We are delighted to present the exceptional June edition of the CanadianSME Small Business Magazine, honouring both Pride Month and National Indigenous History Month. This comprehensive issue offers an array of knowledge and counsel designed to cater to our multifaceted entrepreneurial audience.
We continue to celebrate the successes of the past month when we hosted the CanadianSME Small Business Awards 2022 in association with Google Canada. It was an honour to recognize and award winners from all across the nation, acknowledging their unique contributions and inspiring achievements.
Our issue begins with a crucial guide for small business proprietors wishing to expedite payment procedures, authored by Diane Amato. Nick Georgijev, the Director of Amazon Business in Canada, contributes invaluable advice on cash flow management during economic downturns through efficient procurement systems. We also explore the dynamic environment of small business financing in Canada, an insightful article written by Taylor Matchett, a distinguished research analyst at the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB).
Consistent with our mission, we endeavour to highlight the critical role of women in business. This month, we feature a thought-provoking piece from the SME Institute by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce that offers strategic methods to elevate women's leadership within organizations. Our spotlight on Melissa Carrington's fervent journey in real estate and a tribute to our Business Woman of the Month, Jennifer Ménard-Shand, Founder & CEO of Staff Shop Inc., emphasize the remarkable achievements of women in our business community.
We also present an energizing article by Marly Broudie of SocialEyes
Communications aimed at empowering and motivating small to medium-sized business owners. Moreover, an insightful commentary by Louise Southall, an Economist at Xero, offers strategies to maintain customer satisfaction during challenging periods.
In this issue, our commitment to inclusivity is further emphasized as we present resources that support LGBTQ+ Businesses in Canada, showcasing our pledge to a holistic entrepreneurial environment.
Additional depth to this issue is provided through insightful interviews on the topic of cybersecurity in hybrid work by Jason Maynard of Cisco, mental health perspectives from Dr. Matthew Chow of TELUS Health, and a peek into the Wholly Veggie Revolution with founders David Gaucher and Johnathan Bonnell.
As we anticipate the upcoming CanadianSME Small Business Expo on June 16th, we look forward to further celebrating the dynamic entrepreneurial spirit that characterizes our nation. This year's theme, "Leveraging Technology for SMB Growth," underscores the critical role of technology in fostering business success. We cordially invite you to present your brand, exchange innovative ideas, and network with fellow entrepreneurs.
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As is customary, we encourage you to subscribe to our magazine to remain abreast of the latest trends, events, and pioneering insights from industry leaders. We remain committed to providing you, our valued readers, with the necessary tools, knowledge, and connections that nurture success and growth.
TELUSlaunchesfourth #StandWithOwnerscontest, championinginnovative, growingCanadianbusinesses
SmallBusinessBCreceivesover $3.6milliontohelpgrowsmall businessesbeyondB.C.
Aninvestmentof$3.6Moverthree yearswillhelpSmallBusinessBC renewandexpandtheExport Navigatorprogramtoreachmore peopleacrossBC ExportNavigatoris afreeservicethathelpssmall businessesbecomeexportready A networkofcommunity-basedexport advisorsprovideone-on-oneadvice thatcanhelpsmallbusinessowners tapintonewinternationalmarkets
CyberCatchAnnouncesSales DistributionPartnershipwith Lanetco,LeadingCanadian ManagedServicesProvider,for AI-EnabledContinuous CybersecuritySolution
Everyday,businessesareout theredoingboldandincredible thingstochangethegamefor theircustomersand communities,”saidNavinArora, ExecutiveVice-president,TELUS andPresident,TELUSBusiness
“Thatentrepreneurialspiritand innovationisworthrecognizing, andasaproudsupporterof Canadianbusiness,wewantto putthespotlightonownersand empowerthemtodoeven greaterthingsthatmoveour economyandsocietyforward
CyberCatch’ssolutionwiththeAIenablement,coupledwithexpert virtualCISOs,isahighlyeffectiveand efficient,proactivecontinuouscyber riskmitigationsolution.Wesawthe neednotonlyforLanetco,butalso forourcustomersandprospective customerstotakecyberrisk managementtothenextleveland lookforwardtodistributing CyberCatch,itisamust-have solution,”saidJaimeSmith,President, Lanetco
Casselsispleasedtoannouncethatwearenowacceptingapplicationsfrom Black-ownedoroperatedsmallbusinessesforourannualCasselsBlack-Owned SmallBusinessGrant,supportedbyWheatonPreciousMetals
To run and grow your business, you rely on customer payments for products sold or services rendered It’s basic economics But getting paid isn’t always so simple, and many small business owners have to spend valuable hours chasing the funds theyre owed
Not only can delays in payments make for lean living (many business owners admit to dipping into personal savings or credit to keep the business going), they can hold you back in business growth A lack of cash in hand means your capacity to take advantage of opportunities, hire staff, purchase equipment or expand your space is significantly limited
You have a business to run and plenty to do in a day So here are five ways to get paid faster without having to spend your time chasing your invoices
Some of your customers may still settle payments the old-fashioned way, by cheque But that’s OK because there are several ways to conveniently deposit the cheques you receive Mobile Cheque Deposit, for instance, allows you to deposit cheques as soon as you receive them there’s no need to go to a branch or ATM Using your mobile device, you simply take a picture of your cheque, enter the amount, choose your bank account, and voila: money is deposited directly into your account
Are cheques a regular form of payment for you? If you deposit 25 or more cheques in a month, have more than one office making deposits, or you ’ re not conveniently located near a branch, then an electronic cheque depositing solution may be ideal. There are solutions, like RBC Cheque Pro, that allow you to digitally scan and deposit multiple cheques into your account in a single session, saving you time and money and giving you access to your funds sooner
For many small business owners, an Interac e-Transfer is a perfect way to get paid. It’s fast and convenient, and your money is available to use immediately. Interac Request Money is a handy feature that lets you politely and professionally request funds from a customer. When you send a request for money, the recipient is notified and can instantly accept the request. When they do, the requested amount is automatically deposited into your account.
Set payment expectations in your invoice, or even better, in your formal contract or work estimate
Consider charging an upfront payment deposit to support your cash flow
Automate your invoicing with digital billing solutions instead of mailing invoices
Offer incentives for prompt payment
Know who to follow up with Your primary contact may not be in charge of the books
To help you and your customers keep track of things, you can include an invoice number in the comments section And because all the fields in the request are pre-filled, it’s easy for your customers to pay you at any time, from wherever they are
Security tip: Always keep security questions private between you and your customers. Don’t share the answer with anyone or make it easy for someone else to guess.
When you sign up for Autodeposit, money sent to you by Interac e-Transfer will be automatically deposited into your account. Your customers don’t need to set a security question, and you don’t need to log into Online Banking to accept the transfer. Once you register your email or mobile phone number, money goes directly into your specified account, no questions asked (literally)
With advances in credit card technology, suppliers and vendors are increasingly accepting credit card payments it’s not just for B2C purchases anymore This is great news for owners of all types of businesses, as credit card payments are faster and more secure than cheques, and you eliminate the risk of an NSF transaction
Keep in mind accepting credit card payments requires you to implement a POS or online capability that comes with costs and sometimes fees; however, the benefits of this option usually outweigh its costs as you are making it easier to receive payments and may even help to expand your customer base if customers prefer this method of payment
With Moneris, you can receive payment the next day, giving you access to your money without the usual processing lag across financial institutions. And you can access your funds 24/7, 365 days a year.
Accounting apps can simplify your payment processing from start to finish With the right solution, you can automate invoicing, set up recurring billing, enable your customers to make automatic or credit card payments, and easily reconcile when payments come in Ultimately, this means less time for you to spend on accounting and administration
RBC offers access to special offers and support from a wide range of business services, including payment tools and apps to help you run your business and position yourself for growth and success
Let’s be honest – while many of us are no strangers to economic uncertainty, it doesn’t necessarily get easier or any less stressful to navigate This can be especially true for business owners looking to futureproof their ability to achieve sustainable business goals
According to a recent survey conducted by Statistics Canada on Canadian Business Conditions for Q1 2023, businesses expect to continue facing challenges due to rising inflation and general costs At Amazon Business, we understand that now more than ever, procurement teams across Canada are making critical decisions about how to maintain business continuity while adapting to ever-changing procurement costs, and are looking for processes to be simplified from start to finish through multifaceted procurement services
Historically viewed as a behind-the-scenes support function, procurement has risen to the forefront of company planning in recent years Through ups and downs of our current economic reality, one trend we ’ re seeing is businesses re-evaluating suppliers and third-party partners based on the overall cost of supplies It’s been inspiring to see how procurement systems have helped businesses across the country – and globally –maximize efficiency and respond to evolving market and cashflow demands
Multi-feature procurement systems offer endless options, tangible cost savings and increased efficiency that can make this a reality and bring peace of mind to business owners knowing their cashflow will continue to operate at fixed intervals –recession or no recession. It also allows for the opportunity to choose the sellers you buy from and prioritize local sellers to support the economy.
In addition to maximizing efficiency, having a strong relationship with direct suppliers that value transparency and mutually beneficial solutions is key to procurement consistency and business continuity Maintaining these relationships is also a critical piece of the puzzle, which is why many businesses are prioritizing working with a partner with a multi-supplier marketplace, that provides competitive prices and less cost pressure driven by economic factors such as inflation
Access to analytics is also crucial to have complete control over your spend, and lacking insights on cashflow could result in overspending and missing out on key investment opportunities Over the years I’ve seen firsthand how proactively planning procurement needs by managing budgets and purchases can drastically increase a business’ chances of being profitable
At the end of the day, the goal is to ensure consistency is maintained from consumer attraction to financial results While successful procurement management can seem daunting at times, the good news is that solutions are available at the click of a mouse to seamlessly manage cashflow regardless of business size or sector
Consumer confidence is an important economic indicator for small business owners to keep an eye on, especially those that mainly sell to households. That's because " consumers " is really just another word for your "customers" The more confident your customers feel, the more likely they are to spend in your small business
Consumer confidence in Canada has been low for a while now, which isn't surprising when you think about the cost of living pressures we have all been dealing with The OECD's Consumer Confidence Index has been below 100 since January 2022, which means that for the last 15 months there have been more consumers who are feeling negative about the future than feeling positive
In slightly more positive news, consumer confidence has been getting a little better each month so far in 2023 as inflation has started to fall and the Bank of Canada has stopped raising interest rates. The latest reading (April) was 97 2 points - back to where it was in August 2022
But despite the modest improvements so far this year, more of your customers are still feeling negative about the future than are feeling positive, which makes it a tough environment to operate a small business in
So what can small business owners do when their customers are feeling pessimistic and reluctant to spend?
Many small businesses have close relationships with their regular customers This is a huge advantage over bigger business competitors Talk to your customers about how things are going for them and use this information to think about how you can tailor your business to meet their current needs
Widen your potential customer base by selling some or all of your product range online Many small businesses started websites during the pandemic when they were forced to close their physical stores But that was a while ago now It is worth reviewing your site and its analytics to see what is and isn't working and check if it is still serving your customer's needs
Reduce your stock holdings and/or change your mix of offerings to better reflect your current turnover and customer wants If you just keep buying the same amount or type of stock that you were a year ago then you risk being stuck with items that you can't sell
Offer customers extra services like same-day free delivery in your local area or free gift wrapping Being able to offer this extra level of personalised service is potentially a low-cost way of making you stand out from your competitors
Offer loyalty discounts to your most valuable customers or those that buy in bulk Offers such as a "buy 2 get 1 free" deal or a loyalty card that gives a free service after someone has purchased 10 services are easy to set up and are a win-win for both you and your best customers
Have a weekly or daily special which allows you to move any slower selling stock while also giving customers a bargain This will also give you a shortterm edge over your competitors but without locking in an exceptionally low price point for a long period of time
Louise joined Xero in mid-2020 as part of the Xero Small Business Insights (XSBI) team. The XSBI program uses anonymised and aggregated data from the Xero platform to inform decision-makers about the latest trends in the small business economy in order to support small businesses
Make it easier for your customers to buy from you - and pay you! - such as using electronic payment options like credit or debit cards
Louise has almost 30 years experience in economics and business advocacy working with multiple business organisations, councils, government agencies and charities Her work has covered a broad range of economic and business-related policy issues, membership projects and thought-leadership research She has a Masters of Economics from Macquarie University and a Bachelor of Economics (hons) from the University of Newcastle.
Small businesses play a crucial role in sustaining the Canadian economy They are known drivers of innovation, they supply the greatest number of private sector jobs, and they are celebrated for adding that something special to their local communities Despite this massive contribution, however, competitive banking options and access to affordable financing has long been a hurdle for small businesses
Small businesses continue to rely on banks as their primary source of financing Also, there has been a clear development when it comes to the share of businesses that have sought out financing in the last decade In 2012, just over a third of small business owners (35%) reported seeking financing, according to CFIB research In 2015, the number had grown to half of small business owners, and in recent years it climbed to 58%. This general increase in the demand for financing likely reflects the more challenging economic and business conditions in recent years. It also suggests that fewer businesses can fund their operations through cash reserves or other internal means
However, obtaining traditional loans from banks is increasingly difficult and expensive for small businesses Banks often accept more loan applications and provide better loans (i e , more affordable with better terms) to larger firms, while smaller businesses face a bigger challenge in securing the financing they need For example, as of 2022, nearly all traditional financing applications were accepted from mid-sized firms, while just three in four were accepted from micro-businesses
Risk assessment is a critical factor in determining loan acceptance, terms and pricing for small businesses Banks consider factors like credit history, collateral, the past and current performance of a business, and the risks associated with a particular sector when evaluating and determining the terms of a loan. Entrepreneurs operating in higherrisk sectors with tight profit margins may face higher interest rates or be denied financing altogether Further, banks tend to charge higher interest rates and have a greater requirement for personal collateral for borrowers they perceive as riskier, i e , smaller businesses In some cases, this requires those entrepreneurs to provide a personal guarantee (54% among small businesses with 5-49 employees as of 2022, according to CFIB data), while others may even have to pledge their personal property as collateral
The availability of alternative lending options has gained prominence in response to challenges in accessing traditional financing, particularly in recent years of economic difficulty as a result of COVID19 Small businesses have an increased awareness of alternative lenders, such as online platforms and crowdfunding networks that offer more flexible terms and faster approvals Despite this, the actual use of alternative lenders by small businesses remains low (3% overall), often because they do not understand how it works or how to get started Alternative lenders have an opportunity to better explain their offering in this sense, and to expand the number of small business clients they service In the meantime, when they require additional financing beyond what they can access through traditional means, small entrepreneurs still tend to rely on their own funds or assets and credit cards.
services is important to small businesses and their bottom line, there are also benefits to be reaped by banks and other lenders themselves if they develop a strategy that is inclusive of small businesses Although traditional financing options remain the most relevant, the current post-pandemic period serves to highlight a focus on recovery and resilience, giving alternative lenders an opportunity to gain traction by offering increased flexibility and access to small business clients
Recognizing the vital role of small businesses in the economy, governments across Canada have introduced various initiatives to facilitate small business financing, such as the Canada Small Business Financing Program, and regional grants and loan programs In the last three years, however, such support from governments was needed more than ever to help businesses make it through the impacts of the pandemic
Many businesses experienced major restrictions and closures during this period Entrepreneurs were forced to seek financial assistance to survive, though many of them had no choice but to close their doors (see CFIB’s report on Small Business Insolvency). Government relief programs such as the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) and the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) provided financial relief to struggling businesses, and account for the exponential increase in the share of businesses that relied on loans from the federal and/or provincial governments as an additional source of financing in the last three years Moving forward, governments’ focus should be on rebuilding and resilience, while recalling that they still have the ability to provide critical support needed by business owners right now (e g , by extending the current deadline to repay the CEBA loan)
The small business banking landscape is diverse in many ways Navigating the best financing options for their business can be extremely difficult for small entrepreneurs that juggle many hats in any given day While having access to reliable and high-quality banking
CFIB always encourages small businesses to do their research about different banking and financing options to reap the greatest results for their business That is why we continue to study these key issues through our Financing Main Street research series to bring this information front and centre For business owners that are interested in which banks are most popular among their peers, see our recent report on SME Market Share Among Major Banks. For those that are interested in learning more about financing trends and which banks provide the best customer service –stay tuned to learn more from our latest data in the coming weeks
Startup Canada has announced three small businesses from across Canada to advance to the finals of our 2023 Startup Global Pitch Competition These entrepreneurs will take part in the National Competition in Brampton, Ontario on October 26, 2023, where they will compete against 7 other entrepreneurs from across Canada for a $70,000 cash prize pool
This year, Startup Canada is offering both a virtual and in-person option for Canadian entrepreneurs to take part in our annual Global Pitch Competition The in-person “Pop-up Pitch” competitions – where each finalist took home $3,000 cash – were held in Whitehorse, Halifax, and Vancouver as a part of Startup Canada Tour, a fivestop national event series across Canada connecting entrepreneurs with the support ecosystem
The finalists from each city include:
Whitehorse, Yukon: Sheryl Nimigon, Operations Manager, Hinterland Flour Mill Based in Yukon, Hinterland Flour Mill is the Yukon’s first flour mill Family owned and operated, one of Hinterland’s driving forces is producing their grain in a local and sustainable way that reduces their carbon footprint and contributes to building a sustainable food system in Northern Canada
Video interview linked here:
https://www instagram com/reel/Crl1lxGh3wp/?
utm source=ig web copy link&igshid=MmJiY2I
Halifax, Nova Scotia: Rashmi Prakash, CEO & CoFounder, Aruna Revolution Made in Nova Scotia, Aruna Revolution produces compostable menstrual pads, providing a Canadian-made and environmentally responsible menstrual product
Video interview linked here:
https://www instagram com/reel/CsBtjnINDPA/?
utm source=ig web copy link&igshid=MmJiY2I
Vancouver, British Columbia: Vivian Liu, Founder, mae: Making Auto Easy, the firstever unbiased car shopping experience built for women, by women The organization offers a guided experience – from personalized recommendations to comparison charts – to save customers time, money and stress in their car shopping journey Video interview linked here:
https://www instagram com/reel/CsJmqQ4 uPRZ/?
utm source=ig web copy link&igshid=M mJiY2I4NDBkZg==
Seven spots are still available in the finals, with virtual applications open until May 31, 2023, at 11:59 pm (ET) You can learn more about the Startup Global Pitch Competition at https://bit ly/2023-global-pitch
If we could summarize in one word the essence of Indigenous cultural heritage, it would certainly be humane With their zeal for life and everything that it encompasses and envelops, Indigenous nations of North America have shown the world that they’re living embodiment of a phoenix The most fascinating features of their complex values are their resilience, courage, and mettle, which they have used to prevail over their opponents time and again They exude motivation to do the greater good, fight for the greater good, and inspire the world with their conscientious standpoints in all matters The world has and can undoubtedly learn a lot from the Indigenous inhabitants on how to coexist with robust morale which is sustainable enough to last a lifetime.
This is why the Indigenous SME Business Magazine has taken this opportunity to glorify and appreciate the very spirit of Indigenous compassion for all and dedicates this editorial piece to these powerful communities of Canada in the wake of National Indigenous History Month We admire their ardour and perseverance to turn our society toward a positive and impartial change
Quoting the famous Indigenous tribal elder Tatanka Iyotake, or as the world knew him by his illustrious title, the Sitting Bull, who’d said: "Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children " Sitting Bull was a highly respected leader and holy man of the Lakota Sioux tribe He played a significant role in the resistance against the encroachment of Native American lands by European settlers and the US government during the late 19th century Sitting Bull's leadership and spiritual guidance made him a prominent figure in the struggle for Indigenous rights and sovereignty
The Indigenous tribes of North America have persisted through incalculable adversity. Their profound wisdom and illustrious history are an asset to humanity Let us remember their sacrifices, celebrate their fortitude, and join together to improve the world for the next generation
It is common knowledge that June is National Indigenous History Month, which serves as a significant recognition of the diverse history, cultural heritage, and priceless contributions made by Canada's First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples. This month is an opportunity to recognize, honour, and educate ourselves about the languages, customs, and varied backgrounds that contribute to the rich fabric of Indigenous communities Let us embark on this captivating journey as we delve into the significance of National Indigenous History Month and the vital stories that highlight its importance
The Residential School System, a dark chapter in Canadian history, spanned several centuries until its closure in the late 1990s It was a tool of assimilation aimed at eroding the vibrant cultures and identities of Indigenous peoples Recognizing the profound impact of this system, its designation as a national historic event in September 2020 underscores the commitment to acknowledging and addressing the historical wrongs inflicted on Indigenous communities National Indigenous History Month offers an opportunity for reflection, remembrance, and support for survivors and their families
Within the fabric of Indigenous history, countless individuals have left indelible marks of leadership and advocacy Among them, Onondeyoh (Frederick Ogilvie Loft) and Peter Pitseolak stand as national historic figures Onondeyoh, a First Nations political leader, emerged as a staunch advocate for Indigenous rights in the aftermath of World War I Meanwhile, Peter Pitseolak, an astute Inuit observer and photographer, documented both the traditional customs and the transformative changes occurring within his community These trailblazers represent the spirit of resilience and the ongoing contributions Indigenous peoples make to Canada's cultural tapestry
As National Indigenous History Month unfolds this June, Canadians are presented with a remarkable occasion to pay tribute and homage to the Indigenous communities whilst learning about the rich histories, vibrant cultures, and extraordinary contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples Beyond the month-long festivities, building stronger relationships and fostering greater understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities must be a year-round endeavour Let us seize this opportunity to attend special events, engage in educational initiatives, and continue our collective journey toward reconciliation, respect, and unity By doing so, we can forge a brighter and more inclusive future for all who call Canada home
The Indigenous SME Business Magazine is an essential resource for those who are interested in the indigenous-owned business industry The magazine offers valuable insights into the latest industry trends and developments through its insightful articles and up-to-date news The platform is designed to provide comprehensive information about the challenges and opportunities in the Indigenous business sector, keeping Indigenous communities and others wellinformed It is an effective tool that ensures that users have access to the latest updates and insights Feel free to follow our Twitter handle @IndigenousSme for realtime updates and news
Carrington is a real investor out of Hamilton, ON who embodies the epitome of being a woman who "does it all" A mother of two and real estate professional who participates in the investing process from start to finish she knows how to effectively nurture relationships and stand out in an otherwise saturated market.
Melissa's experience eventually led her to work as an operations coordinator for a Real Estate Investing firm, where she ignited her passion for real estate investing. Since she was 14 years old, she has always loved designing and redecorating her living space every 6 months, and now she helps design homes for a living! Whenever she walked into homes, she could envision new designs where she could preserve the house's character while improving functionality She eventually decided to get her licence and invest full-time, assisting families in finding their dream homes and making custom homes a reality
Melissa is a woman who has always been driven to succeed From a young age, she worked in the service industry, taking on various roles in restaurants, bars, and retail After completing her Graphic Design degree from Mohawk College, she worked at a local print shop and then took a break from work to be with her daughters Once her daughters entered school full-time, Melissa became a full-time admin at a windows and doors company, where she learned about homes' structure, heating, and mechanics as they relate to window efficiency
Her approach makes Melissa stand out in the saturated real estate investing market Instead of selling finished luxury listings, she aims to help families find the right property to customize by providing personalized service that is tailored to each family's unique wants and needs With her construction background and connections with trades, she can help families create custom homes without spending top dollar Melissa enjoys and commits to working closely with families to ensure they understand the value of improving a property and helping them see the full potential in a home
The real estate market in the Hamilton region is booming, and Melissa attributes this to buyer confidence returning to the market She sees properties receiving multiple offers and selling in record times. The days properties are on the market are decreasing, and there is low inventory and high demand. In addition, with overnight lending rates held for the second time this year and fixed rates coming down, people are trying to get into the market before they get priced out again
MelissaThe real estate industry can be a challenging one, especially in times of market fluctuations Melissa has seen many agents who started before the pandemic boom return to their old professions when they realise how difficult it is to succeed in this business However, Melissa is determined to succeed and stay on top of the market fluctuations She stays up-to-date with the latest trends and developments by immersing herself in the community She is in six homes a day, attentive to what they look like, the offers they are getting, and how long they are on the market
In addition, she attends weekly training sessions her brokerage provides and networks with mortgage brokers to stay informed about the mortgage industry Melissa explains that to succeed in this industry, you must submerge yourself and absorb as much knowledge as possible! Her commitment to learning and growing is a testament to her dedication to her clients.
Melissa believes that "Your best resource is being resourceful."
Melissa's motivation and Big Why for success come from her desire to be the best example for her daughters She wants to show them they can accomplish anything they set their minds to, and she is an inspiring role model for anyone looking to achieve their goals.
As a working mom, Melissa knows the importance of creating a network for female business professionals to come together and share stories
So, in addition to her work in real estate, Melissa founded a community for accomplished female business professionals to come together and share stories. The women ' s group is an extension of Melissas desire to help others succeed, providing a space for women to learn from each other, regardless of their industries Melissa believes that by working together, they can make a difference in their communities and help other women who may be struggling
"We want to create an inclusive place for women born women and who identify as a woman who has a desire to further themselves personally and in their careers "
Melissa's background may be diverse, but her passion for real estate and helping others has remained a constant She has found a way to balance work and family while creating a network for women to unite and succeed In a challenging industry, she has found a way to innovate and make a difference in the lives of those around her!
Women, no matter which part of the world they may belong to, are an embodiment of endurance, resilience, and unsurpassable compassion which knows no bounds They make a difference in our society in the subtlest of ways, and they shape how humanity thinks and perceives love It is no wonder that we cannot overstate the need to celebrate this soft yet powerful spirit of bringing about a necessary but positive change
Building on this premise, CanadianSME small business magazine has decided to honour and officially venerate one such woman entrepreneur who has stood the test of time to make her resonating presence felt We salute her bravado and unapologetic attitude toward life and its adversities whilst earning a name for herself It is none other than Jennifer Ménard-Shand - As a First Nations Ojibwe and French-Canadian woman, Jennifer Ménard-Shand has always aspired to lead a purpose-driven organization Today, she is living that dream as the Founder & CEO of Staff Shop Inc , an award-winning certified diverse staffing firm.
With a remarkable entrepreneurial journey and a commitment to truth and reconciliation in the workplace, Jennifer not only elevates Indigenous-women-led businesses but also champions supplier diversity and supports the Canadian labour market Through her inspiring leadership, she empowers leaders and their teams to realize their full potential at both home and work
Jennifer Ménard-Shand has always had the goal of leaving behind a company that would continue to develop and prosper long after she is gone Staff Shop, which has evolved as a distinguished supplier from a variety of backgrounds, has been the catalyst for realizing this vision Jennifer made her impact in the recruiting market after moving to Toronto from Northern Ontario in 2008 to work at The Bagg Group (now TalentWorld), a prestigious full-service agency founded in 1971 She established the company ' s first hospitality and event arm, Bagg @ Your Service, in 2013 Jennifer took control of her company in late 2018 and rebranded it as Staff Shop Inc
The ups and downs of Jennifer's business career are a testament to the power of perseverance She overcame impostor syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder, abuse, abandonment, and domestic violence She opens up about taboo subjects in an effort to end the transmission of trauma from one generation to the next and to facilitate recovery
Jennifer is completely dedicated to making a difference in the world With Staff Shop, she hopes to make a significant difference in the world Her firm has hundreds of workers spread throughout Canada in order to meet the needs of the many customers they serve across North America Staff Shop has developed into a multi-service line, full-service staffing and consulting agency with an eye toward international growth.
Jennifer Ménard-Shand's story exemplifies the triumph of good over evil Despite facing tremendous obstacles, she has defied the odds as a survivor of suppression and adversity that disproportionately affects Indigenous women, including alcoholism, abuse, neglect, trauma, abandonment, and imposter syndrome Jennifer is driven by her faith, passion, and the desire for freedom She is committed to breaking the silence, ending generational curses, and fostering healthy cycles Jennifer's dedication to making a positive impact is boundless It is this purpose that fuels her every day, motivating her to inspire others to unlock their full potential
By elevating Indigenous-womenled businesses, promoting supplier diversity, and nurturing the Canadian labour market, Jennifer Ménard-Shand is making a profound impact Her unwavering commitment to leaving a legacy worth following for future generations is a testament to her vision, drive, and unwavering spirit
Looking for ideal candidates to fill in positions at your business? Visit Shop Staff’s official website and experience a service par excellence at https://staffshop.ca/.
CanadianSME, a magazine for small and medium-sized enterprises, is an excellent read for any company that values being on the cutting edge of its industry CanadianSME magazine subscribers get access to a wealth of resources and are kept abreast of developments in their industry
The CanadianSME community is made up of people who share a love for business and entrepreneurship, and by following @Canadian_sme on Twitter, entrepreneurs can remain connected and active with this group. To subscribe to CanadianSME's magazine and remain abreast of the newest trends and developments in your business, please visit https://lnkd.in/dbqmSKN now.
According to McKinsey & Company, we are in the midst of “ a great breakup ” The consultancy’s 2022 Women in the Workplace study laid bare some hard truths: women are demanding more from work, and are leaving their companies in unprecedented numbers to get it The difficulties in retaining female leaders are all the more concerning, given women are already underrepresented in leadership positions. And the dynamics are “ even more pronounced for women of colour,” according to the McKinsey study
This is a worrying trend, as research has repeatedly shown that having more women in leadership roles leads to better performance for businesses of all sizes So why is this happening, and what can small businesses do to reverse this trend?
There are a variety of reasons why women may be leaving the workplace Some cite a lack of opportunity for career advancement or feeling as though their voices are not being heard when it comes to decision making Others cite feeling undervalued or dismissed by their male counterparts and not having access to resources that could help them further their careers
Additionally, many women feel that they have to work harder than men in order to achieve success, yet still receive less recognition for their efforts. And according to the McKinsey study, female leaders also feel they are doing more to support “employee wellbeing and foster inclusion” but that this work goes largely unnoticed and unrewarded
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on women in the workplace With millions of people losing their jobs or being furloughed due to the pandemic, many women have been left feeling uncertain about their future This has caused an increased demand for job security and better pay opportunities among women in the workforce
At the same time, female leaders are taking steps to address these issues by leaving their positions in search of greener pastures This exodus of talented female leaders is leaving a void in many organizations that will be difficult to fill without strategic recruitment efforts.
Small businesses can take steps to retain top talent and create an environment where women feel valued and appreciated To start, it’s essential that small business owners review their hiring practices with an eye towards diversity, equity and inclusion This means looking beyond traditional recruitment methods such as job boards and networking events and instead reaching out actively into diverse communities for potential candidates who may not otherwise consider applying for positions at your company
Creating an inclusive atmosphere within your organization is paramount; this means ensuring that all staff members have equal access to resources, training opportunities and promotions, regardless of gender or other personal identity factors It also means creating a safe space where employees can bring up issues or concerns without fear of retribution or dismissal Finally, small businesses should strive to create supportive mentoring programs which provide guidance and support for female employees throughout their careers.
Women are increasingly demanding more from work; they want supportive environments where they can grow professionally without fear of discrimination or stagnation As such, small business owners must take steps towards creating inclusive workplaces that recognise and value the contributions of women at all levels if they want to attract top talent and ensure longterm success By reviewing their hiring practices with an eye towards diversity and inclusion, creating supportive mentoring programs, and fostering an atmosphere where everyone feels respected and valued small businesses can help reverse these concerning trends
To learn more about how to empower female leadership in your organization visit smeinstititute.ca/training.
David Gaucher and Johnathan Bonnell, the founders of Wholly Veggie, share their transformative journey from being organic meat executives to creating Canada's fastestgrowing vegetable food company Discover the insights and experiences that reshaped their perspective on the food industry, and how they revolutionized frozen foods by focusing on health, taste, and convenience Learn about their innovative marketing strategies, product development approach, and valuable advice for aspiring entrepreneurs navigating their own growth in the industry
David Gaucher is a former engineer-turnedentrepreneur, who sought out a plant-based lifestyle after working in the organic meat industry Today, he’s the Co-Founder and CoCEO of Wholly Veggie with Johnathan Bonnell, and creator of plant-based meals and snacks that champion the veggie! David formerly oversaw operations for a company in the animal agriculture industry. Having spent time on the frontlines of that industry, he realized the current food system wasn’t sustainable. Along with his former colleague John, they decided to quit their jobs and use the knowledge they had acquired to build a company focused on building a more balanced agricultural system by encouraging people to eat more vegetables
Your journey from being organic meat executives to founding Canada's fastest-growing vegetable food company is indeed inspiring. Could you share the moment when you decided to leave the industry and embark on this new venture?
John Bonnell is Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Canada’s fastest growing vegetable food company, Wholly Veggie. John formerly oversaw marketing for a company in the animal agriculture industry. Having spent time on the frontlines of that industry, he realized the current food system wasn’t sustainable Along with his former colleague (now business partner) David Gaucher, they decided to quit their jobs and use the knowledge they had acquired to build a company focused on building a more balanced agricultural system by encouraging people to eat more vegetables
John: It was a series of events that left me disillusioned with the animal protein industry, and in search of a way to utilize the skill sets that Dave and I had learned for a more positive outcome But I would say the trigger was in March 2016 I knew my future wasn’t in the meat industry: one lacking innovation, tied up with monopolies, and disconnected with how to feel the planet sustainably I hopped on a plane to head down to the Natural Products show, Expo West, and was inspired After walking the halls on my own, I discovered a sausage made entirely from plants It needed work in terms of taste and texture, but a lightbulb went off It was possible to produce a protein alternative made from plants I came back from the show inspired about a new possibility and told Dave that it was the future
David Gaucher Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Wholly Veggie Johnathan Bonnell Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Wholly VeggieDave: It was a gradual process on my end When I joined an organic meat company, I had always been a heavy carnivore, but I’d never been exposed to how our food industry operates By being on the frontlines of that business I kept uncovering realities of how industrial animal farming works, and it made me feel more and more uncomfortable. For example, witnessing how slaughterhouses operate or discovering how this industry is underpinned by a totally unsustainable exploitation of finite resources for a growing global population made it impossible for me to keep ignoring these issues Eventually this led to me having a change of lifestyle and to decide I wanted to go on a separate journey to support a different way of feeding our planet
In what ways do you believe your company has managed to break the stigma around frozen foods, and how do you maintain the balance between health, taste, and convenience in your products?
John:While some of the negative attributes of frozen food still exist for consumers (high sodium, low quality, cheap alternative to restaurants), we are seeing the tide beginning to shift Covid was a giant experiment for frozen foods, and the data shows that the number of consumers purchasing frozen foods post-pandemic is greater than pre-pandemic Millennials drive the bus now for frozen food in terms of dollar sales, and as a brand, were trying to cater to this consumer with healthier alternatives to traditional favourites. That means being big on flavour, international cuisines, and quality ingredients (we only use Non-GMO project verified ingredients) One of the tradeoffs for us is that following our ingredients standards means that our items tend to be a $1-$2 premium vs staples such as Amys Our hope is that consumers see the health benefit from quality ingredients and choose to vote with their wallet
Dave:Frozen foods suffer from a bit of a poor reputation today because people still associate them with awful legacy products from the past, such as TV dinners! The reality is that today the technology in frozen food manufacturing has improved the quality of products by light years from where things were, even just ten years ago At Wholly Veggie, we are obsessed with quality and it starts with our vegetables sourcing We procure frozen vegetables that offer a more nutritious and tastier product than what you can find in the fresh produce section at your grocery store! Our vegetables are harvested at peak condition and within 90 minutes from being picked on a field they will be blanched and flash frozen in a proprietary method that
locks in peak ripeness and nutritional content We call this fresh frozen! We also use leading edge technology in our frozen manufacturing such as liquid nitrogen enrobing technology for our veggie-full meals line, a process that allows us to lock-in the freshness of our sauces cooked from scratch without having to default to using artificial coloring, flavors or stabilizers
All this to say that by focusing on offering great quality frozen food, we ’ ve helped elevate the experience for consumers and break some legacy stigmas But the key here is that our cutting-edge manufacturing processes for frozen foods means that we no longer need to view the frozen category as a trade-off between health, taste and convenience, we offer all 3!
How have you approached advertising and marketing at Wholly Veggie to stand out in the industry?
John: Brand building can be one of the biggest challenges for a young company, especially as you begin to scale and the distribution you have outpaces your brand awareness We’re no stranger to this problem With roughly 6000 grocery stores carrying Wholly Veggie products, we ’ re relying on a small scale marketing budget to build brand in both the Canadian and U S market, while simultaneously supporting our retailers with in-store
execution While it’s easy to get sucked up into the day to day “operational marketing” needs of the business, we ’ ve tried to maintain a healthy focus on things that can help us punch above our weight creatively: standout packaging, partnerships, and media. After the re-brand of Wholly Veggie in Q4 2021, we embarked on an effort to put our first “campaign” in the market With a smaller media spend, we knew that our best path to success lay in content that was disruptive and against the industry creative grain It worked and has served as a creative flag in the ground and something to build off of moving forward
Dave: We’ve focused on identifying key consumer insights to drive our strategy when it comes to marketing our brand We also wanted our brand to approach the category with a unique voice and point of view that would stand out from our competitors. Our first formal advertising campaign, “Ha! Ha! You just ate vegetables”' is the end result of this approach Our camping uses comedy to highlight the everyday challenge of having people eat more vegetables! By having a limited budget to create awareness on our brand, the creative work had to do the heavy lifting for us, and weve been thrilled to see the campaign go viral on its own!
In terms of product trends and innovation within the packaged food category, how do you stay ahead of the curve and ensure that Wholly Veggie continues to remain relevant and attractive to consumers?
John:Innovation is the one area of the business that terrifies me the most While the journey of product creation is dynamic and exciting, the aftermath of a failed product launch can initiate some serious soul searching and second guessing Our core tenets are: celebrate the vegetable, keep it healthy, and lead with flavour. Regardless of the hot trend, we feel that our tenets are macro looking enough and allow us to innovate in a sustainable manner and for the long term.
Dave: Our product strategy is fundamentally to offer consumers a better-for-you, veggie-filled version of the products they know and love We’ve also learned over the years that innovation can be a blessing and a curse We joke that a new item that consumers will rave about usually stands atop a graveyard of failed product launches Through our experiences both good and bad, we ’ ve developed an internal process that allows us to quickly vet opportunities we ’ ve identified for a new product idea While there are no guarantees in life, having an innovation process you can commit to usually helps!
What were the hurdles you encountered on your journey toward achieving this commendable milestone?
John: When we first started the business, we set out ambitious goals based on the limited knowledge we had: be a top 5 player in our category, and be on the shelves of every major grocery store in Canada The path to getting there was filled with rejections by retailers, investors, and plenty of mistakes with packaging, and products, but we found a way I think the will and sheer grit of entrepreneurs is a blessing and a curse We believe in a singular outcome of success so much that when an alternate path gets put in front of us, we refuse to bend or consider it For Dave and I, we now approach each milestone we set with a sober assessment of if it’s possible, and try to learn as much as possible from our past mistakes
Dave: Like any entrepreneurial story, weve experienced a lot of hurdles along the way, and we still do today! From rushing products to market because retailers are pressuring you, to not understanding the hidden costs of our industry, or working with a few terrible co-packers, being challenged to secure financing, losing sleep over a packaging change, the challenges are pretty much everywhere, all the time! If you don’t embrace problem solving and uncertainty, I wouldn’t recommend this life!
Wholly Veggie is now available in over 6,500 grocery stores across Canada and the US. What advice do you have for other entrepreneurs looking to scale their food business across North America, particularly in terms of building relationships with retailers and distribution?
John: Test, fail and learn as much as possible before scaling in the marketplace Pivoting a brand or positioning once you are in market is like moving the titanic - trust us, we know! When it comes to retailers, remember that while it’s a relationship business, retailers will only keep your products on the shelf if consumers are yanking them off That means data will become your best friend Focus on your velocities, and then show the success to other retailers to open things up
Dave: Our growth journey in this industry is a result of putting ourselves out there and taking advantage of opportunities as they presented themselves For example, we launched in the US initially with our patties at Target because Beyond Meat had been shorting their orders We got our first shot with Loblaws as a result of Gardein consolidating their product assortment due to manufacturing challenges at the time In both cases, we lacked a lot of knowledge about the costs of business with them, but we just kept plugging away and eventually found ways to grow our business with both these retailers With the benefit of hindsight, I’d say the safest way to approach growth into new markets and retailers in the CPG industry would be for a brand to clearly identify its mousetrap in terms of product market fit and how to best market it locally before considering expansion Managing extensive distribution without the commensurate brand awareness can be a double-edged sword, and one that we ’ ve been maneuvering to the best of our abilities!
Canadian company Wholly Veggie has been shaking up frozen food aisles across North America since its inception in 2017, when two former organic meat execs - John Bonnell and David Gaucher - saw the vegetable market was ripe for disruption
Bonnell and Gaucher were inspired to create a plantbased frozen product line that celebrates the vegetable Together they set out to create Wholly Veggie – featuring convenient plant-based frozen apps and snacks so people can eat their veggies in a sustainable and fun way The feel-good, restaurantstyle dishes help people eat clean, without compromising on flavor.
The thoughtful vegetable-rich foods deliver on nutrition and protein without soy, dairy, or gluten Wholly Veggie products are gluten-free, dairy-free, and non-GMO Wholly Veggie offers quality products, free from any artificial colours, flavours or ingredients
Wholly Veggie is available across Canada and the US in over 6000 grocery stores; and is carried at retailers such as Whole Foods, Sprouts, Target, Walmart, Farm Boy, Costco, Sobeys and Loblaws
Small to medium-sized business owners play a vital role in driving economic growth and innovation However, running a business can be an arduous journey filled with challenges and uncertainties To thrive in today's competitive landscape, entrepreneurs need not only business acumen but also an unwavering determination and motivation to succeed In this article, we will explore strategies and insights to empower and motivate small to medium-sized business owners, helping them unleash their entrepreneurial spirit and achieve their goals.
One of the fundamental aspects of empowering and motivating small to mediumsized business owners is cultivating a growth mindset Embracing the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work is essential for success Rather than fearing failure, entrepreneurs should view it as an opportunity for learning and growth Encourage continuous learning, be open to new ideas, and seek feedback from mentors or industry experts By adopting a growth mindset, business owners can overcome obstacles, adapt to changing market dynamics, and foster a culture of innovation within their organizations.
Goal-setting is a powerful tool for empowering and motivating business owners Clearly defining short-term and long-term objectives provides a sense of direction and purpose Additionally, developing a compelling vision for the business helps align employees and stakeholders with a shared mission Encourage business owners to create SMART goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound and break them down into smaller milestones This approach allows for better progress tracking and boosts motivation as achievements are recognized along the way
burnout and maintain motivation Encourage entrepreneurs to set boundaries, delegate tasks, and schedule time for relaxation and rejuvenation By taking care of themselves, business owners can lead with clarity, resilience, and renewed enthusiasm
Building a supportive network is crucial for small to medium-sized business owners, as it provides a platform for sharing experiences, knowledge, and resources Encourage entrepreneurs to join industry associations, attend networking events, or participate in online communities to connect with like-minded individuals. Such networks provide opportunities for collaboration, partnerships, and mentorship Surrounding oneself with positive and supportive individuals who understand the challenges of running a business can help alleviate stress, provide fresh perspectives, and inspire motivation
Entrepreneurs often find themselves consumed by the demands of their businesses, neglecting their personal well-being However, maintaining good physical and mental health is crucial for long-term success. Encourage business owners to prioritize self-care by adopting healthy habits such as regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and balanced nutrition Furthermore, emphasize the importance of work-life balance to prevent
This interview with Shane Murphy, CEO of Ownr, delves into the results of Ownr's annual Entrepreneurship Survey, uncovering the impact of economic uncertainty and inflation on Canadian small businesses. With themes highlighting concern over cash flow, price adjustments for inflation, and an entrepreneurial spirit fueled by optimism despite economic challenges, Shane further discusses how businesses are adapting to these challenges and how platforms like Ownr aim to provide support and resources for their growth
Shane Murphy is the CEO of Ownr, a venture of RBCx that makes it easier and more affordable for businesses to incorporate, register and confidently handle ongoing legal compliance With almost a decade of experience as a lawyer, Shane initially co-founded Founded Technologies in 2017 as an innovative, all-in-one technology platform that provided businesses with the ability to automate sophisticated legal tasks such as incorporations, equity management, and legal agreements. Founded was acquired by Ownr in 2020, with Shane moving into the role of COO. He has since moved into the role of CEO. To date, Ownr has helped over 100,000 Canadians launch into entrepreneurship.
Can you tell us more about the survey of 1,000+ small business owners that Ownr conducted? What were the key themes that emerged from the data?
Ownr’s annual Entrepreneurship Survey is really a pulse check on Canadian small business owners With our most recent survey, we ’ ve noted quite a few interesting key themes:
Cash flow is considered the top concern for 46 6% of entrepreneurs
23 3 % of small businesses have raised prices by over 10% to adjust for inflation
47.7% of respondents feel more optimistic about their business plans now than they did six months ago despite inflationary conditions
Amidst rising cost of living and economic uncertainty, 41 7% of respondents started their business as a side hustle.
Of the 39.2% of respondents who identified themselves as an immigrant to Canada, almost half (46 9%) cited financial freedom/supporting their family as their top motivator behind starting a business in Canada
How have inflation and economic uncertainty affected small business owners, based on the survey findings? Were there any surprising or unexpected insights in this regard?
We asked our community of entrepreneurs and small business owners about their current concerns, including how inflation and economic uncertainty has impacted their business The survey revealed that while 22 7% of respondents are worried about inflation and rising costs in general, 46 6% say cash flow issues are specifically their top concerns and priorities These findings unfortunately come as no surprise as small businesses have had a challenging start to 2023, grappling with economic uncertainty, high interest rates, and inflation
Despite these challenges, we were pleasantly surprised to see that 47 7% of Canadian small business owners are still optimistic about their future business plans It was also encouraging to see that, of the 67 per cent of respondents who identified as solopreneurs, the majority (65.1%) said they hope to expand their team with the goal of growing their business We can see confidence is still growing amongst small business owners in their ability to adapt to the ebbs and flows of the economy as they find new opportunities to grow their business
In what ways have small business owners adapted to these challenges? Were there any common strategies or solutions that emerged from the survey data?
Small business owners seem to have adopted a positive attitude towards the challenges they’ve been facing. With increased uncertainty around the impact of inflation and the current economic state – the survey shows that small business owners continue to keep consumers top-ofmind by diligently adapting their operations For example, one of our Vancouver-based customers, Natasha AcubaBailey who owns Telly’s Manila Kitchen, has avoided significant price increases by having a roster of suppliers she checks on a weekly basis to determine which option will be most cost effective to purchase the different ingredients she needs for her product, adobo flakes For her packaging, she forecasts how much she will need in 6-12 months and then buys in bulk and keeps the extra in storage until they are needed This kind of long-term thinking has enabled her to succeed despite the impact of inflation and economic uncertainty
We also found these emerging trends among the respondents:
Almost 1 in 4 (24 9%) small business owners started their business as an additional revenue source
An increase in entrepreneurs who indicated they run their business as a side hustle – from 37 8 per cent in 2022 to 41 7 per cent in 2023
23 3 % of small businesses have raised prices to adjust for inflation
How has Ownr responded to the needs of small business owners in light of these challenges? Have you made any changes to your platform or services in response to these findings?
Ownr is proud to have helped more than 100,000 Canadians make their entrepreneurial dreams into reality, and we recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, but there are always ways to help As more Canadians look for ways into entrepreneurship, Ownr is doing our part by making entrepreneurship accessible and affordable – providing low-cost options to register your own business and day-to-day compliance tools to streamline administrative work We recently lowered the price for registering a business as a Sole Proprietorship – from $89 to $49 – as another way to lower the financial barriers
How can small business owners stay resilient in the face of inflation and economic uncertainty? Are there any strategies or best practices that you recommend?
With inflation and rising cost of living, solopreneurs, or individuals who operate their business alone without any partners or employees, have been growing in popularity as Canadians look to increase their income with minimal overhead costs. Small businesses have also been raising their prices to keep up with the economic challenges – in 2023, about 23 3% of small business owners raised prices by over 10 per cent
Even in the best economy, running a small business can be hugely challenging At Ownr, we ’ re here to offer support at any stage of our clients’ journey our blog is an ongoing hub of advice and resources for small business owners But, when it comes to strategies to stay resilient, I think the most important thing is to stay in-tune with your customer As we saw with our survey, many small businesses have been forced to raise their prices – communicating with your customer base and ensuring you are meeting their needs is key if you ’ re going to be asking them to pay more for your product or service
What role do you think platforms like Ownr can play in supporting small business owners during these challenging times? How can technology help entrepreneurs overcome some of the barriers they face?
Every day, we see firsthand how the small business community is growing, diversifying and generating fresh ideas in their industries. Ownr plays an exciting role by providing a platform that empowers and equips all entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed, so we can build a stronger, more vibrant economy for Canadians to benefit from
We also know that supporting entrepreneurs goes far beyond helping them start their business our platform also provides ways to manage the day-to-day business such as payroll, legal compliance services, and additional resources to help entrepreneurs grow their business
What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who are considering starting a small business in Canada? What are the key factors to consider in this context?
From our survey, we saw that not only are existing small business owners more optimistic, but many new entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the current economic conditions to explore entrepreneurship in order to keep up with the rising living costs Despite the challenges of economic uncertainty, Canadian entrepreneurs are becoming more creative and industrious as they adapt and pivot their business plans.
But while entrepreneurship can offer great flexibility, aspiring entrepreneurs still face many barriers and challenges from not being sure where to start, fear of failure, or no longer believing in your business idea My best advice is to start with a business plan, and take it step by step from there At Ownr, we ’ re working to address the many and ever-changing obstacles to entrepreneurship and ensuring that all entrepreneurs have access to the resources and support they need to thrive
Jason Maynard, a Consulting Systems Engineer in Cybersecurity for Cisco Systems, discusses the challenges of maintaining cybersecurity in a rapidly evolving hybrid work environment He sheds light on the common threats businesses face due to poor cybersecurity habits, shares best practices for organizations to protect their employees, and highlights the importance of communication and education. Jason also discusses the latest trends in cybersecurity and the crucial role of technology in enhancing cybersecurity resilience. He ends with key advice for businesses looking to bolster their defenses against escalating cyber threats.
Jason has been architecting, designing, and deploying security technologies that secure the most complex computing environments for almost 2 decades His understanding of operational and informational technologies, people, and processes enable him to deliver effective, comprehensive security solutions that align to an organization's security goals and strategic imperatives Jason is adept at addressing a range of risk profiles across multiple industry verticals; skills he has cultivated as an end-user security practitioner, partner/integrator, and now manufacturer as the FIELD CTO, focused on Cybersecurity for Cisco Systems. Jason is also active in the direct community speaking at BC Aware, Privacy and Security Conference, Cisco Live, and has delivered multiple sessions at BSides. Jason also holds over 75+ designations across a variety of products and technologies including the CCIE designation.
Can you tell us more about the recent survey conducted by Cisco on Canadian hybrid workers' cybersecurity habits? What were some of the most concerning findings from the survey?
The move to a hybrid world has changed the cybersecurity landscape for Canadian organizations as they navigate evolving threats Cisco’s Consumer Security survey revealed that while more Canadians are embracing hybrid work – working from multiple devices across multiple locations – they are not taking appropriate precautions to protect themselves and their organization from cyberthreats
CTO Cybersecurity at Cisco CanadaHalf (54%) of respondents worry about their connected devices being hacked/attacked, but only 12% said they last changed their private Wi-Fi password one year ago, while 13% have never changed their private Wi-Fi password These networks are now the vehicles to the corporate environment
They’re also frequently working from personal devices – 63% write/send work emails on their personal devices and almost half (47%) use personal devices to read articles/complete research for a work task Without the right security precautions on their personal devices, employees are unwittingly putting themselves and their organizations at greater risk
What are some of the most common cybersecurity risks that businesses face due to employees' poor cybersecurity habits?
Phishing attacks and malware attacks are two of the most common cyber-attacks that businesses face
When employees use personal devices for work tasks, access public Wi-Fi, and do not learn about cyber safety from credible sources, they are making themselves especially vulnerable to these kinds of attacks But organizations are also culpable and if they do not educate their employees on appropriate cyber safety practices, or implement the right technology or platforms, then they aren’t taking accountability to close their cybersecurity gaps and maintain resilience against threats
This means we need to think differently about security because siloed security strategies don’t work anymore Organizations should focus on security resilience – prioritizing and anticipating threats so that they can bounce back faster when a threat becomes real
At Cisco, we see four challenges to security resilience faced by organizations: unsecure connections; compromised credentials; limited/no visibility or control from the internet to the endpoint; and a shortage of resources or time
While each security event gives team an opportunity to learn, adapt and build resilience for the future, there are best practices to help address these challenges:
Verify the identity of every user regardless of how they connect – stepping up or down authentication based on where people connect and qualifying the health of the device they are using
Ensure the connection is secure regardless of the device (registered or unregistered) used by an employee
Increase visibility with a platform-based security approach that provides detection, prevention and response capabilities across the entire ecosystem while removing complexity
Improve the ability to orchestrate and automate a response to free up time and resources Allocate these critical resources elsewhere to drive better value for business
What are some best practices that businesses can implement to better protect their workers and their organization from cybersecurity threats?
Hybrid work has created huge opportunities for employers and employees However, it has also meant that people are working on multiple devices from different locations, leading to new challenges for IT teams to keep their employees connected everywhere, while limiting security risks
How can businesses effectively communicate the importance of cybersecurity to their employees?
Education is one of the most important tools we have against cyber threats, and organizations have a responsibility to communicate the importance of cybersecurity to employees and provide the resources and knowledge they need to defend themselves If employees know what to look out for, they can avoid some of the most common cybersecurity mistakes and help protect themselves and their organization
However, Canadians aren’t drawing their cybersecurity information from credible sources or actively seeking these trusted sources When asked where they seek advice about online and device security behavior, the answers were stacked predominantly towards asking friends and family (42%) or just using common sense (40%)
Businesses should create a cybersecurity communications policy if they want certain behaviours adopted These include clearly introducing – without buzz words –corporate security policies, requiring employees to take courses on security awareness and regularly providing security updates via email, such as tips and best practices Make learning fun with a rewards program and digital badges highlighting advancements
What are some of the latest cybersecurity trends and threats that businesses should be aware of? How can businesses ensure that their remote workers have access to secure and reliable networks and devices?
One of the most worrying trends we ’ re seeing is that cyber-attacks in Canada are on the rise Cisco’s Cybersecurity Readiness Index found that 77% of Canadian companies expect a cybersecurity incident to disrupt their business in the next year or two The cost of being unprepared is substantial: 51% said they had a cybersecurity incident in the last year and 34% of those affected said it cost at least US $500,000.
At the same time, more companies are acting to prioritize security with 78% saying they plan to increase cybersecurity budgets by at least 10% over the next year
With more employees working in remote and hybrid environments, the threat landscape has expanded Adopting simple tools like Multifactor Authentication, DNS, web, email, and endpoint protections can make a meaningful difference in protecting employees
What role do you see technology playing in improving cybersecurity for hybrid workers?
In recent years, work culture has accelerated faster than the technology deployed to protect employees Businesses need to keep up, because the right technology is critical to allow employees to work from anywhere safely and securely Organizations need to consider integrated platforms to achieve security resilience while reducing complexity If organizations can close these security gaps, their odds of identifying, responding to and remediating a threat or attack will greatly improve
Finally, what advice would you give to businesses who are looking to enhance their cybersecurity posture and protect their employees from cybersecurity threats?
Enhancing cybersecurity posture and protecting your organization from cyber threats is mission critical Organizations need build security resilience – focusing on what matters most and anticipating what is forthcoming so that they can bounce back faster when a threat becomes real With the consequences of cyberattacks so clear, readiness and resilience must be prioritized and deployment of solutions should be accelerated
Hybrid work adds complexity to our defensive posture which is a target for adversaries. Organizations should identify and address their security gaps to advance their defensive posture and elevate their capabilities to match those of the adversary That said, with a little work, we can make it very difficult for the ones targeting us
inside scoop from
Canada's rich library of Indigenous cultures and traditions is an integral part of the nation's identity As the world continues to recognize and reflect on the importance of Indigenous knowledge and perspectives, a new wave of academic training initiatives led by Indigenous communities has emerged across the country These remarkable organizations are strengthening Canada’s talent pool, empowering Indigenous voices and revolutionizing education
There are a number of Indigenous-led academic training groups that are actively redefining education for Canadians We sat down with the founders of three of these Canadian-based organizations to learn more about the institutions and their background stories Read on to hear what Founders Alejandro Mayoral Baños, Pablo Listingart and Darian Kovacs had to say
Alejandro Mayoral Baños: In 2015, I spearheaded the development of an App to help Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) students network with other members of York Universities Indigenous community As a Mixtec/Totonac academic and activist, I realized that Indigenous communities experience high rates of discrimination within education and employment in the tech sector There is an immense need to build and support technology by/with/for Indigenous youth through community engagement, and participation The IFA was formed out of the need to connect and reinforce the holistic views of Indigenous Elders while supporting those who have traditionally been excluded from digital education
PabloListingart FounderExecutive Director,ComITPablo Listingart: ComIT is a charitable organization founded in Manitoba and now working across Canada, that is on a mission to help change the lives of unemployed and underemployed people by providing free technology and professional skills training that will help them secure in-demand careers in technology in their community It was created with the goal of providing access to digital skills training for people in economic vulnerability so they can be included in the current tech ecosystem
Darian Kovacs: ComIT is a charitable organization founded in Manitoba and now working across Canada, that is on a mission to help change the lives of unemployed and underemployed people by providing free technology and professional skills training that will help them secure in-demand careers in technology in their community It was created with the goal of providing access to digital skills training for people in economic vulnerability so they can be included in the current tech ecosystem
Alejandro MayoralBaños FounderandExecutive Director,Indigenous FriendsAssociationQIn what way is your organization helping to improve the lives of Indigenous communities in Canada?
Alejandro: The IFA is making strides in advancing digital pathways rooted in Indigenous ways of knowing and being through four different programs The first is our Indigital Program, which offers an enriching journey for participants to explore healing by combining art and technology Delving into the realms of
DarianKovacs Founder,JellyAcademyIndigeneity, the program intertwines digital art and technology to foster digital literacy and artistic skills among Indigenous communities across Turtle Island The second is our IndigiMobile Program, which is a software development initiative to imagine, create and deploy digital applications that integrate Indigenous traditional knowledge and values into their design where privacy and community expressions are central to it. Some of the successful projects of this program are IndigiFriends and IndigiHealth apps that are available in Google Play and Apple Store The third is the IFA Research Department, which supports the Organization’s mission of advocating for digital pathways while rooted in the tenet of self-determination to address the barriers experienced by the Indigenous youth from entering and transitioning towards sustainable careers in tech and innovation We build an ecosystem that ushers Indigenous communities to participate in the digital future The fourth is our IndigiTECH Mentorship Program which aims to provide digital literacy skills and employment support to Indigenous Peoples who are interested in pursuing careers in technology and development
Pablo: Our goal has been to provide free access to different digital skills training to many Indigenous communities who are currently not able to access the current offerings. ComIT has been providing different paths of tech learning for those who are eager to explore new career opportunities while having an economic impact in their families and in their local communities
Darian: Diversity and inclusion have remained at the forefront of every decision made by Jelly Academy We are motivated by the belief that a diverse workforce is only attained through equitable actions, which has directly translated into our non-negotiable policy that our programs must be equally accessible to students from all backgrounds In 2021, we introduced our scholarship program where full-ride scholarships and team funding was offered to Indigenous communities, People of Colour and women In the first year of the program, $180k worth of scholarships were provided Since 2022, over $300,00 worth of scholarships have been awarded
Alejandro: Working with third-party organization partners who don’t have an understanding of our participant abilities, outside of a traditional Westernized scope A challenge that has been faced by IFA is the post-secondary requirements from our partners when trying to find Internship opportunities for our graduates of the IndigiTECH program IFA overcame this problem by having a resilient partnership team that focuses on merging the gap and overcoming the hurdle of postsecondary education An emphasis is placed on our partnership teams to advocate and share the great talents/skills of our graduates and focus on what skills are needed for internship positions from our partners.
Pablo: We face multiple challenges on a daily basis From the usually mentioned connectivity issues in many remote communities to changing the mindset of the tech industry so they can provide more entry-level opportunities to talented individuals looking to enter the labour market We are also trying to present the possibility of remote work in tech to people who are currently not evaluating a career in this industry In this way, they can bring their talents to the table in a sector that is much in need of talent ”
Darian: One challenge Jelly Academy has faced along the way was a lack of precedents The world of digital marketing, micro-credentials, upskilling and reskilling is fairly new, and the industry is learning each and every day Jelly Academy, as a thought leader in its industry, has had to pave the way instead of following suit We believe that in order to see real, tangible change someone will always have to take the first step in creating it. We were happy to be part of that.
Canada's Indigenous-led academic training organizations, led by inspiring founders like Alejandro Mayoral Baños, Pablo Listingart and Darian Kovacs, are playing a vital role in strengthening the nation's talent pool, empowering Indigenous voices and revolutionizing education By supporting Indigenous-led training organizations, we simultaneously support cultural strength and awareness, and tech talent development It’s a winwin!
In an in-depth conversation with CanadianSME, Dr. Matthew Chow, Chief Mental Health Officer at TELUS Health, sheds light on his professional journey from a GP in Burnaby, BC, to leading mental health initiatives at a global healthcare leader He provides an insightful overview of TELUS Health’s new service, Total Mental Health, a comprehensive, data-driven approach to workplace mental health support, designed to address the increasing mental health crisis in Canada Dr Matthew expresses his optimism for the program ' s potential in improving recovery outcomes and discusses his proactive strategies to ensure the program ' s effectiveness in the coming years.
Dr Matthew Chow is Chief Mental Health Officer at TELUS Health, a global health care leader and one of the largest providers of physical, mental, and financial wellbeing services in the world
Could you share some insights about your journey, with over 20 years of experience in healthcare, how has this led to your role as the Chief Mental Health Officer at TELUS Health?
My career started in Burnaby, BC as a general practitioner supporting people suffering from mental health and substance use issues and then transitioned into a specialized career supporting a range of mental health issues, especially for youth and families After a few years of providing consulting services at various BC hospitals, I took on progressively more senior roles at Doctors of BC culminating in a term as President during the COVID-19 pandemic I started with TELUS Health last year as Chief Mental Health Officer and am pleased with the opportunity I now have to help people in Canada with all types of mental health concerns through the companys revolutionary virtual care and digital health technologies
TELUS Health recently launched Total Mental Health, a comprehensive service aimed at providing support to employees dealing with mental health issues. What are your thoughts on the key features of this program and how it is designed to aid employees?
TELUS Health’s new Total Mental Health offering is going to make a big difference in workplaces across Canada from a health and wellbeing perspective Those who have access to this service through their employer benefits plans will see some of the most comprehensive mental health support available to anyone in Canada This really is a vital new mental health and wellbeing service that has come at a pivotal time given the mental health crisis we are seeing.
Total Mental Health includes several key features that set it apart from other employee health services It provides plan members with access to unlimited mental health support in-person, on the phone or virtually, and it gives them access to a dedicated care navigator and a vast network of counsellors to help them in their mental health journey The ultimate goal of Total Mental Health is to give users a more personalized approach to mental health counseling and ensure there is consistency in the support they are receiving In addition, its easyto-use digital tools allow users to track mental health progress and receive regular feedback from care teams
How do you envision Total Mental Health improving mental health outcomes in the country's workplaces? What are your forecasts for the next 5 years in this regard?
The number of mental health issues reported by workers in Canada peaked during the COVID-19 pandemic The most recent TELUS Health Mental Health Index showed a modest improvement in mental health of Canadian workers from March to April 2023, but we have a long way to go to get back to pre-pandemic levels The Index also found that two in five workers in Canada report having experienced a traumatic event that has had a lasting impact on their mental health, and four in five managers across Canada report that they are supporting at least one employee with a mental health issue.
In what ways does Total Mental Health differ from the mental health services TELUS Health previously offered to employees through their benefits plan?
While all of the TELUS Health solutions for employers are focused on supporting employees’ overall wellbeing, Total Mental Health is the first to offer a combination of unlimited access to mental health care, personalized care journeys and care navigators who are present at every step of the journey, with the ability to access counselling in person, virtually, or by phone Total Mental Health was built in response to the mental health crisis we are experiencing, and designed to meet employees where they are on their mental health journey, while giving them the flexibility to receive support in a way that best suits them - even if that changes along the way
I believe that we’ll continue to see improvements in the area of workplace mental health While we may not see decreases in the total number of working people in Canada experiencing mental health concerns in the next five years, I think we will see more people reporting that their issues are being appropriately addressed and reporting better recovery outcomes Total Mental Health represents a big step right now in getting employees the help they need whether they are experiencing a mild mental health concern or something more serious And the technology and access to mental health support will not stop TELUS Health, like many companies pushing advancements in digital health technologies, are going to find ways to further improve these supports
Beyond the provisions offered through the benefits plan, how can employers provide further support to their staff experiencing mental health issues? What strategies would you recommend?
I’m a firm believer that health care services provided through a workplace benefits plan are only half the equation in supporting the health and wellbeing of an organization’s staff, especially with mental health There are many ideas out there that are fairly well known at this point including the need for company leaders to be more proactive with staff who might be experiencing a mental health concern, the need for organizations to create a safe space for staff to communicate these concerns (psychological safety), and the need for regular communications on resources for staff on how they can access these types of supports All of these are table stakes at this point
But something that has emerged recently is the idea of having specific people at an organization that are dedicated to employee mental health
Many companies are now creating these roles with an example being the rise in Chief Wellbeing Officers I think this is a good idea and something all organizations should be looking at Having someone dedicated to supporting the mental health of employees, and being an on-demand resource for any questions staff have about these health needs, can go a long way Similar to how HR professionals manage a wide range of administrative tasks at an office, having someone trained in supporting those with mental health needs, and directing them to care, should become the standard in Canadian workplaces With employee mental health so pivotal to productivity and a company ’ s bottom line, there is a business case to be made for creating these new mental health support roles
The launch of Total Mental Health is a significant milestone for TELUS Health. What aspect of this initiative excites you the most and why?
I have been fighting for better access to mental health services for my entire career Total Mental Health represents a significant leap forward by making it easier to access help There is one front door to access a team of caring professionals, including a dedicated care navigator to ensure you get the support and care you need. There are no limits to how much care you receive If the rest of the mental health system were structured in this way, we could address the significant mental health and substance use challenges brought on by the pandemic, economic uncertainty and changing workplace I’m proud that TELUS Health is overcoming the challenge of access in such a meaningful way
As the Chief Mental Health Officer, how do you plan to monitor the effectiveness of Total Mental Health and ensure it continues to meet the needs of employees dealing with mental health challenges?
TELUS Health is a data-driven company, and one feature of Total Mental Health is that it provides employers with real-time insights about a workforce's utilization of mental health support, to drive people strategies while ensuring complete employee confidentiality. It also gives employers a view into utilization trends to better understand what employees, as a group, need With employers now equipped with more information, it will allow them to assess whether the service is making a quantitative and qualitative difference in employee mental health outcomes If employers identify shortcomings, our TELUS Health team works with them to optimize the offering to ensure better mental health outcomes for their staff Over time, I also expect companies will see an improvement to heir bottom line We know that poor mental health contributes to poor engagement, reduced performance and difficulties retaining skilled staff Total Mental Health helps the overall business as much as it helps individuals
The function of insurance in safeguarding small Canadian enterprises becomes more important in light of the sector's dynamic nature. As the backbone of the economy, small businesses need reliable insurance providers that understand their unique challenges and provide comprehensive coverage These insurance providers, often referred to as the "Guardians of Growth," play a vital role in safeguarding the interests and investments of small business owners across the country
By offering a range of insurance products tailored to the specific needs of small businesses, these providers offer peace of mind and financial protection in the face of unexpected events From property and liability insurance to business interruption coverage and cyber liability protection, these leading insurance providers ensure that small businesses can thrive and withstand potential setbacks With their expertise and dedication, they act as trusted partners, empowering small business owners to focus on what they do best: driving innovation, creating jobs, and fueling economic growth in Canada.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the insurance companies in the Canadian financial landscape:
Allstate Canada has provided property and liability insurance to Canadians since 1953
Allstate Canada offers individualized car and homeowner insurance With several contact channels and community-based organizations, its Good Hands Network offers accessibility and ease Allstate Canada works with local groups to strengthen communities Allstate Canada's trusted advisers, whose slogan is "Youre in Good Hands," display unshakable devotion, competence, and professionalism, making them one of the nation's most recognized personal line insurers Canadians can trust them because of their customer service and community participation
For more information, visit www.allstate.ca
It is a Toronto-based fintech that’s changing the Canadian small business insurance industry. Zensurance has empowered businesses with transparent and contemporary insurance options since 2016 Their simple online application process lets companies get customized coverage Zensurance provides general liability, professional liability, commercial property, and cyber insurance from over 50 reliable insurance companies Zensurance's efficient policy distribution lets firms concentrate on their main operations Zensurance has revolutionized the sector and helped small companies succeed
To learn more about their insurance services, browse through their website www.zensurance.com/business-insurance and contact them today!
Founded by Canadians who understand the needs of entrepreneurs, TruShield offers tailored insurance coverage and unwavering support
Backed by Fairfax Financial Holdings, a multinational corporation, TruShield provides financial stability and reliable claim honouring
With top ratings from credit rating organizations, entrepreneurs can trust TruShield to protect their interests The company respects and understands the challenges faced by small businesses and offers personalized guidance and protection As a subsidiary of Northbridge Financial Corporation, TruShield demonstrates a commitment to its employees and clients, creating a positive workplace atmosphere With TruShield, entrepreneurs can confidently grow their businesses with comprehensive coverage and support.
To know more about their services, log onto www.trushieldinsurance.ca
ThinkInsure Ltd is an insurance provider that offers affordable and personalized insurance solutions With a wide network of over 50 insurance providers, ThinkInsure helps Canadians find the best coverage at competitive prices Their dedicated team works closely with customers to create customized policies tailored to their individual needs, whether it's for auto, home, or business insurance ThinkInsure simplifies the insurance shopping process by providing comprehensive coverage options and working with qualified brokers to find the best rates They also make switching insurers hassle-free, helping customers secure significant savings on their premiums ThinkInsure is committed to customer satisfaction and ensuring everyone has access to affordable and comprehensive insurance coverage
For a better grip on the information about insurance services, visit www.thinkinsure.ca
When it comes to delivering straightforward insurance policies for local companies, Bullfrog Insurance is your go-to broker They provide a straightforward method for acquiring insurance, saving time and effort for company owners Bullfrog Insurance provides customized estimates in minutes with a simple online form, reducing paperwork and delays Their Knowledge Centre and support staff provide excellent information and specialized assistance to help you navigate insurance Bullfrog Insurance provides trustworthy business insurance from trusted insurance firms Bullfrog Insurance provides excellent service and a great work atmosphere
Discover how the company is helping its clients to attain peace of mind at the most affordable prices; visit www.bullfroginsurance.com
As technology advances in all the major sectors of the commercial arena, the insurance industry is making strides with leaps and bounds The insurance providers mentioned above stand as the guardians of growth for Canadas small businesses These companies understand the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs and offer tailored insurance solutions to protect their interests With a commitment to affordability, personalized coverage, and exceptional customer service, these leading providers ensure that small businesses have the necessary protection and support to thrive.
Whether it's safeguarding against unforeseen risks, providing guidance in risk management, or simplifying the insurance process, these guardians of growth are dedicated to empowering Canadian small businesses every step of the way
CanadianSME, a magazine for small and medium-sized enterprises, is an excellent read for any company that values being on the cutting edge of its industry CanadianSME magazine subscribers get access to a wealth of resources and are kept abreast of developments in their industry
The CanadianSME community is made up of people who share a love for business and entrepreneurship, and by following @Canadian sme on Twitter, entrepreneurs can remain connected and active with this group To subscribe to CanadianSME's magazine and remain abreast of the newest trends and developments in your business, please visit lnkd.in/dbqmSKN now.
With the advent of AI and related technologies like machine learning, the Canadian small business banking sector is currently experiencing a metamorphosis driven by emerging patterns and technological innovations And the best way to learn more about the future of entrepreneurship and Canadian banking is if we thoroughly examine the forecasts of industry leaders like Jody Bhagat, President of the Americas, and Dorel Blitz, VP of Business Development and Strategy at Personetics
To keep up with the dynamic nature of the financial sector, banks are expanding their offerings outside the realm of classic PFM software Banks will use technology to provide consumers with more comprehensive money management help aimed at enhancing their financial well-being as a response to the challenging economic circumstances they are experiencing
Forrester's recent findings corroborate the importance of banks providing timely, personalized insights and guidance to their customers' unique financial situations. The first step in sophisticated financial management is to use artificial intelligence to classify and augment transaction data, maybe by using Open Banking As a result, consumers of the bank may better comprehend their financial dealings and make educated choices
Banks and their client connections will thrive in the next years ' thanks in large part to an increased emphasis on individualization Traditional PFM and basic customization features will not be sufficient to provide substantial economic effects in the future In the future, financial institutions will completely commercialize consumer involvement, using individualized services to set themselves apart from rivals
Personetics's research shows how difficult it is for banks to increase customer lifetime value (CLV) and conversion rates for financial products, which sit at about 2% at present To meet this problem, financial institutions are shifting away from conventional marketing strategies in favour of more tailored product offerings infused with data and guidance. It is anticipated that conversion rates will increase substantially as a result of receiving personalized advice and solutions
In fact, the ability to successfully exploit data to provide individualized care and solutions is becoming more important to banking consumers 44% of respondents to a recent study expressed a need for more tailored and timely financial guidance Jody believes that by the year 2025, banks will be required to provide at least a rudimentary kind of tailored insights in order to keep up with customer demand For banks to remain competitive, they will need to place greater emphasis on integrated channels and genuine client connections
The ecosystem of banks will serve as their defining characteristic The year 2023 is expected to be a transition towards interconnected banking ecosystems, wherein banks will establish comprehensive systems by utilizing top-performing solutions Financial institutions are likely to form alliances with external service providers or cultivate in-house competencies to provide a holistic array of services to their clientele.
Through the adoption of these ecosystems, financial institutions can augment their value propositions and more effectively cater to the changing requirements of small business owners and entrepreneurs The establishment of these interrelated networks is expected to propel ingenuity, productivity, and, ultimately, client contentment
The utilization of connected channels is imperative in achieving optimal customer engagement Financial institutions will prioritize the provision of tailored guidance and proactive aid for routine monetary operations, amalgamating resources, merchandise, and discernment into a cohesive framework. This methodology is designed to encourage customers to embrace positive financial behaviours and objectives
Digital customer portals and human bankers who interact with consumers are only two examples of the many touchpoints where connected channels allow banks to spread customer knowledge The utilization of a customer data platform (CDP) is expected to have a substantial impact on enhancing the precision and specificity of marketing communication Through the provision of a streamlined and customized customer experience, financial institutions can augment customer engagement and cultivate more robust customer relationships
The issue of sustainability is currently a significant and urgent matter that affects various sectors, including the banking industry The year 2023 is expected to witness sustained growth in the adoption and implementation of green banking practices Banks are expected to prioritize sustainability as a strategic imperative, which will enable them to attract and retain customers and employees who are environmentally conscious and driven by values The adoption of sustainable practices by banks can serve the dual purpose of ensuring regulatory compliance and enhancing their Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ratings while also creating opportunities for revenue expansion through sustainable financial products
With the increasing concerns regarding the rising cost of living, financial institutions are expected to undertake significant measures aimed at creating a positive impact on the environment Through the adoption of sustainable practices in their operations and offerings, financial institutions have the potential to make a significant contribution towards a more environmentally conscious and economically prosperous future
To conclude, it can be safely said that the small business banking industry in Canada is on the verge of a major shift, marked by the rise of several key trends such as personalization, advanced money management features, connected channels, ecosystem development, and sustainability. Through the adoption of these emerging patterns, financial institutions have the potential to transform the landscape of entrepreneurialism, offer unparalleled levels of customer satisfaction, and stimulate the expansion of small enterprises throughout the nation
CanadianSME, a magazine for small and mediumsized enterprises, is an excellent read for any company that values being on the cutting edge of its industry CanadianSME magazine subscribers get access to a wealth of resources and are kept abreast of developments in their industry
The CanadianSME community is made up of people who share a love for business and entrepreneurship, and by following @canadian_sme on Twitter, entrepreneurs can remain connected and active with this group. To subscribe to CanadianSME's magazine and remain abreast of the newest trends and developments in your business, please visit https://lnkd.in/dbqmSKN now
For the past few decades, Canada as a nation has emerged as the world leader in the advocacy for equality and inclusivity And the CanadianSME Small Business Magazine is proud to showcase the vibrant and thriving LGBTQ+ community and the remarkable businesses that contribute to its strength From coast to coast, Canada is home to a wealth of LGBTQ+ enterprises that deserve our support and recognition
These visionary businesses, driven by talented individuals, offer an array of products and services while embodying the values of equality and acceptance So join us as we embark on a journey of discovery and celebration, highlighting the top LGBTQ+ businesses that proudly contribute to Canada's diverse tapestry Together, let's stand united and support these remarkable enterprises, fostering a more inclusive and accepting society for all
Let’s look at some of the businesses owned by the LGBTQ+ community and their subsequent progress:
Badger & Burke is a Vancouver-based home product and giftware brand that has become a beacon of inclusivity in Canada's LGBTQ+ business landscape
Founded by Holton Brock and Jamie Armstrong, their vision was to infuse everyday objects with vibrant colours and fun designs inspired by midcentury graphic design, puppies, and tropical fruit Their diverse product lineup includes greeting cards, stationery, tea towels, and sponge cloths, each meticulously designed to capture the essence of queer expression What sets
Badger & Burke apart is their active support of the LGBTQ+ community through partnerships and collaborations, showcasing talent and amplifying underrepresented voices They are a shining example of how businesses can promote diversity and create positive change in society
Visit their official site at www.badgerandburke.com and order today!
Craig's Cookies is a beloved cookie company in Canada that infuses a little bit of diversity and inclusivity into their delectable treats With over 100 mouthwatering flavours, each bite is a nostalgic trip down memory lane From their humble beginnings to two thriving outlets, Craig's Cookies has built a legacy on flavour and precision They foster a sense of community, making customers feel like family while enjoying freshly baked cookies Not only do they support the LGBTQ+ community, but they also champion diversity within their own team, setting an inspiring example for others Indulge in the pleasure of Craig's Cookies while supporting a business that advocates for inclusivity and equality
Hungry for a cookie? Hop onto www.craigscookies.com and order now!
Dew of the Gods is a trailblazing brand in the fashion and cosmetics industries, challenging unrealistic beauty standards and proudly promoting diversity and inclusivity With a focus on authenticity and innovation, Dew of the Gods redefines skincare by infusing artistry into every product Led by Ryan, who brings his passion and experience from major cosmetics brands, the brand aims to inspire and uplift the community They celebrate real skin and showcase diverse faces and bodies, shattering unattainable beauty standards
As an LGBTQ+-owned business, Dew of the Gods stands as a top LGBTQ+ business to support in Canada, offering high-quality skincare while advocating for inclusivity and acceptance Join their movement and be part of a more inclusive and beautiful world by choosing Dew of the Gods
Looking for a sleek party makeover? Log onto www.dew.co.
Little Rainbow Paper Co , a prominent LGBTQ+ business in Canada, is making waves in the industry Founded by Heather in 2018, this Calgarybased company specializes in creating a beautiful range of cards and prints that celebrate love, friendship, and joy for all With a mission to provide diverse and inclusive options for self-expression, the company aims to honour unique identities and embrace different forms of love and relationships Beyond their artistic creations, the company also pays homage to the indigenous communities and the land as an act of reconciliation By supporting Little Rainbow Paper Co , individuals actively contribute to the promotion of LGBTQ+ businesses and the wider movement toward acceptance and celebration of all identities.
Embark on a journey of disciplining yourself or your loved one with the right schedule; check out their latest selection of products at www.littlerainbowpaperco.com
Bean Around the World is a coffee empire that goes beyond brewing exceptional coffee. With a commitment to diversity and supporting the LGBTQ+ community, this Vancouver-based business has become a symbol of quality, community, and inclusivity From its flagship store to multiple locations, Bean Around the World not only offers topnotch coffee but also creates a space that celebrates diversity By prioritizing the quality of their beans and fostering an accepting atmosphere, they have gained a stellar reputation and rapid expansion Through inclusive hiring and support for LGBTQ+ initiatives, Bean Around the World exemplifies corporate social responsibility and encourages acceptance and unity
Got a hankering for a cup-a-coffee? Visit www.batwcoffee.com
So, next time you ’ re looking to support businesses run by the gay community, you know exactly where to look!
CanadianSME, a magazine for small and medium-sized enterprises, is an excellent read for any company that values being on the cutting edge of its industry CanadianSME magazine subscribers get access to a wealth of resources and are kept abreast of developments in their industry
The CanadianSME community is made up of people who share a love for business and entrepreneurship, and by following @Canadian_sme on Twitter, entrepreneurs can remain connected and active with this group. To subscribe to CanadianSME's magazine and remain abreast of the newest trends and developments in your business, please visit lnkd.in/dbqmSKN now.
With Canada’s vibrant business banking sector advancing in luminous strides, it is but natural to want to explore this sectors unprecedented growth in recent years despite major setbacks This is why CanadianSME Small Business Magazine intends to cast a spotlight on the top players shaping the country's economic ecosystem. Canada boasts a robust and dynamic business environment, and its banking sector stands tall as a key pillar supporting entrepreneurial aspirations and commercial endeavours
So without any further ado, join us in this captivating journey as we delve into the achievements, strategies, and offerings of the leading financial institutions propelling Canada's business sector forward From the distinguished giants to the nimble disruptors, this insightful analysis unveils the diverse range of players driving innovation, fostering growth, and redefining the future of business banking in the Great White North
Let's take a look at some of these top banks in Canada:
Bank of Montreal (BMO) is a leading North American financial institution, serving over 12 million customers with a wide range of personal and commercial banking services With a legacy of financial excellence spanning two centuries, BMO focuses on delivering superior performance and driving progress for its customers and clients Through investments in innovation and a commitment to transforming its operations, BMO stays ahead in the dynamic banking sector. Moreover, BMO is dedicated to fostering inclusivity through its ambitious Zero Barriers to Inclusion 2025 plan, ensuring equal opportunities for diverse groups within the company and championing initiatives that promote positive societal change BMO is redefining the role of a purpose-driven enterprise, creating a lasting impact on the financial landscape and society as a whole
To learn further about their services, visit www.bmo.com/en-ca/main/personal
This prominent financial institution in the Americas places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction and success Through a comprehensive range of products and services, Scotiabank addresses the diverse needs of its clients, establishing itself as a reliable financial ally The organization values inclusivity, teamwork, and innovation, fostering a culture of excellence With a strategic focus on key markets in the Americas and a global presence, Scotiabank diversifies its revenue streams and minimizes risks By prioritizing customer-centric operations, cultivating a purpose-driven team, and strategically targeting markets, Scotiabank is positioned for sustained expansion and long-term success in delivering exceptional financial solutions
Take a further step to find out more about their services and offerings at www.scotiabank.com/ca/en/personal.html.
ScotiabankThe Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) is a prominent financial institution dedicated to helping clients, employees, communities, and shareholders achieve their ambitions CIBC fosters a thriving work environment that promotes collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning, empowering employees to excel The bank's focus on strategic growth creates value for shareholders, supported by transparent communication and a balanced approach to risk and return. CIBC integrates sustainability into every aspect of its operations, addressing environmental, social, and governance concerns With a commitment to excellence, transparency, and stakeholder value, CIBC contributes to the well-being of individuals and communities in a rapidly evolving global landscape
To learn more about their approach to banking, visit www.cibc.com/en/personal-banking.html.
The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) is a global financial institution that empowers its clients and communities through a purpose-driven approach With a focus on creating a better future, RBC builds lasting connections and provides innovative solutions The bank's market presence and commitment to governance ensure trust from its clients and stakeholders RBC's dedication to excellence has earned it prestigious awards, recognizing its innovation and customer satisfaction. Recent developments, such as the acquisition of HSBC Canada, highlight RBC's commitment to growth and expansion As RBC redefines the role of a global financial institution, it sets the stage for a brighter and more prosperous future
Discover how a true banking leader works; learn more at www.rbcroyalbank.com
TD Bank stands out in the banking industry by prioritizing the human element of banking and finance. Their customer-centric approach exceeds expectations by customizing services to align with individual needs TD Bank goes beyond financial transactions by actively investing in communities through volunteering and charitable initiatives They foster a diverse and inclusive work culture, valuing every voice and creating a collaborative environment TD Bank's commitment to humanity is reflected in its dedication to customer satisfaction, community welfare, and a supportive workplace They strive to create a compassionate world by recognizing and celebrating individuals and their stories
To learn more about their approach to banking, visit https://www.td.com/us/en/personalbanking
With all these players taking over the banking scene in the Canadian financial sector, we can surely expect some breakthroughs and visible growth in the coming years
CanadianSME, a magazine for small and medium-sized enterprises, is an excellent read for any company that values being on the cutting edge of its industry CanadianSME magazine subscribers get access to a wealth of resources and are kept abreast of developments in their industry
The CanadianSME community is made up of people who share a love for business and entrepreneurship, and by following @Canadian_sme on Twitter, entrepreneurs can remain connected and active with this group. To subscribe to CanadianSME's magazine and remain abreast of the newest trends and developments in your business, please visit lnkd.in/dbqmSKN now
In a world increasingly driven by technology and innovation, it is essential for businesses to stay ahead of the curve, continuously adapting and evolving One Canadian organization, ventureLAB, has made it their mission to support, nurture, and empower businesses in their quest for innovation, growth,and success This editorial takesa deep dive into the products and services offered by ventureLAB and explores how they are reshaping the landscape of Canadian businesses in the semiconductor industry
ventureLAB is a leadinginnovation hub based in the York Region,Canada, that brings together a diverse and dynamic ecosystem of innovators, entrepreneurs, and partners With a focus on hardware and enterprise software technologies, ventureLAB offers a coveted combination of business and technical expertise, connections to a global network of partners and mentors, access to their 50,000 square foot facility, and a $7 million world-class lab to drive innovations from prototype to product
ventureLAB has enabled thousands of tech companies to scale through our growth-oriented initiatives focused on raising capital, retaining talent, commercializing technology and IP, and customer acquisition, and our portfolioof companies generatehundreds of millionsof revenue each year, have created over 5,000 jobs, and raised over $340 million in investment capital to continue their growth and scale
ventureLAB provides a range of programs including the Hardware Catalyst Initiative, Capital Investment Program, Accelerate AI and more These programsare designed to help businesses at different stages of their growth journeyby offering tailored guidance from early-stage startups to established enterprises to help companies scale and succeed
Some of the key services and programs offeredby ventureLAB include:
Recognizing the importance of expert guidance, ventureLABconnects businesses with experienced mentorsand coaches who can providevaluable insights and advice These seasoned professionals can help entrepreneurs navigate the complex business world,ensuring they make informed decisions and avoid commonpitfalls
As part of their commitment to helping businesses grow, ventureLAB assists companies in accessing funding and capital through various channels This includes facilitating connections with investors, providing information about government grants,and offering financial management advice
To help businesses stay competitive, ventureLAB offers a variety of workshops, seminars, and training programs aimed at developing the skills and knowledge of entrepreneurs and their teams These programs cover a wide range of topics, suchas product development, sales strategy, and intellectual propertymanagement
ventureLAB's state-of-the-art facility offers businesses a conducive environment to work and grow With flexible workspace options, meeting rooms, andcutting-edge technology, companies can focus on their core operations while enjoying the benefits of a collaborative and supportive community
ventureLAB's extensive network of partners, including industryleaders, government agencies,and academic institutions, provides businesses with numerous opportunities to collaborate and form strategic partnerships By fostering connections, ventureLAB helps companies broaden their reach and strengthen their market position
ventureLAB's unique blend of services, programs, and resources has made it a key player in the Canadian innovation and semiconductor ecosystem By providingbusinesses with the tools and support they need to succeed, ventureLAB is playing a critical role in driving the growth of the Canadian economy and securing its position as a global leader in innovation For companies seekingto break new ground and make a lasting impact,ventureLAB is the ideal partnerto help themachieve their goals.
Discover more about ventureLAB and how they can help your businesssucceed by visitingtheir website at www.venturelab.ca
CanadianSME Small Business Magazine is an indispensable tool for small and medium-sized enterprises eager to stay informed of the latest industry developments and best practices To remain in the know, businesses can subscribe to the magazine through the CanadianSME website For real-time news and updates,follow CanadianSME on Twitter at @canadian_sme.
“It is integral for us as a society to decarbonize our building infrastructure, and heat pumps are the answer.”
As the world grapples with the urgent need to combat climate change, governments are encouraging businesses to shift towards green energy solutions. In Canada, the 2023 federal budget’s Clean Electricity Investment Tax Credit is one solution to reduce emissions causing climate change
Businesses that use government incentives like this win in the long term: They save money and make a huge dent in decarbonization targets And when it comes to businesses helping other businesses go green, Belinda Gilbey is at the forefront: As president and co-founder of BONDI Energy Corp (BONDI), her life’s work is retrofitting commercial buildings and multifamily unit apartments with heat pumps Air conditioning in large buildings is a major source of greenhouse gases, which contribute significantly to climate change That’s why, in Gilbey’s words, “BONDI’s efforts are aimed at encouraging the adoption of greener energy sources and phasing out gas as a primary building heating and cooling source. ” And as a queer woman business owner, she leads her sector in creating a company as diverse as the people living and working in the buildings she retrofits
- Belinda Gilbey
Gilbey's journey toward sustainable energy began early in her career While working in sales and consulting for commercial properties in the energy sector, she developed a passion for creating costeffective decarbonization solutions to improve efficiencies and reduce building energy consumption and operating expenses Determined to make a difference, she sold her vision to Aaron Graben of Titan York Realty and they co-founded BONDI together Under her leadership, BONDI expanded to the biggest markets in North America, including Toronto, New York, Detroit, and Chicago
So what exactly is a heat pump retrofit, and how does it work? Essentially, a heat pump retrofit involves installing heat pump systems in an existing building to replace or supplement the building's existing heating and cooling system Heat pumps work by transferring heat energy from one place to another, rather than generating heat through combustion; this makes them much more energy efficient than traditional heating and cooling systems
“By installing heat pumps, buildings can reduce their energy consumption and lower their carbon footprint, all while maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature,” says Gilbey. “In fact, retrofits can reduce energy consumption by up to 60 percent per building, making them a smart financial investment for businesses.”
Investing now is a smart move both for businesses and property owners, as well as those who lease: Landlords may soon face new regulatorycompliance expenses as governments consider implementing air conditioning requirements This potential additional cost comes on top of shifts in the price of energy, which continue to impact the bottom line Since heat pumps also reverse in the summer, they provide cost-efficient air-conditioning BONDI manages the full retrofit process, including design, installation and maintenance, and even financing
To make heat pump retrofits more affordable and to encourage wider adoption of the technology, BONDI partners with utilities and government agencies to secure funding and even applies for available grants and incentives on behalf of the property owner. But, as Gilbey notes, " one of the biggest challenges we face is education helping people understand what heat pumps are and how they work " Additionally, retrofitting existing buildings can be more complex than installing heat pumps in new construction
Despite these challenges, Gilbey remains optimistic about the future of sustainable building "We're at a really exciting time in the industry People are starting to see the benefits of sustainability, and they're becoming more aware of the impact that buildings have on the environment We have the technology and the know-how to make a real difference, and I believe we will see more and more buildings adopting sustainable solutions in the coming years "
Gilbey and her team have been widely recognized for their contributions to the sustainable energy industry BONDI was recently named one of Ontario's Top 10 Cleantech Companies by the Ontario Sustainable Energy Association (OSEA) and was given the 2022 Best in Class Award for Energy Efficiency Their work has been featured in The Globe and Mail, CBC, and Energy Manager Magazine, just to name a few
Together, Gilbey and Graben and the entire team at BONDI are decarbonizing buildings, cutting energy costs, and fighting climate change, one heat pump at a time For more information please visit Bondi Energy Corp @bondienergycorp www bondicorp com
Canada is claiming its spot at the forefront of the emerging data economy – and businesses of every size stand to gain. Learn five ways you can benefit from the emerging data economy to drive increased business value.
Digital technology and data are driving business transformation now more than ever The integration of digital technology into all areas of business, such as switching to a cloud environment or using AI-driven insights to boost sales efficiency, has significantly shifted how companies operate and deliver value to their customers, especially over the last decade
In response, more organizations are recognizing the power of data, alongside the power of their wider data ecosystem defined as the global digital ecosystem that revolves around the collection, storage, analysis, and utilization of data as a valuable resource As data networking becomes the core network in the world of computing for businesses of any size, the more users who join the data economy and Data Cloud ecosystem, the more data scope and reach these users gain
Businesses that join the Data Cloud are the ones leading in today’s data economy and driving tangible business outcomes
As organizations around the world become increasingly datadriven, Canada is poised to be a central hub for data innovation
Canadian investment in “data, databases, and data science” has grown over 400% since 2005
The country’s rich talent pool and best-in-class engineering schools make it a highly sought-after location for developing innovative technology – supporting its trajectory of becoming a world-class leading economy
Companies and investors stand to gain heavily from investing in Canada's data economy, with many tech companies sourcing from local talent and fuelling growth across the economy Amongst others, Snowflake, the Data Cloud company, has recognized the city’s capabilities to drive data innovation opening their newest engineering hub in Toronto late last year
The data economy thrives when businesses of all levels join the Data Cloud network to increase data sharing and collaboration
The SME sector has long been the backbone of the Canadian economy, making up 98 percent of all businesses in the country and employing 8 2 million Canadians,according to Statistics Canada
By embracing the data economy, small and medium sized businesses can see a real impact on their bottom line, their customer experiences, and even their product strategies and pricing models
Having a single source of truth for all data, in a secure, governed, and private fashion, can help drive businesses forward
By tapping into the power of data and nurturing a data culture, organizations can drive successful growth and better serve their customers
SME businesses are critical to the data economy because they have the ability to be nimble and flexible, and gather more niche data points catered toward specific audiences Small businesses have a unique opportunity to benefit from the data economy because while they don't have the same resources as larger organizations, they can tap into data through data sharing and collaboration through the Data Cloud to help with their own insights
Here are the top five ways small businesses can benefit by leveraging the data economy to drive increased value and operational efficiencies:
By gaining access to more data, businesses can develop a better understanding of their customers’ behaviours and preferences These insights allow small businesses to tailor their products or services to meet their customer’s needs more effectively and increase customer loyalty For instance, modernizing the overall customer buying journey and gathering insights on subscribers to ensure email lists are segmented accordingly
Through analyzing data, SME businesses can identify inefficiencies in their operations and take steps to streamline them This can include finding inefficiencies in supply chains and discovering information that isn’t centralized or immediately available By understanding where the disconnect is and taking appropriate measures, this can lead to increased productivity, cost savings, and ultimately, better profits
In 2022, a recent report found that 60 percent of Canadian organizations surveyed experienced some form of fraud or economic crime the last 24 months By examining data patterns and trends, businesses can more quickly identify irregular activity at all stages of operation and prevent fraudulent transactions from occurring, such as reducing the risk of sampling errors and improving internal controls
To optimize business decisions, SME business owners can tap into data to gain valuable insights that will take their business to the next level This includes everything from making more informed decisions about hiring, inventory management, and other critical business functions In addition to identifying trends and predicting demand
Access to New Markets:
Data can help businesses identify new markets and opportunities for growth By analyzing consumer behaviour and trends in different regions or industries, SME businesses can identify new areas to increase their customer base and expand their operations
Specifically, being able to predict regions of future demand and tailor business operations and marketing strategies accordingly
For SME businesses, leveraging the data economy presents a significant opportunity to gain a competitive advantage by making smarter business decisions to drive growth, improve security, and streamline processes By investing in data innovation, businesses can unlock their full potential and thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape
About the author:
Shannon Katschilo currently serves as the Country Manager of Canada at Snowflake Katschilo brings over 15 years of client connectionbuilding and employee stewardship to her role, scaling Snowflake's presence in the market and taking a data-first approach to improving experiences at all levels of operation. Prior to Snowflake, Katschilo served as the General Manager and AVP of Sales at Medallia where she exhibited a 600% increase in new logos by excavating whitespace and striving to maximize customer satisfaction Katschilo is committed to sharing her knowledge throughout the industry by devising and chairing meetings, hosting client events, and regularly presenting at conferences and webinars
Let’s take a glimpse at some of the top Canadian organizations that have set precedence in this field:
Canada has made significant strides in promoting inclusivity and support for LGBTQ+ businesses. Recognizing the economic potential and talent within this vibrant community, the country has implemented various resources and initiatives aimed at fostering an inclusive business environment These measures provide LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs with access to funding, business development programs, networking events, and mentorship opportunities By embracing diversity and championing inclusivity, Canada is actively contributing to the growth and success of LGBTQ+ businesses, creating a more vibrant and equitable economy This commitment to supporting marginalized communities sets an example for fostering a diverse and inclusive business landscape
Be more assertive and find out more at www.cglcc.ca
Egale is at the forefront of the fight for equality and acceptance for 2SLGBTQI individuals. Their mission revolves around creating a society free from hatred and oppression Through research, education, awareness, and legal advocacy, Egale works to transform lives and foster inclusivity Their research informs policy development, shedding light on the challenges faced by the community Education programs and awareness campaigns aim to empower individuals and promote compassion and understanding Through legal advocacy, Egale strives for equal rights and protections at all levels of government Their ultimate goal is to create a world where the LGBTQ community can thrive without fear of discrimination
Egale is at the forefront of the fight for equality and acceptance for 2SLGBTQI individuals Their mission revolves around creating a society free from hatred and oppression Through research, education, awareness, and legal advocacy, Egale works to transform lives and foster inclusivity Their research informs policy development, shedding light on the challenges faced by the community Education programs and awareness campaigns aim to empower individuals and promote compassion and understanding Through legal advocacy, Egale strives for equal rights and protections at all levels of government Their ultimate goal is to create a world where the LGBTQ community can thrive without fear of discrimination
If you want to learn more about the measures taken by the Canadian government to protect the rights of LGBTQ, then visit www.international.gc.ca/worldmonde/issues_developmentenjeux_developpement/human_rightsdroits _homme/rights_lgbtidroits _lgbti.aspx?lang=eng.
By giving LGBTQ+ companies access to vital resources and assistance, Canada's inclusive economy is laying the groundwork for a more prosperous future. The LGBTQ+ community's economic potential and skills are being recognized via progressive initiatives and programs. LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs are given the resources they need to succeed, including financial aid, business training, the opportunity to network, and guidance from successful businesspeople. Canada's dedication to diversity and inclusion serves as an inspiring model for creating a fair economy that values and recognizes the work of all its citizens.
Canada's inclusive economy is actively supporting LGBTQ+ enterprise's success by providing a welcoming environment and useful
ianSME, a magazine for small and m-sized enterprises, is an excellent read y company that values being on the g edge of its industry. CanadianSME ine subscribers get access to a wealth of ces and are kept abreast of developments industry
anadianSME community is made up of e who share a love for business and reneurship, and by following adian _ sme on Twitter, entrepreneurs can n connected and active with this group To ibe to CanadianSME's magazine and n abreast of the newest trends and pments in your business, please visit n/dbqmSKN now.
It is a known fact that the ability to adapt and be prepared is crucial for ensuring sustained success in the dynamic realm of business Small enterprises in Canada encounter distinctive obstacles, and a critical aspect that is frequently disregarded is the process of succession planning In this light, CanadianSME has decided to make a comprehensive guide that aims to highlight the main points which can help you keep your business relevant to the market.
We hereby take the liberty to explore effective strategies tailored specifically to small businesses, enabling them to navigate ownership transitions, maintain continuity, and sustain profitability By highlighting the importance of succession planning and offering practical insights, this guide equips entrepreneurs with the knowledge and tools necessary to secure the future of their businesses in an ever-evolving Canadian business environment.
Since small businesses in Canada face unique challenges when it comes to ensuring long-term success and prosperity, a more often overlooked aspect is succession planning By implementing effective strategies, small businesses can futureproof their operations and secure a smooth transition of ownership
Let's explore three key succession planning strategies that are particularly relevant for small businesses in Canada in the year 2023:
Identify potential successors: Identify individuals within the organization who possess the skills, knowledge, and passion to take over key leadership roles
Develop a structured plan: Create a formal succession plan that outlines the timeline, responsibilities, and objectives for the transition. This plan should be flexible enough to accommodate unforeseen circumstances
Seek external advice: Engage the services of a professional consultant or advisor who specializes in succession planning to provide guidance and expertise
Conduct regular reviews and updates: Succession planning is not a one-time event Regularly review and update your succession plan to ensure its relevance and effectiveness as your business evolves
Invest in employee development: Implement comprehensive training and development programs to nurture and groom potential successors from within the organization Provide them with opportunities to acquire new skills and gain valuable experience
Encourage mentorship and knowledge transfer: Foster a culture of mentorship, where senior leaders pass on their expertise and wisdom to the next generation of leaders Establish formal mentorship programs to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and ensure a seamless transition.
Promote a growth mindset: Cultivate a work environment that encourages continuous learning and growth Emphasize the importance of adaptability, innovation, and embracing new technologies to stay ahead of the competition
Succession planning is a crucial element in future-proofing small businesses in Canada in 2023. By implementing these strategies, small business owners can ensure a smooth transition of ownership, maintain business continuity, and secure long-term prosperity Starting early, building a strong leadership pipeline, and considering external options and contingency plans are key steps that will enable small businesses to navigate the ever-changing business landscape and thrive in the years to come
CanadianSME, a magazine for small and medium-sized enterprises, is an excellent read for any company that values being on the cutting edge of its industry. CanadianSME magazine subscribers get access to a wealth of resources and are kept abreast of developments in their industry
Explore partnerships and collaborations: Assess potential external candidates who could bring fresh perspectives and expertise to the business Look for individuals who align with the company ' s values and have a proven track record of success
Create a contingency plan: Prepare for unexpected events by having a contingency plan in place This may involve identifying interim leadership or establishing a buy-sell agreement to facilitate the transfer of ownership in case of unforeseen circumstances, such as disability or sudden departure of key personnel
The CanadianSME community is made up of people who share a love for business and entrepreneurship, and by following @Canadian_sme on Twitter, entrepreneurs can remain connected and active with this group To subscribe to CanadianSME's magazine and remain abreast of the newest trends and developments in your business, please visit lnkd.in/dbqmSKN now
There has been a rising awareness in recent years of the significance of aiding and strengthening Indigenous tribes all over the globe Important to this movement is the promotion of Indigenous business ownership and the growth of the local economy These enterprises promote Indigenous peoples' autonomy and cultural survival at the same time as they boost the local economy
There has been a significant rise in the prominence of organizations whose sole objective is to support Indigenous-owned enterprises as powerful champions and facilitators of this revolutionary shift Their goal is to level the playing field for Indigenous business owners by redressing past injustices and encouraging broadbased economic development They achieve this by providing such business entities with resources, mentoring programs, financing, and networking opportunities
Let us take a closer look at some of these organizations that are playing a critical role in establishing the Indigenous presence in the Canadian commercial panorama:
Canadian Council for Indigenous Businesses
Invest in employee development: Implement comprehensive training and development programs to nurture and groom potential successors from within the organization Provide them with opportunities to acquire new skills and gain valuable experience
Encourage mentorship and knowledge transfer: Foster a culture of mentorship, where senior leaders pass on their expertise and wisdom to the next generation of leaders Establish formal mentorship programs to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and ensure a seamless transition
Promote a growth mindset: Cultivate a work environment that encourages continuous learning and growth Emphasize the importance of adaptability, innovation, and embracing new technologies to stay ahead of the competition
To understand how they work and provide services, hop onto www.ccab.com
Canadian Centre for Aboriginal Entrepreneurship
CCAE empowers entrepreneurs and bridges cultural divides between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities CCAE helps both groups collaborate and develop with expert support They teach entrepreneurs project management, communication, and more Virtual relationships with government, Indigenous, and organizations give individualized
coaching and mentorship CCAE has helped almost 3,500 entrepreneurs launch their enterprises under Bruce Lacroix CCAE promotes entrepreneurial education to build a welcoming and successful community for everyone
To learn more, please visit www.ccae.ca
IBDS in British Columbia empowers Indigenous businesses IBDS helps Indigenous company owners overcome obstacles and fulfill their potential via specialized business development programs IBDS launched an internet portal for all Indigenous people in British Columbia Western Economic Diversification Canada and Aboriginal Financial Institutions boost IBDS's financial assistance Director Brianna, an Indigenous entrepreneur, is leading IBDS to expand opportunities, resources, and economic success for Indigenous communities. Indigenous business entrepreneurs benefit from IBDS.
For further information, feel free to log onto www.ibdsbc.ca
Advanced Business Match
Advanced Business Match (ABM) creates ethical commercial interactions for Indigenous and non-Indigenous decision-makers ABM matches like-minded people for successful partnerships via personal introductions and business matching ABM secures online meetings to build trust and privacy ABM Canada also hosts inperson events for professionals to network and form lasting business ties ABM builds long-term success via platform-based collaborations Decision-makers join ABM to join a helpful business and interpersonal community.
Browse for a better view of their services at www.advancedbusinessmatch.com
Inuit women ' s national representative group, Pauktuutit, promotes their rights and involvement in all parts of life Pauktuutit has promoted equality and prosperity for Inuit women since 1984 They support Inuit women and children's rights, social and economic advancements, and Canadian society The Inuit Women in Business Network links Inuit women entrepreneurs and professionals with Pauktuutit to promote economic development and Inuit values Inuit women are transforming Canadas business scene
Learn more about their services at pauktuutit.ca/welcome-inuit-women-businessnetwork.
These organizations are carving a path for success that not only spurs an economic boom for the larger Canadian community and a long-term financial prosperity that is also substantially sustainable They are serving as a concourse for businesses to scale and attain their aspired financial goals They’re making way for emerging Indigenous enterprises to overcome the modern challenges of the contemporary marketplace and represent their cultural and traditional values on a global level
These organizations are champions of high-value business mentorship and entrepreneurial advisory that are prompting a paradigm shift
CanadianSME, a magazine for small and mediumsized enterprises, is an excellent read for any company that values being on the cutting edge of its industry CanadianSME magazine subscribers get access to a wealth of resources and are kept abreast of developments in their industry
The CanadianSME community is made up of people who share a love for business and entrepreneurship, and by following @Canadian_sme on Twitter, entrepreneurs can remain connected and active with this group To subscribe to CanadianSME's magazine and remain abreast of the newest trends and developments in your business, please visit lnkd.in/dbqmSKN now
Theresa Coo is the Vice President of Cybercare at Cyberbacker, the leading provider of virtual assistance services and administrative support worldwide Coo is an expert on effective onboarding and offboarding processes for remote companies, and she specializes in workforce experience and employee engagement.
Theresa Coo, VP of Cybercare at Cyberbacker, shares her journey from legal and contracts backer to overseeing all processes and functions of the Contracts and Cybercare teams. She provides insights into the critical steps involved in creating efficient onboarding processes, the importance of integrating company culture, and the role of goal setting. Theresa highlights the benefits of their unique 100-day onboarding process and how technology assists in its implementation Regular check-ins are also discussed as a key element in ensuring successful onboarding and employee engagement
When did you start your career? Could you also share some of your key responsibilities in the company?
I started my career at Cyberbacker back in February 2021 I started as a Legal and Contracts backer who handles contracts and cases for the company I was promoted to Director of Loss Prevention and Mitigation team, which handles Onboarding, HR, Rewards and Recognition Then I was promoted to VP of Cybercare (the Legal and Contracts Team and the CBLPM team were joined together and formed the Cybercare division)
My role as the VP of Cybercare includes overseeing all the processes and functions of the Contracts team, both Independent Contractor and Client-facing parts we manage the sending, keeping, and creating of contracts for the company, including its interpretation and enforcement This also includes managing the onboarding process of the company from the time they sign the contract up to the 100 days of onboarding The Rewards and Recognitions team ensures that we provide our independent contractors with perks that will contribute to their overall engagement with the company. This includes HMO, Recognitions and Awards, Contests, Announcements, Celebrations, Events, Bonuses, and Gifts
Theresa Coo Vice President of Cybercare at CyberbackerAs an expert in structuring effective onboarding and offboarding processes for remote companies, what in your opinion are the crucial steps involved in developing an efficient onboarding team?
First, you have to know your company, and your company ' s values and make sure that you understand them because each part of the onboarding process must be anchored in your company ’ s values
Second, know the company ' s processes that are crucial to the success of a newly-onboarded member These processes must be segregated and organized according to the need of the organization and plotted properly in the onboarding timeline.
Third, know your team members or members of your organization
Once you are ready with the above information, you then proceed to create the plan
Create a map of how the onboarding process will go and create a checklist of onboarding processes The map creation will give you an idea of which parts of your program connect with one another, the next steps, and if they show a flow that will help you achieve your onboarding goal
Then lastly, once you have outlined your program, you must create the tone of your onboarding process This is to ensure that you find interactive approaches in implementing the onboarding steps
The incorporation of company culture into the onboarding process is often regarded as vital. Can you discuss why this is so important and how you manage to do this at Cyberbacker?
Culture drives many things in an organization, such as team member satisfaction, loyalty, retention, sense of inclusion These play a significant role in how a new member will adapt to the company
100% of the time, new members are not comfortable when they come into the organization They are anxious about how to interact, how to speak, what to do, and what not to do That is why during the first day of the onboarding process in Cyberbacker, we ensure that we welcome team members to the company in the most welcoming way possible Despite the number of attendees in the session, we ensure that each division finds time to welcome the new members We also make sure that we remind them that open communication is welcome in Cyberbacker
Goal-setting strategies are typically considered a significant component of the onboarding process. What do you think are the main reasons behind their importance and how they should be implemented?
Goal-setting is important because it serves as a guide for the member and the company If the goal and expectations are set properly, the team member will have a sense of direction and will not feel lost in the process They will be aware of the standards that they need to follow to measure success and performance It also provides for engagement and a proper increase in morale
The 100-day onboarding process seems to be a unique approach. How does this extended timeline help in addressing the limitations of traditional onboarding processes?
The extended process makes it more digestible Newly onboarded team members are bombarded with so much information from day one It is a crucial part of the relationship between the company and the team member and should not be rushed Proper timing is necessary to ensure that the information provided is absorbed properly This process eliminates information overload and gives more time for CFUs The extended onboarding time also makes the relationship stronger because it builds a more solid foundation in the relationship
Considering the length of the onboarding process, how does technology assist in facilitating the 100-day onboarding program at Cyberbacker?
Technology plays many different roles, and it is very important, especially since we are working virtually Both hardware and software technologies play a significant role in our successful onboarding process The basics are a must: Computers that have ample power to conduct the processes needed Headsets that can provide clear communication A strong internet connection that can support the needs of the job and the onboarding process We also use various software applications to help us facilitate onboarding sessions and meetings There are many different applications to help create exciting and engaging experiences, presentations, and activities
Regular check-ins are seen as an essential part of the onboarding process. In your experience, how often should these check-ins be scheduled, and why?
It is not only the number of checkin times that is important, but the timing of the check-ins is crucial as well Apart from the first day of the meet and greet session and onboarding, there should be a check-in after one week, then on the second week, then on the first month, 60th day, and 90th day This should be a different part from the regular coaching calls being conducted by the actual trainers with the newly-onboarded member
Most companies experiencing difficulty can be saved if their problems are caught soon enough
As a group these companies almost always share a specific characteristic which is DENIAL Once denial creeps into a business it becomes ubiquitous with both depth and scope At some point the level of toxicity is fatal
Frequently specific warning signs or red flags that if heeded, can give the company time to act before it is too late There are three basic types of warning signals:
Mathematical models forecasting distress.
Negative trend signals.
Negative behavioural signals.
Mathematical Forecasting are usually multivariate mathematical models that use key financial ratios and information over time This approach is based upon internal information and financial statements These are therefore dependent upon the accuracy, reliability and relevance of financial data Often in an environment in which even a vague notion of performance management principals have disappeared
In almost three decades as a commercial lender or turnaround manager, almost every case that I have seen has had problems with the accuracy and reliability of data
Negative Trend signals are not mathematically precise: they are more subjective and cover a variety of functions They do not have any absolute good or bad and they can vary among industries, or even within a company
For example, I often consider market-driven signals The most indicative are declining margins and a declining market share A strong negative signal is an erosion of margins where increased sales do not translate into profits Declining margins together with declining market share is a sure indication of trouble
Other signals that are not market driven but are financial in nature include:
The company has a high breakeven. I define this as being where a company could not meet its debt obligations with even a slight decline in sales
Assets are being leveraged to the maximum margins allowed by secured lenders This is usually liquidation value
Debt is steadily increasing but not necessarily to finance income producing assets or growth
Pressure on operating lines and the company exceeds the authorized operating line on an unplanned basis
Any debt used to finance losses
A sale/lease back done to raise capital without a plan
A lack of reinvestment- this is perhaps the earliest sign of decline
Negative Behavioural Signals cannot be measured but they are still very important The most important of these is poor communication The key to good communication in a business is a three way path between division, staff, and operating personnel
Operating personnel are like sergeants in the army, they are the backbone of the organization It is essential that operating personnel feel free to communicate It is far more important to communicate bad information than good. Good communication (especially in the face of trouble) stops when the messenger deliver bad news feels they will be punish or no one will listen
Low morale, another important negative behavioural signal takes little perception and intuition to perceive In small companies a vis those in the “front line” is importan Sometimes a visitor can see obvio signs of decline, such as dingy off or a messy shop floor When a sm company is experiencing low mora these things are evident In larger companies these may be more difficult to see The will likely have sufficient resources to make the situation look better than it is
Most companies facing difficulties can be saved if action is taken soon enough. What is absolutely crucial is speedy, resolute action by the company ’ s management in light of one or more red flags.
The one common characteristic of all failed companies is denial until the trustee is appointed. In the face of any warning signal, the only management sin is hesitation.
TommyM.Onich BBA,CTP President, TCMI LimitedTom is a specialist in interim and crisis management with 20 years of senior management experience in financial, operational and statutory restructuring He has served as Chief Restructuring Officer, Chief Executive Officer, and Chief Financial Officer in a wide range of business sectors including health care, structural steel, garment manufacturing, yacht building, die cast, railroad repair and food processing.
In today’s competitive business landscape, small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) face the challenge of attracting and retaining top talent while managing their budgets This has made providing attractive benefits crucial But traditional onesize-fits-all plans often fall short of meeting the unique needs of SMEs and can be expensive This is where BeniPlus comes in, offering a game-changing solution that combines tailor-made benefits solutions with exceptional cost saving
Second, business owners determine which benefits options suit their team’s unique needs Employers can offer any or all of the benefits options including Healthcare Spending Accounts (HSA), Wellness Spending Accounts (WSA), Registered retirement Savings Plans (RRSP), Personal Insurance or Charitable Giving
What is the Beniplus Wallet? It's a proprietary digital platform that allows SMEs to build a tailor-made benefits solution for their business in 3 easy steps First, SMEs determine how much they would like to spend on benefits The unique design of the BeniPlus Wallet means that it can fit any budget or headcount, making it the perfect benefits solutions for small and medium sized businesses Plus, the simple digital platform makes adding or removing employees a breeze
Finally, employees determine how to spend their benefits to best fit their individuals goals and needs. Whether it is an amazing pair of prescription glasses, dental work or a trip to see a massage therapist, or covering that gym membership they have been sweating, Wallet holders have the ultimate flexibility to personalize their benefits to fit their needs
Managing costs is a top priority for SMEs, and traditional benefits plans often come with hefty premiums that can strain tight budgets, which often go up year-over-year BeniPlus takes a different approach by eliminating premiums and adopting a “ cap and control" pay-as-you-go model for benefits This model allows small businesses to only pay for benefits that their team uses with a yearly maximum that cannot go up, significantly reducing costs
These cost savings are helped by the tax advantages the BeniPlus Wallet provides The BeniPlus Wallet is tax deductible for businesses, providing additional savings for both the business and your team members. Even better, certain benefits can flow tax-free to your team, saving them even more when they invest in their health and wellness
Additionally, BeniPlus provides comprehensive support and resources to make navigating onboarding and administration a breeze With streamlined administration, SMEs can focus on strategic initiatives and employee satisfaction, while we take care of the backend operations
With the needs of your team constantly changing, BeniPlus helps SMEs stay ahead of the curve As SMEs face new challenges and employee expectations shift, the BeniPlus Wallet offers a unique solution that allows your business and your employees to build a plan that works for them HSAs and WSAs are a transformative benefit that provides employees with the ultimate flexibility to use their benefits to suit their needs
BeniPlus seamlessly integrates these offerings through their fully digital Wallet solution, allowing SMEs to provide modern benefits solutions that align with the changing demands and expectations of their workforce By embracing these trends, SMEs can foster a culture of wellness, enhance employee engagement, and position themselves as progressive employers willing to invest in their team’s health and wellness
BeniPlus goes beyond providing benefits solutions– it becomes a trusted partner for SMEs With their expertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, BeniPlus supports SMEs every step of the way
BeniPlus offers personalized guidance in designing benefits solutions, provides ongoing support for employees, and keeps SMEs informed about industry trends and regulation changes. The partnership with BeniPlus gives SMEs the confidence and peace of mind to focus on what they do best – growing their businesses and taking care of their employees
Administrative burdens can be overwhelming SMEs, diverting valuable time and resources away from core business activities. BeniPlus makes benefits administration simple, offering a user-friendly platform that streamlines the process and offers comprehensive reporting features
From employee enrollment to claims management, the intuitive interface eliminates paperwork, saving time and effort
In an era where customization, cost savings and flexibility are paramount, BeniPlus stands as a game-changer for SMEs seeking benefits solutions By harnessing the power of tailor-made benefits, SMES can design benefits plans that align with their unique requirements and reflect their company culture The elimination of monthly premiums through a pay-asyou-go model contributes significant savings, enabling SMEs to optimize their benefits investment With BeniPlus, SMEs can navigate the changing needs of their team, streamline administration, and partner with a trusted ally dedicated to their success
So with this in mind, let’s consider a function that impacts every business and its workforce What does the future hold for corporate learning?
It’s an exciting time to be in learning and development (L&D) In many ways, this department is at the forefront of the significant skills changes happening across workforces Stemming skills gaps are at the top of every CEO’s priority list with half of business leaders encountering challenges in executing their strategies due to an unforeseen lack of skills. Many are turning to learning to build skills from within, instead of solely relying on a competitive hiring market
Every now and then, we all like to gaze into our crystal balls and predict what the future may look like for ourselves personally and the companies that we lead If the pandemic taught us just one lesson, it would be that the future is unknown and (potentially) disruptive. Planning for this disruption is a never-ending task. However, we can look at some of the trends emerging today as a harbinger of what’s to come And it’s worth considering what may change in your industry, especially when setting long-term goals and strategy
This means that L&D is finally taking a strategic position in the boardroom Corporate learning is no longer just a compliance exercise or a nice-to-have benefit offered to entice employees L&D will become the de facto way for the C-Suite to ensure their workforces are ready for future business needs and can shift quickly if demand suddenly changes
With this, comes an evolution in how we view someone ’ s skills Notably, by 2030, all organizations should be ‘skills-based’ and the role of the CLO (Chief Learning Officer) may evolve into the Chief Skills Officer to reflect their new focus All major workforce decisions, from hiring to promoting, upskilling to redeploying, will be based on the current skills of an employee and the skills they are building through learning We’re seeing the early stages of this now, with IBM, Accenture, and even the U S Government recently dropping degree requirements in favor of a skills-based approach
Degrees will still have a place in this new world, but the skills that an employee builds after they graduate will be just as important if not more so as time passes since graduation After all, you don’t measure someone ’ s health based on a marathon that they ran two decades ago So why are we doing the same with education and the workplace?
The pace of learning will also increase drastically Not just out of necessity, thanks to the dwindling half life of skills, but because AI will help to summarize and deliver learning in a more digestible way One that’s personalized to our different learning styles One employee may get a VR simulation while another may be offered haptic gloves to learn the same skill
The shift to skills will have a positive impact on other focus areas for CEOs, notably in improving diversity and inclusion It removes unconscious bias from workforce decisions, by basing those choices on tangible, hard skills data Plus, it can help to broaden the talent pool, possibly by bringing in gig workers and other temporary talent matching available work tasks to people based on their skills, regardless of their backgrounds, work style, or other potentially biased factors
As technology advances and new innovations emerge, our relationship with technology will change and that’s going to impact the way we learn Just look at the impact ChatGPT and other generative AI has had on L&D in just a short period of time It’s changed the skills required by workers (prompt engineering is a good example) and made it much easier for L&D teams to create content and curate learning pathways. The way we create content will continued to change - AI assisted content creation will accelerate, adjust and draw unique learning paths that adapt to the prior knowledge and skills of each learner
This disruption will only continue Thanks to emerging technologies like the metaverse, mixed reality, VR and AR, and digital twins, we can predict what some of this will look like in 2030 We’ve already got medical students practising their transvenous lead extraction in mixed reality and engineers simulating airplane repairs without even visiting a hangar By 2030, our technology and infrastructure like 5G (by that point, 6 or 7G) will be fast and powerful enough to make these immersive experiences so detailed and real-time, that learning in the ‘real world’ will feel antiquated and slow Just look at how immersive some of today’s video games are Thats where L&D is headed, to the point where employees will engage and interact with interfaces that look like something out of Ready Player One
These ideas may seem far-off in the future But you can be laying the groundwork for them right now. Keeping an open mind and scanning for new innovations you can bring to your L&D is a good start So is investing in a learning ecosystem that works effectively with others (an open one, as opposed to a closed system that locks you into a predefined vendor list)
Vitally, you don’t want any trend to be a distraction for your business So always align any experimentation with your business goals There will always be a new, cool technology that grabs your attention Ensuring it takes you towards fulfilling a goal is a simple check that you can do to avoid an innovation from hindering your long-term growth
CanadianSME takes immense pride in hosting the CanadianSME Business Awards, an essential fixture in our calendar that signifies the celebration and acknowledgement of those who have significantly contributed to our nation's economy This year, it was a privilege to witness an impressive turnout with over 500 attendees, alongside the felicitation of more than 500 diverse businesses from across Canada We maintain our commitment to extend similar support and appreciation for our small and medium-sized enterprises
We were exhilarated to recognize the accomplishments of 36 winners from various regions of Canada during this high-profile, red-carpet event conducted on May 5, 2023, at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre The evening served as a testament extraordinaire to the groundbreaking achievements of Canadian SMEs and entrepreneurs Celebrating their success during this event symbolizes their massive impact within their respective industries and our country
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our partners and award category sponsors We extend a heartfelt appreciation to Google, our presenting partner, for the awards We also thank our exclusive banking partner RBC, our shipping partner, UPS, and our accounting software partner Xero, who were also the award category sponsors. Furthermore, we wish to acknowledge our other Award Category sponsors, including Futurpreneur, Deloitte, Samsung, GoDaddy, CyberCatch, HP, Zoho, Nerds on Site, The Answer Company, and eBay, for their valued contribution to the CanadianSME National Business Awards 2022
CanadianSME extends profound gratitude to the Honourable Minister Mary Ng, Canada’s Minister of International Trade, Export Promotion, Small Business and Economic Development; Victor Fedeli, Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, Ontario; Doug Ford, the Premier of Ontario; and Honourable Filomena Tassi, Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario Their special messages to the small business community were both insightful and uplifting
Our heartfelt appreciation goes out to all the judges for their invaluable expertise and time spent adjudicating the awards Following a detailed review, this diverse panel has carefully evaluated the standout businesses deserving of high regard Finally, we extend our warm thanks to all the attendees who made this event a resounding success
With the collective support received, we've successfully underscored the significance of hosting events such as these, which serve as beneficial platforms for small businesses from varied industries to connect and gain insights from one another As we look ahead, our ambition is to orchestrate more of such interactive events, optimistically enhancing our platform over time We truly appreciate your sustained support as we forge ahead in our forthcoming endeavours
Regards, CanadianSME Small Business Magazine
Business Women oftheYear
Black Entrepreneur oftheYear
Entrepreneur oftheYear
Kristy Miller was born and raised in Guelph, Ontario Canada. Her entrepreneurial spirit bursts through her two companies she has created and established in her community. Now a busy mom of three boys she has learned to find balance between family and businesses while still positively motivating her female community. Kristy recognized a lack of healthy, beautiful soy wax candles in the industry and now makes and teaches how to choose a healthy candle, care for your candle and safety, in order to take some time to sit back, relax and enjoy the candlelight.
The Scented Market recognized a need for more at home self care by creating and hand making products such as Scented Soy Candles, Room Sprays, Bath Salts, Bubble Bath and so much more! We have created a lifestyle brand of products and pride ourself in being eco friendly. While both using the best quality ingredients in our products, and also looking at our footprint by offering reusable, recyclable packaging, we have a jar return program at each store and also offer candle refills. Our ecofriendly packaging combined with our self care mission allows our community to bring the spa home and feel good about it.
Up to 10 employees
Steven Vanloffeld is a visionary entrepreneur from Saugeen First Nation, ON, who has a passion for Indigenous community economic development. He is the Founder and CEO of eSupply Canada, a national online distributor of office, janitorial, and industrial supplies, and the only franchise company in Canada focused on Indigenous community ownership. Steven's intimate understanding of the economic opportunities facing Indigenous communities comes from his experience serving as an elected member of council at Saugeen. Before embarking on his entrepreneurial journey, Steven served as the Executive Director of the Association of Native Child and Family Service Agencies of Ontario (ANCFSAO), a membership organization whose member agencies provide child welfare services to over 100 First Nation communities across Ontario. During his time at ANCFSAO, Steven played a critical role in supporting province-wide child welfare systems-level transformation to improve outcomes for Indigenous children, families, and communities.
As an Indigenous company, we are honored to receive the Small Business of the Year Award (under 10 employees). This recognition is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and innovation of our team, who have worked tirelessly to ensure our customers receive the best possible service. We believe that our success is not just our own, but also a reflection of the support and guidance we have received from our community. We will continue to strive for excellence and look forward to further contributing to the growth and development of our industry and supporting the communities we serve.
Small businesses, especially those owned by diverse individuals, are the lifeblood of our economy, but more importantly our communities. You represent the entrepreneurial spirit, creativity, and innovation that drive growth and job creation. Starting and running a business can be challenging, but it is also one of the most rewarding experiences one can have. As a business owner who is Indigenous, I know we bring unique perspectives and experiences that are needed to drive economic growth. Don't be afraid to take risks, think outside the box, and seek out new opportunities. Focus on building a strong network of support, including mentors, advisors, and fellow entrepreneurs. Remember, success takes time, effort, and persistence. Don't give up when faced with obstacles, instead learn from them and use them as opportunities for growth.
BISOULOVELY is a jewelry brand inspired by all things magical. Founded in 2019, the brand has seen major accomplishments in the 3 years it's been active. From gracing the pages of publications such as Vogue, Forbes, Vanity Fair, Cosmopolitan, GQ, Elle and more, as well being showcased in several runways around the world, to debuting a collection that garnered over $1 million dollars in 24 hours. With its dedicated fan community and unique designs, BISOULOVELY aspires to scale up and bring it's fantasy inspired jewelry to greater heights world wide.
My advice to any small business owners, during this recovery phase is not to give up and to collaborate with each other and other partners. The past two years, although highly challenging, have offered us an opportunity to shift our perspective as entrepreneurs, on how we can contribute to positive change in this world, and in our communities. It all starts at our doorsteps. By adapting to new ways of working and new products and services, in particular in this tech-boom era, we can continue to re-invent ourselves through upskilling, collaboration and inclusivity. We now have the opportunity to transcend barriers that entrepreneurs from decades ago, wouldn’t have dreamed of. By embracing change and adapting ourselves to constant-evolving technology and a world-inclusive culture, we can better understand our consumers’ needs and, therefore, set the foundation for a brighter future that we can be proud of.
Up to 10 employees
Prem comes with a decade-long experience in Business Management and International Business expansion and has headed the Asia-Pacific business development initiatives of TATA Group's Realty division and played a key role in Dubai-based Sobha Realty’s Singapore expansion. Their Singapore operations and SEA regional business development were under his leadership for almost 7 years combined.
When we started To Toronto Inc & our entrepreneurial journey in 2018, it was nothing more than a hustle. A hustle to which we dedicated almost 7 days a week with a commitment to go above and beyond in whatever we do.
Today, winning such a prestigious award and a coveted title like "Small Business of the Year 2022", is such an incredible fulfillment to that hustle.
We want to profoundly thank Canadian SME Business Magazine for bestowing this Award on us & thereby endorsing and recognizing what we do and the impact it could bring to Canada's economy.
CEO – Partner, To Toronto Inc
Dawinder is a Business Analyst and an RCIC (Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant) who has a deep passion for mentoring Startups. He has a career spanning almost a decade in Business consulting and project management involving industries ranging from Oil & Gas to Transportation. He is a problem solver and a freelance Angel Investor helping SMBs with seed capital and giving them direction in realizing their big dreams.
From our own experiences, I firmly believe that adaptability and flexibility are 2 of the most rewarding qualities any small business should manifest. Embracing challenges is easier said than done and it is always a work in progress for all of us, but let that work be always in progress and never halt.
Prioritizing work at hand and creating a "Triage system" to evaluate the importance of matters coming to us will help us save important tasks fall through the cracks. This will also help us to efficiently allocate our scarce resources.
During this economic recovery phase, with a focused and flexible approach, we could indeed emerge stronger and more resilient. Even though the key is to plan ahead, always be ready to edit the plans if the road is taking its curves.
We wish all the best to all Canadian Small Business Owners. May the year 2023 be yours.
Up to 100 employees
ear - Top 1
Dr. Silver has worked as a pediatrician for over 20 years. He has founded several Manitoba medical clinics, including the Minor Injury Clinic for Kids at the Pan Am Clinic and the Penicillin Allergy Clinic (the first clinic of its kind in Canada).
Mr. Berkowits has 30 years of local and international experience in the med-tech industry in a variety of technical and leadership roles. Over the 15-year partnership, an organization jointly owned by two of Canada's largest radiology practices, EFW and Mayfair Diagnostics, had the opportunity to design, build, and develop numerous clinical systems.
Together, they have worked on other innovative projects such as the foundation of the Minor Illness and Injury Clinic, the first urgent care clinic located outside of a government facility in Manitoba, and a drive-through appointment-based COVID-19 testing site located at Red River College, which was operational in 8 days.
We’re honoured to receive this award from the CanadianSME and we’re proud to be part of such an inspirational group of nominees. The CanadianSME truly is a champion for Canadian entrepreneurs and showcases to the world that our country is a leader in innovation. Since QDoc’s launch in May 2021, we have helped over 25,000 people access medical care. We’ve built a company with 30 amazing employees and 80 physicians working together to help our communities. We’re excited to continue changing the way medical care is delivered and expanding to other provinces and eventually to all of Canada.
Never be afraid to "make the ask", you may be surprised how many people also see value in your business idea and will share your vision. Speaking from our own experience, it has been eye-opening how supportive people can be. Also, do your research and look out for organizations that offer resources for small businesses in your area. In our case, we were part of North Forge Technology Exchange. They are an incubator, an accelerator, and a powerhouse entrepreneur community. Take the time to create, develop, and nurture connections within your field.
Finally, keep your customer front and centre. Think about how you can have an impact on their lives and how you can help solve their needs. For instance, for QDoc, it was identifying a gap within our healthcare system. That is why, our mission is to ensure our patients have access to quality care, regardless of their socioeconomic status or their geographical location.
Business Sherpa Group was founded in 2008 by Margo Crawford after she felt the need firsthand for backend operations support for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
She believed then, and we still believe today, that the size of an organization shouldn’t limit its potential.
From the beginning, Business Sherpa Group has been dedicated to providing SMEs access to the same quality of resources that larger organizations have.
The key was to provide the support in an embedded and flexible way so that it was attainable, practical, and sustainable for SMEs.
Supporting SMEs continues to be the purpose of Business Sherpa Group’s existence. We have proudly supported over 500 clients (and counting!).Quill Inc. is an award-winning podcast production agency, specializing in branded content. We produce podcasts for enterprise-level brands that are looking for content that achieves maximum impact and results. Through high-quality audio and strategic podcast marketing tactics, Quill helps to boost your company’s podcast ROI.
Your thoughts on winning the CanadianSME National Business Award
Words can’t describe how proud I was of the incredible team at Business Sherpa Group when we learned we won the Small Business of the Year 2022 (under 100 employees). The team puts their hearts into providing top-notch delivery and support to our SME clients. It was amazing and rewarding to see that effort pay off. It’s been a thrill to be a part of scaling the business and the team at Business Sherpa Group, working to build a value-based foundation, prioritizing innovation and staying ahead of industry trends to ensure that we are offering the most relevant and valuable services and solutions. We’re already excited for next year!
Your special message/advice to small business owners during these challenging times
Having worked in a variety of organizations and sectors, there is absolutely nothing more rewarding and interesting that working with SME organizations which continue to drive our economy. As we move towards a post-pandemic world, there are many opportunities to grow and thrive. My advice: keep a close eye on emerging trends, listen to your customers, and be willing to adapt and evolve your business to meet their changing needs. The talent and engagement of your team is what determines your success, so take good care of them (and yourself!)
Sky High ERP is a professional services company specializing in NetSuite solutions founded by David Gauthier, Amanda Juneau, Laura Juneau and Felicia Santoro-Petti.
They’re on a mission to help companies optimize business processes while enhancing employee happiness and fulfillment along the way. Their dynamic team of consultants are passionate about delivering elegant solutions with a measurable impact.
Having only incorporated our business in 2021, winning the CanadianSME National Business Award has been an incredible honor and a testament to the hard work, dedication, and innovative spirit of our team. It validates the countless hours of planning, and the unwavering commitment that our team has placed on serving our customers and community. Thank you to panel of judges and thank you to SK Uddin for creating a space where people like us can be recognized.
Your special message/advice to small business owners during these challenging times
After experiencing such an unforeseen world event, the road to recovery may be challenging. Remember that you've already overcome numerous obstacles to get where you are today. Embrace this phase as an opportunity for growth and adaptation. Take the time to evaluate your business model, identify areas for improvement, and seize new possibilities. Stay connected with your customers, listen to their needs, and provide exceptional value. This will pay off.
Moreover, collaboration and community support will be invaluable during these times, so seek partnerships and build relationships with like-minded businesses. Lastly, prioritize self-care and maintain a positive mindset. Celebrate your successes, learn from setbacks, and remember that your passion and dedication can overcome any obstacle. You have what it takes to thrive!
"Entrepreneurship flows through my veins." Being an AfricanCanadian, I hold a deep passion for advancing economic growth in both Africa and Canada. It brings me great joy to bring together technical and financial partners to aid in achieving this shared goal. With over 15 years of experience in entrepreneurship, accounting, and taxation (including SR&ED), I am a passionate coach and mentor in business innovation.
As an accounting, taxation, and SRED expert, the comprehensive view of helping businesses become more profitable, successful, and sustainable has sparked my entrepreneurial journey to establish Ali Soumah Business Center Inc. (A.S Business Center), a consulting firm that helps startups and existing businesses bring their ideas to life through an implementation system with a high success rate. Our programs have created a thriving ecosystem of thousands of entrepreneurs in various sectors, including cleantech, fintech, manufacturing, IT, agriculture, agribusiness, energy, infrastructure, and housing.
Your thoughts on winning the CanadianSME National Business Award
I am truly humbled and honored to receive the CanadianSME National Business Award for Black Entrepreneur of the Year 2022. This recognition means the world to me, and it is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and passion I have invested in my business. I am grateful to CanadianSME for providing a platform that celebrates diversity and promotes excellence in entrepreneurship. I hope this award will inspire other entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams, and I pledge to continue to strive for excellence in all my endeavors.
Your special message/advice to small business owners during these challenging times
Small business owners have been hit hard during this recovery phase. My advice to them would be to stay agile and adaptable by focusing on innovation and customer engagement. It is crucial to keep an eye on the ever-changing business landscape and be open to new technologies and opportunities that can help your business thrive. Building strong relationships with customers by providing excellent service and keeping them informed of any changes to your operations is essential. Keeping a close eye on your finances and cash flow is also critical, and seeking professional assistance if needed can save you from unnecessary mistakes. Remember, recovery takes time, and patience is essential. Stay positive, be resilient, and keep pushing forward. With persistence, dedication, and your true authentic self, you can rebuild and grow your business stronger than ever before.
Andy Straisfeld is the president/founder of MEA Health Corporation in Brantford, Ontario . Andy’s commitment to landfill reclamation and diversion has set his company as a gold standard in PPE manufacturing recycling and medical waste recycling internationally. Through the work at MEA Health, Andy has been a frequent guest on sustainability podcasts and also host of “Sustainably Circular” podcast dedicated to Circular Economy and Sustainable living.
A lifelong supporter of SME’s and strategic partnerships, Andy is a corporate matchmaker and believer in the power of partnership between sales organizations and the supply chain customers they serve. Andy regularly develops relationships within the Canadian healthcare industry, making “Green” and “We are in it together” key drivers for purchasing decisions.
We are honoured to recieve the CanadianSME 2022 Business Innovation Award. It’s a culmination of dreams and desires when an organization is recognized by its peers and industry. Everyone at MEA Health is proud of the work we do in diverting PPE waste from landfills to be made into products that can help our economy and other industries. The process we have developed, as well as the innovations in equipment design and technology is a product of hard work and entrepreneurship that comes from small businesses leaders and thinkers.
I believe that it’s not where you start, it’s where you finish.
In 2021, we started in a 4000 sqft garage, then moved into a 20000 sqft warehouse in 2022 and now expanding to more storefront sized locations.
Chasing real estate during Covid, almost ended our business. The focus was to perfect the process then get the location to work it out from there.
Great ventures start from small beginnings, and that includes your small business as well as mine. From invention to solving world issues, it’s always going to be painstaking, time consuming devotion in a basement, garage or storefront. Don’t let the size of your operation or its footprint dictate success or failure.
But once you perfect the prototype, you can grow overnight and expand to tight footprint you need.
It’s not about real estate, it’s the realization of your innovation and end product that matters.
The work of being a business owner can often feel thankless so it’s such an honour to be recognized! As Faye Pang from Xero discussed during the awards gala, the hours and dedication that most business owners put in can be life consuming. I was reminded of this recently when my phone was glitching and my daughter told me to just turn it off and on and I realized I didn’t know how! I’m a pretty techy person but my phone is on ALWAYS. That realization struck me that I really need a vacation and some time away from my phone!
Special message/advice to small business owners during challenging times
I remember hearing Oprah discuss the concept of ‘luck’ many years ago during an interview. She defined it as “opportunity meeting preparedness”. I’m not sure how much any of us can really prepare for the rollercoaster of business, but I do know that a common thread can be found among successful business owners: when opportunity presents they say YES. They say yes when they’re not sure how to do the next part. In my profession, which has been built over the past 30 years, 20 of which I’ve been a part of, I often didn’t know HOW to do what came next. But I did it and failed often (sign of a good business person). Secondly I’d say that my business success wouldn’t be possible without my incredible team and the people who have believed in me along the way. The ones who have stuck with me and who support my “yeses” to presented opportunity. For them I will always be forever grateful.
Stefanie has been a Lamaze® Educator and doula since 2002 after the birth of her second son showed her just how valuable it is to be prepared for birth and to have good support around you.
Stefanie is a visionary in the childbirth field. She leads the Discover Birth organization providing a variety of services to expectant parents and training for those wishing to pursue work in the childbirth field. Stefanie is a board member with the Association of Ontario Doulas, former Public Relations Director and Treasurer for DONA International, and sits on many local boards and coalitions to improve our communities. She is a DONA-approved Birth Doula Trainer, and runs a Lamaze LamazeAccredited Childbirth Educator Program.
Stefanie is a contributing author in the best selling Power of Women United and the book Bearing Witness: Childbirth Stories Told by Doulas. She is a regular contributing writer and blogger, and has done many interviews online and for TV/radio. Stefanie was awarded Business Woman of the Year 2022 by CanadianSME
Her belief is that the world can be a better place if parents can have more positive childbirth experiences that allow them to bond properly with their babies. She works tirelessly to change the world in this aspect…one family at a time.
Very early on, our organization made a deliberate decision to prioritize security and privacy as fundamental components of our business, and this has never wavered throughout our growth. We are incredibly proud to be recognized by CanadianSME for our accomplishments in Data Privacy & Security and will use this accomplishment to bolster our constant improvement. We continuously strive to make our products better and more secure for the Canadian businesses that use them, and the Canadians who benefit from our funding options. We are excited to have been recognized for this work and look forward to continuing to be leaders in this area.
In tough economic times, there is a significant opportunity that exists – after all, some of the best companies that exist today were born in recessionary periods, including Financeit. In 2007, when Financeit was started, we were approaching a major global recession. Despite this, during that time we saw our fastest growth to date. While our product was great, the growth truthfully was in large part due to the market conditions, where it was less crowded, which allowed us to grow significantly. If businesses are able to build a solid and sound business model, and keep the business as lean as possible, these types of economic conditions – similar to what we are seeing now – present an optimal opportunity for growth. It is crucial to remember that in these moments, only the strongest businesses survive. However, less noise allows founders and businesses to see a specific opportunity and take advantage of it.
Financeit is a market-leading point-of-sale financing provider servicing the home improvement, vehicle, and retail industries. Financeit's innovative cloud-based technology makes it easy for merchants to increase close rates and transaction sizes with affordable monthly or bi-weekly payment plans. The Financeit platform features a fast, transparent application process and has serviced over 9,000 merchant partners across Canada, with over $2 billion in lifetime originations.
F12.net is a leading provider of full-stack managed IT services, sovereign cloud hosting, and cybersecurity solutions. Our platforms are built on the NIST Cyber Security Framework and CIS controls, making us one of North America's most secure technology partners. In addition, we are proud to be the first managed IT provider to achieve simultaneous SOC 2 Type 2 and CyberSecure Canada certification.
“We are honoured and privileged to win this award among so many deserving small businesses. Over the last few years, we have focused on customer service excellence throughout our residential and business brands. It’s always exciting to get recognized among our peers for our efforts and this award motivates us to work even harder. We have many team members working within multiple brands, who interact with our customers on a daily basis, so this award is shared and appreciated throughout our entire organization. Thank you to the CanadianSME Awards!”
It has been a difficult and trying time for small businesses in Canada. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to make it to 2023, must acknowledge our fellow entrepreneurs who were not so lucky. I was always told it doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, but how many times you get back up and for us at Fibernetics, that has become a real battle cry. With wobbly legs, we must push ourselves to rise from the canvas and continue the good fight. I encourage all small businesses, to do everything they can to keep their doors open. Ask customers, employees and vendors for their support and understanding. We are all part of the same team, all running in the same race … the human race.
Originating in our co-founders' basement almost twenty years ago, Fibernetics has grown into one of Canada's largest telecommunication companies and wholesale providers. As a government-regulated CLEC, we have established one of Canada's most prominent voice networks, covering over 90% of the population.
Our company purpose, "We empower you for success", shapes our internal culture and guides the delivery of our full range of voice and data products to our valued residential, business, and wholesale customers.
Our history is one of entrepreneurship, disruption, perseverance, and friendship. Our future is always focused on finding new ways to change the telecom landscape.
In 2003 when Natasha began her journey into the financial sector, she had a vision of changing people’s lives in the most positive way she could with the gifts she was given. She quickly realized that to truly make a difference she would have to fully embrace what makes her unique in this industry. She may be a numbers woman with many professional achievements under her belt, but her heart lies in empowerment through education and celebrating successes. Focusing on those two things has brought her clients an abundance of financial success which in turn makes her heart sing.
Natasha Bridgmohan, AMP is the President & Chief Visionary Officer of The BridgGroup of Companies and is proud of her strong commitment and willingness to help others succeed. As a charismatic, energetic and motivational leader and speaker, she attributes her success to something she calls Customer Lifetime Value Experience (CLVE). Natasha and her entire team believe in supporting clients through all stages of life providing them with financial solutions when they’re first starting, deciding their next steps when they become first-time home buyers, empty nesters, retirees and through all stages of life!
Your thoughts on winning the CanadianSME National Business Award
On behalf of my team, the BridgGroup of Companies and myself, we are incredibly grateful to have received the Customer Service Excellence Award. We have always prioritized customer service at the BridgGroup of Companies, to ensure each client's expectations are exceeded. We are appreciative to have received national recognition for the efforts and strides we take to provide lifetimevalued experiences. It is truly inspiring and encouraging for our company to be awarded with such an accolade. We will continue our dedication to changing lives one client at a time through stellar customer service practices.
Your special message/advice to small business owners during these challenging times
To fellow business owners, we have persevered through a global pandemic. Take this time to build your support system with likeminded entrepreneurial professionals, supportive family, and friends. It is imperative that you take each and every opportunity presented for growth and networking, as it is a fundamental way to expand your business organically.
My advice to business owners during this recovery phase is to be mindful of investment decisions to grow and expand your company. As the economy recovers, it is becoming increasingly unpredictable to determine safe investing options with optimal returns and good results. Always ensure you have a plan for every decision you make, because if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
We are very proud to receive the eCommerce Business of the year award from CanadianSME. With only 3 years under our belt in the eCommerce space, we have worked tirelessly to build a platform with engaging content, unique shopping experiences and of course an eCommerce channel. Thank you to our digital team, partners and store teams for championing this endeavour and working collectively to bring the Hangar9 experience to the digital world. We have made incredible progress from our initial launch, and look forward to growing this platform further to improve our customized approach to online retail.
Entering a new space comes with its challenges, however sometimes the unexpected obstacles are the best surprises. As a business who faced the same challenge as many at the beginning of 2020 with the pandemic, we learned to adapt quickly and pivot our business strategy to open an eCommerce store. Now three years later and recovering from these changes, we have developed a new customer base, and improved the experience for our existing clients. At Hangar9, we live by the mantra “event + response = outcome” and as a result, we continue to explore and develop new business opportunities in the face of change, rather than allowing it to interfere with our growth. Every obstacle is a learning opportunity that will ultimately contribute to your long-term development, and if you are willing to be agile, flexible and open to change, it often leads to successful new ventures.
Starting in 1983 as Fisher & Co, and rebranding to Hangar9 in 2015, it all began with a goal to help women get dressed for their day and build their personal brand for corporate success. Founded by Jo-Ann Fisher, the business is now run by her 3 daughters - Denise MacDonald, Rachael Doak & Lisa Ferguson - who manage the daily operations and direct the strategic course of the business. The driving force behind Hangar9 is the commitment to providing a unique blend of shopping, experiential retail and unparalleled service, as well as their exclusive Formula to Fashion Success, creating 36 unique looks out of only 9 key pieces. In today’s omnichannel world, Hangar9 is known for the ability to translate this in-store experience to their eCommerce platform ensuring a positive customer experience no matter how you visit.
Your thoughts on winning the CanadianSME National Business Award
I’m very honoured to receive the prestigious 2022 Editor's Choice Award on behalf all 400 of CFIB’s dedicated employees who worked tirelessly to support small and medium-sized businesses during a time when they needed it most. Our team worked to help create or fix all the main government support programs and took 80,000 direct calls from small business owners each pandemic year. It was truly a team effort. And a big thank you to Canadian SME Small Business Magazine for your support of Canada’s small business sector. It’s greatly appreciated.
Your special message/advice to small business owners during these challenging times
You deserve recognition for your perseverance through one of the most challenging times in recent history. Your resilience is what makes Canada strong and vibrant.
We know it’s been tough for the past three years. At CFIB we’re fighting hard to ensure small businesses have time to get back on their feet.
But we need all hands on deck if we want to see a real change. If you’ve taken on a Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loan during the pandemic and need more time to repay it, sign CFIB’s petition. Call your local Member of Parliament and voice your concern. Your local elected officials need to hear from you directly what you need to make it on the road to recovery. We need more time for small businesses to put the COVID damage behind them in order for them to get back to what they do best — creating jobs and economic activity for Canadians.
Dan Kelly President, CEO and Chair of CFIBThe Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) is Canada’s largest association of small and medium-sized businesses with 97,000 members across every industry and region. CFIB is dedicated to increasing business owners’ chances of success by driving policy change at all levels of government, providing expert advice and tools, and negotiating exclusive savings. Learn more at cfib.ca.
So incredibly honoured to win this award as supporting and recognizing small businesses is vital to our communities. It takes courage, determination, and resilience to open a business - and we are incredibly grateful to be recognized by CanadianSME.
Being an entrepreneur and business owner can be one of the most rewarding things in one's life. It can also be one of the most challenging.
To overcome challenging times, our vision and mission (our why) must be so clear. If all of the decisions for the business are made with this vision in mind, it will align the team to be able to achieve the company's goals.
Paris Jewellers is a family-owned jewelry company focused on celebrating customer’s stories and community partnerships.
In 1985, Chau’s family immigrated to Canada from Vietnam in hopes of a better future. Their mom worked tirelessly at odd jobs including as a goldsmith (while using a Vietnamese-English dictionary to communicate) which led to opening their first store in 1987. Paris Jewellers now operates 23 locations and had the privilege of creating engagement rings for Emmy-Award winner DWTS judge Derek Hough and actress Lana Condor. Throughout the last few years the jeweller has raised over half a million dollars for various women and children-focused charities.
Chau is the First Vice-Chair for The Canadian Jewellers Association and was featured on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.
Chau LuiMona-Lisa is the Director of Futurpreneur’s Black Entrepreneur Startup Program. A lawyer by trade, she also gained experience in entrepreneurship, human resources, and economic development through her diverse career. Very involved in her community, she served as the President of the Women’s Young Chamber of Commerce of Québec for the past two years and continues to sit on multiple other boards.
Thoughts on winning the Canadian SME National Business Award
Receiving this award was such an amazing surprise! What an honor to be recognized alongside such inspiring contributors to the Canadian business ecosystem!
This recognition forced me to stop and look at all that has been accomplished with Futurpreneur’s Black Entrepreneur Startup Program, and more specifically, how it was all made possible. I am truly grateful for our team’s devotion to helping young Black entrepreneurs in Canada, and for all the space and resources given by our senior leadership to do so.
Thank you CanadianSME for recognizing our work!
There are so many things I would like to tell small business owners in this recovery phase! First, take the time to recognize and appreciate your accomplishments, evolution, and how you managed to survive a pandemic. Second, remember that change is good, as scary as it can be. Welcome it and embrace it! This post-pandemic era mostly characterized by economic uncertainty has forced society to adapt in ways we would have never thought of. Third, don’t lose sight of the problem you were initially trying to solve and its evolution. You got this!
Mona-Lisa Prosper Director of futurpreneur's Black Entrepreneur Startup ProgramThoughts on winning the Canadian SME National Business Award
It’s an incredible honour to receive the CanadianSME National Business Award. From its onset, Ownr’s mission has been to make entrepreneurship accessible to everyone—by reducing barriers of entry, anyone can launch their business in a simple, convenient, and affordable manner. As an immigrant to Canada, it’s been deeply rewarding on a personal level to help entrepreneurs become their own change agent and watch as the culmination of our efforts reach over 100,000 Canadians who have trusted us to be part of their journey.
As entrepreneurs consider the economic recovery over the next little while, the table stakes continue to be strong business foundations and disciplined spending. These principles will be crucial during headwinds as they are the universal determining factors for a business’ long-term success. This might mean that you will have to look at the pace of growth a little differently, or the time horizons a bit more broadly. However, time and space can also help you be more opportunistic about what you see in the market and then capitalise accordingly.
Shadi McIsaac CEO, Co-Founder OwnrShadi McIsaac, previous co-founder of Ownr and now VP of Merchant Solutions at RBC Avion Rewards, was raised by immigrant parents who were determined to embrace the new future and opportunities Canada offered for their family. McIsaac earned her MBA at Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto and began her career in tech at IBM before moving to RBC in 2014 and RBC Ventures in 2017. From there, she led the team of Ownr for six years, building a digital platform that now helps empower over 100,000 entrepreneurs across Canada to launch their small business.
McIsaac's primary focus and joy is raising her two young children and a “thirteen year-old puppy” with her partner. She also acts as a Managing Partner of the Toronto chapter of Women’s Equity Lab (WEL), engaging women in the angel investment process, helping them move into roles such as advisors, board members, venture capitalists, angel investors and fund managers.
In 2022, McIsaac was listed among Canada’s Top 50 Changemakers by the Globe and Mail and was named one of Bay Street Bull’s Women of the Year for both 2021 and 2022.
Johnson Joseph is the CEO of Cubeler and the President and CEO of its parent company, Tenet. Johnson has more than eight years of experience in the financial services industry, with previous experience as a consultant with Investors Group, one of Canada’s largest mutual fund and asset management companies. He holds an MBA in Information Technology from HEC Montreal and a Bachelor’s degree in Finance from Texas Tech University.
Discover The Collective Power of Cubeler. We facilitate SME expansion by giving business leaders access to the collective power of their local and global communities. Unlock the full potential of your business with the Cubeler Business Hub™, a no-cost platform where small and medium-sized businesses in Canada can access the financing, advertising, networking, and business intelligence tools they require to compete with large-scale enterprises.
Use the power of AI, analytics and online networking to connect small businesses around the world, forever changing what it means to be an SME.
Their mission is to allow SMEs everywhere to expand their horizons, bolstering local & global economies. We deliver on this mission by providing access to powerful business-success tools through Cubeler Business Hubs around the world. By listening, learning and adapting, we can provide insights that matter, to fuel their ambition, wherever it takes them!
Brad Bhatti is the owner and founderof Fast Track Appliances. He recognized the demand for appliance repairservices and immediately jumped on it. 11 years later Fast Track Appliances has 25 employees and is always growing.
As an immigrantfrom south asian descent he has faced many adversities navigating life in a new country. He believes in giving back to the community throughproviding work opportunities for newcomers to Canada.
Within his businesspractices, he followshis motto of ‘Friends for Life’ to create lifelongrelationships which has aided in growing his passion into a lifelongcareer.
Receiving the Canadian SME National Entrepreneur of the year award is a great honor and validation of our hard work, innovative ideas and contributions to the community. I am extremely humbled and grateful for this award which,to me, symbolizes the recognition of the entireteam’s success.
I have so much gratitude for my family, my team and our clients who push me to continue expanding Fast Track Appliances. We are so fortunate to be located in a country where immigrant entrepreneurship is welcomed and celebrated. Beingan immigrant whereyou start with nothing in your pocket,learning a new language, customs, and culture, building a company from scratch can be extremely challenging, yet rewarding. Winning this award validates the work ethic of our hard working and passionate team of individuals. Throughout all the changes our company has undergone this past year, our team has been nothingbut understanding.
Thank you once againto the Canadian SME for organizing this event and congratulations to all of our fellownominees. I feel encouraged to pour this positive energy back into our community and supporters nurturing Fast Track Appliances’ growthfor the upcoming year.
As we reflect upon the past few years, it has provided us an opportunity to shift our perspective as entrepreneurs and how we can contribute to the positive changes in this world and within our communities. Now we are in the recoveryphase of COVID-19and we find ourselves in the middleof a recession. Remember to continue to adapt your business model towards evolving consumer needs and preferences. A way to do this is to welcome technology within your company operations. Technology is an investment within your company that offers many ways to cut overhead costs. It can help to pivot your business model to focus on creating sustainable revenue streams that can withstand future disruptions. It is a tool that can be used to connect with your community. One thing that the pandemic taught us is that change is inevitable, nothing is temporary, use the tools available to you to your advantage and let it help you grow your business.
Your thoughts on winning the CanadianSME National Business Award
Solulan was proud to be the nominated for the Professional Services Awards. This truly shows and confirms all our efforts made to distinguish our quality services from the industry. Engagement & Expertise are keys values at Solulan, and by winning this award it values our commitment and our value-added services to our clients. But let’s know forget this is a team effort, so employees of Solulan this is YOUR award.
Your special message/advice to small business owners during these challenging times
For 23 years, Solulan has been a leader in the Managed Services IT space by providing added-value services to our customers. Today, it is more than 400 businesses who entrust our team, expertise and offering for managing their IT infrastructure. We hope that this award convince you that we ‘talk the talk and walk the walk’. You are looking for experts to manage your IT projects ? Please feel free to reach out at any point on our website www.solulan.com
Since 1999, Solulan has been recognized as a leading specialist of Microsoft technologies around cyber security, virtualization, messaging and unified communications solutions. We have established partnerships with many of these companies in order to always improve the services offered to our customers.
Solulan's technical staff is composed of professionals with a solid background, several years of experience, as well as various Microsoft certifications (MCSE, MCSA, MCP, MCITP, MCTS, etc.).
With more than 400 active clients, Solulan operates throughout North America, mainly in the greater Montreal, Quebec City and Toronto areas.
Winning the CanadianSME was truly an honour and emotional. Being in business for 10 years and receiving this award really made me reflect on how far the company has grown over the years. As an indigenous business it is important to really make our mark in the Canadian economy one client and one business at a time. Attaining monumental growth and creating a new path for other indigenous businesses is my passion and winning this award just add fuel to that fire.
My advice to other entrepreneurs is to pursue your dream and your passion for being a business owner. Entrepreneurship is the path forward for many people and a game changer for most. If I could give any thoughts to becoming a successful business it would be to surround yourself with a great support system. Research in the field you want to get it is key and finding a profitable and viable business idea. Study the industry that you want to pursue to ensure you have enough knowledge to get started. Secondly, seek out every opportunity to secure resources and funding for start up where you can. Lastly, dream big, live big and never give up. There will be times when it tough but those moments make you stronger.
Promotions in 2013 to better establish and describe Dreamcatcher Promotions as a business which did far more than simply embroidery. We wanted to brand and identify Dreamcatcher Promotions as a promotional company, essentially broadening our services to include a variety of printed promotional products and apparel for businesses, agencies and organizations. The first five years of business were difficult, and we were met with many struggles, and often many days of self-doubt if the business would be successful. There were times of financial strain, long hours, self and family sacrifices and feelings of wanting to give up. I am thankful to this day, we preserved through the hardships and put in the commitment which we did.
Sabre is Archipel’s CEO and co-founder and is a Mi’kmaw citizen of Ugpi’ganjig (Eel River Bar First Nation) in northern New Brunswick. Sabre holds a Juris Doctor of Law with a specialization in Indigenous and Aboriginal Law from Dalhousie University, an M.A. in Indigenous and Canadian Studies from Carleton University and a B.F.A. in Art History and Indigenous Studies from Concordia University.
Sabre is a highly experienced and sought-after Indigenous liaison and researcher with over ten years of experience in the areas of Indigenous and Aboriginal law, mediation, Indigenous arts & culture, identity, health, and language revitalization. She has worked in Indigenous-related program development, community planning, facilitation, marketing, and policy development and analysis. Her work includes developing reconciliation frameworks and relation tools, First Nation band codes, economic development initiatives, brand management, harm-reduction tools, Indigenous law revitalization and Aboriginal and Treaty Right projects.
Archipel is an Indigenous-owned and women-led company bringing together a diverse team of Indigenous, non-Indigenous, and racialized associates with the goal of bridging worlds of knowledge.
In our work, we aim to generate understanding and coexistence between communities through our socially engaged way of doing business according to Indigenous and anti-racist principles, theories, and methodologies.
We saw a major gap in the services available in the research field. We wanted to provide services that honoured the knowledge of Indigenous Peoples, and sought to be safe and reciprocal when we approached communities.
We wanted Archipel to a standard bearer of an ethical way of doing business in the field of research and consulting.
I am grateful to be in this space where I can be a champion of Indigenous entrepreneurs, makers, artists, authors and creators. Winning this award is recognition of the collective work we do as Indigenous peoples in commerce, taking up spaces that weren't meant for us and making space for future generations.
Special message/advi during challenging tim
Everything is figure
Mallory Yawnghwe comes from Saddle Lake Cree Nation #125 in Treaty Six Territory. Her parents are Peter Jackson and Theresa Anderson. She is the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Indigenous Box Inc.
Mallory is a graduateof MacEwan University, where she earned a Bachelorof Commerce degree with a specialization in Supply Chain Management. She also holds the SCMP professional designation, demonstrating her expertisein this field.
A lifelong helper, she is on a mission to tell the world about the rapid resurgence in Indigenous business and to take up space for those who will come after.
Her passion, drive, integrity, and commitment to life-long learning have helped her catapult Indigenous Box from a $5000 seed investment into a multi-million dollar company in less than two years. She isn’t planning to slow down anytime soon.
As the Founder and Managing Partner at OCS, Antoinette successfully oversees all aspects of business operations, alongside specializing in Senior Management and Executive level staffing. Her mission for founding OCS was to create a more inclusive workforce and today, OCS remains committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as giving back to the community.
Antoinette’s distinguishing attribute is her genuine desire and commitment to support each individual that she partners with. She takes the time to truly understand their values, goals, and needs in order to provide the best possible service and guidance to them.
Having over 30 years of experience within the recruitment industry, Antoinette has gained numerous accolades, including the TopRecruiter award for one of the top Agency Recruiters in Canada as well as the Inspirational Business Leader of the Year award from the CanadianSME Small Business Magazine. Previously, she was also nominated in 2020 for CPSN’s awards as Inspirational Leader, Employee Experience Leader, and Leader in Change Management.
Over the years, Antoinette has not only been a recruiting partner with her clients, she has become their trusted partner and advisor leveraging her industry experience and knowledge to provide consulting and guidance in all aspects of HR strategy and change management. In this capacity, Antoinette’s experience transcends across all industries and organizations both public and private.
Your thoughts on winning the CanadianSME National Business Award
I am humble and grateful for being gifted this award and being among such incredible, deserving individuals. I have so much gratitude for everything that I’ve accomplished, my OCS team, and the people who supported me and my endeavors to make OCS into what it is today.
I feel so fulfilled knowing I’ve made a difference by doing everything I can to support and uplift others by with insight from my life experiences and the recruitment space. I can change lives for the better and that has been the motivation for my entire career. Thank you for recognizing me.
To all the small business owners, entrepreneurs, and all who are looking to create and build something new: I am inspired by you and the work you want to do. It was wonderful to learn about the amazing things being done by small businesses in Canada and the improvements to our country and society. Remember your purpose and your passion. Remember why you wanted to start this journey and use that to move forward. Even in the face of obstacles and sacrifices that might need to be made, remember what matters most to you and the difference you can make.
I hope to inspire and encourage you to believe in yourself, to challenge yourself, and to go after what you want because you are greater than your circumstances and capable of so much more than you might imagine. Take a risk on yourself; you will see the rewards.
Mark Bania is the Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Contractor Compliance.An executive with over 10 years of progressive experience with SaaS organizations spanning multiple industries, Mark is a driven and motivated by driving growth in emerging software solutions to solve complex customer challenges, empowering team members, and driving results in line with investors’ focus.
Your thoughts on winning the CanadianSME National Business Award
Winning the Technopreneur of the Year award is truly an honour that we don’t take lightly.As an organization that strives to promote a healthier and safer workplace for everyone by, we appreciate the significance utilizing best in class technology to support our global users.Being acknowledged for our efforts in this category is great validation for the hard-working members of our team that we’re on the right path as we continue our growth journey.
Your special message/advice to small business owners during these challenging times
In today’s landscape fueled by technological innovation, it’s more realistic than ever before for small businesses to have a massive impact.Technology can create significant efficiency gains, extend your businesses’ reach, and help you solve for more potential problems that can add value to your customers like never before.My advice? Embrace it. Challenge yourself to be curious about the ways technology can create a positive impact on your business and pursue those opportunities. Those who do will be rewarded, and the economy as a whole will benefit from the collective effort of small business owners like you.
This is an opportunity for our team to celebrate our successes! When our company was founded 5 years ago, it was a pivotal moment for the future of artificial intelligence (AI). Being this year’s winner of the Samsung Tech Business of the Year Award is important recognition of the work we are doing to build energy-efficient chips that will power AI technologies, such as autonomous vehicles, smart cities and smart retail. This award will help us attract the best engineering talent and bring more awareness to our role in future AI advancements. Thank you CanadianSME Small Business Magazine and Samsung for this recognition.
Business owners have the same challenges whether small or large, and that is the efficient deployment of capital to maximize returns. However, a better way to think about deployment is to measure in terms of impact to the world — the larger the impact, the better our returns. With our focus on energy efficiency in AI, we have chosen a path to help the world sustainably deploy AI. During this recovery phase, focusing on the company’s key value add is extremely important. There will be plenty of possible opportunities that come up that may take business owners out of their focus zone. Being deliberate in only picking those that further their area of focus will help distinguish those small businesses that eventually become big or stay small.
ArunMr. Iyengar brings extensive operational and general management experience across a variety of markets from automotive, cloud, to wired and wireless infrastructure. Prior to Untether AI, Mr. Iyengar held leadership roles at Xilinx, AMD, and Altera where he set and executed strategies to grow revenues in each of the targeted markets.
Being named CanadianSME’s 2022 Young Entrepreneur of the Year is a great honour and truly humbling. This recognition is a reflection not of my achievements alone, but of the dedication and passion of my remarkable team at Disruptive Edge. I consider myself blessed to work with such a committed group of innovators and I owe this accolade to them and everyone who has believed in our vision along the way. This is truly a shared victory, and I look forward to what we can accomplish together in the future.
As we continue to navigate an ever changing economy and enter the next phase of the postpandemic world, we as entrepreneurs must remain adaptable, resilient, and forward-thinking. Don’t shy away from change, but rather embrace it as an opportunity to further disrupt the status quo and better serve your clients, colleagues, partners and community. Should you be fiscally responsible? Of course! But don't let that keep you from taking calculated risks or making strategic investments in your business. Have a bias towards action and iterate until you find what works. One thing I can say for certain is that failure is not defeat; failure is an opportunity to learn, to grow, and will ultimately strengthen your resolve. We find ourselves at the crossroads of so much: a global energy transition, what seems like daily technological breakthroughs and rapidly changing consumer behaviour - leave your mark.
Tyler Anderson is a renowned entrepreneur and visionary strategist, has an impressive track record of founding multiple successful startups and establishing the world's most premier innovation consultancy. His unwavering commitment to innovation and passion for transformative ideas have led to impactful collaborations with some of the largest organizations globally. As a strategic architect, Tyler has played a pivotal role in shaping corporate structures and implementing innovative strategies that drive growth and longterm success. With his keen understanding of technology and disruption models, Tyler consistently ensures that his team remains at the forefront of the industry, creating unique, engaging, and transformative experiences.
Entrepreneur of the Year 2022 Tyler Anderson CEO at Disruptive Edge Your thoughts on winning the CanadianSME National Business Award Your special message/advice to small business owners during these challenging timesI'm still in disbelief. I remember getting the notice that I was nominated and wasn't sure if it was correct. Vearthy.com my passion project and I love that I'm able to see it grow, while getting support and positive feedback from so many people. This award means a lot to me, it really motivates me to continue trying to do business in an earth focused way and push to grow Vearthy even more. Here's to sustainably made essential goods! Thank you to everyone who has supported me, especially Whitefish River First Nation! Chi miigwech.
Remember to step back and look at the milestones you've accomplished so far. Imagine where you were just 1 or 2 years ago and where you are now. Think about how many things you've learned or had to do to get to this point, and be proud of that. It's so easy to focus on where we want to be and forget about what we've managed to do so far. You can walk towards the horizon forever, but nothings more motivating than turning around to see how far you've come.
personal health, environmental health, tips and tricks about all things cozy, sign up for our newsletter, awards program or affiliate program, or see what stores are carry our brand.
Winning the Canadian SME Business of the Year 2022 Award is an incredible honour for SRX Health Solutions. It is a testament to our dedication to providing high-quality healthcare solutions to our clients and our commitment to innovation and excellence in the industry. We are extremely proud of our team's hard work and dedication, and this recognition reflects their efforts. We would like to express our sincerest gratitude to the award committee for their support and this distinguishment. This award will inspire us to continue pushing the boundaries and raising the bar in the healthcare industry.
Continue to strive to create a stronger economy for Canada and a better future for our children. We commend all business owners (both large and small) who have risked a lot personally and professionally to succeed in a competitive marketplace.
SRx Health is one of Canada’s leading providers of innovative, sustainable, and integrated healthcare solutions on a mission to enhance the wellness of Canadians. We have grown to deliver a suite of necessary services to fully support the pharmaceutical sector and optimize health outcomes for patients. Today, SRx has a vast national footprint including SRx Pharmacies, SRx Clinics, SRx Wholesale & Distribution, SRx Clinical Trials, SRx Diagnostics, and SRx PSPs, alongside allied health and nursing. We combine our years of industry knowledge, technology, and patient-centric excellence to create strategies and solutions that consistently exceed client expectations and drive critical patient care initiatives.
Leslie holds an honours degree in Biochemistry from the University of McMaster. He’s an avid drummer, singer and technology enthusiast. He lives in Oakville and is married to his wonderful wife Melissa and has two beautiful children, James and Emily. His passion is to bring technology to the world in a way that is easy to understand and unlocks the potential it has to make the world a better place.
Digital Fire is an IT provider in Oakville that provides unlimited IT support for a fixed monthly fee, enabling customers to stop putting out fires and use technology as an asset in their business. More than just IT support, Digital Fire helps clients use technology in smart ways to gain a strategic advantage for their business. The combined proactive and strategic support gives clients an edge in their market.
Digital Fire has 25 staff and is a leading IT providers in Canada. Digital Fire won the 2020 SMB Hot 101 Channel Futures award for the top manged service providers in Canada under 10M in revenue (No. 4 globally) and in 2022 was awarded number 123 in the top 500 MSP companies worldwide by CRN. With multiple staff dedicated solely to providing proactive services, Digital Fire puts technology in action to prevent business interruptions for its clients.
Your thoughts on winning the CanadianSME National Business Award
I’d like to thank Canadian SME Magazine for this honour and accept this award on behalf of all IT people out there. As the owner and founder of Digital Fire I set the vision, but it's the staff that do the work. They do the heavy lifting and the innovation and it's their hard work and success that should be celebrated. It means that a business somewhere kept going, or was able to make a deadline they thought was impossible or a court case got heard or an item got manufactured and shipped or a truck delivered freight on time.
Your special message/advice to small business owners during these challenging times
I would address this message to owners and workers in the small business technology sector. Your job is often thankless. This award is proof that people appreciate what you do. The work you do is important. When you go the extra mile, it means a building was built based on the architectural drawing that got done because the right solutions with the right equipment and recommendations were put in place and quickly adapted to be able to work from anywhere. It means that we acknowledge and celebrate the important work of the unsung IT heroes that kept the lights on and allowed people to get through the pandemic and keep Canada's economy going and eventually provide the backbone for a successful recovery. Without IT and digital tools like Zoho and the hard work of IT folks, the economy and the recovery out of the pandemic doesn't happen. We thank you for everything you’ve done and applaud you for sticking with it in hard times.
Leslie Babel Founder & President, Digital Fire"We are incredibly honored to receive the Canadian SME 2022 National Business Award for Diversity and Inclusion. As a company that is 50% female-led, represents over 15 nationalities, and collectively speaks over 10 languages fluently, we don't just practice inclusivity - it's a value we truly believe in at our core. This recognition is a testament to the strength that comes from embracing the unique perspectives and world views of every individual on our team. We are grateful for this recognition and will continue to prioritize creating an environment where everyone can bring their full selves to work."
Your special message/advice to small business owners during these challenging times
Despina Doukas DirectorofSEO,WebtmizeIt’s pivotal for leaders to seek diverse points of view and create a culture that fosters inclusivity. By valuing and incorporating the unique perspectives and strengths of each team member, you'll create a dynamic workplace that drives innovation and success. Encouraging open communication, actively listening, and promoting a safe and respectful work environment are key to unlocking the full potential of your team. Remember that diversity is not just about race or gender but includes different backgrounds, abilities, experiences, and thought processes. Embrace this diversity, break those barriers, and create opportunities for everyone to thrive. When everyone feels valued and empowered to be their authentic selves, your team becomes unstoppable and your clients will benefit, leading to greater success for your business.
About Webtmize
Webtmize is a performance marketing agency that’s driven by data and powered by performance. Through the principles of integrity, trust, and care, our goal at Webtmize is to provide effective solutions designed to boost our clients' businesses, be they small or large organizations. As a Google Premier Partner, we tailor our services to maximize each individual client’s results and enhance their online impact through strategic marketing optimizations.
During this recovery phase, ERA advises small business owners to consider incorporating sustainability planning into their operations. Regardless of the stage of recovery or financial situation, introducing small sustainability-oriented changes can have a positive impact while potentially reducing overhead costs. For example, transitioning to a hybrid work model, like ERA did, can cut expenses and provide flexibility.
To embark on a sustainable journey, start by establishing a clear baseline through a materiality assessment. Identify areas where you can make feasible and impactful changes in the short term. It's essential to monitor progress and not get discouraged if results are gradual. Remember that sustainability initiatives should benefit everyone involved. Instead of focusing on sacrifices, frame your projects in terms of the gains for employees and upper management.
Winning the CanadianSME Sustainable Business Award is a tremendous honor for ERA. It validates our commitment to sustainability, innovative solutions, and being a role model for small businesses. We are thrilled to receive recognition for our Sustainability module and our flexible work-from-home model, which prioritizes emissions reduction, employee satisfaction, client retention, sustainability reporting, and local biodiversity efforts. This award reinforces our dedication to making a positive impact and encourages us to continue leading the way in sustainable business practices.
Embracing sustainability early on and implementing achievable measures will not only contribute to environmental and social goals but also position your business for long-term success in an increasingly conscious market.
ERA develops web-based environmental management software for manufacturers that need to monitor air, water, and waste emissions and generate reports for compliance with federal and state regulations. It is an all-in-one SaaS that offers complete coverage of EHS needs for businesses of any size in any industry.
ORNA is a turn-key cyber incident response and management solution that humanizes and de-stresses incident response and risk mitigation by automating the entire process and bringing InfoSec, IT, third parties, business, and even legal and HR stakeholders together in a single collaborative tool.
ORNA is scaling at lightning speed with 60+ enterprise customers and revenues well into seven figures just 8 months since launch, winning numerous awards and tech challenges, such as Global Omnium’s Tech Challenge 2022all in a time when cyberattacks are rising and cybersecurity budgets are shrinking as a result of growing economic uncertainty.
In a rapidly changing and digital-led world, any business, whether a large enterprise or an SMB, is susceptible to damaging cyberattacks. The global cybersecurity resource shortage combined with the increasing complexity and sophistication of cyber threat actors is making it increasingly hard to respond to such attacks in the most efficient manner possible.
We believe that the solution is a comprehensive SaaS platform that mitigates the lack of in-house incident response expertise through professionally crafted digital playbooks; focuses on preventative measures, and not just response; and combines over 12 incident response tools in a single package: ORNA.
Your thoughts on winning the CanadianSME National Business Award
GDA Capital expresses gratitude to CanadianSME for this honor and extends heartfelt appreciation to its clients, partners, and dedicated team for their unwavering support. This esteemed award acknowledges our remarkable growth, exceptional industry contributions, and commitment to innovation. The accolade serves as a testament to our unwavering dedication to delivering cutting-edge solutions and driving the advancement of the blockchain and digital asset industry.
Your special message/advice to small business owners during these challenging times
Here are a few insights to help guide small businesses:
Embrace Change: The business landscape has evolved, and it's essential to be flexible and open to new ideas. Embrace technology, explore innovative solutions, and adapt your business model to meet evolving customer needs.
Prioritize Customer Experience: Focus on providing exceptional customer service and personalized experiences. Build strong relationships with your customers, understand their changing preferences, and tailor your offerings accordingly.
Nurture Your Team: Your employees are your most valuable asset. Invest in their growth, provide a supportive work environment, and foster a strong company culture. Engaged and motivated employees will contribute significantly to your business success.
Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Connect with other small business owners, join local business networks, and seek mentorship from industry experts to overcome challenges, adapt to the new normal, and emerge stronger. Wishing you resilience, creativity, and continued success.
GDA Capital is focused on accelerating the mainstream adoption of digital assets by bridging the gap between the institutional capital market and the digital asset capital market. GDA Capital provides exposure to the digital asset capital market in a secure and trusted way. GDA Capital has expanded in 2020 into a group of companies that have exposure across the entire digital asset market, including launching Metaverse Group, focused on metaverse real estate, NFT BAZL, focused on investment grade NFTs, and acquired Life DeFi, focused on making decentralized finance accessible to the masses.