TRAINING AND INSTRUCTIONS All employees shall be provided with adequate training and instructions on the hearing protection provided to them. Training will include the use of the device, including its limitations, proper fitting, inspection and maintenance, and if applicable, the cleaning and disinfection of the device.
SEL 023
Page Number
1 of 1
Document Creation Date
January 1, 2013
Implementation Date January 1, 2013
The purpose of this element is to provide effective means to control musculoskeletal injury or disorder of the muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, joints, bones or supporting vasculature. Definition Musculoskeletal injury or disorder may be caused or aggravated by any of the following; repetitive motions, forceful exertions, vibration, mechanical compression, sustained or awkward postures, limitations on motion or action, or other ergonomic stressors. Policy Belterra Corporation – Safety Manual
Doc ID: CHSM-BEL-2017
Page 195 of 538