Cannabis by the Sea Magazine, Fall 2021

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CANNABIS By The Sea Magazine

Fall 2021 Vol 2 Issue 3

“Growing Relationships”

Robin Karlsson

Carpinteria Chamber of Commerce Large Business of The Year 2019

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4193 Carpinteria Ave., Sweet 4 805.684.6900 Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea


Table of Contents

Fall 2021


“C” Word — The Cannabis and Cancer-Care Conundrum 10 The A cancer diagnosis is bad enough. Making the road to wellness a slippery slope is the frustration and anger over the lack of research on the cancer fighting potential of cannabis. What’s been going on, or should we ask, what has not been going on? Consumers, unite! The demonization has gone on far too long already.


Cannabis Legalization — A Return to NORML


Blunt Advice


Enjoying the health, wellness, and recreational properties of cannabis? You can thank NORML for that. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws has been advocating for the reform of “drug” laws since its founding in 1970. CBTS interviewed Dr. Dale Geiringer, executive director of Cal NORML, to learn more about the nonprofit’s good work and its take on the future of cannabis in the United States.

You may know her as Barbara Verde, but we know her as the arbiter of cannabis couth and marijuana manners. Plus, she rates an A+ in knowledge of the plant. Those are just two of the many reasons we begged Barbara to write an advice column for us. You’re welcome! Baffled by bong water, munchies interfering with your waistline, or is there such a thing as a cannabis hangover? Read what Barbara has to say about navigating some of life’s head-scratching moments.

Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2021

Overlooking the gorgeous Pacific Ocean

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Event Coordination and Officiant Services Available Carpinteria, CA | 805.680.6459 Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea




From the Publisher


and Here’s Why . . .


Cannabis 101


Welcome letter from the Publisher

Are We There Yet? The Legal Status of Cannabis in the U.S.

The Difference Between CBD and THC

The Cannabis Lifestyle Art, Ask a Budtender, Recipe, Blunt Advice, and To Grow or Not to Grow


Resources and References


We’d Recommend It


Pet Project




Last Look

Where to Learn More, How to Do More

Products for You

Neigh-Saying to CBD

Cannabis Education . . . It’s Legit!

Cover Shot A resident of the Ash Avenue Carpinteria beach community for the last 30 years, Lisa Patsch took this issue’s cover shot with an iPhone 8 from Carpinteria’s Jelly Bowl beach area looking southeast towards Rincon Point, during an evening walk last fall. “I am so lucky to live just steps from the beach, with the Salt Marsh Park as my front yard,” says Lisa, a 35-year elementary school teacher in Ojai. She loves to take a walk every evening, clear her head, and enjoy the ever-changing beach around her. CS 4

Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2021

Amy Steinfeld

Find Something, Sell Something

CANNABIS By The Sea Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. 1072 Casitas Pass Rd., Suite 286, Carpinteria, CA 93013 (805) 881-1218 | Publisher — Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. Editorial Director — Amy Marie Orozco Creative Director — Melinda Bie Contributors — Dianne Armitage, Peter Bie, Meganne Forbes, Alonzo Orozco, Lisa Patsch, Alex Robles, Amy Steinfeld, Barbara Verde, Patti Walters Published seasonally four times a year by Bie & Bie Productions, Inc., Cannabis by the Sea is a lifestyle magazine dedicated to information on the health and wellness properties of cannabis.

The podcast dedicated to taking the mystery out of cannabis and hemp. Hosted by Alex Robles, new shows drop on Sundays

Cannabis by the Sea makes every effort to ensure the published information is correct, informative, and practical. Editorial content is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals. Cannabis by the Sea advertisements do not imply endorsement of products or services.

Follow the the links below to watch the “In My Grow Show” podcast on YouTube or listen to it on all the major podcast platforms.

We’d love to hear from you. Send your comments and questions to

Send product samples to Cannabis by the Sea, 1072 Castias Pass Rd., #286, Carpinteria, CA 93013. All submissions, editorial and otherwise, become the property Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. is not responsible for unsolicited materials. COPYRIGHT © 2021 Bie & Bie Productions, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form or any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the publisher.

GROW | LEARN | TEACH Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea


From the Publisher

Welcome to the Fall of 2021!

Hard to believe that this year has flown by as quickly as it has, especially considering how 2020 seemed to be 5 years long. I hope that you and yours are remaining safe and healthy in our ever changing environment and that you have managed to keep your wits about you! This is a jam packed issue - we’ve got some great information for you, as well as a little humor. We’re so happy to introduce a new regular “Blunt Advice,” from our own Barbara Verde. If you have any questions about cannabis, throw them her way via email to We talk a bit in this issue about the battle for and the current status of legalization in this country. Perhaps you’re reading this magazine for the first time and you haven’t quite made up your mind. If you haven’t, please consider this — opposing the legalization of cannabis has more ramifications than what you may think. As long as cannabis remains on the Federal Schedule of Controlled Substances, clinical research cannot be done in this country. This forces organizations like Harvest360 to conduct their research overseas. Not familiar with them? Well, CBTS interviewed the CEO of Harvest360, Todd Scattini, for our Spring 2021 issue. Todd conceptualized treating traumatic brain injury (TBI) and chronic traumatic encephalopathy using non-psychoactive CBD. Called “The Athena Protocol,” Todd visualized treating TBI victims after the loss of a dear friend and fellow Army officer, who sustained TBI in combat. But until cannabis is federally approved, research must be done overseas and The Athena Protocol faces a continuous uphill battle. Legalization needs to happen. Even conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in a June 28th statement “A prohibition on interstate use or cultivation of marijuana may no longer be necessary or proper to support the federal government’s piecemeal approach.” So, before you dig your heels in the dirt, read a bit more and expand your knowledge. We want you to keep in touch, so please let us know if you would like to see something featured in Cannabis by the Sea. You can email us at Oh, and subscribe to the digital copy via our website — it’s free! Thank you for your continued support. Stay safe. Be healthy. Please get vaccinated and above all, be kind. Looking forward to sharing our Winter issue with you on December 20, 2021!


- Melinda Bie

Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2021

Are We There Yet?

and Here’s Why . . .

The Legal Status of Cannabis in the U.S.

By Melinda Bie If you’re like most Americans, the constant bombardment of news and statistics is overwhelming — and that doesn’t even include the latest informational updates on state and federal legalization status of cannabis. So, we thought we’d bring you up to date, at least up to the date of this publication.

a minor traffic violation. Those caught possessing or selling an amount within the decriminalized limits are still fined — usually no more than a few hundred dollars. States with stricter decriminalization laws can also attach some jail or prison time to possessing larger amounts of cannabis, sales, or trafficking.

Twelve years ago, no state had fully legalized cannabis Now, more than a quarter of the U.S. population lives in a legal cannabis state. Let’s break it down by the numbers:

Medical legalization lets doctors recommend cannabis for a variety of conditions, from pain to nausea to inflammatory bowel disease to PTSD. Most states have allowed medical cannabis for many other conditions.

Cannabis is fully legalized in 19 states, medically legal and decriminalized in 10 states, medically approved in 9 OK, that’s all well and good, but where do we stand states, CBD only approved federally? As in, when the in 6 states, decriminalized in heck are we going to see Twelve years ago, no state had fully 2 states, and fully illegal in 4 the removal of cannabis legalized cannabis. Now, more than a states. from the Federal Schedule quarter of the U.S. population of Controlled Substances?! lives in a legal cannabis state. What do all the terms mean? Well, good question — got Legalization is generally a magic eight ball? Because taken to represent the removal of all government-enforced that’s going to give you just about the same amount of penalties for possessing and using cannabis. In most, but not accurate answer as you’ll get from any government official. all, cases, legalization also paves the way for the legal sales and home-growing of cannabis. What we can tell you is this — there are currently two cannabis prohibition repeal bills. The first, H.R. 3617 - MORE Decriminalization generally eliminates jail or prison time for Act of 2021, the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and limited possession of cannabis, but some other penalties Expungement Act, was introduced by Rep. Jerrold Nadler remain in place, treating a minor cannabis offense more like (D-NY) on May 28, 2021. Continued on Page 8

Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea


Continued from page 7

The second, H.R. 3105 - Common Sense Cannabis Reform For Veterans, Small Businesses, and Medical Professionals Act, was introduced by Rep. David Joyce (R-OH) on May 11, 2021. Both have been referred to committees and that’s where they sit at the moment. Both call for the removal of cannabis from the Federal Schedule of Controlled Substances, but H.R. 3105 is far less wide reaching in reform and puts some regulation responsibility in the hands of the FDA and the Treasury Department. There are more differences between the two bills, on important points like taxation and research as well as social-justice reform. OK, so, and now what? Well, they will sit in committees for another few months before either bill gets a hearing. In the meantime, it comes down to trying to get through to the 168 Democratic members of the House that voted against it last time as well as the heavy number of Republican senators who will more than likely shoot it down when it hits the Senate.

CANNABIS By The Sea Magazine



Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2021

Brent Flatten

That’s where you and I come in with our letters, emails, phone calls, and our support of organizations like NORML, which advocate for us all. We suggest that you not only convey your support of the MORE Act to your state representatives but take it a step further and write to President Biden. Whomever you choose to communicate with, do it with respect, with facts and with brevity. A simple “I encourage you to join me in support of the MORE Act of 2021” is a great way to begin. CS

Cannabis 101:

The Difference Between CBD and THC

CBTS Staff Report CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are natural compounds derived from the same plant — cannabis sativa. So what is the difference between CBD and THC? CBD and THC are two of the most prominent cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Both cannabis and hemp produce CBD and THC. However, cannabis has a higher concentration of THC and hemp has a higher concentration of CBD. CBD and THC have the same chemical makeup, 21 carbon atoms, 30 hydrogen atoms, and two oxygen atoms. The difference is that they don’t have the same chemical arrangement, and the body receives them as different compounds. These compounds bind to neurotransmitters in your brain and affect things like mood, pain, sleep, and memory. THC compound is the one known most famously for the high sensation you get from it, a psychoactive response. More than half of U.S. states have made “medical marijuana” legal, which means in order to use it you must have a doctor’s prescription. The effects of THC have been known to offset many otherwise painful symptoms associated with chronic pain and nausea CBD, alternatively, is considered a “non-psychoactive” compound, meaning that you do not get that high that we associate with THC. Although CBD legally may have trace amounts of THC up to .3 percent, it is not enough to result in a psychoactive response. CBD is known to have many of the promising health benefits, minus the psychoactive side effects. CS

Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea


The “C” Word

The Cannabis and Cancer-Care Conundrum

By Dianne Armitage As a three time breast cancer survivor, I was excited to write These included data on: about the progress being made when it comes to using • Cannabidiol (CBD) taken by mouth to treat solid tumors cannabis to combat the side effects of, and perhaps even that have recurred (come back). create a cure for, cancer. It didn’t take much research to turn • An oral spray combining two cannabinoids (deltamy hopes into a mixture of frustration and anger. 9-THC and CBD) given with temozolomide to treat recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (an aggressive brain I’ve lived within the been there, done that cancer bubble cancer). since 1996, hoping if the cancer returns, my treatment • CBD taken by mouth to treat acute graft-versus-host options would be vastly improved. Unfortunately, I’ve been disease in patients who have undergone a stem cell appalled by the snail’s pace at which progress is made in transplant. terms of treatment modalities, outside of the box thinking, What about cannabis-based therapies to combat and compassionate consideration when it comes to letting nausea, vomiting, and pain relief for individuals undergoing people fighting for their lives try treatments that haven’t been chemotherapy? scientifically proven, but show promise. Dr. Marisa Weiss, founder and president of www.breastcancer. A study published by the National Institute of Health’s org, an oncologist, internationally recognized breast (NIH) National Cancer Institute (NCI) in June of this year cancer specialist, and breast cancer survivor, recently determined that no ongoing studies of cannabis as a conducted the first ever study to evaluate the underlying treatment for cancer in people had been found in the CAM reasons that women with breast cancer use cannabis as (Complementary and part of their treatment regimen. Weiss, who is Alternative Medicine). based in Philadelphia, decided to incorporate A 2018 study of clinical They did note that small cannabis into her pain management program in oncologists’ attitudes about studies have been done, 2018 when Pennsylvania first opened its medical cannabis for therapeutic use but either the results marijuana program, because even more than the found that, while 80 percent have not been reported nausea associated with their treatments, women were discussing cannabis with or suggested a larger with breast cancer experience pain. their patients, only about 30 study was needed.

percent said they knew anything significant about it. 10 Cannabis by the Sea

Fall 2021

Her study discovered that 73 percent of women with early stage and 89 percent of women with metastatic disease sought medical cannabis for pain relief. Additionally, the study showed that 45 percent of the early stage and 89 percent of the women with cancer that had spread to other parts of the body were using medical cannabis to help overcome anxiety. Insomnia was another stumbling block for many patients, with 50 percent of the early stage, and 33 percent of the metastatic group turning to medical marijuana for relief. Surprisingly, only 4 percent of the early stage, and 33 percent of the women with metastatic disease used cannabis for nausea. It is interesting to note that most patients suffered an average of three symptoms. Pain was rarely experienced alone; insomnia and anxiety were frequently combined. Dr. Weiss is working on a randomized controlled trial for Ananda Hemp gelcaps to treat chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy for patients with breast, ovarian, or colon cancer. She is also a co-investigator on a study out of Columbia University which is testing cannabinoids for peripheral neuropathy caused by chemotherapy in breast cancer. A 2018 study of clinical oncologists attitudes about cannabis for therapeutic use found that, while 80 percent were discussing cannabis with their patients, only about 30 percent said they knew anything significant about it. Which raises the question, how do you find a doctor who is knowledgeable if you are interested in exploring a cannabis assist? Based in Santa Barbara, Dr. Morton Sacks has long offered personalized, comprehensive medical cannabis evaluations. When I posed this question to him, he responded, “The patients I have seen in the past 13 years found me by word-of-mouth or were referred by oncologists or other medical professionals. That is how the average layperson can find a qualified practitioner.” When asked whether he has personally seen instances where cannabis made a positive difference, he shares: “I had a patient (a physician) who was being treated for lymphoma with chemotherapy, and had severe anorexia and nausea which did not respond to Zofran or Marinol, a synthetic THC. He stated that he felt he was dying. He had never inhaled marijuana. I advised him to get a joint and light up. With a few inhalations he started eating, and recovered. That was 10 years ago. He never used cannabis again.” How do we move this conversation forward in meaningful ways? By letting our healthcare professionals and elected officials know it’s way past time! Don’t be shy about starting a conversation with your primary care doctor or oncologist. And a phone call or letter to elected representatives at the local, state, and federal level is one more way to make your voice heard. Dianne Armitage is a freelance writer and the owner of WriteOn!, based in Carpinteria, Calif. She wrote a monthly humor column for Amoena’s breast cancer website for several years (yes, it was a humor column). Dianne is proudly owned by two French bulldogs, who prefer to remain nameless. CS

“Body of Flowers” by Meganne Forbes, Visionary Artist Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea


CannabisLegalization By Melinda Bie

A Return to NORML

With the United States possibly on the precipice of marijuana legalization…the return to NORML may be the just the thing we need, in more than the way you might think. And no, that’s not a misspell.

• Successfully lobbied the state legislature to pass the Moscone Act of 1975, which “decriminalized” marijuana possession from a felony to a misdemeanor, with a maximum $100 fine for 1 ounce or less.

In this case, we are referring to NORML, as in the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, a nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C. For 51 years NORML has advocated for the reform of marijuana laws in the United States, both medical and non-medical use.

• Successfully sued to force CAMP (Campaign Against Marijuana Planting) helicopters to respect a 500’ flying ceiling.

NORML was founded in 1970 by Keith Stroup, an attorney who was inspired by the work of consumer activist Ralph Nader, to create a consumer group for cannabis users. With $5,000 in seed money from the Playboy Foundation, Stroup founded NORML. At one point during the mid-70s, Hugh Hefner was donating $100,000 a year to NORML, making it the premier decriminalization advocacy group. Erik Altieri is now the organization’s 7th Executive Director, and its chairman of the Board of Directors is none other than travel writer, Rick Steves. California NORML originally was founded as Amorphia, which organized the 1972 California Marijuana Initiative, Prop. 19. The initiative, which would have repealed laws against adult use, possession, and cultivation of marijuana, received 33 percent of the vote. Amorphia became the California branch of NORML in 1974 and over the past 47 have been at the forefront of cannabis advocacy. “So”, you ask, “great history report, but what the heck does NORML do and why should I care?” If you live in California, you can thank the folks at Cal NORML for a lot of the cannabis freedoms that you enjoy today: 12

Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2021

• Led the opposition to Gov. Wilson’s “Smoke a Joint, Lose Your License” law, imposing a six-month driver’s license suspension for pot possession, which was killed as of July 1, 1999 and have continued to successfully fight yearly against bad DUID bills in California. • Were one of the original sponsors of the Compassionate Use Act of 1996, Proposition 215, the nation’s first medical marijuana law and have continued to support the legal battle to uphold Prop. 215 against federal and local intrusion. CBTS reached out to Dr. Dale Geiringer, executive director of Cal NORML to get a better picture of the current situation: NORML celebrated its 50 year anniversary last year. Albeit significant changes have been made in the cannabis industry, but hurdles still exist. In your opinion, what have been the largest failures and successes in the past 50 years? The biggest failure is the government’s failure to make any changes in our bankrupt federal marijuana laws. NORML sued the DEA back in 1971 to reschedule marijuana for medical use, and we’re still fighting that battle.

In California, our first major success was lobbying for passage of the Moscone Act, which decriminalized possession of one ounce or less in 1976. Our next big success, in which I played a leading part, was in co-sponsoring California’s pioneering medical marijuana initiative, Prop 215, in 1996. That set off a world-wide chain of events that are still playing out. More recently, NORML has played a key instrumental role in organizing the Congressional Cannabis Caucus, which culminated in passage of the first federal legalization bill, the MORE Act, by the House of Representatives last year.

Although actual membership numbers are privately held, Cal NORML has over 34,000 eblast subscribers and saw over 1.63 million webpage views in 2020. Great numbers but consider this – according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Californian’s age 12+ using marijuana in the past month is at 12%, and with California’s population of over 39 million in 2020, that’s close to 5 million people who have an active interest in the legality and availability of cannabis in the state.

Do you feel that Amazon’s announcement of support of the MORE Act and the change in their drug testing policy will encourage federal support of cannabis legalization? I don’t think that Amazon or any private company has leverage over Congressional support for legalization. However, I do think it’s new drug testing policy will have a positive effect on our ongoing efforts to protect workers’ right to use marijuana while off the job. What is currently the biggest obstacle/challenge for NORML? The stalemate in Washington, particularly the US Senate and its sixty-vote threshold requirement. Artwork by Ruth Frase Besides becoming a supporting member of NORML what can an individual do to advocate for cannabis Friday, November 5, Cal NORML will celebrate the legalization? or...What’s one small thing we can all do 25th anniversary of the approval of Proposition 15. The on a daily basis to normalize cannabis? Compassionate Use Act of 1996 was the nation’s first law to re-legalize the personal use and cultivation of marijuana Behave responsibly - don’t flaunt your use, or smoke in public, for medical purposes, leading to a national movement that or litter the street with roaches and disposable vape pens. now is legalizing adult recreational use and sales as well. Be polite and respectful of others but acknowledge your use to set a good example. The celebration will be held 25 years to the day that California voters approved Prop. 215 and attendees will Why is it important to become a member of NORML? be gathering at the elegant General’s Residence at Fort Mason, San Francisco. Speakers will include original sponsors, We are the only cannabis reform organization devoted organizers, medical patients, attorneys and advocates of specifically to consumers’ rights. We don’t represent industry, the Prop. 215 campaign, with memorials to those who have corporate, or government interests. We believe everyone since passed away and to those patients, doctors and should be free to grow their own cannabis at home. And caregivers who have been arrested, harassed or imprisoned we don’t think anyone should face jail or legal sanction for in the fight for their right to medical marijuana. using marijuana. To register for the event, visit CS

Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea


Cannabis Art Makes an Impression

By Amy Marie Orozco

With its technicolor palettes and retro vibes, the graphics of Portland, Oregon-based artist Savina Monet bring together beauty and political statement. Originally from Southern California’s Inland Empire, Savina describes herself as a selftaught artist and able to draw upon a childhood of “always making our own stuff, clothes, toys … ” to create.

cannabis to quiet her thoughts and focus on the artwork. She used to begin creating straight away but has found slowing down, with perhaps meditation and a cup of tea, allows her to work longer. “Freelancing is a trade-off. There’s no structure, you make your own rules, but you work 50 to 60 hours a week.”

In her early twenties, Savina gave her career careful thought, deciding she didn’t want a cubicle nor an office, making the choice to work at home. She started her arts education after attending college as an accounting major for one year signing up for three online courses to learn the rules of graphic design. “Then I started breaking them,” Savina recalls.

Word-of-mouth advertising and referrals have built the business with more clients out of the Portland area than in it, including international ones from Mexico, Belgium, and Canada. They come to her for her style and often want to tighten up their look to help with branding and packaging. Pre-COVID, she sold at fairs and festivals. Today, her Etsy store accounts for about 30 percent of the income. COVID provided an opportunity to reprioritize, and she’s grateful for her job and plenty of work.

Her work has two non-negotiables. One is the creativity. The other is to normalize cannabis. She calls it Exposure Therapy, thinking of it as a plant to make it less scary and turning Like the rest of us, she is waiting and watching to navigate around the Reefer Madness stigma. the next phase of the pandemic, future creative experiments already are planned, though, and those include playing with Cannabis plants, flowers, and leaves are vital elements collages and camera filters for Instagram and TikTok. Or as of her designs. Juxtaposed against 1970s font styles and Savina puts it, “inviting people to step into my imagination.” personalities, 1960s greeting card send-ups, and 1950s fashion trends, the finished blend is a fun-filled message to Learn more at break the Reefer Madness lock on the plant’s demonization. and follow her @savinamonet. If not for weed, Savina notes, “I’d be on some kind of psych On right, artist Savina Monet with her creations. On med.” As some people unwind from a workday with a glass bottom right are cannabis themed holiday cards, of wine or some cannabis, Savina starts her workday with available at her Etsy store. CS 14 Cannabis by the Sea

Fall 2021

Artwork by Savina Monet

The Cannabis Lifestyle

The Cannabis Lifestyle

Savina Monet

The Cannabis Lifestyle

Ask a Bud t end er Janice Repollo

Leah Goldman

Leah Goldman has been a Lead Budtender for Megan’s Organic Market in San Luis Obispo since their opening in summer of 2020. In 2021, she was voted “Best Budtender in SLO County” in the New Times San Luis Obispo reader’s poll. Prior to starting at Megan’s, Leah had about four years of industry experience working on farms and trimming cannabis. Because the cannabis industry constantly is growing and evolving, Megan’s offers employee education opportunities to stay on top of trends and innovations, as well as product, compliance, and anti-bias trainings. A longtime SLO local, when Leah is not at work, she enjoys spending time with her newly adopted dog.

As the first dispensary in San Luis Obispo how has your reception been going? We’ve been very well received by our business neighbors and by the community at large! Our dispensary brings between 400 and 600 visitors per day, which is a lot of activity in a previously non-trafficked part of town. And many of the visitors are new users who might not have been into a dispensary before, so they like that it feels like a regular retail experience, like you’re walking into a regular health and wellness shop. It’s a really welcoming and approachable environment and people enjoy getting to ask questions and learn about new products in a relaxed atmosphere. We’re also very intentional about making sure we’re good community members — we work closely with our neighbors to cross-promote each other’s businesses, host regular community meetings for nearby business owners and residents, and try to be really available to any answer questions and any address any concerns that might arise. Is there one ailment that seems to be more prevalent than another? Sleep and anxiety are the two most common issues that bring people into our shop. But even that can vary by day. One great thing about our industry is that everyone’s relationship with cannabis is different. It keeps things exciting. Someone may come in looking for their favorite sleep gummy, followed by a guest in search of relief from chemotherapy treatment side effects, and another customer who wants to find a

16 Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2021

product to take with them for a relaxing day at the beach. There truly is something for all of our guests’ needs. What do you feel is the biggest misconception about dispensaries? One of the biggest misconceptions is that dispensaries bring crime, when really, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Studies actually show a reduction in crime in the immediate vicinity of dispensaries because of all of the video surveillance, security guards, and other security measures the state requires of dispensaries. Another big misconception is that dispensaries are for young people. The majority of our customers are between 40 and 49 years old. We host regular tours for residents of senior living facilities, and our oldest customer is 95 years old! I also feel like there’s an assumption that most people visit dispensaries just looking for something to use to get high and to have a good time. When, in reality, the majority of people that come in are looking to use cannabis as a relief for specific ailments or issues that they’re having. Don’t get me wrong, we also have plenty of products to use for purely recreational purposes, but that’s only one segment of the customers who we serve. If you could give one piece of advice to a first time dispensary shopper, what would it be? Utilize the budtenders by asking questions! We love being

The Cannabis Lifestyle

able to create a welcoming and approachable experience for our guests. We’re in the service industry for a reason — we truly enjoy listening to customers’ needs, and working with them to find the perfect product for their use. There are a lot of really unique products on the market now, for example microdose products that allow us to use cannabis in a very focused way that we couldn’t before legal cannabis. Plus, we love nerding out about our favorite plant as often as possible! Any special or funny stories to share? Well, there are a lot of couples that come in nervously inquiring about our sexual wellness orgasm-enhancing products. Like I said, there’s something for everyone! I also have guests that come in looking for help with anxiety or sleep, and after a few visits and some recommendations, they have amazing success. I’ve had multiple guests come back in, almost in tears, because they’re so relieved and so grateful for these products because they haven’t slept in 20 years and they’re finally getting a good night’s sleep! And we have senior customers who come in with walkers who have never touched cannabis before, and they find something as simple as 2 mg CBD mints that help relieve their aches and pains. These customer interactions make this job so wonderful! Should clients be prepared to leave a tip? The experience we provide in the shop is very similar to one you would receive from other service-based industries. Gratuities aren’t expected, but if you find that you’ve had a

great experience with one of our budtenders — for example, they talked with you about various product options and helped find the right thing for you — a tip is certainly greatly appreciated. Any product recommendations? For cannabis connoisseurs looking for great flower, the brand VOID has really special, really flavorful and high-end flower at a great price point. Customers have been loving that! Some of my favorite products right now are the cannabis mints. They’re a great microdose size — some as low as 2.5 mg — and because they’re a mint as opposed to a regular edible like a gummy or chocolate that you chew and swallow, they absorb directly into your bloodstream through the membranes of your mouth, making them more fast-acting than a traditional edible. My other recommendation is any product with the cannabinoid CBN in them. CBN is linked to REM sleep and being able to stay asleep through the night. Most people who take CBN find that their quality of sleep really improves. It can also be helpful for people with aches and pains. CS Leah Goldman is a Lead Budtender at Megan’s Organic Market, located at 280 S. Higuera Street in San Luis Obispo. Visit for more info. ­— CBTS Staff

Bethany Joy Photography

Megan’s Organic Market, San Luis Obispo

Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea



Nicole Marcelli

The Cannabis Lifestyle

Robyn Griggs Lawrence

Natural health and lifestyle expert Robyn Griggs Lawrence helped introduce mainstream America to sustainable, healthy lifestyles as editor-in-chief of Natural Home magazine for 11 years and introduced readers to the Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection in her books The Wabi-Sabi House and Simply Imperfect: Revisiting the Wabi-Sabi House. She wrote one of the first mainstream cannabis books, The Cannabis Kitchen Cookbook and an early academic title, Pot in Pans: A History of Eating Cannabis.

Robyn shares with us her wonderful recipe for flattened chicken thighs, a perfect dinner for a fall evening! There are a few steps to this recipe, but it’s worth it for the crispiest chicken skin ever. The sauce is made using cannabis-infused bone broth, which you’ll need to make ahead. If you’re sharing with a friend, serve the sauce on the side so they can decide how much or how little to consume.

Flatenned Chicken Thighs INGREDIENTS: 2 lemons, rinsed ¼ cup fresh thyme leaves 1½ tablespoons chopped fresh oregano leaves 1½ tablespoons chopped fresh Italian parsley 10 garlic cloves, peeled and smashed 1 teaspoon red chili flakes 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 6 bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs, rinsed in cold water 12 fresh sage leaves

18 Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2021

3 large garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced Freshly ground salt and pepper 1-2 cups cannabis-infused bone broth (recipe follows) 1-2 teaspoons fresh or dried sage 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 tablespoon butter Cast iron skillet Parchment paper

The Cannabis Kitchen Cookbook: Feel-Good Edibles, from Tinctures and Cocktails to Entrées and Desserts, by Robyn Griggs Lawrence (Author), Povy Kendal Atchison (Photographer), Jane West (Foreword) from Skyhorse Publishing

The Cannabis Lifestyle

DIRECTIONS: Shave large strips of peel from the lemons. Put strips in a large bowl and combine with thyme, oregano, parsley, garlic, red chili flakes and olive oil.

Chicken is done when the skin cleanly comes away from the bottom of the pan. Remove the weight and transfer thighs skin side up, to a plate. Pour off most of the fat from the skillet.

Place lemon slices in a single layer in the bottom of the skillet. Pat chicken dry with paper towels. Gently separate skin on Place thighs, skin side up, on top. Pour remaining oil over each thigh, leaving it attached at one end. Tuck 2 sage chicken. leaves and 2 garlic slices between skin and flesh. Gently roll thighs in lemon-spice oil until they’re coated. Cover bowl Place skillet on middle rack of oven for 20 to 30 minutes. Thighs are done when the juices run clear when pierced. and refrigerate at least 2 hours or overnight. Remove skillet from oven and transfer thighs to a plate. Cover with aluminum foil. Preheat oven to 450 F. Transfer chicken to a baking sheet and season both sides with salt. Place skin side down in a cast iron skillet and cover with parchment paper. Place something heavy (another cast iron skillet, a brick, hand weights, a large can) on top. Cook over high heat.

Place skillet over medium-low heat. Deglaze the pan with the bone broth, scraping up the browned bits from the bottom. Add garlic and ground sage and slowly stir in more broth until sauce is the consistency (and potency!) you want. Season with salt and pepper.

When chicken is vigorously sizzling, reduce heat to medium Simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently. and cook until skin is brown and crisp, about 10 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in butter. Return pan to low heat and add thighs. Gently cover with sauce and warm for a Don’t move the pan. few minutes before serving. Alternatively, the sauce can be served on the side. CS While chicken is cooking, cut lemons into thin slices. Easy Cannabis-Infused Bone Broth 1 32-ounce carton organic chicken bone broth 1/8 ounce cannabis flower or trim, chopped roughly or broken up with fingers Coffee grinder or mortar and pestle Crockpot with low setting Cheesecloth or paper coffee filter Fine mesh strainer Combine bone broth and cannabis in crockpot and set to low. Simmer very slowly, stirring occasionally, for at least 8 hours. Let cool slightly. Line fine mesh strainer with cheesecloth or coffee filter. Place over a bowl or large jar and pour bone broth through to catch all solids. Repeat until broth is clear. Let cool and transfer to a labeled jar with an airtight seal. Will keep in the refrigerator for up to 5 days or the freezer for up to 3 months. Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea


The Cannabis Lifestyle

Blunt By Barbara Verde


Dear Barbara, I’m not working as many hours due to the pandemic and trying to stretch my cannabis dollar. Please don’t laugh, but I’ve been wondering if I can drink bong water as a way to make my stash go further. Do people do this? - Thirsty for Deals Dear Thirsty for Deals, OK, people do this ... but not smart ones. I regret to say that I have first hand knowledge of drinking bong water that goes back to the days when my 15-year-old self and boyfriend (at the time) thought we’d save all of our bong water, drink it, and get epicly high. Needless to say, one sip of that murky stuff, and we quickly changed our minds! And we didn’t miss out on an epic high. You see, bong water will not get you high because THC and CBD don’t like water—cannabinoids are not water soluble. So in essence, bong water doesn’t contain any of the good stuff … but it’s got lots of bad stuff, like ash, tar, and bacteria from the last person you shared it with—all the makings for an epic gastrointestinal malfunction, if you get my drift. Luckily, there are some great alternatives to making your weed money go further than downing yuck juice. Try these tips: • Get on the texting lists of all your favorite dispensaries so you don’t miss out on their latest deals. • Mix it up … Try a one hitter instead of packing a bowl, migrate to edibles, which tend to give you more bang for your buck, or take a tolerance break to recalibrate. • Or grow your own … my friend Alex Robles likes to say, “if you can grow a tomato plant, you can grow cannabis!” He has great tips for growers. (See page 20.) • If you can’t grow your own, buddy up with someone who does. It’s legal in the State of California to gift up to one ounce of cannabis at a time for recreational use to adults 21+.

20 Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2021

Dear Barbara, I’m trying to lose weight and I feel like my cannabis use is not helping. Do I have to stop to drop the pounds? - Munchie Mama Dear Munchie Mama, No, you don’t need to give up weed to drop pounds. In fact, research led by Omayma Alshaarawy, Ph.D., an assistant professor of family medicine at Michigan State University, found that on average, cannabis users have lower BMIs (Body Mass Index) than non-cannabis users. It’s counterintuitive, but it seems there is something going on with cannabis users that keeps their BMIs a bit lower than their non-using counterparts. The mechanism at work is still unknown, but it suggests that you really don’t need to drop cannabis to drop pounds. In fact, there is a cannabinoid of major interest for its weight-loss properties, and that is THCV. THCV is purported to be an appetite suppressant and has even gotten the nickname “diet weed.” More studies are needed, but you can find products at your local dispensary containing THCV and try it out for yourself. Another tip is to anticipate your munchies and prep some healthy snacks in advance before your next sesh. Try some air-popped popcorn with a little olive oil and garlic powder sprinkled on. Or yogurt with fruit mixed with a little honey. Apple slices and peanut butter provide a nice savory/sweet combo and have a great crunch. You might even think of adding a little weed to your workout. Many people swear by sativa strains and say they give them energy and zest before a good workout. With a little experimentation and thought, you can safely drop weight while continuing to enjoy cannabis.

Dear Barbara, Is there such a thing as a weed hangover? I sometimes feel angry and irritable the day after smoking cannabis. - The Day After in SB Dear Day After in SB, One of my friends experiences this, too! I did a bit of research and while it is not universal by any means, there do seem to be some anecdotal reports of weed hangovers involving things such as dehydration, brain fog, sadness, nausea, etc. Feeling like crap will make anyone irritable, especially when contrasted with a previous night of jovial relaxation. Here are some things to try to take the edge off the next day if you find yourself with a weed hangover: • • • • •

Drink lots of water—hydrated bodies are happy bodies. Take a shower—everyone feels fresher after a good shower. Try some CBD. This cannabinoid can lead you back to balance gently. Get a good cup o’ Joe to help lift the brain fog and sluggishness. Take it easy—you know the drill, don’t worry, be happy :)

Try those tips and you should feel right as rain after your adventures in THC-land. :) CS Barbara Verde makes her home in Santa Barbara County. She makes the world a kinder place with her keen social savvy and advocacy work. Send your cannabis etiquette questions to Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea


The Cannabis Lifestyle

To Grow Or Not To Grow

Part Three/Four-Part Series: Flowering, Harvesting, Drying, and Curing By Alex Robles Do you feel that? The seasons are changing, the nights are getting longer and cooler. The days are getting shorter and your cannabis plant senses the end is near. This change in the photoperiod/light cycle is what’s going to trigger our cannabis plants’ flowering cycle outdoors. In this next section of “To Grow or Not to Grow” we’re going to talk about the cannabis flowering stage. We’re also going to cover the harvesting time, drying and curing of our buds. Sexing Our Plant — A well trained eye can spot signs of pre-flower on a cannabis plant about 3 to 4 weeks into the vegetative stage. An untrained eye must wait until the flowering cycle starts. Before we get too far into when flowering starts, let’s talk about sexing our plants. “Sexing” our cannabis plant simply means to figure out if a plant is female or a male before the flowering stage begins. The earlier we know the sex, the more time and money it’s going to save on soil, nutrients, and water during its lifecycle.

inside. A lot of cannabis varieties will go through what’s known as a “pre-flower stretch” and have a sudden growth spurt. This “stretch” is natural and as long as the plant looks healthy, without any signs of stress or deficiency, she’s doing exactly what she should be doing. You’re not going to need to change anything until you see actual signs of flowering.

Female Cannabis flower “Stigmas”

Weeks 3 to 4 — After that transition period, you’ll start to see the first signs of sex organs. The female cannabis will start to push out thin, whispy white hairs called “Stigmas” (mislabeled as pistils). These hairs are there to capture male cannabis pollen so they can start to make a seed. The Stigmas grow in the spot where the leafstalk meets the stock, stem, or branch and this is where the buds (flower) will begin to build. Buds are made up of a cluster of small flowers called “Raceme.”

The fastest way I’ve sexed a plant is to send a small genetic/ Nutrients — As the seasons change tissue/smear sample from a seedling to a testing lab and cooler temperatures move in, you Male Cannabis specializing in this type of plant test. These labs can test a may need to water less. Check your soil Pollen Sacks sample and tell me if it’s a boy or a girl. There is a small cost before you water. If your cannabis plant for this type of lab work. Typically, results are returned a few looks wilted and is drooping, it may need water. If the plant days after receiving the sample. just looks droopy, you might be over watering. The Beginning of Flowering — The first 2 weeks of flowering If you’re using bottled nutrients, check the manufacturer’s is known as a transitional period. Since the plant thinks that recommendation for the flowering cycle. winter is on its way, it will start to hormonally change deep Continued on Page 24 22 Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2021

Resources and References

Resources and References

“Hope & Healing - the Case for Cannabis” “Hope & Healing - The Case for Cannabis” by Dr. Joseph Rosado is suitable for medical professionals and laypeople alike. Filled with science and written clearly in an engaging tone, Dr. Rosado takes a look at cannabis through the lens of different points of view, such as the roadblocks doctors have in recommending it (lack of knowledge is a big reason), case studies of benefits, how to make use of it, a history of its notoriety and why, and the state of research today. Cannabis can offer a different approach to surgery and heavy pharmaceuticals, “Hope & Healing” starts and continues that education. Get it for yourself or for a loved one.

“Drugs are NOT the Devil’s Tools” “Drugs are NOT the Devil’s Tools” by Dr. David Bearman takes a look at the history of drugs throughout the ages and around the globe (but with an emphasis on the United States). This latest edition begins in 2657 BCE and runs to present day. He presents the U.S. drug laws as failures except for their efficiency in continuing the discrimination against marginalized communities. Dr. Bearman also examines the healing properties of cannabis and their importance. This from a reviewer on Amazon: “From the Middle Ages through the present, the tactic of demonizing drugs and those accused of using them has been used against pagans, witches, Aztecs, Incas, Native Americans, Irish, Germans, Blacks, Chinese, Sikhs, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Catholics, Jews and Italians, among others. Using an historical perspective, Dr. Bearman shows how that there has never been a civilization in the history of mankind that has not been without some form of mind-altering and addictive substance.” @DavidBearmanMD

“Integrative Oncology” Not a book with a focus on cannabis, “Integrative Oncology,” by Donald Abrams and Andrew T. Weil and Donald I. Abrams, includes the plant as one of the integrative interventions complementing traditional, or conventional,cancer care. Using the definition of integrative medicine as “healing-oriented medicine that takes account of the whole person (body, mind, and spirit) as well as all aspects of lifestyle; it emphasizes the therapeutic relationship and makes use of appropriate therapies, both conventional and alternative.” The book provides chapters on other integrative elements like Music and Expressive Arts Therapies and Naturopathic Oncology. The text is digested easily with tables with other graphics C S providing lots of information. ...............

Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea


If you’re top dressing soil amendments look for one that has a 2-8-8 NPK. Whichever way you feed your plant, keep a close eye on her for deficiencies. Some varieties of cannabis get hungrier when flowering starts and are known as” heavy feeders.” On the flip side, keep an eye out for “nutrient burn” (too many nutrients) as some varieties won’t need as much. The Trichomes — The trichomes are the oil filled glands that grow on the surface of the buds/flower and lower smaller leaves (sugar leaves). These trichomes are where cannabinoids like THC and CBD are made and housed. This is also where the terpenes are made, which give cannabis its aroma and flavor. The burning of the trichomes is what is giving us the euphoric effects of cannabis, NOT the bud/flower. Warning Signs — It’s normal to see a few yellowing or dead leaves at the bottom of our plants siince those leaves aren’t producing a lot of energy because they get too much shade. The plant senses them as dead weight and will let them die. Once again, this is NORMAL. On the other side, if you notice discolored leaves throughout your plant or a rapid loss of leaves, something else is going on. You could be overfeeding, the PH could be off, or there could be a pest or disease. For more information about common cannabis disease and pests, please visit inmygrow. com Pest Control During the Flowering Stage — Our plants are under constant attack by pests but as they move into flowering, the techniques that we can use to help protect them change. We’re going to have to pivot a little bit when we’re planning our IPM (integrated pest management) for our flowering cannabis. During this stage I rely less on foliar sprays and more on biological predators to spearhead my IPM. Week 5 to 6 — By the time your cannabis plant is in week 5 of flower, it will start to look fuller, with a lot of white hairs popping up everywhere indicating new bud growth. When the plant gets thick or full looking, air circulation through the plant is important. It helps the plant to breath and it helps moisture evaporate. Continued on Page 26 24

Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2021

Amy Steinfeld

Continued from page 22

We’d Recommend It

Products for You Emerald Sky Edibles From the candymakers at Emerald Sky Edibles, here are Peanut Butter Cups in choices of dosage, 5 or 10 mg, and flavor(less) Indica, Sativa, or Hybrid cannabis. The milk chocolate surrounds the peanut butter and is reliably dosed. They are tasty — the company’s bestseller, in fact — so mind the dosage. (We don’t need to tell you why.) A CBTS reader recommends the Peanut Butter Cups this way: “Indica for anxiety and insomnia. Hybrid for a pleasant day. Sativa … I don’t remember, it’s been a while.” Seasonal packaging available. Find the Peanut Butter Cups at licensed dispensaries.

Orange Fuzz Hemp Orange Fuzz Hemp offers the quickest route to the benefits of CBD — smoking. Whether you need a calming fix fast or enjoy the ingestion of smoke, these sticks of 80 mg USDA organic hemp do the trick without any psychoactive effects. Orange Fuzz Hemp uses the hemp flower, no stems, seeds, or leaves. The hemp is grown under the Southern California sun on a farm committed to regenerative agricultural practices. One CBTS reader reports Orange Fuzz Hemp is helpful in saying “Bye-bye” to the nicotine habit. Available online at

Uncle Arnie’s Iced Tea Lemonade Uncle Arnie’s Iced Tea Lemonade separates the men from the boys. This cannabis-infused adult beverage had us a little nervous with its 100 mg of THC, so we adhered to the website’s advice “drink wisely friend, as this Iced Tea Lemonade is potent. If you don’t consume regularly, try one serving and wait an hour. The effects will be felt within 15 to 30 minutes.” The iced tea lemonade hails from Northern California and was formulated by Matt’s High Soda. Purchase Uncle Arnie’s Iced Tea Lemonade at licensed dispensaries. C .......... S Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea


Continued from page 24

When your plant gets into week 6, there’s no denying it, she is in full flower mode. The buds will look bigger and she’s going to start giving off a beautiful aroma. You’ll notice a few of the older stigmas that used to be white, have turned an orange or brown color and may have shrunk a little. Week 7 — If everything is going as planned, week 7 and 8 are the home stretch. The cannabis plant looks green and healthy. It’s been using almost all of its energy to build flowers and synthesize cannabinoids and terpenes. She more than likely has taken on that classic “Christmas Tree” shape with buds looking like beautiful ornaments. Plus the aroma of all those buds is bliss to a grower. Week 8, The Flush — Week 8 is always an active time because we’re 2 weeks away from harvest and we need to start to “flush” our plants. We’re going to stop feeding them any nutrients and just give them water. This “flush” helps break up the nutrients and salts that may have built up in the soil or on the roots. This will help your bud have a more honest, pure cannabis taste. Otherwise, that flower could have a bit of a harsh, chemical taste when smoked. Trichome Ripeness...It’s All About the Timing — Some growers will judge the ripeness of a cannabis plant by the amount of stigmas that have turned from white to an orange or brown color. I don’t. I use a jeweler’s loupe or a magnifying glass to take a closer look at them. As the trichomes ripen and mature, they change color from clear/transparent (unripe), to milky/cloudy (ripe) to amber (over-ripe). The tricky part is knowing the right time to harvest a plant. If you want a more energetic high, harvest a little early, when the buds have more milky trichomes. If you’re a fan of that classic couchlock feeling, you want to harvest a little later, when you have more amber trichomes. Week 9 to 10 — By week 9 that female is fattening up the buds, the trichomes are ripening, and she’s smelling up the yard. She knows the end is near and you’ll start to notice more yellowing, dying leaves. Don’t panic, this is natural. You’re doing great, she looks awesome, just keep her hydrated and pest free. You may need to help support the branches that start to sag or buckle under the weight, I like to use bamboo stakes for this. Week 10...Harvest Day — You did it, that 10-week variety has just the right amount of amber trichomes for your liking. Take some pictures and cut her down. But ahhh, you still need to dry and cure that bud.

“What do you mean I have to dry and cure the cannabis I just harvested?” In case no one told you, that beautiful looking, smellie cannabis bud that you just harvested won’t be ready to smoke for at least 3 more weeks. A proper drying and curing of your flower will help lock in those aromas and flavors that we love about this beautiful plant. Drying and curing have a similar effect on cannabis, but are not the same and shouldn’t be rushed. For the full story on drying and curing, visit and listen to Alex’s podcast. “In My Grow Show” (https://inmygrowshow. Always remember to check local laws and regulations about growing cannabis at home. You need to know your rights and limitations. Always. Alex Robles has been using cannabis to celebrate and medicate with for the past 30 years. In 2016 he began sharing what he’s learned when he started After California legalized cannabis sales and possession for adults 21 and older, he launched a weekly podcast, In My Grow Show. This year, he helped produce segments for Tiempo de Cannabis, a Spanish language TV show in Mexico City. CS 26

Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2021

Pet Project

Neigh-Saying to CBD

By Amy Marie Orozco It seems researching the medicinal benefits of cannabis has a hitch in its giddyup, particularly in veterinary studies. And in the case of horses, it’s almost like science has blinders on. According to, “only one report on [CBD’s] effects on horses has been published. Ever.” That’s not to say the equine world isn’t exploring CBD. Anecdotally, CBD has shown to help with aches and pains (horses are made to do a lot of exercising) as well as with anxiety.

your veterinarian. Here are some general dosage guidelines for horses: Minis – 25 to 50mg; Full-sized (1,100 pounds) – 75 to 170mg; and Large – 120 to 200mg. Research products and study labels to familiarize yourself with amounts and ingredients. CBD comes in a variety of forms, such as balms, pastes, pellets, and tinctures. It may take some trial and error to find what’s right for your horse.

Considerations: Erring on the side of caution, some veterinarians advise against pregnant or nursing mares CBD: Quick review: CBD stands for cannabidiol, the second and breeding stallions ingesting CBD. Though CBD will not most active ingredient of cannabis and comes from hemp. produce psychoactive effects, it may be against specific CBD does not give a “high.” CBD generally is considered racing association and/or show circle rules. safe and can have some mild side effects, which may include dizziness, drowsiness, and diarrhea. As always, CBTS recommends buying from a licensed dispensary. At the very least, insist upon third-party Certificate Ailments: CBD helps with inflammatory issues such as of Analysis of ingredients and demand organically grown arthritis, in addition to pain relief, insomnia, and digestive products. Don’t buy any CBD products that contain disturbances. It also has been shown to help with anxiety pesticides, solvents, or contaminants. and other sensitive behaviors. While cannabis research remains woefully behind the curve, Dosage: Cannabinoids appear to act more intensely on the plant’s newly legal status has increased exploration of its horses than dogs. So, advises, don’t healing properties. Hopefully, it won’t be long until we cross treat your horse like a 1,000-pound canine. It’s not a simple the finish line of unlocking all the potential cannabis has to mathematical equation. Start the dosage discussion with offer. CS Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea



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Have you made any cannabis creations? Any story ideas? We’d love to hear from you... email us at


Trust the Facts


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Cannabis by the Sea Fall 2021


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Cannabis U. . .

Last Look

Cannabis Education.. It’s Legit!

If you are an old-school cannabis consumer, you might jokingly say that you majored in cannabis in college. But now students really can major, minor, and research cannabis. At last count, over 20 U.S. colleges and universities were offering courses in subjects as diverse as Cannabis Horticulture, Cannabis Journalism, The Science of Cannabis, and Introduction to Medicinal Cannabis. In fact, Colorado State University-Pueblo now offers a Cannabis Science Major. And Stockton University in New Jersey offers a Minor in Cannabis Studies. The University of California, Los Angeles even has an entire research institute devoted to the study of cannabis. Led by Ziva D. Cooper PhD, the UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative (CRI) is a strategic initiative out of the UCLA Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. As one of the first university programs focused on the multidisciplinary study of cannabis, their aim is to bring together experts from diverse fields to advance the understanding of the plant’s impact on body, brain, and society. In addition, there are private “institutes” like Oaksterdam and Clover Leaf University that offer cannabis education and training, too. Any way you look at it, interest in cannabis education and cannabis jobs is keen, which means we will see more students happily majoring in cannabis studies inside the classroom. CS

Fall 2021 Cannabis by the Sea


meet your neighbors at

Do you Love Carp? We Do, Too!

Established in 2018, the Cannabis Association for Responsible Producers, has 13 member farms in Carpinteria Valley, all dedicated to making cannabis farming on the Santa Barbara South Coast even better through community involvement & sustainable practices.

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