critical role of data. He discussed how data can be collected, synthesized, and applied across various industries to optimize operations, improve satisfaction, reduce costs, and support long-term growth.
Shrad Rao
Shrad Rao, CEO and Co-founder of Wagepoint, and Laurinda Lee-Retter, Founder of Kind Karma Company, presented "Top 3 Lessons Learned Scaling from 1 to 25,000 Customers."
Shrad shared invaluable lessons from his journey of scaling Wagepoint to serve over 25,000 small businesses, providing insights to elevate your business and leadership skills
Laurinda’s inspiring story highlighted the intersection of mental health and entrepreneurship, emphasizing resilience, passion, and the power of giving back.
Olivia Cicchini
Olivia Cicchini, Employment Law Expert at Peninsula Canada, delivered "Digital Transformation: Empowering Small Businesses to Grow and Build Stronger Brands." Olivia shared invaluable strategies for implementing digital tools to streamline operations, ensure legal compliance, and create a strong online presence. Attendees gained top tips and best practices to utilize digital technologies, stay competitive, and maximize success.
Dave Smiderle, PhD
Dave Smiderle, PhD, Associate Dean at Humber College, and Francis Syms, MASc, PEng, PMP, Associate Dean at Humber College, discussed "SME and the Digital Age: How to Ensure Advances in Digital Technology Work for You and Not Against You " In this interactive session, Dave and Francis covered critical topics such as aligning technology with business goals, prioritizing cybersecurity, adopting data-driven decision making, and adapting to technology change.
Parthiban Dhakshnamurthy
ProcurementAssistanceTeamLeader atPublicServicesandProcurementCanada
Parthiban Dhakshnamurthy, Procurement Assistance Team Leader at Public Services and Procurement Canada, delivered "How the Federal Government Buys What You Sell." Parthiban provided invaluable insights on how the Government of Canada purchases goods and services, including the steps to become a supplier, where to register, how to search for opportunities, and where to find additional information
Georges Levesque PresidentatLevesqueNegotiation
Georges Levesque, President at Levesque Negotiation, presented "Learn to Negotiate in 30 Minutes." Georges emphasized the critical role of negotiation in advancing the workplace, resolving conflicts, and creating value in agreements. By sharing a proven process, he provided a comprehensive roadmap to enhance negotiation skills for various business challenges
Glen DaSilva
Glen DaSilva, Distribution Account Executive at Asus Canada, discussed "ASUS SMB Solutions - Unlocking Incredible Possibilities." Glen demonstrated how ASUS Business offers comprehensive IT solutions to tackle modern challenges. By providing a wide range of technology, from laptops to servers, ASUS ensures seamless access to essential tools that boost productivity, facilitate remote work, prioritize employee health, and enhance cybersecurity
Luis Santos, Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) Specialist at Okta, shared "Build the 360 Degree View of the Customer Using Identity." Luis shed light on how Customer Identity can help achieve a comprehensive customer view by collecting, protecting, and activating omni-channel, compliant data across an organization’s tech ecosystem
Charest DirectorofSmallBusinessSuccess
Dave Charest, Director of Small Business Success at Constant Contact, presented "Email Marketing Must-Haves: Quick Tips for Lasting Success." Dave shared invaluable tactics for launching and improving email marketing strategies, emphasizing how to connect with customers effectively to drive sales His insights on the transformative power of AI and automation in email marketing were truly enlightening
Roop Johal DirectorofPartnershipsatSmallBusinessBC
Roop Johal, Director of Partnerships at Small Business BC, provided insights in "Accessibility Awareness and Information for Small Businesses." Roop provided an insightful overview of a crucial project focused on accessibility awareness for small businesses in British Columbia.
Olivia Cicchini EmploymentLawExpertatPeninsulaCanada
Olivia Cicchini, Employment Law Expert at Peninsula Canada, led "Employment Lifecycle - From Hiring to Firing." Olivia provided essential guidance on managing the entire employment lifecycle, from hiring and performance management to employee retention and termination Her expertise has equipped us with valuable knowledge to handle HR tasks effectively and ensure smooth business operations.
Anatoly Dvorkin FounderandCEOofHRCLawProfessionalCorporation
Anatoly Dvorkin, Founder and CEO of HRC Law Professional Corporation, delivered "Terminations Done Right." Anatoly provided a comprehensive exploration of the complexities surrounding employee terminations, focusing on employers’ obligations under the Employment Standards Act and Common Law in Ontario. He addressed critical questions on minimizing liability, understanding just cause, and setting up for success from the beginning of an employment relationship.
Ourpanelofindustryexpertswilldelveintopracticalstrategiesfor digitaladoption,overcomingcommonchallenges,andharnessing innovativetechnologiestodrivebusinessgrowth
MasteringtheTechTriad:NavigatingCloud, AI,andSecurityintheDigitalAge
Divedeepintothecoretechnologiesshapingourfutureatthe CanadianSMESmallBusinessShow2024withourcompellingpanel discussion,“MasteringtheTechTriad:NavigatingCloud,AI,and SecurityintheDigitalAge”
Ourexpertpanelwillprovideinsightsintothebenefitsofdiversityin theworkplace,includingincreasedinnovation,betterdecisionmaking,andimprovedemployeesatisfaction
Our panelists equipped SME owners, aspiring entrepreneurs, and business professionals with essential strategies for embracing digital technologies, tackling common obstacles, and leveraging innovations to foster business growth. Their expert guidance on effectively integrating digital tools to streamline operations, enhance customer interactions, and boost profitability was invaluable.
This session offered SME owners, IT professionals, and tech enthusiasts essential strategies for integrating and managing cloud computing, AI, and cybersecurity within their business frameworks. The expert advice on deploying these technologies effectively while maintaining strong security measures was immensely appreciated.
Stephan Sigaud (Moderator) EVP,ChiefMarketing Officer Phase5
Our expert panel highlighted the benefits of workplace diversity, such as increased innovation, better decision-making, and enhanced employee satisfaction. They shared practical strategies for recruiting and retaining a diverse workforce, addressing unconscious bias, and implementing effective inclusivity policies. Their guidance on empowering employees from all backgrounds and overcoming challenges to build truly inclusive environments was greatly appreciated
Fennella Bruce (Moderator)
MediaConsultantand Founder FKBMedia Solutions CommunityRelations DirectoratUPSCanada |TheUPSFoundation
Melanie Britto Manager Talent Management&Development atCDWCanada
Thomas Mayrhofer GeneralManager InterContinental TorontoCentre
Sidrah Khan SeniorManagerAcquisition Strategy,SmallBusiness InsuranceTDInsurance
The Business Mixer Networking event provided attendees with a vibrant atmosphere to connect, share, and develop both personal and business relationships. This prime gathering for SMB owners fostered collaboration, innovation, and mutual growth in a lively and engaging environment.
The demo stage featured innovative presentations from industry leaders:
Victoria Hamilton AccountExecutiveatMaximizer
Rev Up Your H2 Sales Engine: Quick insights, better decisions with Maximizer Sales Leader Edition
Walter Zenko SeniorVicePresident atPathwayCommunications
Tailored IT Solutions for SMBs from Pathway: Unlocking Efficiency, Growth and Security
Dinesh Juneja Co-Founder&ChiefDigital OfficeratInspirationDigital
Simplifying Digital Transformation: Unlock Business Success with Inspiration Digital
Mandar Patel President, SourceInCanada
CA Anand Sanghvi Founder&CEO,SourceInCanada
SourceIN - Your Extended Financial Desk "Drive Growth with Customized Accounting Solutions"
Leah Green SalesAccountExecutive FlawlessInbound
Liliane Youssef PresidentandCo-Founder atFlawlessInbound
Sustainable Growth vs Growth at all cost: What How to think about your growth and Go To Market in 2024 and Beyond
Victoria Hamilton AccountExecutiveatMaximizer
Victoria Hamilton, Account Executive at Maximizer, presented "Rev Up Your H2 Sales Engine: Quick Insights, Better Decisions with Maximizer Sales Leader Edition."
Victoria's presentation provided invaluable insights on managing critical deals and team performance, ensuring attendees never miss a key signal for winning new or protecting existing revenue.
Mandar Patel, CPA, CA Anand Sanghvi PresidentofSourceInCanada, Founder&CEO,SourceInCanada
Mandar Patel, CPA, CA, President of SourceIn Canada, and Anand Sanghvi, Founder & CEO of SourceIn Canada, delivered "SourceIN - Your Extended Financial Desk: Drive Growth with Customized Accounting Solutions." They provided a detailed introduction to the ValServe Group and SourceIN, highlighting the role SourceIN can play for startups and growing businesses in Canada, and addressing challenges faced by Accounts and Finance departments.
Walter Zenko SeniorVicePresidentatPathwayCommunications
Walter Zenko, Senior Vice President at Pathway Communications, presented "Tailored IT Solutions for SMBs from Pathway: Unlocking Efficiency, Growth, and Security." Walter showcased how Pathway's customized IT solutions drive efficiency, boost growth, and enhance security for small and mid-sized businesses, addressing common IT challenges and their impact on businesses.
Leah Green Liliane Youssef
SalesAccountExecutive atFlawlessInbound
PresidentandCo-Founder atFlawlessInbound
Leah Green, Sales Account Executive, and Liliane Youssef, President and Co-Founder at Flawless Inbound, discussed "Sustainable Growth vs Growth at All Cost: How to Think About Your Growth and Go-To-Market in 2024 and Beyond." Their session provided roadmaps and tactics for creating sustainable growth strategies, highlighting the importance of a tailored Go-To-Market strategy and introducing innovative models and tools
Dinesh Juneja
Dinesh Juneja, Co-Founder & Chief Digital Officer at Inspiration Digital, delivered "Simplifying Digital Transformation: Unlock Business Success with Inspiration Digital." Dinesh provided clarity on Digital Transformation (DX) by breaking down complex jargon into actionable steps tailored for SMB owners, emphasizing DX as a strategic toolbox rather than a complete overhaul.
The Small Business Show 2024 was a resounding success, filled with valuable insights, networking opportunities, and inspiring stories We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the sponsors, partners, speakers, exhibitors, and attendees who made this event possible