EXCLUSIVE CANADIANSME Empowering Canadian Small & Medium Businesses ISSUE NO. 59 PAGE: 16 OCTOBER 2023 All Images, trademarks, service marks and logos referred to or appearing in this magazine arethepropertyof theirrespectiveowners. BankingPartner ShippingPartner Accounting SoftwarePartner ShiningBrightinSmall BusinessMonth: An Exclusive chat with Bright Wire's Christine Dagenais Everything you need to know about .CA CEO and Founder, Bright Wire Leadership 31
Dear Readers,
With immense joy and anticipation, we are delighted to present to you the October edition of CanadianSME Small Business Magazine. Each page within this edition has been meticulously woven together, combining a rich tapestry of insights, guidance, and inspiration tailored to resonate with the unique aspirations and challenges faced by Canada’s thriving SME community and burgeoning small businesses.
October’s compelling theme seamlessly intertwines "Small Business Month & Cybersecurity," highlighting essential topics that matter to you. Our editorial table is brimming with thoughtful articles crafted by seasoned experts and thought leaders in the industry. With pieces like 'Meshing the Innovation Gears Between Industry and Academia' by eCampusOntario, 'Social Media Trends Small Business Owners Need to Know in 2024' by digital marketing maven Jaclyn Baker, and the profound exploration into '.CA Domains' by CIRA.ca, this edition is designed to infuse knowledge and spark innovation in every entrepreneur.
This month, we’ve also explicitly focused on unique voices and stories that define and reflect the entrepreneurial spirit. Delve into high-volume recruiting strategies with Natalie Dopp, Chief People Officer at HireVue, or explore the intersection of AI, bookkeeping, and small business startups with Paula Festas, CEO of Huumans. With engaging narratives around digital transformation, cyber readiness, this edition is a trove of valuable insights and perspectives.
As we celebrate Small Business Month, we’re thrilled to share the inspiring journeys of Margo Crawford, Founder & Chair of Business Sherpa Group, and Christine Dagenais, CEO and Founder of Bright Wire Leadership. And not to miss, our spotlight feature for this issue gracefully illuminates the path carved by Nicole Janssen, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of AltaML, our Business Woman of the Month.
With our unyielding commitment to support and elevate SMEs, we are overjoyed to announce the forthcoming CanadianSME Small Business Summit 2023 on October 23rd, 2023. The theme is centred around AIdriven growth and efficiency, and this summit is a hub of learning, connection, and empowerment. Seize this unmatched opportunity at https://bit.ly/3NG87zv.
As we continue to journey with you through the exhilarating entrepreneurial landscape, our mission steadfastly remains to be your reliable partner in growth. With a heart filled with gratitude and eyes gleaming with excitement for the future, we cordially invite you to engage, subscribe, and connect for a continual stream of insightful and enriching content.
To a future teeming with innovation, resilience, and boundless possibilities.
Warm Regards, SK
ISSN2562-0657(Online) PublishedbyCmarketingInc 2800SkymarkAvenue,Suite203, Mississauga,ON Canada L4W5A6 ThecontentsinCanadianSMEMagazinearefor informationalpurposesonly NeitherCmarketingInc thepublishersnoranyofitspartners,employeesor affiliatesacceptanyliabilitywhatsoeverforanydirect orconsequentiallossarisingfromanyuseofits contents Copyright©2023CMarketingInc Allrightsreserved Reproductioninwholeorpartofanytext,photography orillustrationswithoutwrittenpermissionfromthe publisherisprohibited All Images, trademarks, service marks and logos referred to or appearing in thismagazinearethe property of their respective owners. wwwcanadiansmeca info@canadiansmeca canadiansme canadian sme canadiansme canadiansme
How Canadian Small-business Owners Can Find “Unicorn” Talent Recruiting smart, savvy, and skilled staff may be simpler than you think IN THIS ISSUE CanadianSME Small Business Magazine 40 Learn How the Canada Small Business Financing Program Can Help Grow Your Business 22 Meshing the Innovation gears between Industry and Academia 48 15 A special message from The Honourable Filomena Tassi Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late to be Cyber-Ready 67 Generative AI - Revolutionizing Professional Services 70 Celebrating Small Business Month in October: Honoring Canadian Entrepreneurs 87 Limelight: 10 SMBs Crafting a Legacy in Celebration Small Business Month 89 Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
IN THIS ISSUE Canadiansme Small Business Magazine 56 53 63 Business Woman of the Month Nicole Janssen Starting A Small Business? Don’t Rely Solely On AI For Your Bookkeeping 73 Holiday: High-Volume Recruiting Strategies Corine Sobela's Journey with AFI Épicerie 83 28 Isabelle Hudon’s Commitment to Entrepreneurial Development at BDC
IN THIS ISSUE Canadiansme Small Business Magazine 50 79 31 Shining Bright in Small Business Month: An Exclusive chat with Bright Wire's Christine Dagenais Social Media Trends Small Business Owners Need to Know in 2024 The Path to Improved Customer Retention Excellence 19 Margo Crawford's Legacy of Support for SMEs SigmaRPA's Vision for Digital Transformation in Small Businesses 59 42 Why a robust inventory management system is essential for providing a successful omnichannel experience
n Gertner's Vision for men in Cybersecurity moved from structural pains to financial gains
to become a top employer 37
Everything you need to know about .CA domains
Canadiansme Small Business Magazine 65 76 45
PayPal,givingsmall businessesmoreconvenient andflexiblepaymentoptions
Smallbusinessesarethe backboneofoureconomy,and whentheythrive,sodotheirlocal communities,"saidIlonaFagyas, HeadofEnterpriseSalesfor Canada,PayPal "Weare delightedtoenableour99million activeregisteredPayPal consumerandbusinessaccount holders,includingsmall businessestonowcheckoutwith easeandconvenienceson staplesca
#SmallBusinessEveryDayBig ThankYouContestisback
Smallbusinesseshelpkeepour communitiesstrongandoureconomy thriving Infact foreverydollarspentata smallbusiness,66centsonaveragestays local Comparethattoonly11centsthatis reinvestedlocallywhenyoushopata largemultinational,"saidCorinne Pohlmann,ExecutiveVice-Presidentat CFIB "Everytimeyouchoosetoshoplocal, rememberthattwo-thirdsofyourdollar goesbackintoyourcommunity
NewMastercardresearchshows Canadiansmallbusinessowners needadditionalsupportto effectivelyprevent,recoverfrom cyberattacks
AtMastercard,wegobeyond protectingthetransaction,by integratingnewthinkingand approachesintothefoundationof ourinnovativecybersecurity productsandsolutionstosafeguard anevolvingecosystem,"saidAviva Klein,VicePresident,DigitalPayments andCyber&Intelligenceat MastercardinCanada.
Smallbusinessesareunderestimating theircyberriskdespiteincreasedthreats
Whilelargecompaniesareoftencommontargetsforcybercriminals,smalland medium-sizedbusinessesarealsoataheightenedrisk,"saidLiamMcGuinty,Vice PresidentofStrategyatIBC "Bothemployersandstaffplayanimportantrolein cybersecurity,andregularstafftrainingisacriticalcomponentinreducingrisk
“FedDev Ontario wants to help entrepreneurs reach their potential and unlock new possibilities. We will continue to invest in the people who are growing businesses across Ontario.”
A special message from
The Honourable Filomena Tassi
OctobermarksthecelebrationofCanadiansmall businesses Thisisafantasticopportunitytorecognize andhonourthecontributionsofentrepreneursacrossthe country.Ihaveseenfirsthandthecommitmentand dedicationofbusinessownerslikeyou Yourresilience andinnovationcreateproductiveandsuccessful companiesthatprovidegoodjobsforCanadians
Managingasmallbusinesshasalwayspresentedunique challenges,butthecurrentlandscapeaddscomplexity withongoingworkershortages,interestratehikesand risinginflation
TheGovernmentofCanadasupportsthesuccessof localbusinessesbecauseweknowthatyouaretheheart ofoureconomicstrength Wearecommittedto empoweringyouthroughcontinuedfundingandaccess toresources
SupportisavailablethroughtheFederalEconomic DevelopmentAgencyforSouthernOntario(FedDev Ontario) OurSmallBusinessServiceshelpentrepreneurs accessinformationandservices,includingguideson startingorbuyingabusiness,planning,financingand hiringemployees Aswell,companiescangetfundingto helpthemgrow,innovateandcompete
ConnectwithFedDevOntariotoday: https://FedDevOntarioCanadaca
Indigenousentrepreneurscancontactadedicatedteam: indigenous-autochtones@feddevontariogccaor1-877553-5507
Together,wecanmakeOctoberamonthof empowerment,knowledge-sharing,andgrowth Let's embracethisopportunitytocelebrateourentrepreneurial spirit,reachourpotential,andunlocknewpossibilities
– The Honourable Filomena Tassi, Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
Everything you need to know about
.CA domains
For decades, you ’ ve probably heard domains sung in annoyingly catchy radio jingles, and seen them in TV commercials, or splashed across billboards and magazines So, what is a domain name anyway?
It’s the address that helps users connect to the websites they are looking for, like www cira ca
When it comes to setting up your business, choosing and registering a domain name should be your first step
What’s in a domain name?
Domain names contain two key parts There’s the “second-level domain,” or the part to the left of the dot that represents your business or organization i.e., the “cira” in cira.ca.
16- CanadianSME-October2023
Then, there’s the “top-level domain” (TLD) or the section after the dot
Some top-level domains refer to specific countries or geographies like Canada, with “ CA” These are known as country-code top level domains (ccTLDs) and they’re one of the easiest ways to tell your customers (and search engines) where in the world your business is based
For instance, if you choose to use the CA ccTLD in your domain name, a search engine like Google will see it and go, “Brewtifulbeans ca and its content are CLEARLY relevant to a Canadian audience! I shall serve this up to folks in Canada searching for a local reputable coffee retailer ” At least, that’s what we think Google sounds like
What’s more Canadian customers, being a patriotic bunch, are far more likely to click through to your site when presented with a .CA search result.
But not just anyone can use a CA ccTLD for their website Nope to successfully register a CA, you need to meet a set of Canadian Presence Requirements that prove you are actually a Canadian citizen and business This helps ensure that CA domains are kept Canadian and are only used for all things good, rather than spam and malware
Not only is the TLD important, but so is the second-level domain! Most people tend not to give them much thought that is, until they need to come up with one for their business website
There’s a real art to registering a good domain name Here’s why it’s worth that little bit of extra sweat:
Your domain name serves as the “digital address” for your online presence It’s a critical part of your brand that will be seen on everything and anything from business cards to product packaging
Most important of all, your domain name needs to be memorable and tell potential customers what your business is all about It should also reassure folks that your website is safe and trustworthy to the point where people can buy from you with confidence
How can you put your .CA domain name to good use?
The possibilities are nearly endless! But for the sake of time and space, we’ll outline four:
Create your own .CA email address: Your .CA domain name can be used for a personalized email address such as yourname@mybusiness ca
Host a website or build an online store: Your very own website or online store is one of the most powerful (and popular) ways to use your domain name
Link your .CA to your social media presence: You can set up your CA to forward to any of your social media profiles be it Facebook, LinkedIn or an Etsy store
Register a .CA to protect your future brand:
CA domain names generally aren’t superexpensive to register. Even if you dont have any immediate plans to use a .CA domain name, think of it like cheap insurance to keep your unique brand under wraps!
Curious if your business domain name is available as a .CA? Use our free domain name search tool today!
Visit: www.choose.ca
Yellow Pages Canada
The Marketing Partner for Your Business’ Success
Adapting to the changing demands and needs of the industry, Yellow Pages entered the digital marketing world over 2 decades ago Building off their long-standing history of advertising, they partnered with industry leading marketing companies to get their customers the most successful outcomes out of every product they offer Such strategic partnerships include Wix, the leading platform website development company, GotU, an innovative, AIbased digital campaign creation and optimization platform, CanadaPost’s Smartmail Marketing Partners and more They have also been granted Premier Partner status within Google and Meta, based on their longstanding relationship and proven ability to deliver successful and impactful campaigns for their customers While their unique partnership with Uberall, empowers businesses to manage, update and respond to client reviews on Canada’s most popular listing sites and apps all from a single, easy-to-use platform.
Attracting quality customers is at the core of what you can expect Yellow Pages to do for your business Yellow Pages will ensure your business has a professional presence both online and in print, to enhance your brand image and attract new clients They offer marketing solutions that area accessible to every business’ budget With competitive rates, they offer tiered options so you can pick the solutions perfect for your business’ needs
When you hear the name Yellow Pages, you might think of the iconic print directory that has connected Canadians to local businesses for over a century But Yellow Pages has expanded well beyond its phone directory roots to become a turnkey, leading digital and print marketing agency in Canada
Yellow Pages is not just a marketing agency They are a partner for your business' success With a dedicated team of digital and print marketing experts, Yellow Pages will help you evaluate your existing marketing mix and custom tailor a solution that will meet your business’ goals
Take advantage of Yellow Pages’ long history of success with local advertising to keep your business up to date on the latest, most effective marketing strategies
Call or visit our website to get started today.
Why a robust inventory management system
By Prashant Ganti, Head of Product Management, Zoho Finance and Operations Suite
Over the past decade, consumer expectations regarding convenience have skyrocketed and businesses responded by providing an omnichannel buying experience Instead of limiting themselves by selling their goods in a physical store or through a website, businesses needed to allow customers to purchase goods from multiple platforms including physical stores, websites, marketplaces like Amazon, and more This evolution has enabled customers to shop from multiple places, while businesses expanded their reach to multiple channels
Furthermore, customers expect faster delivery timelines While rapid deliveries ensure customer satisfaction, businesses endure a lot of stress on downstream systems, particularly inventory management For emerging businesses, setting up and maintaining these systems can be overwhelming
Added to this, the shifting trend towards data-driven decision-making means businesses need an efficient system in place to manage stock, handle sales and purchases, forecast demand, and satisfy customers. This is where a robust inventory management system comes into picture
Here's how an inventory system can help businesses achieve a complete omnichannel experience
Consumer experience is the key
Customers expect a frictionless sales experience This involves treating every customer touchpoint as a whole entity In the current scenario, businesses encounter diverging customer touchpoints, including social media, websites, chatbots, mobile apps, and retail outlets Ensuring the seamless transition between one touchpoint and the other becomes paramount
is essential for providing a successful omnichannel experience
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While this omnichannel strategy increases customer convenience, every channel operates independently and has its own restrictions Businesses need to maintain consistency across touchpoints, tailor a personalized shopping experience, enable real-time inventory visibility, and fulfill orders through customer-preferred options A simple example could be the tendency of customers to check if the product is available in a particular store before visiting it Without proper investment in technology and dedicated planning, businesses can mess up customer-centricity
Handling inventory in transit
Today, businesses need to meet customer expectations in a fast, reliable, and flexible way, while optimizing operations and maximizing profits Leveraging in-transit inventory can play a significant role for businesses in achieving this omnichannel experience
In-transit inventory refers to the goods transported from one location to another. This can include movement between distribution centers and stores or even to customers' doorsteps Maintaining in-transit inventory enables businesses to widen their product outreach by offering items online even if they aren't readily available in every store By tapping into inventory en route, businesses also get to save on last-mile delivery costs and ensure faster delivery times
Putting a robust system in place to effectively utilize and manage in-transit inventory can help businesses minimize excessive inventory costs and ensure transparency throughout the system This can include transferring stock from one location to another based on demand and initiating order fulfillment from the nearest location.
Insights into inventory across stores and channels
One of the foundational aspects of delivering a satisfying omnichannel experience lies in real-time inventory visibility Customer expectations begin from product availability and go beyond fulfillment speeds As businesses expand sales, the complexity of managing inventory multiplies Without visibility, order accuracy and completion become a guessing game
A rightly-aligned inventory management system helps businesses stay on top of their inventory levels without worrying about updating stock manually across their stores and website as they make sales. With strategies like BOPIS (Buy Online, Pick Up InStore), item reservations, and multi-channel inventory allocation coming up, a wellexecuted inventory management strategy becomes critical for scaling businesses.
Inventory Management
Order fulfillment is equally critical
"When our grandfathers owned shops, inventory was what was in the back room. Now, it is a box two hours away on a package car, or it might be hundreds more crossing the country by rail or jet, and you have thousands more crossing the ocean."
This quote from the then-UPS CEO, referenced by Thomas Friedman in his book "The World is Flat," epitomizes the globalized world view at that point in time There's an evident monumental shift in how businesses view and manage inventory This shift is largely due to the omnichannel experience that gradually transcends the boundaries of inventory and order management Today, businesses need to consider multiple networks of goods, be it in transit, in warehouses, or even in production, for sales
Unifying the shopping experience online, via mobile, or instore requires an interconnected inventory landscape that can promise consistent customer deliveries An efficient inventory management system can help businesses gain visibility over a shipment thousands of miles away and ensure every aspect of the item journey is accountable
Final thoughts
While focus has shifted to nearshoring in the recent past, the fact remains: consumers require an option to purchase from any channel and the variance in fluctuation of goods is more than it was It is imperative for businesses to have real-time inventory visibility and manage omnichannel experiences profitably Businesses need to have efficient systems in place to maximize sales and address the growing demand better
Friedman (2005, p 174)
21- CanadianSME-October2023 Inventory Management
Learn How the Canada Small Business Financing Program Can Help Grow Your Business
By Diane Amato
The Canada Small Business Financing (CSBF) program is making it easier for small businesses to get loans from financial institutions by sharing the risk with lenders. It's designed to help more businesses access financing for startup and growth.
When starting or growing a business, owners typically require financing to achieve their objectives and reach that next level To help more owners access the financing they need, the Canadian government is providing a partial guarantee for lenders on behalf of eligible borrowers through the Canada Small Business Financing (CSBF) program Made up of a term loan and a line of credit option, the CSBF program enables businesses to start or expand their operations while taking on less personal risk than typical lending scenarios
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How the CSBF program works
With typical loan programs, lenders require a 100% guarantee from business owners that they will pay back the loan or line of credit extended to them For new owners and entrepreneurs, and/or those without considerable net worth, this makes qualifying for financing sometimes challenging With the CSBF program, the federal government is guaranteeing 85% of the loan, which means less risk for lenders and more opportunity for borrowers
RBC Business Markets advisors Joanne
Ironside and Zhengbo Jiang share the program’s ins and outs and answer the key questions borrowers are asking.
What are the maximum amounts a business owner can receive?
The CSBF program is made up of two components: a term loan and a line of credit The maximum term loan amount is $1,000,000
There are four asset classes eligible for the term loan amount The maximum loan amount for specific asset classes is:
Up to $1,000,000 for real property/ building
Up to $500,000 maximum of the $1MM is available for improving leased property and/or purchasing or improving new or used equipment
Up to $150,000 maximum of the $1MM is available for intangible assets and working capital costs. Some examples of intangible assets and working capital include:
Intangible assets (not inclusive):
Franchise fees
Incorporation costs
Permit and license fees
Licensing/ subscription fees
Marketing expenses when associated with the purchase of a franchise
Capitalized research and development costs
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Working capital (not inclusive):
Expenses related to the development of software and websites
Printed materials (brochures, flyers, menus)
Professional fees
Payroll Rent
Line of Credit (only to be used for working capital financing):
The maximum authorized limit is $150,000
What do I need to apply?
“When applying, a business owner needs a well-thought-out business plan and their numbers in order,” says Ironside She further recommends that for those truly new to business, to work with a consultant or accountant who can lend their experience to create as realistic a picture as possible “For those companies wishing to access funds for intangible assets or working capital costs, a balance sheet prepared by a certified CPA or CA is required,” she adds. “Quotes, invoices, purchase agreements and/or sales contracts are required to validate the amount requested for equipment and leasehold financing ”
Are there restrictions on how the funds can be used?
Yes, there are limits and the financing to comply with the asset class limitati outlined above
Would I receive either the loa of credit? Or could I qualify fo
It can be both For instance, should yo financing to cover the cost of inventor receive a term loan for a lump sum of that’s needed at the outset of your bu you might need some ongoing financi ongoing needs, which you could cover the line of credit portion. “There is a co that happens between the lender and determine the structure that works be Ironside “We don’t expect the busines have those answers – it’s our role as a to work with the client ”
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Specifically, owners must provide:
Term loan: Line of credit:
For most startups and newly established businesses: Balance sheet and income projections prepared by a certified CPA or CA
For existing businesses
purchasing assets or expanding: The most recent financial statement of the latest fiscal year
Proof of purchase for assets such as invoices, purchase agreements or sales contracts and appraisals (if needed)
How do I apply?
Interested business owners are to contact their primary financial institution to begin the application process
You don’t need to apply through the government – your financial institution has been provided the responsibility of delivering the program and is solely responsible for approving the loan
What are the interest rates and fees for the program?
The maximum fixed and floating rate for the term loan is the lender’s Prime rate plus 3%, including a 1.25% annual administration fee. The maximum floating rate for the line of credit is the lender’s Prime rate plus 5%, including a 1 25% annual administration fee
A signed attestation that the line of credit will only be used for working capital costs
There is an additional 2% government fee to apply, which can be financed as part of the loan Financial institutions may charge some fixed administration fees for the preparation of documents and in the case of the line of credit, monthly management fees Registration fees must also be paid by the borrower
At RBC, relationship managers and advisors will work with clients to fully understand interest rate and fees at time of disbursement/activation
How much will I get approved for?
While the government guideline approves up to 100%, the % of financing is determined by the lender based on its internal lending policies and the risk associated with the borrower “The financing offered needs to meet both the CSBL program criteria and the lender’s policy and criteria,” she says
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I am a franchise owner. Will I qualify for the program?
Yes, this program is very well suited to franchise owners. In order to qualify, you must have a franchise agreement in place. The amount you are eligible to borrow depends on several factors and will be determined in your conversation with your lender
Can I get approved for costs that I have already incurred?
Yes The CSBF program is a great tool to reimburse recent business purchases You can access the program as long as the purchase was made within 365 days prior to the loan approval date
How can I access the line of credit once I am approved?
If you ’ re an RBC Business client, you can access funds to meet your working capital needs anytime through the ATM, Online Banking for Business, through the RBC Mobile App or in branch
Why would I choose the CSBF program over a traditional loan?
Because the CSBF program shares the risk with lenders, the level of personal guarantee is reduced, allowing lenders to finance more. “For instance, with a traditional term loan, a business owner would need to provide a 100% personal guarantee that they would repay the loan, which would mean they would probably be able to borrow less,” says Ironside
The other advantage is that the CSBF program offers a set interest rate. “With most term loans, the interest rate is based solely on the risk assessment,” says Ironside. “It could be higher or it could be lower, depending on the risk – but with the CSBF program, you’re not going to get higher than Prime plus 3% for the loan portion, or Prime plus 5% for the line of credit portion. Those rate maximums are set.”
Complete information about the Canada Small Business Financing (CSBF) program can be found at the Canada Small Business Financing Program Other program terms and conditions not listed in this article may apply
This article was originally published on RBC’s Discover & Learn blog.
Shoplazza’s Role in Empowering SMEs
We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Simon Iong, the Key Account Director of Global Growth at Shoplazza In the interview, Simon provided insights into Shoplazza’s mission and its pivotal role in supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) within the E-commerce sector He shed light on the prevailing challenges SMEs encounter in the dynamic Ecommerce landscape, along with highlighting the promising opportunities available for these enterprises in the current market Simon emphasized how Shoplazza is steadfastly assisting SMEs to navigate through these challenges while helping them seize lucrative opportunities. He walked us through the unique selling propositions, features, and solutions that Shoplazza extends to SMEs, illustrated by examples of successful collaborations and partnerships the company has forged to bolster SMEs on their E-commerce journey. Additionally, Simon gave a sneak peek into what attendees can anticipate from Shoplazza at the forthcoming CanadianSME Summit, ensuring an engaging and insightful experience for all participants.
With over 12 years in engineering and software architecture for SAAS platforms and 8 years in E-commerce covering marketing and operations, Simon Iong now excels as the Key Account Director of Global Growth at Shoplazza His technical and Ecommerce expertise fuel his role in driving global expansion and nurturing key business relationships, contributing significantly to Shoplazza’s market success
Simon Iong
Key Account Director of Global Growth at Shoplazza
Could you start by giving our readers an overview of what Shoplazza is and its mission in the E-commerce industry, particularly in relation to supporting small businesses (SMEs)?
Absolutely, lets dive right in! Shoplazza is a global E-commerce platform with a comprehensive approach to online selling With headquarters in Toronto and a presence in seven locations worldwide, we are dedicated to providing a seamless and extensive SaaS platform for online selling. Our platform is designed to be a comprehensive solution for online selling, providing everything from storefront design to payment processing
Our mission is to empower businesses of all sizes to navigate the E-commerce landscape with confidence and ease. We understand the unique challenges that SMEs face, especially those without a background in technology Shoplazza makes it easier for small businesses to launch their brands by offering a user-friendly platform that doesn’t require advanced coding or website design skills This commitment ensures that even entrepreneurs without technical expertise can establish and grow their online business and solidify their global presence
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What are some of the key challenges that small businesses (SMEs) face in today’s Ecommerce landscape? In your opinion, what are the most promising opportunities for SMEs in the current E-commerce environment?
That’s such an important question
The E-commerce world today is filled with challenges for small businesses One significant hurdle is transitioning from traditional business models to structured Ecommerce models This shift requires a considerable investment in technology, marketing, and customer service, and adapting to the fast-paced, always-evolving online marketplace can be a daunting task for SMEs, particularly those without technical skills
Despite these challenges, the Ecommerce environment is brimming with opportunities for SMEs. The ability to reach a global audience, operate 24/7, and leverage data and analytics to understand consumer behavior and trends are some of the most significant opportunities Ecommerce platforms like Shoplazza play a crucial role in helping SMEs capitalize on these opportunities by providing them with the tools and support they need to succeed in the online marketplace
How does Shoplazza support SMEs in overcoming these challenges and capitalizing on opportunities? What unique selling points, features, products, or solutions does Shoplazza offer to cater to SMEs?
Shoplazza stands as a pillar of support for SMEs in their Ecommerce journey. We offer a robust and comprehensive platform that simplifies the process of setting up, managing, and growing an online store Our platform is equipped with AIpowered tools and features that enhance various aspects of Ecommerce operations, from inventory management to customer service
In addition to these features, Shoplazza is dedicated to aiding small businesses in significantly expanding their reach. Understanding the critical role of a broad customer base for business growth, our platform includes integrated marketing and SEO tools designed to increase online visibility and attract a larger audience.
SMEs 29- CanadianSME-October2023
Could you share some examples of successful collaborations or partnerships that Shoplazza has engaged in to support SMEs in their Ecommerce journey?
Of course! At Shoplazza, our extensive network includes collaborations with over 500 partners, a fundamental aspect in bolstering SMEs in their Ecommerce journey We have established alliances with global giants like Google, Meta, TikTok, PayPal, and Stripe These significant partnerships have revolutionized the experience for SMEs For instance, our partnership with Google empowers us to provide SMEs with advanced analytics and advertising tools This collaboration enhances their understanding of consumer behavior, optimizes their marketing strategies, and markedly amplifies their online visibility and reach
In addition to our other collaboration partnership with buy now, pay later s Klarna further enhances the support SMEs This alliance empowers mercha providing additional payment options customers, making purchases more a and convenient By integrating Klarna payment solutions, merchants can ef broaden their customer base and sig boost their sales targets, offering a m and appealing shopping experience
Shoplazza’s making their presence CanadianSME Summit. Can you pro insights into what attendees can ex Shoplazza during the summit?
We’re super excited about the Canad Summit! Attendees can eagerly antic comprehensive showcase at our boo delve into our advanced E-commerc emphasizing the transformative role edge technology like AI in the E-com industry We aim to demonstrate how just a buzzword but a potent tool that is reshaping the digital economy, making Ecommerce more efficient, personalized, and user-friendly
In addition to our booth, it's an honor to be part of the panel named "Future-Proofing SME Sales: Balancing AI Tools with Human Touch" at the summit. This panel will thoughtfully explore the critical balance of employing advanced AI tools while preserving the invaluable human touch in SME sales strategies. I encourage all attendees to join us for this discussion, as it offers valuable insights and strategies for Small Businesses to help navigate the E-commerce landscape effectively.
SMEs 30- CanadianSME-October2023
Shining Bright in Small Business Month: An Exclusive chat with Bright Wire's Christine Dagenais
CEO and Founder, Bright Wire Leadership
In our recent conversation with Christine Dagenais, CEO and Founder of Bright Wire Leadership, we delved into her pioneering role in leadership development Christine's innate ability to nurture talent has crafted both her entrepreneurial narrative and the dynamic team behind Bright Wire. Eschewing the standard onesize-fits-all paradigms, Bright Wire’s bespoke coaching plans cater specifically to individual ambitions and team requirements. Their strategy workshops, rooted in the SOAR framework, not only guide leaders in strategy formulation but also its proficient execution. Unique in its team-based coaching model, Bright Wire's collaborative ethos offers unmatched value to their elite clientele, including Canada’s Fortune 100 companies With a team boasting top industry accreditations, they've carved numerous success stories across Canada and North America As Small Business Month unfolds, Christine shares invaluable insights for budding entrepreneurs, emphasizing the essence of visionary leadership and industry differentiation
With over 20 years of experience in leadership development across a range of industries and disciplines, Christine understands how to turn challenges into opportunities Having grown up in the corporate world and transitioned to Entrepreneurship mid-career, Christine has successfully built and scaled an industry-leading organization, in just under three years.
Christine has been recognized as a Top 100 Most Powerful Women in Canada by the Women’s Executive Network and was recently awarded a Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal for demonstrating exceptional qualities and outstanding service to the province of Alberta In 2020, Christine published her first book, The Intentional MBA, and in 2021 she received the Transformational Leader Award through the Universal Women’s Network, Women of Influence program, for the impact of her work that has enabled successful transformations for hundreds of leaders and
organizations In 2022, Christine was inducted into the University of Lethbridge’s Alumni Honor Society for her exemplary leadership and impact in the industry of Leadership Development and Professional Coaching. Christine is a frequent writer for Forbes Coaches Council and an active mentor to women in leadership, in partnership with numerous organizations and causes.
Her organization, Bright Wire Leadership, was recently recognized as a finalist by the Alberta Chamber of Commerce as a Business of Distinction. Christine actively gives back to the community and non-profit organizations, including previously traveling to Peru with Light Up the World, to install solar technology in rural villages, providing access to light with the vision of increasing literacy rates among children and has travelled to over 60 countries around the world.
How has being a forerunner in the industry, coupled with your inherent knack for bringing out the best in people, shaped your entrepreneurial journey and led to attracting such a dynamic team at Bright Wire?
First of all, thank you for the compliment I feel that my ability to bring out the best in people was honed because of my genuine desire to do so, which in a way sort of illuminated my path to coaching Even within my work as a more oneon-one coach, partnership, long-term relationships, and lasting results were of paramount importance to me These priorities translated well into founding Bright Wire Ultimately, at Bright Wire, we ’ re in the business of people, potential, and partnership This exists within our team as much as it extends to our clients
As I began building out our team, knowing that I have an intrinsic drive to continuously improve my own skills and widen my own horizon, it had to be a team that helped me do that to continue to uplevel, and indeed, surpass myself. As such, the Bright Wire team was bound to be dynamic, in addition to being highly respected, credentialled, experienced, and educated By working mindfully to attract a team of likeminded people with different perspectives and shades of expertise, we now have a team full of individuals who enhance each other every day
Traditional leadership development courses often follow a one-size-fits-all approach. How does Bright Wire's custom coaching plan differentiate itself, ensuring it caters to unique professional goals and team development needs?
The nature and needs of business today is everchanging, every person is fundamentally unique, and all circumstances are nuanced As such, a one-size-fits-all approach is a misnomer as much as it’s a fallacy One-size-fits-all doesn’t fit anyone. For this reason, Bright Wire has no offthe-shelf content to ensure that our process is completely bespoke and our leadership development and coaching programs are perfectly tailored to the purposes of a given company or individual
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This isn’t to say that there aren’t consistencies across our programs Each is steeped in the capabilities we know to be critical to a leader’s ability to deliver on business strategy. This means that we first commit ourselves to learning the strategy and understanding the purpose and values of the company before making our partnership recommendations We also recalibrate as needed over the course of our relationship with any given organization We have an unwavering commitment to building executive sponsorship which helps ensure our work’s impact long outlasts any active partnership
Bright Wire's strategy planning workshops are based on the SOAR framework. How does this results-driven approach enable leaders to not only identify their strategy but also ensure effective implementation?
While we perform a SOAR analysis to assess the strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and results that exist within a given business in light of the present market, this is just part of what informs our strategy planning workshops We lean heavily on our leadership development capabilities and advanced business acumen to recognize which existing strategies are falling short and to arrive at an aligned understanding of the business’ overall purpose It’s just as important at this stage that we create consensus relative to the amount of rework refinement or overhaul needed and arrive at agreed upon measures of success Reciprocating accountability is key throughout
Our approach enables our partners to build leadership capabilities as well as refine the strategy of your team, department, or organization in parallel In addition to more tangible outcomes like mapping current state against desired state, clear KPIs, and a plan of action, the exercise itself doubles as a teambuilding opportunity, and a stronger team strengthens an organization’s ability to implement and thrive through change
Women Entrepreneurship
Bright Wire stands out as one of the only coaching firms that operates as a team. How does this collaborative approach amplify the benefits for your clients, especially those leading Canada’s Fortune 100 Businesses?
It might be a bit of an oversimplification to say that we enable highperformance teams because we are one, but it doesn’t make it any less true We work as a team to take a systemic view of the business and collaborate to come up with the best approach. This not only drives maximum results, it’s also the most efficient way to execute for our clients and an excellent way for each member of our team to continue to add to their own core competencies and expand on their expertise We share learnings, iterate on best practices, and report in aggregate to provide our clients with the kinds of insights that wouldn’t be available to independent contractors who work in silos
All of Bright Wire's coaches and experts have the highest levels of accreditation in the industry. How does this rigorous standard contribute to the success stories of the organizations you work with across Canada and North America?
It’s about our individual and collective experience as much as it is about our accreditations Our team’s firsthand experience holding positions of leadership enables them to relate to our clients, and to relate their education to partner circumstances We draw from all facets of our backgrounds in our coaching and executive advisory work as we share our own experiences while ensuring that the path forward is charted by the client
As we celebrate Small Business Month, what insights can you share for emerging entrepreneurs seeking to elevate their leadership abilities and distinguish themselves in their industries? Identify your strengths and focus on honing those while you develop others or pursue new ones Naturally, I’m a firm believer in the power of working with a professional coach, but that’s not the only option or within reach What is always available is seeking opportunities to engage in or witness conversations between qualified people speaking on topics you hope to master Always be on the lookout for webinars or meetups concerning your area of interest and expertise Just last month we hosted our first ever Spotlight Series session wherein a panel of our executive coaches discussed the meaning and importance of candour in business and leadership today.
As far as what not to do, never take on business you arent equipped to serve well and never say yes to something or someone that is not aligned with your values At Bright Wire, we ’ ve maintained our vigilance on these fronts and credit these boundaries for our sustained scalability and ability to build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with our clients and partners
Women Entrepreneurship 34- CanadianSME-October2023
The importance we place internally on education and proven performance is becoming more and more of a differentiator for us as the market is flooded with “coaches” without professional credentials. Our stance on the matter positions us to partner with similarly discerning clients. Because we hold ourselves to a high standard, we’re effective in helping the organizations and individuals we work with push themselves in pursuit of better
How Micacchi Architecture moved from structural pains to financial gains
Robert’s passion for architecture took him to cities like London, Vancouver, Rome, and finally, Toronto After years of experience working at established firms, he launched his own venture, Micacchi Architecture, in 2018 From creating permits for basements in the early days to now designing 24-storey condos, Robert has scaled his business to a team of eight, handling around 30 projects each year.
The journey of running his own business has not been without its challenges, especially when it came to managing the finances Robert initially struggled with tracking everything in Excel, a tedious task that would eat up hours every month As Robert recalls, “It would take two or three days a month just to reconcile everything and created anxiety around wondering where my business was at ”
A switch to a web-based software, Wave, improved things but was still not ideal. This was until Robert’s friend and accountant David introduced him to Xero. Robert said that Xero stood out with its sophisticated reporting, integration capabilities and innovative approach. “Xero is more passionate and innovative than the previous accounting software we were using. The business report, summary of a project or a statement of accounts that Xero produces is much more sophisticated.”
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While Robert leans on David for the in-depth financial analysis, Xero has allowed him to stay connected to the broader financial picture of his business With Xero, he feels a sense of reassurance, being able to get a comprehensive picture of his firm’s financial health anytime he needs
With the real-time financial insights provided by Xero, Robert is able to make more informed financial decisions, including hiring staff and transitioning to new office space to support the firm’s growth As Robert said, “Xero is feeding us the information and that helps us make decisions about everything.”
“Each month David creates custom reports that show the cash flow in and out of the business. We also have full visibility on the accounts receivable and invoices owed, and can send payment reminders. Xero takes the anxiety out of it. Whether it’s good or bad, the most valuable thing to me is to be able to just know accurately what’s happening in the business, and Xero helps me do that much better.”
Robert believes other small business leaders and entrepreneurs should prioritise their financial health, as it goes hand in hand with their own personal health and wellbeing. “Protect your mental health. A good part of that is understanding your financial situation so you can take back control ”
Having a good accountant also makes the difference, as Robert shares, “I call David our micro-CFO Our business is very tech-forward and I like that David is the same when it comes to accounting ”
Real Estate 38- CanadianSME-October2023
The small business world is getting bigger. So is the need for extraordinary talent. Find your extraordinary with Mitacs #InnovationBeginsWithPeople Learn more at discover.mitacs.ca/smallbusiness Discover top research talent, expertly matched and co-funded, within Canada’s innovation ecosystem.
How Canadian Small-business Owners Can Find “Unicorn” Talent
For Canadian entrepreneurs and innovators, the recipe for cooking up a successful small- or medium-sized enterprise (SME) requires a number of critical ingredients, not the least of which is sourcing the super-skilled team your business needs to take a game-changing idea from concept to completion Often called “unicorn talent,” these sought-after, ideal-candidate individuals can bring a wealth of expertise, specialized skills, impressive qualifications and invaluable experience to an organization
But, just like unicorns, finding them can feel impossible.
To compound the problem, the recruitment-andhiring paradigm has shifted, and it’s no longer just prospective employees who need to jump through hoops to prove themselves worthy: today, businesses of all sizes are just as likely to battle it out to attract, recruit and then retain top-tier talent in an increasingly competitive market
smart, savvy, and skilled staff may be simpler than you think
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For Canadian SMEs, which represent nearly 85 percent of Canada’s total labor force but often lack the resources necessary to grow their businesses, this can be especially challenging and potentially crippling Seeking out and attracting unicorn talent, not to mention paying salaries once they’re hired, demands time, energy and capital, all of which are precious commodities often in very short supply for cash-strapped, already-overworked small-business owners
And, according to an April 2023 report released by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB), inadequate staffing is taking a significant toll on growth potential, innovation and success for many SMEs across the country. The CFIB’s survey of more than 3,600 members revealed that 59 percent of Canadian SMEs have been negatively affected by lack of staff which has, in turn, resulted in both owners (73 percent) and employees (54 percent) needing to work extra hours to make up for the shortfall
In the survey, 61 percent of respondents also cited lack of staff as hindering their ability to achieve production and/or sales growth; 48 percent reported actually having to turn down sales or contracts due to understaffing; and 20 percent said they had to cancel existing projects for that same reason
Finding and recruiting talent unicorn or otherwise is clearly critical for burgeoning Canadian SMEs in order to seize innovation opportunities, expand their reach and accomplish their innovation goals And one of the bestkept secrets in Canada is that, amid this daunting, hyper-competitive hiring landscape, an exceptionally efficient, cost-effective solution exists
Enter Mitacs.
Founded in 1999, Mitacs is a Canadian not-for-profit helping SMEs across the country access highly skilled talent from post-secondary institutions in Canada and around the world A sort of “matchmaker” between industry and academia, Mitacs and its innovation experts pair organizations with the talent they need by developing flexible co-funded R&D projects Over the past 24 years, Mitacs has supported more than 10,000 SMEs, invested more than $1 3 billion in collaborative projects, and, in 2022 alone, saved Canadian SMEs more than $5 million in recruitment costs
“Small- and medium-sized-business owners and entrepreneurs in the innovation space have big, meaningful ideas, but often they are working with limited resources and financial constraints,” says Mitacs CEO John Hepburn. “We can play an important role in their success by bringing the connections, expertise, funding, talent, and insights needed to take innovation to the next level, and drive commercial results and sustainable growth in Canada.”
So, whether you ’ re a small-business owner looking to develop a new product or service, commercialize your research, scale your company, or simply overcome industry barriers, Mitacs can help you access the “unicorn” talent you need to get the job done, allowing you to focus your time, energy, and resources on achieving your business objectives and bringing your innovative ideas to market
To learn more about how Mitacs can help you tap into top-notch talent, visit Mitacs
Small Business 41- CanadianSME-October2023
The Path to Improved Customer Retention Excellence
By Chandrashekar LSP, Managing Director, Zoho Canada
However, the issue runs deeper than a mere numbers game Some aspects of the customer acquisition process might inadvertently drive customers away So, without a precise understanding of why customers are departing, businesses are doomed to repeat their mistakes.
The process of identifying the causes of customer churn requires a deep dive into internal processes and data collection, ensuring that the right metrics are being tracked For many companies, this can seem like a daunting task, particularly in the upmarket segment where thorough analysis is complex, costly, and demands considerable employee effort Nevertheless, the rewards far outweigh the challenges
Understanding why customers leave is critical to improving customer retention By taking a closer examination of customer behaviour, businesses can gain a fresh perspective on how to manage customer churn
In an era where both businesses and consumers are tightening their budgets, the emphasis on customer acquisition has intensified While this reaction is understandable given economic challenges, it's essential to recognize that acquiring a new customer is significantly more costly – at least five times more – than retaining an existing one.
Understanding Customer Behavior
Customer turnover statistics provided by technology vendors only tell part of the story There's a substantial difference between a customer who briefly tried a product and one who has been a loyal user for years but suddenly departs This distinction is often overlooked in customer success analysis, where both scenarios are treated equally, relying on single data points to encapsulate a multifaceted statistic
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To gain a deeper insight into why customers leave, businesses must precisely identify the types of customers they want to evaluate, and then generate relevant statistics for each category For instance, technology vendors keen on understanding the success of long-term users should exclude measurements related to their freemium products, which are more likely to be dropped easily Additionally, it's crucial to monitor which apps are being used and their frequency during a typical workday Some software, like project management tools, might become less relevant after a project's completion, while others, like email or video chat programs, remain integral to daily office life
Also, examining clients' timelines as a business can provide invaluable insights into turnover statistics While some information may initially appear irrelevant, it's crucial to read between the lines For example, consider a long-time account leaving a technology vendor due to a change in their CTO, who subsequently advocates for a different CRM system While some individuals within the organization may be aware of this change, it's vital to ensure that this information is communicated and correctly incorporated into any modifications to customer success strategies.
Eliminating unclear variables is essential. Customers switch software for various reasons, and it's imperative to pinpoint the exact cause before attributing it to the company ' s actions. Perhaps a customer was acquired and compelled to switch due to external factors. Given the many clients on a company ' s roster, it's understandable that some customer use cases might fall through the cracks – this is the time to track them down.
Customer Relationship Management
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Starting A new
To prevent customers from leaving, companies must consider how they initially engage with them GardaWorld (formerly Liberty Security), is a prominent independent security system provider in Canada that offers a compelling example of this engagement fact Facing challenges in their sales operations and customer management, the company sought a new CRM system GardaWorld's approach was unique – they realized that their sales strategy was heavily reliant on a "land-andexpand" model, requiring significant customer interaction and support However, limitations in product offerings hindered their ability to upsell customers effectively
The company ' s solution was to adopt a CRM that facilitated deeper customer segmentation For instance, they could isolate customers using free software trials, allowing sales teams to provide tailored attention This level of categorization streamlined their operations, reducing the time spent tracking essential customer information.
Upon implementing the new CRM, Liberty uncovered critical insights They learned that certain customer departures were beyond their control, driven by regulatory requirements By removing this factor from their metrics, it no longer influenced their decision-making Furthermore, they identified that the most crucial factor in customer retention was the onboarding process The existing one-on-one training sessions were not yielding the desired results Liberty integrated a training module into their CRM, standardizing and simplifying the process for customers, who could now train at their convenience The results were remarkable – customer turnover rates plummeted to a mere 1%
Another Viewpoint Perspective
customer leaves, it's natural to seek or their departure However, the se may originate long before the r even uses the application. s driven by fear, such as inflexible models, can deter customers and asted efforts in retaining them
approach for mid-market es is to establish dedicated ng and migration teams These an pinpoint the factors contributing mer churn and address them ely, empowering companies to eir customers more effectively
Customer Relationship Management
How to become a top employer
Faced with a labour shortage, organizations that want to attract and retain top talent have to offer a great work environment and attractive benefits. Here are some ways to do just that.
You don’t just become a top employer overnight. It takes strategy, planning and attention to detail.
Onboard with care
The employee experience starts from Day 1. “You only have one chance to make a great first impression If you want to be considered a top employer, you have to be organized You often hear talk about the client experience, but it’s the employee experience that makes you stand out as an employer,” says Simon Prévost, Vice-President of Desjardins Employer Solutions During the interview and onboarding process and in those first days on the job, new employees need to feel like they’re part of a team, especially when a significant part of the work can take place at home If new employees don’t make strong relationships when they arrive, it can create a negative experience
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Build trust
People today are more selecive and they take the time to carefully choose who to work for Given their high expectations, attraction and retention are posing new challenges When employers make missteps, word travels fast “You have to build trust with your employees by giving them what they need to do their jobs That means cultivating a healthy workplace where managers provide support and follow up with employees Managers must also build a good relationship with employees to foster a positive work environment They also need to give new employees an onboarding plans so they know they’ll get training that will equip them with the skills and tools they need to do their job,” says Prévost.
Employers can also offer employees opportunities to step away from the job and enjoy themselves “The goal is to give employees a chance to have some fun Managers could schedule in-person or virtual coffee breaks or breakfasts Or they might set up a space at the office where employees can play ping-pong,” says Prévost
Provide effective tools
You also want employees to feel comfortable with the tools you give them to manage their work lives The payroll system, for example, should be efficient and reliable “Pay should always be deposited accurately and on time Nowadays, people especially younger people expect solutions that are in line with how they use technology Better tools make it easy for them to make changes to their schedule or look up their pay on their smartphone,” says Prévost
Prioritize employee wellbeing
To be a top employer, you need a retirement plan, group insurance and a wellness program “A retirement plan and group insurance are important for attracting talent It shows that you ’ re committed to your employees’ mental and financial well-being,” says Prévost
Recognize employees and lead with your values
While money is a strong motivator, recognition is even more important So managers have an important role to play “Recognition is a powerful way to build employee loyalty So are values Top employers define, share and walk the talk when it comes to their values,” and all of this drives engagement. Engaged employees will be more loyal to the organization and stay longer
Top practices for top employers:
Effective technology tools, like a good payroll system
Retirement plan, group insurance and a wellness program
Clearly defined corporate values and recognition from managers
The new rules of the game
Remote work has changed the rules of the game when it comes to employee retention. Employers that offer more flexible schedules, enabling employees to achieve a better work/life balance, are demonstrating that they truly care And their employees appreciate it!
46- CanadianSME-October2023 Employment
MeshingtheInnovation gearsbetween Industry and Academia
Innovation is the lifeblood of every economy
Innovation creates new products and services It improves processes, increases productivity and generates efficiencies It responds to challenges such as climate change, pandemics, international competitiveness and the ever-changing requirements of dynamic societies
Small and medium enterprises are the engines of the economy
According to the federal department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) accounted for 99.8 percent of all businesses in 2021, and employed almost 90 percent of the private labour market Between 2020 and 2021, SMEs were responsible for more than 85 percent of all new job creation
And yet, despite their pivotal role in the economy and the imperative that exists for SMEs to also power innovation in Canada, a 2023 Statistics Canada study found that only two percent of Canadian businesses invest in research and development – the main input to innovation
eCampusOntario, the organization that convenes Ontario’s colleges, universities and Indigenous institutes in support of government priorities and industry needs, earlier this year launched a new platform to address this very challenge.
New platform drives innovative partnerships between small businesses and postsecondary researchers.
The Ontario Collaborative Innovation Platform (OCIP) is the clutch that meshes the gears between private industry and the public postsecondary sector, accelerating collaboration between them Leveraging the research and development capabilities that exist at our colleges, universities and Indigenous Institutes, OCIP creates a receptive environment in which businesses can articulate an innovation need, and researchers can respond to those needs for assessments, expertise, facilities and people resources
Postsecondary institutions and their learners gain real-world experience
Colleges,universitiesandIndigenous InstitutesacrossOntariohavefacultyexperts, specializedequipmentandstudentseagerto gainexperienceinindustry OCIPisthebridge betweenpost-secondaryresearch capabilitiesandeconomicopportunitiesfor Ontariobusinesses.Institutionsearn additionalrevenuesfortheirprograms,labs andequipment,andcanalsodiscoverapath tocommercializationfortheirintellectual property Learnersgainvaluableworkplace experiencewhilesolvingreal-worldproblems
Innovation partnerships between business and academia delivers tangible benefits to both participants while also improving Ontario’s ability to compete globally Businesses can find solutions and support for their investment in innovation
OCIP is open to all Ontario businesses It simplifies the process of setting up an R&D partnership and provides businesses with access to supporting services to turn ideas and prototypes into commercial success The platform guides businesses through the process of creating an Innovation Challenge (project proposal); helps match them with research experts and facilities in Ontario’s colleges, universities and Indigenous Institutes; and streamlines access to multiple funders and programs for non-repayable grants to support student hiring, research and project expenses.
OCIP provides support at every stage, and offers business-friendly processes and standard agreements that work with all of Ontario’s postsecondary institutions. Standard agreements simplify IP ownership decisions, giving businesses and institutions the opportunity to keep or share the IP, where appropriate.
ThebroaderOntarioeconomybenefitswhen itscompaniesinnovate,whentheybringnew productsandservicestomarket,andwhen theydevelopnewprocessesthatimprove theirproductivity Astheorganisation responsiblefordrivingdigitaltransformation withinOntario’spostsecondarysector, eCampusOntarioseesOCIPascentraltoits mandateoffosteringinnovationthroughout thesectorandintothebroadereconomy.
Learn more at ocip.ecampusontario.ca
OCIP streamlines the R&D process for industry
Innovation 49- CanadianSME-October2023
Social Media Trends
Small Business Owners Need to Know in 2024
Hey there, small business owners.
2024 is just around the corner - and I can't think of a better time to dive in and explore some of the ever-so-exciting upcoming social media trends
Video content has been very popular for many years, and it doesn't seem to be going anywhere Short-form videos on key platforms like TikTok and Instagram will continue to gain popularity well into 2024
Both small and large businesses can greatly benefit from investing in engaging and entertaining videos.
Not a fan of TikTok dances? No worries Whether you ' re a TikTok sensation or prefer a more laid-back chat, there's a video style for you You can film your products in action, showcase fun behind-thescenes moments, or just sit down and chit-chat about what makes your business awesome Just get ready to hit the record button!
Jaclyn Baker
Digital Marketing Expert, J Baker Media
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Niche Social Platforms:
Chances are you ' re familiar with mainstream platforms like Facebook and Instagram But it’s time to think outside the Facebook and Instagram box! There are so many other platforms you can dive into, like Clubhouse, Reddit or Tumblr. You never know what platforms can gain you solid traction unless you try
See how these hidden gems can skyrocket your social media game and help you connect with your target audience in unique ways
Social Commerce Expansion:
Social commerce is on the rise, and it's a game-changer for small business owners and will continue to grow. If you ’ re a small business owner, don’t be afraid to utilize Instagram shopping, Facebook marketplace or TikTok shops These tools make it easy to showcase products and services to followers
Shopping via social media apps is also very convenient - and which, let's be honest, we all love. Swipe, shop, smile!
Augmented Reality (AR) Marketing:
AR is expected to play a pretty significant role in social media marketing in 2024
From interactive filters to mind-blowing effects, create interactive and immersive experiences for your followers Imagine virtually trying on makeup or bringing your products to life in your followers' homes The possibilities are endless - so get ready to wow your audience and stand out in the world of social media marketing!
Social Media 51- CanadianSME-October2023
Personalization and AI:
AI-driven algorithms are becoming more sophisticated, allowing businesses to deliver personalized content to their audience
Investing in AI tools can help business owners better understand their audience, which in turn can help you create content that delivers a higher ROI Join the AI wave and watch your engagement soar!
User-Generated Content (UGC):
Encouraging customers to create content showcasing your products or services is a powerful marketing strategy
UGC can help add authenticity to your brand and be shared on your social media profiles, too You can create special incentives to motivate your customers to post about your brand For example, you can offer customers 10% off their next purchase if they post about you and use a specific hashtag That way, their efforts can easily be tracked
Consumers are becoming more conscious of the environment - and for good reason
It's never too late for businesses to amp up their sustainability efforts and social responsibility. Your social media channels are a great place to showcase your efforts and let customers know where your values stand
2024 is shaping up to be a thrilling chapter in the world of social media marketing Small businesses that embrace these trends will be best positioned for success in the dynamic world of social media Get ready to level up your social media game and connect with your audience like never before!
Jaclyn Baker - J Baker Media
At J Baker Media, our mission is to leverage the power of social media to grow the customer base and revenues for our clients
Your company ' s online presence has never been more important than it is today
Interactive Content:
Engagement is key on social media So, learn the art of sparking conversations, fostering relationships, and making your audience feel truly involved
How do you increase engagement, you ask? Well, interactive content can help you increase engagement and build a stronger community Campaigns such as pizza, challenges and polls can help start conversations and foster relationships
We stay on top of the ever-changing digital marketing landscape to make sure your business is using the most current and effective methods to attract and engage your target customers
We do not have a one-size-fits-all approach There are numerous platforms available in the social media world - and what works best for one business may not necessarily work for another
That's why we take the time to learn what is unique about our client's business to determine the optimal social media program to maximize revenues.
Social Media 52- CanadianSME-October2023
By Natalie Dopp
Chief People Officer at HireVue
Holiday: High-Volume Recruiting Strategies
The need for high-volume recruiting typically arises from rapid growth, seasonal demands like the upcoming holiday season, or industries that require a constant influx of talent This type of recruitment is common in sectors such as retail, hospitality, customer service, technology, and manufacturing, where organizations need to quickly fill numerous positions to meet their operational needs
High-volume recruiting poses unique challenges for hiring teams surrounding tight timelines and large applicant pools Overcoming these challenges requires strategic planning, effective utilization of technology, and a focus on candidate experience By implementing efficient processes, hiring teams can successfully navigate highvolume recruitment and attract top talent to drive organizational success.
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Source talent through a compelling job description:
Start by clearly outlining the job responsibilities, qualifications, and skills required for a candidate to be successful in the role. Its essential to go beyond the basics and highlight what makes your organization unique Emphasize the company culture, mission, and growth opportunities to capture the attention of candidates who align with your values Use concise language and bullet points to make the job description easily scannable, as candidates often have limited time to review each posting Showcase the benefits of joining your team and paint a vivid picture of the work environment, and you’ll attract individuals who are not only qualified but also passionate about contributing to your organization’s success
Promote job listings through the right channels:
Leverage online job boards and professional networking platforms that cater to your industry or target audience
Utilize the advanced search filters provided by these platforms to ensure your listings reach candidates with the desired qualifications and experience
Use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to extend your reach and tap into passive job seekers
Engage with relevant industry groups and communities to generate interest and word-ofmouth referrals
Collaborate with local universities, trade schools, and professional organizations to tap into their talent pools through job fairs, career events, or targeted email campaigns.
Build a robust talent pipeline:
By proactively engaging with potential candidates, recruiters can ensure a steady stream of qualified applicants when the need arises.
One effective strategy is to leverage networking events and industry conferences to connect with professionals in relevant fields
Attending or hosting career fairs and industryspecific job expos can also help establish relationships with potential candidates
Additionally, building partnerships with universities, trade schools, and vocational programs can provide access to emerging talent pools Internship and co-op programs can serve as a pipeline for identifying promising candidates and nurturing them for future positions
Recruitment 54 - CanadianSME-October2023
·Another effective method to build a robust talent pipeline is through employee referral programs By leveraging the networks and connections of your existing employees, you tap into a trusted source of potential candidates who are more likely to align with your companys culture and values
Optimize your screening process: To achieve fast yet effective high-volume hiring, leverage applicant tracking systems (ATS) and other automation tools to streamline the screening and assessment process These tools can help in sorting and filtering applications based on predefined criteria, such as skills, qualifications, and, saving valuable time for hiring managers Additionally, consider using online assessments and preemployment tests to evaluate candidates efficiently and objectively These assessments can provide valuable insights into a candidate’s abilities, knowledge, and cultural fit, enabling hiring managers to make informed decisions more quickly and speed up the overall hiring process
Using technology for high-volume recruiting:
·Video interviewing technology allows recruiters to conduct remote interviews efficiently and at scale With high-volume recruiting, scheduling and coordinating inperson interviews can be time-consuming and logistically challenging Video interviews provide flexibility for both recruiters and candidates, allowing them to participate from anywhere at their convenience Recruiters can review recorded interviews at their own pace, facilitating faster candidate evaluation and decision-making Video interviewing technology helps streamline the screening process, enabling recruiters to assess a large number of candidates effectively and identify top talent quickly.
Game-based assessments enable recruiters to evaluate candidates’ skills, problem-solving abilities, and aptitude for the role in a practical and engaging manner Assessing a high volume of candidates’ technical capabilities can be time-consuming, but game-based assessments automate and standardize the evaluation process This helps recruiters identify candidates with the right technical proficiency and select the most qualified individuals for further consideration
Conversational AI technology helps recruiters screen candidates more efficiently by automating initial screening conversations. Conversational AI can ask candidates predefined questions and capture their responses This technology analyzes candidate responses, assessing factors such as communication skills, cultural fit, and job-related knowledge By automating the initial screening process, recruiters can focus their efforts on engaging with the most promising candidates, saving time and resources in high-volume recruiting
Improve your onboarding process:
Efficient onboarding is essential to ensure a smooth transition for new employees in high-volume hiring
To save time and ensure consistency, recruiters can prepare onboarding materials in advance This includes employee handbooks, welcome packages, and training materials. By providing these resources to new hires before their start date, they can familiarize themselves with company policies, procedures, and expectations beforehand This proactive approach allows recruiters to focus on personalized elements during onboarding while providing new employees with essential information to hit the ground running
About the Author:
By Natalie Dopp is the Chief People Officer at HireVue, the global leader in video interviewing, assessments, and text-enabled recruiting solutions 55- CanadianSME-October2023
Starting A Small Business?
Don’t Rely Solely On AI For Your Bookkeeping
By Paula Festas Co-Founder, Chief Executive Officer, Huumans
A seasoned and highly experienced business leader, Paula brings over 25 years of proven track record of success in driving global and high-performing brands and organizations towards new success and strong, profitable partnerships.
Festas’s extensive resume enables her to bring innovative and rejuvenated ideas to the table. She builds a solid foundation focusing on people, process and integrated platforms Paula’s focus is to help organizations & marketers increase ROI, engagement and brand awareness
While balancing an exceptionally disciplined approach to technology, data, digital strategy and revenue leadership, Festas continuously demonstrates a knack for developing revolutionary solutions to unique monetization strategies Under Paula’s guidance, Huumans will focus on delivering end-to-end solutions, from strategy and system architecture, to deployment and integration.
As one of the co-founders of Huumans, a fintech company focused on SMEs, her mission is to make small businesses accessible to as many people as possible by reducing small business risk through scalable financial services on-demand. Empowering SMEs to focus on the growth of their businesses by outsourcing critical financial services to a data-lead, comprehensive ecosystem
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In previous roles as the Alibi Technologies and developed long-term b cross-functional teams transforming the organ ensure smooth integra deliver enterprise-leve solutions.
Paula spends time giving back sitting on numerous industry boards as well as non for profit boards She currently holds a seat as a board director at Good Deeds, while previously having sat on the Responsible Gambling Council Check, IAB Canada Board of Directors, Broadcast Executive Society board and the National Advertising Benevolent Society board She is also recognized as being a leader in mentorship of aspiring professionals and women entrepreneurs
It feels like every time you log onto LinkedIn, watch the news, or read an article in the business section, there's buzz about artificial intelligence and how it's rapidly reshaping our work and lifestyles These people aren’t wrong, but there's a less-discussed, more optimistic angle to AI's rise: its not here to steal our jobs, but rather to create a brand-new breed of experts, trained to use these AI tools as partners in their day-to-day While this shift is happening across various industries, it's especially relevant to accountants, bookkeepers, and those dedicated to supporting small business owners.
As CEO and co-founder of huumans, a techforward financial services firm specializing in accounting, bookkeeping, and other financial services geared towards small businesses, my team has been on the forefront of the AI revolution, building financial dashboards that work magic using AI and machine learning. Forecasting and reporting on important business health metrics like burn rate, cash flow, and profit margins has never been easier with this new technology.
With that said, as AI becomes more accessible in everyday tools and software, we ' ve observed that the excitement surrounding these technological advances often overshadows the professionals the humans who use this technology We recognize that it's these skilled individuals who use these new tools to decipher, strategize, and take action upon the treasure trove of data these innovations offer, not the standalone technology
Transforming Financial Services With Augmented Intelligence
Augmented intelligence, a term that we don’t hear nearly as often as artificial intelligence, isn't about replacing accountants and bookkeepers with soulless machines It's about creating a partnership between unique human ability and the speed and accuracy of a machine In the accounting and bookkeeping space, augmented intelligence is transforming how financial data is processed, analyzed, and used, making it an indispensable tool for professionals in the industry
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For instance, we recently launched Quota at huumans, an AI-powered financial insights dashboard It's a one-stop shop for assessing your small business' overall health, and it seamlessly integrates competitive data from various industries and regions, allowing small business owners to, for the first time, gauge their business's health against similar industries and services The benefits of artificial intelligence are clear: no human would be able to analyze that volume of data that quickly, and come up with detailed, bespoke advice and strategies to action the data At that point, a small business owner would need to spend time digesting and interpreting the data before they could action it I don’t know about you, but a lot of the small business owners I know wouldn’t find that level of analysis very exciting!
In fact, back in the 1990s, my parents owned a restaurant, and it's so interesting to think about the tools we have at our fingertips that support small business owners in their day-to-day operations. That's one of the many reasons I'm passionate about serving our small business community I believe they should have the freedom to focus on what truly matters, and AI unquestionably has the potential to help SMBs save valuable time and resources, which can then be reinvested into activities that help them scale
Embracing AI in Financial Services: Enhancing Human Expertise
If you ' ve ever tried using ChatGPT to write an article or essay, you probably noticed that some AI types aren't quite ready to replace humans just yet That's because they need a lot of human input to function effectively Surprisingly, this need for human involvement is often seen as a drawback, rather than an opportunity to make our work even better
Imagine an accountant teaming up with AI to cut down on errors, boost accuracy, and free up time from mind-numbing data entry This gives them more room to offer personalized, top-notch advice to their clients – something AI can't quite pull off And when tax season rolls around, think about how much an AI tool could save a bookkeeper's time by analyzing business risks and vulnerabilities It means they can focus on finding solutions rather than worrying about human error
Of course we should be cautious of the new ways financial service professionals are using artificial intelligence and machine learning there is a lot we don’t know about its capabilities But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue to embrace it, while acknowledging the important role licensed advisors have in our industry. These professionals possess the expertise and qualifications needed to interpret and act upon the insights derived from AI-driven tools, ensuring that we harness the full potential of these technologies while maintaining the human touch that is critical for small business success
If youre a small business owner and you ’ re curious how huumans combines the best of art and science to help your small business succeed, get in touch with us and we’ll show you how our AI-powered financial services will help future proof your business
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SigmaRPA's Vision for Digital Transformation
in Small Businesses
With a career spanning decades in the field of digital transformation and business consultancy, Mike Cindric brings a wealth of experience to empower businesses in the modern digital era
Mike Cindric Digital Transformation Strategist at SigmaRPA
In a recent conversation with Mike Cindric, a Digital Transformation Strategist at SigmaRPA, he highlighted the company ' s expertise in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solutions tailored for small businesses in Canada and North America. With a global reach, including offices in the Caribbean, India, and Australia, SigmaRPA not only ensures enhanced success for their clients but also places a strong emphasis on data and process security Mike envisions a robust future for digital adoption among small businesses and underscores SigmaRPA's commitment to spearheading this evolution He also offered guidance for small businesses teetering on the edge of digital transformation
Mike's journey includes a pivotal role as the Managing Director at Dynamic Functional Solutions Inc (DFSI), where his influence extended to some of Canada's largest insurance companies. Collaborating closely with fellow entrepreneurs in the industry, he gained invaluable insights into the vital role of sound business strategy for small enterprises. In a dynamic environment, influenced by frequent legislative shifts and broader industry dynamics driven by large multinational corporations, Mike recognized the critical role of adaptability. It was during this time that Mike learned that small businesses, often guided by visionary entrepreneurs with a passion for making a difference, serve as the lifeblood of the economy, where innovations often originate and industries are reshaped This experience ignited his passion for supporting the success of small businesses
Mike went on to serve as an elected representative on the Board of the Association of Independent Assessment Centres (AIAC), where he represented fellow business leaders In this capacity, he advocated for small businesses closely collaborating with other industry players, seeking to influence policies that had far-reaching impacts on healthcare services and the broader healthcare ecosystem. Additionally, Mike contributed his expertise to the Ministry of Finance through his role on the Health Care Advisory Group. Alongside fellow members, he passionately worked to shape policies that touched healthcare professionals, the broader industry landscape, and the Canadian small business environment. The successes he achieved during this time is a testament to his expertise in strategy, process optimization, and policy advocacy
As an early adopter of digital technology, Mike introduced automation into the healthcare industry long before AI and RPA were commonplace This pioneering spirit fueled his passion for digital transformation, motivating him to help other entrepreneurs and small businesses achieve similar success
In his current capacity as Managing Director with SigmaRPA, Mike is a Digital Advisor, where he helps small businesses across Canada access government funding opportunities and embrace technology He firmly believes in the potential of small businesses not only to compete with large enterprises but also to lead their industries through strategic technology adoption.
Mike's mission is to make digital technologies accessible to small businesses, enabling them to thrive and reach their full potential in the digital age. His profound knowledge in business strategy and digital transformation, combined with his commitment to small business success, positions him as a trusted partner for businesses seeking to excel in the everchanging digital landscape
SigmaRPA offers Robotic Process Automation (RPA) solutions. How can RPA technologies benefit small businesses, and can you provide examples of industries or processes where RPA has made a significant difference?
For example, in finance, RPA automates invoice processing, expediting workflows and enhancing accuracy In one of our early clients, we discovered a 7% underbilling in their accounts receivable (AR) process, which had gone undetected for years While human errors can be evident, the ones that slip through often pose greater challenges RPA excels in enhancing accuracy, a key advantage. Additionally, RPA brings efficiency and time savings by eliminating backlogs, enabling employees to focus on valueadded tasks These combined benefits make RPA a game-changer for small businesses, boosting competitiveness and ensuring financial precision
Can you briefly explain what SigmaRPA specializes in and how your company ' s services benefit small businesses in Canada and North America?
SigmaRPA specializes in automation and digital transformation, helping companies across Canada and North America incorporate cuttingedge technologies like RPA and AI into their operations Our unique model prioritizes a strong return on investment (ROI), recognizing its critical significance for small businesses We excel in optimizing processes, elevating customer experiences, and delivering superior ROI, positioning us as the preferred partner for small businesses navigating the digital landscape Our servcies help companies adjsut and prepare for tomorrow's business landscape
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Your company provides support through international offices in the Caribbean, India, and Australia. How does this global presence contribute to the success of SigmaRPA's clients, especially small businesses?
Our global presence, with offices in the Caribbean, India, and Australia, plays a pivotal role in ensuring the success of SigmaRPA's clients, especially small businesses. One key advantage is our ability to provide continuous, around-the-clock services and support
While it's true that Digital Workers and RPA can operate 24/7, what many people initially overlook is the need for constant supervision This is where our global presence becomes invaluable Our team can implement and monitor Digital Workers that operate seamlessly even when our clients' offices are closed, or their staff are at home or asleep
An illustrative example of this resilience occurred during the internet disruption in July 2022 which affected a significant por of businesses in Canada Despit widespread challenges, our Dig Workers continued to operate, highlighting their reliability and robustness This global support ensures that our clients can cou uninterrupted service and supp regardless of the time or extern circumstances, ultimately enhan their operational efficiency and peace of mind
Security is a critical concern in the digital age. How does SigmaRPA ensure the security of data and processes for its small business clients?
In today's digital age, security is paramount, and SigmaRPA is unwavering in its commitment to safeguarding the data and processes of its small business clients
We encourage our clients to view our Digital Workers as remote employees when it comes to ensuring the security of their data and processes. To facilitate this perspective, we meticulously apply each customer’s specific security policies to their Digital Worker This ensures that these digital resources align precisely with each client's security expectations, offering an unparalleled level of customization and control that surpasses industry norms
Furthermore, we leverage industry-leading technology such as AWS and various RPA tools, all backed by industry-leading security measures This comprehensive approach allows us to not only develop but also deliver services with the utmost security, safeguarding our clients' data and processes at every step of their digital transformation journey
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Looking ahead, what do you envision as the future of digital adoption in small businesses, and how is SigmaRPA preparing to stay at the forefront of this evolution?
As we peer into the future, we see a landscape where digital adoption isn't just a trend; it's an essential lifeline for small businesses While technology continues to advance at a breakneck pace, it's true that many small businesses have been slow to embrace these changes This lag in adoption often allows larger corporations to maintain their edge and leaves smaller enterprises behind.
At SigmaRPA, our mission is to rewrite this narrative We're deeply committed to the success of small businesses, and we understand that they deserve the same technological advantages as their larger counterparts Our goal is to empower small businesses not only to catch up but to leapfrog ahead in their industries using cutting-edge technology
In this ever-evolving landscape, we are the gamechangers for small businesses We're not content with merely keeping up; we aim to lead Through innovative solutions, expert guidance, and unwavering dedication, SigmaRPA is poised to level the playing field, ensuring that small businesses not only survive but thrive in a digitally driven future
Finally, what advice or recommendations would you give to small business owners who are considering digital transformation but are unsure where to start?
Small business owners contemplating digital transformation should recognize the unique value proposition that SigmaRPA brings to the table We offer a groundbreaking concept: a Chief Automation Officer (CAO) who acts as your dedicated guide on the path to digital transformation This CAO embodies our company ' s expertise and serves as a crucial resource in understanding your specific needs and identifying solutions to propel your business forward
Moreover, SigmaRPA holds a distinct position as a Digital Advisor for the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP), a government initiative tailor-made for companies like yours to collaborate with organizations like ours. Under this program, the government provides grant funding, enabling you to engage with a company like SigmaRPA. It's a unique opportunity to access expert guidance and cutting-edge solutions while receiving financial support from the government
In essence, our CAO and our affiliation with CDAP are powerful assets at your disposal They pave the way for a seamless transition into the digital age, ensuring that you not only keep pace with technological advancements but lead the way in your industry
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Business Woman of the Month: Featuring
The month of October, besides brimming with happiness coloured with the lovely hues of autumn, is also special as it marks Small Business Month in Canada – a time to celebrate and recognize the invaluable contributions of entrepreneurs across the country This is a time that's dedicated to honouring and appreciating the valuable contributions made by entrepreneurs throughout the country Featured as the CanadianSME Small Business Magazine's Business Woman of the Month, Nicole Janssen is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of AltaML She has made remarkable contributions to the field of artificial intelligence (AI) Her endeavours have been pivotal in fostering innovation and promoting ethical practices in AI This article explores Nicole's extraordinary journey and the significant influence she has had on the business landscape in Canada.
Empowering Businesses through Applied AI Solutions
Nicole Janssen's entrepreneurial journey took an exciting turn in 2018 when she co-founded AltaML with her co-CEO, Cory Janssen AltaML is a renowned applied artificial intelligence (AI) studio specializing in creating and implementing AI-powered solutions designed for businesses. The company is well-known for its expertise in developing advanced machine learning (ML) software and creating robust AI tools One of the notable features of AltaML is its commitment to exploring product opportunities through industry-specific joint ventures This approach enhances operational efficiency, minimizes risk and creates additional revenue streams for its clients
AltaML’s broad reach spans several sectors, such as agriculture, financial services, energy, and health care
Nicole's visionary leadership has led the company to consistently deliver innovative AI solutions, empowering businesses to thrive in an ever-evolving digital landscape Nicole Janssen has played a crucial role in driving business growth and transformation in Canada and beyond by effectively utilizing the potential of AI.
Co-Founder and Co-CEO of AltaML
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Championing Ethical AI Practices
Nicole Janssen stands out as a leader in the technology industry due to her unwavering dedication to ethical AI practices She actively interacts with business leaders, advocating for the responsible and ethical utilization of AI The Responsible AI Institute has recognized her for her dedication to ensuring that AI technologies benefit society while minimizing potential risks Nicole's leadership goes beyond the confines of the boardroom, as she actively contributes to promoting ethical AI adoption in the business community.
A Community Leader and Visionary
Nicole Janssen's impact goes beyond her professional accomplishments She demonstrates strong dedication to her community and holds a director position in several influential organizations, such as Edmonton Unlimited, and the A100 Her involvement in these organizations demonstrates her commitment to promoting positive change in the Canadian business landscape
As Canada celebrates Small Business Month, it is only fitting to honour Nicole Janssen as the Business Woman of the Month Her role as a cofounder at AltaML, her dedication to ethical AI practices, and her leadership in the community serve as inspiring examples of how entrepreneurial vision and steadfast commitment can bring about positive change
With her co-CEO Cory Janssen in 2022, Nicole led groundbreaking efforts to improve the technological ecosystem with the successful launch of GovLab This initiative has significantly raised the prominence of Alberta's technology sector by challenging regulatory norms and establishing cross sector This project, which is a collaboration between AltaML, the Government of Alberta and Mitacs, represents a new and innovative approach to government-private sector collaboration and workforce upskilling. GovLab is a testament to Nicole's vision and dedication to advancing Alberta's technological landscape, with an annual funding commitment of $3.4 million for five years.
The CanadianSME Magazine is a must-read for all businesses, whether new or seasoned To subscribe to our magazine, simply click on the following link:
https://canadiansme ca/subscription/ To receive real-time updates about CanadianSME magazine, make sure to follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/canadian sme.
Women Entrepreneurship
Unlocking Digital Transformation for Small Businesses: The SigmaRPA Story
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, the transformation of businesses is not just an option; it's a necessity Small businesses, in particular, face unique challenges when navigating this evolving terrain That's where SigmaRPA emerges as a beacon of support and innovation As Digital Advisors with the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP), we are uniquely positioned to assist small enterprises in their journey towards digital transformation.
In this article, we'll explore SigmaRPA's pivotal role as a Digital Advisor and how we ' ve been instrumental in driving digital transformation for small businesses while facilitating access to government funding
Digital Advisors: Navigating the Digital Landscape
SigmaRPA Inc is not your typical consulting firm
We are a dynamic force in the world of digital transformation, specializing in empowering small businesses to embrace the digital age
Our mission is simple: to help small enterprises harness the power of technology, optimize their processes, enhance customer experiences, and achieve growth
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Unlocking Government Funding with CDAP
One of the standout features of SigmaRPA's role as a Digital Advisor is our ability to help small businesses access government funding through the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) We understand that finances can be a significant barrier for small businesses looking to embrace digital transformation That's why we ' re here to bridge the gap
CDAP serves as a platform that connects small businesses with the support they need to thrive in the digital age As Digital Advisors with CDAP, we work closely with our clients to identify their unique requirements and goals.
Proven Track Record: Transforming Small Businesses
What sets SigmaRPA apart is our impressive track record of success with small businesses across Canada We've been instrumental in the transformation of numerous enterprises, helping them not only survive but thrive in the digital age Our client success stories are a testament to the impact of our services
Empowering Small Businesses Nationwide
SigmaRPA's impact reaches far and wide across Canada We collaborate with small businesses spanning various sectors, including retail, hospitality, manufacturing, and healthcare Our team of experts brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, ensuring that every client receives the highest level of support
We recognize that small businesses often operate with limited resources and face unique challenges. This is where our role as Digital Advisors shines We help our clients make the most of their budgets, ensuring that every dollar spent on digital transformation yields tangible results
Comprehensive Digital Solutions
SigmaRPA's suite of services extends across the entire spectrum of digital transformation. We begin by conducting a thorough assessment of your current digital landscape and business objectives. This initial step enables us to design a customized strategy that aligns perfectly with your unique goals and sets the stage for successful transformation
Our services encompass everything from formulating digital strategies and improving customer experiences to adopting emerging technologies and optimizing operational processes. We firmly believe that success in the digital age demands a holistic approach, and we ensure that no stone is left unturned in our pursuit of our clients' success
Embrace the Future with SigmaRPA
In an era where the business landscape is in a state of constant evolution, SigmaRPA Inc. is an ally for small businesses seeking to navigate the complexities of digital transformation Our role as Digital Advisors encompasses delivering top-tier digital solutions, leveraging government funding opportunities, and ensuring the success of our clients
If you ' re a small business ready to embrace the digital future, SigmaRPA is your key partner Together, we'll unlock the potential of the digital age, ensuring your business thrives in this dynamic landscape
Digital Transformation
Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late to be Cyber-Ready
58% of all data breaches involve SMEs This simple statistic carries a heavy load The cost of a data breach doesn’t end at paying the ransomware to get your business’s data back, or with an increase to your cyber insurance premiums after making a claim It’s no secret that recovering from a cyber-attack can result in losing the trust of customers, potential legal consequences, reputational damage that can be challenging to repair, plus lost time when recovering from the incident –as opposed to continuing the regular operations of your business
For SMEs, these costs may be too much to bear Even with cyber insurance your business is still vulnerable and exposed to potential cyber threats A bad day for a large enterprise can be a catastrophic event for SMEs Understanding potential threats, the technology at play, and the roles of the people you employ is critical to ensuring that you are secure and resilient in the face of today’s sophisticated cyber threats
People, Process, Technology
When it comes to cybersecurity, the three pillars of your operations are people, process, and technology Understanding the relationships and interactions between these three pillars is the first step to a business that is cybersecure Threat actors will attack one or more of these pillars and, like the legs of a table, if one of these pillars goes down you can be sure the rest of the structure will be weakened, too
Establishing policies and procedures before an incident occurs enables your business to be proactive instead of reactive when a cyber breach takes place. (By the way, it is when, not if.) Empowering your employees with regular cyber awareness and training like phishing tests or tabletop exercises (think of an in-depth, step-by-step fire drill for cyber incident response) can ensure that when faced with a suspicious email or notification, your team has the skillset and toolkit available to respond in the best interests of your business.
Know Your Risks, Remain Resilient
There’s no question that as a business leader you know your organization, your industry, and your clients like the back of your hand. The question is, do you know your organization’s vulnerabilities? Do you know the aspects of your networks, systems, or processes that are most likely to be attacked? Would you like to have a picture of the threat landscape facing your industry and other businesses like yours?
Information is power, and knowing where your business stands in relation to relevant threats is key to developing robust cybersecurity measures that will work for your organization. Understanding the risks that are likely to have an impact allows you to mitigate those potential issues and strengthen many potential trouble spots When it comes to cybersecurity, a small amount of prevention is worth an enterprise-sized amount of protection
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Manage Your Vulnerabilities
Finding the areas in which your business is vulnerable is an important first step But once you know what those vulnerabilities are, what should you do next? Prioritizing vulnerabilities sounds pretty good, but against what criteria? Enter riskbased vulnerability management (VM). Riskbased VM means you address the vulnerabilities that are most commonly or most likely to be exploited by threat actors This doesn’t mean other vulnerabilities are ignored; rather, risk-based VM enables you to use your IT resources efficiently Risk-based VM maximizes the value of your cybersecurity program, ensuring that time is spent fixing what matters most
Cybersecure Is Cyber Success!
Cybersecurity is just one of the many moving parts of your business It’s also an umbrella under which all other aspects of your business can be protected In cybersecurity we aren’t planning for a rainy day, but for a bad day A day that will include an incident, a crisis and, depending on the steps you take ahead of time, possibly some chaos. Why not reduce the chaos and stress by knowing you will have a measured and effective response when the bad day arrives? You can remain operational and resilient despite the best efforts of the threat actors seeking to wreak havoc on SMEs like yours Just carry an umbrella
Lead the Way with Cybersecurity
With an established cybersecurity program in place
documented policies and procedures, conducting regular training activities and exercises, and deploying risk-based VM tools –you can feel confident that your business is taking the lead in cybersecurity best practices and protection. As your business grows and scales, having a trusted cybersecurity partner will support the achievements and objectives you strive to attain Remaining compliant to industry regulations and other compliance standards (i e , SOC2, ISO, NIST) is simply a fact of life when attracting and doing business with larger clients Adopting a fractional CISO program can simplify navigating these requirements while maintaining a robust cybersecurity program Your CISO-On-Demand can focus on cyber so you can focus on your growing business
About White Tuque
White Tuque's mission is to give companies a trusted partner and a framework of best practices for cyber defense. We are a boutique team with expertise in cyber risk, cyber protection, and intelligence.
Partnership with White Tuque gives all companies access to a battle-tested and crisis-proven team of Canada's leading cybersecurity experts We make this level of protection affordable by condensing simple and repeatable tactics into a digestible and scalable format for all organizations These tactics are the backbone of what protects businesses of all sizes, including Fortune 500 companies and financial institutions At White Tuque our mandate is to make these available to organizations of all sizes. Learn more at www.WhiteTuque.com/help or contact Info@WhiteTuque.com.
Generative AI - Revolutionizing Professional Services
Introduction - Unveiling the Power of Generative AI:
In the rapidly evolving landscape of professional services, ALTA Consulting emerges as the driving force behind the transformative potential of Generative AI ALTA Consulting is ushering in a new era where AI is not just a future possibility, but a present reality
The field of Generative AI has burgeoned, offering unprecedented tools to reimagine professional services From task automation to data-driven insights and hyper-personalized client services, AI is no longer the future – it's the now
Professional services firms face a range of challenges in today's business environment. These challenges often revolve around efficiency, scalability, personalization, and innovation. Here are some of the current complications that generative AI can address.
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Common Complications
Information Overload
In the era of an abundance of unstructured data, SMEs find themselves inundated with vast amounts of information, making it difficult to discern which data is actionable and relevant This can lead to missed opportunities or incorrect strategies
Time-Consuming Manual Processes
Many processes in professional services remain manual, leading to inefficiencies and potential human error For instance, data entry, document review, and even some forms of analysis can be slow and tedious
Operational Costs
Given the manual nature of many tasks, operational costs can escalate, making it harder for firms to scale or invest in innovation
Resolution: Key Potentials of Generative AI
1. Efficiency Enhancement
By automating repetitive tasks such as data analysis or contract review, professionals can redirect their focus to highvalue, strategic endeavors.
2. Deep Data Insights
Generative AI shines a light on patterns hidden deep within data, leading to better decision-making and innovative solutions
3. Hyper-personalization
Every client is unique AI enables services to be tailored to the individual, forging stronger, more meaningful relationships
4. Reduction in Costs
With automation and predictive analysis, firms can significantly reduce operational costs, allowing for scalability
Evaluating the Right AI Solution
Technological Diversity
enerative AI technologies differ in capabilities From NLP's roficiency in text to ML's predictive prowess, understanding hich technology aligns with a firm's needs is essential
ng to the Firm's Needs
unting firm's AI necessities differ from those of a g agency Pinpointing specific needs is crucial
ment and Usability
he cost, it's vital to gauge the solution's complexity and the training it necessitates Artificial intelligence
The ALTA Advantage Leading AI Transformation
As an innovative provider of Growth and Technology consulting services, ALTA Consulting plays a pivotal role in helping professional services firms embrace Generative AI, working with strategic partnerships that help us to provide an invaluable service to companies that work with us:
1.Developing a strategy for adopting and implementing generative AI
ALTA Consulting assists firms in formulating a strategic roadmap for adopting and implementing Generative AI that aligns with their goals
2 Evaluating different generative AI solutions
ALTA has a deep understanding of the different generative AI solutions available and can consult companies to choose the right solution for their specific needs
3.Implementing generative AI technologies
ALTA Consulting provides end-to-end consulting, from data preparation to model deployment, ensuring seamless AI integration
4.Managing the change associated with adopting and implementing generative AI.
ALTA can consult companies for preparing their employees for the changes that generative AI will bring, and to ensure that the transition is smooth and successful.
ALTA Consulting's Specialized Services: Growth Consulting Services
ALTA Consulting empowers professional services firms to achieve their expansion goals through refined strategies, leadership development, and enhanced account management tactics
ALTA Consulting collaborates with industry leaders such as Scaling Up, SPI (Strategic Partners, Inc ), and CPSA (Canadian Professional Sales Association) to empower professional services firms in scaling their operations and achieving sustainable growth
Technology Consulting Services
At the core of ALTA Consulting's expertise lies its technology consulting services, covering AI audits, tech evaluations, and model deployment, paving the way for monumental advancements in professional services
Through our strategic alliances with technology experts like HubSpot, Deltek, and Vidyard, ALTA Consulting offers comprehensive technology solutions that enhance efficiency and innovation for our clients
Government Grant Technology Assessment
ALTA Consulting extends its proficiency to assist firms in navigating government grants and funding, harnessing these initiatives for sustainable growth and development
In the realm of Generative AI, ALTA Consulting is the key player reshaping the landscape of professional services, unlocking new possibilities, and driving excellence in the industry.
Artificial intelligence
Isabelle Hudon’s Commitment to Entrepreneurial Development at BDC
CanadianSME Small Business Magazine recently engaged in a conversation with Isabelle Hudon, the esteemed President and Chief Executive Officer of BDC Drawing from her rich experiences as the Ambassador of Canada to France and Monaco, Isabelle reflected on how her diplomatic tenure profoundly influenced her perspectives on leadership and economic advancement A recipient of numerous accolades, including the notable Commander of the Legion of Honour from the French government, she recalled moments of particular pride during her diplomatic service. Transitioning to her role at BDC, Isabelle articulated her fervent commitment to bolstering Canada's development via entrepreneurial ventures. She spotlighted key initiatives and strategies she's spearheaded to realize this vision and offered insights into BDC's anticipated evolution, particularly under her stewardship emphasizing fair, inclusive, and sustainable growth To those aspiring to make their mark in diplomacy, finance, or economic development, Isabelle imparted advice rooted in her own remarkable journey, encouraging the next generation of leaders to forge ahead with passion and purpose
Isabelle Hudon
President and Chief Executive Officer, BDC
Can you share some insights from your time serving as Ambassador of Canada to France and Monaco? How did that experience shape your perspective on leadership and economic development?
I observed the tremendous appreciation that the international community has for Canada and that this reputation carries a lot of currency for us. Part of my time as Ambassador coincided with the global pandemic. And seeing how different countries reacted to the crisis that was unfolding was quite interesting It was noticeable, at least in France, how the government was approaching the crisis as an opportunity to position certain industries for the eventual economic recovery That all-handson-deck approach was certainly something that fed my personal thinking – not so much with regards to the specifics of the strategy, but more in terms of the inherent global ambitions that was guiding their thinking
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You've received numerous prestigious awards and honors, including the Commander of the Legion of Honour from the French government. Could you tell us about a specific moment or achievement that you ' re particularly proud of during your diplomatic service?
Leading the G7 working group on women ’ s rights was an important highlight of my tenure, as well as acting as co-chair of the Gender Equality Advisory Council for Canada’s G7 Presidency in 2018 My dedication to the cause of gender equality is well known and supporting that cause on the international stage was both a very rewarding task and an incredibly rich learning experience That being said, a very special moment of my diplomatic career was when I addressed the French Senate in 2020, when CETA was up for approval It was a delicate moment – there were concerns voiced in France that the agreement could lead to potentially negative consequences for French food producers Meeting senators, addressing French concerns directly and putting them in context led to very constructive exchanges
and in the end, a very positive outcome
As President and CEO of BDC, you’ve made it a priority to increase the organization’s contribution to Canada’s development through entrepreneurs. Can you share some of the key initiatives or strategies you ' ve implemented to achieve this goal?
I am very proud of the work done by my colleagues and all the partners we work with For example, BDC now serves 100,000 clients, twice as many as we served five years ago, and more than three times as many as 10 years ago In just the past two years alone, that number grew by 40%, while our venture capital commitments also went up by 40% and the value of our total commitments increased by 25%
Besides reaching significantly more entrepreneurs across the country during the pandemic, we have also deployed a number of targeted initiatives designed to increase access to capital for typically underserved clienteles, as well as for high-potential sectors, such as our Climate Tech Fund and our Sustainability ure Fund Many of these initiatives lve collaborating with partners – such he Indigenous Growth Fund and the k Entrepreneurship Loan Fund.
nderlying theme in these efforts is roaching our support with a level of bition that is commensurate with the ds of entrepreneurs In 2022, we ched the Thrive platform to support cifically women-led businesses With a l of half-a-billion dollars, it is the est platform of its kind in the world
Women Entrepreneurship
How do you see the role of BDC evolving in the coming years, especially in light of your focus on fair, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth?
The thought I wake up with every morning is, “Are there entrepreneurs that we are collectively leaving behind”? We know – because we asked them – that there are hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs across the country who say they are not able to access the financing they need to grow their businesses. It is our role to step in and fill the big gaps that remain, working directly with entrepreneurs and mobilizing our extensive networks of partners, including other financial institutions, to reach this goal
What advice would you give to aspiring leaders, especially those interested in pursuing careers in diplomacy, finance, or economic development, based on your own journey and experiences?
We enjoy our lives and our careers more when we have a job with a purpose. To the younger generation, my advice is to cultivate the habit of going out of your comfort zone –because this is where we often learn the most And to young women in particular, I insist on not being afraid of your dreams and ambitions On the contrary, you should embrace them and be vocal and proud of them
As a development bank, we have a responsibility to work hand-in-hand with entrepreneurs to tackle the big challenges of our times – whether finding ways to deal with inflation, increasing innovation and productivity, or helping SMEs reduce their carbon footprint and accelerate Canada’s transition to a net-zero economy. Over the next few years, we want to be known as the go-to place for entrepreneurs looking for sustainability advice. If you want to green your operations, serve more diverse clients or attract more diverse people to you team, we will be the place to give you practical tools, advice and support.
To aspiring and established leaders, watch everyone you can, at diverse levels While you will bring the drive and ambition, you must remain open to the people around you, especially the younger generation They will bring you so many other things Stay humble and listen carefully
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Erin Gertner's Vision for Women in
Offering pearls of wisdom for the next generation of tech leaders, especially those striving to champion inclusivity, Erin provided guidance on harnessing opportunities and navigating challenges in the tech realm.
Vice President, Partner Organization and SMB Sales at Cisco Canada
CanadianSME Small Business Magazine
recently sat down with Erin Gertner, Vice President of Partner Organization and SMB Sales at Cisco Canada Erin elucidated on how her dedication to promoting women in technology profoundly influences her leadership approach at Cisco Canada Addressing the distinct growth trends of Canadian MSPs compared to their global counterparts, she outlined Cisco's strategies to capitalize on these disparities. As cybersecurity looms large, particularly due to Canada's skill shortage and readiness gap, Erin detailed Cisco's proactive measures to tackle these challenges. Interestingly, while most of Cisco's channel partners in Canada are resellers and SIs, Erin highlighted their tailored engagement tactics that differ from their approach with the 18.5% MSP partners Grounded in Business Administration and a fervent advocate for women in tech, Erin shared her vision for encouraging more women into the IT and cybersecurity sectors amidst the current industry growth and shifts
With nearly two decades of experience in the technology industry, Erin is widely recognized for her ability to build collaborative teams and forge strong relationships to deliver outcomes for customers As the leader of Cisco Canada’s Partner Organization, Erin and her team develop the regional channel strategy with a focus on security, managed services, and software Erin strongly believes that together, Cisco and its partners are best-positioned to address the unique challenges faced by Canadian organizations through innovative, tailored solutions that also drive profitable growth On the SMB side, our team is focused on helping small and medium sized Canadian customers achieve their business goals through purpose built technology solutions
Most recently, Erin was the Director Twilio’s mid market business where she built and executed the sales strategy for the new Canadian business. Prior to this, Erin held several strategic leadership roles during her 15-year tenure at Cisco, including Director of Virtual Sales (Canada, America’s service provider, global enterprise), leader of commercial acceleration, and Regional Sales Manager for central Canada.
Erin holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Dalhousie University and has continued her education through executive leadership programs, further enhancing her strategic thinking and decision-making skills
Outside of her professional achievements, Erin is a passionate advocate for women in technology and is dedicated to mentoring and developing early-in-career talent
How has your focus on empowering women in technology shaped your leadership and strategy as Cisco Canada’s Vice President?
I believe in the importance of identifying and cultivating highpotential talent and encouraging women to step into their next role As women, we often doubt our capabilities and wonder if we are the right fit for a job if we don’t check all the boxes I’ve had several amazing sponsors who recognized the potential in me before I saw it in myself They pushed me to seize the next opportunity and I believe it is incumbent on all our leaders to pay it forward. Our leadership team in the Canadian Partner Organization is more than 50% women and I am so proud that we have some of the best talent in the industry leading our business
As cybersecurity emerges as a pressing concern, especially given Canada's readiness gap and the shortage of skilled talent, what strategic steps is Cisco taking to meet these challenges?
The cybersecurity skills gap is a major factor contributing to the need for managed services, as organizations lack the in-house talent to navigate a shifting threat landscape. This is particularly pervasive in Canada, as previous Cisco reports have shown that just 9% of organizations say they are ready to defend against cyber attacks
(Cybersecurity Readiness Index) and 20% of cyber roles go unfilled (ICTC)
Managed services help bridge that gap by providing cybersecurity talent and expertise needed to build a customer’s security resilience, and their detection and response capabilities in the face of evolving threats and attacks
pp g , pp is Cisco taking to leverage and navigate these varied growth trends?
Globally and in Canada, IT channel partners delivering managed services have a huge growth opportunity ahead of them in 2023 MSPs are projected to grow globally by 12 7% to US$472 billion in 2023– outpacing overall IT spending (3 5%) Canada mirrors global trends with US$10 1 billion in managed services revenue delivered by channel partners in 2022, growing 8 3%
At Cisco, partners are at the heart of everything we do and have been for the past 27 years Our priority is to help enable our channel partners to capture the opportunities in front of them - especially as it relates to the gap that MSPs can fill for organizations struggling with transformation and cybersecurity expertise and those who have limited resources to drive IT projects forward internally. We work hard to have the best platform, make it easy to work with Cisco and are laser-focused on performance so that we can help partners be successful
The need for a robust cybersecurity posture in Canada has never been more critical With Cisco cybersecurity solutions and through the expertise of managed service providers, this is a significant avenue for businesses to access the solutions they need to keep themselves safe and secure
Survey data indicates a strong majority of channel partners in Canada are not MSPs but rather resellers and SIs. What differentiates Cisco's engagement approach with these groups compared to the 18.5% who are MSPs?
Cisco’s business is based on partnering
We invented the partner model for the IT industry 27 years ago and our strategy is based on a partner-driven go-to-market model We’ve continued to adapt, evolve and charter new paths and create new experiences for our customers, driven and delivered by a wide array of partners
We believe were in the Age of the Partner - where vendors, partners, and customers work together around a set of strategic business imperatives that drive customer outcomes The important piece is that the partner is at the center, delivering on outcomes and experiences We engage all our partners–MSPs, resellers, and SIs–with this approach in mind
We also connect employees across the country and globally with supportive networks through programs such as WISE (Women in Science and Engineering)--a community of women focused on developing, accelerating and attracting women in STEM careers. Lastly, we place a high value on implementing proximity meetings These are intended for leaders to become intentionally proximate with diverse employees by learning and understanding the employee experience from the perspective of employees who are minorities on their teams These meetings are not focused on career discussions or mentoring; they are meant to drive meaningful conversations about diverse employee experiences at Cisco
capabilities and differentiated offerings to our joint customers. All of our partners, including MSPs, resellers and SIs are among the most highly specialized partners on the planet, and we’re equipping them to stand out and excel.
With your educational foundation in Business Administration and a strong commitment to promoting women in tech, what strategies do you have in place to bring more women into the evolving fields of IT and cybersecurity, particularly given the current industry dynamics and growth?
This is an issue I’m staunchly passionate about, and I’m proud of the steps Cisco has taken to improve diversity in the tech industry, but there’s always more to be done
Importantly, we ensure that we ’ re prioritizing diverse and inclusive hiring practices Our hiring teams include diverse interview panels (based on both gender and ethnicity) and candidate slates for all hiring Our leadership in Canada is passionate about this process and will not approve job requisitions if there is not a diverse panel At Cisco, we also drive a culture of sponsorship through The Multiplier Effect If every leader pledges to sponsor at least one person different from themselves, collectively we can build a diverse organization at every level
There are many more initiatives and measures in place and Cisco continues to be steadfast in its mission to power an inclusive future for all.
What advice would you offer to aspiring leaders aiming to navigate the complexities and opportunities in the tech industry, particularly those interested in breaking barriers for women and minorities?
Try to quiet that voice in your head that is shouting all the reasons why you can’t Say yes to opportunities that may seem obscure, you never know where it will lead Network and build genuine relationships; many of my best roles came from people I have built relationships with over the years Lastly, you don’t need to be in a formal leadership role to lead
Margo Crawford's Legacy of Support for SMEs
We recently had the honor of interviewing Margo Crawford, the visionary Founder & Chair of Business Sherpa Group With over two decades of leadership spanning varied terrains from high-tech startups to NGOs Margo illuminated the key experiences that drove her to launch Business Sherpa Group Her past, colored with co-founding one of Ottawa's standout startups and orchestrating major M&A transactions, significantly shapes the company ' s unique ethos. Margo emphasized Business Sherpa Group's commitment to supporting SMEs with an approach that's both adaptable and pragmatic, ensuring longevity for their clientele. Furthermore, she highlighted the team's varied expertise, which is harmoniously integrated to offer best practices and state-of-the-art technologies tailored for SMEs across provinces. As we mark Small Business Month, Margo generously offered her advice for emerging entrepreneurs, particularly those with a mission to uplift and bolster the growth of fellow businesses
Margo Crawford is a Canadian thought leader on small and mid-sized enterprises (SME), including SME leadership, succession and strategy She values knowledge sharing and often speaks both as a keynote speaker and panellist for national events
In her previous role as President and CEO of the Business Sherpa Group (BSG), she grew BSG to support over 500 small and midsized businesses throughout Canada and internationally by building a team of strategic and operational professionals who provide flexible consulting services in Human Resources, Cloud Based Accounting, Managed Recruitment, and Executive Solutions.
Prior to BSG, Margo was co-founder of Meriton Networks, an optical telecom start-up, and was instrumental in building a company with locations around the world, raising over $75M in equity financing and expansion strategies through M&A. Currently, she sits on the Boards of Digital Opportunity Trust, the Ottawa Network for Education and the Canadian Museum of Nature Foundation She is a member of the ICD Executive Committee –Ottawa Chapter, the Venture Development Committee of Invest Ottawa and the Ottawa Board of Trade SME Council She mentors several business peer groups and individual CEOs’ who are scaling and transitioning their businesses
Margo was named Business Woman of the Year, Women’s Business Network and HR Professional of the Year by the HR Vision Awards
Founder & Chair of Business Sherpa Group
With over 20 years of dynamic leadership across diverse environments, from high-tech startups to NGOs, can you share with us the pivotal moments that led you to establish Business Sherpa Group?
There were a series of events that catalyzed Business Sherpa Group. One of the first moments that pushed me forward was feeling held back from where I knew I wanted to go Lacking agency – alongside a belief in myself and my abilities – made me become much more open to taking a risk with my career This led into entrepreneurship with a tech startup, which unveiled more catalysts that eventually led to Business Sherpa Group (BSG)
The tech startup was a small company that always competed against larger organizations My role was essentially "everything inside" the business, so I had to wear many hats for many years This experience was another critical moment on my path towards BSG I realized that for a business to operate well, internal functions needed proper ownership Even as the startup grew and we were able to hire resources to take some hats off my head, we never grew large enough to fill all the roles I was doing with full time resources, which is a classic situation small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) find themselves in Being in this situation first-hand revealed a need in the market, and I realized I wanted to try to meet that need I’d developed a true passion and belief in SMEs; these organizations perform important functions and are leaders in industry, creating great services and products. You could say the tech startup ignited a passion that underdogs can do things really, really well
One other moment of note is coming to realize I didn’t fit – nor wanted to fit – into big businesses I deeply wanted a sense of meaningful contribution, which is very much aligned with working in the small business world; you can be a lever rather than a cog
As someone who co-founded one of Ottawa's most successful start-up companies and led significant M&A transactions, how have these experiences influenced the approach and ethos of Business Sherpa Group?
A big piece of this was the mentality that you just have to get things done – you didn’t have a choice to not deal with problems, you were the one responsible This was ignited at the startup where the CEOs often turned to me to solve problems because of my sense of initiative, knowing I would find a way to get it done This is the first step in leadership, regardless of title So, initiative and accountability were things I knew straight out of the gate I wanted to cultivate at BSG.
Business Sherpa Group is uniquely positioned with its embedded and flexible approach to support SMEs. How do you ensure this approach remains both practical and sustainable for your clients?
Flexibility, high trust, and strong relationships are key We know the realities of what it means to be a small business; you have limited resources (money, time and people) Our approach is built around this; we work within each business’ reality, flex to it, and find a solution We focus on what is the most practical next step forward for a client, mixed with what is relevant and efficient We ‘quarterback’ in this way and use our team’s collective expertise to provide foresight and do the actual hands-on work too This is different than a big consulting company that comes in with a pre-built program We keep our
Women Entrepreneurship
support contained to the realities of the organization and help get clients to a point where a function is fully managed, based on what ‘fully managed’ means to that unique organization
Working with this approach builds trust, and as you build trust and strengthen the bond, we ’ re able to be part of a client’s team long-term. Because we have a team and technology working with each client, it’s sustainable in terms of continuity too, creating strength and stability for our clients
Your team, which spans across Canada, consists of operational professionals, technology wizards, and senior leaders. How do you ensure that their diverse expertise aligns seamlessly to provide the best practices and leading technologies for SMEs in each province?
In terms of being Canada-wide, we like to be ahead of the curve in considering provincial jurisdiction Thanks to our BSG community, we pool knowledge from each province and have been able to build researched, mapped out playbooks around what are the differences province to province that our whole team has access to Knowing that you have to be really on top of what is required is part of it and taking proactive steps to cultivate this helps us work in each province, even in the US where justification is much more fractional This would be difficult for a single individual to do, contractor or employee
Because of our diverse team, each member has a whole community built in that they can tap into whenever needed HR is a good example, where the issues that arise are wide ranging and complex. Being able to pull together and tap into the full team’s expertise enables deeper guidance and support But one of the things we recognize as important is to build out best practices alongside leveraging the knowledge of individuals
Our expertise is very specifically around the realities of small businesses, and that is unique. This has enabled us to assemble a repository of best practices for SMEs. These are the foundational things that then can be built off of and supported by technology. One example is in finance where we use codified processes alongside technology which maps out what needs to happen when, keeping things on track.
Women Entrepreneurship
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In celebration of Small Business Month, what piece of advice would you offer to budding entrepreneurs, especially those aiming to support and empower other businesses in their growth journey?
To really be connected to your authentic self and know what your personal values are It’s easy to get pulled and tugged into what you think you should do, how you think people expect you to act, etc. The closer you are to your own personal values, the more it helps you build a stable foundation for your business. Your values are connected to your passion that fuels the problem you are trying to solve These are handy anchors for when things get tough (because at one point or another, they will)
Communicating your values and passion is also important It will help attract people to you, ignite your motivation and help build the relationships with your customers because it’s not about you as an individual, it’s about your passion which is connected to a problem that you ’ re trying to solve for them
I’d also say to stay connected and really listen to your customers’ comments – the good and the bad How your customers receive your services is gold, so don’t try to rationalize feedback away Remain in a client-facing role longer than you want to so feedback isn’t missed because it’s part of the learning process You can have an idea and the passion, but the most validating feedback on that is how your customer receive it or don’t receive it
And I’d add the recommendation to not get too attached to the idea that “I’m an entrepreneur” That’s not what this is about Being an entrepreneur is an outcome of a bunch of things, rather than an identity Get attached to your purpose, what you ’ re serving and how you ’ re helping people in your own specific way.
As your business grows and staff are inevitably hired, how do you start trusting people with your business?
As you build your business, you build it on your values and your passion Having people who feel passionately about your business is important yet who also have their own clear set of personal values about how they want to work Bring in those whose personal values can complement what your business is trying to accomplish This is critical as business will only be successful if you as a leader can hand off some of your tasks with full confidence and trust During the early days of handing things off, understand what you as a leader need to feel this confidence and trust so that you don’t unintentionally block progress For example, if you need more information about how things are going in the beginning, make it clear But also be careful about when you are going to intercept – when you do decide to step in, do it with a lot of thought so that others can learn and get there footing. This might mean sometimes you choose not to step in knowing there might be a negative outcome As long as it isnt business-critical, it’s okay to let you team learn for themselves
Women Entrepreneurship
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Corine Sobela's Journey with AFI Épicerie
CanadianSME Small Business Magazine interviewed Corine Sobela, the visionary owner of AFI Épicerie in Longueuil, Québec, renowned for its African and Island/Caribbean delicacies
Corine detailed her entrepreneurial odyssey leading to the store's inception and its niche specialization A proud recipient of the Emerging Black Entrepreneur Award at the Rock My Business Start-Up Awards, she discussed how this accolade and her association with Futurpreneur’s program have influenced her business mindset. Corine has ambitious plans to reinvest the award funds to uplift customer experience, boost AFI Épicerie’s online footprint, and introduce strategies for customer retention Acknowledging the RBC Foundation's role in fostering Canadian youth, she emphasized how initiatives like Rock My Business, in tandem with Futurpreneur, are revolutionizing opportunities for budding Canadian entrepreneurs
I was born in Bangui, Central African Republic, and had the privilege of living in several African countries, immersing myself in the myriad flavors of the continent's cuisine At the age of 18, I embarked on university studies in France, specializing in the field of retail management and business administration During this period, I also held various student jobs, ranging from banking to caregiving and customer service, which allowed me to gain diverse experiences
My travels and experiences as a childcare provider, along with my work in the education sector, helped shape my understanding of people's needs and the value of customer service.
Owner of AFI Épicerie in Longueuil
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At the age of 24, I immigrated to Canada, where I continued my studies at HEC Montreal, earning a certificate in financial management My professional journey then led me to the administrative field, where I climbed the ranks and held various positions related to administration, accounting, management, and customer service. I accumulated over 15 years of experience in this field, thereby developing strong skills.
However, my true passion lies in entrepreneurship and finance. That's why I founded AFI Épicerie, with a mission to promote and share the richness of African and Caribbean cuisine by offering quality and authentic products to our customers In a modern and welcoming setting, we strive to create an exceptional experience for our customers, catering to their culinary needs and preferences
Our goal is to become the preferred destination for all enthusiasts of African and Caribbean cuisine, while also making a positive impact on our community Our vision extends beyond mere business transactions We aspire to create a friendly meeting place where the community can gather, exchange ideas, share recipes, and celebrate the cultural diversity of Africa. By embodying this vision, our company hopes to contribute to the enrichment of African culinary heritage and leave a positive impression in the hearts of our customers.
Personal Experience:
Corine had personal experience with African and Island cuisine, which motivated her to share this passion with her community She understood the importance of quality food products and the authenticity of flavors in African and Caribbean cuisine
Market Analysis:
Before launching, Corine conducted a thorough market analysis She identified potential demand for high-quality exotic food products, as well as for ready-to-eat meals, artisanal products, and cosmetics associated with these regions
Vision of a Unique Experience:
AFI Épicerie's vision was to create much more than just a grocery store Corine wanted to offer a modern and authentic shopping experience where customers would feel welcome and could discover new flavors and recipes
Careful Product Selection:
Can you share the key moments and insights from your entrepreneurial journey that led to the establishment of AFI Épicerie, and its specialization in African and Island/Caribbean food products?
Here are the key moments and insights from the entrepreneurial journey that led to the establishment of AFI Épicerie and its specialization in African, Island, and Caribbean food products:
Initial Inspiration:
AFI Épicerie's entrepreneurial journey began with the inspiration of its founder, Corine She noticed a lack of grocery stores specializing in African, Island, and Caribbean food products in her community on the South Shore This gap was the starting point for her idea to create a modern and well-organized grocery store to address this need
One of the keys to AFI Épiceries success was the careful selection of products Corine strived to provide authentic food products, from spices to fresh items, including deliciously prepared meals and artisanal goods This attention to detail allowed the grocery store to stand out
Passion and Commitment:
Throughout her entrepreneurial journey, Corine was driven by her passion for African and Caribbean cuisine This commitment to quality, authenticity, and customer satisfaction was fundamental to AFI Épicerie's success
By combining these elements, AFI Épicerie was born as a grocery store specializing in African, Island, and Caribbean food products, offering a unique and inspiring shopping experience for lovers of exotic cuisine Corine’s determination and market understanding were the driving forces behind this thriving business
Women Entrepreneurship
Winning the only Emerging Black Entrepreneur Award at the Rock My Business Start-Up Awards must have been a momentous occasion. How do you feel this recognition and affiliation with Futurpreneur’s Rock My Business program has shaped your business perspective?
Receiving the Emerging Black Entrepreneur Award at the Rock My Business Start-Up Awards was indeed a significant milestone for AFI Épicerie It was a moment of pride and validation for our hard work and dedication Being recognized in this way has had a profound impact on our business perspective
Firstly, being affiliated with Futurpreneur's Rock My Business program provided us with valuable resources and support. Secondly, this recognition has boosted our confidence and motivation. It reinforced our belief that we are on the right path and that our business concept is not only innovative but also relevant to our community It encouraged us to continue pursuing
You've expressed plans to invest the award amount in essential equipment and resources for AFI Épicerie. Can you elaborate on how these enhancements will elevate the customer experience and further your mission?
Investing the award amount in essential equipment and resources holds great significance for AFI Épicerie These enhancements will have a significant impact on the customer experience and support our mission to promote and share the richness of African, Caribbean, and Island cuisine
We will invest in interior design, signage, and other elements that will make visiting our grocery store even more enjoyable for our customers Our aim is to create a space where the exotic flavors of Africa, the Islands, and the Caribbean combine with a pleasant shopping experience
We plan to improve our ready-to-eat meal preparation services. Modern equipment will enable us to expand and diversify our menu, providing customers with a wider variety of delicious and convenient dishes This aligns with our goal of offering a comprehensive and convenient culinary experience that our customers can enjoy at any
Women Entrepreneurship
Marketing is pivotal for a business's growth and visibility. How do you envision the funds enhancing AFI Épicerie’s online presence and what strategies are you excited to implement to attract and retain your customer base?
The funds we received through the Emerging Black Entrepreneur Award will be essential for strengthening AFI Épicerie's online presence and implementing effective marketing strategies
Firstly, we plan to expand our website and make it more user-friendly and informative for our customers This will include detailed product descriptions, and an online ordering system for our ready-to-eat meals.
Next, we will invest in online marketing, including social media, paid advertising, and influencer marketing We are excited to create engaging content that highlights the diversity of our products, shares culinary stories, and showcases our commitment to quality and authenticity We aim to build an online community of exotic cuisine enthusiasts and encourage our customers to share their own experiences and recipes
Finally, we will work on customer loyalty programs, including special offers, loyalty cards, and online events We believe that the key to attracting and retaining our customers is to offer them a unique experience and make them feel part of the AFI Épicerie family
The support from the RBC Foundation and its commitment to preparing Canadian youth for future jobs is commendable. How do you believe programs like the RMB, in collaboration with Futurpreneur, are reshaping the entrepreneurial landscape for young Canadian innovators?
The support from the RBC Foundation and its dedication to preparing Canadian youth for future job opportunities are indeed commendable Programs like RMB (Rock My Business) at Futurpreneur play a pivotal role in reshaping the entrepreneurial landscape for young Canadian innovators in several ways:
Skill Development:
These programs offer training and workshops that enhance entrepreneurial skills, including business planning, marketing, financial management, and more This empowers young innovators with the knowledge needed to build sustainable businesses
Access to Resources:
These programs provide young entrepreneurs with access to valuable resources, including funding, mentorship, training, and networking opportunities This support is crucial for turning innovative ideas into successful businesses
Financial Support:
Starting a business requires capital, and many young innovators may not have access to traditional funding sources RBC Foundation and Futurpreneur offer financial support, such as grants and loans, which can be a lifeline for young entrepreneurs
Encouraging Innovation and job creation:
Canada has a wealth of young talent and innovative ideas Programs like RMB encourage and nurture this innovation, ensuring that Canada remains competitive on the global stage By supporting young entrepreneurs, these programs contribute to job creation and economic growth
Women Entrepreneurship
Celebrating Small Busine Month in Octobe Honoring Canad Entrepreneurs
Trade and commerce have been deeply ingrained in the fabric of Canadian culture since time immemorial Canada's entrepreneurial spirit has thrived since the early days of European contact with the continent The entrepreneurs who were involved in the fur trade, fisheries, timber, and wheat industries played a crucial role in establishing the strong economic foundation that has greatly benefited Canadian society in present times The early businesses and their founders played a crucial role in shaping the economic landscape of the nation, which paved the way for the thriving small business community we see today
So, as a token of appreciation and admiration for the resilience of small business owners and entrepreneurs, the CanadianSME Small Business Magazine takes this opportunity to express our joy and pride in dedicating this piece of writing to them. As a fervent advocate and enabler of small businesses in Canada, it is our foremost mission and purpose to provide not just new business prospects but a comprehensive suite of services and resources for business owners We are committed to helping entrepreneurs navigate through their business journey, whether novice or seasoned We always take great pleasure in celebrating and acknowledging the small businesses that drive Canada's economic advancement, establishing it as a global leader in trade and commerce
October is Small Business Month: A Time to Honour Canadian Business Owners
October is a month of special significance in Canada since it is designated as a time to pay tribute to Canadian entrepreneurs and commemorate the contributions of small companies. Canadas Small Business Month, which was founded in 2006, is an annual observance that honours the resilient entrepreneurial spirit The origin of this commemoration can be traced back to Small Business Week, which was established in 1979 and has now transformed into a month-long homage to Canadian enterprises
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BDC Small Business Week: An Assembly of Visionaries and Achievers
The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) is crucial in advocating for small companies during this particular month. BDC Small Business Week, an annual event orchestrated by the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) for nearly fifty years, attracts a substantial gathering of over 10,000 entrepreneurs from all regions of the country This event provides an opportunity for knowledge acquisition and professional connections and commemorates Canada's enterprising individuals who possess the audacity to envision and execute their aspirations
To sum up, Canadians have plenty to be proud of as they observe the month of October as Small Business Month This statement serves as a recognition of those who possess a visionary mindset, demonstrate innovative thinking, and are willing to undertake calculated risks These individuals play a pivotal role in transforming their aspirations into reality, generating prospects for themselves and others around them. As we observe this notable month, it is vital to pause and acknowledge the lasting heritage of Canadian entrepreneurs and the significant influence they consistently have on our country's economic wellbeing Small companies play a crucial role in our economy, serving as a vital force that sustains its growth and resilience through unwavering drive
The Empowerment of Women Entrepreneurs
Small Business Month serves as a platform to acknowledge and highlight the noteworthy contributions made by women entrepreneurs to the commercial environment of Canada The presence of women-owned enterprises in the Canadian economy is steadily increasing, promoting innovation and diversity The month of October is a favourable occasion to acknowledge, commemorate, and duly acknowledge these exceptional women who propel economic advancement and serve as a source of inspiration for forthcoming cohorts of business leaders
CanadianSME Magazine is a valuable resource for small businesses in Canada, including nascent and wellestablished enterprises To access our magazine, kindly go to the following website:
https://canadiansme.ca/subscription/. You can stay informed of up-to-the-minute news; please consider following our Twitter account at https://twitter.com/canadian_sme. We invite you to join our community, comprised of individuals passionate about the field of business
The Economic Foundation of C Small Enterprises
Small enterprises have a crucial role in sustaining the economic framework of Ca Entrepreneurs are pivotal in fostering inno generating employment opportunities, and contributing substantially to the country's economic development The observance o Small Business Month provides an opportu for contemplation on the crucial role that enterprises fulfill in establishing resilient communities and a bright trajectory for th future
Small Business Month
So, without any further ado, let us delve into each one of our selected small businesses and find out what makes them successful:
Binary Stream Software Inc.
Over two decades, Binary Stream Software Inc has provided Microsoft-preferred solutions and end-to-end support Binary Stream is a Microsoft Gold Certified ISV that simplifies organizational procedures with scalable ERP software. Their flexible software has many features, from subscription billing automation to property leasing administration Their track record of improving business intelligence and efficiency shows their commitment to customer success
Unique to Binary Stream is its strong business culture
As fall ushers in the celebration of Small Business Month with the holiday season, the month of October is a time to show our appreciation and acknowledgment for all the consistent contributions of small businesses The CanadianSME Magazine is honoured to feature 10 SMBs, making it big in their respective industries Since crafting legacy is a part of running and managing a successful business, it is imperative that we talk about them and help inspire others as well Recognizing their accomplishments is not only a privilege but also an essential step in motivating and uplifting the broader entrepreneurial community.
They promote employee well-being and progress in a flexible, welcoming workplace that promotes cooperation and responsibility Binary Stream, Canada's biggest ERP software solution provider, is a Great Place to Work It's one of Canada's Top Small and Medium Employers, demonstrating its dedication to employees and growth
Binary Stream serves banking, healthcare, hospitality, real estate, manufacturing, and software sectors through its Microsoft Dynamics-integrated products Their forward-thinking attitude is reflected in their pledge to innovate and drive global digital change Founded on cooperation, creativity, and growth, Binary Stream Software Inc. is a pioneer in ERP systems and a leader in building a dynamic work environment and contributing to global digital transformation. Find out about what more they offer at https://binarystream.com/.
January 2018 | Issue 16 $ 6.99
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evue HR Systems
When it comes to candidacy assessments, Prevue HR Systems Inc is the gold standard; their products are supported by in-depth, original research done by their own in-house team of occupational psychologists Each evaluation goes through a thorough research and development process Therefore, this dedication to innovation is crucial to their work Prevue is unique in its commitment to the highest standards of validity and reliability in all of its assessments This attention to detail yields reliable data, letting businesses reliably foresee how their employees will behave in the future
Prevue's evaluations are effective because they streamline what would otherwise be a laborious procedure While evaluating potential employees is sometimes a complex task, using Prevue's exams makes the whole thing surprisingly straightforward and accessible Prevue helps businesses make better recruiting choices with more facts and less gut feeling by delivering objective insights into each candidate's profile. Prevue's analyses provide an advantage in today's tight labour market when talent acquisition is crucial to business success They help businesses get a more in-depth understanding of individuals' skills and prospective contributions, hence increasing the likelihood of a successful hire
The evaluation practices of Prevue HR Systems, Inc are exemplary because they prioritize precision, clarity, and ease of use As a result of their research-based methodology and commitment to continuous improvement, their assessments consistently rank among the best predictive tools available, enabling businesses to make better personnel selections and boosting the efficiency of their recruiting processes Learn more about their services at https://www prevuehr com/
dbricks Technology Inc.
Regarding fostering the next generation of technology-driven innovation, Redbrick Technologies Inc is at the vanguard Its visionary leadership team drives Redbrick to create, acquire, and grow businesses that enable digital entrepreneurs Redbrick's distinguishing feature is the entrepreneurial mindset that permeates every level of the company Redbrick's management team has first-hand experience building a successful business from the bottom up This distinct viewpoint has always encouraged them to create original remedies and launch innovative software initiatives
Leadership is defined differently at Redbrick The savvy businesspeople at the helm know that authentic leadership in the company goes beyond making quick profits They like to assist businesses in expanding steadily over time by encouraging new ideas in product development and being consistently available to answer questions and address concerns as they arise. Redbrick is able to invest in firms with unrealized potential because of the quantity of resources and strategic knowledge at its disposal
Redbrick's ability to draw on almost two decades of expertise in software marketing, as well as a distinctive corporate architecture optimized for expanding enterprises, is a significant factor in the company ' s remarkable success Shared Services is a crucial part of their methodology Companies in Redbrick's portfolio share People's culture and finance teams, which streamlines resource management and reduces the strains of rapid expansion Redbrick Technologies, Inc ' s portfolio companies are able to devote more time and energy to what really matters by relying on Redbrick's strategic approach and its pool of creative talent, as well as its team of technical experts Check out their website for more information: https://www rdbrck com/
Small Business Month 90- CanadianSME-October2023
With the help of dynamic supplier data, Tealbook, Inc is at the vanguard of a change in the procurement industry They aim to help businesses use procurement tools more effectively by providing a solid data foundation based on reliable supplier data Tealbook's ground-breaking methodology revolves around the SDP, or Supplier Data Platform, an innovative solution that automates the gathering, enrichment, and dissemination of supplier data across all applicable platforms
The SDP is the authoritative repository of supplier information, acting as a nexus for data governance, provenance tracking, and individualized processes that cater to specific users and purposes By streamlining and automating routine procurement tasks, Tealbook's SDPs help companies get the most out of their investments in infrastructure, personnel, and Source-to-Pay (S2P) software
As the foundation of all ERP, S2P, and specialized point solutions, automatically updated supplier data is central to Tealbook's vision for the future of procurement To improve operational efficiency, standardize disjointed procedures, and maximize supplier relationships, businesses may use Tealbook to centralize these systems based on accurate and timely supplier data
In essence, Tealbook Inc is pioneering a transformative approach to procurement that leverages the power of data to drive efficiency, streamline processes, and foster collaboration. Their dedication to laying a solid data foundation sets them up for success in a complicated and data-driven environment by allowing them to traverse the ever-changing landscape of procurement technology effectively Log onto their official website: https://www.tealbook.com/.
Tehama is an industry leader in offering a secure remote and hybrid work platform with a full suite of features for large businesses The firm has made a name for itself because of the revolutionary Power of Five (P5) architecture it has developed End-to-end integration, compliance with risk management and policy-based criteria, and cost-effective, highly secure remote access are all made possible by this architecture's well-thought-out design
Different industries may find a use for the Tehama platform since it was designed with their needs in mind. Because of its flexibility and scalability, it is an excellent option for businesses that need mass automation and quick onboarding By using preexisting cloud and virtualization technology ecosystems, Tehama speeds up the implementation of a more adaptable solution while reducing complexity
What sets Tehama apart is its dedication to a worldwide approach to IT resource integration that encompasses applications, operating systems, and cloud services This comprehensive method yields a secure hybrid work platform with unmatched performance and user experience at a fraction of the cost of legacy solutions and with the quickest return on investment in the industry
As an extra bonus, Tehama's cybersecurity platform for hybrid and remote work is accessible anywhere in the world and used by enterprises, MSPs, SIs, HW/SW vendors, and VARs Their commitment to remote and hybrid work not only encourages teamwork, efficiency, and effectiveness but also aids in attracting and retaining the best personnel from across the globe. Tehama is a totally remote workplace, demonstrating the companys dedication to work-life balance and the future of the workforce Discover more about their integrated IT services at https://tehama io/
Small Business Month
TealBook Inc. Tehama
Leonnova, a leading consulting and training business, specializes in organizational performance Their philosophy emphasizes people as the organization's most precious asset and the key to long-term success. The company ' s founding partners' extensive commercial expertise and academic knowledge from top institutions underpin this core conviction
Leonnova empowers organizations to develop and improve their future This goal applies to all levels of a company and is personalized to each business they serve Leonnova's method is straightforward Leonnova streamlines processes reduces inefficiencies, cuts costs, and boosts productivity and performance by carefully examining an organization's strengths and weaknesses Their network and academic ties enable them to access a multitude of resources, including respected academics and industry professionals, as needed
Leonnova's exceptional expertise shines through their comprehensive consulting services, structured around the 5A cycle Assessment, Advisement, Application, Adaptation, and Adjustment. This strategic approach involves a thorough analysis of an organization's current status, resources, and assets, enabling the identification of potential challenges, risks, strengths, and gaps The result is a set of pragmatic recommendations aimed at propelling the organization towards sustained growth In addition, Leonnova's affiliations with academic institutions provide them an edge, allowing them to offer innovative consultancy based on the most recent findings and best practices Leonnova's dedication to quality puts it in a prime position to lead businesses on a path to success Learn more about the company ’ s offerings at https://leonnova com/
Bond Consulting Group, established in 2005, is a leading provider of comprehensive and sophisticated SR&ED (Scientific Research and Experimental Development) solutions in Canada The firm has a solid dedication to excellence, and its track record is impressive, with a notably high success rate. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has accepted and approved nearly every meticulously prepared SR&ED claim we have submitted over the years In fact, we have received minimal or no requests for clarification from the CRA Their unparalleled success is a clear testament to their expertise and unwavering dedication to effectively navigating the complex processes of securing government funding
Bond Consulting Group is proud of its team of highly accomplished scientists and engineers who possess extensive knowledge and experience Their main objective is to ensure the successful approval of SR&ED claims for their esteemed clients The company prioritizes the development of thorough strategies that effectively align with the specific funding requirements of different levels of government This approach ensures clarity and eliminates any potential for ambiguity
One notable feature of Bond Consulting Group's services is that their clients are not exposed to any financial risk. The firm operates on a contingency basis as part of its commitment to building trust and confidence. In simple terms, if clients do not receive a refund through their SR&ED claim, they will not have to pay any costs for the services provided by Bond Consulting Group
Located in the heart of Toronto, Bond Consulting Group has a broad reach throughout Canada, providing services to clients from diverse regions Bond Consulting Group is the trusted partner for businesses looking to maximize their SR&ED claims with confidence With a proven track record, a team of seasoned experts, and a commitment to delivering exceptional results, we are the go-to choice Log on to https://bondconsulting ca/ to learn more about them
Small Business Month
Leonnova Bond Consulting Group
D4D, short for Delta4 Digital Inc , is a wellrespected digital firm that puts the needs of businesses first by offering an array of services designed specifically for large corporations Their products and services were developed with great care to not only fulfill the immediate demands of companies but also to expand in tandem with their development
Delta4 Digital's fundamental philosophy is centred on providing its customers with data-driven solutions that are flexible enough to change as their needs do Their persistent attention to the harmony between form and function is illustrative of the client-first philosophy they use. They understand the necessity of not just producing sales leads for their customers but also assisting them in turning those leads into actual revenue
Delta4 Digital stands out because of the proactive, holistic, and thorough approach it takes to solve problems The company adopts a holistic view, considering both internal and external factors, to guarantee that its solutions meet the requirements of all parties D4D's innovative leadership team realized the competitive benefit of being a 'business-first' digital marketing firm in a tech-centric sector Their goal was to simplify the digital marketing process by doing away with the jargon and acronyms that confuse customers
To say that Delta4 Digital is merely a group of techies, designers, and coders would be an understatement They are seasoned business executives who can provide valuable insights gleaned from years of experience in various fields and roles. Their goal is straightforward: to create high-quality work, cooperate effectively with those who share their values, and satisfy their customers Find out what more offerings D4D extends to its clients and patrons at https://www delta4digital com/site/home
Walkthruit is an innovative firm that has pioneered the development of unique visualization tools, which have altered the dynamics of pre-construction marketing, leasing, and sales of real estate The commercial real estate (CRE) industry has significantly benefited from their ground-breaking ideas since they have provided cutting-edge marketing tools that hastened the closing of deals The modern CRE market places a premium on responsiveness and user interaction, and Walkthruit's offerings are designed to deliver on these requirements They have teamed up with major companies like Brookfield, Link Logistics, JLL, and Colliers to create cutting-edge promotional movies and 3D walkthroughs
Walkthruit is cognizant of the fact that prospective renters nowadays actively search for digital property material on the web With the market shifting, it is more important than ever to have listings that stand out from the crowd with exciting and compelling content Customers get a competitive advantage with Walkthruit's cutting-edge CRE marketing tools when presenting properties in a way that is both engaging and informative
Walkthruit's dedication to bettering the CRE marketing environment is founded on the company ' s understanding of the market's fluidity When it comes to making important real estate choices, they make sure that digital property material is easily accessible by equipping their customers with solutions that adapt to the changing demands of renters and investors
With Walkthruit, CRE professionals can remain ahead of the curve in a dynamic market thanks to a forwardthinking attitude and innovative solutions Their commitment to providing exciting and helpful property material makes them an invaluable ally for landlords, developers, and brokerages that want to speed up the closing of agreements and set themselves apart in a crowded industry To know more about their services and products, click this link here: https://walkthruit com/
Delta4 Digital Inc. Walkthruit Small Business Month
MT Talent Solutions Inc
Toronto-based MT Talent Solutions was established by the formidable pair of Guillaume Miszczak and Stacy Towers In order to provide excellent solutions to businesses in Canada, two lifelong friends saw an opportunity to combine their extensive knowledge of recruiting with their undying dedication to customer service With more than 20 years of expertise under their belt, MT Talent Solutions prioritizes a consultative client approach to ensure that their services are always in step with the latest developments in their target sectors They take a consultative approach to staffing, so customers not only get help with hiring but also strategic insights tailored to their specific needs
MT Talent Solutions stands out in a highly competitive sector because of the unique viewpoint it provides to both hiring companies and prospective employees Their distinct point of view is formed by their in-depth familiarity with industry dynamics, extensive network within the Canadian business community, and dedication to providing outstanding recruiting services Guillaume Miszczak and Stacy Towers, the driving forces behind MT Talent Solutions, have fostered a culture of excellence where the client's needs take center stage Their agency ' s success is a testament to their dedication to providing unparalleled recruitment services that not only meet but exceed the expectations of both employers and job seekers
Serving as a reliable resource for Canadian businesses, MT Personnel Solutions has made a lasting impression on the recruiting industry The company has helped several firms succeed by facilitating the hiring of top-tier personnel They have made a name for itself in the Canadian recruiting market by using a consultative and customerfocused approach Browse their website to learn more about their offerings at https://www mttalentgroup com/
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